algorithms for advanced packet classification with tcams karthik lakshminarayanan uc berkeley joint...

Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary (Cypress Semiconductors Inc.)

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs

Karthik LakshminarayananUC Berkeley

Joint work withAnand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

(Cypress Semiconductors Inc.)

Page 2: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Packet Processing Environment

• Packet matches a set of rules based on the header• Examples: routers, intrusion detection systems

Rule: acl-id src-addr src-port dst-addr dst-port proto(e.g. acl1231 0-1023 1024 tcp)

Hdr Payload

Search Key

permit/deny,update counter

Rule Action

… …

ACL Database

Page 3: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Ternary Content Addressable Memory

• Memory device with fixed width arrays• Each bit is 0, 1 or x (don’t care)• Search is performed against all entries in parallel

and the first result is returned

width = W bits







1111101x1101000xxwidth = W bits

Search key

011101xx001100x10 Outputis row2

Page 4: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

TCAM: Benefits and Disadvantages

• Benefits:– Deterministic Search Throughput—O(1) search

• Disadvantages:– Cost

– Power consumption

• Current TCAM usage:– 6 million TCAM devices deployed

– Used in multi-gigabit systems that have O(10,000) rules

– TCAMs can support a table of size 128K ternary entries and 133 million searches per second for 144-bit keys

Page 5: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary


• Range Representation Problem

• Multimatch Classification Problem

Algorithms in software easier to implement

Page 6: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary


• Range Representation Problem

• Multimatch Classification Problem

Page 7: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Range Representation Problem

• Representing prefixes in ternary is trivial– IP address prefixes present in rules

• Representing arbitrary ranges is not easy though– port fields might contain ranges– e.g. some security applications may allow ports

1024-65535 only

Page 8: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Earlier Approaches – I

Prefix expansion of ranges:– express ranges as a union of prefixes– have a separate TCAM entry for each prefix– expansion: the number of entries a rules expands to

• Example: the range [3,12] over a 4-bit field would expand to:– 0011 (3), 01xx (4-7), 10xx (8-11) and 1100 (12)

• Worst-case expansion for a W-bit field is 2W-2– example: [1,14] would expand to 0001, 001x, 01xx,

10xx, 110x, 1110– 16-bit port field expands to 30 entries

Page 9: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Earlier Approaches – II

Database-dependent encoding: – observation: TCAM array has some unused bits– use these additional bits to encode commonly

occurring ranges in the database

• TCAMs with IP ACLs have ~ 36 extra bits– 144-bit wide TCAMs– 104-bits + 4-bits for IP ACL rules

Page 10: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Earlier Approaches – II

Database-dependent encoding: – observation: TCAM array has some unused bits– use these additional bits to encode commonly

occurring ranges in the database

• Example:

Address Port … 20-24 … 1024- … 20-24 …

Set extra bit to 1

Set extra bit to 1Set extra bit to x

If search key falls in 20-24, set extra bit to 1, else set it to 0

Page 11: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Earlier Approaches – II

Database-dependent encoding: – observation: TCAM array has some unused bits– use these additional bits to encode commonly

occurring ranges in the database

• Improved version: Region-based Range Encoding

• Disadvantages:– database dependent incremental update is hard

Page 12: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Database-Independent Range Pre-Encoding

• Key insight: use additional bits in a database independent way– wider representation of ranges– reduce expansion in the worst-case

Page 13: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Database-Independent Range Pre-Encoding

• Fence encoding (W bits):– total of 2W-1 bits– encoding of i has i ones

preceded by 2W-i-1 zeros– e.g. W=3, f(0) = 0000000,

f(2) = 0000011

• With 2W-1 bits, fence encoding achieves an expansion of 1

Theorem: For achieving a worst-case row expansion of 1 for a W-bit range, 2W-1 bits are necessary

Page 14: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Database-Independent Range Pre-Encoding

• Procedure:– split W-bit field into multiple chunks– encode each chunk using fence encoding– “combine” the chunks to form ternary entries

Combining chunks: analogous to multi-bit tries

W bits

k1 bitsk0 bits k2 bits

Page 15: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Unibit view of DIRPE (Prefix expansion)

• W=3 divided into 3 one-bit chunks• R=[1,6]—prefixes = {001,01x,10x,110}• Each level can contribute to at most 2 prefixes

(but the top level)xxx

0xx 1xx

00x 01x 11x10x

000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

Page 16: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Multi-bit view of DIRPE

Worst caseexpansion= 2W/k – 1

Number of extrabits needed

= (2k-1)W/k - W

Legend:•8-bit field (W=8)•k0=2, k1=3, k2=3•R=[11,54] =[013, 066]•split chunk = 1

Page 17: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Comparison of Expansion



DIRPE + DB-dependent Net expansion was 1.12

Page 18: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary




(with r regions)

DIRPE(with k-bitchunks)

DIRPE +Region-based

Extra bits



Cost of anincremental


Overhead onthe packetprocessor

0 F(log2r + 2n-1 r

) F(W(2k-1)

k - W) 2n-1


F( (2k-1) log2r


(2W-2)F (2log2r)F ( )F 2W

k - 1 ( )F 2log2r



O(( )O(WF) O(N) O(N)

None O((log2r+2n-1

r) F.2W)

Pre-computedtable of size:

( or )O(nF) comparators

of width W bits


kO( )

logic gates

Both piecesof logic from

previous two columns


Page 19: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

DIRPE: Summary

↑ Database independent

↑ Scales well for large databases

↑ Good incremental update properties

↓ Additional bits needed

↓ Small logic needed for modifying search key

Page 20: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary


• Range Expansion Problem

• Multimatch Classification Problem

Page 21: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Multimatch Classification Problem

• TCAM search primitive: return first matching entry for a key

• Multimatch requirement: return k matches (or all matches) for a key– security applications where all signatures that

match this packet need to be found– accounting applications where counters have to

be updated for all matching entries

Page 22: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Earlier Approaches

Entry Invalidation scheme:– maintain state of multimatch using an

additional bit in TCAM called “valid” bit

TCAM array




Search key






valid bit

valid bit

0 match

Page 23: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Earlier Approaches

Entry Invalidation scheme:– maintain state of multimatch using an

additional bit in TCAM called “valid” bit

• Disadvantage:– ill-suited for multi-threaded environments

• need one bit for each thread

Page 24: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Earlier Approaches

Geometric intersection scheme:– construct geometric intersection (cross-

products) of the fields and place in TCAM– pre-processing step is expensive– search is fast

• Disadvantage:– does not scale well in capacity– for router dataset: expansion of 25—100

Page 25: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

Multimatch Using Discriminators (MUD)

• Observation: after index j is matched, the ACL has to be searched for all indices >j

• Basic idea:– store a discriminator field with each row that

encodes the index of the row– to search rows with index >j, the search key is

expanded to prefixes that correspond to >j– multiple searches are then issued

Page 26: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

MUD: Example

TCAM array

discriminator field







Search key

011101xx00 xxxx




Page 27: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary





Cycles fork multi-matches

Overhead onthe packetprocessor

No Yes Yes

7k k


Small state machinelogic; can be

implemented using a few hundred gatesor a few microcode


1 + d + (d-1)(k-2)

Update cost O(NF) O(N)O(N)

NWorst-case TCAMentries for N rules


Small state machinelogic; can be

implemented using a few hundred gatesor a few microcode


Extra bits 0 0without DIRPE: d

with DIRPE: 1 + d(k-1)r

with DIRPE:log2(d/r) + (d-r) + (2r-1)

Page 28: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary

MUD: Summary

↑ No per-search state—multi-threaded

↑ Incremental updates fast

↑ Scales well to large databases

↓ Additional bits needed

↓ Extra search cycles↑ Can still support Gbps speeds

Page 29: Algorithms for Advanced Packet Classification with TCAMs Karthik Lakshminarayanan UC Berkeley Joint work with Anand Rangarajan and Srinivasan Venkatachary


• Range expansion problem: proposed DIRPE, a database independent encoding– scales to large number of ranges– good incremental update properties

• Multimatch classification problem: MUD– suitable for multithreaded environments– scales to large databases

• No change to hardware easy to deploy