alice in wonderland - script for kids

Alice in Wonderland Characters: Setting: In a garden Alice : Little Cat : White Rabbit : Flower 1: Flower 2 : Caterpillar : Card : Mad Hatter : Queenʼs assistant :

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Alice in Wonderland - script suitable for little kids shows.


  • Alice in Wonderland


    Setting: In a garden

    Alice :Little Cat :White Rabbit :Flower 1:Flower 2 :Caterpillar :Card :Mad Hatter :Queens assistant :


    ALICE: I dont like studying..... How boring!!

    " NARRATOR: It was a sunny day in the Springtime. Alice was sitting alone in the ! garden and then something marvellous happened.....

    ! (White Rabbit appears)

    ALICE: What a surprise! a big, fat, white rabbit!

    WHITE RABBIT : Im late, Im late, Im late!!

    ALICE: Hey, you! Where are you going?

    "" (The rabbit jumps into a hole and Alice follows him. ! Alice falls down the hole.)

    ALICE: Where am I? " mmmm, I would like a biscuit

    " (she grows)

    " Oh no, oh no, oh no, I grow! ! (she cries)

    (Alice sees a small door.Alice takes a key from the small door from the table.

    Alice drinks a potion to make her small again.Alice opens a door and she arrives in a field full of flowers)


    Flower n 1 and Flowers n 2: (singing and dancing) we are the flowers, we love spring, we blossom and we are.....

    ! ! ! ! Alice interrupts the song and the twirl

    ALICE: Im sorry to interrupt you.... I need to reach the castle over " " there

    Flower n 1: the castle is to the right.

    Flower n 2: no, the castle in to the left (winking)

    Flower n 1: no, it s to the right

    Flower n 2: ufff .... come here

    ! ! ! (they whisper, smiling in an evil way )

    Flower n 1: yes, I was wrong.... the castle is to the right, beside the big lake.

    ALICE: are you really sure? Im alone, Im tired, I dont want to get lost. I dont know anybody here.

    Flower n 2: oh, you will. have a nice day, darling.... bye bye

    Flower n1 : bye bye! ! ! ! (the flowers starts singing again)

    Flower n 1 and Flowers n 2: we are the flowers, we love spring, we blossom and we are very NAUGHTY , naughty (laughing )

    ! ! ! ! Alice arrives at a very nice house.


    ALICE: What a beautiful house. Hello! Is anybody there? " WHITE RABBIT: Hey, what are you doing here? This house is mine.

    ALICE: Hi, White rabbit! Please can you help me? Im alone and I want to come back home.

    WHITE RABBIT: What time is it? oh no, it 3.30 and soon it will get dark. Im late, im late, im late.

    (White rabbit rushes out of the house and Alice follows him, but soon she gets lost again.She sees a caterpillar, hes smoking)

    CATERPILLAR: Who are you?

    ALICE: Im Alice and I was looking for the castle. I need some help and there, maybe, I can find someone like me.

    CATERPILLAR: In the Queens Castle?! ! (It laughs, while smoking, but it starts coughing...." " so alice takes a water gun out of her pocket and throw some water on the ! ! caterpillars cigarette and face).

    CATERPILLAR: What are you doing? How dare you???

    ALICE : Its for your health.

    CATERPILLAR: Ok girl, youre right. I have a present for you, but you have to solve a mystery.

    ALICE: Ok, Im ready.

    CATERPILLAR: How many hearts are there on the Queens panties?

    ! ! (Alice is looking around, puzzled, when suddenly she heards a low voice)

    LITTLE CAT: psss! they are 22

    ALICE: 22

  • CATERPILLAR: yes, you are right. this is my present for you: this little cat who got lost long time ago.... he will stay with you during your journey in Wonderland.

    LITTLE CAT : Hello Alice, my name is LITTLE CAT, Im alone, I got lost 2 years ago and I really want to come back home. I dont like Wonderland....its full of strange people, naughty, bad-tempered...I just want to find a warm house, a nice owner, a bowl always full of food.Can I come with you?

    ALICE: Yes, little cat. Ill promise we will find the way home.

    (they walk and they see some people around the table.they are the Mad hatter and his assistant , the White rabbit and a Card)


    MAD HATTER: its 5 ocloooock, its tea time!

    WHITE RABBIT: its not 5 oclock but...whatever!

    MAD HATTER: do you know what has a neck and not a head?


    CARD: a bottle!

    MAD HATTER: exactly. Card, you are more intelligent than this bunny.

    WHITE RABBIT: actually, Im a rabbit.

    MAD HATTER: Here is your cup of tea.

    CARD: Thank you!

    MAD HATTER: and what teaches without talking?

    WHITE RABBIT : a mute teacher?

    MAD HATTER : obviously not... you are hopeless.

    (alice and little cat arrive)

    ALICE : Sorry to interrupt you...but the answer is .... a book, I think

    MAD HATTER: Yes, it is, good girl.Let me look at you.

    " " " (Mad Hatter turns around her)Who are you? Your face is new to me.... and I know everybody here in Wonderland.I bet you are from the other side!

    ALICE: Im Alice and this is my cat Little cat. I need some help. I want to go to the Castle and see if somebody can help us to come back home.

    MAD HATTER: Ill show you the way, but before have a seat and a cup of tea with my friends.Card! give alice a chair!

    " " " " (alice sits down with the fellowship)

    Now a question for you: what has teeth but cant bite?

  • LITTLE CAT: that is too difficult.. i dont know

    MAD HATTER: Are you giving up?

    ALICE: Its a comb!

    MAD HATTER: Yes, you are incredible." " Do you really want to go to the castle?

    CARD: It is very dangerous.

    ALICE AND LITTLE CAT: Yes, we do. We want to go home!!

    CARD: Ok, so come with me... youll meet the queen... at your own risk.

    " " " " (they go the castle)


    QUEEN: Caaaaard! Where were you? Who are those people?

    CARD: Milady, they are Alice and her cat. They would like to use your magic passage to come back to the other side of the world.

    QUEEN: Card, my you know what the people of Wonderland think of me?

    CARD: (trembling) mi-mi-milady, you are beautiful and so generous.

    QUEEN: Wrong answer! Im beautiful but very, very, very evil!" " " AAAASSSSISTAAAAANT! come here!

    QUEENS ASSISTANT: Here I am, Madam.

    QUEEN: Where?




    QUEEN : Take immediately this card away from me. OFF with his head!

    (the queens assistant takes the card away and comes back)

    LITTLE CAT: Alice..Im very scared.... what does off with his head mean?

    (Alice explains with gestures, little cat hides behind Alice)

    QUEENS ASSISTANT: Ok, so you are Alice and hes your Cat. " " " Why do you want to talk with the queen?

    LITTLE CAT: we just want to use the magic passage and go home

    QUEEN: ahahahahahaha" ok, have you got any money, jewels, lands to give me?

    LITTLE CAT: mmmhhh,no. Alice can give you her ribbon. Cant you, Alice?

    QUEEN: Are you kidding? Are you offering the Queen a ribbon? how dare you???" assistant! put them in jail.


    QUEENS ASSISTANT: Im very sorry for you. Shes crazy, horrible and moody." " " This is the prison. You stay here for the moment. Come on little " " " cat.... sit next to Alice. Please, dont cry.

    ALICE: I know youre good. I can see it . Please, help us.

    LITTLE CAT: Please, help us.

    ALICE: you are not happy here. Show me the passage, you can come with us.The other side is beautiful....well, you have to study boring things, but you can find a nice family and good friends that will love you more than the horrible Queen. Trust me!

    QUEENS ASSISTANT: ok, Ill help you. follow me, Hurry up.

    (the QUEENS ASSISTANT shows the passage, they cling at each other and jump.they wake up after a few hours in a field. they are on the other side.

    they starts jumping )

    ALICE, LITTLE CAT AND THE QUEENS ASSISTANT: good bye Wonderland! good bye crazy world! were home now!!