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  • 8/9/2019 All About Plastic Injection Molding


    Plastic Injection Molding

  • 8/9/2019 All About Plastic Injection Molding


    Injection Molding

    3 major functional units; injection, mold, clamping

  • 8/9/2019 All About Plastic Injection Molding


    Plastic Injection Molding

    is a manufacturing technique for making parts fromthermoplastic and thermoset materials

    In contrast to the extrusion (which makes continuousparts of constant cross section), injection molding make

    discrete parts (with complex and variable cross section) Molten plastic is injected at high pressure into a mold,

    which is the inverse of the desired shape.

    The mold is made from metal, usually eithersteel oraluminium

    widely used for manufacturing a variety of parts, from thesmallest component to entire body panels ofcars

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    The key to success in injection molding are to have;

    Proper machine for good melting and injecting of theresin

    The proper resin to appropriate part performance A good mold for part definition and removal

    Proper operation for efficient molding cycle (mold cycledepends on the design of the mold and manufacturingparameters)

    Plastic Injection Molding

  • 8/9/2019 All About Plastic Injection Molding


    The most commonly used thermoplastic

    materials are: Polystyrene (low-cost, lacking the strength andlongevity of other materials)

    ABS oracrylonitrile butadiene styrene (a co-polymeror mixture of compounds used for everything fromLego parts to electronics housings)

    Nylon (chemically resistant, heat-resistant, tough andflexible - used for combs)

    Polypropylene PP (tough and flexible - used forcontainers

    PVC (more common in extrusions as used for pipes,window frames, or as the insulation on wiring where itis rendered flexible by the inclusion of a highproportion ofplasticiser).

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    Injection Unit

    Purpose: to liquefy the plasticmaterials and then inject theliquid into mold

    Resin is introduced throughhopper

    Some machines can haveseveral hoppers (to fed filler,colorants, other additives)-Injection molding act as mixer

    However, due to limited sizeof barrel, mixing capability ispoor

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    From hopper hole (feed throat)

    Barrel made of heavy steel cylinder to

    withstand the pressure and temperature

    involved in melting the resin

    2 types of system used in injection


    Reciprocating screw- similar to extruder screwbut with unique reciprocating action

    Ram injector

    Injection Unit

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    Design of screw- similar to an extrusion screw 3 sections;

    Feed section- to advance the resin

    Compression section- to melt the resin

    Metering section- to homogenize the resin and pump it forward

    The screw of injection molding machine is shorter thanextruder, L/D ratios are 12:1 and 20:1

    Low L/D ratios suggest the mixing is less efficient in theinjection molding machine

    The compression ratio (diameter of root at feed zone to

    the diameter of root at metering zone) often in the rangeof 2:1 and 5:1

    Low compression ratio means less mechanical action isadded during melting process

    Injection Unit

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    Important measure of the size of an

    injection molding is weight of resin that

    can be injected, called shot size

    Typical shot size range from 20g to 20 kg

    Since shot size depends on the density of

    the plastic, PS has been chosed as the

    standard for rating the machine

    Injection Unit

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    Reciprocating Screw Injection

    Molding Machine Resin is melt by mechanical shear and thermalenergy from heaters

    The molten resin is conveyed to a space at the

    end of the screw- collects in a pool Here, the mold is closed

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    The entire screw move forward and pushes themolten resin out through the end of barrel

    To ensure the resin does not flow backward, a

    check valve ornonreturn valve is attached to theend of screw

    Normally the screw will stay in the forwardposition, until resin began to harden in the mold

    Reciprocating Screw Injection

    Molding Machine

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    Retraction of the screw, create space at the end of thescrew

    Cooling of the part in the mold, until it can be removed

    While the part is cooling, the screw turns and meltsadditional resin

    Reciprocating Screw Injection

    Molding Machine

  • 8/9/2019 All About Plastic Injection Molding



    More uniform melting

    Improved mixing or additives and dispersionthroughout the resin

    Lower injection pressure

    Fewer stresses in the part

    Faster total cycle

    Reciprocating Screw Injection

    Molding Machine

  • 8/9/2019 All About Plastic Injection Molding


    In this type of injection molding, the resin is fed from a

    hopper into the barrel, and heated through thermalenergy from the heaters

    The molten resin is collect in a pool in a barrel celledinjection chamber

    The molten resin is then push forward by the action of

    plunger (ram or piston) To five better mixing, the molten resin is pushed past a

    torpedo/spreader, impart shear to the melt

    Ram Injection- Injection Molding Machine

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    Designing and making mold for injectionmolding is more complicated than making

    extrusion die

    Mold Parts mold is placed in between

    stationary plate and the moveable plate

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    The connection from the injection unit to themold is through the nozzle

    The channel that run through the stationary plate

    of the mold is called the sprue channel (materialthat is in the channel is called the sprue)

    The solid sprue is removed from the finishedpart assembly after the part is ejected from the

    mold Resin flow from the sprue through the runner

    (connecting channel) to the mold cavities


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    Mold Bases

    Assembly of variousmold parts

    Mold bases can be

    purchased as entireunits, then the

    cavities are cut from

    A & B plates

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    Distribution system for the resin from the sprueto the cavities

    Flow characteristics (viscosity), temperature and

    other factors are important in determining therunner diameter and length

    If the diameter of the runner is too small or thelength is too long,the resin can freeze in the

    runner before the mold is completely full If the runner system is too large, excess material

    would be ejected and too much regrind created

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    If the resins have a high viscosity, larger runnersare needed compared to low viscosity resin

    The optimum flow of the resin through therunner system depends on the shape anddiameter of the channel

    Round channel give the best flow characteristicsbut difficult to machine

    Machining cost can be reduce by machining one

    side of the mold plates Better shape where the depth of the channel is

    at least two-thirds the size of the width and thesides are tapered between 2 to 5.


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    Runner Channel Shapes

  • 8/9/2019 All About Plastic Injection Molding


    Secondary Runners

    Secondary runnerchannel are used formulticavity molds

    The flow into thesecondary channelshould bestreamlined (angle in

    flow direction) The streamlined

    minimizes shear onthe resin

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    The end of runner and the entry path into

    the cavity

    The gate shape can also affect the fillingof the cavity, dimension and properties of

    the parts

    Gate is the most restricted point in

    injection molding system, i.e. for

    reinforcement and filler + polymer systems

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    Gate Design

    Small rectangular opening atthe end of the runner channel,connect to the edge of cavity

    Edge gate can be below theparting line if the channel andpart are also below the partingline

    Or it can be symetricaly aboutthe parting line, if the runnerchannel and part are at bothside of parting line

    Edge gate

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    Submarine Gate

    Starts from the edge of therunner, and goes into the cavityedge at an angle

    It narrows to a point as it movesfrom the runner to the cavity

    The advantage; separation ofthe parts and the runner isautomatic

    Disadvantage; gate cannot beused for some resins becauseof high shear

    Submarine Gate

  • 8/9/2019 All About Plastic Injection Molding


    Tab Gate

    By connecting the runner directly

    into the cavity with no reduction

    in runner cross-section

    Used for very large parts where a

    reduction in flow would disturb

    the resins flow pattern and might

    result inadequate flow into the


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    Fan Gate

    Made by reducing thethickness and not thediameter of the runner

    channel as it goes into thecavity

    Used for intermediate size,and when reinforcement inthe resin cannot flow throughthe edge gate

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    Ring Gate

    Used to make hollow

    cylinder parts

    The ring gate covers theentire top of the cylinder

    part so that the resin flow

    is downward into the wall

    of the part

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    Are actual molding locations

    Resin enter the cavities through gate, fills

    the cavities, and cools to form the solid.The parts are ejected and finished

    Cavities are the heart of the molding

    process, and must be precisely prepared

    The shape of the cavities determines the

    shape of the part

  • 8/9/2019 All About Plastic Injection Molding


    Materials & Product Consideration

    Almost all thermoplastic can be injectionmolded

    Resin with low melt viscosity is required;

    so that the flow through runner, gate,cavity easily done with minimuminjection pressure

    Resin with injection molding grades havelow molecular weight and narrowmolecular weight distribution

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    Part Shapes

    Hollow parts can be created by allowing

    the moveable plate to protrude into the

    cavity of the stationary plate

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    Threads can be placed on the inside of a

    part by using a core pin that is inserted

    into the cavity where the threads are


    Part Shapes

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    A hollow part with a hole on the side is evenmore complicated (the core pin is used)

    The core pin slide into position after the mold isclosed

    The core pin seals against the surface of themoveable plate, prevent flow of resin into thearea

    Part Shapes

  • 8/9/2019 All About Plastic Injection Molding


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