all are shouting

All are shouting... Seminar on classroom management 2014

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All are shouting...

Seminar on classroom management


Common Approaches to Behaviour Problems …

▪ Nutrition

▪ Behaviourmanagement systems

▪ Rewards

▪ Punishments

▪ Effective parenting

▪ Change their peer groups

▪ What is influencing him? (games, tv etc)

▪ Alternative Curriculum

▪ Special inclusive packages

▪ BehaviourImprovement Policies

Focus on the child Focus on the parent Focus on the school

What is wrong with these methods?

▪ They control

▪ They are external

▪ They need strict observation

▪ It doesn’t promote good behavior, it just says….

And why is the child unhappy?

Because this is what goes on inside him.

Don’t just say ”don’t do that!‟ clarify the how and why of appropriate action.

Make him capable of making a choice.

Why is it so important?It’s not always easy to take decisions, as situations get complex often, hence you are not just teaching good and bad, you are training them for something big.

Give the world what it needs.

We need people who can take.

People who do what they say,

people know how to do it right,

people whose decisions are selfless.

Humans who are humane..

Make them believe, give them confidence.

Back to the point...

▪ Nutrition

▪ Behaviour management systems

▪ Rewards

▪ Punishments

▪ Effective parenting

▪ Change their peer groups

▪ What is influencing him? (games, tv etc)

▪ Alternative Curriculum

▪ Special inclusive packages

▪ BehaviourImprovement Policies

So, if you have no power over the (ineffective) systems that are being usedto control a child‟s behaviour, and you clearly cannot just carry on acceptingthe behaviour, what can you do to make positive changes?


There is a clear relation between behavior and emotions.

Psychologists list a wide variety of psychologicalneeds – from the need to achieve need to contributeneed for love and a whole host of others in between.

We boil them down to just three..

1. Empowerment

2. Fun

3. Belonging

1. Empowerment

• Recognition

• Freedom

• achievement

• contribution

• choice and

• competence

If the need for empowerment isn’t being met we will feel powerless and frustrated in any given situation.


need for

• curiosity

• interest,

• growth and learning,

• adventure

• amusement,

• surprise,

• variety

If the need for fun goes unmet we feel bored and frustrated.

Need for Belonging

To be

• accepted

• Valued

• Appreciated

• Needed

• related to or connected with something beyond oneself.

• In short, the need to be loved.

If the need for belonging goes unmet we feel lost, uncared for, lonely, isolated, vulnerable, let down, inferior and of course, frustrated.

If not...

pupils will seek their own methods for fulfilment.