all-inclusive yet uncomplicated school management …€¦ · school management solution...


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Page 1: All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated SCHOOL MANAGEMENT …€¦ · SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOLUTION All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated. SCHOOL ADMIN Academics Add Academics Session, Curriculum




All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated

Page 2: All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated SCHOOL MANAGEMENT …€¦ · SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOLUTION All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated. SCHOOL ADMIN Academics Add Academics Session, Curriculum


AcademicsAdd Academics Session, Curriculum Type, Class, Sections & Subjects for School/Institute with ease.Create 'Class Combination'- Combination of Curriculum + class + section

Manage StudentsAdd/Manage Students of school/institute with Class details, personal details, communication details, parent details, transport details, previous qualification details etcAutomatic login credential creation for student and parent, once a student profile is created.

Fee ManagementDefining of 'Fee Heads' for whole school/institute.Allocate Fee Heads for curriculum and class with fee amount.

Tag ManagerCreate/Manage Tags for Single Click selection like for Exam Reviews add Excellent, Good, Poor, Bad etc.Use Predefined tags as for Leaves (Approved, Rejected)

ExamsDefining 'Exam Head' i.e. Class test, Monthly exam, Quarterly exam etc.Define classwise schedule for exam with selection of subject , date, starting time, ending time and required Min. & Max Passing marks.Defining syllabus of exam available to parent/teacher/student to prepare for exam.School admin can Give Marks or Check Marks given by techer for exams completed by student."

TransportADD/Manage Vehicles, Drivers and Helpers in transport system.Define vehicle Routes with ease using Google Map for pickup and drop point.Mapping of Route+vehicle with students pickup and drop time.

� +91 8952953777 � : [email protected] � : ripudamansingh.planet � :

Page 3: All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated SCHOOL MANAGEMENT …€¦ · SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOLUTION All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated. SCHOOL ADMIN Academics Add Academics Session, Curriculum

User ManagementCreate/Manage employees/teachers user credentials with just few steps.View profile of all users based on the roles.View/Edit users password and privileges.Set privileges to users as per their roles.

Leave ManagementADD/Manage 'Leave type' as per Leave policy with number of leaves for that category.Check leaves applied by Students and Teachers.Approve or Reject Teacher's Leaves (by school admin only.)Student leaves can be approved by class teacher."

Chat & MessagingChat anytime with Teachers, Employees, Students and ParentsBroadcast Message to whole school/institute in one shot in few seconds.Providing easy solution for communication between parents | teacher | student | school admin.

Manage Teachers & StudentsManage Teachers - Add/Manage Teachers with their Personal details, Qualification, Experience & Subject.Add/Manage Students- Add/Manage Students with Class details, personal details, communication details, parent details, transport details, previous qualification details etcAutomatic login credential creation - For Teacher , Student and Parent once their profile is created.A Teacher will be available as a choice for the 'School Admin', based on the subject he/she is assigned to.Upload student data in bulk with predefined format of excel in minutes."

TimetableCreate Timetable with 'Class combination' and class teacher, weekdays, no of period, period duration and break timing.Add/Edit subject and teacher period wise in tabular structure with ease.Copying Subject/Teacher combination of one period for whole week with single click.

PTM- Parent Teacher MeetingDefine schedule for PTM, with PTM date, time duration for Online and O�ine Modes, Appointment Duration and Appointment gap for Classes and Teacher.Check Parents confirmation for PTM and Details of remarks given to Students for PTM.School admin can check all PTMs list upcoming and completed and can update schedule for upcoming meetings.

AssignmentsADD assignment for class/subject with starting and ending date to manage assignment completion.Publish assignment so that parents/students/Teachers will be able to view the same in App.Review assignment by simply giving predefined Review Tags like (Excellent, Good, Poor, Bad etc)

� +91 8952953777 � : [email protected] � : ripudamansingh.planet � :

Page 4: All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated SCHOOL MANAGEMENT …€¦ · SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOLUTION All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated. SCHOOL ADMIN Academics Add Academics Session, Curriculum


My ClassesVIEW all classes assigned for Today/Week as per timetable designed by school admin.Check student details of classes.Give assignment for class from same screenMark attendance of student for the class from this screen only."

Tag ManagerCreate/Manage Tags for Single Click selection like for Exam Reviews add Excellent, Good, Poor, Bad etc. (if authorized to do same by school admin)Use Predefined tags as for Leaves (Approved, Rejected)

Leave ManagerApply for leave which will go to School admin for approval.Check Students leave request of his/her class and give approval using tags like ('Approved', 'Reject').

My StudentsView students as per class.Search easily for any student details by enrollment no. or student name.Send a message to any student just by tapping on message icon and write SMS for student.

AttendanceMark attendance for students just by clicking on 'Attendance' in front of class and period.Easy one tap attendance.Teacher just needs to select 'P- for Present', 'L- for Late', 'A- for Absent' as attendance in front of student name.Give review tags for student attendance by clicking on 'Edit Tags' button, if required.

� +91 8952953777 � : [email protected] � : ripudamansingh.planet � :

Page 5: All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated SCHOOL MANAGEMENT …€¦ · SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOLUTION All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated. SCHOOL ADMIN Academics Add Academics Session, Curriculum

AssignmentsCreate an assignment for a class with Assignment title, Description, Starting and Ending date, Assignment image file addition.Publish the assignment for student & parents to view and submit assignmentReview the assignment with Tag facility like ( 'Excellent', 'Good', 'Poor', 'Bad', etc.)

Chat & MessagingChat with school admin, Students and ParentsBroadcasting Message to whole class in one shot.Providing easy solution for communication between parents | teachers | students | school admin

PTM- Parent Teacher MeetingCheck list of PTMs scheduled, where he/she is assigned for class by school admin.Check acceptance request of parents for PTM in advance.Check List of appointments with parents.Join online-PTM through Pateast App and also manage o�ine-PTM with schedules provided."

ExamsSchedule the exam for his class if he is authorized to schedule the exam by School Admin.Decide syllabus of exams.Update marks and assign tags student wise for exams.Tag facility to update remarks for a student in exams."

� +91 8952953777 � : [email protected] � : ripudamansingh.planet � :

Page 6: All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated SCHOOL MANAGEMENT …€¦ · SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOLUTION All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated. SCHOOL ADMIN Academics Add Academics Session, Curriculum


DashboardHave Link for Profile, holidays, Next Assignment, etc.Hows attendance for the day, for the Parent's child.Shows Assignments, given to the Child's classes.Shows exam schedule for the Childs' class.

Switch WardEasily Manage/View information seperately for Siblings studying in same school using 'Switch Ward' feature.

Track BusTrack Bus' which allows parent to track child bus.Check Bus-status, Driver name & details also.

LeavesParent can apply leave for the child.Parent can check status of leaves applied for the child as approved or rejected by class teacher.

PTM- Parent Teacher MeetingCheck upcoming as well as completed list of PTMs.Select either of two PTM modes, i.e. Online (remote video-call based pateast solution) or O�ine (prescheduled physical PTM at school).In case of Online PTM, parent just need be available wherever they are, to attend PTM by Pateast facilitated remote video-call based solution.For good-old O�ine PTM, Pateast gives appointment Scheduling time which optimizes teacher and parents time.

� +91 8952953777 � : [email protected] � : ripudamansingh.planet � :

Page 7: All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated SCHOOL MANAGEMENT …€¦ · SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOLUTION All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated. SCHOOL ADMIN Academics Add Academics Session, Curriculum

Class Schedule & AttendanceCheck the schedule of class periods and teacher details for past, present or future datesCheck attendance of the child for the class periods given by di�erent teachers for complete month in single screen.

AssignmentsCheck assignment published by School Admin or Teacher for their child's class and prepare child accordingly.Track assignments status and remarks given, for completed assignment by Teachers.

ExamsCheck exams scheduled & Syllabus for their child defined by school admin or teacher.Check exam marks obtained by the child.

Chat & MessagesRecieve messages from School Admin or Teachers and Reply.Chat with School Admin/Teacher.

ClinicAdd/Edit medical history of the child with a few taps on Pateast Parent App.Add details of medication, prescribed for student in past/present, and also enter details of vaccination from already available list with ease.By this functionality, complete medical history of student can be tracked by Parents and School Admin / School Nurse. This module empowers all stakeholders to ensure Children's health safety, leaving nothing to chance.

� +91 8952953777 � : [email protected] � : ripudamansingh.planet � :

Page 8: All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated SCHOOL MANAGEMENT …€¦ · SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOLUTION All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated. SCHOOL ADMIN Academics Add Academics Session, Curriculum


� DashboardLinks for Profile, holidays, Next Assignment, etc.Shows attendance for the day.Shows assignment for his/her class.Shows his/her exam schedule.

Class ScheduleCheck class schedule defined by school admin, period wise with teacher detail and prepare accordingly.

AssignmentsCheck list of assignments given b di�erent teacher of class.Check Tags given by teacher for completed assignments.

ExamsCheck exams schedule & Syllabus, defined by school admin and teacher.Check exam marks obtained and given Tags like ('Excellent', 'Good', 'Bad', 'Practice Required', etc).

LeavesApply for leave.Check status of leave request assigned by class teacher ('Approved', 'Rejected')

AttendanceCheck attendance for class periods given by di�erent teachers for complete month in single screen.Check attendance for di�erent subjects in tabs.

Chat & MessagesRecieve messages from School Admin or Teachers and Reply.Chat with School Admin/Teacher

� +91 8952953777 � : [email protected] � : ripudamansingh.planet � :

Page 9: All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated SCHOOL MANAGEMENT …€¦ · SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOLUTION All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated. SCHOOL ADMIN Academics Add Academics Session, Curriculum


TreatmentsAdd treatment for a student by just selecting already available 'Tag facility' which saves a lot of time against writing the complete scenario.Also with Treatment list, School Nurse/Clinic admin can manage treatments record for future so that these records can be used for health education planning in school or medical camp planning for students.

Medical History RecordCheck the complete medical history of students entered by parents which include 'Current/Past Disease details', 'Current/Past Medication details', 'Major Illness details', 'Vaccination details'.

� +91 8952953777 � : [email protected] � : ripudamansingh.planet � :

Page 10: All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated SCHOOL MANAGEMENT …€¦ · SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOLUTION All-Inclusive yet Uncomplicated. SCHOOL ADMIN Academics Add Academics Session, Curriculum

Why choose PaTeaSt over numerous other School Management Solutions

Focused on acting as an enabler for all stakeholders in School Ecosystem, PaTeaSt automates key systems & processes and is always well within your budget :-

Because these Common Sense Reasons are the crux of the challenges faced by every School Administrator/Academician.

We at PaTeaSt are aware of the need of School ERP Solution that is comprehensive yet flexible to meet varied needs of Schools following di�erent Curriculums & systems globally; And is also supported by the quintessential after-sales support and is priced suitably for institutions of all sizes & cultures.

Self-explanatory. Easy to use & Uncomplicated.Bilingual - Arabic & English. Deployable in any Language.Adaptable to any Curriculum globally.Abundant unrestrained features, in inexpensive subscription plans.Support in Hassle-free migration from existing System/Software setup.Data-Entry Services for School's existing data upload & clean-up (Paid).Unlimited User Logins, Classes, Subjects & Students (broad slab-based)*.Varied Customer Support options - Chat | Email based, Support Ticket system. Dedicated Support Executive (Premium).Training support - Online Individual Training, Webinar/Video based Training.Unique Needed Features -

Students' transportation Tracking Module. Remote PTM (Parents Teachers Meeting) Module. School Clinic / Medical Module.

Planet Web SolutionsYour Satisfaction, Our Concern...

A Global Top-10 Digital

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Nilesh Kothari (Director)+91 9314881011

Ripudaman (Sales Head)+91 8952953777
