all s ain ts ca th olic pa rish alpena, mi | may 17, 2020 · jim & jeri jo standen 46 years ³...

All Saints Catholic Parish—Alpena, MI | May 17, 2020

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Page 1: All S ain ts Ca th olic Pa rish Alpena, MI | May 17, 2020 · Jim & Jeri Jo Standen 46 years ³ May 18 Jon & Jackie Benson 31 years ³ May 19 Alan & Sally Krajniak 47 years ³ May

All Saints Catholic Parish—Alpena, MI | May 17, 2020

Page 2: All S ain ts Ca th olic Pa rish Alpena, MI | May 17, 2020 · Jim & Jeri Jo Standen 46 years ³ May 18 Jon & Jackie Benson 31 years ³ May 19 Alan & Sally Krajniak 47 years ³ May

All Saints Catholic Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan

From Fr. Joe Have you ever heard the term “fluid” used in

regard to a particular situation? Now, I may be

wrong in my interpretation of what that means,

but a property of a fluid is that it changes shape

according to the container which surrounds it.

So a fluid situation is one that changes as the

circumstances that surround it – contain it –

change. Well, the situation we find ourselves in

regarding how the Covid-19 pandemic is

affecting our lives is a very fluid one. As I write

this article we – as a Church, a diocese, a parish

– are adapting as best we can to the

circumstances that surround (contain) us at this

particular time.

This last week we received word from Bishop

Raica that public Masses will be resuming in the

near future. (The letter from Bishop Raica is

available in this bulletin and on our parish and

diocesan websites.) However, public Masses are

not to resume until specific protocols are in place

which are intended to provide a safe

environment and protect those who are most

vulnerable. As has been stated before, we will

not just return to the way things were before the

pandemic. We were told to expect change

when public Masses start again. We will do our

best to provide you with updates as to what to

expect and what will be required when you

attend Mass. That being said, since the bulletin is

published once a week, for more timely updates

access our website and our other social media

venues (Flocknote, Facebook, YouTube, etc.),

which can be updated daily. For a convenient

one-stop source of information regarding how All

Saints Parish is dealing with and adapting to the

situation of the pandemic locally, click on the

red Covid-19 button on our website.

We are targeting to resume public Masses in

All Saints Parish the weekend of the Solemnity of

Pentecost, May 30/31. However, the ability to do

so depends on having the required protocols in

place. In order for that to happen we will need a

significant number of healthy, able-bodied

persons who will be trained and organized in

teams, and who are willing and able to commit

to volunteer on a regular basis during the months

ahead. Volunteers will be needed to help with

the flow of people into, within, and out of church

and/or to help sanitize the church after each

Mass. Volunteers should expect their

commitment for each Mass at which they serve

to require a minimum 2 hour timeframe (this

includes their attendance at Mass). Volunteers

are critical to our ability to resume and sustain

public Masses during this time of recovery from

the pandemic.

(Continued on page 3)

Mass Intentions & More Fr. Joe & Fr. Scott will both be celebrating Mass daily

(without a congregation).

The following are the scheduled intentions for this week. Monday, May 18

........................ In thanksgiving for the marriage of

Patrick & Taylor Wright

Tuesday, May 19

............................................................. †Betty Ludlow

Wednesday, May 20

....................................................... †Patsy C. Stoppa

Thursday, May 21

........................................................... †Gene Sobeck

Friday, May 22

................................................. Strengthening of the

Wright children’s vocations

Saturday, May 23

............................................ ††Helen & Edward Kroll

Sunday, May 24

............................. Living & Deceased of the Parish

....................................................... †Peter Alexander

................................... †Deceased Members of the

Knights of Columbus Council #529

............................................................. †Art Stepanski

Spiritual Communion How do you prepare for Communion?

As Catholics, we want to have a good relationship with Christ and grow

our faith. Receiving the Eucharist is a way of becoming closer to Christ.

Before we can receive Eucharist we must be free of any grave or mortal

sin. If we are not then we “eateth and drinketh damnation” (St. Paul) to

ourselves. If you have committed a mortal sin then you must participate

in the Sacrament of Confession.

What happens if we do not receive Communion?

If we cannot:

• Receive Holy Communion physically

• Make it to Mass

• Need to go to Confession first

Then we can pray an Act of Spiritual Communion. Where we express our

faith in Christ, His Presence in the Eucharist and ask him to unite himself

with us. A Spiritual Communion is not sacramental. We utilize this to

strengthen us until we can receive the Eucharist. Remember it is not a

replacement for receiving the Eucharist.

An Act of Spiritual Communion Prayer

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the

Most Holy Sacrament.

I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment

receive you sacramentally,

Come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace you as if you were already there

And unite myself wholly to you.

Never permit me to be separated from you.

Amen. Excerpt from: Lecture Plan for Eucharist, Published December 1, 2014

Author: Dolores Vasquez, Catechist teacher at St. John Neumann

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Page 3: All S ain ts Ca th olic Pa rish Alpena, MI | May 17, 2020 · Jim & Jeri Jo Standen 46 years ³ May 18 Jon & Jackie Benson 31 years ³ May 19 Alan & Sally Krajniak 47 years ³ May

6th Sunday of Easter Page 3 May 17, 2020

Stewardship of Prayer May 17, 2020 Sunday Sixth Sunday of Easter

Acts 8:5-8, 14-17; Ps 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20;

1 Pt 3:15-18; Jn 14:15-21

Monday Saint John I, Pope and Martyr

Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b; Jn 15:26—16:4a

Tuesday Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11

Wednesday Saint Bernardine of Siena, Priest

Acts 17:15, 22—18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14; Jn 16:12-15

Thursday Saint Christopher Magallanes, Priest, and

Companions, Martyrs

Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4; Jn 16:16-20

Friday Saint Rita of Cascia, Religious

Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; Jn 16:20-23

Saturday Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-9, 10; Jn 16:23b-28

Sunday Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9; Eph 1:17-23; Mt 28:16-20

From Fr. Joe (Continued from page 2)

At this time, all of the details of our

implementation plan for resuming public Masses

are not definite. However, some of the things we

know will occur and are not negotiable are, but

not limited to:

1. The wearing of masks is mandatory for all

Mass attendees over the age of two years

(liturgical ministers – e.g. priests, deacons, lectors

– do not need to wear masks while in the

sanctuary and maintaining appropriate social


2. The number of people able to physically

attend each Mass will be limited in order to allow

appropriate social distancing. Therefore, more

Masses may need to be celebrated each

weekend. Expect those Mass times will differ from

the pre-pandemic Mass schedule. Be looking for

information as to how the spaces for Mass will be


3. Restroom availability will be limited, so plan

ahead (e.g. reduce consumption of liquids

before Mass, and use the restroom before

arriving for Mass). Please be aware that the

restrooms will be sanitized before and after each

Mass, but not between each individual use. Only

use the restroom when needed.

4. There will be controlled access on entering St.

Anne Church and the parish center, so plan on

arriving at least 10-15 minutes before Mass

begins to allow for processing. Each person will

need to sanitize their hands upon entering and

leaving for Mass. There will be only one entry

point – that being the doors on the Sable St. side

of the parish center (near the parish offices). All

other exterior doors will be locked to entry, but

will remain accessible as emergency exits. The

one entry point will be locked to further entry

when Mass begins.

5. Holy Communion will be available only in the

form of the Body of Christ. The Precious Blood

via a chalice will not be available at this time.

(Remember, when you receive even a very

small portion of either the Body of Christ or the

Precious Blood, you receive the fullness of Christ’s

Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.) How the

distribution of Holy Communion will take place is

still being worked out, but expect it to take

longer than usual as social distancing will need

to be maintained. While during this time

everyone is encouraged to receive the Body of

Christ in the hand, those desiring to receive on

the tongue will not be denied that right.

However, be aware that specific instructions

regarding this will be forthcoming.

(Continued on page 5)

Stewardship in Our Readings Those who obey the commandments, Jesus says in today's Gospel, are

the ones who really love Him. Does my stewardship reveal my love for


Blessed Mother Shrine Votive Lamp (14 day candle at St. Mary Church)

In Memory of Karl & Alta Nensewitz

requested by: Ann, Lynne, Jill, Marie & Mary

Please Pray for the Departed We pray for the repose of the souls

of those who have gone to their rest

in the hope of rising again:

Joseph Mausolf

May he rest in peace!

May Prayer Intentions All Saints Parish: For the safety of all

Rosary Society: Mothers and those preparing for First Communion

Pope Francis: We pray that deacons, faithful in their service to the Word

and the poor, may be an invigorating symbol for the entire Church.

May Contact Confidential Prayer Group

Maxine Donajkowski | phone: 916-9033

LARCC Prayer Intention We join our brothers and sisters in the LARCC community

(Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Congregational)

in praying for this weekend’s intention:

Grace Lutheran: Samaritas

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Page 4: All S ain ts Ca th olic Pa rish Alpena, MI | May 17, 2020 · Jim & Jeri Jo Standen 46 years ³ May 18 Jon & Jackie Benson 31 years ³ May 19 Alan & Sally Krajniak 47 years ³ May

All Saints Catholic Parish Page 4 Alpena, Michigan

Celebrating an Anniversary Rob & Debbie Wilds

45 years—May 10

Jim & Jeri Jo Standen

46 years—May 18

Jon & Jackie Benson

31 years—May 19

Alan & Sally Krajniak

47 years—May 19

Stewardship of Treasure Week ending May 10, 2020

Offertory needed to sustain parish each week: $20,481



Online Giving

(5/4/20 - 5/10/20)

Regular Offertory 14,079.01 3,357.21

# of Donors/Envelopes Used 192 39


Combined Total Offertory $17,436.22

Budgeted Offertory Income $20,481

Difference -$3,044.78

Building Fund 290.00 50.00

Capital Improvement 87.00 25.00

Utilities 120.00 45.00

Rice Bowl (Grand Total) 2,985.78

All Saints Catholic Women News We are going now on our 3rd month of not meeting as women of All

Saints Parish, not to mention by now all the activities that we missed due

to this Coronavirus. I am hoping this letter finds you well and all rested up.

Usually by now we are starting to put an end to one year’s work and start

looking for volunteer board members for the upcoming year. Not sure we

will be able to finish out this year with only 2 more meetings to go and this

is when we look to fill next year’s board positions. So I am asking to see if

any women of our parish might be interested in taking a board position

which begins in the fall. Each of us have been given talents by our Lord

and Savior and hoping maybe some of you may step forward to help in

this way. This would involve monthly meetings from Sept - June plus various

activities within our Church that bring women together in spreading God’s

message of love for one another.

With your helping hands, you too can join us as All Saints Catholic Women.

If you are interested please contact Cindy Witkowski at 231-342-6225. It is

a great group to work with!

So till we meet again, God Bless - Cindy Witkowski, ASCW President

How to Contribute • Mail check payable to “All Saints Parish” 817 Sable Street, Alpena, MI

• Office Hours 10:00 am—2:00 pm, Monday through Friday, limited staff

are available.

• After Hours: Drop off envelope in the black box on the wall near the

Sable Street entrance.

• Online Giving: Visit our website,, and look for the

“Online Giving button.” Options are available to enroll in automatic

donations or one time donations. Any questions, email Angie King at

[email protected].

Happy Birthday Gladys Kelsey

97 years young—May 15

Confessions Confessions, with safe practices being

observed, are available:

Mon., Tues., & Thurs. from 11:00 am - 12 noon

Wed. & Fri. from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.

An open-air confessional is located in the

vestibule area in the back of church near Ninth

Street. (enter by the center section of interior

doors.) If needed, please wait in a pew near

the center aisle, keeping a distance of 2 EMPTY

PEWS between those waiting. REMINDER: THE



There is no chair upon which to sit since we

expect confessions to be brief to allow

everyone a chance to speak with one of our


Visit Our YouTube Channel! Be sure to check out our updated YouTube

channel. This useful platform is being used to

live stream Benediction during the weekdays at

4:00 pm. Additionally, you can listen to Fr. Joe

and Fr. Scott discuss what the future looks like

at All Saints Catholic Parish in terms of how we


To easily access our YouTube channel, as well

as our Facebook account, visit our website

( and look for the blue

buttons in the top right corner of our


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Page 5: All S ain ts Ca th olic Pa rish Alpena, MI | May 17, 2020 · Jim & Jeri Jo Standen 46 years ³ May 18 Jon & Jackie Benson 31 years ³ May 19 Alan & Sally Krajniak 47 years ³ May

6th Sunday of Easter Page 5 May 17, 2020

From Fr. Joe—Continued (Continued from page 3)

6. While the actual celebration of Mass may be shorter than usual, the process of coming to Mass will take longer than usual.

So expect to be in church for Mass at least 90 minutes, especially as we learn to take care of all the details in the early phases

of the resumption of public Mass.

7. If you cannot or refuse to comply with the required directives set forth for all parishes within the Diocese of Gaylord, then it is

best if you stay home and participate in Mass remotely (e.g. on TV, internet, radio). The dispensation from the obligation of

attending Sunday Mass is extended through Sunday, September 6, 2020. However, if you desire to attend Mass and receive

Holy Communion, you will be required to comply with the directives. (No system is perfect, and these directives may sound

and feel too restrictive, but please be aware that they are carefully and prayerfully thought out, and are ultimately for your

protection and welfare, and that of the common good of everyone.)

As we get closer to being able to gather together again for Mass, and when the opportunity many have so longed for – to

receive Holy Communion – finally arrives, don’t let there be anything in the way of you receiving the Body of Christ worthily. If

you have any serious sins which prevent you from being in a state of grace, get to confession in the meantime so you can

receive Holy Communion worthily. (See the schedule for the opportunities to go to confession, which are available Monday-


While celebrating Mass privately during these weeks of Stay Home – Stay Safe, some of the prayers we routinely say at Mass

have struck me profoundly. For example in the Confiteor where we say. “I confess to almighty God, and to you [as I see those

pictures in the pews, or imagine you being there], my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my own fault in my

thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do; …..” (emphasis added) You may want – or

need – to pray the Confiteor sometime before you are able to get back to Mass again, and then take care of any sins that

would prevent you from worthily receiving Jesus – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity – who gave himself to suffer and die for you.

Yeah – get to confession.

Something else happening is having limited Adoration at St. Mary from 2pm-10pm Monday-Friday, starting this week.

During this initial phase-in period, our Adoration Chapel at St. Mary will not be open to everyone; there will be only designated

adorers at this time (again, we need to take precautions to have a safe environment for those adoring). We hope to expand

further as time goes on, until eventually resuming Perpetual 24/7 Adoration. In the meantime be aware that people will be

adoring and praying before the Blessed Sacrament for 12 hours each day Monday-Friday. Those 12 hours will be from 10am-

2pm at St. Anne, which is open to anyone as long as they keep the appropriate social distance (as we have been doing all

along during the “shut down”), then from 2pm-10pm at St. Mary. In a lead-up to resuming the limited Adoration at St. Mary on

Monday, there will be a small procession with the Blessed Sacrament from St. Anne to St. Mary this Sunday evening, May 17th.

Following the completion of the evening rotation of the Blessed Sacrament which ends at St. Anne ≈ 6:10pm., Fr. Scott and I

will process, walking from St. Anne to St. Mary. Since at this time we are still not to encourage gatherings, if you would like to

participate in the procession, you could stay in your vehicle and pray as the Blessed Sacrament passes by along the route.

The planned route is from St. Anne, along 9th St., across the bridge to Oldfield St., to N. 2nd Ave., then to St. Mary. The Blessed

Sacrament will then be reposed until 2pm on Monday.

While in a limited way for now, Adoration is back! Alleluia!

Remember way back in the beginning of this rather long article (sorry about that) I talked about fluids taking the shape of

what contained them – what surrounded them? As we strive to be worthy of the dignity God has bestowed on us as His

beloved sons and daughters, made in His image and likeness – let us cherish and revel in the realization that what has always

been surrounding us, always containing us, always embracing us are the loving arms of our Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy

Spirit. Let us conform ourselves to Him.

Have a Blessed, Safe, and Healthy 6th Week of Easter.

To receive a blessing, you are welcome to drive by the

respective lots or park in them. However, we ask that

you remain in your vehicle. We are NOT encouraging

vehicles to follow the van to each stop. (See the schedule

to the right.) *Please note , these are approximate times. If

you miss the blessing at one of the locations, look for the van

at the next location.

Our continued gratitude to St. Vincent dePaul Society for

teaming up with All Saints Parish to bring the Blessed

Sacrament (Jesus in the Monstrance) to the people of


Blessed Sacrament Travels Alpena


St. Mary Pkg Lot 11:00 am- 11:10 am

St. Bernard Pkg Lot 11:20 am -11:30 am

St. John Pkg Lot 1:40 am - 11:50 am

St. Anne Pkg Lot 12:00 pm - 12:10 pm


St. Mary Pkg Lot 5:00 pm- 5:10 pm

St. Bernard Pkg Lot 5:20 pm -5:30 pm

St. John Pkg Lot 5:40 pm - 5:50 pm

St. Anne Pkg Lot 6:00 pm- 6:10 pm

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Page 6: All S ain ts Ca th olic Pa rish Alpena, MI | May 17, 2020 · Jim & Jeri Jo Standen 46 years ³ May 18 Jon & Jackie Benson 31 years ³ May 19 Alan & Sally Krajniak 47 years ³ May

6th Sunday of Easter Page 6 May 17, 2020

Did You Know?

In recent days, you may have heard or read public statements made

by the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, regarding the value of

human life. He has given many briefings during the Covid-19 pandemic,

but in the last few days especially, his rhetoric has included statements

like “you cannot put a value on human life”. According to a National

Review article, he stated “How much is a human life worth?...To me, I say

the cost of a human life, a human life is priceless.” In the Buffalo News

recently, he is quoted as saying, “To me, I say the cost of a human life is

priceless, period.” This is a correct way of thinking about life. It is precious.

It holds priceless value. It should not be taken for granted. It must be

protected. Somehow these truths about life are vitally important when

speaking in terms of saving lives from the Covid-19 virus, but are halted

when speaking about an unborn baby in it's mother's womb. The fact is

that science has agreed that life begins at conception.

Those sentiments about the value of human life come from a man who

signed the Reproductive Health Act, allowing abortion up to the point of

birth in his state, and who then lit pink the One World Trade Center tower,

among other New York landmarks, to celebrate the legalization of the

killing of thousands upon thousands of New Yorkers. This man who says he

believes every life is priceless, is the same man who is now being criticized

for his role in a state directive that required nursing homes to accept new

patients infected with coronavirus, according to the Associated Press.

So when he talks about the value of human life, it is understandably

difficult to believe what you are reading or hearing. There is a disconnect

between his words and his actions. If it were not so, how could a self-

proclaimed Catholic who publicly claims to value each and every human

life, be the same man who, upon signing the death sentence of countless

preborn children could exclaim “I am directing that New York’s landmarks

be lit in pink to celebrate this achievement and shine a bright light

forward for the rest of the nation to follow.” How can this man who speaks

so lovingly about his own mother in press briefings, be the same man who

“faced criticism at a recent briefing for saying that providing masks and

gowns to nursing homes is ‘not our job’ because the homes are privately

owned,” as reported by the Associated Press. [See article links on left.]

This is not an attack on Governor Cuomo. It is not meant to single him

out. But he does stand out as an example of what it is to emptily profess

our faith, and not live it. There are so many politicians and leaders in this

moment of Covid-19, (many who claim to be Catholic or at least

Christian) who are coming to the fore and speaking about the value of

life to try and make the case for staying locked down for a much longer

period of time. When you read about these men and women, ask

yourself, do their actions regarding life reflect what they are saying in this

moment? Do they in one breath say that all human life has value, and in

the next support abortion access and taxpayer funding of abortion? How

are they treating the sick and elderly, including those in nursing

homes? Do they support euthanasia? What is their record on protecting

the most vulnerable among us? These are all prudent questions to ask

ourselves now, and to remember the answers when politicians are asking

for our Catholic vote.

It would be easy to listen to Andrew Cuomo’s words and dismiss him in

anger as just another politician who says he believes one thing but does

something contrary to those beliefs. But, if we are not to be hypocrites

ourselves, then we can’t just write him off. He is our brother. We must look

at him, and others like him, the way Jesus does. As followers of Christ, we

are called to not just speak, but to live truth, to love our enemies, and to

show mercy. He is someone’s son, father, husband, and friend. He is a

man who has fallen-away from the teaching of the Catholic Church, and

his soul is in grave danger. He, like so many other fallen-away Catholics,

needs our continuous prayers.

Did You Know

Article Links






jan/23/one-wor ld- t rade-center - l i t -pink -





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Page 7: All S ain ts Ca th olic Pa rish Alpena, MI | May 17, 2020 · Jim & Jeri Jo Standen 46 years ³ May 18 Jon & Jackie Benson 31 years ³ May 19 Alan & Sally Krajniak 47 years ³ May

6th Sunday of Easter Page 7 May 17, 2020

In the News

Vaccines protect public

health. For example, they

protect children from measles,

mumps, and rubella. However,

parents should not have to

violate their conscience in

order to do so. That is what

they have had to do-- what

they may be forced to do in

order to protect their children

from COVID-19.

The vaccines being developed to combat COVID-19 are not all

equal. Some, such as the ones being developed by Janssen and

Moderna, use cell lines WI-38 and MRC-5 that derive from aborted babies,

while those being developed by Sanofi Pasteur do not. There’s a


What’s the difference? According to the Rev. Dr. Gifford A. Grobien,

PhD, “To make a cell line, the parts of the aborted body are minced,

treated with an enzyme solution, and centrifuged into individual living

cells to be cultured in a nourishing serum. These cells are subcultured and

multiplied. Current cell lines WI-38 and MRC-5 are living cells, derived from

the fetus, carrying the same DNA as the body from which they came.” (1)

The Vatican has never condoned the manufacture of vaccines derived

this way. It has, however, made clear that use of them under coercion is a

licit choice for parents to make WHILE they demand an alternative. (2)

It is important to make your objections to vaccines made with aborted

babies known. There are alternatives that have been manufactured, but

the FDA has not yet approved them.


This is not about being an ‘anti-vaxxer’, (a person opposed to

vaccination) – This is about two imperatives: for parents to protect their

children and to protect all children. If vaccines exist that allow us to do

both, one person’s voice demanding them on their own does not have

the same effect as many. We need all of you to join your voices in

demanding vaccines that are not derived from aborted babies. Please

contact your Congressman in Washington.

Please use the Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) and/or the United

States Catholic Conference (USCCB) portal to send your concerns to

Secretary Alex Azar II, head of the US Department of Health and Human


The MCC:





What Can YOU Do? Pray. We belong to Christ. He died for the

salvation of those who are faithful to him, and

those who aren’t. We are called to pray, to

love, and to serve. Not just those we like and

love, but those we dislike and disagree with as

well. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:44, “But I say to

you, Love your enemies and pray for those who

persecute you.” We must look at the people

we view as enemies the way Jesus does,

instead of through the lens of politics. This can

seem daunting, if not impossible at times. But

when it seems too difficult, look at the cross,

and ask God to help us love others the way

that he does. There is no room in a disciple’s

heart for hatred of another.

Make a phone call.

Do you know anyone

who is alone right now?

Anyone who is elderly,

in a nursing home or

retirement home with

no visitors allowed?

Reach out. Check on

your neighbors, friends,

a n d r e l a t i v e s ,

especially those who

are elderly and alone. If you are reading this,

you are obviously aware of how to get our

parish bulletin. Do you know anyone who may

not be aware? Someone who may be longing

to have that connection to you and to others in

our parish community? Share information with

them. Let them know about the many different

ways available to access parish news, updates,

and prayer during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Give if you can. Right now, many families have

suffered job loss and are struggling to put food

on the table. There are mothers in our

community who need clothes, diapers, and

formula for their young children and babies.

Some people can’t pay their rent or utility bills.

There are many local service groups in our

community that would appreciate your

donations of money, food, clothing, toiletries, or

other household essentials. Can you help?

“There is no evil to be faced

that Christ does not face with

us. There is no enemy that

C h r i s t h a s n o t a l r e a d y

conquered. There is no cross to

bear that Chr i st has not

already born for us, and does

not now bear with us.”

– St. Pope John Paul I I

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GAYLORD, MI 49735 PHONE: 989.732.5147

FAX: 989.705.3589

May 12, 2020 My dear brothers and sisters in Christ: Greetings in the Risen Lord! The First Letter of St Peter exhorts us: “There is cause for rejoicing here. You may for a time have to suffer the distress of many trials: but this is so that your faith, which is more precious than the passing splendor of fire-tried gold, may by its genuineness lead to praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ appears.” These past few months, I pray, have helped us to realize and cherish our faith, family and friends with even greater intensity. It has been two months since we last celebrated public Masses together in our parishes, shrines and chapels across the Diocese of Gaylord. With this public statement I share with you the good news that we are at a stage of beginning to re-open our churches for public celebrations of the Eucharist beginning on Wednesday, May 20. Churches should not open, if they are not ready to do so. Parish opening information should occur through the parish website and on other social media. Each pastor or pastoral administrator, working with their pastoral council, should be sure they have the diocesan directives in place prior to opening for the public to attend Mass. As we open up our churches for public Mass, expect that these celebrations will not be exactly what we may be used to or expect. Even though the coronavirus curve is flattening, the pandemic is not over. We must take precautions that will keep our risk as reduced as possible. Protocols have been developed through a committee working with the Director of Worship, that have considered expert advice from the medical field and liturgical experts. The protocols are meant to complement the wise guidance of the federal, state and local health agencies for the sake of the common good. Below is a list of some things you can expect when you return to public worship.

• Expect that you will not see everyone at Mass. In the Diocese of Gaylord, dispensation from your Sunday obligation is extended through Sunday, September 6, 2020. Not all will feel comfortable returning to public worship right away and some people should not return right away, including those over 65 years of age and those in a higher-risk category because of health issues and those who are currently ill. However, if you wish to return to Mass your Sunday obligation may be fulfilled at any Mass during the week.

• Expect that not all parishioners will be able to attend Mass on a Sunday because of reduced capacity. Churches are not to exceed 25% capacity in order to maintain proper social distancing. It is possible that Masses may be held outside.

• Expect to see all people over the age of two wearing masks. • Expect that Communion distribution will be different to afford safe distancing between


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• Expect the music to be led only by the musician and cantor. Or, you may not have any music at

all for a while. • There will be no hymn books or missals or worship aids in the pews. • Expect other directives that may affect your local community and expect differences between

parishes. We are striving for unity in our celebrations from parish to parish, not uniformity. What works one way in one parish, might work differently in another.

• Expect that each parish may open on a different schedule. We need patience to guide us these next few months.

I ask for and beg your patience as we learn all over again what it means to gather together. This will take some getting used to. I believe it can be done – so that we will be respectful of each other and our desire to resume our public Masses with decorum and dignity. During this time, let us pray for each other and support each other as we resume our public celebrations. May what we do in these next few weeks as we re-open, as St Peter urges, lead to “praise, glory and honor” when Jesus Christ appears in our midst. “We adore you O Christ, and we praise you, because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world.” Invoking the prayerful embrace of our Lady of Mt Carmel, the patroness of our diocese, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Steven J Raica Bishop of Gaylord

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All Saints Catholic Parish Page 10 Alpena, Michigan

Welcome to All Saints! We would like to welcome home anyone who has been away from the Church

and has joined us for Mass this weekend. We know coming back may not have

been an easy decision, and we are very glad you made it. Please stop by the

office to introduce yourself and register.


Rev. Joe Muszkiewicz


Rev. Scott Lawler

[email protected]

Parish Office

Phone: 989-354-3019

Fax: 989-358-9079

817 Sable Street, Alpena, MI 49707

Monday-Friday 10:00 am—2:00 pm (During state lock-down)

Facebook ‘Alpena Catholics of All Saints Parish’ Parish Access: visit, click “register”

Business Manager

Kim Krajniak

[email protected]


Bette Tadajewski

Business Office Assistant

Angie King

[email protected]

Office Manager

Maria Kraft

[email protected]


Penny Jones

[email protected]

Office Assistant

Judy Quast

[email protected]

Parish Catechetical Leader

Jackie Benson

[email protected]

Discipleship Coordinator

Kristin Carriveau

[email protected]

Music Ministers

Suelyn Bartz, John Luke Grabiel, Julie Wood

Maintenance Supervisor

Joe Pokorzynski

Maintenance Staff

Ken Smarr

School Maintenance

Chris Johnston

Part-Time Maintenance

Jim Bouchard

Catholic Chaplain of Alpena (Hospital Ministry)

LeJean Carter (590-0523)

Pastoral Council

Bob Mischloney, Ann-Marie Ruder, Mark Balko, Virginia Tadajewski,

Christopher Benedict, Deb Spleet, Bill Kuchnicki, Jane Hiske, Marty Gougeon

Finance Council

Jenny Poli, Don Bartosh, Vaune Bieker,

Dylan Wallace, Ralph Stepaniak

Diocesan Pastoral Council Diocesan Finance Council

Seth Wm. Peters Don Bartosh

Local Ministries Madonna House 354-4073

Catholic Human Services 356-6385

Friendship Room 354-8018

St. Vincent dePaul Society 354-3671

Options Pregnancy Center 354-6089

Baby Pantry 356-9317

Children’s Closet 356-9545

Caring Place Adult Day Center 358-7928

Salvation Army (Call Us for Help) 358-2769

NEMCSA 356-3474

Holy Cross Cemetery 354-3831

Parish Vision All Saints Parish is a spiritual and faith-filled family,

embraced by God’s love. We are centered on the

Holy Eucharist, inspired by the Communion of Saints

and empowered by the Holy Spirit to enliven and

ignite a community bound by love. We are united in

vibrant service under the leadership of the Trinity.

Parish Mission We, the members of All Saints Parish are called as a

sacramental people to grow in our faith and

participate fully in the one Body of Christ, centered in

the Eucharist. We value each other’s gifts and talents

as we serve the needs of our community while living

the truth and love of the Gospel.

All Saints Catholic School 500 N. Second Ave

Phone 989-354-4911


Nicole Hatch | email: [email protected]

Scrip—Online Option Did you know All Saint School’s Scrip program is

also accessible online and that many of the

cards are instantly available (ecards). And

when ordering online, All Saints School still gets

the profit. See below for the website address

and the All Saints School enrollment code to

get started.

Enrollment Code: CA56343B6298L

Scrip Online Payment Options

• Credit Card (2.6% fee/total order)

• Bank Account “Presto Pay”

($0.15/total order)

• *Pay at All Saints School

Place your order and pay at the

school with a check or cash.

*This option is currently not

available during the state issued

“Stay at Home” order.

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989-354-2020Downtown Lincoln

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1411 M-32 354-5427

Crow realty605 S. Ripley BoulevardAlpena, MI 49707

email: [email protected]

Office (989) 356-2181Cell: (989) 464-9590

St. Vincent de Paul2635 US 23 South, Alpena • 989-354-3671

Thank you for helping us help others.Connect with us on Facebook and website

stvincentdepaulalpena.orgMonday thru Friday 9am to 6pm – Saturday 10am- 4pm

This service is provided bythe U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting.

Alcona Motors

989-354-2020Downtown Lincoln


Licensed Master Plumbers1411 M-32 354-5427


Crow realty

Each Office Independently Owned and Operated

605 S. Ripley BoulevardAlpena, MI 49707

email: [email protected]

Office (989) 356-2181Cell: (989) 464-9590

St. Vincent de Paul2635 US 23 South, Alpena • 989-354-3671

Thank you for helping us help others.Connect with us on Facebook and website

stvincentdepaulalpena.orgMonday thru Friday 9am to 6pm – Saturday 10am- 4pm

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