all saints sunday november 7, 2021 november 7, 2021 10:00

Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church; Bellevue, WA | 1 All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021 November 7, 2021 10:00 am All Saints Sunday The other readings for today are Isaiah 25:6-9 and Psalm 24. You are encouraged to read them prior to worship or during the week.

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Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church; Bellevue, WA | 1

All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021November 7, 2021 10:00 am All Saints Sunday

The other readings for today are Isaiah 25:6-9 and Psalm 24. You are encouraged to read them prior to worship or during the week.

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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021

W E L C O M E !

WELCOME TO WORSHIP: It is our joy to welcome you to worship today, in-person and from wherever you may be viewing. We give thanks for whatever brought you, and pray that you may experience the love of God surrounding you and upholding you as we gather together to give thanks to God through Word and Sacrament.

IF YOU ARE WORSHIPING ONLINE, we invite you to find a comfortable place for worship. Get some crackers or bread and something to drink so that we can share Communion. Light a candle if you have one.

HOLY COMMUNION is God’s Word of love made visible in bread and wine. Individual kits are provided for Communion Distribution. These chalice cups have wine or juice in the top and bread on the bottom. When the Eucharist is served during the service simply peel back the seal for each part at the appropriate time. There are trash receptacles in the Narthex at the same tables you picked up the servings from – please deposit the remnants from the kit there.

WE WELCOME CHILDREN IN WORSHIP! Like Jesus who welcomed children to his ministry, Saint Andrew’s welcomes children to our worship services. • Take-home paper activity bags with stickers, crayons and paper are available from your usher. • “Younger Disciples Tips” are in the bulletin with ideas to engage children in worship.• “A Time for Younger Disciples” during worship invites all children to listen to a message.• Links to download and print an activity sheet for Sunday are in each week’s Trendings enews.

During this heightened time of awareness and prevention regarding Coronavirus, we would like to let you know.....• In compliance with current guidelines, everyone who is worshiping in-person needs to wear a

mask.• As part of normal practices, the Altar Guild washes hands prior to preparing the Communion

supplies and ensures that common use items are cleaned for use weekly. • In addition to these practices, the Altar Guild is also:

◊ sanitizing trays and bowls before and after services. ◊ wiping down the altar, railing, and baptismal font before and after services.

• Communion is by individual kits.• Worship participants wash hands and use hand sanitizer before, during, and after worship.• At the Peace, we share a verbal “Peace be with You” to maintain physical distancing.• We are wiping down “common touch” areas in the Sanctuary, such as the armrests and tops of

pews, before each service.• Hand sanitizer is available throughout the building for use. • “Common touch” areas are being sanitized daily.• Furnaces run to help filter the air in the building.

Saint Andrew’s livestreams and records its worship services to YouTube, and video and audio recording is currently in progress.

It is possible that video footage and/or audio conversations of worshipers in the Saint Andrew’s Sanctuary may appear on the YouTube livestream/recording.


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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021


Welcome to Worship!As we prepare for worship, we invite you to a time of silence and focus.

In compliance with current health, county, and state guidelines, everyone worshiping in-person needs to wear a mask.

PRELUDE Abide With Me [Henry F. Lyte] Anna McLeod, soloWELCOME Pastor LaraPlease stand.HYMN For All the Saints bulletin page 18CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESSAPOSTOLIC GREETING

The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

And also with you.HYMN OF PRAISE To God Be The Glory [Malcolm Archer]PRAYER OF THE DAY Please be seated.A TIME FOR YOUNGER DISCIPLES Pastor Lara

November 7, 2021 Order of Worship10:00 am

All Saints Sunday

All Singer Pastor

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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021


READING Revelation 21:1-6a Word of God. Word of Life.


Younger Disciples Tip: If you have a Spark Story Bible, this story is on page 440.ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE GOSPEL

The Holy Gospel according to John. Glory to you, O Lord.

GOSPEL John 11:32-44 The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ.

Please be seated.SERMON Pastor LaraPlease stand.HYMN For All Your Saints, O Lord bulletin page 20

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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Nicene Creed

Trusting in God’s baptismal promises, we affirm our faith using the words of the Nicene Creed.

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.


Younger Disciples Tip ~ Prayers/Offering: Invite children to write down who they want to pray for this week and one way they can serve their family/community.THE PRAYERS

Lord, in your mercy. hear our prayer.

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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021THE PEACE

The peace of Christ be with you always. And also with you.

If you are worshiping online, we encourage you to post the peace on a social media platform.Please be seated.ANNOUNCEMENTS Pastor Lara

Schubert’s “Impromptu in G flat” has often been described as a musical prayer.OFFERING Impromptu # 3 in G flat major [Franz Schubert] Will Simpson, pianoIf you wish to financially support the mission of Saint Andrew’s, in-person offerings can be placed in the offering plate on the table in the Narthex. Additional options for financial giving can be found at OFFERTORY PRAYER



Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.


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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021


Please stand.Younger Disciples Tip ~ Blessing: Mark the sign of the cross on your child’s forehead as a reminder of this sending blessing.BLESSING SENDING HYMN Sing with All the Saints in Glory ELW Hymn 426 sung to the tune of Joyful, Joyful We Adore TheeSENDING (dismissal)

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Thanks be to God!

Please be seated and remain seated until dismissed by the ushers.POSTLUDE Precious Lord, Take My Hand [Thomas Dorsey] Anna McLeod, solo

P A R T I C I P A N T S Presiding Minister Pastor Lara Forbes Director of Music Ministries/Organist Dr. Will Simpson Altar Guild Linda Powell Singers Matt Camrud, Anna McLeod, Scott Lester Audio/Visual Sharon Gurtel, Tom Getzinger Hospitality Team John Nelson, Mark Davis Coffee Hosts Sherry and David Grindeland, Joan Tweten

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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021W E L C O M E t o W O R S H I P

ALL SAINTS SUNDAY celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the Body of Christ. We remember all who have died in Christ during the past year:

Keith S Inge SGilbert B Mary BJames P William SFran Pk Megan DEric A Barbara CNorma D Ron ERuby Ie Louise ODarlene P Mark C Thea M

and all of those near and dear to us who have died this past year.

SANCTUARY PIANO: There is a beautiful Steinway Model B piano now in our Sanctuary, replacing the Kawai piano that has served us for the past 12 years. Several generous donors made it possible to acquire this incredible instrument. These donors’ on-going support of the music program at Saint Andrew’s continues to be a blessing to the entire congregation. The sanctuary piano fills an essential role at Saint Andrew’s supporting congregational singing, choral ensembles, and instrumental ensembles. I am confident you will thoroughly enjoy the music you hear from this beautiful instrument. I along with the Worship and Liturgical Arts Committee are deeply grateful to the donors for this gift. Sharon Gurtel, Worship and Liturgical Arts Committee Chair

COMMEMORATIONS: John Christian Frederick Heyer, died 1873 November 7Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg, died 1719 Ludwig Nommensen, died 1918; missionaries

Heyer was the first missionary sent out by American Lutherans. After teaching at Gettysburg College and Seminary he was assigned to India. A worker among the Tamil people in southeast India, Ziegenbalg was opposed both by local Hindus and by Danish authorities who favored a different missionary style. He was known for caring about the welfare of the whole person. Nommensen was born in Germany and was sent to Sumatra as a missionary. Working among the Batak people, he translated scriptures into their language and honored their native culture.

Martin, Bishop of Tours, died 397 November 11 Martin’s pagan father enlisted him in the Roman army. Approached by a beggar, Martin cut his cloak in half and gave part to the man, whom he later understood as representing Christ. He asked to leave the army, but was jailed instead. After his release, he became a preacher, and later a bishop.

Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, teacher, died 1855 November 11 Kierkegaard was a Danish theologian whose writings also gave rise to the modern philosophy of existentialism. He frequently attacked the complacency of the state church of his day, as well as its desire to be accepted by polite society rather than be a stumbling block.

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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021

S U N D A Y ~ N O V E M B E R 7

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS: Remember to “Fall Back!” We return to Standard Time on Sunday, November 7.

Set your clocks back one hour before going to bed on November 6.

NEW SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE BEGINS NOVEMBER 7: When the Reopening Task Force began considering options for the Sunday morning schedule for the program year (September – May), several factors were taken into consideration, including a single worship service, education opportunities and, most importantly, people’s safety. We crafted a schedule knowing that we might have to “fine tune” it. Throughout September, we received feedback letting us know that people were struggling with the schedule, particularly the length of the morning. As we listened and sought ways to honor people’s time, we considered alternative ways of ordering the Sunday morning that create some balance. This new schedule, which will remain in place through the remainder of the program year, accommodates fellowship, in-person and hybrid education opportunities for children, youth, and adults, as well as a single worship service. We understand that this isn’t a perfect solution for everyone, but after nearly two years of being apart it unifies the church’s calendar and offers us the opportunity to be together. If you have any questions or comments about this, please reach out to any member of the Reopening Task Force: Pastor Lara, Sharon Gurtel, Doug Johnson, Kurt Lutterman, Will Simpson.

SUNDAY SCHEDULE, beginning NOVEMBER 7:• 7:45 am - 8:45 am: Early Sunday Morning Bible study (in-person in 322/Conference Room

and via Zoom)• 9:00 am - 9:45 am: Discipleship Hour

ο Forum (in-person in 301/Fellowship Hall North and via Zoom) ο Affirmation of Baptism/Confirmation (in-person in 322/Conference Room and via Zoom) ο High School Faith and Fellowship (in-person only, in 319/Youth Room) ο Sunday Church School for age 3 through grade 6 (see below)

• 9:45 am - 10:00 am: Coffee and fellowship in Fellowship Hall• 10:00 am - 11:00 am: Worship service (in-person in the Sanctuary and via YouTube


SUNDAY SCHOOL: Our teachers are excited to announce that Sunday school is starting on November 7, at 9:00 am. To keep everyone safe, it will be different than what we’re all used to – at least to start - but it will help us get to know one another again as we learn about Bible stories and experience God’s love for us.• For ages 3 through 4th grade: we will meet over Zoom. The teachers and students will

introduce themselves, we’ll read a Bible story and watch a short video about the story. For at least the first class, we will all stay together in one Zoom room. Please plan for this session to last about 20-30 minutes. Parents: if the children are shy about interacting in this format, particularly on the first day, we will ask them to do a show and tell of their favorite toy. Please have it handy or easily accessible.

• For 5th and 6th grade: we will have a hybrid option. Students who are comfortable meeting in-person will meet in Room 121, and we will have a laptop set up for students to Zoom in from home.

The appropriate Zoom link has been sent to your email. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ann Thorpe or Pastor Lara, [email protected].

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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021

E a r l y S u n d a y M o r n i n g d i S c i p l E S h i p . . . . 7 : 4 5 a M

EARLY SUNDAY MORNING STUDY ~ MARK Sundays, through November 21, 7:45 am, 322 Conference Room and via Zoom Led by Marvin Kananen and Jean Wahlstrom We are taking an overview and look at the whole book of MARK. Join for any session. Welcome. For those attending in person, bring your mask and coffee/tea/snack of your choice.

S u n d a y d i S c i p l E S h i p h o u r . . . . 9 : 0 0 a M

HIGH SCHOOL FAITH and FELLOWSHIP: Sundays, 9:00 am, 319/Youth Room for youth in grades 9-12 Gather for a time to grow together in faith and have some fun.

ABC (AFFIRMATION of BAPTISM/CONFIRMATION): Sundays, 9:00 am, 322/Conference Room and via Zoom for youth in grades 7-8 This year we are taking a deep dive into the Small Catechism.

SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL: Sundays, 9:00 am, Grades 5 and 6: Room 121 and via Zoom Age 3 through Grade 4: via Zoom

DISCIPLESHIP HOUR FORUM - RACIAL JUSTICE Sunday, November 7, 9:00 am, 301-Fellowship Hall North and via Zoom The Racial Justice group will be exploring the history of racism as it relates to Native American identity. In particular, we’ll explore the link between racism and salmon as we review the history of the Fish Wars. NOTE: Forums are now both in-person and via Zoom. If you would like to be added to the distribution list that receives weekly email notices of Forums, including the Zoom link, email to Communications Specialist Susan Hegedus, [email protected]. Recordings of past Forums can be found on our Discipleship Hour webpage: Scroll to “Discipleship Hour Recordings”.

T H I S W E E K ~ N O V E M B E R 8 - N O V E M B E R 1 3

OFFICE HOURS: The church office is open Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. In compliance with current guidelines, everyone needs to wear a mask when they are in the

building. Masks and hand sanitizer are available.

TUESDAY MORNING MEN: Tuesdays, 8:30 am, via Zoom Facilitator: Dick Swaisgood All men are invited! Tuesday Morning Men are using Strength in Faith Devotional, a book of devotions written for men. The pieces are short but thoughtful, scripture based, and have elicited a lot of discussion. Contact Dick Swaisgood for instructions on joining.

MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY: Tuesdays, 10:00 am, 322/Conference Room and via Zoom Midweek Bible Study, led by Pastor Lara, is studying the Gospel of Luke, as it will be the primary source of the gospel readings beginning in Advent. We meet in-person and via Zoom. Visit for more information.

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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021PARENT LISTENING SESSION:

Tuesday, November 9, 8:00 pm, via Zoom Each month, on the second Tuesday at 8:00 pm, parents gather together via Zoom to discuss a different topics, covering life both in and out of church. This month we will discuss the challenges of holiday planning during a pandemic. The Zoom link has been sent out to all parents. Questions, please reach out to Doug Johnson, [email protected] or 425-746-2529.

W.E.B.S. (Women’s Early Book Study): Wednesdays, through November 17, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm, via Zoom Our Fall Book Selection is The Gift of Years by Joan Chittister. We encourage one another, share our stories, and nurture our faith through devotions, prayer, and service. All women are welcome. Contact Cheryl Jurrus for a schedule and Zoom link.

YOUTH GROUP ~ MIDDLE SCHOOL: Wednesday, November 10, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm, via Zoom All Middle School Youth are welcome for a time of fellowship and fun, including a short devotion/bible study. The Zoom link has been sent to youth and families.

OFFICE CLOSED: The church office will be closed on Thursday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

KNITWITS (Knitting as Witnesses): Thursday, November 11, 1:00 pm, via Zoom Knitting as Witnesses (KnitWits) gathers via Zoom to check in, share ideas, and connect with each other. Contact KnitWits coordinator Dianne Chong or Communications Specialist Susan Hegedus, [email protected], to get the Zoom link.

N E X T S U N D A Y ~ N O V E M B E R 1 4

E a r l y S u n d a y M o r n i n g d i S c i p l E S h i p . . . . 7 : 4 5 a M

EARLY SUNDAY MORNING STUDY ~ MARK Sundays, through November 21, 7:45 am, 322 Conference Room and via Zoom Led by Marvin Kananen and Jean Wahlstrom We are taking an overview of the entire book of Mark. For more information, visit

S u n d a y d i S c i p l E S h i p h o u r . . . . 9 : 0 0 a M

HIGH SCHOOL FAITH and FELLOWSHIP: Sundays, 9:00 am, 319/Youth Room for youth in grades 9-12 All high school youth are welcome to gather for a time to grow together in faith and have some fun.

ABC (AFFIRMATION of BAPTISM/CONFIRMATION): Sundays, 9:00 am, 322/Conference Room and via Zoom for youth in grades 7-8 This year we are taking a deep dive into the Small Catechism.

SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL: Sundays, 9:00 am, Grades 5 and 6: Room 121 and via Zoom Age 3 through Grade 4: via Zoom

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Sunday, November 14, 9:00 am, 301/Fellowship Hall North and via Zoom Facilitators: Stewardship Committee What does it mean to be generous in our giving as Christians? Explore what happens to each $1 you give to Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church. The Stewardship Committee will present what the needs of the church are and how your giving impacts the local community and the greater good. Forums are in-person and via Zoom. If you would like to be added to the distribution list that receives weekly email notices of Forums, including the Zoom link, email to Communications Specialist Susan Hegedus, [email protected].

W o r S h i p . . . . 1 0 : 0 0 a M

SUNDAY WORSHIP: Worship is at 10:00 am. • In-person: In compliance with current guidelines, everyone needs to wear a mask while

in the building.• Livestream on YouTube: Links to bulletins and worship services can be found at

READINGS for November 14, Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost: Daniel 12:1-3; Psalm 16; Hebrews 10:11-25; Mark 13:1-8


S u n d a y M o r n i n g S

SUNDAY WORSHIP: Worship is at 10:00 am, both in-person and livestreamed on YouTube.

DISCIPLESHIP HOUR FORUM - STEWARDSHIP COMMITMENT SUNDAY Sunday, November 21, 9:00 am, 301/Fellowship Hall North and via Zoom Facilitators: Stewardship Committee We look forward to gathering for both our regular in-person and online worship service on Sunday, November 21, to celebrate Commitment Sunday. And while we will not be able to host our traditional discipleship fair featuring committee signups and fun activities, we’ll enjoy safely social fellowship. Commitment Sunday will also mark the launch of our new stewardship season and theme: “12 Discipleship Essentials.” Pledge cards have been mailed, and we look forward to receiving your pledged commitment on November 21.

DISCIPLESHIP HOUR FORUM - FELLOWSHIP and ADVENT SHARING Sunday, November 21, 9:00 am, 301/Fellowship Hall North and via Zoom Facilitator: Dick Szabo Enjoy coffee and treats, fellowship, and share your Advent/Christmas ideas/traditions of families too! How do you prepare for Christmas?

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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021

d u r i n g t h E W E E k

ADVENT KITS ~ SIGN UP AVAILABLE! Thanksgiving is right around the corner and that means ADVENT FAIR is too! To keep everyone safe, we will once again be providing an “at home” Advent Kit. Supplies for an advent wreath and other fun projects will be available for pick up at church on Sunday, November 28, following worship. Sign up for your kit supplies at no later than Monday, November 15. If you would like a wreath made for you, please contact Sherry Grindeland, [email protected] or 425-746-2529, no later than Monday, November 15. If you have questions, please contact Beth Donahoe.

O.W.L.S. (OLDER WISER LUTHERAN SAINTS): Tuesday, November 16, 11:45 am, via Zoom Reserve the Date for O.W.L.S. Gather with the O.W.L.S. for socializing and a lunch meeting on Tuesday, November 16. Program information is coming soon. We gather for a chat session at 11:45 am. The program starts at 12:00 noon. Reservation deadline is 5:00 pm Monday, November 15. Sign up at or contact Fellowship Coordinator Sherry Grindeland, 425-746-2529 or [email protected].

YOUTH GROUP: Youth are welcome to join on the Wednesdays listed for a time of fellowship and fun. All Youth Groups meet from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm via Zoom.• Combined High School and Middle

School (November 17)• High School (December 1)• Middle School (December 8)

NOVEMBER YOUTH ACTIVITY - PAINTING: Saturday, November 20, 10:30 am - 12:00 noon, at Saint Andrew’s It’s an afternoon with Bob! Join in with your friends as we all work together to follow one of Bob Ross’s painting tutorials. Cost is $15 and that will cover all supplies for the painting. Sign up at no later than Tuesday, November 16. All youth, grades 6-12, are invited! Questions, contact Doug Johnson, [email protected] or 425-746-2529.

LOUISE ODA MEMORIAL SERVICE: Our sister in Christ, Louise Oda, died October 10. A Memorial Celebration of Life will be held at Saint Andrew’s on Saturday, November 20, at 11:00 am.

YOUTH COFFEE AND CONVERSATION: Sunday, November 21, 11:00 am, meet at Saint Andrew’s All youth, grades 6-12, are invited to conversations around today’s topics and faith. Every Third Sunday after worship we gather in the church parking lot and walk across the street to Five Stones Coffee Co. (behind the Shell station). Please bring money to purchase coffee or other beverage. Youth decide topics for discussion. We sit outside and social distance. We return to the church for parent pick-up. No need to sign-up. Questions, contact Doug Johnson.

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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021LOVE TREE SEASON BEGINS: The Love Tree, an annual Saint Andrew’s tradition, continues this

year with different opportunities to spread love and holiday spirit. Because of Covid-19, we will be purchasing gift cards for residents at two Imagine Housing facilities and for The Sophia Way. To support this effort, make a donation clearly marked “Love Tree” (checks can be made payable to Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church) and leave it in the offering plate in the Narthex or mail it to Saint Andrew’s. Our goal is to wrap up that part of the Love Tree by December 1. Want to purchase gifts? Contact Fellowship Coordinator Sherry Grindeland, [email protected], about purchasing gifts for a Bridge Disability Ministries client or look for the Love Tree in the Narthex later this month and take a tag to purchase a gift for Eastside Baby Corner.


2022 ELCA YOUTH GATHERING: The Youth Gathering Team will NOT meet on November 14 as scheduled. Families with youth who are eligible to go to the 2022 Youth Gathering are asked to complete the survey that was sent last week.

CORNER OF BLESSING COLLECTION! The Hopelink Food Banks have been giving out pre-packed boxes of food throughout the pandemic, both meeting the growing demand for food and keeping their clients, volunteers and staff safe. But their clients have been getting pretty similar boxes for many months now. Hopelink has started accepting donations. So, we have an opportunity to help supplement the items they get in their pre-packed boxes. Hopelink has suggested that we collect baking items that can be used for holiday baking. For November, we are collecting these items to help with baking. The main needs are:• Flour (5 pound bags)• Sugar (4 pound bags)• Spices for baking (i.e. cinnamon,

cloves, ginger, nutmeg, vanilla, allspice, etc.)

Also needed are:• Salt (about 26 ounce)• Baking soda (1-pound box)• Baking Powder (about 8 ounce)Bring donations to the Corner of Blessing in the Narthex. Or on November 28, when you come to pick up your “At Home” Advent Kits, there will be a drop-off spot to collect these baking supplies.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEEDED: All committees welcome new participants at any time. However, there is an immediate need for new members/chairs for both the Communications Committee and Stewardship Committee. If you feel led to serve in either of these ways, or just have questions, contact current chairs Kendra Mills (Communications) or Scott Lester (Stewardship).

VOLUNTEERS for YOUTH ACTIVITIES: We need people to work with our youth in our various programs, events, and activities. No need for special experience or training, just a passion to want to get to know our youth. We need help with everything from ABC/Confirmation to our monthly activities. If you are interested in helping out, sign up with the links given or reach out to Doug Johnson, [email protected] or 425-746-2529. To sign up to help with youth group go to To sign up help with Sunday mornings go to

COFFEE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Hosts are needed for the Sunday morning coffee fellowship. Duties include making the coffee and hot cocoa, getting treats and post-event clean-up. It’s easy. It’s fun. And you get lots of compliments. Free training too! If interested in serving in this way, contact Fellowship Coordinator Sherry Grindeland, [email protected].

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All Saints Sunday November 7, 2021

Please submit announcements for next Sunday’s Bulletin no later than Wednesday, November 10, at 9:00 am.

Email submissions to Susan Hegedus, [email protected]

W E E K L Y P L A N N E R : N O V E M B E R 7 - N O V E M B E R 1 4

OFFICE HOURS: The church office is open Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Sunday All Saints Sunday November 7 7:45 am Early Sunday Morning Bible Study 322-Conference Room/online 9:00 am Discipleship Hour Forum 301-Fellowship Hall North/online 9:00 am High School Faith and Fellowship 319-Youth Room 9:00 am ABC/Confirmation 322-Conference Room/online 9:00 am Sunday Church School/grades 5-6 121/online 9:00 am Sunday Church School/age 3 - grade 4 online 10:00 am Sunday Worship Sanctuary/Livestream

Monday 10:00 am Dorcas Circle - Cut Quilt Batting 302-Fellowship Hall South November 8 1:00 pm Saint Andrew’s Staff 212 7:00 pm Congregation Council onine

Tuesday 8:30 am Tuesday Morning Men online November 9 10:00 am Midweek Bible Study 322-Conference Room/online 8:00 pm Parent Listening Session online

Wednesday 11:00 am W.E.B.S. (Women’s Early Book Study) online November 10 2:00 pm Congregation Care Team online 5:30 pm Youth Group - Middle School online

Thursday OFFICE CLOSED - Veterans Day Holiday November 11 1:00 pm KnitWits (Knitting as Witnesses) online

Friday November 12

Saturday November 13

Sunday Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost November 14 7:45 am Early Sunday Morning Bible Study 322-Conference Room/online 9:00 am Discipleship Hour Forum 301-Fellowship Hall North/online 9:00 am High School Faith and Fellowship 319-Youth Room 9:00 am ABC/Confirmation 322-Conference Room/online 9:00 am Sunday Church School/grades 5-6 121/online 9:00 am Sunday Church School/age 3 - grade 4 online 10:00 am Sunday Worship Sanctuary/Livestream

S A V E t h E D A T ENovember 16 O.W.L.S. (Older Wiser Lutheran Saints), 11:45 am November 17 Youth Group - Combined, 5:30 pm onlineNovember 20 Youth Activity - Painting, 10:30 am Saint Andrew’s