all you can eat project gallery

Cleveland C C C h h h i i ic c cl l l i i i i it t t t t z z z z & & & & & C C C C h h h h h he e e e er r r r r r r r y y y y y yc c c o o ok k k ke e e e e a a a a a r r r r e e e e c c c c c c o o o o o on n n n nc c c c e e er r r r n n n ne e e d d d d d t t th h ha a at t t t t t t th h h h he e e s s s sp p p e e e c c c t t t t e e er r r o o o o of f f l l l a a a a n n nd d d d s s s c c c c a a ap p p e e e u u u r r rb b b b b b a a a a n n n i i i s s s m m mh h ha a a s s s s d d d i i i s s s s s t t t r r ra a ac c c t t t e e e d d d d d a a a r r r r r c c ch h h h h h i i i i i it t t t e e e c c c t t t s s s f f fr r r r r o o o m m m d d d de e e a a a a l l l i i i n n ng g g w w w i i i i it t t th h h h a a a a r r r c c c c c ch h h h h i i i i i i i it t t t t t e e e e e c c c t t t t u u u r r ra a a l l l l i i i i i s s s s s s s u u ue e e s s s s s , , , c c c o o o on n nt t t e e en n nt t t t t t o o o o o i i i i n n n s s s t t t e e e a a ad d d m m m ma a ak k k k ke e e v v va a ag g gu u ue e e e e e s s sy y ys s s t t t e e e m m ma a at t t i i ic c c p p p pr r r o o op p p o o o s s s s a a a a a a a a l l l l l s s s s s s a a ab b b b o o o ou u u u t t t t t th h h he e e e e u u u s s s e e e o o of f f v v va a ac c c a a a n n n n nt t t l l l a a a a n n nd d d . . . C C C h h h i i ic c c c c cl l l l i i it t t z z z & & & C C C h h he e er r r r r r y y yc c c c o o o o ok k ke e e e e w w wo o ou u u l l ld d d l l l i i i k k ke e e v v va a a ac c c a a a a n n nt t t t t u u u r r rb b b a a a n n n l l l a a a n n nd d d t t t o o o b b b b e e e e f f fi i i l l l l l le e e d d d u u up p p w i i it t th h h b b bu u u u i i i l l ld d d d d i i i i n n ng g gs s s s s . T T Th h h i i i s s s i i i i s s s a a a p p pr r r o o o op p p o o o s s s a a a l l l f f fo o or r r o o o on n ne e e e s s s u u uc c ch h h b b b bu u u u u i i i l l ld d d i i i i i i n n n ng g g g g: a a a l l l i i i l l ls s s sk k ky y yl l l i i i n n ne e e b b b b bl l l l l i i i i n n ng g g f f fo o or r r r r C C C Cl l l le e ev v ve e el l l a a a n n n n nd d d d d d , , , a a a a a n n n nd d d a a a a a a l l lo o o o ov v ve e e e l l le e e e e et t t t t t e e er r r r t t t t t t o o o t t th h he e e e e e l l l a a at t t e e e S S S ol l l L L L e e eW W W W Wi it t t t t t . . . C C C Cl l l a a ay y y t t t o o on n n C C C h h h h i i i i ic c c cl l l l i i i i i it t t t t t z z z R R Ro o o on n na a a a l l l ld d d d d C C C h h h he e er r r r r r r r r r y y y y y yc c c c c o o o ok k k k k ke e e e e e y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y l c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c l l l a a ay y y t t t a a ay y y y t t t C C C c c cl l l i i i i i i cl l c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c e ev v v , , , ev v velan , , , c c cl l l i i i l l l c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c h h h h h h h h r r r r C C C r r r r o o t t t e e e

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Gallery of submitted projects for the All You Can Eat: A Buffet Of Architectural Ideas For Cleveland architecture exhibition that took place at The Sculpture Center in Cleveland, OH in late October, 2009.see for more info.


  • 1.ClevelandC h i c l it z & C h e r r y c o k ea r e c o n c e r n e d t h at t he sp e c t ero f l a n d s c ap e u r b a n i s m h a s d i s t r ac t e d a r c h it e c t s f r o md e a l i n g w it h a r c h it e c t u r a l i s s u e s , c o nt ent t o i n st ead m a k e v a g u e s y s t e m at i c p r o p o s a l s ab o u t t h e us e of v a c a n t l a n d . C h i c l it z & C her r y c oke w ou ld l i k e v ac a nt u rb a n l a n d t o b e f i l le d u p w it h b u i l d i n g s . Th i s i s a p r o p o s a l fo r o n e s u c h b u i l d i n g : a l i l s k yl i ne bl i ng fo r C l e v e l a n d , a n d a lev elao v e l e t t e r t o t h e l at e S o l L e W it t .C l ay t o n C h i c l it zR o n a ld C her r y c oke

2. the premise: the beauty is already here.the cleveland manifesto1.capitalize on and construct framed views out [and in].2.find ways to more fully engage the water and to encourage more informal engagement with the site as ameans to blur the public and the to engage and preserve the industrial character andaesthetic of the site.5.through carefully considered programmatic interventions,we seek to redefine and instigate engagement with previouslyuninviting spaces.6.limit imposed developments to those that will increaseinherent uses and engagements of the site.7.capitalize and increase the inter-nodality of structuresand spaces within the site.8.strengthen and extend internal edges as a means to createmore visually intimate spaces within the site.9.increase the vitality of existing and proposed networks so asto encourage a vibrant connective tissue.10.down with banality! ann arbor29 sep 2009 the plan: informal insertions in the interstitial spaces.connective secondary axes of the columbus road peninsula, visually linkingdefines the primary andlightingthe existing and new programmatic elements without changing the physical character of thesite. foreground the beauty of post-industrial decay!wedge parksinfill the urban fabrics vacant lots and irregular spaces with informal parks. providesoft spaces within the industrial landscape for visual and physical urban public space from the formalized plaza to the informal wedge park,allowing for a symbiotic relationship between industry and entertainment. see more green!recreational trailthe recreation trail provides connections to the riverfront on the site and to the city atlarge via a larger network of possible trails. it marks the edge of the site and definesthe edge condition in relation to the water without disturbing the current uses.stop running in circles, cleveland!a peninsula of connected fragmentsvariations on a greenscatter wild grass seeds on a currently vacant lot and create a flexible-space performancepark. change the program as often as it grows and you can mow a different configuration.clear it, plant it, mow it!college green. tball fly ball! flea or farmers? shakespeare in the. when rodin visits. soccer mom square. urban maypole. tai chi in the morning.the result: a city of connected fragments.intersticity aims to embrace the existing, engage theinformal and test the limits of alternative urbanredevelopment.taking a multi-faceted approach,intersticity capitalizes on the inherent industrialcharacter ofthe columbus roadpeninsula byintroducing a series of greenspaces and hardscapedspaces that occupy the interstices and enhance theexisting urban fabric. these interventions furtherthis aim by embracing specific site conditions thatintersticitythe flats cleveland ohiochallenge and enhance their individual programoverall visionelements and work in tandem with one another and withthe city at large to create an alternative city.joss kiely and brandon pence, with fernando velho 3. Instant Nightlife Ryan Connolly Proposal Clevelands problems, just like the Rust Belt cities I have lived in, is not aCleveland Electro-Pop Festival, Bubbles 3,5,6,7,8,32,15 & lack of culture, energy, inspiration, or creativity, but an absence of venues in10, November 10-12, will become typical of independently which this creativity can be fully realized. My proposal then is an instant produced, organized, and freely hosted events that can use deployment of these venues for living, chatting, performing, and congregating the bubbles as a form of self-empowerment, creation, and a at night that double as iconic reminders of the energy that resides in allvenue for creativity that has the drive but not the finances Clevelanders during the create great work.A series of self-contained, room sized inflatable bubbles will be anchoredDuring the day, the bubbles will float amongst the tops of to empty sites across the city, floating high in the sky during the day and the many towers and high-rises that dot Downtown Cleveland. descending upon the city at night. These bubbles will come in varying Their bright translucent colors will glisten in the sun as they typologies, such as Meeting Place, Caf, Theater, Performance Space,wave around in the cool Lake Erie breeze, representative of and Lounging Place, among others. When they descend upon the city,the sleeping creative tiger that resides inside of all Clevelanders. their ominous interior glow and bright colors will attract people inside toThe city may become known as the Bubble City, a sort of 21st transform the space in whatever way they can imagine. Completely open Century updating of the title Rock City, symbolic of Clevelands source and open to the public, the bubbles would become a public asset, newfound cultural potency in an array of mediums and styles. existing as a framework for public interventions and programmatic Completely self sustainable, the bubbles would harvest their own designations beyond their pre-designed typologies. Social groups mayenergy from integrated solar panels and wind energy so that they claim bubbles as their own, some may become synonymous with could maintain inflation and fuel their daily rise and descent. particular events, shows, or artists. This Instant Nightlife would bring people into the city at night and spur a cultural and economic renaissance, just by giving people Meet me at Bubble 5 on 9th at 9:00, will become typical of the talk a venue in which toharvest their own vast creative energy. overheard during the day at the workplace and in school as people anxiously await the descent of the bubbles later that evening. A Day in the Life1. Wake up, get out of bed2. Work the grind, 9 to 5, with bubblesproviding company outside the cubicalwindow PUBCorp.3. Excited for the descent, people stay 4. INSTANT NIGHTLIFE descends upondowntown after work, instead of speedingthe city as the sun fallshome 5. Bubble rooms provide excitement, change,6. As the sun rises, the bubbles rise as well and variety, to enliven Clevelandback into their place as part of Clevelandsskyline. Bubbles Scale 1/16 = 1-0Performance SpaceTheater SpaceCafe SpaceLebensbubble Meeting SpaceFreibubble Bubble Bounce Bubble BoatPin Up Space Floating Bubble Speaker's Box-ubble Mystery Bubble Sponsor Bubble Broadcast Bubble PBR1893 4. WIND WIND PARK CAR PARKSECTION PLAN 740 EUCLID AVE POST-Fab 44114-3005 a three-step process : 1.0) THREAT - Identify Modernist Icon under attack T 2.0) SUGGEST - Identify potential systems for POST-fabrication & dis-assemble 3.0) REPLACE - Identify site, re-assemble, re-birth In communities and cities worldwide, modern icons of architecture are being removed daily. This is not a rally for a preservationists movement, but a call for potential POST-fabrication architecture to exist. In this proposal, POST-fab 4.0, we suggest a National Park in Australia strictly for architecture, taken from a rural context to an urban environment.In this process of POST-Fabrication, any building which was constructed out of pre-cast parts can be dis-assembled and relocated. This National Park for Architecture becomes a haven for the undesired. With a trend toward structures independent of their sites, modernism continues through a process of re-birth. To save modernist icons from threat of demolition, they can be transplanted from their current sites to the National Park. POST-fab allows the building to have a second life in a new context, rather than a solely programmatic makeover.Clevelands own windmill is situated on the roof of the Euclid parking deck to generate the power necessary for the National Park, aka c arch park. The parking garage is still used in its original form on the bottom floors, however the roof is transformed. Passerbys will see beacons inviting them to the park. Pre-cast units from concrete stave silos will be collected and compiled into an inhabitable installation. The country comes to the city in this first urban National Park for Architecture. 5. Anyhow, Anyplace, Anywhere Dane Danielson | Philadelphia Nicole Hermo | Philadelphia Jeffery Minor | Chicago Kathy Lent | North JerseyThe city is a game. It brings certain dynamic Could there be a place impulses into a space that are new and whose true quality relies on the city changing: inversion, instant where living in a rust belt mutation, slow transformation. Each direction follows city actually increases the a unique course and triggers something completely different to come. Illustrating the theory that buildings quality of life? have the power to feed themselves back into the realexcesses and reconfigures them into a new form. world, into the city. The possible outcomes are limit-Could this new form, so foreign in its aesthetic, start less. Inevitably a dialogue develops where certainto resemble something familiar, something concrete; scenarios start to play among themselves. As archi- yet provocative? tects our goal is to speculate on our placement Our fantasy is principally based on exploration and inside of these acts... discovery, placing the conceptual nature of urban development at the forefront. This scheme invites Imagine you booked what you thought would be achange and alteration to a cityscape with little or no seemingly inexpensive urban vacation only to wake plan in place to guide the development of the pro- up and realize that you might have arrived in hell. Incess. In fact, it is the moments of contradiction and Cleveland, THE NEW AMERICAN CITY, a vanguardconfounding urban dialogue created through this of urban potential, the paradox of regeneration; youprocess of collage and collision that have the poten- might overhear that the 'once thriving heart of the tial to become the most fascinating places. Through city, is now a squalid and filthy slum.' However, these this iterative process we hope to envision a disrup- same people might not be aware of the Bridge Proj-tion in the cityscape or completely destroy an ordi- ect, Sustainable Farms, its proximity to Lake Erie, ornary existing urban fabric. Some cities have virtually the breadth of manufacturing history, and emergingerased their identity through the upheaval of their culinary culture. Cleveland has many qualities to roots in favor of a clean image. Others provide the examples towards an adaptable city. Recent original photo | Merwin Avenue examples including Philadelphia, New York, London, The population continues to decrease and our intent Paris, and Chicago. In the future, good urban design is to further deconstruct the terminal decline of will be much different than it was in the past. Cleveland. Through this investigative process a project will emerge that will examine the city as anUnderstanding and decoding cities, especially image. At times throughout the process we will be unique places like Cleveland, is a phenomena. Re- tasked with comprehending only what is on the sur-quiring each individual to learn how to play and by face of a city's walls. Certainly the act of judging adoing so they are making an attempt to understand city's character by its appearance is profoundly obvi-urban patterns, perceptual blurs, repetitive ous. Conversely, there is something alarminglysequences, and fuzzy transitions. Through the pur- attractive about taking two mundane surfaces andsuit of understanding we will discover the impetus for forcing these charged components together. There is change and identify opportunities both visible and truth in that this process provides a sort of entertain-perceived. ment and we recognize the perception of merely making an aesthetic of cool.Anyhow, Anyplace, Anywhere represents more of a question than a title. How can the potential of Cleve-film clips Through the very nature of our exploration and evo- land be revealed? Where does this change live and lution of the deconstructive process a set of provoca-how can it be found? Is it universally applicable? tive images can be displayed as evidence of whimsyThese represent only a small portion of questions in the cityscape. Via this set of images and construc-and it is our hope that more will come as the project tions, an episode will materialize which gathers theevolves. 6. RdB DesignCorps PresentsIGLOO ++ = This multifaceted proposal calls first for the contraction of three failing, southern-based National Hockey League franchises, which will condense into one team and relocate to Cleveland.ChesterThe second angle involves the acquisition and reloca- tion of Pittsburgh's Mellon Arena (aka The Igloo), to be vacated by the Penguins following the 2009-10 season. E. Specifically, the arena will be reconstructed on vacant land in Midtown, at the intersection of East 55th StreetE.6and Euclid Avenue.5 3 Conveniently located along the Health Line, the area is5easily accessible via public transit and expressway. Sur- rounding lots could be appropriated for parking or other service industry.A major league hockey team -- the Cleveland Barons -- would be a great addition to local sports.The (re)construction of an arena could revitalize Mid- Euclidtown and spur growth along the Euclid Corridor. Plan Rendering: Birds Eye Shane Doan, Future Captain,Rendering: Euclid - East bound Cleveland Barons 7. JOSEPH.DIGIORGIO e:[email protected] w:www.joedigiorgio.comctprospe nw corner perspectivesection 02 section 03 anchor one a lifestyle center approachglass facades, exterior spaces and beautiful views from all of thethis corner anchor and in an urban environment. a plenty of retail, restaurants andresidences, public and private exteriorfuture headquarters has site with infinite opportunities activities will create an allyoucaneat terraces and access to all of clevelands prime location in the city. at the center of cleveland.experience with more than you can eatlocal entertainment will generate an with views to the river and nested between q-arena amenities. there are no excuses whyexperience youve been waiting for.beyond, pedestrian traffic,nand downtown nightlife, this you shouldnt visit and support thiscurbside drop-off, exteriore. ro hu downtown living experience. 4 high traffic site located at spaces, water features andth huron prospect and east 4thunderground parking are just will create an urban space a few of this sites that is more important thancapabilities. the buildings! northALLYOUCANEAT: CLEVELAND | HURON . PROSPECT . E.4TH 15 -20 story green residences two,three bedrooms & penthouse3k sf. exterior public space exterior spaces/penthouse suitesexhibition/gallery space p retail shops at lower levelsw water featuresPROSPECT center anchor element grocery/retail/restaurants/museum/ theater/recreation/underground parking 2k sf. covered/heated seating restaurant patios market retail shops 20-25 story residential private exterior spaces E. 4 TH 15-20 story green residences studio,convertible, R ONone and two bedroomsHU retail at lower levels 33k sf. create&borrow* corporate headquartersexterior spaces/public/privateautomated storage & retrieval system (asrs) 8. Kyle Monroe Dunnington Emily Milliman on the Bridge [email protected] [email protected] ( Tr a n s f o r m i n g t h e D e t r o i t S u p e r i o r B r i d g e S u b w a y Tu n n e l i n t o a n U r b a n P a r k ) With the lack ofWhat if the bridge was a year round public public space and space that was both infrastructure in sustainable and safe? Cleveland, we pro-The former subway pose a solution tracks will be con- which combines theverted into a series of two: a green infra- paths, planting native structure which species of the Cleve- land area. Our inter- allows the people vention would rein- to visit and/or passvigorate the space through. In its through art, green current state, thespace, and local pro- subway tunnel ofduce. The project will the Detroit Supe- bring a rebirth to rior Bridge is a di-subway tunnel while embracing and high- lapidated, forgot- lighting the bridges ten space. It is ahistory, juxtaposing place of tremen-the old structure and dous views of the new greenery. The river, the ware-recent Bridge Project house district andshowed that people will downtown; a place enthusiastically use the space, but the bridge which is not being needs a more perma- utilized to its fullnent, long term solu- potential. The re-tion. What if it was a vitalization of the home for art and ven- bridge will breathe dors? Imagine a park life into the bridgelike the High Line of and the surrounding N e w Yo r k C i t y l i n k i n g two important parts of area as it draws Cleveland. Imagine an both local and dis- o u t d o o r We s t S i d e tant visitors.Market where local produce was sold. Imagine a greener ClevelandG a r d e n P e r s p e c t i v e : Semi-circular garden beds shape a path for visitors to walk along, composed of a mixture of perennials and local Cleveland species which require minimal sunlight. Recycled PVC pipes line the garden space and provide a sculptural watering system Market Perspective: Provides a place for vendors to meet the community and to display and sell their produce. Folding wooden shelves allow vendors toArt Gallery Perspective: 4x4 cubes can be stacked in different variations to display artwork from local artists. display goods, and fold up when unused for multiple uses of the space. Recycled sailboat sails flap in the wind and mimic the river below.Plan: The bridges three separate areas are split into three different functions: an outdoor market-place, an art exhibition space, and a garden walk/bike pathGlass Floor Art Gallery Garden Market Section: Minimal designs have been added to enhance the structure and beauty of the existing bridge, juxtaposing the new and the old. Perspective of Glass Floor: Glass panels will be installed between existing beams to increase the bridges inhabitable area, as well as becoming an attraction with view of the river below. Market GardenArt Gallery 9. THE CLEVELAND URBAN AGRICULTURE RESEARCH COLLABORATIVEA HALF BAKED PLAN FOR REMEMBERING THE FORGOTTEN TRIANGLE (AND OTHER AREAS ADJACENT TO THE RTAS REDLINOR EXCERPTS FROM SKATEBOARDING WITH SIMMEL BY THEODORE FERRING COMMUTE START COMMUTE END COMMUTE START CEDAR HILL COMMUTE END CEDAR HILL TOWER CITYE. 105THTOWER CITYE. 105THRUIRUCOMMUTE PATHE. 34THE. 79THE. 79THE. 34TH COMMUTE PATH NOTE: THE VARIOUS COLORS REPRESENT VARIOUS VACANCYE. 55THTYPES INCLUDING FORECLOSURES, SHERIFF SALES,LANDBANKED PARCELS, AND JUST GOOD OLD GENERALABANDONED PROPERTY. ALL DATA IS CIRCA 2007.E. 55TH FIGURE GROUND VS. VACANCY THE PLAN FOR UTILIZING THE VAST SWATHS OF VACANT AND ABANDONED LAND ALONG THE RTAS REDLINE FROM UNIVERSITY CIRCLE TO DOWNTOWN IS ROOTED IN EXPERIENCE AS VIEWED FROM THE RTAS REDLINE LIGHT RAIL, USING VIDEO AS A TOOL FOR ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. THE DRAWINGS DISPLAYED FOCUS ON SPECIFIC INTERVENTIONS FROM THEODORE FERRINGERS KENT STATE UNIVERSITY MASTERS OF URBAN DESIGN THESIS PROJECT, SKATEBOARDING WITH SIMMEL. THE ORIGINAL WORK WAS DEVELOPED AND PRESENTED USING VIDEO AS THE SOLE PRESENTATION MEDIUM. THE PROJECT WAS LOCATED ALONG A TYPICAL DAILY COMMUTE, FROM THE CEDAR FAIRMOUNT NEIGHBORHOOD IN CLEVELAND HEIGHTS TO DOWNTOWN CLEVELAND.NEW BIKE PATH COMMUTE STARTCOMMUTE ENDTOWER CITYCEDAR HILL SERIES SERIES SERIES 6ER E R RIES RUI RU 1ESRI E. 105TH NEW BIKE PATHSENEW BIKE PATH 2SIESERI E. 34THSERES 53 E. 79THIESNEW BIKE PATH E. 55TH S ER The CUARC would focus its development utilizingvacant properties adjacent to the RTAs Redlinepassenger rail corridor. Industrial rail and otherneeded infrastructure needs are already in place as SERIES 4 RIESIEIESIES ES a result of the locations history as an industrial areain Cleveland. Developments would include TransitOriented Development at existing rail stations, as wellas the implementation of a new bike trail network,better connecting east side neighborhoods through parcels shaded will not all be used in the project, butPOTENTIAL PROPERTIES FOR CUARC INVESTMENT NEW BIKE PATHare merely potential locations for development.ONE ONLY HAS TO OPEN ONES EYES TO UNDERSTAND THE DAILY LIFE OF THE ONE WHO RUNS FROM HIS DWELLING TO THE STATION, NEAR OR FAR AWAY, TO THE PACKED UNDERGROUND TRAIN, THE OFFICE, OR FACTORY, TO RETURN THE SAME WAY IN THE EVENING AND COME HOM RECUPERATE ENOUGHT TO START AGAIN THE NEXT DAY. THE PICTURE OF THIS GENERALIZED MISERY WOULD NOT GO WITHOUT A PICTURE OF SATISFACTIONS. WHICH HIDES IT AND BECOMES THE MEANS TO ELUDE IT AND BREAK FREE FROM IT. HENRI LEFEBVRE FROM THE RIGHT TO THECUARC would employ a closed Mass production of algae to be used as biofuel as an alternative to both traditional fossil fuels and biofuelsloop system that allows for a high that often use precious food resources to create fuel, thereby driving up food prices, has the potential to completely alter how fuel demands can be meet in the 21st century. While, not quite yet able to compete as acomparedto traditional commercially viable solution, many companies and research organizations, from NASA, ExxonMobil, and Glenntechniques of growing algae in Kertz of Valcent Products, one of the foremost researches into algaes potential as a full fossil fuel replacement.large ponds, where it could only ExxonMobil alone has recently invested close $600 million into algae fuel R&D.survive on the surface in un-controlled conditions. The potential for Cleveland as an algae fuel center exists. With our in place industrial infrastructure and wide swaths of vacant land and industrial buildings, through the CUARC, Cleveland would position itself as a leadern the exciting potential of algae biofuel, bringing about a true green industrial revolution. As much of ourGlenn Kertz of Valcent Products vacant land has serve environmental concerns that prevent one from doing much of anything from it, algae Some estimates have algae with a typical closed loop production presents itself as a viable alternative as a use that allows for a re-programming of our industrial capable of having a 100,000 tohanging bag system that would heritage without creating an environmental threat. 150,000 gallon yield per acre / be employed by CUARC inWHAT IS ALGAE FARMING? year! Cleveland.THE TOOL OF DIGITAL VIDEO, COMBINED TO SOME EXTENT WITH THE MORE CLASSICAL MEANS OF TOPOGRAPHIC AND ARCHITECTONIC REPRESENTATION, WOULD ENABLE ONE TO FORMULATE SUCH A SYNTHETIC VISION OF A SITE, WHERE THE RELATIVITY OF TIME, SPACE, AND MOTION AR PRESENT. THE COMPRESSION OF THESE ASPECTS INTO A SINGLE GAZE WOULD, IN FACT, PROVIDE THE BASIS FOR A FOUR DIMENSIONAL UNDERSTANDING OF LANDSCAPE. THIS NEW TOOL COULD DELIVER AN ALMOST IMMEDIATE ASSESSMENT OF VERY COMPLEX SETTINGS, REDEFINING COMPLETELY ART OF OBSERVATION. CHRISTOPHER GIROT FROM VISION IN MOTION: REPRESENTING LANDSCAPE IN TIME GUIDELINES FOR THE CLEVELAN URBAN AGRICULTURE COLLABORATIVE A PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP GENERAL GUIDELINES SERIES 1 Massing study for TOD 1.Farmland will consist of public/private partnerships bet at E.105. Bridge paintedthe CUAC & private partners. Private partners will own and orange to denote bike path crossing. and research, while assisting farmers to ensure proper susta management. 2. If no private partners can be found for a particular suitable for agricultural uses, if it so wishes, CUAC will ma and own parcels, employing students and others interestsimply do not wish to own their own land for farming. 4. All land will be used for the appropriate programm agricultural use is not deemed appropriate due to environm or other concerns, other uses will be investigated. 3.Owners wishing to remain on their property and con to own it, will still have the option to lease their land toSERIES 2 farmers or CUAC wishing to expand their own farms, o wishing the responsibility of land ownership. Algae Production Facility + Farming BLOCK WIDE VACANCY1. When a block exhibits greater then 60% parcel vaca conversion to agricultural uses will take place. Agriculture c consist of any of the following items: A.Pasture: livestock grazing B.Cash crop: corn, soy, sorghum, wheat, barley herbs, tomatoes, beans, etc. C.Orchard: apples, oranges, lemons, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, etc. D.Energy production: algae E.Tree farming2. Owners of occupied structures within the converted SERIES 3 Algae Production Facility land block shall have the option of remaining on the farmla+ Farming rehabilitated structures. Owners remaining within the con-in exchange for accepting some responsibility for farming t adjacent land, and support from uatu in establishing farms3.Abandoned buildings within the converted farmland block shall be re-imagined as ancillary farming support stru tures when possible. Some potential new uses for existing v structures include: greenhouse, stable, barn, silo, livestock s ter, etc. 4.Where 2 blocks facing one another exhibit greater t 60% vacancy and the street separating the 2 blocks is consi a minor thoroughfare, the street between the blocks mayb SERIES 4 Algae Production Facility converted into contiguous parcels of farmland.+ Farming @ E55th StreetCONTIGUOUS PARCELS Station 1.If a block exhibits 4 adjacent vacant parcels or less, t the contiguous parcels shall be converted into public garde for block owners use. Public gardens shall be cultivated for purposes of providing tillable land for locally grown produc maintained by the block owners. It shall be at the block ow discretion whether the resulting produce is kept for private or used for resale. Public gardens may consist of the follow items: tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, herbs, etc.2. If a block exhibits greater then four adjacent parcels but less then 60% overall vacancy, the then contiguous par shall be converted to agricultural use. Same guidelines app above.SERIES 5 Algae Production + Pas- GAP TOOTH VACANCY sive Soils Remediation1. If a block exhibits 25% or less vacancy then the vaca parcels shall be rehabilitated for habitable use. Ownersto the renovated structures.2. Side-lot vacancies or 1 vacant parcel surrounded byownership of vacant parcels provided they accept responsib for its maintenance.3.If adjacent parcel owners do not claim adjacent parc 3 or more block owners may acquire the property for use as a private garden, playground, etc. Provided they accept responsibility for its maintenance. SERIES 6 CUARC Information Cen- 10. N GE ME ECE Y N tw df inpa an te in mento or anca fanth. d uc va sh thde th en tce wn euin s ce lyn bi ce 11. hackdesign-it 0.0 12. E 55th St Corridor SplayAll You Can EAT: Proposal Site Program 13. cliff dwellings :the last shall berstelev. 668 The project incorporates a single-room occupancy [SRO] homeless shelter, an emergency clinic, a new chapel for the Church of St. Malachi and support facilities into a public infrastructural intervention that highlights the topography of the Cuyahoga River valley, allowing access to theriverbed and the lower level of the Detroit-Superior Bridge. Housing the poor in exalted positions overlooking the sanctuary and the river valley,the project aims to reintegrate our forgotten spaces and our forgotten citizenry.elev. 650 looking northeast from west 25th & detroitelev. 638 looking southwest from riverbedelev. 608 longitudinal section 14. scene As one of Clevelands most blighted neighborhoods, 1 Central is a dystopia of vacant lots and abandoned NEW COREEXISTING PLAZA buildings. Poor socio-economic conditions are the antagonists to the community, with statistics sharply contrasted with lows and highs. A scene of low high school graduation rates, high unemployment,poverty rates and birth rates to single mothers begs for creative educational resources.Set on the corner of Central Avenue and East 67th Street, railroad tracks separate it from the Fairfax neighborhood. The site hosts a series of dilapidated industrial buildings. An adaptationBUILT AREANEW GEOMETRY of structures will create the ideal setting for a media arts education center to serve the young audience of community residents.An adaptive reuse of the existing industrial buildings will provide the backdrop for coupling the sustainability with media arts while preserving the Central neighborhoods rich heritage. Gut renovations of the three main buildings will extend the life cycle of the building stock and reduce environmental impacts from newEXIEXIS NG SITEXISTING SIEXISTING SITE XIS G ITEIT construction. Salvaged materials would be reused in interior and exterior nishes and landscaping..MOVEMENT DIAGRAMM trailer Film has the ability to take the viewer into an alternate 2 reality where their perceptions are transformed and enhanced. The foundational unit of the lm is the still frame image. Movement is the means through which the evolution of the still is read. Our site will become a series of episodic stills that are activated by the movement of its inhabitants.CONCONCEPTCONCEPT DIAGRAM Oplot With over 60% of the population of the Central 3 NEW SITE PLAN DIAGRAM neghborhood being below the age of 30, a media arts education center will create an exciting venue for learning audio, digital and visual arts and experiencing life as though it were on the silver screen. Additionally, it will be safe and fun environment where children and families can learn and play together.Computer LabsStudiosScreening Room CourtyardGallery Live/WorkGALLERY AND COURTYARD SECTION I COURTYARD:COMPUTER LAB: SECTION II STUDIO: SECTION III climax The circulation nds its way through a gallery 4 atrium, screening areas and winds down into studios and computer labs. The courtyard plays against the axis of the gallery and creates views of the widescreen stretching across the rear building which holds lease space for artists, enterprenuers in a live/work environment.At the convergence of the old and the new architecturally, the three-story gallery space provides a wonderfully dramatic experience by way of projecting mezzanines. On the mastered remastered exterior, the steel super-structure that denes the gallery space gently peaking beyond the rooine of the original building acting dually as signage for the building and providing the Central Neighborhood with a distinct character and sense of place for the site and the greater community.the end5 15. 53 42 1 1. 4. 2. 5. 3.41 cleveland, ohio3 16. WDdZ ^D dEz : ' E,^ 'DZd ^ ^ ' Zs^, ts t^ W Ds ^^' ^tWt, Zd, ,^KDZregional /W ^ Z,D rapid transit rail system Z / E ^DDt ^, K^ ^^ /d DW ^ t /W ^KD tD ,,D / t, , ZZ Z^dW ^Z Zs ^ D , D ZZ ZZZK h Z:W Zt t t^ Yh tD , YW' W W ^ Zth '^^t t 'W t / ^/ / Z h ZWW t^t Dt ^tZDZd tY ^ D s Z ZZ ^ ^ W D/ Zt W o : Z / KEZZo WW, // W Z,D t DdZ ^ / / , DZ D,ZZ d d' , /y, ^d Z 'Z,ZZD ^ Z 'Z h, , ^ZZ, , , t WD ,^ W ,',// ZW D ZZ W, Z Z K,Z ZD EKD, s sD^ ' ,/Z /d tD D Z Z W s Z D^ Z/W ZZ D ^DW^ DE Zt Z dZ^ sEW ^ ,/ZD E ED W Z// DdZd D^Z DE t^W ^ Z / Dt^^DE WW ,, dsD Z Z/Z ^ / ^ hh D dDdZ Wd Wt E^E,LEGEND t ^ W Et^d Z ZW ^ d D^KD^ ^D'^ / ^' ZZ^ '^^ ', W^ /W,K ^z^ W ^ W DW^ 'Z ' ',^^t^s W^ ^ ^ W^ , 'W ZE , t, W '^W 'W tErieview Financial District ^Waterfront District '^North Coast Districtd D , , 'Warehouse DistrictZ ,'^Civic Center t / D D /Z tW WZ D D t^^ d t^t ^ ^W ^W^ W ^h D ^dt t t t W ^h //Dtt^ t t t tt DZ / h,Gateway District ^ D ,DKt Z hE tt^W , h , t '^Y^ h Zh t Z h ^ tKD Kt t ^ D Quadrangle District Z W , ^ s, ^ / d D tYt t :s ^ ttt ^ ^^Z^, ^sE Z / /t^h ^/E t tt Y ^ t^ s ^^ ^ dK 'dW^ t,tK/: Z/ D W Z DZ^ D ZZoo W D , ,/h ^ K, ^ s , tD E , DZoo 'W D 17. Localized interventions of distressed neighborhoods are typically limited by basic assumptions of good neighborhoods with the planners and developers biased development outcome. By locating and evaluating specific community characteristics (as either amenities or detriments) and creating comparisons to existing neighborhood demographics (including habitation and vacancy) holistic community development can be undertaken without the veil of an assumed social construct. Instead a system is developed for understanding local condition and establishing characteristics that hinder relocation and movement of habitation within a community and will automatically suggest strategies to affectively counter urban blight/vacancy. The study results in a scalable model that can be extrapolated to additional neighborhoods. y componentsCommunity Characteristic Evaluation:Community Characteristics are evaluated for specific criteria on a positive and negative scale. These values become the data that the demographic point field is designed to react to. In this manner similar typologies can be further adjusted to more affectively represent theircharacteristics based upon actual data and use. For example, limited hours of one museum will decrease the accessibility component in comparison to a museum with longer hours. The decreased accessibility will be reflected in how the demographic grid reacts to theother criteria of the museum typology as they will more difficult to access. Community Characteristics will be continually studied and updated as more data becomes available to more accurately represent community reactions. Demographic Data:Assumptions are made based upon existing demographic data, precedence studies, historical data and scientific studies. These assumptions are then applied proportionally to the demographic field to predict its response to specific community characteristics. Based upon the National Average Americans typically spend 5 years at one address. An assumption of relative ease of mobility is meant to then demonstrate how the demographic field can easily and seemingly quickly react to new interventions if done correctly. Economicbias is not considered in the current study in means of hindering mobility as the low cost of housing and high vacancy allows for greater selection in living areas during revitalization. Physical Geography:The physical geography of a specific location (such as elevation, adjacent terrain, proximity to prominent land features) is not yet stressed as prominently urban area of study is relatively flat and approximately of the same geographic make up. Access to Lake Erie is limitedfor a large portion of the eastern side of Cleveland resulting in the assumption that proximity to Lake Erie is not a determining factor. nThe baseline study was constructed to represent the Glenville Neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio in the Ward 9 district.Glenville represents the typical Cleveland neighborhood suffering from high vacancy rates, low public educationalProximity or adjacency to park areas comprise Community Characteristics data and can affect demographic shift as results indicate.facility grades, high unemployment and older existing home stock; however Glenville is located in near adjacency tomultiple cultural districts, park amenities, public transit infrastructure, highway access, higher education andNodes are arranged based upon the spatial layouthealthcare facilities which makes this neighborhood an interesting contradiction to study. Further research withinand adjacencies of community characteristicsthe areas development patterns may illustrate explicit and objective, yet manageable, community liability which canbe resolved. oprescribed by the neighborhood under specificstudy. Values assigned to specific nodes repre-sent the attractive or repellant characteristics Comparisons between the baseline study and the resultant data will illustrate alterations to be made to the systemsgiven to each node based upon a weighted value framework and value system in order to facilitate a more comprehensive and accurate forecasting technique. Mul-system. The potency of these nodes is than tiple iterations are required to further develop which Community Characteristics most affect community migrationadjusted to represent specific neighborhoodas well as validate the effectiveness of responses in shaping through reaction to intervention. g istrengths or weaknesses in order to facilitate anunderstanding on the respective power of thesenodes as they represent the assigned communitycharacteristics. A field of points is then inserted over the assigned tnode structure demonstrating demographic rela-tionships to the community characteristics. De- omographic relations can be determined by age,sex, gender, ethnicity, income, education or anyother predetermined characteristic used to define aand abstract the community. The nodes of the community characteristics arethen adjusted in strength to better recreate theneighborhood under study by pushing and pulling lthe demographic field. Once the community dbaseline is recreated the community characteris-tics can be adjusted or new ones inserted to redis-tribute specific demographic points to infill orstrengthen underdeveloped areas. A series of studies can be quickly compiled based oupon community described concerns. Interven-tions of specific typologies can be made toincrease the attractiveness of an area and create ian understanding of which type of communitycharacteristic(s) can be strengthened to increaselivability. Development strategies can then be lstudied for costs, phasing and potential impact tounderstand which types/styles of development dcan best be pursued based upon which type ofgrowth is desired. An overlying positive value of an area indicates an aincreased livability, ie. the understanding that acommunity would react positively (including eco-nomically) to an areas amenities, social con-structs and image. A negative value would indi- ocate that an area would have a detrimental affecton the community resulting in intentional exodus vof inhabitants and possible economic collapse. The reaction of the demographic field is meant toindicate various stages of this livability. An evenlydistributed field indicates that there is equalattraction to all areas of the studied region. This hwould be an impossibility unless there were nei-ther attracting nor repelling Community Charac-teristics (if the field were of an unbiased demo-graphic such as only one age group that has noinclination to live neither near or far from anyoneof a similar age). A field of overly concentratedareas would indicate an extensive imbalance ofattraction and repulsion meaning that a stratifica- ttion of the community exists (which should coin-cide with studies of existing conditions such asvacancy rates or crime). These overly concen-trated areas can then be studied with regards tooffering housing of higher density or attempting tocreate other nodes of attraction to lure resi-dents into other parts of the community. Theaffect of many smaller areas of concentration in eclose proximity will be strongest where multipleamenities exist. A situation of appropriate distri-bution would most likely prosper from strong link-ing corridors of attraction (commercial) andwould indicate a walkable community (basedupon scale). As this system is scalable and basedupon proportional demographics the ability totranslate the successful arrangement to a more mor less dense area could be successful withinreason. a n a l y t i c a l _ c o m m u n i t y _ s i m u l a t i o n