allday time manager primetime user guide · allday time systems ltd 1 allday time manager primetime...

ALLDAY TIME SYSTEMS LTD 1 Allday Time Manager Primetime User Guide

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Allday Time Manager

Primetime User Guide



Table of ContentsTable of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 2

Starting Allday Time Manager .................................................................................................................. 3

Logging In ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Adding a New Employee ......................................................................................................................... 4

Viewing / Editing an Employees Record ................................................................................................... 5

General Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Extended Information Tab ................................................................................................................. 7

Clockings Tab ................................................................................................................................... 8

Editing / Adding Clockings (Basic) .................................................................................................... 8

Editing / Adding Clockings (Advanced).............................................................................................. 9

Terminals .............................................................................................................................................. 11

Terminal Setup ............................................................................................................................... 11

Terminal Polling .............................................................................................................................. 12

Setting the time .............................................................................................................................. 13

Reports & Reporting .............................................................................................................................. 14

Attendance Report Tab ...................................................................................................................... 14

Running the Full Period Details Report ............................................................................................... 14

Exception Report ............................................................................................................................... 16

Running the Exception Report ............................................................................................................ 16

Report/Export Builder ........................................................................................................................... 17

Shifts ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

Schedule's ......................................................................................................................................... 18

Shift pattern ....................................................................................................................................... 21

Sage Export .......................................................................................................................................... 22

Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 22

Exporting ........................................................................................................................................... 23

Routine Maintenance ............................................................................................................................. 24

Daily .................................................................................................................................................. 24

Weekly ............................................................................................................................................... 24

End of Pay Period .............................................................................................................................. 24

Bi Annually ......................................................................................................................................... 24

Annually ............................................................................................................................................. 24



Starting Allday Time Manager

The Allday Time Manager Software is protected by a user login system; each user should have their

own user name and password in order for you to assign different levels of access to each user. If you

have forgotten your password please contact the Allday Time Manager Support Team.

Logging In

Step 1 : Double click on the Allday ATM icon, which is located on the desktop of your computer.

The Allday ATM logon screen (see below) will then appear.

Step 2 : Select the “User Name” field and enter 'USER' as your user name. Note that The user

name field is always displayed in uppercase regardless of caps lock or shift keys.

Step 3 : Then select the “Password” field and enter 'password' (in lowercase). If this is the first

time you have logged in or have recently reset your password, you will be prompted for a new

password. Please note that the password field is case sensitive.

Step 4 : Then select “OK”. The Software will now appear.



Adding a New Employee

Before your employees can begin to clock, their details need to be entered into the software as the

system will require an employee record to store the clocking data against.

Step 1 : Click “Add Personnel” from the

“Personnel” side menu bar

Step 2 : The “Add Employee Wizard” will

now appear.

Step 3 : You will need to fill in all these details

before proceeding to the next screen with

the exception of the “Initials” & “Shortname”

fields, which are both optional. As you select

each field the “Help” area at the top of the

screen will update to aid you.

Note: The employees “Start Date” will be

used by the system to pro-rata the

employee's absence entitlements (if selected

on the next screen), so although the

employee record has only just been created

you may want to alter the “Start Date” to

represent an earlier date. Also The software

does not require the “Badge Number” to

have leading zeros and therefore does not

allow you to enter them.

Step 4 : Once you have entered the requested

details click “Next” to proceed. Page 2 of the

wizard will now be displayed

Step 5 : The second part of the wizard is

related to Absence's. To use Absence's within

Allday Time Manager, please call us on 01252

544457 to discuss upgrading your software to

the Lite or Professional Edition.

Step 6 : Simply click the “Finish” button. The

new employees’ record will be displayed.

Now you can enter any extra employee

information, or select “Add” to add more




Viewing / Editing an Employees Record

All the employees’ information such as their personal details, shift pattern, absences and clocking

times are stored within their personnel record. This is accessed from the “Edit Personnel” button

located on the “Personnel” sidebar menu.

Note: The “Clockings” and “Absence” buttons are shortcuts to the employees “Clockings” and

“Absence” tabs described later in this section.

Step 1 : Select “Personnel” from the Menu screen on the left.

Step 2 : Click “Edit Personnel”

Step 3 : The “Find Personnel” screen will then appear.

At this point you can either select the employee from the results list or start typing into the Surname,

Badge or Payroll number fields to filter the results. You can also use the selection box boxes provided

to filter the results further.

Step 4 : Once you have selected the required employee click “OK”, or double click the employees’


All the information stored about that employee will now be displayed as a series of tabs: General,

Extended, and Clockings.



General Tab

Here you will find all the main details about the current employee and can add the employee’s

picture, view the employees’ job history within the company and select a temporary shift they may be


You will find that most of the information on the personnel record was completed during the “Add

Employee Wizard”. If you need to edit these for any reason, select the applicable field edit the

information and click the “Save” button to update the record.

Note: When selecting a new “Job Title” for an employee, you must change the “From” date first in

order for the “Job Title History” to be updated. However if you are simply correcting the “Job Title”

this does not apply.

Important Notice: Employees must have a badge & payroll number, removing this number and

leaving the field blank may prevent you from adding further employees, in the unlikely event that you

should need to re-use a badge or payroll number simply alter the existing employees number to a

different but unique number first.



Extended Information Tab

The extended tab contains any extra information, above that contained in the General tab, which you

may wish to store about your employees. To change any of the items in this tab, simply click and edit

the appropriate item.



Clockings Tab

This tab will display the current employees’ clockings and allow you to make any necessary changes.

By default you will be shown all the timesheets (days) and clockings for the current week.

You can navigate this screen by using the arrow buttons, “<<” and “>>” will scroll in 4 week intervals,

“<” and “>” scroll 1 week at a time. Alternatively by using the “Select Week” button you can select a

specific week.

From within this tab clockings can be edited, deleted and if required added manually, should an

employee be working off site for example.

Editing / Adding Clockings (Basic)

Step 1 : To add new clockings, simply click the “+Times” button on the timesheet. Then type the

clockings into the '--:--' Entry and Exit fields, then click the 'Save' button at the top of the screen

to confirm changes.

Step 2 : To Edit a clocking, click on the clocking you require to change, and type the new clocking

time. Then, click the 'Save' button at the top of the screen to confirm changes.

Note: You can also use the TAB key to move between the Entry and Exit clockings on the timesheet, as

well as confirm any changes made.



Editing / Adding Clockings (Advanced)

Step 1 : To add or edit clockings, click “Edit” on the timesheet (day) you wish to modify.

Step 2 : The “Edit Clockings” screen will now be displayed. To add a clocking, click the “Add”

button on the right, alternatively to edit existing clockings select the clockings and click “Edit”.



Step 3 : The “Edit Period” window will now be displayed. Select “Advanced” and then enter or

edit the employee’s entry and exit times along with any required comments. Click “OK”.

Step 4 : The “Edit Clockings” window will be displayed once more. If everything is correct, click

“OK”. To make any further amendments to the times select the required clockings and click “Edit”

Step 5 : The new clockings will be displayed on the timesheet (day) onto which they were entered

as well as the Allday Time Manager reports.

Note: You will notice all clocking times are followed by a bracketed letter i.e. (C) or (M) these letters

represent the nature of the clocking record and are explained on the last page of most reports by way

of the key featured below.

A - Auto-clockout time generated by software.

M - Manually entered time.

E - Normal clocking time that has been edited by user.

C - Normal clocking time. (possibly adjusted by shift settings for grace and rounding)

H - Start or end of a Holliday or Absence.

S - System created time, automatic break clocking or where payment rate changes

during shift.




Terminal Setup

Step 1 : Select the “Terminal” option from the side menu bar.

Step 2 : Click the “Terminal Setup” button.

Step 3 : Select the “PT 1400” terminal from the “Select Terminal” drop-down box.

Step 4 : Add the IP address in the “Remote IP address” that you have set into your PT1400

clocking terminal. Then (making sure the “Active” box is ticked”) click the Update button. Once

this has been done, select the “Query” button to check communications. If you receive a message

advising that the system was unable to communicate with the terminal, check the IP address you

have put into your PT1400 Clocking terminal.

Step 5 : Once you have successfully performed a “Query” on the terminal, you should see the ID

field on the screen display a number. To finish, click the “Update” button again.



Terminal Polling

Step 1 : Select the “Terminal” option from the side menu bar.

Step 2 : Click the “Polling” button.

Step 3 : Select the Poll Mode you want to use (depending on whether you would like the

system to Poll clocking from the clock in intervals, or at specific times). The most common

option is “By elapsed time”.

Step 4 : Tick the days you would like the terminal to be polled (usually this would be all

seven days) and set how often or when you would like the system to bring clockings in

from the Clocking Terminal.

Step 5 : Click on the “Update” button (in the bottom-right corner of the screen). This has

now set how often the system will communicate with the PT1400 clocking terminal and

bring any clocking performed on the terminal into the system.



Setting the time

Step 1 : Select the “Terminal” option from the side menu bar.

Step 2 : Click the “Set Time” button.

Step 3 : Either set a time you would like to send the terminal, or if you would like to use

your computers time, tick the “Use System time” box.

Step 4 : Click the “Set Times” button. This will then update the time for the PT1400

Clocking terminal. You can also use the “Get Times” button to find out what time the

Clocking terminal currently has.



Reports & Reporting

The Allday Time Manager Software has several reports to aid you in the management of your staff

and their working habits, these reports range from displaying a list of your employees’ daily totals to

full attendance reports that detail the employees’ attendance history including clocking times,

weekly or monthly totals, and lateness etc.

Once again the report screen is split into separate tabs and the process of running each report is very

similar, therefore this guide will concentrate on the key reports which you will use.

Attendance Report Tab

Attendance reports deal with the day to day coming and going of your employees, along with how

many hours they have worked. These reports are the most commonly run reports and will provide

you with all the information typically required for payroll.

Running the Full Period Details Report

Step 1 : Select the “Reports” option from the side menu bar.

Step 2 : Click “Personnel Reports” button.

Step 3 : Select the “Attendance” tab from the top of the screen.

From here you will be required to select the report type and the date range; all of the other selections are




Step 4 : Select the “Full Period Details Report” from the drop down list. This report will show you

the clocking times, totals and absences for each day in the payment period and for each selected


Step 5 : Set the period date range required, multiple periods can be displayed simply by increasing

the date range. The last page of this report will display a report total, allowing you to see at a

glance the combined totals for overtime, absences etc for the entire report.

Note: If you are running a periodical report such as the “Full Period Details Report” the “From”

and “To” dates will need to cover the whole payment period. Therefore if your working week

starts on a Monday and finishes on Friday, a weekly period report would need to run from

Monday to Sunday.

Step 6 : If required the report can be filtered in order to be more specific and display only the

information for certain sections or employees. This is achieved by using the appropriate option

under the “Search Criteria” heading, if no selection is made all employees you have permissions

to see will be displayed on the report.

Step 7 : Again if required you can choose to display any exceptions that have occurred

during this period, these include instances when the employee has forgotten to clock or

has had an unscheduled / unreported absence. Simply select “Display Exceptions” to

display all recorded exceptions or use the additional tick boxes to select only the

exceptions you are concerned with.



Exception Report

The exceptions report helps you to determine if there are any adjustments you need to make such as

manually adding any missed clocking times, booking sickness etc. It will also aid you in indentifying

the need to discipline employees in regard to lateness, should your setup allow for this.

Running the Exception Report

Step 1 : Select the “Exceptions” tab from the menu at the top of the screen.

Step 2 : Select the date range that the report is to cover.

Step 3 : To create a more focussed report it is possible to create it for either a certain section/s or

for individual employees.

Step 4 : Select the exceptions that you wish the report to display e.g. Late In, Missed clocking.

Note: The exceptions available depend on your working patterns and therefore you may find

that not all exceptions are available. Also certain exceptions can be customised to suit your

needs. Please contact the helpdesk should further information be required.



Report/Export Builder

You can also create your own bespoke reports using the Report/Export builder, as well as export

information into an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file. To do this, go to the “Report/Export Builder”

feature (within the 'Reports' section). One the left-hand side of the screen you can create your

own Export Files, by clicking the “Add Export” button, then clicking “Edit” to then tick what

information you would like to export. There are two different lots of information to choose from,

depending on which type “Data Type” you select. “Daily” data will provide you with daily

clockings, daily totals etc. The “Period” data type will cover totals for the week as well as other

related information.

To create your own bespoke reports, simply select the “Report Builder” option on the right-side

of the screen and follow the above instructions. Please remember that you will need to set the

From & To dates for the beginning until the end of the week(s), if you are trying to export or

open your own report, for “Period” data.Shifts & Schedules




In your Allday Time Manager Primetime, you will have a shift pattern (entitled “Shift 1”), and

seven preset schedule's which you can amend. Below will give you some guidance in how to

change the settings within the schedule's, as well as how to apply schedule's to the shift pattern.

For more Shift patterns & schedule's, please call us on 01252 544457 to discuss upgrading your

system to the Lite or Professional Edition.


To amend the settings within a Schedule, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Go to the 'Setup' section and select the 'Schedules' button on the left-hand side of the


Step 2: From the drop-down box next to “Description”, select the schedule you would like to


Step 3: Set the “Earliest Start”, “Standard Start”, “Standard Finish”, and “Latest Finish” time you

would like to set for the schedule. Employee's can clock, but will not be paid before/after the

Earliest Start/Latest Finish time's set. The “Standard Start” & “Standard Finish” times are the

usual times the employee's are due to start & finish the shift.

Once done, you can also set the “Schedule End” time to tell the system when the end of the

working day for the schedule is.



Step 4: If you are setting more than one schedule per day, and would like the system to attempt

to determine which schedule the employee is working by the employee's clockings for that day,

you can set the “Clock matching” In Start & In End time's, to encapsulate the approximate time

the employee will be clocking for this shift. If this is the only schedule for the day, you can simply

set these times to “In Start: 01:00”, “In End: 23:00”.

Step 5: Towards the bottom of the screen, you will see four different tabs. These are

“Overtime”, “Exceptions”, “Grace and Rounding”, and “Breaks” (the screen will default to the

“Overtime” tab). Amend the settings to suit how you would like to schedule to work.

Overtime Tab

This tab can be used to set what pay rates to pay the employee for the day for this schedule.

Within this tab you have two different ways for the system to determine what hours an employee

is working for the schedule, namely “By Hours” or “By Band”. If setting “By Hours”, allocate how

you would like the first 'X' amount of hours to show in the reports. Then, if you want to add how

the hours show after the first amount of hours, simply click the + button to the right of the screen

(see screenshot below). You can now add “The next” 'X' amount of hours at a different rate (e.g.


There is also a more advanced method you can use, known as Time Banding. You can select this

by clicking on “By Band”. Here you can set times of the day to show a specific rate. For example,

you can set 01:00 – 07:00 at OT, then 07:00 – 17:00 at Basic, then 17:00 – 23:00 at OT. Simply

click on the + button on the right-hand side (similar to the above) and add the Time Bands you


Exceptions Tab

Here you can tick and Exceptions that you would like the system to flag, for this schedule. These

include Missed Clocking, Late Entry, and Early Exit. For Late Entry & Early Exit, simply set the

time's you would like the Exceptions to come into effect.



Grace and Rounding Tab

If you would like the system to round any clocking's for the current schedule (e.g. to 15-minute

intervals), simply tick the 'Use Roundings' box. You can then set what times you would like these

roundings to take effect (usually, this would be from your 'Earliest Start' to your 'Latest Finish'


You can also include a Grace Period for either In, Out, or both clockings. So if you had 15-minute

roundings in place, with a 3-minute grace period (for Both In & Out clockings), the employee

would be able to clock up-to 3 minutes past each 15-minute interval, before his clocking is

rounded forwards to the next 15 minutes. If set to 'Both', the employee can also clock up-to 3

minutes early from the 15-minute interval before their clocking is brought back to the previous

15-minute interval. Grace Period's are set in the same way as the Roundings.

Breaks Tab

To set a Break onto the schedule, select the Breaks Tab and tick the 'Use Breaks' tick-box. You can

then choose the type of break you would like to set, a description of that break, and what time

period you would like that break to be in effect for. You can also then set the length of the break,

as well as any rules for if the employee did not clock for that break (e.g. if your employee's do not

clock for breaks, you can set the system to automatically deduct the break by setting “If Missed”

to Deduct the length of the break. You can also mark whether the break is a paid break or not

(you should only need to enter a Paid break into the schedule if the employee's are required to

clock for that break).

Step 6: Once you are happy with the settings within the schedule, simply click the 'Save' button

at the top of the screen. You can now proceed to add this Schedule into your shift, using the

“Shift Maintenance” button.



Shift pattern

Once you have amended a Schedule, you can now enter this onto a shift pattern. From the “Shift

Maintenance” screen, you will see the days of the week, with a Schedule under each day. To add a

schedule to the pattern, simply left-click on that schedule, and drag-and-drop the schedule into any days

you would like that schedule to apply within the Shift Pattern.

To remove a schedule from the shift pattern, simply do the reverse of the above. Select the schedule

from the day you would like to remove that schedule from, and drag-and-drop the schedule into the

picture of a bin in the top-right corner of the screen. Please note that this is only to remove that schedule

from a day, and will not delete any schedules.

You can also change how many days your Shift Pattern includes. For example, you can set a 14-

day Shift Pattern, with different schedules for the first week, from the second week (creating a

two-week rotation shift) by amending the “Pattern Length” option in the bottom-right corner of

the screen to 14 (days). You can also change what day of the week your Shift Pattern starts from,

by changing the day of the week from the “First day” drop-down box.



Sage Export


To set up the Sage Payroll Export feature, follow the below steps:

Step 1 : Go to the 'Reports' section and select the 'Sage Export' button on the left-hand

side of the screen.

Step 2 : Select the “Setup Export To Sage Pay” tab.

Step 3 : Select the Folder Icon and point to Payroll.exe in your local Sage Payroll Export

folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Sage Payroll). Then click on “Get Company” and select the

company you would like to export the data to and click ‘OK’.

Step 4 : In the “Category Mapping” field, set the Pay Categories from within Allday Time

Manager and pair those with what field you would like these to match up with in Sage

Payroll. You can also apply a Multiplier to those values, or you can do this from within

Sage Payroll.

Step 5 : In the “Employee Links” field, choose whether you would like to link the

employee’s between Allday Time Manager and Sage Payroll via their Sage

Reference/Payroll number, or via the employee’s Sage Works Number. Once done, you

can click the “Test Employee Link” button to check that the employee’s are linking

correctly. If they are not, you will need to go to the employee’s records to edit their

Payroll Number to match the Reference or Works number you are linking to in Sage.




Once you have successfully set up your Sage Payroll Export, you can then perform an Export into Sage by

following the below steps:

Step 1 : Go to the 'Reports' section and select the 'Sage Export' button on the left-hand

side of the screen.

Step 2 : Select the “Run Export to Sage Pay” tab.

Step 3 : From the “Export to Sage Company” dropdown box, select the company you

would like to Export into.

Step 4 : Select the Date Range you would like to run the export for, then select whether

you would like to export Period Totals, or Daily Totals.

Step 5 : To preview and edit the data you are trying to export, select the “Preview Export”

button. This will then generate a preview below of what is to be exported. You can then

edit the totals to what you would like, then select the “Run Export” button.



Routine Maintenance

The following check list is simply to give you an idea of the typical routines you may wish to adopt,

but obviously you are free to run the system in any way that best suits your needs or habits.


� Run exceptions report to check for missing clocking times etc for the previous day.

� Run potential unauthorized absences report for previous day.


���� Run exceptions report to check for missing clocking times etc for the past week.

���� Run potential unauthorized absences report for previous week.

End of Pay Period

� Run exceptions report to check for missing clocking times etc for the previous period.

� Run potential unauthorized absences report for previous period.

� Perform backup of entire database for the period ending.

Bi Annually

� Check that shift times are still appropriate.

� Check ATM user access list- delete users as necessary.


� Delete surplus employees.