almelor vs. rtc of las pinas city, 563 scra 447, aug 26, 2008.doc

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  • 8/14/2019 Almelor vs. RTC of Las Pinas City, 563 SCRA 447, Aug 26, 2008.doc


    Republic of the Philippines

    Supreme CourtManilaTHIRD DIVISION

    MANUEL G. ALMELOR, G.R. No. 179620Petitioner,


    YNARES-SANTIAGO,J., - versus - Chairperson,



    NACHURA, and


    Res#ondent. A"st $%, $&&'

    ( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (

    D E C I S I O N

    REYES, R.T.,J.%

    MARRIAGE, in its tota!it), in*o!*es t+e s#oses ri"+t to t+e

    ommnit) o t+eir /+o!e !i*es. It !i0e/ise in*o!*es a tre intert/inin" o


    T+is is a #etition or re*ie/ on certiorario t+e 4eision$2$3 o t+e

    Cort o A##ea!s 5CA6 den)in" t+e #etition or ann!ment o 7d"ment and

    airmin" in totot+e deision o t+e Re"iona! Tria! Cort 5RTC6, 8as Pi9as,

    1213 See Se#arate O#inion o stie Romero inRepublic v. Court of Appeals,G.R. No. 1&';%rar)

    1io, /it+ Assoiate

    sties Re"a!ado E. Maam>on" and Artro G. Ta)a", onrrin".

  • 8/14/2019 Almelor vs. RTC of Las Pinas City, 563 SCRA 447, Aug 26, 2008.doc


    ran+ $B@. T+e CA dismissed otri"+t t+e R!e @; #etition or >ein" t+e

    /ron" remed).

    T&' F"()*

    Petitioner Mane! G. A!me!or 5Mane!6 and res#ondent 8eonida

    Trinidad 58eonida6 /ere married on anar) $?, 1?'? at t+e Mani!a

    Cat+edra!.orn on Oto>er $&, 1?'? 5$6 Na#o!eon Mane!, >orn on A"st ?, 1??1

    and 5orn on !) @, 1??@. @2@3 Mane! and 8eonida are

    >ot+ media! #ratitioners, an anest+esio!o"ist and a #ediatriian,


    Ater e!e*en 5116 )ears o marria"e, 8eonida i!ed a #etition /it+ t+e

    RTC in 8as Pi9as Cit) to ann! t+eir marria"e on t+e "rond t+at Mane!

    /as #s)+o!o"ia!!) ina#aitated to #erorm +is marita! o>!i"ations. T+e

    ase, do0eted as 8P-&&-&1!i e)e, Mane! /as t+e #itre o a #eret +s>and and

    at+er. T+is /as not t+e ase in +is #ri*ate !ie. At +ome, 8eonida desri>ed

    Mane! as a +ars+ disi#!inarian, nreasona>!) meti!os, easi!) an"ered.

    Mane!s nreasona>!e /a) o im#osin" disi#!ine on t+eir +i!dren /as t+e

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    ase o t+eir reent i"+ts as a o#!e. ;2;3 8eonida om#!ained t+at t+is

    /as in star0 ontrast to t+e a!!e"ed !a*is+ aetion Mane! +as or +is

    mot+er. Mane!s dee# atta+ment to +is mot+er and +is de#endene on +er

    deision-ma0in" /ere inom#re+ensi>!e to 8eonida.'2'3

    =rt+er addin" to +er /oes /as +is onea!ment to +er o +is

    +omose(a!it). Her ss#iions /ere irst arosed /+en s+e notied

    Mane!s #e!iar !oseness to +is ma!e om#anions. =or instane, s+e

    a"+t +im in an indisreet te!e#+one on*ersation maniestin" +is aetion

    or a ma!e a!!er.?2?3 S+e a!so ond se*era! #orno"ra#+i +omose(a!

    materia!s in +is #ossession.1&21&3 Her /orse ears /ere onirmed /+en s+e

    sa/ Mane! 0issed anot+er man on t+e !i#s. T+e man /as a ertain 4r.

    No"a!es.112113F+en s+e onronted Mane!, +e denied e*er)t+in". At t+is

    #oint, 8eonida too0 +er +i!dren and !et t+eir on7"a! a>ode. Sine t+en,

    Mane! sto##ed "i*in" s##ort to t+eir +i!dren.1$21$3

    4r. a!entina de! =onso Garia, a !inia! #s)+o!o"ist, /as #resented

    to #ro*e 8eonidas !aim. 4r. de! =onso Garia testiied t+at s+e ondted

    e*a!ati*e inter*ie/s and a >atter) o #s)+iatri tests on 8eonida. S+e a!so

    +ad a one-time inter*ie/ /it+ Mane! and ae-to-ae inter*ie/s /it+ Ma.

    Pa!ina Corrinne 5t+e e!dest +i!d6.1e


    ;2;3 Id.'2'3 Id. at $%.?2?3 Id.1&21&3Id.112113Id.1$21$3Id.1i!it),

    *er>a! and #+)sia! a""ression and !a0 o "enine remorse. Ri"id!) #er*asi*e and e"os)ntoni in natre

    and +ene no eeti*e #s)+iatri t+era#eti moda!it) o!d satisatori!) remed) +is nremittin"

    #s)+o!o"), deendants #s)+o!o"ia! ina#ait) +as its anteedene as ear!) as >eore +is marria"e. ( ( (

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    Mane!, or +is #art, admitted t+at +e and 8eonida +ad some #ett)

    ar"ments +ere and t+ere. He, +o/e*er, maintained t+at t+eir marita!

    re!ations+i# /as "enera!!) +armonios. T+e #etition or ann!ment i!ed >)

    8eonida ame as a sr#rise to +im.

    Mane! ontered t+at t+e tre ase o 8eonidas +osti!it) a"ainst

    +im /as t+eir #roessiona! ri*a!r). It >e"an /+en +e resed to +eed t+e

    memorandm1B21B3re!eased >) C+rist t+e in" Hos#ita!. T+e memorandm

    ordered +im to desist rom on*ertin" +is o/n !)in"-in !ini to a #rimar) or

    seondar) +os#ita!.1%21%3 8eonidas ami!) o/ns C+rist t+e in" Hos#ita!

    /+i+ is sitated in t+e same s>di*ision as Mane!s !ini and residene.1;

    21;3 In ot+er /ords, +e and +er ami!) +a*e om#etin" or ri*a! +os#ita!s in

    t+e same *iinit).

    Mane! >e!ied +er a!!e"ation t+at +e /as a re! at+er to t+eir

    +i!dren. He denied ma!treatin" t+em. At most, +e on!) im#osed t+e

    neessar) disi#!ine on t+e +i!dren.

    He a!so deended +is s+o/ o aetion or +is mot+er. He said t+ere

    /as not+in" /ron" or +im to retrn t+e !o*e and aetion o t+e #erson

    /+o reared and !oo0ed ater +im and +is si>!in"s. T+is is es#eia!!) a#t no/

    t+at +is mot+er is in +er t/i!i"+t )ears.1'21'3 Mane! #ointed ot t+at 8eonida

    ond a!t in t+is ot+er/ise +ea!t+) re!ations+i# >ease o +er *er) 7ea!os

    and #ossessi*e natre.1?21?3

    T+is same o*er!) 7ea!os >e+a*ior o 8eonida dro*e Mane! to a*oid

    t+e om#an) o ema!e riends. He /anted to a*oid an) rt+er

    misnderstandin" /it+ +is /ie. t, 8eonida instead on7red # stories

    1B21B3Id. at @'. 4ated Oto>er $;, 1??'.1%21%3Id.1;21;3Id.1'21'3Id.1?21?3Id.

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    a>ot +is se(a! #reerene. S+e a!so a>riated ta!es a>ot #orno"ra#+i

    materia!s ond in +is #ossession to ast do>t on +is mas!init).$&2$&3

    To orro>orate +is *ersion, +e #resented +is >rot+er, ess G.

    A!me!or. ess narrated t+at +e sa!!) sta)ed at Mane!s +ose drin" +is

    /ee0!) tri#s to Mani!a rom Iri"a Cit). He /as a /itness to t+e "enera!!)

    +armonios re!ations+i# >et/een +is >rot+er Mane! and sister-in-!a/,

    8eonida. Tre, t+e) +ad some arre!s t)#ia! o a +s>and and /ie

    re!ations+i#. t t+ere /as not+in" simi!ar to /+at 8eonida desri>ed in +er


    ess rt+er testiied t+at +e /as /it+ +is >rot+er on t+e da) 8eonida

    a!!e"ed!) sa/ Mane! 0issed anot+er man. He denied t+at s+ an inident

    orred. On t+at #arti!ar date,$$2$$3+e and Mane! /ent strai"+t +ome

    rom a tri# to io!. T+ere /as no ot+er #erson /it+ t+em at t+at time,

    e(e#t t+eir dri*er.$er $B, $&&B, t+e RTC "ranted t+e #etition

    or ann!ment, /it+ t+e o!!o/in" dis#osition:

    FHERE=ORE, #remised on t+e ore"oin", 7d"ment is +ere>)


    1. 4e!arin" t+e marria"e ontrated >) +erein #arties on

    $? anar) 1?'? and a!! its eets nder t+e !a/ #-

    $&2$&3Id.$12$13Id.$$2$$3Id. at @;. 4ated No*em>er 1, $&&$.$

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    "#$ /o+$ o )&' 3'4+##+#45

    $. 4isso!*in" t+e re"ime o ommnit) #ro#ert) >et/eent+e same #arties /it+ oreitre o deendants s+are

    t+ereon in a*or o t+e same #arties +i!dren /+ose

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    !e"a! stod) is a/arded to #!ainti /it+ *isitoria! ri"+t

    aorded to deendant

    . 4iretin" t+e 8oa! Ci*i! Re"istrars o 8as

    Pi9as Cit) and Mani!a Cit) to ase t+e

    re"istration o t+e said Entr) o d"ment int+eir res#eti*e oo0s o Marria"es.

    U#on om#!iane, a deree o n!!it) o marria"e s+a!! >e issed.

    SO OR4ERE4.$@2$@3 5Em#+asis s##!ied6

    T+e tria! ort n!!iied t+e marria"e, not on t+e "rond o Arti!e t Arti!e @B o t+e =ami!) Code. It ratioinated:

    ( ( ( a are! e*a!ation and in-de#t+ ana!)sis o t+e srrondin"irmstanes o t+e a!!e"ations in t+e om#!aint and o t+e e*idene

    #resented in s##ort t+ereo 5sic6 re*ea!s t+at in t+is ase 5sic6 t+ere is

    more t+an meets t+e e)es 5sic6.

    ot+ !e"a!!) and >io!o"ia!!), +omose(a!it) ( ( ( is, indeed,

    "enera!!) inom#ati>!e /it+ +etero se(a! marria"e. T+is is reason eno"+

    t+at in t+is 7risdition 5sic6 t+e !a/ reo"niDes marria"e as a s#eia!ontrat e(!si*e!) on!) >et/een a man and a /oman ( ( ( and t+s

    /+en +omose(a!it) +as tres#assed into marria"e, t+e same !a/ #ro*ides

    am#!e remedies to orret t+e sitation 2Arti!e @B5on" and Artro G. Ta)a", onrrin".

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    Mane! ontended t+at t+e assai!ed deision /as issed in e(ess o

    t+e !o/er orts 7risdition t+at it +ad no 7risdition to disso!*e t+e

    a>so!te ommnit) o #ro#ert) and oreit +is on7"a! s+are in a*or o +is


    CA D+*o*+)+o#

    On !) ) 4ENIE4. T+e Cort A==IRMS in toto t+e 4eision 5datedNo*em>er $B, $&&B6 o t+e Re"iona! Tria! Cort 5ran+ $B@6, in 8as

    Pi9as Cit), in Ci*i! Case No. 8P-&&-&1) t+e !o/er Cort. t t+e remed) assmin" t+ere /asa mista0e is not a Petition or Ann!ment o d"ment >t an ordinar)

    a##ea!. An error o 7d"ment ma) >e re*ersed or orreted on!) >)


    F+at #etitioner is asri>in" is an error o 7d"ment, not o

    7risdition, /+i+ is #ro#er!) t+e s>7et o an ordinar) a##ea!.

    In s+ort, #etitioner admits t+e 7risdition o t+e !o/er ort >t +e

    !aims e(ess in t+e e(erise t+ereo. ExcessJ assmin" t+ere /as is not

    o*ered >) R!e @; o t+e 1??; R!es o Ci*i! Proedre. T+e R!e reerst+e !a0 o 7risdition and not t+e e(erise t+ereo.$'2$'3


    Petitioner Mane! ta0es t+e #resent reorse *ia R!e @B, assi"nin" to

    t+e CA t+e o!!o/in" errors:

    $;2$;3Id. at @1.$'2$'3Id. at

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    CONUGA8 ASSETS.$?2$?3

    O- R-+#4

    I. The stringent rules of procedures may be relaxed to serve the

    demands of substantial justice and in the Courts exercise of equity


    Genera!!), an a##ea! ta0en eit+er to t+e S#reme Cort or t+e CA >)

    t+e /ron" or ina##ro#riate mode s+a!! >e dismissed.stantia! 7stie as e(#editios!) as


    t+ro"+ no a!t o #etitioner.

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    Appeals,rar) $1, 1??$, $&% SCRA @$? Cabutin v. A!acio,G.R. No. BB$$', =e>rar) $',1?'?, 1;& SCRA ;B&A!erican Express $nternational, $nc. v. $nter!e#iate Appellate Court,G.R. No. 8-

    ;&;%%, No*em>er ?, 1?'', 1%; SCRA $&? %onseca v. Court of Appeals,G.R. No. 8-

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    drin" t+e #enden) o t+e ase. Ne*ert+e!ess, s+e is ordered reinstated

    /it+ot >a0 /a"es. On a##ea!, Ner*es stated in +er #etition, inter alia:

    1. T+is is a #etition or certiorarii!ed #rsant to Arti!e IL-A, Setion; o t+e Constittion o t+e P+i!i##ines and nder R!e %B o t+e

    R!es o Cort.

    $. t #er S#reme Cort Re*ised Administrati*e Cir!ar No. 1-?B

    5Re*ised Cir!ar No. 1-?16 #etitioner is i!in" t+e instant #etition

    /it+ t+is Honora>!e Cort instead o t+e S#reme Cort.

  • 8/14/2019 Almelor vs. RTC of Las Pinas City, 563 SCRA 447, Aug 26, 2008.doc


    certiorari instead o a motion or ne/ tria! or an ordinar) a##ea!. In t+e

    interest o 7stie, t+is Cort onsidered t+e #etition, pro hac vice, as a

    #etition or certiorarinder R!e %B.

    T+is Cort ond t+at >ased on Tans a!!e"ations, t+e tria! ort pri!a

    facie ommitted "ra*e a>se o disretion in renderin" a 7d"ment >)

    dea!t. I norreted, it /i!! ase #etitioner "reat in7stie. T+e Cort

    e!idated in t+is /ise:

    Indeed, /+ere as +ere, t+ere is a stron" s+o/in" t+at "ra*e

    misarria"e o 7stie /o!d res!t rom t+e strit a##!iation o t+e R!es,

    /e /i!! not +esitate to re!a( t+e same in t+e interest o s>stantia! 7stie.@inds t+e !ient. Sti!!, t+is Cort +as

    reo"niDed ertain e(e#tions: 516 /+ere re0!ess or "ross ne"!i"ene o

    onse! de#ri*es t+e !ient o de #roess o !a/ 5$6 /+en its a##!iation

    /i!! res!t in otri"+t de#ri*ation o t+e !ients !i>ert) and #ro#ert) or 5e made to ser or +is

    onse!s "ra*e mista0es. Hi"+er interests o 7stie and eit) demand t+at

    +e >e a!!o/ed to *enti!ate +is ase in a +i"+er ort.

    In Apex &ining, $nc. v. Court of Appeals,@'2@'3 t+is Cort e(#!ained


    It is sett!ed t+at t+e ne"!i"ene o onse! >inds t+e !ient. T+is is

    >ased on t+e r!e t+at an) at #erormed >) a onse! /it+in t+e so#e o +is"enera! or im#!ied at+orit) is re"arded as an at o +is !ient. Ho/e*er,

    /+ere onse! is "i!t) o "ross i"norane, ne"!i"ene and dere!ition o

    dt), /+i+ res!ted in t+e !ients >ein" +e!d !ia>!e or dama"es in a

    dama"e sit, t+e !ient is de#ri*ed o +is da) in ort and t+e 7d"ment ma)>e set aside on s+ "rond. In t+e instant ase, +i"+er interests o 7stie

    and eit) demand t+at #etitioners >e a!!o/ed to #resent e*idene on t+eirdeense. Petitioners ma) not >e made to ser or t+e !a/)ers mista0es.

    T&+* Co-) + "":* 3' $+*o*'$ )o 4"#) '+' )o ")+'* "44+'/'$

    @;2@;3Id. at B;@.@'2@'3G.R. No. 1

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    3: '+$:, "-$, '('** +#"))'#)+o# "#$ $o#+4&) +#(o')'#(' o":'*, &+(& &"* )&' (o#*';-'#(' o $'+/+#4 )&'+ (+'#)*, o )&'+$": +# (o-).@?2@?3 5Em#+asis s##!ied6

    C!ear!), t+is Cort +as t+e #o/er to e(e#t a #arti!ar ase rom t+e

    o#eration o t+e r!e /+ene*er t+e demands o 7stie reire it. Fit+ more

    on*ition s+o!d it /ie!d s+ #o/er in a ase in*o!*in" t+e sarosant

    instittion o marria"e. T+is Cort is "ided /it+ t+e t+rst o "i*in" a #art)

    t+e !!est o##ortnit) to esta>!is+ t+e merits o ones ation.B&2B&3

    T+e !ient /as !i0e/ise s#ared rom onse!s ne"!i"ene in

    Govern!ent ervice $nsurance ste! v. Bengson Co!!ercial Buil#ings,

    $nc.B12B13andAncheta v. Guerse-*alagon.B$2B$3 Said t+e Cort inBengson:

    t i nder t+e irmstanes o t+e ase, t+e r!e deserts its #ro#er

    oie as an aid to 7stie and >eomes a "reat +indrane and +ie enem),

    its ri"ors mst >e re!a(ed to admit e(e#tions t+ereto and to #re*ent amisarria"e o 7stie. In ot+er /ords, t+e ort +as t+e #o/er to e(e#t a

    #arti!ar ase rom t+e o#eration o t+e r!e /+ene*er t+e #r#oses o7stie reire it.B

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    Indeed, mere a!!e"ations o on!itin" #ersona!ities, irreoni!a>!edierenes, inessant arre!s andor >eatin"s, n#redita>!e mood

    s/in"s, inide!ities, *ies, a>andonment, and dii!t), ne"!et, or ai!re

    in t+e #erormane o some marita! o>!i"ations do not sie to esta>!is+#s)+o!o"ia! ina#ait).BB2BB3

    I so, t+e !o/er ort s+o!d +a*e dismissed otri"+t t+e #etition or

    not meetin" t+e "ide!ines set in &olina. F+at 8eonida attem#ted to

    demonstrate /ere Mane!s +omose(a! tendenies >) itin" o*ert ats

    "enera!!) #redominant amon" +omose(a! indi*ida!s.B%2B%3 S+e /anted to

    #ro*e t+at t+e #erei*ed +omose(a!it) rendered Mane! ina#a>!e o

    !i!!in" t+e essentia! marita! o>!i"ations.

    t instead o dismissin" t+e #etition, t+e tria! ort #-++'$ t+e

    marria"e >et/een Mane! and 8eonida on t+e "rond o *itiated onsent >)

    *irte o rad. In s##ort o its on!sion, t+e !o/er ort reasoned ot:

    As insinated >) t+e State 5#. ;B, TSN, 1B 4eem>er $&&!is+ /it+

    ertaint) t+at deendant is rea!!) a +omose(a!. T+is is t+e at t+at an >e$'$-('$rom t+e tota!it) o t+e marria"e !ie senario o +erein #arties.

    eore +is marria"e, deendant 0ne/ *er) /e!! t+at #eo#!e arond

    +im e*en in!din" +is o/n !ose riends $o-3)'$ +is tre se(a!#reerene 5TSN, ##. t deendant did not do an)t+in" to #ro*e to t+e/+o!e /or!d one and or a!! t+e trt+ o a!! +is denia!s. 4eendant

    t+reatened to se t+ose #eo#!e >t not+in" +a##ened ater t+at. T+ere ma)

    +a*e >een more im#ortant matters to attend to t+an to /aste time andeort i!in" ases a"ainst and >e eeted >) t+ese #eo#!e and so, #ttin"

    more #remims on deendants denia!s, #!ainti 7st t+e same married

    +im. Reasons #on reasons ma) >e ad*aned to eit+er e(!#ate or nai! to

    t+e ross deendant or +is at o initia!!) onea!in" +is +omose(a!it) to#!ainti, >t in t+e end, on!) one t+in" is ertain K e*en drin" +is

    marria"e /it+ #!ainti, t+e smo0e o do>t a>ot +is rea! #reerene

    ontined and e*en "ot t+i0er, reason /+) o>*ios!) deendant ai!ed to

    esta>!is+ a +a##) and so!id ami!) and in so ai!in", #!ainti and t+eir+i!dren >eame +is innoent and n/i!!in" *itims.

    BB2BB3Rollo,#. @?.B%2B%3Id.

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    Yes, t+ere is not+in" nto/ard o a man i, !i0e +erein deendant,

    +e is meti!os o*er e*en sma!! detai!s in t+e +ose 5sic6 !i0e /ron"!)o!ded >ed s+eets, et. or i a man is more at+oritati*e in 0no/in" /+at

    !ot+es or 7e/e!r) s+a!! it +is /ie 5##. ;;-'1, TSN, 1B 4eem>er $&&t t+ese admissions o deendant ta0en in t+e !i"+t o e*idene #resenteda##arent!) s+o/in" t+at +e +ad e(tra ondness o +is ma!e riends 5sic6 to

    t+e e(tent t+at t/ie on se#arate oasions 5##. @-;, TSN, 1@ =e>rar)

    $&&16 +e /as a!!e"ed!) seen >) #!ainti 0issin" anot+er man !i#s-to-!i#s

    #!s t+e +omose(a! ma"aDines and ta#es !i0e/ise a!!e"ed!) diso*erednderneat+ +is >ed 5E(+i>its 8J and MJ6, t+e do>t as to +is rea! se(

    identit) >eomes stron"er. T+e asation o #!ainti *erss t+ereo o

    deendant ma) >e t+e name o t+e "ame in t+is ase >t t+e sim#!e reasono #roessiona! ri*a!r) ad*aned >) t+e deendant is ertain!) not eno"+

    to 7sti) and o>sre t+e estion /+) #!ainti s+o!d ase +im o s+

    a *er) nto/ard inide!it) at t+e e(#ense and +mi!iation o t+eir +i!drenand ami!) as a /+o!e.B;2B;3

    E*ident!), no siient #roo /as #resented to s>stantiate t+e

    a!!e"ations t+at Mane! is a +omose(a! and t+at +e onea!ed t+is to

    8eonida at t+e time o t+eir marria"e. T+e !o/er ort onsidered t+e #>!i

    #ere#tion o Mane!s se(a! #reerene /it+ot t+e orro>oration o

    /itnesses. A!so, it too0 o"niDane o Mane!s #e!iarities and inter#reted

    it a"ainst +is se(a!it).

    E*en assmin", ex gratia argu!enti, t+at Mane! is a +omose(a!, t+e

    !o/er ort annot a##reiate it as a "rond to ann! +is marria"e /it+

    8eonida. T+e !a/ is !ear K a marria"e ma) >e ann!!ed /+en t+e onsent o

    eit+er #art) /as o>tained >) rad,B'2B'3 s+ as onea!ment o

    +omose(a!it).B?2B?3 No/+ere in t+e said deision /as it #ro*en >)

    #re#onderane o e*idene t+at Mane! /as a +omose(a! at t+e onset o +is

    marria"e and t+at +e de!i>erate!) +id s+ at to +is /ie. %&2%&3 It is t+e

    onea!ment o +omose(a!it), and not +omose(a!it) per se, t+at *itiates

    t+e onsent o t+e innoent #art). S+ onea!ment #res##oses >ad ait+

    and intent to derad t+e ot+er #art) in "i*in" onsent to t+e marria"e.

    B;2B;3Id. at @?-B&.B'2B'3=ami!) Code, Art. @B5

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    Consent is an essentia! reisite o a *a!id marria"e. To >e *a!id, it

    mst >e ree!) "i*en >) >ot+ #arties. An a!!e"ation o *itiated onsent mst

    >e #ro*en >) #re#onderane o e*idene. T+e =ami!) Code +as enmerated

    an e(!si*e !ist o irmstanes%12%13onstittin" rad. Homose(a!it)per

    seis not amon" t+ose ited, >t its onea!ment.

    T+is distintion >eomes more a##arent /+en /e "o o*er t+e

    de!i>erations%$2%$3o t+e Committees on t+e Ci*i! Code and =ami!) 8a/, to


    stie Ca"ioa remar0ed t+at t+is "rond s+o!d >e e!iminated in

    t+e #ro*ision on t+e "ronds or !e"a! se#aration. 4ean G#it, +o/e*er,

    #ointed ot t+at in Arti!e @%, t+e) are ta!0in" on!) o onea!ment,J /+i!ein t+e arti!e on !e"a! se#aration, t+ere is ata!it). d"e 4i) added t+at in

    !e"a! se#aration, t+e "rond e(isted ater t+e marria"e, /+i!e in Arti!e @%,

    t+e "rond e(isted at t+e time o t+e marria"e. stie Re)es s""ested t+at,or !arit), t+e) add t+e #+rase e(istin" at t+e time o t+e marria"eJ at t+e

    end o s>#ara"ra#+ 5@6. T+e Committee a##ro*ed t+e s""estion.%!an0et denia!, >t

    one t+at is onstitti*e o rad. It is t+is ndamenta! e!ement t+at

    res#ondent ai!ed to #ro*e.

    In t+e United States, +omose(a!it) +as >een onsidered as a >asis or

    di*ore. It indiates t+at estions o se(a! identit) stri0e so dee#!) at one

    %12%13Arti!e @%. An) o t+e o!!o/in" irmstanes s+a!! onstitte rad reerred to in Nm>er < o t+e

    #reedin" Arti!e:

    16 Non-dis!osre o #re*ios on*ition >) ina! 7d"ment o t+e ot+er #art) o a rime

    in*o!*in" mora! tr#itde

    $6 Conea!ment >) t+e /ie o t+e at t+at at t+e time o t+e marria"e, s+e /as #re"nant >) a

    man ot+er t+an +er +s>and

    !e disease, re"ard!ess o its natre, e(istin" at t+e timeo t+e marria"e or

    @6 Conea!ment o dr" addition, +a>ita! a!o+o!ism, or +omose(a!it) or !es>ianism

    e(istin" at t+e time o t+e marria"e.%$2%$3Mintes o t+e 1B@t+Meetin" o t+e Ci*i! Code and =ami!) 8a/ Committees +e!d on Se#tem>er %,

    1?'%, ?:&& a.m. at t+e Conerene Room, =irst =!oor, ao>o Ha!!, U.P. 8a/ Com#!e(, 4i!iman, eDon


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    o t+e >asi e!ements o marria"e, /+i+ is t+e e(!si*e se(a! >ond

    >et/een t+e s#oses.%B2%B3 In Crutcher v. Crutcher,%%2%%3t+e Cort +e!d:

    Unnatra! #raties o t+e 0ind +ar"ed +ere are an inamosindi"nit) to t+e /ie, and /+i+ /o!d ma0e t+e marria"e re!ation so

    re*o!tin" to +er t+at it /o!d >eome im#ossi>!e or +er to dis+ar"e t+e

    dties o a /ie, and /o!d deeat t+e /+o!e #r#ose o t+e re!ation. In t+enatra! orse o t+in"s, t+e) /o!d ase menta! serin" to t+e e(tent o

    aetin" +er +ea!t+.%;2%;3

    Ho/e*er, a!t+o"+ t+ere ma) >e simi!ar sentiments +ere in t+e

    P+i!i##ines, t+e !e"a! o*ertones are si"niiant!) dierent. 4i*ore is notreo"niDed in t+e ontr). Homose(a!it) and its a!!e"ed inom#ati>i!it) to

    a +ea!t+) +eterose(a! !ie are not santioned as "ronds to se*er t+e

    marria"e >ond in or 7risdition. At most, it is on!) a "rond to se#arate

    rom >ed and >oard.

    F+at /as #ro*en in t+e +earin"s a /uo /as a re!ati*e!) >!iss!

    marita! nion or more t+an e!e*en 5116 )ears, /+i+ #roded t+ree 5rden o #roo to s+o/ t+e n!!it) o t+e marria"e rests on

    8eonida. Sad!), s+e ai!ed to dis+ar"e t+is ons.

    T+e same ai!re to #ro*e rad /+i+ #r#orted!) res!ted to a

    *itiated marita! onsent /as ond in )illanueva v. Court of Appeals.%'2%'3 In

    )illanueva, instead o #ro*in" *itiation o onsent, a##e!!ant resorted to

    >ase!ess #ortra)a!s o +is /ie as a #er#etrator o rad!ent s+emes. Said

    t+e Cort:

    =ata! indin"s o t+e Cort o A##ea!s, es#eia!!) i t+e)oinide /it+ t+ose o t+e tria! ort, as in t+e instant ase, are "enera!!)

    >indin" on t+is Cort. Fe airm t+e indin"s o t+e Cort o A##ea!s t+at

    #etitioner ree!) and *o!ntari!) married #ri*ate res#ondent and t+at no

    t+reats or intimidation, dress or *io!ene om#e!!ed +im to do so, t+s K

    A##e!!ant an+ored +is #ra)er or t+e ann!ment o +is marria"e on

    t+e "rond t+at +e did not ree!) onsent to >e married to t+e a##e!!ee. He

    %B2%B3;' A8R $d '&;.%%2%%3

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    ited se*era! inidents t+at reated on +is mind a reasona>!e and /e!!-

    "ronded ear o an imminent and "ra*e dan"er to +is !ie and saet). ( ( (

    T+e Cort is not on*ined t+at a##e!!ants a##re+ension o dan"er

    to +is #erson is so o*er/+e!min" as to de#ri*e +im o t+e /i!! to enter*o!ntari!) to a ontrat o marria"e. It is not dis#ted t+at at t+e time +e/as a!!e"ed!) >ein" +arassed, a##e!!ant /or0ed as a serit) "ard in a

    >an0. Gi*en t+e rdiments o se!-deense, or, at t+e *er) !east, t+e #ro#er

    /a) to 0ee# +imse! ot o +arms /a). ( ( (

    A##e!!ant a!so in*o0ed rad to ann! +is marria"e, as +e /as

    made to >e!ie*e >) a##e!!ee t+at t+e !atter /as #re"nant /it+ +is +i!d

    /+en t+e) /ere married. A##e!!ants e(se t+at +e o!d not +a*eim#re"nated t+e a##e!!ee >ease +e did not +a*e an eretion drin" t+eir

    tr)st is !ims) at >est, and an otri"+t !ie at /orst. T+e om#!aint is >eret

    o an) reerene to +is ina>i!it) to o#!ate /it+ t+e a##e!!ee. ( ( (

    ( ( ( (

    ( ( ( T+e ai!re to o+a>it >eomes re!e*ant on!) i it arises as ares!t o t+e #er#etration o an) o t+e "ronds or ann!!in" t+e marria"e,

    s+ as !a0 o #arenta! onsent, insanit), rad, intimidation, or nde

    in!ene ( ( (. Sine t+e a##e!!ant ai!ed to 7sti) +is ai!re to o+a>it/it+ t+e a##e!!ee on an) o t+ese "ronds, t+e *a!idit) o +is marria"e

    mst >e #+e!d.%?2%?3

    eri!), t+e !o/er ort ommitted "ra*e a>se o disretion, not on!)

    >) so!e!) ta0in" into aont #etitioners +omose(a!it) #er se and not its

    onea!ment, >t >) de!arin" t+e marria"e *oid rom its e(istene.

    T+is Cort is mind! o t+e onstittiona! #o!i) to #rotet and

    stren"t+en t+e ami!) as t+e >asi atonomos soia! instittion and

    marria"e as t+e ondation o t+e ami!).;&2;&3

    T+e State and t+e #>!i +a*e

    *ita! interest in t+e maintenane and #reser*ation o t+ese soia! instittions

    a"ainst deseration >) a>riated e*idene.;12;13 T+s, an) do>t s+o!d >e

    reso!*ed in a*or o t+e *a!idit) o marria"e.

    %?2%?3)illanueva v. Court of Appeals,id. at B%?-B;&.;&2;&3P+i!i##ine Constittion 51?';6, Art. II, Se. 1$ #ro*ides:

    Se. 1$. T+e State reo"niDes t+e santit) o ami!) !ie and s+a!! #rotet and stren"t+en t+eami!) as a >asi atonomos soia! instittion. ( ( (

    Art. L, Ses. 1-$ #ro*ides:

    Se. 1. T+e State reo"niDes t+e =i!i#ino ami!) as t+e ondation o t+e nation.

    Aordin"!), it s+a!! stren"t+en its so!idarit) and ati*e!) #romote its tota! de*e!o#ment.

    Se. $. Marria"e, as an in*io!a>!e soia! instittion, is t+e ondation o t+e ami!) and

    s+a!! >e #roteted >) t+e State.;12;13"olentino v. )illanueva,G.R. No. 8-$

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    III. In a valid marriage, the husband and ife jointly administer and

    enjoy their community or conjugal property.

    Arti!e ?% o t+e =ami!) Code, on re"imes o a>so!te ommnit)

    #ro#ert), #ro*ides:

    Art. ?%. T+e administration and en7o)ment o t+e ommnit)

    #ro#ert) s+a!! >e!on" to >ot+ s#oses 7oint!). In ase o disa"reement, t+e

    +s>ands deision s+a!! #re*ai!, s>7et to reorse to t+e ort >) t+e

    /ie or a #ro#er remed), /+i+ mst >e a*ai!ed o /it+in i*e )ears romt+e date o t+e ontrat im#!ementin" s+ deision.

    In t+e e*ent t+at one s#ose is ina#aitated or ot+er/ise na>!e to#artii#ate in t+e administration o t+e ommon #ro#erties, t+e ot+er

    s#ose ma) assme so!e #o/ers o administration. T+ese #o/ers do not

    in!de t+e #o/ers o dis#osition or enm>rane /it+ot t+e at+orit) ot+e ort or t+e /ritten onsent o t+e ot+er s#ose. In t+e a>sene o s+

    at+orit) or onsent, t+e dis#osition or enm>rane s+a!! >e *oid.

    Ho/e*er, t+e transation s+a!! >e onstred as a ontinin" oer on t+e#art o t+e onsentin" s#ose and t+e t+ird #erson, and ma) >e #ereted

    as a >indin" ontrat #on t+e ae#tane >) t+e ot+er s#ose orat+oriDation >) t+e ort >eore t+e oer is /it+dra/n >) eit+er or >ot+


    A simi!ar #ro*ision, Arti!e 1$@;$2;$3#resri>es 7oint administration

    and en7o)ment in a re"ime o on7"a! #artners+i#. In a *a!id marria"e, >ot+

    s#oses e(erise administration and en7o)ment o t+e #ro#ert) re"ime,


    In t+e ase nder re*ie/, t+e RTC dereed a disso!tion o t+e

    ommnit) #ro#ert) o Mane! and 8eonida. In t+e same >reat+, t+e tria!

    ort oreited Mane!s s+are in a*or o t+e +i!dren. Considerin" t+at t+e

    marria"e is #+e!d *a!id and s>sistin", t+e disso!tion and oreitre o

    ;$2;$3Art. 1$@. T+e administration and en7o)ment o t+e on7"a! #artners+i# #ro#ert) s+a!! >e!on" to >ot+

    s#oses 7oint!). In ase o disa"reement, t+e +s>ands deision s+a!! #re*ai!, s>7et to reorse to t+e

    ort >) t+e /ie or #ro#er remed), /+i+ mst >e a*ai!ed o /it+in i*e )ears rom t+e date o t+eontrat im#!ementin" s+ deision. In t+e e*ent t+at one s#ose is ina#aitated or ot+er/ise na>!e to #artii#ate in t+e administration o

    t+e on7"a! #ro#erties, t+e ot+er s#ose ma) assme so!e #o/ers o administration. T+ese #o/ers do not

    in!de dis#osition or enm>rane /it+ot at+orit) o t+e ort or t+e /ritten onsent o t+e ot+er

    s#ose. In t+e a>sene o s+ at+orit) or onsent, t+e dis#osition or enm>rane s+a!! >e *oid.

    Ho/e*er, t+e transation s+a!! >e onstred as a ontinin" oer on t+e #art o t+e onsentin" s#ose and

    t+e t+ird #erson, and ma) >e #ereted as a >indin" ontrat #on t+e ae#tane >) t+e ot+er s#ose or

    at+oriDation >) t+e ort >eore t+e oer is /it+dra/n >) eit+er or >ot+ oerors.

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    Mane!s s+are in t+e #ro#ert) re"ime is n/arranted. T+e) remain t+e 7oint

    administrators o t+e ommnit) #ro#ert).

    =HEREFORE,t+e #etition is GRANTED. T+e a##ea!ed 4eision

    is REVERSED and SET ASIDEand t+e #etition in t+e tria! ort to ann!

    t+e marria"e is DISMISSED.


    RUBEN T. REYES Assoiate stie






    A T T E S T A T I O N

    I attest t+at t+e on!sions in t+e a>o*e 4eision +ad >een rea+ed in

    ons!tation >eore t+e ase /as assi"ned to t+e /riter o t+e o#inion o t+e

    Corts 4i*ision.


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    C E R T I F I C A T I O N

    Prsant to Setion 1o*e 4eision +ad >een rea+ed in ons!tation >eore t+e ase /as

    assi"ned to t+e /riter o t+e o#inion o t+e Corts 4i*ision.

    REYNATO S. PUNO C+ie stie