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Page 1: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois


Page 2: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Each of our team members bring different skills to the table. When these skills are combined the collective ability of the team is regarded as the most effective team within the school and district. Our team always holds each other accountable, addressing any issues head on. If we want to be the most effective team that we can be, any actions that are not aligned with the overall goals of meeting students needs have to be addressed quickly. We also understand each others needs and will “pick up the slack” for each other in situations that present themselves. Within our Math flexible grouping we felt like we each would fit better in specific roles; Dan usually teaches the group that needs the most help due to his familiarity with these students, and his ability to reach them. Kristin teaches to the group who scores highly due to her creative ideas in the area of enrichment. Kaitlyn and Jake are willing to shift to any area needed, and that flexibility provides the group room to experience many different students and create positive relationships with all students in fifth grade.


Page 3: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Our school is located 40 miles west of Chicago in a suburb in transition. It was growing rapidly leading up to the economic decline. During the growth period the district grew by 13%-25% each year adding up to 80 teachers per year. Over the last three years, during the economic recession, the district has been in a budget reduction and staff reduction period. At this time of financial difficulty times, our team needed to determine how to best meet the needs of all learners with limited resources.


Page 4: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

The next two slides truly are combined in the oral presentation to show our district has consistent goals at all levels. The focus of all school and district improvement is to provide individualized instruction to meet all learner’s needs, while providing open and risk taking environments for learning.


Page 5: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois


Page 6: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois Standardized Assessment Test) scores in both reading and math. The scores did indicate a decrease of exceeds while below began to increase. The meets portion remained fairly consistent. This test is administered in March with the scores being returned by July of that year.


Page 7: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Essential questions are asked at the Administrative level to ensure the proposed initiatives and decisions made are always focused on the right student need. These are a few examples of this review process and the questions asked to begin an implementation process. This data was reviewed in order to find if the foundation for collaboration and open and honest dialogue was in place for math flexible grouping. The data indicated that the 5th grade team at John Shields was prepared for this level of collaboration to take place and prepared to deliver individualized instruction for all students.


Page 8: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Yearly these data sources are reviewed as part of a continuous improvement structure within our district and school. Kaneland truly has shared decision making processes in place at all levels. The team used the following data sources as an analysis tool: ISAT Math scores- the team reviewed the scores as a composite score, a teacher to teacher comparison to identify strengths and weaknesses of each team member, and comparison to state norms by content strand CBM Math scores- to reflect on the long term learning of math computation in order to build a foundation to apply math concepts Math pre and post tests date- the team reviewed the scores to find math content strands for strengths and weaknesses, also teacher to teacher data to find instructional strengths, and areas for faster pacing based on the pre tests Feedback from AAC members- the team used input from other staff members to find organizational structures to put in place to attend to the potential negative impacts Rocket Math scores- the team reviewed the rocket math scores for ongoing progression of math computation The data identified showed a need to learn professionally from each other based on strengths and weaknesses as well as focusing on specific content strand for individual students was a root cause of the need for math flexible grouping.


Page 9: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Being a true professional learning community provides ample opportunities for cultural audits to occur. Each year these surveys can give key feedback to the progress of our goals and provide insight for next steps. The data from the surveys indicated that the parent organization was prepared for electronic communication from multiple staff members, learning data exhibited that the instructional level in all 5th grade classrooms incorporated high levels of differentiation but just too many levels in one room provided less time to meet all students needs. The Professional Learning Communities cultural data indicated that John Shields has a high level of collaboration and team open and honest communication structures in place.


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In reviewing data, we found major gaps between students who understood the concepts taught and those who didn’t. Through staff discussions we found that groups of students had not retained skills that were taught in prior instruction. We thought that flexibly grouping students would allow lesson time to reach those students who had these gaps while continuing to teach the core instruction needed at their current grade level. Through this discussion staff also expressed that they felt they were not able to differentiate as effectively as they would like because of the needs of particular student groups. We thought that grouping the students would allow a natural differentiation to happen and teachers would be able to focus lessons on the student group that was in their classroom.


Page 11: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

ISAT data shows that over the past 5 years there has been little progression in the remediation of students scoring in the below section as well as increasing the number of students exceeding on the state standardized assessment.


Page 12: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

The findings from all data sources lead the district and our team to see the need for individualized math instruction to occur in order to meet the needs of all students in a safe environment for learning and taking risks. Acronyms: ISAT – Illinois Standardized Achievement Testing CBM – Curriculum Based Measurement


Page 13: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Through the process of reviewing the possible external root causes the team found that all root causes did contribute the need for more individualized instruction. The common core standards implementation contributed to the need by adding more depth to the expected math standards. The new technology implementation contributed to the need to explore alternative math instructional ideas for all students. The RTI systems implementation contributed to the need by focusing on reading more than math and a need for targeted instruction in math needing to be explored. The Professional Learning Community implementation contributed to the need by requiring teams to have communication norms and data review meetings. The addition of new staff contributed to the need by having staff take time mentor a new staff member into the process of collaboration and team work. The addition of new improvement goal structures contributed to the need for staff to better understand the process of writing results oriented goals. Overall through this process the team found all root causes did have some impact on the overall need for individualized instruction in math to occur.


Page 14: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Through the process of looking at all of the student causes, it was determined that all causes contributed to the lack of individualized instruction to meet student needs. Teacher pacing contributes to the root cause by not having the instructional time to pace for 4 to 5 different levels in one room. Disengaged students contributes to the root cause by not having the human resources (only one teacher per room) to meet the needs of all the variety of levels of students needs in one room. Differentiated struggles contributes to the root cause by not having the time to create or deliver differentiated instruction activities for all variety of levels. Self esteem issues contributes to the root cause by not being able to control other student responses to a variety of risk taking opportunities. Overall, all causes identified contributed to the need for individualized instruction.


Page 15: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

After identifying there was a problem with meeting the needs currently of students’ achievement in math, we had to come up with a solution to the problem. As a team, we realized that we had to look at the possible solution in steps. We needed to brainstorm, share solutions, determine the pros and cons and finally identify a solution.


Page 16: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

In a team meeting, we discussed all possible solutions to meet students’ needs. We came up with a list such as taking small groups during math instructional time or using Response to Intervention time in the morning to meet the needs of students who were not receiving interventions for reading.


Page 17: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Once we formulated a list of possible solutions, we knew that we would need approval from our district committees in order to implement them in our classrooms, so at committee meetings, our possible solutions were shared.


Page 18: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Each one of the possible solutions was reviewed through a discussion on pros and cons of the solution. This process began at the administrative level through a collaborative team that represents all buildings as well as the district office. Then the pros and cons list are then shared and expanded through our advisory committees in which staff and administration work collaboratively to determine solutions.


Page 19: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Once all pros and cons are reviewed the advisory committees then determine the best possible solution to pilot and implement. This process empowers staff in the shared decision making process.


Page 20: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Through the possible solution review process it was determined that the one viable solution that best met the needs determined through the root cause was math flexible grouping.


Page 21: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

The team has reviewed all potential key stakeholders and both positive and negative impacts. At the same time the team did look at every potential negative impact and determined possible solutions or strategies to assist in resolving the potential impacts. The charts explores those potential negative impacts and ideas brainstormed in the planning process to resolve the impact. For example a negative impact might be the potential of having multiple behavior expectations in each room they students flexibly group to. This can be resolved by determining common classroom expectations and behavior plans for all staff to implement. Some of the possible resolutions for students’ potential negative impacts include making sure all classrooms are located near each other for ease in transition, common expectations and behavior plans, as well as spending ample time making efforts to build relationships as a team with all grade level students. To focus on solutions for potential parent impacts the team determined we needed to further use the electronic parent portal (Kaneland Konnect) to post daily assignments, grade level team events, and for parents to have access to all staff members. For parent conference reporting the team does send many hours collaborating on each student in order for any staff member to articulate progress of all students to the parents. In order to remedy negative impacts for staff the team determined the need to build common routines and always focus on the use of data to drive teaching and learning decisions. Finally to assist the negative impact of how administration can communicate to the parents and students, when they might be in any one of the 5 classrooms, the team determined to make updated class lists for the administrative


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team in order for the staff to know at all times the location of all students and what teacher to contact. These ideas for resolution of negative impacts assisted in the planning process for the program.


Page 23: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Two years ago the district Academic Advisory Committee (AAC), which consists of both teachers and administrators, determined a need to begin math flexible grouping. The committee gave guidelines to school based teams, who then could determine what specific structure they would pilot and implement at their grade level.


Page 24: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

The overall categories of anticipated benefits included: 1. More student risk taking: increase self confidence allowing more students

interaction to occur, more on level instruction to provide a risk taking environment for all students, and more variety in instructional methods for students to connect to.

2. Increase in differentiated instruction: more time to prepare individualized activities for students and more variety in instructional methods students are exposed to.

3. Increase in student achievement: more on level instruction providing appropriate pacing for learning for all students and more enhancement and remediation opportunities.

4. More professional collaboration: teams work more collaboratively and share students allowing more in depth knowledge of all students learning progression.


Page 25: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

These challenges were identified through conversations and feedback with the Citizens Advisory Committee and other school districts. District level challenges will be overseen by the Director of Educational Services along with the assistance of the Building level administration.


Page 26: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

We identified challenges by thinking through the process of math flexible grouping and comparing the flexible grouping structure to the process that was in place. We discussed our plans and received input from other grade level teachers in the building. Transition time was a challenge because students will have to be allowed time to get from classroom to classroom. We needed to discuss and develop a common idea on what standards had to be met by all learners as well as the specific objectives that would be focused on in the flexible groups. We had to communicate with parents about how the process of flexible grouping works. We also needed to calm any concerns about students learning from multiple teachers.


Page 27: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

The following slides indicate the specifics in the PDSA process that the district and 5th grade team took to implement and monitor math flexible grouping. For the intent of the oral presentation we will use these simply as reference but not explore each slide in depth. The slides show the PDSA process in place within our district.


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Page 30: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Prior to implementing math flexible grouping, our team tried other solutions to meet all students’ needs, specifically struggling students. First, we tried small, needs-based groups within each classroom, pulling students at the end of instructional time to reinforce topics previously taught. Then, we created a class-sized group for Response to Intervention Power Half Hour time (for students who did not receive a reading intervention). Once the district initiated flexible grouping, we jumped in and discussed how we would implement in our grade. Using the unit test from our math program, we assess students and grade collaboratively as a team. We get a percentage of correct answers and group the students based on their percentage, therefore, they may not always be with the same teacher or students, based on the skills being taught and their knowledge of that unit. We use the same test at the end and grade collaboratively, and record the percentages for before and after to see growth. If students are not improving significantly, we put them into a math intervention group during the first half hour of the day, if they do not receive reading interventions during that time.


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Taking time as a team to meet and talk about how flexible-grouping is implemented, procedures used to grade assessments, collect homework, instruct and manage behavior so it is consistent for all team members. Sharing ideas throughout the district on how to most effectively assess students for flexible grouping.


Page 32: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

From our root causes, we determined that the above expected benefits would occur from implementing MFG. To monitor whether or not the benefits would occur, we looked at the above indicators. Behavior referrals are slips given to students who are not following the expectations of our school-wide and classroom behavior program, such as not doing homework, disrespectful behavior, talking out in class, etc. All of these descriptors will be continuously monitored though grade level collaborative meetings and data collection.


Page 33: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Monitoring any implementation with data is essential. Our team set structures in place to review each data piece in a timely manner with all stakeholders being able to share feedback with our team.


Page 34: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

In one year the gains made in he exceeds section of the ISAT, state standardized text, was 16 percentage points. Not only did the exceeds increase but the grade level exhibited a 9 percentage point decrease on the below level. Thus, indicating the MFG process attending to both the higher and lower level for students.


Page 35: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

The math local assessment test indicated a growth in the meets and exceeds and an overall reduction of 19 percentage points in the below level.


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By implementing math flexible grouping, there were many results we saw that benefitted students and student achievement. Students who were grouped with those at similar learning levels, chose to participate more in class, since many of the students had similar questions. This also resulted in student confidence, because they saw they were capable to compete academically with their peers. Students also saw improvements in their own ability of math understanding. Also through flexible grouping, students were able to connect to other teachers and their teaching style for their educational experience. We saw that through grouping in math, students became more effective in other areas of the school day, as a result of movement breaks, being more responsible for work and having different relationships with peers outside of their homeroom class.


Page 37: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

We initially had videos of students sharing their feedback on math flexible grouping in this presentation but the slide show became to large with the videos. Overall, students speak very highly of the process and the benefits they receive through the flexible groups.


Page 38: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Through flexible grouping, we found we were being held accountable by our other team members for our teaching, assessing and behavior expectations. We self-reflected often to see how we could improve to reach the needs of the students in our class and we reflected as a team to problem-solve issues we saw in our classes. We became more effective as team because we were willing to work closely to share lesson ideas, resources and tools to teach math and other subjects.


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Page 41: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

Math flexible grouping also had positive effects on other staff members. We became a positive model for others in our building to come to for implementing flexible grouping in their own grade level. We found that it was easier to differentiate for our students because only one lesson had to be taught with little individualized instruction for students who were below or above the average in our class. Having students grouped at the same level allowed for the whole lesson to be differentiated to their needs rather than just parts. Through informal communication with other staff members, we were able to help problem-solve management issues for implementation, as well as how effective it could be in their grade level.


Page 42: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

By meeting on a consistent basis, we were able to stay on similar pacing of lessons. It also helped us to share ideas and suggestions for instructing the different levels of students within our classes. We were able to keep our behavior plan consistent across the grade level. The common behavior plan also allowed for us to continue to adopt the idea of “our students” rather than “my students.” Communication made us effective as a team, because aside from our consistent meetings, we could use other forms of communication such as our online portal called Konnect. We shared data regularly at meetings and discussed outcomes of grouped students. The team focused on bring student data from common assessments in order to collaboratively progress monitor the implementation of the process. Team members focused on the abilities of each other to prepare reports, analyze the data, and collectively determine next steps to any problem that arose.


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When we started the process of flexible grouping, we met quite often to discuss instruction, student concerns, and assessment. Now that MFG has been implemented for a few years, we will meet once or twice a week. As far as assessments in place, we are changing our math program for the 2012 – 2013 school year so the current pre and post assessments in place will need to be changed to align with our math lessons. Also, during the 2011 and 2012 school year we began to realign to the CCS and for the 2012 – 2013 school year we will continue to adjust content taught to meet those standards. Successful measures in place are the continued emphasis on math facts and grouping students based on their pre and post unit scores. The level of communication between the team members regarding students and teaching strategies.


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A specific example of this would be a student not reaching full potential in a classroom because of rapport with a specific teacher. After analyzing circumstances in this incident, the team could try matching personalities to better accommodate this student.


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The success of this implementation has lead to professional development opportunities for staff to share success and observe each other across the district. The PDSA process for math flexible grouping paved the way for the implementation of common core standards in math.


Page 46: also understand each others needs and will “pick up the · Kaneland John Shields has experienced consistent ISAT (Illinois

As you can see we are a very open, trusting and honest team that collaborate very well….even on Halloween!