altar servers - amazon s3

The altar server assists the presider during Mass. Training is provided for all those, 4th grade and older, including adults interested in becoming servers. Visit hps:// Adult Altar Servers Adult Altar servers are needed to serve the weekday Masses (7:00 am and 11:30 am) If you're interested, please contact Colleen at [email protected] Altar Servers

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The altar server assists the presider during Mass. Training is provided for all

those, 4th grade and older, including adults interested in becoming servers.


Adult Altar Servers

Adult Altar servers are needed to serve the weekday Masses

(7:00 am and 11:30 am)

If you're interested, please contact

Colleen at [email protected]

Altar Servers

Altar Society members serve the par-

ish and priests by caring for the lin-

ens, sacred vessels, and various arti-

cles used for Mass and other reli-

gious functions as well as performing

light "housekeeping" duties in the

church. We have six teams of three

members. For more information

and/or to sign-up, contact Carmen


[email protected]

or 301.881.1380

Time Requirement:

Approximately two hours every six weeks (one-hour at church, and one-

hour laundering and ironing the linens at home).

Altar Society

Arimathean Ministry This group of men and women assist

the presider at funeral liturgies in

order to offer a meaningful, com-

forting service, and hospitality and

sympathy to bereaved families of

fellow parishioners.

Arimatheans greet and usher guests

and serve as lectors, Eucharistic min-

isters, and servers, as needed. Spe-

cial training is offered so that volun-

teers are comfortable in the ways in

which they serve.

For more information, contact Carmen Boston, coordinator of this ministry, 301-881-

1380 / [email protected]

Art & Environment

Parents who are baptizing a child for the

first time are required to attend a baptism

preparation session. The class is offered

every other month, on even months.

Parents of Children who are older than 7

can coordinate with the Director of Chris-

tian Formation to receive their Sacra-

ments by enrolling in Christian Formation


If you are interested in helping this im-

portant ministry, please contact Mary

Theresa Heneghan at [email protected]

Interested in hand-sewing the baptism bibs presented to the families during

St. Elizabeth’s baptism ceremonies? Sewing is done on your schedule. No

meetings to attend. Contact: Claudia Seelig at [email protected]

Baptism Prep

Baptism Bibs

Christian Formation

Catechists Needed

Wondering how you are being called to serve? Have you ever thought

about becoming a catechist? Catechists are dedicated to inviting young

people into a deeper relationship with Jesus. They help our parish chil-

dren and youth to understand the creed, celebrate the sacraments, live

moral lives, and pray. If God is calling you to this sacred and rewarding

work, please be in touch with Mary Theresa Heneghan, our Director of

Christian Formation ([email protected]). Assistance

is needed on Sunday mornings during the school year at several grade

levels. Every effort is made to “partner” our teachers, so feel free to vol-

unteer with a friend! Training and support are provided. If you’d like to

be a Catechist for 7th and 8th grade levels, please contact Carmen Bos-

ton at [email protected]


Eucharistic Ministers


Ministry These ministers offer special care

by bringing Communion to our

parish community who are sick,

infirm, homebound, or elderly

parishioners. They also visit Cath-

olic residents of the Hebrew

Home for which our parish is sac-

ramentally responsible. They are

blessed and sent forth from

the 9:00 and 10:30 am Sunday

Masses, with the prayers and

concern of the entire, gathered


A flexible schedule and training are provided.

For more information, contact Carmen Boston, coordinator of homebound ministry, 301-

881-1380 / [email protected]

Hospitality Committee Greeters

It takes 7 seconds to make a first impression.

Greeters are the ones with a friendly smile

and helping hand, opening the door as guests

make their way into Mass. Greeters help

those who are new to St. Elizabeth feel wel-

come and assist them in connecting with the

parish. After Mass, greeters help distribute

bulletins and directing substantial questions

to the appropriate staff member.

Ushers As guests enter the Church, Ushers help with

seating and ensuring those who arrive late

have a place to sit. Ushers help with collec-

tions and directing the line for distribution of

Communion. These are the people who are

contacted during Mass for any emergency questions or to request the Eucharist to be brought to those

who are unable to walk down.

Coffee & Donuts Each weekend following Mass (September through

May) everyone is invited to enjoy fellowship with

each other over coffee and donuts. Volunteers for

this group are scheduled on a rotating basis to set

up and clean up the coffee and donuts after a spe-

cific Mass. To sign up to help with this ministry,

please contact Colleen Steele at

[email protected]

Lector Ministry

Last Lent, we launched a 6 week Lenten Retreat, and we had OVER 200 participants!!

We begin at 6:30 pm, with dinner, praise & worship, a video, and

small group discussion ending at 8:30 pm. This effort takes a lot of

volunteers for the different functions throughout the evening.

We plan to run a similar retreat this upcoming Lent 2020.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Hospitality Team (Check in, decorating, environment)

Set-Up/Clean-Up Team

Dinner Team

Tech Team

Table Leaders

Vacation Bible School 2020 We are always looking for Adult and teen volunteers to help

with Vacation Bible School from June 22-26th, 2020.

Contact: Mary Theresa Heneghan at

[email protected]

Youth Group Looking for a way to get involved in the parish? We need volunteers for our youth

ministry program! We are in need of Sunday night Core Team members. These are

adult volunteers who have strong faith lives and are willing and able to lead small

group faith sharing discussions AND have completed VIRTUS training. Please contact

Carmen Boston at [email protected] or Fr. Stefan at

[email protected]