altered fates: chapter 11 pt. 2


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This half covers Duality B.


Page 1: Altered Fates: Chapter 11 Pt. 2
Page 2: Altered Fates: Chapter 11 Pt. 2

Part two, I assume you’ve read part one before this right? Moving on then…

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Tybold: Damnit…I did not want to see this.

You had four yourself…

Tybold: And I did it like a man babe. None of this girly screaming.


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Is that…the pass off? *whimpers*

Dagmar: NOT DONE YET!!

I did want to do a ten kid generation but still…

Dagmar: SO IT WAS YOU??!


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Oh finally…

Dagmar: Here, let’s put you on the floor.

Wait, what? NO!!

Dagmar: OH YES!! Got one more!!

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That’s it right? Only three? Well there you go the first born of Beta’s generation 4, triplet girls. This generation we continue on with the Sith plot and name them all after Sith

lords and knights. These three are named after female Sith legends. First born Lumiya, second born Aurra Sing, and third born Alema Rar. And one of them is actually a REDHEAD!! Take that dominate genes!! Aurra Sing is the only redhead so far…

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From a site called (yeah awesome right?)

“Lumiya was a Sith but because she was mostly cyborg, she could never achieve overlord status. She was the one who molded Jacen to be what he was, and could also use Force phantoms to make physical manifestations of people. In short, she could be on one planet, while a phantom of herself was physically on another. She did this by siphoning the Force out of other

living beings. Lumiya used a lightwhip which was basically a bull whip made out of energy. She almost killed Luke in her second fight with him.”

“Alema Rar was a Jedi knight who lost her sister in the Yuuzhan Vong war. Later, in the Dark Nest trilogy she became part of the “hive” mind and slowly went full retard. She got her arm chopped up to where it was

useless, was bitten in half by a beast, her Leku was cut off by a saber, half her foot was missing, and she still owned people with ease. She learned to

use Force phantoms after Lumiya’s death and saved an entire fleet of Jacen Solo’s ships by projecting images. She was finally killed by Jagged

Fel who used a set of Crush Gaunts to snap her neck. The gaunts were actually a gift from Boba Fett to Han Solo – but Han never went after his

own son with them.”

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“Much like General Grievous, Aurra Sing collected Jedi lightsabers as trophies after she killed them. She was half human, the other half was unknown. The unknown half made

her nearly ageless. She was a teacher to Boba Fett and could wield one or two sabers with deadly precision.”

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Thanos: Who’s daddy’s little minion?

Dagmar: Can’t you just call her your daughter?

Thanos: Silence woman, minion.

Dagmar: Sure thing. Whatever you say.

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Margaret: Who’s got grandma’s red hair? Aurra does, yes she does…

Thanos: Mom, really. Just toss her already.

Margaret: I’m enjoying the moment brat.

Dagmar: By all means, enjoy.

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Lumiya Beta (red outfit): Pisces

6/8/6/5/10 freak of nature this one, no heirship for her

Alema Rar (green outfit): Aries

8/8/7/8/1 potential heiress number one

Aurra Sing (blue): Virgo

9/0/10/6/0 just moved up to first choice heiress

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Where are you going?

Thanos: To do evil, what else?

Dressed like that?

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Oh yeah, that’ll have them running for the hills *snigger*

Thanos: Silence!! It will catch them off guard enough so I can run them through with my double-ended light saber!!

And where, pray tell, is that light saber hidden in that get up?

Thanos: Wouldn’t you like to know?

I would actually…

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Gone for 21 hours…he’ll be back tomorrow morning.

Dagmar: @#$%^&*%^&*

I hear ya…oi.

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Dagmar: Oh thank the gods, you’re a singlet.

And another girl…estrogen overload this generation. Meet Kreia, another redheaded *squee* Sith knight.

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“This blind Jedi master was exiled by the order because *Revan was her student,

and…well…you know how much shit Revan caused right? Although blind, Kreia could tame beasts, use lightning, and Dark Side heal. She

killed dozens of Sith Assassins at the same time using that ability. She could see into the future, and battle with her saber using only telekinesis. If you were to pick a fight thinking that this was

a weak, blind, grandma you’d get trampled pretty fast.”

*I don’t know who Revan is though…I never followed the story after the prequel trilogy.*

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The gypsy left us a present…

Dagmar: Oh great purple torso-less man whose head is impaled in the light, my sick bastard of a husband wants to make me, a ROMANCE sim have ten kids. At this rate

I’ll never become a Celebrity Chef, can you help me with that?

Genie: I suppose…one wish for Peace of Mind coming up.

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Dagmar: You alright? Need a crowbar or something?

Genie: I’m good…really. I didn’t need my brain anyway, honest.

Dagmar: Oh, okay, if you’re sure.

Genie: Dumb bitch…*poofs back into lamp*

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Margaret: Filthy mutt, can’t we trade you in for a nice clean cat instead?

Suzi: *bites fingers*

Margaret: OWW!!

Sorry, no cats allowed in Duality B, Dark Mistress Kiara’s orders.

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Thanos: Ah, another minion is ready. Good. My army will soon be complete.

Kreia: *is scared*

I would be too Kree, I would be too…

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Damnit, no toddler picture of Kreia. Instead have one of my generation two couple getting old and creaky. I played a lot today and it was hot…so I missed some pictures.

Margaret: I don’t want to get old…where’s Kiara?

Not happening. Someone has to die in this legacy.

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Thanos: Excellent!! Now I’ll be the only hot one around here!

Tybold: As if boy, I’m still hot and always will be.

Dagmar: Yay!! I’ll be prettier than you finally!!

Margaret: Remind me again why my son married this air head…

Triple bolts. And recessives.

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Margaret: What…the…hell… is this?

Dagmar: I’m blind!!

Tybold: I’m not coming out until I foxify myself again!! You can’t make me!!

Diva. But that’s my Tybold. ^_^

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Oh look, more birthdays. The Terror Triplets also grew up.

Lumiya: But I’m not a terror, am I Voice?

Aurra Sing: AHH!! The pink!! GET IT OFF!! GET IT OFF!! It clashes with my hair!!

Relax, there’s the better clothes waiting for you.

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Much better, now skill. *whipcrack*

Aurra Sing: I can feel the evil growing…preventing fires? Nah, I want to set them!!

Alema Rar: I think I’m going to love purple…it’s so royal.

Lumiya: Oh, so that’s how you put out a fire!! Good to know.

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Dagmar: Umm, shoo flee?

Tybold: Oh gods, not again!!

I have plans, don’t worry Dags, these are the last ones…Thanos will bring me the last two.

Dagmar: What?

Yes, I’m hitting THAT option, on purpose…

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Dagmar: What do you know? Another redhead.

Tybold: *sexy strut*

Dagmar: Hey, umm dad? Want to hold her?

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Dagmar: Hey old lady!! Pay attention to me!!

Margaret: What? I’m sorry I don’t speak Bitchese. Want to try again dearie?

Dagmar: I have to go to work!!

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*drums fingers* This takes so long…they have to find a place to put them that’s way out of the way don’t they? And now the Terror Triplets are home, great.

Dagmar: *huffhuff*

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Last one finally!! Dags, you done good. Eight is more than your fair share.

Dagmar: Oh thanks Voice!! It was only eight too many…

Three girls and ONE BOY of eight!! So not fair…

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“This Fosh Jedi fell to the Dark Side sometime before Palpatine created the Empire. She disguised herself well

during the Yuuzhan Vong war which is how she started Jacen Solo’s transformation. Vergere was a master of

manipulation and could heal most ailments with her tears. She was able to strip other Jedi from the Force and was able

to deceive even Luke Skywalker with minimal effort.”

“ (Darth) Zannah’s first act of using the Force was when she snapped the necks of two Jedi knights like twigs. She was 9 at

the time. Shortly thereafter she became Darth Bane’s apprentice. She studied under Bane for 20 odd years,

absorbing everything that she could from the Sith Lord. Eventually she perfected sorcery which is how she finally killed

her master.”

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“Asajj (Ventress) studied under Dooku during the Clone Wars. Although she was only a Sith apprentice, her

powers quickly drew a lot of attention. A lot of which came from Palpatine who ordered Dooku to destroy his apprentice (which he failed to do). Asajj struck

back at Dooku with two Nightsisters, but was unsuccessful in her assassination plot. Asajj wiped the

floor with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan on more than one occasion. Before Palpatine thought she posed a threat to him, he was impressed with her

lightsaber skills.”

“Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, was a Force-sensitive Human male who served as the last Supreme

Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire. A Dark Lord of the Sith in the Order of the Sith Lords, recorded by history as the most powerful who had ever lived, his entire life was the culmination of a thousand-year plan to overthrow the Republic and the Jedi

Order from within.”

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Tybold: Palpatine has my eyes babe, I’m glad they live on.

Well so do three of your other eight grandchildren Tybold…

Tybold: But he’s the only boy, I want to train him to be just like me.

Only boy SO FAR, we still have two more chances to get some more.

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Tybold: Which one is this?

Vergere, another redhead. You have four so far. This pleases me.

Tybold: But she’s not a boy, I’m overrun with girls here. Do you have any idea what the end of the month will be like with eight women here? Chaos!!

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Tybold: And this one is…

Asajj, A-Saa-Jii. Another girl with black hair.

Tybold: I’ll never keep them all straight. What happens when my other kids start popping out babies? I’m old, I’ll forget half of their names.

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Tybold: So this one then is…

Darth Zannah, I wasn’t sure if I’d like the Darth tacked on to the front of her name, but it works. She is the fourth redhead.

Tybold: How am I going to remember all this?

Luck? I don’t know…

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Now that we got that settled, it’s a quintuple birthday. Yes all five are growing up at the same time…kill me if I ever think of doing this again.

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Ah, so here is the only toddler picture of Kreia. She’s in a purple outfit and I let her keep the short hair, it somehow fits her.

Kreia Beta

Aries 9/9/6/6/5 and she’s out of the heir running, five is just too nice for Duality B.

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Tybold: I have no idea who is who…

Thanos: It’s alright dad, you’re old.

Tybold: Shut up boy. I can still kick your ass if I have to.

Thanos: Oh yeah? Try it, but don’t break a hip old man.

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The Quads:

Darth Zannah (shiny red hair): Vergere (pony tail): Aries Aries

10/10/10/2/3 possible heiress? 9/10/6/8/0 definite potential

Asajj (short black hair): Palpatine (overalls): Capricorn Virgo

10/1/4/10/10 no chance 8/0/10/7/5 sadly, no chance

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Turnabout is fair play huh?

Thanos: SILENCE!!

Touchy, hormones maybe? You have the honour of birthing your last two kids.

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Thanos: I have another son, I shall call you Dooku.

Finally, some males!! Now who can you pass him to?

Thanos: Mother of course.

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Margaret: Nope, not seeing my son give birth, nope I’m not seeing it.

Thanos: MOTHER!!

Margaret: Mother is in her happy place dear.

Thanos: I demand you pick up my son!! I must deliver my other one!!

Two boys, score. Final count: seven girls, three boys. Unbalanced much?

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“Dooku was a Jedi Master who fell to the dark side of the Force and became a Dark Lord of the Sith, known as Darth

Tyranus. Born into a noble family on the planet Serenno, he was the heir to vast wealth and the noble title of Count.

Dooku was taken by the Jedi Order as a child and apprenticed to Thame Cerulian. As a Jedi Knight, he took

Qui-Gon Jinn as his first Padawan, and later trained Komari Vosa. Dooku was a respected instructor in the Jedi Temple and one of the most renowned swordsmen in the galaxy, on par only with Masters Yoda and Mace Windu.”

And last but certainly not least…

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"You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it

in darkness!"

―Obi-Wan Kenobi, to the fallen Anakin Skywalker

“Anakin Skywalker was a Force-sensitive Human male who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight and later served the Galactic Empire as the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Born to the slave Shmi Skywalker in 41.9 BBY, Anakin was conceived by

midi-chlorians, the symbiotic organisms that allowed individuals to touch the Force, and he and his mother were brought to the desert planet of Tatooine to be the slaves of

Gardulla the Hutt. They soon ended up as the property of the Toydarian Watto, and Skywalker exhibited exceptional piloting

skills and a reputation for being able to build and repair anything even at a young age (like C3PO for example). In 32

BBY, Skywalker encountered the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Padmé Amidala, and he helped them secure the parts they needed for

their starship by winning the Boonta Eve Classic podracing event—only to learn that he had also won his freedom in doing


How could I NOT do a Sith loaded Star Wars themed generation

without Anakin Skywalker, I mean come on, he’s Darth Freakin’ Vader


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Next time on Altered Fates:

Someone please tell me how to get ten kids through college and keep my mind intact?