altiris ibm deployment guide

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  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    Getting Started with Altiris

    Deployment Solution for IBM Servers 1.3

    Altiris Technical Services

    February 2006

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    About Altiris

    Altiris, Inc. is IT lifecycle m nagement software that allows organizations to easily manage

    desktops, notebooks, thin clients, handhelds, industry-standard servers, and heterogeneous software

    including Windows, Linux and UNIX. Altiris automates and simplifies IT projects throughout the life of an

    asset to reduce the cost and complexity of management. Altiris client and mobile, server, asset, network,

    and security management solutions natively integrate through a common Web-based console and

    repository. For more information, visit

    a pioneer of a


    For additional information about managing IBM servers with Altiris solutions, see the Support Forums at and take part in discussions about provisioning and managing IBM

    servers. When you get to the forum page, select Deployment Solution for IBM Servers from the Altiris

    Product Forums list to find valuable information and share ideas with other users. This forum link is also

    accessible from the Deployment Console by clicking Tools > IBM Tools > Deployment Solution for

    IBM ServersForum.

    In addition, installation and configuration resources for this product are availableat where you can view a Quick Start

    Video that complements this written guide, view product documentation, IBM resources, white papers,

    etc. Altiris highly recommends that you watch this video to properly install, configure, and use Altiris

    Deployment Solution for IBM Servers.


    The content in this document represents the current view of Altiris as of the date of publication. Because Altirisresponds continually to changing market conditions, this document should not be interpreted as a commitment on thepart of Altiris. Altiris cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.

    Copyright 2006, Altiris, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Altiris, Inc.

    588 West 400 South

    Lindon, UT 84042

    Phone: (801) 226-8500

    Fax: (801) 226-8506

    BootWorks U.S. Patent No. 5,764,593.

    Altiris is a registered trademark, and Deployment Solution is a trademark of Altiris, Inc. in the United States and othercountries.

    Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in theUnited States and/or other countries.

    Other company names or products mentioned are or may be trademarks of their respective owners.

    Information in this document is subject to change without notice. For the latest documentation, visit

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide



    Welcome to IBM Server Management w ith Altir is .......................................................................4 .........................................................4

    Installat ion Checklist ..................................................................................................................5 Step 1: Prerequisite Information ................................................................................................ 5St ll Deployment Server ............................................................................................. 6S p 3: Install the IBM ServerGuide Scripting Toolkit ....................................................................7


    . 9Altiris PXE Server...................................................................................... 9

    ......................... 10. 111113

    Step 1: Creating Your Reference Server .................................................................................... 13Step 2: Capture Settings from Reference Server ........................................................................ 16Step 3: Deploy Bare Metal to OS Job to Target Server .............................................................. 17

    ...............................................................................................18al Support and Other Resources....................................................................................19

    Getting Started Checklist .................................................

    ep 2: Insta


    Step 4: Apply Licenses .............................................................................................................

    Configuration Best Practices .......................................................................................................8 Step 1: Configure Deployment Solution Options ........................................................................... Step 2: Configure Initial Deployment.........................................................................................

    Step 3: Configure the

    Step 4: Use the IBM Configuration Utility .........................................................

    Step 5: Enable PXE on the Target Server..................................................................................

    Step 6: Pre-provisioning an IBM xSeries Server or Blade .............................................................

    Dep loy ing Your First IBM Blade or xSer ies Server .....................................................................

    Important Blade Considerations


    Other Resources.................................................................................................................... 19

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    Welcome to IBM Server Management w ith Altirisn your purchase of Altiris Deployment Solution for IBM Servers! You are on your way

    r IT reach and automating a server management system using the next generation of

    IBM Servers integrates the IBM Serv

    features of Alti










    Congratulations o

    to extending you

    server deployment and provisioning tools. As a consolidated management tool, Deployment Solution forerGuide Scripting Toolkit (SSTK) with the easy-to-use, consolidated

    ris Deployment Solution. From a Deployment Console, you can deploy IBM BladeCenter and

    xSeries servers from bare metal by scripting or imaging Windows or Linux operating systems and VMware

    X Server, patch on both a hardware and software level, remotely deploy software such as the IBM

    rector Agent, rip and replace blade servers, or schedule pre-configured jobs for each phase of server


    tiris brings you one step closer to accomplishing these server management goals:

    Do more with less by consolidating server resources and tools. Prevent risk and liability by reducing manual efforts, minimizing security exposures, and

    integrating disaster recovery.

    Deliver value to your organization by reducing time to deploy, increasing system availability, andsimplifying training.

    ployment Solution for IBM Servers offers complete and compelling features for rapidly deploying,

    ovisioning, and repurposing IBM servers. The solution can help your IT team drive profitability, establish

    a competitive edge, and predict planning to reduce risk and vulnerabilities to your server environment.

    r more information about the time savings Deployment Solution for IBM Servers can offer, refer to an

    dependent report conducted by Applabs and published at

    Getting Started Checklist

    This provides quick start help and installation checklists to assist in setting up and

    confi uring Deployment Solution for IBM Servers. In addition to the product documentation bundled with

    the product download, this guide includes a checklist of required tasks to get you up and running quickly.

    Altiris recommends that after reading this guide you refer to the included product guide to learn more

    about all the Altiris features and configuration options. In addition, the latest Altiris documentation is

    available at

    Getting Started Guide


    You can also access an installation video and other

    resources at

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    Installation ChecklistThis section provides steps for identifying prerequisite requirements and a checklist for installing

    components of Deployment Solution for Servers 6.5 and the IBM SSTK 1.3. Altiris products can be

    installed by running the respectively named individual core files after downloading the products


    Altiris always recommends that you download the latest service packs and hotfixes from if applicable. At the time of this writing, Deployment Solution 6.5

    Hotfix 2 is available and needs to be installed separately after Deployment Solution for Servers 6.5 has

    been installed.

    Consult Deployment Solution product documentation for a detailed discussion of prerequisites, installation,

    and product architecture at


    Con e :

    PXE (P nt). Altiris customers commonly use PXE to facilitate hands-free

    serv d yment.pdf

    p 1: Prerequisite Information

    sid r the following components and installation concepts before installing Deployment Solution

    re-boot Execution Environme

    er eployments. Altiris documentation is available both in the product download and at . This document explains the value of PXE technology and

    identifies how it leverages the server network interface card (NIC) as a boot device. If it has been


    same level of hands-free management that

    E is not an option. Note that:

    If you are using PXE, you must enable PXE in the BIOS of the target server managed byp 5: Enable PXE on the Target Server

    determined to use PXE, then the Altiris PXE Server bundled with the installation must be installed. PX

    requires that a DHCP server is installed with a scope defined. The Altiris PXE Server can either be installed

    on the DHCP server or on another server on the network.

    For environments where PXE cannot be used, Altiris offers BootWorks, which can be used in place of the

    Altiris PXE Server. Although BootWorks does not provide the

    PXE offers, it is a reasonable alternative for environments where PX

    Deployment Solution. See Ste later in this document.


    erver (IIS) and the Microsoft .NET Framework, which are required when installing NS.

    Deployment Database. Deployment Solution for IBM Servers requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (SP3a

    or higher). Smaller installations managing fewer nodes in a non-production environment might be able to

    use MSDE 2000 (SP3a or higher) for limited use. Altiris never recommends using MSDE for production

    nvironments because of the database limitations of this free product.

    Operating System. Deployment Solution server components must be installed on either Windows 2000

    Server or Windows 2003 Server operating systems acting as a domain member or in a stand-alone server

    The IBM Deployment Toolkit that Altiris includes with this product requires a DOS pre-bootenvironment. During the installation you will be prompted for a Windows 95/98 installation disk or


    Altiris Consoles (Windows and Web-based). By default, Deployment Solution installs both a Windows

    and a stand-alone Web user console. If you are already using the Altiris Console installed with Altiris

    Notification Server (NS), you can run Deployment Solution from a tab selected from the Altiris Console.

    In order to perform this, the Deployment Solution component must be installed from the NS console in

    order for the Deployment tab to appear. The Altiris Web Console requires Microsoft Internet Informati



  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    role. Deployment Consoles can be installed on

    cannot be installed to a domain controller bec

    other supported operating systems. Most Altiris products

    ause of the way the installation creates/modifies local user

    checklist will assist you in performing an installation of Deployment Solution for IBM

    SSTK version


    exe file. After unzipping the file, run the Setup.exe program to automatically extract files

    stallation wizard twice.

    ears, accept the default ofSimple Install, click the

    Include P XE Server checkbox, and then click the Install button.

    A simple install assumes that the Deployment Server components will be installed on the same


    have more than one network adapter card).




    tended to 30 days by downloading the license during the product download phase.

    Evaluation licenses can be used towards servers or clients even though the Deployment Solution


    Step 2: Install Deployment Server

    The following

    Servers, which includes a separate install of Deployment Server 6.5 hotfix 2 and the IBM


    1. Deployment Solution for IBM Servers downloads from the Altiris website as a ZIP file that includea Setup.

    to a temporary folder and execute the Setup program.

    2. To launch the install program for Deployment Solution, click Next in the in3. When the Install Configuration screen app

    server. Checking the Altiris PXE Server box will simply add to the components to be installed on

    the same server. Consult Altiris documentation for more information about the other i

    options such as being able to install the individual Deployment Server components on separate


    4. To accept the License Agreement, click Yes .5. Select an IP address from the drop-down list (if you

    This is the IP address that PXE functions will be bound to.

    6. Accept defaults and enter a local or domain administrator username and password in the providedfield. This account must already exist. It provides the security context for Altiris services. C

    Next to continue.

    At this point, you can apply your perpetual Deployment Solution license, which you should ha

    received through e-mail, or select to use the default 10-node, 7-day evaluation license emb

    with the product. In addition, when registering online for the product, the evaluation period may

    be ex

    console registers the license as client-use only. To apply licenses after the product has been

    installed, see Step 3: Apply Licenses.

    7. To start the installation, click Next, then follow the installation wizard.8. When prompted with the Pre-boot Operating System dialog, browse and select a source for the

    necessary MS-DOS install files. These files will be copied by the installation progr

    am into the


    Deployment Share so they can be used by the PXE Server.

    The IBM SSTK that will be installed later requires a DOS environment that must be provided from

    a Windows 95/98 install disk or CD. Users are expected to provide their own licensed software f

    the DOS operating system.

    9. Click Next.

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    10.When prompted with the Summary screen, click Install.You can use an answer file to automate the unattended installation of Deployment Solution. A

    white paper explaining this process is available from Altiris Technical Support.

    n is completed, the Installation summary screen will

    This is usually located \support\tools\ To complete the installation, click Finish.

    Step 3: Install the IBM ServerGuide Scripting Toolkit

    Using the downloaded IBM SSTK *.EXE file, downloaded from www-

    11.When the installation of Deployment Solutioappear. Select Enable Microsof t Sysprep support and then click Next.

    12.Browse to the location where the Microsoft Sysprep files are located for Windows 2003 Server.

    If you are unable to provide the Microsoft Sysprep files at this time, you can use the Deployment

    Server Setup.exe and then select the Add Component option to add the Sysprep file.,

    1. Run 41y2900.exe (or current *.EXE).2.3.4. tegrate with Altiris Deployment Solution, Windows version and then click Next.

    orrect Deployment Server directory and then click


    ould be correct, but you should always

    verify this.

    6.7. llation, click Finish. Ignore the Launch Configuration Utility button for now.

    Step 4: Apply Lice


    license sing the


    complet r

    When theWelcome Wizard for IBM ServerGuide Scripting Toolkit appears, click Next.

    Accept the License Agreement and then click Next.

    Select In

    5. Verify that the IBM SSTK will install into the c

    The IBM SSTK reads this directory from the registry and sh

    To begin the installation, click Install.

    To finalize the insta


    s for Deployment Solution are based on the number of managed nodes. You can register your

    file(s) (received through e-mail) during the initial installation or add the license files later u

    Licensing Utility. This step shows you how to apply licenses after the initial installation has

    ed. You may have already applied your license in step 6 in Step 2: Install Deployment Serve .

    Importa sole (Windows console) is closed. Licenses will not install

    if th o

    2. e to your production licenses (a *.lic

    3.4. Select Replace all existing licenses.

    nt: Make sure the Altiris Deployment Con

    e c nsole is open.

    1. From the virtual machine, click Start > Programs > Altiris > Deployment Solution > ProductLicensing Utility.

    When prompted with the Altiris Activation Key Wizard, brows


    Click Next > Next.

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    Important: When installing the first perpetual Deployment Server license, make sure you select


    ConfiThe following configuration steps include best practices for Deployment Solution for IBM Servers. Consult

    Initi , nsole and set configuration values specific to your

    envi ll help you get started:

    ution >

    3. ew > Shortcuts View , and then click the Resources bar to open the view. This viewcreate are saved to the images folder displayed in the shortcuts view. You can drag

    and drop images from this folder directly onto the server icons in the Computers pane. In

    be dragged and dropped directly to the shortcut bar to

    5. Click the Global tab.


    from the console or accepting the default name (usually the serial number of the server) when a

    7. From the drop-down list, scroll up and change the Primary lookup key from the MAC Address to

    ck OK .

    Replace all existing licenses. This will allow the evaluation license to be overwritten with your

    perpetual license. If youve purchased new servers and youre increasing the managed node count

    in the Deployment Server console by installing a new license, make sure you do not sel

    Replace all existing licenses. Failure to do so will erase your previously installed licenses and

    your final node count will be based on the last license applied.

    5. Click Finish > Yes>Done.

    guration Best Practices

    Altiris documentation to learn more about these and other options.

    Step 1: Configure Deployment Solution Options

    ally you will want to set up the Deployment Co

    ronmental needs. The following suggestions wi

    1. To open the Deployment Console, click Start > Programs > Altiris > Deployment SolConsole.

    2. If the Welcome to Altiris Deployment Server Console message box appears, select Dont ask meagain and then click Close.

    Click Vi

    allows quick drag-and-drop access from the resources view to the managed servers. For example,

    images you

    addition, favorite jobs, images, etc. can

    save time in locating resources when deploying to managed servers.

    4. Click Tools > Options.

    6. Select Synchronize display names with Window s computer names. This forces all servericons to be named with the NetBIOS name of the server they represent. Clearing this option

    the console name to be different from the NetBIOS name by either manually naming this server

    job is first run in a pre-OS environment on the managed server.

    Serial Number (SMBIOS). This change essentially makes the serial number the unique identifierfor each system. Cli

    8. To restart the control servers, click Yes .

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide



    Follow t ill

    allow yo


    Dep m eature to prevent an unmanaged server from being accidentally

    imaged or data overwritten when running a PXE Initial Deployment job. By default, this safety feature is

    booted to PXE to run an Initial Deployment

    by dragging and dropping the job to the

    eature is also available for

    workstations as well as servers.

    oyment jobs directly from the

    eat to others, so choose theappropri

    this fea isabled to show the versatility this product offers.


    to the d The option to run deployments in batch mode can still

    be chosen when jobs are scheduled to run.

    ox and then click OK .



    This step will modi

    Server to provi

    wire used to


    2. ols > PXE Configuration.r and then click OK .

    4. On the Boot Menu tab, select DOS Managed and then click Edit.5. Click the Boot Configuration tab.6. Select the Altiris BootWorks (I nitial Deployment) menu item.

    2: Configure Initial Deployment

    hese steps to configure Initial Deploymentoptions from the Deployment Console. Doing so w

    u to initiate user-defined deployment jobs from the PXE Menu of the actual target server (in

    to being able to deploy from the console).

    loy ent Server includes a safety f

    enabled. In addition, if this feature is enabled and a server is

    job, you will only be able to deploy that job from the console

    server icon in the Computers pane. This forces an Altiris administrator to acknowledge that he/she is

    about to provision or re-provision a server. Incidentally, this safety f

    You can choose to disable this safety feature (steps 4 and 5) to run depl

    target server as opposed to launching jobs only from the Deployment Console. While this may be a

    convenience for some administrators, it may be perceived as a security thrate option that best fits your environment. Note that the remaining steps in this document rely on

    ture being d

    remaining steps (that is, steps 13) allow you to run jobs as each server becomes active as opposed

    efault of only running jobs in batch mode.

    In the lower-left section of the Deployment Console, double-click Initial Deployment.

    From the Configurations tab, click the Advanced button in the lower section of the window.

    As each Deployment Agent becomes active, click Process this job and then click OK .

    At the top of the window, click the Advanced tab.

    5. Clear the Servers checkbp 3: Configure the Altiris PXE Server

    g the Altiris PXE Server provides an optimal pre-OS environment for bare-metal server provisioning.

    fy the default PXE image files, created during the installation, used by the Altiris PXE

    de this optimum environment. PXE image files are the virtual floppy disks sent over the

    connect the target server with the Deployment Server in a pre-OS environment to execute

    ned jobs.

    1. Open the Altiris Deployment Console.From the menu bar, click To

    3. If prompted, accept the default PXE Serve

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    7. With the Boot Disk Creator method selected, click Edit Boot Configuration.

    ill be

    . If you

    , you should select the corresponding NIC driver or multiple drivers if this

    name and password, click Next.

    iguration Summary, click Next.

    lick Finish.

    ill have successfully re-created your PXE DOS

    Managed images and updated the PXE server. This will close the PXE Configuration and Boot Disk

    files to effectively provision an IBM server from bare metal. For example, you

    can s for scripted installations.

    ration Utility >Next.

    t Server.

    8. Right-click MenuOption129 and then select Ed9. When asked if you are sure you want to edit the configuration, click Yes .

    This process will re-create your existing PXE DOS Managed image and any custom changes w

    updated or lost.

    10.Click Next.11.To validate that files are stored on a Microsoft Windows Server, click Yes .12.To accept use of the UNDI driver for PXE, click Yes , and then click Yes to acknowledge the


    Due to Intel UNDI driver limitations, the Intel UNDI driver does not support multicasting

    want to multicast images

    will be used on servers that may have different NICs.

    13.To obtain an IP address from a DHCP server, click Next.14.To validate TCI/IP address of the Deployment Server used for PXE communication, click Next.15.To validate network credentials of workgroup/domain and user16.Select Create entry in LMHOSTS file for Deployment Server and then click Next. If

    additional entries are needed these must be entered manually in step 18.

    17. After you review changes in the Conf

    18. If you are finished, click Next.

    If you need to add additional LMHOSTS entries, you can right-click to expand the .NET directory

    and edit the LMHOST file and add additional entries using the following pattern:


    19. To create Automation Boot, click Next and then c

    20.To save your changes, click OK >OK >Yes . You wCreator windows.

    Step 4: Use the IBM Configuration Utility

    The IBM Configuration Utility, installed as part of the IBM SSTK, is used to pre-populate the Deployment

    Server with the necessary

    copy operating system source files and driver

    1. Open the Altiris Deployment Console.2. From the tools menu, click Tools > IBM Tools > IBM Configu3. Use the wizard to copy any necessary resources to the Deploymen

    The Quick Start Video displays in detail how to use this IBM Configuration Utility. Examples

    scripted Windows Server install as well as copy IBM drivers, etc.

    provided consist of how to copy operating system files, drivers, and edit the unattend.txt file for a

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide



    If the Al IC in the BIOS of each server

    to be manag ployed and managed

    with the use ded Altiris BootWorks


    necessa t to the Deployment Server to execute pre-defined jobs in a pre-OS environment.

    For r to the Deployment Solution documentation on how to install and use.

    The instructions may

    vary if you are using another server model. Consult your IBM hardware manual for specific instructions if


    1. Power on the target server.2.3.


    k 0.


    10. ill

    Step 6: P n ries Server or Blade

    Pre-provi tiris administrator to import the



    network erver job(s) is then dragged and dropped to the newly created server icon in

    s ID information from

    isioned server is imported into the console,

    eted as well. Be careful when

    deleting servers from the console after theyve been created as you will lose the deployment history of

    that s


    ltiris Console can still


    p 5: Enable PXE on the Target Server

    tiris PXE Server is used, then PXE must be enabled on at least one N

    ed by Deployment Server. If PXE is not used, the server can still be de

    of a floppy disk (manual intervention required) or by using the embed

    (hands-free management). BootWorks creates a hidden partition on the managed server with the

    ry files to connec

    more information, refe

    following steps allow you to enable PXE in the BIOS of an IBM xSeries Server. These

    se instructions vary.

    To enter the BIOS Setup, press F1 .

    In the BIOS screen, scroll down to Startup Options.

    4. Press Enter.5. Highlight Startup Sequence Options and then press Enter.6. Re-order the Primary Startup Sequence to look like the Wake on LAN Startup Sequence w

    Network as the first boot option. For example, Network, Diskette Drive 0, CD ROM, Hard Dis

    Press Esc>Esc.

    8. Click Save Changes.9. Click Exit Setup.

    Confirm Yes, exit the Setup Utility key and then select Save Changes and Exit. The server w


    re-provisioning a IBM xSe

    sioning a server in the Deployment Server console allows the Al

    ers ID and configuration information (IBM serial number, MAC address, asset tag, NetBIOS name, IP

    es, domain information, etc.) into the database before the servers ever connect to the physical

    . The Deployment S

    the Computers pane, which pre-provisions the server. Note that you can request thi

    your IBM rep when purchasing new servers. When the pre-prov

    the Deployment Server database creates a unique ID for the system. This unique ID will be used later in

    this document when you configure the xSeries and BladeCenter components. If the server icon in the

    Computers pane is deleted, the ID that is created by the database will be del

    sy tem as well.

    re are many reasons to pre-provision a server, including:

    When a server is ready to be deployed, a technician unfamiliar with the Adeploy the server by booting to PXE. When the server boots to PXE, one of three IDs (se

    number, MAC address, or asset tag) is matched and the Deployment Server job(s) is


  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    Helps to achieve consistent server builds Reduces server build times

    There are two ways to pre-provision a server:

    From the console one by one. This is sufficient if you have only a few servers to import andultimately deploy.

    By importing a .CSV file derived from a formatted spreadsheet supplied as part of theDeployment Solution install.

    To pre-provision a server from the console

    1. From the Deployment Server console, click File > New > Computer.2. Click Add.3. In the Name:field, enter a display name that will appear in the consol. For example, PE2800 .4. Enter one of the IDs (serial number, MAC address, or asset tag) in the fields provided.5. Enter the Computer name. This will be the NetBIOS name of the server after the operating

    mage with the AClient agent already pre-installed or scripted to be installed as

    e deployment, or

    cripted operating system install using this product in which AClient will

    automatically be installed. AClient will allow the post-OS configuration tasks to take place

    n, etc.

    eployment Server database can be injected into a script wherever tokens are

    There are a

    pre-populat h

    data for the figuring

    an RSA II, f . The true value-add is being able to consistently provide this information for a

    system has been installed. Note that the only way the NetBIOS name can be applied to the target

    server is to either:

    a. Deploy an ipart of the imag

    b. Perform a ssuch as the configuring of the NetBIOS name, IP addresses, joining to a workgroup or


    6. In the left side of the window, click the TCP/IP button.7. Enter your static IP address information for the first NIC to be configured or leave as the default,

    Use DHCP to obtain an IP address.

    To pre-provision servers using a .CSV file

    There is one advantage of importing servers from a .CSV file rather than creating one by one from the

    console, other than being able to import by large quantities. Deployment Server is able to use system

    tokens, which can best be compared to how environment variables work with NT based systems. For

    example, the NT variable %COMPUTERNAME% could be replaced with a value of IBMSERVER1 in a script ifthats what your servers NetBIOS name was configured to be. System tokens work the same way in that

    values stored in the D

    present as long as the token is valid and there is data to be injected.

    bout 45 different system tokens that Deployment Solution supports; many are available to be

    ed with values in the supplied formatted spreadsheet. By pre-populating this spreadsheet wit

    system tokens, the tokens can then be used for injecting values into a script when con

    or example

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    server u ro e first time. When it is, the information

    you provided i em to be configured with no user

    interven on uild every time (assuming there are no typos). For a complete

    l, consult your Deployment Solution documentation.

    1.2. Copy the ers55.xls file to a server that has Microsoft Excel installed and then

    3. View the spr iliarize yourself with the types of data that can be pre-populated. You can browse the Deployment Solution documentation where the system tokens are

    to your advantage.

    CSV format.

    ployment Server console, go to File > Import/ Export > Import Computers.

    , clickOK . Your servers should now be imported into the console with all the information that you pre-

    8. of the imported servers to view its information. Pay close attention to the IDnumber located in the window when it first opens. You will use this ID number later in this


    9. When finished viewing, click Cancel.

    Deploying Your First IBM Blade or xSeries Server

    For your initial in ployment Solution for IBM Servers, some one-time preparatory work is

    requ d and managed. This section highlights


    IBM Ser r IBM eSeries xSeries Servers (rack or tower) and IBM

    BladeCenter blade servers as supported by the underlying IBM SSTK technology embedded with this


    Step 1: Creating Your Reference Server



    em (in this case another xSeries

    346). The xSeries 346 BIOS configuration could not be used to configure an xSeries 460 model for

    pf nt before the server is available on the network for th

    s automatically passed through to the target syst

    ti , providing for a consistent b

    listing and to learn more about tokens in genera

    Browse to the C:\ Program Files\Altiris\ eXpress\ Deployment Server\ Samples directory.


    open the file.

    eadsheet columns to fam

    listed to get an idea of which can be used

    4. When finished entering information in the spreadsheet, save the file in .5. From the De6. Browse to the *.CSV file and then click Open.7. When the message about the number of servers being imported into the console appears

    populated into the spreadsheet.

    Double-click on one


    stallation of De

    ired before your first IBM server can be effectively provisione

    rmation, best practices, and instructions to successfully configure and use Deployment Solution for

    vers. These instructions are valid fo


    The reference server will be used to capture the disk image (optional if you plan on performing scripted

    installs) and capture the configurations from the BIOS to be used as template files for a one-to-many

    OS configuration of these hardware components to other IBM servers. Note that these configuration files

    can only be used on the same model and hardware configuration from where they were captured and

    cannot be crossed with another model and configuration. For example, if a BIOS configuration is cap

    from an xSeries 346 model it can only be used to configure a like syst

    example. The capture of these configurations needs to be repeated for each xSeries model to be

    provisioned in your environment.

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    The reference servers OS can be installed using the IBM ServerGuide CD that ships with your IBM system

    This is probably the quickest way to get an OS installed on your first IBM server before the Deploy

    Solution for IBM Servers product is fully configured. This approach is also helpful if you plan on deployin

    IBM servers via imaging methods. For example, this will save you time from having to copy operating




    system source fil s

    typicallySer ies

    models image was originally captured or to different xSeries (generic image). After this

    initi n


    A few a :


    ers simultaneously to deploy many servers at the

    same time without taxing the network bandwidth

    aining images per model

    The dow loying an image-based deployment include:

    s created. This makes it difficult to provide software

    version control. Any new service packs, hotfixes, drivers, etc. that are released after the initial


    ing steps list basic instructions for setting up a reference server. These instructions assume you

    will be installing a Windows Server OS with the intent to capture its image for mass distribution to like

    es and drivers and configuring response files for each xSeries model to be deployed. Thi

    would have to be performed before the OS could be installed if you chose not to use the IBMverGuide method. Once the OS is installed, it could be prepared for mass distribution to similar xSer

    from which the

    al preparation, you can take full advantage of the hands-free automation this product offers whe

    g IBM servers from this point forward.

    dvantages of deploying an image over a scripted install include

    Faster deployment times (typically 8 minutes for image-based vs. 40 minutes forbased)

    An image can be multicast to multiple serv

    Can be easier to maintain when using a single image (generic image) for all IBM xSeriesservers as opposed to maint

    If the image is made self-extracting, it can be deployed via CD, DVD, network drive, etc.without requiring the need to have a Deployment Server in place

    nfalls to dep

    The image is outdated the second itimage creation will need to be reflected if having a current image with all the latest updates is

    important to you. Fortunately, Altiris can help with this never-ending task of staying current

    by providing our software delivery and patching solutions on both a software and hardwarelevel on an on-going basis.

    The OS is susceptible to security threats for a brief period of time after deployment until theAltiris agents can kick in to deliver the policies to effectively patch the software and har

    The follow

    xSeries models.

    1. Configure the BIOS on the reference server. If using PXE, enable PXE on at least one NIC in theservers BIOS and set to the top of the boot order (or at least before the hard drive). For steps on

    how to do this, refer to Step 5: Enable PXE on the Target Server in the Configuration Best

    Practices section earlier in this document. Also, configure any settings in the BIOS that you wo

    want replicated to all like xSeries servers across the board. For example, enabling PXE on the

    second NIC, setting the boot order, memory test disabled, USB support enabled, etc. The BIOS

    will be captured in


    Step 2: Capture Settings from Reference Server.

    2. Install the Windows Server operating system using the IBM ServerGuide CD that shippedyour system or with the W


    indows Server installation media. The ServerGuide CD is much easier to

    use. Simply boot from the ServerGuide CD and follow the prompts. Make sure you have a copy of

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    your Windows Server media and product key handy. Consult your IBM server documentation if

    you need specific instructions on how to use the ServerGuide CD.

    3. Install any service packs, hotfixes, software, etc. to your base image. Note that the more softwareyou install to your base image, the larger the image is going to be and the longer it will take to

    deploy. Some best practices are to repackage the applications you want to deploy and deploy after

    the image has been installed via Deployment Solution and the agent (AClient) that resides on t

    system. This allows you to provide better software version control and allows you to keep your

    image longer without having to constantly update it when newer software becomes available.

    Incidentally, Altiris offers software repackaging solutions. One solution is Altiris RapidInstall,

    which is included with your Deployment


    Solution and provides the very minimal tools for

    your Deployment Solution


    Stud tions

    such as native .MSI support, conflict analysis, pre-flight deployment, etc. For more information

    repackaging an application based on Sysdiff technology. Consult

    on for information about how to use this software. The other solution, Wise Package

    io (Wise is a subsidiary of Altiris), offers a complete set of tools for repackaging applica

    about Wise Package Studio, visit

    l the Deployment Server agent (AClient). There are several4.

    Instal ways to deploy AClient, but thete

    ACL y launched from the Deployment


    two most common ways are (1) Connect to the Deployment Servers eXpress share and execu

    IENT.EXE, and (2) Use the Remote Agent Installer utilit

    Server console to push the client out to Windows NT based systems. Remote Agent Installer

    ot push the agent to Windows 95/98 systems.

    For this example well install AClient from the eXpress share:

    a. From the reference server, connect to the Deployment Server eXpress share


    Double-click the ACLIENT.EXE file.

    Select Enable changing of Security ID (Window s NT only). This will allow the reference

    servers image to be mass deployed to other like xSeries models but will generate a unique

    SID per deployed system. Thi


    s process is used by an Altiris provided utility called SIDGEN.EXE

    ntally, if you want, you can also use Microsoft Sysprep to change the SID. Another

    included with the Deployment Solution install. SIDGEN.EXE will be copied to the reference

    server once AClient is installed. After the image is captured from the reference server later in

    this step, SIDGEN.EXE will be automatically triggered to run in the background of the target

    server after deployment so that a unique SID can be generated.


    benefit Sysprep provides is the ability to strip out specific xSeries server drivers from the

    Windows OS to make the image more generic.

    d. Click the Advanced button.e. Click the Server Connection tab.f. Select Connect directly to this Deployment Server. Enter the IP address of the

    Deployment Server in the field provided. Click OK .

    g. Click Next > Next > Next.h. Click Finish.

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    When AClient installs and its service has started, you should see an icon in the Deployment

    Servers console in the Computers pane. If step 6 in Step 1: Configure Deployment Solution

    Options under the Configuration Best Practices section has been completed, your server icon

    should be named after the Windows NetBIOS name of the server.

    Right-click the server icon in the Computers pane and then select Quick Disk Image.

    Accept the defaults of the Schedule Computers window and then click OK .

    rence server should now reboot to DOS in the PXE environment and capture the disk image. T

    ing that the AClient service is started, the client has a valid connection to the Deployment Serv

    is PXE Server is being used, and PXE is enabled in the servers BIOS.

    ult, the reference servers image will be captured to the Images directory located at C:\Progr

    iris\eXpress\Deployment Server\Images. You can quickly access this image after it has been

    from the Shortcuts View in the console. Refer to step 3 in


    The refe his

    is assum er,

    the Altir

    By defa am


    created Step 1: Configure Deployment Solution

    Options under the Configuration Best Practices section for instructions on how to enable the Shortcuts


    Whe hitself av


    In this secti l be captured in a pre-OS

    ithin this product. The configuration files

    will be s f these


    1. he Jobs pane, double-click the IBM ServerGuideScripting Toolkit v1.3 (2005-12-06) folder to expand it.

    2. Dou3. Dra


    Depending on what type of xS

    where they will

    captured from a xS


    individual fo the

    respective c

    The CM t can be placed on like servers. The RAIDclon.ini file can be used

    on like ns in the IBM ServerGuide Toolkit Users Guide found in

    C:\Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\sgdeploy\sgtk\docs\UserGuide.pdf or on the Web at


    n t e server has completed capturing its image, it will boot back into the operating system and makeailable for the next task at hand, capturing its configuration settings.

    2: Capture Settings from Reference Server

    on the reference servers configuration settings (BIOS) wil

    environment leveraging the IBM SSTK technology embedded w

    aved to the Deployment Server to be used as template files for the configuration o

    in a later section.

    From the Deployment Server console in t

    ble-click the Hardware Configuration folder.

    g and drop the Capture RAID Configuration job to the reference servers icon in the

    puters pane. The server will boot back into the operating system again.

    eries model the configuration settings were captured from is dependent on

    be saved on the Deployment Server. For example, if the configuration settings were

    eries 8843 blade, the path by default would be saved to C:\Program

    eXpress\Deployment Server\sgdeploy\sgtk\altiris\temp\8843. Within the .\8843 folder are

    lders named after the type of component, such as RAIDclon.ini and CMOSinfo.bin, in which

    onfiguration file now resides.

    OSi binary file cannot be edited bu

    servers and modified using the instructio
  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide



    In this s

    3: Deploy Bare Metal to OS Job to Target Server

    tep you will deploy the image captured in Step 1: Creating Your Reference Server using the

    re RAID and Deploy Windows Imagejob to your first deployable IBM xSeries server. For

    ons on how to deploy a server using a scripted based OS install, re


    instructi fer to the Deployment Solution

    for IBM


    Servers Quick Start Video located at

    The Configure RAID and Deploy Windows Imagejob will configure the BIOS, RAID and lay down the image

    captured from the reference server in sequential order.

    The goal of copying and modifying the original pre-defined deployment jobs this product provides is to

    build on to the job or create your own job(s) for each server role your environment requires. Youll ha

    library of pre-built jobs youve tested that can quickly and easily deploy any server role your organization

    requires with a quick drag and drop.


    ve a

    dragging this job, you need to make a few modifications to the job.

    2. Click on the Distribute Disk Image task and then click Modify.mages and select the Image file

    1. Double-click the Imaging folder to expand it.

    3. Browse to C:\Program Files\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\Icreated by the Quick Disk Image in step 5 in Step 1: Creating Your Reference Server.

    This file will normally be the NETBIOS name of the server with an *.IMG extension.

    4. Click Open>Next>

    eploy Window s Imagejob to the pre-

    provisioned target server and accept the default to run this job immediately.

    7. n the boot orderbefore the hard drive. To do this, follow the steps in Step 5: Enable PXE on the Target Server

    5. Make sure the target server is pre-provisioned and in the console and database as explainedthe previous steps.

    6. Drag and drop the modified Configure RAID and D

    From the target server, make sure PXE is enabled on at least one NIC and is set i


    r you made a typo when pre-provisioning the server, then you

    will have to select the servers display name from the blue menu that is presented. This feature was also

    AClient agent will

    tomatically start and the changing of the SID will take place. The post-configuration task will now take

    place and the information you entered (that is, NetBIOS name, IP address for embedded NICs, etc.) when

    the target server was pre-provisioned will be passed through.

    8. Boot the target server to PXE.9. From the menu, select DOS Managed and then press Enter.

    The job should now execute automatically. However, if you did not specify any identification information

    (MAC address, service tag, or asset tag) o

    explained in an earlier step as well.

    If everything is configured correctly, the target server should configure RAID and deploy the captured

    image from the reference server. After the image is laid down and the OS starts, the


  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    Imr more servers over the network at the same time, this

    sed on the target server(s). The

    default UNDI driver that the Altiris PXE Server configures for the PXE image files will not work because the

    NDI standard driver does not support multicasting. Note that scripted OS installs cannot be multicast.

    on documentation. The following steps highlight

    ulticasting (blades)


    the right.






    gabit Ethernet Adapter boots to PXE to receive this image

    timately will not connect to the Deployment Server eXpress

    for better communication from in PXE to the Deployment

    portant Blade ConsiderationsIf you plan on multicasting an image to two o

    requires the use of a DOS driver designed to work with the NIC(s) being u


    This is only available with image-based deployments. To learn more about the concept of multicasting and

    how to configure and use, refer to the Deployment Soluti

    how to create a new PXE image file using the Intel Pro 1000 Adapter Family driver in which the blades

    use. This will preserve the original PXE Initial Deployment and PXE Managed PC Image files to revert back

    to if changing back to an UNDI environment.

    To configure a PXE image file for m

    1. From the Deployment Server console, click Tools > PXE Configura2. To the name of the Altiris Server, click OK .3. Highlight DOS Managed and then click the Edit button located on4. To launch the Altiris Boot Disk Creator, click on Edit Boot Image.

    From the left-hand side of the screen, right-click MenuOption129 and then select Edit

    Configuration from the provided drop-down list.

    6. To edit the configuration, click Ye7. Click Next. Entering a description is optional.

    Click Next.

    9. Select Allow selection of multiple network adapters. By clicking the Allow Selection ofmultiple network adapters checkbox, you can select additional DOS drivers for

    NICs in which you will be deploying to. If not, once created, this PXE Image file will only be good

    for servers running the Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet0 Adapter Family of NICs. If a serve

    running a non-Broadcom NetXtreme Gi

    file, you will receive errors and ul


    10.Highlight the Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet and then click Next > Next > Next >Next.

    11.Select Create an entry in the LMHOSTS file for the Deployment server file store (otherentries must be added manually)


    12.Click Next > Next. You can expand .NET directory below MenuOption129 and manually edit theLMHOSTs files to add additional entries. You should verify that the DS server IP address has

    already been entered.

    13. Click Next.

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide


    14.Click Finish.15.Click OK .


    ll process any specified job to run automatically when a new

    fied as a new server and

    no jobs are initiated. If the server existed in a previous bay, the history and parameters for the

    s waiting.

    The evices

    view of

    Wh Pre-Defined Jobchange rule on an unmanaged blade server,

    you ll XE Menu. This is because the unmanaged blade

    that is eing provisioned has not connected to the Deployment Server and therefore the servers MAC

    add PXE Server list of managed devices. To continue on with this change rule, select

    eith d


    In orde

    16.Click Save>OK

    Deployment Solution offers native rip and replace functionality for blade servers. Rip and replace offers

    four server change rules to be executed on the blades. Those change rules are:

    Re-DeployAll deployment tasks in the bay's history will be executed starting from the lastDistributing a Disk Image task or Scripted OS Install task, or from any script (in a Run Script task)

    with this command: REM deployment start. Incidentally, this REM deployment start script is th

    first task that is run for all Bare Metal to OS pre-defined jobs that this product offers.

    Run P re-Defined JobThe server wiserver is detected in the bay.

    Ignore the ChangeThe new server blade placed in the bay is not identiserver are moved or associated with the new bay.

    Wait for User I nteractionDefault. No job is performed (the Deployment Agent on the serverblade is instructed to wait). The icon on the console changes to reflect that the server i

    se change rules for each blade can be set by double-clicking on the server from the Physical D

    the Deployment Server console.

    en executing either the Re-Deployor Run

    wi be prompted with the initial Altiris BootWorks P


    ress is not in the

    er DOS Managed or Local Boot. Either one of these selections will process the above mentione


    r to execute the Wait for User Interactionchange rule, the safety feature discussed in the Step 2:

    Configure Initial Deployment section must be enabled. This allows the unmanaged blade server to boot to

    add itself as an icon in the Deployment Server console where a job can be dragged and dropped

    ss this rule.

    PXE and

    to proce

    TecDepl d

    access to theyouve purchased it separately from Altiris. You can learn more about Altiris support options at

    hnical Support and Other Resourcesoyment Solution includes one year of Annual Upgrade Protection (AUP) for free product updates an

    Altiris knowledgebase and support forums. Phone-based support is notincluded unless


    The follo pful as you learn the options available with Deployment

    Solu ers.


    wing additional resources may be hel

    tion for IBM Serv

  • 8/8/2019 Altiris Ibm Deployment Guide



    t Solution for IBM Servers Installation and Configuration Resources are available at


    oyment Solution for IBM Servers product documentation for help in using theed features of Deployment Solution. In the Deployment Console, click Tools > IBM

    on features. In theent

    box manner.

    Refer to the Depl

    IBM-enablTools > Help.

    Refer to Altiris product documentation for help with general Deployment Soluti

    Deployment Console, click Help > User Guide, or click to open Help from the Deploym


    Refer to the IBM ServerGuide Scripting Toolkit documentation located at Tools > IBM Tools >

    Users Reference - * for specific information on how the underlying technology of the

    Deployment Solution for IBM Servers product is used. This documentation is helpful if you plan on

    using this product in an out of

    White papers specific to managing IBM servers are available (scheduled for publication in March 2006).

    Sup r

    po t Forums

    Go to take part in support forums with

    discussions about Deployment Solution products.


    Go to to learn more about Altiris Education offerings such asonline training, instructor-led training, and information on becoming an Altiris Certified Engineer
