altium designer intermediate guide

Altium Designer Guide Altium Designer Guide Beginning & Intermediate V ersion Beginning & Intermediate V ersion Glenn Mercier [email protected] Research Engineer, TBEB!"" #niversit$ o% as Vegas, 'evada

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Altium Designer GuideAltium Designer GuideBeginning & Intermediate VersionBeginning & Intermediate Version

Glenn Mercier

[email protected] Engineer, TBEB!""

#niversit$ o% as Vegas, 'evada

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(art ") Beginning Guide(art ") Beginning Guide

 This guide is a *eginner+s guide to(B design using Altium Designerand is geared to-ards the %ollo-ing


◦ (ossess amle theoretical electronics/no-ledge

◦ 0as little or no (B design e1erience

◦ 0as little or no Altium Designere1erience

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Beginning GuideBeginning Guide

Be%ore roceeding to the actualso%t-are tutorial, It is imortant tounderstand -hen it is a*solutel$

necessar$ to use a (B rather thandesign -ith a *read*oard

Most students have a reluctance tolearning ne- so%t-are andsending mone$ %or somethingthe$ could ossi*l$ *uild on a*read*oard.

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Bread*oard vs. (BBread*oard vs. (B

2or man$ electronic designs, one has achoice to *uild a circuit on either a*read*oard or on a rinted circuit*oard.

Most students have a certain com%ort3one -or/ing -ith *read*oards, *utthere comes a time -hen the

comle1it$ o% the ro4ect or theh$sical re5uirements re5uireselectronic design through AD6comuter aided design7.

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Bread*oard AdvantagesBread*oard Advantages

Ver$ 5uic/ to rotot$e usingstandard comonents

an easil$ ma/e changes to

schematic or the %unctional-or/ing o% the circuit

Eas$ to connect to electronic

e5uiment such as %unctiongenerator, oscilloscoe, o-ersulies, etc.

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DisadvantagesDisadvantages#nro%essional aearanceDi8cult to trou*leshoot due to

human error and oor connections

9or/s ver$ oorl$ %or high seeddesign

Di8cult to modi%$ comle1 :MDcomonents %or rotot$ing

E1cessive caacitanceDi8cult to relicate

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(rinted ircuit Board(rinted ircuit BoardAdvantagesAdvantages(ro%essional aearanceReeata*le and controlla*le stra$

inductance and caacitancean handle most o-er

re5uirementsan ma/e ver$ comactE1cellent high seed caa*ilitiesEas$ to assem*le and relicate

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(rinted ircuit Board(rinted ircuit BoardDisadvantagesDisadvantagesIncreased design timeDrasticall$ increased schematicto;nished

roduct time%rameDeveloment ost

Di8cult to modi%$ once *oard is %a*ricatedMust learn at least a *asic %orm o% AD

so%t-are<ualit$ o% (B can *e a=ected *$ limited

/no-ledge o% so%t-are ac/ageaa*ilities var$ greatl$ -ith di=erent

so%t-are ac/ages.0igh end AD so%t-are is ver$ e1ensive

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Re5uired (B DesignRe5uired (B Design

:mall(ac/ages, suchas a BGA, M2,<2( are

racticall$imossi*le torotot$e on a*read*oard dueto their smallsi3e and M#:T*e designed ona (B.


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Re5uired (B DesignRe5uired (B Design

 ust dealing -ith the sheernum*er o% ins on modernractical designs re5uired a (B.

It is common to see singlecomonents containing u to",CC ins

0igh seed design cannot *eer%ormed using traditionalrotot$ing methods

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Altium DesignerAltium Designer

 This is *ased o= the current version o% AltiumDesigner, ..C."F

 The Altium Designer :uite contains man$ uni;ed%eatures such as)◦ 2(GA schematic design

◦ V0D>Verilog comilers

◦ >A:M comilers

◦ :criting

◦ :imulation

◦ FD 2ield :olver

◦ :imulation Engine

◦ i*rar$ Management◦ Data*ase and advanced 5uer$ language

◦ AM disla$ management

◦ :chematic ature

◦ (B a$out

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:$stem Re5uirements:$stem Re5uirements

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Getting :tartedGetting :tarted

:tart the so%t-are *$clic/ing


(RGRAM:ATI#M DE:IG'ERAltium Designer

reate a start *arshortcut i% $ou lan onusing the so%t-are alot. 6sho-n on right7

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(ro4ect 2ile(ro4ect 2ile

(ro4ect ;les are li/e a container %or $ourro4ect. There are man$ di=erent things $ou-ill need %or even a *asic ro4ect, such as)◦ (B 2ootrint li*raries◦ :chematic li*raries◦ :chematic documents◦ (B documents◦ :crits◦ AM ;les◦ :ettings◦ Generated reorts◦ Generated ;les◦ Version ontrol %eatures◦ Etc.

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reating a (ro4ectreating a (ro4ect 9hen the

so%t-arestarts, %ollo-the menuse5uence inthe image tocreate a ne-H(B (ro4ect+

Man$ eoles/i this steand 4ustcreate aschematic;le. This a

huge mista/eA*solutel$ever$thing inAltiumDesigner is*ased onro4ect ;les

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(ro4ect 'ame(ro4ect 'ame

9e need to save our ro4ect and rename the ro4ect tosomething more meaning%ul.

Right clic/ on (B?(ro4ect.r4(B and save the ro4ect asH(RET EEJ+ to a ne- %older 6re%era*l$ on a Kash drive7called HEEJ (ro4ect+ inside a root %older called HEEJAltium+

EL) 2)EEJ AltiumEEJ (ro4ect(RETEEJ.r4(B Inside this %older, -e -ill lace all relevant ro4ect data

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rgani3ationrgani3ation It is use%ul to lace all ro4ect in%ormation inside this %older. Inside this root %older, create su*%olders called HDE+ and

HDATA:0EET:+ rgani3ation and centrali3ation is also imortant %or

*ac/ing u all $our data roerl$, version control, andco$ing ro4ect data to a D %or all ;nished ro4ects 6-hich$ou should do %or %uture re%erence7

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6Grou7 <ui3 (ro4ect N"6Grou7 <ui3 (ro4ect N"

2or the ;rst 5ui3 ro4ect, -e are going tocreate a schematic that -ill contain)AtmegaO Atmel Microcontroller , " M03, <2(#:BB onnector2TF!F #:B #ART inter%ace chi , T::(FO

F1 (rogramming Inut 0eader 6C."P (itch7:MD 6:ur%ace Mount Device7 EDs , COC :i3e

 This ro4ect contains all the necessar$ arts tocreate a (B that can communicate directl$-ith a comuter through a #:B 6Male B Male A7a*le.◦  Qou are encouraged to actuall$ *uild this (Bas an ine1ensive, %unctional develoment

*oard.◦  This ro4ect is to *e ;nished *$ ne1t 9ednesda$

6>FO7 -ith a ossi*le inclass ortion

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Adding a :chematicAdding a :chematic

Dra-ingDra-ing2ollo- the menu se5uence sho-nto create a ne- schematic. This-ill automaticall$ *e added to thero4ect tree -e created.

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:chematic Entr$:chematic Entr$

 The Hsheet"+ schematic document is no-added to the ro4ect tree as sho-n *elo-.Rename this ;le to something -ith a more

meaning%ul name such as HMain+. There areman$ times -hen $ou -ill have multileschematic entries and it hels to have a

descritive nameAn$ oen ro4ect ;les -ill aear in themenu area a*ove -here the *lan/ schematicage aears.

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:imilar to a real la*orator$, to *uild adesign %rom a schematic $ou must ;rstadd real arts to the ro4ect.

2or this, -e must add -hat are calledHli*raries+ to our ro4ect. i*rariescontain vital in%ormation a*out thearts -e are going to add.

nce li*raries are added to the ro4ect,an$ comonent inside that li*rar$ can*e %reel$ inserted into $our design.

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 T$es o% i*raries T$es o% i*raries

 There are three main t$es o% li*raries %or(B design)

◦ :chematic i*rar$ ontains schematic dra-ings

o% arts, -hen -e loo/ at a schematic, -e areloo/ing at a collection o% schematic arts

◦ (B 2ootrint i*rar$ This contains the h$sicaldimensions o% a real comonent. This in%ormation

is readil$ availa*le in datasheets.

◦ Integrated i*rar$ These are the most use%ulli*raries *ecause the$ com*ine a h$sical art6%ootrint7 -ith a schematic dra-ing.

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i*raries are located in the %older) )(rogram 2ilesAltium Designer i*rar$

#dated li*raries are availa*le onlineat


Altium has since changed some o%their li*rar$ ;les, I have included a I(;le on the course -e*site -ith li*rar$

;les -e+ll *e using.Do-nload and un3i the ;le into the

Hli*rar$+ %older in $our ro4ect director$

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o$ the %ollo-ing i*raries to a %older called Hi*raries+ in $our ustomAltium %older) Integrated i*raries 6S.Inti*7

Atmel Microcontroller O*it AVR Miscellaneous onnectors Miscellaneous Devices ': erational Amli;er ' :emi erational Amli;er

:chematic i*raries 6S.:chi*7 noneU

2ootrint i*raries 6S.(c*i*7 hi aacitor F ontacts hi Diode F ontacts hi Inductor F ontacts hi Resistor F ontacts

r$stal scillator Miscellaneous onnector (B Miscellaneous Devices (B Miscellaneous Devices Miscellaneous

'TE) 9hen $ou create $our o-n schematic and %ootrint li*raries, $oushould lace them in the same li*rar$ director$ in $our ro4ect %older

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Adding i*raries To AAdding i*raries To A

(ro4ect(ro4ect9e have organi3ed all the li*rariesin a %older, no- -e need to addthese to the ro4ect

2ollo- the %ollo-ing romt to add

li*raries to the ro4ect

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Adding i*rariesAdding i*raries

 There are t-o methods o% adding li*raries◦ (ro4ect i*raries i*raries availa*le onl$ %or the scoe o% this ro4ect

◦ Installed li*raries i*raries availa*le to A ro4ects *$ de%ault. These do not sho- u in the ro4ect tree.  The :earch (ath modi;es the search location -hen searching %or arts.

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Adding i*rariesAdding i*raries

9e -ant to ma/e these li*raries ro4ectseci;c onl$instead o% glo*al availa*ilit$ -ith the HInstalled+ ta*

Ma/e sure the H(ro4ect+ ta* is selected, and add allli*raries %rom $our ro4ect li*rar$ %older

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(ro4ect 0ierarch$(ro4ect 0ierarch$

B$ e1anding theHW+ ne1t toli*raries, $oushould see a list o%all the ro4ectli*raries. Ma/e sure$ou have all theseli*raries installed*e%ore continuing.

'otice ho- the

ro4ect treesearates sourcedocuments andli*rariesautomaticall$

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en, :aved, #nsaveden, :aved, #nsaved

2iles2iles en ;les areindicated -ith a

H-hite aer+ E1amle) Main.:chDoc

en modi;ed andunsaved ;les areindicated -ith a Hredaer+

E1amle) The (ro4ect;le itsel% has *eenmodi;ed.

losed ;les havenothing in thecolumn

E1amle) The AtmelMicrocontroller li*rar$

All oen ;les areaccessi*le *$clic/ing on them inthe ro4ect tree, or inthe to *ar in a-indo-s tas/*art$e -indo-

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(ro4ect Documentation(ro4ect Documentation

9e can+t createa schematic-ithout/no-ing moredetails a*outthe arts -e+ll*e using.

*tain the 2TDI2TF!FR #ARTI Datasheet

Rename the ;lesomething lesscr$tic such as

2TF!F #:B.d% 

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(ro4ect Documentation(ro4ect Documentation :eci;cations are o%ten given or re5uired %or comonents, Qou should

chec/ and dou*le chec/ each meets the ro4ect seci;cations.

AtmegaO Microcontroller, <2( (ac/age, " M03, R0: omliant

Mouser (>') ATMEGAO"A#

:ave as HAtmegaO <2( Atmel Microcontroller.d%+

#:BB 62emale>:oc/et7 , R0: omliant, Right Angle MountMouser (>') OCX#:BLB:"'B!C

:ave datasheet as H#:BB onnector+

:MD EDs 6COC7, R0: omliant

Mouser (>') !O"FB0A'"(F!T

F1 Bo1 0eader 6(rog. onnector7, Gold (lated, R0: omliant,(itchYC."P

Mouser (>') JCC2

:ave datasheet as HF1 Bo1 0eader.d%+

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hi :i3ing In%ormationhi :i3ing In%ormation Hhi+ comonents are devices that come in small rectangles

 The COC seci;cation %or the ED are actuall$ dimensions o% thechi comonent itsel% 6:i3e ode7.

:lit u the num*ers to CO C, These are the dimensions ininches

 The ength o% the chi diode is C.COP Y OC mils  The 9idth o% the chi diode is C.CP Y C mils

 There%ore, the larger the num*ers, the larger the chi device)

arger chi si3es can handle more o-er

:maller chi si3e can handle higher %re5uencies 6ideall$7

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hi :i3ing In%ormationhi :i3ing In%ormation "7 Tantalum aacitor 6Aase7

F7 Tantalum aacitor 6Dase7

! & J7 Electrol$tic aacitor

7 COC eramic aacitor

7 "FC eramic aacitor

7 "F"C eramic 6:ame length, *ut


Z 9att throughhole resistor

given as si3e re%erence

6:ame as in our la*7


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hi :i3ing In%ormationhi :i3ing In%ormation "7 "F"O 6" 9att7

F7 "FC 6">J 9att7

!7 COC 6">O 9att7

J7 (otentiometer 6Bottom & To7

Z 9att throughhole resistor

given as si3e re%erence

6:ame as in our la*7


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hi :i3ing In%ormationhi :i3ing In%ormation "7 FC (in DI( (ac/age

F7 :IFC, 9ide

!7 :IO, 9>(o-er Ta*

J7 :IO, :tandard

7 ::(FC

Z 9att throughhole resistor

given as si3e re%erence

6:ame as in our la*7


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(lacing (arts(lacing (arts

9e have no- added all thenecessar$ li*raries %or thero4ect, no- -e need to dra- the

schematic.2ollo- the menu se5uence *elo-to lace a art

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(lacing (arts(lacing (arts

A%ter clic/ing Hlaceart+ %rom therevious screen,$ou -ill have anotion to lace%rom standardli*raries ordata*ase li*raries.Xee this onstandard li*raries

lic/ the *utton tothe right o% theH0istor$+ *utton to*ring u a list o%availa*le li*raries.

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reating a :chematicreating a :chematic At the to o% the screen, there is a drodo-n *o1 -hich lists availa*le

schematic and integrated li*raries 6*ut not (B %ootrint li*raries7. 2or thehighlighted li*rar$, in this case Miscellaneous Devices, there -ill *e a list o%the arts inside that li*rar$ in the *ottom le%t.

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reating a :chematicreating a :chematic

:elect the Atmeli*rar$ andnavigate do-n toAtmegaO. 'oticethere are man$otions %or thesame chi. This is

*ecause althoughthe device is thesame, there areman$ di=erentHac/ages+ thatthis chi comesin.

'TE) TheAtmegaO costsa*out [!.C

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reating a :chematicreating a :chematic

Add the ATmegaO"A oo/ing at the datasheet %or the ATmegaO, -e can see e1actl$ -hat the

"AI stands %or.◦ :uorts u to a " Mh3 cloc/

◦ ommercial grade %a*rication 6Temerature ranges %rom C to C

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reating a :chematicreating a :chematic

0ere are the threecommon ac/ages%or the ATmegaOmicrocontroller.

 These are scaledrelative to each other-ith the close to thesame %unctionalit$-ith each ac/age.

'TE) 9h$ does the<2( ac/age have Jmore ins than theDI( ac/age\

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reating a :chematicreating a :chematic

9e -ere given constraints -ith the assignment o%this ro4ect. :ometimes constraints are *asedon)

◦ Economics, :i3e, (o-er handling, a*ilit$ to assem*le theart , etc..

2or the microcontroller, -e -ere told it must%unction -ith a cloc/ rate o% " M03, and musthave a <2( (ac/age

It is crucial to ta/e note o% all constraints BE2REentering the schematic and>or c* la$out. It is a0#GE -aste o% time to design around a art thatdoesn+t meet the seci;cations.

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reating a :chematicreating a :chematic oo/ing again at the ordering in%ormation availa*le in the datasheet, -e /no- that)

◦  The hi must *e a*le to -or/ -ith a " M03 cloc/, -e can eliminate all OM03 rated microcontrollers

 The DI( ac/age is FO ins, -e can eliminate an$ ac/age that has a HFO+ in the ac/age in%ormation◦  The !FM" re%er to the M2 ac/aging, -e can eliminate all those items

◦  This leaves us -ith a decision to choose *et-een commercial rated or industrial rated temeratureranges, Either the ending in "A, "AI, "A# are acceta*le

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reating a :chematicreating a :chematic #suall$ the industrial rated comonents are more costl$ than

the commercial rated comonents, so -e -ill choose theAtmegaO"A

<#E:TI') A temerature rating doesn+t a=ect the %ootrint orsimulation o% the device, is there a reason -e can+t>shouldn+t

 4ust choose an$ o% the three ossi*le otions \\\

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reating a :chematicreating a :chematic 'otice to the right, there is the schematic drawing and

associated pinout o% the device, *eneath that is a dra-ing o%the (B 2ootrint 6this should match -hat $ou e1ect %rom thedatasheet7

 The *ottom sho-s all %ootrints associated -ith the art

◦ 9h$ do $ou thin/ there are three di=erent %ootrints %or a <2(!F \

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reating a :chematicreating a :chematic Man$ vendor sulied integrated li*raries contain much more

than 4ust a schematic dra-ing and (B %ootrint

:ho-n *elo- is a rendering o% a !D Image o% the chi. Altiumhas an otion to vie- the (B in !D, and this image -illreresent the AtmegaO in the !D rendering

Also included are :(IE ;les and>or IBI: ;les 6more on thislater7

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reating a :chematicreating a :chematic (lace the AtmegaO into the schematic dra-ing

◦  Qou can al-a$s move the location later

◦ 9hat %unction does in FC er%orm \

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ooming In and utooming In and ut  Qou can+t see the %unction o% in FC *ecause the image

is 3oomed out. To oom In>ut◦ 9heel Mouse and ontrol Xe$

◦ (age #>(age Do-n Xe$

 To (an e%t>Right>#>Do-n◦ 9heel Mouse and :hi%t Xe$

◦ e%t>Right>#>Do-n Arro- 6:mall (an7

◦ :hi%t Xe$ and e%t>Right>#>Do-n Arro- 6arger (an7

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(in 2unctions(in 2unctions (ins can *e setu %or the %ollo-ing %unctions)

Inut, utut, I>◦ en ollector, (assive, 0i, Emitter,

◦ (o-er

Deending on ho- the in is set, -ill determine ho- the DR6Design Rule hec/7 Interrets the (in and -hat connections areallo-ed

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Add the #:BB onnectorAdd the #:BB onnector It seemed o*vious -hich li*rar$ contained the Atmel

AtmegaO, *ut no- -e need to add a #:BB connector. An easier method than searching each comonent and

each li*rar$ is to search the li*raries.

lic/ the H2ind+ *utton to the right o% the li*rar$selection

6It doesn+t matter -hich li*rar$ is selected>active7

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Add the #:BB onnectorAdd the #:BB onnector  T$e in the

/e$-ord $ou areloo/ing %or

9e are loo/ing %ora #:BBconnector, 2orno- let+s 4ust

search %or H#:B+and narro- do-nthe search a%terthat.

'TE) #sing

-ildcards * *e%oreand a%ter allo- %or-ords such as111USB111 to *erecogni3ed.

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Add the #:BB onnectorAdd the #:BB onnector  The search can ta/e

a -hile deending onho- man$ li*raries$ou are searchingthrough.

9e are searchingthrough onl$ theli*raries -e added to

the ro4ect, so itshould haen ver$5uic/l$.

 The result o% thissearch came *ac/negative, That

means there are no#:B items in an$ o%our ro4ect li*raries.

lic/ the H:earch+ ta*in the to rightcorner

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Add the #:BB onnectorAdd the #:BB onnector hange the scoe

o% the search %romavaila*le li*raries6availa*le to thero4ect7 to Ali*raries in theath.

 The ath -illautomaticall$ *eentered %or thede%ault li*rar$location in Altium

S ma/e sure

Hincludesu*directories+ istic/ed.

lic/ the search*utton

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Add the #:BB onnectorAdd the #:BB onnector #:B is a ver$ common term, so ver$ 5uic/l$ the list ;lls u

E1anding the *o1 to read the descrition hels -ithidenti%$ing -hat each art is 6in case names such as H"!!"+ mean nothing to $ou7

9e are loo/ing %or a :I'GE Through 0ole, Right Angle,#:BB Recetacle soc/et, -hich is located at the Oth ro-do-n

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Add the #:BB onnectorAdd the #:BB onnector :elect the "

"JC"" and clic/X 

 Qou -ill get amessage stating thatthe li*rar$ is notavaila*le to the

ro4ect, *ut Altium is-illing to install it %or$ou, clic/ $es

 lic/ HX+ again toadd the art

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Add the #:BB onnectorAdd the #:BB onnector

 The li*rar$ AM( :erial Bus is added automaticall$ to theHInstalled+ li*raries, 'T the ro4ect li*raries

 This action DE: 'T MVE A'Q IBRARIE: (0Q:IAATI'

2or ease o% %uture design, it is a good idea to move li*raries

added *$ this method to $our evergro-ing list o% li*raries  Qou can do this *$ co$ing the AM( :erial Bus #:B %rom the

ath given in the Havaila*le li*raries+ *elo-

)(rogram 2ilesAltium Designer i*rar$Am

to $our custom li*rar$ in $our Kash drive

L)EEJ AltiumEEJ (ro4ectAltium i*raries

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Add the #:BB onnectorAdd the #:BB onnector

AM( ma/es several di=erent li*raries, so *e sure to co$ thecorrect one

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Rotating (artsRotating (arts  The easiest -a$ to rotate

arts is to select the itemand hold the le%t mouse*utton do-n, and ta thesace *utton, this -ill rotate

C degrees each ta. Another method is to dou*le

clic/ the comonent to oenu the comonent roerties-indo-, and in the *ottomle%t corner $ou can set theorientation

'TE) the Hmirrored+ ta* -illKi the comonent a*out itsa1is

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omonent (roertiesomonent (roerties In the to le%t corner o% the

comonent roerties, $ou can

set comments, descritions,designator values and li*rar$ lin/in%ormation

'TE) #ni5ue ID is a uni5uevalue -hich lin/s the schematicart -ith the (B document.

In the *ottom le%t corner, $ou canset grahical roerties such asorientation, mirrored, loc/ed6stuc/ in schematic7

 The HEdit (ins+ *utton -ill allo-$ou to reassign ins, in%unctions, and in num*ers. Thisshould onl$ *e used i% $ou area*solutel$ ositive $ou /no--hat $ou are doing

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omonent (roertiesomonent (roerties In the to right corner o%

comonent roerties o% a

standard comonent -illcontain in%ormation such asu*lishing date, terminationlength, #R+s, drill si3es, etc.

'TE) Qou can add $ouro-n custom ;elds 6such asordering in%ormation,ordering art num*ers, etc.7

'TE) Qou can also add acustom (B rule to thecomonent -hile $ou arestill in schematic caturemode

 The *ottom right cornercontains model in%ormation%or the comonent, such as%ootrint model in%ormationand signal integrit$ models.

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omonent (roertiesomonent (roerties

Mirror the#:BBconnector

and orientthe artsso the$match the

diagramto theright.

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(rogramming 0eader(rogramming 0eader Add a art %rom the Miscellaneous onnectors li*rar$

called H0eader 1F+ Ma/e sure to use caution -hen selecting arts. I% $ou

accidentall$ add H0eader 1Fa+ the$ ma/e loo/ the same,*ut loo/ at the num*ering s$stem o% the ins. Al-a$sma/e sure the num*ering method is the same as $oue1ect it to *e.

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 A 5uic/ search

%or the 2TF!Fchi -e -ill *eusing gives the%ollo-ing result

Although thereare threematches %or the2TF!F, 9e areactuall$ loo/ing%or the 2TF!FR

as -e -ill seeon the ne1tslide

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 i/e all asects

o% (B la$out,$ou must a$attention toever$ detail onever$thing.

 The datasheet

states that the2TF!FR is a FOin ::(ac/age.

:ince this%ootrint is notavaila*le, -emust create theart in a customli*rar$

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 2ollo- the

menu se5uencesho-n to theright to create ane- (B li*rar$.

 This li*rar$ -illhouse A o%$ourcomonents

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 The ne- li*rar$ is

automaticall$ addedto the ro4ect.

Right clic/ and clic/

Hsave as+ andrename the li*rar$to a morearoriate name)EEJ and save it in

the director$ -iththe rest o% $ourli*raries

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7'otice the small

ta*s in the *ottomle%t corner.

Dou*le clic/ the

ne- (B li*rar$$ou created tooen it, and clic/on the one titled

H(B i*rar$+ to-or/ inside thatli*rar$.

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 9ith the (B

i*rar$ ta*selected, -e cansee that there isonl$ onecomonent inside

our li*rar$ called(BM('E'T?"

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 2rom inside $our (B li*rar$, clic/ T: U I(

2ootrint 9i3ard to oen the I( 2ootrint 9i3ard. This -ill hel $ou easil$ create the %ootrint %or the


 Qou -ill see -h$ it is so imortant and hel%ul to havestandards -hen it comes to documentation, naming

conventions, etc]

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 The ;rst ste is selecting -hat t$e o% art it is. The$

don+t seci;call$ have ::(, *ut ::( is 4ust amodi;ed version o% the :( so select that

 There is a diagram o% -hat the chi loo/s li/e to theright

'TE) chec/ the note on the *ottom o% the -i3ard) All

-i3ard measurements must *e entered as metric 6mm7units

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 At ;rst this might seem a *it daunting and

intimidating, *ut -hen $ou ull u the datasheet to;nd the values, $ou -ill see that the grahics andnaming convention matches -hat -e must entered

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 The ;rst entr$ is %or -idth range. The datasheet gives

a -idth range o% .OC W> C.JCmm 6Min -idth Y.Jmm, Ma1 Y O.Fmm7

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 The ma1 height o% the chi

6A7 is F.CCmm

Enter this in %or ma1imumheight

<uestion) 9h$ -ould theheight o% the chimatter \\

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 2ill out the rest o% the values, $ou should get the num*ers *elo-

'TE) 9atch as $ou enter values, the grahic on the right -ill

d$namicall$ change

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 Accet the automaticall$ entered values %or the ne1t %e- slides until $ou get to the slide *elo-

#nchec/ the Huse suggested values+ and change the name to 2TF!FR

lic/ H2inish+ and the art -ill *e added to $our li*rar$

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 Qour li*rar$ -ill automaticall$ oen -ith $our ne-

art included.

'otice ho- there are t-o $ello- dots , those are Hin" indicators+ so the *oard is assem*led roerl$

 Qou can no- *e con;dent that the 2TF!FR chi -ill;t on this %ootrint

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7

lic/ the H(ro4ects+ ta* onthe *ottom le%t to return*ac/ to the ro4ect ;lehierarch$

:ince a (B %ootrint isuseless as %ar as aschematic is concerned, -e

must create a schematicdra-ing and lin/ thedra-ing -ith the %ootrint-e created

2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F

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2TDI hi 2TF!F2TDI hi 2TF!F6T::(FO76T::(FO7 Xee in mind that

-e cannot /eethe schematicdra-ing o% the2TF!F andchange onl$ the%ootrint *ecausesometimes insare added,removed, or aredi=erent.

:ho-n to the

right is the inouto% the deviceo*tained %romthe datasheet

i : h i

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art reate a :chematic

li*rar$ li/e -ecreated a (B%ootrint li*rar$

Rename the li*rar$to EEJ, andsave in the samedirector$ as the

rest o% $ourli*raries.

Dou*le clic/ theschematic li*rar$to oen the li*rar$,and then vie- theli*rar$ *$ clic/ing

the H:0 i*rar$+ta* in the *ottomle%t o% the screen

i : h i (

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art  The large ortion o% the screen is %or creating $our schematic

dra-ing, the to le%t art contains all the arts in the li*rar$, theto-ards the *ottom le%t is the ins and associated %unction>name

i h i i : h i (

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art Dou*le clic/ the comonent and enter the values as sho-n


i : h i ti : h ti ( t

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art Qour comonent should have a descritive comonent name and descrition such as the one *elo-

lic/ the ruler ta* to see the drodo-n list

as sho-n in the right. This is the main icon -e+ll

Be using in creating the schematic dra-ing

i : h i ( ti : h ti ( t

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art (lace a rectangle and dra- it so it loo/s li/e *elo-

  6:i3e doesn+t matter7

i : h i ( ti : h ti ( t

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art lic/ the Hlace in+ and lace FO ins around

the rectangle li/e *elo- lic/ and drag the rectangle to the roer si3e

ti : h ti ( t ti : h ti ( t

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art Dou*le clic/ (in " and change

disla$ name to TLD,

hange electrical t$e to#T(#T

ti : h ti ( t ti : h ti ( t

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art :ometimes the datasheet -ill e1licitl$ give the %unction o%

the in, this is an added *onus and not usuall$ given

 Qou must usuall$ de;ne the in t$e %rom reading the

descrition o% -hat the in does De;ning in t$es is not a necessit$, and things ma$ -or/

;ne -ithout de;ning them roerl$, *ut $ou should usuall$add the in %unction to allo- the DR to catch $our errors.

ti : h ti ( t ti : h ti ( t

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art There are usuall$ t$ical alications schematics -hich -ill hel $ou roerl$ use the


 Qou should al-a$s read each and ever$ in descrition to see i% $ou need to add%unctionalit$, *ut it is al-a$s a good starting oint to use the t$ical alication sheet

ti : h ti ( t ti : h ti ( t

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art #suall$ these t$ical alication notes have corresonding notes associated -ith it that $ou should


 The %ollo-ing rules %or this device are a com*ination o% rules %or the #:B standard, and %or the 2TF!F

 These notes should *e regarded as *i*le, -ritten *$ eole -ho understand and have tested theirroduct to death.

ti : h ti ( t ti : h ti ( t

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art 'o- that -e have veri;ed that the ins all match the ones in the datasheet 6-ith the

correct in num*ers7 -e can move ins around and ma/e it loo/ more li/e the alicationschematic given

 This usuall$ allo-s %or a cleaner loo/ing schematic dra-ing and much easier to re%erencethe datasheet.

ti : h ti ( t ti : h ti ( t

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art

'o- that -e have veri;edthat the ins all match theones in the datasheet 6-iththe correct in num*ers7-e can move ins aroundand ma/e it loo/ more li/e

the alication schematicgiven

 This usuall$ allo-s %or acleaner loo/ing schematicdra-ing and much easier tore%erence the datasheet.

'TE) Qou can also hideins %rom the schematicdocument. Dou*le clic/ onthe in and chec/ Hhide+

ti : h ti ( treating a :chematic (art

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art

'o- -e needto associatethe (B2ootrint -ecreated -iththe schematic

dra-ing lic/ the Hadd

%ootrint atthe *ottom o%the age

lic/ H*ro-se+in theH%ootrintmodel+section

ti : h ti ( treating a :chematic (art

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art

:elect $our EEJ i*rar$ %rom the drodo-n list There is onl$ one art inside $our custom EEJ

li*rar$, so the choice is eas$. :elect $our art andclic/ HX+

ti : h ti ( treating a :chematic (art

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art In $our schematic li*rar$, $ou should no- see

the %ootrint $ou created along -ith theschematic dra-ing $ou made

2inall$ the art is comlete

'TE) This gets much %aster as $ou do it more,*ut $ou can see the value o% the large list o%integrated li*raries included -ith Altium

reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art

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reating a :chematic (artreating a :chematic (art ne last chec/ is to loo/ at the le%t side o% the

screen. The ;rst three columns in this case all re%erto data $ou entered -hen creating the schematicdocument

 The last column 62TF!FR7 is the name that $ougave the (B 2ootrint

hec/ and comare that in " on the schematic islin/ed to in " on the (B %ootrint

Reeat %or the rest. I% something doesn+t match,something -ent -rong

:ave the (ro4ect:ave the (ro4ect

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:ave the (ro4ect:ave the (ro4ect

'o- is a good time tosave the ro4ect and allthe changes $ou made.

2ollo- the menu

se5uence to the rightto save the ro4ect

Insert The 2TDI hiInsert The 2TDI hi

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Insert The 2TDI hiInsert The 2TDI hi :elect $our EEJ li*rar$, and lace the onl$

comonent in $our li*rar$ 6so %ar7. Qou should see theschematic dra-ing and also the (B %ootrint. I% notsomething is -rong

Insert The 2TDI hiInsert The 2TDI hi

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Insert The 2TDI hiInsert The 2TDI hi 'otice ho- the rotated and mirrored #:BB connector

matches u er%ectl$ -ith the 2TF!F chi. 6D goes to#:BDM, DW goes to #:BDW7 This did not haen *$chance

urrent :chematicurrent :chematic

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urrent :chematicurrent :chematic

(rogramming Inter%ace(rogramming Inter%ace

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(rogramming Inter%ace(rogramming Inter%ace

9e need adevice that-ill send ourcomiled 0ELcode to themicrocontrolle


 This t$e o%device iscalled arogrammer

:ar/%un sellsman$ decentrogrammersthat are chea6["!7

(rogramming Inter%ace(rogramming Inter%ace

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(rogramming Inter%ace(rogramming Inter%ace

I% $ou -ant,$ou can seethe schematico% therogrammer,and integrate

it onto $ourdeveloment*oard

As $ou cansee, this is asimle device

-hich -ouldonl$ add a %e-comonentsto $our ro4ect

(rogramming Inter%ace(rogramming Inter%ace

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(rogramming Inter%ace(rogramming Inter%ace

 The seci;cation %orthe F1 header,saced C."P aarter%ectl$ matches

the connection %orthe rogrammer.

Although $ou ma$

not /no- -hat theseins are, -e -illassign them to therogrammer header

(lacing a onnective 9ire(lacing a onnective 9ire

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(lacing a onnective 9ire(lacing a onnective 9ire

2ind the icon that loo/s li/e the onea*ove, and clic/ it to lace a -ire, it -ill*e *lue in aearance

WARNING!!: Make sure ot to use the

p"ace "ie# $rom the drawig %o&. 'hiswi"" draw a "ie that ())*+ "ike a

coective wire, %ut a coectio

wo#t %e made

(lacing a onnective 9ire(lacing a onnective 9ire

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(lacing a onnective 9ire(lacing a onnective 9ireDra- -ires on the F1 header as

sho-n on the rightlic/ the G'D and V icons %rom the

-iring menu 6sho-n *elo-7 and ma/eit loo/ li/e the diagram to the right

'et a*els'et a*els

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'et a*els'et a*elsA net la*el is a method o% electricall$ connecting nets o% the same name

 This allo-s a method to ma/e a connection -ithout re5uiring lacing a -ire

:o -hat+s -rong -ith running -ires \\ It is %ar more di8cult and morecon%using to run -ires, eseciall$ -hen routing a large *us.

'et a*els'et a*els

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'et a*els'et a*els 0ere is a schematic -hich is ver$ con%using and -ould

*ene;t %rom using net la*els

'et a*els'et a*els

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'et a*els'et a*els  This is a design

that uses direct-ires %or shortconnections,and net la*els%or longconnections.

'otice ho- theschematic loo/smore clean andro%essional.

'TE) Even i%direct -ire

connections areused, it+s still agood idea togive the net aname %or (Breasons

'et a*els'et a*els

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'et a*els'et a*els Another e1amle

#sing 'et a*els#sing 'et a*els

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#sing 'et a*els#sing 'et a*elslic/ on the net la*el icon and lace

the net la*el on each o% the -ires.Dou*le clic/ the rename the net. Qou

can t$e in a ne- net, or select one%rom the dro do-n list.

#sing 'et a*els#sing 'et a*els

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#sing 'et a*els#sing 'et a*elsRename the nets to match the diagram

on the right

9AR'I'G) 9hen lacing netla*els,ma/e sure there is a red L at theconnection oint. I% it is a gra$ L, thereis no electrical connection

Good Bad

#sing 'et a*els#sing 'et a*els

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#sing 'et a*els#sing 'et a*elsur rogramming connector

no- e1actl$ matches the

inout o% the rogrammer-e selected to *u$

#sing 'et a*els#sing 'et a*els

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#sing 'et a*els#sing 'et a*els Ma/e the same net la*els on the microcontroller as $ou did on the

rogramming connector

onnect the (o-er and Ground nets as sho-n *elo-. The rogrammer is no- electricall$ connected to the microcontroller

#sing 'et a*els#sing 'et a*els

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#sing 'et a*els#sing 'et a*els Ma/e the same net la*els on the microcontroller as $ou did on the

rogramming connector

onnect the (o-er and Ground nets as sho-n *elo-. The rogrammer is no- electricall$ connected to the microcontroller

Reset (inReset (in

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Reset (inReset (in The reset in on the microcontroller is an active low in,

indicated *$ the *ar a*ove the name

 This means the device %unctions normall$ as long as thereset line is held high, and -ill go into reset mode -hen*rought lo- 6li/e re*ooting a comuter7

oo/ing at the datasheet, -e can see characteristics on

each in and ho- it -or/s.

(assive omonents(assive omonents

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(assive omonents(assive omonents 'o- -e need to add caacitors, resistors, and the EDs.

(lace a art, select the Miscellaneous Devices li*rar$, andscroll do-n to A(

(lace this art 6Don+t -orr$ that the %ootrint isn+t :MDCOC7

(assive omonents(assive omonents

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(assive omonents(assive omonentshange the comment to YValue, and

unchec/ the visi*lehange the value to C."u2

(assive omonents(assive omonents

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(assive omonents(assive omonents

In the %ootrintsection, clic/ theHadd+ *utton to addour COC %ootrint tothis caacitor

(assive omonents(assive omonents

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(assive omonents(assive omonents lic/ H*ro-se+ and ma/e

sure Han$+ (B li*rar$ is

selected  :elect the Hhi

aacitor+ li*rar$, andchoose FC"FCOC

 This is code %or)

Y hi a

FC"F metric

COC emirical

(assive omonents(assive omonents

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(assive omonents(assive omonents (lace the caacitor do-n. It should

loo/ something li/e this)

 This is no- our temlate %or acaacitor, 4ust co$ & aste-henever $ou need caacitors and

the$ -ill all have the same%ootrint and settings -e set %orthis caacitor

Do not -orr$ a*out the H\+ , -e-ill deal -ith la*eling the arts atthe end. 2or no- it is a -aste o%time.

(assive omonents(assive omonents

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(assive omonents(assive omonents Reeat the same rocess -ith

resistors and EDs 6all in samemiscellaneous devices li*rar$7

Modi%$ the settings and change the%ootrints

◦ Diodes are %rom the hi Diode li*rar$

◦ Resistors are %rom the hi Resistorli*rar$

omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic

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omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic o$ and aste the

arts as needed to;nish thisschematic◦ 0ighlight, TR 6co$7,

TRV 6aste7

 The arts to the le%t arein the miscellaneous

connectors li*rar$ andare called 0DR"L"C

'TE) I moved the inlocations on the toconnector, this does notchange %unctionalit$ at

all, it 4ust allo-s %or acleaner schematic. Todo this $ou must ;rstunloc/ the ins. Dou*leclic/ the art andunchec/ the Hloc/ ins+to move the ins around

omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic

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omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic It is

commonracticeto add aC."u2decoulin

gcaacitorto EVERQo-er iner I

omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic

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omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic The reset line must

*e held high -ithe1ternal circuitr$.

#sing a "C/ pull-up

resistor -e can/ee this out o%reset

'TE) Tr$ adding a

s-itch %rom thereset line to ground. This is a hard-arereset s-itch

omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic

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omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic(ins " and FF are I'(#T ins on the

microcontroller. These ins are *oth "C*it analog to digital converters. It isnecessar$ to ull these ins high -ith

ullu resistors i% the$ are going to *eunused 6or ossi*l$ unused7

omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic

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omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic Don+t %orget -e cannot al$ V across the ED+s. 9e must use current limiting resistors

 To ensure ma1imum %unctionalit$ o% the develoment *oard, rather than hard-iring theEDs to a seci;c ort, -e -ill ma/e it so a user can connect an$ o% the three O*it orts

omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic

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omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic 'otice ho- RLD on the microcontroller connects to TLD on the 2TF!F chi, This is *ecause t-o transmitting

signals cannot aear on the same line. ne in is an #T(#T and one is an inut.

Because these ins are correctl$ de;ned -ith *oth arts, The DR -ould catch that i% -e made the mista/e

o% connecting TLD to TLD  The ED+s here are otional and light -hen data is *eing sent or received

omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic

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omlete the :chematico e e e :c e a c I have altered the t$ical alication circuit %or this in t-o -a$s)

◦ I have added terminating resistors on the di=erential air

I have not included the %errite *ead , $ou should include this . Qou can include a COC%ootrint as a laceholder %or the %errite *ead -hich comes in a chi

omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic

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omlete the :chematic 'o- that all the

arts are added,-e must la*el allthe comonents

2ollo- the menuse5uence to theright to la*el allthe artsautomaticall$

lic/ HQes+ -henas/ing to udatethe changes

omlete the :chematicomlete the :chematic

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omlete the :chematicAll the arts

are no-roerl$num*ered

'TE) Thisste isnecessar$*e%ore-or/ing -ith

simulationsor (B a$out

2inished :chematic2inished :chematic

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:mart (D2:mart (D2

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I have included a :mart (D2 o%the schematic %or thisdeveloment *oard in thedo-nloads section o% the -e*site.

In this (D2 ;le $ou can select and3oom in to see arts, nets, etc ]

omiling the (ro4ectomiling the (ro4ect

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g 4 g 4

omiling the ro4ect is %anc$terminolog$ %or error chec/ing.

Error chec/ing, although notre5uired, is a must *e%ore convertingthe schematic dra-ing into a (Bdocument.

9e can+t error chec/ -ithout settingu rules, so ;rst -e must setu rules

omiling the (ro4ectomiling the (ro4ect

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g 4 g 4

lic/◦ (ro4ect U (ro4ect


omiling the (ro4ectomiling the (ro4ect

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g 4 g 4#nder the Error Reorting ta*,

$ou can set otions %or -hichlevel o% reort $ou -ill get.◦ :ome errors are serious

◦ :ome are not a *ig deal

omiling the (ro4ectomiling the (ro4ect

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g 4 g 4A setting o% Hno reort+ is the same as the so%t-are ignoring

itA -arning -ill allo- an action, *ut -on+t *e ha$ a*out it:et the HError+ level or a*ove to see immediate %eed*ac/2atal error -ill not allo- comilation o% the ro4ect

omiling the (ro4ectomiling the (ro4ect

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g 4 g 4I% -e set HKoating net la*els+ to error,

-hen -e comile the document, a reds5uiggl$ line -ill aear *eneath theKoating la*el and it -ill aear in thecomilation reort

omiling the (ro4ectomiling the (ro4ect

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g 4 g 4I% -e set HKoating net la*els+ to %atal

error, -hen -e comile the document,a red s5uiggl$ line -ill aear *eneaththe Koating la*el and it -ill aear inthe comilation reort.

omiling the (ro4ectomiling the (ro4ect

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g 4 g 4 I% $ou dou*leclic/ the

error in the messages

*o1, it -ill sho- $oucomile errors

2rom there $ou canselect the o=endingerror and it -ill dimthe schematic e1cet%or the error

omiling the (ro4ectomiling the (ro4ect

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g 4 g 4 I recommend reading through and setting

-hatever rules $ou thin/ -ill *e aroriate.

Xee in mind it is *etter to have a comilationreort -ith a lot o% in%ormation that $ou don+t

care a*out than to have an imortant error sliast

I% there are no errors, $ou -ill not get a ou

screen -hen the comilation is comlete

onnection Matri1onnection Matri1

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 The ne1tta* over isconnection matri1. This is a5uic/ -a$to allo-

certainconnections to *emade ordenied.


thisdoesn+tneed to *echanged


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:ingle age reort -ith the %ollo-ing◦ 9hat have $ou done %or $our ro4ect 6Be :eci;c7 I e1ect

this to *e mostl$ schematic design and research at this oint

◦ 9hat do $ou have le%t to comlete

◦ 9ho is resonsi*le %or each art o% the design :chematic Entr$

(B a$out Imlementing Technolog$ 6E1) Mi/e -ill *e in charge o% inter%acing the transmitter -ith a


◦ E1am " -ill *e *ased on this reort. Do not thin/ that i% $ou have done no -or/ $et that $ou are not resonsi*le %or the ro4ect or that

$our test -ill *e eas$. The more -or/ $ou have done *$ the th, the easier the test should *e.

Ever$ grou mem*er is resonsi*le i% someone is tr$ing to get out o% doing -or/. Do not cover %or

an$one else. I% I ;nd out that the -or/ -as not done *$ an individual, I -ill hold the entire grouresonsi*le

I% there is a ro*lem -ith someone not -or/ing, $ou have until the 7th to slit %rom the grou and-or/ on the same ro4ect *$ $oursel% i% $ou let me /no-.

reating the (Breating the (B

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g ne o% the reasons -h$ it is imortant to de;ne the (B

%ootrints -hile entering in the schematic is to *e a*le torovide a good estimate o% ho- much *oard area $ou -illneed.

Generall$ sea/ing the following things make productionmore expensive

◦ arger area

◦ More la$ers

◦ :maller holes

◦ loser tolerances

◦ loser traces and sacing

◦  Thinner or Thic/er (B

ur goal is to /ee cost as lo- as ossi*le -hile still *einga*le to trans%er a schematic to a %unctioning (B.

 There are no secial characteristics o% this design that re5uirean$ e1otics, and -e can use a F la$er (B %or lo- cost

reating the (Breating the (B

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2rom the ro4ect ta* in the*ottom le%t corner, clic/ theH2iles+ ta* and clic/ theu-ard %acing arro-s until$ou can see


:elect (B Board 9i3ard

reating the (Breating the (B

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 Qou -ill get a ver$ %riendl$ -i3ard screen, clic/ ne1t tocontinue

reating the (Breating the (B

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hoose the *oard units as Imerial %or this since that is -hatmost o% us are most %amiliar -ith

'TE) Qou are not stuc/ -ith the choice o% units that $ouchoose here. The units seci;ed are 'Q used %or the (B-i3ard

reating the (Breating the (B

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 There are man$ rede;ned temlates %or e1otic designs orstandard (B comuter inter%ace %orms, such as AT Bus, (I*us, Eurocard, and man$ others.

hoose #:TM 6at the to7

reating the (Breating the (B

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eave the de%ault settings 6Rectangular, CCC mils 1 JCCC mils7

 The dimensions o% the *oard -ill *e on a generic, in%ormationla$er 6Mechanical la$er7 -hich is used to give in%ormation tothe *oard house.

reating the (Breating the (B

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9e -ant to have a t-o la$er *oard. This is t-o signal la$ers6to o% *oard, *ottom o% *oard7 and 3ero internal lane la$ers,ma/e this change

Do $ou remem*er -hat a o-er lane is \ 0o- does it di=er%rom a signal la$er\ 60I'T) $ou can have signal la$ers internalor e1ternal, and $ou can have o-er lanes internal and


reating the (Breating the (B

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Ma/e sure the hole t$e is set on thruhole vias onl$

Do $ou remem*er -hat a via is \\

reating the (Breating the (B

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ur *oard contains mostl$ sur%ace mount comonents, sochec/ this otion

hoose that *oth sides o% the *oard can contain comonents.

'TE) These settings reall$ don+t matter. The$ e1ist %or theautorouter -hich -e -ill not *e using

reating the (Breating the (B

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hange trac/ si3e

6"Cmils7 and traceclearance 6O mils7

9hat is the metriclength o% O mils \\\\

hange the minimum

via hole si3e to "mils, and the min. via-idth to !C mils

'TE) A9AQ: *esure $our settings

can *e %a*ricated ata reasona*le rice*e%ore setting thesevalues

reating the (Breating the (B Th i d i l t d (B i t d * d

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 The -i3ard is no- comlete and $our (B is created *ased onthe values $ou have given.

reating the (Breating the (B Right clic/

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Right clic/on the (B

U lic/


lic/ HBoardtions

reating the (Breating the (B #nchec/ HDisla$ :heet+ 6this has a use *ut %or no- -e -ant

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#nchec/ Disla$ :heet 6this has a use, *ut %or no- -e -antto reduce clutter7

hange the mar/ers %rom lines to dots and clic/ X. 'TE) The sna grid and comonent grid are ver$ imortant,

-e -ill get into this later though.

reating the (Breating the (B

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 The (B has *een added to

the list o% documents, *uthas 'T *een added to thero4ect 6'otice it is listed asa %ree document7

lic/ and drag the (B to$our ro4ect

Right clic/ on the(B".(c*Doc ;le and save

the ;le in $our ro4ectdirector$.

:ave the ;le as HDev Board+

reating the (Breating the (B I% $ou get the %ollo-ing -arning, 4ust clic/ X. It is telling $ou

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I% $ou get the %ollo-ing -arning, 4ust clic/ X. It is telling $outhere ma$ *e comati*ilit$ issues i% $ou tr$ to oen the (B

document in an older version o% Altium.

reating the (Breating the (B I% $ou select $our schematic again, clic/ the Design *utton u

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I% $ou select $our schematic again, clic/ the Design *utton uto and then clic/ on H#(DATE (B D#ME'T DEV

BARD.(c*Doc+  This -ill *egin the rocess to turn $our schematic into a (B

reating the (Breating the (B Thi ill th ECO E i i Ch O d !

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 This -ill oen the ECO Engineering Change Order!

 This is as/ing -hich changes to ma/e.

Validate changes -ill chec/ %or errors in the rocess

E1ecute -ill actuall$ er%orm the change

reating the (Breating the (B li / HV lid t + t th * tt Thi t / hil

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lic/ HValidate+ at the *ottom. This ma$ ta/e a -hiledeending on the comle1it$ o% the ro4ect.

'otice the green chec/ *o1es to the right. This means thateach ste -ith the green chec/ mar/ can *e er%ormedsucess%ull$.

I have deli*eratel$ removed the li*rar$ %or the #:B connectorto sho- -hat -ill haen i% there is an error %or a ste 6red 17

Adding the li*rar$ -ill ;1 this error

reating the (Breating the (B B th ll di= t t t ti th

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Because there are usuall$ man$ di=erent stes to creating theE, it is usuall$ hel%ul to chec/ the *o1 that sa$s Hnl$ sho-

errors+ at the *ottom.  Qou are in good shae -hen no errors occur and this list is


reating the (Breating the (B 9h d i th lid ti t

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9hen no errors aear during the validation ste, $ou canclic/ the He1ecute changes+ to actuall$ imort the schematic to

the (B

 Qou -ill see a second ro- o% green chec/ *o1es -hen $oue1ecute the changes. Again, chec/ %or errors *$ chec/ing theHnl$ sho- errors+

reating the (Breating the (B 'TE Ever$ time $ou er%orm an E the results are saved

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'TE) Ever$ time $ou er%orm an E, the results are savedin a te1t ;le in $our ro4ect director$

reating the (Breating the (B E1ort the 'ETI:T %ollo-ing the menu se5uence *elo- 6Qou

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E1ort the 'ETI:T %ollo-ing the menu se5uence *elo- 6Qoumust *e on the (B document, not the schematic document

 This -ill e1ort the 'etlist to $our ro4ect director$

reating the (Breating the (BTh ' tli t t i i % ti h

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 The 'etlist contains in%ormation such as

arts, %ootrint, and value 6as sho-n*elo-7

reating the (Breating the (BIt also contains connection

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It also contains connection

in%ormation as sho-n to theright

Each 'etla*el 6either assigned*$ $ou or the so%t-are, ever$net has a netla*el7 sho-s -hichcomonent and in num*erconnects to that node

*viousl$ a connection li/e G'D-ill have man$ connections, and

netla*els such as MI: mightonl$ have a %e- 6! in this case7

reating the (Breating the (B'etlist onnections %or 'et MI:

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◦ 'etlist onnections %or 'et MI:)

(! in (" in

#" in "

◦ A 5uic/ loo/ at the schematic

sho-s that this net is roerl$connected

reating the 'etlistreating the 'etlist

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2ortunatel$, Altium handles the 'etlisttransarentl$ to the end user, *ut it is imortantto at least *e %amiliar -ith the term and ho- theschematic is trans%erred to the (B and viceversa

An$ changes that are made must *e made to the'etlist.

 The 'etlist is the Hlin/+ *et-een the (B and theschematic. It is imortant that the schematic and(B agree on connections, nets, %ootrints, etc..

reating the (Breating the (BA%ter e1ecuting changes I% there are errors or

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A%ter e1ecuting changes. I% there are errors or

not, -hatever the so%t-are can imort into the(B it -ill do so

'otice ho- the so%t-are 4ust sort o% Hdums+ all$our arts 6(B 2ootrints7 o= to the side o%

the *oard."oes an#one know wh# the software

doesn$t place the parts %%%

reating the (Breating the (BQou ma$ have

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 Qou ma$ havenoticed the -ordson the right on$our design.eave it -here itis and don+t mess-ith it.

9e -ill get to thatlater -hat it does

 This is called aSpecial String

reating the (Breating the (B'otice ho- all the arts are laced inside a colored

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'otice ho- all the arts are laced inside a coloredrectangle *o1 called HMain+. This is called a RM.

Rooms are used to grou common circuit t$es. Aroom is created %or each schematic age -e have

:ince -e onl$ have one age, called HMAI'+, thereis onl$ one room

reating the (Breating the (BRooms are li/e *orders %or $our arts An item inside a

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Rooms are li/e *orders %or $our arts. An item inside aroom cannot escae -ithout an error message.

:ince -e onl$ have one room, -e can delete the room-ithout a=ecting our la$out at all.

lic/ an$-here in the room and hit the DE /e$

 The room -ill disaear and the comonents -ill remain

'TE) Qou can disa*le the use o% rooms in ro4ect otions

reating the (Breating the (B I% $ou hit the H+ /e$ on the (B age it -ill

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I% $ou hit the /e$ on the (B age, it -ill

*ring u the %ollo-ing romt.hange the otion under mechanical la$ers

that sa$s H#sed a$ers nl$+

reating the (Breating the (B 'otice the di=erent ta*s at the *ottom o% the screen

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'otice the di=erent ta*s at the *ottom o% the screen.

 The selected la$er -ill loo/ di=erent than the others 6inthis case, to la$er7

#nli/e a schematic, -hich is FD, a (B is a !D entit$-ith a -hole *unch o% la$ers on to o% each other.

 These la$ers are all com*ined to %orm $our (B.

'TE) These la$ers are all color coded

reating the (Breating the (B I% -e 3oom in, notice that #F 6The 2TF!F chi7

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has several green ads, and several red ads.

 The red ads reresent something on the tola$er. But -h$ are some o% the ads green \\

reating the (Breating the (B

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I% -e t$e H+ again,

it -ill *ring u the*oard la$er lists.

:ince the la$ers arecolor coded, -e can5uic/l$ loo/ %or the

green one andnotice that this is aDR error mar/er6Design Rule hec/7

2or some reason

Altium has aro*lem -ith our2TF!F hi

hec/ the *o1es %orad holes and viaholes

reating the (Breating the (B I% -e ut the mouse over one o% the green ads, it -ill tell us in%ormation

a*out the ad most imortantl$ it -ill tell us -hat the error is

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a*out the ad, most imortantl$ it -ill tell us -hat the error is

2or these ads, there is a clearance constraint error *et-een a ad on the

to la$er, and another ad on the to la$er 'TE) It is u to $ou to decide is this is a real error, or an imroerl$ set


reating the (Breating the (B

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i/e the schematic, there are rules -e need to set.

lic/ Design U Rules 6or7 Rules -i3ard to create>modi%$rules

'TE) The so%t-are onl$ creates errors *ased on $ourrules. It is u to $ou to /no- i% something is X or not. I%$ou tell the so%t-are that F mil traces are X, the

so%t-are -ill en%orce that.

reating the (Breating the (B

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 The DRe1ects aminimumsacing

*et-eendi=erentnets o% Omils.

reating the (Breating the (BMa/e the %ollo-ing rule changes 6%rom to o% list do-n7)

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g g 6 7

◦ Ma1 Trace 9idthY FCC mils

Minimum Via :i3e Y " mils, Min Via diameter Y !C mils◦ Ma1imum Via si3e Y C mils, Ma1 Via diameter Y OC mils

◦ Minimum hole si3e Y " mils, Ma1 hole si3e Y FCC

reating the (Breating the (B

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 Tr$ using trial and

error and change thesetting to mils and$ou+ll notice the errormar/ers go a-a$.

'TE) There areman$ *etter -a$s o%determining theactual sacing, *ut-e -ant to /eethings simle %or no-

reating the (Breating the (B'otice the small

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'otice the small

lines, these arecollectivel$ re%erredto as a &atsnest'

(t is a wa# oftelling #ou which

connections needto )e made still

E1amle) Qou cansee in F o% R"Fneeds to connect to

(in F o% the #:Bconnector

reating the (Breating the (Bomonents are moved in the (B the same

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omonents are moved in the (B the same

-a$ the$ are moved in the schematic.'otice ho- the Ratsnest connections remain

and -ill d$namicall$ change *ased on ho- acomonent is rotated.

reating the (Breating the (BThere is usuall$ a tradeo= -hen lacing comonents. This #:B

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 There is usuall$ a tradeo= -hen lacing comonents. This #:Bconnector might *e easier to route i% it is in the middle o% the

*oard, *ut -ill *e di8cult %or a user to use a connector in themiddle o% the *oard.

2or this design, do the *est $ou can to ma/e it easier to route,%or $our ro4ect, it should ma/e h$sical sense to an end user,even i% it means harder routing

reating the (Breating the (BEVERQ'E+: (B 9I BE DI22ERE'T

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Do not tr$ to ma/e $ours e1actl$ li/e mine or an$oneelse+s.

 This design I -ent out o% m$ -a$ to create a more densedesign %or clarit$ and to resi3e the *oard. 2eel %ree to usethe entire *oard area.

reating the (Breating the (B#suall$, comonents that are close together in the

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schematic are laced close together in the (B.

'TE) I% $ou have t-o monitors, /ee the schematicoen on one side, and the (B on the other side. I% $ouhave one monitor, 4ust -rite do-n the comonents

reating the (Breating the (B2or the #:B circuit, -e

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,-ill grou the %ollo-ing

comonents◦ ""

◦ R"F R"

◦ #F

◦ D, D"C

reating the (Breating the (B'e1t grou the

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'e1t grou the

comonents asthe$ arearranged in theschematic.

(rioriti3e thelacement *$organi3ing thehigh seed orcritical

comonents ;rstat closest length

reating the (Breating the (B#suall$ the more time $ou ta/e in comonent

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#suall$ the more time $ou ta/e in comonent

lacement, the less time $ou -ill need %or routing9hich lacement is *etter and -h$ \\\ 6 or R7

reating the (Breating the (B9hich lacement is *etter and -h$ \\\ 6 or

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9hich lacement is *etter and -h$ \\\ 6 or


reating the (Breating the (B9hich lacement is *etter and -h$ \\\ 6 or

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9hich lacement is *etter and -h$ \\\ 6 or


(B Insector(B Insector:tart the CB

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 This is one o% the mostuse%ul and time saving%eatures in Altium

(B Insector(B Insector0old do-n control and

clic/ *oth R"J and "C

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clic/ *oth R"J and "C

 The (B insectorsho-s t-o o*4ects aredisla$ed>selected.

(B Insector(B Insectorhange the la$er %rom T( to

BTTM and all selected o*4ects are

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BTTM, and all selected o*4ects areimmediatel$ changed to the *ottom

la$er This change moved the comonent

ads %rom the to o% the *oard to the*ottom o% the *oard and mirroredthem

(B Insector(B Insector9e can no- lace R"J and "C underneath the

#:B connector and ma/e the connection %rom

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#:B connector and ma/e the connection %romthe *ottom o% the *oard.

'otice the ads are B#E 6color code *ottomla$er7, This lets $ou /no- that thesecomonents are on the *ottom o% the *oard

omonent (lacementomonent (lacement(lace the three

d li it

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decouling caacitors on

the *ottom la$er, andosition them as close tothe o-er ins asossi*le as sho-n *elo-

omonent (lacementomonent (lacement The current limiting resistors can

*e lace on the *ottom o% the

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*e lace on the *ottom o% the*oard 6under the 2TF!F chi7

 The RL and TL indicator EDsshould *e laced on the to o%the *oard

omonent (lacementomonent (lacement This is *eginning to loo/ ver$

cramed and hard to see things

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cramed and hard to see things-hich are overlaing.

9e don+t care -here thecomonent la*els 6to overla$7 go,and -ill osition them last, so the$are 4ust getting in the -a$ rightno-

omonent (lacementomonent (lacementlic/ on the : at the le%t o% the

list o% la$ers. This is to change the

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s o a$e s s s o c a ge eactive +a#er Set ,isi)le la#ers!

 This -ill *ring u a screen li/e thaton the right. hange the setting toH:ignal a$ers+

omonent (lacementomonent (lacement This sho-s onl$ :IG'A AQER:

or la$ers that conduct electricit$

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or la$ers that conduct electricit$and hides the rest o% the la$ers

that -e don+t care a*out at themoment.

Most o% routing is *est done -iththe :ignal a$ers la$erset active

omonent (lacementomonent (lacement It is much easier to loo/ %or lines that cross

over here and ma/e changes -ith comonentlacement

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'TE) Be care%ul -hen lacing comonentsin this mode. he top overla# silkscreen!is sometimes used %or comonent *oundariesand $ou might lace a comonent inside the*oundar$ o% another art

omonent (lacementomonent (lacement(lace the rest o% the

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(lace the rest o% the

comonents ho-ever$ou -ant to

RoutingRouting'o- -e need to ma/e electrical

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connections *et-een the comonentslic/ the icon to interactivel$ route


'TE) 9hichever la$er is active, thetrace -ill *eing on that la$er

RoutingRoutingMa/e a connection

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*et-een t-ocomonents assho-n to the right.

'otice that the -ire

itsel% is associated-ith the net V

RoutingRoutingB$ lo-ering the H.asked O)/ects

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$ g /

0actor+ in the H.ask +evel+ in the*ottom right corner, -hen $ou clic/ ona ad to -ire, such as V, it -ill dullout the other connections to ma/e it

easier to see -here the connectionsneed to go

RoutingRouting Qou should

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ad4ust this so$ou can easil$see thehighlighted net,

*ut still see theoutlines o% theother ads

RoutingRouting(ress the TAB /e$ -hile routing and $ou

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can change the -idth o% the trace %orthat articular net, and seci;c holesi3es. Ma/e V " mils

RoutingRouting'otice the ne- V trace is " mils

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RoutingRouting Tr$ to route this *oard using mostl$ erendicular traces.

2or e1amle, use the *ottom la$er %or hori3ontal traces,

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and the to la$er %or vertical traces. This -ill ma/e therouting much easier 6at the e1ense o% more holes7

RoutingRouting The connection on the

right is a di=erential

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right is a di=erential

air at a high%re5uenc$.

Di=erential airsshould *e /et closertogether

Although $ou are usingan orthogonal methodo% la$ing out the *oard,ritical nets do notneed to al$.

 Tr$ to /ee the la$erchanges anddiscontinuities to aminimum %or criticallines

RoutingRouting As a general rule %or right no-, $ou -ant to ma/e the traces

a*out as large as $ou can ma/e them

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a*out as large as $ou can ma/e them.

1h# %

RoutingRouting 9hen the #:B

connector is

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connector iscomlete,there should*e %our tracescoming %romthe #:B

inter%ace tothe rest o% thecircuit

◦ V

◦ G'D

◦  TL◦ RL

RoutingRouting The TL and RL

traces %rom the

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traces %rom the

2TF!F hi tothe rest o% thechi can *erelativel$ highseed 6" MB>s7

2or reasons -e-ill go overlater, thismeans -eshould tr$ tomaintain the

same geometr$throughout thetrace. 6Don+tvar$ the -idth7

RoutingRouting 9hen the routing is comlete, $ou

should have something that loo/s

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should have something that loo/s

li/e the icture to the right.

V and G'D connections are notall comlete though.

9e -ill -or/ on V ;rst

RoutingRouting In the le%thand dro do-n *o1 at the to, select V.

This -ill highlight the V net

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 This -ill highlight the V net

'TE) The *o1 to the right -ill highlight and 4um to aarticular comonent.

RoutingRouting The V net is

highlighted and there

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highlighted and there

are three Hratsnest+-ires that need to *econnected.

Ma/e the connectionsto connect all the V+s


RoutingRouting The V net is

highlighted and there

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highlighted and there

are three Hratsnest+-ires that need to *econnected.

Ma/e the connectionsto connect all the V+stogether

Reeat the rocess %or


RoutingRouting 9hen the routing is

comlete, there should *e no

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more Hratsnest+ -ires

9e must run a "&C "esign

&ule Check! to ma/e surethere are no errors.

lic/ T: U Design rulechec/

RoutingRouting #nchec/ the *o1 to

create a reort ;le

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create a reort ;le

lic/ Run Design Rulehec/

I% there are no errors,$ou should get anemt$ message *o1li/e *elo-

RoutingRouting hange the a$er :et *ac/ to A AQER: and vie- the entire *oard.

As $ou can see, -e have a lot o% -asted area, so this gives us a

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As $ou can see, -e have a lot o% -asted area, so this gives us a

chance to resi3e the *oard

RoutingRouting lic/ and drag the in/

line to the right to thele%t, leaving a*out Cmils sacing *et-een

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mils sacing *et-een

the in/ line and thetraces>comonents

RoutingRouting 'otice the


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areautomaticall$ ;1ed tothe ne-distance*et-een thearro-s

Reeat thisrocess -iththe *ottomin/ line

RoutingRouting  The *oard should loo/ something

li/e this.

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:hi%t and clic/ to select all %our in/lines

RoutingRouting lic/

◦ Design U Board :hae U De;ne %rom selected o*4ects

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RoutingRouting  The *oard should no- *e resi3ed

to the ne- dimensions

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'TE) The in/ line is a secialline called a Xeeut la$er. This isto revent lacing comonents tooclose to the edge o% the *oard

 This is technicall$ not the smartest-a$ to change the *oard si3e, *utthe simlest to see ho- it -or/s.

I% $ou -ant to change the *oardsi3e on a real *oard lease let me/no- and I+ll sho- $ou *ettermethods

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design 'o- -e should clean u the design. The to overla$

6sil/screen7 are overlaing VIAs so the$ -ont sho- u

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-ell, the %onts are too *ig, and the sacing is too closetogether

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design Right clic/ on an$ o%

the to overla$ 6such

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as D"7 and clic/ H2ind:imilar *4ects

#nder :tring T$eDE:IG'ATR, change%rom A'Q to :AME.

 This -ill select all

designators on the*oard

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design  Qou can see that all

the comonent

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designators areselected, and nothingelse

 The (B insectorsho-s that o*4ectsare selected

hange the HTe1tXind+ %rom H:tro/e2ont+ to HTrue T$e+

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design  The changes are

immediatel$ made

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and all designatorsare changed %romstro/e %ont to truet$e %ont.

 The reduced si3e andcleaner %ont t$ealread$ ma/es the*oard loo/ a lot *etter

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design (J and ( are not ver$ intuitive to the end user and should

ro*a*l$ *e changed to something more descritive.

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Also, the O*it ED disla$ can also *e changed to BitC, Bit",etc] or ",F,J,O,] so a user can easil$ add the *inar$num*ers

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design Go *ac/ to the schematic,

and change ( to HEDI'(#T+

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hange (" to (RTB

hange (J to (RTD

hange (F to (RT

hange (! to I:( 6Incircuit serial

rogramming7 hange D to TL

hange D"C to RL

9e are ma/ing changesto comonent names here

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design lic/ DE:IG' U #date (B

Document Dev Board

As a result o% changing the

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comonent names, some netschanged also. Al$ all changese1cet adding the room

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design  The changes have ta/en lace and no- -e each connector is more


 This method can also *e used to change (B %ootrints, etc]

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leaning # The Designleaning # The Design  Qou can ma/e the %ont larger or in *old, or change the %ont itsel% i%

$ou -ant to, 4ust dou*le clic/ the te1t to *ring u the menu

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 These connectors -ill have in headers on them once assem*led,so the (in " indicator -ith the rectangular ad -ill *e invisi*le tous. 9e need to add a *etter (in " indicator.

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design lic/ the lace arc *$ edge

(lace an arc an$-here on the*oard

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 Dou*le clic/ on the arc to getthe romt *elo-, change)

◦ Radius Y mil

◦ 9idth Y "C mil

◦ :tart Angle Y End Angle Y C

◦ a$er Y To verla$

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design o$ & (aste the arc and lace

ne1t to the (in "+s %or the "C inheaders

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leaning # The Designleaning # The Design 9e should create t-o ne- *oard

la$er sets.

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ne -here onl$ items on the T( o% the *oard are visi*le

ne -here items on the BT o%the *oard are visi*le

lic/ the H:+ at the *ottom o%the screen and clic/ HBoarda$er :ets+

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design lic/ H'e- :et+ in the *ottom


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lic/ HMa/e Emt$

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design

'ame the set

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HT( BARD+ hec/ the


◦  To a$er

◦  To verla$

◦ Multia$er

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design

reate another

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ne- set calledHBT BARD+

hec/ theHVie- %rom*ottom side+

hec/ the%ollo-ing*o1es)

◦  To a$er

◦  To verla$

◦ Multia$er

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design

:elect the T( BARD %rom the

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la$er set.  This is -hat the real *oard -ill

loo/ li/e %rom the to loo/ingdo-n -ithout the de%ault:uerman a*ilit$ to seethrough all the la$ers

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design

 This is the *est vie- to

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move the tooverla$>sil/screenla$ers around to ma/esure it -ill loo/ good-hen $ou are done.

'TE) Qou shouldavoid the holes -iththe to overla$, *ut donot -orr$ i% the tooverla$ is on to o% a


leaning # The Designleaning # The Design

I have moved R"C

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and R"" indicatorsto a location -ithless clutter and-ithout *eing*loc/ed *$ a via.

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design

I have moved R"C

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and R"" indicatorsto a location -ithless clutter and-ithout *eing*loc/ed *$ a via.

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design

 This is also the time

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-here $ou shouldotimi3e $our traces.

 The trace on the toimage loo/s sill$ and-as ro*a*l$ done*ecause o% oticalinter%erence -ith the*ottom la$er

Vie-ing 'Q the tola$er can hel soterrors easil$ andma/e a clean andro%essional loo/ing


leaning # The Designleaning # The Design

:et the active la$er set to the BT AQER

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$ou made (er%orm the same otimi3ations as -ith the

to la$er

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design  The image to the le%t sho-s a DR error *ecause the olarit$ mar/ing %or the

caacitors are too close together. This is not a real error and -e don+t care a*out it

 The image on the right does not Kag %or an error, *ut the *ottom overla$ %or " -illnot sho- u roerl$ *ecause o% the location o% the via.

D i hi l i h h i h i h \\\

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Does an$one notice an$thing else -rong -ith the image to the right \\\

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design Is an$thing -rong -ith the *ottom overla$ in this icture \

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leaning # The Designleaning # The Design ur *oard loo/s X, *ut there is a lot

o% unused sace

9 ill dd h t i ll d H

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9e -ill add -hat is called a Hcoerour+ or Hol$gon our+ to ;ll in theemt$ areas

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design lic/ the ol$gon lane icon

as sho-n to the right

hange net to G'D

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leaning # The Designleaning # The Design lic/ a*out C"CC mils a-a$

%rom the each corner andthen right clic/

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 This -ill *egin the ol$goncalculation and lacement.

'TE) 2or large designs thiscan ta/e hours

leaning # The Designleaning # The Design'otice ho- the ol$gon

our -ill avoid a net that is

di= t th th t

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di=erent than the netassigned to it.

It -ill ut coer

ever$-here ossi*le thatdoesn+t create a violation

leaning # The Designleaning # The Designn nets that

there is a


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connection6G'D7, $ou cansee it handles ite1actl$ the sameas an$ other net,

*ut has a %e-short connectorsthat connect thead>hole to theour

leaning # The Designleaning # The DesignReeat this

rocess on the

* tt l

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*ottom la$ero% the *oard,alsoconnecting to


(B omlete(B omleteRather than tr$ing to manuall$ ;gure out

-hat to order, -e can e1tract a *ill o%

t i l % th d i

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materials %rom the design This is -h$ it -as so imortant to enter

all the details in correctl$ earlier

lic/ HBill o% Materials+ as sho-n *elo-

(B omlete(B omletehec/ the *o1 to Hen E1orted+ and

clic/ HE1ort+

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(B omlete(B omleteAn E1cel sreadsheet o% the B..M. -ill

oen -ith all the in%ormation $ou need

to 5uic/l$ order the arts

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to 5uic/l$ order the arts

(B omlete(B omlete2rom the (B, clic/

2ile U Assem*l$

ututs U Assem*l$

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ututs U Assem*l$Dra-ings

(B omlete(B omlete This -ill create

Assem*l$Dra-ings that

h l % l

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are hel%ul-henassem*ling thearts.

#suall$ I rintthese and-rite the valueo% eachcomonent-here the


(B omlete(B omlete To get the (B

%a*ricated the*oard house

d t

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needs t-othings)

◦ 2er)er 0iles

◦ 3C "rill 0iles

2ollo- themenuse5uence too*tain the '

Drill ;les ;rst

(B omlete(B omlete eave these

values asde%ault unlessou /no hat

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$ou /no- -hat$ou are doing

lic/ X 

(B omlete(B omlete eave these

values asde%ault unless$ou /no- -hat

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$ou /no- -hat$ou are doing

lic/ X 

(B omlete(B omlete A (B -ith

onl$ holes in itshould aear.

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 These holesmatch theholes o% $our


Go *ac/ to the(B

(B omlete(B omlete 2ollo- the

menuse5uence tocreate the

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create theoutut Ger*er;les

(B omlete(B omlete eave the

values intactunder theHGeneral+ ta*

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General ta*

(B omlete(B omlete #nder the

a$ers ta*, clic/H(lot a$ers+ and

$ou can either

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$ou can eitherchoose A 'or #:ED '.

I% $ou choose

#:ED ' $oushould manuall$chec/ the*ottom t-ola$ers called

◦ G(T To (adMaster

◦ G(B Bottom (adMaster

(B omlete(B omlete #nder HDrill

Dra-ing+ 6Thisis di=erentthan ' Drill

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than ' Drill;les7 chec/ theHlot all usedla$er airs+ inthe t-o

locations atthe le%t

(B omlete(B omlete #nder HAertures+

ma/e sureEm*edded

Aertures are

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Aertures areselected 6R:FJL7

'TE) Be%oreR:FJL, there -asR:FJD, -hich didnot contain theem*eddedAertures, mostever$one re5uires&S475-6 format

Ignore theAdvanced ta* andclic/ X 

(B omlete(B omlete Again, deending

on the comle1it$o% the design and

the caa*ilities o%

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the caa*ilities o%$our comuter, thiscould ta/e hours.

 This design should

ta/e around "Cseconds

'otice ho- t-one- ;les have*een created,

 These are AM ;les

(B omlete(B omlete The (B Document is a

single document

 The Ger*er ;les are a listo% around "CJC individual

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o% around "CJC individual;les -ith in%ormation oneach la$er

 This standardi3ed %ormato% Ger*er ;les means the

*oard house does notneed to o-n ever$so%t-are ac/ageimagina*le

AM Vie-ers are re5uired

to oen these Hgeneric+Ger*er ;les. AMtastic isAltiums included AMvie-er

(B omlete(B omlete 0ighlight the AMtastic

;le -ith $our *oardla$out on it

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lic/ the AMtastic ta*

(B omlete(B omlete Inside the AM vie-er,

$ou can see a rathercra$ rendition o%$our *oard and a

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$our *oard and a*unch o% color coded;les.

 Qou ma$ also noticethere are ne- *uttonsin the menu screen.

 This is so $ou canmodi%$ the outut ;les6Ger*er ;les7 directl$.

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(B omlete(B omlete 9hen $ou

created theGer*er ;lesand ' Drill;les, a ne-%older is

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automaticall$created in$our ro4ect%older calledH(ro4ectututs+

All these ;lesare -hat $ousend to get$our *oardmade

Altium is niceenough toregister the;le

e1tensions-ith 9indo-sso $ou cansee -hicheach ;le is

(B omlete(B omlete lic/ Reort U Board in%ormation %or

a 5uic/ summar$ o% $our *oard

lic/ HRE(RT+ and include thisreort ;le in an$ ro4ect ;les $ou

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reort ;le in an$ ro4ect ;les $ousend me. O(3S 1(++ BE 8E3O00 (0 ( (S 3O (3C+U"E"

(B omlete(B omlete lic/ the HAll n+ *o1 and clic/


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(B omlete(B omlete

An 0TM reort ;le is

created 6;le ath is given7and $ou can select the

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and $ou can select theunits.

 This 0TM ;le hash$erlin/s so $ou can

5uic/l$ vie- areas

(B omlete(B omlete

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(B omlete(B omlete

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(B omlete(B omlete

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(B omlete(B omleteBe care%ul -ith this one, The annular

ring si3e %rom *oard vendors is de;neddi=erentl$. he &ing si9e is this

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di=erentl$. he &ing si9e is thisnum)er divided )# 4

(B omlete(B omlete9hat+s -rong -ith this \\\\9e seci;ed a minimum trace -idth o% "C

mils, $es -e have O" trac/s -ith a more

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mils, $es -e have O" trac/s -ith a morenarro- -idth. Is the DR Bro/en \

:ecial :trings:ecial :trings T$e H+ %rom the (B screen and clic/ the

HVie- tions+

hec/ the *o1 that allo-s $ou to onvert

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$:ecial :trings

:ecial :trings:ecial :tringslic/ the Te1t Entr$ icon %rom the (B menu

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Dou*le clic/ on the te1t $ou laced to get the %ollo-ing menu

:ecial :trings:ecial :trings:ho-n to the right are all

the availa*le :ecial:trings that can *e laced

in (B Entr$.'TE) This list usuall$

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$changes -ith eachrevision

(art F) Intermediate Guide(art F) Intermediate Guide

 This ortion o% the guide contains

more advanced %eatures as is

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more advanced %eatures as isgeared to-ards)◦ 0ard-are Engineers

◦ :ignal Integrit$ Issues◦ Advanced Altium Designer %eatures

ogosogos The image $ou -ant to create a logo out o% M#:T

*e saved as a M'0RME BITMA( ;le. This

can *e done *$ oening the ;le in M: (aint andsaving the ;le as sho-n in the *o1 *elo-

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 The most re5uested %eature eole

-ant to /no- is ho- to imlement

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-ant to /no- is ho- to imlementa logo in their design. There is ascrit located in this director$

 )(rogram 2ilesAltium Designer E1amles

:critsDelhiscrit :crits(c*(B ogo reator

Add onverter.(as to $our ro4ect. This scrit -ill convert an$ Blac/

and -hite image to a (B %ootrint.


'otice the di=erent menu icons -hen

$ou have a scrit selected. 2rom here,li / th ll t i l * tt

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$ ,$ou can clic/ the small triangle *uttonto e1ecute the scrit or ress 2

ogosogos Ma/e sure to change the la$er to T( VERAQ

6:il/screen7 and load the .BM( image. 'otice

there is an otion %or scaling %actor, and itsho-s image si3e.

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Image si3e -ill *e the dimensions o% the logo inmils once the conversion is comlete. #sing thescaling allo-s $ou to ma/e the e1actdimensions $ou -ant %or the image

ogosogosDeending on man$ %actors, such as

comle1it$, and rocessing o-er, the

converting time ma$ var$9hen comlete, there -ill *e a ne- (B

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9hen comlete, there -ill *e a ne- (Bdocument added to $our ro4ect containing$our logo. It is a good idea to co$ & astethe logo into $our %ootrint li*rar$ %or %utureuse


ogos can also include)◦ omliance icons such as 2,

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R0:, E, etc..

◦ 9arnings such as E:D, 0igh Voltage,

Etc◦ Ma/e sure $ou can legall$ use an$

logos $ou lace on $our (B


:niets allo- %or 5uic/ reuse o%

e1isting designs.:chematic (B Routing can all *e

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g g:chematic, (B, Routing can all *e

saved as sniets.Easil$ %ound *$ clic/ing the H:$stem+

*ar in the *ottom right corner, thenena*ling H:niets+


 To create a

sniet, siml$highlight the

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highlight theschematic>c*in%ormation $ou-ould li/e to

reuse, rightclic/, thenselect HAdd to:niet+

:niets:niets Qou can create multile su*%olders to /ee $our sniets


 To lace a sniet, siml$ highlight the sniet o% $ourchoice, and clic/ the H(AE+ *utton at the to o% the

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sniets *o1.

:niets:niets 9hen lacing a sniet, $ou -ill see a rectangular *oundar$ outline o% the o*4ect. nce the

location is held, $ou -ill lace the E'TIRE sniet as sho-n *elo-. 'otice that nodes, net la*els, di=erential airs, and comonent ID+s are all asted %rom the

sniet. 9hen asting a (B sniet, the %ootrint, la$er in%ormation, traces, etc.. Are all asted %rom

the sniet  This o-er%ul, simle to use %eature is a great timesaving tool -hen creating multile ro4ects

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Insector ToolsInsector Tools

 The (B and :chematic Insector

tools %or some reason are hidden ali l d i id h %

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little dee inside the so%t-are. This %eature allo-s $ou to easil$

and 5uic/l$ ma/e ro4ect-idechanges to comonents, nets, etc.

:erious users -ill *e ama3ed at

ho- much time is saved *$ usingthe Insector tools

:chematic Insector:chematic Insector

:tart out *$doc/ing the:chematicInsector I

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Insector. Iusuall$ /eeit in the sidedoc/*ar

-hich isuse%ul %or amultilescreendisla$.

:chematic Insector:chematic Insector

B$ selecting multile o*4ects

6shi%t & le%t clic/7, $ou can see

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6 7 $the :chematic Insector udatethe disla$ %or all selected arts.

Items sho-ing ]U havevar$ing values %or more than onecomonent 6:uch as location L>Q


:chematic Insector:chematic Insector In this

e1amle, Three

caacitorsare selected :chematic

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:chematicInsectorsho-s that !o*4ects areselected inthe *ottomo% it+stas/*ar.

2rom thisstage, an$valuechangedinside theinsector-ill

immediatel$*e changedin A:EETEDBET:

:chematic Insector:chematic Insector hanges such as changing the art comment %rom

C."u2 to "u2 are immediatel$ visi*le in the schematic

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:chematic Insector:chematic Insector Allo-s changing a ;eld -ith di=erent values 6:ho-ing ]U7 to ma/e all values


In the e1amle *elo-, comonent orientation is changed %rom ]U to C Degrees.

Immediatel$ each comonent is rotated to the C degree osition. 2or this e1amle, the lo-er t-o caacitors are unchanged, as their value -as alread$

C degrees, and the to caacitor is rotated %rom C degrees to C degrees.

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g g g

2ind :imilar *4ects2ind :imilar *4ects

 The er%ect comlimentar$ tool

used -ith Insector is the H2ind:imilar *4ects+ right clic/ menu

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:imilar *4ects right clic/ menu.

2ind :imilar *4ects2ind :imilar *4ects To ;nd A


-ith a artcomment o%" 2

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"u2 -echange the%ollo-ingo*4ects %rom

HA'Q+ toH:AME+◦ Descrition)

aacitor◦ (art


lic/ X-hen ;nished

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(B Insector(B Insector (B Insector -or/s similar

to the :chematic Insector.

:ho-n *elo- is an e1amleo% ;nding and selecting alltraces that are mils -idth

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traces that are mils -idthon the to la$er onl$

'otice ho- 5uic/l$ -eselected and can modi%$JJ o*4ects meeting this


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(ro4ect Reort(ro4ect Reort

A 5uic/ detour%rom the (BInsector allo-sus to see a

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us to see ageneral reort onthe ro4ect

2rom the main

tool*ar, clic/HReorts+ thenBoard in%ormation

 Qou -ill see ageneral summar$

as sho-n to theright, clic/ on theHReort+ *utton

(ro4ect Reort(ro4ect Reort

:elect the

in%ormation $ou-ant included inth t

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the reort.#suall$ it is *est

to select all and

then navigate to-hen $ou -ant inthe reort -ithh$erlin/s

lic/ HReort+-hen doneselecting o*4ects

(ro4ect Reort(ro4ect Reort

An 0TM *ased

reort -ill *egenerated ith

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generated -itha ta*le o%

contents andh$erlin/navigationavaila*le

(ro4ect Reort(ro4ect Reort The reort

-ill ro*a*l$

give morein%ormationth ill

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than $ou -illever -ant to/no-, suchas a

detailed*rea/do-no% therouting,la$erin%ormation,

vias, trac/s,etc..

(ro4ect Reort(ro4ect Reort :ho-n

*elo- is a

art o% thereort on

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reort on*oard holes.

 ThiscontainsEVERQ holeon the*oard, andincludes thedrill si3e o%the hole.

Reort and (B InsectorReort and (B Insector :cenario) Qour (B Manu%acturer tells $ou that $our hole

si3e must *e FC mils in diameter, and that the holes in

$our su*mitted ro4ect are " mils 6As sho-n in therevious slide7 Go to the reort to see a detailed anal$sis o% the holes. 2or

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Go to the reort to see a detailed anal$sis o% the holes. 2orthis *oard -e can see the smallest hole si3e -e need tochange is " to FC mils, ever$ other hole is larger◦ #se H2ind similar o*4ects+ to ;nd ads>vias that match " mil

hole si3e

◦ In the (B Insector, -e /no- %rom the reort that -e need tochange !" Vias, and "C ads %rom " mils to FC mils. 9e cansee in the Insector -indo- ho- man$ o*4ects are selected.

◦ hange the hole si3e %rom " to FC mils using (B Insector

◦ 2ind an$ clearance conKicts -ith the online DR and 5uic/l$ ;1

◦ Regenerate outut ;les -ith smallest hole si3e Y FC mils A rocess li/e this, to 5uic/l$ ;nd and modi%$ !" holes

might ta/e 4ust a %e- minutes rather than hours o% ;ndingand modi%$ing each ad>via manuall$.

Multia$er BoardsMultia$er Boards

 The term HMultia$er *oard+

usuall$ re%ers to more than t-ola$ers

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la$ers.A multila$er *oard contains a lot

more in%ormation such as◦ a$er :tac/

a$er :tac/a$er :tac/ A a$er :tac/ is a detailed reort that contains

in%ormation on)◦ (h$sical a$ers and ordering o% la$ers E1ternal signal la$ers

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Internal signal la$ers Internal lanes

◦ oer thic/ness er la$er 6"o3 Y ".J mil, ^ o3 YC. mil7

◦ Dielectric material and ermittivit$ constant◦ (rereg thic/ness◦ ore thic/ness◦  Total *oard thic/ness

 This in%ormation is cruciall$ imortant -henimlementing transmission lines, microstris,strilines, etc.

a$er :tac/a$er :tac/

Design U a$er

:tac/ manager-ill sho- a !D

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-ill sho- a !Dreresentation o%

the la$er stac/

AM Vie-ersAM Vie-ers

AM Vie-ers allo- the re>vie-ing o% Ger*er ;les.

AMTastic) Basic, Included in Altium Designer htt)>>>;les>learningguides>ARC""_FCAMtastic_FC

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Vie-Mate (entalogi1 2REE Ger*er Vie-er htt)>>>Do-nload>do-nload.html

AMMaster (entalogi1 htt)>>>(roducts>AMMaster>cammaster.html

AM!C Do-nstream Technolog$ htt)>>>cam!C.html

G (revue 2REE Ger*er Vie-er htt)>>>

Ger*Tool 9ise :o%t-are htt)>>>inde1.h\otionYcom?content&tas/Ysection&idY"&ItemidY"

I()I() 2ormerl$ /no-n as2ormerl$ /no-n as

Institute o% Interconnecting and (ac/agingInstitute o% Interconnecting and (ac/agingElectronic ircuitsElectronic ircuitsI( Guides the electronic

interconnection industr$ throughdramatic changes I( *rings

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dramatic changes. I( *ringstogether designers, *oard

manu%acturers, assem*l$comanies, suliers, and EM+s.I( is resonsi*l$ %or creating

over FCC standards

I() erti;cationI() erti;cation

I( also has a certi;cation rogram

-hich allo-s one to *e certi;ed as)◦ erti;ed Interconnect Designer 6 I D 7

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erti;ed Interconnect Designer 6.I.D.7 (roves a designer+s /no-ledge o% ho- to

trans%orm a schematic into a relia*le rigid

(B design.◦ Advanced erti;ed Interconnect

Designer 6.I.D.W7 Recognition o% a designer+s accomlishments.

E1am covers %ort$ /e$ o*4ectives -hich go*e$ond the .I.D. certi;cation.

I() .I.D. erti;cationI() .I.D. erti;cation

Interested individuals -ho -ish to *ecerti;ed should o*tain the %ollo-ingarticles)◦ I(FFF"A) Generic :tandard on (rinted Board

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◦ I( FFF"A) Generic :tandard on (rinted BoardDesign 6[!C mem*ers>[C nonmem*ers7

◦ I(FFFF) :ectional :tandard on Rigid rganic(rinted Boards 6[FC>[JC7

◦ I(D!FA) Documentation Re5uirements %or(rinted ircuit Boards 6[F>[C7

◦ I(TCG) Terms and De;nitions %orInterconnecting and (ac/aging Electronicircuits 6[JC>[OC7

◦ (9BRT:GA) (9B Designer erti;cation:tud$ Guide 6[!>[C7

I() .I.D. erti;cationI() .I.D. erti;cation :ho-n to the

right are some o%

the samle5uestions

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5uestionsavaila*le on theI( 9e*site

I() 2or More In%ormationI() 2or More In%ormation

I( 0omeage

htt)>>>nline :tore (urchase Articles

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:chmitt, Ron. ElectromagneticsExplained. Boston, MA) 'e-nes, FCCF

 ohnson, 0o-ard, and Graham,Martin High Speed Signal