amazing news to read this week indian advertising and media industry

Amazing news to read this week Indian Advertising and Media industry Hello and welcome to the feed from the most amazing Media and Advertising Magazine afaqs! Today the feed relates to Bog shots of this indusry like Piyush Pandey, so lets start with what Piyush pandey has brought to the industry. "It is like slowly cooked 'jungli' mutton": Piyush Pandey on Pandeymonium A book to be a dictionary for Media persons, this book by Piyush pandey will proove to a holy book for people finding their career in Media and Advertising Industry. Get to read complete story by Piyush pandey himself only on The journey of a leader in his newest avatar as a writer. First look of the new season of Anil Kapoor starrer '24′ unveiled Anil kapoor starrer amazing show 24 is back with its first look. Maruti Suzuki's S Cross is presenting sponsor; Colors says the 'premium' show will be made more accessible to masses.

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Post on 04-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Amazing News to Read This Week Indian Advertising and Media Industry

Amazing news to read this week Indian Advertising and Media industry

Hello and welcome to the feed from the most amazing Media and Advertising Magazine afaqs!

Today the feed relates to Bog shots of this indusry like Piyush Pandey, so lets start with what Piyush pandey has brought to the industry.

"It is like slowly cooked 'jungli' mutton": Piyush Pandey on Pandeymonium

A book to be a dictionary for Media persons, this book by Piyush pandey will proove to a holy book for people finding their career in Media and Advertising Industry.

Get to read complete story by Piyush pandey himself only on The journey of a leader in his newest avatar as a writer.

First look of the new season of Anil Kapoor starrer '24′ unveiled

Anil kapoor starrer amazing show 24 is back with its first look. Maruti Suzuki's S Cross is presenting sponsor; Colors says the 'premium' show will be made more accessible to masses.

Page 2: Amazing News to Read This Week Indian Advertising and Media Industry

"Your Maggi Is Safe," says Nestlé in print ad

Delhi, Uttarakhand, Bihar and Gujarat followed UP's lead. Jammu and Kashmir and Tamil Nadu soon followed and placed a temporary ban on Maggi noodles. Goa and Maharashtra, however, gave a clean chit to the product which is under countrywide scrutiny.

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