ambient intellegence


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Page 1: Ambient intellegence



Page 2: Ambient intellegence

AmI is an emerging discipline that brings intelligence to our every day environments and make those environments sensitive to us.

Ambient intelligence is a vision on the future of consumer electronics, telecommunications and computing that was originally developed in the late 1990s for the time frame 2010–2020.

In an ambient intelligence world, devices work in concert to support people in carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals in an easy, natural way using information and intelligence that is hidden in the network connecting these devices.

More and more people make decisions based on the effect their actions will have on their own inner, mental world.

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This experience-driven way of acting is a change from the past when people were primarily concerned about the use value of products and services,.

Ambient intelligence addresses this shift in existential view by emphasizing people and user experience.

It is a network of hidden intelligent interfaces that recognize our presence and mould our environment to our immediate needs.

A key factor in AmI is the presence of Intelligence

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In computing, ambient intelligence (AmI) refers to electronic

environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence

of people.

AmI refers to an exciting new paradigm in IT in which people

are empowered through a digital environment that is aware of

their presence and context and is sensitive, adaptive and

responsive to their needs, habits, gestures and emotions.

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All this implies that the near future will bring us kitchens that

will automatically switch off hot plates when we leave the

apartment or, even more astonishing, TV’s that automatically

switch to another TV channel if it “judges” by our facial

expressions that we don’t like the show which is on at the


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The ISTAG advisory group suggests that the following characteristics will permit the societal acceptance of ambient intelligence:

AmI should facilitate human contact.

AmI should be oriented towards community and cultural enhancement.

AmI should help to build knowledge and skills for work, better quality of work, citizenship and consumer choice.

AmI should inspire trust and confidence.

AmI should be consistent with long term sustainability — personal, societal and environmental — and with lifelong learning.

AmI should be made easy to live with and controllable by ordinary people.

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Ambient intelligence is based on 3 key technologies:

Ubiquitous Computing

Ubiquitous Communication

Intelligence User Interfaces

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Ubiquitous Computing means the integration of

microprocessors into everyday objects like furniture, clothes,

toys, etc.

Using Ubiquitous Computing people will not be aware of the

presence of computers, they will be in the background.

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Ubiquitous Communication enables these objects to

communicate with each other and with the user by means of ad-

hoc and wireless networking.


Intelligence User Interfaces enables the inhabitants of the AmI to

control and interact with the environment in a natural(voice,

gestures) and personalized way(preferences, context).

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They will be more specific computers for concrete applications, so

they will not have the processor and hard disk requirements that

general purpose computers have.


Another requirement for Ubiquitous Computing is to have enough

network bandwidth to allow that the communication between the

different devices that are used.


Users should be able to access to data without knowing specific file

names, location or format.

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Some technical alternatives are the use of programming languages as

Java that are platform-independent and are moved easily from one

computer to another.


One approach can be that every time a new person joins a community

her/his personal profile needs to be added to every device.


System can record the actions of the users, their preferences, their

locations… & some other people may access to these data.

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AmI exhibits the following features:

offers great benefits to users by customizing their environments and meeting their needs.

gives more control to humans by making their environments more responsive to intended actions, and reducing the physical effort that is required to perform a task.

can take away control when the environment performs the wrong action.

AmI technologies can raise other security issues. At the sensor level, sensor reliability, handling errors and installation errors can create security risks.

To ensure security in sensor networks, the designer must consider these factors together with sensor communication channel reliability and security, and sensor data security.

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Ambient Intelligence is allowing the home itself to possess

intelligence and make decisions regarding its state and

interactions with its residents.


Hospitals can increase the efficiency of their services by

monitoring patients’ health and progress by performing automatic

analysis of activities in their rooms.


Education related institutions may use technology to create smart

classrooms where the modes of learning are enhanced.

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Public transport can benefit from extra technology including

satellite services, GPS-based spatial location, vehicle identification,

image processing and other technologies to make transport more

fluent and hence more efficient and safe.


Safety- related services like fire brigades can improve the reaction

to a hazard by locating the place more efficiently and also by

preparing the way to reach the place in connection with street


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Production-oriented places

Companies can use RFID sensors to tag different products and

track them along the production and commercialization

processes. This allows identifying the product path from

production to consumer and helps improving the process by

providing valuable information for the company on how to

react to favorable demand and unusual events like products

that become unsuitable for sale.

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As far as dissemination of information on personal presence is out of control, ambient intelligence vision is subject of criticism:

Many AmI applications relying upon wireless sensors are at the mercy of battery lie for the sensors.

Challenge is to model multiple residents in an environment

Challenge for AmI researchers is to design self-testing and self-repairing AmI software.

Issues related to security and privacy for AmI systems.

Any immersive, personalized, context-aware and anticipatory characteristics brings up societal, political and cultural concerns about the loss of privacy, as soon as any third party gets control over the respective information and status data.

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Ambient Intelligence is establishing fast as an area where a

confluence of topics can converge to help society through

technology. There are still many challenges ahead and

improvements are needed at all levels: infrastructure,

algorithms and human computer interaction for AmI systems

to be widely accepted and more important of all, be useful to
