ambulance 07 enterprise costs 082307

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  • 8/6/2019 Ambulance 07 Enterprise Costs 082307


    Chelmsford Fire-Based Ambulance Proposal - Projected Enterprise Budget for 2 24-Hr BLSUnitsSummary - Proposed Ambulance EnterpriseOPERATIONS

    Capi 01 (2 mooonces)Supplies [lnc. Sort-up)Fuel & . ainlenanceFacili iesIndirect OverheadOther Expenses

    Subto ta l Oper atio ns Expense :

    PERSONNELsese Salaries/WagesAdditional Benefits PayOperations ExpensesFringe Be~efitsPayroll TaxesIndirect PersonnelNew Recruit Training YrJ of 2

    Sub to ta l N et P er sonnel E xpense sPROJECTED REVENUEST otal E xp en se s (Y ear 1 )Receipts/CollectionsToto .1 P ro fi t ( Y r 1 )


    Lost Rev.sed A.ugust 27. 2007Tot al Costs

    $75.000 Service$40.000 24,000 I iio! SOC room Inventory $20,000$25.800 $22.800$23.500 $0 En erprise In ired Expenses$50,100 $0 En erprise Indirect Expenses$49 ,327 $35 .600$263.727 $157,400 From Operations Expe sesWorkshee

    = = = = - = ~ - - - - - - ~ - - ~Tolal C osts CFD Proposal Notes:

    $866 ,562 $189,241 19.16 FTE s vs 5 FTEs$223.985 $40, 69 19.16 FTEs vs 5 FTEs$51.848 $14.000 19. J 6 FTEs vs 5 FTE s$250,696 $65.612 19.16 FTEs vs 5 FTEs$13.890 $4,069 19.16 FTEsvs 5 FTEs$33,481 $31.283 19.16 FTEsvs 5 FTEs$32.599 $32.599 Per Fire Chief - 2.5 REs per year for 2 years

    - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - ~$1.473.061 $376,973 ITotal Costs C fD Proposal Notes:

    $1.736,788,"- $534.374$820.010, $820.010From Revenue Projec1ions Worksheet

    - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - ~-$916,778' $285,636j

    Fire-Based Ambulance Proposal - Enterprise Budget - August 2007 Page 1 o f 5

  • 8/6/2019 Ambulance 07 Enterprise Costs 082307


    Chelmsford Fire-Based Ambulance Proposal - Enterprise Operations Budget - 2 BlS 24Hr UnitsOperations Expenses ..Ambulance Enterprise Fund

    Last Revrseo AU9 20. 20

    Capital'Per Fire CtHeNotes;

    mbul nces/EquipedIn EIfeS'1Sublotal Capital E.xpens.Annual AmorflJaHon 5 Yo Ambulance I ie-cycle assumed

    Stockroom - Initial Setup Per FY06Analysis - 1Year OnlyMedical Supplies ProJecHon Calculation Notes:Disposable Medical Supplies Currently pay $6K/yr per FireChiefSubtotal Medlcal $uppUe.


    $IO,(XX)/UnitiYrl Expense Only)$IO,OOO/UnitAve (inc.olonkets.sneets.etc.]

    Per F e Chieffuel .. Maintenance P,oJecHon Calculation Notes:Ambulance Diesel Fuel $12.600


    2.800 responsesE~Imote $5.100/ rnootonceEsima e $.3.0CXl- amorti.zed 10 years

    Faclillies Notel:GaragingU ill iesMaintenanceSubtotal facilities



    CalculationEstimate - Needs furl er onolvsnEstimate - $3.500/~nitEsllmole for Facility Maintenance' 2 stations

    Othe, Expenses Note';Ambulance InsuranceLiabili ty Insurance Premiumlegal Counsel (il needed)TrainerMedical DirectorSanitation & SiohOlard Was eEquipment Repoir/MainlencePrinting/Office Supplieslicense Fees/State InspectionsBilling & CoJlection5 Fees'




    ColculoHon$600/Unit lor FV oa per Mi lAP er MilAEstimate IPotentiol claims. col lections oct ions]Trainer (Classes not instructed by EMSCapt)~'imote lor Medicol Director ServicesE s fmate for disposal. sonl toflon servicesCan roc ed Services for Medical EquipmentPCR Forms. Amb Admin &Co lee 'on Activities$BOO/Unit per OEMS Regs4'f, of $820,010 col lectible (per cnolvsls] egotioble - 4% min roleSubtotal Othlll Expense. $50.100

    Indlrecl Overhead ProjecHon Calculation Notes:Accounts Payable $1,678Payroll $930 2%General ledger $2,079 3%Audit $2,250 5%TaxReporting $1,143 2%Bonking $1,391 5%

    IDebt Service $846 5%Department Receipts $3.007 10%Executive Office $9.288 3%~l~io~b~il~i~~ln~su~r~a_n~c~e~~_ ~ ~$2~6~,~7~15~10%Subtotal Indirect Overhead $49,327

    5% Per Finance Director - Enterprise Fund Es t .

    Summary NEW Direct Expense Yrl Notes:Capitol (Amortized)SuppliesFuel & MaintenanceFacilitiesOther ExpensesIndirect OverheadTotal Operations Expense

    Projecfton- $75.(XX)$40,(XX)$25,800$23,500$50,100$49,327


    $75,(XX)$40.0c0$22,800 Excludes EMSCaptn Verkie"

    $0 Already fur.ded in F'Y08Budget$50,100

    $0 ! Expense Already turded in mJ,jget$187.900

    Notes Assumes that EMS Director WlIIu tilize an existing Fire Department Vehicle rather than purchasing a new one as a Capital Expense for start-up. Assumes that Bil ling Vendor does no! charge additional fees for any postage, mul tiple bi lling cycles. collections agency fees. etc Excludes all Indirect and existing budget expenditures

    Fire-Oepartment Based Ambulance Proposal < Enterpnse Budget - Aug 2007 Page 2 01 5

  • 8/6/2019 Ambulance 07 Enterprise Costs 082307


    Chelmsford FlreBose

    A UIG lH AI. C OST SCfO ~ . 5 New fT&T O TA L C O ST SN_ EnIetpriM. It."Flb NOfe

    $48 .22s 13.948S O


    $223 .945

    S 11.4-10 12f

  • 8/6/2019 Ambulance 07 Enterprise Costs 082307


    Chelmsford Fire-Based Ambulance Proposal Manager's Projected Revenue for 2 BlS UnitsRevenue Projections

    Lml R"Y';8d July 31.Call Volume Breakdown 2006;10 01EMSRe~poflsesiOlol EMS Tron~port$ilLS R es po ns es [No A LS I

    BLSGovrlloy&:BlS NonGo,,1 Poy&:

    A ts Res po ns es Iw ith BLS)A lS G o . . .!PoyertS Non-Co ...r Poyer

    2 . 6 4 1 82 . 1 < 1 51.502676B2 66 4 . 4290354

    AC uols per Che!m~!ord Fire OeporlmenlAe ucls per Chelmslord Fire DepoT menl- .AJllrOI1Sporls ,nclud,'-g ALSIn erceplSEslima e 7 0 0 1 . a all TransportsE :s (mole A5' lbo' all BLS transports INa A L S JE~limo e 5 5 % 01 all B L S transports [No A L S IE s imo e m1 a ll' Ira ns po rs ;1 "I" 01v ,n9 A LS Inrercep by GlESEslimo e 45' lb 01 aUALS fOnspor 5Estima e 55% 01 aU A tS ronsports

    T ala I E MS lron,ports 2.145

    Payer MI. Coli Breakdown-Total A u Transports .

    'Transports w/Govt Poyer858 2 5 77 5 1 n/a3 2 2 n/a1 0 7 3 21 0 7 n/a2 , 1 . 45 2 9 0

    %Poyer Notes:Medicare'Insurance/HMOPrivate Pay w/Balonce BillMedicaidMotor Vehicle Accident

    4 0%3 5%1 5%5%5%

    30% of all Medicare Transportsassumed

    3 0% of all Medicaid Transportsassumed

    l00'X. 1 , 8 5 5 after ALSGovf PayersexcludedCharges Per Transport Govtl"oy (45%) .No.nGovt (55%) Noles:Bme Role {Estimaled!ALSIntercept w/Govl PayerOxygen (Eslimated)Mileage (Estimated)

    $500 $500 Represents Bose Role charged for all ambulance transports$15 0 n/a Negotiated Rate w/ ALS Provider GLEMS$0 $ t 80 $1B/mile at 1Omi/transport - Not opplicable to GO'l! Payers$0 $66 Not applicable to Go v t Payers

    Maximum Charge/TIonsport $7"6Ambulance BlUIng IIllIed/lnvolced Noles:IUled/ .Tran.ports

    $ 5 0 0$ 1 5 0$500$ 4 0 0$ 1 0 0$ 6 6$ 1 8

    BLSGovernment PayersALSGovernment PayersAll Non-Oovt Payers_ALS/BLS)

    Insurance PaymentPatient BalanceOxygenMileage ( 1 Omi/transport)

    $ 3 3 7 ,8 3 8 4 5% of all BLSTransports (No AlS)$ 4 3 , 4 3 6 30% all Transports X 4 5% G ov t Poyer Mixn/a Represents 5 5% of Total Transports IBlS/ALS)

    $ 4 7 2 , 0 0 0 8 0% of BlS BoseRate$ 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 2 0% of BlS BoseRate$77,880 Estimate of average oxygen bill/transport$ 2 1 2 , 4 0 0 Estimate assumes 1 0 miles per transport

    6 7 62 9 01 , 1 8 01 . 1 8 01 . 1 8 01 , 1 8 01 , 1 8 0

    Bil lable for Al l Transports $1,261,554,145Collections & Revenue Amount Colcuratlon Nole,:Gross Billable Chargesless Adjustments"less Bod Debt ..

    $ 1 , 2 6 1 , 5 5 4$ 2 9 0 . 1 5 7$ 1 5 1 . 3 8 6

    1 , 2 6 1 , 5 5 42 3% Estimated per Coastal Billing Projection 07/27/020071 2% Estimated

    $820,010$ 1 , 4 7 3 . 0 6 1$ 2 6 3 , 7 2 7($916,778)_


    Net Receipts/CollectionsLessPersonnel Expenses:LessOperational Expenses:Net ProfitAve Collection/Transport All AlS and BLSrronsoorts Combined, 1 45Notes & Sources:

    Per Coostot glHing Prcjections orov.oeo to C~e!r0stord F:,e Oepartr:~:enf j:.Jly 27,7007 ..edico(e 8. Medicold ore Governrr,ent Payers ! .:( )!lecf ing g lebal Payr:'ents-- Nol e!;~:JlbiefOf MJ!eage, Oxygen, calonCe b[,!lr'g

    Adjusfrr'enfs + Bod Cebt equals 6::'%of 011n\rl)fCed (per Coastal Bt!!lng0 7 i27/~'fY.)7)

    F're-Ba5ed Ambulance Proposal - Enterpnse Budget - August 200712712007 Page 4 ot 5

  • 8/6/2019 Ambulance 07 Enterprise Costs 082307


    Chelmsford Fire-Based Ambulance Proposal - Enterprise Model (2 BLSUnits 24 Hrs)Ambulance Staffing AnalysisNon- Ploducllve 11me PI!I fm

    Productive Time pef fTE

    Ambulance Ill-Sefvlce 24 HI'$Al HrsIn-ServiceA2-Hrsl;:;~ServiCe-----------AT+A2Hrsi;:;:serviCe--------+---:-:::-~+----:-.:;:.;,=-I---:-=:..::~i---~~::-i.. - - _ . _ - - - ....--------A 1 Staff Hrs NeededA 2 S t O f i " H r S " Needecl"-----

    Notes:CFD Department Average per FTE used when poss.ote based on a ss "mphon that t I1ef e IS n o guarantee that new hire. or Senior Fire Fighter o will be assigned to the Ambul ance Un,t. at all times"Non-Product lve" T""" ,s defined a. the time t hat FireFight er. are being paid base salary but are no t ava ilab le to s ta ff the proposed Ambul~"Productive" T ime 1$ def ined as the hours ma t Fi ref igh ters are being paid their baH salary (per Personnel Wor1