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28-30 JANUARY 2020


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29 JANUARY 2020


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The pilot project on “Transforming Climate action to Empower Women Entrepreneurs in Energy

sector (Lighting)” was initiated by UNEP, through the Women Entrepreneurs and Sustainable

Energy (WESE) programme in Africa. The programme aims at unlocking the main barriers and

challenges that hinder the establishment, growth and development of women entrepreneurs in

energy sector. WESE was initiated as per the decisions of the Sixteenth Session of African

Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN-16) in June 2017, Libreville, Gabon. AMCEN

gave a mandate to UNEP to lead and coordinate implementation of such a programme to achieve

the global and continental developmental policy processes: SDG 2030 and African Union Agenda


It is in this context that the African Women Energy Entrepreneurs Framework (AWEEF) was

conceived to serve as a vehicle and platform to implement various innovative environmental

solution action plans through the following three main pillars: (a) Environmentally sustainable and

gender responsive energy policies; (b) Access to finance and markets for women energy

entrepreneurs across the value chains; (c) Technical and business capacity development and

economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs in the energy sector

The aim of the pilot project is to foster sustainable infiltration of clean energy access (lighting)

while maintaining the ecosystem through reducing environmental degradation and GHG

emissions caused by use of kerosene. This project directly contributes to achievement of the

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on Gender Equality (SDG5) and Affordable and Clean

Energy (SDG 7), which in turn will have multiplier effects and contribute towards reaching ten

other SDGs, particularly by improving livelihoods, health, education, and economic growth; and

by increasing access to water and job opportunities.

UNEP, which is the host of AWEEF, submitted a project concept note to the Ministry of Foreign

Affairs- Iceland International Geothermal Agency and has acquired financial support for

implementation of this pilot project in the two African countries, i.e. Mozambique and Tanzania.

The Project has three major components that include: (i) Environmentally Sustainable and gender

responsive policies development. (ii) Capacity, Skill (business and technical) and knowledge

development as well as provision of equipment and accessories in Clean and Renewable Energy

technology for lighting and productive uses (e.g. solar lanterns); (iii) Develop entrepreneurship for

local women in Sustainable Energy Technology.

The pilot project, in Tanzania, is directly executed by UNEP and governed by a project steering

committee comprising of key relevant government entities. The Project steering Committee is

comprised of (i) the Ministry of Energy, (ii) Vice President Office (Union Affairs and Environment)

(iii) Gender focal point from Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s office (iv) Fisheries focal point

from Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s office. Given its geographic location, the Regional

Commissioner’s Office is well placed to oversee, provide advice and guidance in implementation

of this pilot project.



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The Official Launch and the First Stakeholders Consultative Meeting of the pilot project on

‘Transforming Climate Action to empower women entrepreneurs in the energy sector: Lighting’

was organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s

Office, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with active participation of the

Vice President’s Office (Union Affairs and Environment) through the National Environment

Management Council (NEMC) Mwanza (Lake Victoria Zonal Office), Gender and Fisheries focal

points from Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office. The event took place at the Mwanza

Regional Commissioner’s Office on 29 January 2020. Dr. Emmanuel Kipole the Sengerema

District Commissioner and representative of the Mwanza Regional Commissioner officially

launched this project. The main objectives of the event were to launch the pilot project and create

communities ownership and buy in of the pilot project for effective and efficient implementation of

the project in Kasalazi Island.

Official Launch of the pilot project

This event was preceded by the Project

Steering Committee Meeting that included

representation of members from the Ministry

of Energy, Vice President Office (Union

Affairs and Environment) through the

National Environment Management Council

(NEMC) Mwanza (Lake Victoria Zonal

Office), Gender and Fisheries focal points

from Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s

Office and UNEP. UNDP acted as an

observer. The Project Steering Committee

meeting was chaired by the Tanzania Ministry

Highlights of the Official launch and the First Consultative Stakeholders Meeting in Tanzania 1


First project steering committee meeting, Mwanza, Tanzania

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of Energy representative, Mr. Jacob Mayalla. The record notes of this steering committee meeting

are attached for ready reference.

On 28th January 2020, UNEP met with the Mwanza Regional Administrative Secretary in order to

discuss and agree on the objectives and deliverables of the pilot project. As a result, the Regional

Administrative Secretary appreciated UNEP’s effort in initiating this timely and important pilot

project in Mwanza region. He assured UNEP’s team to provide a continuous support in

implementation of the pilot project and urged to see the implementation of the full-fledged project

in Mwanza in the near future. .

Further, UNEP team jointly with the representatives of Mwanza Regional Commissioners office

met with a number of banks and technology providers which resulted to a better understanding

and functionality of the planned business model of the pilot project.

On 12 December 2019 a series of meetings with the local governing authorities in Gaza province

were held with a view to anchor the project with the respective local governing authorities who

will play a leading role in the practical implementation of the project on the ground.

MIREME Provincial Directorate Office of Gaza Province (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources), Gaza Province

Mwanza, Regional Commissioner’s Office

Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank

Tanzania Postal Bank

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The Launch and First Stakeholders’ Consultative Meeting was

officially opened by Ms. Isabella Mariki representative of the

Mwanza, Regional Administrative Secretary. Ms. Mariki

welcomed the participants stressing the need for the

stakeholders to come together in active interaction,

collaboration and responsiveness and ensure the pilot project’s

success to the benefit of the local communities in Kasalazi


This launch of the project and the first stakeholder consultative meeting hosted about 40

participants. These participants included representatives from the Ministry of Energy, the Vice

President Office (Union Affairs and Environment) - Delegated by National Environment

Management Council (NEMC) based in Mwanza, the Ministry of Health, Community

Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, - Delegated by representatives from Regional

Commissioner’s office, the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries- Delegated by representatives from

Regional Commissioner’s office, and (v) Regional Commissioner’s Office, the Regional

Commissioner’s Office, UNEP, UNDP, Non-Government Organizations, and project beneficiaries

that include local women groups and associations, Boat owners from Kasalazi Island, Banks and

technology providers.

Ms. Jovither Mwombeki, from Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s

Office, representing the Ministry of Health, Community

Development, Gender, Elderly and Children moderated the

opening session. Ms. Mwombeki welcomed the participants and

called for collaborative support towards availing sustainable,

affordable and clean energy to help empower the local women in

Kasalazi Island and consecutively to the whole community. She

reiterated that though the local women's current participation in

decision-making and policy processes as well as in the labor force

in the energy sector is low, women are powerful agents of change

in the transition to clean energy as sustainable energy


Opening Session 2

. Isabella Mariki representative of the Mwanza, Regional Administrative Secretary

Partner Organizations’ representatives during the opening session

Ms. Jovither Mwombeki, from Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office

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The UNEP team, represented by Ms. Clara Makenya,

delivered a brief presentation about the pilot project.

She mentioned that this pilot project on “Transforming

Climate action to Empower Women Entrepreneurs in

Energy sector (Lighting)” aims to develop the

technical and business skill of the local women in

Mwanza, Tanzania and in the process replacing

kerosene and other unorthodox traditional lighting

methods with cleaner renewable energy alternatives

in the fishing industry. This will ensure a sound

ecosystem through reducing environmental

degradation and GHG emissions caused by


The specific location and site of the project was identified to be in Kasalazi Island, Sengerema

District in Mwanza Region, Tanzania. This site was recommended due to the fact that: (i) Kasalazi

is a small fishing island which is the busiest for night fishing of sardines in Lake Victoria; (ii) The

women in this island have not been highly involved in the fishing industry hence hampering their

household income: (iii) With this pilot project the impact for these women won’t be only

economically but also provide a space for them in the value chain of the sardine fishing industry.

It was mentioned that the main objective of this pilot project is to overcome the barriers and

challenges that hinder the establishment and growth as well as expand economic opportunities

to rural women in the renewable energy sector in Kasalazi Island. She added that this project

proposes to enhance environmentally sustainable gender responsive policies in Energy sector

and also facilitates women’s access to finance and markets in Kasalazi Island.

As a result, a group of women will be offered opportunity to start businesses. They will be selected

on the basis of criteria’s under the leadership and guidance of the the local government authority

in Sengerema District and Kasalazi Island. After capacity building (technical and business skills),

the women will be offered renewable energy technologies including solar lanterns for business


The project is expected to create social, economic and environmental impacts. The Project will

increase: (i) modern energy security which will result in environmental and social wellbeing, (ii)

Decreased domestic chores for women and enhance increase economic participation, (iii)

Reduced GHG emissions, (iv) lower overall economic and social costs for domestic and

commercial energy use and security.



The Pilot Project

Ms. Clara Makenya, UNEP Africa Office- Tanzania

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The interactions among various stakeholders including representatives of Women groups and associations of Kasalazi Island and their comments and input on the project to optimize its implementation and achieving its objective was remarkable. The areas of discussions were focused on:

During rains, the fish become unavailable and thus the local fishermen wanted the solar lantern technology that is being introduced to be adaptable to various seasons and still enhance fishing during rainy seasons.

Other technologies like batteries leave chemicals behind in the water causing water pollution and cancer. Therefore the solar lantern technology to be introduced for this pilot project should consider this.

The participants commended the use of recycled plastic floaters for fishing instead of the twig-and-branch floaters currently being used that do not last for over a month and cause massive deforestation.

It was good to note that unlike other technologies that are supplier centric, the participants commended the proposed solar solution that is consumer centric and co-designed alongside the fishing industry and local communities. The result is a solar lantern that the fishermen themselves engaged in the designing of, and so looks and functions exactly as they desire.

It was noted that in the next phase of the project, advanced technology for drying fish and storage using solar solution should be considered.

Representatives of Women groups and fishing associations providing their inputs and comments

Discussions and Interactive Session 4


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After holding an interactive discussion about the

project, Dr. Emmanuel Kipole, the Sengerema District

Commissioner (representing the Mwanza Regional

Commissioner) officially launched the pilot project on

‘Transforming Climate Action to Empower Women

Entrepreneurs in Energy Sector: Lighting’. Dr. Kipole

mentioned, in his speech, that the reliance of kerosene

lamps by the fishermen and women in Kasalazi has

contributed to health challenges, fishing vessels fire

accidents, water pollution and sanitation problems.

Consequently, contributing to poverty and

deforestation that has led to land degeneration.

Empowering women through entrepreneurship in

renewable energy solutions as an alternative to

kerosene will not only contribute to better health,

education, water and sanitation, food security and

improved livelihoods in Kasalazi, but will also have an economic and environmental impact that

will lead to a more wholesome and inclusive sustainable development in the island.

The District Commissioner then urged the participating women groups to take this initiative

seriously, since Kasalazi is the first island in Mwanza Region to benefit from this pilot project.

Therefore it is paramount that they all work together towards the project’s success and that the

government will fully be supportive in overseeing its full implementation. The government will

promote the project at district wide level and engage the local authorities to support and

successfully implement the project. Thus, he urged to the participants to replicate to other islands

in the region during the next phase of the project.

The District Commissioner, in his bilateral meeting, with the UNEP team agreed to provide the

land to the project for setting up of the Energy Kiosk that will be used by selected group of women

from the island. Subsequently, UNEP team together with the members of project steering

committee visited the Kasalazi Island on 30 January 2020 in order to identify project site and

discuss on the overall implementation of the project.

Official Launch 4


Dr. Emmanuel Kipole, Sengerema District Commissioner

Official Pilot Project Launch

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The project site for implementation of the UNEP pilot project on “Transforming Climate Action to

Empower Women Entrepreneurs in the Energy Sector: Lighting”, was identified in the Kasalazi

Island on 30th January 2020.

A team composed of members of the project Steering committee that includes representatives

from the Ministry of Energy, Vice President Office (Union Affairs and Environment) through the

National Environment Management Council (NEMC) Mwanza (Lake Victoria Zonal Office),

Gender and Fisheries focal points from Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office, member of the

African Women Energy Entrepreneurs (AWEEF) from Tanzania, UNEP and UNDP went for the

field visit to Kasalazi Island in Sengerema District, Mwanza Region, Tanzania. This was with the

purpose of: (i) identifying the exact location of the project site in the island where the pilot project

will be implemented, and (ii) meeting the relevant local government authorities, boat owners and

women groups in order to create ownership and buy in for the pilot project implementation.

Accordingly, the team discussed with the relevant government agencies and stakeholders in the

island on the overall implementation of the pilot project. The team was led by the member of

AWEEF from Tanzania, Diana Mbogo, who will be engaged in providing training and a continuous

coaching to the group of women in this pilot project in terms of the technology and

entrepreneurship in the sector.

The Pilot Project Site at Kasalazi Island

During this visit, the Local government of Kasalazi Island provided land to this pilot project as per

the direction and guidance given by the Sengerema District Commissioner, Dr. Emmanuel Kipole

during the launch of the project on 29 January 2020 in Mwanza. Accordingly, the Chairperson of

the Project Steering Committee, Mr. Jacob Mayalla representative of the Ministry of Energy,

signed the note of provision of this land with the Local government of Kasalazi Island.

Field Visit to Kasalazi Island 5


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The project will set up an “Energy Kiosk” on this land as a platform, for the groups of women, to

receive a ‘hands-on’ training in terms of Renewable energy technology (e.g. fishing solar lantern)

and business skills. Once they receive adequate training, the group of women will use this Energy

Kiosk to provide services to the fishing industries in Kasalazi in terms of installation, maintenance,

renting and charging of the fishing solar lantern during the one year pilot project period and also

beyond. This is with a view: (i) to phase out use of Kerosene lamps for fishing industries and (ii)

inject entrepreneurship in energy sector which leads to creation of jobs and generate incomes

through economically empowerment of these women in the island.

The team also paid a courtesy visit to the office of Executive Director of the Buchosa District prior

to the visit to the Kasalazi Island. The team met with the representative of the Buchosa Executive

Director, Ms. Judith Mfundiri who expressed her appreciation about the visit and the new UNEP

pilot project that focusses on economic empowerment of the women in the Island.

Visit to the office of Executive Director of Buchosa District

Mr. Jacob Mayalla representative of Ministry of Energy signing the note of land provision

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The Project steering committee members and the UNEP team were pleased with the commitment

and support of the government towards the successful implementation of the project. The local

government assured UNEP and the relevant stakeholders of its full continuous support to make

this pilot project a success.

In general, the meeting met its objectives by creating project ownership of all relevant stakeholders. The project also fulfilled the following objectives:

Launching of the pilot project on, “Transforming Climate action to Empower Women Entrepreneurs in Energy sector (Lighting)” in Kasalazi Island, Tanzania

Creating project ownership of all relevant regional and local stakeholders that attended the meeting

Provisioned land to set up the Energy Kiosk to be used by group of women in the island The representatives from the Ministry of Energy, Vice President Office (Union Affairs and Environment) through the National Environment Management Council (NEMC) Mwanza (Lake Victoria Zonal Office), Gender and Fisheries focal points from Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office and UNDP, appreciate the direction that UNEP have taken towards supporting the pilot project and in particular for selecting Kasalazi Island as one of the beneficiaries. All stakeholders expressed their willingness and commitment to work closely with the UNEP to

make this project a success in Tanzania.




Summary and Recommendations

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Pilot Project: “Transforming Climate action to Empower Women Entrepreneurs in Energy sector


Date: 29th January 2019. Start Time: 09:00 Hrs.

Venue: Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office

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Pilot Project:

“Transforming Climate action to Empower Women Entrepreneurs in Energy sector (Lighting)”.



Date: 29th January 2020. Start Time: 09:00 Hrs.

Venue: Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office

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# Name Organization

1. Ms. Isabella Mariki Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office: Representing the Regional Administrative Secretariat

2. Mr. Titus Kilo Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office: Representing Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries,

3. Ms. Jovither Mwombeki Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office : Representing the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children,-

4. Mr. Jacob Mayallah Ministry of Energy

5. Ms. Edika Masisi National Environment Management Council (NEMC)

6. Ms. Joyceline Joseph United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)- as observer

7. Ms. Clara Makenya United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

8. Ms. Meseret Zemedkun United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

9. Mr. Ryan Ndombi United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)


The purpose of this Steering Committee Meeting was to (i) discuss and agree on the roles and

responsibilities of the project steering committee member(s); (ii) to agree on the implementation

modality of the project as well as its deliverables and expected output; and (iii) for steering

committee member(s) to create ownership and buy in about the project. The Steering committee

members were also to discuss about the programme of the launch of the pilot project and the

stakeholders consultative meeting on, “Transforming Climate action to Empower Women

Entrepreneurs in Energy sector (Lighting)”.

2. AGENDA: Main Agenda of the meeting:

Opening session

Discussion on Roles and responsibilities of PSC

Presentation on “ Women Entrepreneurs and Sustainable Energy (WESE): From Concept to Implementation”

Presentation on the pilot project including the Launch and Stakeholders consultative meeting

Discussion and agreement on Modalities of implementation of the project

Next Steps

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(i) Opening session

Ms. Isabella Mariki, the representative of the Mwanza Regional Commissioner officially opened the meeting and welcomed all the Project steering committee members to the meeting. In her speech, she expressed her pleasure in seeing this pilot project initiated and officially to be launched today in the afternoon. She also stated that all members should join forces and make the project a success to the benefit of the local communities in Kasalazi Island, Mwanza Region, Tanzania

Mr. Jacob Mayalla, representing the Ministry of Energy was the official chair of the meeting and, also gave an opening remark. In his remarks, he indicated the readiness and commitment of the Ministry to implement the project as the project’s objective is aligned to their National Energy Policy. The broad objective of this policy is to ensure the availability of reliable and affordable energy supplies and their rational and sustainable use to support national development goals. This policy unequivocally stated, as early as 2003, the national commitment to sustainable energy production and use.

The meeting agreed, therefore, that this pilot project is being developed at an opportune time

with renewed government commitment towards renewable energy and action that responds

to the needs of economic empowerment of women both as drivers and beneficiaries in the


(ii) Discussion on Roles and Responsibilities of the PSC

The meeting discussed and agreed on the main roles and responsibilities of members of the

project steering committee (PSC) that will oversee and provide strategic guidance as well as

advice for effective and efficient implementation of the project to achieve its objectives. The

initial draft of the roles and responsibilities of the PSC was shared to the PSC members prior

to the meeting for comments and input.

The chair of the Project Steering Committee, Mr. Jacob Mayallah, presented the agenda of

the meeting which was adopted by all participants.

Ms. Meseret Zemedkun from UNEP Africa Office, Energy Unit gave a brief presentation on

the roles and responsibilities of the PSC. Accordingly, the meeting discussed and agreed on

the following roles and responsibilities (among others):

The Project’s Steering Committee comprises representatives from: (i) Ministry of Energy, (ii) Vice President’s Office (Union Affairs and Environment) through the National Environment Management Council (NEMC) Mwanza (Lake Victoria Zonal Office), (iii) Gender and Fisheries focal points from Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office. (iv) UNEP, (v) The donor- MFA-ICEIDA. UNDP will act an observer. This is with an aim of creating country’s and relevant organization’s ownership and leadership in implementation of the project.

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The members of a steering Committee are to be appointed by their respective organizations. The criteria for nomination of member of steering committee includes: Senior managers who have a vested interest in the delivery and/or outcome of the Project. They should be conversant with Energy (specifically Renewable Energy), Environment, Climate change, Gender and Fisheries matters.

The appointed members are required to report back to their respective organizations on the progress and delivery of the project implementation. The members are expected to have a common purpose for providing strategic and political directions as may be necessary in the best interest of their respective organization and the Project as well.

The meetings are to be chaired by representative of each organizations on rotational basis. By default, UNEP which is an executing agent of the project and will co-chair the Steering Committee meetings. UNDP will act as overseer for this particular Steering committee meeting.

The main role of the Steering Committee is to: (a) oversee and provide strategic and political guidance to effectively and efficiently implement the Project; and (b) approve any deviation from the originally approved Project design, activities, deliverables and outputs.

The appointed members play a senior level role focusing on broad issues of implementation and monitoring. It is not a “technical” role. However, the project manager may invite relevant technical persons during meetings for further clarifications on technical aspects of project implementations as needed and required.

The PSC will be receiving technical and financial progress reports from the project manager on quarterly basis. But an internal review of the project evaluation will be conducted at the end of the pilot project.

The Steering Committee meets twice a year (either physically or virtually) to review the Project activities progress and provide guidance on any issue faced and envisaged during implementation. The Steering Committee may also hold a meeting in between on an ad-hoc basis upon request by the Project Manager but with a minimum notice of three weeks.

The project will cover the cost of participation of the PSC members for field visits when deemed necessary. The PSC shall only travel once to the field unless otherwise on account of unforeseen issues.

There is no compensation to Steering Committee’s members for their participation.

(iii) Presentations on Women Entrepreneurs and Sustainable Energy (WESE) in Africa: From Concept to Implementation.

This presentation was meant to set the scene and provide a background information to the PSC members on: (i) the overarching programme of “WESE” that aims at unlocking the main barriers and challenges that hinder the establishment, growth and development of women entrepreneurs in energy sector; and (ii) its linkages to the current pilot project in Kasalazi Island. WESE was initiated as per the decisions of African Environment Ministers (AMCEN) where the ministers gave a mandate to UNEP to lead and coordinate implementation of such a programme to achieve the global and continental developmental policy processes: SDG 2030 and African Union Agenda 2063. The programme also guides implementation of various innovative environmental solution action plans through

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the following three main Pillars: (a) Environmentally sustainable and gender responsive energy policies; (b) Access to finance and markets for women energy entrepreneurs across the value chains; (c) Technical and business capacity development and economically empowerment of women entrepreneurs in energy sector.

In line with this, Ms. Meseret Zemedkun gave the presentation on: (i) the vital contribution of energy as a critical development enabler for Africa. (ii) African women participation in the energy sector as a solution. (iii) Africa’s Ministers of Environment response to empower women entrepreneurs in Sustainable Energy in Africa through the Women Entrepreneurs in Sustainable Energy (WESE); and (iv) the need for setting of “African Women Energy Entrepreneurs Framework (AWEEF) to use as a vehicle and platform to enable African women to play a pivotal role as change agents and decision makers in the sustainable energy sector.

It was against this backdrop that the pilot project on “Transforming Climate action to Empower Women Entrepreneurs in Energy sector (Lighting)” in Kasalazi Island, Mwanza Region, Tanzania was developed through the UNEP African Women Energy Entrepreneurs Framework (AWEEF).

As a result, the SC members acknowledged that they now had a clearer understanding about the overarching programme of WESE and its linkages to the Pilot project in Kasalazi Island, Tanzania.

(iv) Presentation on the pilot project in Mwanza including its Launch and Stakeholders consultative meeting.

Ms. Meseret Zemedkun, from UNEP delivered a brief presentation on the pilot project

including its objective, Project site, project components, activities and deliverables of the

pilot project. This was with a view for the PSC members to endorse the overall and specific

objectives of the project, including its mode of implementation and deliverables of the

project. The presentation included:

The pilot project: The pilot project on “Transforming Climate action to Empower Women Entrepreneurs in Energy sector (Lighting)” that will be implemented in Mwanza Region, Tanzania.

Project site: The specific location and site of the project is identified to be in Kasalazi Island, Sengerema District in Mwanza Region, Tanzania. This site was recommended due to the fact that: (i) Kasalazi is a small fishing island which is the busiest for night fishing of sardines in Lake Victoria; (ii) The women in this island have not been highly involved in the fishing industry hence hampering their household income: (iii) With this pilot project the impact for these women won’t be only economically but also provide a space for them in the value chain of the sardine fishing industry.

Objective: The pilot project aims to reduce kerosene and other unorthodox traditional lighting methods with cleaner renewable energy alternatives through developing entrepreneurship initiatives for rural women in Kasalazi Island.

Project Components of the project include: (i) Narrow the gender and social norms barriers to the access of sustainable energy through environmentally sustainable and gender responsive policies development. (ii) Capacity, Skill (business and technical) and knowledge development as well as provision of equipment and accessories in clean and renewable energy technology for lighting and productive uses (e.g. solar

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lanterns); (iii) Develop entrepreneurship initiatives for local women in sustainable energy technology

Expected output of the project: (i) Energy Gender-responsive policies assessment developed and enhanced capacity of women to understand gender responsive policies and effectively engage in policy development; (ii) Opportunities for Women for decent jobs and businesses in Sustainable Energy sectors created; Women’s productive use of Clean and Renewable Energy technology is increased, and time dedicated for unpaid and domestic work decreased; (iii) Access to finance and market increased for women entrepreneurs in Sustainable Energy Technology.

Project Launch and first Stakeholders consultative meeting: Ms. Meseret Zemedkun indicated that the project is to be launched in the afternoon on 29 January 2020 at the Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office.

After thorough discussions and inputs, the meeting endorsed and agreed on the overall and specific objectives of the project, its components, activities and corresponding deliverables as well as the site where the project is to be implemented. It was also unanimously agreed to launch the project and hold the first stakeholder’s consultative meeting in the afternoon on the same day on 29 January 2020 at the Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office. It was agreed that the local language “SWAHILI” will be used in order for the local stakeholders from Kasalazi island to have a better understanding of the Launch and stakeholders meeting. (v) Discussion on Modality of implementation of the project

Subsequently, Moses Mbego from UNEP presented the detail implementation modality of the pilot project by defining the role and responsibility of each stakeholders of this pilot project.

As a result, the Steering Committee members agreed on the roles and responsibilities of the members, implementation modality of the project as well as its deliverables and expected output. The meeting created ownership and buy in from the members who represent the relevant government organizations.

The members also stressed the need to replicate the success and best practices of the pilot project to other islands other than Kasalazi of Mwanza since there are more than 70 islands in Mwanza region.

On the basis of the background information provided in the earlier presentations and follow up discussions, the meeting agreed on the following modality of implementation of the project both at strategic /policy level and operational levels.

(A) Strategic and Policy Level

Responsible UN Agencies: UNEP will be the main executing agency of this pilot project.

Project Steering Committee (PSC): PSC will be responsible to oversee the implementation of the project and provide strategic and political advice and guidance to UNEP. The members of this project steering committee will be: (i) Ministry of Energy, (ii) Vice President’s Office (Union Affairs and Environment) through the National Environment Management Council (NEMC) Mwanza (Lake Victoria Zonal

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Office), (iii) Gender and Fisheries focal points from Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office. (iv) UNEP, (v) The donor- MFA-ICEIDA. UNDP will act an observer.

The Local government authority in Sengerema District and Kasalazi Island play a role in selection of groups of women and beneficiaries in rural communities of Kasalazi.

(B) Operational Level

Project Component 1: the assessment of environmental sustainability and gender responsive policies in energy sector in Tanzania will be implemented by UNEP. The meeting agreed that UNEP will work in close collaboration with other various government organizations including (i) Ministry of Energy, (ii) Vice President’s Office (Union Affairs and Environment) through the National Environment Management Council (NEMC) Mwanza (Lake Victoria Zonal Office), (iii) Gender and Fisheries focal points from Mwanza Regional Commissioner’s Office and (vi) the Local Government authority of Sengerema District and Kasalazi Island. UNDP will act an observer.

Project components 2 and 3: The meeting used the enclosed flowchart- mode of implementation as a reference for its detail discussion and endorsement of implementation modality of these two components.

Acquiring Clean Energy Technology: UNEP will use its own procurement rules and regulations to procure Clean Energy technology products such as Solar Lanterns. Members of PSC will provide guidance and advice on developing of criteria for selection of appropriate supplier.

Criteria for selection of the group of women (beneficiaries) from Kasalazi:

Local women from Kasalazi island that can read and write

Women that live under a minimum of $1 a day

Women that have never received any business and technology training before

Women living with at least one dependent

They have to be identified as residents by their local government and have no criminal record.

Developing Technical and Business capacity and skill to selected group of women: The solar provider will be contracted by UNEP to provide technical skills and set up the solar lantern kiosk in Kasalazi Island. Millennium Engineers (AWEEF Member) will be engaged in: (i) coaching the group of women on a continuous basis, (ii) providing technical amd business training to the women groups in coordination with the technology providers and also in: (iii) advising the local government authorities in selection of the appropriate women groups and beneficiaries: Millennium Engineers were proposed due to the following considerations:

Being the active member of AWEEF and a focal person for East African region that includes Tanzania

The main contributor of the original idea of this pilot project

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Substantial experience and best practices in execution of similar projects in Tanzania.

Well acquainted with the project site at political, technical and social levels.

Accredited regional and international Awards in this area of interest.

Develop Entrepreneurship initiatives: AWEEF Member will contribute in market segmentation study to create access to markets in the rural Kasalazi communities for the selected group of women.


The Regional Commissioner’s Office to launch the pilot project in Kasalazi.

Meeting ended at 13:15 hrs.

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UNEP (Implementing Agent)

Solar Lantern supplier Group of Women to be trained (10)- HUB

Millennium Engineers-AWEEF Member

Fishermen and women- At the end of the pilot they will own the lanterns


80 Lamps to be procured for the pilot

Offer technical training to the women.

Microfinance institutions- Women groups account

Pilot project life: 8 months to 1 year


Supply Solar lantern & Build and equip the Kiosk for the women group

Offer entrepreneurial and business training to the women.

Lending, Charging services, maintenance & repair

Pay the women partly on fixed salary and partly on commission

Rental fee

PSC- Oversees the project, monitoring and reporting

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Annex 2: Attendance List of participants

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