amended music video pitch

Our Music Video Pitch By Lewis, Jenna and Alex

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. By Lewis, Jenna andAlex
  2. 2. This song in particular has elements of electronica alongside elements of rock. As this is the case, we saw potential to do a number of different things with the song. In numerous parts of this song, the pace changes; becoming more up beat and faster in tempo which allows us to create different speeds of narrative.The song enables overall inspiration for different videos because of how the song is structured.
  3. 3. Our music video will be mainly structured in a performance layout which allows the promotion of the band, and the engagement of the audience through the use of cinematography and editing. Having the band perform allows us to display our knowledge that we have gained from our research. The video will be heavily be performance based which means it doesnt follow a set chronological narrative. The idea that we envision for this song will take place at a house party.The band will be themselves but they will be performing like they have been hired to play there.The majority of the song will be shots of the band playing with the people at the party either dancing around them or in front of them. Added to this, the lead singer can also be shown walking through the party but still lip syncing.Through out the song, the party will slowly get more chaotic which would climax in chaos being carried out in front of the band while they play with jump cuts of the band actually taking part in the chaos.The final shot will be a pan of the band all sitting/lying on the floor all tired from the party. In terms of performance, our main aim is to showcase the star. High angles and close ups of the lead singer mainly, but also the rest of the band, will dominate this video. Longer takes can be used on the guitarists while shorter takes can be cut together on the lead singer to give them the same screen time but to make theirs more interesting.
  4. 4. When we looked into the brand image of this particular band, we found them to be quite abstract and gothic.Their album covers continue to follow the theme of their genre in advertising themselves to their selected audiences. The convers all follow similar themes of calligraphy as their main art type; colours being outside the box and unique in comparison to modern day album covers.The costume of this band are generally conveyed in a casual way through the use of shirts and jeans in their music videos and in live performances. We then hope to convey this same idea by using the same types of clothing on our made up band and on our actors in our music video.The outside the box ideas can then be continued solely on the use of camera angles and camera movements, giving a twist on a modern day concept and giving it that twisted edge thatThe Used have been commonly recognised for.
  5. 5. Upon researchingThe Used, we also came across other bands in this genre who had made a sizeable impact on the way that music videos were created. One of these bands were Wheatus with their most popular song Teenage Dirtbag.This video poses most of wat we aim to do in our video, giving the music video shots of the band performing in numerous locations that involves actors lip syncing. The song American Idiot by Green Day gave us some of the inspiration for the camera angles that we can use. Mainly the 360 dolly around the drummer.The inspirations for the costumes come partly from the brand image but we also took ideas from videos like Smells LikeTeen Spirit by Nirvana as they share similar band images and ideas asThe Used.The costumes that they use are quite simple and fit in with their genre really well.
  6. 6. The first theme that will be shown in this music video will be the idea that teenagers are always reckless and rebellious.This comes from the idea that they turn an ordinary house party into chaos. However, the idea that they might be throwing things around reflects the fact that sometimes, teenagers can be childish. Another theme that we are using is alcohol. Although we will not have any of the actors physically consume alcohol, we can still have the bottles for the effect. Along with this, we also get the theme of parties or teenagers always having house parties.This is a common convention in rock videos.
  7. 7. As previously stated, we aim to get a house in order to film our video. However, one problem that has been discussed is that people might not be open to having a house party in their home or having things thrown around or broken.To combat this particular issue, we have discussed the possibility of asking to use an abandoned warehouse and stylise the video in a backstreet party manner. If this were the case, we would be able to create noise and have people throw things without anyone worrying about the state of their house.
  8. 8. After doing research into our band choices costume choice, and the common costumes in rock music videos, we have come to the conclusion that casual attire would be most fitting. Using this costume will make the video more realistic as it is more relatable to the audience in regards to what they would wear to a party.T-shits and jeans are commonly used for their simplicity but are seen over a wide spectrum of famous bands music videos. The main colour for this costume will need to be dark colours as it corresponds with the image of the band and is commonly seen in this music genre. Doing this links the genre, the music, and the audience into one.
  9. 9. Things that are most commonly seen in rock videos and that we are going try to include are things like: Handheld cameras that give a shaky effect when filming the band Close ups on the lead singer or their eyes Common mise en scene elements like t-shirts and jeans on actors and the band, the band performing in empty spaces and the band being in a separate place to the acting
  10. 10. The technical conventions that we are going to use in this music videos are: Close ups of the band and singers Match on actions people completing tasks Synchronous actions with the beat of the song Dollies using skateboard and office chairs Pans and tilts to emphasise the bands importance Constant moving of the camera to create a chaos scene
  11. 11. Our target audience are 16-21 year old males that enjoy rock music.We found this out from a series of questions on a questionnaire that we handed out.We plan on attracting them by using the previously discussed technical and genre conventions. If we include these then we will meet our target audiences prior expectations. We hope that having our target audience see a house party will get them excited and make them think back to a time when they were at one.This can then make them enjoy the song more as the chaos ensues.