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America: The Story of US Chapter 3: sections 1-4

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America: The Story of US

Chapter 3: sections 1-4

In this Chapter…… What will we see?

Setting: Time & Place Time: 1588

Place: Europe: England & Spain

How it all started…. Spain and England always fought against one another

for two reasons: trade and religion

During this time, the Spanish ruled the seas with their mighty Spanish Armada of 132 ships.

The king of Spain, King Henry II, thought he could boss the English around and when England wouldn’t listen Spain sent their Armada to invade England.

How it all started…. With 30,000 troops and 2,400 guns, the Spanish

Armada was the mightiest naval force the world had ever seen.

The English navy was much smaller in size, but Britain ended up winning the naval battle!

How this effects US? The defeat of the Spanish Armada marked the end of

Spain’s control of the seas and opened doors for England to make colonies in North America

Roanoke… Before the 13 colonies were settled, Queen Elizabeth of

Great Britain made an attempt to settle in N. America.

Her explorers found an island in present-day North Carolina called Roanoke.

Roanoke: The Lost Colony

Originally founded by Sir Walter Raleigh. It was first settled in 1585 by 100 men. After a difficult winter on the island, the unhappy

colonists decided to return to England

In 1587, Sir Walter Raleigh tried to colonize Roanoke for a 2nd time.

He sent 91 men, 17 women, and 9 children to Roanoke.

John White, a mapmaker & artist, led the group.

Needed more supplies to build the colony

White sailed back to England for supplies and to recruit more settlers.

Although he had hoped to be back within a few months, the war with Spain delayed his return for nearly 3 years.

When he returned, he found Roanoke deserted.

The only clue to the fate of the settlers was the word Croatoan carved on a gatepost.

White thought the colonists had gone to Croatoan Island, about 50 miles to the south.

Bad weather kept White from investigating.

The Roanoke colonists were never seen again.

After Roanoke many were discouraged about colonizing

1606 – Group of merchants sought a charter (document that gives the holder the right to organize settlements) from King James I.

The Virginia Company was a group of merchants that received a charter to colonize Virginia.

The Company was considered a Joint-stock Company; investors bought stock in the company in return for future profits.

1606 – they sent 144 settlers in 3 ships (the Godspeed, Discovery, & Susan Constant)

The 3 ships went in search of gold and the trading of fish and furs- basically they were coming to America in hopes of earning MONEY!

Ships entered Chesapeake Bay and then sailed up a river flowing into the bay.

The colonists named the river the James and their new settlement Jamestown to honor their King.

Jamestown is located in Virginia.

The colonists decided to build their settlement on a peninsula (easy to defend from an attack)

How do you think a peninsula could help defend them from an attack?

The first drawback:

The swampy land swarmed with mosquitoes that carried diseases like malaria.

The second drawback:

Jamestown lacked good farmland, so the colonists couldn’t grow any food to eat.

The third drawback:

Jamestown was surrounded by Native American settlements; they didn’t want the colonists in their territories.

Many of the Jamestown colonists were not accustomed to hard labor.

Because the investors expected a quick profit from their investment in the colony, the settlers spent all their time searching for gold and silver when they should have been growing food.

Governing Jamestown was perhaps the biggest obstacle the colonists faced.

The colony survived its first two years because of the leadership of a 27 year old.

Captain John Smith was an experienced soldier and explorer.

He forced the lazy investors of Va. Company to work for food “If any would not work, neither should he eat.”

He made all settlers work, explore the area, and embark on new friendships.




John Smith also showed his leadership when he turned one of the drawbacks of Jamestown, being surrounded by Native Americans into something positive.

He Developed a relationship with the Powhatan tribe

In 1609, 400 new settlers arrived.

Two months later, John Smith returned to England.

Without strong leadership, he colony couldn’t feed so many people

The winter of 1609-1610 became known as the starving times.

1609 – 600 new colonists arrive

1610- only 60 survive

Colonists ate horses, dogs, cats, & rats

Some accounts of cannibalism


“sharp prick of hunger which no man can truly describe but he who hath tasted the bitterness thereof.”- CAPTAIN GEORGE PERCY –governor of Jamestown

Analyze the Quote. What does it tell us of this time period?

Although the Jamestown settlers found no gold or silver, they did discover another way to make money.

Tobacco had become popular in Europe, though some people found smoking unhealthy and disgusting.

One colonist, John Rolfe, learned to grow a type of tobacco from the West Indies that was less bitter.

The first crop was sold in England in 1614.

Soon planters all along the James River were raising tobacco, and the settlement of Jamestown began to prosper and grow

Relations with Native Americans also improved when a Jamestown colonist, John Rolfe, married Pocahontas, the daughter of Chief Powhatan

As the colony grew settlers became upset with taking orders from the Virginia Company in England.

Company sent Sir George Yeardley to govern the settlement

Colonists (men) elected representatives called burgesses to an assembly called the House of Burgess.

This was the first form on representative government to be used in America.

In 1619, the Va. Company sent 90 eligible women to Jamestown in hopes that they would marry and the colony would start to have family life.


In order to marry a woman, a man settler had to pay 120 lbs of tobacco to the Va. Company.

Hollywood vs. History…..

America: The Story of US

Chapter 3: section 2

In1614 John Smith mapped the American coast

Mapped a harbor called Patuxet, later renamed Plymouth.

Plymouth was the site for the next wave of English settlers

Unlike Jamestown (came for money, they came in search of religious freedom

England had been a protestant country since 1534, when Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic church and formed the Anglican Church.

Not everyone in England was happy with the new church.

Many people disagreed with the beliefs or practices the Anglicans.

English Catholics, for example, still considered the Pope the head of the church, and they were often persecuted, or treated unfairly, for that reason.

At the same time, some Protestants wanted change/reform the Anglican Church.

The protestants who wanted to reform the Anglican church were called Puritans.

Those who wanted to leave and set up

their own churches were called separatists

or Pilgrims.

They wanted religious freedom to practice their beliefs without persecution.

They wanted to find better jobs to better provide for their families.

They wanted to maintain their English way of life .

America enabled the separatists to achieve all of these things!

The Separatists considered themselves Pilgrims because their journey to America had a religious purpose.

Pilgrims =Separatists

They made a pact with the Virginia Company

Only 35 of 102 passengers who boarded the Mayflower in September of 1620 were Pilgrims.

The other passengers on the Mayflower were called “strangers.”

They were common people—servants, craftsmen, or poor farmers– who hoped to find a better life in America.

The Mayflower originally planned to settle in Virginia near Jamestown.

1st land sighted was Cape Cod, which is well north of their target.

Because it was November and winter was approaching, the colonists decided to drop anchor in Cape Cod Bay.

William Bradford led them ashore and called the place Plymouth.

Plymouth was located outside of Virginia Co. territories and laws.

This led to Pilgrims creating the Mayflower Compact to provide government in the new colony.

The Compact pledged law and order along with loyalty to England.

It was the first form of self-governance in America.

When the Pilgrims and strangers got to

America, it was winter and there were no

food or houses. Many of the passengers

died from sickness, starvation and

freezing to death.

• There were some people who lived in America already called Native Americans.

• They saw the Pilgrims suffering and they decided to help them.

• The two men that helped the most were Squanto and Samoset

• They showed them how to hunt and fish.

• They helped them build shelter out of

the trees there.

• They showed them how to grow corn and


They also helped the pilgrims make a treaty with the Native Americans who lived in the area.

Massasoit, a Wampanoag leader, signed the treaty with the pilgrims in March 1621; and the two groups lived together on the land in harmony.

• Because of their generosity, the colony of

Plymouth was able to survive.

They were so happy, they said, “We

need to have a feast and celebrate.

We’ll invite our friends, the


So they had a great feast that lasted for a

whole week, they ate turkey, fish, deer,

sweet potatoes, corn and pumpkin. They

played games. We call this Thanksgiving today.

1628 – A group of Puritans formed the Massachusetts Bay Company.

Received a royal charter to establish Massachusetts Bay Colony north of Plymouth.

This was the Puritans chance to create a new society in America– a society based on the bible.

The Company chose a well-educated Purtian named John Winthrop to be the colony’s governor.

› He led 1,000 people to the colony

Most settled in a place they call Boston “city upon a hill”

This settlement provided an example for other Christian communities to follow

Puritans came to Mass. to put their religious beliefs to practice.

They had little tolerance for other religious views

This forced many people out of the Mass. Bay colony due to this lack of toleration.

During the 1630s, more than 15,000 Puritans journeyed to America to escape religious persecution and hard economic times

This movement of people became known as the GREAT MIGRATION

Thomas Hooker (forced out of Mass.) led his congregation to Connecticut . and where he founded the town of Hartford.

3 years later Hartford joined the towns of Windsor & Wethersfield to form one colony to be called Connecticut

The 3 towns merged into one and adopted a plan of government called the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.

This was the first WRITTEN constitution in America, and it described the organization of representative government in detail.

Settled by colonists forced out of Mass.

1st settler in RI was Roger Williams, a minister

› Believed in separation of church and state

› Believed taking lands from Native Americans was wrong.

Beliefs didn’t go over well and this caused Mass. to banish him.

He founded a town called Providence.

It was a safe place for all to worship freely

1675 – Mass. settlers vs. Wampanoag

MetaComet was the Chief of Wampanoag tribe.

He was also known as King Phillip to settlers

He wanted to stop the settlers from taking Native American lands.

Settlers teamed up with the Mohawks (rivals to the Wampanoag)

Mohawks & settlers attacked Wampanoag village killing 3 Wampanoag tribesmen.

This conflict is called King Phillip’s War.

This marked the end of Native American power in America, leaving the colonists free to expand their settlements.

Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island are all NEW ENGLAND colonies.

The principle in which the New England Colonies were found on was RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!