american idiot playbook


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Post on 28-Jul-2016




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Playbook, an in depth look at the show's story, is meant to expand the depth of the show's experience. While the full Playbook can be found in our upcoming Letterbomb issue, this mini-release includes the back stories of each of Saint Jimmy's twelve disciples. Check it out before the show!


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Viewer discretion advised - this show contains scenes with loud

music, flashing lights, strong language, violence, partial nudity, and drug


Photography, and video and audio recording of any kind is strictly



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ABOUTa guide for the uninformed viewer

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ABOUTGreen Day meets musical

theatre? Harmonies and excessive

eyeliner? A badass, all-female creative team?

Welcome to BU On Broadway’s production of

American Idiot.

This punk rock musical tells the story of three

rebellious friends—Will, Johnny, and Tunny—

who are unhappy with suburban life and grow

frustrated with the state of society. All three

make a plan to escape from the suburbs and

embrace the fast-paced life of the city, but just

before their departure, Will’s girlfriend Heather

tells him that she is pregnant and he’s forced to

stay behind while Johnny and Tunny head to the

city with a band of other restless teens.

While in the city, Johnny becomes infatuated

with a girl he spots in the window named

Whatshername and Tunny, feeling empty and

numb in his current life, enlists in the army.

After injecting heroin for the first time, Johnny

grows dependent upon the local hero and drug

dealer St. Jimmy who gives him the courage

to pursue Whatshername. Tunny is deployed

to a war zone where he becomes gravely

wounded, and Will continues to sit at home

and commiserate as Heather becomes more and

more pregnant.

As Johnny’s love for Whatshername grows, St.

Jimmy’s power and the power of drugs controls

him and the actions he takes. Separated and

conflicted, these three finds seek meaning in

their lives while being held back by reality and

the harshness of life.

a guide for the uninformed viewer

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Though the story revolves around Johnny and company,

we’d like to take the time to characterize Saint Jimmy’s

twelve disciples. As Saint Jimmy welcomes the Jessu

of Suburbia into his following, we want you to look at

the stage and realize the depth of Jimmy’s power. These

aren’t just ensemble members - these are individual

people with specific personalities in Saint Jimmy’s cult.

Can you escape his grasp?

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Meet Phantom. He was sixteen when he

ran away. He ran away and never looked back. No

home. No job. No money. Just a dream and a guitar.

On the city streets he feels at home and free. In the

shadows of the skyscrapers he feels alive - like a

blast of cold air that shocks you awake in a winter

morning. Back then, it was just Phantom, his music,

and the night. Now he’ i nineteen. Still alone with

nothing but his guitar and his new found needle.

Where there once was a dream is now a need for

drugs and the comfort of Saint Jimmy. Whatever

happened to his dream?

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You want to know who Miss Identified

is? Well, she’s still looking for her. With a mother

with a drinking problem and a father who spends

most of his nights “in the office working late,” Miss

Identified kept mostly to herself. Life wasn’t perfect

but it was bearable. After escaping to the city, she

joined a band of misfits longing for shelter and

a place to call home, but the guilt of leaving her

mother weighed heavy, so she turned to drugs to

forget. Running away didn’t save her but maybe St.

Jimmy will.

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Burnout has completely given up. There’s a

war going on, not only out in the world, but in his

own home. And everybody in his life? They’re same

morons who are happy to live their lives the same

exact way every single day - and his heart is tired

of it. He’s thrown his emotions in the grave - hell in

this town, who needs emotions anyway? To him,

suburbia means nothing, just an eternal purgatory.

But he fucking loves it. He loves that it’s nothing.

It’s the only road he’s ever known, and he’s where he

belongs - in a wasteland of broken dreams.

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Pretty In Punk grew up in a conservative,

uptight suburb where she was homeschooled by

her parents. Her only friend was her neighbor

Aleah who went to public school. One night, they

got high and after that, she was hooked. They left

town to find people who loved drugs as much as

they did. When she’s not high she feels guilty and

ashamed, and when she’s high she feels alive and

free. She’s not sure where she’s going to end up or

how she’s going to continue living like this, but

she knows she’s never going back. She’s found her


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With both his parents dead at a young age,

he was labeled a foster child before he even knew

how to read. Growing up in foster homes, he has

always been the black sheep. Every experience he’s

had in life he’s went through alone. No dad to teach

him what the hell the birds and the bees are, no

friends to hang out with, and no real family. “The

bullies only bully to hide their own insecurities”

therapists would say. The Lone Wolf thinks that’s

bull shit. Bullies prey on the weak and they come

in packs. That’s why he never needed a pack - until

he met Saint Jimmy.

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Null Void wasn’t always this way. He used

to be an ordinary boy, but then the suburbia got to

him. The dull monotony of everyday life chipped

away at him until he finally snapped. Cereal and

milk turned into marijuana and beer, which then

turned methamphetamine and vodka. Out of the

ashes of the unfulfilled life and into the sky of

constant debauchery and inebriation. But he wasn’t

like the otheres - he had talents and skills. He could

play the shit out of drums. Even strum the guitar.

He has dreams, but he needed the high that Saint

Jimmy got him. How could he ever get tired of that?

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Pyro’s best friend is fire. Have you ever

looked at fire? Like, really looked at it? It moves with

a sort of finesse. It’s smooth, and fluid, and warm.

It doesn’t discriminate. One day his mother threw

one of his favorite toy cars in the fire. It was his

father’s. It was one of the only things he left behind.

He was so mad he hit her. And she kicked him. He

fell back and singed his hair on the fire. He still has

a scar. He later on went to get many more scars. He

left suburbia a long time ago. Some say his mother

didn’t even notice he wasn’t home. Some say she’s

still waiting in the dirt with only ashes and cinders

to comfort her buried corpse.

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What’s a Bonnie without her Clyde? They

ran away together to Chicago at sixteen with no

intention of looking back, but things didn’t work

out like they do in the movies. They were poor and

hungry. One day Bonnie stole a bunch of apples...

and they tasted good...almost better because they

were stolen. After that the duo was hooked on the

high of stealing. One day Bonnie and Clyde got in

a fight and Clyde stormed off. And he never came

back. Turns out he was shot by a convenience store

owner after attempting to steal. Bonnie replaced

the high of stealing with the high of drugs but still

thinks about Clyde. She’s trying to get better and

start over.

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Life had no meaning until Killer Queen met

him. He was the singer in a stupid emo garage band

with bad eyeliner, a tattoo of a Chinese symbol on

his arm, and a faux hawk. Then she got pregnant -

it was one of the happiest days of her life. But his

band got better, and he didn’t want the baby, and

he just left. He just left. So she tried to forget about

him. She got rid of everything that reminded her of

him - their child included. She took to drugs, she

took to alcohol, and she took to the only one who

was there for her - St. Jimmy.

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There’s this common belief that all tattoos

need to have some kind of deep,meaningful back-

story to truly be appreciated. A funny coincidence

is that most people who believe this have never

gotten a tattoo in their life. Ink has a lavender that

he paid for with birthday money from his grand-

mother (she still doesn’t know, so don’t tell). At first

he told people who asked him about his tattoo that

it represented luck and the promise of new adven-

ture, but that got boring after a while. Now when

people ask him he just says he wanted it.

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Pandora always felt out of place at school,

with her friends, and even at home. So at eighteen

she ran out of suburbia and right into Saint Jimmy’s

arms. She was always proud of feeling emptiness

in sex and booze, but with drugs she felt less than

empty. Less than lost. She felt like something, like

he could take care of her. She’s accepted that she’s

too far gone, but with him, she feels like she can

still prove she exists. And when she does, she’s

ready to fuck shit up.

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Let’s play two truths and a lie. 1) He once

traded a bag of coke to get a tattoo of the Easter

bunny punching out G dub Bush in the face. 2)

He hates The Notebook. 3) He used to get straight

As in high school and a 2110 on his SAT. Can you

guess the lie? He fucking loves The Notebook. And

he hates the fucking man - because it’s all a matter

of time before society takes everything away from

you. So take your coke in bags or take it all at once.

Who fucking cares?

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