american women's voluntary services - oct 1942

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  • 8/14/2019 American Women's Voluntary Services - Oct 1942




    Here we are again.warming up the presses tosend, you issue V of the local bugle. Thanks to yourvaried, but enthusiastic responses, the cockles of ourfluttering hearts are warming up as wellJJ

    Of course you all must relize, "by this time, .that the main item on this project's diet is fan mail...garnished by telephone calls to your families,..and somestealthy sleuthing around scuttlebutts and grapevines...Sooo...if you feel like fanning us with helpful sugges-tions, or well as those delightful compli-ments that are "pumpkinizing" our curley heads... youwill find us in a very receptive mood...

    ..."Happy chuckles" till next time (if thesquirrels don't catch up with us firstji)

    r.l I C I O IM.A.I.P.D.F.(Scribes)

  • 8/14/2019 American Women's Voluntary Services - Oct 1942


    - 1 -TOWNSHIP TATTLEOctober 1942

    Published at Millburn., Now JerseybyAmerican Women's "Voluntary Services.Gossip Hero and_ ThereMostly "there" asfar asCorp,Andrew Gould isconcerned- so we'llload off with a few bits from Andy'sLetter. Not only because it is in-teresting but because italso holdsthe long distance record for com-plimentary comments about our sheet.Cpl, Gould isstationed inIndiasoshould be well conditionod for ourgas rationing when he gets backhomo as ho chief traffic menaceinIndia seems to bo a tasty clutterofcamels, oxen, and burros ~with asmattering ofirresponsible cows whotake advantage ofthe face they'reconsidered "Hol^ 1 byroaming thestreets and sidewalks. In act In-

    generally dreamyv


    like aia soundsspot since the only? other attractivehighlights Andy mentions are cnakocharmers, beggars and too tamo crows,And here's aflash from Pvt. FrankMarckotta who ha beentrransferredach tothe Army Tech-at Sioux If alls Southroaliz-is un~and,


    from i.iiamiBn i c a l S c h o o l uu ^j-w^i. 4.^J.J_KJ,Dakota. Frank says honeverod what a good town Millburntil he started moving around"really misses the Ol'o Burgnovonthough the Sioux Tailors try tomake things as homey aspossibletho boys.

    P.F.C. Thos. Edward Babcock may bein parts unknown but hehas sot uphousekeeping inspite ofbeing in atpnt. Tom bought a dog, "Judy" andhas abox for her but she spurnsitto sleep on is barracks bag instead.Take iteasy Babcock oryou'll haveto dosome altering tothat uniform.Curves are nice too but you mustthrive on war tohave gained from129 to 52 pounds all in ayear.Lte Rodman Bates was homo onsickloavo but helooked good totheseold eyes when he blow into tho AWVS

    to thank usfor the paper.Rod, and weonly hope ourbevy ofuniforms didn't steal anythunder from your own snappy get-up.Cyrus P. Bennett jr. isnow nair cadet atSanta Maria , Cal* Itdoesn't look as ifCywill beableto knock Short Hills cold with hisuniform- come Xmas. but that maybe a lucky break after all. Bask-ing inCalifornia sunshine willbea lot more pleasant than N.J. whatwith all the home fires banked downto a dull patriotic flicker andSanta's molars chattering up andd own the c h imnoys

    My, m y , here isthat nice stringof initials again which put any-thing M r . Roosevelt has concoctedin tho shade. P=F,C. F.F. Assman'slast letter shows ho is a happyfollow - somewhere in ngland. F.F.has atlast soon London Town aftercooling his heols inthe country.Wo hope the London talent goes fol-ium as hard as illburn's glamourdepartment used to. suckersin i'act the entirecontentedly afterreacting Cand. Robert C. Brumbergersback patting letter. Bob is atFort flonmouth and is intho finalstretch ofhis Officer Trainingcourse. Study hard and cosy up toteacher Candidate so wecan put yo uin "Bars and Shields, etc." nextisrue.

    More purring over the thanksfrom.Lt. (j.g.) Donald P. Chalmers.

    pNo doubt about i t, we'refor compliments -force was purring

    Don "was Lome onleav eclikes the Tattle.If you.'re smart youPvt. John R. Guonthorho blows infrom CampIf Jack over losos his

    ntly andwill "Yes"the next timeG-ruber, Okla.temper lookout because he isentitled to wear

  • 8/14/2019 American Women's Voluntary Services - Oct 1942



    one of those cute little gadgetsover his heart marked, "Sharpshooter'.'Our sleuths t^ll us you won it byknocking off high score with n 344-which, if all Japs, would bo ovenpleasantor.Speaking of "blowing in", L t .Ralph Bown j r. is now soloing buthistory (or our reporters) won'ttoll over what field. Have fun butdon't call us sissies when you gethomo and find everybody scorchingthe roads and taking treacherouscurves on bikes.Wilbur E. Dunkcl Jr. is anotherhigh flyer. Junior - or shouldwe say Wilbur? - has completed hisbasic training at the flying schoolnear Waco - deep in the heart of youknow wher e.Holy Cats - this is a terrifyingbit of nov;c, to us not you. CharlesAlfred Dupuis jr. S/K 3/C (we nevercould. uncurbteuid fractions butmay make sense to all you seasonedkillers), is now Sports Editor ofthe post paper;, said post being inNewfoundland. It is all very sim-ple writing this until one of youguys goes professional and sharpenshis typewriter in direct competitionthe way Chas, has . Makes us~self-conscious and all so don't bo toocritical Charles.

    "Happy birthday dear Tony" etc.etc. F'oavens sakes - we just knewthere was something important about 'the date of Oct. first"but couldn'ttoll what until suddenly the lightswont on. Sure enough, on one brightOct. first not too long ago to suitthe army, Corp, Terrorise AnthonyGili first saw the high lifo ofMillburn. Corp. Gili has giv^ n wayto the mother love lurking underthat olive drab and has adopted akitten. If this reaches you beforethe big christening how about tag-ging it"MacArthur"? nine liv^s mightcome in handy.

    Carl Austin G ardner was homo re-cently and, so the sweet story goes,"enjoyed his rest." Could be -butwe thought Carl was tearing into amoan and not-sO-rostful twirl on

    Ckanticler's dance floor onenight. Maybo we're wrong so don'tsue.Some people have all the luck.Pvt. James E. Rogers is stationednerr enough so that ho gots homoevery weekend-ju st to burn up youCamp Grubor boys.Nov; we 'll tako time out to pla ypost offico, (not wha t yo u thinkso don't loor,)P.J.C. Tighc sends this openmessage to Pvt . James Finan."Please bring mo the packago myMe sent me by you". Aren't jouover in? I bet the girls keepyou on the go. More power, Jimmio.

    Pullearjc - Kr . Bufo . P.3T.C.Micliaoi ~ to you - wr ite s, "Whatrhythm those Hawaiian dancershave." Which, if you arc at allfcoons'hould give you a sketchyidea of where Miko is now . Keepaway from those grace dirndls orI.Iillburn is going to seem verytamo to you, my bo y.Back to the post offico a.gain-wo nro passing on a special re-quest to Pvt . James G rosso to," writ e m ore letters h omo ,"Jamorj, you dog - it's none of ourbusiness but juet think of nilthe shoe locthor youi loved onosare burning up just running out toget the little note that's novorthere.A Rocco Carrollo in anotherpal T'o'll "yes11 from hero on. Thecagey bird has taken up boxing asa hobbs?" - just to be an addod men-ace when ho rune down c\ braco ofthe enemy.There is such a long list of"recently homo on furl ough s" itwould fill a 'Homing Pigeon Dc pt .but we'll feed it out gcntljr sothe rest of you won' t burn up . ,Private Anthony ThomasPrivte Constantino SolozziThe brothers Gerarcli^llo -Pvts Jerry and EugeneFvt, Claude H. I-IooreCorp. Anthony Del Gqldb who,inoid.onto.ily is now beingwished' a Happy Erithday froma lonely heart in Ilillburn

  • 8/14/2019 American Women's Voluntary Services - Oct 1942


    Ensign Claude V. BowesPvt. Robert Gordon McColliim whois back at Lccsvillo, La. aftertwelve days at home.Pvt. Arthur Edgar Motz, now "beckat Kcsslcr Field after warmingthe hearts and fires at home.Pvt. Claude Pilchard Mooro, afterten days away from Ft. Bonning,Pvt. Raymond Konahan who took offfor Camp Lee , Va . this mont h.Captain Fitzhugh $uarricr back inNow York (which is practicallyShort Hills unless you're goingto make a liar out of us for apaltry 12 miles) after SignalCorps School in Florida,

    And, last but not least, Pv t. EricMillar Reeve had two weeks awayfrom Ft , Moyer, V a.Howard P. Hulscbocch is soloingnow and is also pleased and. hc.ppydoing it-which is more than dandyunder the circumstances.Pvt. Elmer F. Fcroday is alsolucky in that he lilies the army voryiiiuch. Elmer writes us from Camp Leoso maybe he can got together withPvt. Llonahan for a bull session- incase ho doesn't already know Claude.Pvt. Gustavo W. Larson is enjoy-ing life and plenty of experiencesat, and near, March Field, C al .We'll expect to see you looking in-delibly sun-kissod next time yougive the four corners a treat, G us.Joseph A. Bennett 3rd is a happyboy, too, and hopes to enter Offi-cers Training soon although wo havenot heard exactly whor'o.Here is something to leave aroundcarelessly Don. Perhaps sorae poop-ing Tom of a superior will snoopthrough your tent, road this, anddecorate you accordingly. Cpl. Don-ald F. Cooper of the Millburn-ShortHills Coopers "is most enthusiasticabout his officers and feels he iclearning a groat dcalrt. Good boyDon, you should go far - and wodon't mean mil eage,Eugene H. Grccnberg has pissedhis training in Newport swisiraingiy^.nd is now in Noroton, Conn. Geneis at the U. S. Naval Training

    School - deep in the mysteries ofradio. iGeorge Ac Jacobus ''appreciatesthe paper" but we wouldn't knowwhy. George is busy lecturing onPyro

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    to enclose with a box of roses toliis best g i r l * Nice idea-oxceptho forgot to sign tiio tender m e s s -ago and tiic heart throb can't gi vehim the cred it. All very fine to"Say it with flowers" but whet ifthe flowers won' t talk?1st Lt . A. Leo Kahn is wi th theMedic al Detachme nt -Reception Cen-ter and station hospital at FortDix so he sees all his M illburnfriends on their wa y thr oug h. L t .Kahn says the morale is good andall the men arc anxious to do theirp a r t . In addition to giving -themthe once over lightly, Kahn attendsclasses on Military science but ,despite being so busy he is gain-ing weight.

    Another pal who will be a stylishstout if he inn't careful is A. 0 .Douglas Co Ma tt ic e. Doug, wh o isat San Antonio has gained 10 poundswhi ch meant letting out the scamsof his trousers, to say nothing ofbuying a brand new bo lt . Just inthe knick of time too because hewas called out to the parade groundand discovered that he and his oth-er shapely friends were being re-viewed by F. Do R. in pers on.S t . Sgt. Gordon K. Mattice,Doug'sbrother, is at Holl iday sbur g, Pa .and finds it a grand little spotwhich lives up to its name* Aftertrying other spots during his twoyears in the service Gordon saysthis tops them all and the "natives"keep the boys well stuffed withhome cooked Sunday dinners.

    S t . Sgto Edwin Kaiser who is backat the old stand, doing pharuacout-ical work for the army instead ofyou know whore, has taken a fourroom cottage wit h another bo y. Eddocs the cooking, his pal thecleaning, and wi th a newly- acquiredradio they onjoy their "at homes"(beer parties to y o u . ) .

    L t . Paul Howard Nelson will beable to keep that skin you love totouch in a wel l tnnnod conditi onfor a fow months more.. P a u l , afterbasking and working in the sun ofHobo Sound, Fla, snatched a quick

    week-end at home the first of Oc-tober, before transferring to DrewField Florid a ag ain.C a . p t . C. Ho cn Phi lip s has als obe en moved - now it's Camp I-Iaxcy,

    Paris - Tex as instea d of F t . S i l l ,O k l a .Seaman Carl B e Kr.upp, Jr. hasbeen in servic e four yoars Ma y 1 7 ,which should ma ke him a we ll sea-soncd 3alt bj?" now..Fred Lc gg et t has just bee n sentto gunners mate school after p a s s -ing his ex am s. Ever yth ing isagreeing with Freddie because he'sgained 12 po un ds , lov es the foo d,and finds the officers grand - orvice-versa.Via the well worn grapevine, wohear that Arthur Macomber is agogover Indians , Mex ica ns, Chi nese ,and c'ov/bpys, and halfbrocds, . .butespecially the older generationof "B ra ve s" wh o stil l we ar th eirhair in pigta ils,.o ut in Ya ki ma ,17ash. . . W e l l , .by the time wo rat-tle off this news sheet, themthnr "Inj uns " arc not the onl yones wi th the ir ha ir in a brai diIf anyon e h ears Pv t . Rc.3rm.0nd

    Monohan mutt erin g "you a l l n or"Call me 'sugar 7'1, they will re-alize that he has been transfer-red to Camp Le o, Va. and h aspicked up some local vernacular.along with his military uanocuvcrs.Sea man 1st class Redm ond Rog ersis studying radio at Atlantic Citybut docsnVt tell in whi ch fa ncyhotel he's slung his ha mmo ck.Having completed his prelimin-ary training at the Phi lad elp hiaNavy Yar d, Air Cadet J.D.Scotthas departed for the Lone StarS t a to.Anoth er loca l family has cra sh-ed th ro ugh with' an "r.ll out" a or- 4vice record..we mdan the Richard has rec ent lyenlisted in the Air Force, and isnow at Randolph Field, brot her is with the Ar my .,and the thir d is in the N av y. .a llof wh ic h shows a co mme nda blespread of patr ioti c se nt im en t.

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    OoC. Joseph P, Day Jr. writesfrom Carlisle Pa. that though thework is hard (whore have wo hoardTHAT before?) ho feels that thereis a real purpose behind what he isdoing..ho h".s lost three inches ofwaistline but claims ho is "physi-cally hard and mentally??? 1.'.toquote his own words (personally wocan substitute "OK" for those threequestion marksJ

    Corp. Al Berbe.ricii is creditedwith making his friend John Ilaro-himc very happy by writing him aletter latoly..and no wond er-,seeing as it was Al who encouragedJohn to join tho Navy in the firstpiceo!Lucky James Nicol is stationed in*nearby Pa... near enough to got honeweekends.Wo know you'll agrco when we saythat Sgt. Ed Lonorgan is a mightythoughtful lad to have sent hismother a birthday cable from some-where in England.Pvt. John Raffier, who was Joff-roy's gardnor at Camp Croft, S.C.(if that means anything to you?)writes that ho is working hard..So arc wo all, real warwas ever listed in the "Pie nclass,Norman Gray, recently homo forthe weekend, is in tho Rising SunSchool of Acron ntucis ("loominghow to set the Jap Sun permanentlywo hopcS.).. .no's happy and well andthinks his is the best branch ofthe service . .Good for you, Norman;

    FROZEN ASSETSSometimes wo wonder3 in ourgirlish w ay, how you boys are laa-k-ing out with all the stuff wo cannot got any more of "for the dura-tion" drop us a lino SOLEEODYand tell us what you do with thefrozen peanut butter, coffeebaby clothes, genuine alii,"" torshoos and nylon stockings.-*just tomention a fow of the "no mor e"commodities..and as if that isn'tgrim enough..they write songs aboutyou losing your heart at The Stage

    Door Canteen..with nary a blentabout us losing our glamour tosome cannon factors7 who has a ra-pacious appetite for lipsticks andcold creamj (of course we reallyaren't as addle-headed as thi sounds..its just th at , as we can't shootoff Japs and Nazis..well, the nestbest thing is to shoot off ourfaces...and our imagination goeson delicious fancy~>flights rumin-ating on how in the deuce our"fro-zenwfeminine fluff can damage A-dolph or Tojo,STORK- 0L13B' SECTION

    MyJ myS,. its a question as towhich flies most...time , or thestork?.as, counting on our fin-gers, it seems that the long leggedbird is certainly doing his best toearn an Army-Navy"E"..ju dging fromall the three cornered pant newswe've been hearing..We can not tellyou all we know jnst* Howeve r, adaughter, Nancy Louis e, was bornto Major and Mrs. (Jane Neuman)James N. Robert son. , and L t. Ro H.Bruning U OS, N. and Mrs . Bruninghave recently been blessed with athird son,

    BURNING EARS DEPT.and we don't mean cornlOur lap is full of news clippingsanent two local heros.and in caseyou haven't already heard, we'llgive you a bit of a resumee...Po I. C. Peter Schul tz, U.S. M.C ,has been recommended -for a citationfor saving the lives of 5 compan*-ions on the sinking "Yorktown".,jettisoning,as he did so, a payrollof 50 grand in order to make therescues.And somewhore out Solomon way,P.F.C. Harold. Smi th (yepI son ofour police Se rgea nt) has baggedhimself a we see by thepapers...and incidentally, Harry'sparents did not know of his where-abouts until they read of his Jap-grabbing in the news..Since- then

  • 8/14/2019 American Women's Voluntary Services - Oct 1942


    y- V.- 6 -

    he has written them those hoartywords (And we'd like to send a copyto every blanket y-blani: strikertooJ) "Wo likcod I-I--TS out of them...but keep on sending us pianos andships, as wo can use thorn!)BATING OUR OWN LORDS' DEPT.(And wo tr,uat it doesn't crunch" anloud as colory)

    It seems that we be,stowed the ti-tle of Lieutenant (senior grado)U.S-.N.R. on Bill Ridgoway, lastissue..and we leor that he is a J'.G....Anyhow, we feel a though wohad played him'a higli-or,'.>rathor than a lower ranking..aswe arc sure his toolings weren'thurt by our "OVERs'igh't"; Incident-ally, Bill has been transferredfrom Cornell to Harvard Naval Train-ing School, whore though he hasbettor home commuting facilities,all trainees are not allowed morethan 50 miles from the base..sohis wif e, and young Bill mus t, per-force trek up to see him.

    Wo would, at this time, and inthis column, like to thank Pvt,Frank Marckctta for writing that' hofinds our words delicious and ed-ible, .here's hoping you don't runout of soda mints before polishingoff this issuei!ON TIPS 3rB:iINIMg_jgONT_

    The first "W..i.A.-C," f i w Hill-burn, is-.- irginia Crctor, daughterof Mr . end Mr s. Philip Oroter, whohas been sworn into the ranks ofthis growing woman's A m y and isnow in training at Ft.. Dcs iloincu,Iowa.Two new "T.7.A V.3.3." are Ilary P 6Malloil, who is studying to becomean Ensign at Smith..and Dorothy'Johnson who is at Oklahoma A> andM. preparing "to bo a 'yeoman (or ,should wo say yoowoman?). i

    B J ^ i A - J ^ i g g g J _ A M D [ ^ C H E V R O N S ^This time we will start by snoop-

    ing around the scuttlebutts andmontioning the nautical r . R o Ho Bruiting has received a

    full Lieutenant'a commission in theU. S, N. and is stationed in theBureau of Medicine and Surgery atWashington, D. c.Two more now full Lieutenants arcFairfiold P. Day, U.S.N.R. and Haw-;1ley Jaquith, U.S =N .A .V.S .Newcomers in the ranks of lieu-tenants (,j.'g.) arc D r , W, To Mu r-phy; Douglas Powell; I . Barry RyanJ r . , Crawford I'innor; and EdwardFonncr.The gay insignia of Seaman 2ndClass adorns the sleeve of RoccoG iannattasio. .and, word has justroachod us that Gerald Radnovitchis a Naval Aviation Cadot,From the Halls of Montczuma to-'the Shores of Tripoli can bo foundThomas o'Mahonoy and Edward Go Roffsporting Captain's rankings..andAlan Do.ubloday nov: wears the Lieu-tenant's fjingle gold bar,With the Army we find its now Ma -jor Francis P. Skidmore and ClarkTaplin has become a 1st LicutonantAmong the shiny-new, gold bars arc2nd Lieutenanta Roger Townsond,AoA.I?.; Bernard Hornockor Jr.'; andStephen Barkor Jr . and David Bar-tron..the last WoMaontionod arcalso candidates for our,. "Cupid'sCoraor D^pt." as you will socS

    Gosh.'.thoro are so mans?" nowchevron's that this sheet will looklike e. telephone directory (tonsergeants among fcm.* count. themyourself II) Bill DcCampj RobertThoriiley; H'.arvoy Wolt on; ChristianFoster; John Bates; Robert Home-stead; Frank Simon; and throe"Joes"*namely, Cavianio, Fori.Lichelli andl t iGloops 11 .Tv; now corporals onour lictii (Are there any good olobuck privates left at all?) the "Lucky Dozen" consists of AndrewGould; Lewis Bufo; Aiden Hinc; CarlGardner; Marcus Hanson; Tom Lyons;Dick Couroon; Al Ecrbcrich; John

    Sporanza; John Paluribo; and CarmenId ore (another customer for TCu-

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    pid's Corner")..all of which onlymakes eleven, after all..wo neverwere too good at arithmetic '.Its P,F.C. in front of the nancsof Wick Marcentonio; Fred Herrigcl3rd; Aaron Bass; Rocoo Fiola; Vin-cent Kane; Fred Miclko; ProsperStanzialo; and Bill Vandcrbilt (andarc wo out of "breath by this t i n enevertheless we can pause in ourpanting long enough to smile athow well 3>"ou are all climbing theUp-and-up laddcrl)SMALL V/ORLD DEPT .

    Arthur Macomber writes that hehas seen Ruse Thomas, who , in turn,writes that he has seen Vic Prin-cipal, who in turn, doesn't writethat ho has scon anybody.. .'howabout it??Then, when two men moot "DownUnder" for tho first time, only todiscover that their respectivegrandfathers lived across thostreet from each other years ago,in IJillburn. .that :is definitelyrn^ at for this department!!.bo-ll .ve It or now.,that is just whathappened to Corp. Matthew Stanzialoand a guy named Trcngrovol

    TARNISHED SILVER LINING MP'S.One sobbing look at our poorfingers, black and blue from pound-ing this miserable and recalcitranttypewriter, and wo feel like crawl-ing into this column, ourselves,for the duration! 1 (Did niayond everfall into a comatose state at atypewriter?) Ifell, anyway, we can

    spoon up a large .supply of ^ityfrom our own private stoc forSgt. Clarence Blair, who, usiiig hisknee as a desk, writers that thoughthe scc-nory is beautiful, the localdenizens give our boys the coldshoulder, which is rather depress-ing, .however..he adds that tho ar-rival of the "Tattlo" makes himrealise he id not all alone endforgotten by the home front (incase you haven't guossod,.he's inbU.P. " our abbreviation for U:i-

    kiiown Parts7'..end pullcnso don'tspoil it backwardsi IHmm, .no word from Jimmy L uit-woiller this month..whatever canbe the matter?Written from a pup tent in candlelight-Joe Mr.rcentonio pens happywords of appreciation to us "wini-min" for bringing jo\x all a littlecloser to homo and fri end s- via.our news shoot. Good luck to you ,Joo- and bon voy age ! -Norman Hornocko r writes from;tSomcwhcro in Eng land"- that wohelp bring back man y memorie s of"Dear OIo Millburn" - also thelocal Belles here can bow and bl ushprettily as Nor man says that thothe scenory and parks arc nicewhere he is - tho pulchritude isnot comparable-to Llillburn's fair

    Johnny Pctrillo cays thrt as al-ways - this billydoo spreads choor-ho hopes to be in "Eot Territory"soon.11= Edmund Cox has boon made acompany commander at Camp in M o .(v/e'ro smiling with you Ed.S)From Now Ilozico Hand lcy Dickcnsonsends us ma ny comalimentG - In answerto your query- the home folks maypurchase c.op'os of the "Tattle" forthe modost price of clime as we havementioned before and the chargehelps defray costa-wv- can not mailhome subscriptions as wit h our pre-sent and ever increasing "servicelist" - you can understand tho profelera.

    A victory Letter" from Ed Grccn-baufli tolls us to Ttkcop up the goodwork" as it is as"good a rofroshor"as he can think of- (wo will, Ed,if wo can manag e our rapidly sw ell-ing heads) -"Soldier Rocco" as PFCRocco Fiola signs himself, sands usa nowsoy epistle from Florida(lucky you, Roccol) where besidesgetting a super tan ho Is alsodrill instructor. Ho adds that holikes his job and is healthy andfine and that the Air Force issupplied v;ith notod talent for on-'tortainment such aB Myrna Lo y,Graco Moore and Mars?' Carlisle -plus

  • 8/14/2019 American Women's Voluntary Services - Oct 1942


    - 3 -Football, Boxing and Singing Starsfrom the rc.nks-How about a letter direct from ycuCorp, Lewis 3ufo?. Sgt. Homstcad sends us c. comiccard with tho message that thingskpap piling up (but doesn't morndislios) at hie camp and that ho cannot find time to wrlto just yot.all wo can say is come out fron un-der that pilo Bob and drop us ir bitof news coon.

    The list of you moil' in foreignservice f^rowe longer all the timebut altho v/o don't know where youare tho postmasters do, G O lots hopyou receive plenty of well filledshoe boxos-comc Christmas* Juottnini: of the grim tics you'll oc-capo having to ret pleased over too.This is one year when your groatAunt Tillic settles for a regula-tion job rather than a mis-placedrainbow.

    First on our list as RichardDonnison Courson who was forcod tol^avo his lovely bride of six weeksand sail for Parts Uniaiownj. A c-blcarrived from Denny saying he'slanded safely but suppose v/o won'tknow on what boach for a long timo.Lieutenants H^nry Ellwood Arns-dorf and Edward Walton Aryros havealso reassured their families thatthey've arrived safely.P vt, J".nos Ilcna ca \vho a dnit s " I' ma man of few words-novor write a-bout myself "-which considering tho -Connors, is probably just as welland a gront tine savor.Staff Sgt. George H. B-.tcnan likoshis present post and, if he's anold,friend you can get his long andcomplicated new address from hisfamily.Theso two brothers, Corp. andPvt. Rizzo arc both somewhere inEngland now but they are still hop-ing they c nn meet.Pvt. Norman Crcran and Sgt . Law-rence Vf. Baraby wind up the list cfthose who have gotten places and

    dene things recently* Good luck to

    all of thorn and just think whatsophisticated-world travelers theywill be when this is over. CUPID'SC ORNER

    Vfoll, gentlemen, since v/o lastwent to press Cupid has been busylike anything. \In September, Liout. StophonBarker, Jr., U. S. Air Force, sonof Mr . and Mrs. Barker (Mr. B. *should ring a bell for you chaps)married Miss Eilocn o'Bricn Smith,daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus P.Smith of Garden City, L. I. at thoCathedral of Incarnation there.Only the immediate families and a'few frionds wore present and w'owish to add to theirs, our goodwishes tc Lt. and.Mrs. Barker.Abcut tho sane time Mr. andMrs. Edward Mayor of Newark gavea glsoriouD party at the CopleyPlaza, Boat on to announce the en-gagement of their daughter, DorisRuth, tc Ensign Robert Vandorbilt,son of Mr. and Mrs . Arthur T. Van-dorbilt- of Short Hills. This lo-cale was necessary as Ensign Van-dcrbilt is in tho Naval Reserveat Cambridge, Mass. No date fortho wedding has been announced.September 19th Miss Anne R.Hutton, daughter of Mrs. Lcf.fortsliutton, N.Y.C., formerly of MarionAvc., Short Hills and V/illiam W.Jancway, Aviation Cadet, son andheir of Dr. and Mrs. Janoway ofStatcu Island, swept up the aisleof G-raco ED1"C opal Church, C nd on,S. C. Mrs". John A. M,-cGalan, thebride's sister war. maid of he norand the families cf our j cungcouple v/oro . all present except forCapt. Lefforts Hutton who was inthe Canal Zone. Cadet and Mr s.Janoway will live at Shaw Field,Sup-tor, S= C, until further orders*Next to him in barracks is CadetRobert Kostor who has been trans-ferred from Ocala, Fla.

    And while we arc in the balmysouth Mr, and Mrs , A. Atwoll An-derson of Greenville, Miss.

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    - 9 -announce the maTriago cf theirbeloved. Krthr.rinc to Roger C.Tov/nsond, son of Mrs, Frank' W.Lawronoo of Slope Drive, ShortHills. The Qridcgroon is a 2ndIt. A m y Air Forces and is an in-structor at Maxwell Field, Ala.

    The sleepy lagoons and tropicalmoons arc very effective, eh?The more thought sccricd enoughfor George Jn Pisches asbola.tod word has just cone toCupid fs burning oar that he wasmarried just before entering theservice. We don't know who crwhore - Please , George. He wasrecently hone on furlough visit-ing his uncle of Alp's rostour-nnt.Lt. Albert N. Drake of CampLee, Va . and Hias Katharine A.Graves of Crcstwcod Drive, Maple-wood did the double "I do" at St.Andrews Church, So. Orange onOctober 10 . Lt . Colonel and Mr s.Drake entertained for our happycouple the night boforo the wod*-ding. Wo add our congratulationsto so nany others., and ycu shouldknow also that the bride wro adroan of ivory satin, of rosepoint lace and gardenias and theMisses Harriet Hooka, Elaine Bron-nan, Mary Elizabeth Qgdon andFaith Kirkbride, wore bridosnaida,wore ccral and blue.

    First Presbyterian and TrinityChurch, South Orange saw cupidtriumphant last Saturday as KissMuriel Rodgera, daughter of Mr s.Arthur Rodgors of Park Avo . EastOrange, in pale bluo failletaffeta wed Willian Stewart Ander -son, son of Mr. and Mrs. HaroldAnderson of Fairfield Drive,Short Hi ll s. The Andersons are -on a short henoynoon and thenBill must report to Fort Dix .

    Ensign Janes Oliver Moore ofthe Naval Air Corps, an aluriinuscf Millburn High School and Will-iam and Mary College, Williams-burg, V a . should foci very r.iuchat hono taking his bride, MissPeggy Jones cf Salt Lake City,

    Utah to live at Norfolk, Va,They wore married recently atAtlington Ave., PresbyterianChurch, East Orange with a snailbut gay reception at the Mooreresidence. Next month we'll givoyou the details of Al Meyer Jrs 1narriago to Dorothy Barton ofEast Orange whic h wil l take placeOctober 24th.Privo 1st Class Edward Y7. Shiveand Miss Rogina Noll of Cliftonwere married on Sept . 10 th andhave returned to Fort Warden,Yfash. Ed has boon in the armytwo years sc ho wa s awarded 15days leave - 5 days tc come homo,,fivo dry.s to get married and fivedays tc get back tc his post.Congratulations to the Shivers -we hoar Washington is n lovelyplace in wint er.Aricng the recently announcedongngoiiont of interest tc ourfighting forces arc Miss LucyKarkloy, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs.Edw. A, Marklcy at G-rosv.ojjor Rd.-,Short Hills tc Sergeant RichardAntiirny Du nne, Army Air Fo rces ,of Ccnvent IT. J.

    Miss Jane Taplin, d"ughtcr ofMr. and Mr s . C. V. Taplin ofKiliburn to Lt. David liartron, sonof lit. and Mr s . R. C. BartrcnMiss Francos Rossi of ScotchPlains tc our Corporal C. M.Id or e.Miss Madeleine DcRollo ofElizabeth tc our Staff SergeantVictor Principa l.viewish we could send ycu alla "bucket of orange blossoms butit would1 be a little tec hard onthe Vitamin crop. Yo u can secthat Cupid has boon a busy littlefollow but v/ofrc still chubbyand ardent as evor.

    SPORTSThis is old stuff hew that'./ rids Scries has been broughtto ycu in cvci^ fern from paperto phonograph rocords~-but justsc you won't fergot all about

  • 8/14/2019 American Women's Voluntary Services - Oct 1942


    m- 10 -Chuck Wcr&s glorious Indians, theyjournoyod on, masse tc Ebbotz Fieldto sco the Do.dgors split a doubleheader with the Phillies and aftor-ward dined at the restaurant oper-ated lay Freddy Fitzsixmcns the*Brooklyn Pitcher, whoso hand theyall clasped.On the gridirons, Llillburn HighSchool dropped their first ga'iiiori the season to Wdstficld'.s fa-vored eleven, 7 -0 . Midway in thesecond period when Dick Hillicrreceived Joe Catallo's pu nt, an.dgalloped 50 yards behind noat in~tcrforonco for the only touchdown .Mi-llburn'a Cnpt, Boiling Roborts.cnplcyod a brilliant defensive gc.noand faces wont hone happy and con-fident that 1942 season would notrepeat the sad story of 1941.

    Right they wore too as the fol-lowing week our tean crushed theSummits 1 2 - 0 for their firstwin in 15 starts.Bob Finossy rccovorod a fumbleon the Hilltoppcrs 30 yd stripeand after a scries of line playsand short passes Bob cross-ed the goal line tc score. In thefourth quarter Gene Consalos con-no c tod a forward pass with BobWard, right end, who went cv^ r forthe second touchdown standing up.The spirit of triunph was observedpersonally by your correspondentas the victorious tcan boarded thetrain on which wo wore riding,carolling "Who wori the ganc - wowon the g^no" or words to thateffect. Last week wo played apowerful Glen Ridge aggregation40 -12 in favor of Glen RidgoiiThe second tcaxi defeated MadisonHigh 2nds 7-0 on Colur.ibus Day be-fore a largo Holiday crowd.The American Legion loads tho"A" bcwling league with tho highscore of 909 and the nCff leagueis led by Lackawanna with 915 hot-ly pursued by tho S-uth with 867 .Youngs with 833 has the BusinessMon's League practising nigh ts.

    The 200 B-vjlors a rc"A" League - McCauloyMcDcugall

    BontonpoMayo252241220215Marcantonio 213CatulloCanpancllcPritchardFreinan

    "C" League LachatJ. SnithJ a c k s . c nTricla,Business Men's Me seesLeeds

    20 91 20 620 320 122320 122120 0232220