ammar lateef oman insurance filled application

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Post on 03-Apr-2018




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  • 7/28/2019 Ammar Lateef Oman Insurance Filled Application


    Oman Insurance Company (P.s.c.) .f "(.t~tY ~.J l-.J~ ~~,/ ,/


    Please complete this form using BLOCK CAPITALS and by ticking the relevant items. Kindly enclose Passport copies and photographs ofthe members to be insured.! 1. Applicant's Details ~;;J I ..,.J 1..b ' :: 'L . o . , J a . . .1 I

    - ,- - A t Y l f Y 1 A I Z . . - - - - - - 4 E g J Z E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date of Birth : dd JlL mm'-_k J Y _ _L 9 - & r -t"''il - .. ( e .l~1 t:'-,w' S ! i . " ~ . Occupation :. /; l ! f ! : : . c g Y J k e d ~00 _ _ I _ Y . ' L l } ! ! , . o / Nationalrty : p.~'_~- A . T A -N . l _4-J 1 tJ ~I fl80l Weight (kg) r&7tlL-.l (~)j)1 L-.l

    No. of,Children D UAE Residents Only.l'iJ '!wI.)L.)'1J y J ;..b~Name

    Gender B.Marital Status

    ~~iijJWI; Female~ Height (em)(ru) J "lJ 1Darriedr;:J y.. Singleyjci Divorced~/~D. Dependents' Details. ~ ...,..~~J .!..>U:i2rName of Dependeni- J h.J 1~ t"'1I1------ 1

    . Relationship to ApplicantI 0:"~..,..JU,;~''''1

    Weight (kg) Iuj)1

    Date of Birth ..L J l;..J 1t:'~.wDay fY. Month~ year:u...Height (em)J "lJ 1

    Ir - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - ,r - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I IE ~~=~--~-- - -~I f ~~l... I r-j


    I 3. Address u1fo.l\_3co~~~ame: .- -- P -f~X f-Q -J?1 .. t! :---------------- -- --- -----p~ : ~x: ~ E~~~~: .. -----------------~ ~~~-I--~--------------~ ~ I e ~ ~ ~~----------------------------- R e J i w i 1 - - ? ? - ': r . r r - 1 J - ~ 1 _ - < f - - - - - - Fax;S\i-----------------------------------------------I 4. (a) Geographical Coverage Required ~ ,:,."u...J I4!I.P.J 1UI.l.J I (I) .4DUAB o nly r-J UAB, occ & In dia n Sub-Continent.J .;;Uy...)'1 ~ WIi}ilI

  • 7/28/2019 Ammar Lateef Oman Insurance Filled Application


    a) Do you or any person(s) you wish to insure is a professional sportsman or engage in any hazardous sports or activities?d !>y.,.;. ~u,Ltl .,1~t....,t,u~I ~


    Oman Insurance Company (P.S.C.) . ~ /(. > ) ".h f/.1.,.~ ..t.(".0'l ~u-.->G.;,y v-=.-~" "

    6.Life Style .\.;.oJI"t..j .6

    lfyou have answered YES, please give details of your activities: U. J ;..oIJ :ilIJ . .>j ~ ~ IJ !

    Smoke~Drink Alcohol J ~ yfoStay abroad for more than 60 days during the year L.J! 60 0" fol ~ .,.>11:;:..Jli.~

    !.u~,,"~,,1 "l.u0-yJl utsu!1Y"'';I:ilI~~~1 (..,. . Yes ~NOYes NoYes Nob) Do you or any person(s) you wish to insure:

    If you have answered YES, please give details of quantity and frequency::4til1 J .!...oIJ :ilIu, . , ! ~~,Jl1~ ~ ~'JI < 5 '" " " J .; ~~! u , ' U lj!

    7.1.lIsura:nce History ~UJI .\.;.oJ \(:PJ ;..oI.i:i .7

    a) Are you presently insured under any other health insurance coverage?!..foi ~ u,;. -I:i~I

  • 7/28/2019 Ammar Lateef Oman Insurance Filled Application


    2 Malnnoud S. ShalabMedical Underwriting

    Oman Insurance Company (P.S.C.) s- J /'(- 11. (/J__ c_. t ("' lY' ~\....lJ~1.......Y v . . . . = - - v - ' " "/. /-

    c) Have you or any person(s) you wish to insure ever suffered from any following. Please answer "Yes" or "NO" to all questions writtenbelow:

    .~IJ I Uw,\11~ ~ "'J" J I "~" -!~i _J i..\1rJ J~.) i . J " " ' , y . y . ",1o- io~I:"';.) "--'I E . J " '" y:l ~ ',?1J IWlI~.C J .h(.::.Yes No_~ 'J1. Heart ,Blood vessel, Hypertension and circulatory V ,y.\yl ..b...;,J IJ A.;y>lL~:l\J yliIl .1diseases .:G.yl\2. Congenital and hereditary diseases ./ ~.J J J 4 f o ;. . wlA~ ,y.\yi .2

    3. Cancer, and blood d.iseases v ~ ,y.lyi '0U,yJ I .34. Neurological, mental and psychological disease -: ~J~ ,'.))_",.)1 ~y'1l .45. Kidney and calculus disease v A . ; ) $ . l \ w\y-=l J ~ ,y.\yi -56. Digestive disorders V' ~ j~1 ,y.\yi .67. Respiratory system diseases VA ~ j~1 ,y.lyl _ 78. Skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases .~~ A.s..;IYJ ;4.lI,y.yi .89. AIDS ~ ~11 _9lD . Boneand.muscle diseases - ../ W)W,.j1J ~.kll ,y.lyi .lD11. Genitourinary system disorders v ~li:il\ J ~~ j~1 ,y.\yoi .1112. I..vmphatic system diseases ../ "'J 1i.)J 1j~,y.IY'i ,J213. Your wife pregnant V J ,.6.4)I J A .13]4. Endocrine and metabolic disorders like diabetes V elk ~J .I......J \ J .14',?fi..J \15. Rheumatoid and irurnunology V ~WIHy1...-,jl _1516. Pre-operative and operation V ~.J1 ~ wl.Iy..'1IJ wt,.l-l\ .16I?Ba.ckPain ,/ ~1~11 _ 1 718. Nervous system diseases ,/ ~j~,y.yi .1819 , Eye and Ear diseases i/ (j.YIJ ~ ,y.lyl .1920_ Any sickness, medical complication. , any condition not ../ .J !f:. ulolyi ,A.;...;.y :I 1

    -No. Insured Name Medicine Name Daily Dosage Date from which medicines wererAjl ~1i'""'1 .IJ .>1'""'\ A.;..~\:i.:.~1 started.IJ .>It,...:;...1.;1.l.): : : ; . J i : JL2.3.4. -5.

    Current MedicationsWI.: .. \ f J j t Z : i u = > l1 ~J~I

    d) Has any member of your family (patents, brothersor sisters) had heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, congenital disease ordeformity, cancer, nervous or mental disorders, kidney disease, hemophil ia and/or muscular dystrophy?

    ,y.lyl ,ui..6y>A.;ihil