ammg feb 2006

AVIATION MAINTENANCE MANAGER S GUIDE FEB 2006 Table of Contents Section 1 – Introduction…………………………………………………………………………...2 Section 2 – Personnel ……………………………………………………………………………...3 Section 3 – Maintenance Management ……………………………………………………………9 Section – !ualit" #ssurance…………………………………………………………………...16 Section $ – %e&lo"ment 'ogistics……………………………………………………………….23 Section 6 – #ircra(t )ecei&t and *rans(ers ………………………………………………………26 Section + – #,iation Maintenance Management ………………………………………………...29 Section - – Maintenance Ins&ections …………………………………………………………….30 Section 9 – anni/aliation #ircra(t Preser,ation and Storage …………………………………32 Section 10 %amaged #ircr a(t ………………………………………………………………….33 Section 11 Maintenance %e&artment Sa(et" …………………………………………………..3$ Section 12 – Su&&ort Eui&ment ………………………………………………………………...0 Section 13 – Su&&l"……………………………………………………………………………...1 Section 1 – #ircra(t )ecords and )e&orting S"stems ……………………………………….….$ Section 1$ – S&ecial Programs and t4er #reas o( Interest ……………………………………..+ 5se(ul 'ins……………………………………………………………………………………..$2 #l&4a/etical Inde7……………………………………………………………………………….$  

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Table of Contents

Section 1 – Introduction…………………………………………………………………………...2

Section 2 – Personnel……………………………………………………………………………...3

Section 3 – Maintenance Management……………………………………………………………9

Section – !ualit" #ssurance…………………………………………………………………...16

Section $ – %e&lo"ment 'ogistics……………………………………………………………….23

Section 6 – #ircra(t )ecei&t and *rans(ers………………………………………………………26

Section + – #,iation Maintenance Management………………………………………………...29

Section - – Maintenance Ins&ections…………………………………………………………….30

Section 9 – anni/aliation #ircra(t Preser,ation and Storage…………………………………32

Section 10 – %amaged #ircra(t………………………………………………………………….33

Section 11 – Maintenance %e&artment Sa(et"…………………………………………………..3$

Section 12 – Su&&ort Eui&ment………………………………………………………………...0

Section 13 – Su&&l"……………………………………………………………………………...1

Section 1 – #ircra(t )ecords and )e&orting S"stems……………………………………….….$

Section 1$ – S&ecial Programs and t4er #reas o( Interest……………………………………..+

5se(ul 'ins……………………………………………………………………………………..$2

#l&4a/etical Inde7……………………………………………………………………………….$ 

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Section 1 - Introdction!ac" to Table of Contents

Disclai#er$ T%e A&iation Maintenance Mana'ers Gide is intended to be a

tool for all related Maintenance (rocedres and (ersonnel) T%is 'ide in no*a+ is to be sed as an official #aintenance (blication) T%is 'ide is

intended to ser&e as a ,ic" reference to official directi&es)

U(dates$ C%an'es to t%is doc#ent are *elco#e) T%e na&al a&iation

co##nit+ is *elco#e to sb#it c%an'es to #a"e t%e 'ide a sefl tool for

all a&iation #aintenance #ana'er)

Text highlighted in yellow are items that are in the process of being researched

 for current information (i.e., such as hard-to-find references).


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Section - .ersonnel!ac" to Table of Contents

1. .ersonnel. *4e management o( maintenance &ersonnel is a &rime res&onsi/ilit" o( t4eMaintenance ((icer. *4is management reuires not onl" a constant a8areness o(esta/lis4ed reuirements relati,e to re&orting o( &ersonnel matters /ut also a 8oringno8ledge o( t4e ,arious &rograms a,aila/le t4at 84en &ro&erl" a&&lied 8ill en4ance t4ee((ecti,eness o( t4e assigned &ersonnel. *4e diagram /elo8 s4o8s *4e seuence o( tass /"84ic4 t4e general mission gets translated into readiness *4e transition (rom Manpower  to Personnel  and *4e role o( Man&o8er  Requirements in t4e entire MP* &rocess.

a. #llo8ances and Manning . nline re(erences

4tt&::8e/.n&,".mil:;is4ore:m&t:%e(ault.4tm  <a," %irecti,es nline

4tt&  Marine or&s om/at%e,elo&ment enter 

4tt&,.ns(:8e/=orders ((icial 5SM >e/site

4tt&::888.a,,".mil:  <#?#I) *ec4 *raining@ome&age

 /. rders %irecti,es and Manuals.

P<#?I<S* 1000.16A Manual o( <a," *ools ForceMan&o8er 


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M $311.1 *otal Force Structure Process *FSPC

M $320.12E Precedence 'e,els For Manning andSta((ing

1C Suadron Man&o8er %ocuments S!M%sC. Issued /" t4e < %<Man&o8er Personnel and *rainingC t4e S!M% dis&la"s /" indi,idual /illets t4euantitati,e and ualitati,e man&o8er reuirements o( an indi,idual a,iation suadron or aclass o( suadrons and t4e rationale (or t4e determination o( man&o8er reuirements.)euirements are &redicated u&on statements o( )euired &erational a&a/ilities )Cunder a ProDected &erational En,ironment PEC aircra(t con(iguration s&eci(ied o&erating &ro(ile com&uter 8orload and esta/lis4ed doctrinal constraints.

  2C S4i& Man&o8er %ocument SM%C. Issued /" t4e < %< Man&o8erPersonnel and *rainingC t4e SM% dis&la"s in detail uantitati,e and ualitati,e man&o8erreuirements o( an indi,idual s4i& or class o( s4i&s and t4e rationale (or determination o( t4e

reuirements. )euirements are &redicated u&on a )euired &erational a&a/ilit" )Cstatement under a ProDected &erational En,ironment PEC s4i& con(iguration s&eci(iedo&erating &ro(ile com&uted 8orload and esta/lis4ed doctrinal constraints suc4 as standard8or8ees lea,e &olic" etc.

3C Man&o8er #ut4oriation MP#C P<#?1000:2C. *4e ualitati,e anduantitati,e e7&ression o( man&o8er reuirements aut4oried /" < (or a na,al acti,it". It4as t4e (ollo8ing uses and a&&lications 

aC #s an e7&ression o( man&o8er needs o( an acti,it" it is t4e aut4orit" used /"t4e 4ie( o( <a,al Personnel and t4e a&&lica/le Enlisted Personnel %istri/ution ((ice to &ro,ide reuisite militar" &ersonnel distri/ution and <a,al )eser,e recall.

  /C It is t4e /asic document (or current and (uture &eacetime and mo/iliation <a,"militar" man&o8er &lanning in t4e areas o( &ersonnel strengt4 &lanning recruiting training &romotion &ersonnel distri/ution and <a,al )eser,e recall.

  cC It is t4e single o((icial statement o( organiational manning and /illetsaut4oried. Billets aut4oried are t4e /illets a&&ro,ed /" t4e 4ie( o( <a,al &erations (orcurrent o&erating conditions and ma" de&ending on t4e mission o( t4e acti,it" re&resent (ullorganiational manning i.e. SM% or S!M%.

  C Man&o8er #ut4oriation 4ange )euest P<#? 1000:#C. *4e documentused /" t4e acti,ities to reuest t4e assignment o( man&o8er or c4anges to Man&o8er#ut4oriations and /" t4e 4ie( o( <a,al &erations (or t4e introduction o( man&o8erreuirements data into t4e <a," Man&o8er %ata #ccounting S"stem <M%#SC.

  $C Enlisted %istri/ution ?eri(ication )e&ort E%?):10-01C. # mont4l" re&ort &romulgated /" t4e Enlisted Personnel Management enter EPM#C and ,eri(ied /" eac4acti,it" t4e E%?) s4o8s t4e on /oard count ratings <E codes distri/ution <Es and an"

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 &roDected losses or gains. Manning and assignment decisions are /ased u&on in(ormationcontained in t4e E%?). Eac4 acti,it" must ee& its account u&todate and accurate /"re&orting &ersonnel e,ents as t4e" occur and correcting errors 84en identi(ied.

  c. !uali(ication Programs. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4. 11 and ?olume ? 4.2

  1C Personnel !uali(ication Standards P!SC Program. P!S is a 8ritten com&ilation o(no8ledge and sills (or o((icers and enlisted &ersonnel. P!S is designed as a tool (or record

ee&ing o( training accom&lis4ed and means (or dis&la"ing in t4e 8or centerCindi,idualuali(ications. #,iation &ersonnel solel" (or s4i&/oard %amage ontrol uali(icationss4i&/oard 3M uali(ications Enlisted #,iation >ar(are E#>SC uali(ications and

Sa(et"uali(ications use P!S.

2C Maintenance *raining Im&ro,ement Program M*IPC. M*IP is a trainingmanagement s"stem 84ic4 t4roug4 diagnostic testing &rocedures identi(ies trainingde(iciencies at /ot4 t4e organiational and intermediate le,els o( maintenance. *4e &rogramis com&ati/le 8it4 and su&&orts t4e (ormal tec4nical training &rograms in na,al a,iation.

3C erti(ication:'icensing Program. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter $ 9 and 10?olume III 4a&ter + 10

  aC ertain sills 8it4in t4e maintenance de&artment reuire &eriodic certi(icationor recerti(ication suc4 as 8elders <ondestructi,e Ins&ection <%IC tec4nicians ordnance4andling and engine test cell o&erators. &eration o( ,arious t"&es o( Su&&ort Eui&mentSEC reuires licensed &ersonnel. *4e <#MP manual lists t4e sills reuiringcerti(ication:licensing and t4e &ertinent re(erences.

  d. *raining. )e(erences.

P<#?I<S* 3$00.3 Personnel !uali(ication StandardsP!SC Program

P<#?I<S* $100.19 <a," ccu&ational Sa(et" and @ealt4Program Manual (or Forces #(loat

P<#?I<S* $100.23 <a," ccu&ational Sa(et" and @ealt4Program Manual


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 <#?PE)S 1-06-F <a," Enlisted Man&o8er andPersonnel lassi(ications andccu&ational Standards

M +90.20 I*SS M#*MEP Procedures

 <#?E%*)# 31001 P!S Management uide

M<#?#I)ESI<S* 1$00.$ ommander <a,al #ir )eser,e Force#,iation Master *raining Manual

  1C *raining Prior to )e&orting. >4ene,er &ossi/le &ersonnel ordered intomaintenance &ositions s4ould recei,e sc4ooling &rior to re&orting to t4e acti,it".

2C *raining Programs. Maintenance training is a,aila/le (rom t4e <a,al #ir

Maintenance *raining %etac4ments <#M*%sC Fleet )eadiness #,iation MaintenancePersonnel F)#MPC &rogram <#ES5 &ersonnel and t4e <a,al #,iation %e&ots<#%EPsC. )euests (or uota control (or training courses must /e su/mitted /" t4e acti,it"to indi,idual training acti,ities i. e. <#M*% F)#MP etc. *4e ad,antages o( eac4 t"&e o(training and t4e end results s4ould /e considered 84en &lanning (or &roDected &ersonnellosses de&lo"ment etc. 

3C Su&&ort Eui&ment SEC *raining. )e(erences.

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter $ and 9 ?olumeIII 4a&ter +10 and 11

  aC *4e <#MP manual lists t4e s&eci(ic SE reuiring o&erator licenses and t4ea&&lica/le training course (or eac4 &iece o( eui&ment. &erator training is usuall"conducted at t4e intermediate maintenance le,el. *4is does not include ont"&e aircra(ttraining.

e. <a,al #,iation Engineering Ser,ice 5nit <#ES5C. )e(erences.

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter 11

  <#?#I)I<S* 3$0.2 Engineering and *ec4nical Ser,ice

riteria 5tiliation and Procurement o( 

 1C <#ES5 is an Engineering and *ec4nical Ser,ices E*SC organiation 84ic4

 &ro,ides engineering assistance and onsite ont4eDo/ suadron GG and GIG le,elindi,idualied tutor t"&e training tailored to customer needs. Ser,ices are &ro,ided /"


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uali(ied %% militar" and ci,ilian &ersonnel and /" em&lo"ees o( commercial or industrialcom&anies 84ic4 include <a," i,ilian *ec4nical Ser,ices <*SC s&ecialists <a,"Militar" *ec4nical Ser,ices <M*SC s&ecialists and ontractor Engineering *ec4nicalSer,ices E*SC s&ecialists.

(. Enlisted Flig4t rders. )e(erence

B5PE)SI<S* 1326.% #dministration o( Enlisted Flig4trders

  1C Personnel assigned (lig4t orders are reuired to 4a,e an annual &4"sical andmaintain uali(ications in a&&ro&riate t"&es o( sur,i,al training and eui&ment. Maintenance &ersonnel on *em&orar" Flig4t rders s4ould /e made a,aila/le to o/tain t4e necessar"(lig4t time to maintain uali(ication.

  g. Flig4t %ec @aardous %ut" Pa" F%@%PC. )e(erences.

P<#?I<S* +220.@ Incenti,e Pa" (or @aardous %ut" o(Flig4t %ecs

  1C Entitlement o( Flig4t %ec @aardous %ut" Pa" F%@%PC is set (ort4 inP<#?I<S* +220.@ (or eac4 t"&e suadron:s4i&. #llocation o( F%@%P 8it4in t4eacti,it" is t4e res&onsi/ilit" o( t4e a,iation maintenance manager. oordination s4ould /emaintained 8it4 M#)#I)>I< Maintenance ((icer (or suadron &ersonnel assigned*#% (or (lig4t dec ser,icing o( aircra(t suc4 as t4e 'H &ool and t4roug4 #ir &erations(or IM# a(loat. 

4. SE#P%E*. )e(erence.

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume $ 4 3 and $

1C SE#P%E*. # &rogram designed to reduce de&endence on E*S in t4e #IM%during aircra(t carrier ?C de&lo"ments. SE#P%E* 8ill accom&lis4 t4is /" esta/lis4ingan interde&endent u&8ardl" mo/ile man&o8er &lan (or #IM% *#% augmentation &ersonneland s4ore:? #IM% GcoreG &ersonnel. SE#P%E* 8ill ensure intermediate le,eltec4nicians 4a,e t4e longterm s&ecialiation reuired to o&erate:maintain com&le7 8ea&onss"stems:SE and t4at onl" tec4nicians o( &ro,en a/ilit" are de&lo"ed. SE#P%E* isdesigned to use G#G sc4ool graduates as a&&rentice:/enc4 o&erators in t4e &er(ormance o(intermediate le,el maintenance on aircra(t com&onents and t4e o&eration o( related su&&orteui&ment. #(ter an initial o&erator tour t4ese indi,iduals 8ill /e &ro,ided t4e o&&ortunit"to reenlist (or dut" in t4e s4ore #IM% and recei,e t4e reuisite training to u&grade t4eire7&ertise to t4e Dourne"man:/enc4 maintainer le,el. 5&on com&letion o( t4eir s4ore dut"tour t4e" 8ill 4a,e t4e essential training and &ro(essional com&etence to /e assigned to a ?#IM% and /e a/le to &er(orm inde&endent o( E*S.


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Section / 0 Maintenance Mana'e#ent!ac" to Table of Contents

1. Maintenance Management. Maintenance management is com&rised o( t4emanagement o( &ersonnel aircra(t SE and material. *4e Maintenance %ata S"stem M%SCcan assist in all o( t4ese (unctions.

  a. rganiation. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter 2 3 $ 6 and 10?olume III 4a&ter 2 $ 6 - 9 1011 13 and 16

  1C *4e o,erall o/Decti,e o( t4e acti,it"s maintenance e((ort is to ensure a,aila/ilit" o(aircra(t reuired to meet o&erational commitments. *4e #,iation Maintenance Manager isres&onsi/le (or managing t4e total maintenance e((ort to attain t4is goal. *4e maintenancede&artment organiation 4as /een de,elo&ed to assist t4e #,iation Maintenance Manager inmeeting t4is o/Decti,e.

  2C Maintenance #dministration. Maintenance #dministration &ro,ides t4e &ersonnelaccounting record ee&ing and t4e clerical duties associated 8it4 administrati,e su&&ort.

3C !ualit" #ssurance:#nal"sis. !ualit" #ssurance:#nal"sis &ro,ides t4e maintenancede&artment 8it4 ins&ection tec4niues and monitoring &rocedures to assure ualit" control asdescri/ed in Section I? o( t4is guide.

  C Maintenance:Material ontrol. Maintenance:Material ontrol 4as t4e res&onsi/ilit"(or coordinating t4e re&air o( discre&anciesJ ins&ection ser,icing launc4:reco,er" o( aircra(tJand sc4eduled:unsc4eduled maintenance o( #,iation 'i(e Su&&ort S"stems and SE. *ocoordinate t4ese e((orts maintenance control (unctions as a centralied control &oint.Maintenance ontrol is eui&&ed 8it4 t4e a&&ro&riate dis&la" /oards record (orms andcommunication s"stems etc. to e7&editiousl" manage and direct t4e maintenance e((ort.

  $C Maintenance %i,isions. *4e t4ree maintenance di,isions under t4e MaintenanceMaterial ontrol ((icer MMC &er(orm t4e /ul o( t4e maintenance e((ort. *4esedi,isions are t4e #ircra(t di,ision t4e #,ionics:#rmament di,ision and t4e 'ine di,ision.*4e com&osition o( t4ese di,isions and t4eir (unctions are outlined in t4e <#MP Manual

?olume II 4a&ter 2C. %etailed res&onsi/ilities and uali(ications o( selected &ersonnel arealso descri/ed in t4e <#MP Manual.

  /. nline Maintenance Management 'ins.

4tt&,,".mil:redstri&es: )ed Stri&e >e/site

4tt&,".mil:aems #EMS )e&orting >e/site


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  c. ommand )elations4i&s. )e(erence

M<#?#I)F)IS<* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume I 4a&ter ?olume III

4a&ter 3 and

  1C ommand )elations4i&. ommand )elations4i& is di,ided into t8o areascustodial res&onsi/ilit" (or aircra(tC and maintenance:logistics res&onsi/ilit".

  2C ustodial )es&onsi/ilit". 4ain o( ommand (or ustodial )es&onsi/ilit" 4ie(o( <a,al &erations #ircra(t ontrolling ustodian )e&orting ustodian.

3C Maintenance:'ogistics )es&onsi/ilit". 4ain o( ommand (orMaintenance:'ogistics )es&onsi/ilit" 4ie( o( <a,al &erations ommander <a,al #irS"stems ommand:<a,al Su&&l" S"stem ommand *"&e ommander

M#)#I)>I< ?>C 84en em/aredC *"&e >ing 84en as4oreC Suadron:5nit.

  d. Management )es&onsi/ilities.

1C Man&o8er Management. *4e #,iation Maintenance Manager is res&onsi/le (orselection training utiliation and e,aluation o( assigned &ersonnel. *4e #,iationMaintenance Manager must constantl" /e a8are o( an" (actor ad,ersel" a((ecting t4ese areas. 

2C Financial Management. Flig4t &erations P*#) F01C and #,iation FleetMaintenance P*#) F$0C. )e(erence

  M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter 6 ?olume III4a&ter -

  <#?S Pu/lication 3006 Financial Management o( )esources

&erations and Maintenance (or S4ore#cti,itiesC

 <#?S Pu/lication 30131 Financial Management o( )esourcesFund #dministration &eratingForcesC

 aC Flig4t &erations F01C (unds are t4ose reuired /" t4e suadron to &er(orm

its mission. Items included in t4is categor" are (uelJ lu/e oil and (uel additi,es &ilot:cre8(lig4t clot4ing and o&erational eui&ment administrati,e ser,ices liuid and /reat4ingo7"gen nitrogen (orms and &u/lications audio,isual costs and (lig4t dec clot4ing.#,iation &eration Maintenance F$0C (unds are used in maintenance o( aircra(tassociated ground su&&ort eui&ment (uel consumed in associated ground su&&ort eui&mentand consuma/le 4and tools


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  3C Financial Management. Funding o( #,iation %e&ot 'e,el #?%')C )e&aira/les

  aC ommencing 1 #&ril 19-$ re&aira/les t4at 8ere G(reeG in t4e &ast are &aid (or /"t4e user. From a (leet &ers&ecti,e t4ere are t8o maDor c4anges associated 8it4 t4e #?%') &rogram. *4e (irst 8as esta/lis4ment o( a (ull carcasstracing &rogram /et8een t4e

#,iation Su&&l" ((ice #SC and t4e user. *4e second maDor c4ange 8as t4e user &a"s#,iation &erations Maintenance #MC dollars (or t4e #?%')s and t4ese c4arges 8ill /ere(lected in t4e Fl"ing @our ost )e&ort. Maintenance Managers must /e as concerned 8it4#M costs as t4e suadron is 8it4 (uel costs.

C &erational Management. <a,al #ir *raining and &erating ProceduresStandardiation <#*PSC Program <#*PS &rescri/es t4e c4eclists to /e used (orFunctional 4ec Flig4ts and &resents a detailed descri&tion o( aircra(t s"stems &er(ormancedata and o&erating &rocedures (or sa(e and e((ecti,e o&eration o( t4e aircra(t. *4e <#*PSmanuals are not maintenance &u/lications /ut no8ledge o( t4eir contents is 4el&(ul ine7&laining s"stem &rocedures to maintenance and:or (lig4t cre8s.

  e. Maintenance Programs.

  1C Mont4l" Maintenance Plan. )e(erence

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter 6 and ?olume III4a&ter -

  aC *4e Mont4l" Maintenance Plan is used to identi(" t4e &roDected maintenance8orload suc4 as ins&ections recei&ts:trans(ers tec4nical directi,e com&liance etc. *4eMont4l" Maintenance Plan &ro,ides reuirement data (or aircra(t maintenance SE materialman&o8er and training. *4e Mont4l" Maintenance Plan is under t4e cogniance o( t4e M.#lt4oug4 t4e (ormat and arrangement are t4e &rerogati,e o( t4e M t4e &lan 8ill contain t4e(ollo8ing minimum in(ormation

  /C ProDected no8n o&erational commitments including num/er o( (lig4ts (lig4t4ours and aircra(t utiliation goals.

  cC %ates o( sc4eduled ins&ections. 

dC %ate o( recei&t or trans(er o( aircra(t.

  eC Precision Measuring Eui&ment PMEC cali/ration reuirements.

  (C Sc4edule o( tec4nical training.

  gC Forced remo,al items. 

4C *ec4nical %irecti,e om&liance *%C reuirements.


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  iC Sc4edule o( &ersonnel (or eDection seat sa(et" c4ec out.

  DC Sc4edule o( &reins&ection meetings.

  C urrent list o( !# &ersonnel

  lC %ates o( sc4eduled SE ins&ections.

  mC Sc4eduled nondestructi,e ins&ection <%IC reuirements. 

3C #ircra(t Ser,ice Period. )e(erences.

P<#?I<S* 3110.11* Peacetime Planning Factors o,erning <a,al #ircra(t

M<#?#I)P#I<S* +90.2 #ircra(t Planner and Estimate P K ECIns&ection Ser,ices

  aC Eac4 aircra(t 8it4 t4e e7ce&tion o( a (e8 *:M:S i.e. F:#1-C 4as a &rescri/edser,ice li(e 84ic4 is di,ided into &erational Ser,ice Periods SPC o( s&eci(ied lengt4s /ased on t4e reuired (reuenc" o( Standard %e&ot 'e,el Maintenance S%'MC. *4eo&erating &eriods /et8een S%'Ms o&erating ser,ice mont4sC are de(ined /"t"&e:model:series in P<#?I<S* 3110.11*. Procedures (or reuesting Planner andEstimator PKEC ser,ices (or aircra(t material condition certi(ication to su&&ort suc4e7tensions are contained in M<#?#I)P#I<S* +90.2.

  C Standard %e&ot 'e,el Maintenance S%'MC. )e(erence.

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter 6 ?olume III4a&ters $ 13 and 1$

  aC Standard %e&ot 'e,el Maintenance S%'MC restores an aircra(t to a condition84ic4 can /e maintained at t4e organiational maintenance le,el. S%'M consists o( at4oroug4 ins&ection o( aircra(t structures s"stems and com&onents 8it4 de&ot le,el re&air &re,enti,e maintenance and modi(ication as necessar". Indi,idual aircra(t model S%'Ms&eci(ications can /e o/tained (rom t4e ogniant Field #cti,it" F#C. #ircra(t going toS%'M reuire a GS&ecial >or )euestG to /e su/mitted 30 da"s &rior to t4e sc4eduledinduction date i( additional maintenance ot4er t4an t4at s&eci(ied in t4e S%'M s&eci(icationis desired. *4e S&ecial >or )euest is de(ined in M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2?olume II and 4a&ter 6.

  (. Management In(ormation S"stems. )e(erences.

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program


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?olume II 4a&ter $ and ?olume III4a&ter - and 3$

  1C Suadron enerated %ata. *4e 3M data collected and re&orted /" t4e acti,it" isused in t4e M%S. In&uts to t4e s"stem include

  aC Maintenance %ata )e&orting M%)C.

/C Su/s"stem a&a/ilit" Im&act )e&orting SI)C.

  cC Material )e&orting M)C.

  dC #ircra(t 5tiliation <#?F'I)SC.

  eC *raining %e,ice 5tiliation *%5C.

  2C Statistical %ata. *4e suadron 3M anal"sts can &ro,ide t4e Suadron Maintenance((icer 8it4 re&orts on t4e /elo8 statistical data /ased u&on t4e suadrons data in&ut

  aC Eui&ment maintaina/ilit" and relia/ilit". 

/C Eui&ment con(iguration. 

cC Eui&ment mission ca&a/ilit" and utiliation. 

dC Maintenance material usage. 

eC Material nona,aila/ilit". 

(C Maintenance and material &rocessing times.

  3C <a,">ide %ata. )e(erences

 <#?SE#'E< +90. #,iation 3M In(ormation )e&orts

  aC *4e <a,al Sea 'ogistics enter <#?SE#'E<C is t4e central data /an (or#,iation 3M data. *4e data /an is com&iled (rom t4e data su/mitted into t4e Maintenance%ata S"stem M%SC /" eac4 acti,it". SPI<S* +90. is a catalog o( #,iation 3MIn(ormation )e&orts &roduced /" <#?SE#'E<. )e&orts &roduced /" <#?SE#'E< &ro,ide t4e #,iation Maintenance Manager 8it4 statistical data relatedto similar t"&e suadrons <a,"8ide standings etc. 

/C In <5S maintenance managers can also gain access to <a,"8ide datat4roug4 t4e *"&e >ings <a,al #,iation 'ogistics %ata #nal"sis <#'%#C *erminal. <#'%# &ro,ides <a,"8ide data listed /" aircra(t (or 8or unit codes unsc4eduledmaintenance actions man4ours total (ailures and mission ca&a/ilit" status codes.


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  3C Su/s"stem a&a/ilit" Im&act )e&ort SI)C. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter 11 and ?olume ?

4a&ter 2 3 6 and 9

P<#?I<S* $2.M #ircra(t *raining %e,ices and roundSu&&ort Eui&ment Material ondition%e(inition Mission EssentialSu/s"stem Matrices and Mission%escri&tions MESMC

  aC *4e SI) s"stem is used to monitor mission ca&a/ilit" o( selected end items. *4es"stem &ro,ides t4e degree o( mission im&airment lengt4 o( time o( reduced ca&a/ilities ands"stem or su/s"stem 84ic4 caused im&airment. %ata is com&iled (rom t4e ?I%S:M#F.

  g. #ircra(t Material )eadiness:#ir &erations )e&orting. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter 11

P<#?I<S* $2.M #ircra(t *raining %e,ices and roundSu&&ort Eui&ment Material ondition%e(inition Mission EssentialSu/s"stems Matrices and Mission%escri&tions MESMC

 M<#?#I)P#I<S* $2.$% #ircra(t Material )eadiness:#ir

&erations )e&orting

  1C *4e Maintenance %ata S"stem M%SC &ro,ides readiness tracing o( a 4istoricalnature. *o &ro,ide near realtime data suadrons are reuired to su/mit an #ircra(t Material)eadiness )e&ort.


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Section 0 2alit+ Assrance!ac" to Table of Contents

1. 2alit+ Assrance3Anal+sis. *4e !ualit" #ssurance conce&t is /asicall" t4at o( t4e &re,ention o( t4e occurrence o( de(ects. *4e !ualit" #ssurance:#nal"sis !#:#C %i,ision &ro,ides t4e Maintenance %e&artment 8it4 ins&ection tec4niues and monitoring &roceduresto ensure ualit" control o( t4e maintenance e((ort. *4e !#:# di,ision monitorsmaintenance actions ins&ects t4e &roducts o( maintenance monitors maintenance &rograms &ro,ides guidance in inter&retation o( tec4nical instructions and directi,es and ensuresad4erence to all as&ects o( t4e Sa(et" Program.

  a. !ualit" #ssurance Managed Programs. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter $ and ?olume III4a&ter +

1C S&eci(ic &rograms managed /" !ualit" #ssurance

  aC !ualit" #ssurance #udits 

/C entral *ec4nical Pu/lications 'i/rar" *P'C 

cC Maintenance %e&artment or %i,ision Sa(et" 

dC <a,al #,iation Maintenance %iscre&anc" )e&orting <#M%)PC 

eC Su&&ort Eui&ment Misuse and #/use 

(C #ircra(t on(ined S&ace Entr" #SPC

  2C nline 'ins !ualit" #ssurance relatedC

<#F 'i/rarian 4tt&::e7tra.cna(.na,".mil

 <#*E 4tt&,".mil

 <#?#I)  4tt&s::directi,,,".mil

 <#?SE# 4tt&,,"

  c. !ualit" #ssurance Monitored Programs. )e(erences

M<#?#I)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter $ and ?olume III4a&ter +


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  1C # num/er o( s&ecial &rograms reuire !#:# monitoring (or e((ecti,eness andsa(et". *4e !#:# Monitoring Program includes t4e continuous collection and distri/ution tocogniant &ersonnel o( all messages letters instructions and ot4er in(ormation concerningt4e &rograms /eing monitored. Program monitoring does not im&l" acti,e &artici&ation in t4e

conduct o( t4e &rograms onl" an o,erall sur,eillance o( &rogram acti,it" to identi(" &ro/lems and to ,eri(" com&liance. *4e !#:# di,ision monitors t4e (ollo8ing &rograms

aC Foreign /Dect %amage F%C Program.

  /C #ircra(t Fuel Sur,eillance Program.

  cC <a," il #nal"sis Program <#PC.

  dC #,iators Breat4ing 7"gen #BC Sur,eillance Program.

  eC @"draulic ontamination ontrol Program

  (C Su&&ort Eui&ment &erator *raining and 'icensing.

  gC ali/ration.

  4C <ondestructi,e Ins&ection <%IC.

  iC *ool ontrol Program.

  DC orrosion Pre,ention:ontrol Program.

  C Plane a&tain !uali(ication.

  lC *ire>4eel Maintenance Sa(et".

  mC Egress S"stem 4ecout Program.

  nC E7&losi,e @andling Personnel !uali(ication and erti(ication Program.

  oC Electrostatic %isc4arge ES%C ontrol and Pre,ention

  &C @aardous Material:@aardous >aste

  C 'aser @aard ontrol Program

  d. In,estigation and )e&orting. )e(erences

P<#?I<S* 3+$0.6) <a,al #,iation Sa(et" Program


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 M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program

?olume II 4a&ter $ and ?olume III4a&ter +

  1C @aardous Material )e&ort @M)C. *4e @aardous Material )e&ort &ro,ides astandard s"stem o( re&orting material:&u/lication de(iciencies 84ic4 i( not corrected couldresult in deat4 or inDur" to &ersonnel or damage to or loss o( aircra(t eui&ment or (acilities.In case o( a <a,al #ircra(t Mis4a& reuired re&orts 8ill /e su/mitted in accordance 8it4P<#?I<S* 3+$0.6). Su/mission o( mis4a& re&ort 4o8e,er does not eliminatereuirements (or su/mission o( re&orts reuired /" M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2.

  2C E7&losi,e Mis4a& )e&ort EM)C. *4e EM) &ro,ides a standard s"stem (orre&orting e7&losi,e incidents mal(unctions and dangerous de(ects in,ol,ing e7&losi,es"stems ordnance and cartridge acti,ated de,icesC launc4 de,ices de,ices used to launc4 or(ire e7&losi,e s"stemsC and armament su&&ort eui&ment #SEC. #n e7&losi,e mis4a& is

de(ined as an" condition in,ol,ing e7&losi,e s"stems launc4 de,ices or #SE 84ic4 i( notcorrected could result in deat4 or inDur" to &ersonnel or damage to or loss o( aircra(teui&ment or (acilities. 

3C Engineering In,estigation EIC. *4e &rogram &ro,ides t4e a,iation maintenancemanager 8it4 a &rocedure to reuest a (ormal in,estigation o( eui&ment and material(ailures. EIs co,er aircra(t 8ea&ons s"stems su/s"stems eui&ment com&onents relatedsu&&ort eui&ment s&ecial tools and (luids:materials used in t4e eui&ment o&eration. EIsare used in su&&ort o( in,estigations aircra(t mis4a&s Sc4eduled )emo,al om&onentS)C &rogram and t4e <a," il #nal"sis Program <#PC. )euests (or EIs are su/mitteddirectl" to t4e ogniant Field #cti,it" F#C (or t4e t"&e aircra(t or com&onent in,ol,ed.EIs (all into t8o categories 1C %isassem/l" and Ins&ection )e&orts %I)C and 2C Material#nal"sis.

  C #ircra(t %iscre&anc" )e&ort #%)C. *4e #%) &ro,ides a direct met4od (orre&orting discre&ancies in maintenance reuirements and re8or ualit" to t4e <a,al#,iation %e&ots <#%EPsC and ci,ilian contractors &er(orming maintenance on suadronaircra(t. P<#? Form SF36- is used (or t4is re&ort. #%)s must /e su/mitted 8it4in 30da"s o( recei&t o( aircra(t.

  $C !ualit" %e(icienc" )e&ort !%)C. *4e !%) s"stem &ro,ides a met4od (orre&orting de(iciencies in ne8 material and ne8l" re8ored material recei,ed (rom su&&l".*4e de(iciencies in t4e material ma" /e caused /" &oor ualit" control at t4e (actor":re8or(acilit" noncon(ormance to contractual or s&eci(ication reuirements or su/standard8ormans4i&C or inadeuate &reser,ation &acing or &acaging. *4ere are t8o categorieso( !%)s

  aC ategor" I *4ose de(iciencies t4at 8ill or ma" a((ect sa(et" o( &ersonnel im&airt4e com/at ca&a/ilities o( t4e suadron or indi,idual or a((ect o&erational ca&a/ilities to t4ee7tent mission accom&lis4ment is Deo&ardied. Message (ormat is used (or t4is re&ort.


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  /C ategor" II o,ers all ot4er de(iciencies. SF 36- is used (or t4is re&ort.

  6C *ec4nical Pu/lications %e(icienc" )e&orting *P%)C. *4is &rogram allo8s (orre&orting o( discre&ancies (ound in tec4nical &u/lications and directi,es. *4ere are t8o

categories o( *P%)s

  aC ategor" I *4ose de(iciencies t4at i( not corrected could result in deat4 orinDur" to &ersonnel or damage to or loss o( aircra(t eui&ment or (acilities. Message (ormatis used (or t4is re&ort.

  /C ategor" II o,ers all ot4er de(iciencies. P<#? Form +90:66 is used (or t4isre&ort.

  e. *ec4nical Pu/lications 'i/rar" *P'C. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter $ and ?olume III4a&ter +

 <# 002$100 *ec4nical Manual Program

  1C entral *ec4nical 'i/rar". *4e !#:# %i,ision maintains t4e entral *ec4nicalPu/lication 'i/rar" (or t4e Maintenance %e&artment and conducts t4e dis/ursed 8or center*ec4nical Pu/lication 'i/rar" *P'C audits. *4e li/rar" &ro,ides a central source o( currentre(erence in(ormation. *4e entral *ec4nical Pu/lication 'i/rarian is res&onsi/le (ormaintaining currenc" o( all tec4nical &u/lications. *4e source (or determining currenc" o( &u/lications is <#?S5P Pu/lication 2002 <a," Stoc 'ist o( Pu/lications and Forms. *4einitial out(itting list I'C is used to determine &u/lications to /e maintained.

  2C Initial ut(itting. #cti,ities transitioning to ne8 t"&e aircra(t s4ould su/mit a letterto <#*SF reuesting an I' o( &u/lications (or t4e t"&e aircra(t. )euest s4ould /esu/mitted at least nine mont4s &rior to suadron transition. om&lete instructions (or t4eesta/lis4ment and o&eration o( tec4nical li/raries are contained in <#002$100.

  3C Maintenance Pu/lications. nl" current re(erence material s4ould /e a,aila/le (oruse /" t4e maintenance tec4nician 84en &er(orming maintenance on suadron aircra(t.Some o( t4e &u/lications utilied are

  aC <#?#I) 01HHHHHH2 Series Maintenance Instructions Manual MIMsC.*4ese manuals contain ste&/"ste& &rocedures and reuirements to /e (ollo8ed 84enremo,al re&lacement re&air or trou/les4ooting o( a s"stem or com&onent is reuired.

  /C <#?#I) 01HHHHHH Series Illustrated Parts Breado8n IPBC


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Manual. *4ese contain detailed &ictures:illustrations o( aircra(t &arts and assem/lies. *4e"list &art num/ers stoc num/ers manu(acturers codes and Source Maintenance and)elia/ilit" SMK)C codes.

  cC <#?#I) 01HHHHHH6 Series:#l777M)000 Maintenance )euirement

ards M)sC. *4e" contain reuirements and list o( materials needed to &er(orm sc4eduledmaintenance on an aircra(t i.e. %ail" Pre(lig4t onditional and P4ase:alendarins&ections.

  dC <#?#I) 1+ 19HHHHH6 Maintenance )euirement ards M)sC containreuirements and material lists necessar" to &er(orm sc4eduled maintenance on su&&orteui&ment i.e. &reo&erational ins&ections : (luid 4andling etc. 

C 'ocall" Pre&ared Maintenance )euirement ards M)sC 'ocal M)s contain t4eacti,ities additional &eriodic maintenance reuirements along 8it4 reuirements esta/lis4ed /" 4ig4er aut4orit".

$C *ec4nical Pu/lications 'i/rar" *raining *raining:Ao/ assist on tec4nical li/rar"management is a,aila/le (rom onsite <#*SF tec4nical &u/lications s&ecialists. )e(er to <# 002$100 (or location:&4one num/ers.

  (. Interim )a&id #ction 4anges I)#C. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter $ and ?olume III4a&ter +

 <#?#I)I<S* $600.20 @#<E1 Polic" Procedures and )es&onsi/ilities(or *ec4nical Manual )a&id #ction4ange Program

 1C I)#S co,er urgent c4anges reuiring immediate dissemination. I)#S are used

onl" 84en 4aards to sa(et" o( &ersonnel sa(et" o( (lig4t aircra(t grounding missionca&a/ilit" or eui&ment damage t4at maes t4e s"stem or eui&ment ino&era/le is e,ident.I)#S are issued /" <#?#?<%EP*S eui&ment manu(actures etc. toM<#?#I)'#<* (or dissemination to (leet acti,ities. In addition <#?#I)*ESE)?F# <#*SFC issues a mont4l" I)# tracer listing all I)#s (or t4emont4.

g. )a&id #ction Minor Engineering 4ange )#MEC. )e(erneces

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ters $ and 6 and?olume III 4a&ter +

 <#?#I)I<S* $21$.10% @#<E1 Polic" Procedures and )es&onsi/ilities


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(or Processing )a&id #ction MinorEngineering 4anges )#MEsC

  1C *4is &rogram is designed to &ro,ide a means o( &rocessing minor con(igurationc4anges to aircra(t remotel" &iloted ,e4icles related engines com&onents su&&ort

eui&ment and a,iation li(e su&&ort s"stems #'SSC. *4e c4ange must /e sim&le easil" andra&idl" incor&orated and aut4oried onl" (or organiational and intermediate le,elim&lementation. It must use onl" standard stoc items and materials 8it4 a total ,alue not toe7ceed L200 &er installation. # /rie( reuest (or &rotot"&e s4ould /e &ro,ided t4roug4 t4ea&&lica/le *"&e >ing and include Dusti(ication and descri&tion o( t4e &ro&osal. #dditionalin(ormation can /e (ound in <#?#I)I<S* $21$.10% @#<E1.

  4. as4 #8ard Program. )e(erences

P<#?I<S* 16$0.- as4 #8ards (or Militar" Personnel (orSuggestions In,entions or Scienti(ic


M<#?#I)P#I<S* 16$0.2F as4 #8ards (or Militar" and i,ilianPersonnel

  1C *4e Militar" as4 #8ard Program MI'#PC is used to su/mit ideas andsuggestions to increase e((icienc" &roducti,it" and ot4er im&ro,ements in o&erations. *4eo,erall e((ect is to &ro,ide cost sa,ing /ene(its to t4e <a,".

i. Functional 4ec Flig4ts. )e(erences

P<#?I<S* 3+10.+* enneral Flig4t and &eratingInstructionsJ Procedures

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume I 4a&ter 12

 <#?#I) 01HHH1F <#*PS Functional 4ec Flig4t4eclists

 1C # Functional 4ec Flig4t is reuired u&on com&letion o( certain maintenance

actions. *4e <#MP Manual descri/es 84ic4 maintenance actions reuire a c4ec (lig4t. <#*PS c4eclists (or t4e (lig4t are contained in t4e a&&ro&riate t"&e:model:series editiono( <#?#I) 01HHH1F <#*PS Functional 4ec Flig4t 4eclists. t4erreuirements (or t4e Functional 4ec Flig4t include com&lete /rie(ing o( t4e (lig4t cre8 /"Maintenance ontrol and !#:# on t4e maintenance actions t4at 8ere com&leted.


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Section 4 0 De(lo+#ent 5o'isticsBac to *a/le o( ontents

1. %e&lo"ment 'ogistics. Suadron aircra(t are de&lo"ed to an ad,anced /ase eit4er as acom&lete suadron or a detac4ment. Prede&lo"ment o&erations (or t4e arrier #ir >ingincludes training de&lo"ments at <#S Fallon and <S)) range #irC as 8ell as arrier!uali(ication !C &eriods and &erational )eadiness E,aluations )EC. ?P:?:?!*raining:>oru& is some84at di((erent and is mostl" conducted (rom 4ome /ase.

a. arrier &erations. )e(erences

 <# 00-0*10$ ? <#*PS Manual

 <# 00-0*106 '@#:'P@ <#*PS Manual

P<#?I<S* 631.2% Management o( %e&artment o( <a,"#irli(t

M<#?#I)'#<*:P#I<S* 30$0.1B @ost:Parent )es&onsi/ilities (or rossFleet &erations Su&&ort

M<#?#I)F)I<S* 3+10.# 5se o( <a,al #ircra(t (or rossountr" Flig4ts

M<#?#I)F)I<S* 3+0.1 arrier !uali(ication !C &erations

M<#?#I)P#I<S* +90.21 FMF 5nit %e&lo"ment #,iationMaintenance and Material )eadiness

  1C S4i&/oard &erations arrier !uali(ications !C. Prior to s4i&/oard o&erationst4e Suadron Maintenance ((icer s4ould read and /ecome (amiliar 8it4 t4e ? or'@#:'P@ <#*PS Manual. <#'I<S* 3100. #ir %e&artment Standard &eratingProcedures SPCJ Promulgation o( s4ould /e re,ie8ed. Follo8ing areas are o( &rimar"interest

  aC Sur,i,al )adios and Beacons

  /C runc4 )e&orts

  cC Maring o( Flig4t %ec lot4ing

  dC leanliness o( >al #reas:Securit" (or Eui&ment

  eC Maring:Securit" o( *ie %o8n 4ains

  (C #ircra(t Aacing Procedures


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  gC *ool ontrol

  4C Su&&ort Eui&ment 'icensing

  iC *ire and >4eel Maintenance Procedures

  DC Engine Pre*urn 5& Maintenance Brie( 

  C ? <#*PS Flas4lig4t >and Procedures

  lC @"draulic:'u/e il ontamination Pre,ention

  mC IM)' (or local IM# turnin and &re&ositioned items

  nC F% 8al do8n

  2C S4i&/oard %e&lo"ment. *4e comments a/o,e (or ! o&erations a&&l" as 8ell (orlongterm de&lo"ment. # suadrondesignated o((icer coordinates mo,ements o( &ersonnelsu&&ort eui&ment and ot4er cargo. Maintenance must ensure t4at &ersonnel and su&&orteui&ment are a,aila/le (or launc4 o( all aircra(t (or t4e de&lo"ment.

  aC nline )e(erences %e&lo"ment 'ogistics )elatedC.

5SM Pre&ositioning 4tt&

 <#?#I) 'ogisitics 4tt&,,".mil:

  3C %e&lo"ment &erations ?P:?:?!C.

P<#?I<S* 631.2% Management o( %e&artment o( <a,"#irli(t

  aC *4e maintenance e((ort o( de&lo"ed ?P:?:?! suadrons is some84at di((erent(rom carrier o&erations in t4at t4e maintenance cre8 is normall" de&lo"ed /" airli(t. *4e*"&e >ing &ro,ides &acu& its o( 4ig4 usage re&aira/les and consuma/les. # suadrondesignated o((icer 84o s4all ensure t4at cruise /o7es are not &aced 8it4 an" 4aardousmaterials normall" coordinates mo,ement o( &ersonnel and su&&ort eui&ment. Priorit"reuirements o( &ersonnel and cargo are critical to ensure adeuate su&&ort /" t4e ad,ance &art" at t4e ad,anced /ase and su&&ort at 4ome /aseuntil all aircra(t 4a,e /een launc4ed.


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Section 6 0 Aircraft Recei(t and Transfers!ac" to Table of Contents

1. Aircraft Recei(t and Transfers. 5&on recei&t o( an #ircra(t *rans(er rder #*C arrangements s4all /e made (or Gacce&tance or trans(er ins&ectionG o( t4eaircra(t. >4ere &ossi/le a Doint in,entor" o( all eui&ment listed in t4e #ircra(t In,entor")ecord #I)C 8ill /e accom&lis4ed. ?eri(ication o( con(iguration and &er(ormance o( t4ereuired ins&ections in accordance 8it4 t4e current Periodic Maintenance )euirements 8ill /e com&leted.

  a. #cce&tance:*rans(er o( #ircra(t. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter 6

P<#?I<S* $2.2 #ircra(t In,entor" )e&orting S"stem#I)SC

 <#?#I)I<S* 13+00.1$% #ircra(t Engine Management S"stem

  1C 'og Boo Entries. Prior to acce&tance or trans(er t4e MM s4all ensure t4atlog/oo entries are com&lete and t4ose reuiring signature are Gsignedo((G. See Section 1o( t4is uide (or additional in(ormation on aircra(t log/oos.

  2C In,entor". In,entor" records must /e u&dated and agreed u&on /" acce&ting andtrans(erring acti,ities. See Section 1 o( t4is uide (or additional in(ormation on in,entor"records.

  /. #ircra(t )ecei&ts and *rans(ers. nline re(erence

#EMS )e&orting 4tt&,".mil:aems

  c. #ircra(t Ferr"ing. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter 6

  1C Per(orm all Periodic Maintenance )euirements t4at 8ill come due during transit to

ultimate destination.

  2C )emo,e all ammunition and &"rotec4nics e7ce&t t4ose essential (or sa(et" o( (lig4tand esca&e s"stems o&erations.

  d. on(iguration Management. )e(erences

 <#?#I)I<S* 130.1 <#?#I) on(iguration Management


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 <# 002$602 <#?#I) on(iguration Status#ccounting S"stem

  1C Prior to acce&tance or trans(er o( an aircra(t ,ariances to t4e e7isting con(igurationlisting and in,entor" records must /e documented.

  2C Protot"&e modi(ication to aeronautical eui&ment can /e reuested (romM<#?#I)SSM. Modi(ications reuiring &rotot"&e a&&ro,al include c4anges toaircra(t installed s"stems su&&ort eui&ment and test eui&ment. <ormall" not more t4anone aircra(t or unit 8ill /e aut4oried (or &rotot"&e modi(ication.

e. >eig4t and Balance. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program

?olume I 4a&ter 11 ?olume II4a&ter 6 and ?olume III4a&ter -

 <#?#I) 011B$0 Basic *ec4nical Manual (or 5S<#ircra(t >eig4t and Balance ontrol

  1C ?eri(" >eig4t and Balance data are current u&on com&letion o( Sc4eduled %e&ot'e,el Maintenance S%'MC u&on recei&t and trans(er o( aircra(t and e,er" 90 da"s.#ircra(t logs and records must s4o8 documentation c4ange o( 8eig4t and /alance 84eneui&ment is deleted or added to t4e aircra(t in,entor".

  (. Hra" )e&orts. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ters 9 and 12

 P<#?I<S* $2.2 #ircra(t In,entor" )e&orting S"stem


  1C H)# re&orts &ro,ide in&ut data (or t4e aircra(t in,entor" re&orting s"stem. H)#re&orts are su/mitted u&on recei&t 4a,e and de&ot le,el maintenance actions on aircra(t. Inaddition P<#?I<S* $2.2 lists t4e ot4er occasions reuiring su/mission o( P<#?H)# re&orts and &rocedures to /e (ollo8ed.

  g. Engine *ransaction )e&ort E*)C. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter 6 and ?olume III4a&ter -


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 <#?#I)I<S* 13+00.1$% #ircra(t Engine #ccounting S"stem

<#'I<S* 13+20.12 Engine BM Procedures

<#'I<S* 13+20.13% Polic" oncerning Engine 4ange#(ter @elico&ter Single EngineEmergenc" >ater *ae (( 

  1C E*)s are su/mitted an" time t4e status o( an engine or module eit4er installed oruninstalled c4anges and 84en an engine or module is trans(erred (rom one custodian toanot4er. <#?#I)I<S* 13+00.1$% contains E*) su/mission reuirements.


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Section 7 0 A&iation Maintenance Mana'e#ent Tea#!ac" to Table of Contents

1. A&iation Maintenance Mana'e#ent Tea#s. E,aluation o( aircra(t eui&ment &rogram management sustained maintenance &ractices and &rocedures t4roug4 ins&ectionser,e to en4ance material and o&erational readiness. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Management Program?olume II 4a&ter 11 and ?olume III4a&ter 16

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90. rganiational and Intermediate 'e,el#,iation MaintenanceIns&ection:Material onditionIns&ection uidelines

  1C *4e #,iation Maintenance Management *eams 8ere esta/lis4ed to e,aluate &er(ormance and to ad,ise train and assist (leet acti,ities on im&ro,ing t4eir &er(ormance ina,iation maintenance &rocedures logistic su&&ort and &ersonnel usage. *4e teams ,isit /ot4 <a," and Marine or&s acti,ities and are a,aila/le to assist 8it4 s&ecial &ro/lems asreuired.

 2C *4e &rimar" (ocus o( #MM*Ns is to e,aluate and assist acti,ities in t4eir a/ilit" to

su&&ort o&erational reuirements. Identi(ication o( areas t4at need im&ro,ement 8ill /eaccom&lis4ed t4roug4 statistical and &ractical met4ods in an e((ort to ensure o&erationale((icienc" e((ecti,eness sa(et" and instructional com&liance.

  3C *eams t"&icall" consist o( <a," and Marine or&s maintenance o((icers seniorenlisted &ersonnel E+ – E9C and ot4er e,aluators as necessar". Ins&ection (reuenc" isdetermined /" t4e *M 8it4 consideration o( o&erational sc4edules.


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Section 8 0 Maintenance Ins(ections!ac" to Table of Contents

1. Maintenance Ins(ections. *4is section includes in(ormation on t4e ,arious t"&es o(readiness ins&ections.

  a. MM#<% #%MI<IS*)#*I?E:M#*E)I#' I<SPE*I< #%M#*C.)e(erences

<#'I<S* $01. <a,al ommand Ins&ection Program

<#'I<S* $01.+ ommand Ins&ection o( <#?#I)'#<* <a,al S4ore #cti,ities

<#'I<S* $01.11 ommand Ins&ection o( <#?#I)'#<* S4i&s

  /. *4e ommand #%M#* conducted /" t4e *"&e >ing is a re,ie8 o( all as&ects o( t4eadministrati,e (unctions o( t4e Maintenance %e&artment and includes a ,isual ins&ection o(aircra(t su&&ort eui&ment tools and s4o& s&aces (or material condition and cleanliness.

  c. #ircra(t Ins&ections. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ters 6 and 10

  1C #ircra(t Ins&ections conducted /" (lig4t cre8s or maintenance &ersonnel are %ail"*urnaround onditional S&ecial alendar and P4ased Maintenance Ins&ections.

  d. Su&&ort Eui&ment Ins&ections. )e(erences

  M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume II 4a&ter 6

  1C SE ins&ections conducted /" maintenance &ersonnel are acce&tance:trans(er &reo&erational &eriodic maintenance corrosion control (luid 4andling and all cali/rationreuirements PMEC.

  e. #ircra(t and ommon Su&&ort Eui&ment Material ondition Ins&ection andMaintenance Program Ins&ection. )e(erences.

  <#'I<S* 13020.1 #,iation Maintenance E,aluationProgram


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  1C Inde&t4 Material ondition Ins&ections are intended to determine t4e materialcondition o( aircra(t and su&&ort eui&ment to ensure t4at &ro&er maintenance and corrosioncontrol &rocedures are /eing utilied.

(. #ircra(t Ser,ice Period #dDustments #SP#C. )e(erences

  P<#?I<S* 3110.11* Policies and Peacetime PlanningFactors o,erning t4e 5se o(

P<#?I<S* $2.2 #ircra(t In,entor" )e&orting S"stem#I)SC <a,al #ircra(t

 <#?#I)I<S* +30.10# @#<E1 #ircra(t Ser,ice Period#dDustment

  <#?#I)I<S* 13120.1 @#<E1 Fi7ed >ing #ircra(t Structural 'i(e'imit

M<#?#I)P#I<S* +90.2 Procedures (or )euesting#ircra(t

Planner and Estimator P K ECIns&ection Ser,ice

  1C *4e #SP# &rogram &ro,ides an assessment o( t4e o,erall general material conditiono( an aircra(t. *4e o/Decti,e is to determine i( t4e aircra(t can remain in ser,ice t4roug4 a 12mont4 Period End %ate PE%C adDustment.

  2C #SP# ins&ections ma" /e conducted 8it4in si7 mont4s &rior to t4e PE% o( anaircra(t or u& to 90 da"s a(ter t4e PE%.

  3C #SP# ins&ections 8ill /e reuested /" t4e re&orting custodian utiliing P K Ereuest.

  C Hra" re&orts are reuired &er P<#?I<S* $2.2.

  $C *4e *"&e ommander in conDunction 8it4 t4e *"&e >ing 8ill mae t4e (inaldecision as to 84et4er t4e aircra(t &asses or (ails #SP# /ased on t4e PK E ins&ectors re&ort.


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Section 9 - Cannibali:ation; Aircraft .reser&ation and Stora'eBac to *a/le o( ontents

1. Cannibali:ation; Aircraft .reser&ation and Stora'e.

  a. anni/aliation. )e(erence

  M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I4a&ters 10 11 12 16 1-

2C #,iation Maintenance Managers s4ould ensure canni/aliation actions are limitedto t4ose necessar" to meet mission reuirements. anni/aliation to im&ro,e Full Missiona&a/ilit" FMC statistics is not aut4oried. anni/aliation documentation 8ill /e inaccordance 8it4 M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2.

  /. Preser,ation S4i&ment and Storage. )e(erences

  M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I4a&ter 10 and ?olume III 4a&ters 6 9 and 10

  <#?#I) 1$01$00 Preser,ation o( <a,al #ircra(t (orrganiational Intermediate and %e&otMaintenance 'e,els

 <#?#I) 011#1+ rganiational Intermediate and %e&otMaintenance #,iation @"draulics Manual

  1C #ircra(t not (lo8n at least once e,er" 1 da"s reuire s4ort term &reser,ation inaccordance 8it4 <#?#I)1$01$00.


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Section 1< - Da#a'ed Aircraft!ac" to Table of Contents

1. Da#a'ed Aircraft. *4is section includes in(ormation on damage to aircra(t reco,er"and reclamation o( cras4damaged aircra(t and ser,ices a,aila/le (or e,aluating i( re&air isG/e"ond t4e ca&a/ilit"G o( intermediate or organiational le,el maintenance.

  a. #ircra(t Mis4a&:@aard )e&orting.

  P<#?I<S* 3+$0.6) <a,al #,iation Sa(et" Program 

P<#?I<S* $102.1 Mis4a& In,estigation and )e&orting

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I4a&ter 16 and ?olume II 4a&ter 2

 1C #ircra(t mis4a&s reuire accurate detailed re&orting. *4e suadron maintenance

o((icer and suadron sa(et" o((icer must 8or toget4er. *4e maintenance de&artment isres&onsi/le (or closing out log /oos in,entor" records and ot4er &ertinent documentation(or use /" t4e mis4a& /oard. P<#?I<S* 3+$0.6 &rescri/es t4e mis4a&:4aard re&orting &rocedures and esta/lis4ed dollar ,alue classi(ication o( mis4a&s.

  /. )eco,er" and )eclamation o( ras4%amaged #ircra(t. )e(erences 

P<#?I<S* $102.1 Mis4a& In,estigation and )e&orting

P<#?I<S* $2.- #ircra(t In,entor" )e&orting S"stem #I)SC 

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I4a&ter 10 and ?olume II 4a&ter -

  <#?#I) 00-0*6+ @and/oo (or #ircra(t Mis4a& )e&orting

 1C )eco,er" o( cras4 damaged aircra(t 8ill /e accom&lis4ed in accordance 8it4

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 ?olume I 4a&ter 10 &ara 10.3.3C and ?olume II4a&ter - &ara -.12.12C. 

2C #ircra(t in a GstrieG categor" are re&orted in accordance 8it4 P<#?I<S* $2.2.

  3C Strie aircra(t &laced in t4e GStricen #ircra(t )eclamation and %is&osal ProgramGS#)%IPC are made a,aila/le (or reclamation o( com&onents or &arts.

  C #ircra(t 4a,ing 8ater cras4 and (ire e7tinguis4ing c4emical damage 8ill /ecleaned &reser,ed and reclaimed as reuired a(ter t4e aircra(t is released /" t4ein,estigation /oard.


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  $C )euests (or dis&osition o( aircra(t 8ill /e made t4roug4 t4e a&&ro&riate 8ing.

  c. Planner and Estimator PKEC Ser,ices. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume

I 4a&ter 10 M<#?#I)P#I<S* +90.2 Procedures (or )euesting #ircra(t Planner and

Estimator PKEC Ins&ection Ser,ices

  1C PKE ser,ices are used to e,aluate damaged aircra(t i( t4e re&air reuires de&ot le,elsills or (acilities. PKE ser,ices are also used to &er(orm aircra(t material conditioncerti(ication ins&ections and ins&ection o( cras4damaged aircra(t. # reuest (or PKEser,ices is made /" message t4roug4 t4e *"&e >ing commander.

  d. #ircra(t Battle %amage )e&air #B%)C. )e(erences

  <# 011#39 #ircra(t Battle %amage )e&air #B%)C Manual

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 ?olume I 4a&ter 10

  1C #B%) is intended to en4ance t4e ca&a/ilit" and ca&acit" o( <a,":Marineo&erational units to accom&lis4 ra&id re&air o( damaged aircra(t t4at 8ill increase aircra(ta,aila/ilit" sortie generation and continued ca&acit" to (ig4t in 8artime. *4is &rogramena/les (leet &ersonnel to uicl"

aC #ssess aircra(t damage and determine i( a re&air is aut4oried in t4e structuralre&air manual S)MC or #B%) manual and can /e made 8it4in time constraints 8it4a,aila/le materials and sills /C determine i( general ser,icea/ilit" o( damaged aircra(t can /e uicl" and sa(el" restored and cC restore a damaged aircra(t to sa(e (or (lig4t conditioneit4er one (lig4t or unlimited (lig4ts.


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Section 11 0 Maintenance De(art#ent Safet+!ac" to Table of Contents

1. Sa(et". *4e &ur&ose o( t4e <a," ccu&ational Sa(et" and @ealt4 <#?S@C Program isto en4ance o&erational readiness and mission accom&lis4ments /" esta/lis4ing an aggressi,eoccu&ational sa(et" and 4ealt4 &rogram 84ic4 8ill reduce occu&ational inDuries illnesses ordeat4s and material loss or damage and to maintain sa(e and 4ealt4" 8oring conditions (or &ersonnel. *4e occu&ational sa(et" as&ects o( t4e &rogram address t4e elimination or controlo( 4aards t4at can result in immediate inDur" or deat4. *4e occu&ational 4ealt4 as&ects are &rimaril" concerned 8it4 t4e identi(ication and elimination 84ere &ossi/le o( ad,erse 4ealt4e((ects o( 4aardous and long term su/acute e7&osures to c4emical &4"sical and /iologicalagents. *4is includes e((ecti,e e7&osure control 84ere 4aard elimination is im&ossi/le or im&ractical and also t4e diagnosis and treatment o( 8or related illness and inDuries.

  a. Su&&ort Eui&ment Sa(et". )e(erences

S@# S*#<%#)%S 29F) 1910 ccu&ational Sa(et" and @ealt4 Standards 

P<#?I<S* $100.23F <a," ccu&ational Sa(et" K @ealt4 <#?S@CProgram

 M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I

4a&ter 12 and ?olume ? 4a&ter 1+ 

 <#?#I) 1+112$ round Su&&ort Eui&ment leaning Korrosion ontrol

  <#?#I) 00-0*96 5S< ommon SE Basic @andling o( Sa(et"


  1C eneral sa(et" &recautions t4at a&&l" to 8oring on:around aircra(t and IndustrialPlant Eui&ment IPEC also a&&l" to most su&&ort eui&ment. *4e dangers in4erent in 4ig4,oltage and to7ic c4emicals are /ut a (e8 o( t4e sa(et" and 4ealt4 4aards encountered in8oring 8it4 Su&&ort Eui&ment. ertain su&&ort eui&ment reuiresGcerti(ication:uali(icationG or licensing (or t4e o&erators See Section 2 o( t4is uideC.

  /. EDection Seat Sa(et". )e(erences

  M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I4a&ters 13 and 16 and ?olume ? 4a&ter 16

1C *4e maintenance de&artment is res&onsi/le (or ensuring t4at all maintenance &ersonnel 8oring on or around eDection seat eui&&ed aircra(t regardless o( rate recei,ean indoctrination in eDection seat sa(et".

  c. @earing onser,ation Program. )e(erences


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  P<#?I<S* $100.23F <a," ccu&ational Sa(et" K @ealt4 <#?S@CProgram Manual

 P<#?I<S* $100.19% <#?S@ Program Manual (or Forces #(loat

   <#?ME%MI<S* 6260.$ ccu&ational <oise ontrol and @earingonser,ation

  1C #ll &ersonnel 8oring in &ro7imit" to noise generating de,ices suc4 as aircra(ttur/ine engines au7iliar" &o8er units and su&&ort eui&ment must 8ear 4earing &rotecti,ede,ices. Personnel are reuired to 4a,e &eriodic 4earing e7aminations. *4ese 4earinge7aminations are to /e determined /" t4e le,el o( noise in t4e 8oring area and inaccordance 8it4 P<#?I<S* $100.23F and P<#?I<S* $100.19%

  d. Foreign /Dect %amage F%C. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume? 4a&ter 12

1C *4e ingestion o( (oreign o/Dects and de/ris currentl" accounts (or t4e largest &ercentage o( &remature remo,als o( gas tur/ine engines. Most F% is caused /" &oor4ouseee&ing &oor maintenance &ractices and e,er"da" carelessness. *4e acti,e use o( &rotecti,e co,ers F% 8al do8ns and a &ositi,e *ool ontrol Program are a (e8 o( t4este&s t4at can /e taen to control or eliminate t4e &ro/lem. F% damage is re&orted inaccordance 8it4 M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 &aragra&4 12.2e.

  e. @andling and Ser,icing o( #ircra(t *ires and >4eels. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume? 4a&ter +

 <# 010$06 *ires and *u/es #ircra(t Ins&ectionMaintenance and )e&air and Storage

  1C *4e &otential danger to &ersonnel 84o are in,ol,ed in 4andling maintenance orser,icing o( aircra(t tires and 84eels reuires t4e" recei,e Gont4eDo/G training under t4esu&er,ision o( a uali(ied su&er,isor. Personnel 8ill not /e &ermitted to 8or inde&endentl"until t4e" 4a,e demonstrated remo,al and re&lacement o( tire:84eel assem/lies including84eel /earing cleaning:lu/rication i( a&&lica/le 84ile under t4e su&er,ision o( a uali(ied!#) and 4a,e success(ull" com&leted an e7amination administered /" a uali(ied !#) andcerti(ied using local &rocedures.

  (. @andling o( #,iation Breat4ing 7"gen 'iuid 7"gen and aseous <itrogen.)e(erences


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M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume? 4a&ter $

 #332#%000 #B Sur,eillance Program 'a/orator" Manual

#nd Field uide

 <#?#I) 1316.H seriesC #,iation re8 S"stems 7"gen Eui&ment 

1C *4e 4andling o( liuid o7"gen reuires s&ecial sa(et" &recautions due to its e7tremelo8 tem&erature and e7&losi,e nature. Protecti,e clot4ing (ace s4ield glo,es a&ron ands4oes are mandator" (or liuid o7"gen 4andling. Personnel s4ould /e alerted to re&ortcontamination odorsC in a,iation /reat4ing o7"gen s"stems. nl" uali(ied i.e. licensedC &ersonnel s4all use su&&ort eui&ment used to ser,ice (ill and drain liuid o7"gen s"stems.Personnel dealing 8it4 gaseous o7"gen or nitrogen s4all /e a8are o( t4e dangers associated8it4 t4e use o( 4ig4 &ressure s"stems.

  g. <itrogen Ser,icing Eui&ment. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume? 4a&ter $

 <#?#I) 0630$01 7"gen:<itrogen r"ogenic S"stems 

 <#?#I) 00-0*96 5S< ommon SE Basic @andling and Sa(et"

  1C Ensure &ersonnel 8oring 8it4 nitrogen ser,icing eui&ment com&l" 8it4 &ro&ersa(et" o&erating and maintenance &rocedures.

  4. #ircra(t Batter" Sa(et". )e(erences

  M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume? 4a&ter 1$

  <#?#I) 1+1$B#%1 <a,al #ircra(t Storage Batteries Manual

  1C *4ere are t4ree /asic t"&es o( storage /atteries in <a," use lead acid nicelcadmium and lit4ium. *4e sa(et" 4aards o( lead acid and nicelcadmium are adeuatel"descri/ed in <#?#I) 1+1$B#%1. <#?SE# S9310#!S#F010 contains in(ormationconcerning lit4ium /atteries. Personnel 8oring 8it4 storage /atteries must /e a8are o( t4et"&e o( electrol"te eit4er acid or causticC and t4e &ossi/ilit" o( e7&losion o( t4e /"&roductgas.

  i. rdnance @andling Sa(et". )e(erences

  M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I4 16 K 21J ?ol ? 4 16


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P<#?I<S* -000.16 <a,al rdnance Maintenance ManagementProgram

M -023.3# !uali(ication and erti(ication Program (or lass

? #mmunition and E7&losi,es

 <#?SE# P $ ?olume I #mmunition and E7&losi,es #s4ore Sa(et")egulations (or @andling Storage Production)eno,ation K S4i&&ing

 <#?SE# S>020#F#BO010 Motor ?e4icle %ri,er K S4i&&ing Ins&ectorNsManual (or #mmunition E7&losi,es and)elated Materials

  1C E7&losi,e de,ices include 8ea&ons ammunition &"rotec4nics and de,ices utiliing

con,entional e7&losi,es or incendiar" materialC (or t4eir o&eration. Prior to 8oring 8it4e7&losi,es &ersonnel are reuired to /e uali(ied and:or certi(ied.

  D. #ircra(t on(ined S&ace Program. Formerl" no8n as t4e #,iation as FreeEngineering Program. )e(erences

 <#?#I) 011#3$ #ircra(t Fuel ells and *ans

  1C Fuel tans:cells must /e certi(ied to /e sa(e (or &ersonnel:sa(e (or 4ot 8or asa&&lica/leC &rior to and during (uel cell:tan maintenance and &rior to s4i&ment:storage o(e7ternal tans. as (ree engineering ser,ices are normall" &ro,ided /" &ro&erl" trained andcerti(ied !#):%!#) le,el aut4oried entrant tec4nicians (ormerl" no8n as #,iationas Free EngineersC.

  . @aardous Material ontrol K Management @MKMC Program. )e(erences

 <#?S5P Pu/ +22 onsolidated @aardous Material )eutiliationand In,entor" Management Program @)IMPCManual

P<#?I<S* $090.1 En,ironmental and <atural )esources ProgramManual

P<#?I<S* $100.23F <a," ccu&ational Sa(et" and @ealt4 ProgramManual

P<#?I<S* $100.19% <a," ccu&ational Sa(et" and @ealt4 ProgramFor Forces #(loat

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume


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? @#P*E) 20

  1C @aardous Material @MC is an" material t4at /ecause o( uantit" concentration or &4"sical or c4emical c4aracteristics ma" &ose a su/stantial 4aard to 4uman 4ealt4 or t4een,ironment 84en &ur&ose(ull" release o( accidentall" s&illed.

  2C @aardous >aste is an" discarded material liuid solid or gasC 84ic4 meets t4ede(inition o( @M and:or is designated as a 4aardous 8aste /" t4e En,ironmental Protection#genc" EP#C or a State #genc".

  3C reat care must /e taen in 4andling using and storing 4aardous materials and int4e accumulation o( 4aardous 8aste (or dis&osal to &re,ent inDur" to &ersonnel and t4een,ironment. S&ecial &recautions and an e((ecti,e &rogram to manage @aardous Material@MC and @aardous >aste @>C are reuired. *4e maintenance o( sa(e and 4ealt4(ul8oring conditions (or @M:@> is a c4ain o( command res&onsi/ilit".


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Section 1 0 S((ort E,i(#ent!ac" to Table of Contents

1. S((ort E,i(#ent =SE>. SE includes eui&ment suc4 as to8 tractors air conditioningunits to8 /ars electrical &o8er units test sets ca/les Dacs etc. used in su&&ort o( aircra(tmaintenance. *4e uali(ication:certi(ication and licensing o( SE o&erators is co,ered undert4e !ualit" #ssurance:#nal"sis section o( t4is guide. SE sa(et" is co,ered under t4e Sa(et"section o( t4is guide.

  a. Su&&ort Eui&ment #llo8ances. )e(erences

 <#?#I)I<S* 136$0.1 #ircra(t Maintenance Material )eadiness 'ist#MM)'C

M<#?#I)F)I<S* 136$0.3 #ircra(t Maintenance Material )eadiness 'ist#MM)'C

  1C #llo8ances (or SE are &romulgated in lists tailored to meet indi,idual acti,it"needs. *4e IM)' esta/lis4es t4e allo8ances o( SE reuired to &er(orm t4e assignedmaintenance (unctions. Some items are &laced in t4e re&orting custod" o( an GIG le,elmaintenance acti,it" (or use /" t4e suadrons. *4ese custod" codes are

  aC GEG #ssigned to items in(reuentl" used or used less t4an once a mont4.Su&&orting IM#Ns are aut4oried a &redetermined uantit" consistent 8it4 t4e in(reuent use. /ut onl" (or a s4ort time.

  /C GPG #ssigned to items 8eig4ing o,er 200 &ounds or o,er 300 &ounds (or84eeled eui&ment eui&ment e7ceeding an" one o( t4e (ollo8ing dimensions lengt4 si7(eet 8idt4 si7 (eet or 4eig4t 3 (eet. #lso assigned to eui&ment t4at is (ragile or su/Dect tomisalignment or loss o( cali/ration t4roug4 trans&ort. ode PQ is also assigned toeui&ment t4at is not coded (or in(reuent use.

  cC G'G #ssigned to all eui&ment reuiring cali/ration. *4ese are retained /"organiational acti,ities 84en de&lo"ed and are not alread" coded EQ or PQ.

  dC MQ – *4is code is used (or noncali/ratea/le assets 84ic4 are used inconDunction 8it4 cali/ratea/le assets.

2C onsideration must /e gi,en to a,aila/ilit" o( custod" coded items 84en &lanning (or de&lo"ment or detac4ment o&erations.

  3C Su&&ort Eui&ment ontrolling #ut4orit" SE#C. # term a&&lied to maDora,iation commands t4at e7ercise administrati,e control o( #MM)' Program SE (orallo8ance and in,entor" control. *4e (ollo8ing is a list o( designated SE#Ns

M<#?#I)'#<* SE# 'C


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M<#?#I)P# SE# PC<#*)# SE# *CM<#?#I)ES SE# )CM<#?#I)SSM SE# SC <#M*)#)5 SE# EC

 <#?#I)SSM %E* # SE# <C

  C Su&&ort Eui&ment )esources Management In(ormation S"stem SE)MISC.SE)MIS is t4e re&ositor" o( master data (or &rinting IM)'Ns and &ro,ides inuse ,isi/ilit" toSE#Ns <a,al In,entor" ontrol Point <#?IPC P4iladel&4ia <#?IP Mec4anics/urgM<#?#I)SSM <#?#I)>#)E<#%I? 'ae4urst and ot4er select (ieldacti,ities in,ol,ed in SE management:acuisition.


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Section 1/ 0 S((l+!ac" to Table of Contents

1. S((l+. Su&&l" su&&ort reuires a direct relations4i& /et8een maintenance and su&&l".*4e success or (ailure o( material management 8ill de&end u&on t4e amount o( coordination /et8een maintenance and su&&l". *4e (ocal &oint (or t4e coordination is t4e MaintenanceMaterial ontrol ((icer.

  a. #cuisition 'ogistics Su&&ort Plan #'SPC. )e(erences

  M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olumeI 4a&ter 6

 <#?S5PI<S* $00. <a,al Su&&l" S"stem ommand rganiationManual

  <#?S5PI<S* $$0.+ <a,al #,iation Su&&l" ((ice #SC Functional

  and Material Missions 

<#'I<S* 29$.1O Su&&l" #ssistance Polic" and Procedures 

1C *4e #'SP conce&t is c4aracteried /" total integration o( logistics reuirementsdesign de,elo&ment and acuisition o( eui&ment. *4is conce&t ena/les logistic su&&ortconsiderations to in(luence design or redesign o( eui&ment 8it4 im&ro,ed relia/ilit" andmaintaina/ilit" designed into a &iece o( eui&ment.

 /. Maintenance:Material ontrol. )e(erences

  M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I4a&ter 11

 1C *4e Maintenance Material ontrol ((icer (unctions as t4e &oint o( contact /et8een

suadron maintenance and su&&l".

c. Issue Priorit" S"stem. )e(erences

  P<#?I<S* 61.1F 5ni(orm Materiel Mo,ement and Issue Priorit"S"stems 5MMIPSC

 M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I

4a&ters 12 and 1-

 <#?S5P P-$ Su&&l" Procedures #(loat

  1C 5nder t4e 5ni(orm Material Mo,ement and Issue Priorit" S"stem 5MMIPSC Force#cti,it" %esignators F#%sC are designated to eac4 acti,it". *4e F#% determines t4e


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 &riorit" assigned to su&&l" reuisitions. F#% assignments are /ased on t4e degree o( com/atreadiness t4e acti,it" is currentl" assigned.

  d. 'ocal )e&air "cle #ssets ')#C. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I4a&ter 1- 

1C 'ocal )e&air "cle #ssets ')#C are t4ose 4ig4 usage items t4at are re&aira/le att4e IM#. Su&&l" maintains a &ool o( t4ese items on a one(orone e7c4ange /asis. *4enum/er o( assets in a &ool status is determined /" t4e GturnaroundtimeG *#*C andmont4l" usage o( t4e item.

  e. Sel(ser,e Store SE)?M#)*:MI<IM#)*C. )e(erences

M<#?#I)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I

4a&ter 1-

  1C *4e SE)?M#)*:MI<IM#)* acts in t4e same ca&acit" as a retail store a sel(ser,ice su&&l" o&eration t4at &ro,ides t4e customer 8it4 uic and e((icient ser,ice. Itemst4at are a,aila/le are tools o((ice su&&lies including /lan (orm stocC cleaning gear4ouseee&ingC &aints t4inners &reser,ati,es and a/rasi,es.

  (. Pree7&ended Bins PEBC. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I4a&ters 1$ and 1-

  <#?S5P P-$ Su&&l" Procedures #(loat 

1C *4e &ur&ose o( t4e &ree7&ended /in PEBC is to sim&li(" t4e issue and accounting &rocedures (or maintenance related materials.

g. &erating *arget P*#)C #ccounting. )e(erences

M<#?#I)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olumeII 4a&ter 6 ?olume III 4a&ter - and 1$

  <#?S Pu/lication 30131 Financial Management o( )esources Fund

#dministration &erating ForcesC

 <#?S Pu/lication 3006 Financial Management o( )esources &erationsand Maintenance (or s4ore acti,itiesC

  1C #n P*#) &ro,ides (unds reuired /" an acti,it" to &er(orm its mission. *4e#,iation Maintenance Manager s4ould /e (amiliar 8it4 t4e t"&es o( P*#)Ns granted and


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t4eir &ur&oses t4e /asic accounting conce&t used and t4e reuired records and re&orts.Items co,ered re&orting and record ee&ing &rocedures are e7&lained in t4e <#?SP30131. *4e Material ontrol ((icer &ro,ides t4e maintenance de&artment tracing (or t4e(ollo8ing P*#) (unds

  aC F01 Flig4t &erations /C F$0 #,iation Fleet Maintenance Materials and Ser,ice

  4. Pacu& Oits. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olumeII 4a&ter 6 and ?olume III 4a&ter 1 and 1$

  1C Pacu& its are &ro,ided (or use /" o&erating suadrons on detac4ment in areas84ere normal su&&l" su&&ort is limited. *4e &acu& its normall" consist o( 4ig4 usage

re&aira/le and consuma/le items.

  i. Sur,e"s. )e(erences

SE<#?I<S* $$00. Missing 'ost Stolen or )eco,ered o,ernmentPro&ert" )e&orting o(

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program ?olume I4a&ter $

 <#?S5P P-$ Su&&l" Procedures #(loat

  1C # Sur,e" is t4e &rocedure reuired 84en <a," &ro&ert" and %'# materialincluding IM)' eui&ment:SE in <a," custod" is lost damaged or destro"ed. *4eFinancial 'ia/ilit" In,estigation o( Pro&ert" 'oss %% 200C is used in connection 8it4sur,e" &rocedures. *4e <#?S5P P-$ &ro,ide detailed instructions (or &re&aring and &rocessing t4e sur,e".

  2C nl" t4e ommanding ((icer or &ersons ot4er8ise designated in 8riting areaut4oried to sign t4e sur,e" (orm %%200.

  D. Flig4t Pacets. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume I 4a&ter 12

  <#?S5P P-$ Su&&l" Procedures #(loat

  1C Material ontrol ((icers are res&onsi/le (or (lig4t &acets issued to &ilots (ore7tended (lig4ts. *4e (lig4t &acets s4ould include t4e necessar" (orms or documents


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reuired to &rocure material or ser,ices necessar" to continue a (lig4t and t4e instructions on4o8 to use t4ese documents.

  2C Flig4t &acets are reuired to /e in,entoried and signed /" t4e &ilot in command ateac4 c4ecout and u&on return. I( not used t4e" s4all /e in,entoried mont4l" /" t4e Su&&l"

((icer or Material ontrol ((icer.

  . Su&&l" Pu/lications. )e(erences

  M<#?#)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?ol I 4 9

 <#?S5P P09 Milstri& %es uide 

 <#?S5P P-$ Su&&l" Procedures #(loat 

 <#?S5P P2003 5na/ridged <a," Inde7 o(Pu/lications Forms and %irecti,es 


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Section 1 0 Aircraft Records and Re(ortin' S+ste#s!ac" to Table of Contents

1. Aircraft Records and Re(ortin' S+ste#s. *4is section contains in(ormation on aircra(tlog /oos and associated records t4e #ircra(t In,entor" )e&orting S"stem and t4e #ircra(tEngine #ccounting )e&orting S"stem.

  a. #ircra(t 'og Boos. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume I 4a&ter 13

  1C *4e aircra(t log /oo (or eac4 aircra(t contains records o( (lig4t and o&erational datatec4nical directi,e com&liance ins&ections 84ere reuiredC and maDor re8or &er(ormed. Italso contains records o( installed e7&losi,e de,ices and sc4eduled remo,al com&onents. It ismaintained /" t4e logs and records section o( maintenance control.

  2C *4e log/oo ma" onl" /e signed /" t4e ommanding ((icer le,el Maintenance((icer Ile,el Maintenance ((icer %le,el %irector o( &erations and M% ((icer.t4er &ersonnel designated in 8riting /" an" o( t4e &re,iousl" stated indi,iduals ma" alsosign t4e aircra(t log/oo.

  /. #eronautical Eui&ment Ser,ice )ecords #ES)C. )e(erences

  M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume I 4a&ter 13

  1C *4e #ES) is maintained in a manner similar to t4e aircra(t log /oo. Fullidenti(ication data and serial num/er are inserted on /ot4 sides o( eac4 &age in t4e s&aces &ro,ided to ensure read" identi(ication. *4e #ES) accom&anies t4e eui&ment at all times.

  c. )ecord #Q ard P<#? $2:9C. )e(erence

P<#?I<S* $2.2 #ircra(t In,entor" )e&orting S"stem#I)SC

  1C *4e )ecord G#G ard is maintained (or eac4 suadron aircra(t. It &ro,ides audit dataon eac4 H)# transaction and accumulated mont4l" (lig4t time.

  d. #ircra(t In,entor" )e&orting S"stem #I)SC. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume I 4a&ter 12

 P<#?I<S* $2.2 #ircra(t In,entor" )e&orting S"stem



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  1C *4e #I)S is used at ,arious le,els o( management to maintain o&erationalcommitments re8or sc4edules and (or /udgeting &ur&oses. *4e data reuired (or t4e#I)S is as (ollo8s 

aC H)# )e&orts

  /C #ircra(t #ccounting #udit )e&ort

  cC 3M Flig4t %ata Forms

  dC ?isual Ins&ection %is&la" S"stem:Maintenance #ction Form ?I%S:M#FC

  eC In,entor" ains and 'osses

  (C In:ut o( Material ondition )e&orta/le Status M)SC

  e. #ircra(t Engine Management S"stem. )e(erences

 <#?#I)I<S* 13+00.1$% #ircra(t Engine Management S"stem 

1C Pro,ides management &rocedures (or Engine:Pro&ulsion S"stem Modules EPSMCand re&orting &rocedures (or t4e <a," #ircra(t Engine Management S"stem #EMSC.uidelines are esta/lis4ed (or all aircra(t engine custodians &er <#?#I)I<S* 13+00.1$%.

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Section 14 0 S(ecial .ro'ra#s and Ot%er Areas of Interest!ac" to Table of Contents

1. S(ecial .ro'ra#s and Ot%er Areas of Interest. *4is section includes in(ormation ons&ecial &rograms and ot4er areas o( interest not ot4er8ise co,ered in &re,ious sections.

  a. <a," il #nal"sis Program <#PC. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume ? 4a&ter

P<#?I<S* +31.1 Aoint il #nal"sis Program A#PC

 <#?#I) 1+1$$0.1 Aoint il #nal"sis Program Manual?olume I

 <#?#I) 1+1$$0.1 Aoint il #nal"sis Program Manual?olume II

 <#?#I) 1+1$$0.1 Aoint il #nal"sis Program Manual?olume III

 <#?#I)I<S* +31.1 <a," il #nal"sis Program (or#eronautical Eui&ment

  1C *4e <#P &ro,ides (or s&ectrometric oil anal"sis o( engine oil. il anal"sis is adiagnostic maintenance tool used to determine t4e t"&e and amount o( 8earmetal inlu/rication oil sam&les. Engines and gear/o7es are t4e t"&es o( eui&ment most (reuentl"monitored. *4e &resence o( unusual amounts o( 8earmetals and ot4er contaminants in t4e(luid sam&le indicatesa/normal 8ear o( t4e eui&ment. nce t4is 8ear is ,eri(ied and t4e source identi(ied /" t4eoil la/orator" t4e eui&ment ma" /e re&aired or remo,ed (rom ser,ice /e(ore a maDor (ailureo( t4e com&onent occurs. *4is &rocedure en4ances &ersonnel sa(et" and material readiness ata minimum cost and ser,es as a decisi,e tool in &re,enti,e maintenance action. il sam&lesgat4ered at t4e suadron are turned into t4e local <#P la/orator" or t4e intermediatele,el maintenance acti,it".

  /. om&ass ali/ration Program. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume I 4a&ter 16

MI'S*%+6$# om&ass S8inging #ircra(t eneral)euirements (or 


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 <#?#I) 1$01$00 Preser,ation o( <a,al #ircra(t

  1C *4e o/Decti,e o( t4e aircra(t (uel sur,eillance &rogram is to ensure deli,er" o( cleanand 8ater(ree (uel o( t4e correct t"&e to aircra(t engines. *4e !ualit" #ssurance:#nal"sis

di,ision monitors t4e #ircra(t Fuel Sur,eillance Program and t4e training o( &ersonnelres&onsi/le (or (uel sam&ling.

  (. *ool ontrol Program *PC. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume ? 4a&ter 13

 <#?#I) 1+ series *ool ontrol Manuals *M seriesC

  1C *4e *ool ontrol Program *PC en4ances sa(et" /" eliminating accidents and

eui&ment damage attri/uted to uncontrolled tools and minimiing tool re&lacement costs.Maintenance &ersonnel to include all mem/ers o( t4e c4ain o( command are res&onsi/le (oran e((ecti,e *P. *ool containers at t4e organiational le,el are regulated /" t4e *:M:SNsres&ecti,e <#?#I) 1+ series manual. *ool containers at t4e intermediate le,el or units8it4out a *MC determine 84ic4 tools are necessar" and de,elo& t4eir o8n in,entor" lists.

  g. Su&&ort Eui&ment <ona,ionicsC Program. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program 

*raining:'icensing ?olume ? 4a&ter 1+ 

Misuse:#/use ?olume I 4a&ter 10 

orrosion ontrol ?olume ? 4a&ter 1 

Pre,entati,e Maintenance S"stem ?olume ? 4a&ter 1-

1C S&ecial em&4asis must /e &laced on t4e im&ortance care and usage o( su&&orteui&ment. B" (ollo8ing t4e guidelines o( t4e <#MP acti,ities 8ill /e assured o( 4a,ingt4e assets to &er(orm t4eir mission and &ro(essional e7&ertise to use t4e eui&ment e((icientl"and sa(el".

  4. Metrolog" and ali/ration ME*#'C Program. )e(erence

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume ? 4a&ter 19

 1C ali/ration ensures su&&ort eui&ment is o&erating 8it4in esta/lis4ed tolerance

limits. ali/ration is mandator" (or SE *#MS and metrolog" standards used (or


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uantitati,e measurement or to &ro,ide a re(erence uantit" o( no8n ,alue. ?ariousin,entor" (ormat re&orts &ro,ide listings used to e((ecti,el" manage t4e &rogram. *4eacti,it" Mont4l" Maintenance Plan contains a list o( eui&ment /" 8or center due (orcali/ration in t4e (ollo8ing mont4 and t4e due date. %e&lo"ments and detac4ments s4ould /e taen into consideration 84ere &ossi/le.

  i. #erial )e(ueling Stores. )e(erence

  1C *4e #)S is a maDor aeronautical eui&ment and is 4andled in t4e same manner as anaircra(t. Program Management is &er(ormed /" M<#?#I)P# <21EC andM<#?#I)'#<* <21%$C (or t4e Paci(ic Fleet P#F'*C and #tlantic Fleet'#<*F'*C. .

 D. Mo/ile Facilit" Program. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program

?olume I 4a&ter 10

1C S&ecial (acilities ma" /e reuired to maintain aircra(t s"stems a8a" (rom 4ome /aseor to augment s4ore /ase and s4i& (acilities. Mo/ile (acilities are eui&&ed to &ro,ideen,ironmentall" controlled maintenance s&aces in su&&ort o( aeronautical 8ea&ons s"stemsand related su&&ort eui&ment.

  . <ondestructi,e Ins&ection <%IC. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume I 4a&ter 10

  <#?#I) 011#16 <ondestructi,e Ins&ection Met4ods

Manual <a,al Facilities Engineeringommand

  1C <%I is t4e &ractice o( e,aluating a &art or sam&le o( material 8it4out im&airing its(uture use(ulness. *4e met4ods used in na,al a,iation include /ut are not limited to ,isualor o&tical liuid &enetrant magnetic &article edd" current ultrasonic and radiogra&4ic. <%I s4all /e used in t4e maintenance o( <a," and Marine or&s aircra(t and aircra(t s"stems84ene,er contri/utions to sa(et" relia/ilit" !# &er(ormance or econom" can /e realied. <%I s4all /e &er(ormed onl" /" uali(ied and currentl" certi(ied <%I &ersonnel inaccordance 8it4 a&&lica/le tec4nical directi,e:maintenance instruction manuals and:or <#011#16.

  l. #eronautical >elding. )e(erences

M<#?#I)F)I<S* +90.2 <a,al #,iation Maintenance Program?olume I 4a&ter 10



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 <# 011#3 #eronautical and Su&&ort Eui&ment>elding

  1C nl" currentl" certi(ied aeronautical eui&ment 8elders ma" 8eld on aeronauticaleui&ment com&onents and items manu(actured (rom t4e grou&sC o( metalsC (or 84ic4

t4e" are currentl" certi(ied (or and (or 84ic4 8eld re&airs are aut4oried /" a&&lica/letec4nical &u/lication or directi,es. rou&sC o( metalsC (or 84ic4 se&arate certi(ication isreuired are s&eci(ied in <# 011#3. Initial certi(ication is attained /" satis(actor"com&letion o( <a," coursessC <+01000+ #ircra(t:Su&&ort Ei&ment Basic 8eldingerti(icationC and:or <+010009 7"guel:S4ielded Metal #rc >elder erti(icationC or /"satis(actor" com&letion o( eui,alent training I#> <# 011#3 and satis(actor"com&letion o( recerti(ication testing.


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1st M#> Intranet 4tt&

1st M#> >EBSI*E 4tt&

#I) F)E 4tt&::888.e&u/lis4ing.a(.mil

#MES )EP)*I< 4tt&,".mil:aems 

#)M 4tt&::888.usa&a.arm".mil

B5PE)S 'i/rar" 4tt&::/u&erscd.tec4nolog".na,".mil:inde7.4tm

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#?*S @MEP#E 4tt&,,".mil:ca,ts:inde7.c(m

<#F 'i/rarian 4tt&::e7tra.cna(.na,".mil

<E* 4tt&,".mil:cnet:directi,es:cnetdirecti,e.4tm

MM#<%E) 5S #*'#<*I F'EE* 4tt&::888.atlantic(,".mil:cl(inst.4tm

MM#<%E) 5S P#IFI F'EE* 4tt&::888.c&(.na,".mil:instructions.4tml

%% 4tt&,es:

%EP* @omeland Sec. 4tt&::888.84ite4ouse.go,:de&to(4omeland:

%e(ense'I<O 4tt& 

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M#)F)P# 4tt&::888.iiime(

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 <#* P5BS 4tt&

 <#?#I)  4tt&s::directi,,,".mil

 <#?#I) 'IS*IS 4tt&,,".mil:

 <#?#I) PM# 4tt&::&,,".mil:

 <#?#I) *E@ *)< 4tt&::888.a,,".mil:

 <#?IP 4tt&,ic&.na,".mil:

 <#?IP SE 4tt&,ic&.na,".mil:03:0332:ser&.4tm

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 <#?S5P 4tt&::

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PM#263:5#? 4tt&::&ma26$.na,,".mil:

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SE IP* 4tt&,".mil:nl8e/:

*#)P 4tt&::888.ic&tar&.net:-$2$69-#00+9F##9 

5<IFIE% M% 4tt&

5S %irecti,es 4tt&

5SAF MM#<% 4tt&::888.D(

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A @ ! @ C @ D @ E @  @ G @ B @ I @  @   @ 5 @ M @ N @ O @ . @ 2 @ R  @ S @ T @ U @ V @  @ F @  @ H


acce&tance:trans(er o( aircra(t & 22#cuisition 'ogistics Su&&ort Plan 

#'SPC & 1aerial re(ueling stores & $0aeronautical 8elding & $1#I)S & $aircra(t

and common SE ins& & 30#rmament Eui&ment Pool 

Program & -

 /atter" sa(et" & 3- /attle damage re&air & 3con(ined s&ace entr" #SPC & 39discre&anc" re&ort #%)C & 1-engine #ccounting S"stem & 6(err"ing & 26Fuel Sur,eillance Pgm & 9ins&ections & 30in,entor" )e&orting S"stem & $log/oos & $material readiness & 1

mis4a&:4aard re&orting & 33recei&t and trans(er & 26records K re&orting & $ser,ice &eriod 12Ser,ice Period #dDustment 

#SP#C & 31allo8ances and manning & 3#MM* & 29a,iation maint. mgmt. & 29allo8ances SE & 0a,iatorNs /reat4ing o7"gen & 3+


 /atter" sa(et" & 3-


anni/aliation & 32arrier uali(ications & 23as4 #8ard Program & 21

certi(ication:licensing &rogram & $ommand relations4i&s & 10om&ass cali/ration &rogram & +on(iguration management & 2+ontractor Engineer *ec4nical Ser,ice 

E*SC & +corrosion control &rogram -ustodial res&onsi/ilities & 10


%amaged aircra(t & 33%ata 3MC & 13

%e&lo"ment logistics & 23


Engine transaction re&orts E*)C & 2-Engineering and *ec4nical Ser,ice & +Engineering In,estigation EIC & 1-Enlisted distri/ution ,eri(ication re&ort 

10-01C & enlisted (lig4t orders & +enlisted &ersonnel mgmt. enter 

 EPM#C &

E7&losi,e Mis4a& )e&ort EM)C & 1-


Financial management & 10Fleet )eadiness #,iation Maintenance 

Personnel Program & 6Flig4t %ec @aardous %ut" Pa" & +Flig4t o&erations (unds & 11Flig4t &acets & Foreign /Dect %amage F%C & 36



@aardous Material ontrol K Management Program @MKMC  & 39

@aardous Material )e&ort @M)C & 1-


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Ins&ections#ircra(t & 30Maintenance & 30

Su&&ort eui&ment & 30Interim )a&id #ction 4ange I)#C & 20

In,estigation K re&orting & 1+




'ocal )e&air "cle #sset ')#C & 2


Maintenance administration & 9data re&orting & 13data s"stem & 1$di,isions & 9logistics res&onsi/ilities & 10management & 9material control & 9 &rograms & 11training im&ro,ement &rogram & $

management in(ormation s"stems & 13Management res&onsi/ilities & 10Man&o8er aut4oriation &

Man&o8er management & 10Metrolog" K ali/ration Program 

ME*#'C & $0Mo/ile Facilit" Program MFC & $0Mont4l" Maintenance Plan & 11


 <a,al #ir Maintenance *raining %etac4ments & 6

 <a,al #,iation %e&ot & 6 <a,al #,iation Engineering Ser,ice 

5nit & + <a," i,ilian *ec4nical Ser,ice & + <a," Militar" *ec4nical Ser,ice & +

 <a," il #nal"sis Program <#PC & +

 <ondestructi,e ins&ection & $ $0


&erating *arget #llo8ance P*#)C  & 3&erational ser,ice &eriod & 12rders directi,es manuals & 3rdnance 4andling & 3-


Pacu& its & 3Personnel & 3Personnel uali(ication standards 

 &rogram $

Planner and estimator ser,ice & 3Post maintenance c4ec (lig4t & 21Pree7&ended Bin & 2Preser,ation:storage & 32


!uali(ication &rograms & $ualit" assurance & 9 K 16!ualit" assurance

managed &rograms & 16monitored &rograms & 16

!ualit" de(icienc" re&ort !%)C & 1-


)a&id #ction Minor Engineering 4ange )#MEC & 21

)eco,er" K reclamation o( cras4 damaged aircra(t & 33


Sa(et"#,iatorNs Breat4ing 7"gen & 3+Batter" & 3-EDection seat & 3$@earing conser,ation & 36'iuid o7"gen & 3+ <itrogen generating SE & 3-Su&&ort eui&ment & 3$


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*ire and 84eel & 36SE training & 6Sea &erational %etac4ment & -Ser,eMart & 2Suadron man&o8er documents 

S!M%C & S4i& man&o8er documents & S&ecial %e&ot 'e,el Maintenance & 12Statistical %ata & 13Su/s"stem a&a/ilit" Im&act )e&orting

 & 1Su&&l" & 1Su&&l" &u/lications & Su&&ort Eui&ment Program & 9Sur,e"s & 3

T---*ec4nical Pu/lications %e(icienc" )e&ort *P%)C & 19

*ec4nical Pu/lication 'i/rar" & 19*em&orar" additional dut" & -*ool ontrol Program *PC & 9*raining & $




>eig4t and /alance & 2+


Hra" re&orts & 23



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