اخلاقيات الثاني

Post on 13-May-2015






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Unethical Behavior

In the work environment may emerge some factors that result in the issuance of unethical

behavior, such as: Lack of obedience to superiors. Lack of respect for the laws and regulations that are in favor of work. Lack of loyalty and belonging to the



Althacd and hatred between colleagues. Lack of patience and work under pressure. Lack of commitment to literature in the treatment of others.


Not to respond to questions or uncertainty about the validity of the answers. Lack of diligence on the development of self and continuing learning. Other factors.


One of the main reasons leading to such misconduct the following: Lack of appreciation for the efforts. Weak material and moral incentives.

Inappropriate behavior for some users. Lack of promotion opportunities available at work. constant pressure at work.


Lack of deterrent penalties for non-compliance with ethics. The face of the employee for some special social conditions. Lack of users’ appreciations for the nature of work in the information center. Lack of clear standards governing the daily

practices .


Proposals to Strengthen the Ethical Aspects

The development of religious faith, which urges the Muslim to be watching Allah in his work. Adding a course on professional ethics in the curriculum of the information departments.


Preparation of codes of ethics that explain the principles and values of the profession agreed. Organizing training programs for workers in the information sector. Conciliation between the interests of work and personal interests through the adoption of ethical rules of information profession.


Staff awareness of professional ethics through lectures, seminars, publications, and e-mail. Accounting is committed to ethics in information institutions. Professional associations, and support for the adoption of standards of ethical practices.


Information legislation

The information policy means action plan or strategy developed by the institution including laws and procedures related to all information activities : production, distribution of information , compilation and dissemination, retrieval , and storing.


The scope of information legislation may extend to include many areas, including telecommunications, networks, protection of personal data, e-government, the economics of information, electronic publishing, information flow, privacy , data protection, information security, intellectual property, legal aspects, and others.


There are many issues related to access to information, privacy, and confidentiality, such as access to personal records of employees, and their e-mail, which has not yet been resolved. Also there are issues relating to the protection of information and terrorist attacks on information systems, so there must

be a moral framework that can be consulted .


The Importance of Information legislation

Works as a tool to adjust and control where you specify the acts that may occur. Helps to achieve the objectives of the organization. Explains how to deal with sensitive information.


Ensures that information management is good. Optimal investment of available resources. Works to make information available to all. Transparency in dealing with various categories.


Preparation of information legislation

In the preparation of information policy we should determine its scope , dimensions, drafting well, and taking into account the evaluation and review periodically, as well as the following:


First: define the scope Information policy includes large-scale organizational elements and community, technical and material resources, and skills. Policy designers must take into account these aspects, determine the scope and purpose of the policy accuratly, depending on the objectives of the institution and its potential.


Second: determine the dimensions Intended dimensions of internal and external sources that affect the policy design, implementation, and maintenance. It should be born in mind the physical environment , social environments, legal and administrative knowledge , surroundings, and the extent of community acceptance of the policy. Also policy should be flexible and subject to

change whenever the need occurred .


Third: policy formulation Must take into account the legal and language aspects when drafting the final form of the policy to be clear in its terminology, concise , easy to understand, and far from

confusion, as well as complexity .


Fourth: dissemination of information policy Be published after the completion of the policy formulated on the foundation's website, make them available for employees to express their opinions around, and take them into account when reviewing the policy.


Five: Assessment of Information Policy Policy is evaluated periodically to ensure its validity, effectiveness and observance of the social, political and economic variables.


Six: Review of information policy The purpose of review is to ensure representation of events , developments , and address the difficulties that may arise. We should determine who is responsible for the review, and the time period required.


National Information Policy

Plan developed by the country regulates the flow of information in general, and coordinates among the various sectors concerned with information on the national level to ensure uniformity and integration. The importance of this policy is as follows:


To coordinate efforts, and avoid duplication and repetition. To reflect the desire of the country in making decisions on planning , economic, and social development.


To organize information activities, and benefit from the information in all areas through cooperation and collaboration, and exchange of information locally and externally.

To determine the responsibility of all institutions concerned with information.


Information Security Policy

Preparation of a plan at the national level on the protection of technical devices during use, and security programs as the information and systems targeted for acquisition or sabotage or disable its organs, so there was a need for the development of regulations and laws for the application of technical procedures for the security of software, and security of communication in information networks.


The importance of information security policy is the following:

To provide a structure for institutions to help them take appropriate decisions. To provide a reference for use in the event of a disaster that threatens the information

system .


To determine the availability of the means of information dissemination. To facilitate the detection and identification of personal crimes perpetrators.


Elements should be taken into account in the preparation of information security policy:

Human side: the subordination of workers to security checks prior to acceptance into sensitive positions , inform them of the security policy.


Provide appropriate protection for the security of information in computer: deleting files is important because it may lead to other important information, make backup copies outside the computer, and provide for their protection.


Protect transmitted data, and secure all the components of the network: by using security software such as firewalls that prevent hackers, and give contact information.

Prohibit input or output of any device or media without the permission of the institution.


Develop plans for emergency follow in event of natural disasters or industrial.

Develop a security policy for internet use according to the needs of the institution, prevent its employees from unnecessary use, and explain the procedures for downloading software.


Develop a security policy to use e-mail, so as to clarify the management regime, determine the right to scan messages, and determine its size to prevent network congestion.

Provide protection against viruses, including the purchase of original software needed by the organization for its activities, and the purchase of anti-virus software from reliable companies.


Areas of information policy

Information policy covers four main areas :Production of information. Dissemination .Organization .



First: the production of information The most important issues in this area honesty and objectivity when conducting research, and intellectual property protection so that to make the research is reliable. Weak studies have increased with the emergence of the electronic publishing. At the same time there are programs capable of detecting the theft of information. This has made electronic publishing of academic materials easy to copy

and reproduce .


Second: the dissemination of information The most important ethical issues in the dissemination of information are access, intellectual freedom, censorship, and privacy .


With regard to access, we must determine the information that is available free of charge . With regard to intellectual freedom, a citizen should has a free access to sources of information needed without any restrictions. The Internet represents an ideal tool in this regard, although it contains some sites that incite hatred and violence.


The third dimension is the censorship working to limit the intellectual freedom for religious, political, economic considerations, and through the exclusion or picked up of information.


The fourth dimension is the privacy represented in the individual's right not to share his personal information without his consent, and non-disclosure of personal information held by public bodies (medical records, bank statements), as well as informing individuals when collecting information about them for the purpose of this process.


Third: organization of information Tools used in the organization of information especially classification systems, and search engines not being neutral. As there is bias in some classification schemes such as Dewey Decimal Classification, which focuses on American culture. Also the search engines lack of external oversight and transparency, and are affected by political pressures and local standards that differ from one country to another.


Fourth: use of information A large proportion of countries are unable to use the information available in electronic form, resulting in the phenomenon of information poverty. This is because of the poor information infrastructure, the inability to use the techniques of modern communication and information efficiently, and lack of familiarity with the English

language .


Also included in this range the misuse of the information being unauthorized, copies of the databases to be distributed for profit, and the use of non-genuine copies of copyrighted programs.


Other ethical issues related are the misuse of the computer through the introduction of malware , viruses , worms, theft, embezzlement, sabotage, espionage and terrorism. Therefore, institutions should adopt ethical practices and make the workers

depend on the moral sense in their work .


In addition the internet misuse, and this phenomenon includes the following aspects:

E-mail: Sending messages containing pornographic materials, shopping for websites, causing damage to computers by viruses, or marketing of the mind of a religious or political beliefs contrary to prevailing in the society.


E-commerce: theft of credit card information, or bank account information, and security breach of corporate websites.

Malicious sites: which broadcasts religious and political radical ideas, or marketing for illegal activities such as selling drugs and so

on .

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