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BankTest Prep

General Awareness Updates (August 2014)

GK Updates (August 2014) Page : 1

Contents Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana ..................................................................................................................................... 2

Ebola Virus ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3

National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) ......................................................................................................... 5

Current RBI Rates: ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

New Governors ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Agricultural Revolutions in India ....................................................................................................................................... 6

Cropping Seasons in India ................................................................................................................................................ 6

Cups & Trophies ............................................................................................................................................................... 7

International: ............................................................................................................................................................... 7

National: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Indian Folk Dance & States ............................................................................................................................................... 7

Important Wild Life Sanctuaries ....................................................................................................................................... 7

Current Affairs Q & A August 2014 ................................................................................................................................... 9

Memory Based Questions Asked in SBI Clerical 2014 .......................................................................................................22

Memory Based Questions Asked in IDBI PO.....................................................................................................................26

Key: Memory Based Questions SBI Clerical 2014 .............................................................................................................31

Key: Memory Based Questions IDBI PO 2014 ..................................................................................................................31

BankTest Prep

General Awareness Updates (August 2014)

GK Updates (August 2014) Page : 2

Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana

Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 28th August 2014 launched his pet project the ‘Jan Dhan Yojana’ (People’s Wealth scheme), which aims to provide bank accounts to the poor and end financial untouchability. The scheme is aimed at opening 1 crore bank accounts on the first day of its launch. The state leaders in turn would launch the scheme in their respective states. Here are some important details you should know about this scheme. What is Jan Dhan Yojana? This plan is aimed at providing bank accounts, insurance cover and a debit card to all the citizens of the country. The 'Jan Dhan Yojana' will provide individuals with a RuPay debit card which carries free accidental insurance cover of Rs 1 lakh. According to news reports the personal accident insurance cover would be enhanced to Rs 2 lakhs per year. This is likely to provide some cover especially to marginalized sections of society in the unfortunate event of death of the earning member due to an accident. Highlights of Jan Dhan Yojana 2014

Launched on 28th August 2014 The logo of the mission was created by Priya

Sharma. The name “Jan Dhan” was chosen through an

online competition on the MyGov Platform and received more than 6000 suggestion from Indian citizens. After evaluation the jury shortlisted “Jan Dhan” which was suggested by 7 individuals.

Slogan of this scheme is "Mera Khata – Bhagya Vidhaata” (My Bank Account – The Creator of the Good Fortune)

The primary objective of the programme, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, is to deepen financial inclusion. As many as 60000 bank camps will be conducted and about 1 crore accounts are targeted to be opened in just one day.

The long term vision of the Jan Dhan Yojana is to lay the foundation of a cashless economy and is complementary to the Digital India Scheme.

This scheme has set an ambitious target of bringing in more than 7.5 crore un-banked families into India’s banking system by opening more than 15 Crore bank accounts at the rate of two bank accounts per household.

Every individual who opens a bank account becomes eligible to receive an accident insurance cover of up-to Rs 1 Lakh for his entire family.

Once the bank account has been active for 6 months and has been linked to account holders Aadhar identity, they would become eligible for an overdraft of up to Rs 2,500 , which would further be enhanced by the bank to Rs 5000 over time.

The mission will be implemented in two phases. . Phase-I from 15th August 2014 to 14th August 2015: Universal access to banking facilities for all

households across the country through a bank branch or a fixed point Business Correspondent (BC) called Bank Mitra within a reasonable distance except areas with infrastructure & connectivity constraints.

To cover all households with atleast one Basic Banking Account with RuPay Debit card having inbuilt accident insurance cover of Rs.1 lakh. Further an overdraft facility upto Rs.5000 will also be permitted to Adhaar enabled accounts after satisfactory operation in the account for 6 months.

Financial literacy programme which aims to take financial literacy upto village level.

The Mission also envisages expansion of Direct Benefit Transfer under various Government Schemes through bank accounts of the beneficiaries of.

The issuance of Kisan Credit Card (KCC) as RuPay Kisan Card is also proposed to be covered under the plan. Phase-II from 15th August 2015:

Providing micro –insurance to the people.

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General Awareness Updates (August 2014)

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Unorganised sector Pension schemes like Swavalamban through the Business Correspondents.

The Yojana is being monitored in a Mission Mode with the Finance Minister being the Head of the Mission.

It is estimated to cover 7.50 crore households with at least one account under the Yojana and also a large number of dormant accounts would be activated

Electronic Transfer of subsidies under various schemes of Government would be enabled.

Both rural and urban areas will be covered in this scheme

Ebola Virus

Hundreds of people are dead as the worst Ebola virus outbreak in history sweeps through West Africa. It began as a handful of cases in Guinea in March but quickly spread to neighboring Sierra Leone and Liberia. Why does Ebola generate such fear? Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) describes Ebola as "one of the world's most deadly diseases." "It is a highly infectious virus that can kill up to 90% of the people who catch it, causing terror among infected communities," it says. There is also no vaccination against it. Of Ebola's five subtypes, the Zaire strain -- the first to be identified -- is considered the most deadly. The WHO said preliminary tests on the Ebola virus in Guinea in March suggested that the outbreak there was this strain, though that has not been confirmed. What is Ebola? The Ebola virus causes viral hemorrhagic fever, which according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), refers to a group of viruses that affect multiple organ systems in the body and are often accompanied by bleeding. The virus is named after the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire), where one of the first outbreaks occurred in 1976. The same year there was another outbreak in Sudan. The WHO says there are five different strains of the virus -- named after the areas they originated in. Three of these have been associated with large outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever in Africa. These are the Bundibugyo -- an area of Uganda where the virus was discovered in 2007 -- Sudan and Zaire sub-types. There has been a solitary case of Ivory Coast Ebola. This subtype was discovered when a researcher studying

wild chimpanzees became ill in 1994 after an autopsy on one of the animals. The researcher recovered. Finally, Reston Ebola is named after Reston in the U.S. state of Virginia, where this fifth strain of the Ebola virus was identified in monkeys imported from the Philippines. The CDC says while humans have been infected with Ebola Reston, there have been no cases of human illness or death from this sub-type. What are Ebola's symptoms? Early symptoms include sudden onset of fever, weakness, muscle pain, headaches and a sore throat. These symptoms can appear two to 21 days after infection. The WHO says these nonspecific early symptoms can be mistaken for signs of diseases such as malaria, typhoid fever, meningitis or even the plague. MSF says some patients may also develop a rash, red eyes, hiccups, chest pains and difficulty breathing and swallowing. The early symptoms progress to vomiting, diarrhea, impaired kidney and liver function and sometimes internal and external bleeding. Ebola can only be definitively confirmed by five different laboratory tests. How is it treated? There are no specific treatments for Ebola. MSF says patients are isolated and then supported by health care workers. "This consists of hydrating the patient, maintaining their oxygen status and blood pressure and treating them for any complicating infections," it says. There have been cases of health care workers contracting the virus from patients, and the WHO has issued guidance for dealing with confirmed or suspected cases of the virus.

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General Awareness Updates (August 2014)

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Caregivers are advised to wear impermeable gowns and gloves and to wear facial protection such as goggles or a medical mask to prevent splashes to the nose, mouth and eyes. MSF says it contained a 2012 outbreak in Uganda by placing a control area around its treatment center. An outbreak is considered over once 42 days -- double the incubation period of the disease -- have passed without any new cases. What drugs exist to combat the disease? Two American missionary workers infected with Ebola were given an experimental drug called ZMapp, which seems to have saved their lives. The drug, developed by a San Diego firm, had never been tried before on humans, but it showed promise in small experiments on monkeys. But rolling out an untested drug during a massive outbreak would also be very difficult, according to MSF. Experimental drugs are typically not mass-produced, and tracking the success of such a drug if used would require extra medical staff where resources are already scarce. ZMapp's maker says it has very few doses ready for patient use. There are other experimental drugs. Tekmira, a Vancouver-based company that has a $140 million contract with the U.S. Department of Defense to develop an Ebola drug, began Phase 1 trials with its drug in January. But the FDA recently halted the trial, asking for more information. At least one potential Ebola vaccine has been tested in healthy human volunteers, according to Thomas Geisbert, a leading researcher at the University of Texas Medical Branch. And last week, the NIH announced that a safety trial of another Ebola vaccine will start as early as September. And in March, the U.S. National Institutes of Health awarded a five-year, $28 million grant to establish a collaboration between researchers from 15 institutions who were working to fight Ebola. "A whole menu of antibodies have been identified as potentially therapeutic, and researchers are eager to figure out which combinations are most effective and why," a news release about the grant said. How does Ebola virus spread? The WHO says it is believed that fruit bats may be the natural host of the Ebola virus in Africa, passing on the virus to other animals.

Humans contract Ebola through contact with the bodily fluids of infected animals or the bodily fluids of infected humans. MSF says that while the virus is believed to be able to survive for some days in liquid outside an infected organism, chlorine disinfection, heat, direct sunlight, soaps and detergents can kill it. MSF epidemiologist Kamiliny Kalahne said outbreaks usually spread in areas where hospitals have poor infection control and limited access to resources such as running water. "People who become sick with it almost always know how they got sick: because they looked after someone in their family who was very sick -- who had diarrhea, vomiting and bleeding -- or because they were health staff who had a lot of contact with a sick patient," she said. Can plane passengers become infected? While the CDC acknowledges it's possible a person infected with Ebola in West Africa could get on a plane and arrive in another country, the chances of the virus spreading during the journey are low. "It's very unlikely that they would be able to spread the disease to fellow passengers," said Stephen Monroe, deputy director of CDC's National Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Infectious Diseases. "The Ebola virus spreads through direct contact with the blood, secretions, or other body fluids of ill people, and indirect contact -- for example with needles and other things that may be contaminated with these fluids." He added that most people who have become infected with Ebola lived with or cared for an ill patient. "This is not an airborne transmission," said Dr. Marty Cetron, director of CDC's Division of Global Migration and Quarantine. "There needs to be direct contact frequently with body fluids or blood." Travelers should take precautions by avoiding areas experiencing outbreaks and avoid contact with Ebola patients. "It is highly unlikely that someone suffering such symptoms would feel well enough to travel," IATA said in a statement. "In the rare event that a person infected with the Ebola virus was unknowingly transported by air, WHO advises that the risks to other passengers are low. Nonetheless, WHO does advise public health authorities to carry out contact tracing in such instances." This means determining who had contact with the affected person.

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How many cases have there been? The CDC estimates there have been more than 3,000 cases of Ebola and more than 2,000 deaths since 1976. The last recorded outbreaks before the current one in Guinea were in 2012 -- in Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. The Uganda outbreak involved a total of 24 probable and confirmed cases, and 17 deaths, according to the WHO, which declared it had ended in October 2012.

MSF said the Uganda outbreak had been the Sudan strain, while the virus found in DRC was the Bundibugyo sub-type. Before 2014, the most deadly outbreak was the 1976 outbreak in then Zaire, when 280 of 318 infected people died, according to the CDC. In 2000, there were 425 cases of Ebola Sudan in Uganda, which resulted in 224 fatalities.

National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC)

Parliament on 14th August 2014 cleared a Constitution amendment bill that will facilitate setting up of a commission for appointment of judges, replacing the 20-year-old collegium system which has been under severe criticism. A day after passage in the Lok Sabha, the Constitution Amendment Bill was cleared by the Rajya Sabha with 179 votes in favour and one abstention of noted lawyer Ram Jethmalani. The bill will make way for the setting up of National Judicial Appointments Commission which will appoint and transfer judges to the Supreme Courts and the 24 high courts. The bill will come into force after ratification by 50 per cent of the state legislatures. The process could take up to eight months. After ratification, the government will send it to the President for his assent. With the passage of the bill, the collegium system of judges choosing judges is set to be changed in the coming months. The Constitution amendment bill will grant constitutional status to the NJAC and its composition. Under the statute amendment bill, Chief Justice of India will head the NJAC. Besides the CJI, the judiciary would be represented by two senior judges of the Supreme Court. Two eminent personalities and the law minister will be the other members of the proposed body.

The prominent people, one of whom will belong to either of SC/ST, OBC, minorities or a woman, will be selected by a panel of Prime Minister, Chief Justice of India and the leader of the opposition in the Lok Sabha or the leader of the largest opposition party in the Lower House. Moving the bill, law minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said the measure is not being brought in haste as there have been several committees in the past that have recommended for bringing a change in the collegium system of appointing judges. "Why is Parliament wary of using its powers? Parliament must have full trust in the ability of Parliament to pass the law," he said. Prasad said the power of appointing a judge rests with the President of India. "This House respects the independence of the judiciary and this House also respects the power of Parliament," he said. On doubts of some members on the appointment of eminent persons on the all-important Judicial Appointments Committee, he said, they will be appointed by the Prime Minister, the Chief Justice of India and the leader of the opposition or largest opposition party in the Lok Sabha. "Should we not trust their collective wisdom. If they can govern the country well, they can select eminent persons as well," he said.

Current RBI Rates:

Repo Rate 8% (Unchanged) Reverse Repo 7% (Unchanged) CRR 4%(Unchanged) SLR 22%(Changed) MSF 9%(Unchanged) Bank Rate 9% (Unchanged)

BankTest Prep

General Awareness Updates (August 2014)

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New Governors

1. Kalyan Singh: Governor of Rajasthan 2. Vajubhai Rudabhai Vala: Governor of Karnataka 3. Chennamaneni Vidyasagar Rao: Governor of

Maharashtra 4. Mridula Sinha - Governor of Goa 5. Ram Naik: Governor of Uttar Pradesh. He replaces

B.L. Joshi

6. Balramji Dass Tandon: Governor of Chhattisgarh. 7. Keshari Nath Tripathi: Governor of West Bengal. 8. Om Prakash Kohli: Governor of Gujarat. 9. Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharya: Governor of

Nagaland. 10. Kaptan Singh Solanki: Governor Haryana. He replaces

Jagannath Pahadia

Agricultural Revolutions in India

Black Revolution - Petroleum Production Blue Revolution - Fish Production Brown Revolution - Leather/ Cocoa production Golden Fiber Revolution - Jute Production Golden Revolution – Fruits, Overall Horticulture

development, Honey Production Green Revolution - Food grains Grey Revolution - Fertilizer Pink Revolution - Onion production, Pharmaceutical,

Prawn production

Red Revolution - Meat & Tomato Production Round Revolution - Potato Silver Fiber Revolution - Cotton Silver Revolution - Egg/Poultry Production White Revolution –Milk, Dairy production Yellow Revolution - Oil Seeds production Evergreen Revolution - Overall development of


Cropping Seasons in India

(a) Kharif: Crops are sown at the beginning of the south-west monsoon and harvested at the end of the south-west monsoon. Sowing seasons-May to July Harvesting season-September to October Important crops: Jowar, bajra, rice, maize, cotton, groundnut, jute, hemp, sugarcane, tobacco, ete. (b) Rabi: Crops need relatively cool climate during the period of growth but warm climate during the germination of their seed and maturation. Sowing season-october-December Harvesting season-February-April Important crops: wheat, barley, gram, linseed, mustard,

masoor, pea~ and potatoes. (c) Zaid: Bes;des the kharif and rabi crops, there are certain crops which are being raised throughout the year due to artificial irrigation. Zaid kharif crops are sown in August-September and harvested in December-January. Important crops: rice, jowar, rapeseed, cotton, oilseeds. Zaid rabi crops are sown in February-March. Harvesting is in April-May. Important crops: watermelon, toris, cucumber, leafy and other vegetables.

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General Awareness Updates (August 2014)

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Cups & Trophies

International: Azlan Shah Cup Hockey Asia Cup Cricket Hockey Ashes Cricket Australian Open Lawn Tennis Champions Trophy Hockey/Cricket Corbitton Cup Table Tennis (Women) Davis Cup Lawn Tennis Uber Cup Badminton (Women) Thomas Cup Badminton (Men) Sharjah Cup Cricket Derby Horse Race French Open Lawn Tennis FIFA World Cup Football Johar Cup Hockey Merdeka Cup Football Ryder Cup Golf

National: Agha Khan Cup Hockey C.K. Naydu Trophy Cricket Deodhar Trophy Cricket Dilip Trophy Cricket D.C. M. Cup Football Durand Cup Football Dhyan Chand Trophy Hockey Gavaskar–Border Trophy Cricket lrani Trophy Cricket Lal Bahadul Shastri Cup Hockey Rovers Cup Football Santosh Trophy Football Singer Cup Cricket Sahara Cup Cricket Subroto Cup Football Vijay Merchant Trophy Cricket Wellington Trophy Rowing Wills Trophy Cricket MCC Trophy Hockey Nehru Trophy Hockey Ranji Trophy Cricket Rohinton Baria Trophy Cricket

Indian Folk Dance & States

Bhangra Punjab Changu Odissa and Andhra Pradesh Gair Rajasthan Garba Gujarat Ghoomar Rajasthan Karagam Tamil Nadu Dumhal Kashmir Lavani Maharashtra

Odissi Orissa Kathak Uttar Pradesh Bihu Assam Bharat Natyam Tamil Nadu Kuchipudi Andhra Pradesh Kathakali Kerala Chhau Orissa, Bihar and West Bengal Rauf Jammu & Kashmir

Important Wild Life Sanctuaries

Kaziranga Wildlife Sanctuary Assam Manas Wildlife Sanctuary Assam Gir National Park & Wildlife Sanctuary Gujarat Sundarbans National Park West Bengal Periyar National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary Kerala Kanha National Park M P Bandhavgarh National Park M P

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Ranthambore National Park & Wildlife Sanctuary Rajasthan Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary Rajasthan Tal Chappar Wildlife Sanctuary Rajasthan Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary Rajasthan Chilka Lake Bird Sanctuary Odissa Nandankanan Zoo Odissa Corbett National Park Uttrakhand

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General Awareness Updates (August 2014)

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Current Affairs Q & A August 2014

1.Recently, the union government has formed a committee to look into the amendments in Lokpal panel rules, which were notified by the last government. The committee will be headed by ____?

(1) Mukul Rohatagi (2) Arun Jaitley (3) S Nariman

(4) Harshavardhan Shukla (5) Rajnath Singh

2.Who among the following is new Chairman of Central Board of Direct Tax (CBDT)? (1) Srishant Shukla (2) K V Chowdary (3) Krishna Nair

(4) Chandrabhanu Singh (5) Dr Urjit Patel

3.“My Earth My Duty” the biggest environment awareness initiative in India was launched by ____? (1) ISRO (2) Zee News (3) NEERI

(4) Ministry of Environment (5) Tata Group

4.Muzaffer Ali, who has been selected for Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award, is a well known ____? (1) Painter (2) Philanthropist (3) Writer

(4) Journalist (5) Film maker

5.Who became the first Indian woman gymnast to win a medal at Commonwealth Games-2014? (1) Mohini Bhardwaj (2) Bhavana Shirodkar (3) Dipa Karmakar

(4) Mallika Signh (5) Sajita Khumukchan

6.Which of the following countries has topped the medal tally in the 20th Commonwealth Games? (1) Australia (2) Canada

(3) England (4) Scotland

(5) India

7.In an ambitious initiative, the union government proposed to merge two financial institutions “Bharatiya Mahila Bank” and the “Rashtriya Mahila Kosh” aimed at women’s empowerment. In which year “Rashtriya Mahila Kosh” was stared?

(1) 1995 (2) 1993

(3) 1997 (4) 2000

(5) 2014

8.India acquired fifth position in the 2014 Commonwealth games with 64 medals with _____? (1) 20 Gold, 25 Silver and 19 Bronze (2) 10 Gold, 35 Silver and 19 Bronze (3) 10 Gold, 30 Silver and 24 Bronze

(4) 15 Gold, 30 Silver and 19 Bronze (5) 20 Gold, 30 Silver and 14 Bronze

9.India’s first ever world-class cycle track has recently inaugurated at ___? (1) Goa (2) Diu

(3) Daman (4) Kerala

(5) Mumbai

10.In which of the following events India has won maximum number of Gold medals in the recently concluded 20th Commonwealth Games held in Glasgow, Scotland?

(1) Badminton (2) Shooting

(3) Weightlifting (4) Athletics

(5) Wrestling

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11.Name the India’s first multi-sensor moored observatory recently deployed in Arctic? (1) Ind ARC (2) Ind Druv

(3) Ind NIOT (4) Ind ESSO

(5) Ind Elite

12.Who amonghst the following is head of the committee that has been set up to review Parliament security? (1) R K Singh (2) Satyapal Singh

(3) Harish Chandra Meena

(4) Subhash Pani (5) R Gandhi

13.As per the recent dada, who among the following has overtaken Samsung to become the largest mobile phone supplier in India?

(1) Nokia (2) Apple

(3) Micromax (4) Karbon

(5) Motorola

14.The 18th BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India and China) ministerial meeting on Climate Change will be held in ___? (1) Beijing (2) New Delhi

(3) Durban (4) Copenhagen

(5) Fortaleza

15.Pran Kumar Sharma, who passed away recently, was a famous ____? (1) Cartoonist (2) Musician

(3) Folk Artist (4) Economist

(5) Actor

16.As per the constitution of India, if a member is absent from either house of parliament for a period of ___ days then the seat is considered to vacant. Fill the blank with correct option?

(1) 30 (2) 100

(3) 90 (4) 75

(5) 60

17.Who among the following was honored as “Business Leader of the Year” by the All India Management Association (AIMA)?

(1) Mammen Mathew (2) S S Badrinath (3) Adi Godrej

(4) Deepak Parekh (5) Cyrus Mistry

18.According to latest energy efficiency ranking, which country has been ranked no.1 in energy efficiency? (1) Germany (2) USA

(3) India (4) Australia

(5) China

19.Maritime Energy Heli Air Services (MEHAIR), a pioneer of Seaplane operations in the country which has been operating in the region of ___?

(1) Andhra Pradesh (2) Kerala

(3) Andaman and Nicobar

(4) Lakshadweep (5) Cochin

20.Recently, the World Health Organization has issued an International health emergency over Ebola virus. Ebola virus was first discovered in which country?

(1) Guinea (2) Democratic Republic of Congo (3) Nigeria

(4) Ghana (5) Sudan

21.Recently, which country had planned “Lights Out” event to mark the centenary of World War 1? (1) Germany (2) Japan (3) France

(4) USA (5) Britain

22.Tata and Singapore International Airlines Ltd (TSAL) have recently announced brand name of their new airline, which will be ___?

(1) Vibgyor (2) Vistara

(3) Flyeasy (4) Airmate

(5) Lufthanza

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23.Who among the following has won the men’s doubles title of the French Open tennis tournament, recently? (1) Spain Marcel Granollers & Marc Lopez (2) Julien Benneteau & Edouard Roger-


(3) Michael Llodra and Nicolas Mahut (4) Bob Bryan and Mike Bryan (5) None of these

24.The term Roland Garros is associated with which of the following grand slam tennis tournaments? (1) Wimbledon (2) French Open

(3) US Open (4) Australia Open

(5) None of these

25.The Chinese govt has published a white paper on Hong Kong that stresses its authority over the territory. Hong Kong was handed over to China on 1 Jul 1997 by?

(1) UK (2) Germany

(3) Russia (4) France

(5) None of these

26.Which of the following gulf countries has introduced a new law requiring compulsory military service for adult males, recently?

(1) Iraq (2) Iran (3) Kuwait

(4) United Arab Emirates (5) None of these

27.The US Justice Department is finalising a lawsuit against which of the following banks over its sale of residential mortgage-backed securities?

(1) Citigroup (2) Standard Chartered (3) Morgan Stanley

(4) Barclays (5) None of these

28.Who among the following has been appointed as the new revenue secretary, recently? (1) RP Wattal (2) Ravi Mathur (3) GS Sandhu

(4) Shaktikanta Das (5) None of these

29.Who among the following has won the women’s doubles title of the French Open tennis tournament, recently? (1) Sara Errani and Roberta Vinci (2) Hsieh Su-wei and Peng Shuai (3) Sara Errani and Roberta Vinci

(4) Ekaterina Makarova and Elena Vesnina (5) None of these

30.Which of the following statement is true? (1) Banks cannot accept demand and time deposits from public. (2) Banks can accept only demand deposits from public. (3) Banks can accept only time deposits from public. (4) Banks can accept both demand and time deposits from public. (5) Banks can accept demand and time deposits only from government.

31.Which of the following is the correct statement? (1) State bank of India is the sole authority to issue and manage currency in India. (2) A nationalized bank is the sole authority to issue and manage currency in India. (3) A cooperative bank is the sole authority to issue and manage currency in India. (4) RBI is the sole authority to issue and manage currency in India. (5) None of these

32.Interest payable on savings bank accounts is? (1) Not regulated by RBI (2) Regulated by Sate Governments (3) Regulated by Central Government

(4) Regulated by individual banks (5) Regulated by Finance minister

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33.Fixed deposits and recurring deposits are? (1) Repayable after an agreed period (2) Repayable on demand (3) Not repayable (4) Repayable after death of depositors (5) Repayable on demand or after an agreed period as per bank's choice

34.Which of following is known as cross selling by Banks? A. Sale of a debit card to a credit card holder B. Sale of Insurance policy to a depositor

C. Issuance of Cash against Cheque presented by a third party

(1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only C

(4) Both A & C (5) All A, B & C

35.Theodore Van Kirk died in this week. He was (1) The first man to circumnavigate the earth by a canoe (2) he last surviving man of the concentration camp (3) The last surviving man who participated in WW - I (4) Second man to keep foot on moon (5) The last surviving crewman of the US plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

36.Which cricketer, considered as one of the greatest all-rounder of all time announced his retirement from all-formats of International cricket?

(1) Jacques Kallis (2) Shahid Afridi (3) Shane Watson

(4) Shikhar Dhawan (5) Darren Sammy

37.Union government has decided to appoint a committee to review the gas pricing formula? Who will chair the committee?

(1) Shripad Yesso Naik (2) Dharmendra Pradhan (3) Suresh Prabhu

(4) Finance Secretary (5) Petroleum Secretary

38.Which country’s parliament has elected Fuad Masum as its seventh President? (1) Syria (2) Egypt

(3) Iran (4) Palestine

(5) Iraq

39.Indian Air Force on 28 July 2014 received its sixth C-17 Globemaster III aircraft. It is supplied by: (1) Embraer (2) Lockheed Martin

(3) Boeing (4) Eurocopter

(5) Air Bus

40.‘The Lives of Others’ was shortlisted for Man Booker Prize 2014 It is written by: (1) Neel Mukherjee (2) Jhumpa Lahiri (3) Jeet Thayil

(4) Arvind Adiga (5) Anand Neelkanthan

41.Which of the following days was observed as the International Tiger Day? (1) 27th July (2) 28th July (3) 29th July

(4) 30th July (5) 31st July

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42.Who among the following has won the 101st edition of the Tour de France in cycling? (1) Vincenzo Nibali (2) Marco Pantani (3) Jean-Christophe Peraud

(4) Thibaut Pinot (5) Jacques Anquetil

43.Kargil Vijay Diwas was celebrated on: (1) July 25 (2) July 26

(3) July 27 (4) July 28

(5) July 29

44.Which of the following countries participated in Malabar Naval Exercise? (1) India. China and Russia (2) India, Singapore and US (3) Indian, Japan and US

(4) India, Sri Lanka and US (5) India, China, US

45.Which of the following states’ has launched the Chief Minister's Social Assistance (CMSA) Scheme for widows and persons with disabilities?

(1) Uttar Pradesh (2) Assam

(3) Haryana (4) Meghalaya

(5) Bihar

46.Who among the following won the British Golf Open Championship 2014? (1) Sergio Garcia (2) Rory McIlroy

(3) Rickie Fowler (4) Jack Nicklaus

(5) Adam Scott

47.Nico Rosberg of Germany on 20 July 2014 won the German Grand Prix. He drives for? (1) Ferrari (2) BMW

(3) Red Bull (4) Force India

(5) Mercedes

48.45th International Physics Olympiad (IPHO2014) was held in (1) Moscow (2) Paris

(3) Tashkent (4) Astana

(5) London

49.Which of the following countries has banned its citizens to marry with women from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar and Chad?

(1) Saudi Arabia (2) United Arab Emirates (3) Kuwait

(4) Qatar (5) Palestine

50.Which among the following African country’s President has declared a state of emergency due to Ebola disease in this week?

(1) Nigeria (2) Liberia (3) Morocco

(4) Algeria (5) Libya

51.Who has been sworn in as the first woman Chief Justice of Kolkata High Court? (1) Justice G Rohini (2) Justice Manjula Chellur (3) Justice Anna Chandy

(4) Justice Leila Seth (5) Justice Ganguly

52.Who has become the first person to win a gold medal of the 20th Commonwealth Games in Glasgow for India in 56 years in Men's Athletics after Milkha Singh?

(1) Renjith Maheswary (2) Sandeep Kumar (3) Vikas Gowda

(4) Gurmeet Singh (5) P Kashyap

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53.Donabs People's Militia is an armed militant group active in? (1) Syria (2) Iraq

(3) Gaza (4) Libya

(5) Ukraine

54.Recently which country has offered the land to the farmers of Punjab to promote agriculture as a tool of progress?

(1) Cameroon (2) Mozambique (3) Ghana

(4) Madagascar (5) Pakistan

55.Recently which state government has raised the reservation of women in state police from the current 10 percent to 30 percent?

(1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Uttar Pradesh (3) Gujarat

(4) Rajasthan (5) Maharashtra

56.Which Mutual Fund company is going to launch ‘Focussed Equity Fund’ to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing predominantly in equity and equity-related securities of listed companies?

(1) UTI Mutual Fund (2) HDFC Equity Fund (3) HSBC Equity Fund

(4) BNP Paribas Equity Fund (5) Muthud Equity Fund

57.Name the German tennis player who created recently a record of fastest serve in the women’s tennis by serving at 131 miles per hour in Stanford, USA-

(1) Julia Görges (2) Sabine Lisicki (3) Kristina Barrois

(4) Julia Babilon (5) Margaret Court

58.Which country has excluded Apple from a list of products that can be bought with public money because of security concerns?

(1) China (2) Germany (3) India

(4) Russia (5) France

59.Name the former Indian cricket captain who headed the Arjuna Awards selection committee for choosing this year’s outstanding sportspersons of the country

(1) Sunil Gavaskar (2) Ravi Shastri (3) Kapil Dev

(4) Dilip Vengsarkar (5) Saorav Ganguly

60.Name the smart card that is launched by the Indian Railways which will enable passengers to pay for tickets for long or short distance journey in reserved and unreserved classes including suburban service.

(1) Go India (2) Come on India (3) Smile India

(4) Great India (5) Book India

61.Name the first woman judge from Tamil Nadu who has been elevated to the Supreme Court of India. (1) Justice Sujata V Manohar (2) Justice R Banumathi (3) Justice Ruma Pal

(4) Justice Gyan Sudha Misra (5) Justice G Rohini

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62.Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the constitution of the Expenditure Management Commission (EMC) under the chairmanship of:

(1) Subir Gokarn (2) Sumit Bose (3) Bimal Jalan

(4) Anand Sinha (5) M B Shaha

63.Which of the following drugs has been recently sanctioned by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to fight against the disease ‘Ebola’?

(1) Amoxicillin (2) ZMapp (3) Zestril

(4) Zithromax (5) CCR 5

64.Miroslav Klose has announced his retirement from international football. Which team does he belong to? (1) Germany (2) Spain (3) Brazil

(4) Italy (5) Argentina

65.World Elephant Day is observed across the world on: (1) August 14 (2) August 9 (3) August 10

(4) August 12 (5) August 15

66.Who has been named as the new Prime Minister of Iraq by the President Mohammed Fuad Masum? (1) Nuri al-Malik (2) Haider al-Abadi (3) Ayad Allawi

(4) Ibrahim al-Jaafari (5) Mir-Hossein Mousavi

67.Name the Oscar-winning actor and comedian who was found dead in California on August 11, 201 (1) Dan Aykroyd (2) Eddie Murphy (3) Robin Williams

(4) Jamie Foxx (5) Tom Cruise

68.Who has been appointed as new Chairman of Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)? (1) K V Chowdary (2) R K Tewari (3) Sudha Sharma

(4) Poonam Kishore Saxena (5) S S Mundra

69.Which among the following Indian cricket players has been ranked number one Test all-rounder in ICC Test team rankings?

(1) Suresh Raina (2) Ravichandran Ashwin (3) Ravindra Jadeja

(4) Cheteshwar Pujara (5) Yuvraj Singh

70.Name the powerful Tropical Storm which smashed large parts of south-west Japan and forced evacuation of millions from their homes.

(1) Helena (2) Sendong (3) Yolanda

(4) One (5) Halong

71.Which spacecraft of European Space Agency has become the first ever spacecraft to reach a Comet named 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko that was discovered in 1969?

(1) Planck (2) X -71 (3) Rosetta

(4) Gaia (5) Beagle 2

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72.Who has been chosen for AIMA Corporate Citizen Award 2014? (1) Shiv Nadar (2) Adi Godrej (3) Deepak Parek

(4) Uday Kotak (5) Ratan Tata

73.Union Cabinet has raised the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limit in Defence from 26 percent sector to: (1) 49 percent (2) 51 percent (3) 72 percent

(4) 80 percent (5) 55 percent

74.Name the Spanish midfielder who represented his country for a record 133 times and has announced his retirement from International football.

(1) Xabi Alonso Olano (2) Xavi Hernández (3) Juan Manuel Mata

(4) Andrés Iniesta (5) Iker Casillas

75.Who is the author of the book ‘Munger through the Ages’ that was released on August 7, 2014 by the President of India Pranab Mukherjee?

(1) Devendra Prasad Yadav (2) Karan Singh (3) Natawar Singh

(4) Jaswant Singh (5) S Hussain Zaidi

76.Who among the following Olympian and former Hockey Captain has been selected as the Chairman of the Dronacharya Award Selection Committee?

(1) Vasudevan Bhaskaran (2) Prithipal Singh (3) Harmik Singh

(4) Ajitpal Singh (5) Kapil Dev

77.Which state government has passed the bill in the Assembly that removes the restrictions on the entry of dhoti-clad men in recreation clubs, hotels, theatres and malls in the state?

(1) Tamil Nadu (2) West Bengal (3) Karnataka

(4) Telangana (5) Maharashtra

78.Who has been appointed as the chairperson of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) by the President of India Pranab Mukherjee?

(1) P. Kilemsungla (2) Rajni Razdan (3) Alka Sirohi

(4) David R. Syiemlieh (5) Mukul Mudgal

79.Which company has bagged the telecast rights of the first-ever Champions Tennis League (CTL)? (1) Nimbus Sport (2) Star India (3) Sony Six

(4) BSkyB (5) Ten Sportz

80.Which country has unveiled Dongfeng – 41 (DF-41), next generation Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM)? (1) South Korea (2) China (3) Japan

(4) Russia (5) India

81.Which bank in India is the first bank to launch EMI facility on Debit Card? (1) State Bank of India (2) HDFC Bank (3) ICICI Bank

(4) Punjab National Bank (5) Axis Bank

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82.Who is the author of the book ‘Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi: An Inside Job’? (1) Vinod Mehta (2) Faraz Ahmad (3) Sanjaya Baru

(4) Kunwar Natwar Singh (5) Amish Tripathi

83.World Humanitarian Day is observed across the world on: (1) August 15 (2) August 20 (3) August 21

(4) August 17 (5) August 19

84.Name the Formula One (F1) driver of Netherlands who will become the youngest Formula One (F1) driver in the F1 history when he will compete for the 2015 season.

(1) Robin Frijns (2) Jos Verstappen (3) Giedo van der Garde

(4) Max Verstappen (5) Sebastian Vettel

85.Which among the following former RBI governors has been appointed as the head of the Expenditure Management Commission?

(1) Y. V. Reddy (2) Bimal Jalan (3) C. Rangarajan

(4) D. Subbarao (5) Dr. Manmohan Singh

86.Which country has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with India on technical cooperation in railway sector?

(1) Italy (2) Singapore (3) Czech Republic

(4) South Korea (5) China

87.Name the Indian- origin neuroscientist who has been awarded a prestigious grant under President Barack Obama's initiative to map the human brain.

(1) Partha Mitra (2) V. S. Ramachandran (3) Amresh Shrivastava

(4) Srini Subramaniam (5) Akhouri Sinha

88.Who has taken over as the 94th Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament? (1) Shashi Tharoor (2) Kamal Nath (3) Mallikarjun Kharge

(4) K.V. Thomas (5) Prakash Javdekar

89.Which among the following States has become the most favorite destination for foreign tourists in the North-Eastern (NE) region of India?

(1) Arunachal Pradesh (2) Sikkim (3) Assam

(4) Manipur (5) Meghalaya

90.Name the 111-year-old Japanese citizen who has been officially recognized as the oldest man in the world by the Guinness World Records award committee on August 18, 2014?

(1) Sakari Momoi (2) Jiroeman Kimura (3) Tomohito Okada

(4) Hiroshi Okawa (5) Sultan Kösen

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91.Which among the following banks, in a first of their kind initiative, has launched an exclusive 'ForexPlus' card for people making the Haj and Umrah pilgrimages?

(1) ICICI Bank (2) State Bank of India (3) HDFC Bank

(4) Union Bank of India (5) Axis Bank

92.Which state has been selected to host the India’s first para-gliding World Cup 2015? (1) Uttarakhand (2) Himachal Pradesh (3) Jammu and Kashmir

(4) Tamil Nadu (5) Maharashtra

93.Football Federation Cup 2015 will be held in which among the following States? (1) West Bengal (2) Goa (3) Punjab

(4) Maharashtra (5) Jammu and Kashmir

94.Recently, “Recep Tayyip Erdogan” has won the first direct presidential election of which country? (1) Turkey (2) Kenya (3) Zimbabwe

(4) Holland (5) Nepal

95.What is the name of India’s first ever indigenously built research ship __? (1) Sindhu Sadhna (2) Raksha Kavach (3) Sindhu Darshini

(4) Indra Sadhna (5) Indra Darshani

96.As of August 2014, who is the largest private power producer in India ___? (1) Suzlon (2) Tata Power (3) Reliance Power

(4) Welspun Energy (5) Adani Power

97.Who among the following has recently become the first person to be elected as Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha twice?

(1) K. Ashok Kumar (2) Anbumani Ramadoss (3) R. P. Marutharajaa

(4) Munisamy Thambidurai (5) Hamid Ansari

98.Recently, the ministry of Health and Family Welfare, started a new mass media campaign called “Sunita” to create awareness about ____?

(1) Family Planning (2) Health harms of using tobacco (3) Promote girl child

(4) Malnutrition (5) Polio

99.What is the major objective of newly announced “Pradhanmantri Jan-Dhan Yojana”? (1) To provide a bank account to every poor in the country (2) To provide interest free loan to small farmers (3) To provide financial assistance to tribal communities (4) To provide free medical facility to minority people (5) To provide Insurance to every poor in the country

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100.Recently, The Parliament has cleared a constitution amendment bill that will facilitate setting up of National Judicial Appointment Commission (NJAC) for appointment of judges. The NJAC will comprise of how many members?

(1) Four (2) Six (3) Eight

(4) Seven (5) Ten

101.Recently Union Cabinet has approved the “Ken-Betwa” river link. This river linking project will help the states of __?

(1) Uttar Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh (2) Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh &


(3) Uttar Pradesh & Bihar (4) Gujarat & Rajasthan (5) Maharashtra & Gujarat

102.“Maryam Mirzakhani”, the first woman ever to win the Fields Medal (Nobel Prize in mathematics) is from? (1) Iran (2) USA (3) Germany

(4) Japan (5) UK

103.Who among the following has won the Best Parliamentarian award for 2012? (1) Sharad Yadav (2) Jairam Ramesh (3) Digvijay Singh

(4) Sushilkumar Shinde (5) Lalu Prasad Yadav

104.The “Nimoo Bazgo Hydroelectric Project” is located in ___? (1) Arunachal Pradesh (2) Manipur (3) Jammu and Kashmir

(4) Haryana (5) Gujarat

105.Which of the following countries celebrate their Independence Day on August 15? 1. Korea 2.Congo 3.Lichtenstein 4.Cuba Choose the correct option from below:

(1) Only 1 & 4 (2) Only 2 & 3 (3) Only 1, 2 & 3

(4) 1, 2, 3 & 4 (5) None of the above

106.Name the Indian origin mathematician, who recently won 2014 Fields Medal, widely considered the Nobel Prize for mathematics?

(1) Manjul Bhargava (2) Satish Kulkarni (3) Chandra Bhattacharya

(4) Srivatsa Acharya (5) C N Rao

107.What is the age limit for athletes to participate in the Youth Olympic Games? (1) 14 to 20 (2) 15 to 22 (3) 14 to 18

(4) 16 to 25 (5) 10 to 15

108.On 14th August, 2014, which among the following World’s Greatest Project completed 100 years of construction?

(1) Suez Canal (2) Nicaragua Canal (3) Panama Canal

(4) Hudson Dam (5) Eiffel Tower

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109.Which country will host the 2014 Youth Olympic Games? (1) South Korea (2) China (3) Japan

(4) Scotland (5) North Korea

110.Which of the following cities is chosen as ad hoc capital of Andhra Pradesh? (1) Vijayawada (2) Visakhapatnam (3) Tirupati

(4) Kurnool (5) Hydrabad

111.Recently, in which of the following states, India’s first “Skill Development” centre has been inaugurated(August 2014)?

(1) Karnataka (2) Madhya Pradesh (3) Rajasthan

(4) Haryana (5) Maharashtra

112.Recently (August 2014), which among the following software firm has pledged Rs 100 crore towards financing hygienic sanitation facilitation for girl students across 10,000 schools in India?

(1) Wipro (2) Infosys (3) TCS

(4) IBM (5) Accenture

113.India ranks_____ in Global Peace Index-2014, published by the Institute for Economics and Peace? (1) 112th (2) 165th

(3) 143rd (4) 76th

(5) 80th

114.Recently, “Gaofen-2” a most advanced high-definition Earth observation satellite was launched by? (1) Russia (2) China

(3) Japan (4) Pakistan

(5) France

115.Which amongst the following cities has topped the list of most preferred overseas destination for Indian tourists according to Hotel Price Index survey?

(1) London (2) Dubai

(3) Zurich (4) Las Vegas

(5) Kuala Lumpur

116.BKS Iyengar, who passed away recently, was a world-renowned ___? (1) Yoga Guru (2) Artist

(3) Folk Singer (4) Film Director

(5) Author

117.In which of the following countries world’s first green Hindu temple has been opened, recently? (1) Nepal (2) China

(3) USA (4) France

(5) UK

118.The “Indian Super League” is related to which sport? (1) Hockey (2) Badminton

(3) Tennis (4) Football

(5) Cricket

119.Which among the following atomic power stations set a world record of continuous operation for 740 days? (1) Tarapur Atomic Power Station (2) Kudankulam Atomic Power Station (3) Rajasthan Atomic Power Station

(4) Kalpakkam Atomic Power Station (5) Jaitapur Atomic Power Station

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120.The feature film "The Man Who Knew Infinity" based on a book with same title depicts the life of which Indian idol?

(1) Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis (2) Srinivasa Ramanujan (3) Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar

(4) Homi Bhabha (5) Aryabhatta

121.Which among the following political parties won least number of seats in the 2014 General Elections? (1) Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) (2) Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) (3) Aam Admi Party (AAP)

(4) Communist Party of India (CPI) (5) Trunmul Congress (TMC)

122.“Jai Bhagwan” who has been chosen for prestigious Arjun Award, is an_____ player? (1) Boxer (2) Badminton

(3) Squash (4) Kabbadi

(5) Tennis

123.During PM Modi's recent Jammu & Kashmir visit, which hydro power project was inaugurated in Kargil? (1) 45MW Nimoo Bazgo Plant (2) 44MW Chutak Plant (3) 345MW Salal Plant

(4) 390MW Dul Hasti Plant (5) 1960 MW Koyna Plant

124.What is the name of the new initiative started by IDBI bank and UNICEF in Uttar Pradesh to provide safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene?

(1) WASH (2) CLEAN

(3) SAFE (4) NICE


125.Irom Chanu Sharmila, who is fasting for last 14 years against Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), belongs to?

(1) Mizoram (2) Manipur

(3) Assam (4) Nagaland

(5) Meghalaya

126.Recently, which team won Pro Kabaddi League 2014? (1) Jaipur Pink

Panthers (2) Bengal Warriors (3) Bengaluru Bulls

(4) Dabang Delhi (5) U Mumba

127.Recently, _____ won bronze medal 2nd time in World Badminton Championship. (1) Saina Nehwal (2) P V Sindhu

(3) Carolina Marin (4) Li Xuerui

(5) Chen Long

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Memory Based Questions Asked in SBI Clerical 2014 1. What is the full form ECB?

(1) Extra Commercial Borrowing (2) Extra Commercial Branding (3) External Communication Branding

(4) External Commercial Branding (5) External Commercial Borrowing

2. Who is the author of Lowland ? (1) Jhumpa Lahiri (2) Amish Tripathi

(3) Anand Neelkanthan

(4) Arundyhti Roy (5) Sudha Murti

3. What is the capital city of Ethiopia? (1) Canberra (2) Vienna

(3) Sofia (4) Nicosia

(5) Addis Ababa

4. World population day is observed on? (1) 10 July (2) 11 July

(3) 12 July (4) 13 July

(5) 14 July

5. Plastic money refers to which of the following? (1) Plastic Notes (2) Plastic Coins

(3) Plastic Bonds (4) Debit card

(5) None of the above

6. What is the amount of funds allotted in budget for skill development? (1) 1000 crore (2) 2000 crore

(3) 100 crore (4) 200 crore

(5) 50 crore

7. Yuan is the currency of? (1) China (2) Bhutan

(3) Bangladesh (4) Pakistan

(5) Japan

8. Playing to win is autobiography of? (1) Saniya Mirza (2) P V Sindhu

(3) Merry Com (4) Saina Nehwal

(5) P T Usha

9. 2016 Uber and Thomas cups will be held in? (1) China (2) Brazil

(3) India (4) North Korea

(5) Scotland

10. Who is the current Food processing minister? (1) Nitin Gadkari (2) Anant Geete

(3) Arun Jetli (4) Rajnath Singh

(5) Harsimreet Kaur Badal

11. Who is Mario Goteze? (1) Australian Cricketer (2) German Footballer (3) French Shuttler

(4) Serbian Tennis Player (5) Italian F-1 Driver

12. The Accidental Prime Minister was written by (1) Natwar Singh (2) Sanjaya Baru

(3) P C Parakh (4) Amish Tripathi

(5) Anand Neelkanthan

13. What is the base capital for BRICS development bank? (1) $100 Billion (2) $200 Billion

(3) $500 Billion (4) $1000 Billion

(5) $10000 Billion

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14. What is the full form of KVP? (1) Kisan Veshesh Pathak (2) Kisan Vikas Pathak (3) Kisan Vikas Patra

(4) Kisah Vishwas Pathak (5) Kisan Vishwas Patra

15. Ramoji film city is located in? (1) Bangalore (2) Guwahati

(3) Chennai (4) Trivandrum

(5) Hyderabad

16. Credit rating in India is done by which of the following body’s? (1) CIBIL (2) CARE

(3) ICRA (4) All of the above

(5) None of the above

17. Commodity exchange is Regulate By? (1) RBI (2) SEBI

(3) MCX (4) CRISIL

(5) IRDA

18. Which of the following is an institution which is related to agriculture banking? (1) NABARD (2) SEBI

(3) IRDA (4) DRDO


19. What is the full form of EVM? (1) Electric Voting Machine (2) Electronic Vendor Machine (3) Electronic Voting Machine

(4) Electronic Vendor Machine (5) Electronic Voting Mechanism

20. Who won the FIFA 2014 golden ball award? (1) Lionel Messi (2) James Rodríguez

(3) Paul Pogba (4) Manuel Neuer

(5) Mario Goteze

21. Reliance produced less amount of gas, which caused loss of government which block? (1) NG-D6 (2) KG-D6

(3) KG-6 (4) KG-N8

(5) BG-D4

22. BRICS new development bank will be headquartered at? (1) New Delhi (2) Brasilia

(3) Shanghai (4) Cape Town

(5) Moscow

23. Who took charge as new Union Minister of Labour and Employment? (1) Narendra Singh

Tomar (2) Nitin Gadkari (3) Pankaja Munde

(4) Smriti Irani (5) Sadanada Gowda

24. What is the name of biography of veteran actor Dilip Kumar? (1) Substance and Shadow (2) One life is not Enough (3) Just Getting Started

(4) Total Recall (5) The style diary of Bollywood

25. Name the Sri Lankan cricketer, who announced his retirement recently? (1) Sanath Jayasurya (2) Mahela Jayawardhane (3) Kosala Kulasekara

(4) Thisara Perera (5) Ajantha Mendis

26. What is the currency of Saudi Arabia? (1) Peso (2) Taka

(3) Ngultrum (4) Saudi Riyal

(5) Dinar

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27. What is the name of Maharashtra’s new tiger reserve (1) Karnala (2) Bor

(3) Melghat (4) Tadoba

(5) Sanjay Gandhi National Park

28. What is the fees charged for submitting a complain to ombudsman? (1) 100 RS (2) 500 RS

(3) 10 RS (4) 50 RS

(5) No fees

29. Which body acts as insurance regulator? (1) SEBI (2) IRDA

(3) RBI (4) CRISIL


30. Chandi Prasad Bhat won Gandhi peace prize for his contribution in which of the following area? (1) Scientific Research (2) Chipko Movement (3) Financial Inclusion

(4) MSME Enterprise (5) Narmada Dam Dispute

31. Which country manufactured VELOX-1 satellite which was successfully launched by PSLV recently? (1) Canada (2) Germany

(3) Singapore (4) France

(5) China

32. What is the Capital of Cyprus? (1) Castries (2) Damascus

(3) Kyiv (4) Caracas

(5) Nicosia

33. Who is the Minister of Parliament Affairs (1) Nitin Gadkari (2) Venkaiah Naidu

(3) Smriti Irani (4) Narendra Modi

(5) Sushma Swaraj

34. Hepatitis day is observed on? (1) 27 July (2) 26 July

(3) 28 July (4) 29 July

(5) 30 July

35. Who is appointed as new Governor of Haryana? (1) Kaptan Singh Solanki (2) Kalyan Singh (3) C Vidyasagar Rao

(4) Vaijubhai Rudhabhi Vala (5) Mridula Sinha

36. 17th NAM(Non-Aligned Movement) Summit will be held in (1) Cyprus (2) Venezuela

(3) Iran (4) Venezuela

(5) Egypt

37. Capital city of Iraq is? (1) Cairo (2) Baghdad

(3) Damascus (4) Jerusalem

(5) Tehran

38. Capital of Bhutan is? (1) Thimphu (2) Kathmandu

(3) Male (4) Bangkok

(5) Kuala Lampur

39. What is the Currency of Vatican City? (1) Dollar (2) Euro

(3) Lira (4) Baht

(5) Dinar

40. Which company is on top of Forbes list? (1) Industrial & Commercial Bank China

(ICBC) (2) J P Morgan

(3) Berkshire Hathaway (4) General Electric (5) Wells Fargo

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41. The book ‘The Vijay Malaya Story’ is authored by (1) Amish Tripathi (2) Vinode Rai

(3) Sanjay Baru (4) K. Giriprakash

(5) S Hussain Zaidi

42. Khushwant Singh is a? (1) Actor (2) Novelist, Journalist (3) Director

(4) Singer (5) None of the above

43. Who is the Minister of Information & Broadcasting, environment & forest (1) Prakash Javadekar (2) Ravshankar Prasad (3) Manish Tiwari

(4) Nitin Gadkari (5) Smriti Irani

44. ICC trophy is related to which sports? (1) Football (2) Cricket

(3) Badminton (4) Tennis

(5) Squash

45. Which is indirect tax among the following? (1) Income Tax (2) Sales Tax

(3) Custom Tax (4) All of above

(5) None of the above

46. What is the capital city of Zimbabwe? (1) Cape Town (2) Brasilia

(3) Kyoto (4) Nairobi

(5) Harare

47. What is the currency of Myanmar? (1) Baht (2) Dinar

(3) Rupee (4) Kyat

(5) Euro

48. Who is the author of the book titled 'What young India wants'? (1) Amish Tripathi (2) Anand Neelkanthan (3) Chetan Bhagat

(4) Dr A P J Abdul Kalam (5) Sanjay Baru

49. When do we observe World environment day? (1) 4th June (2) 5th June

(3) 6th June (4) 7th June

(5) 8th June

50. Who is the Skill development minister? (1) Narendra Modi (2) Nitin Gadkari

(3) Sarbananda Sonowal

(4) Smriti Irani (5) Manish Tiwari

51. What is the minimum Maturity period for commercial paper? (1) 1 Year (2) 1 Month

(3) 7 days (4) 10 Days

(5) 30 Days

52. Who is the governor of West Bengal? (1) O P Kohli (2) Keshari NathTripathi (3) Ram Naik

(4) Padmanabh Acharya (5) Balram Das Tondon

53. Who was the defence minister in the previous council of ministers? (1) Manish Tiwari (2) A K Antony

(3) Soniya Gandhi (4) Kapil Sibbal

(5) Salman Khurshid

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54. ADB will help in road construction in which Indian state? (1) Meghalaya (2) Manipur

(3) Assam (4) Punjab

(5) Telangana

55. Who is the author of the book 'my years with Rajeev and Sonia'? (1) P C Parakh (2) R D Pradhan

(3) Ramesh Menon (4) Shekhar Gupta

(5) S Y Quaraishi

56. Guru Tej Bahadur trophy is related to which sport? (1) Badminton (2) Hockey

(3) Tennis (4) Cricket

(5) Squash

57. 21st FIFA World Cup 2018 will be held in? (1) Qatar (2) Russia

(3) Spain (4) China

(5) USA

58. Which are the 3 countries who participated in Malabar Exercise 2014? (1) India, USA, Japan (2) India, France

(3) USA, UK (4) India, Russia, USA

(5) India, Singapore

Memory Based Questions Asked in IDBI PO

1. When is World cancer day obseved? (1) 4th February (2) 5th February (3) 6th February

(4) 7th February (5) 8th February

2. What is total number of Public sector scheduled commercial banks? (1) 10 (2) 20

(3) 30 (4) 18

(5) 28

3. T he book titled ‘One life is not enough’ is written by? (1) Sanjay Baru (2) Natwar Singh (3) Vinode Rai

(4) P C Parakh (5) Vishwanath Tripathi

4. The book titled ‘Accidental Prime Minister’ is written by? (1) P C Parakh (2) Sanjaya Baru (3) Natwar Singh

(4) Vinode Rai (5) Vishwanath Tripathi

5. Next CHOGAM (Commonwealth Heads of Government) meeting will be at? (1) Sri Lanka (2) India

(3) Malta (4) UK

(5) Australia

6. India won total ___ medals in commonwealth games 2014? (1) 174 (2) 64

(3) 137 (4) 53

(5) 55

7. What is the min & max limit for NEEFT transaction? (1) 50 & 50000 (2) 10 & 10000

(3) 100 & 100000 (4) No limit

(5) None of the above

8. Before becoming RBI Deputy governor, S S Mundra was the CMD of? (1) Bank of Baroda (2) IDBI Bank

(3) UCO Bank (4) SBI Bank

(5) Axis Bank

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9. Assets which are not physical in nature are called? (1) Tangible Assets (2) Intangible Assets (3) Non Performing Assets

(4) Current Asset (5) Fixed Asset

10. ATM stands for? (1) Any Time Money (2) Automated Time Money (3) Automated Teller Machine

(4) Any Teller Machine (5) Automated Teller Money

11. IFSC stands for? (1) Indian Financial Systems Code (2) Indian Functional Systems Code (3) Indian Financial Survey Code

(4) Indian Financial Systems Calendar (5) International Financial Systems Code

12. What is the validity of a Demand Draft? (1) 1 Month (2) 15 Days

(3) 2 Months (4) 3 Months

(5) 6 Months

13. Vishal Sikka is the new chairman of? (1) Infosys (2) TCS

(3) Wipro (4) IBM

(5) SAP

14. Which company acquired Skype? (1) SAP (2) IBM

(3) Microsoft (4) Facebook

(5) Oracle

15. Meeting on Prevention of money laundering by Financial Action Task Force (FATF) was held at? (1) Moscow (2) Paris

(3) Rome (4) Prague

(5) Berlin

16. Under which act truncated cheque is introduced? (1) Banking Regulation Act,1949 (2) Negotiable Instruments Act, 2004 (3) Companies Act,1956

(4) The State Financial Corporations Act, 1951

(5) The Industrial Disputes Act, 1949 17. Which of following is a public sector insurance company ?

(1) ICICI Lombard (2) Future Generali

(3) LIC (4) HDFC Ergo

(5) None of the above

18. Which of the following is not a financial regulatory body in India? (1) RBI (2) SEBI

(3) IRDA (4) FMC

(5) IBA

19. Currency of brazil is? (1) Baht (2) Euro

(3) Dollar (4) Real

(5) Dinar

20. What is the annual maximum amount limit in BSBDA(Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account)? (1) 50 Thousand (2) 1 Lkah

(3) 2 Lakh (4) 2.5 Lakh

(5) 1.5 Lakh

21. What is the rate of interest on PF account? (1) 5% (2) 8%

(3) 8.75 % (4) 10%

(5) 9%

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22. INS Vikramaditya is imported from which of the following countries? (1) USA (2) Russia

(3) UK (4) France

(5) Singapoor

23. Who is the new chief of air staff committee(Indian Air Force)? (1) Arup Raha (2) R K Dhowan

(3) Dalbir Singh Suhag (4) Bikram Singh

(5) D K Joshi

24. Who is the present chairman of ISRO? (1) K Radhakrishnan (2) Manjul Bhargava

(3) C N Rao (4) M C Dathan

(5) None of the above

25. How much amount a person is required for starting a commercial bank in India? (1) 500 crore Rs (2) 100 crore RS

(3) 50 crore RS (4) 1000 crore RS

(5) 500 crore RS

26. Baht is the Currency of? (1) Singapore (2) Malaysia

(3) Thailand (4) Bhutan

(5) Nepal

27. Nicosia is the capital city of? (1) Bhutan (2) Cyprus

(3) Nepal (4) Chez Republic

(5) Malata

28. Recently, PSLVC 23 was launched from? (1) Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh (2) Bangalore, Karnataka (3) Vikram Sarabhai Space centre, Kerala

(4) Wheeler Island, Odisha (5) Balansore, Odisha

29. Mutilated currency means? (1) Currency which is performing well (2) Currency which is vanished (3) Currency that is badly damaged

(4) Currency that can’t be converted in Dollar

(5) None of the above 30. 1st Dadasaheb Phalke award was given to?

(1) Bhanu Athaiya (2) Gobind Behari Lal

(3) Vijay Seshadri (4) Satyajit Ray

(5) Devika Rani

31. Kedarnath Singh received which of the following award? (1) Man Bookar Prize (2) Jnanpith award for 2013 (3) Pulitzer Prize

(4) Vyas Saman (5) Saraswati Saman

32. 18th SAARC summit will be held in (1) Nepal (2) Bhutan

(3) India (4) Pakistan

(5) Maldives

33. Sampooran Singh Kalra is Pen Name of? (1) Amish Tripathi (2) Arundhati Roy

(3) Gulzar (4) P C Parakh

(5) Medha Pathkar

34. NAV stands for? (1) Net Asset Volume (2) Net Asset Value (3) Normal Asset Value

(4) Normal Asset Volume (5) Net Association Value

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35. Sishtla Sreeramamurthy Janaki is a famous?(1) Poet (2) Actor

(3) Director (4) Singer

(5) Author

36. BRICS Summit 2014 was held in? (1) New Delhi, India (2) Cape Town, S A

(3) Fortaleza, Brazil (4) Moscow, Russia

(5) Shanghai, China

37. National Science Day is observed on? (1) 29 Feb (2) 28 Feb

(3) 27 Feb (4) 26 Feb

(5) 25 Feb

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Key: Current Affairs Q & August 2014

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81 3

121 2 2 2

42 1

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122 1

3 2

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123 2 4 5

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125 2 6 3

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126 1

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127 2 8 4

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89 2 10 5

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91 3 12 1

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13 3

53 5

93 5 14 2

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95 1 16 5

56 1

96 5

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97 4 18 1

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99 1 20 2

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21 5

61 2

101 1 22 2

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103 1 24 2

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107 3 28 4

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70 5

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111 3 32 4

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113 3 34 2

74 2

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35 5

75 1

115 2 36 1

76 4

116 1

37 3

77 1

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119 3 40 1

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Key: Memory Based Questions SBI Clerical 2014

1 5

21 2

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22 3

42 2

3 5

23 1

43 1 4 2

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5 4

25 2

45 3 6 3

26 4

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47 4 8 4

28 5

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49 2 10 5

30 2

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11 2

31 3

51 3 12 2

32 5

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53 2 14 3

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15 5

35 1

55 2 16 4

36 4

56 2

17 3

37 2

57 2 18 1

38 1

58 1

19 3

39 2 20 1

40 1

Key: Memory Based Questions IDBI PO 2014

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31 2 2 5

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3 2

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