along with this individual form of worship they may also worship in temple called a mandir with...

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Along with this individual form of worship they may also worship in temple called a mandir with their faith community and a priest

Worshippers take off their shoes before they enter out of respect

There is a river or other supply of water so people can wash before worship

They make offerings to the murti of fruit, nuts, flowers or small sums of money .

Beside daily worship they also fulfill these 5 daily duties:

1.) Worshipping God - part of their day to ensure spiritual contact

2.) Reciting scripture - by doing so they learn religious lessons 3.) Honouring parents and elders - these people are honoured for

their wisdom and self sacrifice

4.) Helping the poor- even the less fortunate try to help those worse off than themselves, guests are treated with special care

5.) Feeding animals- all life is a sacred part of one God so animals must be respected and cared for

Almost all Hindus keep a home shrine regardless of economic background and they vary in size from a room to a corner of a bedroom.

They are trained in the use of water (to purify themselves before worship of barriers that prevent interaction with sacred powers), fire, flowers, meditation, prayers, scents and sounds to create an appropriate puja place.

Puja refers to acts of worship paid to a god or goddess

Tarpana refers to an offering of food or flowers

Japa is the repetitious chanting of favorite deity

Mantras are sacred phrases that are chanted and are given by a guru

Bhajan is a hymn used in worship, usually from the Vedas

Homa is the placing of ghee (clarified butter) into a fire

Murti refers to an image in which the Divine Spirit is expressed and is a point of devotional and meditational focus and is worthy of worship.

All the senses are engaged in puja: The devotee sees the manifestation

of the god in the murti They smell the flowers and incense They hear chants, bells and prayers

are said with their ears Offerings of food are touched and tasted after the puja is complete

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