basic computer course how to train yourself

Post on 27-Apr-2022






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TRANSCRIPT Basic Computer Course

1 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

How to Train






Fundamentals of Computer

Windows XP

MS. Word, MS. Excel, MS.


Network and Internet Basic Computer Course

2 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

Fundamentals of Computer

Introduction (kl/ro_

sDKo'6/ Ps Onf]S6«f]lgs d]l;g xf] . h;åf/f 8f6f jf ;"rgfnfO{ ;+sng ug]{, e08f/ ug]{, Ps

7fpFaf6 csf]{ 7fpFdf k7fpg] tyf k|fKt ug]{, ljZn]if0f ug]{, ;d:of klxrfng ug]{ tyf

;dfwfg ug]{, cfp6k'6 lgsfNg] cflb sfo{ ub{5, h'g 8f6f jf ;"rgfx¿ dfgjn] a'‰g] efiffdf k|of]u

ul/G5 .

Features of Computer -sDKo'6/sf ljz]iftfx¿_

1. Accuracy and Speed Operation -;xL tyf l56f] sfo{ ug]{_

sDKo'6/af6 ((=((Ü ;xL output ldN5 .

a}+sx¿df o;sf] k|of]u a9L dfqfdf ePsf] kfOG5 .

sDKo'6/n] ! ;]s]G8df #–$ s/f8 simple arithmetic calculation ug{ ;S5 .

2. Ability to Calculate and Compare -lx;fa ug{ tyf t'ngf ug{_

sDKo'6/n] hf]8, 36fp, u'0fg, efu, ;xL÷unt, 7"nf÷;fgf], a/fa/ eP÷gePsf] t'ngf ug]{

sfo{ ub{5 .

3. Easy to Use -k|of]u ug{ ;lhnf]_

7"nf] kl/>d gu/L sfo{ ug{ ;lsG5 .

4. Hight Storage Capacity -w]/} e08f/ ug]{ Ifdtf_

Pp6f 7"nf] sf]7fdf c6\g ;Sg] kmfOx¿sf] 8f6f jf ;"rgfnfO{ Pp6f ;fgf] disk df e08f/

u/]/ ;'/lIft /fVg ;lsG5 . ;fy} cfjZos 7fpFdf lnP/ hfg ;lsG5 .

5. Versatile of Computer -ljleGg k|s[lt_

– sDKo'6/nfO{ w]/} sfddf k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 .

8]:s6k -sDKo'6/ 6fOk tyf lk|G6_

Logo Designing

Data Tabulation

Graphics Designing

3/ tyf e"uf]nsf] gS;f lrq0f

8fS6/, n]vfkfn, kfOn6, lzIfs, d]g]h/ clbdf kf]zfcg';/sf] sfd

6. Difficult Job Handling -sl7g sfo{ ug{ ;Sg]_

Video X-ray



Floppy Drive

CD/DVD Drive




Restart (Reset)

USB Drive Basic Computer Course

3 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

kfOn6x¿sf] k|of]u ug]{ height and distance

38L agfpg

7. Powerful Tool -zlQmzfnL ;fwg_

6f9fsf] ;"rgf k|fKt ug]{ / k7fpg]

E-mail, Internet rnfpg]

If]Kof:q xfGg]

History of Computer -sDKo'6/sf] Oltxf;_

sDKo'6/ Nofl6g efiffsf] computare zAbaf6 cfPsf] xf] .

sDKo'6/sf] cy{ compute or calculate cyf{t\ lx;fa ug]{ eGg] a'l´G5 .

$,))) jif{ klxnf] Chinese x¿n] ABACUS sf] k|of]u ug{ yfn] .

kfFrf} ztfAbLdf lxGb"a|fDxL ;d"xn] ! b]lv ( ;Ddsf cÍx¿ kQf nufP .

O/fsL ul0ft1 cNVjfl/HdLn] ) -z"Go_ sf] cfljisf/ u/] .

;g\ !^!$ df Jehn Napier n] hf]8, 36fp, u'0fg, efusf] concept NofP .

;g\ !*@@ df a]nfotsf rfN;{ Jofj]h (Charles Babbage) n] Binary System

cfwfl/t Different Machine tof/ kf/] .

clxn];Dd klg computer oxL system df cfwfl/t x'g] ePsf]n] Charles Babbage nfO{

Father of Computer Science elgG5 .

Lady Ada Lovelance n] Babbage Machine sf] cfljisf/ u/], h;df

program klg tof/ ul/Psf] lyof] . To;}n] pgnfo{ ljZjsf] k|yd computer

programmer elgG5 .

;g\ !**) df Heiman Hollerith n] Magnet Core Memory -k~rsf8{_ sf]

cfljisf/ u/], h;df sf]l8ª !@ nfO{ / *) sf]nd k|of]u u/L 8f6f e08f/ ug{ ;lsG5 .

;g\ !*@$ df ;+o'Qm /fHo cd]l/sfdf IBM (International Business Machine)

company sf] :yfkgf .

;g\ !(## df c? sDkgLx¿ IBM sDkgLdf ufleof] .

;g\ !*## df Dr. Haward Aiken n] 'Mark I' Compute sf] cfljisf/ u/] .

Eckert and Mauchely n] ENIAC Computer cfljisf/ u/] -nDafO{ !)) lkm6,

prfO{ !) lkm6, rf}8fO !) lkm6_ Internal Memory gePsf] .

!($# df Z-3 model sf] Mark II comptuer cfljisf/ .

!($^ df klxnf] program e08f/ ug{ ;Sg] sDKo'6/ cfljisf/ .

!($( df transistor sf] k|of]u u/L sDKo'6/ cfljisf/ .

!(^$ df transistor nfO{ ldnfO{ IC Chips sf] cfljisf/ .

!(&! df Intel Corporation, USA sf] :yfkgf / Micro Chips df cfwfl/t

sDKo'6/sf] ljsf; .

IBM Company n] gofF computer formula lgsfNg] / Microsoft

Corporation n] computer software ljsf; u/] .

Computer Generatin -sDKo'6/ k':tf_

ljleGg j}1flgsx¿sf] ef]nf klg ljleGg cjlwdf pTkfbg ePsf sDKo'6/nfO{ ;do / Chips sf]

cfwf/df kfFr k':tfdf juL{s/0f ul/of]M

1. First Generation -klxnf] k':tf_ Basic Computer Course

4 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

;g\ !($#–!(%* ;Dd ag]sf sDKo'6/

ENLAC (Electyronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator)

EDAV (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)

o; k':tfsf sDKo'6/ vacuum tube af6 agfOPsf lyP .

Internet Memory df magnetic drum sf] k|of]u ul/GYof] .

o;sf] nDafO{ !)) lkm6, rf}8fO !) lkm6, prfO{ !) lkm6

2. Second Generation -bf];|f] k':tf_

;g\ !(%(–!(^$ ;Dd ag]sf] sDKo'6/

Transistor af6 ag]sf] .

lj=;+= @)@* df g]kfgdf hgu0fgsf] nflu NofPsf] .

klxnf] k':tfsf] sDKo'6/sf] t'ngfdf ;fgf] / a9L e08f/ ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtf ePsf] .

IBM 1620, IBM 7094, NCR 300, UNIVAC-II, SS 80, SS 90 cflb .

3. Third Generation -t];|f] k':tf_

;g\ !(^%–!(&! ;Dd ag]sf sDKo'6/

IC Chips (Integrated Circuit) sf] k|of]u .

bf]>f] k':tfsf] t'ngfdf ;fgf] .

o; k':tfb]lv data store sf] nflu Hard Disk, Floppy Disk, Tape sf] k|of]u .

IBM 360, ICL 1901 cflb .

4. Fourth Generation -rf}yf] k':tf_

;g\ !(&@ b]lv xfn;Dd -;g\ !((@_

Micro Chips af6 tof/ ul/Psf] .

t]>f] k':tsf] t'ngfdf ;fgf] .

/fd|f–/fd|f program sf] ljsf; .

ALR, ACER, COMAQ, IBM PC, Macintosh, LASER cflb sDkgLsf]

sDKo'6/ .

5. Fifth Generation -kfFrf} k':tf_

;g\ !((@ b]lv eljio;Dd aGg] sDKo'6/

Bio-Chips af6 tof/ ul/g] .

Voice nfO{ Input sf] ?kdf lnOg] .


:jLr cg -1_ jf ckm -0_ cyf{t\ swith on or off sf] k|of]u k|0ffnL Binary System elgG5 h'g sDKo'6/df k|of]u ul/Psf] x'G5 .

Decimal System df 1,2,3,4......9 sf] k|of]u ul/Psf] x'G5, t/ Binary System

df 0 / 1 dfq k|of]u x'G5 .

Decimal System df 1+1=2 x'G5 .

Binary System df 0001+0001 = 0010 x'G5 .

Measurement of Binary System

1 or 0 = Bit

4 bits = 1 Nibble

8 bits = 1 Byte Basic Computer Course

5 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

1024 bytes = 1 KB (Kilo Bytes)

1024 KB = 1 MB (Mega Bytes)

1024 MB = 1 GB (Giga Bytes)

1024 GB = 1 TB (Tera Bytes)

Classfication of Computer -sDKo'6/sf] juL{s/0f_

1. On the basis of size

a. Super Computer

;a} eGbf 7"nf] (L=100ft., H =8ft. B = 8ft.)

Vacuum Tube af6 ag]sf] .

Speed ;a}eGbf a9L .


b. Mainframe Computer

Super Computer sf] t'ngfdf ;fgf] .

Transistor af6 ag]sf] .

IBM 1401, IBM 1620, IBM 7094, NCR 300, Philco 2000, SS =0,


c. Mini Computer

Mainframe sf] t'ngfdf ;fgf] .

IC Chips af6 ag]sf] .

IBM Punch, 650, 702, 704, 705

d. Micro Computer

Mini eGbf ;fgf] .

Lapto, Computer

Micro Chips af6 ag]sf] .

e08f/ ug]{ Ifdtf a9L 2. On the basis of operation -sfo{sf] cfwf/df_

a. Analg Computer

;f+s]lts ¿kdf rNg] .

Eg. Video X-ray

b. Digital Computer

Binary digit {on(1) and off (0) sf] system df ;~rfng x'g] .}

Eg. xfn use ul/g] computer / calculator

c. Hybrid computer

Analog / Digital b'j}sf] sfd ug]{ .

Eg. xjfOhxfhdf k|of]u ul/g] .

3. On the basis of company


IBM Company, USA n] tof/ kf/]sf] .

c?eGbf dxFuf] / original

b. IBM Compatible Basic Computer Course

6 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

IBM sf] formula k|of]u u/L c? sDkgLn] agfPsf] .

c. Apple Macintosh

Apple Company, USA n] ckm;]6 k|];sf] nflu agfPsf] .

4. On the basis of model

a. XT (Extended Technology Computer)

;a}eGbf klxn] cfPsf] .

sd memory capacity ePsf] .

Eg. 8080, 8086, 8088 computer model.

b. At (Advanced Technology Computer)

XP kl5sf] .

80286 XX, 80286 SX, 80386 DX, 80486 DX, 80586 (Pentium I or P

I), 80586 PII, 80586 PIII.

c. PS-2 or Personal System 2

Ifdtf a9L / dxFuf] .

Computer System

1) Input Devices

a. Data jf ;"rgfnfO{ Computer df k7fpg] .

b. Eg. Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Touch Screen, Digital Camera

2) CUP (Central Processing Unit)

Computer sf] d'6', h;df tLg j6f unit x'G5g\ .

a. Control Uuit

– ;Dk"0f{ hardware tyf Software nfO{ cfb]z lbg] / lgoGq0f ug]{ .

b. Arithmetic and Lotic Unit

- c+s ul0ftLo lx;fa ug]{ .

- Logic unit n] ;xL–unt, 7"nf]–;fgf] 5'6\ofpg] .

c. Primary Memory Unit

- Ram and Rom u/L b'O{ k|sf/sf] x'G5 .


Keyboard, Mouse


1. Control Unit

2. ALU

3. Primary Memory Unit


Monitor, Printer

Secondary Memory

Hard Disk, Floppy Disk, CD.

etc. Basic Computer Course

7 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

RAM: Random Access Memory: 16MB, 32MB, 64MB, 128MB,

256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB

ROM: Read Only Memory

3) Secondary Unit

A. Hard disk

- Magnetic Metal Plates, Coated disk or fixed disk klg elgG5 .

- Folly disk and CD Drive sf] t'ngfdf dxFuf] .

- 20MB, 40MB, 60MB, 100MB, 360MB, 540MB, 840MB, 1.2GB,

2.1GB, 3.4GB, 8GB, 10GB, 15GB, 20GB, 30GB, 40GB, 80GB,

120 GB, 360GB

b. Floppy disk:

Magnetic Oxide coated disk

- Mini disk (5.25 Inches)

a) 2 DD (Double Density)

(360 KB Capacity)

b) 2 HD (High Density)

(1.2MB Capacity)

- Micro Disk (3.5 inches)

a) 2DD (720KB Capacity)

b) 2HD (1.44 MB Capacity)

c. CD or Compact Disk

- Floppy sf] t'ngfdf a9L store ug{ ;lsg] .

- 700MB sf] a9L k|of]u

a) Read Only CD Drive

b) Read and Write CD Drive

4. Output Devices

a. Soft Copy Output (Monitor)

b. Hard Copy Output (Printer)


Type of Monitor Disply

1. Monochrome

2. CGA (Color Graphics Adaptor)

3. EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adaptor)

4. VGA (Video Graphics Array)

5. SVGA (Supper Video Graphics Array)

6. MGA (Multi Video Adaptor)

Switch of Monitor

1. Power Switch

2. Brightness and Contrast Switch

3. Horizontal and Vertical Section

4. Lef-Right and Up Down Screen Basic Computer Course

8 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course


Types of Printer

1. Dot-matrix Printer

a. Ribbon Cartage

b. 9 pin, 18 pin -hlt a9L pin x'G5 Tolt g} /fd|f] / dxFuf] x'G5_ .

c. Eg. EPSONLX 300 (9pins), Nec pin write 1200 (18 pins),

EPSONLQ 2070 (24 pins) cflb .

2. Leaser Printer

a. Toner

b. Mostly used in press

c. Eg. HP Laser Jet 4 plus, EPSOn EPL 5200, Canon LPB 800

3. Inkjet Printer

a. Use ink

b. Laser quality df color print

c. Buble Jet Printer klg elgG5 .

d. Eg. EPSOn sylus color 300, Canon Bubble Jet BJ 10e

4. Plotter Printer

a. Engineer n] gS;f agfpg] .

b. e"uf]nljb\n] b]z, dxfb]zsf] gS;f agfpg] .

c. dxFuf]


1. Hardware

2. Software

dflg;sf xftv'§fh:tf c+ux? hardware x'g\ tL c+un] ug]{ sfo{ software x'g\ .


The Study of internal, external, structure, its design, maintenance

or the study of the physical components of comptuer

- Keyboard

- Printer


- Mouse


- Speaker


k|of]ustf{ / sDKo'6/sf] aLrdf x'g] ;~rf/ dfWo g} software xf] .

There are two types of comptuer software:

1. System software

sDKo'6/ open u/]b]lv cGTo;Dd ;~rfng ug]{ k|0ffnL .

a. Operation system (Dos, Windows, Linux)

of] software sDKo'6/ boot ut]{b]lv lnP/ ljleGg program ;~rfng ug]{,

file management ug]{ cflb sfdsf] nflu k|of]u ul/G5 . Basic Computer Course

9 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

b. Utilities Software

Disk repair ug{, virus x6fpg o; software sf] k|of]u ul/G5 .

2. Application Software

of] ljz]if sfdsf] nflu k|of]u ul/g] software xf] .

a. Package software

k|of]u ug{sf] nflu tof/L cj:yfdf /x]sf] program nfO{ package software elgG5 .

Readymade Program, h'g ev{/ l;s]sfxn] k|of]u ub{5g\ .

Word Processing Package:

Type, Design

Eg. MS-Word, Pagemaker

Spreadsheet Package

Data t abulation


Ascending And Descending Order


Eg. MS-Excel

Graphics Package

Design ;DaGwL

b. Tailored Software

k|of]ustf{sf] OR5f / cfjZostfcg';f/ programmer n] tof/ ug]{ program

nfO{ tailore software elgG5 . h:tf] k/LIff lgoGq0f sfof{no, s[lif dGqfno,

g]kfn 6]lnsd cflbn] cfˆgf] k|of]usf] lgldQ agfpg nufpg] program tailore

software x'g\ . Basic Computer Course

10 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

WINDOWS (XP df cfwfl/t)

Computer vf]NgM Power Button bjfpg] .

computer aGbug{ :Start- Turn of computer jf Shut doun

Windows Ps Operating System xf], h;n] computer vf]Ng'sf ;fy} screen

disply u5{ / computer nfO{ sfd ug{sf] nflu ready agfpF5.

screen df b]lvg] s'/fx?

Shortcut or icon:Icon eg]sf screen df b]lvg] tL object x'g\, h;n] lglZrt

(partcular) program jf file tyf folder nfO{ ;+s]t u5{ . Program sf icon

nfO{ double click u/]/ program vf]Ng ;lsG5 . ;fy} file sf] icon nfO{ double

click u/]/ file vf]Ng ;lsG5 eg] folder double click u/]/ folder leqsf file x]g{ ;lsG5 .

Folder: ;fdfGo cy{df file sf] collection nfO{ folder eGg ;lsG5, h; leq

ljleGg lsl;dsf file x? x'G5g\ .

Desktop: Screen df b]lvPsf] area g} Desktop xf], h;df ljleGg icon /

taskbar x'G5 .

Taskbar: Screen sf] bottom df x'g] bar nfO{ taskbar elgG5, h;n] vf]lnPsf

file/program b]vfpF5 / o;af6 Psaf6 csf]{ program x]g{ ;lsG5 .

Start Menu: Taskbar sf] dfly Left side df x'g] botton nfIO 'start menu'

elgG5 . o;df click u/]/ comuter df /flvPsf program x? x]g{ ;lsG5 /

cfkm"nfO{ rflxPsf] program vf]Ng ;lsG5 .


Computer df s] 5 eGg] s'/f my computer n] b]vfpF5 .

My Computer df double click u/]/ o;leqsf s'/fx¿ x]g{ ;lsG5 . Basic Computer Course

11 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course


Winwows Explorer af6 computer df ePsf ljleGg file tyf folder x¿sf

;fy} s'g} folder nfO{ select u/]/ Tof] leq /x]sf file/folder x¿ b]Vg ;lsG5 . of]

ljz]if u/L file/folder x¿ copy ug{ tyf ;fg{ (move ug{_ pkof]uL x'G5 .

Start - Programs -

Windows Explorer

(Windows 98 df)

My Computer df right


(Windows XP df)

Left side df /x]sf] 'pane' af6 cfkm" x]g{ rfx]sf]

location (Desktop, my

computer jf s'g} folder)

df click ug]{ . bfofFkl§

To;leqsf file/folder x¿

b]Vg ;lsG5 .

Golder x¿sf] cufl8 '+'

sign df click u/]/

To;leqsf c? content x]g{ ;lsG5 .

Folder Level

Folder agfpg

Desktop df right click ug]{ . (hard disk drive leq folder agfpFbf

file – New–folder klg ug{ ;lSg5 .


My computer

My Document

CD Drive

Floppy Drive

Hard Disk Drive

Recycle Bin Basic Computer Course

12 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course


Folder sf] gfd lbg] . -kl5 gfd lbg folder dfly right click - rename)

gofF agfOPsf] folder df file copy u/]/ Nofpg jf Ps folder af6 csf]{ folder df


Copy ug]{ kg]{ file ePsf] location df hfg] -h:t}M My Document)

Copy ug'{ kg]{ file df right click-copy jf cut (w]/} file select ug'{kg]{

cj:yfdf keyboard df 'Ctrl' lyr]/ file select ub}{ hfg] ._

agfOPsf] folder vf]Ng] jf gofF folder agfP/ vf]Ng] .

Right click-Paste

Computer af6 file/folder delete ug{M

Delete ug'{kg]{ file/folder nfO{ selete ug]{ .

File/Folder df right click u/]/ delete

Computer n] confirmation question ;f]W5 'yes' df click ug]{ jf

keyboard df Enter lyRg] .

(Delete ul/Psf file x¿ desktop df /x]sf] 'recycle bin' df uP/ a;]sf] x'G5,

h;nfo{ kl5 rflxPsf] cj:yf recycle bin df uP/ k'gM 'restore' ug{ ;lsG5 .)

Desktop background

Desktop sf] background change ug{M

Desktop df right click - properties

Desktop df click ug]{ . (Windows 98 df background)

background sf] list af6 s'g} background select ug]{ .

Appy ug]{ / ok ug]{ .

Computer df /flvPsf] c? photo nfO{

background sf] ?kdf /fVgM

Desktop df right click-


Desktop df click ug]{ .

Browse df click u/]/ photo sf]

folder af6 photo select ug]{ /

open ug]{ .

Apply ug]{ / ok ug]{ .


lglZrt ;do;Dd computer nfO{ grnfOsg

5f]8\bf computer sf] screen df b]lvg]

rnfodfg j:t' picture/text nfO{ screen saver elgG5 .

Screen Saver set ug{M

Desktop df right click-properties

Screen saver Basic Computer Course

13 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

Screen saver sf] list af6 s'g} screen saver select ug]{ .

Setting af6 screen select ul/Psf] screen saver df cfjZos setting

change ug]{ .

Wait box df slt ;do -ldg]6_ computer grnfpFbf screen saver cfpg]

eGg] ;do set ug]{ .

Apply ug]{ / ok ug]{ .

(3D text af6 screen saver df text /fVg ;lsG5 . Setting df uP/ cfkm"n]

rfx]sf] text type ug{ tyf cfjZos setting change ug{ ;lsG5 ._


cfkm"nfO{ s'g} file, folder jf program sf] location yfxf 5 eg] tL v]Ng run

command sf] use ug{ ;lsG5 .


Open box df v]Ng'kg]{ file/folder jf program sf] gfd type ug]{ jf browse df

uP/ v]Ng'kg]{ file select ug]{ .


Computer df /x]sf file/folder x¿


Start-search (windows XP df


All files of folder

All or part of file name df vf]Hg'

kg]{ file sf] gfd type ug]{ .

File sf] gd yfxf gePdf a word or

phrase in the file df file leq

ePsf] s'g} word type ug]{ .

s'g} lglZrt location df file vf]Hg

look in df location lbg] .

Search df click ug]{ .

Search u/L kfOPsf file sf] list

bfofFkl§ b]lvG5, h;df double click u/]/ ;f] file vf]Ng ;lsG5 .

Computer df picture/music/video x? vf]Hg]M (Windows XP df)


Pictures, music, of videos

Pictures or photoes jf music jf video sf] cufl8 box df click ug]{ .

All or part of file name df file sf] gfd lbg] . -gfd yfxf 5 eg]_

mp3, mpeg, dat, jpg cflb extension sf file vf]Hg (windows xp df)

Start - Search

All files of folders Basic Computer Course

14 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

All or part of file name df ;DalGwt extension type ug]{ (jpg file

vf]Hg] *.jpg, mp3 file vf]Hg *.m3 type ug]{)

Search df click ug]{ .


Start-All Programs - Accessories

Word Pad

Start-All Programs-Accessories - World Pad

MS-Word sf] alternate sf] ?kdf word pad sf] use ug{ ;lsG5 h;df type

ug]{ text nfO{ color ug]{, save ug]{ nufotsf ;'ljwfx¿ 5g\ .

Note Pad

Start-All programs - Accessories - Note pad

word pad sf] klg alternate sf] ¿kdf note pad sf] use ug{ ;lsG5 h;df type

ug]{, save ug]{ cflb ;'ljwfx¿ (word pad eGbf sd_ /x]sf 5g\ .


Start-All programs-Accessories-Calculator

Standard jf Scientific b'O{ yl/ calculator sf] use o;af6 ug{ ;lsG5 .

Character Map

Start-All Programs -Accessories -System Tool - Character Map

o;af6 ljleGg symbol tyf ljz]if lsl;dsf text/character sf] use ug{ ;lsG5 .

Disk Defragmenter

Start-All Programs-Accessories-System Tool-Disk Defragmenter

Disk Defragmenter n] computer df 5l/P/ /x]sf (fragmented) file x¿nfO{

Ps} 7fpFdf ldnfP/ /fV5 .

Volume af6defragment ug'{kg]{ drive Select ug]{ .

File fragmentation sf] l:ylt x]g{ 5l/Psf file sf] cj:yf x]g{ analyze ug]{ .

File x¿ ldnfpg defragment df click ug]{ .


Start-All Programs -Assessories -Paint Basic Computer Course

15 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

Print df ul/Psf] drawing nfO{ desktop background df /fVgM File-Set as

background klxn] file save ug'{k5{ ._

Tool Box tyf Color box NofpgM View-Tool Box/Color Box

Image: Flip/Rotate: Image nfO{ 3'dfpg tyf otfplt kmsf{pg .

Stretch/Skew: Image nfO{ tGsfpg tyf af+uf] agfpg .

Attributes: Image sf] size a9fpg 36fpg .

Color: Edit Color: Color x¿df change ug]{ .

Hard Disk Drive x¿ Check ug{

My Computer df double click ug]{ .

s'g} Drive df right click – Properties

'Tools' tab df click ug]{ . 'Check now' df click ug]{ .

s'g} check option df tick mark nugpg] .

'Start' df click ug]{ .

lgoldt check ug]{ u/]df computer sf hard disk drive x¿df cfPsf ;fgf ltgf

v/faLx¿ cfkm} 7Ls x'G5 .

Virus Scanning

Computer df virus 5÷5}g yfxf kfpg, CD, Floppy Disk, Pen Drive af6

virus computer df k:g glbg tyf ePsf virus nfO{ x6fpg ul/g] sfo{nfO{ virus

scaning elgG5 .

Free from select -lglZrt selet ug{_

Eraser (color jf drawing d]6\g_

Pick Color (drawing df use ePsf]

color lng_

Pencil (draw ug{_

Airbrush (Color 5s]{/ /fVg_

Line (line draw ug{_

Recatangle (Rectangle draw ug{_

Ellipse (Ellipse draw ug{_

Select -lglZrt area selet ug{_

Fill with color (color fill ug{_

Magnifier (File nfO{ 7"nf] agfP/ x]g{_

Brush (Color print ug{_

Text (Text type ug{_

Curve (Curve Line draw ug{_

Polygon (ljleGg shape sf

polygon draw ug{ h;sf ;'/sf] /

clGtd point hf]l8G5g\ ._

Rounded Rectangle

Color box: o;af6 cfkm"nfO{ rflxPsf] color select ug{ ;lsG5 . Basic Computer Course

16 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

Eg. AVG af6 Virus Scan ug{M

s'g} lglZrt drive jf file/folder dfq Scan ug{M

s'g} drive scan ug{ my computer vf]n]/ scan ug'{ kg]{ drive df right

click-scan with AVG/test by AVG.

s'g} file/folder ug{ pQm file jf folder df right click – Scam with

AVG. cyjf

AVG program vf]Ng] (Desktop sf] shortcut df double click ug]{ jf


Scan Selected area df click ug]{ .

List af6 scan ug'{kg]{ location (s'g} drive) jf file/folder select ug]{ .

Scan selected area df click ug]{ .

k"/} Computer can ug{ M

AVG program vf]Ng] (Desktop sf] shortcut sf] double click ug]{ jf


Scan Computer df click ug]{ .

CD/Pen Drive Scan ug{M

CD/Pen Drive /fVg] .

My Computer vf]Ng] .

CM/Pen Drive df right click ug]{ .

Scan with AVG ug]{ .


Windows Media Player

Start–Program–Accessories–Entertainment–Windows Media Player

Music/Video ahfpg

File – Open

Music/Video ePsf] folder vf]nL music x¿ select ug]{ .

Open df click ug]{ .

CD af6 Music ahfpg

Start–Program–Accessories–Entertainment–Windows Media Player

Music/Video ahfpg

File – Open

CD Drive vf]n]/ ToxfF ePsf music x¿ select ug]{ .

Open df click ug]{ .

Video CD x]g{M

Start–Program–Accessories–Entertainment–Windows Media Player

Music/Video ahfpg

File – Open

CD Drive vf]Ng] Basic Computer Course

17 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

ToxfF ePsf] MPEGAV folder vf]Ng] / ToxfF ePsf Video x¿ select ug]{ .

Open df click ug]{ .

(l;w} my computer af6 CD Drive df double click u/]/ klg ToxfFsf

music/video ahfpg ;lsG5 ._

CD af6 music/Video computer df copy ug{

My computer af6 CD Drive vf]Ng] .

Music sf] folder af6 music select ug]{ .

Selected music df right click–compy

gofF folder agfpg] .

Folder vf]n]/ right click – paste Basic Computer Course

18 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

MICROSOFT WORD Word Processing s] xf] <

cIf/x¿ type u/L To;df cfjZos ;Dkfbg ug'[sf ;fy} ljleGg design df cIf/x¿

n]vL document nfO{ save ug]{, Design ug]{, print, ug]{ cflb sfdnfo{ word

processing elgG5 . World proccessing sf] nlfu Microsoft World ;a}

eGbf k|rlnt program xf] .

Start – All Programs – Mirosoft Word

All toolbar's name and works -;a} toolbar sf] gfd / To;sf] sfdx¿_ lgDg

k|sf/ 5g\ Basic Computer Course

19 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

Use in Text formating

Use in Drowing

Use in Picture/Photo


New: gof vfnL kmfON vf]Ng file-new-blank document

Open: klxn] save ul/Psf kmfOn vf]Ng file-open-list af6 cfkm"n] rfx]sf] file

rfg]/ open df click ug]{ .

Colse: vf]ln/fv]sf] file aGb ug{ . Basic Computer Course

20 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

Save Document nfO{ gfd lbP/ save ug{ – File - Save - 'File name' elgPsf]

box df file sf] gfd lbg] / save df lick ug]{ .

Save as: Pp6f gfdsf] file nfO{ csf]{ gfddf klg save ug{ .

Search: File sf] gfd ljl;{Psf file leqsf] s'g} word lbP/ file vf]Hg .

Page setup: Page sf] dflh{g, ;fOh cflb abNg .

Print Preview: Print ubf{ s:tf] b]lvG5 eg]/ x]g{ .

Print: Document nfO{ print ug{M

File sf ;a} page print ug{ All df click ug]{ .

Pp6f dfq page print ug{ current page df click ug]{ .

aLraLrsf Page print ug{ pages df click u/]/ print ug'{kg]{ page no. /fVg] .

Exit: MS Word Program g} aGb ug{ .


Undo: File df s'g} sfd eO;s]kl5 k'gM klxn]s} cj:yfdf kmls{g .

Redo: Undo u/]/ kmls{;s]kl5 k'gM undo cufl8sf] l:yltdf kmls{g .

Cut / peste: s'g} text jf object nfO{ Ps 7fpFaf6 x6fP/ csf{ 7fpFdf /fVgM

h'g text jf object nfO{ x6fpg' kg]{ xf], To;nfO{ select ug]{–Edit-cut

Cut ul/Psf] text/object nfO{ hxfF /fVg] xf], ToxfF click ug]{–Edit-paste

Copy / paste: s'g} text jf object nfO{ Ps eGbf a9L 7fpFdf /fVgM

text jf object nfO{ select ug]{ – Edit-copy

Copy ul/Psf] text/object nfO{ hxfF /fVg] xf], ToxfF click ug]{ –Edit-paste

Clear: Content Del:- Select ul/Psf] cIf/nfO{ x6fpg .

Format:- cIf/sf] format (design) nfO{ normal cj:yfdf Nofpg .

Find: Document df s'g} word vf]Hg jf x]g{M

Find what n]lvPsf] box df vf]Hg'kg]{ word 6fOk ug]{ / 'find next' df lick ub}{

hfg] . xfdLn] vf]h]sf] word highlight eP/ b]lvG5 . Basic Computer Course

21 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

l;+uf] word dfq vf]Hg -h:t}M the vf]Hbf their sf] 'the' gvf]hL l;Fuf] the dfq

vf]Hg_ more df click ug]{ / 'Find whole words only' df click ug]{ .

vf]lhPsf ;a} word x]g{ 'higlight all items found in' df click ug]{ /

'find all' df click ug]{ .

Replace: Find ul/Psf s'g} word nfO{ x6fP/ To;sf] 7fpFdf cs}{ word /fVg .


Find what ePsf] box df h'g word x6fpg] xf], Tof] type ug]{ .

Replace with ePsf] box df h'g word /fVg] xf], Tof] type ug]{ .

To;kl5 'replace' df click ubf{ Pp6f–Pp6f word replace x'G5 eGg]

'replace all' df click ubf{ document df ePsf] ;a} word replace x'G5 .

Go to: Document sf] aLrsf] page jf line df hfg .

aLrsf] page df hfgM

Edit-Go to

go to what ePsf] box df page df click ug]{ / enter page no. n]lvPsf]

box df hfg'kg]{ page no. n]v]/ go to df click ug]{ .

aLrsf] line df hfgM

go to what ePsf] box df click ug]{ / enter line no. df hlt line df hfg' 5,

Tof] type u/]/ go to df click ug]{ .

(bookmark, comment, footnote, endnote df hfg, x]g'{xf];M insert menu)


(Print ug]{ sfdsf] nflu sfd ubf{ ;w}F print layout df lick x'g'k5{ ._

Toolbar: Document df s'g} sfd ug'{ kg]{ toolbar -h:t}M formatting toolbar,

standard toolbar cflb_ gePsf] gcfPsf] cj:yfdf o;leqaf6 toolbar Nofpg

;lsG5 .

Ruler: File df ruler show/hide ug{ .

Document Map: Document df /x]sf title x¿nfO{ ljifo;"rLsf] ¿kdf x]g{ /

aLrsf] title (heading) df Ps} k6s k'Ug .

o;sf] nflu ;a}eGbf klxn] xfdf] file sf title x¿nfO{ heading apply ug'{kg]{ x'G5 .

h'g zAbnfO{ heading dfGg'kg]{ xf], To;nfO{ select ug]{ .

Formatting toolbar sf] style box df click ug]{ / s'g} heading

(Heading 1 jf heading 2 jf heading 3) df click ug]{ .

ca view-document map ubf{ file sf] jfofF b]lvg] box df heading

apply ul/Psf word x¿ b]lvG5g\ .

h'g heading df hfg' 5, To;df click ug]{ .

Style Basic Computer Course

22 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

Header and foter: Document sf] k|To]s page sf] dflyNnf] efu (top) jf tNnf]

efu (bottom) df document ;Fu ;DalGwt s'/f (page no., document sf] gfd

cflb_ /fVg

View – header and foter:

a. Insert Page No.: k|To]s page df page no. /fVg .

b. Insert No. of Pages: Document df /x]sf] total page ;+Vof /fVg .

c. Format Page No.: Page no. sf] format/style (1,2,3,... jf a,b,c...)

change ug{ .

d. Insert Date: Date /fVg .

e. Insert Time: Time /fVg .

f. Page Setup:

Layout: Header and Fotter:

g. Different Odd and Even: Odd -hf]/_ / Even ljhf]/_ page df 5'§f5§}

header/footer /fVg .

h. Different First apage: klxnf] page df km/s header/footer /fVg .

i. Show/hide document text: File sf text x¿ hide/show ug{ .

j. Switch between header and fotter – header af6 footer df /

footer af6 heater df hfg .

Insert Auto Text:

Page: Page no. /fVg

File name: File sf] location ;lxt file sf] gfd /fVg .

Page X of Y: Total Page ;lxt page no. /fVg . (X=Page no., Y =

Total Page)

Full Screen: ;Dk"0f{ toolbar, menu, ruler x6fP/ document nfO{ k"/f screen

df display u/fpgsf] nflu .

(Full screen nfO{ x6fpg close full screen df click ug]{ ._

Zoom: Page nfO{ glhs jf 6f9f /fv]/ 7"nf] / ;fgf] cfsf/df x]g{ .

View-Zom df click ul/;s]kl5 cfkm"nfO{ rflxPsf] Percent df click ug]{ . Tolt

g} percent df page b]lvG5 .


Break: Ps page sf] text nfO{ csf]{ page df nfg jf Ps Page gel/Fb} csf]{ page df hfgM

h'g text b]lv csf]{ column df nfg' 5, To;sf] cufl8 click ug]{ .

Insert – Break

column break df click ug]{ / ok df click ug]{ .

Page Number: Document sf page x¿df page no. /fVgM

Insert-page no. df uPkl5 b]lvPsf] dialogue box df sxfF page no.

/fVg] xf], To;sf] position (page sf] tn jf dfly_ / alignment (page sf]

bfofF÷jfofF÷aLrdf_ 5fg]/ ok df click ug]{ . Basic Computer Course

23 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

{Page no. sf] format (1,2... or a, b...) change ug{ ToxL dialogue box leq

'format' df click u/]/ cfjZs no. format /f]Hg ;lsG5 .}

Date and time: Document df date jf time jf b'j} /fVgM

Insert – Date and Time

Box af6 cfkm"nfO{ rflxPsf] style 5fGg] / ok df click ug]{ .

Autotext: Type gu/Lsg cfjZos text x¿ document df NofpgM


b]lvPsf title x¿af6 vf]h]/ cfkm"nfO{ rflxPsf] text df click ug]{ .

;fwf/0ftof k|of]udf cfO/xg] zAbx¿nfO{ type ubf{ automatically document

cfpg] u/L autotext df gofF text /fVgM

Insert – Autotext – Autotext

Enter Autotext entries here elgPsf] box df text type ug]{ / 'Add'

df click u/]/ 'ok' ug]{ . cyjf

Autotext df /fVg'kg]{ word type ug]{ .

Select ug]{ .

Insert – Autotext – New – Ok

ca pQm word type ug]{ a]nfdf computer cfkm}Fn] b]vfpF5 / To;a]nfdf enter

lyRbf pQm word cfkm}F cfpF5 .

Symbol: Document df ljleGg symbol /fVg .

Comment: Document sf s'g} word sf] af/]df s'g} comment jf note n]Vg

Comment n]Vg'kg]{ word df click ug]{ .

Insert - Comment

Comment box df cfjZos comment type ug]{ .

(Comment nfO{ x6fpg comment box df right click – 'delete comment')

Reference: Footnote: Document sf s'g} zAb, jfSof+znfO{ s'g} c+s jf lrGxn]

hgfP/ text d'lg, page sf] cGTodf jf document sf] cGTodf To;sf] cy{ jf To;sf]

af/]df hfgsf/L n]VgM

1. h'g word sf] footnote n]Vg' 5, To;sf] k5fl8 click ug]{ .

2. Insert – Reference – Footnote

3. Number /fVg 'Number format' af6 cfjZos no. style 5fGg] jf

symbol /fVg symbol df click u/]/ cfjZos symbol select ug]{ / ok

u/L 'insert' df click ug]{ .

ca h'g word sf] k5fl8 click ul/Psf] lyof], To;sf] k5fl8 5flgPsf] no. jf

symbol cfpF5 / page sf] tn klg ;f]xL no. jf symbol b]lvG5, hxfF pQm word

sf] af/]df detail df n]Vg ;lsg5 .

Footnote Dialogue box leqM Basic Computer Course

24 Email: How to Train Yourself in Computer Course

Footnote: Bottom of the page: o;n] footnote nfO{ page sf] bottom df

/fV5 .

Below text: o;n] footnote nfO{ text ;Sg]ljlQs} To;sf] d'lg /fV5 .

Endnote: End of document: o;n] footnote nfO{ k"/f document l;l4Pkl5

To;sf] d'lg /fV5 .

Picture nfO{ select ug]{

Insert – Reference –Caption

Caption sf] d'lg picture sf] af/]df n]Vg] / ok ug]{ .

(Picture sf] nflu x]g'{xf];\M Format – Picture)

Reference: Index and Table: Document df ljleGg title x¿ /x]sf 5g\ / tL

title x¿nfO{ ljifo;"rLsf] ¿kdf /fVg / aLrsf] title (Heading) df Ps} k6s k'UgM

h'g zAbnfO{ heading dfGg'kg]{ xf], To;nfO{ select ug]{ .

Formatting toolbar sf] style box df click ug]{ / s'g} heading

(Heading1, heading 2 or heading 3) df click ub}{ hfg] .

Document sf] ;'?df click ug]{ .

Insert-Reference – Index and Tables

Table of content df click ug]{ .

Formats af6 cfjZos style 5fg]/ ok ug]{ .

ca document df ljifo;"rL b]lvG5 . h'g title df hfg' 5, keyboard df Ctrl.

lyRg] / -xftsf] sign b]lvPkl5_ ToxL title df click ug]{ .

Picture: Clip Art: Microsoft Office (MS-Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

df klxNo} /flvPsf picture vf]HgM


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