celebrate aiarmlsflcfe da^ twin ffalls w i the...

Post on 25-Sep-2020






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Convicted W om an, Anxious to j Begin Serving Her Term , Has New

I Clotlies Packed All Ready to I ^ , Leave i ■

--------- ' ’ l a


I ___ __a c

Commitment- to P e n ite n tia ry ' Expected to Be Ready W ed- a ,

. nbsday, W hen P risgner Goes to Boise w ith S heriff ■ J " ‘*j

^ ‘ ])Ian i

I n tbe p resm co o f a crowd whleh . flUcd the b!ff courtroom, Lyd* Moy.

or .Sotilhard, coav lrtod polaonor of Edw ard T. Moyor,. her fonrth htu- band, u id charged coUatwally w ith the-m urder o f throe previous ^ husbands and a brothor-In-law, was

) thla momlng scntoncod to an Indo- ; J®' tonnm ato term In th e Idaho 'aU to .Zuclo\ poaftcntlaiy of from , 10 yoara to | lonna. ui». . I ' nbj

E iu ln . H ti H «m . ' “ 'J J Thft defendant atooil.u]i, fixed h o r , '" '

oyn.i upon the bench ami rccclvcd tliyl (ontcnco witiiout a tromor. I H

5 Noti<o of appenl wa* file j by h e r. atlorncvR but n^ 'atay of cxceution o f j 1

T?ntein“o ■wa8-not'as>ed-i»nd i t jildercil l lk o lj - th a t l-onunllmpnt will | follnw In a few .'days. ' '■

P a c k s 'E e r 'B eb n g ln sa . V '. MCT-'BoQtliaid T estetduy packed

up a ll her ,b e lo o g ln ^ ^ a b o u t tbo 'I county Jail tuul.' aecording t9 hisr L , .. ' a ttornoya, haa exp ressed '» w lili to livIUtll

' bogln Bervlns. he r sen ttn re a t once. : __ Under Idnlio la w ,'th o duration of In* 1 "

dotorni’nato sentences <s Inrgety In th f ' homls of (he sta to litrdou board. Mrs. ,

Soulhtinl may or n a y not bo ffiron cred it fo r Rood behavior. '

U p to Pa rdon BosnL l^uftyai6ho nmy bi> relcosod upon sorvlnjj by thi

her miolwiim term or slio may remain ‘laj't c ia p rU m for tho bWaneo of hor natural po»«c8' Ufe. On tho o the r hand, nctlon cuttinR nnrthfl tho tcrtU to Ibsa'th 'anT on years l« wllIi- luR to In the diserotlon o f tho pardon boardi Tlio ir

Pa roaU A re A bsent Mra. Southard appeared in court CapI

alone oxcept fo r bear attorneys. H er er^ ft, hnsh.tnd lo ft fo r S a n P riaclsco la st man ai n igh t to resume h la 'position a s a in hin

■ po tty Officer la th e navy. Except, officer f e r tho addition o f a b lsek ha t.th e u-ag ;] dofondant had m ade no c h ^ e ^ In pursuit

- he t costumo. l a appeiranco ah« t^ rik ii was roto bu t n o t noticeably nor-

Speaks W ithou t Tromor. j(|IIU| Jlor lyes wcro sunken. H or lips, d o - j u n l l l

void of cojpr, jtavp no trem or-ns. sho n y •ojienod tliem to spoAk. . ! U f

'\Vlieu askoil to a tnnd .and receive hor j • U l BcntflRce, nlio arose w ith nn nierl movc-| ment, fnccd JmlRn Bnbcock, then >T)r>{eT Rlnnctfil ilorrn to her couniiel nnd aw ait-j _ cd calmly tho w ords which would f i r ' the terrn nf years aho must i-xpeet' to i norvo {M hnvinff poisoned Edward F. ■Hcycr.', i LOB

Crowda P a c k Courtroom. j c . Bui Lod,; beforo tlio botir fixed hy th j'm iirdM

court for paMinR nentence upA lho [foro tl i‘onvIctcd womnn, tbo courtroom w as!bearin '

‘flllod w ith pcoplo. E very BC.it had been Iscekinj ■filled iin hour before 0:30, tho tlmo fo rj Irial 1). e su rt io conveiip. W hen JnflRo B a b - iT h cf li c o ^ entered tho room nnd mounted tlio dnvits

' bench, Ihero waa no stnndlpg room reritin am ilab 'o , and the g rea t lobby wo* jam- imd th med wilh peoplo anxious tA lea^n the to file

■ fato of tiie woman. ' thoso 1Jn re ra A re Present.

l a t h e t h r o ^ wore m any m ca I 'wbo liad soiTod on .tho Jury w b lc h . I t l u lfoond Mrs. Southard g i^ ty . These „cam e-w iti Ui6lt w i m , t o loara th e i C t sentence tm der th e v e rd ic t wblchthoy themsclvea h a d fo tm d.. B n t TEHthero w ai no w ord from thom. SU- rMelvcently they heard th e sontonce, and o f dlsailently thoy lo f t tho courtroom Workoiwhon rocoss w as ta k e n for confer- nu t excnco betw een l& a. Southard and tr ie t bi

; hflr attorneys. - nutT3nPiles n o te o f AppeaL '«■

F oUowIbr tho M ntcnee, and ofUr ro n tv 'H 'c wilh th e ir client, nttorncya fori’Mr«. Southnrd filed nollr.o o f np-

■ poa l-and hn ordor o f court ,lssood for I n tranHfripl o f tho testlm nny-taken a t

, th e 'i t i t weeks tr ia l. F o rty day* • was g ^ N• allowcil in which fo mako the t n u f Roscoo, script which will bo o f moro thon COOO ,iauRht

type-w ritten paRCS. Miss VW ill Leave W ednesday. day ur

No sWy of exception was a iked , aad both si■______________________________________ tlic trJ

fOoslinQod OB P ace Tonr) fourtcc


Sf FANTENGESM i YEARS T------------------------------------------------------------------- --

French Prei For Open

Shouting BViends R [ P u t End to P lan UL, F o r Day of Quiet p

New Logion Oommondor Mot by ] B a n d , a n d C r o w d s W h e n

" H o S o o k s B o s t I

MABOK OITY, Iowa. H an- I f c td (Jack ) MocKidet, new na tion ­a l American Legion commander, bome fo r a day of qoiot and re st,

■ fonnd a band and 1,000 how ling lyi townspeople whon ho stopped o ffa cralu a t B;SO o'c lock th is mom- t6

. Ing. H e v a a token to hia home a t n i. th e heod of a long p a n d e . n l

A spcakin({ eiiKaKcmcnt n l a Y. M-C. A . .fnthor-and'sons banquet and a c p cmutiloipal roci-ption nt tlie armory u«- • ^dcr tho uuspici's of tho Loificm post hero |VIj will break fu rther into thc colpnol’splon loT a quiet day n t liome. _

Legicji headquarters-w ill remain in r O a cIndiaunpolis, MJirNider Jianl, • p j


■ NOlll-'OLK, Neb., ( /P )-T Iic Parm ers’Slnto Lmik of .WiiiBlili', Neb., wns clot i-d todnv Iiud Is iu tbc bntiils^of Paul Zuelow,’ stnto bank cxniulnor. Bni'l j,. Ioans.nnd.coniilnnt w lthiir.w nls nro Riv- j on by the exnminer ua the cnuso of tbo fnllnro. He oiitininti'i! the lots a t .about j,o,iof. ?200,0i)'j. flchodt

• onrllci

M E M i U B p S i P i

Mutiny a t. S ea Results In Im - cnl prisonm ent of O fficers— w J ;

S team IJp River . mo »______ commi

BUE.N09 iIH E 8 , m ~ , . , 1 '^rho imval cadets on board the Para- Tuayan • Runboat Adolfo Ilintielmc, lod . i , - , . '>y tho ehiof gunner, miitlnled yestor- .}Iny, overpow ered 'tho commnnd, tooK losscssion of the, warship nnd steamod ° j m rthw ard up tho Parana river, nccord- ^ „ g UR to dlspnlcher frotn Asuncttm todny. , , , rho Incident is said not to bo connect- !d w ith Ihe present distuiboil pollticnl ^ illiiatlon, lu rtirflffuay. ’

C aptain Joss, in commnnd of the Nl] I rrnft, who 1# snid to bo n fonner Qer- IH 1 nan submnrino eommnnder, wns locked [111 I n biB ciililn, accordinR to ono of t b i • ifficera who wns put osboro becnuso bc vas ill. flevoral vestels wore sont in lursult of the Adolfo Riquelmo, w hich |^T ilts ft bnU jry o t {out p in s , 1


)o (e n f lo A flk s T im e f o r F a r t h e r I‘IT ' Proof AlloBed Slajor is OII

M o n ta l B o la n q o urockc■i- . ---------- Till'

LOB ANOELES, Cal., ( /P > -A rlhu r monlh;. Burch, indictcd fo i thc purported exploi;nurder of JI Belton Kennedy, \vns bc- mni'hliOro the superior eourt,tndny fo r thc nions.icnrin;: o f n motion by hir pttornoyp. Thecoking to hnvo his in ian ity tested by oral wrial liofore tho murder chnrgo Is tried , nicn c(ihc niHtrney prcso tlcd 25 a lfi - n ilnenInvits from nlionints nnd others, nil work>eeiting Ibn t thoy lieliovod Burc.h sane, bnvond tho la t te r 's nllorncys nsked leavo mine.0 file moro nffidavits in rupport ofhoso thcv offorcd last wi"-k nttneking O 'T T lir Insanity .

'ndiana Coal Miners Return to Their T f o r ? :

T E R R E HAUTE, Ind., f f l^ B e p o r ls c<elved th is morning a t headquartora " •m f d is tric t Num ber 11, U nited Mine 7orkors o f . ^ c r i c n , Indicate th a t with- u t exception thc miners o f tho dis- r ic t bn^ ,fo llo w ed tho Instructions sont utTSnturdny by President .Tohn Hess- („ n su j >r nnd have returned to -frork. , |o n p|

------ ■ — li wnn

irbuckle Trial Goes 3 '', Over For One Week n<cipt

' ' police.SAN PRANCISCO, (/P )-T h 6 tr ia l o f

toscoo,. (F a tty ) Arbucklo ifo r man- OBllM laughter, growing out of tbo doath of ilss V irginin Rappc, waa continued to- NEV ay u n lll N brom oer 14 by conient o f fo r tb oth sides. Tbo court announced th a t opened he tr ia l positively would begin on th e .^0 I n ourtcenth. ' . . 2 .1-4 j



M m nro THE ElemierSuppi 1 Door Ih cITIIIITFIILIIS I I E T W l i I H S i p i i '

Sala A ttire a n i W ild Acclaim M eet Marshal Foch a s He En­te rs Cities of .M ichigari on His Tour


•oacB Can Only Oomo Whon Wo Fight for It, Says tho Notod Strategist' in His Spoeoh in Ohieago

DETROIT, Alich., ( /p )-D e tro it was • gnla n tlire lodny In hunorlnfj Mar­ini Kordlnnad Poch. hero of heroes. , An nitcrnoon nnd evening filled with

Diion for llie nHldl lender wns on tho ?hodule, follon-ing rcfpoets pnid him irllc r in the dayuil Cnmp Custer, nonr alllo Creok, nnd Ann Arbor.Tho iimrshal nnd his party , coming

-om niileago, reached tho camp oarly )t\av, vb c ro hc dcilitnU i' lb* i<ow

itlon th a t will enro fn r lllch lgan for- iJr Horvieo men, nddrosscd tho thou- m ds wbo cnmo to g reet him , and then nde ft b rief inspection tour. ' ___

MUST n O H T FO E PEAOB f l CHICAOO, ( ^ - T w o short parn. U

raplis in M arshal Foeh 'a la s t (poech I I Chieago opitomlilnR thO 'peace mea *Ige (if II w ar lender w ero'promlnontlv immoptcd on today:‘*Peaco—AVe ahall bavc i t soon o.n

10 same conditions th a t wo got war.'fl mast figh t fo r I t In thc moral ihcre os wo did In Jho physical sphere, cnco hofc boen promised from thc f ir r l A m j gilt n t ChrisU aalty only to men. lod TMll. - . • to“ Qoiid will m ust bo in the bottom of lO hcaTt; -wWhout i l , i t Sa only n sham laeo.'

* W,

l i D [ S M B ! l 81 EKPLOSi I

■ --------- Etnlachinery, Tipple and Stope is .W i'ecked by Two Shots— i.

W orkers Out on S trik e H;;,'--------- nionn

1‘ITTfinURG, K an., { ^ / - T h o ‘rm.nll i»iHinc 'It’ Ihc BucgcSs Coal eompany, o w In oiUe south of Mulberry, n lis completely fcmbrocked by two explosions enrly toJny. cnco.Tlie llpplo wns ilcitroyed nnd tlio fmm'oiilh_ of Ibo stopo caved in by. tho nnytl:ploiions. Motora and ottier eleclric.'il nnd ^nehlntry woro ruinod bv thc-oxplo Ameims. ’ chan:The mino has been operated for.fov. Toal w ivks in spite of tho jrTlkt®JIicht scusiicn eompriso tno company, a ll o f them poinl iners, nnd Iboy havo-dono nil of the the , ork T.I tho mmo; 8ix"'of* tlic__menIVO iTcn w orkln;j regularly a t tlin JAP.ine. 5: w as aald thla m orning. S:


b u n c ^ o f k a l e "^[askod Mon Eob Movio House Inry •in Portland and Mako Got. • nn i

away with Oaah

PORTLAND, Oro., (flV -T hroo mask- men today hold np nnd robbed the

insurer of tho L lborty theater, a mo- T lm piSture house, two girl nshors and .md-mnn who w as in the theater, ntf!! cs- incrcped wlfh botwcen $7,000 n n i #10,000 cas r sh, tho Snturdny n igh t and Sunday inscclpts, nccording to a repo rt to the Knrl Uce.. ,


NEW YORK, {/p>—Oerman marks, backr tbo fourth consocntlvo ia y . today footl'cnod a t &■ now law tecocd, wUing a t ntftnt 9 1r2 cents, T h u was a decllno of Hia.1-4 pointa from Sa tu rday 'f low. ' an <



H A R D T O 5

:n d o f h e

mtsAmeri yhimAs Ni

B l ? . v o

w a B K f m W :

l i

i i i i l i F I M F O I I

.mcrican D elega tio n-Jho jigh t Simr to H ave Completed Plan fc r Wi

D isarm am ent ProposalWAGmNOa*ON, D. C., (/Ph-Tl‘c Am- . V lean delegation lo tho conference on . othi n iln tlun of nnnanient and Pacific nnd bon t r E aatcrn quesllons wns acnin In seS' i , moa on tndny in Socretnry H itnbei’ o f fice / ' jec t

There. ^5 r e a s a boliovo th a t ; th'o-<lele‘gatlori" haa sow arrived a t , " 'is the fom iuJa fo r lim itation of naval , n im i^ e n ts wWch I t wDlTwosont to . tbo coaferonce aa tho ^ e i i a n ' WA suggestion. The absence' o r navy 'm ons. experts from to d a y 's acsJloa. tend- iu ur( ed to Btrongthon thla vlow. hm nnIt mny bo s tn led authorllntlvoly thftt I""'

1 ndv/inco outline o t tho Amoricnn at- ' ’I'""* tuiIe rnd su c e o s t ln n s-a iio way« nml '''H i' ' cnns .if lim itation o f naval nmmmenls ‘ ill b.? given, -fflrmally o r Informnlly,. cilhi-,- delegtiUoRs prior ttv lUc «*• inbtlnir o f the International confer- ICO. The oonferenco. I t ' ra-s ndded, ''■'••'fi’' nm il! vcry natnre , cnnnot nrrivo a t Sen lything bu t nnanimous conclusions ro)nili id th a l fac t mnkes Inadvisnble, in the Ihnl 1 mcrican view, any pjollminary inter- ii]>on tango of views, •Tomorrflh- there wlll be hold thc f irs t |„„ioi;

■ssion of thc ndviaory committee Sip- 1,0,ig, lintcd by P resident H arding to n ssls lljp ,,] , le Amoricnn dclognllort • m. ^


WASHIN'OTON, P . C.. (flV -Y . Bry- jeM 'nt n Ynmnshiln. represenllng thc i ^ a n - ! t o nn IC port-e society, has nrrlved In -Wash- i iRlon to n tlem l lho,cnnfctonco on tim * 'D C R flUrin nf nrniamom. Mr. Y nm ashlta-'^*-'^ imo In till' Uiillod Stales at,:tbe ngel ( f 1?) nnd. be snid. recoiveS b is cdueft-i on “ n l (he hands o f ” 'fo rm cr Sccrc- ;ry of Stnte W illiam .V.,Br>-an, then a Im itnictor n t the Umversily of No- rnska. • " '


TUI.£A, O kln . { ^ T h o Pra irie Oil iho® 1iid'fhi’i compaay In d ay announced nn 'piii.iicreaso In Iho prico of Oklohomn, K an- loremis nnd Tein* oil. Oklnhomn and K nn , j j „ .IS oil wns advnnced In $2 n barrc’. c r i j i ,’orth and Central Texas oil. went fo aarrii

• - ■ In

FOOTBALL PLA Y EE KILLED.TOLEDO. 0 „ (/P)-Cnr;olon Mnnna^ '

ick, 17, 'fullliaek on a local am atenr . lotball team , Mjis killed almost in-■anlly uhtIhr .n cfttnc how yostctday. 1 ia neck waa broken when ho ta c k lc i _ .n o ra opposing, player. tig l


NEm f mE R N A T U R i

i c a l n D e c l a

N e c e s s a r y F i


“ NW49BA' f m f i w . h AGRE

' ' ' 'S .'* ' Worlc

^ t a ’S

' Att

■ ■ ' . ' / for| |B v : 'B l ' pcnce •R ' ' H

* cantiUcnd

r — fnl 1_______________ ________________ th e 1


w i m m E

a i E i i s i i i i i■ to nllof

immons Declares th a t H arding " • " " " W an ts to Pay Soldiers from "o»

Fo reign -In te rest------- -- hack tc

WASHINQTON, D. 0 ., An- mingleo th e r e ffo rt to w rite th e a o id len ' diors 0:bonu.1 b ill Into the ta x rev ltion whom 1moaacTO failed today, th e senate n - us as t>jecUnff, 42 to 20, tho Blmmoas J>ack f.amondmont proposing to pay th e bo- youthanus c u t o f the interoat on t)ia for- r ig h t aelgn d e b t the law

• ------ Ihonv.W A.sniNOTON, (/P )-S cn ato r Sim- ?“ ' ' ’» "ms.'deraDcrnt. North C.irolina, today ‘1*^,:° ‘urging in Ibo senato acceptance .of “ nmcndmeni to tho ta x rovision b ill ® prnv id r for payment o f tho foldlor

nus (Hi of lho interest on tho for* n pp ..'II dol)t. snid ho hcllevcd th a t w ai oround'f latenfjnn of Presidont H arding j,;,tion.Ill riM|n'ft tn the lionni. This vlow j],g jj.', 10 WMS taken by flcnntor iic.Cumbar,

Nnrlh Dakotn, one of those In p „ t i I.nri’o of Iho lax .bill. ternnl Scniitiir Ivftdge nf JliiMacliusetts, the which . inili'icnri Icnilcr, tnok tho position coantr'i nl lho bonus should not be contlngcnl snme ;• >on sc unccrtoin n I’ropurition. i in b n 'i “ Whenovor wn pny the bonus, as wc the pei idoubli'dly sbali,’’ said Senator i' ndgo. “ I w.int tho pn .m cnt to bo n profit nl ',m.''mcnl. Tills propoiltlon, under le pretense o f giving n bonus, gives ily nn iincortninty. No bno enn te ll f<‘P''b',i hen Wf- will begin lo get tbo in terest TfP*''"' I th r credits given to thft . foreign ■untries. We corlnlnly nre nol going '' , UHC fc.rco to eolleot I t . '- • mle ai

__________ th e 'fo i


— — sont nlanato BUI Provldaa for T ax on L iq . "wered n o n , Oandlea and Automohllea

Thrpngh Use of A dhesives,

LIM.X,-Pern. (;(p)—Funds for nation- u j ^defoiiso will be secaro.l by a patrl- jon mi

ic stnm p tax, if a MU approved by jtv in10 Periivlnn senate becomes a law. }((,, y,Ills .H't creates a 10 per een l ad va- {joldii,rcm ,inx nn llqnnrs, perfumes and cnn- bcneficies in i) n one nr two per ccnt tte , '» « - .jommnirdinu 'tn price, on nutomo)illcs''/tn?F ■rriagek. . nnlnjalI n addition l l creates a tax , lo be P k v lid once only on all nutnmoblles act- reser\-3 illy in nrc. o n « ui

------- I .....- . . I log, CO

IDAHO mOATHEE ' J ” Tonight and T ueiJay fa ir , toldjT npon ■v

.north nnd southoait- portions to- . _ _t i j h t . (


sw g' • PEIO B FIVB:OBNT-- ‘

AL LIFEiration W Peacee F I R S Ts m i ' s i i

D F P i E l l ;ino» Will Jo in in Endeavor to \v e r t W a r b u t Must Have ‘Nothing to F e a r fo r Own Safety,” P rem ier A sserts


rid Wonts Not. Only Sooth- I g Words, tint Soalltlss, Ds- ilores Prime Hinlster Hero to Ittend Conforenoe

KW YORK, (/p)— France is roody t«,ln every cndonvor to avert new

a ‘ -provided rho 'has nothing tn foar bor uwn security , which remains of Ibo most-iCoHd guarnnlcoa of the :o iiM ho w o rld ," said Premier Atls- ■

Brlnnd in n mossago to thp Amori' iiL'Oplo npon his n r r lb l today to

nd the nrnianicn|t cooferoncc al. A^ngton; • - ' -.

U Tor to lead th e men and peoples- r good w ill to peaceful u d f n x lt . ' a w ork to rednoe a o r s and more le .rlik s o f w ar,” th e prem ier de- owd. ‘ 'T oday tlio world, which Is- . such need 'o f aafety and rest u t s n o t only soothing .words bn t allUes.”le ff«w d gave prem ier and h is pay;1' rousing welcomo aa ?hoy atoppcd rc from tho steam ship L afayette, clal welcoming coromonlcs, which ked Ibe a rriva l o f other dologatlona Iio •:onfcrcnce, wcro dispensed w ith Ilow M. Rriand to go fo W arhington ndJ."^' V

T ribu te t * ’Soldiers,Dn se ttin g fo o t on the soil o f tho t Amerieaa repubU e^’ said U . Hti- s nicssAgo, " m y fira t thought goes : to those who gonorously cnmo to.- • fle tbe lr blood w ith th a t of the aol- I of Frnneo, "back tq^thoao fighters n fho U nited S tates se n t,o v e r to 1 tb r m ott precious th ing tney had,: t'l those nuignifleent high aoutrd ha w ith hcroic hoarts who * l h f o r i and for lib e rty w ith a smllo to . land th a t hoa 'p iously .■entombei) k. -,To lh e « fnm ilics Franco now s me as a noa r relative. I nm com- !o iissuro them th a t tho recollection loro heroca I s ‘deeply graven in tho t o f every Frenchman.

B e co g n lm O bllgatlos. ' i'o;' centuries Franco hns )ioen the nd c f tho g rcn t atrugglcs fo r dvll- nn. The la st w ar has shown th a t Isirb lo to uphold her ideal tb tho ffll lim it 0! sacTiflco. Sho 'knows nrlicuUir wbnt sho ow is to th e -fra ­il devotion, to the mightv help h ^ m eri(ti broughi her. Tho two t r - n nro henceforth 'm lfod la tho ‘ j,'l(iry. Tlioy feel i th a f th is 'v c r j- n 'p rov ides thn b est guarnntce fo r penco of th e world ,n n d 'th a t tho I la to re s ts 'o f m ankind cannot bu t it hy tbo lr cloro nnd Intimate co- ation.I f . r» primo m in ister of tho French ib'io, I did not hesitate, in-»pllo of cnc d ifficulties , to leavo ihy coun­i t was, firs t, booamio iV aTltod to g over boro Iho tribu te o f her grati-'I and nl Ihn snmo timo to 'show fhot fotoinnsl thought o f overy French- IS peace. Wo know too well, alas,

t Tcnr means nnd Iho toll i t takos. to voarn fo r pcaco wilh heart nnd . K'.\ M w on ftt.PrcRldcnt H nrdm g nut his noble eall, a y coantry an-

red p resen t.and h e ro 'l am demon., le the earnest, good 'w ill of Franco 'vi-ry jneans In mv power.

H opes for Opportiadty.I earnestly tru s t th a t tho W ashing m eeting will give ns an opporlnn in th is rcspcct. Franco nnd Amer- yostorday un ited on the battlo

lit, w ill th u r centinBC to, -p^ay tbe lr ;ficcnt p a rt, in dorivlng from tb o lr , mnn . r le ta jy a o jjr^c su lt# as wlU ' 'orm w ilh tW f d c a l i r a V a t hM W aaled fhem .” •rcmler H rlaad, w ho .an id ho w ould ' r\-o form al com m ent op tho co n fe r- •1 un til ho had seen P roildant H afa- . comoa w ith th e pu rp o io .ef tsslat* .'

during th e f i r s t 12 d a v i « f;tlie eoa- ace In d e to rm in b g ,th e ';w l^ p lB S .' 1 ■•BrWeh eubsoquflnt'Ietalla t b i , w *'.- 1

(OonttnM d « ■ P i t *

liTCipn «toisioifl ...f D R H f O I :—. — UuMia

More T han One Million Voters Tom orrow VVill Have .Oppor-, tu n lty to C ast V otes for Mu- ■n«rkrt n icipal O fficers

tloubUr, NBW VOBK, (/P)— Now Y ork’* may- o ralty cjinpalftn ciuno k* wLJrlirinil ‘ cIdbo todoy. Tomorrow,, moro thnn . I,a50,'i0(' votcru will hnvj Jhfl ^ppor- tun lly f){ jjoioB to th f polls nnd m t - , , . InR th«ir votes fur onc o f eatidi- • , , , •Inti's lo r mayor nnd n tlicr tnunJelpnl o fflfu rs: . , ,■ The «oncIidato8 for mayor arc:

Woyor Jolm F. Ilylnii, dcmocrul, who , ... flwk# ro.cloftlon^.M njor H onry II. Cur- ran , ri.’piibH<JuiToiilitfi(ini MaffiHlralo Jacob Pnnkon, Kucinliiit; Joromo ilt- H oul, fnT B itr-lnW j Q«otbp K . Himli*, 1"’^ ''“'' ' prolilbllion; Jobii P . Q uinn, wicialUt- labor; JobojiIi D. M illor, ringlo ta*, and ”

'B cnjam inc O illow, wftrkom loaRue : (com m unists). '

O lllow ’s name wii# ordered stricken from the ballot bucauso he la survinj^ o . pcD teno Jn SiHir 8Jo>r p m o a (or aa- «reliy . O fflria ls o f tbt? rommunlst par- ' JV!?; ty , .however, said b is name would he ,w ritte n in the bnllot.

AJdonnaa to Bo Chosen. tU-n laiIn addition to e lty offieors, (1(1 as- injf «o'

fcm blyjnen are to bo eho.vn to ropre- liijil’arel 'oon t thl) e ity In thu ntntu Ir^jislature aad ownurs a Kpoeial election will be bold in the »c«

.nixtoontb Atatu sonntorinl d is tric t, to reiiuirii fill t h l Vncanev eauseii bv tho reslgna- nskinj; tioH o f Ser*»tor M artin MrCue. • ter.. 60 VVD proposed nniendmcnts lo >the

li ta to constitu tion aro to be acted upon, r i l f ) I Tho most Im portant o f thesu is thu pr?- r | | I J posal to Rivo form er Boldlcri In civil service positions. I

T tf l main b a ttle , a l l observers aRreo, G will be botwoon M ayor n.vlan nnd Ma- *' jo r Currnn. B olh 'iw utp conducted vig •

^ ro u s (ampaigmi, In vrmch tb u 'llo hns E a r l v been passed frequen tly . Tho iniiyor ha* • . ^ rharfrcd b is opponent w ith reprMcatifltr » tbo ‘ 'plundcrDUTifl,'’ ' ‘ tbe interest^” nnd " t h o trac tion r ro w d .! '. In donlat, i llaJo r C in rM h s s flcoused tho raayor j i j j j i o f {TTOfs Jnefficiency. ’ bv the .; Of all the Diany tlio subject oii then io it ta lked nbonl luui been tbo flvu- ernment cen t faro on trac tion lines. Mayor Ily- dieted 1 lan has claim ed hc provonled thc fari^ his tot< from beiilR raised. M ajor Curran, as- spection •c ttin ij th a t .h o too Is fo r tho nickel As thoi foro, bos chOTKCd th a t th e faro question |liruui;h isn ’t an issue—th a t i t is a smoko-rcrccn sume lii nsed by th e mayor to eover up innlad Tlio 1 m in istration* iiioiiiita! Mayor I ly la n ’s adm irers havo used Anohnri Ibo fttogan *' H onesl .lotm. Un U I'lRht untin in

.lnj{ fo n X o u .') l i e »vns chief oxeru tiv t r ito ry 's > four yoara nffo on d Tn'n imanjrhalM idal ^ Oovyi wave. l ie roceived 312.77-( votes os s to e l" 1 ftga inn 169,370 for the la te Mayor John road ai Pa rroy M itd iel, running on a filsion uvcr Hn tieko tj 144,073 fo r M orrb llillqu it, w- tim e Ih rlo llst, QUd 37,2(10 fo'r W. M. I^ n n e lt, 30U nu- repuMlcan. •:*- ' "ocpaii, OandldAts L ife IB s to r iu . trpck bi

Thc ifcy o r wa.<i born' on n .f a tm in Oreen connty, Now Y ork, in 1B08.' Or- phanfd In * irly childhood, ho worked or. tlig Inrm .ii.l .IIib« cnni. to Now " " “ "“"I Y ork w here ho wus employed as an en- jjlncer o a tho olovatod raHrond. ito ^ Ktudied law n igh ts aud received his de-

.ffree from tbe New York Lftw school in 1H!17. Ho becamn n mombor of Tam- ‘ '{‘I ninny, l<all, was clccted n municipa: 7 '*'=" ‘ jiulKe in IDOIS, u c ity mnKistrate two yoars Inter ond becnmo. « jud({e of tho Kings ceunty court m 101.1 IJe was ( J O W praclifftlly unknown to Ihc Koneral dec- n r , to rate when he.w as nominated for may- r r 0 1

*!’•> four > rtnra' fRO.' '; Mnjiir Curron was bnrn il’ New York ' ‘ REDI In 1S77. Ho WIIB cnptnin of hir blgh faster li Hchnol football team . At Ihe age of a minul l.'i ho.wn-i a reporter on the Knglowood, eourt rc N. J . Times. U o w o ik « i h is way Reard through Ynlo un ivorslty as a clerk and cl&res, 1 waiter. -A fto r w aduntion ho w as a re- tak ing I porter on tho Now Y crk Tribune and Tho i studied law when ho bnd spare lim e, talka SO lie wa* adm itled fo tho ba r In 1801. I l r womon ■rntcrc'l po litiu i In IOII whon .ho was Men avi iileeted an alderm an and served a num- minute, liei- o t te rm s, a tlra c tin n a tton tloa a s Morco nn expert financia l apnlyisL than mi

Ho val, appointed n e ity moglslrjite s ta r ts a bu t held hir position nnly two months, IbJics it. tosignini; lo on ler tho Piattsburf^i u- . . ■., oamp when th?. w nr broko out. H e was p—-— onnimij>»iuneil-a‘n iajor, au ig n ed t« the W K i'venty'seventb illvminn .ind saw ac- tive .se rv ice on the .V eslo river and in llio Argonne foroKt. A fler the w:ir hc was elected prosideiil o f the Iloroiigh•<r M onhotfan.' ‘ ■

The.i:tber oandidateH fnr in.-ivor bive ■tindiii’lcd n u ir t' rnm pnignr, the socinl- ix tl lii-iii;; tne'm oHt active.


•MKMC’O CITY, (/P)—\Ylicn thn rev- - .ilu tm nirts under Kniilio /Capftfn, soveral .ve.nrn .ipo, sackcd Mexico Cit'yi one of thl- p rite possessions of a ll ROTornmentn nini'o tlM tim e of Ihe ill-fated Kmpcror M aiim iltnn i^buippcarcd, Thi.i w at n fanev le d . the. properlv n f Ibi- K mprev

,t;a rlo llu .When Iho hoadr n f fivo American oil

rompanles visited tlii^i c iiy ' rocootlj. J l l ono of theni, Kdwnrd L. Rohcny, to T 'V m arked thn t some lime ago he bad pur r^hased the prirjid bed in the United

W ofJ lu s niiw bccu received lhat Mr. D ohtny has sen t i t to tho Mexican eovornR ent ns a token of good will. .Tho in'd if va lu cd .a t «25,000. _

----------------------- U eTWO UUKDEBD 0AB3 DAlliY ., . OABEY OALIPOENIA KtODUOE a g «■ t><)» AN QELE8, Cal., (ffy -T w o hua- ^ dred re frig e ra to r ears of California , prodncu Icavo daily fo r eastern mar- ' M k o t,.f lr ro rd in B 'to uvcrage fijpircs by r i f t ro tlro a l offieiiOs berc. Los An»;clcs fu r­nishes no car> dally . . - ■ ,

WkM is u » lu » to y o a r s i j be ablo to olhera adT ortlic i t In tbo e laU tfitd eoInmM. I______


B M e m K i i i i *!* ■ D E H ailP llili

lemoYfll of Eostriction DUolos- 08 Sapply of Articlos Eo-

ported Scarce

P O T R O O B A D ,~ (^ T h o cry thut tuBsia was wholly' w ithout noodles, ins and thread war apparen tly w ithout spring, oundation. The abolition of domestic tu rn h( rnde ri'slrietions has produced n great prlcn uan llty o f such a rtic le s '!□ B itss^n m odiat larket slalls. Thoy aro o f Russian, now ty Ingllsb, German nnd Amcrlcnn maou- to w it a ttu i" . Much of IViiii supply w at pinno ! oubtlrs.1 hoarded ond could bo had seated Qcrolly beforo frco lrade was irting- trovolii ratoJ . . Pries

D arning eotton and wool, hooks ami mochan yus, hoirpins, combs, bruihcs, bu ttons in p thu nd other notfons arc alno offered free r bu t a t 'h tg l i prices In comparison iiK.t •Uh thu m arkets of w estern Europo.Cloin lr Kcarce and apparently of in- ' ~

(<rlnr i|unlily. M|arket stalls seldom avo Mure than a fow yards of any sort r cotfcn (ir woolen fnbrics. Porcolain I nlHo M-aroo. IThe t-iily renlly gftud lable silver and

orcolahi ii in the hand"v '‘^ hundruiis f rcduced gentlefolk who ntand in uuues nboul thu publie m arket and ffur llo 'ir household belongings fnr ■110 rubli'i' nucosrary to buy blaek bread " t'3 ,0W rubles for a Runsiun ponnd ofi ounces. Kvery concoivable house nld nrtlrlo aud every so tt o f garm ent an lw UiiUjsUl iiv tliv*\' ijwuvn.Chairs, eliauili'llor's, InmpH. stoves,

nrpots. m gs, saddles, tru 'ik r, gjfnpho- liuiios, beds, bicycles ’ pols pnns kot- les taide linen, fn r cont’'. boots, ovcn- J Ig gowns und evory nor! of wcarln„* jiparel a re offered for tuile by the ir wnurs in Ihese i|ui'ues. Kmflesf lines f sccond'baud dealers nnd iadiviiluals i!iluiringw]Urespnss a long these qnouci,■king priceji and offering caih or bar- jr.

I B F l f lM EHmSKANIIlllLiYn

arly Completion of Track Lay- ingf is Predicted by Oover. '

nor Bone

JU N KA U . Alaska,.• the end o f th is year of truck laying I the railroad the United K lalcs gov- nment Is building In Alnska was pre- cted by O overnor Bcott, C. Kono on s to t'irn boru ree.ently from an In- lectioii tr ip over a portion o f thc line, s thore aro bridges y e t to -bo built, ruugh train s wlll not bo operated for me llmo.Tlio railrond is to cross the Alaska oiintains nnd ronnect Suward am! nohnrngo. on the leacoarl, wilh Ne m a 11111I Fairbanks, tow ns on tlie ter- fu ry 's in lcrio r river a s te rn . .Oov'jttior B ono'w ont to Ih'e “ ond o f ^ ' o c l" on fhu southern division of fhu ad and thon walked fo r a dislanco •cr Ihu routo to bo followed. At lh a t (110 Ihl! ‘ " e n d of s te o l" was a t Mile '0 nu-l only -10 miles 'suparnted tbo ocean end” frum the sections of pck bulng laid a t fho rato of onu nnd lo-lhlrd miles a day." Ih ilcn s rom cthing nncxpecfcd und ifore«ccn intervenes or weather of lusuiil severity intorfcros, tbo mils111 lie ronnccled linking coafilal Alas- i til thu in lo tio t by of tho •n r ," ih i'governo r sjkldT .Govorimr Bone praised the wurk of lo Alnnka Kngineerlng Comnilssb)ti, hich j: building Ihu road, and ila l lairmnu, (.'oluncl I 'redc ritk Meats.

'ourt Reporter Saya Vomen Faster TalkersliEDDINO, Cnlif., ( f f ) -W " n o n « rf Slor talkers than men by fo rly words minute, nccording to Jao ics Beard,

u r t rcporlcr o f flhasta connty.Renrd liT ilvcd.at h li-declsloa, be do- ires, n fto r sovon years exporionco in k ing tcst,imony as a cou rt rcportor.Tho nvorago wotnan, Beard assorts,Ika SOO w ords n minuto. L irgo, itou t m ion^talk fas'tor tban m a i l womon. cn avcraffo from 240 to ICO words a inufc.Moreover, woqion ta lk more steadily an men do, ho soys coco a woman ir ts a sohtonco she nearly a lw ays fin-■c» >t-

T h i w l n f f Q i a r a H e sOne (ill m iU n ^ VHU3NIA Oitf&rmdlowncaBURLEV Otu Ibr atom a.TURKISH TTu! finest tobaucospeifo%

and b lended

2 0 f o r l 5 * „^ * i i l ' . i s r a i a t


m m WILL TRY AGAIN g | j |llfo rsi* B lidm an to U oke Soeond At-.

• .tempt to .Fly to, a b « l *

B E HHAltDIN O , Calif., (ff)— ircnco P riest, losal aviator, whoso ro- Q jq , I t attem pt lo comploto a joorney by _

to Siberia, via British Colnrabia i tbo Boring Bea, was bolted whoa

piano, tho.Polor Bear, was daaagod K .P f ln r t Rupert, B . 0 ., l a a 'g a lo 11 endeavor to mnko tho tr ip noxt ring. Ho anaouncod -upon bla re- •n here. ‘ ' frontPriest said ho would s ta r t w ork im- gconi idintuly a t Lw Yogas, Nov., cn. a ,m_j] n- t)-po of piano espceially-dosignod „ *

w ithflnnd ' A rctic woottior. Tho mo bo propoae.H to build is a one- ifcd monoplane, capable, ho said, o f opini ivoliog IOOO mllos w ithout a ifop. tenc( I’rics t said hu wnuld diapenso w ith a rilos, chanic on tho prnjcctpd fligh t, keep- surge : thu Innd .m light as poMlbio. • - fbo 0

------------ - — fromfK.^li THK I 'L A fW rnB I) A M . th o 'f

TH E N E W 0' — a t w A

A N I T AW hich 0

w ill J u l ie IThe man sbo marrio'are still her hnsban


' i '■

I ’ J mlu ■'w JWL..

V ^ R r / AF IR S T . NATIOI

You’ll enjo,— tho drama of a

married once for oncci to forgot lo\

—an Arctic blizzard in reality.

■^a tropical tornadi in force.

— a famous '-star s■ by Herbert Bawli:

W alter McOroU.

-cu ttle Dick Headri der-child.of ‘The in His Honso," in stiU finer appeal.


u n e q u a l l e d e n t e i


MOFEHira Essnsnnrom^ . Q r ^

reek Qneon’s Pbyflioian'lB im- I'®"®'' prisoned for Making Direct

Appeal front.______ los cc

A TJILN 8 , .( ff> -A t a U’lio when all bring 0 horpitals in Athens nro crowded “ “ Jj Ith wounded from , tho Annlolion ont, ouo of tho ablest o f Oreok sur- Tctary ions has been senlenccd fo dpy«’ goingiprljonm ent for alleged disrcspcct to

_ ' m Athunjcen fiophio. \ „ a r ri iThe Atbcnlan press of M nbades o f o f fiilin io t is up in arms agninst the sen- mont.nco paised upon Dr. Pollbiur Cor- le r oi los, wbo, in bis capacity fts honoraryirgcoii of tho Oreok arm y, committod p,,0 offc tso of w riting to (^ueenSophiu .om Ibe fron t lo ^all hor atton tlon fo llo' f a r t th a t {wtrecls confcining candy the pi

I P H E U M lA Y S W O R T H W H I L E S

A Mammoth 8-Part Sp

S T E W ^j f H er TwL a n e a u ta k e '

riod in the i i^ north or the man shi ands, both have m et and both havi ngol Yol there aro stranger momenf" still in

' ''I • H|s ■■■ ^ i


-I " \ . •

O N A L / f ( W c T I O N < » ^ i

oy:a girl who " ■ or love and lovo.

.rd splendid P V

ado mighty B

■ supported *“vlinaon and 4 ^ '

Irick, won- ^■he Woman /in a role of V

ncert Orchestra Tuned to A lso Two-Part Com

SRTAINMENTl i n g — F i r s t S h o w t , / ? o ’C i o c

iS. IDAHO, MONDAY, NOf0-yEMBER7.1921id cijjarotUs sen t to soldiers a t tho The on t by the ir relatives i;nd friends ^ n { a |irdlv I'vor reach the ir destination. Tho _____i.iwcra Ibat bo, however. Ignoro this jie ra l outcry.Qncon Bophio is a t lho boad o f - t h o

Rod C ro u and, indeed, o f all tb e I I inevolcnt institu tions in Orooco. She M rvor n-isses an opportunity fo r jnnrk- I I g bor in terest In tho soidlors lat tho ■ onf. I l Is'contendod ihflt 'D n"'C otri- ■I could no t havo' dono be tto r.. tl>an ing to tho queen 's Icnowle'dgb tho usy httgnlfttilScB la tho dlspjvtclv of ircels; bu t ho should havo communi* ted w ith lho qooo’n through ^ e r sec­tary . F o r thia omistion’ho is undo:- 'Ing tbe sentenco.D r. Carrilos took up his abodo in thuna bomo fonr years ogo and hi- arriod tho daughter of tho m inister . - ' financ i in tho V onitellst govern- ont. H c is himsolf on ardent suppor- r o f the lato primo minister. I f

C loulficd advertising Is tbe cheap- t th ing you can buy—measured by Opp e profits I t moy bring you.

H EA TR E p l— w m

Special Production

i X ? T IN HEIA m a s t :

? 0 HusBarii! . . . . . .

she married in tho tropics? Both lave learned the tmth.II in A nita S tew a rt’s new play

y |

I I M^ I ® I y

LOUIS B. U A ^ E Preson

A N I t

TEWAab le f t« t fa a d ram a of bmnoB paw ns o s thg


. A F I E S T N A T IO H A L A T T E A O '

to F it the Prodiiction m e d y Feature

iTW O H C ock; Second Show Nine

!ie Newt is read 'by tbo p«rD&aoQt ing eloaw* .

M !To Repair Your

Phonographlnr Expert B ep tlm tn it yonz ervlefl. Ia order to get tha b«it en lts from yonr pbonosrtpb It honld be gosa over a t le u t onee

7 0= . . ■

M iSIC CO.)pp. puifci 108

Y AND TDIMORROVlf2 DAYB OHlY—r l c e s - 1 0 - 2 5 - 3 0 ■HY PAY M0EE7


I 'd s ^


i ' .

i H .■ B

onts I

' A . ‘

iRT .the cbeaiboard of a tn la c e

NGSN Y ” ‘l o t i o n (


’ i B f f i n1 F m p i E I S :

National O roanization tp Hold — ' F ifty -F ifth C onvention In ^

Po rtlan d poiif in

I>0HTLAND', Oro., R th an^I nual cimvcntion of tho NfttioDalOtanRo

will 1)0 held a t I 'o rtland Kovcmbor 15 & , 25, w ith delegate* ■'^rom 33 ftntca two

“111 Attendance.' l'rol)Iom» nf farm pro- the' duction and dU tril.u lion, KJcludlog la:- M t pharos In tho dovoloiimctit o f co- o pbrali\o marVclhiK. will t o dUcuucd.

Siiotiul train* briofflng dolcRatM from ‘.Ifa c u t aro to ftrrlyc tho afte r- iT tioon of Novembor 15. nnd th a t ovoninj; Hnfi

t tlio viaitor# win ho I 'n tortjaiaai a t a "tei bannuot tondorod , hy tho Portland the Cbambor of Commerce. / Inej

Shcnnon J . Lowoil. o f P rcdonia, N. «ct ' Y.. national maator o f tho gronM , will «(;li tU’Uver IiiK nnnual roiiort ^at th ^ opcn> in |; scasion, and thu ronx'cntioV^vrill I! then procced to difcusslon of probtcmn didi o r tbu farm er. \vnu

J Tbero will bo m m Iobii November 16. uiui r 17 aod 18, and on th r 10th tbc doln-

gatcs T>'ill bo taken on a tr ip o f in- ‘f L . upe rtio irtif the river and harbor, pro- thai

flpcdinj; Is tf r in the day lo Vancouver, {her 4 Wnah.

Sunduy, November 20, w ill po #pent jj in rrllpouA and memorial nervle«t a t m

- I’o rtla rd , ond ilonday tho viaitora w ill .u , I he taXon over the Columbia river hiRh* „

wny. Tucaifty thoy. will vU lt OreRon j A jjricultural coIioRO a t ConrallU, nud . on WodBCaday, Novem ber 83, thoy will ,111- mic’w of Beaverton aranR p a t Ben- vi’rlon, Oro. o f ,

I- - - - - ^' . FILER I -. , ' thou

FIL E R , Idaho - M rs. E rneat Peck nn<rbahy who haVo been vlaitlnif rela- tive* hf.ro from Aroplio, Oklft., loft oa |,„ j Wodneaday for Buhl w here ahe will jjuh vitiit nevoral day*.

9 A d-tnRhtcr waa bom to Mr. and ITra. <n W nrnrr K irkpatrick, Sa tu rday , Ootober the •2‘2. Tho lUtIc oric wtw n sm o d 'B e tty j,„gAnn. ■ __ T m ;

A son waK-Twrn-Sunday to Mr. and Mr«. Harold Vinlnff.. A non wa* born M onday to Mr. nnd Mrs. .larh W inkle. ‘ nnd

Mr». li. P. Lorten a n i clilldrcn *»f piny Valiev Hpont novCral daya la«l - t.

«T.-k w ilh MrK. .1. P. M n llM jJ iI ra . A. nn 1’. Murray and Mr. L.- P r t S a o n al*ft itjii'nt Sunday nt the M allory home. i Mr. i,nQ Mra. T. K. Mooro aro Tiail- - i,„ , in^ a t thc lr old homn a t A lbion, Micb,

r ■ .1. L. K d :w drf ia in JjonRvIow, Toxaa,Tfhdro he li-,diapQslnfj o f a carload o f gy j.

^ Rltple* ned ono of potatqfta. . - jD • .Mr. Mid M n John Sherman oro

.H(ioitdinjj a fow w oeka , a t L ava H ot'Rprmu^. -------

Mita Ruth U ipp who haa b « n very ill w ith typhoid fu v e r 're tu rn e d from o j . Tw in J'tiib) 1io.ipital F rW ay. Ono o f ,, i.i th r Ell Shank children la ill with thn snmo ffcvor ami two o f th o Bchifflor J]

D 'rh ild rrn who havu hnd H for month* hhvfl taken a rclnpw .

M n . F m nk G riffith re lu tncd Wcil'. , >.j ni'Kdsy trnm Lof A nnelra wliern aho hn'. ipen t mnnv numth*. . •

liitllo Klhcl Dnvii, dnujth trr of Mr. ' .-»nd Mra. D. II. Davi.s had hor tonsil* rrniflvcd W cdhwdny. '

Mr. nnd Mra. C. A. Knloflelarii and • diiucht'T Mnry, hnve roturnod to the ir . *

home in Hnrlnii. Knn.. a fte r n ahorl , vinit h t r r wltli rolntivcii. , .

Olmrlea Blnmpir who -hna heen vrrv ill with Mood iioisoainR n f a huapitnl wna nl)!e to Ijp removed to hir hnme .. h r rr Salurdny.'

Mr. pnd Mr*, .lohn niaan nud Mr*.L, I). Allen rrlu rned Inat wCek from Lrwlaton where thoy w enl tis drloROtca ,

■ to lho Grand Kncnmpmont of th r l. 'O .0 , r . nnd .Bcbekoh lodRca; ,• • ' ""^1

Mr. i-nd Mra. A rthur Scholtnn enter-tnined the Pinoi'hle club a t the ir homo Hfti urday ovcninR. , . ,

M ra '*8. C. Hnwkin* died n l a Twin ^ " / Kalla .hriapllflj Saturday nlfjht.

> • Jo r ytrom pt of. Coiiscil, Idnho,.ta.hcrc " ' 2 rin'“a ahort b iis lnea t'trip . "

T ho-.PlI«t-com m unity waa ahorkfiJ• ' "Pundfty bv lho a n d - n e w i 'o f th td c a th '

o f Ix)V Munyon. aon o f 'M r:.-nndT£rs- IT. 0 . Munyon n t the ir home in Lflng, . n rneh . Cnl. U r had been in poor ' h rallh for yoara. bu t M voral. w eoki whrr trealm ciit nl Mavn b rn th rn a t Tloehi atlli .-.ster, M inn..'*oem rd to improve hin ^f'‘l health fonaidcTTilily. nnd it wna tliouRJil *9f I recover)' wna pon 'lile . ._H1« body will ’1.r brni'i(tht here bv h ii 'lio r rav e d par- Ai rn la l^ r burinl. '

Mr. A. N. ITolmea returned Rnlurday fi'om a irit) tn Dea Moines. Ia., where w u ho dlapnacd of ii caiJoad of ni>ple» aftd T'lrk hnd a ahort visit w ith hoinr. folka. olieh

. Fnyo Roeera nnd P ra n k Ilinck li'v at- 'tended, the fnothnll (jomr nt Tw in ------.Vnlla I'r iday.

h ' ------------- --------------sotrnc oniNEBE m iu t a e t , |

UCAHEB D E N IE a. D ia A rrB O T IO N I

KEW YORK, (/P h -O o n lil of cabled I reporta from Pokin(f th a t he had w ith ­drawn h it aupport from D r. Sup .T a tSen. hr-nd of the Cnplon; or B(>Qth Bhr h in n Rovflinmrnt wna mndo yoilor'dny _bv Oeneral Chen Chuinjr-Min, prineloni ?] South China militnry lender, In a cablemc*MKO t? Mn Son. Canton Rovcrr- Tm rn t rfpreacntallvc here. I


PREEPORT, 111., m —Sport wrltera hero lodny d rrlarrd th r ir boHrf thflt Ilon Blrphrnson, of Frecporl hlj;h vhoni foo thairtenm , eatnbliahed a nn- lionnl rrrord when he kicked ten eon- aeciitlvii Ronls in a jpimc hero Inat Sat- urdny. Rteplicnaon’* record for the icn- «nn |i Roalf out o f a possibld


VKW VORK, </P^-CaptnIn Aldrich or Yft^o, h u taken flral poaillon aa In- dlviduiil acorer in m ajor toUep- foot hall. Jlo haa dcpoied Capta in Rober! . ' aon of Dartmouth'. Aldrieh has aeorod 7H polnla and Robertson (17.' — • - .

' " ' TV

" ^ d a ^ s S p o r

I —----- -^^—- mPUNTS AND PASSES |

i ---------------------- .MVI(By PULLBAi.K.)

Tho (jomo Io»t Friday hnd it* good DJd pointa nnd n lio its weak nuca. In tho i,q j f l n t jlaeo , tho boya took Buhl too fira JlRlitly, and d id n ’t have Ihn uaual thp nmouut of pep th n f tboy ahould hnvc ti,o hud.. They fijoircd th a l Ihey wore go- n>i<i ing to win, and a fte r thev mado thoso j„„.|

a two tnufbdowna in the f i r i l quarter ^ f ,. they ihouRht tho t wns plenty to beat , . Buhl. A marked improvement wna no- . ticcd i.fte r tho f i r r t h a lf a fte r C lhu vi

K^ana hnd had his say. „ t 1a ' too,

fTtie li(iys s la rted out nKutn, liy fumb- niar r ling lho ball durinfj tho firat five miu- line 1 iitea n f play. Thla fallinjf'baa boen w ith inle ] the tn.im nil through tho aeason. Truo, nmli

they make up for i t aa aoon 'as they . I 'd to Rninjr. W hy c a n 't we atari out '* 1 ri(;ht.» ’ . . jnmi

--------- IthorI Huhl wos lucky th a t Twin FMIlKibet• d Idn 't r.!le u 'p'n hundred pointa, ns they ‘

would linvc hod they played with the iri, uiunl top *peed.

• Thet.0 nre Juat hunehea, and IhluRK jl"*'• Ihol aro aocn by the fana, that thn boys'1 themaclvca d o n 't aee. j*’*

; Buhl ahowed thvm«rlvoi };ood ajwrta.; Tlmr und ngain Buhl bova pickcd up <io,, \ the looa* Inda a fte r n play, pnd auei ’ nets nro alwnyr nollccnblc to tho folkai };. in tho Rlhnds. Sports CANNOTlbe koiil Li,„v I clonn iinlcss thero la n fecllnj: o f good j.i* •

fellowship ex ia ting 'fo lw oen 'the two loams. This.holilfl’ Hood in ALU klndi- 7 3 5 o f sp o r t "

• O etting back lo F r id a y ‘i gnmo: A f L . , ^ ’ t r r thu firat five mluutca, the Twin '•* .'’1 Pnlla Inda bcgnn to got bury, and *!-,• though Ihe regulnr back field was miaa- I"*’"

• Ing th ry plnyed a fa ir t-nnie. • Tlicy• were much faa ler In the N’nmpa gpmo.[ l ilt as we hove jual said, thev took the f®'"' I Ruhl gnme ton lightlv.

• cxprThis gome was fi good workout for

th o lio y j, aa Huhl depended on forw ord _ paaaca to r moal of the ir gaina, and T w n Fnlls ww right there to liroak

■ thrm-up.' -N’l--------- • burn

>^al n igh iisra lota o f forward passes tlon , and the Twin «<jund will b r in rverj- mom

piny. lonm■ In p ilng ovor the boys wr fiml thn t to li nil o f them were in there trying « t nil j "nde

' times, and before w r go further., w ch u id w ant I'l mako n few romnrks" about th e i^ b lr physical condition of the team. N ot uionlone minute was Inkrn out for T w inj ___

; trails injuries, nnd not onc mnn was! cveg bruised. Thoir playing In the aee i ^ ond hnU thowod them lo bo perfoel mr;

' lo atamina and wind. T liat ia tho rea- 1 aon Ve think th a t >:a.at n ig h will b»!

, hand-’d 0 aurprlse next Friday: • ' | -

; JnmlMin a t- le f t end tore through the!Huhl line on fovcral prcnslons, n n d ' oniight jhe Woat K ndtJj iu flioir tracks.; Maroni Ina ahowu Btoni\v improveme’if.'' and rni-h jJ^nie ahowa him hellrr.

• • Nii'hC^aon m ine Ihrough' wifh lhf> luo^l «[ieptnoulnr run nf fhe doy when he Inletfttpled n forwiinl pnan aiid.r;iu r,0 y n n h to n toueh down. Unli i-i .1 p rrlty keen propoalfinn :it left tiiekle.

Loiae.- <mly'plnyoil hnlf of the ganit, 1 Init ho played it.- T hry don’I vot j Ihrnugit John 'a I gunrd. Kletelier, whd ! took hi-' pln<r,_mado lifi'-jniwruble foi 1 tlio-HHliM ino.-.- : • - i

Craven Seolt wna there liko a durk | vhen 1: onme to pw aing llie ball; a'n:l unry n lmd pnan 'did he make.

-Although Gone TJioniolr d id n 't ;;ct ns.muny forwnrd pnasca na ho did [ho week leforo, ho waa righl a t 'em nil th r Umr.

Hob !>iUier, he .whoao ho.id worka faalor thon th r ryo cnn see. tore holeii n t_ rig ]^ tncklr th n t w rro ,b ig enough ■for nn r.rmy to p n u through.. H if punt­ing wna o f tho-i{un)fl high order thnt ho hna ahown a ll 'aPaaon Twicc on Bob’a kickoff, h r tackled hia m aa

“ i 'n l ” J 'lynn woa nt rlghl guard.-ood whrn hr'a tood atiJI.tlio Buhl team alood j still foo. “ P n t” brokr through a rv -; ernl tlmea, nnd onch lim r irionnt a lo«'-i fo r the.niom y. _ ___ [

And now wc comc to “ -Turk” Scil­loy. th'> boy llvit aindb the snnko-dnnee' fnmoua. “ T u rk ” ran twiai nnd a<juinn nnd wiggle botW r tharr-thiratiH nftT ft^ Tiirk'jy, nnd wd d o n 't bnr vho nuecn of Sheba cither. Aa onr Ruhl mnn remnrk- cd: “ How nre you goin;; to catch a



TODUy Mifl TOMORROW ^M A i m m AMD E V m ilH O :,

Big F ea tu re $ 1 ,0 0 0 Prize S tory ' ;

“THE SECRET,GIFT" :•w i th A ll 8 t«z C u t '

—ALSO— •

‘T E E T I M E ”A Blp B o u l iu Oomody




iriingjjews IBuy lo tacklo him if Bo keeps wiggling jv aw ay .” 'A n d bo n id )a monthful, aajS; " T u r k ” suroly dooa w igjln. He madtfjCi ,aoveral long wiffglca, o n j on toi> o f .R th a t ho modo a eouplo of long.squirnia, II no t m ontloning eomo o f hit long twials. > II D id you notice tbo' noodio work when [ N bo kicked from tho 50-Jrord lino on th c ,R f ir s t down, and eaught Buhl asleep nndiN tho ball w cnl over tbo goal line ! I t ayU* 'N th e oasiest wfiy to. gain 30 yards n iid :I ' “ T u rk ” aaw it. The ball was broughi, 1‘ I'liok tn Iho 2'0-y*rd lino, and Buhl mndr N ft fow gains, bu t th a t hns nothing to do w ith Scillcy 's hoadwork. ^

Merlo l*«ckolt filled in for Jnmiaon <5 n t Icfl ond. Morio who ean ploy ccntcr M' too, nhowod the fans th a t bo’a n ronl 0 man nt rnd also. Ho toca Ihrough the U> line .»l will, and i t w ar h n beautiful | *- ioterforcnco th a t enabled Nicholson m nko hU 60-yaid r tih ,^ •■jii'

“ Blew” Robinson d id n 't s ta y in th" gnmo v<ry long, but whllo wos in

'thore he ovorogod 10 vntda evcry tlm oi, .he took tbo Itill. , l j ,

Bolek, commonly known as “ 8 1 lk , ' ',X wns the surprise o f tho day, and w e;;., nro hfrc to predict th a t “ S ilk will he in tho backfiold thla coming wook. H r j. too,' kopt the Ruhinca away from Nich. ,. olson.

“ S e a ” Lyons h it the line like a can- }? nou bnll, and ovcrybodv moved wben “ 8.-a” got the ball. . ’ • • ij!,

Kipg. ploying hia ' f irs t fu ll gnm e'A allowed h im self.,a “ hig loaguor,” ond hia w ork on tho defonaivo w oi perfect,


DKS MO}N^:S, la ., ( /P } -e ta n lsb u a ; MZ byrsko of Poland will defend hla 1 Io w orld 's heavyweight w reitling cham- f '' plonahip t i t i r here tonight in a' eonlest w ilh >:arl Cnddock of W olnot, la . , fo r Kr mer ehamplon. Zbysiko bas bean hero for-Hoveral days.com pleting b ii train - T( ing. Cnddock arrived th is m oraing and Cc cxpresard confidence in the-outcome of Of Ih'cm ntch,


.N-BW YOIlK.-fyPh-WoUon M. Wo.sh- III burn {or srves-nl years ono of tho n a ­tio n 's ri.nking tonnlr players and a Ul monihor of the Inst American Davia cup • lonni. n i l l lo.ivo New York this week Id tn tnke up dutlos na a ta li lan t lo tbo Ki 1lnde^-^eerotnry of the tronsurj-. H u Id [■uid loduy he probnhly would not be Kn tjblr to tako part in th" big loumo- □lonts n rx t year.

I l a v e m nT H E A T R

■ W I AI W M'RCtUJ 0(5a*

H B l ThB o f .

. 'I r

The Iof tA

' . Adapted hy Juhc Jl

llATINEE 2:15--Prices12 R E t l PRODUCTION, f



\r '■ \ i i|^ Football Results . I h

■ B a s t j

|Y o lr '2S; M aryland tC |8yrociiro 13j MeOHI 0. 'CM noH''ll; Cqlnmblo 7. . i

.R rtw n ,'>5; Bonovcnturr 0. [Iloalou Iinlveralty 8 ; T uft* 7. I

lllo ly Croaa 2B; Bates 0. [iNen- ■f.nmpshire collcgo 24: Colby 7. [ iRowdnin U ; Moino 7. j{Nebruika 10; P ittsburgh 0. '1iNnvy (1: Bucknoll 0. ,;Ijnfayollo 38; Ponnaylvaaia 6.1‘rlnreton 10: H arvard 3.

■ N otrr Pnmo 28; Arm y 0,W nsliingtrn nnd Jefferson 49; Wea\-

minster 14. ' ;, Trnnsvlv.-inia 7; U. o f IxiHlavillr 0. 1

fioor^i'frwn 43; Fordbam 7. 1iPenn ftp to '•JS i’ Onhioglo Tech 7. ! |iOhio N i'rlhcrn .fl; Westor/- Rracrvo n . . i

[linntoii rollego M ; M arietta 0. [ ICehli-li 13; M uhlenberg U . ! i

_|Ayjijhiriclnn and 1/rr 7;_ Weat Vir-^B ■ [lim ia 'rs ;'

HH'ntfi.morr 13r Stovona 0. ,

UlUIo Weei |■ I'urdta- ;ii N orthweatern 0 ' I J I 'n iven ily nf D otrolt 21; Springfield 1 !Y. M, C. A. co lIegc /). t 1 Michigan Aggies H ; Univcfaity of:f^oulk Dakota 0. 1Wnshlnglon 0; Missouri 7. {Illinoia 21; Dcpanw 0. 1Kansa.i 7; Oklahomo 84. iChieag.) (1; Ohio S tato 7. IKtiniaa Agglea 21; G rinnell 7. f Kayler iinlvcraily 3 ; T exaa A. & M. 14. t

|()betlhi H ; W orecstor C. |jColumbiu (bubuquo) 7 ; Kllawortb cob;I . lege 0. •Centre rollogr 65; U. o f K m locky 0.- Mount Iinion 7 ; Care I . l IPonn M ilitary collego IS ; Uralnus 0. \U. of Dubuquo 20; L u ther college 0. 1 Clui-lnur.ll 0; Ohio un iveralty 7. 1

iLo'uslan.-t Blato 10; Arkanana 7. I ;Mnrqiiufli- DO; Haakell 2. 'llowa -1] ; M innesoU 7. • . I Fnrgi) rollcge 7 ; N orlh DokoHi A g -1

gica ID.Koiitli IVikotu B tate 27; UnivorsUy of

N’w th Dakota 7. ■Texas university 44; Soulhwcslern U. 0. Corn.'tf enllrgo '50 ; SImpaon.O. f?rorgrlown college 33; Kcntiicky Wcs-

Irynn n.

. W ost

I r . o f C olofiK lo X ',; C o ^ r n d n fo l le g p 14 Ilnivernily of Oregorv' 1; '.Wnahingtou

Stato i-oUi'eB-7'(tio), ■ ; '•U tah AgririiituiJal collrgi- 2;i: School• of Miner, Colorado, 7.Idaho Toeh 37; Ricks eolloge 13.N evada 28; I llah 7.Idnho .'l.'i: Montnna 7.Kaal M l L ike 'H igh 3P; Wost High C.


iS l-Peop le I N ever I

H A R P«. ';5a4CW(«S ' ( tS >

riicy arc really onjy shadows oii D’f .silver. They do not, nor did th :xisL And yet you will knov speak of .them by th eir first names of them , perhaps, and of the grea' I n ma iheir lives conotituted.

They are pqoplc you never forget: t he- pnnl charactcps In the Rex Ini

^ production of the masteri Viccntc Blaico Iba



F O U R ] t h e A P O


es 25c,~35c and 50c. ' Nl

I S P E C I A L O R C H E )


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j — M


M A T IN B E -2 :lf.

__________ ■ ' '

The Man]i : - ! T i. M u Wlo H.J N«™, Aiutori B

S u » n ™ . * N.W Sull, A N n . H .

i»7"" *

thopil io *u

iir******'d « * a a » J

Sm TUs Mib la \ " TIm Ser««a Venioo ef


“ Our Mutu^ Friend*'


P at/ie N e w s ^ i d a I

. COMING-tfarri^

“NOW OR IThis io'Onc'of Hia I

Y o u ’ U I N o ’w

F o r g e t T w i

n H f V■ M i d

" S l ''/liIjfl<la&Rull(R V i S V'rt/TCHlRNOPf

)n a screen i1 they ever, ^low them, nes; dreamreat hum an <

111 will ^ b h I ^ Irincipal'.' 'Ingramterpiccc[banez's

______ ■■ . ( I s

R O ’ S ' ,


P h o i o j B : r a p h e t ^ I

NIGHT 8:15-Prices50c,,75c,

E S T R A M U S I C |



s)? SAop IHisAmbllicD to O -D A llA lT lie

H at ta d A New Pair of Boota

WJfcr, « i undoptid bookkeeper,» altAincd hia modest aab ilk n lo Ili Ib t su m lima, t m w euit, ■ new > oew pelr of bools, k m ’ IkM lher« were BO ratdy^Mdt aup^y m u ’a demanda for a coet

]d l ( ^ w ili^ Uw rants of a «««»n

r, arith the splendid’ 0(>p0rtunIt]r by this thop, eTery roaa may pur- m p le ta otw outfit for t OMdant*

T a - w afer could | v b himaeif eke , B runm er 00 hia boobkMper'a

]»ff»tfie«dl<V waa«)B)tB .

> •


I Good C om edy

'y L lo y d itir—

NEVER”I Bdst Pictures

w Showing i c e D a i l y

A N N 0 N 4 t ^ g j ^ M |H ^ ^ -


M E N ■

SEm ^ ■' by John Fi Seitz

ic, $1.00 and ;1 2 R E E l P liiiD U C nO N '


S l i F 5i O H i i »

« i c i s [ |T ------- ' tho CO

W ar.D eparlm en t R equests New Com m ander to D eterm ine if Soldiers W ere S tio t o r H ang- a * . ed W ithout C ourt M artial , . . U '

wlicuW ASIirNQTON, (/p>—The Amcriean

Lcffion w u a iked by tho w ar deport-11''*''® ® i n e a t to Jny to lond ite asalitaneo In ob- i ta lnioff all Jncts relnllng to tho charffea ® “

n a d o by Benotor W atson of O ooi^n t i n t so ld ien WiTe tn rc a vM y sho t n n a , I hanjfcd w ithout court m artial durinfr i th e wnr. Socrotary Weoks addrosw d, h is opponl'to Ilnnford. JIocN lJor, cpm-j "

i m ander o f tho American Le^rlon. :A fter quotinff the senotor's c liarpisl

I tho Rccrctory M id:"T Jio foTcgobff slatcm ont conilnjt w

long a f te r tho commisaion o f thc olloK- oil crim es, eonrtitulcs ri ToflcctSon op- oji tho en tire porsonnol o f tho Amcrl- | 0 k l 0

.eoa ezpedltlonary foree. Consider tho . . .

Eibno ostUlod to all thc fiiota which i t AlU w if tla tho power of my offlco to pro- •

duM -,' I f thero poBsibly exists any b a ­s i l fo r n e l) no ollriratlDi), tho rrspoo-

aibls pe n o n s nhould l>eor tho oditim. O therw ise definite rofutatloii Is do»lr-

: n b W ’ - . . ■ rallimvSenator Watson latorjocted Into 'son- «),{ixm

a to 'd e b a te on tho lax bill today moro |,m, be tclesranis, letters nnd newspaper ar- .,|ic ity tlele« which ho ia id soppdrtod h li ,,inve«

tcr'b 'elj' A tolpfn'am from a Lanaing, Hloh.,

•olOior sflJd (he w riter saw two “ Y aoks ^ hnBg w lA ou t tr ia l.” A nother lo tter , l iy ld Bon&toi W ataon salil, "show B bow m en tho pol wcro sho t dowo becaaso they fe ll «x- iiUcea.. haustod from Ido{; m orchos." - th a t th

------------ -- ---------- nbout I

INDIAN ChTeFS TO PAY , I well dn

- TRIBUTES TO. WAR DEAD— pr emi er

Oonp S tick k&d W hc BosziBt 8 ;a b o la of of tho . p is l io r t H onora to b* Placed on mont tl

O aaket of.mdctLOtro H n o was mo_ _ _ ' ' consplri

;W A SniN Q TO N , D. C., yp) - - -P d u r Ameri^-au Ind ian chlefn, cneli a tribal hero, will pav to the tinknown ilenii, V®'' <*' n t Arl'.MRton n n t I 'r idny tho hlRhcKt honnri known lo the ir ra.-e by ploein? Kioto, i npon i).i! coiVcl o coup s lick and w ar Uie bnnncl. P len ty Coos, o f tho .Crowe, panjons

iL ono V 'o lf, o f tho Kiowan and Amou t “ iK ed Owl. an il-S trm R cr PorBO^-of fho loaped 1 Bioux, w ere choien to confer 'the dec-

[onBtion by Commfiuiloner o f Ii'uilnn A f j’fPast, I fa 'r s 'R n rk e , bccunso of the ir proriii-. " T l 'u f- nenca in thc hlatory nf the w cft.,'E M li . •

h i a hlith chiof in hia trlbo And h a i . ' • Wtiujtht American aoldier*. Thoy will bo dreiM d in fu ll w arrior rORalla. ' P^‘

I Tiie rout) atl«k..pronouBfoa “ k o o " “ ‘■^1''' :ia lorc'rnl feet long and wo* carricd bv . ?°i* w nrrlO rr' who consiilcred' h n brnve ^ deed In' tortrh nn enemy during n flRht confer t W hen n w arrior did so ho cu t a notch *aniaffa in tho stock o rtittnched fo it an easlo and a i fon thrr. • , . “f tlio «

Tijp ^ a r wna rtR nrdoi by tlio ^wonetvw arrio r-a r tho :m M t Importtfnt a rtie ie od. until o f ilia rejfalin. nnd only proven brnvoi ^ 5 * 1 ' w c ro ’til'owcd to wenr ono. Tho loaff mention pliimo wn* mndp from onplo fedthora nnd eni-h fea ther re|ireacnted a partiea UakintP ln r de-’d Cdnient o f tho tMbo had lo post.

!lie ohtnined to nmke n wnr bonnet nnd , ■thp makin^f was nn occaalon for much jcetcmony.

IcOLD W AVE FOttECABTED j TO 8TEIB3J NEBBABKA J '\ OMAHA. Neb.. (ffV-W -nmlna.Abnl n - ieold wuvo would strike NebfnsKn to ' ~ Infght and then pass ovor tho eountrv, least and south, waa Isaued by. tho Uni- ' itcd R tatcs weather bureau bero today. rP U , The fcm bioation of low atmo»pheric proiaure in Wyomlnjf and an exactly oppoatto condition in M nnltoha nnd o thor p iirts of, Cannda woutd cauae tho f.h6ngo in -weatlvet, l t « bureau «atd, pre- d ictlntt fempcraturen na low as IS abovo ^ *ero, w ith snow for Nobraakn. Prcdic- # tlon tha{ Iowa would also feel tho of- S feet of tbo expeitcd tto rm was alao f l

-MlJcerfBnflllah. VJo b a WM u k e d lo w rite « ib o r t

U itorT 'O T tlie life o f O e n m l Brad- dock. In b i l cotaposltloD w u th e fol- . Y '(tew ln* compound le n ien c e: " B r a d f o r d ______i r u u i b ra re ra a a ; be hod tlirieeborBM Ibot from under him. and tbe fourtb ^■rent th roueh h li clothcs.'*—U lnne- iDolli J oom nl. _________

Fortuna te Man.ZACky If h e wbo haa been, edacalod 1 /

0 b e e r bla fa te . wbatCTor It be, by an W j a r ty exam ple c f u p r is tila e u .a n d a JiHdlib tr a ln ln r In hono r.-T im ck-

, 1 3 1RGa D t h e G LA SSIFIin) ADS. 1 m m

# A M E R !C A ^

QUEENC SKATE VOTE t25 FREE VOTESa n d Q o jo y y o o r a e l l o n t h o l i t U e c o U e ri




[lOi Angelea ooonty to BepUce O rln | | ( ^ BtHTlng Orotmd v l t l i O roaatofy

L 0 8 A N O E L I» , yp>-T ho “ poU cr’a ie ld ” , grim resting plnco of thc pau- icr dend, aoon'w itl pasa from tho land- co]Hi of Loa-A ngeles counly, and a ounly cromatorv will tako Ua place.' P o « n i

Tho board of auporviaon haa In- ^^tCOI tructcd tho county engineer to draw a r liana for a crem atory to bo created In ho couuty ccmetery, on‘ Eoat _Pirst Itrcct, L oi Angoles.

I t la stated th a t i f relatives of thu -v...., lauper dead olijoet (o cremation, thoy ‘ ' i'ill either hnvo to necedo .to I t o r mako *" heir own provision fo t buriaU n.nrrlp,

A group of Chinese baa orgiuU od to ..N 'cw l laudlo the burini of the Cblneie di'n<l t)|.. rlicu the county b o n fa r th e r Inter- ,, nenls.^ Althoifeh 700 <J»lno9Q dead nvo beea biiried in the ,eoun ty ccme- ory 500 graves have been opened nnd ho remains aen t baek to China.

— I . , _____ II""!*''

■ G i C [ p ioklo S tation M aster Held fo r I'm

Alleged Complicity in P re- L ™ ”' ■ ' m ier-s D eath ■ f -

TOKIO, (flV -E lgoro linsl.imoto, ns- i„ „ istnnt atnliou m aster n t thc O tiuko nl Ww illw ny stntlon, where Premier Taka- f, li H aro waa asaassinoted Friday n igh t, , ns been nrrested chorged w ith eom- ri,.,i „i lic ity in tho crime. A bout 20 olhor om- i,,,, Inye* a t tlic etatlow w cte te lm e d a f- then « '.r being qilestlonod.

Aiaoaala D ea le i Ooniplracy ^fau;

Bylehl Nolfoka, tho" assasiin, InalsU, wl'II’i.i"! 1.0 poUco any, tlia t ho had no accom’- ^ Ucea.._ Tho poUeo believe, how orer, , . i „ , Ii la t tho 'atn ton iun 'a death’ wns brought , , " V l.out thrnugh a conapirncy. Tliis l o - " J j e f la s trengthenod by tho fac t th a t a ' •oil dresaed, unldontifiod mnn wns seen i " ' urry lng from tho sta tion a t tho mo- v, , . , . ,ont N akoka th ro at hU sword in to tho ,"j. rem ier'a b reast. . The nuthorities are v ,.„ : t tho opinion th n t tbo you th ’s atnte- , 1.7 lont thn t hu nlonu rnni-clvcd tlii' crinio . , aa mndo in an o ffo rt to ahlold hie co. m ipirntors. “ ,Nnkokn wnt. In h id ing on the Hlatioii'

lutfomi when tho prem ier nnd a num- ' sr o f othor loaders c f Iho SoijTikai „ irtjiA trlved to tftko tho 7:30 train for loto, whoro" a meoting. was to bo held. ?» th e piemior, chatting w ith h is com- ! inioiia, passed through tho gate load-'■g to tho atallon , p latform N akokn ' aped from ' h u h id ing place and plung- NO I n short sttdrd in to M. H a r a ^ le ft reast, a t tho aomo* tlmo oxelaimlng ( Tho country 's enem y!” . ______

^larqais M atsuknta, lord koepti of mnn nti 10 privy soal, following & conferenco tho prii . tho paloco yostorday w lth -Uazquls p e n hn ilonjl le ft fo r Ibo villa o f Fiold H ar- probnbl nl I’rineo Y nmngata; in Odawara, to jiril wV n fer w ith tho prince, who ia ill. Prince nnme M unagata ia ono of the older etatcsm ea ,inv hc| id a membor o f tho m ilita ry council

thO'Ompire. No announeem eat as to OOMMI conetltutlon of tho cablnot la erpeat- , u n til M orquii M etaakota,’a return.H arqula BaionU la moat prominently , untioncd for tho premlorahip, bu t i t i i ubtful i f ho w ould accept. V iseoant 'aliint?tT-al'.io“ b'oioBcoh8ldeica for tho

“ ■ ■ ■

Iceland Peatm an. ' — ' —In Iceloriil flip postm an c arries his 111 Sn boxe.i sliiag across tb e lincki ’ ponlM and nnnoiinccfl bin arrival f blnwlnjt n hom.

The- Cleanest, Most Wholesome

d l UYou Ever Tasted

40c Per Quart■ —at—




)o srivoD with over; skate I. Holp jroor favorito win , oUctB.

3 R R I N K p y

g . , N O V . §

I ■ ’ \ '


’OnER’S FIELD DOOMED ll iri i s i r iS W I i O . i

__ _ and

Eoords Will Show 3 ,0 0 0 F ew - e r M arriages in Gotham S

T h i ^ e a r ' ,NKW YOnK, (/P )-W hilc claowherefho country more peojilo aro being a n d ,

irrie.l this ycnr thnn ev-.r bofore, in folio w n-Tirk timcf nrc duller than usnalr th .' Ilccii«e clcrk" nnd tho m lnlitors. ,j,•vernment itntinticinns reeentiy con- th a tided liio rfoj’ l'f wcddlnga w onld cou t

II bumper one, ivilh Dan Cupid b a^ aealc»tlu;f ],.V10,000 brides and ju s t u coveinv Iiubbnndn7r»m the fields of tho M . ■mated. And ycl New Yorlc C ity ’* $1.03r<inl r.rolnhly will show n t loaat SOOO j- 8.iver iiiflrrlnire* thon in 1020 or .JPlO CoTlicro aroi.oniicr taska thnn giv ing to ai

ex|ilfuinllnn fnr this na tlon-w id t to 1-Wemiy o( knoMyinj? in year w h tn nndllio'.a nro iiiu'iii|iloycd nnd aa mftny jo lb iire nre Ijroodiiig over decreaiei lu Ini;lr. income. Si. any the aoeiologiala rosod other* with pi^nchaTils fo r f ind ing 5.3 tt w hat they cull tlu' why of things, ca IIt il IM nnl ilL-<lreii.Hingly tu tilo to aoek Oarcn^r.n for Ihc furl thn t only 50,51)1 or, ’en»L'\ were i^^uol up fo o rocent doto casciTl' lUin vent rt'wpsvTcd to 53,005 in Wu ci)rrcfc|Kindliig [leriod of 1020. jn'pg,

Immigration FactorIn llll- firal pliire, they wifl toll you ' Cltin- »reti»e Irtvtww tlm t .tfccre nre H .03

trer iiiiinlKrant.H than in th S .p a rt, bC' Coune lit tho rentri.'tIou lawa. Unmar- N o . ;d niiens alwnyM had a hab it o f com> On{ 'o v e r here tii efijoy freedom , nnd 3 wh on Jilmnst immediately fling ing p a rtI t nwny a t Ihe altar. j j j

Many young iiipn who m ight o thef- Ti:se wed nver thni wlien Iho Inndlord d iluld se t tUrouRh tU 'flattng tb c li pock* j»omoha' lint cnuu^h would remain to j qIm the butcher, the bnkor and thoio }{{ 10 donl in 's ilk «lockings, coemetlcj, ijwny tickets,' conls. su its and th?!ier.th ings needed b y liousCwlvo?, ^1 :h nn needles for dnrniug tho Tjus-nds foeks and rolling p in i to fnrb- l^rI b iscuits nnd m ninlain order, M]Even when tlio New Y ork su ito r haa Kmc 3 monoy he often seema unablo to ^ a r snti> n home. Thit condition la com- Cnm. liocoute uf lho homo ahorlago, 1-8 ;ny young thinga a fte r the ir convon' Connl (llrzy honeymoon re tu rn to llvo On th the g ir l ’a fnmily c r tho n lm ’i. rh ap ' from thia will eomo a now ficM humor, tho aondn-lnw nnd daughter'

law ioke i Umt would rIvo molher- law n long-awailed relief.


(Viiittnuad from Pag* O se) • f iro t '___________________ ' '— I_______ 'Po■ dofondnnt cxpre/aed her d*aif«nFoc> 23cj fence begin a t once. S horlff Sher' rooat n ntntcs tb a t bo wlU poraonally laV? >I prisoner to Boise. Commitment pa- pQ * hnvr no t yo t been .TTroVn. I t U u . . . , bnble, say offieiala, th a t Mr*. Bouth- ; ivill tnave with B hcriff Shermnn le tim e W edneaday, nmi will on thn ' 5 . ' lic(vn ber indoterm inato aenlcnce.

U M iim s T s n r c o n t r o l •O P PfiTBOO EA D SOVIET

IIOA, The fliinl count in tho men :tIons fo r menibcra o f tho Pelrograd to 2. lo t ' Fhowr tlio following nllgnm ent: calve Jll 1450 m em lieTs-non-partlsnns. modii ; comniunlHts, IKJO; menabeviki, 9; Ho la] irvoUitlnnnr>', 1. so r

The F am ’s With Everj

BuildiIt'a. the convenient and profits makes every acre of a fa rin '

. 7 on can build now at minimnn froo to attend to it.

ICvery dollnr you put i in}?n uow comes back to in c«nv<!iiienc’0, nnd seco iK

Yiui’ll Ijc Huvpriaeil <vt which you cnu get si

' i)iiiliHn;p< up now witb.l Pnyotte Hemco—promp I'unite estiinntes, sound torinis, *

Buiid New P oultn Machine Shei

A iiiodeni, Boise Pnyetto cliicki , more oppi. A pood cow shed

more iniik, easier work. You t Killed, imd a wvll mado };artigc ment in nmcliincs nnd motor vi

. Our Bales manager will bc his ideas on tho best wa wbat to bnild to add the i farm. Oomo in and talk :

D, W . {JPD E6RA FF, S a l e i Man;

Boise Payett Cempjai


T o d a y s J - l a . r k . o t 3 S— ■ ' ' P . —» focdi

0n iC A (30 , (ff)—B oports of / r o r t in tgc n iln a gavo eomo advantage to • h eat bulls todaj( in tho early trading. J^J|, bo fi;ost, howovor, w u anid to be ligh t nd np turns i n ' t h o m arkot wore no t ij^qv cll m aintained, ^ p o e to n e o c f eome 4,j ocreaso In tbo U nltod Statoa vlilb la g^Q; ira ly to ta l -waa more or lo u o lfso t by aortlona tho t nny Im portant ndvaneo I .p r ie o i here w ould invlt,o import# wm Canadn, Oponlng qMotaUons, hieU Toriod from l-4o o f f to l-4o g ^ n , |*K“ k itb Doeembor a t $1.01 to «1.01 1-2 a d ^ Ia y n t 11.05 7-8 to $1.00 1-4, wore illowcd by aligh t ^ n a a ll aroand and icn a modomte reaction. ,Bubacquently, the m arkot seored a '

larp advance. Gossip w u cnrrcn t ® ia t Ja p an and other non-European jun triw hnd boon buying on n libc ia i *“ ;ale, and tb a t L lvorpopl ah o rti wore )vcring .. Tho cloao wne nnsottled, 1 4 to '2o not bighor, w ith Deccmbor w * 1.03 to 1.03 1-8 and M ay $1.08 to 1.08 8. , Ci]Corn and oata woro duU.nnd Inclined 23,00

I sag. Com oponod 1-8 to 1 - ^ lowor vtead 1 I-4e advance. M ay 51 3-4 to M 7-8fl, yearl ad tbon'i n n d c m en l a aligh t gcnojal ^ j j .c iLback. calvcI n the inat ha lf of tbo seaalon. corn . .jio ISO w ith wheat. The cloao w u atoady to 20 8 to 3-1 lo lc n o t bighor, w itb M ay botU ! 1-2 to C8 to 52 5-8c. ' . j n g vOata stprted u n h a n g e d to I-8e high- iu ( , t -, .Muy 30 l-2(f. .L ato r tho m arket isod tt little . a romW eakness In hog values bnd a do- gh,

resiing effec t on provisions. du<<Cash W bea t . s tead

CHICAGO, yP)--W hcal No. ‘i hard to P‘ 1.03.Corn No. 2 mixed ■IS 3-4 to 4li 1-40J wolgl 0. 2 yellow 40 1-2 to 47e.O als No. 2 whito 33 1-4 to 35 1-2; No. w hite 30 to 32 l-4c. N iHyo No. i 73 1-2 to 74c. SteelHarley 47 to' 00c. ■ thoTimothy seed $4.50 to'C.50. theClover aocd $12 to 18.C0. oponll*or)i nomioal. - iio x jL ard 19.47. . KewKibs #.’).75 to 7.75. od 0:

Minneapolis F lo o r and Q n ii i two OTNNEAPDUB, M inn.,

•Un'changed.Bran $12.50, JJ”"M INNEAPOLIS, (fi>) — ^Vl^oat - ocelpU -118 ears, com pared w ith .550 ‘ ^ ' ir* n year ago.Cnsh No. 1 N orlhorn.$1.10 1-8 to 1.23 8; December $1.15 1-8? Mny $ U 5 .Corn 'No. 3 yellow 30 lr2o. ‘ V iOnla No, :i white 27 1-2 to 28 l--2c-. “

Chicago Prodoce CHICAGO, ( /P H B u t tc r ; loworj sue*, euinory ex tras 43c: fira ts 80 to 42o; c = s= eonda 33 to 35c; a tandards 3Be. — rEgga—D nchangedi rocoipta 4,42d I lies; f irs ts 52 to 54c; o rdinary f iral*> to 47c; Dilacollaneoua 50 to ^Igcratot c s trn i 34 l-2e; rcfrigcrato t rata 33 l-2c. -■PouUrj’- A l lv o low er; fowls 14 to '<! springs 21 l-2o; ta rk o y i 30c;.i oatfirs 15c. .' P c r t l ia d U to S tock . PO im .A M D , Ore., (/P) — C attle r<- eody to 25e h igher: receipts 1,M0; olco steors $5.75 to G.50: medium t««d $5.25 to 5.75; In lr to medium W-75

5.S5: common to f a i r $3.76 to 4.7S; ' olco feedera $4,50 to S; f a ir to good ■75 to 4.50; choice cows and belf- n S4.50 to 5; .m edium to good $4 to 30; f a ir to mcdlmn $3.50 to 4: com- )n cows $2.75 to 8.60; cannors $1.00

2.7S: bulla $3 to 4 : cholco dairy Ives $8.50 to 0; prlmo lig h t «8 tn 8.60;}ilium ligh t to to 8 ; heavy 45 to 0-Hogs — Stoadi- to ?5 to 50o h ig h o r ; _____

r ^ p t a ; prime lig h t $D to 10; ■ ■

^alue Jumps 7 Added lingitable small building that . f n 'm ore profitable. And nm expense, when yon’re

I; into sinnll build- to you twice—firnt iCond in more prof­

i t the case 'R'ith / small, profifnble

b.the aid of Boiw npt deliverloH, nc- - £ id advico an to iiia- 4

ry Bomea and\eds Now ^c k e u hbtiRC w il l liH n rr j o u cid in o n n s l ic n i t l i io r c o w s , ^i n e e d n ti{?h t in i i i le i i ie n t • ^ ;c t o p r o t e c t y m r in v c R t- .' voliiclofl. ,

bo glad to givo yon ways to bnild, and b moat value to the k it over. v

a n ^ i t , .Twin f a l l s Yard

(e tuirtber i any *

mooth heavv 230 to 300 pounda W t* ed ' S ti .78; aoo poundi and up $7 tc 8 ; rough, and ol icavy % to 7.50; f a t pig" *0 to 0-60; c lo irf ecdor pigs ID to 1>.76; etaga $4 to fl-BO. Libi Sheep - S teady; recoipta 3,730; c u t o iteod

f mountaln-lam bs $0.50 to 7; beat val- Tho 3 »0 tO '0.50; fa ir tc good $5 to 6.50; yoat e

ulla $3 to 4 ; enstern Oregon foodora 4 1-4 4.60 to 5 ; ligh t yoarlinga $4.50 ,to 5; fourth envy $3.50 to 4.60; ligbt w others $3.60 On 5 .160; heavy $2.50,10 3.50; ew ei |1 to lo g In ,50.' mnrka

Omaha UvertodcOMAHA, « > ) -n o g i - I le e o ip t f l 5000. .......

loa tly 25o lower; 'b u lk medium and N L ' g h t butcbora $0.85 to $7.25; top $7.40; eloaed ulk pack ing gradea $6.26 to $0.00. b id; e C attle -R oco ip la 12,000. Boof steers ^04.00

leady to 15e lower; to p yearllnga l - 4 'i l 10.50; shO'Stock and buU i ito a d y to to ry ‘ 5c lower; vcoli iteady to w eak; itock- $M.08. rs and fcodon steady to 16e lower.Bheep—Rocoipta 0,000. KiUin'g claases w i

5 to 25<; h igher; bu lk-lam bs #8.S5 t<»8.00; beat yoarlinga $0; .w othors $5.25; „4 /n , w fs $4.25; foodors 26 to 35c h i r tc r ; nn ,. jp feedings lamba $7.85. ^

• OhIc4«o Uvertock ' not mCHICAGO, ( f l ^ ^ a t t l o - Bocoipta The

3,000; quality plolo; m arket gonorally cjulet teady; be tlor gradoa bcof s tc e r i and Inted. carllngs. strong; choice yoarilngs 11.50; biilk bcof iteera <0.to 0 .50; veal alvca wcok to lower. m int*•Hoga - ncceipta 147,000; m a rk e t 10 j ) 20c lowor than S a turday’s averago;■otter grades o ff moat; big packota do- u p ^ ta lg ve ry Ilttlo ; practical top $7.70; lig h t rt.uii£. gh ts up to $7.00; bulk $7.40 to 7.70; m .v .,] igs up to $8.50; bulk dcairablo klnda . round $8.25. , ' .Bheep — JlcceTpls 20,000; killing

Imsm sfcfldj* to SSe iower.-’ feodera ;eady; nntivo and fed w oatern lambs' alfalfa J packers early mostly $8.75; fow a t [!; c ity butcher* paid $9.10; Ivnady to M.C 'oight fo t owes $150; heaviea very lotv; b idding $8 on cholco fod iambs. t l

N ew Y ork Stack M a rk e t H cNEW YOUK, — Uniled . S inko

teol and General A aphalt • wero ho f'niy im potlanl uxceptlona to !ie higher trend o f pricos Ut fh ; J J poning o f today’s ,stnck .luarket. lexicon Petroleum, Standard Oil of low Jorsoy. ond Houston Oil each gain- d ono po ln t^and advoneos o f ono to thus iro points woro mado by various In- a Im uitrl&ls and cpeeialUet, incladyig mad' handler M otor,. In i^ iro tlon Ooppbr, " •‘f j ow York Doek preferred and Jones yyj t irother^ Tea. . , resuiTho listless and norrow mavomont on f:

le stoek cxchongo todny w as domi- in g t a lcd by professional shorts and firm- drvp r money tondoncy. Sales npproximnt- 1 475,000 ih a rc i T lPrices bocame more confusing la ler,

JO aix por cont money rato provoking ir th e r bearish activ ity in spocial U- ica. l l i c closing w u irrogular. U nit- J rO t


OEAfi, B. B O W O U rrB ~& 0 0 , , actioS to n e 816-W ^ *

• 120 SKoihone S t. W estFreseli Dry Oleanlng I I

Bepalring—•Dydng 3 ^ '

“ / 1 1 1 . f i lT h e O ld S a )

Pays to Aa

It’s PerfectliO u rjast Friday’s ad brouj

, ^rson

S u i t s a n d O '' They Were Sa-

The speciaJly low price o; garm ents snrprised eve hunters.”

i i g a i n N o t i c e \

. - b a r g a i n SURPRISE \ o v e r c o a t s AND S

MEN’S F U p m' We invite y o u lo r rigi

T h e A lco C lo tl■TWIN PALLS, I]

N0VB!MRER7.1921Statea bondi ahowed tuixed chongee'. o thorii ineludlng tb o fore ign eroop,,ed n t tr if lin g g a ln s.o r loMoa. . ■ liberty bonda gave early p rom lie o f snding la s t w eek 's aubatantial galna.I 3 1 -2 'a bdvanced te n p o in ti to' the j ' t b lgh Tccoid n t 9G.BO. .‘a o aocond l-4 'i two pointa to 60.78 and tbe rth 4 l - 4 'i tn o u ty 'p o in ta to 03.20, la the fu rther dcm ora liu tlon ahow- In tbo London a u k e t G em a^

rka broke ibarp ly bore to , tbo new ilmum of .3(5 1-2 conta.

' IdbertT Bonds IEW YOBK, iJPi - l ib e r ty bonds led; 3 I -2 'i $04.88; f l n t 4’s $04^0 - second 4 ’s $04.00; f i n t 4 1-4’a 00; accond 4 1-4'a $04.89; tli ird 4

’s-$00.00; fourth 4 1-4’a $93.08; Vie- y 3 3 4 's $50.7(5: V k to ry . 4 »-4'a .08. * •- ■

• Sugar Maiket, V.JEW YOBK, y P H T b o raw sugar' rkot was slcody dnring tb e foronoon 4.00 to 4.11 cents fo r centrifugal. •ITicro was only o quiot Uade in raw u r futures. Priccs a t m idday were

aacliongod.:'hD m arkot fo r refined n g a r w as. ' e t a t 5.S0 to 5.30 fo r fine gronu* ■Jd. • '

PotatoeaIHIOAGO, ( f f ) -P o U to e t - F in n ; ra- Dfs 80 cors; to ta l U. S. shipm onti ; N orthern W hite bnlk $1.75 U)

sacked, $1.05 to $1.86 e w t ; Min- o ta and N orth D ako ta sacked and k Itod B lvcr $1;60 to $1.65 e w t ; kod and bu lk D akotas $1.25 to $1.00 .; W nshington Buasota $2.35 o w t

S o n t u d t ?:AJ^aA^ a r r , c/pt— H a r—o b o U t 'ilfa $20.50 to 81.50: No. 1 prairie ,50 to 12.60: Ko. 1 tim othy. $13.60 L4.50.__^______________ __________ •

leavy Cold? Cheat;All Clogged Up?

^O N T let i t get a s ta it. D ri King'a ^ New Discovcty wIU « n 'lh t enrn to work, relieves \h e tisa t{ t tiin g ' ,I the chest,' auieting the recking ' )ugh, j p t i y slimuloling th e bowels,IU I. eliminating the cold poisons.Iways reliabl& Just g ^ medicino lade to ease cdds onti coughs. ' f tf f ’& ty years n standard remedy. •

II the f a M y can take i t w ith helpiul . suits. Eases the children's croup.0 ham fa l drugi. Convincing, head* m g taste th a t the kiddles like. A t ^ V iiggiata, 60c '

J r . K i n d ’sl e w D i s c o v e r y' o r C o l d s a n d C o u g h s

t t d Badly? Dowels S lu U Isb ^ ^ Aveq't any "pep" In work or play. ouVe constipatMl The ftimubuiog l io a of D r. King's PiUi brings back d time energy. All dniggitta, 2Sc.> PROMPTt VfOlTT ORIFE ^

J j p l G n ^ ’S P i l l s ^

y r ^ ‘

•I® '' ' ' •|U [ 'd


m i J U 4

y i n g l s - ■dvertise” '

lyT ru e ^light m p y custom-

i v e r c o a t s ■Satisfied.

on the high class ren .the “bargain €

f n t i l F u r t h e r W e W i l l O f f e r


t e S h o p 1IDAHO, r

• ’ .j4-

* n s i l ■i i F e i i i i i .

L e a g u e Of. I n d u s t r i a l i s t s V o te s

A t o L e n d F i n a n c i a l A s - J

s i s t a n o e ''_. In

liE R U N , Tho longuo o f Qorman IndualriallaU has voted lo como lo th« . finnncinl nld o f th e Rovernmont by lilnclnji a t its dliposttl tho fordffn cre- J? d J ts 'o f tho IcaRUo’f Diombcrs-whlcU it

S l 1« ■ calimoled wilt yield ono billion P , inarks, A tcaotutlon to thia e ffee t wna ■ , adopted offer' aoveii lo u r f o f ntonny debato whieh' wa* im rticJpated in by ‘ IIURo fitinnes, the f in an r ic r and I>r. Al , frod Hiigcnbfrjr, dJicftoT of llio Krupp.

' w erk iDemanda E lg ld E coaoay . ’

• ' Tlic rcMliilion acta fo rJ 'i tho follow- luR couditioa*: A doption by tho rov- crnmeiit of n prop1.in' r W J economy nnd eunaiiltation w ith privato enter- priteii Id fomiulatinf; th e reoRomic nnd tax program. ' . ^ .

D edfirallon of the ROvernnicnt’a wilt- iHRnaii lo call upon foreign fjoanclal experts fo r adviee in rcRard to the _

t amount of eredit to bv floated, and it^ ,„ | icJaUon to tho provnilluR fluctuatloM of forelpn cichiinRp. ,

ff:nti':pri»es in the hands of tho ntate and ]iublje bodies to bo Riaaa/;cd in g^r aueh n manner th a t fhcy rease to be a drnm vjion tbe public treasury.

Prcedum of the c o u n try 's ccoiiomlj lift* frnm every restric tion th a t bin- '

® . ,d o r* its development. In Ihia eategory tho lecgijc plncrn-tlio o]|;hl hour dny. c Thd mcotinp wttt nllended by 1200 rep c resontnllvcs of bli; business eonccrns. j

' Rudolf nflvenstein. nrcriident of the t relclinliQnlc participa ted in tlio <!el>ato c on tbo TCsobUon, «rRi«R ibo iloleROlcB j to suiirort tho c red it Kheiii^. t

3 ’ BeJectloD U d lc a te d . ^

■ -• .Plnaneial w ritera ex jiresi the oiiiMon Jh t i r 'th '; ' Rovernment will bc unaWo to j -5n:Tce fo the Btipulntc<l,coiidilioniil ' ' ' ^

Vorwaerls rnys: " T h i j is lho firs t , irstan ro In modern h ia to ry of taximycr* j

^nrroRatlu;; to tUcmMtvc* tho, ptciogn- tiv e of (lirtatini; tn ^ h o atiite conditions ,

. ( T h u n d e r irhirh tlioy are wi!linj; to eomo ^ ^ t o Its a id .” iTIto new tpaper w arns thf* ,

Roverniiient ngainst ‘ 'S u rjcnderin jj It- g self inin iHe linnds of Btinnes und hiN - a llie s ." , • • ■ J


A m e rlc u Elm» on O nnm ds of X ineoln t Monioriil D odlcatM to A llied A r- e

miea t n d Nftvlos i

^ WASHINQTON,. I), a , f /PH O ponlng r of Armlatleo weolc wtes m niked hero to "

• _<iny wilVi tho planllnif of tw o Amcrica*. ^ • I m * on tho grounds of tho Lincoln Me-

niorlai:-'';rho trocfl, ono for th o 'a ll ied " ’** fltmlcs nnd ono. fo r tho nlllcd navies, f®" were dedieatod by C harier I* t|iro p P " '

■ Pack, ptcaldent o f th o American For-. t'slry nasoplatlon,, who Bald;- i"lt

" O n Friday inll tho unknown dead “{"■ will bo honored b u t tlieso living momo*

plont heto totJny o ie & sign of ^ ^ f t i i r fnlth tha t tho idoa behind tbo «11 w

of our president fo r the arras confer*.■nei' wii: live.” wU

Sfrs. Harding presented hor treo plantlR!* trowel to m cnbertf o f tho Am- *no enean Le;^oa who placod tho tree# n t tlio head of. w hat w ill be iotonio- tionat uvenuo o f memorial troei to b j 2

^ ^ p l a n t e d by v a t lo u govecnmeiit*.


-------- inqPublic, O ffldal D«leK*tloni and Sodo* oth

t i u to B econ t« O u M t D orlns cm'

» SpedflBd H orn# bro-------- tlil

WASHINQTON, H C.; . The wlibody pf A n o rica 'i unknow n horo will an(a rrive in W ashington W ediwsday afte r- thunoon or evening and will lie In a ta to in tlie tho rotundn of tho cnpilol un til F i iday. i t wn* announctd todny. I

The |.ul)llr, nnd those officia l dologa- ||ni

* t io n s '‘and soelctios w hien havo been the■plvcn to w teatba on nolthe bier will be adm itted lo tbo rotunda Fr(from !f II, m. un til 10 p. m,, Thursday, gtnIt wnr staled, bu t no lono will bo a d ' nm'm ittod p f tc r th a t hour during; tho sot- on

j emn nlijht preceding lo lonnen l a t A rb i;,],I ington. tlic\ Permila havo a lready bcon issned to xto'

m moro than 00 o rg an iu tio n a , soelotlos pci v ^ and foreign diplomatic roprcsentativot

to plare decoratlona on tho caakot.

E L E V E N D E A T H S C H A R IS E D ,

TO FRENCH “ B L U E B E A R D " th.J ____ I tot

% Ooort OffldJOs O ather a t V em lU as fo r e Oponlns of T rial o f H en ii D«-

i l n XiUdrQ

VKR9A1LLES, (/FJ—Court offieials i;nthercd hero today for th e opening ic IU5 Bfltno-Et-Ql«o omImb of the tr ia l' of Henri Desire L andni, th e "B lneboar

1 o f dnmbnls,” who it chargcd w ith ‘11 V m u rd c ra . Ten of hin alleged v le tln*

wero women to whom ho la anid to havo promijo'l mftrrlaRC, nnd tbe eiovonth tho aon of oH0 .Of them'. H e is nllegod to havs bijhicd hla v ie llm a’ bodies.

' 'if.vouT pT&pCTty i* w 4 is^ advoribied in the cliSSlfie^ - yon 'fl » .find your buyer. _ ^

■ FREE'VOTE COUPONQood fo r .Two V ot«8 in

J to e r lc ia Lagtoa. T « la F»1U Post Ko. 7, O axolnl Queoa O oatett .

iAwwded Throujli ^ Conrtwy of

T t# Twin PallB Dall7 Nffwi Oct-Oat and Drop la aoy Oostest

V6t« B«x '

-VCtod r o r -


JLSmESIEIilE’ I" . l O M l i i l i .I D isonsslo iis E o ld W ith U o y d■ O eo rg o w h ilo S in n F o in D o l- .

esatiOQ Waits I'liJS . . ■ wi

LONDON, (flV -Further dlseuaalon o f jj® th e 'p la n s devised by tbo government and tbo Slnn Fein for aeltlem ent o f tho P Irish ' problem wns on tho proirrain of Prim e M inister Lloyd Oeorgo nnd Bir Jam es Craig a t thQ rcauiAptlQQ of th e ir ,

” eonaiiltatlons today, no decision or V affrecmbnt having been rcached a t S^t- , ’ r u rday 'a intervlewa Iwtween tho British

premlor and thv head of lhe U lster cabi- '

?v conaidoration la v e ["!^ to do w ith the «iucstlon of fiscal nuton- ! o rty proposed for the two legialaturea q ‘ in Ireland.

rTho U lster premier hna summoned to London somo of his colloagues, Includ-

•• Ing Lord Londonderry, rnted as the-- most influential U lsterite in English po- P |

' ■ litical circles, wbo is lo A rrive Vfvdnes- |^ | dov. y

I- • 'Id T"*"*

SAFETY FIRST!Jp iCoutlDufd from P a je Onp) F t

suIIh will rc'flt. The F ren rh senate an^l e b a m b t, of tloputk* Kftvo liim ti

free b lind., l i e will onler the eniifvrtn ro with” KCiiernl pollcio' olvnr in ble 1

n on-n mind and in tliir wlmj.t n f athrc («ja n u 'm b m of t h e ‘delcBatluu. Mp

ij Outlines Policies ' I"" 1- Thesv include: 'y F irs t, the Froilch goverm ncnt’a it.',f. obU 8atlon«,lo.tlioleiguoof-nii.tlon8 hi:> do no t procludo France from Join-. *"• Ing o tbor pow ers'loslde or OQtalde rn t

tb e luguB In lim iting a m am e n ts car0 or Battling otber questions th a t tb e ]ab •s league considers a s ^ t h l n ltd jurta- • mg

diction. VOISeconJ, French policy is Id en tlia l ■ gat

w ith th a t o f tbo United B tates to- ontw ards eciual commecdal o p im taa t- o tc

.“. „ ^ e s la Ohlna. bei• Tlilrd. the restriction of sea arm - «

'I nmentB offers no d ifficulties pecn- n t'* Uor to F n c c a Hor navy Is a ln a d ; ' to‘‘ 'below any formula lOtely t o ' 1« s lh

.adopted. niri® .Fonrtb , French Interosta concen-- th!i" t^ato upon land armaments, ^ rh a lr , tho' ' streng th la conditioned by O et-.- gtv

many and.tbo paym ent o r non-pay-...^ duem ent o f reparations. Oerman re i^ ‘ consratlons nnd m ilitary an n tlo n a are (nsconsidered to bo dosely re la ted to ' 1

Nw ben and how France c aa to g la to wn'm eet he r Amorlcaa debt. There- Ifore, i f W ashington desires to ralso L.

a th e qnestlon of the debts la tb e fo rconference, the French deU gatioa (;

. wouid'-be pivpared to discuss tbem . nep

■ w ith E«MptlTOf T hPrj moy. bo considered as tho

bioattlv draw n bouodarits w ilh in 'n b l th j,! tho '•’ronch delegation’s tlioughts arn ^ J nioving, b iit M. Briand (roes la to the

ronfcrnnee w ith his cnstomary-pbiloso- r p phle a ttltudo of no t holding too closely }. to propoMOS8!ons,.keoplDp a roceptivo

mind Iflnd disposed a t any timo to 01 j om ine 'fresh proposals or to ro-oxnminoi. old om s under now nrpcefs. I,j D uring tho voyago ho had long and ousII frequent conversations beforo ho was for {. taken Oi w ith an affection c f fho th roal ual

w ith ‘Viviani, flarraut, Berlholot, Coae- nni g nave, Bunt, T)c Boic,.other members of I. tbo m hslon and now sj^per /■orresponiV

entB,.bolh French and Ameriean. aj,],I- Seeks O thers’ V le ro clai■> M. Briand suggested the second day *“

ont tb n t tbo meraboys of tbo acveral ■ ;ironpf, m llltnry.-flnanclnl. navnl nnd diplom atic, should not keep to tho ta

1 bles nllotted to thom in>.fho dinint.' \ L room, liiit should movo about exchang- |} ,

ing aivits and tables and olit.iIn ono an-e- o th e r’.! point o f view, so thnt, by tho J

end of tho voyaKC, mon who had been X■ brought together from vnrious mioiA-

tiica nr fiom outside tbcf RbTennntrnt J®IP wldonrd their knowledge o f tho aiin i11 and possibilities of tho ronrerenco. Tboy ^r- thua arrived nt a certain un ity o f ^ n thought.1 O ffida l'O ree tlng . ^

prem ier Drland waa m et a t quoran- Ui >* line l)v Robert Wood BIus, ropresentingn the sfr.te doparlm entj M ojor Qaneral yo R Hfibert E . BuiltiTd, Jule* .'lussornnd,a Freneh urtTli’afsndor lo tho U nited A

Statea. and reprcsonlafivcs o f the e ity JI' nnd ita te , who had gono down tho bay l[• on thu nrmy lug Lexington. A ftor a ' 1!• b rie f rerep tion on tho .nltr, tho pa tty I

Ihen entered deenraled automobile* and C0 slnrted (hrough ehcerlng crowds for the B a Pennsylvania station^ where a frtiln * for Wrvsbington tw a h td .

C h n k b H k S h n n U D ie m arried man bood discovers

'* th a t th e love of 0 .womafTliuliHlt'ed.toochlng.=-noj‘lnn TmnRcrlpi,-"

ir s = = B = « = & s = 3 = s : ^ = a s = > s = =

■ S p r in g (

C(XIs ■l‘ Somo-ODO has-B a id " T b o to is » 0 A N 7 0 N ," n ^ o d in U ta h .

W a to h o o r t r u c k s o n th o s t i p o o p l ^ a v o d ec id o d o th o rw iso .

' 'r 'T E o 'f c a s o n .w o d o n ’t h a v o so SE L L IT , n n d i l tiU toa q a i to a 16 O IV JS E V E S Y O N E 20 D O P O U N l

T ry a to a n t i i s e o w h a l a pilo SDOO P O tT N B B .

Detweiler..PH O N E 8 M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



I C b a rlM risd Spcmae on Board B d tlsh O n lsa f, Ptocoodlng o a W ay to

Homa l a BxUo .

. BUDAPEBfT, EmperorI'liarles o f-A u s tr ia Uuni.niry and hla w ife, who woro la s t reported fo bo a t Oa^itx, Bumania< aw a iting tho British

; Uglil cruiser C ard iff to carry them ta ■ . oxilo on tho I ila n d o f M adeira, were \ beliovod' today to have possed on t o f , ' the Danube Into tho Block sea on the ir : wayAo tho Bospbom a■ Tbo national assomWy o t H nagary a t '

n,spccial session yesterday enacted into* law a bill dethroning Charlea and oust- ' ' m g the enilr^ Hapsburfr dynasty.■ Charles and hls fnm iiy w ill probably- ,•

roaldo n t F u n e b a lr where U vlag. qunr-’ lei's nro.ovailflblo in tho vrfng of on nn- ' ' fiiklshed sanatorium , . abandoned by* Oehimn finnncierr bceause o f ia dls- ■

nKrccmnit w ith tbe PortugUBM RtJTcm-’ m enl, «-liifh controls th e u l a n d .y j

■ PM OF llfl i ^ . siiPPflBTi ie s i i i :

F u tu re G ro w th o f In f lt i tu tio n : N ow D ep en d s o n S p ao o , ,

S&7 & P re s id e n t K p h a m— . I

U N IV E IieiT 01 ' IDAHO, Moscow («iu'elfll)—-"E vorjiv /icro ■. thronghoot I Idn h o 'I find wc hnvo erithlisiaatie sup- liu rlc r-i/’ sa ld .I ’rcfldent A . H . Upham 1 upon hin rcliirn In Moseow from an ex- k'lidi'd Mafowido tour, on whieh |io via Iti'd SDVcrnl of the te.nchcm’ institutes ill ac« 'on . ■ t ' ' \

.‘.‘Onr fiiluro^growth doponds ttlmojt • entirely upon the space problem . I f 'w o ‘ can build more dormitories and morp ' laborntories I fo il perfectly eafo in la y ­ing tb a t In the next flvo years tb e Bni- veralty will rccord nn inereaao aggre- gatlnjr 2U i>cr cent each year. A t p res­e n t L indley hall is crowded, three men ottupy ing oacb ioom ,'and 85 cots a id i being nsed to nrcommodato late comers. <

" T h e Moscow Chambcr of Commerco, 1 a t its la s t meeting, voted to add |I 0 0 to tho rtudent lonn fund of fho univer­sity and tho check fo r this am ount has nlrea<ly been received. Sach netion ar th is IS very gratify ing . O fficials t>f> * tho Moscow Chamber of Commerce.have J gfvcn }i«utanco th a t tt p iogrw n to -In- ducif other comifiorelal organizations tn contriboto sums lo tho loan fund is be- e inff io stilu tf ld .'' t

Deed: Wm. II. D ygert to D. E . flhuni- * wny $4200, lot 3, block 81, Twin Palls.

DecD. Filer Hnrdwaro Co. to Mrs. J.L. H ind j I8S0, lot 20, block 10, Castlc’ ford.

Q uit th Im dead-. K . G. BaWvan to Jo­seph T. E vans JlTOot 10, bloek 21, TwinFalls . J

Deed: 8 . M. HuKsh..to M entor qhris- t ia n $12,000, N E 8W 23-10-18.

^Decd: L . A. Bovinffton to L aura Full- uJor $2000, W 1-S aero trac t 30, Holli*- : te r townslte. ■ . ,

Pa ten t:.U n itod■ eta te i fb A;. M r tn k - T ort KWg -4 IM M O .

Pearls on California C o ast .Pearl oyatem nrt* oxtrem ely numer­

ous nloiiK the coast <if L ow er'C all- fon ila on tho w est sldo, nnd mnny val* uable gems have been taken there nn* nnolly fn r ranny K n r i . '"

W hnt is useless to you may bo valU' ablo to otliers — ndvortlso h in the classified column*.


\ V O ID tb e tn ise ry o frac k in g u in .J \ Have a bottle of S lorn 'i Lini- * * m ent handy and apply when you f in t feel th e ache o r pain.

J t qnidcly easca the pain and tends • * f e ^ g of waiRith through the

L ia im a it pauSzalts

Fioe. too, (w iheutnatlsca.fieuralga, a cia tka, sprains and c tnuns.e ta i join/s, U m e b ac k asd e o re in u x le s . /

F o r fo r» years p a in 's enemy. Ask w tirncigboor. ' i '* ^ A ta ir t ln ig jb tf r - 3 5 c ,T O c , t i .« . :

s i o a i i i ft i n i i n « i t | S 3

<aM *TM tG a«>l«aW of pfasplMi ( I•CM « 4 » t e to d a duacusB to t. \m

s s f s ^ £ s i i a s s 5 ; |

1 S c s s D ^ O i s i t i D C O t l l

C a n y o n

A Lu} iB h o t te r ooa l t h a n SPB IN O

s t r e e t s a n d y o n w ill s a y tho iso.

I so m d o h c o a l o n h a n d is W E 0, lo t to g o a ro n n d W H E N 7 0 0 O NDS F O R A TON.

pUo i t m a k e s W ^ N YOU OET

r C oal Co., 1 3 8 S D \r rH 4 T H A V E .,

g trEW S,T W 'FA LL S.

REAL ESTATE_ TRANSFERS!E j i t i j im a b j . t t t r.u< tw . u a L

Abstiact Comiiouv lh . ’ 1''

‘ DflcarTJliaboth A. Andrews lo Ida ’ Button <SOOO, lota 10-11, block -10, Twin Palls.,-

,r Decd^ TliDmas C»nlon »o 1. W. Mcv- ' I, or $13,500, 0B SB 13-IO-l-i; N 1-2 N t: I ,t NE 24-10-14. •h Deed: Thomas Clinton to Kd. Hobson ' a WMO, NE SB 13-10-14.'u Quit claim de^d: T. E. Standlee tu ■f Henry Mohr $1, lot 14, bittk 5, Oolden ; Ir Bnle.

Deed W. J. Allen to Vrvti A. Allen ' ,t 11, lot 2, Woak W, Twin Falls-0 Deed; l i E. Floyd to Onon Strong , t- IIO, lot 17, bloek 0, Blckel Add------ '

Deed; H. A. Ploreo to Wlllinm C. I - .H e ld ct lal $28,000 W 1-2 NB Sl'.O-lfl. ,• r. 'Dbodi’C: H.'‘ Clioprif‘l'o L. T. Haamua-

sen 14000, lot 13, block 24. Twin Fnlls.V Deed: T. P. Cemetery to C. M. Stonu ;. part lot 1, block'GO, Cemetery, $40.

Patanl; United Slatca to O. M. Kelly BW NvV; NW 6W aee. 3; S 1-2 NB; NE BEic-\ 4-lMO.

Doed- F. M. Shaver to D; It- 8hnv,T «1, 8 I-‘J NK 2S.0-14; pari of E T2 BW 28-9-11.

Doed: Slate nf Idaho to Win. CimvV ningli\im $800, SB SW 10-10-14. '1 Deed: Slato of Idnho to 'Wm. Cun-

nlngham $100, NB 8W 10-10-14.Doed: State of Idaho to Ben'E . Wll-

a liamson E 1-2 BB .1 !-10-H.Doed: B. H. Whito to J . L. Tnyc pnrl

lot 7; block 03,-Twin Pnlli.Dol'd; ('arrio l.ouber to J . ' II. Dnv

$1, imrt.NW NB 21-10-18. r Deod: E. W? M’oonnan to J. H. Dn', t t l , patt'NW KE 3I-I0-IS, '

Quit claiu) doed: X I^Bturtseon tn .1. tl U. Dav $1, NW NB 21-10-18.

- --------- / '' As She Saw the Elephant" Little Cntberine, iigwJ f«Ar. snw an

elcpbnni ut a drcuB.for the llrat tltn&* Looking nt It, alio cxcliiliiicd: "Oh. L g mamma, look nt tlic fat hor»to wltli a , tail noiir*hl8 eyes."

Elth«-or Both.1 Sometimes we tblnk the world U 3 growing WQCBQ and eometltora w6 I. tbjnk It la merely betler iQformwl.—, Dollns News. • ') __________

' Twin* Made trf AabMto*.J Twine fpr binding parta of nppara* f, toa exposed to nre or odd Is now . ‘ elng mailp of nHliestoa. '

) Classified advertialng Is the eheap - est thing you ean buy—measured by

the profits It may bring you.

: I DON’T NEED THIS CARI t 's a Bnlek aereD-paMeager, ftni mechaDlcal cosdltlm Will demon- itratfl aay «tealB* aftar 6‘o’dodt.

1 Oaa be aeon a t W Bixtb aveans north, o r ssk fo r H u t ^ a t Kews office. •

. BUT I DO NEED $ 90 0



, ■ . Of cour , leather pumpi

■ one who consi

• will'be no moi

' ing ways inw

I Paten t Sj

I Patent Greci Patent, n

l y i t r y S


The lUiiiincss W omen’s ciub will moot bei • in the ir elub room thls-evcnlng. A fter |ii short buaincsa sefslon tho evening <

1 : will b'l given oyer lo nlnsjca. , hoi

Tho K ing’s' Ilin tli 'is ' HIblo class o f bei I., the MctboiiUt chure.b will meet In tbo

pnrloiji lit tho chnrch Tiifmlnv ovening, ■ (^•ovo.^lbcr 8 a t 7:30. All members and ste

,,, frionda nro roipioatrd-to be p ro sca t css

The I’uu-Ilellonic club will meet with kigiMra. MiTlIn Bntlev and M rs. XL -K. KpLogan in tho Reed flmuiement hall of bei the liood ii|inrlrnonts.

i , The Missionary toelety of the Pros- ncibyterian rhurch will meet In tho church J .parlors op-Thursday afternoon a t 2:'30. m,;

0. —

y k 0 0 0 0 \ 5 ^



W K j w

E u r C hI - .; Fur chokers seem ti ‘ than ever. They can b(

occasions and alwayi touch to most any cosi


’ We are just in recei] ment of popular pricec surely please.

There are sltins of fi , . marten, coney, browr ’ ' ped fox, blue fox and {

-- - - - See Our W

Prices $6.9( ' . .

H I8 i w hbB 1 ■ IS s H

lightful Variety

i t Leather Pi s t in g o f t h e L a t e s t Si

J u s t A r r i v e d

ur^e you will'include a ^ a i

ips in your autumnal wardn

isiders style will have them,

lonotony for there are so m which patent leather can b(

Sally Sandal, low heel, two sci^n, Louis heel, three bue military heel, three button

S I N C L A I R ’ S" I T PAYS-**

; I

n v B J ' ;

^ T h o M. 8. 6 . elub will meut-with Mrs, 'Guy Blurgeoo ob Wcdncsday,^No>-em* h e r o . ;•

Quoen- E sther d rc le will meet a t tlie homo of Mias Alice Cnrlsnn, 430 Blue Lflkcf boulevard, on Tueaday, Novem-, ber 8, a l S:80 p. m.

■ On Tuesday .ovoning. In the pastor’# study, M iss E m ily Uummlns, deacon* css o f Ibe' M otbodist chorch, will ts s e i ' w ith ' tho .boys and Rlrla o f high sc h o ^|i«e fo r tho purpose o f organixing aa. K pw o'th league. A ll who ore no t mcm* bers of a Ipaguo aro invited to u t to a d . '

<Thb W imodausl clnb will meet 'W oi- nesday Dftemoon a t tho home of Mra.J . P . M eClure,4at 110 Sixth nvcauo north ._____________________



hokers :to be inore popular be worn on so many : ,. ■ys add a pleasing ' _ istuihe.' , '

sipt of a large ship-, . ed chokers that will'

fitch, grey squirrel, ra wolf, silver tip- 1 grey fox. . ■

Window— .' '-I- '9^ and up

r < y f

^umpsStyles '

a,ir^f patentIrobe—every- ,.

m. Yet there |

many charm- I

be fashioned. i

ro straps. , , \ lekle straps. ^ ■)nstraps. _j- s l

s f i r s t . -

' ' '

F A L L S D A IL Y. ’ (turned even' n» erni>on w oept Buad*]

TwInib^illa^Nrvra^l^^tl^^arCo.. Inc.

ROY A. IlKAI) ........................................................JOHN C. lUIlVKV ................... . . . . . y . . . . . . . . .

EMivn-.l n« Hi-c<)iiil cliiM lUAll miiHer April », ^ lo f f lc i 'i Jll Twin ntlN. lOiitic). un<).T th r Acl

^ ......”sUD3CniPT10N~l?ATEB: Ono ji'iti ............... ........... .. ....................................

( m onilii> ............ I . . ......... ...................................S monilm .............. ......... .......................................I rn'imti .......................................................................

sij:m iii;» ok a ««u(:ia tisd i*iuck.s' Tlm As».><-I.iin.l f'rcs# ii c»ciu«H'ei)' tim uca

lot rrputiUcailun'of aU'noirs dlipateiiea credUt-d Otiienvliif> cfi’dliiM .tn th li piip<T. ttnd nlso thi* publliilifil h«r.'lii. All rietiiN of rtriitJbUrailon nf patclK-.i iii'irin nre alM rwervcd.

rci't-'iinllilllix In fltaiim<-J tor ml.' C»rii of tiiiinunrrliiu. jit.oli>rnP''" I’r other contnhutwl r Odi-« iiiiimilHt).|*for publlcAtlon will Iw uted or illxrri'llun of (Mu editor aiM ns iiiitnuscrl|>i will unli'Wl-nrromiiftnlcd by neccwwrj- ixwUifc. ,

' KArtTIJMN ftBJ'RteaENTATIVISS Oi-<>r«- II. IMvld Co. inc., 171 Mudliwin Avc,.

A. n . Ki'uiiir. U ll itartrord llulldlntf. CIiIcuro.

Tlio nT-w» U a mcintier of lh«'7tidlt Uurmu Uon». fnnn ttlioni full Information »» lo circi b« obti\ln«d appUo»llon. l)oi4 llfd tnfom

. tilled locijllv upon' roquwL___________________

BSOALLHfO SOLOHON‘8 J O D O mtono th lnK ukin lo- tbo Trbdpm of tklom o

r liovo bi'on ckLibited l i / the eommUslonon o. qounty in tlialing w ith lho Comihlj' I 'a rn i B

lom.Boiiiirtlmu Hincc tho commlMloaors, in defer

.damned for t o i roviiloo downword, docldsd UlO oppropriulion for th c znftintOQnoeo of tbo m u . Imiucdiolcly ft g roat howl arose and t t l F a n a Dureau nod tboso n i o bad dorlrod beoo i ta activitli'fi floflkod to Jt« s u p ^ r t a ad demi ctatcm unl n f ttio appropriation fo r i ts n t la l i

A lioarioff tioforo tho eotmnisaloaors o f tho ]iro (Uld con iroa arraagod, w ith th e re tu lt tb a doriuiee of lon tim ca t waa oxp reued ia hV or o thu Inatilu lioa . ■ '

T his wa.1 tlio ulluaWon oa i t w as tbon pnnoi cominiiuiloncra; K retybody Wan(«d lowor ta Rrvot tnna )' jieoiito soemod lo w ont tbo F a n a I m a b teo a n ce o f which 'iavo lve i o ipond ltaio oi

. 07. Till' q u u tio a w as to dotonnlno jn s t how pco{ik' and laxiwyDrs w aatod tho F a n s Duroai (nmmitwliinL'ri h i t upon thU lo luU aat “ W e u c lli6y~nnid,-•'* lu-ftpproprlnle fund# Xor maJat Fam i niiri-nu n'ni) roun ty n sen t proTidiog fa pledge tliiiir aujipurt to tbo i'a rm Qoreau w l borsliiji o f Tour hundred n o m b e n ."

N o DTit rouJtl jAvjctl to tbo o v id ta l f a l i w * of ovltlnii. A n 'inn tituU on to be i t te r r tig of i jio rt to 1(1’ ready and alite to prove ila imblii'.; nn<J ■’> t>><> iBBtaaee, tbe re bmkdb to I COnrliiJilvf uviilnnrir o f viUac th a a tlial ffivjin

bcrnhip. - ' ' 'Coinml-Hioni'r* n f Minidoka, county aro to I

i)ipnt'i>'l ii]iiiii llm ir najfacioun tnj)thoil o f itfnli jicriiloxiiiK (iriil)l('i^ while thcrenullH of the t •srfhlli-il wilti i i ^ v a l p,'npr.illy.

. ‘ _________1,__________________ :--------- -------------

i lN G O IS M m A L IE N IS M

%ViilliT SVlllbtns, head of th e dop arita iu t b( a t Uk! UnivcrHity o f 'M iu au r i. deelarod a t tb ttonal I ’r c n Cnn;^oa< la Sonolutu th a t m m o bo taken tu " 't l u n n thc tyjiowritcra o f tho 'jla] tho w o rld ." U jnn tho junk heap w ltb theao t o f ,ilnRoI»n Nlinuld Ixi tho tjiiQwrltDrB a n d 'fo u of thu alien j'rov''Kon'U*t« In lho U oitod 8 tato( aloHK’''" **■''* '•'•u'llry ^or a contury and s thii S trintly {iro-yVini’ricnD poliey i/ttb o u t Ijoeomln] In till' wiirn o f tho olbvr hemhiihcra.' T b ls t t tliu tnfliiuni-i> l'f aliun propat^nda in th e Uni

. iTim n n l ntroiii'. Now thorn ia in p r o f ^ s in I SlntoH tl |iro]i.ii:nnda of Kuropean' o r i^ n •whlcl (ilftcc Amrricpn poaco a t the poril o f Buropoi anco. [Tlil.s nKilntlon, cesontliilly unpatriotic, (Ijo ]u'A(:ii nml jiruMpprily of th l i country fa r

* jingoiHni. Till', Amorioan poopio c o v e t’colbli

■“ I food.”P a t h w a y s t o I n t e r - a « t i i

n a t i o n a l P e ^ ‘ i « &~ — I . . . . . . - - . . (inp, ut

XOTK-<riiiji in a numtnary of "l.irvon till' th ird of n aiirieM o f four ncrmoa Tho 1Icpluri'H Iiy Df. W. W. Uiirka of the now rcF irnt Chri.ilinn chnrch.. Tbo fourth ho a l liami roiichiilinR number,““ Turning proach» on i)ii‘ liii’h l ,” in lo be di'livorc’d 1. Ini-*l H unihy cvcninj;. thc cot

---------------------------------- fn r nilT oxl; lIoU. M w '«

Mo-il thinkiTu (oday fw l Ihiil il Ixonly iiT riT.i-nt time th a t thc world hni th r ontcout'n.tK thiiih i>r tnc iiocjal phonomunun thinkinwc »'iill Mir. Ihrougn mm-irlcn! moth- ifi onlyod. Cnst irilo Ihii' r.riii’itjli! o f invi'xliga- innxriotiun, <10 liltli' i>r .1 n-iilduini luji como tin- ‘-oforlli, ;i> nn niil in th r Kotllrmi'nl o f lifntborhuUinn .<tiH;)iili-j>, thn t Ihinkcrn n rr .1 ilnmnnlunit \n ^iocfnrini; it ix fiitili-, m iruanon. n irn lrnblr iillll im'xi;iuiaJilr. Ah preliminary Divine(u th r M'nifl iliiii!it!uiiun il in wtdl lo atnte bla chlbriefly w m e of tlir .fundtiHirnlftl «nurc& in oC tV0/ w ar: lion on

]. ITir Rinlini th a t him ilrivou anu ThisKtill ijrlvcii MnvnKCH lo nrincil confliet un til it

' wlUi th i'ir nui|;hborlui; triliM, ia spoils, nl lri;i'I lo lii-.'H by war. T hat motlvo a till contiail‘nbidra u i lh civilir.cd nationH In tho ra- our diitio of thc lr iiroxim lty to tho mind of into Ittlm iiaviiKi'. ■. ^ “ mere

Thc ntvu^r-enJin^ conical botwoen are foiftutocrney ^uid democracy; onc carryiop; pathw aw ith il the nrialocrary of b irth , tho coMly'lii'lralilp of H)iceinl prlvlloKO and tb a a ^ mont ciaunsed lordaUlp over olber*. Thp othor «u»l.ulioviui; Ihnt thn only nriitocracy is bu t jmth a t ot fliarar.tor, the only lordship hi tlin l toIhnt uf Rcrvicc, and th a l the only hoir- liim lnr'

-•IRnTiiXin itJi fiiw iily , w th a t o f nu 'rlt. ' li-ni; wl3. A n^'itionali.'ini baKOtl o ilher on or i.iitrh 1

(jnnlto.l forcr,. or on o^|;a^i7i^cl wvnlth. "i-;\np.' Thft nalioonliam nf Qermany, Ihnl at- phnriiia tfm pto 'l to com jorr tho world, WOJI baa 2. A cd on orgnnirfd force. Thn natloDallEm s |iirit a •of America bn/od prim arily on human approac righ ts, IB tcmpteil lo w i^ 11 sta tus th a t \VIitiir I renta nn or/'anixo<l w ealth. Onc casl'y nnthrin

a* iRlotftrnUlc »{ uuraasv rlRht# lu 'n a f l. a s the o lher.; . Ihu acr

4. I n ju s U ^ ^ io people wh 0 hnvc ,will foi been a w a k e o M u iLacD»' o f aocial ilic- & Nfr. I n ity and perS&Ml righ ts, and who th ink on Intc ir il l loug n b m lt ui sHcncc .to ''a pro th a t, “ gram i>f ia ju itlco . ' onoes h

5. Hongor. H ^ns been well said actiomi. th n t "o v en /o w a rd i will f ig h t 'fo r main nc

• uf;

' t w i n 'F A L L S D A IL Y

YM I T W G world th a t bolonga lo aa; l N i : j y V i 3 wbalovor fo r th e j

3unda» ' Unllcd Blatoa w^mts wor_______________wanta wnr oxcopt i t has

Inc. hrloni;B tr> somu na tlon 'liJ _____________ ____ Milf, « r wuakcr ttvan soBt

Presidon'i effect.—N ational Bepi Treasurer ■

i r i r r ' i iT T n r m T ' p - — ■

' ’ ■ I F W E O N L Y H /

..................... Itustauran t m o ih a j e ‘................: • • | i ll, liltlo old copper c e n t I f................... ; » leo nlra tboy could roduco t

— - nlas, tho U nited e t iU s n •nKKK . coppers fo r th e trade . A

“ I “ odera d » the lor.il newa odm jt th a t 10 cents Is to. lon of aii«ciitt dla- m ilk fo r whleh tbo /a tm e

____________ , a ha lf, bn t th e y c a n 't rc<aril of 'unaoilcitvd no t enough ponnlos to mi uted matler, A r- • sto ry goes on : The fam

'lu w t of m ilk delivered

J -------.— -----------Tbo form er jjots al)out (' avc,. ."Jew VorK. the restauran t m wuRo. . bocsuso Ihoro is an inadei

ly, n “ m j i '■■•i t t» >».-) circulnllon may tnformattan aup-

KiiniNT M ore Trut,olomon sooms to . 'lors o f U inldok*Jm Bureau I'fob- '

deferoneo to the elded to lop o f f .}t tbo Farm Bb- I Mj A Jnd friends o f the I benofU tiro u g hI demanded rein- T H E O O U N m tlaionance. By S. if tho .argum ents ‘ A UNT im STK K c I t th a t * propon- •. --------K ccka.api'.,lod

Aunt H estor a in ’t m:prosontod'to th e ' and U ndo U ol ,•er' taxes and a 'V"* ^rockleil. aaub-ner w aes anu . ^■ana Bureau, tbeore o< t u mon- J Olli'^Hti th a t motht how m aeh tho all;t n o w m u e f t ino H r hnd a blaok Bh

i^von « » . . ; f e aro w ilU lag.'’ lUi g n t In jaU, Auotm alntaln log the • "ijrhl.

, ,,, ll< sawed a bar in tiDS v.]llIU witb :i inetn-

,V N I) dad, when be l» v , boo.

if ' ' h i'iit cumpny with ar of public Bup' onRagodlita value to tbii <>nr time lio i(ot in t

J lo bo no more About a jprl Aiiul IIgjvjm l)y mcm- ^[,5,,

0 to be complli- - T )A H '8 irrandpn ww , ,, know boforo;ilenllnjr with a ,

thv toat witl bo (or nal thn dooiHlir atartPil back**«*i

, • me Kul. •• > ■ ■ And tnothcr; nine# ahe

■ ly Break to dad.

I IS M ' 7 n f f l r S ^

a t b( journsUsm ' »a t tho In tom a- / ^ l W . / / r / t / \ 3

m w u re s should Iji 111 M n f l Kho'jlngo press o f ~ m v heao lypow rlton

O U B N A ms third \indor ■ MunlirooniB nro bnli

comlnff Involved *■'""' Sw ittorland.'his -was because t" “ 'l»t‘>ol» '*‘nl0 United 8 lat«8 ■ • Numj'tion.IB in tbe Unltod» h l o i . , . k . to I O E IT M A T I t tV E

uropoan disturb- A Now York manrlD tlc,..threatcns .........il;iy Umt he dialoc.alw’ f a r moro than was prtiflnbly lllatonlnDolblng. in this 'jo^io. >

ood.*’ Tliotc can bft no t»an<\ulUty iu council. nation w ith thousands o f lt« poople evunmlryinfj for bread; nnd thore can hn nn aontomiiternationnl quiotudo and comity when o f vlctnp, u f the r a r tb ’s fjim ily‘o f nationH prcmnrt.nrvod. ficd.Tho qucation fa irly before us, wc iir.« This

ow re.idy to dbieuss w hat'.appeara to ceivede a l leasl xomo.of.tho fu n d ^ e n ta l ap- roaredroacho* townrd Intflmational pe.ico. gotr th

1. Thc rontpulrioa th a t eomes from the mo lie connclousness o f a divine ancestry istlc p nr nil mnn. Tho tru th onunciatod from th e ‘ ‘ l a r 's n m two' thow and y w B ogo. m a f hnt, "U o d hath created of one blood w ith ilII peoples tn dwoll on all. tho faco o f olennni ir o n ttl i ," m ust bocomo %'ital in th e roiindii iinkin)> anil llvinf; o f nations. Tbero ^ o rk1 only i.ne d ignity comparable w ith tho tninil 1 inarioiiKncHH of sonihip, and tb a t is Blalrn lie ••omplcmen^uy contciouBwas of the tr r mtbcrhood. Tlio moat w idespread ond jtnnil l amnnblc infidelity , in tbo honrts of bn |u-r< Icn lotlny, i.i not on unbelief in tho ijiiirni*i' livtni! Fathor, b u t o' disOoUof nmoni: TIirr la chililrcR, in th e fraternallBm th a t ^vith 1 I oC tUe vcry caw nte of liutaan projcc- «i>rlcl'i ion on th r onrth. | life i-x[This il nlmolutoly funiUmentuI, and t^ithrr

n lil i t is rcrngniM d In all in tem allnn rhihlrri I IcKidlntion nnd diplomacy, wo will injiuii, BnlinilF lo. erect economic barrlera In n. 1 ur diicrlm lnating lawH, nnd to rntoi ipr.iro 1 ito tte a l ics only to count them u/ l,f mili 'm ere acrapii o f p a p e r" whon they long cr re found, (o bo a thw art ^ r nclfi^li the n|K athwnys. Christian nnlions may crcci rvery iiatly' temples of worship, and' give a ||i,-(irc loat conm nndlng cxprcudnn of rollgi- nin.i|ih:- w pawlon in perfunt^ury wfttaMp; " T b e 1 n t jmil ro long as w i have the iilen 1 is nr.-ii; m l toliginn. ia i ts entlooki Li per|>oa ;;ii;o, «;i in iln r-ra th e r than horiEOntaf; jtirt .111 j r iiris li | 'nj; will the suffering world foul ihnl il!n»i- I ii:ch (if onr p'orformanco Is a mere trreKl; -nnro nf ini'.inini’lesa miimmerloB and rexnlt hnriiiair. floundcrlngji. ' C|iiirl. <2. A ltmlsm. This munt be both tho “ There

lirit aod thu atmosphere In which wo thu pe:i [iproach nil . Interaiitlonal queitlonr. of a iloi HitSirthp *ngebi sang th a t Christmas peace, 1 nthoMi—“ Pcace on earth—good will sue it, 1

«ncn,” i t wa* Qod IcW n j down conselci IU acrnll u irta which was w ritten HLi law wfill for Jlll His children. .* . ehlldroi Nfr. Fm nk SbnmonB, a leading w riter much 1

) inlernational affali!f, f d d recently rosOrt Ilot, “ All intcm atioBal p < « e confer- ia tho loos had been bargain counter tnuu* whea a:tionn.” S o w truo i t is th a t diplo tem ati: atn nnd iw lillclans have coma t« t h e n | tralloti,

I • •

,Y NEWS, TWIN FALLS0 a ay o ther peoplo. Thore Is no ox- 1 pals tho assum ption, therefore, th a t thu {I 0U wor w ith anybody. N o govorament itry , has it purpoae to possess th a t which jrrjio on’I t believes to bo weakor tban It- ,prcs some wm W aatlftn of powers I t hopes ;«vci BopubUean. • jKrci-------- :---- — ■ i tlon

lldes------------------------------------------- oil' H A D A F E W P E N N I E S ! [ion

ive “ poased the buck” lo tho poor . I f they only had a bagful o f pen- L j “ leo the prico of milk per glass, bn t les m in ts ju s t will not mako enough - I. And so a gbws of milk e tlll eosts j „ ^ | ra c ity rostaurant. Tho proprietors , j , „ j b too mueb to chorge for n g la ss 'o f u n e r gota 'from a ccnt-to a cont and | |,^p, ’t rcduco tlW prlto bocauBo thoro itho0 moke ehangc. And so th e old, old fnrmor gots fivo or s i r cents fo r ared in town. The consumer a t th o into about 40 conts fo r it, or n t th a t ra te .

iu t 92,SO u hundred pounds fo r .h i i . . mon sells it for nbou t'|20 . A nd Bll tmdequalo nipply uf copporsi F ra n k ' )cq,] us.—Idobo Former. 1 „o ,

-------------------- - I com_____________________________ _ tho


■uth Than Poetry IhSoral

— — — f ' sonii“ STS---------------f---------------h S K ’ wHCac is eo^yJ^^p a ! of


______ ' ______ conl> U N T E Y E K L A T IV B monI j s . B. KI8E11

lit came to visit h o re ,'th ro e onlyu ,lo d o y ;. '_ ..... ......... - • ' -bolwhale lim e, jiu rty near, u n til . the

fay: • geni't mv aunt, b u t d a d 's ; w hea him ^:ol , ' tianlub-nosod lil t ir lads A unt Hos- e n weU.

theoother d id n 't know d a d 's fara- ^. tionc Bhoep cousin, thongh, w hole f ”®' iras P an l; ..uot H tslM sftld, a ad a fte r th a t

trnvIn two ahd flcfl. and fadt>d o u t '


n bo was youog and wild nndboon o o g o i 'tb a b u tc h e r 's child, nnd nearly1 " in trouble, too. for b e in ’-In n j

Ul Hoator know—he lickod the


. was adopled, whioh wo didn 't re ; _:hl ho ’d like to p itch A unt IIc!>- door.

InRKp yostorday; it d id n ’t make

8 ahe*8 w eh t ttw ar.'w on ’t'h ard -

k d . '

.TURAL EEBOXmOEB bning imported, in to th is coun- anil. Wo nro a tlll ablo to misc. thnt iiro^needed fo r homo con-

IV E B E ilN A rOSLD STOBY nan yawned so h a rd tho other c.nlcdjine of biB shoulders. Ui' tenlog to tho latest prohibition

undlH t« sou llvat ncotc* a teunmi up; convieled Irnublo-mokcr* ntonriid, a d.illy |tir.-idr o f a ‘‘ pooce v ic to ry” in itiiiulgeil in, .ind tho su-

emncy..nf m ililn rinn i^ i |o be glori- id. -This ‘.‘ bariinin ro u u tc r” inplhod, coii- Ivcd in rnvy, norii in ,’tcnloiin^anll ured in simpiclfln, h a ^ l i v r i ^ ^ y to tr tho sccdr of futia«jATar/r Ono of 0 mohl [ironininccil ntcjM l/i nn nitn i- ' ic prop.ram.wns the orf-.-jlilr-itiop 0'0 “ Intoriintion.il Labor congrosa.’’

a V r t of the .tT o .ity of Versailles,th its ohnmpionnhip of hcnith, social innnoM, Siiiul-y rost, nn>i l .r t t r r sur- iindtngf fcir women nnd 'chililron who >rk It Ix illfricult to iiniiiTstnad thi. nil llf the ciinjorily of the United ales nnial.-. In reje.-ting thla port o f p trea ty mnd nmre -lifficiflt to under- • mil how Christinn prrsiden l could perj<ii:i<li'i! o r liliiiljreoncd into nn oc

ienci-ni-i' in .Hiidi iin climjnnlion.Tlirn- - an l.r no internntionnl pcace th thl- f/iif.i o f those who do the

«cirV in tb e ilii.il, tbe jr dally e exii*'ii(iiliin! trontod na a commodity Ihrr iliiiri ;i jiiin t nurvlcc, ond thoir ihlren mid t'randchlldren doomed to iuiiti"e, icnornnrj and poverty.

TIu'u ilicrc muat bo a growing ieo innrcinncr. -The propagandlstB

niililari.tin Imvi' gone iinchollongod lg enough. T he new dny is horo fo r ’ • .! n|io^.llc.i o f poaco to proclnlm from I'ry plntform th a t In ternational ICC in Ihc i-ational nnd nonsal a t- '.'lihiT.- for th ink ing man to livo in. fbe nge of th e too lh nnd the c law ” nr.-iisablc^in none h o t tho nnkod sav-.I', «;t/o )■ untouched by the flight o f rinlijiti r iv llim tlon . We nttnhd nn to >'i- .iKiiipt in which wo Imvc an .In- enl; bu t oa'r Inlereats a te lorgely^tho mlt n f our own crcation. 'I lo n . • a rl.’< K. Hughea )iar well sa id , fherc can bo no fina l nnsuro'nce o f r peai:e m' thu ^ r l d in the abnonoi} a ilo-iire for p e « e . " Wo mnat think ice, ta lk poico, n i» -JH fi« rfu lly pur-1 it, untl] there la an o rp m n i- p s a c o iselcnco, tb a t will f o r ’a ll tim e out r wnr, and mnke m rn see, tb a t ni ildron o f O o d ,'w c ahould b avo . too ich Bclf-rcspcct 'a n tf filial prldo to o rt to poisonous gan and llnul^ firo tho retllem ent o f our dlffienltioa,

e a all th rio can I m brought Into In national courts o f eqully and arbl- , lloUt adljndJeated by th e prinei- !

u S , I D A H O , m :o 'n D a y . n c

ials o f jusliee ond rigbteouaness. In awai D lltthoro was organised in th is eoun- oil 1 ry, “ The Leaguo to Enforce Peace-” the rjio Hon. William How ard T a f t was ita SJ; irealdcnt ni)d its ch ief ezpocent; bow- phya vcr, Ct cnioHed in lU mombotiU p th c insai Tool thinkers And Isad e rt o f tbo na- unfo ion. I ts prineii>a!s and a la o r t its otly dontlcal progrnm, os urged by- olmest oxeu ill roinmereial, c ivio wol/aro, odoea- man, ional ond Vellgious o rgan in tjons, w as we 1 iiinlly t-mbodied in th a poaco trea ty o f Isaio I'crsailles, under tho covenant of th^ “ An coguc of nations, w ith Its internation- d eourt ju a t ostablishod. iind boa bo- And omo 1)10 international taw of 61 na-. A nd Iona. - Dr. F ronk Craao, tho groat m a | :nilBo w riter, said o f i t : " I t - is tho And :rea to it deed of n n n in tho h iito ry o t N atl ho w orld,” Our refusal tp en ter it, iccayso of Ihe p iq u e 'o f partisanship, N eit ho iaterm eddiing o f foroign propagan* 1 lists and the mlsroprcseqU tlons o f the .— ^ inlnformcd,. ia tfao g rea test, crim e In p - _ ntornntional politics in SO years, and las h en tra liud to the m ax iaum , th a t iltruinm- tha t boro us in to the world var, btid tha t callod to us the moral codershlp o f the world. T here a m be 10 plablo world peace Until tU s peaee onseiunco in organUod in a soelsV of ho naiiona of th e w o rld 'fo r peaee.

4. The (imo has come to ehalteage he dodtrlne, ‘ th a t a n a tio n in a n n e u he surest guaranteo o f peace.' Qen; iral I’ernhlng. n id recently , “ The lea- ona of tho last few m ontbs ahould bo nouah to cenvinco us o f tbo dang tr if nationa rtr id ing up nnd down the lurth iiTinod to tho te e th .” T he.orjny IBd navy loagucn,. ta k in g advantage of hp wiirlil war s jluation , have q irried m n vigorous preachm ent o f mltltorisra mdcr the indefiaito torm “ P r e p lT T ^ > icas.” They m ust bo sHoncod. W e . ire Iiojiing much from the WaBhington onforoncc on tho HmitaHon' of nrma- nenta.

Thc world sits on a volcano—anotheriphcavnl such ns th e lttst.w ai-w U U oav« 4 ___inly tho Incinerated- rem alna of civil- rotlon. I f the .conference proceeds on hp bypolhealr o f opportunism and :enttcmanly agroomenU I t were botter I wero not called. I f th c g rea t Chris­ian powers in th e confercnce h a v en 't ; ho courago and fa ith , n t tho vory ou t-1 iet, to p lant them selves sqiiarely o n ' he position, th a t “ a nation In orma” , s a national eolam lty and an in te rn a - ' ional menace, tbon ia a ll inch confer-, mcca they are sim ply play ing diplomjit-1 c pce‘5'n-hoo w ith oneh nther, wliile, ur ancrlflcinc m others continue to: rnvnil In birth fo r sons to bo nffern l 'H the n itaf o f thp Mnloeh o f wnr. ' i

A hii;ip.v. Indu’striour, law -abldln<, Ihrlatl,-’. minded people is tho su re a i. ( laranue of nationnl vldolity nnd un- 1 ly nn.l the Icaat mennco to world •

■ , • y i i __i r wc had the roat o f one dfoad-1

nii(fhl wr ronld irrigate enough land 1 M nl-i to Increaso Us populntlon b y j

I f wn could kopp the monoy 1 .i-'Tl^lcnd fur naval or nrmy support-1 very idle maa in Amcrlctv would lu ive '

Jub, l-ui^lng good roads, drn ln lng jU —= ^ s = = ^ = s = = B = : i : i = i = = s = ^

Use I Every Way

T h ousiznds o f fam ilie s o il o m n tr y a re u s in g K lim P o w d becau so o f " , ;

— its c o n v e n ie n c e — its cco r p u rity

—ita u n ifo rm h ig h q u a l i ty in 1 —its r ic h frcah -m iilc flavo r.



^ . P O ^U se K lim e v e r y w a y , e v e ry

e v ery mille n e ed . U s e i t to d rin l a n d be tw e e n m c o ls -O Q th e ta b le

. a n d d e s s e r ta — in te a , c o f f « , J U s e K lim in e ll r c d p e f l t l i a t c a R e s u lts a r o u n ifo rm a n d d e p ^

K litn o n y o u r p a n t r y sh e lf n , o f h ig h q u a l i ty w h e n y o u m

B earing— n o B h o r ta je — b u t a s t ' • p ly o f s t r e e t , w h o le so m e m ilk .

In 1 - ^ ^ lb. cm k YeUo

s o i f f l f t r o M

' I ' ■

T O V E M B E R V r l ig l

iwamp landr or irrigating the desert— itl making for present bitppineiia and _ . be fu tu re grcatm w ; of our nation.

SJy friends, w ar muat ettisc. I t is **** “ >liriic»lly iin»ie«ll(,i,iiUc, i t l> .o tU ly Ho nsano nnd barbarhvs. i t is vicious and .daeld< mforgivnblo in morals, nnd Inlelloctu- dly i t Is tho most unreasonahlo and in- izeua;il>l(- progmm ever nccedod to by -riti non. Aa a leading Chridtian nation • ” ro^shoulii tako up tbo challenge of

'A n d ho ahall jud^c among the ua-

U d shall rebuke maay peoples; Makln d ^ e y shnll beat tbo lr awords into v « i

plowshares, g^sth e ir epoors into prune hookfl; rlTi!

Nations Bhidl a o l .H i t .Bword ngainat u r sa t|oB 7 •-

Neither shall they leara w ar anv f Ol m jre .” *


ReserUaoy oorporatloiiB and btul

able to weather the late year reserves whioh they had boUt i Snob a reserve Ib nseless aslos aoconnt when needed.

Tha Twin Fallfl .Bract iB now ' prdhahlyhe the largest orop it

will be many farmers again ii_____ plus fnnds.^* Now is the time_____serve— ____

. \ . . . . A savings aocount is.the pli

; ey for it will be at yonr sorvico

a ' ^

T h e F i r ^ t N a t i c o f T w i n 1

"Oldest Bank in il_____ ■ POSTAl SAVINOS DI

. Member of Federal Rt

Powdered Mill y Eveia ll o v e r th e K lim ia p u r e , r ic h p a iw d e re d M ilk iduced to p o w d e r fo n

in^^ N o th in g is a d d e d - « o n o m y — its — n o th in g tn k e n a w a y

R ep lace th e w a t e r m in a ll se a s o n s a g ^ 09 . f r e s h a n d sw e ir. p o w d e r M ^ h o u r s f re s l

m nB A A N O

v d e r e d m i l ke r y d a y ^ o r n o t e o u t ^ t n e e d s noirink a t m ealfl f i te z e in w in te r,ib le f o rc e r e d a K lim is e n d o rs e d b y ie , a n d cocoa . o e n t p h y s ic ia n s , food: c ^ f o r m O k . p e rts , a n d sd e n tif lts .p e h d a b le ., ^ T r y i t o u t in y o o rIf m e a n s m ilk h o m e . G c ta p o d c a g o o f lw a n t i t N o P o w d e re d W h o lo M ilk

a s t e a d y s u p - c re a m ) a o d o n e o f ] Ik . K lim d o e s P o w d e re d S k im m e d U

Uow L a M ifo r , Whole M U k-B laa L



. W sll e x p r« tt td . . *Fdi) T anklos aays an cdncatloa ti e a gnn; I t can b e nsefol o r it car b sn n . a c e o rd ta g 'to 'b o w Ita'ow itet

rfflcB to po in t I t

W IN f A U S - B O I S E S T A flE

M Tlng T v la F aQ i a t 8 a. tn. (local Ime): a rr lr* Boise 3:30 p . m .. (lo­l l t la # ) . ;

lake connectloa w ith Ko. 10 go ia t r<|ft. a t M ovnttla Eom a. o iT la i us bour fo r dinner before th e ar- 17»1 o f -19, going w w t, . r a r e camt I ralliM d.

H A S K B R O S . S T A O E C O .

~ =

•vesoBiness men have been tr of strain heoanso of It from previous years, loss it oan be tnrned to

w harvesting what will it has prodncod. There I in possossion of sor- ae to start suoh a re­

place to put this mon- ico when neoded.

i o n a l B a n k F a l l s ^ «the County _i


Reserve Syatem (J

. ‘ . . . . ■ - i

^ •■ I

P " , •



C . ' 4

T - - ...... ....................................

jry Daypasteurized milk ' |orm without cook- f!d—nothing changed n«y b u t th e w a te r .and you have miftwcct as it waswheQcsh. not daysiold.


: - ■ ■ ■ <>

no ice. I t d o e a o o t

ly emi'

IT ow n O

LaM hrSlm im td » -


• ■ • V. "


M ro ilH S l s io BAT C

^ S P B iE S ii”?Wonl Mccivcil a t hcaflquartcrg of the

Twfn KuIIb CWunty Ftom 6u rc a i from 1, ., Club rea d er A. I . O ’fioilly, froiu Bpc- _ _ kane, iuJlcolM th a t the Tw in I'nlN cuun(y Mock ju d g in g clal), cn tcroJ tbo Inti'fnntioua) L ivestock show n t^ 'o u r | 6 poknno, will b ring home more thnn nn I lowclii

. iivcroKJ iJiaro’o? ow ardA , jmiI(J,'J“ Wc ifot only earriod off hifih

or» Id judging, but th e piR* pim-uJ or. Ifu ,,,.! , d lfplay by tho T ^ i;, PaJJ. county d n b i S lads hr.u. non [WinU thnt plncnl tbu 500 cV eooDty Sor abovo it$ own TCconl ilespitc tho h iK .,} ,t^d a rd c .tab l[.he .l in oth r i S S ™ i t i o . , . M r O 'JZdfJr, Kho is « o ^ ( '’ D rir o n hi* way to a liveatock eipoaition {n 'to„ l o " ! '’ ' JrcaJqaarter* a a /o l'lm .o n t

Althouj-'Ji (Jio Twin f’aJIii county pffp '."reiW wcro J,Inced in compotition w ith lOO i . „ j ..fip ip t in (fie club cfaMCs nnd over 3 a 0 j^ ,o „ . in thu (,pcn, A. I. 0 ’Reilly infonna uh lh a t the judgo w tm cd, t a have llttlu i.n."!-

.tioubln in ^ im lin g them. ' i S " ' Out of J2 plaeoa offered jn the f lu b 'k i in i.v

claaion on boars, 12 on bo'.tb and c ic h t ' on litter o f four, Idnho tnok the fol- lowinjf; ^

B oaT *-F irat to otoventii, inclusive. ! - ‘'Z 'B om -F ^T tt to tw e lfth , IncJualve.'

L itt tfr -P irs t, Bccond, third, fourth. 1 f if th , » h th M d e j^ h t i . : •

O f thrro tho young breeders o f T w in ' : i , „ / ftiU a «ouaty won tbo M hr^lng boaom

Bonr»-LoBter D itto r: flr«t, fourth ;6 {r?nk: (htrt?, mxth, ' n in th .

tenth, twelfth} H otjeri W covcr: f if th ; ‘ ifaurfeo H arrisi tw e lfth . ■■

80WJ—Clifford CaldwcJl* th ird ; Al­fred Stronk: fon rlh , f if th , neventhj Clifford D avia: oightb' nnd te n th ; Lcb- tc r D itter: n inlh and eleventh. Purnii

l i t t i i r o f four—LcBter K t l c r ; tb Jn h Wheat,' Alfred Rtronk: fburth and f if th ; M aur­ice llarriB ; BUVCflU); C lifford D.iv}*- eif-hth.' , ►, Potato!

T ho in tho open cJflMfs w crot [BtttlcrJ • B ow -L e»tcr D itte r: th ird : 'A lf re d Ranch Stronk . rixth and seventh. K ix" ■

L itter o f fo u r-A lf re d S tronk: third nnd sirch ; M aurlro riarr{B: 'etovenfh.

• The Twin F a lls judg ing team com- |io»c(i o f John Owens, MHo D a tls aad Rnlph Brown, whicb romiioted both in Cattl vocalional and cluh ju d ^ n g eontcstj, ' ' ' i l f U niaile .1 most ercditttble showing. Al- Q op though fhcy were dofentnd by less thnn D pcr 'f-n t In vocntionni judg ing n t Idn- Pouli

•ho Stnto fa ir by tho Boiso tcnm, thc if siiill a t Spokano aa 's to ek jnd^fca placcd tbcui recond over tho samo competitor* who v;cfo awarded tcalJ i. O w ing totho fa r : thn t tho team from anothor A.........

. «falo'tVfln, f :« t , tho Twin R JJ5 (sata bolds liichcst honors in Idaho. T hcje « snmo ho?s. wcro aw ard ftl th ird pJofo in tho clul) judg ing contest. ■

- • Apples,

fAr r^o

Onions,(Ily FIRST N lonX K R ,)

'•Till' Four Iforncmun of lli.' Apora- *’’l‘>ur, lypiii'.'V w hirh .opens nt lho l.nvcring 6 “ fraf. todny for n four-day run, is by fa r tho Suffar, blRKCit pitlurn of the, yoar. l i is clasn- Cream cd will) “ Tho R i r t i r .o f a N otion,” B tltii 1 “ IlcnrU of tho W orld.” nnil'mnny o th’

. IT big productions. Ono aijllion dol- l a n .w.T? 0jpondod in .the m aking of thie G utter

■ mnsforjiirer. wbJrJj ha» n rnni o f li* 000 I5“ Uor people. Eggs (

Anil.i .Slewart in “ i’ lnvthingr o f Cbickei ne /itiny’- th e o ffe rin g af the N ow H ens ,Orphcuui for todny tmd tomorrow. J t Baeonte lls the story o f a tvoman th a t wn« fJaroa,tricked into' fom m ilting l.ignmv; nnd Ham .slrangi' ns f t may nouml there waa nJ ifnm, 1other wny out for Juiio Laneau, played Pork t.hy MTsi S tew ard A tw o -p « t "T oonor- M uttonvlllo’ comedy w ith t ln nsunl high Fork rriftss imthir completes the bill. Pork w

--------- StenhClmrlPK D ickcn's g rea t slory, " O u r round.

Mutunl F riend ,” bold/ the boards n t •«H‘ef-the Idnho M ondny innd Tiic.idav, and pU t«. 1from ntl indlm tions p ron jijw lo bo a — ~ Mi' lnr A P u t l, . N r e . , «n,la elevof corordy eompJoto th<» bill.' , A U I

tomorrow Is»ffcrln« hi; »l/)0o pri*o Mory, “ The M I X ^ ^ n r ; G ift, ’ toffother w ith a tw o-part Sl S i'lde_?plitter en titled , “ Teo Tim e.”

' READ I H E D A ILY , |



f#fKJ '5 3 . W *j


Newss under this he

---- IsovtI f Y o u r B a d e H u r t s o r B l f td d o r i

] § o th o r s 7 o q , D r i n k L o t s i |] ,c t o f . W a t o r (K' li'-ri

' ' ' n ll.jir

When your kidneyfl l i i i r (^ u d your hack gctN sore, don ’t got scared and ■ procco.l to load your stomcch w i t h l o t The nf drugs tha t cxeitc the kidnnye a n d j Board ii’ritiitP tho vntlro urinnry trac t. KcJ)r vour k.dnovs clean like you keep y o u r , *■' ‘“i'- ijowels ck-n'u.'by ftusblng them with .n '^ ie a 7iiM,'h.->rmless sa lts 'w h ich removes thi> body’s urinous waste and s tim u la te Ihom to the ir normal n>;tivily. ’ Tln' '!• ruiietlon of' tho kidneya It to f ilte r tin- jlood. In U houra they Mriiln from it 300 graln/i o f acid and wnnle, so we ean readily understand tbo viUil importanco Jf keoping tho kidneys a e fv c . •

Drin*c lots o f wntor—you c a n ’t drink .00 m j.'h - also get frnm nny pbarm arint f i" ibout four ounces of Ja d Hnlts; tako a ' nblennonnfiil iu u glns.i o'f w ater before „ ° ’ »rreikfu»t each morning for a few dnyj md your kidneys will ac t fin«C Tlii« fa- nous snlts is mailo from the acid o f'rap^r and lemon juice, combined witb ____ ^itliin, nnd has bcon unod for. genera- j j o j ] ions '.0 clcan and stim ulati' clogged iidney*; algo to nciitrnUrc tho a d d s in j ^ irlne «'i it .n o longer is n sourco o f ir- ilbtion, thus ending bladder weakness. , .Joil Salts in Inexpensive; cannot in- j j .

UT®; w ftk tj n ik'llKlvtful u f fa rv ts ttn t ilhm -wutor ‘drink 'which overyono j hould tako now nnd then to koop th o lr ildneyr clean nnd active. 'Try thia, i | ■Iso keep up the w ater d rinking, and no , loubt you will wonder w hal boenmo o f . ^ our jildnoy .trouble and biacknchc.-i

/ __ vis'iblo

' IW riN PALLS H A E K B rS ^ b i r

O nin , un lcrbFurnished by Twin Falla Flour Mills. 1* roPhcat, No. 1, cwt.............................<1.05 marks

■'otatooB, Bnrals, ewt. $ 1 & U 0 ble.lu t tc r f& t---------L------------------------- 48« l>ubllanch b a t t e r ------------------------------85« wili so:ggs .................................... ■.............. .’lOi; Imals

f'urniihed by Indopflndont M ealM arkel J3,

Cattlc—C o fs 4®-! I 'Z e; steers, Sc; hour 0 ■al, 0@7c. Timo)

noRt— Prim e, 8® 10e. - a to d iahoep— M otto ir,'4e; U m bi, 6e. jior of PoulttT— H eas, 16e; fryer#, 14*ie&. Twin I

--------- DntcU O tJB E W IF B 'B s^niSI!.

(BotiiU P r ie f t) • Hy IP n d t *0d V «grt»U 8i

irape*, l b . ................................. - 6@ 10oImnB and praaes, b u . ----------------«L60'oschoB, b n .,---------- --- ♦1.CK)@1J50’earo, OuC ........ ........... # 1.00@1.60.pplei, b n . ---------------------$l.c0@ 2.50 jn j,n A'otatooB, cwt. ________ _ #1.50 „qoaah, ewt. ........ ..................... .‘rT . $1.00 .vinbbage, cwt. ------------------------ $2.00 “ , j'ouUflower, l b . ................................... 40e j,, J ; ''omntooB, - l b . ........................ 7 l-2@10e

Il»..... -............. .... S' IvlllTfllarro ts, bu...........— .....- ......... ............ 50c jwdgmiinlons, lb. — ---------------------- ----- 3c

?T07lilonB a ad BUplea, l l^ l , jlour, 48 lb. saek $1.05@1.75ugar, beet, 100 lb#. ........... $7.fl5@7.75 ^ugar, cane, 100 lb (......... N o qotation S " "

« “ > ..................................... \l* Dollarj

w a d .......................... ........... ................lOt jflfd'” ]u tte r ( c re a m e ry )____ 1------- BOo ju tto r ( r a n c h ) ----------- -----------------8Iggs (rnnch) d o i . -------- ------------- BOc .j^hn •/

UMtB . lowingbicken* ................................ 35r 'I»lens ...................................... .......... ,3lif Kivca e o n ..................................------------ 35c Sub-.a ro a , sliced....................................... ,<0-- Coun!am -------------------I-................ 88. jdnhiInm, sliced .....................................— <5r puhl!ork fboPB .V..... — .................. 25@30f n iil 0 ;[utton enops ............................. 25®30i 1021, tork roMt ................................... 25@30r (Mouniork s a o u f f o ----------------:------------- 80« ffoni. .S tenk^S lrlo ln , 30c; 1-bone. 30c. County

)und. ’'Oc; ehuek, 20c. te ll nt•llref—Pot r o u t . SOi-; n te k 17 l-2ci i,iiidcrlAt«. 12 l-Sei b r lik e t, lOe. Lnitcd

[ J H I C H E S p ^ i ^ S

«• B T«nlutn«UBM.eMM.UMraR<UMpMSOLDBYPiniOlilSTSEVEItfflHEM I'.y

pEr7ki^ flEV!AMLkoHT/ ( k i T i y


■ iw r«mw rv tw


s C l a ;kead,' One CentBy actual count, four oat these people what you ha es for sale or rent, the po

O V IE I aE A O T S A M B IB T T , r nTO P a iV A T B SO LD fflS E N B M IE aM0 .^(!Q\^, tbo octtuion o f J

Ijf ipurlli aaatvonarx o f tbo Kvlet, ho« ciM-rnl iminesty has beoa doelared fo r trai ll; l 'r iv .ilc aoldiera abroad who fought — Itoim t th e H v ie t goverBtseaf. F

____ton/ U 0T I03. J>“ilT he S tato B oard o f EdueiUon u d oard of Regenta of tbo C n lre rt ity o f laho. purauant to t i e proTlafona o f iii-i'. 11C of the LawB of 1921, o ffe r for J® ' lie and invito'softled propoBtl* fo r th o IVS iirchari}' o f th e buildings and gronnds irlunging to tho S tate Normni Bchool I .t»Hon, Idaho , Ibe Icgitlatan bMvUitr itcctcd th e removal of th'e fo ld «eboal 1 ,> Burley, Idaho . - The propBHy consiita o f nbont th ir ty

frcs of land, IhrcB dorm itoriej, an o IminiBtrfltioD, bulldJnj-, a ^ e a d l d i-mnasium, train ing Bchool boUding p ?aii{lfui campus, coaereto wn2i« , wa- r supply, etc., ote.I’oajcsrion to l« given on or txftcr iSrtr

)p1en>er 1, 1022. . j }I'ui! particu lars fum iihed on appll- itlon to A. C. Prico, A uditor. S ta to • F 3s rd of Edoeatioo, BoIm, IdabA imp.

JOTIOE o r f lH E R n r .’B r a i . t i o r ~ f 1B S m r A im tA L 3 cost

I , E . R . flhermoo, Sheriff o f lho )unty o f Twin P a lli , S tato of Idaho, ivo tnken into my posaeaslon a t tbc ~ ; c

A. Ctildwell farm Uio following do- rJhcd cBfray finioialB, to-w it: p!®*1 r o i cow, branded anchor dad ha lf rd o ’ cn le ft ribs and reversed -1 00 f l b l^ , crop o ff r ig h t ear, underblt id tro p o f f le ft ear, 'I Brockel fa«? red licet, 2 yoan oW, " l v ',hor.is, undcrbit righ t i-ar, no b r tn d ,oon

nutoI red 8(oer, 2 yeors.old, no horn j, un. r b i t r ig h t oar, no brand ylaible.\ roJ s teer, ] y e a r old, w ith Jjoras. , , , < erb it righf car, no brand visible. W j 1' rod Bteer calf, brocket faee, no irks a r brands vfsible. . ”I red and whito lim ited hcifor, 1 y c ^ r ^ 1, undcrb it r ig h t cnr, no brand vb i- y /

Public s\oti«tt i« hcioby given, th a t I ill »o<l the abova dcBcrlbed M fray an- IV ials ill pO M unnce'w ith Scction 2000, fnm imnilod S la lu lfs of Idaho, a t public est ction to tho highe«t b idde r fo r caah, Chip wful U]onoy o f tho United Stotcs, on '— 0 13th flay o f December, 1921, a t tBtt ^ ur o f 2 o ’clock p. m. (Mountain mo) n t tho E . A'. Cnidwoll farm , situ- od i’ jrU cs south o f the southeftst cor- r of nollist<ir Townslte, Countv of vin Falls , S tate of Idaho. '

% o( O dolitr, 1021.E .« n . SHPJIMA.V. Shcrilt.

Dy Bi‘n J . 'B roim , DppuJy.


. '. ,.1’la lntJff, -flDo;hn A, Brown. Dcfondnnt, —IJ.v v irtue o f an execution 'iMued ouf

Ihl' D istric t Court o f ‘tho KIcvcnth ' “*■ ' d in a l D litr ie t of tho S tate of Idnho. nud for the .County of TvVin Fallr,

led Ihl) Olh dny of Oclolicr. li)21, wroln Kd .M JH cr,'p la in /iff,'r^ ,.c rc ..' . . :li:m(-nt again sl .Inhn. A. Browu, di- rtdnnt, on Ihc lOlli .lay of Ffhrunrv,21, Jo r Ihe mim o f Three .Tliounniiil irco Hundred ' E ich ty-s ix '-an ,!, 310 (♦ a ,3 8 ( ljj) l)o iia„ . ^n ,| -rther sum o f Fnur H u n d r e d 'irty -M v c n and 10-100 (1437.10)

ther Wllh Int.ircrt.Ihereon nt the rate n f seven per re n t ppr nnnum from lh.*

Id 12th day o f W bruary , lfl21, I p Cvo Icv ic d 'u p o n all the riRht, title, ____;cres: and claim of said defendant, W<h n .„ Brown, o f, Sn and to the fol- somoving deseribed renl c itn tc , to wit: chiniJ y i t i One ( J ) and Two (2) nn.l ciijit

Kivc (f.) nnd -S i* (fl) W illiams 80. 'Suh'uivision to the C ity of Huhl. -----County o f T irtn Fnlls. S tnt.' o f OFIdaho. #2.60Puhliu nn tifo Js hereby given, Jh st I F a h iII on tho Ifith day of November. FaltB 21, n th e hour o f 2 o ’elork p. m. fniiiifjin tfm o) o f sa id 'day at thecnsT 'ml. oeor o f tho Courthouso nf th.' unty o f T w in Falls , S tate of I.lahn,1 n t Jiublic .nuelioa to tho hiithe^t “ H i Ider fo r cash, law ful money of Ihe pv„;: ilteil B lntc* a il t h i r igh t, iH}t> Inter-

nii-I claim o f the defendant, above mi'cl, o f, in and to 'th o aiiovo desrnh real cMnle, or so much ihercof. an '

y lo necessary tn sa tisfy p laintiffV . lgino.Ji w ith nil costs th n t hav- Ild ,'i mny accrue. w f■)ated Mils Ifllh doy of Odoliei', M JI. nriva B. n smiuiAN. S.ti,

\ Sheriff.IIK X A . BROWN, Doputy. BE

________________ P O L L Y A N D B

EV! STijp j , ^ ')Y

' ^ 0 '

i« L • 'mrrkt, b e , n ^ i onuit litVartufrti} —


s M f i e <t per word pera t of every five homes in T lave to sell, trade, barter-oi position you want or the tis

FOR SALE - REAL ESTATE FOIPOR B E N T -P am U hod room' for F<

houseKcoping, ground floor, outaido en- eliM trnnco; nodora. C03 No. Main.

FOU 8A L B -80 'oc ro i four ro llfi frum tflwn ca gravel road; good ilaud; fnir 0‘ «' buildings: 1160 per acre; g6od terma.Lloyd Crnven Co., 123 Mnln avi-. E.

FOR BALB—32-‘a c rts 1 1-2 mih-s rood’rom loading station on graveled high- Phor^ay. H ob bceh in alfalf.i five yenri- -----1750 cnsh nnd term f. W. I. Oiileiic, PC

3. WoBhlDgton. A l

"FO B 8A L R -100 acres, 1 1-2 milo io oadlng station. Has J-rnuo plartcreJloose. $115 on a cre ; $1000 cash and yv:cran on balanee. W. I, u f le t le . l-lii ,,ai„j3. Wasldngtoa. Dmii;

F o il 'SA LE-IOO a r m ; 1,1 a lln llu , f"" ) ' ’r ira te -water 00 icchei; sew n miles'rom luwn; gravel roa.l; »115 per acie, 'iSOOO caeb.« balanee termA 7 per 'cent mr. 0 . W hite, Phooe B»OW..w. jo a j ,

FOR bALB—A renl I'n tcnin In woll mproved north side farm. D^ Dwight

^ R S A L B -p M f u ffts 'T 'rs mile • „ ast, 1-t milo Boutn Wflshini;i.,n arhuol 'cam ... trade for a fo ru car L. 8

S”n„FOR iJALE OK T B A D B -T wp rf.ni-. “ kicl

ilailetfil »sA lialnnaisrtl iwt. ia^pc'dg closets, front snd bKi-k s.le^pinit e lau ;«rch: Iswn, barn and two extra lota.* oftaihnap. i’hone 12.< of eall at 11 r Ea^it era, .*!

_____ - sFOR B A L B -O r trade , now five- E aa t

oom modem bouao, w ith garage, for uto, lot o r good paper. HS Jefferson,'hono 195M-------------------------------------------^ -------------------------------------PC


W A N TED -K ord roadsler with truck FO ody. Inqoiro 3-4 mile oast Curry. ^°°P°

N U J^ raD -fl th o o l boy to take room 81 nd do chores. 527 Main Vi. ^

WANT to hear frora owner havingi 1 Iirm for Bale;"givo particuinrt nnd low- 1 II t pricA. John J.- Blaek. Idaho 8 U, 1 Chippowa Palis, ‘W ll, 1

■ paclt'WANTED—Horaesj- good, cheap p*« i ■

ire. S milea weat. 1 l- i south. Pu: condi ?vnn. Phoae 517R3.

W A N T E D -Y our ear to- wnib anrcasr; p r lce t- re a to aa b lti g i* t»o* -• fiqtnirial. ' I .n Third nve. E. S tev^ i- a]',o ,ros. Oard.

WANTED— Table hoarncrB; *■*•■«' PO 3t meals: bone cooking,- $l'-per d a ) two I hone 153i cr, 2(

AVANTED—e« ond-haad p lly e r pi- " r o oo; m u it be cheap and I s f ir tt- e la u o . g r indition. Address Box <07, City. Two :

WANTED—Cnrs to wafh. B r in g 7 ° ^ir to tho Arrowhead Service S tation , pQ:cond and Second Bouth. Phoae ptfrdI8W. W ork gnaranteed. — -

' ' . FOWANTED—Uorscs to paitn ro ; vcr.v g|Mg,

sst fa ll and' w inter pnituro 0 . W. ,rli)d(ougherty, Bluo Lakes blvd. . near

■ MISCELLANEOUSK A liO M IN E u J w ill papiT cV in . l i l l "

lft W ork guaranteed. l'>ank Clay.

BOARD AND ROOM in modern »ttaU jmo, <5 per wcok. 260 S iith avo. N.

WODLD L IK E to commojilctto w ith ^ G imoono interesled la Btartiog a ma- — lino sbop (Jobing) Tw in Palla or vl- ijity . A. W. Miller, 5824 Bo. Alder.). Tnrom a, Wash. " A

O nO IC E a lfa lfa poatnre fo r boraes, Mr.1.60 per m onth. Fbone OSOW. C. o ’do<ahrney, 781 Second ava. N.. T w i r . -------alls, Idaho.

D A N ’S PLACK. 237 Shosbbno Booth. ' 'v ^cond hnnd clothes bought and sold, f^ork.

________________ _Fallai

DBESSMAKINO. Mra. EIU Cajneroa. ■“ )ono G9BW.

MONEY TO LOAN . ^FARM LOANS and a o n tb ly paymen- car, rellinL' loana. A rthur L. Sw ln . n«e

MOSEY TO L O A N -K . “ivate money on bond for uamediat* jrtgsg* loaat Irriga ted L ands 0 .



Iw 4S^f)F U x w a \ A W h o p p e r !

Ki-rvs~aii^ ^

^ ^


d Ad^insertion, and ATwin Falls receive T h ; Nev ■or exchdnge. about your roc help .vou nee;l-^()ne Cent P€


A aaical condition; »1«5 for quick aale. b u g a a. p . iiornbeek. ,80 Sccubd oyCj.W. 1 cUle

WK 1)0 NOT 07l-^t:it FOR BALE any if our .n rs until thoy Imvc bcon po t In \ \ t | !00d lim ning order. “ Thero’s a rea- M tm .,00. ” I hnvo a ItilJO Ford coupe fo r ____1400; IIHD Ford louring $;35. Dodgo TO ' oadstur J-JfjO. Ccntrnl Qarngc C o.,led ; go ‘h o n o '152. jT n tr .

FOR S A L E -P o rd coupe, IKiO model. i l condition, 1475. 337 l l t h ave. h j

For •■ i 'E P " ice “ S T E P " the CtIii.IT Ofiiidl'r. H* HccoBil ave. No — __________________ tu rn I

K lill SA L £—lif:u HuU'i ligtit ll. t> Mrs. V■aiiitp.l i,ud in fine .•o|i.lltion, »ii)5L — ■ Jodyr I.ciiring, repainted. $4:,0. F ort ood tiri-i and runs good. Ilfiu. bm ourini; car, nod«t, lo'.Ks (ikr oe r 'pO B 800. BBtreit Auto Sajei Co. honao-

r a n SALE o n T B A B E -6 t« d ib « in >adster. in e i t r a good eondlUos; will },x)R :copt Ford in trade Phoae SflflW. —;____— PO ROR SALE— MISCELLANEOOSH EEU '“ pQ T A T O BS-Idaho E ortJr

2.50 t 0 . b. Twin Palls. Theae pota- FOB ier w tro grown, under diy land oon- 52(i R llioDs a t high altitude aad bave lh"® — k ick .' They havo possed two fleln . ispcclluna nad a te abaolnUly Ural- !a« ; only two carlooda of thia stock “ w u T Kiilftble. Phono 410 fir aeo H. B. Pow- ra, .'S49 N inth ave.!E. ‘

FOR BALB—qolnccB a t H untam aa’i . “ ev-n,.

______PO B B A l i C U ^ —H ot w nter fui-

ace.. Cali 136 W alnut Bl. .

TO R BALE^-Dicyele. Inquire il.W {

.______________________ |"T nrFOR 8A L B -100 aido-ligbt gla is f j t f'lu'nrc inpos aad sedana. Moon'a B>op. }l*''ti-l.

STORE F IZ T U SE S FO EBtiiUbW fo r O n efry ' !n....l.-rn

1 Toledo ao lb. t ta le ^ ‘ - I" *■'«1 D nytoa 80 lbs. actle*. ' ' l-VTiT1 Porculain lined icB boK .1 Cheese cutter aad box. 5.','?,^''"1 Bowser oll tank-, 11« gallon I _

^ t y . . ]1 Ford delivery truck in exrellent ........ .

jnditioiv s,„ \i„The Big W blt« Btora. Inc. ___

------------------------------------------------------- {.'onFOR bA LBoChoice Delieloui, Homr ground qonty-'aad W lnt«r p e a raa ln a f p in : Woek i Iio grtod wind fallfc W. L. Johnron. . . ardon Home' Add., telephone 1030.P tXIR

PO E S A L E -F i« . library U b I. M ‘ TO bedroom seta,'cheap- W. A. Flow . i f y, ', 200 Eighth No. ’ ndverti

FO B B A L B -F lne oe^bg lijlpilT,. gmdd Jonntbana and Orimei OoMeli. wo milea west, 1 1-4 south. Pal Wvnn. bono C17R3. U

TOR SALE OR T R A D B -Pirst’‘rlaVs (Trd sedan. 440 Second avo. H.

FOR 8A L E -1 0 0 windahlelda. 'a':;M8, priccT reaaonable; headlights nml WIHDI indow glass. Phnne 5. M oon’s Sh.ip^ “ ®t woI'nr Postoffii-e, / • " Z I ^

FO B SA L r^{ ~ T R A D B —20 hcad .o i loice horsei. ' M. A. W illlami. Eden. OBOZI laho. Phon

POR BALE—Regular nfciseo XBUOl)a ta ; regiitered stock: heavy s iU True la in . .Phone OSOB. P. (). Boi""M nortl

FO B BALE— Uiryclei. iricycle*. n r r , _______;id Eeeeaiories. W ercer’* Repair Nhui. , H Bteond at. E _____________________ _ I ’

HELP WANTED. ' —W A ^ ’T E D -e o le ra n n , Bpecialiy s a l^ . . ao, a n a l haye good references. Be- ACOOI [r. F uher, Bogerson hniel, a fte r .% Shosl ’clock today. " ----------

~ POSITION W A li iT E r ~~WANTED—O irl w ants general houao Hiccork. L ena Wcllhousen, R t. 2, Twin ---------alia, Idaho. .

Want to Trade $im for$900 ^

I haTO ft B d e k # t7«a-p*aa«netcar, iro rtb f l W ) to a n r m an who I naeda I t I don’t n « d It, b u t conldnao 8000.. T h a t’s ta # ptlc*. Oaa I _ _bo seen a t 2£6 S lz tb Ato. K ., or- i j .call fo r H usted a t T b e KewL { collet

$mof.or$ioo- I ' S,. BY frT.TTP *W nhitT

OopyrU ht. m by H m p t p w Tm

C t J U / H 0 t D w l 6

j g ! f IT . " T H f k i r r y ^

'iWAS P l)L L I* i6 i f . )

■ — = - ; ^ S ^ g 3 p ~ : ; j a v

/EMBER 7,1921 / '


ews, Daily: Tell al) ; |; ooms fpr rent, hous- ' I Per Word—Phone 32 , j


r» ^ C T A N Q E four :» bonre and good ,»p roveaen l» out fo r 10 to 20 a c re ,.’ Lloyd

Tcn C o .. 123 Main £

H L I. TRADE Ford to u ru g car toy atoca. Phone (15QR. p. u . pgx 75^ ;

^ T ^ D E - T w o acres, well Improv^ p o d land, 1-8 milo o ff gravel roa<l, trade for im all -TOBiucaee. Liord

Co. 123 Main ave. L ^

lo S T ■ iOST--D lM k volvct handbag.^ Re"

‘ i' . d . ' a iS !

FO Rfi£«T I^B RENT—Throe room furniabed I •o; ioBido toilet, . in k : 'a l l freshly I irnti-j nnd cloan. 031 Sorond avo. W. I

3R RE N T— Room. Phonn 1

3r REN T—320 acrcaf besl o^ uIn j ranch on northaide, i>oulh of J«-

>. I’hono aco. Twin Palla.

^ . f E N T - T h r c e furnisheT. roonu, ■ PJ/tJ> *vo.- W.

3B BBNT— Three rotni*. CnII Ofti"M G o ’e lo ek .,

)R B E N T - S J /r o o m ‘ house on ;b ave. E. Phone 1U3J. W. a •h. Boom fi, Bangb bldg.

flleciric heated. • ate fam ily. Call 147 Seventh av .' east. I

111 O E O T - T . . r . , . i . l „ a"IT hM l, ( blM k. I,u,„1. lD quire..4ai E. Maia.

•R RLN T — Uousekeipjog i.,-i.-of i-rii, cloao. in; no rhlldn-B ColJ i Foiiru »v*.-E , -

J i t BfiN T—Three room farnished tm en t, reasonable. Bi|nga]<.i» A p t , , h it. and Seeond ave. E

Jlt RENT—Two turnuhed l ig h i ' ek .ep ing ro o m ' Pb.>o» S34R S«4 Mom.

l>B B e n t —H oBaekeapfngind floor, fom iabed ooapleta. By'k . , . t m onth. 428 N . M ata. .

O R ~ ^ B N T ^ e o p b g r o ^ ^ , h a re . E . Phoao 762B.

you r property Is deoinble a sd la !rtlied la tbe elaaiified — vonU your bnyei.


r5 0 W O L M B -W inT ak ie ldV cT b i- ■ work. U oon 'a ahop.' Phoae 5.

T E A H S P B B !

Z IB B T B A iraPB B O dU P A K l.3008 i t s . , I

rOE-BA U L 00 .—Phose 871 or £0. I ruc'x t« T le e . 1Q4 Seeoad ftte w a wth.

^ r o f e i S J i o n a l ;

. A O O O U H T A N T

fOUMTAOT - 1) .“a . 0 ^ 1 . « i loshono SL Bo. P h e M f O l-

A T T O B N E T O :

is . A .' N o i r a - ^ L a ’wyer. Bajfik- .Cl' bu ild ing . ,

i f m G B A H A ^ L a w j t r . B a a T *-ust DuUding. n o a e 835-1.

EI:b B . W ILSON— Lawyer. ’

IB E 0 . M IL L B -B oyd BttUdiag, j

aSLEY 6 SW BELB7 — A tto r se n ilaw. Prnrtiec in a ll eonrta. T w n 1ills.-ldaho. I

: WZSZ^-ZdW7 or. FuHy o rgoniud llcctiot) cicpnrtmcnt Offieea — loms 6 nnd 7. ovor Tw m Faila-B tak •rust. Co.. Twin Palla. Idahn,

asnF M ts t t 8 « m e ^ Ia t.

9 ^ i



i i i r *mmmi

■ I ’S L S I ^ r■■ M urder and Robbery O utstand-

ing Exceptions to General ™“'j Rule fo r T erra • i - 'V

' • •_____ , l.ui'vCbnr(-p» of illegal poJscMion or «ri|f-|ll. K

^ •M ln u o r protlominnto Jn Iho i-tilpnilar|l>uvi> . o f rrfiuitinl. cnsoti .which \m o toilny to t ;rnUii.

by Jufljte W. A. Babcock for tfiivl <l'|r-1 iuK Oio • Novem ber tcnn of tlljitrlct W. I. court 'vliieli opened hero ihin morning.

O uutnntllnf; excepUon* to tlii* j;cn- Occ c ra l rule tUo cum« of KJwartl L- A. fllaKlo, fharBi‘(l w ith tho nunli-r uf t »n.v» man 'iiamcd McCiiltom in an allegod

• oam blem ' frncns horo n y ra r ago, ant! II. o f W illinm B. Uronsbn, co-dofcndani BorRC w ith A. 13. Snow, who Intoly etiroi'cJ -J- from (ho rounly jnl!, In a ca»o involv- II. infr n robbery cliarKC. U- !’•

KolM Head# L i s t S "T rial of t l i fv M c of B c tl Kclsi*,

c l ia r ^ d w ith llli'jpil. fom 'w io n of li­quor, which hoada tho crim inal lis t, wa»■ot fo r Mondny, Novombor I-J, n t whleli 1 1 timo tho nicmbor* of tho, ju ry drawn • 1 1 todny were’ ordorod to npjwnr in co u rt/ I I • Thc cnncs o f SlnRlo nnd Bron«on m w ell B'J o f VnnToy Low nnd Kusacll f l Cavcuder wn-o lo t fo r itJal o n 't l in t

■ ^ m io cnM ^ [ ''jo h a WiracIilD); wa* sot I ' Ufo r Novem ber 15; th a t of Chnrloa Sum . • m ers nnd of F rn n k Julion and othorp fo r Novem ber 10, and o f WllUaai IViUS T ro tte r fo r Novem ber IT. All these m ra«e* luvolvo alleged vio la tion of the !'! prohibition lawa. I

O rtlnaaco lo ro lved .IIcnrinK on iippuni in tho cnao o f the w jl

e ity o f Twin Fnll* ngainat W illiam B,Wall, jdumbeJ, involving olleged viola- tion of n c ity ordinance, waa M t fo r < November 18, an tho fi^tit cnno on tho civil rnlondnr. __________ t{,o

i D N I E S M S m i PJ S C m S T I l S E I I D l ^

--------- I . •• RobotP r o g r a m f o r P a r t y a t O lo.so o f and i

Q u o o n O o m p o t i t i o n I s A n -n t f u n o jjd / tr i r t i

— .................-1151111Appruueh of Ibo doao a t m idnight frntn

W cdni’sdnv of tho' Amcrii'nn Legionqueen coiiteBt f ind* 'ovory conteatant Atkoyi'd ti|t to mnko n gram l finlah, ac- .

■ cordinj; to 11. K. 8abln , contest man- nor < igor. Miaa K utb Noratrom waa toflny rimrr;

' tTadin,; Twin Fiillii conti'itanta w ilh roomUias-F 'ini(i C linp 'r Ivas than HO vote* [ng ibehind, w^ii'o Ml** Fnnnio H arr of Huhl mnslcwas kn'dlng ouUldo contestant*. .Tnhn

A general Jnvltntlon h^a been lisiiod itibnito tbo !,arty .Wednesday night a t lho mnn.Lavoring a t which the contest will bo fHllovclosed. Thc program for thc occasion hnowi

• ioolud.!e n band concert, orchestral on ' '1 numbers-nnd ainging. nppllc

A nnyunecraent'w n* loiiay made uf jrcM itho following peraoiinol of th» commit- of •thIce It) connt tbo final votes « u l ; P . W. nml n Dumko, n . A. G rant, tho Rov. Oliarloa gencrOlvnn Qaird, R. B> .Tohnson nnd F rank ropre»K leffner. innd.

In Older to .fae iU ta to tho counting follovcontcatanta hnvo boen roqueated to do Twinposit nil nowapnpcr bnllots in tho voto " A 11)0X1'* bv 5 oV lock (Tueaday nftornoon. cd pr

A lo llcr sk a tin g p arty has been ar-■ ranKcd iii counoclloii w U li'th o coatM*. flhn

to bo held th lf ovoning a t tb e Princoaa of fri rink , w ith tho 'sevcftil contcatanta act- prcati ing a* JiostoMes. Tho maniiRomont w*ll Iho b present, votes w lyi cach ska te tlckor. “ F

• --------------------------- r , "nill 1

j J o c a l ^ r e V i i i o j tiTiI o

i~ --------:------------ needsBpond Wook In PocatoUo—Tom Hnii-

hnn has apcnt tho p a s t woek In Po* rf'*CT< cnlello w ith his m othei.

OQcat of Son—Mrn. L ester McLcan of Iienvor, Colo., I* hero fo r on extended viait with her aon, Uonabl McLean a t tin- C'^Uiuial aparttucnti!. • ''" 'n ,,!

H orq F o r V la ltl-F ra n k B lanch o f follow K iinsas C ity, arrh-od today for a w id t of fru w ilh his dnugljler, Mrs. llom or Bono- who t brake, of Kiubtb nvonuo oast.

- ------------ nlong-Qnoll la c lp lo n t Blaso—FJro Jn a shed '•to'od

on the alley a t 3G0 Sovonth avenuo bv Uo north was extinguished th is morning M l’dr< by llu.- firo dopartm ent. No damngo irnlhei reaultcd. "incr 1

M other V isits V an H am ert-M rs . iL " ‘" ( r 'A. Van llnm ort of Dea Moines ia hero Snndn fo r nn extended v is it with ber son, Ed-w ard 'V n n I ln iao rt who hna boon con- cvonii fined to hi*' room by iiJaeas alnoo J u tFebruary. ' "'‘'•'’f '

Eoprcsoijt Burloy— Wesloy Doc, Noal " M Nelson, Jamo,* O riffilh , Enri Bonham I" and K verplt Uurna were am ong’ thu *be a young men who composed tho do!e::a- tion nom Burloy lo tho Older Boy*' Conferonce here la s t wook.

. • o f th(K lw aniana H oata to Squad—Mombers '"’'“ or

o f ■ tUo • v o tc ta a s ' bureau " d « a n - Frnnk u p ” rqund, hero th is week to n«alat for- mor scrvice men In p resenting elalm i, w ere guesla today of tho K lwtinis club *’<“ do' g t Uk regu la r wpeklv. hmrheon meet- J

• . [n Tw C aptain O n fta V is it^ -^ n i itu in An.

- drew Carnegie Crofla o f tho regu lar TOLIi orm y is in Twiu Fnll* for a few daya renowiug old friendships and visiting BEI fam ilinr acencs. C apW n Crofts was place form erly in the employ of th e 'li la h o llc f rPow er company in Twin Falls , b u t hai> a prlabeen l|i m ilita ry scrviro for aomo yeara A j-oipaat, ond now rtatlonerl jitO klabom a, in thcto whicli plnco ho ivill re tn m upon leav- dcmn*Ing Tivin Fnlls. J le lias been spending ftrmrd tt leavo o f obscnro on thc Pacific c o u t .

* ■■■ ■ "• --------- OlaaCioked ' /ood aalo A the W om an's ost tb

Exchaage tomorrow.— adv. tho pr


iM M iiT fismlcEiisiK-

P o rso D S N a m e d a r o O rd o r o d to A p p e a r I n C o u r t o n N o v e m ­

b e r 1 4 .Loni

Tliirly nntne* eomiirlno the lis t nf per- ■KimH d raw n 'todav to *ervo i h trinl jur- ■ Wl lofH a i tho Novemlii-r term of diatriet ccurl i>|irnlng hero lodny.,' Tho persgna tiiiiiu'd li'ivo been ordered to appear innm rl f.’i »crvic«i on M onday, Novem- AI,ur N . Til.' lint foMnws: wns i • W. U. Sou, J . G. M cKlnlcy, IL B . opora Luo; C. 0 . Moig*. I‘- L . Shenoberger, B. vlaloiII. Ki'vlcr. A- T . N ear, ,.r. L . H ^ g e i , orans Duvi.1 nriiwu. .1. C. Moore, n il of Twin its w FnUa. . cffict

ati'el l-n*tlowall, F . M. A lJricb, J PoweW. B..'au.'h«nip, .1. W. Beunott, J . IL TinSluifer, ai'o rgfl A. Childs, fill o f Buhl, tho a

Ocorj-e 1). Crockett, Rock Crcok. prope-A. JtcD onnld, 0 . I>. W hite, 0 . F. nient

(Irover, ull of Ilolliater. fonniQeorg.. A. E rhn rt, F iler . - : • incimIL Crookhnm, 0 . E . Lyon, bolli of on tli

Bcrgor. I n th.L fi. A tkiaou, K imberly. i fg In . M. Vnnderpool, E vi R. Smith, A. by ll

D. 1>. Keith, all of Unnaen, nllowO ra .’cHtor, Cnrtloford. almfbR. C. Heiistoek, Amsterdam. nsslatC. C. Callen, M urlaugh. , n«fO

— • - K([uai'

filllfS'iETi I:ciimcuis[|Miisio and Inspirational Talks

M ark Concluding sess io n s o f'C o nferen ce ■

W ith tw o splpndld adilrcM«» Uy' tbv Kov. n . 8 . ICnmllton of Pocatollo, ono in tho nfternoon. “ Tho I 'n co nf ChHs- jj, ( lian L eadocahip," nnd in Ihe ovenlng. ‘ Wliero Chrlatlnn Londcrihijt LrmlH''

tho annunl m eeling of th.i Older Boya' confcrci.co for Moiithom Idaho closed Bunday evening. . ! ||,y ^

Delegndoni nnd leadera preaent were. ,, .■ PoeateVln, W. K. .Tones; H agennan,Oeorge Oregg! nnlil. C. II. Evnn* nnd t j, . , , M. i r Vnn P n tten ; K iml.erly. Claronrc ^ n ie ; l!i irl .-y , W. D. non; .inromo, Llovd ,, R oberti: H atelton , .1. Rna*; ltoge'rm>>i . . nnd llnllihler, th«‘. Rov. W. 8. Young;Tutll,-. L fl. Well*: T>vli. m » . M- U J M Jldi.'il; D ele., (H.arl,-* C. Finley. Div tr l r t fM.;.nrlntondcnt .1. K- Hnkcr or the j„J MellUTT.urrhiirfir'wa.H pres.'nt Sattirday ^ ' frotn l*tr<ni|rlln. —

Ohnrch Womon Soiro..At (..HO 8 .iliirdnr uvening nliont iOn S

^iicn .iud boyn woro giif*ln nt tho din- ^ nor Horvcil bv 'th e women of th'* rlmrpovs nf Twin Fiilln-ln llip dinlnj. room r f tlio Methn.llsl phurph. Follow­ing llie: dinner 0 . E . Munron, toast- uinslcr, un» iiitroiliicod bv I’resiilenl .lohn M cM artin.. TIio firs^ speaker inboiliircd wits Oeorgo flrogg of ITager' mnn. who *pok« on “ SpIvioI Rplrit,” ff)llow--d ^v Wealev Doo of Rurlev, well ‘ ‘ known fitblptr, wlinso incisive remark* on '■ 'S pnnting” were given n practical app1lp.allnn to lho nffhira of life. .lohn MeMnrlln, llio nowly elcptpd president o f 'tho d is tric t fipoko poinprehfn*lvi'li- f,‘ nml n m rr ln lS v o ly of lho eonforenco .'.i genernl. Tho Poentollo delegallon wo. roproHcnled nn tho progrnm by K. ITol ‘ land, who told clovcr stor'c-' and wa} followed by M iss Mildrn,! Tracey oN ' ' ' Tw in Fnlls whose plattn vnrlnlinn* <•;'" A H oi Tlmo in Iho Old To«m.” ou". cd prohmged npp'nuae. _ ' '

Spc.ilcs 01' rrtendsh ip . ;flhftd ll. ll.siViVM ..f tW v--'■ i. ' ■

nf tr i.n W ili,. , , iwm . f o . t 1.™,! » ' .-.•..rv :,m ' “™Iho basis o f rf-i' ;irogrc*s, “

■ 'Friend.hip means ;:,.felfi*hncA ,'- 5 " " ° snid ?i[r, .Ilr-;<;!n in p a rt, ‘ ‘ and il mat- tors np:,t>-;mt o f wenlth or honor n man mnv «■•!>, he hna not happlncai if he la TiitI.out friends. All progress i* baaed upon Ihc tru a t in others. Tlie world needs friendship nnd tm s t among na- Hons, nnd nntll tbn t If eatnblished. tho progroM of fhe world w J i r u i t . Tf the eonferpnfo so aoon to fuwemblo in Waahington for tho consideration of dl*nrma\iifnl cnn b u t c lear nwnv the i„„A , mlats of dJsln ist th n t hnvo clouded the friendahlp liptween nations, ihen wo are * on the wnv to real world progreaa.”

Tlio Rov. n . 8 . H am lllon of Pocatello .. fnllow.-.J w ith a aisenrsion of tha price of friendship, defining a friend a s ono whn ttnows nil iabont ns nnd 'loves na , •Itm. A in lk by th c Rev. E . W hite ^ nlong Ihe same genernl lino nf thought " r Y; rloBod this p n rt o f tho program. L ed " • ** Iiv Rny H nhberger o f Boiao. w ith Misa Ml’drcil Trnco.v n t tho pinno, tho boys tn lhe red nbont tho piano for a rousing "incr bflforo ndjonrnm ent .. ' ,

Music wns fnm irhod during tho eve “" “ 'I' n ing 'IV the orchestra o f tho Mcthodiat Snndny sphonl. which, is nnder the iwid- orship o f CeiTrlp Seaver. I ^ n g thc ' CTonlng aession Sunday, tho high schonl ''Jl'' " orchoatra npponred on th e progrnm fot {*' aevornl fine rnm bera, ■’

PrUscB Loctkl CosHnlttee. ' ' J ' ' ’" ’ ‘ 'M iK h cred it is duo to th e commit- *’* I” '

teo in chnrgo of local nrrnngements fo r r.’'!'’*', the ndm lrnblr. mnnner In whleh thp conferencc 'wns eondueted,” m id A. E. *1’'''’^ Toiint. Jnteratato b o y s ' scfrelnr>-. " I t ’"ft *' Is ono nf tho moat snpccssful meeting* '"•‘n l’ o f thc l in d which I hnvo ntlentled th it season.” ,M . C. MJtch'ell. E . L. Aahten.'F rnnk Rnldwin nnd C. E . Munson com- Io posed lho local body. mloy

The placo o f Iho noxt meotlne will «prinl be doterm ined by tho leaders next fall.nnd i t will probablv bo' In Burlev or --------Pocfltolln. as the m eeting has been held im m In Twin P nllr for the past two yeara.

rOLIOD' D I800V E R PR ISO N ‘.O P I l l i e i t BEPUB LI0A N 6

BELFA ST,: yPV ~A ftcr raiding n plnco III Kent* a troot laa t night, tho pa- o., Her* renorted th n t they h.id disfovercd i , ■ a prison m aintained by tho repuhllcanj.A \*oung mnn who.,wa.i found confloed o,[ in tho plnce, thoy aald, had btfcn con. , , i ilcmn.?d to oioeotlon today. Throe firmed guards woro nrreated. *'

O latslflod advertis ing ] | tbo chesp*Jrt th ing you e a t r bny^-meaBatea i y lho proflta i t n a y '-b rln j’ yon. ■ ■ ■

TWIN f A l S DAILi i i l PSIlllSBiSf,”

lo n g L ine of Form er Service Men w ith Claims AwaitS'tlie i |, , i

Bureau AgentsA long, lino of former Service men thr.

vna w ailing for the ■‘Hcan u p ” siiuad tico iporatlog in soullierri Malm under pro ica ' 4alona c f logiainti.m erpatlng tho vet- E irons' bureau, when it entered upon 10 i ta w eek 's work here thi* morning in huti ifficoa of llio Rpd Cfo-s ehnjittT. in tlu ' will ?owcr building, Mnln avenue norlh. mot

TIio wnrk hero of the itquad includes F ho apceplnnre end presentation to the whe iroper hgeiii'ies of the federal govern- bu i nent o f vnrium <'l:iim* prorcntud by bro ’onncr servire i’lthimh. Tlieao claims hall nclude applicritlmi* for compensation sire in tho purl .if i»e» H'hn woro .llaabled l,cr n tho servire, nml for ^-ocatlonnl trnin son fig bv vetprani »lin nrc hnndicappod sigt )V Ihcir dinnl.illii.’-- Claims for travel lilowu.ice. aHolineiil* nnd o thers of IIP ilmllar nntiires 'velf a* adv ire mid H f isslslanre relallv.' to war risk insur'-ll** mco cnmo mWM 'b o ftT

....W hile, medinil exnminer; P. H .:

;i.i.lge la charge nf voeiilional tfa in lng OO' ■liilmV; W. N. iivdnlrii, iU ebargo o f , i '.iiiiiwinntinn nmi iaiiurnnce clnim s;) Ved M W arner. rPiiri-«onlatlvo of th o ;. \nieripaii Ri;d Cro«, nnd Iv. p . Bartek , | teimgtiijibcr. i T

Tlie squad is «clieilule(l lo rem ain Twi lere ihroiiglmut this week and will thn iiainlxla ufflevi i'u the Red Cross ,ral ooma. tho


______ V«riv o re tt H alo to Spend N o x t T en Doya, "JV inO utso^yaflO ucstof.M nnlelpA U ty

Convieled of (heft of a sock o f coalI hlch hc bnd bpen pompollad to carryII hls bnek ti. Ihe s h e r i f f s offlco lo " lie cnurtboufe a fte r hia'npprohonsii.r. ' 11 thu riiilwav sB'itchyards Sunday e v c - j .f ilug I y SptVinl OHifCT Ororgo W ' "• tice, K vorctt llUln was this m o r n ln :L _ enlouccd bv J-ollco .ludgo Paul R. T ;- U t ter to siicnd tin- next len day- In fli- * ounty ja il ns llio cneat of tbe 'iiuniei., ^ lalltv. Seurch continuing to r Iwo lher i-icn whn are snid i» bnve iieen,Olt: inplicated with Hale In lho^«n»iIlg nperntlniia. ’ ^

--------- ^ ^

pocialJ^oieiS ™p w . . ■ • ; ; ; ;

A very Biireo-Hsful silver • .ji wns glv^,t y tbe O ttl UesvrvM M iW i. rW> j ' nom In th e lilgli . . . :o o l 'b i iKlni; o n ' latur.lnv nflernonn.- \ < . | . i - -n l .it ho ten la b h nnd <:>. ■ - r a j ' hnrming i.irlun- wilh . . t.i. i-n.,-1 II Ihp w hile c u rn inc - ' -u |..v r nn .'l iralded'r.iKs o f p irk . . - ..n th-i ” loor. M r., W illia-. un,| Ivfr-.\ C. Retbe poured ..^d the .U i-e i L-! lnn L ind. M ar;;ni.'. Ueeuo. n d e u L , . 'rou!.d.iU-. M-.i;:iieril.- Gmdv, NinallVIl. lowar.; ''I I, :-i''--itt n n ! Violot Ho!- iprinnii Ali-.i H iker presided 'I til.' -. I., 'lunnimcing the admir- I.'- • c.[" ;:i wli!-h was presented b> la ll '.'I ■■■■• '.le f irs t number was a vio- B • i.. I-' I edric Beaver aceompanlpd y M nrgnret Bcpbo a t thc jilnnn. iier'.‘ woro clever readings bv thc T Iisscf Helen Konlstnn, Octavla Wll, Ugh lamson and Helen Wolfo; piano Bolofflnoc y 't h i ) Misacs Mildred Tmecy, E d n a ‘of . ’n rro tt, M nrgnret Beebe nnd D o ro lh y jo f t fcoly. Misa Ogoretta Murrny ang do-ivJd IgbtfuIIy. M is t Alice Johnson nnd toll< Irs. T .'H . Irw in spoko on tho.uses nnd Tlic ceds of th e clnl'ronm. to n

Tho young people of the Intcm ied-. whi Uo L eague of llu- Methodist church' Inird d n delightful pirnic, a i thp park Snr- narrday n fternoon .''.F rom lo Jt.lO A ihero T/ere rousing ^. imes thnt bronght fllij,dequato-nppclilie-^ for the hounllful dueuiCDCon whirh wns rcrved bv th# su flooorvisors Into in the tifli.rnoon. } (jg

’ nndM r. and Mrs. C. .1. Schrooder were o f I

oata n i the ir country* hoihc Inst even- tiosag n't d inner to a pa rty o f friends from T•win FnlN. Covers were laid fo r Mr. shoind Mrs. Prank llaldwin. Mr. and. M rs th ti L 0 . PIckerKon Knd Mr. and Mrs. A.i'. Hiislcd. WO

Miss Fprn Kmpi nnd Dr. II. T. losc t n r m mr.iiied SninTdav ov in lng n t thc lelhodiri p.-irsi.nngo. Dr. E. L. W iite ffieiating. ^[^*. losot is tho onlv . _ ■ /tUB'it.f o f Dr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Erne* f H ftli avonuo east. 8 b c .ls a g r a r i - , j “[ ato of the Txvin F n lla 'b ljh school nnd n i lie;-:i fn r the p:ist vonr nn employo f the F irs t N 'a lIonal'bank. Dr. lo se t P “ ns Deeii in T in n J a i l s nhout a ycnr. nving purrliiued tUo den ta l ptac.tlco ' f the bile Dr. 0 . F . Baker. Ho hn* mde mauy personal frletids nnd cjtab-- alied a flno practico during tho m onths - ■ pent here D r. nnd M rs. le ae t aro majc- lg thoir homo Jn tho Colonial apart- icnts.

MliaourJ Foreslfiht.lo .preparing to r tho proverbial

olny dny don’t w a it u n til It b cg tn i t » ' prlnklo.—Jnm cson Com.


Boom 18, Booth B oildlsg

Bpecial a tten tio n givon to Chron­ic BhoomotlEm, H igh Blood Prci- ■Qro, Poo r Blood Oireulatlon aad ; - S tiff Jo ln ta follow ing froc turci. s All w ork nndor auporvlaion .of tho medical profession.

PH O N B 1077 I


. '1 . ' >iL:


Siren and Salute n i to Signal Silent [ I

Two Minutea Here ’U n e i i o a n . L o g ^ o Q M a k o s A r .

r a n g o m e n t s f o r O b s e r v a n o o ' o f T r i b a t e t o D e a d

A salute o f threo guna procoded by prolonged bbiat's o f a alVen whlatlo a t 6 ;he f i:o sta tion will bo tbo signal for th e ' beginning jn T n in F a llr o f . th o , 's ilo n l.tw o m inu tes” to bo observed ;hr»ughout the U nited S tates on Annls- Cc ;lco clay nex t F r id a y in honor of Amer- and ca '# known dead in tho world w ar. jo n t

During theso m inutes, beginning s t urdt 10 0. m. local limo, it is oxpected th a t i/oll liut* will bo removed nnd tl;a t ovoryono to C i\’ill atand n t a itun tion , spcoehle^ ond Mui :uotionleas. - of i

Festivities a t thc carnival gronndi tion ivhero tho A m erican Legion ftu l fe tt l- i, l>u obiervodvnl and A rm iatico day oalo- liratian is to be centered, a re to bo hailed promptly w ltb tho b la st o f-tbo p " , lircn, whilo a num ber of legion idem- i,„ i. bers havo been de tailed to remind per- _ " io n a 'm tho stree ts n t tho tim e o f thc lignlfi.'nnco of tho hour.

i r a l i i i i i B :■ n iE ir a M iD iE E

— • mileO o n n ty H e a l t h O f f i c e r B e p o r t s Oi

F o u r N o w O a s e s B r o n g h t t o L i g h t T o d a y -

--------- 2sr.iTliiit sfM lct fQvct to mound broi

Twin Falla is ga in ing somovrhnt and Ihnt families cannot be too careful in p i i (rntching tho health of the ir children ia LRI fho statem ent of D r. C. Q. McOlnnis, L lll ronnlv .h.wllh o ffieer. -

Dr.' .McGinnis says tbn t a total of I nbout \r, families n ffocted have come i lo li«hl-fo faf, w ith four now coaca rc- liorled lhi* morning. Tho dlicaae _ nmnuntH almnst to an epidemip, the H er offirlphlpclnro*. b

Mr. McGinnis calls n tten tion to thu .>01 lliat scnrlet fover usually mani. fesis lli-elf flrsi through soro throat mid HUggphls th n t' eomplainta o f thi>' ailment by children shonld bo checked O il ,ip promptly with th c nld of tho fqmilv qu"' [l.v-sirian.__________________ im r'


_______ lein,

3lty A ttorney T aylor O nmoina d t Homo „ K', A ftor E xtended B aste ra Vlait

Afl.-r nn nbsencc of aevoral m'onths' j ’**''' ipeat fnr the m ost jijiTl.at.hia old homo In- Sidney, 0 ., Tnvlor •Cummlna, Twin' , I’allH ntlornev, rotnrnpd tn Twtn Pnlls ' Sunday. M rk Cummins ami llltic ;!aii|'hfi.r did nnt nei’ompanv M r. Cum- n.ill.^ bu t will probably nrrlvo w ithin lho monlh. '

Mr. Cummins saya tha t financial con- .la litions lire tem porarily Improved, due Hlgl lu crop movcmont and genernl faU bus- thnt ittpss r r l lv lly bu t th a t the ontlook Is rcm i!nt .lenernlly regarded ns holdmg ouf be r much assuranro o f a n immrdinte return In ti lo the old limo prosperity. A conscrva.' reas tivo money m nrket w ilb inirlailed ered- nrrai lls preaents' the m ain foaturo of tho to ll (Ituntioa in tho middle west.


---------- high[altiatlon e f Candidate* fo r Degwa# *1'®"

BrlnjB M any Out-of-Town VlaitorBto L o c il lo d g e . ^ “ V

♦ • migliTho Monseheart Legion enjoyed a de-

lightful frolic S a turday ovoning ln con- M aoctlon wltb tho in itiation o f 'a class ociji )f 30 candlflotes to tho second dcgreo If® if tho order. Fou r aatomobileg bronght <iay visitors from Caldwell, five from Poca- s s :ello, nod threo from American Fall.s riie members of, tho locnl loglon, vial- :ors and candidateo formed In p a r n ^ - i t 7:80 nnd m arched to Parish h a > irhoro dinner was served, pheasan t b e ­ing the principal eourao. A bout ISO [larticipated Jn this p a rt of tho program.\ ahort program followed, when 0. 0 . biggins, ncLIng as toastm aster, Intro- luccd C. F. Allen of C aldw cH rD . P. loodmnn nnd C. D.X!Iny, Pocntello. Tho Misses Ocorclta nnd Veronns M nrray ind.MJss Kennedy sang. Tho remainder )f tho evening waa givon toU ioO nltla-Jon coremonics, ---------- .

Tho visllors spent Bundny phcnaasl - J (hooting, most of them return ing to I l i t i r homes today. ^


OniCAQO, (yp)—An IntcrnfttlimJir ■” lurJty eonferenee will be held hero Do. •ember 2r-29, it is nmrnmrrrrl. Tt will )0 held under.dir..rtii.n o f the W orld’s Purity fedpr.ltl<in-ivil!i liradnuarlers a t M l UCroaa, Wla. , — -•




■ - i ^ o v . ITwin Falls.:....: 6-12F ile r ......... 1 5 - i rB u h l..............18-23 IKimberly 28-29 M urtaugh..........30

' ) . Dec.B tirley.......... 2-6Oakley ...... ! 7-9 "Albion .......... 10-12


Twin Falls Man io Build Grav­el Highway South and E as t mu

of fh e City— ■ ■ sluncr

C ontract fo r tbo construction of five the and three-fourths milcs. o f gravel road lonthcast e f Twin. P a ils .w ar lato Bat- Stouln urday o«em oon awarded ny lho Twin ' I’ot I/alls highw ay d is trie t commJailoners >vill 1 to Charles H . M nll o f Tw in F i lls . Mr. ,withii M ull’s bid o f ♦27,403.50 was tho lowost to the of six proposals snbmKted. Construe- gin o: tion Is to begin a t onco. _ . tornej

A t the eamo .timo th e commissionen swarded a con tract fo r conatruetlon of 1 bridges and culverU on th is 'road to Pcrham nnd H arris,.tiio coatrac t prieo ' bring f8C48.G7. T his' concern la now F ‘“ '' employed Jn bu ild ing o bridge over tho Ugb line canal fo r tho d ialrict. l u b id * wos submitted to eover only the strue- Thi: lu res.- thank

From a point ono-half milo west nnd Dne-fourth mile south o f tho aogar fac- torj', lho now gravel toad Is 'to ho b u ilt “» for a dlftaneo o f ono and three-fourths ' milo aouth,' one milo oaat and three miles sooth.

O lher bids fo r road, construction w cr^ . tabchitod by tho commiaaioners ns fol- lotra; Keloeeko Conilraeiion company, HOI r30,133.SO; Templo and H arris, $2Q,-<Ku'K SSr.CO; H . B. Carnoll, $30,885^0; ■Roedl'C. W, hrolhcr... M l.704. m o w i

■ I.. . 'c rim ir

[flSTiH’S P B m iL l | - S C IW U L E S Iim P P i^

• _____ ■ 'Iny n

S e r io n s P r o b l e m i s ' P r e s e n t e d ngoJ ' b y D o n b lo E n g a g e m e n t f o r a t the

A r m is t i c e S o y J .

HALT LAKE CITY, U tah — Conch / Oil R/miney of tho Enat aigh ia in n | I rpihndnry u* n re*ult o f having two at- 'I '■ imetivo games schcdulpd for the samo nflernnon. -Tlie gnmcs nrc aet to bo (TOOplayed in d ifferen t state*, nnd, a* mod- -------)rn moans of transporta tion, w onderful H )I nsfthcy n te—w ill, no l .aolvo tlio' prob- i«g rclem, the Eaat high Irndcr la up a tre.'. --------

East l» due l>i meot Pnyaon a t Payaon FOI Priday nfternoon In tho scml-finol roomi, iiiftlch fur the *t»to football champion- (>1 Si.hi]'. This game is im portant to t h n ------U oparJy,-in tha t 11 means they iTiml WA ivln the conleat or forfeit tlieJr chancpa ^'on, t for th j fluto tit le . ti» talc

Also, East is dne to meet the Twii.F\illa, Idaho, clevon in tho Qcm atato •ily on IVlday in the fpnturo event of in Arinifltico dny progrnm. t

.Inmca E. Moaa, prc.nldent of tho Stnto. I l l 5 i High School A thle tic association, says [hnt n» far- as the aasojiiation is con- •cmcd, the Payton-East high-gamo will _ :ie played ns spheduled, ns preparation / PI n tho eoiilhorn clt?’ hna boon In prog, f ^ 'cas fo r aome time,’ nnd to ehOTlgo tbo r ^ irrangomonts would be highly nnfSlF “V ^ 0 t.ho'peoplo'of Pflyson.

I l has been auggeated-tlm t tbo Enst ligh coach divide his sqund and sonU- — }art o f tho player* to Pnvson and thu ■eoinlndcr to Twin Fnlir~ 'T his ,.how ^!vcr, la n o t deemed advlanbltrby E n a t -----ilgh bnckers, fo r tho renaon thn t, even hough Romnoy has—a—supcrior.-high t I ichool tenm, Jt_would ho doubtful poi- _ | J | ' cy to r isk de fea t Jn ordor (hot. ho n i ^ night Keep tw o.A ppointm ents on the lamo cWjjmooiL .

Mea-'itimo, Romney is looking lo th^ luija-Lcnrd forTv^aolutlon-of tho prob- Of a cm ond cxpeets to_innl5P_ji. decision to- lay o r^ m o rjp w . - thO

tm t I^fibley'Channa_ ‘


PRIEBE OFI— ____ -ThisWeeieaSA *12.00 Cut Qlnsa Vnae-fM-.___________•...A #14.00 Cut p laas/fiow l for ___A *24.00 Cut-'oiOBs W ofer Sot f o r ___ _

'~K. J li .O rB Ilv e r Boakot Vaao (Bhoffield) fiL4O.Oa.0liomold Vai(o for ----------------

.A I8.C0 Bhoffield T rivetlo fo r_________A «10.00 Clotkr8-.Toy w ilh a la m :_______

,_ A $25.00 Clock ( e le c t r ic )_________A «35,00 8 -D o y - « « k (w ith chime) :____

Tho above will givo you a fa ir idoa o f t havo thousands o f vnJncs a t tho i(

W. R. ST h o O l d R e l l a l j i c

has boen w ith you fourteen y oari nnd ■ anteo is worth Bomethlng, T hink twice I

.jew elry .

r, NQVEMBER 7,1921 .

in m s D iO D i i w . o nnnael for' Former OommiB- sionera to Filb Potition for


daliOK supremo court will b« askeil g ran t a ro-hoaring In tho case of ■in Fall* ’highway d iit r ic t commis- ncri removed from office "by. order the distric t court In tho caso of B. F. llton ngainat U. B. Channel, J . .M . 'ulHUilth and A. E . Larson.I’c lition for ro-bcaring in tho caae 11 b l filed w ith tho supremo coutl thin the noxt few days, 'according thl- sla tsm cnt today o f Shad L. Ifod- i of W allers, Hodgin and Bailey, a t ' •nevH for the former cotnmisslonen. , falhiro o f tho court lo dccido npon ) quebllon of pleading or demurrers I'tpwod by tho formor commbiaionor*II' be included as onc point in th.. Iltion, Mr. Hodgin said.

OABD o p TH AN S&rhis Is to express our ino it sincere inks and appreciation to the -f.ricnda,' ghl'ort nnd loyal fra tn rnal ordora. - ' tho many kind courtesies extonded . us during our recent loss.

Jock L. Andorson,Mr. nnd Mra. W. i t Wolfe,R. Wolfe. ndv.

w m . PEO BE OLAN lOUSTON, Texas. (/P )-P nbe o f tie

K lu x 'K lan w aJ ordorod by Judge W. Robinaon In hla charge to tSe V g ta n l ju ry tbi# mornloB tn th'e :ninal dia triet c (^ rt. ^


•\ineral aorviccs will bu held Tucs- I* nftornoon a t the Lnthernn church Glover for M rs. U lrirko U etm an, i

3d .SI yenr«,-wh(> died on tV ld o r la tt the h.imo of her daughter n t Clover.

C , l 6 . S 3 ± - ± ± & i

0 0 LATB FOB Pr.AflBTFIOAV l O m - ^

iX)R RENT—Two fron t housokeep- • rooms. 037 T h ird avo. W.

REI^T—Two unfurnlalied front-----m i, grnund floor, very' good localion. Sixth ave. No:------ i-------

VANTE1>-A- mnn o l g o o T ld u c a . ^ fl, strong ‘|Wf»ontilily,.ngnd 2S lo 45,taku charge of woU.{"lnnli!iliO-l bosr-----s ; I'.an w ilh au lo preferred. I want. ’ Ali s.ilrnman; exceptional oppnriun- for tbo rig h t mnn. .Seo li. A. Wi!- - j

ns -nt Perrhn j” initel, .Manilay nnd

■ : c

j F S ' ig liN y :-----

iJiipreni Testf^ a p a i r o f G la s s e s I s n o t in

l o ^ r l c e , b n t i n t h o s a t i s f a o -

o n t h e y g iv e . .4

mrqOMFORTCoes wiMverj Pair “ jplassesWe Fk - _cOU i n c o r n o o b l i g a t i o n b y

o n s n l t i n g u s a b o n t y o n r - e y e a — j

ttvroPTicrco. ^O o n s c i o n t lo u s S c i e n t i f i c —

O p t o m o t r i s t s

l O M a i ^ N . P h o n o l W . J

J <


...... 15.86— - — --------------- j7 .s e ------------------------------- --------- - |U .Cfi1_fo r__________________ «fl.8D___- ______________________$2.35 '

---------- -------------------- - - « . 0 5 • £_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ 11.85_______________________ _ I1LS6------------------ - ------- WB.05

f tho values wo oro* g iving. Wc .1 low prlcM . .

RIEBE ~ i[ l e J e w ^ e l e r 4

nd ia here to «tay. Bd onr gnar- e beforo you buy o dJoinond or ~

top related