˘ ˇˆ - electrical part manual s · for fast and selective protection of meshed corners,...

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1MRK 505 031-BUS

Revision: BIssued: November 2003

Data subject to change without notice

Three-Phase Terminal Three One-Phase Terminals

�������� • High speed general differential protection.Minimal operating time around 10 ms

• No interposing CTs are required, easyinstallation in existing stations for improvedpower network stability

• Numerical design with advanced features

• Three-phase version of the terminal withone measuring zone for up to six three-phase CT inputs

• One-phase version of the terminal with twomeasuring zones for up to eighteen CTinputs. Three terminals per protectionscheme are usually required, one for eachphase.

• Cost effective summation differential princi-ple is available with one-phase version ofthe terminal

• General differential protection can be usedfor protection of:

- meshed corners

- T-connections

- reactors

- autotransformers

- generators

- motors

- HV capacitor banks

- Buses with up to six bays per protection zone (three-phase version)

- Buses with up to eighteen bays per pro-tection zone (one-phase version)

• Low CT requirement, only 2 milliseconds tosaturation needed for correct operation

• Stability is ensured for through faults, evenwith heavy CT saturation, and a maximumremanence in the CT core during high-speed auto-reclosing

• Different CT ratios can be used in all bays.Although any CT ratio difference can beaccommodated a difference larger than10:1 is not practically viable.

• One hardware version for 1A and 5A CTs

• No switching in CT circuits

• No separate check zone or extra measur-ing criteria are necessary. The algorithmprovides full stability for open CT circuitcondition

• Software functionality ensures simpleadaptation to buses with the CT on onlyone side of the bus-section or bus-couplercircuit breaker

• Fixed, factory pre-configured input/outputconfiguration

• Display of analog service values for eachphase and zone of protection

• Event list with the last sixteen events

• Continuous self monitoring and diagnostics

• Front mounted menu driven display with akey pad for simple setting of the terminal

• Remote data communication via LON bus

• Available for 19 inch rack mounting, sur-face mounting or flush mounting

• Hardware characteristics:

- Pre-configured binary input and output modules

- Optional separate COMBITEST® test switch for reliable and safe testing

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The numerical, three-phase, general dif-ferential terminal RED 521 is designedfor fast and selective protection ofmeshed corners, T-connections, genera-tors, motors, reactors, autotransformers,HV capacitor banks, smaller buses etc.Up to six three-phase current inputs canbe included in the measuring zone. Ser-vice values for differential and incomingcurrents are displayed on the front HMIfor each phase.

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This protection function is intended forfast and selective tripping of faults in dif-ferent objects within the power system.Typical applications with principal CTlocations are shown in the following fig-ures:

Fig. 1 Single Bus with up to 6 bays

Fig. 2 Meshed Corners

Fig. 3 T-connections

Fig. 4 1½ Breaker Station with up to 6 diameters

Fig. 5 Single or Double Tank Autotransformers


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Fig. 6 Generators, Motors or Reactors Fig. 7 HV Capacitor Banks

Fig. 8 Two Single Buses with Bus-Section Breaker and up to five feeder bays on each side

For each of the six three-phase currentinputs, the rated CT primary current canbe set. In this way adaptation to differentCT ratios is provided in the simplest way.The minimum pick-up value for the differ-ential current is then set to give a suitablesensitivity for all internal faults. Multi-phase as well as single phase faults aredetected and tripped at high speed in sol-idly or low resistance grounded systems.For bus protection applications typicalsetting value for the minimum differentialoperating current is from 50% to 100% ofthe biggest CT. However for other typesof applications, for example generator dif-ferential, this value can be set more sen-sitive, down to 5% of the biggest CT.

All current inputs are indirectly providedwith a restraint feature. The operation isbased on the well proven RADSS per-centage restraint stabilization principle,with an extra stabilization feature to stabi-lize for very heavy CT saturation. Stabilityfor external faults is guaranteed if a CT isnot saturated for at least two millisecondsduring each power system cycle. It is alsopossible to block the differential functionwith an external binary signal.

The innovative measuring algorithm pro-vides stability also for the open CT circuitcondition, which means that no separatecheck zone is necessary. Pick-up currentlevel for open CT detection can usuallybe set to detect the open circuit conditionfor the smallest CT. This built-in featureallows the protection terminal to be setvery sensitive, lower than maximumthrough-load current. Upon detection ofopen circuits, the differential protectionwill be instantly blocked and an alarm isgiven. When the fault has been cor-rected, a manual reset must be given.This can be done locally from the frontHMI, via the LON communication or via abinary input.

Each CT input can be included orexcluded from the differential function insoftware. This can be done by setting oractivated externally via a binary input.This feature gives a simple control overthe connected current inputs for multi-zone applications. At the same time itgives the possibility for disconnection ofthe CT cores for bus-section or bus-cou-pler bays with CT only on one side of thecircuit breaker. This ensures correct and






1 2


3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5




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fast fault clearance of faults between theCT and the circuit breaker within thesebays.

A load transfer functionality is includedinto the design which allows simple appli-cations for double bus sections. Loadtransfer is activated externally via abinary input. When this input is activatedCT inputs 2 to 6 are included in the zone,but CT input 1 is disconnected. ThereforeCT input 1 shall be dedicated as the bus-coupler CT input.

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The RED 521 terminal has wide settingfacilities to ensure application flexibility.The settings are organized as the config-uration settings and the differential pro-tection function settings. One settinggroup is available.

Under configuration settings data, the CTprimary rated currents and the way howeach CT input is connected to the protec-tion zone are entered.

Under settings for the differential functionthe minimum operate current and sensi-tivity for open CT detection are entered.These settings are made directly in pri-mary amperes. The operating slope forthe differential function is fixed to 53% inthe algorithm.

Fig. 9 Diff. Function Operating Characteristic

The settings can be changed only fromthe front HMI. It is possible to block anysetting changes via an external binarysignal.

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The three-phase RED 521 terminalallows an effective scheme solution forapplications on smaller buses, due to thesoftware feature, which allows simplecontrol over the connected CT inputs.

Overall scheme engineering is quite sim-ple and very much standardised. Princi-ple drawings, for typical protectionschemes, are available from ABB.

The simple engineering and factory madeconfiguration combined with the highspeed tripping has made RED 521 a nat-ural choice as additional protection forsubstations for improved power systemstability.

Future switchgear extensions can beeither pre-engineered in the originalscheme design or the auxiliary equip-ment can be easily added at a laterstage. If the overall required number ofCT inputs are included in RED 521 hard-ware at the ordering stage, no softwarechanges are required within the RED 521terminals to facilitate these extensions.

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Internal relay supervision, open CT detec-tion and trip indications are available onthe front HMI LEDs (green, yellow & redLED respectively). The time-tagged eventlist, with resolution of 1 ms is available onthe front HMI or from another locationover the LON data communication sys-tem. The event list operates on first-in-first-out principle. The last sixteen eventsare available. The terminal internal realtime clock can be synchronized withminute pulse synchronization.

Service values for the differential and theincoming current per phase are availableon the front HMI.

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One remote communication port for LONbus can be included. It enables communi-cation with a station control system(SCS), where events can be logged andopen CT alarms and trip indications canbe reset.




Iin [Primary Amps]

I d [P


y A



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The numerical, one-phase, general differ-ential protection terminal RED 521 isdesigned for fast and selective protectionof elements of the power system with upto eighteen CT inputs per zone of protec-tion and phase. Usually three terminalsper protection scheme are required, onefor each phase. However, cost effectivesummation principle is available as well.

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Two one-phase differential functions areavailable in each terminal. These twoprotection functions are intended for fastand selective tripping of faults on largerbuses. Typical applications with principalCT locations are shown in the followingfigures:

Fig. 10 Single Bus with up to nine or eighteen bays (one or two AIM modules)

Fig. 11 1½ Breaker Station with up to 9 diameters

Fig. 12 1½ Breaker Station with up to 18 diameters

Fig. 13 Two Single Buses with Bus-Sectionalising Disconnector and up to eight feeder bays on each side of the switchgear





1 2 18






ZB1 2 9






ZB1 2 18









1 2 8 1 2 8



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Fig. 14 Two Single Buses with Bus-Section Breaker and up to eight feeder bays on each side of the switchgear

Fig. 15 Two Single Buses with Bus-Section Breaker and up to seventeen feeder bays on each side of the switchgear

For each of the eighteen current inputs,the CT rated primary current can be set.In this way adaptation to different CTratios is provided in the simplest way. Theminimum pick-up value for the differentialcurrent is then set to give a suitable sen-sitivity for all internal faults. Multi-phaseas well as single phase faults aredetected and tripped at high speed in sol-idly or low resistance grounded systems.For bus protection applications typicalsetting value for the minimum differentialoperating current is from 50% to 100% ofthe biggest CT.

All current inputs are indirectly providedwith a restraint feature. The operation isbased on the well proven RADSS per-centage restraint stabilization principlewith an extra stabilization feature to stabi-lize for heavy CT saturation. Stability for

external faults is guaranteed if a CT is notsaturated for at least two millisecondsduring each power system cycle. Bothprotection zones can be individuallyblocked with external binary signals.

The innovative measuring algorithm pro-vides stability also for open CT circuitcondition, which means that no separatecheck zone is necessary. Pick-up currentlevel for open CT detection can usuallybe set to detect the open circuit conditionfor the smallest CT. This built-in featureallows the protection terminal to be setvery sensitive, lower than maximumthrough-load current. At detection ofopen circuits, the differential protectionwill be instantly blocked and an alarm isgiven. This feature can however not befully utilised when the summation princi-ple is used.





1 2 8 1 2 8










1 2 17


1 2 17



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When the open CT circuit has been foundand corrected a manual reset must begiven. This can be done locally from thefront HMI, via the LON communication orvia a binary input.

Each CT input can be included orexcluded from two differential functions insoftware. This can be done by setting oractivated externally via binary input. Thisfeature gives a simple control over theconnected current inputs for multizoneapplications. At the same time it gives thepossibility for disconnection of the CTcores for bus-section or bus-coupler bayswith a CT only on one side of the circuitbreaker. This ensures correct and fastfault clearance of faults between the CTand the circuit breaker within these bays.

A load transfer functionality is includedinto the design, which allows very simpleapplications for double bus sections.Load transfer is automatically startedwhen any of the CT inputs 3 to 18 is con-nected at the same time to both differen-tial zones. It is also possible to start loadtransfer externally via a binary input.When load transfer is started, CT inputs 3to 18 are all included simultaneously intoboth zones. However CT inputs 1 and 2are at the same time disconnected fromboth zones. Therefore the CT inputs 1and 2 shall be dedicated as the bus-cou-pler CT inputs for these applications.

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RED 521 terminal has wide setting facili-ties to ensure application flexibility. Thesettings are organized as the configura-tion settings and the differential protec-tion function settings. One setting groupis available.

Under configuration settings data, the CTprimary rated currents and the way howeach CT input is connected to the protec-tion zones are entered.

Under settings for the differential func-tion, the minimum operate current andsensitivity for open CT detection areentered. Both settings are made directlyin primary amperes. These two settingsare common for both differential functionswithin the terminal. The operating slopefor the differential function is fixed to 53%in the algorithm.

Fig. 16 Diff. Function Operating Characteristic

The settings can be changed only fromthe front human-machine-interface (HMI).It is possible to block any setting changesvia an external binary signal.

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The one-phase RED 521 terminal allowsan effective scheme solution for applica-tions on larger buses, due to the softwarefeature, which allows simple control overthe connected CT inputs.

Overall scheme engineering is quite sim-ple and very much standardised. Princi-ple drawings, for typical protectionschemes, are available from ABB.

The simple engineering and factory madeconfiguration combined with the highspeed tripping has made RED 521 a nat-ural choice as additional protection forsubstations for improved power systemstability.

Future switchgear extensions can beeither pre-engineered in the originalscheme design or the auxiliary equip-ment can be easily added at a laterstage. If the overall required number ofCT inputs are included in RED 521 hard-ware at the ordering stage, no softwarechanges are required within the RED 521terminals to facilitate these extensions.

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Internal relay supervision, open CT detec-tion and trip indications are available onthe front HMI LEDs (green, yellow & redLED respectively). The time-tagged eventlist with resolution of 1 ms is available onthe front HMI or from another location




Iin [Primary Amps]

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y A



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over the LON data communication sys-tem. The event list operates on first-in-first-out principle. The last sixteen eventsare available. The terminal internal realtime clock can be synchronized withminute pulse synchronization.

Service values for the differential and theincoming current per protection zone areavailable on the front HMI.

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One remote communication port for LONcan be included in each terminal. Itenables communication with a stationcontrol system (SCS), where events canbe logged and open CT alarms and tripindications can be reset.

��� ! The physical design of the RED 521 ter-minal is in line with the other products inthe REx 5xx series. It is housed inpainted sheet steel enclosure, suitable fordifferent mounting by use of particularmounting accessories. Wire connectionsare made at the rear side of the terminal.All wires are connected by compressiontype of terminal tightened by a screw.Optical fibres for data communication arealso connected at the rear side. On thefront there is an HMI-panel with the com-mon look and feel with the other 500series terminals.

Behind the front cover, there is an inter-connection board (motherboard) to whichprinted circuit boards (PCBs) are pluggedin from the rear side. The input modulefor analog AC quantities is fixed mountedand the connection terminal for these cir-cuits are also fixed mounted. The con-nection terminals for the DC contactcircuits are of the multi-pole detachabletype, to facilitate easy disconnection forexchange of PCBs.

It is possible to synchronize the real timeclock within RED 521 terminal by usingthe minute pulse from the station clock.

The following hardware modules can beincluded in the RED 521 terminals:

���!� ���� ���� '�#() providesgalvanic separation and adaptation of theAC signals to the levels accepted by theterminal hardware. The analog inputmodule facilitates both 1A and 5A CTconnections on the same hardware.Choice is made by connection of the CTsecondary wire to the appropriate tap. Toaccommodate different applications,there are two variants of each version of

the terminal with one or two analog inputmodules. Each analog input module hasnine current inputs. The analog inputmodule contains analog to digital convert-ers (AD-converters). Some digital low-pass filtering of AC input signals is per-formed on the AIM module as well.

(� ����������� ���� does the ana-log and digital data processing for theprotection functions. A communicationinterface for connection to a station con-trol system (SCS) via LON bus can beincluded as well.

��*�������+� ���� with DC/DC con-verter supplies all power required by theinternal electronic circuits and providesthe required barrier against electromag-netic disturbances.

, ��+� ���-������� ����� can be oftwo different types. Binary input module,BIM, with 16 optocoupler inputs and abinary output module, BOM, with 24 out-put relay contacts.

&����������.(#����, there are threelight-emitting diodes (LEDs), one LCDdisplay with 4 lines with 16 characters perline and a six-button key pad.

/� � ��� �� �������� ����(CIM) is available as an option. It is usedfor connection of the RED 521 terminal tothe ABB intelligent air insulated switch-gear (I-AIS) power process highway(PPH) bus. Connection to the PPH busallows free use and any combination ofABB optical instrument current transform-ers and traditional magnetic currenttransformers within the same protectionzone.

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Rated Current Burden

Ir = 1 A or 5 A< 0.25 VA at Ir

(0.2-30) x Ir(0.2-4) x Ir continuously

(0.03-100) x Ir100 x Ir for 1 s*

Frequency fr = 50/60 Hz ±2.5 Hz ±5 Hz

Auxiliary DC voltage EL

Power consumptionbasic terminal

EL = (24-60) VEL = (90-250) V

≤ 33 W



Binary input (16) moduleDC voltage RL

power consumptioneach I/O boardRL24 = 24/30 VRL48 = 48/60 VRL110 = 110/125 VRL220 = 220/250 V

RL24 = 24/30 VRL48 = 48/60 VRL110 = 110/125 VRL220 = 220/250 V

≤0.5 Wmax. 0.05 W/inputmax. 0.1 W/inputmax. 0.2 W/inputmax. 0.4 W/input



Binary output (24/12)modulepower consumption

each output boardeach output relay

≤ 1 W≤ 0.25 W

Ambient temperature 20°C -5°C to +55°C -20°C to +70°C

Ripple in dc auxiliary voltage max. 2% max. 12% Full wave rectified

Relative humidity 10-90% 10-90% 0-95%

* Max 350 A for 1 s when COMBIFLEX test switch is used

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Ambient temperature 0.01%/1°C Correct function

Ripple in auxiliary DC voltage negligible Correct function

Interruption in auxiliary DC voltagewithout resettingno unwanted function

≤ 50 ms0 - ∞

≤ 50 ms0 - ∞

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1 MHz burst disturbance 2.5 kV IEC 60255-22-1, Class III

Electrostatic discharge 8 kV IEC 60255-22-2, Class III

Fast transient disturbance 4 kV IEC 60255-22-4, Class IV

Surge immunity test 2-4 kV, 1.2/50 µs, high energy IEC 61000-4-5, Class IV

Radiated electromagnetic fielddisturbance

10 V/m, 26-1000 MHz EN 61000-4-3, level 3

Conducted electromagnetic fielddisturbance

10 V/m, 0.15-80 MHz EN 61000-4-6, level 3

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Electromagnetic emission radiated 30-1000 MHz, class A EN 55011

Electromagnetic emission conducted 0.15 - 30 MHz, class A EN 55081-2

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��� ���������� �� �������������

Dielectric test 2.0 kV AC 1 min IEC 60255-5

Impulse voltage test 5 kV, 1.2/50 µs, 0.5 J IEC 60255-5

Insulation resistance > 100 MOhm at 500 V DC IEC 60255-5

��0��61 (���� ��������

��� ���������� �� �������������

Vibration Class I IEC 60255-21-1

Shock and bump Class I IEC 60255-21-2

Seismic Class I IEC 60255-21-3

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Max. system voltage 250 V AC, DC

Test voltage across open contact, 1 min 1.0 kV RMS

Current carrying capacitycontinuous1 s

8 A10 A

Making capacity at inductive loadwith L/R > 10 ms

0.2 s 1.0 s

30 A10 A

Breaking capacity for AC, cosϕ > 0.4 250 V/8.0 A

Breaking capacity for DCwith L/R < 40 ms

48 V/1 A110 V/0.4 A220 V/0.2 A250 V/0.15 A

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Binary input/output module voltage com-pression

250 V AC 2,5 mm2

2 x 1 mm210 A 30 A

Analog input module voltage/current com-pression

250 V AC 4 mm2 20 A 500 A

Voltage Ring Lugs 250 V AC 5.3 mm2 10 A 30 A

Current Ring Lugs 250 V AC 5.3 mm2 20 A 500 A

Fiber connectors Glass: Bayonet STPlastic: Snap in Simplex Latching

��0��91 ��� � ���!���������


483 mm (1/1 of 19” rack)6U = 266 mm245 mm

Storage temperature -40°C to +70°C

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Time tagging resolution 1 ms (relative time)

Number of Event List entries 16

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Rated frequency fr 50 or 60 Hz

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�������� %������ $� ����������������

Differential current operating level Diff Oper Level 1 - 10000 A; in step of 1A

Stabilizing slope s 53% fixed

Open CT sensitivity Open CT Level 1 - 5000 A; in step of 1A

Operate time 12 ms, typically

Trip Reset Time 10 cycles, typically

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Set CT rated primary current CT Prim Inp x -10000 - +10000 A; in step of 1A

Determine the way how CT input is con-nected to the protection zone

ZoneSelection / CTx Contact Ctrl / Fixed to ZA /(Fixed to ZB) ( ) only available in one-phase version of the terminal

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RED 521


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RED 521


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RED 521


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The numerical, three-phase, general differential terminal RED 521 is designed for fast andselective protection of meshed corners, T-connections, generators, motors, reactors, HV capac-itor banks, smaller buses etc. Up to six three-phase bays can be included in the measuring zone.One 16 channel input board and one 24 channel output board with fixed configured inputsrespectively outputs are provided. One or two AIM boards, each equipped with three, three-phase analog inputs, can be selected. A CIM board for PPH communication can be additionallyprovided. No CAP or SMS modules are available for this version.

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Casing with connection board and front HMI panel, 6U 19 inch

Main processor module

One BIM module

One BOM module

Auxiliary power supply module 110-250 V

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Service value reading for differential current and incoming (i.e. bias) current

Event List with 16 entries

Event Reporting via LON bus

One three-phase differential function, open CT detection, load transfer

Configuration of the three-phase RED 521 terminal is fixed with inputs and outputs according to the terminal diagram 1MRK 002 002-AA

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4 bays 1MRK 002 001-AA

6 bays 1MRK 002 001-BA

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Nominal frequency: 50/60 Hz (selectable by setting)

Rated CT input current 1/5 A (selectable by tap)

CT connection terminal type compression ring lugs

Rated auxiliary dc voltage ELfor Power Supply Module

24-60 V 90-250 V

Select rated dc voltage RL for optocoupler binary inputs

24/30 V 48/60 V 110/125 V 220/250 V

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Plastic 1MRK 001 608-AA

Glass 1MRK 001 608-CA

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COMBITEST test switch module RTXP 24 No 1 for the first AIM.

On/Off switch for the terminal dc-supply

1MRK 000 371-EA

RK 795 017-AA


COMBITEST test switch module RTXP 24 No 2 for the second AIM. 1MRK 000 371-EB


The test switches have external star point connection of three-phase CT groups.Each RTXP 24 test switch module will be mounted in a separate RHGS 6 case with window door.One test switch per analog input module (AIM) is required so two test switches are needed if two analog input modules are used. Connections between the AIMs and test switches are not made in the factory. These connec-tions have to be done by the user.

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Mounting details with IP40 degree of protection from the front for protection terminal case and if needed for extra test switch case(s):

19” rack


1MRK 000 020-CA

One Testswitch case

1MRK 000 020-BE

Two Testswitch cases

1MRK 000 020-BB

Wall mounting 1MRK 000 020-DA 1MRK 000 020-DA 1MRK 000 020-DA

Flush mounting 1MRK 000 020-Y 1MRK 000 020-Y 1MRK 000 020-Y

Additional sealing for IP54(Only available for flush mounted terminal)

1MKC 980 001-2

No mounting details

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User’s Guide for RED 521 1MRK 505 031-UEN

For our reference and statistics we would be pleased if we are provided with the following application data:

Country: End user:

Station name: Voltage level: kV

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The one-phase RED 521 general differential protection terminal can be used for protection oflarger buses with up to 18 bays. Two measuring zones (one phase) are available in each termi-nal. Usually three terminals per protection scheme are required, one for each phase. One or twoAIM modules, each equipped with nine current analog inputs, can be included. The one-phaseRED 521 terminal is also equipped with two or three 16 channel input boards (depending onnumber of ordered AIM modules) and one 24 channel output board. All these boards are withfixed configuration. In addition, a CIM board for PPH communication can be provided. NoCAP or SMS modules are available for this version.

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Casing with connection board and front HMI panel, 6U 19 inch

Main processor module

Two or three BIM modules

One BOM module

Auxiliary power supply module 110-250 V

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Service value reading for the differential current and the incoming (i.e. bias) current.

Event List with 16 entries

Event Reporting via LON bus.

Two one-phase differential functions, open CT detection, load transfer

Configuration of the one-phase RED 521 terminal is fixed with inputs and outputs according to the terminal diagram 1MRK 002 004-AA.

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9 bays 1MRK 002 003-AA

�8 bays 1MRK 002 003-BA

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Nominal frequency: 50/60 Hz (selectable by setting)

Rated CT input current 1/5 A (selectable by tap)

CT connection terminal type compression ring lugs

Rated auxiliary dc voltage ELfor Power Supply Module

24-60 V 90-250 V

Select rated dc voltage RL for optocoupler binary inputs

24/30 V 48/60 V 110/125 V 220/250 V

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Plastic 1MRK 001 608-AA

Glass 1MRK 001 608-CA

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ABB Automation Products

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3 pcs SLCE 8-1 summation transformers on apparatus plate (2U high) 1/1 A 1MRK 000 643-EA

3 pcs SLCE 8-1 summation transformers on apparatus plate (2U high) 5/1 A 1MRK 000 643-FA

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COMBITEST test switch module RTXP 24 No 1 for the first AIM.

On/Off switch for the terminal dc-supply

1MRK 000 371-EA

RK 795 017-AA


COMBITEST test switch module RTXP 24 No 2 for the second AIM. 1MRK 000 371-EB


The test switches have external star point connection of three-phase CT groups.Each RTXP 24 test switch module will be mounted in a separate RHGS 6 case with window door.One test switch per analog input module (AIM) is required so two test switches per each terminal are needed, if 18 bays version is used. Therefore if three terminals are ordered six test switches will be delivered. Connections between the AIMs and the test switches are not made in the factory. These connections have to be done by the user.

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Mounting details with IP40 degree of protection from the front for protection terminal case and if needed for extra test switch case(s):

19” rack


1MRK 000 020-CA

One Testswitch case

1MRK 000 020-BE

Two Testswitch cases

1MRK 000 020-BB

Wall mounting 1MRK 000 020-DA 1MRK 000 020-DA 1MRK 000 020-DA

Flush mounting 1MRK 000 020-Y 1MRK 000 020-Y 1MRK 000 020-Y

Additional sealing for IP54(Only available for flush mounted terminal)

1MKC 980 001-2

No mounting details

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User’s Guide for RED 521 1MRK 505 031-UEN

For our reference and statistics we would be pleased if we are provided with the following application data:

Country: End user:

Station name: Voltage level: kV

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Numerical differential protection terminalis intended for the selective, reliable andfast protection of buses, T-connections,meshed corners, generators, autotrans-formers, etc. The terminal shall be appli-cable for the protection of mediumvoltage (MV), high voltage (HV) and extrahigh voltage (EHV) installations at apower system frequency of 50Hz or60Hz. The terminal shall be able to detectall types of internal phase-to-phase andphase-to-ground faults in solidlygrounded or low impedance groundedpower systems, as well as all internalphase-to-phase faults in isolated or high-impedance grounded power systems.

For all applications, it shall be possible toinclude 1A and 5A primary CTs, with upto 10:1 ratio difference within the samedifferential protection zone. There shallbe no requirements for any auxiliary CTs.Compensation of different main CT ratiosshall be achieved numerically by aparameter setting.

The differential protection function shallhave completely phase-segregated mea-surements. The minimal operating time incase of internal fault shall be around 10milliseconds, with guaranteed stability ofthe differential function for external faultseven with very high short-circuit currentsand heavy CT saturation. The facility toselectively block differential functionswith an external binary signal shall beprovided.

The terminal shall include the ability todetect CT open circuit condition. Noincorrect operation of the protection ter-

minal shall occur for CT open circuit con-dition and an alarm shall be issued to thesupervisory system. Stability of the differ-ential function must be guaranteed evenfor the case when only two feeders areconnected to the zone of protection andthen one of the two CTs is accidentallyopen circuited under full through-loadcondition. It shall be possible to reset theCT open circuit condition locally orremotely via the communication. Reset ofthe CT open circuit condition shall onlybe possible if there is no differential cur-rent detected in the protected zone.

Future station extensions must notrequire any software or hardware modifi-cations within the protection terminal ifthe finally required number of CT inputsare allowed for in the terminal at theordering stage. It must be possible to addfuture bays on a one-by-one basis.

Comprehensive and continuous self-monitoring of the protection terminal shallensure no incorrect operations of the dif-ferential function in case of internal relayfailure. The terminal shall be providedwith a front mounted menu drivenhuman-machine-interface. Display of theservice values for differential current andtotal through-load current for each phaseand zone of protection shall be provided.An event list with the last 16 events shallbe available. Communication to the sta-tion control system shall be included.

The summation bus differential principleshall be available as a cost effective solu-tion for less demanding applications.

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ABB Automation Products

��������� Series RE 500mechanical packaging and connection 1MRK 510 010-BEN

COMBITEST® Test system 1MRK 512 001-BEN

Auxiliary relays RXMS 1 1MRK 508 015-BEN

Bistable relays RXMD 1 1MRK 508 017-BEN

Compact current relay RXHL 411 (3Ph BF initiation) 1MRK 509 049-BEN

Breaker failure relay RAHB 411 (1Ph/3Ph initiation) 1MRK 509 070-BEN

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�,,�#�"�0���� ������ �� ������������ �4300, Coral Ridge DriveCoral Springs, FL 33065USATel: (954) 752-6700 Toll Free: 800-523-2620Fax: (954) 345-5329

�,,�#�"�0���� ������ �� ������������ ��7036, Snowdrift RoadAllentown, PA 18106USATel: (610) 395-7333 Toll Free: 800-634-6005Fax: (610) 395-1055

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�,,�#�>� �+����� �� �3450 Harvester Rd, Burlington,Ontario L7N 3W5Tel: (905) 639-8840Fax: (905) 639-8639

(���������� �,,����� �� ��������!+�����������,Substation Automation SE-721 59 VästeråsSwedenTelephone: +46 (0) 21 34 20 00Facsimile: +46 (0) 21 14 69 18Internet: www.abb.com/substationautomation

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