________________ employment & career services committee ________________ the job interview part...

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Employment & Career Services Committee



Part II – The Interview


Employment & Career Services Committee


Seminar Overview

• The interview• What really matters• Appearance• Behavior, good and


• Topics to avoid• Questions to ask• Salary negotiations• Afterwards


Employment & Career Services Committee


Impact of Your Presence

• Never distract the interviewer

• Impact of one’s presence:– 55% body language– 38% voice tone– 7% word content


Employment & Career Services Committee



• Dress to blend• Good grooming is

important• Don’t be late


Employment & Career Services Committee



• Lean forward to show interest

• Keep your hands away from face and head

• Do not fold your arms across your chest

• Make eye contact, but don’t stare

• Try to smile occasionally

• Try to sound enthusiastic


Employment & Career Services Committee



• Do not over-talk

• Do not display arrogance

• Do not use profanity or risqué humor

• Restrain any distracting physical habits

• Do not complain about peripheral items

• Do not make negative references to others


Employment & Career Services Committee


The First Few Minutes

• Try to establish rapport• Thank the interviewer for

their time• Ask where you should sit,

etc.• Ask the interviewer if he

needs another copy of your resume

• Shake hands


Employment & Career Services Committee


Topics to Avoid

• Sex

• Race and ethnicity

• Religion

• Money

• Lunch

• Who you know in the organization

• Don’t compliment their appearance


Employment & Career Services Committee


Questions You Should Ask

• What is it like to work for the group manager?• What is the corporate culture? The group culture?• The training and continuous education policy• The group structure & prospects for advancement• Turnover rate• Why did the previous person leave?• Detailed job description


Employment & Career Services Committee


Salary Negotiations

• Do not mention salary prematurely

• Know beforehand what you are worth and how much you need

• Do not be the first one to mention a number

• Salary is not everything


Employment & Career Services Committee


Last Minute Traps

• “What a relief. It’s almost over!”

• Lunch


Employment & Career Services Committee


The Last Few Minutes

• Verify the next step.

• Say “Thank you”, and smile

• Leave


Employment & Career Services Committee


Follow Up!

• Send Thank-You letter• Debrief yourself


Employment & Career Services Committee



• “Get Hired”, by Paul Green, Bard Books, Inc. ISBN# 1-885167-14-8

• “Engineer’s Guide to Lifelong Employability”, IEEE Press, ISBN# 0-87942-314-5

• “What Color Is Your Parachute?” by Richard Bolles, Ten Speed Press. ISBN# 0-89815-633-5

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