fall of man original sin carnal knowledge aetiological adam and eve

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Very Brief Overview of Biblical References

Fall of man Original Sin Carnal Knowledge Aetiological

Adam and Eve

Sibling Rivalry Fratricide Mark of Cain “Am I my Brother’s Keeper?”


Cain and Abel

Flood Myth 40 Dove Olive branch Rainbow



Babel: gate of God Hebrew for – to confuse Control/autonomy Scatters people Charter

Same meaning as Adam and Eve

Tower of Babel

First Patriarch Covenant of Abraham recognized by

Christian Muslim Jewish

Abraham and Sarah

Covenant Sarah Hagar Ishmael Isaac


Abraham and Sarah

Abram (later called Abraham) is a handsome

(although older – 75) man from Ur. He is the son of Terah, who is a descendant of Shem the oldest son of Noah (ancestory important)

Sarai (later called Sarah) becomes his wife

Abram and Sarai

Abraham’s nephew Lot and Abram have to split up

because they have too many flocks between them for the small amount of land. Abram gives Lot all the good land (he lets Lot choose) in the plain of Jordan, near Sodom. Abram then moved to Canaan.

God says to Abram, “Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west. All of the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted…” (Genesis 13:14-16)

Banished son

Patriarch of the Arabs and Islam Lived in Middle East in hostility with all of his

brothers. Legacy Covenant

Adonai – God sees all Canaan (promised land) Rebekah (promised sign) Aetiological

Isaac and Ishmael

Wickedness and sin punished Sodom Abraham’s nephew Lot’s wife Two daughters

Moab Ben-Ami

Moabites and Ammonites – hostility towards Israel throughout the Bible

Lot – Sodom and Gomorrah

Canaan – the promised land

Sibling rivalry Cheated legacy

Jacob and Esau

Devotion 7 Rachel Leah 12 Tribes of Israel

Jacob and his Wives

Covenant passed on from Abraham 70 rungs symbolizing the 70 year period of

captivity in Babylon A connection between God and his people

Jacob’s Ladder

Tribes of Israel Jacob’s broken hip


Babylonian Captivity 70 years controlled by the Assyrians Only two tribes returned to Israel

Joseph and Benjamin

Jacob’s Children

Sibling rivalry Robe Forgiveness Patriarch Covenant


Plagues Releasing of the Jews Covenant full filled Plagues

Blood Frogs Gnats Flies Livestock Boils Hail Locusts Darkness

Passover Exodus Red Sea

Moses and Pharoah

10 Commandments Manna Mount Sinai

Faithful Compassionate Rules


Excellent military leader Successor Promised Land Jericho

Moses = sun Joshua = moon


Weak and distrustful Judges King Samuel David

King Saul and David

40 year reign Jerusalem Bathsheba Solomon

King David

Wayward son Forgiveness David’s punishment

3rd son of David Great hair


2nd son of David Wise Two Women Temple

Olive wood tree Cherubim Palm tree

Ark of the Covenant Loved women

King Solomon

Faithful and patient Satan and God Blessed


From Moab Naomi Husband Boaz Obed

Jesse David


Blind, Unwaivering Faith Prophet for Babylonian King King Nebachanezzer Shadrach Meshach Abednego

fire King Belshazzar

Strange handwriting “Hand writing on the wall”

King Darius Lion’s Den


Selfish prophet Nineveh Storm Great fish

3 days Chastisement


King Ahab – persecutor of Hebrew prophets Jezebel


Spoonful of flour



Betrayal Judge of Israel Delilah Nazarenes vs. Philistines

Samson and Delilah

Baptism Cousin Repentance “A voice in the Wilderness” 40

John the Baptist

Miracle for the faithful 5 2 12

Feeding of the 5000

8 “Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the

kingdom of Heaven” “Blessed are the Meek, for they will inherit the

earth.” Matthew 5:3-10


“Do unto others as you would have them do to

you.” Luke 6:31

Golden Rule

“Prince of the devils” Matthew 12:24


Forgive your enemies

The Last Supper

Symbol of ultimate betrayal Iscariot 30 Dogwood kiss


Guards the gates of Heaven Leader Rome Catholic Pope “Guardian of the gates of Heaven” Patriarchal Figure

Saint Peter

Souls saved from Hell

Harrowing of Hell

Final war – destruction of all Armageddon Apocalypse

Alpha and Omega 7 Seals 4 horse men: Revelations 6 Beast/Antichrist 666 Dragon New Jerusalem Second Coming

Armageddon and the Apocalypse

Gabriel Michael Raphael and Uriel

Archangels (servants of God)

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