
Post on 27-Oct-2019






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Palent Medicines,







Eureka Headache Powder"


Plln~ Drugs

Parb and Paul Wirl Fountain Pens, lEvt~ry PtlU WI'L·r~\n~ed i.



Toilet Articles

,Skin }t\>od for (Jhapl)~d Hnnd~ ,lind Face

Old Phone 79""

at Portland, Ore~on"isnow open. Why II:0t t~ke a trip therethis sum~er': If YO~ do ISO remember to !ii~. that ,our lticlrtltread!) via thu




IDenver & Rio Grande 'Railroad,

I ,.-, ,.' I• j. • :.'

thus iostmng to yo\\tBelf the'benefit of the Ulagnific~mt scou­nry with which this il\nd ahiJUIidH_ Andlit your ticket it+pur­I1h~<;ert Iloth wa,y~ ov'er the DtJU\'er and Rh~ Grande' yon Clinr"k(l BdV'Butl~Knof itl t,wn TontI'S througb f,ho' Rocldea'. usingone Koitlg &ll/I Ul'J cJther returnillil. Wr,ito tor il1~&trQtod

palll{lltJttl t,o B, K. HOOP~~U,0, P. & 1'. A,. l)envllr.OQlorado.

The: Anchor Grain Co"Phone 109


+++++++:.+++++++++++++++++.+++++++.......++++••• ;:.....

'5C·U'·00·LI· .... .' .I' .: :,' I

" .... :'"...,:, .

( I" I'


I !;,tichool B~ok8, ComposlllOn Hooks, Tahlet~, Plc~cils7 9rayo'~~~I'" I

Ink~ .wd ever) thin~ nC{'(kd In the :-~ tl(lol ftllJ!!). Our tablet ancr'l:()mpo~ltion hooks arc lhe UEST \'rlluc~ fqr i.l~l.: r~4IJJc).· ,

J :,'-...--_._------'--.....


11'1 '

II ~,\~i~l'\:[~-N NTH YmA,R.

II ;---1-1-1- C-A-L-D~~ED~is{t~d duck hun al~~h~ E~hQ~lll(~nthe CQ~U~~Y it Waf! cO-{der, r~in{ng In.:;' i.~, wIll only be a. f~w ye~rB w~eD.-B AD) Y S L B Ptilwp wa up from .sIOUX Cur !nd bea8tly ra.;J and iIJ81lgreeable Bat wlthput a donbt. ever 81dewalk In IthI 11- ,.... \he l&tl&r~a.r\iof 1 t wet,k.. ~ I tl).16 wee.ther ~ageR otte.nt guess rght; mty ;nil be c~ment 8 one or bnCk.,I I, I I I '-'1. h I $0 do doc~ol'll lD dJagoo811Jg Oall'8, L,J.I ~'ridSy atlern on Marshal In

MisA, Je m~ Gae tner s tel\C lng 1ll I I 1\ '~hfld df P. F. Pannebaker thc,cilo~sat out ~iOJxOIIY .John R Mortl' al~'l ':"lle r.tuTUe erm\tthetramand ,re'te~ a YIn

II '7 I III " I I K J home lllst Monday from WatflR whhe trav~IlDg' saI"8mq,n fo an unpaid hl 1 •1 I I Jured. M'r~ B sted r a Mrt Henry e I~ th Y have VJ81ted tlie last fonr months oneif the Norfolk h ~elrieB. For un

I jr\ I 1-- ~C)gg er at lDRileHarurda:Y1 I Wl1h.amMonia,a-bp.PheJoflloh~ l(.'s e.t~l africndintow loaned him th{ULLS IPLUG FROM MACHINE MfH. Jt~'.IK 'Imcy of '1111HHle, waH a OLl.U1~ wlth t~lt:m. He WIlt take ~p lila whe eWltb to squate matte~ an h

II I I 11.-- --- ~-- . WaynrVlJ8ito Mo dayllfternoon. I howomthesottlemont ......pilorrolllnc1ox wasjper,mitted to 0 his '(Nay ull III Jeti'll BoHJng ater Pour clver Us charl~.rll Mc alei wentt to Rwux Clt~ AttOrLHlY ~lw~n rHlJorl~M that therE, :COllvljlllCerl that It doe I,~ pay ~o goth to Strip Three Miles Wide Sai~ tiP be AnIf ,I I Arms and Breast··Mottler to have nfoy 8 tr ated his week wan: four Inrtliij 11.", WlJlJ,~k h"HtI/W1,;ljk B NSf tau flomeOlW e Be B Wi10 Wlt

lau the Aftec::ted OJstrict••C~n.

II I I 11


IActs' Prbmptlv. I Att~r~1 J. lldb rg W;;~fl rlowg bOfI1- Mr.OloBl:IOll (Jf O~rroll, i.leclare~ that haviloF( t~e money to ayall Ibills Icon 8~~erable Loss. I

II I I II _ r ness in nat 0 b tween trainH Toefl· there Wure t,en 10 iva towp (lurl~g the traeted. I LII I Tb~ 11~~~10nth<;-old oliUp lof P 1 F. I day. I I same tune IIowevfJr, W1Dflide ~r still I L.lo :Mettleton ap family of Hos Hog cholera haa for some n-e~~ pastII :&i\tULha.1{rl¥ wl\s rettY~B~v;reIY scalded Edltor~los en a the Curroll Iuch,,,, conceded to 1J(' tho morn popu,oUfltowu. kinsl precinct, lo~v I today for Sa been creating considerable ha.,.~w the ,II Jl:Jout

l1ts ~~iln'ls arm and blre~F1tl on II was c~rc I atl in o.yne Monday after- I \\'lDslde ha.8 not 'Luon HollIe 1101' Iret to ~TaClflto, California, to make the' f!Iwtne herdl!l eMt of Wayne, Pr0/ Iwe aleo,

Illhat WBdfif>sday t tho horne or IE I B ooo~. II ~~ll1tB water bondl:l of $10 COO WhlCh future homo Mr. 1M ttleton 18 onr, 0 learn that a few herds in the D h pa.rtII dJhli(.I)('Ht(j~ in PI m Or ek THe ramilyl Mra: 4fT. hap{n of W1D81de, was Iwere voted ~o be 188Ue[\' I HOr:W i10nthH Wayne county'r.; gO:d ¢ittzens and tr of Wilbur precinct are prettr badly

, II ~[ WRS bei g d De 1U tbe rootP l bere Su.r.\.iiay ISit-lpg h~r sll~ter Mu ago They bea.r /j per cout alld Itl seems peldua farmers w a finds this~ 1 o\" affeoted by it East of the ett,J' .Tohnr

IwHere theJlittle De wts and unnotJcea l c:. P H If b k ' L j a8 though mvestorB would "'d.ot them neCdH8!U~on account fhealth. M~. . Koeford, Oharley NleB8, Anguet S"m-j I, j I T' . ~f.C c c . I I I 'dl If b· Ii' b dl tl.eUlon, B. Welbaum, Renty IRubeck ;II tly t'lioRe ~reflen the c 11d crept Ita I tlte }~ d Ph-n and W U Gamble were and Aomeone Wll1 probably gather them a.~ one 0 18 son a. y use u. j

II ~uHhhi~ 1Uo.ohl e just after a Iboilet of re'l 1 • • lD before long , wltb rheumatIsm atl believe thel cl Ed Sa.muelson and. Mrs. ReP~~16 haveIh, Ih it I d passengeflJ T ssdar morDIng for North J mate or the C08l:lt c() try will be!be lost very heaVily on account

lof the

• vt wate~ I ad 13 eDler ptled into laD Platte, ~~br ka. I A ]<; Llttell had to beglU teJ',ch1D8 eflcial' , I disease, and it; il said a strjp aboutIII !unetl the plug' rom he macbine~ landl Atto '11 L d 'n bnRme~R at achf"Jol Rt WlDHlde thlf~ week aud couse- l'

l!fl a6aldirlg hO water abot- out. OV r::the r I y VI _ra.a 01 R' Quently can tor lVl'l but very ltttle tnn.e Am unusal attat:h ent re8u1te~ i tbree mi168 wide, extendmg' to Ithe rea-I li11~~1 1'1~e rna her Bft. the chIld 'ust 'be OUY '9 f A ex, t;letween Hoskins and to the oanvass for superintendeut and murder and suiCide a Sioul: Otty 8u • erv&t1on, hafi the dil!leae8 in greater orI f.\ It WUR ih tbe ct of nlhn~ the lug Winsid~j laBt Sat~da~. wlll ~o a l!lrge ex;tent depend on hlB rl~YI An o~d rooa~ by the name 1688 virulenc,. and the 10f!18e! all a wholeI mt llbt it1ltini~ 0 pr vent lt, bdtl by Mrs. S. F. Wi cox .of Dell MO.I~es. friends to push hIS oampalgu: froUl now Da.~row, halling frOJIl Lead, So~th D _ aN:pretty Jarge. 'buwlt YI10rk ~ ed i from probJ.bly Iowa,~ be n he e th18 week V1s1tmg until election time. kot~, was travelwg

lJth hlS l!IOD. 8 wlf, There is no widow! in WaYD.e county

Ibel,n~ faiahy sc Ided As it was 1 ttl!l the faml~lY of A. I' P1wers.. . D G. Roekwell, a former reSident of Wltp 'i'ifbow he h8~ vidently beoo _ whOle htuldaodt wore Staley llnderware.'arms a.llI: bre t w re pretty bt,.dly E B Irou g, S~nd&Y Rchool miSSIOn· I Osmond, but now of \VuYl1e, waa ~hak- inf,tuated While), a hack gomg Women who love their husbauds wlLl

11a,lfeded, ~mt at last counts was Ion ary, le~TU sday tor MwneapoIIs to lD~ hands with old fnends 111 1'leroe the~NJrthwe~ternd~p:ot, he drew a r· govern themselves accordingly.

i~~e way ~~ _re~o. ~~__ ~___ I attend mis ona y ctonvention .1 Mon~ay. ~i:e was greaUr surpr)sed at :~~tehii:~I~llleI~~:S~~:::h:lrd ~~e a THE CONVICT'S DAUGHTER. , ,

I! I ' UL ER~ DAIRr , I' Rn.. W lIa ',0 itor or tho ,1100 Ihe "j"uy l/lipravomoul'j III our bo.,· itt~ o~ ,hattered malrrlag~vow:~' This t. the ronrth .ea.on ot Ihat pow· Our aim: "E"erything in mflsic

,"I At l~ 0 daYt at the honte o~ king H dlig t, v Aite his tlncln , Dr nl'Ht; ~Iockt;, not havlU~ 11et.JU h~re COl 'J. I I J, , erful melod~amatlo success entItled

I th~ billa H, M and MrR. Wlll J ,J. Ilia s, i Wa ne Monday 8QU16 \UllP'IPHlr..:~ Call.) I laTe you ndti.eedjtr.e

smallness of t e liThe OoovIQ&;', Daoghter." So far 1t!II~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;~;~;;:;:;;;.'IAd1uI fat CuI er a~d Mi~8 '~ar: Henr Rn. of hap," prpclllct, W.l!-l l' II Fntt~ "ayit tl1u.~ It,m 111 the del

l1D;loont tax IHlt ~811t has appeared bill repeated,ltl!l yearly l!Iucoe88fol bos!.

Iltll!~ll~' \l lur w ,rfj 101 wd 111 wled,lo<.k ui t Oolu ,but; Man lay rod pur('hU~lf'rl J1. HJ,I'ALIJ of I"' llOW!\U NO\tjUlb~r thl Rel'columDsdforit~ePla·ht re!wtlwe~k ';I DeBS, crowdlJ;lg 'he thtlures to thelI' ut-

II ,,, II '. J I It' fi P I d hi h rd heo,!,r Bar t', a bir w tb m g ty It a PIC • I B ! I~ bthfl prwwr\(Jt· of hn ttl nlly anG r at es, ~erYI I Ion .I nr~ e 1,18 IW,,",8 ~o 1uw-8au~t.J to the C1~y g' n t . b • h jmOlt capacl cr. ure y ,.....ere must e aII H'I\ .J U'llr;;hl( k, nt Bhur, N bra ka; JafIle ~r st nd ramlly of South d~lit -DelllrOl.:ru.t I i: TO b~: l~or~~:or:Odef~:;~~a~:s: reason for iuch lHge, audieDCQs. The

II I ¥ 1 liE I, 1 th L r 1 I 1 fl th 0 n rs Of the conn. ts ama neB8 s b th tb 'h d h tl ])l1koln('ly,prfo~TUnKtIeceemony fnnera~Of s.... neR~R a er l ~ beJu~C(\ lUU atelu U!lUg~U.t LUi%B o.u elloquent tribute ' to tbe pr08per08 0 eau oran manager,.ave puI 'rhe J:rbo~j1111f Ii mall 0 erk on t e OhiJ Lush. I ~ I regardlllg the Clt~'S sfiW-ri!. condiitiohs existmg' $ti this t1"le. e forth their best efforts to pl~ase andI c!~g'd1'~t ~dul \'I101l apohs & Omaha Mrs E Iflar au returned SfIotur- Jobu E rkartlhllll of BlJ,ucroh fIoud h ~ supply the demADds of So m~lodrama


rfl,lh~'!\'YI 'A-lld ~ orme prJnC1p~l of the day fr Lel' eb~88k81 where aho M:BB Man(f~ Yaryan of curroll,' wete t:ojC:s;~:r:l~bl~:::r ~~~;ar;it:: ~ loving VUbllc. The bo~ offic, returns

8f'hoola f\tjthiS Jace onlS well hked by was pr sent th bIrth ot a. gmn,l· umteuill '1l!lrnage at the ~Iethodll:lt J f" h k 11th r show thE' wisdom of then judgment., 1 1 I .l. I' I t~b 00 or w IS ey i.! a resu ere. Thl 1 A' , L d I

1118 nt1quat Uan es 'Ih brlde iRa I e OD~ child. I I I partlonage WednesclfllY upou Immeqi 1 'I 8 II a pure mencan P aT epiO·

IIJ)nkO~,\ Ofty ~i 1 and haR· beeh promi. Mr~ ~ P lI.e~tner\'ha~ beNl 111 Hl1u ~'tor dlUuer tho youug couple lett 1}l~ ank! Beuser i~ making exoelle , tog l.ove and pathoe, hate and pMllIOn, an"'lltl~"'N:~~ltifi r{ witl church, sootet~ d I I . bl ft. t f for O~rroll whpr{, thJy \ylll muko tbdtr Pfo reSi§ In his cl'I/DaiRn for oler, play th&t touohes the heart. IThere is

I I' rrlb tOP 1 COn!ilf r, a "0 011 Il[ eou 11 l) I I i ~;!V.. ywhel'c he me~lt8 a hearty w I· e doDl 0 tInud (H1DCfl; lOn/ wor. or f\ ntl e tbe 81uknes8 ot be daljlghtcr, MTI~ 'f·hll.~' future hOlJ}O -PHIHI. r h.,llJubhc. 1Ji. on way, aD y ne ~a1, 01


)11 ot Yj,jlta p st 8/ tl hl\8 JOon R teaohe~ in Betranti . j 110ward A HOf' who b ~fI be'n one bf con 0 ~u(i is B88ul~dl:"f the united s • -tote thla pIa" and that.18 to seejit, ForItlH'HjOI1X~lty pubh schools ill the "lI, t& I' I h por of.tberepuhhc ~parly Thesa e tlearly 'bree hoars mteof!le uramaticI I' ~Ilf'l:'()ft Ilulid lilt r Hl~Ulfl!( he~ pOiil. Mr. I\Vm,' a den I and Millfl EfJle thl' rU1lw,,~ mllil cj,'rkM lhltWO('fl 810 x tnt' ue said of Bert,Brown who 18 0 ...cenes com*UcationsI t::m lil~t R~ riO, :1'b br~dal eou lIe lefl Hennet\ioh, borlh of IWilbur prpc'lllct, Olty l\nd J.,or~olk fqr ~hH pIlat, BeVrn the cont~st for the ~~Muryshlp. B h tollow'each other in rapid flQ.cceselOu

,11 till" ",ftermJOn f6f ayne. Ne ra~kl were a tl1orize* w~d by .ludge Huu ;,ourfl, ml,dc hlfllt\f1t triP O~('t' thlH !lhe l'I"HrlOPlj,n have lqa(ie grat1fylDg he - An unequalled oompany of IU't~8t8 have

II WhI. rl' tbo~ WI 1 11 ve ' . I Iter Mo day. 'i I ~t~C~~:~ a~~t t~(~:~r; t~Il~:l~;Jl:::~ r~°tHllll:'~ Wl~ lq. arousing repo,bhcans to the W s· beeo engaged, eACh ODe for hill' qr her'1'1)0 ahOYO iH from Dakota Oity bor· Mrt'l, mac IWih h,~ been 111 the I'DUU· J . dOl and lwportanqi of Wlllll1ng especial oharao\er, aud a weaItI). ot beau.

III rl'Hpb~)t1oIlJj(1 t the S'Qux'Clty .routnal' ty for wh e,JiB tl111her brothf'r"J j\p_d ot 1,l1lClilin on th B &; NT Ry"tem tw lekdlng ottleea (I thtl coun~y 1r D;I &; scenerY, stanhug macb~nlcal ef-I~:~~==~~~~==:===~~=~~====~~()r..:tY,I~or :~. ur rot dorA w11l readU, l!Ii8t~fs, hll8 c~ltrl ed °hor honlo Ilt ~t '1'hl' teu,llJr of (i ,:::it P :'11 &;0 en- the 1ll~n9nty pf\rl:r. I racy baa been provided. At t~e opera

I r{Jt'o~nl' j ~n t) e ~iOOPl our towDemaIl, Ohile ,10 a. I' f ~lnt' No. 2Hll, B tfy H.u~ert p.nKlIle~r, ~ lr~! ~atherllle B~ll, mother of . house, Wayne, NebrlWlka, W~dnesd6y ........++++t+++++t+++++'l + . 1-0J0++++++++++..............++I I ~ d Ill' ,wl;o MOUt) of ~hll rlt:OHt It! '8 cpo tOdr~!lt t OUflLWds of dueka hn.f'k(l:foff all npf'Jl AWIt~b: 10 th., ya~ds F. \.. ~~rry of WaJjue, died at the' II- evening, November 8. II ,I

I rhll~ll~lrti~ )l'r1tlt1 ~fl() r young ~en lana ha.v b eq s ar i~ngfn' Orysta.l L'Ih, ypstl"t1ay . (\Ild '>VElA 8~1~1"'{1 ll\lt11'an Ide Cll of another df:~ghter, Mrs. en- CLEAN UP NOTlc~tII h~ hl;jlJ, atlf ht hrid"dlhl" bHst Wi8hds ot Da t fO nt 'iate Y and th'lt Wild two a rl threo hflltr" Ilt,t l' mod '1' l~J,'e Yl1~, lU Carroll, {l~rlday afternoon, ed Y h b Lifted) t. 11 ii' . I, "

I,i'~ yj}( II 1'11~lljhJ f frioulfl Will bellcordf~IlY gaal'! ro d 0t 1e e Bon' Wl\t; n!, dtlmlJ{tl flX(f'pr lo"s t')f tnlHl njd Ii} dirtl. Her d~~b W1l8 cautioq by 1 oUbar~ er~ y no b t l'rOd

B t:' I LewI's &. C..1·a,rki I oxt(\lrl1'11

1.1 '1' e IOU~ 'h id f Eh \1. Huse, Ulllll)C """Ita or profatJity - N )rfoll~ Ne .... 1'! lilt rmltl~'H inoulerlt ~o old age. Tbe ·e· e

l,·, 1""lh,a·

II", obrt WOWl6 1'l ~ln 0



I 11- -_ ....- ~ - 'TI11'NnkGorlollwhn h\H 1I11Hl1HVl 1m; .~ It M ~I' PMetI il ~c y 0 6yUP Ofl a

I PREACHER LOSE HIS CLOTHES qua a tuw Of 0 er t a wl'ckll on ar' '. IJI lIlS WHr(l (JOU\ ye( 0 rs e s'onee be cleaned aad alt tubbl8h and. M-j I 11' - - 1 ; 000 t r th Ires nee Qf ~ type of dlph. (J~ml'J:rl~ walk bl1tJrlhl~ In \\ ")"Ilil for fo Illilr howe, More ead, IOWll l I ro I •

j H,,,~·_ ;;It!tfe,at.on time l>M~Or OJ the PJ d f c'l11 th\A y~ilr h ui f(Olle to WilHtldo wh~ re th 1nne,,,1 .ooJ( 111f:O ~lllldl1'y he oumulation. remMed beyond 'he Nty

M. J~ Qh~nClJ t' Wa efitlId, bad an ago I the B, was re, ea e uef! ' ,y hi) hRtI th'E' I\Ontract tojl~(.IIHtr'1lct 1\ lou" In, VI B l!eveu" f(lOW II .!lOUS and da\.. h- limits. 1f tbe .1118,. adjotb~Dk yourgI'£t,\fAt1U~11 t'X erIOn 0 Intely f\Cjlcor~tng IE. her ld (ltu ne 1 uell(l"y from Htrl1tl'l, or Wt,lk IUOtfU1. tilt, !leW Ilcllbol t!-J 1'1, five 01 whom live in Itfa r. Ir: propertr hu m.aDQre , robbll!lb (it' IiUer~or t&t;l folt~Wl g fr~ thr SIOUX Oity IOod, eb l\8 a, ·wl ere dao aud othl\r hOlIM'"'! thl-lTIJ Aftf'r tt~11hllJll: thiJ,t work Bl' Mr8 Berry atlonded the funb ai, ot a01 ktDd in 11,:, tbil!l meaDs you BDdJoun~al ~ , I Wa D !tes alb en luritinK. Ho waH he Ilropoees to take f:l, ~rl11 tu Cu.hrof,lUn.. ra urnin home Mdnday if Dot attended to promptly, the ordl·

"Al(lo IIOSIO x Oltypollce 1ftey, load dd~w It ~o ejlutha .hOI,ool S h bbM .Ii J ltd II I' R I, Donce8goverDlnilmattera or-\hl' klDdl ]~lm(lr I r t Pi etor ot the Metl;l- duo 8, • OJ 'J era ,RBdP II A 0, I yer· V. w. Tbeobald'IIRdvertlflwg wa a· will be l!Imotly 8ttforoed. I

I I odlRt flip '('hll lilt f~t Dnkota dtty, J. H Mo r of c~roll' was iu W,lyUl) mall j)rO(flt"'jOr haH tie blt1 Mi tho tb~t~ O~ grot the Ktng Ho~:qmWon Mi~ing i ~"I GEO$GI. L. MINsa, Marshal.{JHt(l~tltl.·1 !J(J vO!nc1 ~ much nooded por- t d . r MorrlR arrtved "pretty grIM a" POl~ '\OU~ nH a 0 re HIIJ1p;' m MachsDU, iRcons n, a IU ~ i

I I Y, Itt 1JI' 1 IIi '1 ) Id h Mo (. a B. the most df:llltlly r,'ph~ Now bors it \ [lYtle thl~ week, ij!1\"Ing' stopped ere You may get,tlttot:ij1f thew, nter aliveI I ~~~;:l:IJ t:011!.'~: ~. :'~}:)I 0, ':~(~ l~ad~~he r::~ ho e ~on t ~ eek~ a.gOa~:eD1t a ft:~~ IS time to flaW ot' l!~r.:I !mgllllo:' os('ula· t\ olld"y on his w+y home from he aDd without the rheuwatiem:; bot whyI I I ~ I IIf I ~ tl 11 d, II it to t 6S. w10 ~ q. tlon or you aire hllbll3jOI J.:(~t hlt¢lu'!d for I Uln. For seyoral poears Mr ThflO aId take Cho.llces when you can "let StaleyI 1.1Hfat~~I~~liI111 )lug' rh a ege cu pr mo t s. I /I bfa to one of thelle liWfut (ltlugl'roua WIlI'I pMtor of tho Baptist cburch in .nderware and live and enjoy health,

I tll\fp Y Jill pd I Tee iW'l be harve~t home .servIce (flHI'l11 I I nyne n.nd har; m~y friends here ho TOURS IN THE ROCKyJ MOUN"'l'He rever bed g ntlemB.n WllS c m· at tl" Po. l's luther,n church next '~ . I H ' r b' I •

a I polled tp <!eh er hi Sunday sermon JD Suod J..t 11 0'0 ook . m at which WInside SLOW pu lip, "'COll.MI house, II II g-Iad t~ Ree~hlmi e IS gUel!lt 0 I' TAINS. 1

Irl.n, palt of ~Id hUDtllg trousers, I ;W;bich Ml~ a t"i h of t e eOl~ge Will render a completed a ~ORt of $1,,000, WIUI bothers, H H. 11U~ I~oracll 'thedb Id J The Denver & Rio Oraoda offers toI wElrt.~'I~~dcl1i t r~e 1D ,hos too shortl for ' I OpflUI'd yetl!~rda,r f~rr thl' ndllli"6lOJI of aid l8 I:IptmdUl~ l:m'te hme witll 0 A. tbe tourllt and the trant.-oolltinentalI hill ~ \ );lg~i~~d nuthe 11mba. He qare- flolln sql ~ tnl\cberfl l\nd studl'ht Tile hmldlllg" wg III promotlllg ~h~. intereste df the Craveler the ohoice8t resortB all t therun; \hl~ld(J 1 hlB I extremities bebind I Mr~ JI\ ur er, wllfe of the form"r hUH f(Jut ll.-l'rJe roowk htj~ldllH l\ re( Ita- lUo,( t:iolomon WU1$1 I RTandest scenet'y in Ut~h and('halrtl nUll W Ht'll.nful not to make any propn tor of he Hotell Boyd, waH in twu room Q,lld h8flll~11 'lt '1.'1111 tllBchers The {uueral of 1.., 1..1, Lush who I led New MeXICO. This route ha~ two' 11 Wa.y S Urllll.+ aooompanied by her \. F Littell 1 Hmg" MrF h III ' ,UUUtH'~'Ht;I~ry LlllJ!L~ of hIS phySIque to p are. i. " ,I,ij yr, f heart fallur~ at lS 10q:t.e two I es rate and d1f!ltinot linee through tb\lt)le.~~¥.", (~f t e (JOII reg~tlOn. J t. ~~t~ :I~ n, bing 0

1their way ttl Wolfe and ,John dafl tr,f s uthweat of town ~u Thursday 0 last Rocky mounS&lD.l, all throoth tlck.,ttl

'IOu 8~~nr ny ni ht " bold lln~glar ~ p I 'rhe lI,18Rlonary 8~C ety of the Pre8b~· cek, took plaoe S,turday afternop at beIng a'allable via either. the diroctwho hfUII?ot a tour, l' of veneratiO.!o1r fnrl Tb ["Ie twoo & Jdhnson 'urniture terum chur~h Will old thmr D.unual ' ..10 o'clock frQm IUs late residence, the line to ()rlpple Ore&k, the Kru~ttlllt KoJdthe HtWft1111(lj Hug', 100(\oted an ontr Doe stoek. wit be moved into the new c1llclwu·plO ~upper n the eb..urch par· ermon beIng preailed by Rev. p. N. oamp on earth Three trMoff dWlyluto tho par ouaKI and deprlvl'd the Gr"v s br ok. ah tl.t. November 1, and lort; au 'l'bUtdl'Y' C ber:.!1i it',,~upper, ) \WllOn, formor p tor of the ViI yue with lhroD/iJh Pullman p",laoo andpUll tor of tHW lrol p ir ot tl'OUBel'r In wUl .re hem maeh~J?tterrOom than whwh Will 86r ~r frum ll\ll un~1l I'; .church. I otwltbstandiuk the tourlet slooping oars belwee~ DCDver,flWt, 1\11 tIle lothi g whwh i8 w n~ to the ol1e t ey no OCCOr~ I elKbt Will h freo, i.~lt u colledlon box alUy weath(lr, t" I KC orowd 9t frl Ild. San ll"rana1loo. Loa Angele. and Port­adotb htt 1\11dn appendage I Bod AUIlow wo an haa aue4 for a di~1 Will 00 plu.c d lim,r ~tJ:to door tor thoso ttt,tHlod tho ll,rvi pl:l tol1qw~d the laod, and Obioago 8t. Loail and Sao

'I othlrr tuti 110 ~~? 1~t 'LOO I .II voro~ on he Rr [ nd tllat her hUHba,ucll who Wish tl eontrl to f ' emluus tu the~r ll~al resUul pl~o in Franoisoo. The' best line to ~ah,RAI1'l R CO OS SMASHED. '1\ I fitub~ornl refn eR to ~ake t\ bath. Ho Ono of WI,yno'H I nght little thre!3' ho Wayne CtHtHlt~l' Mr. LUBU W8lI Idaho, Montana., Oc.egon and Wa!l~lnH.

,I 'I I h evenfboal of ~ ill fil~y idiosynoracy. y"ar ohlH WaH out, rid tlK '11 thl! couutry oru in Indilmn. oviu~ from th~ to tOn via the uOgden Gateway." Wnte'I '1'Q~ Nor

lok No S, 11 papar thl\r'f 1n&8 Und ub dly s~ wl11 get a divorce. the other do.... with a undo {"HI aUllt own. nud comln to Wayne QObnty S. K, Hooper G P. & T. AI Denver

been keel'liu ~ab 0 the amouJ;1t a ra J 1. 6" ~ , . ;' ,I ':IT 11 If h t t that 'fr dO rdsonl W6e Nunel Rutlty tn the Bud nftnr ()r~fllllnK Be oral bridl'.tlH Wlt}l li~ht )eartl ago :0 WfJ.S abont ,; ean 0010'1 for Ulul!Itraled descrIptwe p8mph.

I tb.a,t 1ms f~ \ ~ S yeIJ.r, s a 08 i di~~t oovrt at Pendte~ lu,f1t weok ot rAllmKfl au be BHlf,lB hey hllalJy calUO rl\J,(O JIn had ]fln a member ot the lets.

Itina fJ.1!tfl J:lpe ~ho rea.tcst year of ;:- tl me at fa eon biB own IB·y,-",r. iQue dovoid of ruth ~H whon tho llttle 1 E church for t irty yenrs an1lwa.fall rwlthi~ thud Iof a oeniur~. e 01 aughter. e wt1l be sont to th(il no IIUiCkI,! Hald 'Why 18 It unole ~ worthy Imll big ~ respeoted qit zen. BULLS FOR SAL~.

II IS IJWl:I ~t\1i~ j "'£he lttar ~tl0f ljWtil h~8~ pe • Ilhd It Il!I h pod for la 10nR term harloy thl brirt~1l as no IlUUdIcH to He l(1avI'~ I~ wife, ree daughtera and I have for au.le several pure~red Short I

I dow~ loq ~b ~ng(1/:1 0' Nob~~s~aB 1 it eSimont n (\114 wito ot Butler?" j _r:wn flons to mon his 10RS, b ides horn bulle old enoUih for BerTlCe. They,I~ torr U.H t l\l'" ot tho Hre(\tqst l rat talr co I;' Nobrl\ R W~Olbl\\"(\ hoen viflie.

1If 1'1 rit r waHplu 1~1 tho west eml many trtetld!! who ill ever rome bor are well bred growthy feUoWj8 that Will'"I klunVH 1 IIMl! W\l

thiu" (l~ln't r °Il in fih Mr I i~lo1tdn'8 fntb{)r aDI·! 1 t~O :UIJ y :\10 . IHI heard. 111016 him with ('steam I make l!IpleDdtd herd headers. Oall 00 1

acc'ullil ltlJl~lytl0 rtloords f,) a'j I~ 0 • J~ I I . dd A B d)'lll~rIM W hll}llllt, t)llttYj.~~roe llartl ot a Wdy~e q anty donds tOt soveml Ipouuty oler tu'lk ? hp one day thau I Tho now room · ~he. eoly or a rosa I ' . ~ARK, I

I 111\ I I M!l()d to pleollll1>! the wa· d 1 "returnedl

0 the~r home Monda~ can be heart III \ flniU1 a week Tho &: Cravonlumtwnt" firm 18 t'ertal y a W1"pe, Neb' rII t~ lhO\llllIJd durlD~ Ithe first . D. Jane! d tatUy who l1loved t:o bOyt; ou~ ill tha.t epd 0 1 the oouuty are lfine ODO aud 8hO\t.$ to wonderfu ad FOR SAL.E OR RENT.

II nillo ll1bltlths or tl~tB year. More hao O~ on ~UY, eJiton, about a year r-,s:~, enthuslastl for !r~ klB,mstJt I~nd Imy Ivn.oll\Ka the Rroa.~tll~OCk o~th~t ntor- A farm llituate4 three nUlell from

thO IDche~ -34 3S to be pre 86- arri ed here S 'ordat au their way fO they WIll g va hllvl" v?te that WIllllhow prlRln~ bURfneHI'I brlli () ou t if Bt"nton Neb oontahdng (900 aorel!lII - h into ~he rain gag;e d rlDB Oar 11, where h~y J.m looate and ~I. tlmt hE) iH l~kl:Hll~TO gl thn lWOllltl who :hMO III 1\ mur.h 11 c~ r or bettor uUed One of t'he floe~t fArml!l or staak ranche~I th ne U·bnthll of 1\ o. The JH s 11 ed age tthe meroauti 6 know him )I'Ht II I .l 00111 tor tho pur

lP I 61hln any tow the tn the l!Itate with "lent.. of ~~OdbUl1d-1

'I ,l ,II',. I I I ,,1 i 811.00t Wayne t: 0 state au we ... ~Kreatest ~rnou!1t If mOlsture -row ID bess I I I rhlJrll til Hr0r.~ 10. u.~ u[ ;yplHndl f\lver know of no firm ettor tlMervlng ot a IIng8 of 9Tery kind. For f 1 partion-NOlfo,lk a~riDR' an enhre year was 4.28 AI exol1a ge a yo ono of ltl'l Im~ 'u dUfl.1reft IH~rtr o~ ~olJm!lkl~, due room of thin ktnd1than this firm heit Ian inquire of H. E. Owen, Norfolk,IThl~t wa~ Just twio years 8g0 ]!, Jj riag ICfrl ttl omp! lled~b~O(\Ut;O hlH 1)I,P r hUK(l~Y 1f t W~I? 1 t~) tl,tnttJd drluk~ buaines8 1ft a R lebatd one and vel' Neb., or L. M. Owen, WaynG, Neb

I the pastl ISept mber 6]4 Uloh! of wI~da p and he e 1tor thiukl:l the ..o LUg wutor. Mtll~~~lI nhtlt'll ehould ~ee . P --.l I I Y 1 ,-,..- II .ratu tElU'lti Norf lk. 'Last YOi 41 ,obet '~D tOl't e pap r be ug· lu that contli· Um~ ,~h,eir Watcl' a,ya ,OUl;'! lire kopt pure oU8to

tmer lS l\lIWR~s'ltreatel~ n the mob·t J llorh"tedh1c~bbu,ge~tor Ral~ atjhal.f price.

i f lI'i "<1 If • . I I J' r r f,. conr eons anc geu eman:1 Illann r Y \let t (l t ug for Krante 0 ~(jtouer HO that If . h.e Hanle t~ "" beoa so t~ere waH HO mUlh a. nil froe f~JU g(\t-P~hl0E'(hug elementl. h fi i - ~m I e IT 11 ,,:! I

amod.n'~ fl moiet ro' comelJ ~is ~el\r, h ' II 0 it. I ' I Oth~rwi8e peopt~ w~1l to quit term or ts . p oye. i ra e ng LIS. p. L ..un·;. ,tM'dWII he ' th f ddit1d~ t' th '~', I , ' l' k' t ,I·" t t II mon are lond In thllir pral•• or I ap, ~__~. ,__~ ._, __ . __ ,

~lr.e8dY cloptou:n

itJl~."~-Pier,? Le eT~ rtf::· :~~ o::i:~ ~efts~~r~~~O.a. ~. ~I~:~B l~hO ~ e;~!y ~11: ra~:~o~~ lllS::; Phelb~a~o~ ofhtheirt:SP1~~(~~sto~kf t ~~. i ~..,~----.--'I.i.. I " I ,i t lh nr 6 n~ll I lte IDt eoe I g , O()mo a e

, IL:OCA', ~N~ :"18CELL.4.~~O~S. r r ~'I . Bra ks le t 'rh~l'sday for hi : wa or e ern I '., ' . room they oo~up ~nd 8ay tbffY d not

visitor M.d.UdRY., i I. I' .. ~lt bdi~ the oer,lot their' from W~n ide !dO.;u ~1'. ~e El,nYA th~ fixed. If you har~ not alrea"~y u t.IO.ed..I 'Oh(L~ItlY l\I dden' wail· I N folk 'W Illey hUli., ': I oourts at inSide 1\ e ,kept un.,y thetlEl ,tho Blll)earBnce Of .he stook ;ant' J::Q.op'! ._ ". '1 !,


· VI!ft6f's.ltltordU' I ~ J" ,ll: Brow, ooo,'violed In !he 'Iel~ day. .Ingjo 110.0 to tho•• whp lu,t do.o tho np~t time y~u e. 1'1 ' 'Whit Ab iI A"i~illl' '·b'r' MO~'da' t "'M~ ·Obu'tBt~ rls: Otty~ll\llt weeki a violatot~\OPARoJ lid dignity of th~ ,towu. I i I_ I ,il I,e S I " " I, ...., ' ,. Jit.~ "I~C~O ? ~ Y a I", • and I grill b8J1k ng liBs' been sontonr.o MlOtllnnHy by t;fl'l out flat,lo onOOU~1 . .- ~-~ I· -------.. . ~" '~l~::::::.:::'~':::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::=:::;",::::::::t::::;::::~

,I" Io~~.~,.,~t~t;l .w91

• I I, I,· veyars ; the!·p~l;l1tentlll.ry. I~t f.tlrli\. When the to 11 gotH its wu.te O. R. HarmonJn.trave.lIngman from 'D de' I !'-_..__......~._._- . -~--..,..---.-- I'. 'Ii" A. ~erry w.7~ntl t~ Neb.raftkal Oi&:y tak n to p iBon~S~turday to bo~i ~y~telJl bnilt, moro wilter. will dO·U.b~- AUln~.rn, NebrB8~al,' was 1n this p rt Of. I ar 03 flnS-T NATION A III BANK',!,)on

lbU8,ineSs'1'ueeday .; ,I e ving lis ti e. i I : 1 .lesibO drallk, re~ul iJ,lg in Jcss develo~. the state w~~ and, stopped if in K "-\~ j ,

'"I . Dan H,Q,rrib~tonmade. bni3tueB8 trip .1 elber~ hO~'sehold 'goods "ef: me t of pup;ilistic roolivitias. : W~~ne Tuesday Ito have Dr., Eo reo i I . I ' i.' II'd"IHlf"

,I to'Blon"o\lyMonday I 'T' ',' k M F' I 'palThl.teetb,lheDr,haviugdon den'l 0 d N I ~ ULDES1' BANK IN WAYNEOOUNTY I'·1·", or" " I' I ll~to\! n~,hi~we~. r·lel• Wayneisfast,getiI;lgtobeoneofth talworkforhi~i~Anbnrn6ve r eis: ' rer OW' •i· ,Dr. ,]H;ammond returned Satjda

yr~dfamll h~!Iin~deC1d~dto ~a e best ,sidewalked wns iD U~e statfl yearsBgO. Ii!, _ I J.:M.8'1'B.UU,N,PreRldent. J.l',E.BTBAHAN, VIlle-Pres. H.F. WIL80KIO,f.sht,~r '1'1;:.,.

'I,' lfro~, ~lsl,~i~i~ ~o O~aba. , elir ,h me w h IJ:1irs. Felber 8 par~t, Within the last eig teeq:montns sevef, " --r~---i- r----------1 . L 'I . ' I. B. S.-RINGLAND, ANtt OUhler. ' I .

'Eli n:',b,ook ihadea bo.lne,. ,tlip to , ., an Mrs, 'r'-' r), Tocker, ,hi. I I,. al miles of comeut walk' in, Ihe bOB,i "waDted, *u.•geol to .ell '~'l'io ma." nUILLEO L SON ,,Capital and ,8,ur,plus, d! 1, OQ,.0,0,O.

" ~elgbl ;Nebraaka, Monday. I ~ r.- urel Advtoate. .\ ne~81111d r"8idepee dist.rictB have bee ,o~in?Si plU:t sal,rl aud ~~?oe ~~D;1", Iii ~,tp\, I 'Geot:~~:'Stti'nger went dOfn to IStan_ I SU~d r's teat er department ~a bmlt. Nl\xt yel\!' rOIDlses t~ be l\llOql ,~1BeloD.. IDqu~{) at Sina~~ 6flD41' f I, I D1&IIOTOII:,... J.~. Strahan, II'. E.i;)trahan. H. 8. Ringland, 0.01'&'8 Bocan

tOD TQe~day for 0. few da 8' ~aO"ftion,., idotad air a d. armer for Mon. ' ar big ~ear inlhis iud otijProvemcll ~lWhi~COfl~,O~'~ayne, NObrk . ~~~.. , ! :,,·~~ti~~.r~ ~~II~~JI~'~" . Ij I

}1Itir1lUf:;IIJ;;'I, •. • III ,(]1 r'l I I., ! : I I : ' i ,I I , i II.Ii' iii ':> Ii;: I, '

Dear ..

O.J;r &; M.orris CoGeneral· Merchandise

Wa y nd, N ebr ask a





DO~'T fEEL SLltitlIEDI .

I) I



I 11 \i

~I~re is acopJ. of a: ClrCU,.

J\. lIar sent outlby us thIS

!week:. If ~ou did no~get onr it was bec~usewe didnot have your narme on ourmailin list. We \1\fant a share

I . "of yo busmess. i GIve US aI ., ...trial. We feel sure we can doyou s me good in our lines.Our ine of La4ies' '. Coats,while not the !largest, inWayn county;_ i~ ENTIRE~LY NEW. We wpl not askyou ttlOOk at any: old num­bers Special orders


for any~

thing ot in stoc~ will havethe v~ry best ofl ci.are andprom~t attenti0!t..


r EWAYNE ·HIERAL·D~-;:~~::F:~:~:~:a;:~B~iht~:eP~:: ':bo ~1~~[l~l~~~~y'"TgU::~~~~CO,Dut

y plif'd cr1tici"m of Volpp, Ito I, Rayburn I

.od FiBper, j they were all de aerats orpopull.l. uud being nf the Bme faith

~-,-::::---c:-:-Il¥J anri cobtemporary a,ltd o~Rfd~ring}the opportDnitie8 they doubt} '88 oiIi'redGo1di6::to famIliarize hinlsslf W;ith thoiradmmi,8tra.tiona, ho d1ubtl 88 kuowswhereQf; he Hpeak':l and it is f ir to pre­sume ¢J~t ft Jack is r~~11ect d, tha't i,?,two Y'a.*s, \".'heJ;l he ca.n hQld ! the .Qffic~

I~et. Do.longer beClI.US6, ot 8 atut ry hmita­Ilon8/;ejWjll ~ar about the me thin~of ,Ja4ir lJ order to hblp "me otherdemo¢tat to the })lace. ~ :rh 8 kind oftalk ~uat beJ1ighly ple~i~g to the pa~t I

-~ I domoora\lo tre.luref1l.df the onnty .nd ,~) J, County. I tbelr:frl~JJdB'a~~ doubtless m caus~lF~t,Qo'Dntj '~odse,--E. ~unter., them to'~ut forth exttaord\ a.ry axet'-I!or Sheriff--Grant S. Meara.' tioDs'ln ~ohal~ of Goldie's fa orite caD-For Couuty Superintendent-A. E. dida~e. i J

b ttell. Without (lasting an~eii etiaDs on}1'or CIJunf.y Uhlrk-I\', ~. Renser. the prede:c8880fH of O. H. Bight. it ifl 'For ,Gounty Trea~mrer-· ~{f\rt Brown. generally cODcede,d 'tbat he aB withoutll'or!Ooroner--Dr.•J, J. Will1a.m8. a doubt the most etIeotive 8 perintend­jj'GC COUIlty ~urvflyor--~. R. Uib8on~ ent of Bohools WaYlt8 count, :eV'or had.For GOUllUillHiouer, First DiRtrict- Mr. Littell, the repUblic~Ilc hdidate (or

Ilduml HU6dcll. the office, is oue ot:t;he ElUcee Bars at Mr., ---~_._---_: : Bright in the Win~id6 schoo Ii and fromIf .Tack 0 If'rry and Charley ReyDo:ds all report~ has ~i.V~1l flpltlud d Batis~ae.

B". the.J(~f d pipe cinch .OD re.elec2in tioD a .. suph aud b~ those be ~­toeir r€Bppctive offices claimed by 18 ed 08 a Bchool moul It il'/ ge eraHy be­

emocrat \"iiI') do DOt Bee what cn seB Heved that he is W~ll qU8lHi in everyI1psl" Rtllltletuen to hustle ann bpg for way to take up the:work as 8 perin tend­otes Ell' they I~re doinK ill the present ent in the county ~nd cootin Ait nlol.lg'8wpaign. tha lines ~apped o~t by B 'ght. Mr.

How mu~'h ';npP9rt clid 'J~ck Oherry Bright bi~self io t~lkiDg wi h tb~ wri- ' \

r Charley Heynolda gh;e the republicall ~:8::~:e~nu:b~h:;*~I~;e:~rWt8~on;o~~t~:I~ : 'Itate or national tioket laait year? Cu,n and we d6 ~ot be~U~ve Olla ley. Bright I Iou caH to memory any gQod word you would hat~ said tlln.'t if lw (id not he-

p....tlr beard either of thum utter in he- I lHave ever, !Word of ,t. In 0 her words,

slf iOf Preside~t I:toosev~lt, Congre8s- it yon waD~ the wdrk of Bri ht carriedllHU\ McC(~rt.hy or any '!Ither republicatl? otit Littell i~ the m:ab yon 0 ht to vote

!u!POIitiCB a;:1n other ~g8, favprs tor ~n NotJmber 7'. I 'otll(ht to'be re(:iproca.l, 1lD4 can yon call With th~~t~nd;atte~·" the tellowto mind Bny in8tauce in Which dtllllo- who does tIQt believe, the w ld moveH,prats have 'Voted tor repabJicaoH. Dewo- evety 8tat~B'man or" newsp ar writer'

~~:~:et~~te:B~';id~~ee:rd~tr~~~i:d:::: who F,n~~~stB Brevision at t e existmgparty and repuulicans oUKht to bel4r tari.ff I:lched~It!H, is iat oncei labeled a

"tariff r1p~er." Tbe reputi iC8ml whothi!i.~n mind when ih>'y vnto t11;i8 fall. are!today 4dvCtcating1tRriff r vision' are

Don't be fool~, by the c~rds ot office uot:"tarifri.rippers" i~ Bny 8 se at, th~seekera that do not tell what party they word but Bre men, who kno that c0ll:-belong to, toto belitlving ~l:J.ey are re- ditlons 10 ,he ~)U8i neslr .wor~ un~ ergo,publicaus. ThD;t iR 8 pretty old gag 8UC~ rapid '~hBng~8 that a taf If sched ul~ IJaok Rnd Oh.arl~y oro wotking. Why tha~ was jUHt an4 r1g* in B87 is fnr;do.o't they eay thoy, are dewo- out,of date today RDd

lthat! revi"i O,D

IeratH, or do they think ydu. are igno· ought to bo made that willi briuJ{ t h~runt ~f tlu·ir polHic9aod c~n fool you HchrduloB into oonforriItty wi b prefjl'll~iinto vot1nR' for ~~}(j1ll. under. t.lle, impreM' daJ; condit~onH. Ten tonrSI noo a: tar I

• Nion'ihat tJwy llfl~on", to yoloi' purtY' r iff ~chp,dul~.thnt ill rigl,t to .y wi~l b"i'I 111 II I '" - '- out of harDron y with ;cond ~onfl ~hen.,'

li~"r the sOllK llit>\ "A 1.1a.lo ~f.1 Everywhl:re in th~ state i democrati(: In fllct no ariJf ,wh"d~le en be'lIo fjxi'd

B(~I~1Bn 1M re, ".1" \Vh:ll the LiKh.t,. ar fJapu.rj,lj that thei~'PB.,...tY ill.. iu ,\. as ~o lll.eut.1H.l (;Oullta.Dtly ~i ging ~ono;"'rattled ID wn I~.ow,' "Duk,e of _, Du hopeless nllnorlt" are urging vpterl'l to dit,onll and: iliU!!t of n~eB"lJ ~be r eVI8(j~

~\ Pre ty Ladies," ,i\lJa clisre~l\r~ politic~ andfV016 ,tqr JIleu. aB l)coaaion!Brrives. T. e" riff re\'i8~ j&1" I Tippecanoe,", ' With just as good and tc't better men ion1at" is up to date u do Bj DOL want! I

,I I ,,~ I lion the republtClllh ticket ther~ i8 abao·· thfl InllW't: POf~tpolled ntH D out rnged ~.I.•••.I I llltf'ly ~o reason in thri PI~Il'. But. th Y 1mblie will Hufl'or (!XiHtill~ ~ i'ustil'es uo I

"",r;lI"<:.-:fY , know tli 'r muat have r publiciUl VOt"6 IOIlf(~r and in ite ma.d deter ina.tion to _1:.___ _ +

towin8JJrljnlli~p~to*~ttb~m8~ri~btwron~swillswee~thJhiend~of ~~~~~~~~~~~.~~••••••••••~••••••~••~~~~~~;~~!~~;=t:r.)\·'1rj"j· Tip po.jlks lUI Illl1"!J aN Jl(l-~iljl". tHrift' out of (;ontrol and ~i\'e s another, •

dosl' of ,WrlHonisUl \';'I~h tlI1 rel:lu~tant 'I iJ{I'puhl'('lluH who call hp per6uad.-.d to (,vIIH Imd g'eur'ral (i"HIl.lIltiC?ul L,~t. uls 1m

\'ri!H lu put uUUJoera~u; cnudldtUr:n W[O wise .enotlt.:i~. to do thH ll~l~l~ tl~lnK nt

kr;od fat Om,'.8 nre calJ8d gor'rl thf\ rtKht tHIiI'. I\lvl nt.\· HI .111' tiLU\) tof,·l1,)w!'I until l1ftf'r "jpdion Rllrl ft~Villfl th" tuniC ,:'then tho whole tlnng- i..: rll C'lar':l[ .' rlf-'llI' __~ .• _ .•'~ ....._J

o"rafjr: trq,1llJjJll IIn,J' flw r,'publir'Jlfh TREASURY DEp!AR1 ENT,

who havo Jj,,r'JJ IJPJ'l-itlfullifl ro IJlJlp DIll Yffi{'cot comptrollcriol 11 C,urrcncyI\n'l~\hC'lr{l ,,"nl'." llHnlH~!t n~d Hl'f':rl'tJ,Y I \V,\,"lJl;-';(JTO~, ~~Ugll t 2;1,' J~IO.j.Intl~:l'(:ll11t-for l;(ling HO enHUy\fn!JU(:I'll to .1 WJHlreUH, by KatiHf,wtry VilmlCe lJr ... ~l,ul1 iloWll lb, ir own l'IU'ty ullit itN _clln- ~1:::S:;(~~~p;)~:r t::ll~~'~~l'l:~e~" / t ~:tl~~:;~;1[l\lUf'. Bankof Wnyul-J," in 11l1~ tOWll o( Wayne,

'l'rlH HJmAT,n,..; f'rtitorial~ in,Hn~l)()rt f:\f ~l; tl~{'l~~n~k~~ °1~ll.fiW~~~~ ;[i~~d ei~t,(;n~lJtlljllt'IU.1 1'1~.lIdidutt>h are ort pall1 for all 'the provhtiolll'l or Mill Act 01

by a~y wan ho~~vef loudly,the iDeplO- ~~~:;i~St1:~H :~~~;ell~r~~ i~l f;~:;~~~~~:orat m.ay prOCl.alm i to th~ cqotrary. ~xi~tencA aud for otjf P JPosos, 8<IJ-.Neit~er doe~ it ,~sk you ~o vb~e tor ~roved Jllli'12, 1882. ,Judge Honter or any other man because Now therefore I, fOro P. Kane,', '1' - ~ I • I ,I Dapnty anrl ActinJ( 0 mp roller of t1)('It WI,. 1 bnn~_.buslD~8S to It. '. t ~.SkBIYOJl Ourrency, do hereby c. rtH that UTheto vote for hlDl because he 'has provep Fir8tNatioo&1 BlIonk 0 W 'ne," in thehimself'a fait' a~d,just judge, one whose :town of ~ay.Jo, in ~tbe county ~fdeoistona have been' s~Btained .l tV 'the "wayne, and!.staoo of N braM a, Is auth?-

high~r courts. ". . :' 'I ,1~~~t1flt~d ~~VitR 8~~~~~~~d ~o ti~~:s p:,r~t~, : I I !Roc~ation, namely ull~il 01 se of bU8~o

Tb.o principnl arguDlfmt thel D~mo- neAH on AUR"uat 2;', J\)21). I I

cent putI' forth in lJ,'h"U o,f Jack Oh(~rry: In to'ltimouy whflr~'of witness myRwl Churley Hoynolda;'s that th.ey,! lin, h."Dd and Heal of ol!ice .tlll'llwolltyonHh,PO~I' Ollrl lJef'd the offioeR and ~h.ut frla~J~~~UKuHt, WOo, '1'. P KA':-;}O~,11..'1'1, Brow,n .!Iud, }i'ronk Bel1H~r ara "l'elJ- Deputy Rud ActiuK Oomp oller of theto,rlo, thrifty fellows who' don't ~101~d (Jurrrmay. "tl.18 Pl.11ces. 1 ACC.Ol'dlng to its way o~ fig No. :~W2; ex:~No. 2aaf,. I

. I I ,~I 1 'I ,ltrllJ~ the olliees of tho county llhfJUM --- . --\ .- '. LI<oouly to llW t'~lfiftll;l1l8-Dlt'n, uUA,hle NOTICE OF INCO~t~O~~TION Orto OHret l tl~eir jfellows in bUHiness Illud O~R ~ MORRIS pO, PANV .. ihold thair {lwn. .In other )Vords, tt be Notlee IH hHJ'I~b)' lfivlH~ t lilt . Al;'twlt/H

fruKt\I, inrlnlltrtou8 Bud thrifty iH nn or ~~I~~o}7~~~r~l~:'~lI.lll~~({)~~~~ 't l~r~l:l)r~t~:;~:fell!lO Bud tho ltllloU l<I:uilty thereof 8hlUhl ot HtRt~ lutd,Uounty . qlefk of Wayqtlhl1 puuillhed by hiM fellows and aU fa- county, Nljbmska; tha:t t e corportun

vorH withl~~lli fr~lll him. ~;:~i::o~~:,~O~~~~~Hf~~t b~t~~er~(II~:'l'hh l\]£lot4on illilot fluite throo lHkfl IIIOCi; R(lJlefal nature d;t bt8i~eS8' corl-

dbtl~nt, n~~ tho)' wUl be bUBy 1;dtH ~t~~~~~ aW~;~~~alN~t:lk ~dl~~i:;I~~I~~for ,Ill' ('nlfdlc1nt.Cf4 and Ull'il' niderR ,"Hid pluoH of bU!liutlll8, Wayne NebrUtHkf\;ulllltt.orH, Dll1JlOc,rMltl cn~dicll\tt'H' ill 1~1Il0UlJt of CI~Jlitlll Hti)ek. llut,horizl'd,

WI\\'tul ('Ol1l1t·y will b~l Pllfl,imllnrlY~ ILl-:' ~~~'J'~:;~~~~ci :~I~?I~~)U~)fli¥l~ ~111 r~ t~:~'~I{~OJ~~l:I(rll!'i!'ttvlll\lHl hUHy trylUJ.t' to RhQw rC.'~Uh piUlV hff/.\'iml btHHU{'~H: lJilo\' lU/'t 8U!' Uliit

1H:I.t1 vot.. r"! that. th!')' Hhould cut out of iudebtedul\68 to ~~ich he co~POrti.thl'ir OWl! plntylH e;uidiclltteH (),Tld givo tion wsy at any. tl~l1e H ~jflct ltSA.} ,

th~ir '~otOfl to dem?cratif aspirants' ~~1~~~~t8~~~e b:llt~~~d~l~ ~~al ibY"~'~~;Will ~heir pleas for support ,get Y~ to direotorR, and the omoen i. bpI against the nominees of your own dont, Vico-Prelddellt, S ratary andpa.;·tJ:; n~d be i~st.rllmen~~l·in, PI'I tog TreBflUrl1r, ;y.;hioh IMt two, Onh:"'fH DlIty,

thO. ca,.. ". d. idlltes of th.e.minorlty p.'.'.~iU be held by one. and the sI\me person.the b~i1t Qfree.8 0' the (}ounty?\.No c, 100'; Wayne, NebralkH, oot~ ~,Ib~~~rlorat oan bi eleoted to" plllce in W )'11e W, Ii. MOItIUB;oount.y wi hout rcpub1i~"u votes. m r Icorl)or"tor~,

tti.1 ~~t·t!l'm I. . " ~ :

f PROBAT£ NOTICE O· CREDI.T~~ I:IE1;;;~~-i;·~~;--bo.igl~g N0 .or I TORS.,

any dther Ulan t·o vote for aur I bf ,'tho III thu cuulIty ...:ourt of WilY e COliuty, ~c_repu~llol'n cI\u(Udates for oounty <liP.Ice IJrMku..beCatiRe it !ICElS in their eleotion lUi op- Er;n~tb~~]~:t:~::s~~~hG esth. ear ObarJesportu:nlty tor li{nthering dollBt's iutfii' itl:! Notice il:l tlcroby given, t at the cred­own oofl'tm-, but Ilfolks you to 8ul~port ilol"!; of thn fluid dfCmtSe~ ill meet thut.hel~beonps\l they are an well q~allfied Adminletr!l.tor ot Baid (!~f& e, herore mel

~~~~;,~;,~~~:~:,::i~~"~~~;,,~:~~r~,~,~ ~~~:~"f{;~:l?~I~~~~?;~l;~~R~~,:~;I own party ..rtl pntitll'd to rour ~Tll~Ott ~1~~6,l~~;~~:~fo~k ~(.ll\;I~tl:'ll~l: ~l\~Y~P~~';

at~.~11~,T~c~td8t~8~,o~lnnlt.I)MP~otP~I\\tinMtll~lrCluiltl~II~~ ~.~~~·;-;-~··;-~-~-;-;-~·-;·~14~~.';-~-;-;·;-;-;·;-;-;·~-~·;-;-;-~-;-;··~~~~;;;~~~~~~~.!!!~t~~~~~~:Joapable mell and Wayn8 count)' I ij>lng tQr eXllmiuaUoll, ndj:l"ltm,\ t Dllr! 1I1hm"ropubliO,nn is ontitlotl to lif\vO me~u('rll aflo6. ~I,J: mQuth, nnl I\lluwtld for,of that 'P1\\t,y 1l11'thel081088. T)~e ~r&· o.-editors to preacDt t,bel!' claim,,! uu,1

pathll\Ot bl\l! be(ln worked i~ thi. 0rUbo ~'l{dYfl~~.~tf;ff~:~~~~ul~~.~: ~,;r ~~ 0~t~~

., unm,ili.18 worn th.'.(Illodba.,e .1\1lc1j.!ball ~'r, l00ij. rl'hlli DOUce wl1 btl P\lLJll~hNtbeoome a ,~enoh'in the uostrils 'of (lfy i Ihe WayDft Herald for 1nur weekMrilJht will( ed pt>rson and ought t, be 8 CCNI!;1v~ly pt'WT tn tho I·Hlt day (If

la1~J"W~YI n<lal:\O~dtodr~o, OVWi~~:~!ll'::·h8na!Bnd £\0.•1 of l;liid

. T~,~~, ~!at,iu its la~t i8~ue , V€(s ~r~t' this ~4th daylor Oc ober, A, D I

mu•.. o...ti.,•• p., J.llOk Oherry for t.he COlo. {Seal) . BlUNTER, 1.:I"~IIIII!'J!I!"'Pl~"."~."--"'~~~"!!!'!."".~II"'!i!'!."~~"~il~~tTLr:~n~n.uttu.8.:~an.~.~b~ ", IP






·l r ,,'

" ,".(;(-.;.:111'" \\:,1

;. 1:]1 Ij_l a l·

""" \ 'I):JllHl'll:·

",' '~. ···n.lL~ c;;;·:1' n 'I' fJ"lllll tile (It'.,,· I.

rd' I:,,' \IU\i' I': ;.1;: uh!l)f tll,ll1 Cbrlatlnu­it. . ;1,';\1>.: III,i'·I"! ill all Ilrubahillt.r L-t.m­Ill' ' " I I, ,r:, llo.· ·';1 '.11,' "l;i~" 1~f I'eetln::;.It'" I..,'" ~hh',1 'IWII",U·t!, it. out 1111"111".\~••' '.1I i\'<\ill bJ1\l."

~;-L~. W"':1J.....u C• .uUl"ti)U n:wlu'k~; "I~v·

.0111 '.' ;\illlb.';l}i Ul)\'e c\'cr.y reH"io,l:'1".1':"1 to '"OlL-.I,llt'r tllc_ V1b:!'\JU as, tile:-;:\"""11 hl~·IL Fill" \'xalJlllh,', e,'eQ'U·IJ.·qIH' .'"\,",\rlll~ wl1h pl~CQn~, aDd l' ~

liaidj' ('xi.!'!1 rn J:lOsl II:llIHIl illark·.,tp1:lt'l'.1o. Th~-" JIillllt)() jlun;'· l:lHl t:.o)()I~ .\I....;yrl:lll j;lupirl' n1"10 lJ,\\ I~ llH:w:' •

On~ .ll,-.. trry ~Clh'(!fl.

Ronr.-1111't IlfJllJ'1' lln1Jltl1;'~ \\·!Jo bU'f"Etr(·ppatl'.i1y l'omplnlued lIt' tl.ll· tlark.d1l'1'l'II'~S ('\J!orlug' or till' wall Illtpet>tn thpfl' rootni\' rimy nud "llnLctlllng' to'!T!tl'I·P.<:t them 111 the Information reol"'{'pH~' t·lh·lh>d hy a curio>j;; e1erk 10 ~d('lIU n nll~\It, I'\tu~·e.

"1 shou);.) llke to kuow," said thoelllrk-··'iu tad, 1 bnn IouI' wuntetl tokllOW-·wby It la·UIIlt. you ladles whomllnil~ hOilrdlng houses nlwnyB cbO()I'H)­9u(~h dark llaper:."

"Well," s.ld tbe prospective purchnR­cr. ,"11' tlUlt t. the ouly tblug you wautto kno,," ron w1llllt JUilt U~ well fin Y~

~'ll wiSt· IOl1K ago, We JUH.' durk Vitit14'1' hPf"lIl1~u with tbut "U lIlt· w.Yllfil th~

'.ll\lhl tbt".. bonnlem lUle to blck up tb.Cir{'Il(:tut'Ciil 11ou't lellVe" ~ucb &htUltlr81~tU'If."-1'it~W York Pl'efIs.

Bll"DJred.The.defendant, wbo was beld on ~'

{'hargt!'ot'. keel.lng a dog without a ~l~{''ell."ll'. n'ped.tedJy tried to interrupt We J'

('\"ldl'U<"(', but waR bullhed eacb t1me bytlw 1~t1rt. }I'loony tlie clerk turnel1 to l

bilk"'()o J-~ou wish the Court to under·

Itn.nd," he asked, "that you retuse torenew your dac JlceQB87"

":Yes. but"- )"We waDt no 'buts: You mUst,~

new Tour liceue or be tl.ne4. You_ It aqIn4 JaR _""r.. bltt .. did die ....-aa-'........ '

of tile excellent 560 acres inLeslie preciuet will takeplace at the conrt'hoase iuWayne, on ' '


grave deUl('llllOr lind are not euuo,Vf'I[with tho un!lllllll.lJ Yh·RClty wblch tiL,,·tlncul~h~ tb~· Hurmllm~ IUlll J8pan~·':l{'.

During thc six WE..'Ck~ that we flilent Inthe Islllhd we did not :'lee bali a dOZl"U

~Jta'Rre Anti. t"'xCf'JH In eltlefl. certaInly Inot tbat Dumber of l)()lIcemtm.-PellrlOa',.

ii' altd have theta Iltt~llded '\er~l'e they get wor~e ,

~ , :, ,

I, :•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11.11 ••••••••••••••••

,I :~~$~ ~~~)f~t4~1:' ~-1E'::';,,'::~~ iTHE:LAW OF FINDING. ;:::'11"::ap:;:u:t~..:1·..·..· ·..·..·· ..· ···· 1",.,1. "A!l~ lIlW%lk E ~ 16.:I4l~ IUld J1Ohll>Ie. O*her m_ pma from ~"f"••~ ..... t,,~--qo.."" IllDt, with h!s,lrOD ,pI1Io, th.t two,f~,n..r, 7 :'10 I. ~. W '" <If il u 11, W & N otand&rd 1IIoV6 been f6.W!f,\~n ' .... Tltl. 10 PoIHI. 1II1ght go to that load. TlwD, il1UltIllr.,1lue..." II...., 2 :1. p. m. .. r. . ., ... 1 h ...1 d ~"~':"I'r.- " E ~ of N1!l IG, N ~ 8 1!l ....d now beoome I PMt or the Pltl" the tn', common ltIw jlnllInIl' a ',quaUft we o.p ant woul P ell ~ the Me-,Mi~d,LeaveN ~,411;p, W' )410 ....11 s ~ of N W ~ U, bright, oa\oh1 malo4!•• belnt ~ tbat Il>u.... of t1tIe to gOOds IUl4 dlatte ond ",Ith \nllulte d.ll 0"1 of ~. I

WIIB'r ~ ~ 10714 U \Ilbed',la... ~ ~rJ.e th.~ hU ti1rn, march ove,. and epoolt them' Ile-a/Jln ,'l' p ~. "." ... T' " .. . ~__ I cJeiJ tltle ai<aJns' Will. world, ex aid<! lb. plte, alw.ys r turnfug lor 81).,,9:5f')a.m. Wm8~ 8 aJ eM above) to I '1'O<llole~.ke6$ andread,.-to- IDa' If:he owner. The proprfetor of other load 80 long u'ttbere were anyPaSsenger. 6 :48 p. m. John Be H pry, S E ~ of NEw..... haU we otter 'hem below 001'. aae.eb or a raUroad car or a IIhlp has n pla.nka ready. When ~ere were noneMiiM, An1:V6H. 5.:50 p. m. ~ of 16 ~d E ~ of N E l::( of Cau Ad eee WI bofore buying. .JIBbt to demaDd D~pe.- rormd 0lI 1:Jl I:Le would take 11111 ea&ej 1D. the Bun~

BRANOH 9, allizI !NJ.9al1Jo'N W M. BALt.I4GPz~a-. ...., w.att,orperlwp~. tb.e~__renhell.VY.IOg8 I"" , of N E *' 17 N W ~ of N '" M. I ~. Buch PrOvrletors ma1 ~.1w to be pushep., q;olll "'/". pl&<!> 10 &/1- , ,

ii NORTH 18,*I(~1 WM.13,SE7I:ot 1l,"..dI1,October2j",Ral~h llu~d~1I ID i.l~ard to Jolt ~cJ.., regulatlo '0.!lJllr. ~.nd It p~ngIW.Oul<l <lo. W1U.. "'P••••u~r, 10:00 a. m, 8'W 9!l' 1L f 8 W 1£ ';;7 will have a pobllo demon.ttal1on of "'bJ'~ will bInd employ~, bo hill'WU,nk eurl all~iIle log, 110 • '

"~ . J.i( ,,.' ". a v,~ I· I , . , , '. ,., thIl1:T""nnot !lJlJd til. pnbUc. " elephant would e It the trou- i'1II1:i/9d, 6:50 p, ~. NEJiof jl M. ~7, aud JlI ,W, ootfe.'1l11dntl11 his ',tor.. You, or., Th, law ot' ftodlng WM fteolilred by ble ot plcklog It up mare tllan •

Otl'rU M. a! J.1l ~ ~ 8 alllD Twp 26,2 101049 oordla1111nVlled $a be ~re.eul. 'ltow $a tile lIlu"a beuoh more tlIll1l • bmulred houoemeld wlll'plok ~p a ohalr on Th SI ht ..

:MiX~dl B~45 a. ~m. Goo D Knee d to E ,W Ol~n' obtain the belt re~u1tB n Jo1fe~ makIng ,etu',' ako (when Jt wu the .apreme C8a-ters e ' itUg er IPaAijenger, 2 :U5 p. m. Bod L~8 le iron, 9.215.15'~OtS will be both intere8ilng' and proftable. QOUrt of common law In iWg1a.nd) as. More' fascinaUp, 1t ~u~ I caD. , ,,",,,., , r'~. 1,1 Blk41,Solee"''''''''''''ir,'' '6Il 00me. RU:"BRU~DBLL .. to~"t~ouro~ndaWal1etcontalnltiga :~tofue:e::.;~!~~= l d'C s'"I' ,'~I"Ity'b~'bav~8hu8bandand:'tJji it he n)'OU:f~ld pondentorYO~~future ~o: H~ Grlgga!f you want;tour sum 1of money on u shop floor. He round It, place/It on,tbe top at tbe rln' a, ,eiH wor~h 'keeping iU8ist that' hd wears lOoks dA~k,! or ur wife is OrOl8 and oatt e ppe. , ' handed ilie wallet nnd contents to the pUe and then calculate Jts POIw'OD aDd U UStaley: underwear and you IWU have your tW,n@ ao~, ,making Ute a,., ~.urden, The Oitizeo8,Ba.nk hR~ a fa~ of: HIO 1J1JOI;U:e('p~r to he returned to the own· P,~8b and pU~l 1m.t1J it., w.U _. In.,mm wIth yon _.loog &Iyou'lIv~" Ii 11 f I or. liter tIlr.. years, during whlcb Its pl.,c., Tb~ .odde~t ~... , the

'I ,try a S~i~ 8~ ey underwe~r~I,an ,a .oreal or ren , ) tb~ owner dlt1 'not can for hIs property, most reasonable, thlnll,Wn.8 to BOO the'i " theae wi 1 ill\p ar. Men '~at wear, "'. OCAL AND PERSONAL ".~. he ' WlUlted, $"'0 good mUoh OOWB, In· lbe ahd.r dOIDaoded ot the ahopk••per elephant, pUShiD/l agalqlt th.• end ot a

, '" ' ~ , I ,. !j-' !Staley 116 w s ppy. qtdre at tht8 oftloe. I , the Wallet and the moneJ'. The latter ,.ery heavy log, lJtretql out one .h1nd'rhe, Baptist Junl0E: IOC1ety was: I " retul$1 to del1ver them upon the leg to give ~t b':lanee and pur·

award~d the Bta,te Junior b'ai:L~er at tQe #' cq See W. L. ~b1n80n, ,of Oarroll, /~rl grouqd Itbat ~ey were tound on bl8 Cha&e., That ,"med I to br1IlC- hUnconvedtion beld in Omaha 06tob r 8. Min xb m., Ooleridge, enrolled lbis real estaW, tarih loans or iDluranoe. " premJsea. The tiD.48r then sued the IlIOmehow veq ~ar to ~_ He was not

I I If' & db $$0 Ii.. .bopllleoper;.M Ie w.. held, .. etated only 40Iilg our \vorl:, but he w.. flo-I Thel'Upion Teachera' training claM week. "I ~" " , LundbUlg Lun -p.rB, 1\ ,mrr',I, above., tba~ 4g4tlllJt aU the world 88ve ~ lnc it in our wai, '

"'.'.: as h~l~ Tuesday evening it) 'he .Bal" A very' p. e± • aOCial. WILlI held in over Bin, Na"bnal Bank.~ Warn~, t!~b. the owner, the .tlUe ot the ftnder Is per- i Presentlf. with one .accord. all the$l.$ ohuroh. Th.lorg. namber In II· $ha ohapil, a day.v.nlng, Any lady "lUlllnl!' ready-mad••klrta, fe"t. Tbe fin,l.. bae Indeed been held ·Ielephantl lIropJ)4ld work an4 moved In MondA,Y, Octob,er 23 t

i+ ,

tendanoowasquit8enoou;-aging, Thene~rl&te' willbegfn October 80. Imi&lIorjaokek atmod~rate price B:Jld to RtAnrl In tlle placc <!r the owner. thed~OIlO(~&~. U ., +'w.'~ne.o'00nlYI.8 surely 'not t hl'nd ·Man1h&, lew.r1 _nthaslhe,YwtU enler neat 1UJ 'lhouldcallon Mrs. S~d.',.at Thl1~ IA!l1re\'aUed In an ,action ft,plnst I' '~at mean.a, )t's 1~ dcJ9ck." I4Id,; If I ~ - W': B. wbo fOUDfl an artJele wbleb A had t!:be tDr\lman' "d1nner hour. Not tor 't k

i: l~eblo"\Of$h.m-.:h.nlttIO~oIn •• ',.u. g.l- a$lh.$1 : ~ - ,ayn... ,0rtginP flf'/ouOd,butoubeeqoentlyI0lt·11l1moe1t cont4"'e flOt'fbem tn do. ot one 0COCt+'.ting the best there is ~ l k. ;l\0bert MlaI6I rsew t and Yalrlah I have rented. ~ Le1aenrlng bOUle. The polIce have LlO e8~clQl rights 1n Iitroke;of work !rom now un 8., lee

Pritohard, the DurooJJe breeder of made arr~1D nM for a coneen tour on 00fD6r Wei' .of poetoftlce and am n'!~nr(~ VI; urtkJ('~ 10t1t l1uleft~ theae \~ ou time. At a they beSIn aaain This propt'rt \-. l.vill 1,,..O.. "r.rOll' was, ~own atiL ,oo~n at the. big ·which $he~will make at t~. end of this prepared to rent roomB at rellolOna~le rl;.!;ht,. !lrc f'lJoferred hr statute. Recel\"· IUd work Wi dUlk., ~ tDQ' ,tart J I lit'

Kirkpatrick lJate of Dar9(FJ6rsey. last ter~. , priou. Baltlfacilon gn~teed. l't'~ o~ nrllcle~ fonuu are trustees for l~t>out 6 In the mprnln,r, but the;y dou'.t Id at aucfon in a. eel tW.~k and bOught a. b'oarI;Oi whidh. he PteBid~~tlle speD& ThurBday and Mas. HENRY HBRRELL, ' thf' O\vller or finder. In the absence of ltinderata.od overttme."';-PaU MaO Ga- 80· '1, ~~. 8 0 ,

P' l' "275 aod a gilt for n. U ""'•• ~ 1'-" I h he d elleclal atetote they have .. power to .tte suit buyers and will be aa. ,i b.llruay ali', n D were rea a Every week I reoeive a new lapply of kCf'IJ rt.n artl~lt" nR'llnst tlw flncter ony' ..

mo .:1: 10 g.Hhe beBt, b ,t f°bett••m. pepsr at $b~ ling 01 lb. AallOOilltiou up.$ mlllln.ry frelh trom th. """rdllan a fI"'ler hllB to rotaln ao "', TO SERVE WrrH SOUP. great opportunity to buy

to be,~etermined to have t~t ki ,no ot PriDOiPAlI an Baperintendeb~l. market. For correot ~tyle8 and low t1ch~ ,~~alnst thf! owner. . II ~ some . ftne 'farm ptoperty~ ~,qi;ij'eJ;'~pce"WhattbheYChollt.': Thtlli the Amob*t~e vi 1toll· tbil!l week were priOeall68MadARliYaie. A 'tlTll.1f'1· 1lltl~t. h()wP,,~r. Uf.!e ev{'ry~!ulUaat4wnY-BOI~~. , *,

}~i.nt, ,'~f meu t at ave IPU a7~e Mr. and ittl!l. E1a ot Pilger, who came " ~'::I"lr)Tl~lhle tlI f ':lIlR to dlAcover tllp O~Vll- Pea-pried powdered, mi. .at. croutoll.& Terms lliade known 'on day •09 nty to the rront so r~~idlY i the up to lee::'~ir d agMer, Grace. Mitis THE PRESIDENT (I o( fou'1I1 good!'! before npprO(H wt· Hare-Red currant. rowan or cran- f I I"Ina, f~~'fi' years 0.9 Nebrask~,igreat nre- WUlon of .artl goon, spent a few days Of the Lewis and Olark Expositi~n, lll~ th(>m to hllf own Hl'l~, It hfH4 )IPf'n berry jelly.' 0 sa e. ~ I Ibr~ ~~ok oenter ' I, ' II t I Ie hs f ill Vi declnrli'd tlUlt tt· the- finder knows the Turtl&-Lemon cut I~ quarters and I II·, , • III 'tVlthherlrter. ~'i porilanClJOregon,te grap 88 ~ 0 , 8: OWIltll'lor,kllOWfJ that ha,eRn discover dedeeparately.

, I' I 'lSt. B~}Y mean!; you j'''9 00 e to . The te~ en report thei~ k". III congratulate anrl thank the Un· 11im 11'1 i.i ~Ul~ty of Jarcen;r Jll keepIng' Clear 'Sou with ltalJa.n Pastes-tre~ij~.ol~'B.ion that Wn 11~, conny iI!l!mowog~~oJgYey nicely. 'T' arae ~~~~~:~eos~::::to~t::n~i~e;;.~~ UI' IlIJll'c>pl'iatmg to himself tbe arU- ~ratedparm~t:KlIlcbeesf. f •••tlt.f' •••••• IC.I.~.....flll.lIJJ ••• ••••••I~OGPE08peron~you ongh .0 ,get odt a~d number~~ tB in the gradnating folder_ It ia one of the m08t elabo.. c1e!-t fe, U1tl. r-Clear Soup a 1a dalbert-Poached _~ .. .. " _~,_.__.__, ._,_. "

V,iJ;1t'.~.h,eOOUl1t,ry all<lto 9. Ne+r in .Cla8868 ~k: 8th workot th~ teachers ratean~oomP.leteofau.yi~i~ed"iu TH':'" 'OLD SAILING SHIPS. !en-sonAbotdishon a!naplttn. I ,.., '.tb.~.1".iB~OrY·ot the county ere eV).~el1c. !rnaCh. e-t iJtl as e work ill not 80 muoh conneotlOn with the ExpoSlnon. , , f I " I 'Croom au Pot-'!b::ln ~~Iot'bread: +~.", ," Q. ~ I.... ••••••••• I

'ea t'~he prOAIJeroue can Uion of the 'lbroke.Q. nb.I' i Th~ who il1;tend to v:\&it the Oreg;~n Wb- tile ·Wooden Oneil Wert" n,.U#'r ~ppe(I in the !!lOOP crIsp in I··t-'s' .our work to treat and ',, " ,I" I th ,,. 111 Ii d' thO bli t·o I ..... oven. ","ptl It; as ~ whoh s.o . . n e i In &ddl~iO to the twelve prim's al- oountry W 0 10 la pn oa 1 D a '.'han 'rholOe lIullt ~f Iron. ~

towlns', ventablH bmldl e are o~, ready an~ nOEl, to be offered to·~ s'ud• .rare fnnd of information. ~8 tells you 'rhe ~li~illg sllllJ wli~l!I I 1,1WW hel' In I·Boulllaba1se (a rich :nBh 8ouP)~rou· . ""I "'". ,~!:.lotJ afe advullcjng BO that it 18 nts D" oker baa donated '~foo to or the .hortest way to re.oh the Expo· th(> (In~·s ~It' 11('1' lJel·fect./uu ~"It~ UHl'IIHl· JUns or thin brow;u br~a4 ~ butter, f-'I ~ "~lntOf,l~ impo~foIibltl to posted on 8egive~"kp he s ud"nt who has: is or .iiBon Olty, whae ls to h~ l!Ieim en ronte, 111(, apllture. Wll~lI 1 ~nJi lie!' dar,.; f,( ~rtersor lemon. ~'" I, OU.,r,Valt.,., On B1l'.Rid~s trom ono end of " I, th 111h" ~ 4- t· and of tho rettlrn trip t,h~onKb Oall. l)I'rf('ct~.III. I mea.n perJ~IC~tlVll or build. E'Artichoke, ThiCk. ~' Creey,'. ., r f her name 0 ft onor to e., a,es .IF II I .- ' , II' lit " r Is u-' n tor' ro,,"A- fthe OiOuut,y to the ot new arm b" t If th 1 " 'fornla, ree on app cat 001"" A'I"\I·. fi~'jl,W()1' Iy flUR es nuu ('US(' 0 q ~rou OIlS _ 0 ' . "

,ltobil~~,1.Q.odern in, ever respeot are Dum ero, mel ur~", e ,~. 'A.K.OUa:T~,T.P.A., handU9;.{·luot tile pert'cOull nr ~peeu. ~ad <lIpped in ~oup~or atoekt thaD ~'~~8Bt)BB" B'88'a'8l:3·§'~UI'II g'!Lnilt'\wI kreut: bar .. tor the care At a nie:et ngo the gradoati~" 01"88' ,:0maha, Nebr, :'llLHt ~u~lity f(~llclu::u Ate liiSIH'~t (~x· t de crtl!lP lQ the Qven.1 \ ' ' . ;'f e!tho· I upon tbo '8BndB of fine el, th{' tOl,lo ing oftlOers W6re J..eleoted . c il'HlleuClj! ~n the 011';(.:0 'ery ~ui lloUd'V I ,_', I ,. ,'I " ' ,-.' ! .' ' .

" \:~;. ~": ".it~~n~I:IJ1 hoge or 'In exi.teone for the t~ : P ••Ident, Mr: to",... ; BOAR,S FO,R S~~LE' PUIl'I :IJ'l.I\"I""'l.O'1 wit" tbe dJUllg" uf " Tl'~J'''~>: B"·"~'~·t~'1· , ,. '@n""fii/''~'I\"ft'e" ~"'·~"fI'.."·'~~' ~"'!'::l'::CO"~·(l''''·@·Q''',·e'''','''H'.'·. ~1"l'.'~"'() ~',,',',J~ I I ,~"I~l '111,1.".~ O'Q·n.",'o"\",'"I. ".' ~yne' 900n'ly Yice prekld$ tl . DiiBcoll.i SeQt',tBry, I h"ve ft r~.w ~Jj!rll goo I Polpud Ohi- IJl1l1dln ~ Itwtcl'iu:t. .. I ~t at nl";l05t any ~U1~j,O" ~91ear~c . _ "'..r< v n ,'v " I'M " j kl ~' I ' NnM "I ,he ltou ahl " or ye"t"",Ia)' ftlk thrbogh lb. wooas wiler. the rO(I.

I ti~~t~j~~' j~re"prtiBVi;lrOUH, ha py Rnd con· . ieR ()lfW~b rn. The wee Y ret ngs hB, April uou,r ,PiHB lor B~le, al60 ~wo ever t1ttn'tned tho rna vel!'; of 8\lced lIkarJet, black: or pin oaktt are arowmg-I' , tOllt


r(l bayoud _th"ir !oD( eat antioipa-· o~l the cIt 'o~e n Wedt10BdQ,I.I. ~fter- good DurOO.Je~.seY boa~~'t~ Call on me ","blch th~ Beamun~llip t rueD tatbou~ . t 1», wbere we 1ind...-JlhOie th&~_rJpeu

JI tlon'~tRfowyenr8agp. nooQ.,., I at roy farm ,1~ mtles:Dortbeast of iptbetrtmehadobtanerlfromthcir e1racorD.B1n~~.~~",~,qJ:~~ ~M~88·~~ag~~88,,~r~,'§",I·, ,r,:, ",II" , • , Th. n./w ook ..e tor the Al~mnl Wayne, E;~, SELLERS. \yootle~. 'opper ,h',ele I l"'etIocc",,,rs, ,re h~long.o lb. pin ioa~ grp"p-w. i ",,' V. ,! ~ '¥~!l,ktOIJJ R.; ~),' g ~be talk of libr"~yh~~ eelJ n,t in place, au~ tho Prof. Dunin,hae on ha~d n larR'e as- E,'(!rdbill'·· had J11'l'lJ \lout" t,) Illtll,!'. 8~lr::~~::II~:t\?a:ynt1b:1zg:~~:~ ~~~I~ I'

'\ . tbe p'reat NortiwOl brtdg ,?K the ~f1B. bookH ar~ in t,,~I{J l. FIUy book~ :bavo Bortment of marble aud I ranite monu. t!ld j·l'OlJ ;tdp l'('l'(c'd. IJ1l.l 11'1 wit. ';f! a lead pencU to tbat!of one'"lJ thUn\Q"':. 8PU~ lilt thl~t point. Now e are not 00 already bee ~e elved and mOJe are ts. If ou need aD~thiOg in bis man hall managed to de lac au ~tll.e~l'llt evell lurK'er. These: at the broken eJ) @'@9ggBBng99g~~m

. fb~l tUlJh),e, hl\vo no tip!l 'fr m. auy per· ooming in:e ery ay. The indications ~en ~ h'· t ('{Jlltlngl cQUlp0lo<ltfon to kpl'p IH~I' lu,l· d i),pvear us it cut a~Vt11 within tile 'l\\ '" ll' tl . ~, ·.'()nitl~Rt 1S'lm l,he 'inalc1 , but if the are that the e wi! be a b,undred' 'yol. bne ~~11 at h18 s.hOi w d

er, yout:a~ ~~ It<\m clemt1. with the an ooLh clenuue":'t oou'. 80 that only tL ;th~n portloll ltf ". , ". ~"' __ f\ . _ll ,

, C' te·al.1;:Nor~h'etn Ilbould or '8 the llBig '. b I h·l anyt mg you wan an Bt'~ e or I· lot ;relJ9n.l w<.'t(ll sll('f' lug. After a I J tt under We uark. Wlthtn the raUter'r· • 'Mh*~f.'" ~t the 'Dakota .etroVOlis it u.meWlD '~. r. m~a. I nary comml88i~.nof 20 pe I. oent paid to '.£JII.:I1 o~a; t.ew. weel,s L sea uo lI'OD.' even cut, generally ~l.!6.r tbo"cCU1or ~nd it'~ ifJUr l)axt::~o,go, t(rII' 1"'1'.' 'k' ;,., '''.. tl oOBb: it .... oUld be":tor' A commit ee 1f appolDted by Prof. agents. I J,lll il) .ue ius to htl' Il8 if l:\ho bud 1.71)W11 I lb. _0'-", 10 Ii. st) ttn hO.I~ Hglltly:1 ,p.~ .. ""Q ~~ a~ 1 I"",! to take oharge" bt the -----.- .- ,llr(!ll'i . e;OOIl. It 114, 0 Iy her bottom' e' "'MJ f

:.1 ~:tA~ p~~poj;)~.o~ tappiu~ 80m rof the ri0'1- variou8 br.n he~ f athletios in" whioh For All ~ind8 of :Piles. . illJr t b ~(Jttlll~ ~oul. , . i ugged by th~ "pow ~r po"t't o~ a

.... ~eb,~~~ka~er~1.torylYlDg s,uth °tf ~hat tbeYOQD~\1 enl e InttlteHted'l Th.e TodrBW tho flm:outofn burn, h~nl a 1\ YC~Jly )It,t!t' Iln'l'r~b'- bl~ I;pro"d,o.I.Ui t I~~~~:'Q :~:'~~~t1:~~e~~~hll~~ DI"" "F- f:=.LL~~il~~.,.I: Probllhl,r Jim.,tIUllhas. Iloboed oommttter!O ~Al~t fOf Mr. Powe~,1 cptll~. out whhout lea~in8 a "on~, Morek', t'ltterJ iRh,1.P lhft Iff 11M <ll'!v(\n II h.r :1Il 111l.1i~·.: e little, while, 80tt. hnl'f1 jawed lar· "". J-, L...# 'i:J~lu\~:tpe.B., & ~. h~ ..a rnoniog man; Me~Jr .~ pp, Beck and: d.ronk em~nnlB BIllt ",11 skin and Flpa1p di.H~f\8eS, :llllt pro (t*(lt. Oft~n It I ~1Il1l0Mlbl(' tO

Ithat made It will tie found or per.

,~ortm~eijt froill Its plaIn· ne at Ash· f '~ t lid P to' t '~_ DeWHt'8 Wltoh He.'zet Sllh,j. A ft't"1! wb t tn('on81<lernte tllfle 11111'" 111'1', TPS the IntteUve ImpIW,'l~ d ifo Schuyler ·the 00 nty. seat of orthelltll~e ,8 ro. pan~1i,~y re~ UHC , , . j io", bprl'fltrl1lf'. ~A ee m\-·,itN·lolll'I.' ,

: 'O~f 'I,' .OO-llllty., ~llrt Soh~Y·ler 11 relu~nting!tlb ,fto'nlty.· The ~1l t.ftry fllW~lflo for hlinrt, ble~dl~ • ftO!Lfflf a:d ine~K lui'II-I"~ nround the fJ nlll~: of 1-41"'\'1,1 ..... Ru..laD DeJr !co~r..'. '~" "'. tY kt drtllwtllbe uo d.rgeotPl'of. J3uOi an· protludingpile8, 8toprt the VAn n a n'lt 'PSluisplayed by lcold aailluJ.: ~, ,Il~"Dttl~'I.u6a,r.~y dJr(IO.III.~ Hont

bOld b

B." ~~IIO' an, who lir.' Ih much eJ:perl~Dc in Rtantly a\ld cureR·pe.rttlan .ntJ1., Get tbe :H~ir ~;llU:1nUllded by iWlletent Hen. Here ls llU odd bu tina "tale trom

~ r:ud tlwt R me 0 e qUI 'I" I[ I I S 1tI b R nd Ph I 1"~ , ~W;t=lIQ: A certAin :eo 'tit wBIg out for',' ',,, ~"~'. b'll 'lIt' inti thlRltnerllw-ork~ ,genune.. o y aymo 1 8 ilrmaoy. ,well. lJI \tbQf;le uays e sveetl Wtili, ..... aDft, --k1nl 'dil':D"h~ eub",

~~Il\, ~ y" p t btltw~elll,l wo po. i ' I, ' 'attrt 0. hll~tt{'r for the eaman'~ coore.... "-",ril\l}1 ~ and tllll-t tho'Hbo w ! III ~o ~iiJbt ~Servioe~iin tho aptiB& ·ohurc~ next Frightful Suttering :Relleved. Theretorre.i UI)art from the laws. rule", at one of the latter, ad it alung~1Dtodown t,hroURh lonr of Neb~, ko. B riah· ~ ~o 0 Preaching I)e~vioo Sufferiug fHgbtfully fr~m. the vim. 'flud regUJ~tionR tor the good DreR<.'rV:l- ~r~/II~~~8 ~:~ta~~v;r:h:e:~~~y ~:

'I est o~untieft, Oedar, W., el Stanton at 10:4ri al Ilnl an 7, :30 p. m. Sn*day. lent poisonl at undigested food, O. O. Hall ot ~.s: cargo. lie was caretul ot· ~18 b~s amval bls game~per announced~. - .and 001.fa1 and that this is adayone .ot IOhool at i-pob. ~ niar Union a~ p m. GraylOn, of Lula, MUis., took Dr. londlng.'iof wbat Is tecbnlclllly called tllBt n huge bear hfLd: eea.le4 the wall", 'the ~~, ferti~e fielQ.~ W~8~ the M~6~ Young Pfl9P~e's, I eating 6 :80 ,[p" ~: King'lJ New Lite .Pills, "wUh 'he re- tll(~ trim: of IlIK M:l). Rome t4hl}l~ Hilll~~. ot the park. 'l'he <."OUbt went out aOdl I, f10Url ~lver tor .exploltation. y 8Omeral1 Mid-week !p~ayeri !!ervioe Weewe~y lu1t," he wrlces, "that , was cured." hCHt on an even keel, oUlerH llud to hi, a~t it-the !lam or ~e cub ,which bp~"l'_,'1'o.,p.,companythRtwillbni~ alineand even'DB.$~:!JOO'look. '" Alll&omaohlllld ItOwel ~dUorden give ll'llllme4l QuJte one to!>t by the- stern. IUld ktlle4 and brought bom.1 The.~' .... give ~lti~ 1f0.nderfnl agrioul ural terri· ' "i, II; to lheir lonio

tlaxaCi'fe propel'Cles. nnel ( bnve beard of fl ship thnt Jit1I...e trt.lirUI creature bad t-ollowed·ber dead

, I to an ,eaBterp. and Bout ern outlet You can ln~ h~ to be e1eotet, ~,a '!" :y , . , ' ber best speed on a whul wbPll tlO 0 spring tho:'l'e Jltty nUJH at the sameT~ tht hole country is touohed oOUDty o~~.t y do no* wea~ i ; 2lJe at Leahy. drag atore., guaran~eed. louded ~8 ,t~, OOKt a CQul'le or iud.l~ p ce a. rela78 of poet borsM ADd l:n: owned or (j' troll8d by unde",e.~., :No-o e hRl e,.er ~ni de·' I A Daredevil ~l~e . by the ~e&d..:-Joseph Courad tn U:1r- rtjvtd in time to ehu-. the tate of herthe Northw••tern a*' $h. opl. living fe"'.d ..ho hM ° 8$1'.y.' Often ende In a lad aooldeD$, To heal per'. W_ly. , ~:~ and to W!\'e, U "I0noH,.of'retlW<I'and'iibina'btulttJe83 i the t rrltOry are, We de.fre r turn thaw'l llol all aooidfmtal iDJurle., UIe 'B~okl1n'. 'M - : J!'t_hln" For .heep. 'wjere SbH tell. "":w"'i01tS to. get in to oh wit IODjl80th81 ItbOie kind In nda w·bo 10 D'e~7.l~11 niea S.l.... "A deep WOtlnd In my toot When ~"""1) ,~:c fl1"st Introduced Jo· -----,--'- D 'l~~ I , I"~ ! lIer(!'llIry "n4 tile S.n.Rre&t"system and W 11 ~xte d lubtltAn· l,aTo UI t~lr 1m thy Ind.belp, n l th~ from an, aooldenl," wtt,. ~heodpr8 to COrti. all" Euglnnllt a flock wbtd~ tn!e dtstant!'e' dt Mi!N!ury trom thetisl eHconrage

1ent to any 1 n6 that wUl time of to over the dea* la~~ Sohuele, of OolUdlbuI, O~iO, loaUed.,.. ha~ litr~ '. frow tlJo uplautl.'l 01.1 tQ a,*, vRrlee Owtnlf to t"~ eecentrtNty ot

I,I' dccnpyth~dlel, rrlJim hil!! 81ei lburialofour' TB oue. ' 1',- I • megrea.tpain. Ph,.liciaul were help. OwltWa4 ~Jild8 wert' CUUKbL l1WI'I' U)' ttj orbit, WIHm be t8 nt'tlre8t'!t.l theon th\'g territor we,l;o glad of it 'and if \ 'MRs.!L.. L 8H AND OH1~~~.' leu, bD~ Bnokl1n'~Arni~ ~al.Yequi~~l~1 the tide, nrr~ nlllllllltf'ly C·lIl·I·~I'd, Into _WI hu recelvu teu tad II bait' tlmMhe'ho:an't got t, en.. ~U8ed !jin thil di· ._. - --,--' '.'~ healed it,lt Soothes and.heat. burna, at. Yves bny .(~~I·hl/o{ th(· 1115(111.. rhcrf' ~l'(t lIJ(ht n.Ud hellt thun ,we do, but

i ' '. hi I' ill e AmODg t:be late &: mUlloal Ull I Uk agio 3lSo at Leahy'll the lloallor lIod' Wl.IH ohtwrvt.'<l trOll! w en lle nmon"" to his IP"tl'llttNIt tlla.reot, ~p: we trust 80 6t DR' W oaUl sang wUh,W Ward'i "Tw~ rry crm . , . tlIc Bt. l~~ !laWn, bonls. wholW ,'reWR, teethe 11&'bt :md heat ltre rE..-du~ by

,,111m tlo look sooth Be 088 ~he\:Mis80orl at 'Tramps" .re 8 'J!;xp8rtenoe,ltl.: II lp~ Phone Hi 'Grigg. 'If ,.o~ waDe 10.ur' DC'fcr hi vtPa:. seen t>be01I, took them m re than oue-halt'. ,J<}ven then, how.I " Y..ankj~on "nd see wh 'a Ian 0' p~om· piOSDGe' ~IOn the randy Wine ~. The oattle dipped. " fOi' sorne I1~W kind of fish (lod did their r, the Bun bl8Ws' In thl! Hkle8 ofI iae.b :ready to Rive h m a'rO al weloome 8we.e~:t Girl In DiIle" IIWhr'lb1 'he' F I h 'N t N OOlit to.8 ,tn'C. them both 1>y h".Ukl'l nud ~rC\lry with u dWk: raUl' and (l hairI and (tom whicp ~e.o . io tew years ,Llgbta are: nedi Way' Down t w,o, You ma :: 01': 'ke;~~o""·:d pe~t., !tiles ~11( .by nettlng. Tbose tli<'J' Sf" \eH larFl' than tha~ wblch be shows

draw" king'8: ra,nso . '"PeouliariJI\ e" .Iod "8elDino1e 'I" All 1 tio a~yoJpleBeS Kodol wUl digest' (~t1t'cd tbdy hrouR:bt holne trlumphaut· ~o Ud au eu.rth. i• I --~, "~6i d d·t' bl ben'b th *tlre ::at yO'll eat whether you !eat or' not I 'Iy n~t rbOMllng tHI A. cntcb to which ~R~AL ES'rA r,E RAN FERS.: b: er~. ,. n m y. el161 You can pUC: fout tood io.1 bowl, pou~: even Pllc~4rds l,;ere :IS nothIng. i 0. Otliler••

Heal estate t.ranAte s' fqr I wo weeki mpauy. I" 't' 1\ little· Koko1 P18pepeia <;Ju~ on it ao~ t* ' I P. ()(M)dth1n".... How d~'H"ill )"OUt'lIllr,terM I" 0 ,.• I" I db' TIolROU''''1'l OLORAOO ~ NO it win d14le.llt Ibe 88m... , It ..Ill In' ..wk ond w.o••,. tb nt'rt r ~ h

en ,~,g . c.t_olmr. J" I', 5, as JKIr e '1. 1'., ~ , ' ,I your Itomach. It' ean't help buc: onre A New I a'iauu ll:lll('r r,'latl':1 tllut u • eDalpme n~ .......1"0 er,1. Wl'-Altcr1obondeU b8trao r l W;",.~e, ~ I U AH ~ I Indlg.tlon and D7sp8P1lia. ~ It II aurin" settler nq coo n hnwk!,f1yinll UlJOllt In 1)J't Her Young lJrotber-Wen. It'sN8b$ska: , , The Deb:n '" Rio Grande lth hundreda and 'hou'lW4B~m. baa a 'PecUU8! manner nnd crylu« uut tl~ l1' ~ Htt1e too "innll. ~be blu an awtul'A L Tuoker ot 1\1, t,o j .r ,M ~U"k, ' Dume UI I b 0 ea peuetratidk the taith and lome didn'C: Kodol will oure lu paIn ' be setUer obwlnoo 11 gull and ' ttme getting It ?Jf when tbe other

".' 18 tn~helJ ofT fl.Otltb id610t,.117 Blk! I Book1~. wo tinct and je!ate you~me~~:gt:~:oureJO~~.hjlhj!. shot th.~ ltd, alld InvesUgatlon MhoW\:ll ,knn oaUl-EXCbajP\' 'I.ItlR4d to Ol\rroU.... ; .... '...... 160 Ull. ao~ lie ounlalnl. i~ell Cldy"Waugh V8.~'I': "l '.01' 8~ tbe cauliGl or 1m dlfttrestJ Wlll! ft weliscl Ii .,••.

.JobnI r,r, BreBftl('rto~W Onlleu, readlngvUtt i , he oonio Line 't 'he )'earsold. Sel'~r'MY-e&rI-'I su1!ged1exa WhlchW~llperChedontlwbHl\.k>bllC~, I BttrIIoD~M1 f!n"hnild t.....11'lot ~O Blk- 4 Win81~e .....1.. , 25 W' Id" be'tw n over and 8 'I ~ ake tremely with indl~tlonand d,_pep8ia; w~th its t ,tb burled In the bird s ucck. nH~t min ( e",r HAW! Mr. Bangs

, ! J!u or 1;:' ·1'.If'. My grand80D, A. Bailey, Jr., a mer~ Apvnren Y tbe animal bad lJouuceO~Tohn.O Bender toEm a Ra, sey, Oity or o~en are aTaUable eil~~r, VIa ohaD$ at Allwood, Va'l IeDti me a ~~ UPUll the haWk wben It was on the' ~ ahonld 88Y h... w,,,' You oulbt toI lot 1, out lot 1 B & !Ps 1!l~ add ., thr main line h gh Leadville '?'F'0n ,Ue of K.odol D,.pePl~ Oure. The worl. ground a d W"'~ carrIed tlkYWllrc1 wltlJ the way bt CleiW~ \;.18 u,pl-Detrolt

WtuBide .......•... j ......I.... 00 of the I]~ vet and Gl,'tood ougbttoknow.otlhe lU~me beD,eft" tbeUi~t .tlttlPre:r. ,Fl·ePreM. IMorY'Koroeel8UdOO f M t .." ' Spnnpor I he lin. ov.r M~'lball _oaged.olf.rerhaor_1teafrom $/11- 'I, LIFE'IN!JAVA.

ana 0 A King lots, 4 51 lk 2 I PaM d h be Blaolr. 0 'OQ of Rt'8at medlolne. It flDllre], onred iDe LOD4oD M .,N I~d WE\y~e ri 3.000 ibe ~n1n, T urilu to an ""from ~DO~~:pe::~~~'" 80ld b1 Ray.. A ra~bi·nll~le erowl1 I~ almost ,n" _ N.U••• Are Gf.". 1l..4 _.laI,

}'1M keennndOAK~(ltb.;.mQl ! SalcLake l' ,0 eDor&uFr~pq1loo . varlClbly ,Jld tpwIlerell. PeO[lh~ JosUe Llve.Dd;R·ll.P;u~UO;o.W ,ght. S 40 tCAt 10 I 41rd ' () ': wUI aDd l';&,o ach&Q~ & ,have La.t Hope Va~llh.d, ,f'n('b otb r, vtnl11cUvely aud" l)re8et~ e JaVAUI J1\-~e u~ncb 1A pUb.~c, and

Bl~ 2'N add 'to Wjn~~"'" 2,~ clalir "ok.. l bolh dlreoc:t "Yla W~~~~':'~ o¥=~~t'~~: ~:1:1tI0l~1~' C):l:~~~e H~~i':;O~',tl:~~~ : Ir~:;8 C~~8~:~~:~ ~~~l~~~~L Br~u PaI~,er &0 J sep~ a1nt t:h1I I'OId8, ~b be 8 able to UlB I90e of ourable OODfUlllpdOll, hta lu&: nope ~a in the c~'&h wl11 Dot b88ltate to pudl D ot the uDsocial>le Hh;ldoo, KCNn

E!Ii N E ,-26·•... "+ ,.... 7,~ the'bu""lID awUh. n$II'r ... lohed; bDt Dr. Kin.'. N~..~ p••t wom n. In a WIlY that woulcl pro!> o. ally to b",.kE*" aud dine at 00.TiltopFWeberto o~rls ',der.... ,' inrn1oa. W ie8 K..Hooper•. Q..'P.& forOoDlumpetou, Ooqh~ and. ~~ llbly sboe ~h(llI barbilrlan auceeton.- ottbettlneraot sbopewbetountl

.0~11 S W lU·2H· ".I" ... Ii . .. 7,~ T, A., Dell " for 1IIU1,rjt.*ed ~;,l"~:::,::'.';:::" -:=~~ ~ J.<lfldon dy at, .ve1'J' _t coru • M«e RcI08lV.Goo frt Naedham k> FlAh "i llnlg. _phi.". I ' me, aIId ..yedmr Ilfa. Sin.. \hon. l ' . pl. may be _II! buJo!nIt lb. lD1aflger~ot. 27 28 !lIt !22 bol.... ..' "led hi"" 1IIed II fa' 10 TMft. ",,4--' f tnow~.t no ....1 Wortb boe tha$ PI t.1a ot eorry anid rice ..rapptd InHli. ' add $0 Wayhe......I.... :. \00 Trtuupo .. -".' Ia II a marv.__ aad 11UIll' oura!' tre.nqull rtI1IIOJIIl which 1>1'1"" d.u- t' plantain I"~ MnIl pbIDed with

JobD T _lor m $ e OUt of by Wood aad w'o' bII DOII1J11l/11 8trio$lJ' 1IlJI...W1...... trw Ooucba;~ pro wllb nt rlshu....-I1tan....... be 000 .plloten, b1ch ore ID_~W .'IOUIU4~6~IkIS B ::.ot on. +r lb. r

ordina., m::;a- ~.:~eto;.:..:~.= .. fo hom.eoneum D.

. & l\a add R> WqD. or l~t '."=':f ~~"~ ~.r~ 'UO bolUao .. Latlh1'. dl'llll ~ ELE ANTS LUM~ERINO. W ~t;;:'~' c:~;::.;;:..~~~S..mNeiaoIl mG J H,~ ,h!o' .raploltbM Mel ..,. ......, Ib.1r TrIaI~._. al ....y.ld...If... abopot .... au~,lol6~Ik 6 8~~'.~.. .GOO hClll4Io IoU lI1uIaaJ .."""berw . A P u.. T. All

W"'.~ BnrD••I 1110 m, ~ joe. ..~.... aU \hi Ila_ ,No PIlI Ia aad Pl-.Illy. aa N W ot NW Il'J. 6·2 ..~.. ""llOO.taIIdud ° __~L.h'" .. ,Wld'a L1We _lTRIaora' 1 'rt-o Fa-

Fred~LP.rrY, 0 alo t __ =~ _1l.pIIIa ..... II1I1d._..-Cui pIICln,N VIII· 8,000 :'-':e. ....: ..........,..: =-tbM~~.;."=m"''':t.

Wan8Su ,.$ aI~ of ----o~, ~ Idli&_ __ ~ ...\ lb. rilala nt 100 D._~,.... ;- rw ~,,:: 0- Jlllailllot: . .. ~ II8nll Iup; IIIld ....lePbaal _ .....

" =~':~1B~~ ,i'ad,La r-....:m..~~1\~=:;."atl4I1:=jCllO*

ij=:l\w::i5...~" ~¥"f:£~~~".,t,~Ti~.,;'~!' ,,~~.~~~,;,'),;'; 'I ,·,·1 :,: :: ;,'k;'".i;,·':'f::,,;;'JIJ-J.-j!;>i,'':'k' ,I f"Ll:".',.J"IJ,:i1J.:,Wi<;lt~",",.,""" ........;,c, ""*".....u:;;,)j:;l: """"'",,,'lk\lli ',:iIr~ iilI~ .~I ",I I , ill


I '

If you wl\n~the! best f1oU\·,. OIl ,_

t':Ll'tlJ lI~e :--;!oepy Eyo Crham.

IIllulor cover and 11I·otected. from the

, , " , ", i ,! ,! " ~ i,' :' I

,Lurln,. U:m:ol ~a.1L ~tYl'OJ out in,al!, • ,I '"

l,il1d~ of welLt;her will ~hrink from aotu 711 pounds to tho barrel lLml tho

l'emJil1ingportio'n will he hara ~j\(1

<1fteliitilUes,mi¥e~witl~dirt. J\ly ~.alt

i~ under cqver ~p4 nlY; cps~Qqle~s, ,~etfull WPigM: liltrrel~-noljl! of Hie din-tiCllt~ \\'L~)Jpd <l~~tL~ liy !t~e .r~i!-\s ..t~k~bout our spqcllll !lricll IUUll! t<icliRail" i

Ralph'R~nd¢n", ~'I :• I I


IJ1l11~9lli'i..al1 ~et~uH.:l~' .. 'I...•.~,!'~f'.Y.l".W1C~.ucil.llluft'. whefe b~ h.d ,~en l!f;der tre !ne~t' in "~h08plta~ (~~ 8ever~'•....~ck!' Igp wrnt from h, r~' fl. uurober'(J"-il~Olll'lj- ll~" t,_ n,t ~·:t. 11';_< ;\/t\,I'll: 1(,Ulld Jl<j r,·'j. t ,',:,_ l' 'II ~

t,,,U'An to' Or)l1nt·il i Rlllfl'.. whl-Lr<> ~j" .41health was COllsidcraltl,. b~Jl(,tit~;1. :It' ~liii hUVtll1lla will "uuliuuo IIJ ilUllfU'I;!, ~I"C!I.y,-ll.fllltel~Ompluli ••rt f,y nu~tl f)'(""l! ~LI·n



::-1~;';'··"'·;;~-6"'~"'~JIo"."'<I."*,-.".~. '

I: ~oo Dozen !' I Y, C 't J: I· ThI canion FJa~nel Mittens ii IOU an· 1106 ~m, ~ f-Thumh, heavy II ! ill the Tl·m.i ~:~eh1, the best ,.1 I 1\. .. e.: 10 Cents J,cr Dozen : '

~. at', ~ohns' if# I I ·t,.••~~.~~~ ~~.v·~···.~*~f .•·L;OCAL lAND ~15ceLLANEoUS. ...,.

Dr! Eell~ ;vi8ited:CarroH Y~5teJdDY.Mtse; QU'~D Mrl:,or. vibitp.c~ fpends in

MIUlhlOD this week.. I ,

D. G.:. R~9.~W~1l ~nd f~mi1.f. lellve non.'!'eek fcir alifornj~ to locate.

Columb s'Munson and X .\. E'I:"J[H

rdurllef{ 'i)ueF.:day from thl-ir trip toSouth !J..kotu.,

.Joe Leah", ,and ~"o little gir~s. of,: 087mOJld, hav~ bteUlll \Vayne trJ1S week

vi~itiDg_rel~~iveB. , :'l'hl} Me~l:l(ldist la{hes wlll ~",rVfl !iUp­

p"r ~:a!\lnl~,y f:V;'rlllli: 111 ti I' \1l1'1i t

lau;,dry iJ~'lIU,Ul". .

r..ShArj~t ~8rs went til :LincoJu ye~tur·

.flfl,~· with f!rt .JOhIlSOll who go{!S to thr~

h\'l+c,lJit<.ll fot treatUJllllt for dll1llkfilJllh''<",

H, 1<'. Wilrmn [lJl(l ,1110, T Brp~'llf'r

IlrrH'I'rj !o:!:"lll"t i;\'I'llill,g ft"l/:Il \\·milj·IlJ<.;tfJlJ ('Ity whl'r" tllf'y atj"IIr}-11 tlJ'

national b;lkers' cpnvenliol1.,Tohu Olll ~ and Anron Johnsou w~re.

~,nJllght 1,1' on: ,Tuktlf' FI,;.I]wr Ttl,

,iay ll'(Jr:J111g f'!IIH~r~d ',1,'1'11 IH'Illp,.: drullkalld Pill II ',v~,. fjlle,i',~:, ar: , (·(I:'l·.~

:\f1~s (;r:l,r'f' BrO\\'ll r\rfl\ I,d !l"r" :--;': '~.

Uj~)' qll h.e~. nturul rrOllf.• fi.lve :Y'ee~.~' ;Rb8~I\ce 1~ adlifor~ia, Bud haln:ei;n~ed .iust.r~ctio ~f stull1uts in mUllie.

Mr.' WII~OIl McHulre of Tl;tnrstonoonott, ndd MiRB Floro B. McRQbe~'t~of Waynerconoty, wkr~ unittd in m~r­riage at t~i8 V1llce yesterday by J udgtl: :Hnnter. I 1~, i1 f,

The wJYlle Oonnty ~1f-rti~;tl ~OMt!t:Y ,I

hi·lrt ltfl 1\~lln,\( lll; .·tin;· in Wa\"ll'" Ln I-

'l'lIPFl'lf1Y, I Aftf'lr flHr'fHl1ng to "m~i~~t I

IIl.tte" .Jrl.lulug' 10 .the o,o.ull '~~r !.rl\f" il~ .•:Jla!ir'!I". ill ~,~:l'J','.nl": (,ni' ,In;

"'t, ol 1'1' d" 1, lJ[ \,\:;Jj'1l 111Iau, qr I'!" -I I, JII, jl, jJ 1\ II

I~lUlc" ; ~ebr6tary a~d tr~~~rei J~ Or,. ~t: ;"Hf l'hlll\~';' Dr, .1. .•J. WIU,.w'"bo~i<\'~I'1l tHJ r!'l, '

~~-+-c'--+-~h-~f~f.I+It-f=..,l;-&)vIarJ'.~1 qlot\~e~~I,lll- +-1\I-'--tj



.1i,11 11 !, I at t~e '1 ,', ,\ · . 'I i

I II f)arrington ,C,lotbf~g nQ~5el'"/) (1 know cex:u't1y what yon am getting when yon hlly y~llr clothes here, YOII'.!~~ C:LlltlOt get any Illcn'C!'lzcd ('otton fahrics of us, try bv~r so hard and the HAHT

Sd] ]"FNElt & MAltX makes, shown by the label, guaraptell you the hest clothes.rea/l'y to-wear, ill the world, I

! Suits $25 to $10 Overco ts $20 to $10Rain Coats $20 to $7;$0 Trouse s $5 to $2 .


Harnes$ andSaddl sl

I :Everything fits ,claSs <Ind

guaranteed. iJ' :

Wayne. N+ raska

1:2 1167~ 65: 02

19' 75S~ 8519 01

4~ 00

."-~,,,-,,"~ ,DelinQuent Tax list, 1 Treasurer's Office, Wayne, I'

,: i, , . Waynb CO'~IY, N.bra,ka,

ti~ New:t3mpire , ~ oc;o i;e~; ~~~~j,y glven, that in complianc.,' Coa't '.. ~ ~ whh he Revenue laws ofrhe Stale of Ne

, brask • I, the Treasu,'rer or~·saj.d County, ~~lWe have" a ni~e selection ." ~~eM~:r~Y'or~f~b:!~l~ .a~~~'a~:t;~e r

't.ock made,.' of, Sco,tch $' o'c1ok p. m" atithe °lceoftheColln~ ~~~;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;ti;:;;:r;:;;;'tln""t~~~~!!r t Trea urer in the OountYl Court H!:)U~e Iix ures B, ~ck, ,Cas~or '{lay e in said CO\fnty, offer at public sale,"T'" • I F cy lJfld ell the {o1Jo~ing :dbscribe4 Real E$~ +

a cl13ro~n I\.lr~leys. . an $tate, or- so much~of ea~h tract:oflanrlqr


I 110...i ad Cloaking~, etc., rang- town tot as ~hafl bc.neces~. ary, for th

lea"10unJ ?

"~ due ereon'for the 'taxes of J904, as If'reln ( \i g iin price ira ~ state I together with all expenses ~or aflvtl J IS L .~'S' 'Jr

," $7.50 to I. /8,56 $li,in , '0",' and rees thatby law Ilaye, ; , • I • evy ,may have 'ac~ru~d at the: time 0r,paymel\\,., I

J • I I [wi adjourn tne' sale frotn. day t da~ unl

iJII ., all s jd Real Estate bas been oRe ed. I • i Manufactur1'r of< I I J. M. CHERRY, Treasurer. r

~ Township 25s;~a~~rt AmJt and' dealer ih

$ iiY2!iC~-! I go $15 29cYzsw},( S 80 1543

se~ '0 160 24 95 -j:

, TOWIl!;lllp 26.....,1{ange I '

$ I t1c);( 23 160

I nw}( 29 160'


Township 27-.<Rallge I

$" swi 4 '16n

sc;nn;~ :~ ~dTownship 26-:-Ra~ge,2

I,w1nc).( & wy,se~ :~ ;;~~

, e~swl 26 80i " ,ni 34 32.

. netswl & lit nWisw.t 3.5 67I ;own,~~; 25!Ron~~03

1 , ~t~:1 ;~ ~~ ~~ ~j Il####'*'I:'w*'l4ot*"""I TOWn3hljl 26--Kange 3-.......-- l nel & n,nw! (; 241 51 88

'I ' "I ~ ni&.ei'wi 7 110 I Z;.5II .~li,y;';I"i,il,·;i:, ; ." wi.wi 'I So ~6 35

, .... . 5W nWl, wt&~el~wi' 13 149 I 48...~~~~~~~~t:~=·~~~~t'~~~~~~"~ -;~""'~'::"''''''::''':~-=--='';'-J \lart seisei I] 26.So20

94...~ , . . ninwi '14 77 I jn 09

'D:! ;~ ~~ II l~ ~~cfn~t ;~ I~~ I ~~ ~~

Tow~bip 27-Range J I I

Ilwi IS 160 47 7's* J2 J20 X7 I I

Towllsllil' 25-kaJl~e '1llWlllwi 4 41)

nei' 131 160wlnw! :!IJ 80

t]~~~r7I~s~t)~~,~~~~~ 29!1 nwisw:!, 31 38

I SW7.lSW?4 31 39: Township 26-Range 4

e~nci 7 79

scinwi & n~<;i.~<;~; :~ ~~ I

nIne! 15 80 IITownship 25-Ral1J::e 5

,j 7 315~~lJd 9, Ho 'I

winwi 18' 76 I

Township 26-H.jltl~e 5 I, nel 4 152 I

I ' w,illwl ;19 77 It~IIW:r h ebwl & II MWls\'JAV~IE 'I 1

98 I

'! Township 26-Ra,ngc 411

:1 I ~~~~ ~\:f~:l :~ ", I!. I~ ?~~~I)JIII1Cllcin\.; at net corner !lY"i ~ec,tlOn 18,1 west ;28 ff.:ct. ,",point of begin, rc~t S eli"

1. I., south 19 R R, east, ,lon~ a R to wtll bl

leqnes' vts~t pro-: Ijuint 228 fl west of casllll1c orl~'t ' 'l., I Part ndnwl I 18 lso 3 34 fCRSioD Uv'

" T"f)Wfl."ihlp 26-Hange.3 Th B d1te . at' WaynePan '''i'wi '3 2?j6'. 23 "" I, e: .OJ "6' ,

II II l I Original Town-of ,,~!ayhe I W'ddt 25++lllIjll'IIIIfIU••+t ...~~ t .iLlD.lkAmt: ...• !.'*lkAm e, nes y " c • -~:.~"

'i'llt........... 1-2-3 423181 9 ~211 6, l_ T 'I

I' I I'" oft 13-14 '3 1739 II, l~ 'i" 12 7~ • 01'18 A10NI,:" I 'I i

D.~~lb~=b===hU4~==';:=MF:""'========1 .6" 5 So ". 104.s 6 9 ROI~111UI\Everql'o r 'I'''ok,. Oou. Th l I' r .

--~~~~i********$-I ,!ilr,71'~181~~,~~~~1 I I I , oIl .'r:-'~I~~"I~~J:porIOD' ~ wroqg ~~Y WAYNE O!TIE'R.A HOUS.~.i'I':';Y;;;;;:Y;;::.,,: I I 9 L4a~r~5tJJllIO~1 i,.I,' D~ :OlUdWell11~1 .her brootll!c to the to ..elect barnes" \8 tho waylii J~ U8u811y r

I 5 I' .p"ell.1 tr""llunent " i!!eal.(NI ot the Eye, I P I' I'. eDerolly Ih'e AllIt COli. . mI I' WI. '1'& ':':;~iA':;~~!r2r7: 5 8~ :~N~f~.::~a~]'f n~n~r:~a:~~~i ~~;:U:~\t!.~;iV~, v:::.1,:. t~~ One NIght Only, Wednesday. November. 8th.... !

, ' . I 13 18 5 n 1°1 " 7 I 9 2 'Ohrdnic Nervon. aD SDligleal DI.e..e' IIDali.y. .'odae ODr good, ih. other P f I Mid f T d !1' " 1 2

4n &9B~s,Ah,];tion' oh~Dr~bl.nalor" rlyCoD.DmptloD, wayaboot, Examine iutd Ibeqnahty The Most ower u , ,0 rama 0 vay 'l

I I.t B1k Ar'utl" lLl Blk A1lIl Bronohitis Bronc li,H. OatlUTb, Chronic of this,harJl818 fir8t. Then i~ wHl: be Th C · t' D ht ",,'~~""i:I-":"_~:;"'''''.l-t--+-r., 'IE !C3t4ftOL I~' lSI ::S;~A,~t;'in r:;, !;$: :: ~~1~~:j~:r.~1~0 ri:'b\~~::'~~:~~I:: ~~~~~:i~~:~w:E:il~:M:~!~~~ " e·onVIQ ~.: ,~"Qg. . e~,'.i",j,." I','.',~",,_,..:

1*1 I 7 8-9 I ~. 891 f 3 II 2 4 4S 6MB' Kidnoy DiStUI! 8, Dlseaac", of the, , , ',__

II I Ltve~andBladde, tzzin()88 1 Nerv~nB' W P' to' k ,-' ' East tj.dtlitio I ne88'lnfHgcfltion,'O stty, Intflrmpted m lepeRS' C I

i "I' 6-7,8 2133S ,9 5 ' II NnlJitiou, Slow 'Gr wth: in OhildreD, _._.,__._.._ : '_,,__.. [ A I1ldJ'O!,o!itan I'roducti()n;~that is a t!eat teJ the feet. Good : I ~~2~~ 3 4 4~ I 1'12 5 4 45 and ~11 Waating RiM elllD adults. De- _ _ . ~~~_ ,

atont\ serviceable IlhOBS are best II' 7 COl1cg3e ~111 A(ldl.til~n formities, Olub Fe t, OurvB.tuIe of J. C. Cockll'.o'~' ,\ Phy '1'11,1

1Touche~ t~;c lIt'i.u't!for street WeBI: Bnd for long ~ 5-6 fJ 1 651 13114-15 18 I 66 the Spino, Di8eNlea r the Bra~~. P,n.

I ld 18 20 I 66 wyais, Heart Dilil~a/m DropflY, ~wolllng j'n;St'llt, J. lJ.Y_u

t:iPtlCIaUy Select,efwalk~: Ma.ny ladies imaKlne a . I 7 ',".'.2 I~ I ~ ~:' td 3 21 01 ~he Limb., SIn tnr" , OpnD Sore. ., , (''''''1''lllyheavy Hhoe me.... n CIO~HY np· ~ 9 tn I~ I" I I 3';'311'31r23 ll~, Pai~ inthe n'>D~', rannlor EnlarKe- Uasolille ellgineR fot: sl\I~, new ~r(;nrinK·~oot; Dot ,onf kllld, for IiY\ '3 to 14 II 3 ]:~ 31'34'23 I '0 mentH, and ",11 Ibog standing diseMeR, did "h '

dill th ame1 0'"5 ( 24 1'19 nLOOD "ND e IN DleEABE8 and st>eon Ian WI" pump- \ We ,',I: "f BeaUliful ~cet1l"t,b£ly liTO rna e w ,1 e" 15 Ih II '''+ "I -) , Pimples, BlotChes Eruptions, Liver' . k \ 1 . e re

cnrot}lI\tiMbolltowml on" drollR j 21-22.13 SrI 7,~-9,2(~ 162 ,'P"tH,.'alllllU'oftho HaIr, Bnd Oom- Ing'Jae-~. j HO eng'lfllds tJ - ,lfId Elfctb: ,


1('·'7-IS '5 I 10 1011·12, 2S J (),) ::J vol' n I Il l'I'e,1 "IIOl' south n 8110Ahon 11IHllook better than llUWy College Hill ~econd Additi'Jll. plexion,l";czema, tlloat Uloera, one pa • I, " 'r'

Rooallod. 4"5-b I 5;6 I If) 3 .:l2 PainR, Bladder ~ro bleil, '\Voak Back, -_."-_._--~-,---------, ConllHlliug' lIa'uj. New BII~ NO"'~1 fl'f'

~9 I r7 17,3 23 Bnr~lng UnDO'L aa.tni{UrlDle.~ofttlll A. A. WELUU. : A. n. OHIS HntwIl11IIHl,l: ;Uechanlca,J Xf·, I

10 I 16 If) 1(:1 24 3 I 32 The eft'ectB of cvnat utwoa .810 DellS or f('fl" au.d SltuatioDs. I!~1-12 I }/' 1'-2 4 57 the~aklngoft~m hlll~UrIOUH modi- W}I]LOH &: OAVl~, ,I"

II I 1-:2'3'1 2 ,5 I '3 4 :29 olne rMeiVPi8

WHe htn~ 11~""tmeD', . T. W IL.i~~"~",":--+-:';7"-~_++--' I' "I * 1"OJ3 2;·1 J 1

1.1-5.6 ,4 84promptrelietadBure.or e'

MATTORN&Y8AT:,.,A n(\~(1rvNt/lflatfli,wU1bep18cedon!al1e

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S"h_n;Vif:,;~n On! rh ~7 15 :::Itr~l:g;~tllbil d~~~O:;~~~~~O~~~ -:~L_~.~c. COMBINAJION, 'i . .r:e'

.:~. I' d1"01~rle., d re,!lIy Ihe mo,1 g,bli; & FORTNER, , , SHonTH'on'IN' 'S'Il: 'LE '' Origlnri! own Ca r~\i 'Or°leDolllldow,::ellt ~ 0p ~:l'ol~dr.~~O;':o~~::- WAYNE ~EAT MiA;taI!ET . . r;\ . ·.·no.' " ",. 1-\. . I, '' 6'7 • 6 7 '.5 I Sa 'r ~ h I I' 7 8 f2 66 . I 6 • 5" .Ion I aom. or I e lru;ge.1 o.p 10 • t'lrot·.1I... melt. al"8t~on' Itand. --------.----- .. . ... .... . . I

::;! w:~::~:! :r;4t:3 ~. ,"8 '78 ~~~~~:~~:~1~1~~1~~S~~::-::~:~"j"'"M''' =:=;.!....O.. ·.I,v.~.:~..•...rm,•. "i~~.r.,.",2.;, •.•.:11

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J~~.g ~ ~ It I ~t~~~ I') 7o OonH*ltatlon, eta natton and advi(l~, BONDHD ABSTRAOTER

2 5 8S j11112_J H Mil ~nO~~18r~othOfl~ ntorist(.lr· t B lfIt N&t'l BaUkBl.dg., WB"he,Nebraa~~ ... '"'i " 'I' "',re1- 1'1'1'10 101le'~tddllIOI" B~eu..~~O ~:~, ,::~~.oatoD' 0 ee : '-'-'-r+-+--r-'- .. 38 Head.14l:¢I1l":ef8.O~f'4· •. '1"Tllwn.ltl~ '7-Ra ~I' . DB. OR OA DWELL & 00, F. M THOM,AS, , i , 'BtJlIs ,.

I ,e~ 'f~n I:~~ ,oniab1', ,.br. Ohloago, III. OS1iI:;Ol'AT~10 l'~lf,ll19Ll-~ Fjv~ of th~'fj,mal~s: hii\~e 'air.'at' ",OIl

~:in~c~:~!h r ~ ;'; -- .. I -: "l-'-'--- lit Floor Wayne N~t~lBldR.. foot, balance of hre'cding 'a{!e art~ bredPac' no', n":i 34 2 B' Dr. RL osner. den- Pbnne: aeH. 167, 011100 11~. to lllr.' Barto's hNd hull ,Bessemer 2,3',-

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Ie 23. 8sideDoe It). WQ'D.,N.b~~lI;a. They ~ue practical workin~l Shorthor!1s,

10-1'2 of 3 4 I All of 6 9° ' --~-i~'--'- They will make you money. Catalog~es1'~ ~: .~ ~a1i.',xllett sl~Tsflx142fl e: I~:~I:~~ fe1~~Ulh.~me-~' 3'. J. WILLIAMS, , now n:ady .

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The pf:tDerahl~of B~''h & Frank. I wder GalvRDlo and Fara~l. Eleolrloltyhas' been ,di8S01V'~. by . ntual cousen&; ,,' 0 and OX'Ken. 'l'reatmthlt of Obronioand aoo./unt.8 due~.aid fi 01.. are due aDd OIS8&888 a Speolalty. ,OsHs Ntlbt orp&~able fu me aS

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