☺ kristenschmidt ☺. there are 17 reasons that muslim women cover their heads

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Why do Muslim Women Have to Cover their heads?????????



There are 17 reasons that Muslim women cover their heads.

Reason 1

Some Muslims believe God requires women to cover their hair. Although many don’t believe that God meant for this, many others feel strongly about it.

Reason 2

Many Muslims believe that covering the head engenders a certain spiritual state of receptivity and centeredness.

Reason 3

It is supposed to represent saintliness.

Reason 4

Many people believe that a headscarf engenders respect and honor for women. It is supposed to prevent men from flirting.

Reason 5

Head-covers may assist women in maintaining overall religious identities and behave.

Reason 6

Headscarves look really chic as part of a head-scarf-ensemble.

Reason 7

Headscarves actually accentuate many women’s beauty by drawing attention to the face and away from the hair and the body.

Reason 8

They identify a woman as an observant Muslim to non-Muslims

Reason 9

They do the political work of representing a Muslim presence in society. Many Muslim women believe that headscarves are the only effective method of Muslim visibility.

Reason 10

They identify a woman as Muslim to other Muslims, allowing for instant community and exchange of salams.

Reason 11

They may be used in particular spaces such as mosques, ethnic enclaves, and other community religious places.

Reason 12

They may be worn to achieve conformity to Muslim community norms .

Reason 13

They may facilitate anonymity and security in spaces where visibility may endanger a woman.

Reason 14

In certain cultures, covering the head is respectful to other people, especially to old people.

Reason 15

For some Muslim women, the headdress is part of a beautiful and ethnic outfit.

Reason 16

It is convenient to be able to wear your head-cover so that you have it handy for the next prayer time, instead of having to carry it around in a bag.

Reason 17

It’s not that easy to stop wearing a head-cover, especially in very religious communities. If you start wearing it, it’s possible to simply continue because it’s easier to continue than to give it up.



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