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Vol. 65. No. 37 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, FE~RUARY 1.5, 19.58 lPrice I cents) Charles Hutton & Sons

~-ittcial Govt.


ier Details ~-Million Plan :

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,·.-tr:·:Li:: <mnounced in the I

· · ,·: :~nwnt hm·e decided to I '' ' , · ·-' •''"' ho~pital expansion pro-

. ,, : h!' l'(lll~tnwtion of seven . :: -, : .. '. '·'- :~e,,- Children's Hospitals ·. :. ,._-: -~ l'uttage Hospitals. ose :· : • l; ·. t•:·::mrnt's fh·e-~·ear plan as

-•··::.c:· ;,n• ;1~ follows:

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------- --·------------- ... ·---~-·


·' I, ,. , •• r p~ M. Arrives Blames P.C.'s i Troops Withdrawn ':

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' Tt:~IS r .\Pl-Tunisia clampcrll' cc1·ns, there would be no question

A H T :a pollee blockad~ on three French that we could force our way in

t Orne Ow. n !._ For Jobless lconsu_latcs but ~lsclos~d that fOO<lior out of Bizertc.'' where most of s1•pphes are hcmg allowed to get i the troops arc stationed. through to l:i,OOO French soldiers i Commenting on these slate-

liON, DR. J. l\1cGRATH 1 • • • barricaded in their bases. T_his 'mcnts. _a Tunisian spokesman 1 • By ALl.AN DOSNELl.Y I a .8·pcr·cent ralll~·ay frr1ght tn-1 By HAROLD MORRISOS right into 1959, unemployment seert_ted lo ease the. greatest tm· ga\'e th1s_ account:

In aclltition to these new hos-1 <.anndla? Pres! Staff Writer I of transport commissioners at the. Canadian Press Staff Writer !may grow to "quite serions. mcdmt_c danger. of clash~s. : The mmn French bases of Biz. i''::.t, :.nd extension to hospi., P~INC~ ALBERT, ~ask. <CPI sl?rt of l~e year. I HAMILTON (CPI - The Pro-~lel'els," Mr. Pearson said. ! President flnbtb Do~rgmba has. cr_te and S~ax ha:·e plenty of sup . · ,,;,, ~lr. Spenkrr, the Govern-1-C~lll ~ea~her and 11arm hand· I· fhe cabm~t has ~llspcnded the · grcssiv~ ~?nservatives mu~t bear He spoke from the platform o[ demanded_ Fr~nc~ . Withdraw ~11 plies. fo1· 1mme_d1ate needs. The ""'lit 11!-cidcd this morning to 1 sh~kes m ~Is home to1~n greeted , '".crease until. March 1 and Mr.l responsibility for aggravatmg un- the Central Secondary School her troop, an.l ~!\ c up ,the h1g question of Ielttn~ m emergency ; ,· .. e••!·d at once to call tenders 1 Pr~me,Mlmster Jo~~ D1efenba~er 'D1efenba~er hmted that the dea~· employment, Liberal Leader Les-lauditorilun, an offspring of the !na1·at b~~~· a~ B1zcrtc .. rhe c~~: .s.upplics there thus does 1:ot.exist. :••·Ill ••nntJ·aciO!'S for the con-· Frida) as he_armed _to r~ccJ~e!llne rna~ be exte~ded _further Jf ler B. Pearson charged Friday injotd Central Collegiate he had at· rt_tands folio\\. la•t _sa~unta:: ~; lhcsc ba;es ha•·c permission to .: : 111-twn of I he new two mil· 1 the ~ro~rcss_ile ~on se natl~c I ncce~sary to prov1de l1me for a I elaborating on his plan to gil'e


tended as a youth. With him on J F,rcnch ~·r r<1~d. ~n S~k1ct_ S1d1 ·>end some of their own stocks to ~ . •II dullai' l'am·er Wing fl•r ~- nonn~ah~n m his own con~lll· , hearmg. Canadians $400.000,000 worth of the sta~e was Paul Martin, for· \ o~lssc~ m •rlurh lhr rum~wns I he smallrr hascs h)· hclicoptct· 'h•· t;l'll!'ral Ho.1pitnl In St. uenc) .'01 the March 31 election.! II~ al~o ~aid he still hoprs to tax cuts if his party win5 the mer health ministc1· who fought ,d~nn .'~ m~n. ''omen an~ l'illl· nr oth~1· ~!:ans . .-~~-~:llluina ai1· .1 •iln'•. The cxca1·ation and • It \\as a ~unny .l~ below zero 1 receive m June the report of the March 3t election. Mr. Pearson for the Liberal lead- fd~rn 11 erc ktlled nnrl man~ more hasc._ Tums1an em!1ans also arc "IHI'Ut·tion or the foundation j when the mmlster stepped royal commission on price Dcli1•ering his keynote speech. ership last month and now is one 110111ul~:l._ . . 11·orkm~. and Tum:<1an trade~men

.-.;.11< h.wc alrrady been com· off .t~e t~am. from Saskatoon. !spreads of foorl products. Its lhe rookie party chieftain main· of his strongest supporters. All' . Bourglnha rrm[ort:cd_ di!Jlon_ta· are IJCing allowed to supply it. i·l•·ipfi lor this new Cuncrr I Awa•tmg hlm II ere about 200 per· chairman. President Andrew! tained that the Conservati1·es in- four Hamilton and district s•at he pressure h)' statinnmg polite ·

. • . SOM· many of u•hom kn•w hJ.Ill . s . . I . . ' ' . c s nuard< IJ >fOI' !hi''" L'r"ll ·h "On· ; Rourglnha a~ted lo prcl'ent a II ong lhr strcl t< now being I ·~· n ~ lewarl or the UmvcrSI1Y of AI· stc~d or mo\'lng quickly by dcf- are held by Con•en·ntii'CS I~ . I c "' .- c ~ c . • .

'll'('!t:rl. ami 1 he neccs•ary at a local lawyer when he ~ct j bcrta. has postponed any public i icit £inancin1: and other means to • · sulatrs at Gaf,a. ~led,iez and Le ~t·nrral all-clay. stn~e m rt_to~rn· 1-.l'l:lill i< •thout to be d~'ne up pracllce here In !925. hearings until ~ftcr the election I cope with an increasing army of "There should ha\'e been a~ Kef. thus nuttin~ the consular of. m~ for the _Sak1cl \'lllage \'Jcl!ms \1 ,. hopr ' 10' complete the con' He moved through the crowd.' campaign and ~aid rrccntlv some I J'ohlcss indulned in "manoeuvr- frontal attack on the situation [icials under !he sam~ re~tric- from.rdcasm~ dan_gcrous popU!ar

· · • •hak'lllg· 'hands and cnll'Jn" m t · · · ' j · · · 0 • Ia t t " >< • p · 'd 1 tl.Oll a tl1r I•' ·•n ·J nll'l'rtar,· -emniions. llr rrstncted the stnke -trn('IJnn of th1s great new " • . . . " os hearmgs wtll be ~cherluled next mg" for a general elect1on. s a.u umn, !HI. carson sm , 1 s s 1• c 1 • · r·•'l' \\'inn in •bOll! 1 ~ of the men by the1r first names fall. Thus instead of the 2S·per·•ent speakmg of th~ unemployment, REFUSE TO CI.OSF: lo fonr hours and urged the peo·

~ " " d th d 1 t th E • ' I 't t' Th 1 1 · 11 1 1 k d tl ,. 1 1 pie lo keen calm and "show the nHq:th.< fmm thr awarding of 1 an en was r ven ? e . m· , • . . , increase in unemployment antic!· Sl ua 1on. r~e stou d ha1·e been 1 e !a( as e 10. r l'elll: 1 o . . _ .... 'h•· cnnlract a few weeks from press I_Iotel where he IS staymg. S\\ ITCII~D RIIJJ:w,s I paled by some economists in 1957,, a budget "Which would have used. dosP the consulates at the ~amr _ 11o:l~ :;um>Ja s strength and rna-

-··· ~,. 11 . ~~r. anp. Mrs. Diefenha~cr de· Mr. Dl?fenbaker h~s rrp1·e- Canada was plunged into a 100. the taxing and fi!Jancial power of I time. he ordered the French troops; tun1!-. , r :•; :_, · .. ; ... , .\lr. Sprukcr. when these c1ded agamst opening the1r shut- scnted P~mce Albert smce 1935, jper-cent increase. The Conserva- the state t~ sh!llulate employ-! confmrd _to po~ts an~. ba~-red i So lhr day passefl without \'i· ~''~ 1,., -~, . .-. :t·1 !•n m·w ~cncral H~spital~, :ercd hhrme !n.dsuch cold weather ~~rb ha~ 1~g ~ee~ m~~bcr. for: lives h~d acted too slowly. The ment-e~en 1[ .t~ls, had meant a ~ren:h flights 01 cr Tums;an xcr-, olcm·r. Fr!day ~ra~-er serl·ices for • ":. p~, .... ,_,.. ..nd lhr~e SIX new Children's orH. t e r .tllot. ay stntr· t l~'Or YH a e.t hendre r ~~~t~ sl~ce I growth m unemployment had not substantial deficit. r•,tor~t.hBut thelFtrench trhc usr tdo :. the bombmg nctnns were held

Jln~pit;1 Js hal·e been built, and IS nomma JOn mce mg was a ., . e sw1 c e cons 1 uenc1es ended. . . . c ose e consu arson ~ gruun in a snorts field. No major of-lltr>t• SC\'Cn existing Cottage the Orpheum Theatre Friday after Lake Centre was merged . But ·~stead of ~a~mg tlus ac- that the accord for their pres- I fici·lls attended

·-~ --: llnspitnls hal'e been consider· night. with Moose Jaw riding. In the months ahead. perhaps hon, _-Fmance Ah?Jsler Donald I' ence in Tunisia has not been for-: ' ___ · __ _ . hll· cnl d 't .11 MAY EXTEND DEADLINE Flemmg took credit last Decem- mall)• ended , , • ·' · arge • 1 WI mean an M •11 R -. ber for reducing federal wo k i · · J)z e s J L ll'e :.rtrlil inn of 1.200 new hospital Meanwhile; at a pres~ confer· . . t h . • r s' Tension centred on the block-: · · · • ll l' 1 · · l.crl.1 altogether in Newfound- ence on the train en route, Mr. acmi an eJ ec s f.rog~ms, t e Liberal leader con-1 ade of French bases. The French:

,., ., land • Diefenbaker commented on the 1 mue .: 'declared Thursday that thcv! DA:'>VJLLE, Va. -AP Five ;.'. •,, ·!, \r;. ha1·e 3,500 be_ d~ at the pending appeal to the cabinet or,. , The Con~e,•atil·es had not! would not stand by and let thei'r: brothers an~ sisters died Thur~-1·' · ... !. l•r~>~·nt time. and 1.200 added G l El • I taken effective action and to. troops go without food and sup·. dar wh~n flre consumed thetr ·'•" ., ·!. If• ~-~00 ~rill. I 1hink the House tal Plan. There will be HiX of ; ene·ra'f e·ction I that extent. "the Conservative 1: plies. Defcbce l\li_nister Jacq~cs I S?uth~rn Virginia f~rmhouse ; • · · ·:. ·., 11l adm1~. be a 1·cry great step these, at St. John's, Cornm·/ _ government must accept respon· _ Chaba~·Delm~s satd.f~od SUJlt!he_s. s1x m1les east o_f Danl'llle: F_our :··· •. fomard 1n the medical pro· I Brook, Grand Fall~. Gander. · 1 sibility for the present situation.", are bemg dehvered Without 1um- 1 other persons 1n the buJidtng.

~ram me ~~ this Province. 1 Clarenv!lle and Bell Island. I ll.v FRA!\ER WIGHTON ~ .. ~th~ns this week about. the ~rit-j ·His statements were included· sian interference. : am~n~ them t~e moth~r of ~he

'• .. ,

. :· ... ', In ;tdchlwn to these new hos 1 They Will have a total of 3j0 I LONDON !Reuters) - A confl·l•sh Island colony and d1scuss1ons. in the ti'Xt of his soerch issued! He declared further. "I[ 1-'1·anre I'ICllms. were 1n hosptlal With

· ,,. · IJ .. ,, ·_,, IHial< and hospilal extension~. II beds. and when they are pro- 1 de~t Harold Macmillan fl~w home I in Ankara last month. 'to the pre~~ before· delivery. :did not ha,·e humanilariao mo- · hurns. '' \Jr. Spral;er. we hnve decided l'ided Newfoundland will at ; Fnday from a 30,000-mlle Com- . -------·---------

:., .. ,.. I" Nect a new lhree million :least have made a he ginning at I ~onwealth _lou~ and procl~imed / • • . , ctoll~r Xurse.1' Home for the . ~eeing that the children of h1s delermmabon to remam as' TUDI$18

.. .. .. ·· r;,'RNHI Hospital at. St. ,John'~.! 'Sewfoundland ar! given as prime minister d;spi~e a crushing/ I ius great new rcs1dcncc will good an opportumty to hRI'P. electoral defeat m hls absence. ~------

..... ,. .. .. ~11r rxrcllrnt nccommodation' good health' and medical care Appearing fit and tanned from lor '"me 300 nursing ~tudcn!s j a~ any children are getting in the 38·day tour, Macmillan flatly I w ld •t lhc Gcnernl Hn~pilal. We 1 Canada today. , rejected labor party demands for . or Reaction To Bombing intrnd al,;o to spend a con~id·l· When the estimatFs and burl· a general election. I •·rahlr sum ol money to ma~e .l(et are brought down. later in He hurried to to Downing Street I important allcrations to lh~ I the present Session, we wilt ask where he hehl a post mortem on By AI.AN HARV};y ing the French economic ~nd •-are though! lo ha1e been dis· ,puliey as a disastrous blend of l:e~innnl LahoratOI·y of the Jthe House to approve a vote o! the Conserva!ive party's collapse Canadian Pr~ss Staff Writer political structure and obscuring 1 tressed by nrws of the action. 'short · sighted colo~ia!ism and \\'rst Coast Sanitorium in Cor·· two and a quarter million dol· Wednesday m a byelection at LONDON (CPl-France stands the world 1icw of the fact that,' But notes the Manchester Guard-lsupcr • heated patrlohsm. The 11rr Brook. Iars to be spent on this great Rochdale,, a Lancashire textile isolated before the bar of world al home, France is a resurgent!' ian.' when ministers and deputies 1' shock of Sakiel Sidi Yous~cr.

~Jr. Speaker, this grcnt new n~w hospital programme in the town. The government candidate opi)\ion on the Tunisian issue. nation? considered the conscquencics of so~e feel. may prove a. turmng hospital programme will cost coming financial year, com. ran a poor third behind the La- Seldom has reproof of a West- For. many writers. the most saying what they thought, they I pomt m the Fr~nch att!lude. II twenty million dollars. We will menclng on April lsi. In the bor nnd Liberal candidates. ern country seemed so severe as astonishing feature of last Satur· lacked the courage to do so. not, France's a~hes may ha•·~ to ~Pt some of this by way of hos· year after this one the sum MEETINGS AT HOME I in the bitter aftermath of the day's attack is that apparently no· In the short term. the principal enforce some d1ffcrcnt strategy. Pitnl ~rants from the Govern· will have to be very much Macmillan drove Friday night French bombing action against French government ministers, damage caused by last Satur mcnt of Canada, as we have larger, and It wlll have to In· to his official out-of-town resl- the border village of Sakiet Sidi with the possible exception of De- day·~ bombs may be wrought been receiving them for ·the crease steadily until the full dence at Chequers with his No. 1 Youssef. fence Minister Chaban - Delmas, upon Tunisia's pro-Western pol·

' '

:10'li"'~- l~st 9 years. We wlll recf\lve twenty million dollars wlll have deputy, Home Secretary R. A. Apart from qualified support In I were informed in advance. icy. Although the French have D~~etor, · some money from private eom- been expended within 5 years Bttler. Durint: the weekend, sen- a few nel':spapers, such as The The answer seems to be that strenuously questioned whether

' 011: Jeffr~1-·, ' panics and the public, In the from the present time. That Is lor cabinet ministers will visit Daily Express, the reaction is al- politicians in Paris take second P;·esident Habib Bourguiba is in S 111rict, i;1' , cases of Grand Falls and Bell the total period within which Chcquers and fill in the prime most universally one of· sorrow, I place to political and military of· fact friendly to the West in gen­lund~r~. Otci b_lnnd. From the~e sources we we plan to con~truet these minister on the latest government shock and exasperation. fi~ials in Algiers. ~ommenting on era! and. France in particular, the

•. St!'ph!'n· ·Will pro~ahly rcce~ve more tha11 fourteen new hospitals and ex· problems, . Commentators ask these ques· th1~, Th~ Econom1st warns ~uch :re~ord_ see~s to_ show that Bou_r·,kfietd. . three m1llion dollars altogether,! tl'nd these seven Collage Ho~- In addtlon to the Rochdale lions: acllon- Will squander the cred1t of 1 gmba 1s domg b1s best to stay m

, lhtot •e . :leaving seventeen mlltion dol· pltals. l think, Mr. Speaker, setback, MacmlUan will discuss Who really rules France? What all Western nations in Asia and the :Jon-Communist camp. lec1~; H·n "''· l&rs as the part the Newfound· that this is probably one o! a stl!lemate In talks with Greece happens to the !french dream of


Africjl. For the future, it is just pos· ,:· m·,ny 'l~nd Government will contrib- the greatest health and ho~pi· and Turkev on Cyprus' future. Ia flourishing "Eurafrica" span· The great majority of French sible to-draw one comforting con· orcordm~ utr. tal pr()'lnmmcs launched any- Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd ning the llledilerranean? How ministers and members of the elusion. Over a period, many in·

com ~x'rn.. I am. of coursP, particularly. where in Canada for a good 1wm visit Chequers today to re.,long can th,c country persist in [Chamber of Deputies - the so-jdependent observers have re·

P etcd .. proud o( Our Children's Hospl· many years. port to Macmillan on his talks In an African policy that is distort· called "house without windows" i garded Frjlnce's North African

' '

I I ! ' I

Weather Cloudy, with flurries.

Colder. High 32. For Sun· r'ay: Cloudy and colder.'

TEMPERATURES Toronto ........ 8 21 . Montreal ....... 4 13 Moncton ........ 19 19 .. Halifax ........ :i• 28 Sydney ........ 30 33'

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BRJD.\1. SHOWER 1 • ,

Chit-Chat .-F___;,_O~R--T-H~E-L_A_D_IE-S -*I Personal ~!iss ~larie O'~lara was· !lin•n I IIO~IE .um SCHOOL 1

111 o bridal shower• last weP.k. The annual meeting of M-ac·\ nrfiMa~-~nnwus~o~·~~~~ ~a~~~~ and -----------J--------~------------------------~r; held on TnPsdal'. Febru~n·\· 1 Seilool Association was held on I Fun 11th, was at her 'home, nn•l: .Jnnual'Y 27th, 1958. The reports A h \I'U ~ponsorcd hy lit'S. J. R. I u( the various committees were c es Cenclch, ~!iss Ruth Rm·ton ancl 1 presented and showed tlln: ~!iss Bell~· Healey. The second : much had been achieved dur·l was held on Wrdnrsda)', FPhl'lt· ing the ·:~ar. I ary 12th. at the r!'sidenee of : The Secretary's report was' ~1rs. Geol'\le H. Smith. whrrr 1 receil'ed with great interest, ~li~s O'~lara was prescnter11 1:nd it is gratifying to record a ,lo\·el~· china ten scn·icr. llhat each year the Association ~ltss 0 :lla!a s marriage to ~tr. , ]lrogre;:;es toward~ its real Lar~· Lltzanger takes place 111 , function that of pro1•idlng a

4tbe ~aslllca or St .. lo~n tho j means ;vhereby parc.nts and • Bi'Dtast on Ji:ast ~lond~). April tcach~?rs may discuss llicir prob·

?iii. !ems alwa)'S with the ultimate --. . • good of the child In \'lew. At

BI~THhdfl.~Y Gn~.ETING!' . each monUll)' meoting an im· . I!Irt a) Rrc~lln~s are ~X· I pot·tant educational topic was

.. te~ded by has fnmll~· a~d 1 dealt with. Some examples are:

fraend~ to Michael Paul ~.~., . 11 . have taxation honey, who wll1 be m·en )'e~r~ 1. Shou .' 11e , old on Sunday Fcbruar1· 16th. lor Edncallon. h'ld · ' ' ' 2. How cnn I help my c 1

tF.f'T TRUIISDA ,. I read? , , , men· Mr S. ~lc<'urdl', Jlrineloal nf 3. I~ 1.\ . ha\ ln!l •. d~trl ud\'

Prince or Walei C'ollc~r. an1l 'aal eifrct on m)· chtld s st • president or thr :'\rwfounrlla~rl. halllts? . wd·

Take Starch

' Tttarh~rs' Association: 11r. C'l: f. 4. The cflel'l of O\ crcro ford Andrews. Jlt'incipal of, inll. on our children. · . MncJlher~nn Ararl~m)', and PH'I · All parents showed a keen In· jlre~ld~nt of the N.T.A.. an~ terest In these discussions and )t'r. Allan Rishno. secretory nf: in ~omc instances rcsplutlo?• 'fh~ N.T.A., l~ft h~re h~· T.C.A. 'Wt'n' passed {rom tlae ASSOCII· nn Thur~day afternoon for 01·! Hun to higher autho~itles In ~r·


ti\1, to lltl~nd the (nn~d~An : der to ~bow the feelings of t r Coilfer~ncP on Eclnrallon wh1ch members in these matter!. n tzku pl~ce from February 16th 1 each case the reaolutionK had tn 20th at Ottawa. tcllinR effect, and other thought

- ro\·oklnlt subjects have been sandals much mnre comfortable. 1." \ ''JSG TOll:\\' Placed on the agenda for the · 8ummer 8hould start now to ~lve them nrcessary ure, Ele· Acth·e dances are good for the feet. too, when thry'rc dome

~lr. P. J. Hanle)', ~uperlr.· P . ~ vear. vatlng the feet" (left) aho\'e the hrad for 10 minutes a day sock hop strle. This l(al wear~ taddle shoes with flexible tenrl~nt of tht• nomen C~tholi~

1 c~mt'.~~d·;nce for the year shoW· lmprol·es clrculatlt>n. It can be done 'll'hlle you w·atch TV leather soles while she Cbarl~stons (ri!(~ll. Arul next


For Saturday, February 15 , Present-For You end

Yours ... Anend to pr~ctical details. Catch up and get a htrte

. ahead 1.0 lhat you will have frte ume for 1 •hOrl winter vacation. In the p.m., Jtl together wnb congenial ~troup for party. Plan game~ aod other activities >o there will bt no lag in l~tiVI· tir:s.

Past ... Among the many in· future . ventioM made in 1858, were the 11.it1 he able 1 pencil with eraser attached, the lclcphone. T~ now·bmiliar postal letter bo\, translate ,., .... 1 ..... ,. and Richard E~terbro~k started a "feeling to manufacture the fiut lice! deaf pe~on pens. !he me,'agc

1n Bra,tJc.

. ARIES [Born IA1rch 2! to April 20( li!AA t Dr.n'l cor.lJf,,l JO!:r·t'lf ru tJ.trJ Ga11~~ ~,-. rr , .

may "'OYf burdcncofT.t'. t'''' "1'1 11 ~',"

IIU.IIOII< IAprlt 21 to May 20) SCOR,IO fOe! 1d e1lu!1 $t1 _lk:.l ymr han ,\ ..,n, '·,::..: ~.~·

1o •r-md ..... th fafftt1J. n.J~f ,, ...... , •.•• : ,,.,. •. ,

!Aug. ll te Stpl. 221 lry to rot:tt J"MMr Coplnion~ or Y.~v


Between· Us W .Dil'ision of F.d1Iration. and Re1·. · ;~t ;n incn-nse of tOO"'r ov~r or talk on the phmw. Foot strengthener (center) consists or sh~· h1rn•1 out in sandals for a dance: she II have the preltacst 'Jltnther J. r.. Shrn l~a\'f h~''' , r1 ·tous ,·car, but not unttl stnnlling in socks 011 a book amd rtning tors over the ed~r. p111r or feel In sheer illylona. A pacture once a wrrk Is 1 By RUTH MILLEn toda)" lor Ott•l\'a to att~n•l th~ \ IC !re\ ~:istr.ation of teachers Fie~ toes a dozen times or so bcfore you qt\lt. It will make nlre flnishinl touch, canadian ronf~renc!' on Erlnra·J 00 ' rc · d the . . . 'IT'S t:P TO YOV. llt'SBA!'\Il~. If Hubbfl lion. and Is reach c. can . BY ALICIA u,\IIT : sa)"s that HO per cent of adult' and a close fit. Flnt shoe~ cause I en?u~h •. PP~splration Will cau~~ 1 TO KEEP WIFE FEELING \· •<•mnn l!fl! o'.'

_ , t\ssortatJOn feet that 11 has nc If ,.011 tll'lnk \·our fed ha\'c foot ailments get their 8tart In the m't'h muscl~s to stretch and, skm Irntatton~. . YOI':'II. •r,, ' d ' l ,J • I I If rt I I k f t l);a.r~ II.. -'lllmgto~o

Lf"T \'J.:~TERD.\ y • comJllishc 1t.s ~:na · h •little to do with your racr, you're the 1eens. u~ feels that ll•t•n· ·the feet to flatten. Because of . ~ cr a o~g II c, your ~I' '"·"~' •1 ,. "'-'.'' 10 ~l~s Edith ~lanucl. pro\'il1·. All finanrtnl efforts of \~:wrong. At almost rl'l'r)' school,a~~rs should do plenty of wqlk·:lhis, saddle ~hoes or the oxford·[feelltred,. hen•s on.e way to get, With a little effort a hu~hand !t<~li•: .. ,, r•r.razg!ol.

. cia! renrrsentath·~ of tht> ('a•la· Arsocintion were most succe.s· I dance there's at l~ast one teen· ing, wearing comfortable shhocs type casual shoe are Ideal ~or' relu•f. Stt .on a chair next to the can kPep a woman feeling like a r)>,., ~·' ., ;:•:her P.i~n Fedcr~tinn of l.'nh·rrlih· , fnl thus. sc\'cral p_;o_Jecls could I n~cr who has lR\'ishNl time and: and socks: an? Include . a few 'scho?l. . For dress, sliopers w1lh , b~thtub. w1th your fert 01 er lh•: girl for years and years. -;,,.. "••r.:~n let:• ,., \'.'omen and form m•st~·c<s a I , be carrted out. l~ncf for the 1 effort 011 h('l' make-up and ward·; foot exercises 111 their dally rou· a mld·htgh heel are best. r1m of the h~h. Turn on tht> .!au !\Co woman ft>~t~ old or errn 1,.,. · .'n•! ,, •r.,>Jg\ ;. Bi~hnp' Snr~c!'r \oll~t~. lrt: ')·car was thc pa\'ln~ of the , robe. onl)' to find that she looks tine. One thin.!! you mny not reallzP. eels hard. first .hot. then cold; rrrn middlr·aged so long as hrr "''" 1. ,, .. , •. n frfj:n hcrl' h1· T.l'.A. on Frida)' tn school dril·cwn~·. The scholar· 1 and feels miserable becau~e her' Fool exercises are easy to do. howc\W, Is that poorly . chn~en 1 a~d allerna~e ~Ius for ahoutrl flH hushand continues to flirt with ; •. i:: · .·• , ... of . art!'r<i thr r·~nr.dirn ronfrrrnrr ship fund was increased, ~a born· ! reel ache. 1 A good one Is to remove your <ocks can cause foot difficulties.· mmutrs: 'oull hi>. am~ze at her. \·,v '"'" .lr .. I'M Education. ,li,, '!nnuel I< tor~· and g)·mnasium eqUipment : Comfort aiM feet ~ive a lilting ~hoes and walk around the room too. h~w QUI~kly the nchmg ltredncss. h1:,r•:, . ,. · rw;, .. art~n·'ll:~ lhr 1 <"lf~"l'ncr a• ' w~I·~ pro\·ided, addition~ were: sprin~: to ~·our walk and makt• n the outer edges of your f!'rl.! Sorks that are too s~~rl can~ Will. va.msh. · . · :-;o woman frrls old ~o.lonJ: R' ll!f' ,. 1, 11 ,~ ''f' ~~~rl~l rnrrn~rnt1ll\r of •he manr to th~ students' llh~:lr)'. I dancing twice as much run. Rut Another is lo stand on a book bring about Inc deformiiies and .. "hen your ft>r·l hurt: ~our .rare her husband ke~p~ trlhng llrr frr<" ~!a:r ,.~ . ' .. Frdr1·atu•n of t'nii'Pr>IIY Wom· 1 811 8 teachers' professtonal aching feel make your smile:anrl curl your toes ~round it.s.enlnrgcd joints. Active tern· Is t~nsc. your ex~rrssiOn pamed .. ho1~ prett~· sh~. Io. \,. ··r.r:;nn f"!<o'l. ~ 11 • , lihrar•· was begun. 1 tRill. your fare strained and your 'edge. llowcl'er. exemses won I agers should rl10osc socks that So choosr the rrght shoes and! :-;o woman ~~~hs for her lo~l h,l!l<! • , 0 :., .,,

· nurint~ the )'CIIr, thr Room disposition acid. be helpful If your !eel are not are at least 8 half Inch Jong~r sock~. wa~lk n~ much as you ~an :·omh 1f ~h~ has a hu•hanrl who · ..

. ,,.,.H!ll:'\1"; TO fl.\\' "othrr ~l'~tem wn~ institut~cl. : Dr .. Joseph Lehwlcl. co· found. I properly cared for. than the lon~t•st toe. and thry and do a few foot exrrro<es ~ach tr~ats her hke a date whrn thr~· Th~ 1\rddlll" 1~1•~> pl:<rr llli• in thi~ way. all parent.~ ~an hr. ~r nf the first hospital for The proper choice or shoes has ~hould he ~r a fabric, lik~ cot· lOA)'. Rrmrmhrr. wh:n )'OU· go out IO~l'lher.

•ftrrn~on ~~ 2 ~o tn St. )lirh· t•ontnht(•!l rasih.· and tl 1~ frlt ]1ealth clink at :.:cw En~land frequently been stresserl. Feel I on. that wtll ahsorb mo1~ture. feel wr~tchrd. Its Impo~sihle to .. .· th . 1 • • n ' h •• tl .. o woman ~n\l.fC: p ,01 n•·fi[ \(• '.l•1!1":i·r. {~(l:t e'f • • <Pl'< An~hcar. l'hur1·h of r'~'t·,~ th~t the h~ure .. will pro\'P. r i o:~~~~::.S. l!o~n~~~ .. in Ros~on. __ n~ed t:le .. s~~~o~t--~ .. ~~\1: her! il socks nrc._ n~~-~~~~orhe~~~: __ Jli'P ~·. _ .. _ .. -· __ . w~men at a p~rty it her husb~nrl hu<I•Mo ,, BJT.',!I:1

faith Hi>rnrk. rl<~w'htrr n r. worth of this s~>lem. ; 1 women at a party if her husband min~ '"!" ~nd . ''"d ~tr•. J.ornr llisrnr~. R'·ll· The TreaAur~l'·~ Report s1 l1o;~··, Wfeek'~ AMERICAN MENU I Accent With :gi,•rs her enough attention. of •o-~•·at1l. brtt.

;..!1ie'• ~!ill Road. tn ~II'. .Tohn rd that thP a!soclatlon A. li' n ., I 'xow woman reels old if hPr' ~I! :1 t3kot !n ·~li· , •.• ~~~nrt;"l'~r;!,· ~ 1on ,,r ~~\,~:t~r;,l;.~; nnncially soundd. The1 ht!.o~~~\~, 1 Color h~shand rrally listens when she f•PI li,r • ~!r! '''G.

.. f.. t. ncnc rr'""· ' · 1'ornn1itter ma e mon • - Se\\'•Tllfl.fty I talk- to him h~n~ •· :o: rrt~·· r~· · r,,.: 1t·~ Rnrd. The rrc~n 1 IM 10 the children's section n[ the · · -· _ · "

! ,. •

' -. ! . .. ...


'. '

:-L' ;

., PI hP h~ld at th~ :-;ewfoun•i· · Orthopa~dic Hospital with fruit · .. lanrl !-!~trl. . and cnnd~· and memhrrs of the

a~soclation in ho~iptal were I!•·Tl'11':'''1 Tn· r·,n· l'isltrd rr~ularly.

'lr. Arthur l:~·r~tt. tl•~' Thr election of nf!iCPI'~ was rr•~rP~·il·r ro·~·rl'nth'P r•r•di· JITe~idcd o\·er by ~lr. C'ltffor!l r!ate for the ridi11~ of T•lmtl' · Anrlrrw~. principal, and the 1 ·~ncrntion. ~rri\·crl hac!; in thr fnllowin~ officers were install·~ ·O't'· y~•tc-~n)'. •nd pl:n~ 1 ~ ed for 195R. -ro•u·n tn thr ri!Ht':! dnrtn~ thr · Pre~iclrnt-Mr. EhnN E\·an•. , , .. r('·.ord. ~!·. ll~··nrtt he< h~r·l \'ice Presidcnt-)lrs. R. Sri·

. h'l'''in~ mrr''"~ 1 11i~ pa>l wrck Iars. . •. 0n Ra:1dom I~t~nd. TI'PHsurrr - ~lr. Llo)·d Ren· . • , >on. I 'lfl!'iTIII.'' ~·J.:f.TISr: . 'ircrrtar~·- Mrs. Da\'id Deck· [ . T,~, 1,.~,,~,,,,. me('ltlO~ of f·l'. . I rnch 1·nnP :;t,·rrt a!trrnonn "'· A<~i~tant·!'rcretar~·- )!iss V.; '' .s. wn> hr: 1 on Fchruan. Brurne. . . . 11th nt ~ o'clnrk. with thl' Reforp rrlinqut~hlll~ thr1r l'r~•lrl··~t ,,, , 11. "· Dnwr In po~ition~ the. rctirin~. n~flce,·~ t1T~ c1mr. Thr w··nhip S·~rl'i<'r r.spi'C~!rd thr1r apl't'CCiatlon .'" \1 P• ron<'rwtrd hy ''"' n.nwo t~r mcmhor~ of thr. A~~ort~·


· ~.qqrrl by 'h'< F. Jlousr .. \ lion ~nrl pltcl~rd lhPir ~upport ! .,.,., 11 "~ ·rnrlorr!l h~· \lr~. H to thr new !II'~~~Mnt an!l offl· ~!'. s 1 mm~ v.·1th !hr inop,tin~ mr~: rrr~. I !JqP nr "!-lrrn~lh Fnr Tod~\. ("1:'\,\nt\~ RF:ll fR(l~~ II

•• Tl.r ~11111.1 h~>nk on. ·'""~.'1 ""I• I r n Til• fo!lnwin~ I• • li•t ~f. Ill .. .rrO!PIItrri.h) \(r; H \I ~I'· r~lirnt< ~I th~ !'un~hinr C:Am~ I . ,, ·: .'nv. ~1:·<. H. R \.u~r~rnhP mrl ,. h~ ••~ rrom·tNl wrll an~ I ,;l(T'.·. \I'.·Win•or .. cl.l'pi!•linll lh~ h~nli' n•ld fr.rlin~ finr. 11 i~ ~uh· I TART RED ch~rrlrR 11n a ha~r of rrrAm~· crlalln makr A · ·• ·r·•il- "f. 110111.•n In .In pan. lllittr!l throup,h fhr rourtr<~· of light, d~llclous valrntln• druerl and a fitting trlhut• ta Cupid.

Thoughts MOSJlt\Y

IJ~rcin i' lol'r. not that "" ln\·ed God. hut that he lo\ ed n•. :

1 and ~etn hi5 Son to be the prn • piliation for our ~ins.-t .fohn 4:10.

: To lot·e as Christ )O\'PI i~ lo to· our lo1·~ hr a prnctiral and no1 a srntimcntal thin~ -Sir f'h~: les \'. Stanford.

Tn:~D.\\' hi.: pri'

w~u,r~n· llith ,,_

• ·: :.:.ThP Stcwar!l~hip Sect't>tar:· thr .Junior Rrd Cro~•:-~llldrr!l: RY GAYI'iOR MADDOX 'tin mixture o\·er ire watrr: rhill " at1llonncrd that we had a ~uh· Ro~r. r;porgetown. Rrl~u~: l.ll· Aright red against snowy until mixture i~ thr con~istency: F'or I te;tify lin to PrPr~· milr '''8tantial incrcn~r rn financ~· lirn ~l:.ri'II. nr~nrl Fall~: K~lh· , white, these cherry valentines of unbeaten egg white .. stirring 1 thnt hrareth thr word~ nf th•· . durmg the yrnr lfl",i 01·~r thP lt•rn Brown. En~kr: .lor B~n·' make a beautiful party dessert.: frcqurntl)'. 1 Add egg whites; /...,, {\n -,., .. n. prophecy of this book. t

::: ~{·~\'i.oti~ .rear. ~Tr,, .. \\' .. LanHa!lr nrtt. i'\pl·inqdale:. ~lrh·in Freal;r They, are made with tart red heat with electric or rotary bea· "'t t'-fllct !;)~ am· man shall add unto lhP<~ ... ~~\e a.tdtk on Chn"llan lltl~· Birch\' Ra)·: f.dward <'ondy. :cherries and allghl crenmy ~cia ter until mixture begins to hold things. r.od shall add unto hin'

It I , l ?"

. :,· ~1\fp, and stre~~ed women ~ · ~Ioot:in~ l'ol'e: Franc~~ Walker. . tin dessert base served in baked its ~lwpr. Fold in hea\')' cream. lh~ plagues that are wnn~n 111

· innufnrr in our world ot to· Curlin": Erir Smith. StcnhPII· · :tart ~hells or crystal clear ~her· Turn lnto a S·cujJ motel or spoon . Let huek w~al'ing add charm·. this book -Rr,·. 22; t8. 10 •• '"'

. Th~ brn~diriion by th~·l vi liP: Lind)' rarpentrr. Bishop\ i bet glossrs. into dt•sst•rt dishes or tart shells. mg rolur to manv C\'rrvda\' ThP llib!P is a hook of l~i•t. ,-.·, .·· brought thr tnPeting: F11lls: Fram·i~ l'ynn, Sprinndalr: L~ /} /) 1 ; ('ho•ry Valentinf D~•~•·rl St•rve with c·twiTY S:nll'l'. . linens. Trim lt>ll'l'ls.' aprons ·hlu;1 and a hook of dol'lt'in!', a,,d II ••

:n•-··" t.0:~3c. Tea wnfi sen·ed at.Id 1 l'h.riJi., ~ohle. (:ornrr, BI:onh: ""/--f'THH6..,.,tlltttt$ 1 I Yield: 6.8 ten·lngs' l'lll'rry Sunt·e srs. skirt~. curtuins. . bo~k. or rm~ncls. a.nd • houl •. ~· mt'mbers enjoyed a ~octal .Bruer ~IIlley, Tr1tu~. \\1•~1. .lo·. , . , I o111, en\'elope unfla\'orc•d gclu· Onc·hnlf cup sugar. 4 ten. lind. \ll';~lurg 1s <':")'. I s.• n·hgiUn. ot Sl~t•·ial. l'f'll'laoi"·'

:anne ~lacDnnnlcl, \\1ttrss ~:1)':• its an apron, r~JIIIUI·the·housc tin, '• cup cold water, ~ t•up .ipoons cornsturdt. ,, t•·.J,poon llu .. k to\lt•llog--wlutP or l'lllors !tom !:o.J · .J~.mll'l l~··hsl..r. -- IJla)·mond Sharpe. Slr•ph~malle. ·dress, ~un·wrap. So useful. so. sugar. v4 teaspoon salt, 1 t~u· salt. 1 ran 11 pouii(P n•d sour P:ttlt•rn ~~~!i: dwrt>:\ dtn~t·twn< · I·IUI~.n .

1\\'a~·ne Mullet! .. Gand.~r: .wn~dn)prctty, and s~ e~sy to ~ake -1spoon salt, 1 teaspoon grated'pitted ch~rrie~ !water packl, ,, .rm~r hord~r.<. onP ~·o;~··r ... '.Ami I hal<' ;:m~. I \\:r~l Lr•u: na~, st . .Tohn ~. Shtrle~ Hunt. , diagram pro\ es '.t. ~!ake seve , lime or lemon rind. ~• cup lime 1 cupw ater. p, teaspoons lemon . St•nd . 1 HIRTY ·tl\ ~· . n.:..TS ~."" np out of tlu arn1wo~t •1

corner Brook: Jimmy ThomA. I raJ versions of th1s Prtnled Pat· or lemon juice, 2 unbeaten egg 1 juice. 1; teasnoon brandy or al· (m comsl for tl<~s pattt•rn ~,g,ypt untu tl;t· liu~d .of till' f nn:o Arl!entla: Darrel Lus~ombe, Bot; !tern - brief or dress·length to 1 whites, 1.2 cup heavy cream, ! mond flal·oring, 1• teaspoon red r stamps cannot be acc~ptedl to ~ amtcs. and t.1e llltltt~s. a~d. 11" wood: Jean Youn~ .. :Ia~ Ba)',l wear and wear and lo:c. . , . whipped. . . . food coloring. ST .. JOIIS'S .DAILY .NEW~,. Amorlles .. ~nd the Penwf!'~

. ('ora Young. F'lat Rn1. \\ lnston Printed Pattern 4BOB. llltsse~ ' Sprinkle gelatin on cold water, Combine sngar cornstarch Household Art~ Dept. fiO FRONT and the HI\ 1les. and th~ .Jebu"-: E~rle, RP\'. R~~erh: Jr~ B~~frrh·; Size.~ 12. :4, _lfi· 18. ~0: 40. Size in topor double hoiler to softrn. a~ salt in a sau~rpan. Drain ST:· WE.ST: TOR?!'ITO. ONT. 1 te~,. unto a land .nowm~. 1~1th a rd. . )tel\ er.. , Gttral n j IS take~ 3 • ~ nrd~ 35 Inch. Place O\'Pr hoiling watrr anrl cherries : stir rhrrry liquid and , Prmt plamly. NA~IE. ADDRESS, mtlk and hone, .-boelus 3. 1 •. Rnt!rllrtnn. Printed dlrcc.tinns on ~ach pal· ~tir until gP.latin 1~ dl~snh·ecl .. wat~r in 1 0 riry lnt!rerii~nts.; PATTERN ~U~I~ER.. . . , r.od never for~ook at n~~~l.

1 tPrn part. F.a~t~r. ~ccu~ate. . 1 1

Remon! frnm heat. Add sugar. 'rook, ~tlrriM con5tant1~·. until, Senrl TI\E:I:T\ .fn E rE:-;!s The soul. that tr~~tE'd H1m 111 I Send FIFTl CENT~ In c~m~ ~all. lime or lemon rind. lime or i mlxtnrP comP~ to a hoi!. Boil ~~. morP for ~ ro!J)' or our Ah~r drPrl.-G. :'\ell mark .• Photmrraphjc

!Contest I ! ~~amp~ r.llnnot he accepted ~or l~mon juice. stir until sugar i~ I minut~. RPmovP from heal .. Brooh :-;Pedlecrafl CataloJ:t!P· . SA TURD A l ; this natlern , Plr.ase prmt plam·

1 dissoiHd. Chill until consis· ·add cherrie~. lemon juicP. hran·: Two ~omp!dr pattern~ are prin·: But 1! )'e be wtlholll rhastw

1ly ·.SIZE.. . NAME. .ADDRf:SS •. IPncy of unbeaten e~J! whitP. I dy flR\'Oring and red food color· terl. rt~hl m t~e book - plus .a ment, "hereo! all are partaker~ .

I ST\ LE NUMBER. l S fTo chill quickh· .. half f!lllo~~r! In!(. Cool. i v~rit>t)' of desig.ns !~at you w~ll , then are ye bastards. ami nol Send order to A~E ADA. I ; I part of double botler wtlh ICe I II: ole: Two tablesponns brand)' . '!ant to o~der' Cl orhet. ~ml· sons.-Hebrm' ~ 1~. 8.

A photographic contest spon· c~re of $T. JOHN S DAIL'\ , cubes and water: sprinkle with! may be sub~tltuted for part of tm~. embrotdery, huck weanng, . Those who mfl1ct must suflrr sored b~· the Buslne~s and Pro· NEWS, Pattern Dept, 110 FRONT 2 tablespoons salt. Set upper: the water. Omit brandy fla\·or. 1 qmlls. toys, dolls. 1 for they see the wo~k of their

·. fesslonal Women'! Club w~s ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT. part of double boiler wllh gela·l ing. [own hea~ts. and th1s must be 1•~1!1 on Feby. 11th at the V1s· ___ ___ s;oooouevoooooooououo• ,our chastisement or recompcnsr

: ""' F:!lurallon Room, R • · M ~·-Percy Bysshe Shelley. ' )lis~ .Jonn Earl~ inll·ochl!'NI erlpes DAILY RECIPE anners SUNDAY • Pr . .\. (', HuniN' who ~s jmi~P i ' 1 I beseech you therefore, brelh

: ~~~,:~~~;~)'thrro/:'~~~~~~ 11~1i~·1i,~::: r~t~~·~::J~~'. lh~~t'~nl'~l~lil •tiff Sur~. ~no it "'i11 bP 'l~r tnp o' ~I'~P 01011 4~ or .;n minntr~ Make· . ~:n·"~:.:~te \~~~ci~~~~?!~ G~ii~:~ n~meJ,·. rhlnUI', fo('(t~. rumpn<I· · ~ th,ps. •u~ar · thr morn in' In )'Oil". if )'OU SPI'I'P. 1 • ~~rrificP. l10h·. acrPrtahlP un1o

'tinn ~n<l C~llPI'~i intrrrst. The 11 run limr hni<-r thi~. TOMATO RAREBIT ·(:nd. which ic ~·our re~sonahlr ! rirturr• ~howo wrr~ nf A \'ery I 1 .ran ~\\·c·rtror~l ~nnorn~l'li· rRJSH soDA RRF:AD 2 '"'P' huttra· Fr I' ends . ~~1'1 i(·~.-nnmitns 12· t. hith standard anti prn\'rrl thai milk 4 CUll~ ~iftl'l1 flour 2 ths1>~ flour 1 SrJr.J)enial i~ A kinrl nf h~l) w~ ha\'r ~nme \'rl'\' ~nod ram· (t·olrl• hakrrl rir shrll. or a 2 tel''· ~all onr thirrl run <·rr~lll a~<ot'iation w1th C.nrl.-nohrrt en~ ;trti~ts in 'our Tnicht. 1 !iihrll marie nr s:rBh:~m P:. J:.•p. ~oda nnP thirrt euo rnm.1I0!1~ ·~tPweri •'op······r• ··a····oo· RnylP.


1'hr award~ wNe prt<rntrcl! 1,r~ckers. 1~ CtiJ1 ~ut!ar anrl slr~inrd ---h~ lh~ p1·rsi~lrnt. Mrc. EthrJ· Real fir~t four in:;r,.clirnt~ to· 2 tilsn•. rMaw~y sePd~. t t~r. mustard When drirmg to m1t onl·of· HAS ~IANY !'ARTS Will Knock O~J

, \~~I son. tn ~l•s~ Ol~a AndPr•on, ::rthrr until sm;oth. Pour Into '' cup currants or rat~tn~ , Pinch ~oda town rri~nds for 8 wcrkrnd, hr An airp<>rl sun-eillance ra~a, . G'ltl Gil~ • fu·5t ~ward for her picture of pie shell. Best three el!ll whites 1~ cups sour milk [ I cup 11rated Canadian cheese sure to let them know whether Ilse<l In air traffic control, Jm .,.,

1F rnd~ I Banff; and the second award until they stand In peaks. Add Sift flour, salt, aoda and sugar 1 egg you plan to arrive before or after 707 tubes. 230 fuses and ewlghs 1 from 11 OrJ Ito Mrs. Lewis Brooks for her two more tables oons of fine together. Add caraway seeds 1 salt a meal. about 15,500 pounds. It has a 1 NeighboU~J :picture of a kitten. sugar and beat :gain Spread and currants or raisins, stirring Melt butter in double boiler, Saying you will get In "some· ange. of about 30 miles from 1 Civic Gllll ' The president abo tbanke~ O\'el' pi~. Chill. juice well. Add milk and stir until' add the flour; then tlw ~ream . time Tu~sdny" will throw your the atrport. W [tart Dr. 11nd lllr~. llunlfr, who hn\·~ 11181, be u~rd Instead of the lime dough forms a ,ball. Turn onto ~raduull~·. \\hen t11r m1xture hostess mto a dither. wondering --·--.. ------·-- . e . ~

· ~ivrn of their limP 80 gener· Juice · a floured board and knt'ar until thicken~ add th~ tomato with thP, what meal you will be ln time nough to enjoy your gue~t~. · On the occD'0I 1 ou~Jy on rnany previous occa· . ·- .:.___·---·-·-··-- smooth. ahout two or three min· soda. Th~n add chces~. beaten: for. hnosc the latter. ·rho ~inns. F.arlr Bnd Anna Tem!ll~tnn nnd utr~. Shape into a six·inch rollnd ~~~ ~nd sea<onin~. Srrl'e on· A house in appiP·pie order n~1 · The Sir Th~ arrangement~ for the. I~ th~ third ~nn~~~util•@ rnnt•~t loaf and !!lac~ ~n a grea~es conky lo3~t a~ ~oon as thr rhr·~P hA< rr you ha1·e to choose hP2"' .r mad~ up for a tire·d. hMrU!:·. Arrivals of ~

contest were under the capable hell! hr the Bu~inP'~ and Pro· I sheet. With a knife make a mrlterl. \'ice as a luncheon or ha\ ing \·our hou~P look I· Pd . hMIPss without ·e!JPu~h PO· CiiY• CO 1 management of Misses ~oan fesslonal Women's Club. cross on top. Bake in a 350-de·, supper dish. •less or being rested and. r ed thu~i~sm to spark her own party.

' .


e" vt.

., edu(e

. some flurr: causmgd half of n

an a t further to ame

A:ntinued in comr c for third and . u~he argument \' Ul t· I D General, h' r. ·-. . A M. Duffy. i\Ir. I . and i\Ir. G

dment by ~lr. I ,me~uce tbe penalt

tof reted ll'hen the. {'h. de ea . Dep [ comrruttees. . o G. Clarke, put the t

.. ~ quite a control'~ w- tl go\'E penalties. Je .

men~beirs contendtnR were necess

law·breaking. I thought that th

be a penalty for of eitircns who plot

a law. Thi~ act plotting to del~·

con>pimcy. he

Duffy totalle!l penal firm with a lar;l~ "'

of director; and 11 c; tid< ~urn. He c\·en '

that one local .comp directors. 1111' wa~ big~er l Boll'atcr's and a

ha~e cnrp11ration;. said ther('

on 1\'ater su·ret inroh·Nl in hre:•l

were ~ctin~ like ll ;c:hool rhil<lren. T

little mone~· grahht>r>.

thrr 11cre ~rluh~. he iher woul<l not ht•\'r ·conflict ami thr the ~auntlet to the

and the Legislatur• Street won, the Prer then the House of might a.~ well c

. These people were g· tt.ught a les~on now,

said, by the bill w in his hand 11

. The Hou~e he the bill third rer· who is boss, in :

The Ia wmaker! ~w·llreaker~ .. he ad<lNI

Hollett said he tho House was getli n~ Jaw.makin~. lie >ugg~ "·as & lot of shops Street. He had no for m•n who met

lo break the law. the ~o1 rrnm~nt n a w~it ;;nd •~e

Prtnti~r· iniPri•ri•d •·n•n n· •l•r l't rP•t :.nt"r~'ti:;.,,H "·"r~ ht "uri~ h~r·h 1~'" ...

E. Ma1

dvise Good

have good 1·isio it as your gn

·.That i~ the me Ehzabeth Martden

. the E. A. Baktr Cl lor \\'hit~ Can~

UMerway from co~~

one know~ I he \'a I llg~t hPtter thnn sa~d ~li>l Madden.

· lanada's 22.000 are suppor;iu~

pl~a to lhe publio· t 'ouncil ot

;~d. the l'anadi~n >tlhlle fu 1• thp of White ! 'ane .

urge You to "Prize as vour t • . s ar pos:Oc.;: explained that ali

are not totally bJin, to medical and they SUf!Pr ;

lnd l~!s of ri!ual ll'f! to r!ng~ bfrom ~·h oO a out ale •e. 0 ~re totallv c~Jo tl'er~·t!ting . in So ur blurred and

rn~ see onlv 1

l~bJ.ect if th~ir P trntted Oth · on tb · ers ca \'an' floor but ml

'lnis' 011 the road Judge distanct

World D ay of Prr.)

Will ~n the Ch on obser\'ed

lit Friday e first F . • Fel Season Wbr~day lr

for' lch ba. one hutnbdis •Peel;

ttllantr~ red an~ ••• rnorhini ~Y oter devouor at t radio

by :·lit. Will· ·b llf ~lh rs. ll. lt


trAM -•or 1 . -Churu


•k' ' ( ',1 p 11"1ftf

~ ~~~i•att •o (;M ,-,,~,

, wpanll rorTKI


' The Daily News SATU!tDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1958

ew Shop Act Is To Become Law Refuses ·

,,. qJ\lt' 1 ('tll\t rn\"t'f"Y •tl:J.;\:P~. t!lt' );!P\'t'fll•

' r 11ntt·r.din~ rltt' ,:.f ,H,rf' llt'rt,~:-a ~-r

' r:"·;,.; ~:r.1 ,,n, The · :~~·.1~~: ,1,,,: 1hrrr

•-t ;, r(·:;!~~ {nr A · ~; rt:~r!':' '·'no rltltlt'ft

· 1 :;·.• lh•• ac•lion . ;:.•·.r . .c :.~ rlt<~ tlw ,;"•::-,·:. rlfl "'"~


E. Madden

Petitions In Legislature

EXTRA-LOW PRICES! Men's Shirts 'N' Drawers of medium weight Cotton. SHIRTS, 1 ~ sleeves.. ......................... ·75c DRAWERS-Elastic waist

Medium .. weight Combinations

............. ·97'

Si!es 34-42 ..................... SUIT

Heather-Mixture Socks Of Wool an? Cotton ................... 35c Red-Topped Work Socks Wool and Cotton with Rayon ............ 45c


No Le rrisla ture t Session Tuesdav

..... ,. ·. •. • . . . ~

... ' . .. , I . ' \ ~


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d -i jl.

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., I I

I l • I ,

THE DAILY NEWS Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper

•• r The DAILY NEWS I! a morning paper rstnbllshcd In Ui94, and published at the !'\cws Builning, :155·309 Duckworth Street, St. John's, Newfoundland, by Robinson &

Company, Limited.

\'1:.\RI.\' Sl'IISCIUPTIOS R,\'l'ES

Canada 512.00 per annum l:nited Kingdom and a:J

ntEliBERS OF TOE C.\XADIAS PRESS 'fhe Canadian Press is exclusively ent1tlcd

to the use for repubhcallon or all news clcspalchcs In this paper c1·edited to II or to the A~sociated Press or Reulera and also the local news published therein.

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Foreign Counts1cs . S!4.UU per annum A~:• horizcd as ~ct·ond> mall Post Ofhces •

Department, Ottawa. 1 I

Member Audll Bureau Of

Circulations. - S.\'fURDAY, fEBRUARY 15, 1958

The Fiscal Picture H1glier r':pendJtwe~ dunn:~ the

p1 c~ent fi,L".tl :·en:· h•l\·e led the i"IIHIIll'(' :\ltlll•tl'l Ill l',\lllWie that it

defil'll ot' abuul ~~.700.000 llHI\' lHII'C to be 1 eportrd Otl vuJrcnt <H:l';lunt at thr end nf :\l,trdl. 'l'he,e int·reaocs Rre rd<~ted to the n-in~ l'O~ts o[ sueh public sen· icC:· ;1s he.uth, · h1gh\n1~·s llMcl \\'e!f,lre. Some of them. 'Ul'h olS .~pel'i,ll ~11011 -L'leanng and more relief ('Jaun~. nta~· be il('ll·l'l'(:Urrcnt. But the f<Jrl rem<~il:., th.1t the pro\'llll'e must face a slc<~cill:-· JNilt: operating cost for all the m.•Jor publa: "en·Jcc~.

'!"his ~ttll<~ttnn lud lnentably to arise rcgarclil·~~ of the mueh-cntir1zcd cxpenchturt·~ on mdu~tnal uwe:.l­mcnts out ntl.ljlltal at:l'OUnl. In f<!l't• if all the mone1· dr1·oted to et:onomH; cie,·elopmcnl L.HI been cii1·erted to nntL·h-rwccle,! cxpaiNOil of ~oci<1l ~l'l'\ t,·c-. thr L'l,ttm under Term :.!!1 1•. ou!d lt.11 t' bct•n much larger.

.\s tl 1~. the ro'l ol l'Oll(lllUIIlg the lc1 cis ;l!ld ~t:.ndarcb of the public ,cn·ires "' lht'l' \\'ere at the end of :\lR1ch. Jfl,ii, n;u,l keep going up so long :t- thC' population inl'rea~c~ al it~ rCL'Ct1l icl·cJ.

:\lr. SpCillCt lli1:> c.,IJinated l'LII't'Cnl rxpcJl(l!turco fur the present year at $j·~ m:ll!otl. Tu tlw; nru~t be added certam illlllllcd commitments which ha,•e been eharged to capital account. /\ guocl example ts the annual grant for the t:on~trttl'tJOn of regional high j:d10ob.

Th111k1ng onh· in terms ot the st;md,u·ds of ,el:l'iccs ex~>.tlllg a ~·car ago. the requtrcmcnt~ of he:.1lth. edu­C<Jtlon. htgh\\·ay,, welfare nnd muni­cipal operation~. rnu~t continue to rise with mcrc<~oes in the population. '!"he ha~b of our under Term 29 is rlo:.cJ~· linked with the interpretation of continuing and that is defined as l!JC a moun b needed for nuunten<Jncc

, . and ('ap1tal to pro1·idr. a constant ~tand.trd 111 rdat10n to the population.

ballet ~tal'. The size of lvll'. Kenned~··s \'Ole \1'<1~

l'leUJ_'i.l' a rebuke to both the major part1es. It \\'Hs a ll'arning that thel'e Hl'e man~· people in Britain who arc dis~Hli~ftccl with the policies of both the Labour and Conser\·ati\·e pa1 lie~ and who want a new leadership and a IIC\\' dynamic in this period of con­fusion.

But in spite or such \\'arning,, 11either i\11'· Gaitskell OJ' iVIr. l\Jac­millan seems capable of taking the hint.

Britain And Defence In shnrp contrast to the blazing

Sl'<ll'chlight that p\a~·s const<Jntly on the actil'ities of the United State~ rlefen~e programme, the British plan~ ha1·e been making quiet and sper· lacula1' progress. Th1s was l'e\·caled in a Wl11te Paper submitted to P<~rlia­ment by the l\ linister of Defence. Duncan Sand~·~.

Britain is well ahead in both the production of hydrogen bomb5 and ballistic missiles. H~·drogen bombs are now being dclil'eJ'ed to the Rol'<li Ail· Force. A British rocket exi~b which can be launched from under· greund.

It must be remembered abo that Britain has been making these im­portant advances in the field o[ mililat·y science without imparing in any way het• progress in the harnes· :;ing of nuclear energy to peaceful purposes.

But while ready to meet am· mili­tary challenge, B~·itish policy i~ dedi­rated to peace. It is stated in the White Paper that the onh· wav to underwrite peace is to • neg~tiale between east and we.>t a _genuine disarmament. propel"!y inspected and con trolled.

Nothing less. it is said, makes sense· That is a sl~tement that will be heartily echoed throughout the free world,

In The News lly \\'.\ YF.'.Ill:ll

S'l':\,\lPS OF l'fWJ:

\lany ~r.n-. a~n \\t' ttlllf'l':

rei t<1H111()" Th·11. u! l'OUI~<' I"

not an unu-ual hnhh1. nur 111 its tlUI'>Uit \It' \ICI'l' ·lorlllll• It' CllOll·~h fi'Om lime 1o IIIII~ IO hr alllr, hy ol ,ctir> o1 111!·1:1 eham·e, In huiltl up ,, cot\•·•· tion of Nt•wtounrllilllrl 'tun:n· 11hich cor;I:Jilll'd man) unH)!le •recimcn< lt wa, a rroml "'" ~e,sion. It could nol unhan ril~ sun·ive the exi~enr1cs ;,f lhr dt'lli'C~•ion and 11 !' 11 rt (' l'Om!lCIIrtl to pari With lt . I a time 11 hen I' a lues ll'<'l'c lo\1 \\'e ll't•rc rcmmdcd of 1ht> o\t­tl'es,mg mome•1t h~ the ''"'"· lo~uc of .tn auction salr 1o !H' hrld at I he Pncl nl l'•·lll'tt .. ·' hv II. H. !!.ll'lllcr ot ;\• 11 \ •ul: Thet•r, •t·:rin~ !I< in I he• 1 ·~ •. \1 llS 1t1111 IJOhJr hill']; Ill lo'lo' "Pi1wtlos" 11!nch. ,,. t:a· ;.t· rompan)in~ lrltcr ll"" ,, .. r~lls. \\il:'} ~olrl to u ... t '' '' \

JR 10~7. 11' \,t\\ll' 1' ,',!ltd at ~~5.000'

" . \\r dll' 11nl i.llll•IJl..! 1n·,~ ·

\\ho ,u·c itlt.·!Jil(·d tn \',t·'l' 11n · on \d1l t'(•grct~. \'t'l. ln1 '·;" • llllOil 1hi• hlol('l; of I• W

,J,l!llJl' II hteh h,•rl lll'ell 11° I'•' !l11111rrl lor tlw ,ttl' m.o1l In h~ c.nTit•d h~ t:w 'fau1111' d•· Pmcrlo on Ills I. m•n!• tP • C'Ohfllll'l1t Jli ~~~1 \'I' l''IU!d I'• 1

hrln ·uflrlll' ~ a •lt~lll n:t· : Jl1.d 11 c had e1 rr \l('<'ll fon· "' 1" olt·pO•<' of rb:, uniqur pr< "'l'c:..,:on. Thr l,r·t·r \',f' !.! ·I It)\'

It llo1i llllC•Jtttil'lll Ill tJ, I\. I, ent ,·,t!ur .. \n•l , .. ': t' ,. ,., 1 Jl',lll~ nthcr r,1:r .. t.llll''' 1'1' :p·r tnrJa,, Ill -.nmr 11•-.:..:~{ 1 '·

compte tc 1) i 'Tr pt :·u·,, bl.•

The ILirn,rr l'IJ.t!n ... l'r 1f';•.

onl) pari of llw ,,(,: • !I " 1\0t :1 hJocl\ ot loU' h~lt 1 IJin 1


of Nghl tlwt \\r htl\1 ,q t:·.' n11crnuon Ill ~J.,' I' ~7 lll ''t · llrJlUII .\ltru,Jt•t'• oJit('<' "' tlll' r.('IH.'l'i\1 Jlo..;t IHIIU', \

h!ork of t•l'<hl. \1\'''C 011<' lo rxt-t I•Hl:.l'. 'lilllltl ll "' ' \.line Lit' 'm f'Xl'l'"' ni •' . four ~t:illlP' lltl"• Ill! !!1! .. 'r

11 mi~lt1 lll'll h,t\1' :1 "'' "' 1 \IOrlh o( Sllltl hul '•' ·,., '.,, 10 knm•. th .1 :11 tlw tim•· ·

So up In till' !'n;t Otficc 11e '"'llt tlwt aftcmnon to he ll'lli'l't"l 11110 the De put;'> ot· r,,., .. 'llu• dt•l,lil• of the l'>llC \H'I (' relater!. \\' e .~>ked If 11 ~ I'On!d · ec I he sJ:unps. The 11m r 'hrt•i> nt 100 stamns 11 rre pl:tcc•d hrton• u,, Cou.lrl '"' h,,, e a few. we asked. Thrrc 11 as a hncl colloquy amun·~ !he ;"sembled official~ and wt• 11 ere a~krd how manv •lui \', e wunt. The co~t ,.,.;~ >IX!~ Cl'lltS ~ilCh. \\'e WCrP htn·clcned 11 ith the debts ancl ohl!~o~tion~ of the nc11 II·· m~r:ird and we cume to the enncltt,ton thai live dolla•·~ 1' .. < r.ll '' r could afford. w~ a,:,L·d 1! 11 e might have e:ght •!.till!''. ThPre 1\ils another ('(IIllo <'tWP and rather surpl'i~· 1:1~ :'t·qntc.·ct•nr<·. Carc!ulll' '' ,, tot!' oil a cnt'llcl' blork nf r1.'''• :tr•rl nnnchalanlh nul I •t·.n Ill 'lilt pocket.· Iiiii~ d.•· mtr' 1ho~l \\r had in our po .. ~ .., ... ,on .1 m Jtr)p:-, .... oh:rl'• I' h·\·h. 1\i' ,. \II' Ill hold it for .: ft•\1 ~ c•,.r,, 11 uuld make Olll

f,rltUII' • •

'll,,d 1 ... :hr \Ci\' "imr'~" "'"·; nl ho\\ \\ r got that blod\ of rt~hl l'int•do<. Four of !!:('Ill '"~'~' 'rnt all!oarl rort lo llrn lo frirnd, in Great ntll,,•n Ot 1 ll of lhco::e c.l.ln!! h;,d\ to u ... la1L'r The J~m:dn­i ·~ h!r•l; of tour 1\'a< fllll in 'II' eoiJrrtllon 3ncl there It ,•. ',•d 1.,,. n h1trl tlmr 11~1il • ·'~' ti.J) nrces<it)' caught up llitlt "' lltl 11rnl the hlDck In !1.111111'1'·, of [.on•lon \1 hPI'P, NT a'')" Boosts 111 I'll'''· 11 trltl•rtl n n<•t ~nm t of c ~·dl '' hirh ~rrmNl :1 nohlr · r1• d lur onr il:1c•lmrnt nf EcOllOlll'r Q£ N.S. ' 'n 1 I' ,ppm- ltlllc cn-.u,h .I l • ' .. ' •·ollljllrrrl 11 ilh thr S23 · R)· STEW \RT ~tacU:OD 11•11) 1 ,Jlur of the momrnt or r~nndlan Prrn Stall Wrlltr 1hr rolr~\t:1! ,,,Jur of !hoi HALIF\X tl'l''- \\'ith all tlte 1 :.lf,\111' hloek ol ci~ht If 1~c lalk of ~lantimcs indu,;tr)', or c " d it. '(' hrrn Jlll>'l'S•t•rl of l~lk of 11, tt's odd the nal'···s : 1• I t•r•'·'II'!WI' t1J,tl I'O!llrl (ifiUIHIIlOO annual pa;roll in :'\~1a t· '' ,, <':tli·Pd th 1o h;tng on :r. Scotia gl'b •O tittle mention. i: or cour,c, after bring here for

' • • 200 ~ Ntrs it is hound to be taken 11 '''" .11 ,. ;;1-o 111 !his forrh for granlrd r•pcdalh ,.. hen

c '"·'n: ,,ut·tl!lll >omr tru!-. !hen• 1< litlnally no rossihtlity of Ul'tr'l'<' -prumrlh for tht·l the ha>c' hem~ mo\ect. Rut if 't':11t' t\nl tlw onh or<.'a!tiion in tlw r.o~al f'dn:ahan ~av\' r.\cr ott' h •t<•r• 11lwn our sm .. ll dHI dl'('l(lr to pull up ~takes m •\tll It 1 rlra11 trc:: e.1rncd II' :\ol'a Sto:ia, it \\Ollld h~ the mo~t

It <'dlllf" intn n1P pp ... ·t'""''' 1 .. 1P:r pod:••t munp:· In 19:H. crushin,q blow in the pro\inc~·s in thl' \\ j..,(' 'l h,• ~"l't r' :11' ,,, '·' (l \\ C"'(' ,, ... kpd tn ~ug:r.:.r.~t de- <'Conomu: indu!>tn·. 1hr· :l!int>l<'l' of l'•·•l' nH t ... -~~~~- [,., ;, rrnnnnenl nirm:nl "A blow··· <a'~ \la,·or Charlt< ntl \l':.lrl' SIH .•1 llr 'ud 11• ' "''· '.ilt'!u\1~. fill<' nhht. 11r A. \'aughan of ilahfax. "It would lhis <prciul i•'ll" ol •• ,,,.,.,, •1.< tc!wrl lht·ec ,•. T!:e he a catastrophe." 1•·a; he in~ prrp .• t·rd :tt•rl lh<· r1•··1 :- "ctr· acerrllrrl Whrn Ql'EST FOR 1:'\'IJL:STR\' ~llni"tt•r 11nulrl ltkr "''"r ·P" ''" '"td 11111 (O!lrt'llOil in 193~. Gol'ernments and economic or· ci<tl pnhlid1) The sl:tmn u ··'I '' ,. J.~t·lurlf·d thr•c origin~ I ganizntions such as the Atlantic for •ul·rh;u·ging 1\:t< !lw tiO rlt-..llinc' 11hich the printe•· Prov:nces F. con om i c Counctl cent d~nomiPalio'l ol th• h rl rr'i'l!'rlrtl to us. Tn o::r carry on a conlinual campaign Cit hot is>ll•' on I' J, ·h "·" ., ·"'oP••lunrnt, 1hr•y fetched 1o attract new industrY to the portrait of !\!!" l!<•nt) \'11 ~;;;; , ·~d now thr)' nr·c up fnr area and the federal J:oiernment 11 ho hart ~~\'~11 I he ~n·nl 11. I '·"'' :•g:un and from tie has ternwd the economic condi· inn rxplon•r his .. il.!!'lrr '" '"'."'11111 nf ,paer that I_l:mn· t1on oi the re:,:ion "a special di<COI'cr nr\1' l.mtl- llP l'llll'·i" Pr' h.~c c dcH>irrl In their rl_r· cn•e " But no ouc ~a;·s much 11 a< an II dian The 'lnu•'"' 't'Jtpltrn we 'hall he Ol'· ahout the na1 '· lhnu~ht the a.,m·i,,l "'1 !l: r1 :1ppomll'd if thr~ fail to sell :\oil', \\llh !l;e 200th birthda1· of hi,lo: ic:d mlrrr-t. Til .t t• 1.11 Jl1nrr than _lhr humble ar· the llnltt,lx X a 1 a 1 OQckyarrl. II ill' Ill' \l::ll: ''" th ,. -nru I I t I> 1 I!! •l l1'CI'I \'e<l. Such u •c there IS no indication or a kt. <tanlp to lw 111'1! puhtJ<·t.• •r\ l'lr f11!1Unr< of \\,lr anti li!c. doll!l m nm·al strength. In fact, -- - - - the sen ice is t1:;:htening its roots

,------~----~------- I hy spcndmg about $10,000,000 on ~ nNlOn•ructiooavcarT~

l: What Others Are Sayin!! :: porary wartime buildi.ncs are he-....., rug 1om down lo bt• replaced hy

• modu n conl t'e' c structures. NeT WI: \' S'l'll.l. IHJ.\1· ll.ll\' :tt!ll Ht~>•t.tll• at·e wml;- jetties ae pullmg out in hRrbor

1:\'.\Tt:S S('IE:\'('E 'llg l•o\\,trrl that goal•. liwn 11atcrs, and new runwa1s arc be· \luntn•a! (;uzellr• lon~·ran:..t• t•ockd Jmngs 1\tll in~ pushed ~cross tl;e nal'l··s

The Inside Story


Det:cnt Americans aH' :.:.~.::.

the 1·iolence which attencl:- -•· ".,. ' ·, ; :·· sc~. The story of 1·outhiul tn:,,.. · ·,' " ·

I • • .. ~

to us, yet \\'C arc ~hot keel n.: episode~ unfold.

Two recent meJdcnt- Ji·'' c, l:ghts. l\. 19-;;car·old \· c•t: <ttt ;. , ... Nebraska. And in Xcw Yo.,.; <1 f:,, ••;'· ., C<lUglJt in cl ero"'l~·c <•! I .e.,, C<": flun·:.· ot 1·ioler.t crime amo·~~ , - · e · to hi' death from h1s apartml'n: ·, 1

Threading through <JCLOt::·t. ' : · .l', ,

other explo:m·e ju1·cnile ou1br e. . , t•ertain things which seem to .~c·' c·. , • , ·

the~· desen·e· For one. the re~ort to \'tu r. c

fenders is so often dr:>"ll<'<d:· n ,,. the aller;ed excu~e for 1t.

A I':Omill1 \\'alking in :J:e oJ.• • ' '

bo.1·. She Rsk~. ··Are you C! ,1. • '

or sneer or tell her to ;:!et lo-;" :' the back. •

Six lads accost 1\ro gu·J, , ' · 1:< •". ,

ket money, whipping out kllr\·c, •. ·: · ·,, when the answer is •·no."

This is how Jl goc~. Yo" , , a beating for smiling the ,., ·'' allS\\'CJ' il kJd r)oe~n't !li,;c. n1 11

all. · \\'e a> a people do no; ,., ·: ,.

when there i~ real pro\·ocat ,, :; · rough·tough ju\'enile \\'Orlo. r " ,,, essary prerequ1:;itc·

So explosive arc man· o: •. ·'' If. for cx,1mple. ~chool enrolment

r:~e~ C«lil ~car to a degree that re­qut.-e~ o~tl <umual t·onstruction of 15G ,,·honl•·noms and 1,•1 annual mt:rease Clf 150 tead1cr~. both the eapitnl and marnt(·lwm·e co;;ts ltl\'O]\'Cd represent 11 daitn under Term 20.

Wh~ drd lhe st•eond 1<'>1 1rh· lw domlno~lt•d, pot hy mtJJI,,ry nearby Shcarwatcr air base f'~r-

•-------------- <If the Vanguard pro.ll·t·l. sll cl~~), hu1 b) the ro11ng 1un~tcl~ for the ('II', the niliY is

- ntrr 5\IC'h a l'pmol~liH' st;,rt \\ mJ!'i a permanent fixture pro1·e a fatlurt•'' Tlw tntlt.d I nhkc most t'anadian sen i!P.

that Ill l'OUntlc~s place~ t!lC t. t c · IS ~no ugh to stn~;;e ten or.

The money reecived from the spcl'i· a I A \]an Ia; Provinces adjustment l(t'Rnts ma~· be segregnted for the im­p,ro,·cmcnt nf cxlslmg le1•els and st<~ndiil ds o'f ~cn·iccs unci does not in M~· W8~' Jli'C,!Udi('C i':ewfoundlancl'~ cli:Hm under the Rcvi~ion of Terms· Thai l'laun II'Hs a~scsscd at $15 million ror the pi'C'scnt J iscal \'C8r It muv be fXpet:tecl, therefore, that .the rc~om· mcndattons of the Roval Commission will start 1\'llh that 'vear. But the MtUH t lOll nl list 110\\' l'C,lllllitl unccrtam until the Mc;'\air Commission has made 1ts report and the Go\·emment or Canada is ready to ·!'clease 1t. In existing circumstances, thi,.; can hard­ly happen before htte in April and it may be delayed until after the open· mg of the new scssJon of parliament' in !\lil.l'.

Blow To Macmillan The Con,cn·ative Government in

Great Britain took a hard blow in a by-election in Rochdale. the centre of ploneer!ng in the co·operati\'C move· ment.

; The Conservatives had held the seat in the last election by a very small majority. IL went to Labour by a substantial margin in spite of the fact that the actual Labour vote was less than it had been in the gen· era 1 elccllon.

: 'l'hc reason for this was the inter· vention of a Liberal candidate who <q~arly rallied a great many Conser· \'lltive ~.upporteJ:s to produce his 17,000 \'OtPS• · It is 11 mo~tle1· of \o('nl interrsl that

the l.tberal \\'lls 'l.udovic Kennedy who had bcf•n an A.D.C. at Go\'crn· ment Ilou•'t> during the \\'HI' and is the P.~~~and ~f Moira Shearer, the Bril ish

S~rength For The Day By EARL J,, DOUGLASS


You may never be able to attain ~out· goal, but set one anyway. Jesus said, "Be ye perfect.' No one e\·er has been perfect, but the whole rucc has been made better bv this sacred admonition. Unless we· aim at per· fection we shall probably not attain a mediocrit~· in which we can take the least pride.

But setting a goal is not the whole of the storv. Almost every· body has a goal. • One may not be aware of a soal, but almost certain­ly one has a goal just the same. Down in the bottom or our hearts every one of us desires something, wants to get something accomplished - in other words, has a goal.

The great question, howc\'er, is ''What kind of a goal?" Is it a petty little something which after we g~t it will be so disappointing that i 1 will make us sick to think about it~ Is it something that begins in us and ends in us alone? Is it one dimen­sional? two dimensional? three di­mensional?-perhaps even four di· mensional? Is it big enough to be worthy of us, or are we big enough _to be worthy of it?

The Bible has a good word about this, and here it is. It is found in the 12th chapter of Hebrews: "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of Gotl.''

· Ha1·e a worth-while goal-best o fall, a celestial goal.

t·ausc wasH falhnr or 1\H' ('ItO· rorc;ns IX roxn:rt r base~. llalilax didn't feel anv trot mechanism of thr •u·-1. or nrantiord Ex post! or suddt•n impact. economic ,;r bottom sta;:c nf thl' threc-sla~0 :\ Jleutct'< rhspatch from otherwise, \\ith na1·al occupation. rocket The l'.S. t\al'l' drw .11 't 111erpool. England, announc· The na1y came .11th the town. kttow ~ ct how that h::rrcn1•t! <'ri that free Jlackages <If or 1·icc 'ersa. and both grew up

What occurred afll•r 1 'lc roct~h dntps 11 tll he offered to together. steerin~ mechu:mm f,u!.-ct, ,, cont·crt audience tn tha The)' sl,!rted here in Ji~9. when hoii'CICI', dncs ,,.,. la!!Htlls t•ih' m an effort to H_alifa~ lias incorporated, aud eral of 1hc 1hnusand, nf 1ae· •ltp nntairs the non-cough· mne rears later the navy-then tnrs till oil erl in a lnunch.n" ··r, ;, nd up,cls the concert the 1\oyal Na,·~· ~ ~ade thin~rs m

11, 1. permanent b:· bmldmg a dock-

The record al<o proves the rard. t.:nttl 1~10. 11lten the Cana· ""~ "' "llll l1l1 til 1 · \1'"11 r 'ln1s is illl rxcct\ent tdra-""~ s ' ' " · .1 c dian na1 I' took 01 cr. it was opcr· I• sit' II on1 dl'<·t·tttl'" all"\ I' pro1 idee! lhr cou"h dt·ops do " ~ r ' · ' • •. · • a ted mainly hr En~lbh workers the thousnnd v<ll'I;Jhlt•, llt.JI 11hat thr)' ar~ suppo~ed 'o do. on a rclati1·elv small ~calc ~till domin.,lc th~ \.•u•whm~s If thr rxpet'lmcnt tul'ns . 011.t Then came the First World War arc J!l!<larntccs of tho1t. In he suct•t••>ful, the pnncl· and a hravy influx of troop• . .\f·

Adl'ersr wmds, rm· tn pic coultl he appltNl kl a.d· ter a brief ~lackening-otr period ~lance, arc cnou~h to po>t· \un.tagcs Ill sc1eral other ~tl· the Second World War brought pone a launch ill!! for da.' s nalton5. . . !10.000 sailors to Halifax. That's

F<1r 57 ~cconds, the fiJ·,I· How often, fill' 1n~tanct, ts 11hen the service became SllCh a

This is the second "·'P~'<·: i •,··

Agai nand again we lc.<: ; .. breaks are not met b1· cout1tet r t' .. • .. , .• r: fearful silence. The c.onsU1n~ r e~:,, · De • anything m· they'll do somcth"': 1 •'· .,

This pett~· blackma1l "! ::.:,· .,, t\~ oCf practiced by delinquent .\·our,·~,·c · .' ~· ·.' · effect. in big towns and ·,n:,t" I o ,;. e · lenge the menace of the st:·t'nr, .; ··~,c.: r:' ·'

Ob1·iou5\~·. long-range ~o!:.t'•'··· >r: somehow, at the root cau>r~ ":· tb ' c:\:' · lcnce· But while \\'e are sc;l' r<t ·1~. '' c !·;·, 1

find ways of countering 1\. T·• ' c:ri Wi ·

is simply to gil'e terror frcr : , .... • •

Symbol Of JJ.illioll." ~tage rocker pe1·1orm~d brau- the clcrgynwn's sermon inter· big business. tifully. Thrn the meeha1u•m rupted nnd almost drownet' POST-WAR J~fPORTANCE faltered, the wholr vrh1dc out, at this time of year, by Manpoll'rr Je,·elled off after the l\Iillions upon millwns of the was dh·crtccl ~h,u·pJ~· to the I hr. chants of coughing from war, but thr na1·y remained an out their li\'es in relati,·e anon.1 m:l.' ri~rht. 'l'lu, caused lhe vehi· the· con!(rcgalion7 Some psy· irr:portant factor in the pro\'· ful know the bright light of (,wr clc to break 111 two 'l'ht• chutogists ha,•e been unkind ince's economr. :-l'ow, the na•;y's Yet none of us can reallr t'l ,,, c ' safrt~· olficcr in ch.1rge enough In sa~· that this i~ a total payroll in 1\o\'a Scotia is as walchin~ the 1chielr', pro· matter of mass suggestion hi~h ns the pro1·incinl go1·ern· not that light \\'ill fall upon h:" c he'··!~, ::ress on his instrumcnls. based on boredom, since no mcnl's total re1·enne, about $36,· In wartime Holland, ::1 ]:t:le ,le,\ :-n (·. pressed the "cle,u·urt" button 'll('h hacl:ing in unison goes 000·000 annually. Anne Frank hid out with he! f;,''i:ly f,,,


which cllttserl the \'chicle to on in sal' mol·ie theatres The payroll is the bigl(est \ ·· explode 1lsPII harmlc~sly o1 c•r we le~,.~ thi; to I he exper·t~ sin)!lc expenditure. but I he nan··~ above a store in Amsterdam. Thr:· 1. c · ·•·· !he ,ca. 11 had rcnchcd 20,. to argue about. but if cough "~lue to the llalitax area is far cO\·ered them and packed them ('ii :u a ,·t 000 feet drop> 11ill curb the cullOm, hrgher. Its 510·000·000 spent an· tion camp, \\'here Anne dtcd·

'fit!' fn·,t l'NI\111 rnll'nl nf a wr'rr all for them. nuall)' on constr~lction during the multi-stag t'Pl'l\rl ts I hat ir :'\ow for an extension or thr last few years g11'cs work to hun- Who can count the nun1bc1 . t'i,c ahsolu!rly vcrttca\1•· un· ide,: th.Jt might impro1·~ mo· rtreds ~f loeal contractors: _'Fly an end in World War li'? But \ nung .\·:•.c ·-­ttl well throu~h the rlcn<t•r l'tc ltoHsc ;:ttcndance. If the comp~rls~n the ralue of. burldml: ten a diar~· of her cramped !Ife .'l :he·.', .. atmo~pherr so the turn 1oward pl'O!lrictors of such palces of ~ermtt~ ISSl!cd ?.v Hahfax last h'd c··, . ,. .

1 h f

1 that )ear ~<as S7 .. >08.9ar. 1 eout. Brought to light. 1t 11 a; ,1' ....

~ horizontal !'nurse 11111 come entcrta 1 n~ncn' w 0 cc rt has been estnnated that one onlv artcr most of the fit••1 llw public <!cmands all matt· of elm·:· three dollars circulating intensely human document. ··n ,rt.-t' stngr's enormous fuel cnr~:o nrr of ranG~·. peanuts, P?P· in Halifax comes indirectly from As a book it has been rc~rl m ·' 1 ... ; ha~ \xoen hurnrcl off. rorn, at!d so tnl'lh to go with the nal'y, Some officials say the a playa people ha\·e .;cen it in :'\n1C"tca.

1,'~;~J: Rockets ronsume vn•t ttnan· lht> talktcs, can manage to g~t estimate might he too consen·a· tralia• Argentina and Europe. In 1:-r~cl ... '~· .. ;

title~ o[ fuel; the mnjol' por· ~omc paper bngs that wont live. The navy spends about $30,· f <t • ·'' lion of their loaded wci!!hl ~·attic or crac~le s~ dcafc?· ooo,ooo annuall~· in the province trees stand in the "Anne Frank ore. Is fuel, The grratcst care m~ll': they ~ught fmd their for goods and ser~·ice, and mar· for needy children are rising in her "'


must be taken hcfot·e launch· thmnmg aud1ence augmented rled sailors spend an estimated - - ·c1(P ing, to keep them standing a hit. $t5,000,000 for food In Halifax household furnishings. ern rlrstro)fr ;!' in an absaiutcly vertical po~i· stores. Another $8,800,000 goes for OrnER ESTABLISHMENTS cau~c mo•; do 10

lion. If the complete vchi· FRENCII APPLES rent, light and fuel. Besides the economic push equipment l3

de fully loaded canted to , h t apple There is no other Nova Scotia from Halifax sailors and cil'il only $21.000-~e , one' side, the up~er section~ F ranee oas s . more emplo~·er to compare wllh the servant~. the province also prof- Scotia. But noU31 might topple of! the bi~. first ~rccs ht~n the,Umted Stat~s, yet navy. Because the 10,000 1ailors Its from !he 2,000 sailors at Deep share of the ~hiP' a~: stage hasc rocket tis tcmtory 15 only sltghUy and 6,000 naval civil sen·ants in BFOOk, In the Annapolis Valley, nary's 30 "

0r tall'(tl

In the ~arll· stage~ of flll!hl larger than th_c northeastern the ar~a, are so el'enly Integ. and at Sydney. iliar~· ,es!<'l~ :hi' D~ stron~ l'I'Os~wimls could hal'<' p~rt of the Umted States. rated, few people think of tracing Indirectly, the n;ny supports a Apart f~olll datHr: . tlw !'mnw rtll'l'l. Thi..; j, a ------- the money bock to the servic!. big segment of ch·iUan busin~ss many Jl.thf:.tx . ,·o~r::, prohle:n whil-h ,,,u·pty hl'dt'l tl I'I~Er\l'PI.E !lF.t:us But .trc nn1·y estimates that il~ ~ound its 117-acre clty establish· cialize in °3

'j., .. ,r rl'' the rtus•iau ro

1·krtc<•rs "' slips 't'hel· rio not ordinarilv sfn't!'e personnel and civilian em· nt, Halifax shipyards, 11hich taxis hall' ~~~e r.•'~

wrll 3

, lhl' Amrl'lr:m. . 1

· 1 1

· fl oyees huy $3.23~.000 worth of rl ends heavilv on na1·11• con· ne~s. hu•t'' ,>o··· , l!ntil 11111! IParn< how lo lll_"'trr t'~". (am thP few. seeds au~omobilrs hPre every yur. lr Is. PmployK' some 1,200 ntPn. alirs ha"' nl';~·r$1·~

l""' oc~t ate ll><'rl only_ ".l lhr• Tht~ cnn he adcted lo su.; ~hip1·ard recent!\' comple1NI rait11:·'' ofl.ll .,~~~~·'~~ conlrol ll'<':ttums \ holh A mer· drvcloprnen1 of new l'anettes. for· clothing and $:1,383,000 for • $69,000.'000 or.' · fo~ three ntod· trains ror tro<'P ,.

NEWS, ST. JO D.AILY, ~-----


paf's Bon'E

still on the wi pat'• arelavoff berth

as • P • s Thev lv k goe . · II~ eyl at the Stadiu

11on s ~ must now aw~ an f the Guartl

0 • ht ' ounter tontg · ' t~uards are r.n tl

an 'ther the )rlsh e~are Guard• in II

51 Bon's top tl 15 · ponts. Guar

wth 9 and .a ga~ p t's are th1rd WI

~hil: Feildlans ha,·~ the Feild tontg

tor . d I I thent a thJr spo Jrisb and the chan


\\'ood[{lrd wa> lOP pot si night as he came

la goals for the Bluegolt ~;~rphY fired th~ ot~

for St. Bon s 11 R.-an. Hugh Fardy, L

'and Noel Sparrow an assist. Llo \len' Green's sh

1\ hen' he rcgist<'rcd _I

Sl Pat's tallY in the fit · St Bon's "'ere out fr·

!he openin~ stan7.n • !he micldlc frame w countcrrn~ in the th

!rna! 3·1 srorc. nctminrlcr ~I·

~·orked hard for lhe " 23 531·es 0 ,·cr th~ ro

ame up with s~' ~rat I c I \' . in slop<. Ro l OISC~. I'

Pat !larrin~lon Ill

for Sl. Pat's 1hrrc ~;ar

11sn turnecl m a extra !:' He kicked

as1de and was oulsla

Tie! esterda

\\'ILSOX Bt.:TLEil defending ch

of the Atrforce at\'l

Pet \\' ee Horkey Leal lo 1ett1e for ~ 2 to 2

lhe ftrst game yeslel as they 11ere pul

11ire by the .Jets come f:·om behind h the li•. Eugene K~

the star for the Jets fl tallies one in each pe

on lhe ftrst by Dot while Jimmv Fo•

Ro~· Sellars 'were for the Ltbera

team-mat~ Franci~

no 5CO

nis team

!econd game and he ol 1he dav and a

!erond teom of •lcf~n had lo •cttlp for 1

a! lnfanll\' ha to ( bthind late. in lhe ~P

for tht 2 to 2 ~~~ Gunners \I' a~ ne ~I·

unas~t<lcd Wlth 1 left m the tmt pr th~ lnfantr• a 1

but l~lCtr lrad was , as Gunner~ ramc ro1 tn the ~econrl fram liner wtHI<' holdin:: · to a ~inr::c ~oa

l'oumh dented at 8 50 and Bilh·

the Gunner~ out fro"nt 12 10 ~tercer of tht

With little o1·er a mt the game poked in

Il!oounc\ for the One penaltv

in the game th of the lnfantr


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. _..A.'-~1 i)\ ;,\ I I; I .' 5i~ ~. u...~.; .... . . ..


\\'Et:K-t:SD G.-\~ES

!\len·~ League -3.00--

··~ -·StLulchak~r •·~. ~ash. ~·4--namhlcr ··~. Ford. ;;.#l -\'aushail \'!. Chrv. 7·11-Tio•·~r n. I.aSallr..

. 4.1:\··· 1·2 -Hut(~nn \'!, Packard :1·4 -('adtllac '.•. M11narch. :l·fi -lleSolo v~. Aufitin. 7·8-Htllman ••§. Fargo.

--9.15-1-2-I.incoln vs. Buick. 3·4-Dodl!e vs. Plymouth. !i-6· -:II~• rnry vs. Meteor.

Oecupatlonal League Alleys 1 and 2

2.00-Telegraphers \'5. Lines-men.

3.3G- Salesmen v~. Butchel's. Alle~·s 3 and 4

2.00-Shippers \'s, PlumbP.r~. 3.30--Truckmen ''s. Lumber-~

men. All C)'S 5 and ~

2..00-Cierh \'~. Jlaker§-01. Brc,nJ.

3.15-C.:arpenlm (A. Soren· 80n) n. Gr04;rrs . ·------

1 High School IBay Hockey

In the Conception Bay Hi~h School Hockey League yester· day afternoon at the Harbour Grace Stadium the Shearstnwn St. Mark's squad ed~:ed lh!! Har. hnur Grarr. r. of E. team 6·5 in a thrillinR contest.

r '"llwl '"lw Lk • hdr '·lindful•led ... ord1•" ''l ,

~~ .• r ·c~.y·, y .... r·• : ··cr replace .. wtl

Bowler .. ·~sc .. ;nti~-.. ttl the I·dciian Bow •. •• .. • t tl . • •• , '1 c \\' k ns r~"llll· ..... -..t.. ,:- ... 11 e aue• ce

,! Alleys uu !\,,,,day ml'ssagc ":-"Prize

•Hr. Grace:

A two ~oal output by Joe Byrnt•'s boys in the last frame decid~d the b~ue. Power ga,·c the hlanrler< the lead 4·3 at the 7.0~ mark "hen he 1rent unas· ~i,trd an<l three minutes later lle;n·n ~ot lhr m<uranrr mark· rt· fr-r thr !;landers whrn he >riJrrct r-l>o unas~ist cd.

Bed-ridden For Life '

Jll'titi•· .. ··ith a numht•i _; IIIII' howlc~- rr-··~ th · "',{ '"hn'~ Blin" Cl'""~ '" ;heir L · :anta;:-1• in (ll'actV·· .... .:·!,t'd lo o ........ t. tr ~j.

... <· 111~ ... from the ',ion~ -. .• lb p:wtin(!i!ll'd in a hfl .. li"~ ·'>m· equal ha<:~ wilL .. cir h!inrl n'1[l011CIII~. The ..... ul howlers be-

; I

~I : t ' I'.


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The Daily News Silhouette Contest


I, The Silhouette Contest is simp!~ anll easy to wo1·k. It consists of liU ;ilhouette drawings of wid~ly known persolls and 120 pictures. All you have to do is identify the silhouettes, not by name hut by pniring them with pictures of the people you tbink arc portrared in the silhouNte. Each person shown in silhouette will be shown by picture but not necessarily on the same day. In addition there will be GO pictures of other persons who will 1101 he shown in :>ilhouette drawings. Thus ~·ou will have 120 pictures from which to make your UO selections to go with the 60 silhouettes. Keep the 60 left over pictures. They will be needed for the final Silhouette Scramble. 2. The contest started \\'e1lnesdny, January 15,

1958. Each day l\Ionday through Saturda~· for 60 days, one silhouette and two pictures will be print· cd. Arter you have paired a ~ilhouette with a picture, paste or in some way fasten the matching pair on a single sheet of paper. All 60 sheets are to be fa.stcned together in order and each sheet should bear vour name.

3. The Dally News will awar·l $500 in CRFh t>rize~ to the winners. There arc no entry fees. The prizes arc:

l. S250 2. $150 3. $100

4. The contest is open to all residents of New· foundland with thtl excep1ion of ~mployecs of The Daily News and members of their families. Not more than one prize will be awarded in any one immediate family.

l!. The final silhouette and pictures will appear on Saturday, l\larch 22, and with this set will appear a master score sheet on which you must enter the numbers of your silhouettc·picturc com· blnations. Do not send In your entries until all lllhouettes and pictures have been published,

6, The contestant getting the greatest number of the 60 regular silhouetttls correctly soh•ed is automatlcall•T the winner of the first prize. Second highest score gets second prize. and so on.

7. A Silhouette Scramble will be published with Silhouette No. 60. This will consist of a number of &ilhouettes which are to be Identified from the 60 pictures left over from the regular contest. This Silhouette Scramble will be used by the judge~ ONLY in case of ties. If ties exist in the regular contest, then those contestants making tile best 1co1'es In the Silhouette Scramble will be declared winners, Contelltants should submit with their completed entries a statement of ISO words or less on "The Feature I Like Best In The Dally News." These statements wlll be constaered by th~ judges only in case there still are nes alter the Silhouette Scrambles have b~n judged. Winners will then be determined by the aptness and originality of their commen~.

8. Address entries to Silhouette Contest, The Dally News1 Box 972. St. John's. All entries must be postmarKed not later than Saturday, April fi. 19~8. Entries must be sent with first class postagl· fully paid, since The Dally News cannot be respon slble !or entries delayed because of improper ad dress or Insufficient postage or for any other reason not received at The Daily News In due time.

9. By entering the contest, the participant agrees to accept the decision or the judges as final. ·------------·----_., I CLIP THIS COUPON TO ORDER I I THE DAILY NEWS I I Circulation Dept., I I Dally News, St, John's.

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conununiQn: :\lo a.m.; Fri. and s.

Ash Wednesday, 7. a.m.: Thurs. 10 a.n

: Daily at 5.30 p. Wednesday, 8 a.r

Derotions: Frid Bro:1dCa1st over CB

Service: :\>h \\'i !1.15 a.m.

Morning Prayer Communion,

Serl'ice, i.3U p

THE \'IRGI~ 1qua1lestrna Sunday)

Communion: The Lord Bisl

preacher ( Brc : 2.30 p.m., Sun•

the Xal'e of 2.45 p.m., Bible Cl;

Holy Baptism : of women; 6.30 p.

"<""'•saa1y: 9 a.m., H ·~«•auy for sci:

. a.m., ~lattsin ; Senice; i.30 p

and Intercessions ·. 8 a.m.. Holv c 7.30 p.m., Ev~nsot -OF THE ASCE:'\SI

llOl!ST PEARL a.m .. Holy Commun ~llattins: 2.30 p .chool; 7 p.m., E•

Wednesday: 11 a and Commination :

p.m., Evensong

8 7 a.m., 1 .30 Holy (

s a.~., Special tv l Michael's Set

ensong and S 93 erm B . 0 ;;.m., Holy (

P.m., Evensong


.. ' :s


Sheen Writes SERVIC~ b:r:~:~=~~:~···· Best Loved ·Hymns .~:d.~~.tG~~:a.~)ishop · ------ \m-~··~ llepartment in the: Until Ills hand shall brmg to 0 1 requests. - ---------------or a faith that II ill not shnnk, I earn not ask my dailv hrend IS L''PI'OS\' • 1'111~.· ·r oF· tJ11• SOI'lels'' \"auld it not be

L tllnnwn !loom; 2 30 p m .. Sun· 1 pass. • • · · · '' ' · " " •


I " '

tl.ll s,hool and Adult Bible The prmmsc of his Word. • Though pressed by man)' a foe, Tis lor my toilin& hands along to' \'IE\\'7 I better for the free 1\0rld to take • I \ d tl 1 hi l · h '1 hat wtll not tremble on the br1nk keep \ t 1 tt't d to d

1 ir,., 3 ~5 p m .. Church 1\lcm· ' ssure In s a m1g ty urm ' an en 1re y new a 1 u e war lw. ·hlp Cbs,; 6.45 p.m • Sons I Vphol!ls \\hatc'rc be fall, Of poverty or \\oe. The s~:~drlng roof tree o'er my' BY FUI.TOS J. SIIEE:-1 the new tactics of communism, ~m l~l': 7 p 111 , Divme Worship. 'Thoug!1 sll~ncc clothed the night d such as the following: l'n•,,(•:wr He\', F. E. Vipond. I m ~lo~m. That w11l not murmur nor complain I da not trouble God with such, The athtudc of poh!k1ans an Instead of the free world al· 'lihJN'l "You're \'oun~: Only That God still hears our call. Beneath \he chuslemng rod, behests. 'nallons lo the Sollet l•mon IS the \lays bemg in the position of l 1,11

~ · 0 blessed rest, life giving peace Dut, in the hour of grief or pam . best public mdex to the charac·! answcrmg the notes of the Com· _ That thrills expecting souls Can lc<m upon 1ts God; ' For lf .each day 1 am to beg and 1 ~ 1 of enh~r a person or a state 'mums\s, would it not be well to

, . l'OCIIItASE STREET That lifts them ir the foaming


whme ,lie llho wouW contend that lt, hme them answering our notes . - crest A faith lhdt shines more hright and clear About l!IS knees for food and lmak~s no chffclcnce. llhether: for a 1\lule? Why ~hould the

Hel \\. L. Langill~. B.A, I \h ' tl k h I When tempests rage 1\'llhoul, ~rmk . 'one has Jcpros: or not Js already rohher llho wants to keep the . , ~t·;ul~T· g;ga~~~~idan~· p~~~~~> Th~t \o!t/f~i~~.s ~~a~· steadies I That when in danger knmls no fear, Why dtd. b; gll'e me ~trength and JUd~cd for he h~s fmlcti to jewels he has stolen, he the one

. , • .. I nctws In darkncs~ feels no doubt, skill. make the mo;t radtral aml fun· to open nedotiations with the ·' · :na•t.: .• \Jr,. E. S. :<\tcker~on,, That calms the nlarmmg fear. I' Why ha.'~. I po11cr to act anti ~amt•ntal dJStl~chon of ~hystcal rightful ow~ers for keeping

, • '• P1. •·tt"l of lhn>t~an Ed~icah~n.l Rci,:n Thou sunrcme In ml' heart linn!, . hfe-thal hrt11 ecn dtsca P anrl them? ~hould peace notes al 11 ,, m •• ~lormng \\ orslup.f Thou~h skii'S be dark or 'clea A faiUt that keeps the narrow way I Why am 1. d1ff~re~t from the health. rommumsm '' . to the 11 ays he gin wtlh the supposition

!o , -.;, 11 ,,. 1 ~ ll • .-s ,111ct Junwr \\'or· __________ ___ !: Till life's !.1st spark IS J1ed, j brOIISlll~ kme· socwl borlv ~that lemo•' 1~ to lhat thr jewels of Poland and 1 "' ·IIIJ'ill'l.• The ;\hni•tcr Rev.ll'aticts of the Officers' Train· And 11ith n pure and heavenly ra1· lilr phl''l' al hod1· 111 f.1cl 11 1s Hungary and Chma are to re·

~ E \I pond, B A., B D , and 1111: Collc~e. Lights up a dying bed. · '\\'hen lie nlarcd me rrert and more H'nou<. lnr r_ommum<~l main 11 ithin the tron ~etting o! t l·ltw1r of Gower Street Umt·l You nrc corriially inivted to 1 taught me speech nffecls pcm.nahl~ thrcctl~. the So\lets" The free world ifi v . l r I 1 hhurch under the direction I ~hare in worship nt the Temple. Lord, give me such a faith a~ thi<, 'WhPn lie gall• me a hand and 11hilc tl•sra•c nffe~t< tht· mmd nn the defenSI\e, mstead of

01 Till tt'll'll \ ~ \ ,,f \lr Doualns o.mond, Or· And then, whatc'cr may cnm~. not a claw. and ~nul only m<hrcoh· l.n hc1ng on the offensile. Liberty - ·''

0.11 hl ,llld Cho1r Director, Wlllj rJT,\Ill-:1, CORI'i' I ta~te even now the hallnWPd bliss he thcrehv and for ages hurl IIJ'· moral lnn~ua~t·. rommtllll<m JS t•lllh. rtght to st•lf-government,

' .

' ''

t\lh.on~c with the )llm~ter, Or·' Adam's ,\rc•nuc nt Prtnce of Of an rtrrnal home Amen on my soul ltnhlllslrail1' <'111. It 1' rill he· 11rrr the bu!11arks or Western '· 1.1· t .tlld Chlnr of Cochrune I Wale.• Street --- --- -- The stcarlfa•l law cau~e it <Ubm~r~~s and d<•!;tr0vs rtztlization, are now no Jonl!er ,a,l't l'mt<•d Church for tins I 10.30 am .• Pra)er Sr.n·icr.: StudJ.eS Of s~lf clrnendrnce And of on· p~1·•onahty to ll~r stalu< of an imoked again<t a regime which

- >\1 ,,.,.,J~c. !! 30 p.m.. Sunda)': 11 a.m., Holiness Sen ire; 2.30 In 11ard reach. ant m m1 ant·htll frre ~o,Prn· 11·amples on them Day has be· \ · ~dltllll and D1ble Cla~;;es (Lad· I p.m. Sundn)' School and Bible ment I' 1111 ~de Jmpo<s.ble come ni~ht and night has be· • • ll'• \ uun~ People, \'?ut.lg Chin·\ ~lass: 6.40 p.m .. P1·a~cr ~J(•ct· And ,o, l do not trouble r:oct wtth throu~h 1ts .'""' pnnctple Cf;Un· come day. \\hat \'tetzschc once

, '" l hmtlan Assoclnllon); 7 1 mg; 7 p.m., E\·angellshc Sc•rv· Th 8 • d small rcqu~-ts cwtrd h:· Ln~el• thnt freer om ~md a' an indl\'ldual has bc-i' Ill. El'cnmg Worship. The I ice. Subject: "Choosing Your e eafifu es Heggmg each da\' a cru<t of I" nccc,stly or obedwnce to a come true of a world pO\\er:

' : \llllt•tcr 1111! preach. Subject: ('ompany," A Brigade of \\'om· bread , nidal or. 1"Enl, be thou my good", By - : i '\ l'llr ltlo<hnnt ReligiOn." rn Cadr.ts will be in attendance (2) JFSt:S d th ~IOUR~ERS . h . 1 • 1 Waitmg for im hv mit acle to There is no nerd to draw up hccomim: indifferent to the hard,

\Jond.t), Feb. 17:-The An·, all day. All Sal\'atlon Arm)' I B." ,an ~ ·. · ~ ,ric .\Itt 1 nches he or she can kerp lotlwr rr~'on< 11!1\ Communi<m fast line which divide< justice 11.1.11 t'ongre~atlonal ~lectin~ 1 students who are attendmg ,, '\' RE\, DR. FRED SASS nelet ~ose, that child has muslc oThe roof tree o'er m~ hrml 1s 111cked or II h)' the 11orld has from injustice. right from wrong 11 ill be held 1n the Lecture Jlall )lcmorml l 1nh·ersit)' will be\ Blessed are they that mnur~; that 11111 lure It away fro~ the jt do not hot her God 11 1th sucl1 be· })('en more unhappy ~mce 19li the Wc~tern world has ceased to .. t u p m pre.sPnt at the morning service 1\rolrttthhey 5~4hall 1 bet Scom_fo1 rt.ed very ~ales of hell, and woo It UJl' hc<ts thnn 1t h.1s in an'' ot11er equal he militant about those political

' I\\ luch will be conducted b\' the a ew . . ,as atuH a~ lie to the gates of heaven. Blessed I ' Wld of time The point is that . I I. h 't t .. ! \ \\~\' Prol'l~cinl Comm~nder for the I saw that the ~r in spirit ~r~ are those f~lk who are . distress· .\nd yrt I pray )r our II or !<I hlurrcd the di<t m~- '~i~n;:~~ ~~s \~~n ~~~~~~rea CIZI-

' , - ,1, , C.ltm<\('r: He\'. A. s Butt. 1 Snll·ntm~ Army m Newfound· t~c r::~; tnd d ~~~~f·".· 11 ~~~ ch ml cd to the po~nt of mourmng \I l~rn Yea, in 1111' hem 1 J neH·r endmg twn bet,, ern hrnlth ami d1<ra•r, Th~e come moments 11 hen

.lltl:t>lt'r of V~oltat 10n; Rev. F. land, Lieutenant • Colonel E. ,s.reno or. ?.1 ~ l\lllC rom n they sec !IItle. ~luldre.n b.emg' song, a< it hns hinncd the di<tmction hu1·ers and >ellers mu<t be dri· (, \\ l'lr Organist: ~Irs. Audrey FeiiSter; "Come to the Citadel I \\orld oJ '.mlstble res~ur~~s d~mcd their dll'lllc birthnght.IThat God my teach me holl to IJellll'Cn n~ht and 1\lcng, lie len out of the temple. Why p011 ~u. A.T.C L. 1 and CDJOr the _fr~edom and men an 110~en \\ho ton",'> \\c hm·e need tod~y of men and' make 1\elli<lha•e httir reJ<on fat hos· <~1ould not the free world, in·

11 am. l'ublic Worship and warmth of Chmlmn Atmo~-~ ~~.~tllithey 1ha\e 1 no tl~ern~~n~l~t 110me.n. llho. reall) mourn at the: :lly dmlr choice 't11 1xt 11~1lt and , 1''· •nlr<,'s or doctor• If slearl of hein~ obliged to acknow

ll ,l,uuor Cm;;rega uon; 2.30 p m., ph ere., , , 1 e ng P ace n , 1 s 0 • , pr~1 mlmq mdlfference 1? the wrong l'" -e \1 ho <3\' that en mer Js had le·Jge a note. hc~m mailing notes 1 . I • ij suuda,l School and Bible ' Dl ~ K\\ .OR Til S11tff.T 'n;en and wom~n ".ho ar~. not <mr.llunl II elf are of our _chli~~cn ; That I ma)' plal iii e\ go~mc- :tr<' < XPI''•Sin~ only .. " poir.t of out fir< I. hke bills long Ol erdue,

- 4i l l .•• ,cs; 345 IJ.m., Teenage Sr. Dnffctl an~ Cap-ldtslressed by \\Ord.l~ a~?llions: lime ~o!t a conc~rn fat thl<. I a•Jd play it fair 'lCit • lhen llrnllh " no lon:z~r and let them he malled often .. l.i. ,,,. l hlll'ch ~lemhcrsiup ClllSs; 7 tam Bo\\crm;: <Corp5 Officers). They arc peopl_e. llho hn e pard I And a,aln .l~su mourned ~~I a ;t3nr'~trl \\hat is cmJous IS \\Ill' ,hould not the first note re·

! .. '1-.1. p 111: Public Worship. [11 a.n~ .• ~ol.m;~ sl~r~i~~; 2.30 ~~:nar~r p~~i:~~~~~~~·h~rt:~:·,\~~rl ~~~ lu~~~ioo~e:mthliOI~~nt 1:1~ I "I wrl·ll Lt.ft [! tlwl as the dl<tinctwn bc\\ll'rn ho;rse thP in]ll<tiCe to Poland, u .(u \1 e -hall welcome to the p.m.. un n~ c 00. .• p.m .• b ed • t th . !' 0 n . \\ s. e I n 'P tn:. ar.'' fal'C ncht :mel llrOng, thn •econd to lhmoan· and so

mornmg sen•tce members of the' Prarer :lleetin.g; 7 p.m., Sah·a·[ less means-no e \'IC Jmsf mourmng by the .sra\'e of Laz~- ooc•l a vl r.Jl has hrcome con- on, throu••h the cou~tn~< behind 1 lion ~tccting of a blind fate B1· the grace o 1 rus The storv 1s recorded m 1 111• E " 1 " •

• L•'. 1>1 latulty aml.stude~ts from the A B•'o I. r c d t •ill .. IGod they are trimi11lhant in :tn<l .Toh' 11•32·36. "When .lrsusl n UlC ves [user!. then· h,,, hccn an am.o<t the \<he<tO< Curiam. then let !ltc. L,,.; )Jcmoll'~&l (111\'erslly. A reprc· e 0 n c ~ \1 •JC • · B 1 1 st n • • • <tru~ul""' <'edw •t•on to lhe 1m· th·re 111' note< ahout ~orthern

•t•nt lti\'e or the Facull\' and a ' in attendnnce all da)'. 'O\ er all circumstances. u I e 'therefore sal\ her I Mar)' ''rep· I nm lance of l•c ''lh r· rn·onc is Knre 1 ·md ~orthcrn Vietnam repr~sentative of the Students 1 MUSDY PO;IID IPtheir~.apsr w_euchmanynobneletea~otcbc".lnt~ ln1~. land the J~1'11's 1 alsohlleeping 1 "I 11ill lift up mine e• e' unto ~"l'l;l·con<rin " .. hut fell a're con- and 'Ch;na . \\'hat co1orage it

1 . 1 Lieutenant and Mrs c Pike n. o " • " • ~ 11 nc 1 came w1 1 wr. c groa· · · r 1 h 1 d .dtu 1111 uccupy the. pulpit w1~h the Corps Offlee

5 11 • • H. r • 1 corr.pletelv unwordh·. our I.ord ned m the spirit and was trouhJ. the lulls from 1\lwnc" come •h <uous o r11 "o.1ld ~I\ e to t e en• me peo· ~lumtcr and .\nl_l.share 1n thelser\'lce; 23~ · pm~:m.,Sa~·~~;::~'goes on 'to say. "Blc«ed m·e\~d. and said. where hal'e ye laid·my lwlo" p, 1211 So l1•n 11bcn Rul~amn or ·11~. to lnm1 th~t l\~11cre plearl·

L"rn ~on<l~ct of \\prohlp. !llleetlng· 7 p.m ·S lv t' 111 t-ithev that mourn for thr~· ~hall him? They said unto him, Lord.' Our toxt docs no! u•d1mte. n Kn• htht•l t1lk ':'~""" · th•a· "'~ fnr t~e1~ lth.r.Jttnn II 11ould Those hal'l~g no regular ling ' ·• a a !On ec be 'comforted." The truly hle,. come and see Jr.sus lle)ll. supct,ll\JOus rci<'I'CtKe lor !ugh ,1l'C not \\,Jl'll.:~ ,,,,,,.,men 1'110 rr1' .mh· <tlr thc1r so"ls more to

chu1cn hO!IJC Ill the. City and I ~IT. PE.\RI.·GLESDALE I sed people ore they whose hearts 1 Then said the Jews. Behold how !J1acc' . Rather. Dn1 m's thou~l~t 111ll "'" · ·c., J.nw•n·m ·s no lot·- 1: l'", tr~;\ .lllC ~;w11lc•dl!~ tl•at '''1\111~ frJCncls are mvited to Captain and )ll•s W N n can be wounded. \lho<e spirits lie lo\'ed h•m'" Jesus did !me 1s l11at m our n~ed 11c mu<t loon ~t·r r1 •I \\JJI<'h brill" tl.m-la'ed 'c I 3d ,.1 en mo c ~Iollar than \I(IJ'slur> with us. Enter into His 1 Cor~s 'om ers' 1; · or~~· Jean he bruised from \\ho>e e\'es 1 azams but that \las not wh" 1 br·~orrl the m~tm'JIIh to tlw God mcJ'ls tuhcJrulo·l< '' no lor.~er ltu• •a h«d ~1rrn ruo!es ~1ght

5 J<J ·~ tes with thankslli\'mg, and ness Ser~·lc~· 2·30 p ~m.S ~a~ tears of sorrO\;' and compassion 'lie wa~· wcepin~ Jesus knci1. 11ho matl2 thPIII anrl ;ustains a tt·,c~>"· lqmls<' l' r.o lon:cr ts r•cht ~tl~rn nohod1· I> n~ht. mtn H1s courts wth prase. I School; 7 p.~.: Sah;ati~n ~~eei. can and do flow. What kind of \that all was II ell 11 ith Lawrns., th;m There Is som"thmg m· an aff!lct.on llu' can the leo· .m'l_ I' ron;'' c\Cl'l'ho,rly !~litO!~;:

0 • -;- • I A warm welcome a\\ ails you at /mourning did our Lord have In There was no nee:! of tears for spmng about mo~mlmt'< One pal!l chango hi, spols or tlJc ~~.<•de• 1£ 11c defcn 1 r1-ht \le !v .GEORGE STREF.T all the city corps-Come and'mlncl? The poet William Cow·•hlm. lie was wcepin~ hecausc'ran n~1er he qmtr thr same i' Ius •k•n' l1.1s \h"rr < ,111 ha'e.God on our Sl~e nnd

~~~lllster· Re1·. P. J. Hom .. llorship. '!per In tile well kno\ln .hYmn. "?, of the unbelief of illary. It 11\wn on;"' !w .has. Jooh''.l .u:11m he en a "Ill"'" rt•ntHli~•~on of thP tf 11•• 1• '' 1th us. 11ho car be mu •e•l. B.A., B.D. for 11 closer walk \I 1th God ><ecms increchhle I hal \!an· 11 ho <uch m1J1t~ \ oil,s of c n :Jtton <hie!·. pl!r.l'l!lll on I'Je p,1rl of .~·:,un•t u<'

11 •• m., )lo.ning Worship ,Tehovah'.~ I cries. "I hate the sin• that made,had >at so ca~c·ri:· at tlw· :\las. a' a )lount Sh"'tJ :O.lonnt Hood, ----- ----·--•• ud ,Tun lor C?ngregation. Sub· thee mourn." The thin~< tlmt ter's fl•et to hem· llis II ord. \larv or \lmmt Hmt'l' I It IS ha• d to f.T''i n 1 Tl r d L

.,. '! wrt "l're .• mpuon for iln lf' itnes.~es made .Tc>us momn-hcre is the llho<e soul hnd been nourlshrd tlook :~t them ami !ol' an nthc•<t ~V· 10 ;\e3( S le lJO 0\'CS !1.·1 P E.trlhquake.''. llroadcast scr·j 'key to this beatitude. If 11e idrn in the gracious teadlin~s of or an al!no<ttc The ho~e<t man' B ' I· 1 1cc o1·er VOWR; 2 30 p m., I tilv our~eh·es with our Lord in :Jesus. 1t seems strange that ,,nu<t c_oncctlc that nothm~ •ho• 1 • !}' 'bl ') 1 !i'\'CfV Man

' t.d .. ·. sunday School, B1ble Class and KISGDOll 11.\IJ, I the things that distre<secl him I when the hour of berea,·ement of omm)Jotcnt t•c ll'r (an acco·•nt Dl 1e. 1 i.J ! lroc l:onunumcants Class; 7 p m.,! 49 Morri~ Arcnue I then because we are in Chri<t. camr. she broke down so haclly, for them . I •

' 1 ••••• E1emns Worship. SubJect: I 7 p.m,.. Pubhr Address; 8 we cannot but be blessed What and mourned so bttlerly The The motmtam< 1111110 u< to BY \1 ILJ.t.nt E. G!l ROY. 1, n. GGd so lo1ed thr 11orld. that •' d ·\\'hat must I do to inherit, p.m ... Bible Stud)·: Endur.ance I were the things that made him one pcr<on wllo mi~llt hme hccn look1UP1· Bu~''::1 5 mkan lllth lhc Tlw annual ICJ'o,: of the llc Q,ll'e his on!~ begotten Son,

· · ·~ • • , Etl'l nal Lite."; 8 p.m., Youth Services To Prove lntcgrlt)'- mourn7 To brgin with He mour 'expected to look quieti\• and con·, muc ;ra ;e cc' 11" loo · . no 1\:l\' ,\mrnrau Blhle Somt'. leHals that 1\hosoever beile1eth m hiim I dlow~hlp Hour. I Pet. d2:20, 21. ned over tl1e pre1al~nt intli!· ifidenti1' into the face' o£ death hut dolln ' 0 he io•t Ju, crolln. the' (JIIIU:: the Socii'\\, 140 <hould not perish, but hale e\er·

il, ,1 Tues. a~·. 1811.1 - 8.30 p.m, fercncc to the spiritual trnimn~ and gil·e thanks to God. f::~ilcd. 'Snys II II ~.1Gclle.1' of 111" BOIIln 1 e~.J< 11 Jw5 t«ued 4:a, 14~ :JC•o la•tm~ ltfe. t,John 3 16 \ >I St'llURB.\N MISSION ~Srea Bdible Studies Special! Talk: iof children. In Luke 1~ ~1 lie ·~he wns not the only one m the Ml<<wn "1,,t• ntght 1111115 con· co lies of Jlc• Sc•.n\l.ll'• Tlw One Saturdav elenmg a news·

·.oJ .\hmster: Douglas Mouland. I odu~1 Reasons For Bel el In I rend that when Hr beheld the Bible times 11hose faith fallcrrd l'crled I \\l'llt 01 '1 nnrl onked 1111 •mml•l'l' ot< l>'llctl 11 m hoi' sa~d· "I ha\'e here the news ~r l'At:L'S; 11 a.m., Min· Go · lcitl', He wept nver 11. \\'hat was 'in the da\: of trouble. Dalitl at the stars I had not ·~en fo~ tomorrow" It has since

HI'; 2 30 p.m., Sunday School; Thursdll.)', 20th -. 7.30 p.m., I it in the city that 50 deeply dis· • could and· did rise to subhmc them for 111 d• r ~em;. A rlr·11•1' ~;~~~:) ,d:~~" 011~1c ad)~"1 ;~lll:;~i~ been my gro11mg comiction that ~ !> m. Dll'lne Worship. I Public Bible Speakmg Class: turhed film" Turn to Luke 13:· obcights of faith, and ~ct the kard nel·er looks un In .llus th· Bihlr< l''IICil by thr Bllh'h the greatest news f~r today, for

l'ORT A~IJIERST: 2.30 p.m., ~·vers!.on:agf the Hi~r~w Sc~p-1134. There we ~ec .TCSIIS in an same David could weep his el·es l~·orld ';hnr; 'f mar thm~< and Fot• [dtl IJol)]e Socicll and tomorrow. for-ever IS that God ·'·111"~·~ School; 7 p.m., ~tinistcr. ures. ·• p.m., • m st~y . e· agony of ~plrit. cr)·in~ "0 .lrr•t·loul when Absalom died The im-' ·cep 11 ' ool;m~ c 01111 •

1 ~11 ~rnle· othll· ll•hl~·-th<tub\tlln~ socict· ,lo1cs e1e1y ~an .. e~ery11here. 1:!..\CK~IEAD ROAD: 2.45 velopment Class:,:rheme, ~rmg !salem, .Jerusalem, \lhich k1llcst beliefof people distressed our ,ful we arr for tr<om;lhmg that 11,, of lmou< n~mc< ~-~tell as E1er.\' person 1s of mfm1te ,·aiue

r 111 • ~hmster. Health and Cure -Jer. 33.6, 8. I the prophet<. and ~lonest them I Lord. When the disciples cau~ht I cau<P< us to loo. up I t'lc 'not numhl'l of Rlhle< i•,ued to linn. God sees us not only as t;HOVE'S !lOAD: 2411 p.m., F' t B t' t l'that are sent unto thee: how lin a storm on the lake cried, I "As jhe 1"~untamstlarcLroJ1~1

1;, I'~J,oU< 01,bhshel~ and the 11e are. bul also as 11e may ~c· ~llllda, School. lrs ap 1lS often would I ha\'e gather~d thv "Lord sai'C us. we perish," about. crU<a ~m so ~~ or ;~ Pian\' IPrsion• that ol late )Cars I come throu~h the grace of Chmt ., ; I

fhcrc will be a meeting or Cl 1 children together, liS a hen doth Jesus sa1d, "Whr are ye fearful. ~ound about hts people p, 1"' l•nl(: hnd 11 •tic c1rcnlntJOn, the ~tor~mg m us1 th C t th th~ Olflcial Board at St. Paul's IJlll'Cil \gather her brood under her 1 o y~ of little faith." This lack of 1- • ,,~. 11 e• are stum•tulou' r 1s not on v I' rea or, c

.. " '· oltc•r the e\'emng ~cmce. wings, and ye would not!" I faith, so often exhibited by God's \ I'Rn.ER , , •• ' · Ruler. the Lord. He Is these-,,., 104 PORTUG ;tL COVE RD l,lesus wanted to gather the chll· children in the hour of trial is r.rncJOns ~.1thrl. 1 1'ra) tnnt The ('I i1'vnr~ of surh '' idt· ctr· and much more. Aboi'C all, lie • '1! 'fOPS.\11.-~IOt'ST PEARL Rev F c F~nert)' B A 9'45ldren tonether to speak W them 'something that made our Lord !Thou· 111 gl\'e me the upllarrl culalton of the Srrtpturc' i< 1s the Father who so lo\·ed that

I' ASTORAL CHARGES a.m., 'su~d~y Schooi: it' a.~., about the thing• of God, and I ;nourn. and ought to make us look th~t 11 ill rcacl~ hc,•oml lh.e cm1se for rl'iokmr, It ts Aood to He gm P lilmsclf. In the person '' 1 op,aJI: :\lorning Worship· 715 p m rommunicate to them the love of! mourn too God has "gil'cn us mountams and 11.w tm< unhl 11 know thai the l>e>l of all hooks of H1s Son. for the ~alvation of

· .,, "! TOPSAIL: 11 a.m., Mr N. Evening Worship; p:m:: I God. But the pcopl~> \l:ere indil·l all things that pertain to life and 1 reaches the lol'eh~ht ,0 r, Till' hies has not lacked cireu!N1on. and 1man l.cGrnll; 2 30 p m., Sunday Younf( Peoples Meeting, I fercnt. On one occas1on .wllcn 1 godlinc» through the know. I ed face. In Chn 1 name. thai hr who runs ma1· not only 1 H1s love undergirds. protects, School; 7 p m., College Sunday Wednesday-S p.m., Mid-week our Lord had a group of rlnldren fledge of him that hath called us I Amen. 1 ead hut mav ha1 l' Ins B1ble for::11·e~. and enrlchc~ life in

It I. S<•fl'lce \service for prayer and Bible 1 singing a choru~ }n tl~c Temple

1 to glory and virtue! Let us I for as lilt It• as a few cent<. or t1me and eternity No matter

The collection taken at this stud~·; 9 p.m., Teachers Train- • courts. the ch1e. prt~sts and make the unbelief of our breth· Ho C 1 e1 en at no ('Osl at all bo·., low "c mar ha\·e gone, how •en1ce will be for the Mount 1 lng Class. Come and you will fscribc> were sore d1sp~e~<c;J. rcn a real concern. We stand in P :.1r from the brst we may ha\ e .\lhson-l'ine Hill Fund. and a find a warm welcome. 1and when they made thc;1r dis· sore need of a reviral of faith, ' For 111 atltlttJon to 11

' '·1 ·t

1 h- 11anriered "" arc never 50 low

Specml Order of Sen· lee w'illl tnleasurr. known, .Iesus ~atd unto 1 and blessed arr the,Y who sense' The knOII'ledge that (,'od 11 cubtwn. thl' lltble ha> bern pub- m <o far a,tray that He cannot

E L 1..- I,. d 0 t ~11 'lished in ol'cr a thousand J,m· he used V. utrwran them. "fiRI'C ye nel'er rca · u 'this need and who are disturbed. hopes for us. rrne115 hope for · rrd~rrn us.

)IOl'NT PEARL: 1 a.m., The of the mouths of babes and suck·! about it. Time was when our oursch•es in our hrm ts ~ungc< and diolcct< and the en·

C1 1 I h t r e c t e<l 1 t1rc B1ble m 20i of thl''!' E1 en \luustcr; 2 30 p.m., Sunday •urc • ling~ thou as P c r lathers mnde hen1·en's arc 1es - ---- -- --- --School. " "' lpr11isc"" The .!~difference . of 'rin~ with their unwa1 ering pro· fmall_v sin dcstro1 ed This a11 tlw blhd hal'e heen considered Dot•< it 111 any essential and lilal

. . !people to the sp1ntun~ well·bemg lclamution of the great rc,·calctl ,ful dtffcrcnce on the part of man 111th cmhossr<l Scrintures '" 4! 11.1~ affect their 1i1·in:::"

P b • . On Sunday, Februar) 16, Dl· of children made H1m mourn. truths. Time wos wlwn they to his 11Jight. hurt our Lord It la10~unges for. ftngl'l t1p renders Bccmt•c of the non·readm~ of l'eS yterzan vme WorshiP will be held ~t Those citizens of .Jerusalem had were nol ashamed to trumprt I dro\ r him into an agony of tem s Yet th~se 1m1!r<'"1' c hgw c< tlw lliblc and the misreading. or

, 5 p.m.. tn the St. ,Andrews I no excuse . The spiritual care o I nloud that the blood of .Jesus and lie wrestl~d m the pt ~sencr aucl t11r fmc rhmt t.m cntl'rnr"c non dtt•dil e read in:: of the Bi· . ST. ANDREWS Chapel of St. T~om~s Church. children was emphasized over 'Christ had cleansed them from , of Got! over 1t It drore Him to 11hal tlwy rqn r,ent almo't tn· lM. the B1hle. in sp1te of it> 1·ast

.\hmstrr: Rev. A .. .M. Old, I Pastor 0. Gulbls Will preach 1 and over again in the Old Testa· I all sin. But that notr of nuthori· IJbe cross. Ilal'e \'OU PI e1 r1 ltal!lv •ug~r,J a dl<t'nneCJ lin~ cu·eulatmn has rmled to ac~ie1•e '1 .\ : 11 n.m., ~lornmg Sc1 \'•j on the subject: "Evil as a Chal·l mr.nt. , II' has become 11 dimenu~ndo, 1 known a friend heading ~lraight

1 question .\rr the result' l'~m· 1 all that it ought to have ach1e\'ed

ICC, 11 a.m., Sunday School; 7 lenge." Everybocly Is welcome. I ln Dleut. 6:6·7 Moses wrote. and God wants a company or he· i [or trouble. refusing to be war· l:lensurnlc lltlh the \'US\ chslnhu Ill bmlrlin~ a hetter humanity ~ m., Evc~ing . Service. Come Cl , . S . I"These words which I command lie\ ing people who 11 ill mourn ned. and bruslung aside all your 1llon ~f I he Roo!;. an~ the qunhh· <111<1 a better 11 oriel. . 'nd 11orsh1p w1th us. lTtStJJU.Jl CleJWe thee this day, shall he in thine about this. plenclings Have you e\·cr wept of latth and entcrpnse ~~f tho<e 11 is. of course. not the Btble.

!heart. and thou shalt talk of There W3S one other thing tears !or that friend• l\lultiply who have dtstnbutrd 11• Rv but people. who ha1•e failed. I~ ST. DAVID'S

1-----.-.--.---- I them when thou sit\est in thine ~·hat made .Jesu~ mourn-the your agony a million, million whom arc these Btblr~ 1end' t11e so·called Christian commu~l·

~f1~i~ter: Rev. T. A. Go~d· Corner Ren~1es M1U Road and house. and when thou 1\alked•t 1 sins of the pc~ple. In Hebrews thnPs and you will come some· I And how arc thej read ties \le might think of life at 1\s >llllth. 11 a.!"·· Divine Worship; 1 Emptrc. Aven11c) If by the wa~·. when t~on lie~: • 5 7 Paul tells how our Lord in where near to 11herc our Lord 1 Onr would hkr to he ~nrc that hest. and I think rightly ~o. \:et p,30 p.m., Church School. Wor· Sunday semce 11 a.m. Sub· down and when thou riSest up. ',the "day~ of his flesh \\hen he !was in the garden And all who 1 B'll 11 h th 111 these 1erv commumhcs. !U· sh1p wuh us. ject of Lesson Sermon· "Soul " • · ' ' I le 1 1 c. as W<'

115 emg c 1 · d · · d W d d . 8

· F · 'No more solmen duty ond prll't·l' had offered us prayers and ~UP· hale been made partakers of hcst·srlicr is also the hest-read 1 en1l~ chnqucncy ~n crune . e nes ny meetmg a.m. rce pege falls to the lot of parents plieations with strong crying and is nature feel as did he. Paul hook And h)' "besl·r~ad" 1


and delinquency on the part of ~T. A~DAN'S :eadlng Ro~m latu~~y 13.~0· than the !mpnrtin~ to them the tears unto him that was able to tells u.s how l~e sh~d tents o\cf, men~ not only in qua~ttty\ut in ,1dults are rampant:. gamblmg

. op~atl Road I .30. p.m. un ay oo or great spiritual hentage I hat !(od I sa\·e him from death," referring the smners 111 Ephesus, anti ' ualitv· not onlv numher llf rea· 'has an almost strang~mg hoi~ In ~~~m~ter: Rev. J. A. Gold· pupils up to the age of 20 years has given us in the Bible. The to Christ In the Garden of Geth· 1 tears over belie1·ers who still! d · h t 1 • d 1 • d . 1 1. many places. The hquor SIIUa·

STftEF.T ~m1th; 2.3~ p.m., Churc.h School; Is held at 11 a.m. child that has been taught the semane wa~ bowed down with 'persisted in their sin. And it : li:~~tly uth:~'tabs~e~ l u~~~ B~l~l:'s lion, \1 hate1 c: ~ne n;ay thin~ of r E \'

1 sht'm.,l ~vine Worship. Wor· Notes great stories of the Old Tes!a· the burden o£ this world's sin was because Pa~l felt to that I greatest truih, and put it into ,moderate drmk1n!:. 1s a. W!dC·

1 A~'~llnt ~I ponrt, P w I us. men!, and of the New, the chtlrl On every hand men and women lcpth that God m a wonderful I their daily lives and associations "r•·ead tragedy With 11lnch no

~~~~lfrt1 'n'~ste~. · Salva*;""l. .trmy into whose heart and memory were living In sin, treating it as Tay blessed him. He was bles-1 It is here that one develops :soci.ety is grapplmg In gene_ral, t '..ll•!ian 't~ . Di· lii'VW • GOWER STREET have been planted the 23rd though It were just a theologic"' od because he mourned Ol'er I some mis•ivings The boon orj habitS, cu~toms, and pracltces ~~~or,rJ ~calion: For the morning service Rev. Psalm, the 90th Psalm, Isaiah term for something that was al •nners. Are you mourning in Bible dist;Jbutio~ cannot be that arc the direct denial of all

llr ~~amst TEMPLE CORPS W. L, Langille, Minister; Dr. 53, 54 and 55, Matthew 5, 6, 7 together natural, something thr' 1s way over th~ si? _of the f' estimated Rut what about the i Umt. the bib!~ reveal~ as the way ouglas Springdale Street David Peters, Organist and and 13, Luke 10, 15, and 24; John was not so bad as He made il nrld, or are you JUSt mdillerent immense number wllo do not 1 of life arc mtually mtegrated In

Bib! I Brigadier and Mrs. W, Oak· Choir of Cochrane Street Unit· 10, 14, 15, 16 and 21; 1 Corin· out to be. Something that d1d 'oncern for the spiritual welfare i read thP Bihle at all for whom 1 to s~ciety. llan e (ilm Icy, (Corps Officers). ed Church are exchanging with thlans 13 and 15, Ephesian~ 2, 3 not matter so long as one could of children, distress about the /this centur\'·lon• continuous out· • Is 1t not proper to ask whether n11.1

ne ~-17 11 a.m., Hollnes! Service; 2 Rev. F. E. VIpond, Mr. Osmond 5, 8, to mention but a few pas· get away from lt. But Christ 'pm·alent unhc~ 1c!, concern for po;Jrin~ of Blbl~s means nothing the wide.spr~arl .. worldwide, .im ~tl' , \\or. p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., and the Choir or Gower Street sages that child is far, far bet· knew the true nature of sin, He I the unsaved, 1! you hal'e these whate\·er• · mense d1stnbullon of the BtbiP · ,;G \\ .L. Evangelistic Service. Wednes· United Church, At the evening ter equlnped for l1fe than the knew thnt sin separated man l things, you h3vc Christ with you ' · is havt~!l it.s adequate errect? 1:~·· f

11 Cp, day at 8 p.m. a public meeting subject will he YOU'RE YOUNG child whose education has been from God. He knew that sin de· nnd you arc in the place where j And of tho•e 11ho read the And it m1~ht .well be asked

' a.m.,' will be conducted by the Men ONLY ONCE." entirely secular, that child Is ceived, sin debauched, and then I He can bless you. Bible, how do they read 1t? 'wlly that effect IS not adequate.


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i \\'ith ll'('ncher~·. \'iolence anrl

:.:un·flaming sudden death lurk·. in!( in 1'\'CI',\' shadow of "A Law· 1

lcs, Sll·ect,'' Columbia Pictures' : cxplo~il'c new dramn opens at I the Capitol Theatre in color b\' 1

Tcchnicolor. The film stars I

·1. Tlw liilari••IIS >~'1'1'"11·: ·:, . 11ri1 irn hy llcl'rr::

••• 1', :·!ld u1ht.1 1'~ in thr .•. ,: 1 .. : 11hom cuntributc In

• : .. 111\L'!;i indudc ~lary \, . ·,, • •nd '1\•d llr l'nr~ia.

\\'F.ST "' A Q 10 112


·! h· .1 •. mu·it· tot>. including •1.!•· •·'11:~ and "l'n•!Y fin· I

•tu:l IIA.IR~ +AQ1117~ ~ 1\:1

·~ IlK tui~32 • J 8 ~2

· Hnudo\ph Scott, co·slurs Angela! · Lanshury, luscious blonde ht'au· \ tr of mun)' top Illms, and fea-

:, · 1 .'l,,ll ll~:l.tlOO .\:1wrican~ : : iw 111':11'1 f11ld hloud •·r· ·::~·:· in !n.;r;, American

'1. \:o. ... t:ri;alHll\ l'i~Ut't•s shu'\'. . ',, ·l'l1i:n· dist•a -r~ thu,

· ".I :·11:rr ~~~·;\!h~ in lht.• l"ni~·

.- · ·, .• t:\ .. 1\ all cllhr1· t'all>t•;

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"'-~ s~ .• biHl ·~ ~ 1,(·;,•:1' IHI~ ,.a,; i';u 1 in a pl.ty .r; ra~ \' in

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""j 4 SOt:TU till • AK976!' II Nonr + K 9 4 "'JH6f•

Roth I'UtaerniJJ,. South \\'fl\ !'iorth 1 • lloublr ltt·lihl :i. Pr1tS 4 tft 4 " 1'~0' " • Pa~·~ 1'3~!1

Opmin~ lt·nd-• .-\


~· l'an

lur••s \\'arn~r Andersou. .lean·: . Parker, \\'nllnct• J.'ord and John: F.merv.

Scot\, tup action star of JHI· .

nwrou~ rn:tdonr tilms, rcpOJ·Icd· , I)' J>l'o\·itlt•s "'t•;tcrn arl\'rntut'e i fan< with all tile nt'I'I'C·Iingling · r•xdtNncnl tla•)· cm1hl po!sihl~·, t•sk for. as the ~un-hlnin~: mar· '

Pass ;hal <>i ~letlieine R<'IHI Al· t 1wugh wrat·y uf his grim. dang- . t•l··fillcd iub, he 1\l'\'rl'thdrs, i t•ontintw~ .in il hcraU>C he {Pels

thr town~peop:r arr unaw:u·e ol II)' liS\\' AI.D ,I Al'tlll Y 1 IH•ir l'hPilllE<ihilities in presl'l'\'

Tht• !'lorth and ~onth holtlin~' ing lJw ami ordrr. \\'hrn two . in tuda)·'s hand hal'c bl•t•u u~etl suppu;edl)' rr,pectnhlr citizens. . a• the hasi~ lor Ill)' l'arrl St•nst• schemf' In do away with Sc:~lll . question:: of lht• pa>l scl'cral '" that tht•)· might tum :\ledi· · rl:t) s. Tht• hiddin;: of iht• hand rinc !l~nd into the tou;lhest. i is su i1~>tructi\'e tlml 1 am g<l· most wide open town in thr I . i1;~ to ;i\ow the whnh• hand <llld ·c11101·ado rl'ritor,l'. Sc.•lt again i' 1

'dbL'lb' it thoruughl~·. 1 forced to lul;p up his :~un~. ' South's hand had nul~· II hioth ! \li" l.anshury niiJlcal'> in thr:

! cart! points hill is llt'finilt•l)' 'P)'e·filling olumhia pro1luctinn : . wm·th an open ins: hid. Thrl'r i> 1 as the rae~· mu~ical comedy star 1nuthi~1: wronH with \\'rot's !lou· 1 of a trawlling ll'oupr of cnt~r· i

llJir Clthrr. tainrt'S, Scott's estran~cd ,nfe!

:'\orlh llecitlrrl to l'l'liouble 1 \'.'hu refus~s to li\'c with his:

I rathrr than jump risht to lour . rrput:tlion as a g1mfightrr. \\'a1·· : sp:alcs. I!~ had 11 high cal'll 1 ncr Ander;on nnd .fohn F.mer~· !

l1)l)ints and \'rry good rlistrihu·l ::re src·n as SL·ott'., ruthle!s ; Ilion. l'IH'mic.<: .Iran Parker •s thr \ 1 ~:asl's twn·hcarl n:l wns ~~·~ i fuithlcss )'OLmg wife of an e\rle.r· , \'cry pt·oper. Some people mif:ht ! tv ran!'ltrr and \'~lPran rhar~c· i hal'e jUillJicd. 1 lt•t' actor \\'allncc a~ a fronltcr i I South's immPdialr jump to 'IIH'Illo. ·

I thrPe spades Is a most. unusual I \\'rillcn for the ~Nrrn I~· · · · ' · • th r: t "A Lawless 1

bill. His llUl'tner had askNI him ' ~rnne., . olllll: ' ' r ·. I to wait b\' recloublin~ hut ~outh · su·cet 1s a Scolt·Bro\ln P o j was not intt·r~stc•il in hc:n:ing a '•iluction fol' ot~nnh.ia -relen~,e. i rlouhlr of ltrarts from !'lorth and .lo•.rph_ll. Lrw1~ cllre~:ted ~: 1 r S II !'I· I h'• 1 1 acllon·ltllt•tl d,-ama lot HICI an .

1 011 I I .r< 1 .• 1311<. ll , . I e Bro\\'ll !'low Xorlh madr u rr~Ih· !11·;1. pro;lurl'r all) • 0 ·

1 lianl bid. ~'"'t ployl'l'' ·~~ lll11il

· ha\'r simpl~· hid tour spJtl.~~ <n:

I the throry that tlw t•cduuhlc• had ah·ead)' shown I!Jrir lull .trcnglh hut !'lorth ~aw no ham in ~ Q·· Tht• hid din~ has hcen:. four-cluh bid .iust to s1•r :\'bnt Xnrth r-:ast :-iuu\h \\ esl

I South would 1lo. 1 ~ l'a~s 1 • l'a'': South also lwcame hl'illi;ml. :! :"1.'1'. ra,s .,

lie might hal'~ si)!m•d off at fom· You, south. holcl:

1 ~padl's hut he saw no harm in •. \ K All 5 •• 'i 4 3 +8 7 6 ~Ill ~ ~howinl! his heart \'oid. lie cll\11' \\'hat 110 you do·.• 'h~lrl II points but hi~ hau;l ,\-!lid thrPc no-trump. Your

11ool:cd ~lammish if !'lorth h;td. hand is of n no·lrump pattrrn r·•paile suppol'l and a ~ood dub and there is 1\0 reason to ~ug· : I suit. · ~esl spade~ any more lot' thl'

Th~ Cour-hra1'1 hid was rnouh~ 1 ina I L'Ontract. 1 for :-iorlh. lie visualized nn spade or heart losers. lie held 1 TOn.n·•s Qt:ESTIO~ only one diamond and if a dub . ThP hld11ing is the same ~s in , fines~e wa~ nrerlecl it ought to ·! h~ question just answered. · be right. !'lorlh leaped lo six . You. South, hold: i ~patlrs. :•A K865.A43 t876~\0~•

A fine P.Xampl~ of a propPr Wllnl do you do aftel' ~·our ~lam birl with almost nothing in , pnrlnel·'s two no·trump rebi<:: 1 lh! comblnrd hands. 1 , , • • Answer ~londa~·. '



SUII\1 S: 7 0 CJ.OCK-9.00 ~1.\l'Jsn: 2 P.M


-~,_...... . . " .. ]('.

ls .. r.or.

TO-DAY · · ·. lll£ MAISIIALIAD MaRl DIE lliAIIIULlm ...


Randolph SCOfi


.. Warner ANDERSON·Jean PARKER·Wallace FORD·John EMERY _...... .... .... ...... . ·-·· ····- -Also-UP-TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS-COMEDY


MATINEE-2 p,m,




i .




FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By MERRELL BLOSSER r--------..-.--· ·--.------, OKAY ~'r<KK .. ·LH e:.o NOW! LV£ uor ~'Efl.! J





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. Curtis Academy:


1 "~ fnll" hut rmlll'ar·rs >rrioti' l'ire prinr1p~l. ~lr. W. E. Bis· ha\'e cho>rJI to pursue fur . '~ttcntion to good posture, cor.: hop. thcr professional or \'ueatwllal rrct brcathin.~ anrl concct die· Fun,l·raisinJ! prnjrl'ls uidrr· training. '!'hi> is a matte!' 111'

It ion. Till' strrn~:th anrl matur· ·taken on behalf of the >ehuol which we can all l~r·l prntHI ! it)' of thr choir~ pat·tiripating 1111d uut,ide ur~:anizations haw' and we take parent' willin~. . I ' · in th~ Kiwanis ~ln>il' Fcsti1·al 1 crciwd ~nthusiastic support llt'ss to face the finr·netal hur.

P B . R t <'1111 thr re,ults oht:tin<•rl hy in· from the entil'l! student hwly. In den imposed un them hy >lll'h r I n C I P a S e P 0 r rli1·idual entries attest to a com. tlw ~lacCic:m Hunter ~!:~g:~zine turth<'r trainin!: to he an r•n . . . · . mrnrt11hlc year's work under. ~ales Campaign, suh.>eript!uns tu dorsr•ment of the school's pol it·'·•. :\bhott'~ dirr•rlion. This the \'lillie<'{ SL6U6.70 were so- in this direction. )hi)' I a~.,,;, ycm· a (;tcr Clnh has hccn or. licited. This was an incrr•ase in emphasi1.c the rwcrl lor pi'<J\'irl· ;.:ani1Pd r••mrl'i>ed of forty >ales of S600.00 anrl II'IIS ntJr ing o(lportunili••.; fnr \'ol':<lion:d

ftlr. l'hait·rnan, l'nur Uonnur. agt·cring to acl as our clwir· trn students failed to fulfill l'r)·, <:radr l~lt•len: and 1\r•itlt l<>it•r•s from r;,·ar!e, :l:inr, Ten finc>t )·cat· so far. Our rnntri· tr:tininl( at the hi~h sdw"l Honourable nortor Rowe. man. In the una\·oidable ab· ·the t•ccruircmcnts lor a pass rli· Yale•. t:radc ~;ic 1·rn:. The Km:~ :•hd EleH'n. Thr cluh i> 11•·,·rlnp· hntinn thi, )·car to the )1:•rch Incl. This nwtter shou!rl re· Distlngul~h~d (iursts, l.adlt's scnce of the president 11e think ploma in these two grades. This (,cot·gc the l'ifth Jubilee Schol- ilig s" rapirll)' that 11 " hope ''' oi Dimes t'<lmpai~:n spon>orrrl cei\'e llw ••arnrst att<!nlion ol and Gentlemen:- of Re1·. Langille as representing unhapp~· clc,·rlopmcnt was cl'i- ar~hip to Virtue !\can, (;l'i!rlr· hare a pcrformancr at one nl hy the Xcwfonnrllanrl Brunch of thosl' rcsiHHisihlc for tlw 11\'tl'· It Is a corctcd p!'irilc~c mul tl1c Xcwloundland Conference dent to the High School staff Elc1·cn: The Stood ley ~lt·mnri,.l our torthroming puhlic- func I the .1~•1lomyrli.tis l'onndati_on :111 pll'lllling of tht> propn.'''''

' l'ery high honour to hare with of the Cnited Church of Canada· throughout the )·ear and came Scholarship to Helt•n Bi>hop, tHm~. ""~ S.l.JO.OO, an rnerea>r of SlaO. nc11 l'nitt•d ('hurr·h lli•'h us at our illlnual speech day ::nd we welcome him too in that as no surpl'iic. Indeed wr pre· Grade Trn: Tlw .Jnrlgc lli~~in< \\'c hm·c trird 1'1 mrrt tlw. ol'er last y•·a~- Indeed. 1 can·, !irh11nl. II i' a mati<'I' ol ~l'l·at exercises. His Honour. II:~ Li~u- c~p:tcity. diet !11:11 similar rcsluts will con· ~lcmori11l Scholarship tn \Y1I- r~ration:d int•·rc>t.• of th<H' not recall a "nglc appeal c~·cr sati,;l"ction to us all th:·t .\It·. tenant Go1·crnnr awl ~Irs. ~lac· 1\'c ;.re pleased to hal'c with tinuc as long ns all Hi.qh School limn Rowe, Grmlr Ten: arid thr• l'.'hn>c inclination~ .li; outsidr• ,m~uh· to ou.r .studt•nls_ .. wlurh \\'illia.n Fot•rl •lccrdt•rl 1::-t )i•:u· phcrson. "'e cxtcn•l to them a 11> other tlistingubhrd ~ucsts- students ar~ I'rquircd to take l~lcetnral Srhnla1·ship for S1. 111. th ~tandarrl aellntlrs of our fouled 10 .arlue'c the "'''ncr~ oh· to tlllrl<•rtakr> a pro~rmnm~ ol mo~t cot•rlial welcome on thr )Lr. 11. Luscombe. ncr chair tlw pre>rnt hi~hl;· acat!rmic .Jnhn's \\'rst to \\'allacc Fn·. lll.~h School programme spoil· JCt'ttl'r. rhc Jllluor !!t•d l ~'"'' stu•li•·, in thi, ti<'id at l'"hllll occasion of tltcir fire! official tmm of the Cnited Church Board pro;:rammc, for which many lJradr Ekl'en. · >m·rcl hy members o[ the st:,ft Tlranches "1 tlw l'rnnary :m•l In- hi:. r,,;,·,.r,-it,· in Xt·\\· y,, •·

· t 1 \ 1 \\' 1 d 1 · 1 tl L" 1 · 1 h · 1 . . 1,1 · 1 E 1 . . 1!n1ert wcrkk .-cirnee, hou•r. tcnnediatc ~r:11lrs anrl tlw llt~h 1 .. ,,,,· 1·11 ,,, 1,, " '111 , .. , •. 1,,1._ ,·,.,.,_1.,.1, 11, \'1>1 to 11~ • ar rm.'. e we . :.n c tan·man o 1c r· mane~ Hol'c neil tcr t e mterr~ . nnt1·: l)'.\lr:1 r ucat10n " t wr· · ' . • • . ,. hold >t'it•nct•, l'n•rtrh. folk·rlanc· Srh••ol Branrh ol thr• .lun1nr come His Honour. not on!~· as Committee: ~lr .• 1. H. Pollard, tude n~t· intellectual ahiiity. I ru~hly·erl lb an mlr·~n.l ~uiri':n<'" :o11rl .-turftont ,,..,.,,11!1•' 11 'I . t ' R t ,. . t f tl Ill d II 'I· I I tl I I tl t I tl kl inc, ~lamp, puhlir !'pP:ddng arid J:rrl Cro~~ mak(l ~uh..:lantwl do· ,'lrlllllrll··tl·.·,ti<1IJ .. 'l.t·. l'••t•l fll .. ·•l,· cr ,, aJes )' s ept c>cn a 1\'c m 'cct·c ai'Y o 1e car nt r ·' 1. rrgrc, o sa)' Hh a tc prsrul r'l' n tr ll'er• · y prug1·amnw 1 · • ,. f II • c I ll D k II l 1 · I · f \'' t · . I . II ,!nl•rlr 'i,l'l Thi- inno,.:.tion h". rwtion• lo !liP l'ript•l••rl Chilr- 1,1 r'<l·, 1.1111111 , till· .. • ,ew ounr an ... nut <1 >O a, a . ec ·cr. a recen )' appom cr tunc we 1:11e 111 >omr n our • ,. ry lo mntntaut a • r•-1r:• J ,. - 1'''"'-"''lllll.< lot~~ t!me frlrtHI ;.:1(1 hrnc· illcmbrr. \\'c lrcl that it i;; p~t·- lli~h School chlsst•s, particular· h: bnr·r hetwrrn phy,ic::l rrlu· Jli'O\'l'd ,.,., ;· popn!:.r ll'llh tl:r rrn·., Fatui anrl 1" many <~thH "~·"" t!Ji, :Ullllll<'t' ""d 1 I•, 1

I l!i:,h ~ch'"" <turl<•nh anrl 1\'f' 11ortlmhil<' c"u'"'· 1 fartor. For ~·cal's our srholarship · licularly ~ppropriatc I 1~1 Hi> ly Grade :'\inc. ~tnrlr•nh who t•ation 11s sudt m1d org:um<·d t1:o1 "' th•· ··•r; n• .·1· illlo~n· lo.-. ;:1·r ~o;ati.~olird 1h:11 m;;m· \'alur...- E:1d1 ~(~:n· we~ tr;. lo iiH'r(':J-.'' . list has reflertr~ the ~cncro>it·; Honour'; Airlc·dc·camp this cannot possihlr pro!it from ftirl- ::th!rtie ront .. sts, I am happ,1· to · ''!'\"''• •:.til 1'~'"'1' lo "" .1. · · ' 1 \\'Ill 'l('('l'lln lt'Oill lltr'<' •r·t1'1 I tilP ,'WI'IHIP~ and fi'C'Ctlll'llf',\ 1! ~f the ~lacphcr;on famil,l', anrl crcning i; Wing Commanr ct' her in~truction in the suhjrct> sa~· th::t ;:c!ditiomtl rquipm~1:1 ' ' " · ~::lol.·:,lr to lh" J:u,:rd ,,.,.,Ill·· 1"<· · f1Hllllll1lliration ht11\H'f'n tl'c many of our students in p.tsl F. W. Russ~ll. \l'ing l'omamndcr we offer, and othPrs 11ho a1·r prnnd••d 11\' til•· Parent ;·.:td · '· nl tbi- >P•·•·,,,lll<'d lr:11::tnc home a11ri ~o('hool :~nd nur d years har had the opportunh· Rus~cll is a memb~r of our either so eomplrtrl)' indifferent Srhool A'>ociallllll ha,; cnahlt•d Ilu 11 ,,.J1o!rl ,,.1·" 11,.,. ro11 t1'n11 ,., . lt i- "il!t a ll':ll'ln ,, .. ,, \- lort-;. arr ht'int.! HH'I'(';I-..ill~!i~· rr- + ·, ~ , r •

to attend thr Communi!\' ron- Board and the son nf a formrt· themsel\'es or whosr pnrent> II' In hrnatlrn out· g)·mn,,tic tr· hold an nJlJleal (or tt1e PIIJl· ~"<mine !<·t·lul~ o: crat:ill ·' " I 1 f I . k' • 1. tl It H I R It I . I'll I h . warded. 1.~.-t )'<'ar arrat pain' l I I I ::o '.; •. cer s as a rcHI t o t 1c ·:·~~~· e mtrman. 1e a e . , . u;· arc so eomp c r )' mr 1 t're~t JH'Oat-.1mmr anr t r ~''l"'l'l<'lH'r il, pf thr intrrmrr!iatr ;rrarlrs. t tat 1'1'"''~'~ •II II' "" ,·!>~<'""'.. . .. ·

nc~~ and thou:;htfulnc;s of Hi; srll. )fl)' I sa~· how pleased 1 about their child'' rducational ~ainrd h)· ~11>< Cour;i~r l'tHI ~lr \\'r a!r ~nnlinuo 11 ,J.1· nwnr~. ll<'l'<' t:okt·n to m.•t:,• tour An 1:' p;u·• nts. "·' pupil·· :111<i "'·· :· 1 '· ... ' .. ·. H d h I' 1 · tl d' If h h · " 1 f 1 mwl Op"u ll:•;· nppt•:-tin~ ''' 1 ' · : !' , · .. .onour an t c 1onour~b c ;.m to see Ill 1c au tencc so we arc t at I en· l't'l'~· prr'- • nnw. ll'tn or t 1e past"'" -11m· howr•wr. that ina•lrouatc f;;. ,,. t ::' l'riiH'IIl;d '" ,, ,, . .:1 ,. H ld h 1 I ld 1 I t. t' • 1 · • 1 1 1 1 1 h ,. · p:tn•nt;. The sctt'IH'I' rirmot~>tr.t· 1 · · ·- · ' .. • .,,

aro ~lacp erson. s 10u arge a reprcsen a ton o par· cncc m our c a~scs t; seriOUs )' mr•rs W\'r n t~nr er t r -'"' .1 cilitir.' >eriou,ty li~Jlit the ~copr " lll'h !:as ~in·n a•lmlr:<hl•• ,, r .'·ear• h::,·e han the ~pportunity cnts and friends of the school. ; compromising the progress o! Scotia Sl'ltool ot l'hy;ical Erin- o( this programme anrl will lions, 1111' m<Hit•l ri::»Ps in ril', througlwut ann\l·,,,r , ,.,, "" :.:·· .. ·::_:· hchalf of the !laH and the stu· For se\'Cral )'ears we ha\'C other able and inrlustrion.< mcm- ration 111 !Jalhou.,ic l'nil·t•I',il\', eontinur to do'" until thP PI'O· g~mnastir·'· the musi<'al pro· Tlwir rP:~rl:; "'"' r'''l""'·ih'•· ,.,. ·.

hi . h d h 1 • f b f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 · 11 · gram•nP anrl otlwr lllirlr•d f<'a· dents to wi;.h His Honf<ltr errt')' pu I> e a ;c oo year anu or crs o t 1e;c e as;e~. n 011er '"' 1'<'•11 tl'l tn B '!l'lll'<'B ,. rn· po;pr( nell' Re~ionallligh Srhoo! opt·ralioll 111'1' l::l'tur; for \\hi< 1: · · · h' 1 1 h t t 1 ol · t 1 · 1 1 f 't ture.; clicitctl ron~irlrr;~hle cnm· Fuccc;~ tn nts t;! 1 rnr rai'OUr~ t e pa; 11'0 year• a ~c to pro\'lnces s rong measure' Ial'r nr we prn~r;~mmc or uut' toy• i; in oprralion. 1 am hapr1.- that 1111 sub.-liltlt<·' can hP to:111d 1: • •

d t h • 'I 'I 1 h b · t d d b t 1 b 1 h · 1 · 1 mrnt from parents and re•nltrd ~n o t an,; _, r;, .• acp ICt'son new<papcr as een prm c an cen a ;en )' rnc rr n»oct- ;11;r ;:1r ;, :,h·s. Rlat•kmm·r continue, thr a '!·ilwol I'~'"' ;;.:nnw l· to t<ll:t l~r ~n ~radou~l~· t·on,cnting to d;striLuted fOUl' times ~·early. ations and boards of rrlm·a· In llw fit•ld nf intrr··<·ho,.J rlrli~t1 tful p:·nctic~ r:ll'h >prin.~ in " 11 ~' 1110' 1 ;ucc<'>slul Open linn 'llre••s;fulh· and 1f p.,.

1> ... ' rH;t:·ihutc the schol~rship~ and rurthermot·~. hard!~· a month t10n to deal with this pl·niJJem ~thlrtir''· last ~·,.ar wa< ,1 t.·. 1; ,.f initin~ th~ mothrrs of th<' D:., for· a numhcr nf \'r•~r<. >l'hnol i> to he. sllcct•,,full" :or! rmr;.. !;OC> by without a circular let· and 1 expect that within th~ on~ l'Omp:n·ed 1•·ith 19:ifi ll'!wn -tudrnts fnr afternoon tra. 1nth Tlw >chnol rnntiuur.~ it> rm- mini,l<'l'<'<l. l rln th: .. nk ·ll,t·l'l

\\'~ rr~t·rt that thr Premier tcr going out to the homes of' next few m(lnfh> rrprr>t•ntation our tr•an:s ~rnn tour intH ·•!'ho•ol thr >twlent> tlll'lll'<'ll'r< rlnin~ pha•is 011 earrcr cni<lanrt• and inrlil'id 111,JJ;· and >rwralll' ''·· ; .. i• unab!r to br 'n:h u;. lk b cur puptls. The,e nu·dia. along will be mal!.• to thP l'nilerl dwmpionshiJl>. Our on!~· II' 1111 thr prrp"r:~tion and acting n, "1'"1''nt; llllrl tlwir parr·nl:; an• h1•half ot ail ''"nr·r·rr.l'rl tor ·tho·t' n•pt·c;,·nted tonight 1w thr lion· with pr~,; und radro co,·erogr, lhurch Boat·d h;· thr, lli~h <•t ch: mpion>hlp r:dihrr 111 tn;;; 1:"''''""'· r·nr·oura~e.i to <t•Pk a•h·irr. in· '''r·r·ll•·t•t 11nrk :nul lnyalt;· Tl, ourable [h'ctor F. \\'. Howe. so complctl'ly dricrihe our prO· School 't:ilb nl 1'111!1.< :.nd \'.,,, tlw curl11i.: tt•:<lll 11 hll'h \•,on !ormation and lu·lp d11nn~ tlw , 111 ,.,.,.,. r·~.illlplto ,,.1 111 ''" 1 ~, "hom \\(I ",,konw al .. l1 a~ 1hL~ grammt'. accomplbhm('nt~ :md )facphrr!-nn Ar:J<It•mi<'!' ur~in· .. 1lw St. .John'~ Sl'hl•lll\ltl~ t'u•·l:n·~ Om ""<'huol ntil:,.!illinr ic; r.o ;~r;Hlf' 1'1('\Pn \t·.n· f''PP<'I:IIly. o\t'l' 1;;,• : 1 ·; 11 ·~ h;.:" 111,1• 11 1 ,.

:.lmt>IO' Pr F.rlu~:•:ton. 1 111;h ;pr·rial actil'itirs thJt I feel lh•• adoption of a polit-y 1\'hi<'h Bon.-pll·l.tnrl ll'hich <'lll<"''c•·•! ,;,.. lonet•r '' 1111\l'l l<•:ttlll'l' hut I d·1· :tlihmdt tlw pro~r:.nlnll' " ,.,. , 1.,11 .,1,1•• tPr n111 ,.h , 1 11:.,: to th .. r.k ~lr;. Roll\' tor the t't1n- it '' nccs>al'X lor me tomght to will n•quirr• th<' withd~Lf""l tori~<lh in :o 'l"''':·1l hoi>P••·; ,. i-11 to m:•k•• a hri..t n•ll'l'l'IH'•' l<·tHlt•d In :.11 llt~h ~cli<"ol ~nmtil ut l'h:·r:"'"'l' ,, i'lo·h 1. fnbutwn 1•·h1ch s!i~ h,,, !:inrll;· prcsc·nt onl) a \'ery brief rr· !:om 'rhool of sturii'Jits ll'ho pt;,,,.d 1111h: -rhoolho.• rmk to Ja,t )l':ot's Prlitinn. :\ '"" ·''"d<•n:, l'.ho lik•·ly tn tt•r- ,,; "'"·•·rll 111 tlw m:•lnritl .,; ~~rre:l :o m.;ke to t!Ii; CI'Clling'; ,ume of the IIOt'k ol the pa>t rith~r <':1111101 or ll'ill not prolll trom 11<'il 1-l:tnd. :11eht, "~" I '!Wilt an f\ 1'11111'! llllll:t:•· th•·ir '" 'lll:li •·dul'.llion , 11 ,. 1,,~, and ~irl• 11·, ••• r•· ·•· Jl •.·n~r1.rlllll". '.car. from fu1·thr1' in~truction. Thi .. iii~!. m Vl•lbilor;~tinrt 1'.1111 rt'·lf'.lriin~ ;til o11hr ..,C'Jwoi.\PUI in .lull'' ol tlw t'UI'I'Pill r1•:tl'. .. \ · \\a~~ C!ln:-L·iou:: nl lh<• it1Woit:.1.:

ll 1; :~bo ~ m.tll•.•r or ~rrat In .lunr. 1!18 ~l11rlcnts !n I ha,·r mudt pl<'J>lll'<' in 1'1'· the ''Pl'ently r·::,!libiwd 'I'' ".'It '""'\:. ll'llleh \\'P hair' puhli-twrl I 1•·•·1 il to llr a rltr• :·t rr·· 1 1 II lll'll!lll (l(•:itJI'Illt'l l:.· 1iH' l,l't rr:l"f't to tl:' th;,t t:w ch~tll'man ~r.,cJr;; ninC'. trn r.nd rlr\'Cil pot'1100::: thr foti0\\'111~ .... :-.chol:1r :-tudin ,\·r \\'l'lr i1i'i!' In ••o1,1 !(t'. It w~t ... H·r~· inlt~rr:-lin~ :-Ill! lll tht• \\nrk ciont• 111 tlli~ . . (•t'fl~o, :HJCi flf lht• ~piPndin •( 1 ~I til• BO.!I'(1. Srn~hll' (' r. \'.l'Otc thC' public c-xaminfl1iun~ ~hip il\\'itl'fl" brt:'('f) on thr rr~ult ... flii''H.'t' lr··;O!l:: Ill .. jlt'('l'h tr •. i1~ to nh~('i'\(' I ill' llllJ)f't)\l'lllPnt Oll'('l'tinn th:JI !-0 111:111.\' til ot;r . l. '.'It'<' d".t'Il ll\ tlwm ;111d h\· tll•·Jr rr:ot'. :; ~'l.l'• [I'Olll the Prnl'· "' the Department of Erluea· of thr l'uhlil' Ex;unin~tinn>' •:·:l· Ill~ '"'" \llil·~ '"''''!II;IIIIC'I<i 11'11111 )1''11' '" "':II' alHI in Ill~ ~r:.d•· "'"' rn •lllflt•nt' <lo 11:1 rill'('l'\!,1', jlr·. I;t-hop. . 111, ~ anti c'•nr;ot hr !'r·r,rnt [or tlon ~nrl 134 >Indent.; wcrr sue· l'ert C. Pr;~tt St·hol~r-hrr• '" !'our ~I'" II"' i:·,, P 1';!''""•·•1 .,.,,, """""II !a-t ;·l'ar'~ Nittir•n 11 '"' dert.1ke tnrtlH·r rr;Jilllll'!. 01 th.< ncc.11tnn. ·'J'11:, mor1~in; r~.<·!ul. Tit~ prrccnta;r of pa>.'r' .lr~n Bt·arlhun· ..<tneiinr S1111· krrn init•rr·! i- rli-pla;•·d h· "Ill' :ll"'' matnte dfnrt ·" f:1:· la-t ~,..,r·. -•·~>i<~r l'i:·''· til•·:,·. . .:."''l·~~r·r Pl'(.lt c,,:l("~l (~·cw1 ·r,,r· if~ t~1r~r ~r.trlr~ wrrr R~ fol· lirl'-:. Rrn·h:n·rt "':,J'C'han' :~:~rl rll \'h'' 11:1\c' .. ;t.'l'd !1; t;H.·· '!,11 .. n'n:!'('1 j.., r,n\' :1 . ..:~udPnt nn· now :tt l'ni\rr .. jt~. :-::-: ;1n· rq~:n hi'- hr .. t '.IJ.<lr ... In tbr lc\\1..--{;I':HIC': ~lilt'. fiG rrr rrn1. f'lon:;Jrl L:i\\l'(lf]f'(', (~ .. :~d,.. Ft:.:h~· till· C\11'; ... 11 11\r('f. :\ li\'J',\ :dll\•1' .. , Ill It'> r·nt!t·r-t~ t;d;:!l!'~ ('Oillllll 1'{'i:.! l'lllll' .. {''- :<1'1

·toif. 1'111''' :>~•rl ,lJ llhO ai'C Grarlr Tr~. r,~ prr rrnt. 3tHI R~rh/11, ntanrllnlll. t~r:lllr "\lllr '"· Fl'll' .\hhntr', l'l'llll'll 1oo 1.111 I kllll\\ ''"'' till· ···lit•wi:d I':·;, I ''""'' l'lllrrrd ,, hool- or prr=r:1~ tlw· ,.,.r:~1n: Gt•MI",rn ";!l P"l' t'"llt. anti 'fr1·li11 Fr1th?ll1. 1;,;1rlr 11w :-' .ff !:1 .. 1 .'c:jr :'.i" .!I'.I'Tll'nll· tnmPJ.ttr~_· "''-''lid hi" 1Ju• li'ltl to nur .. ,. .. · rr.,,nm..:. 1111'! :-i\ ;.It' :tl

\',. ·,··r rlr:"r:. 11·rh·h~rd to \"i'tl ''ill nr;'(l th:d :jlmn~t 4n Elrw·t~: \r\\fOUlldl··nrl ('rt11rll- ... ;dr:·.thlr l!ll')rtu .. t11 n11r to'U·k tPl!Jimllr thr 111\Clltl:~lll,. rlll'f'( I('IHlili~ !lw \'r~~·:Jiion:d fn-..ti I••·· L:.t1;11ir for ~n r• .. lrlil:· rcr rrnt nf our fir;•rle :'\111r ~n•l ~ry .'>rhol.1r•(llf' tn Hel'l1'1l'a rr•·~r:w11nr. This i·' h,,. no llH'liil' 11''11 'cl' •·n 1h1.- prnwrr h; Ill• tntr - ;.ppr~<\1111:<1!'1;· 1;q P"i'


\1 r. ill .~. r.n·.., r1 ... qh~l;1ntbl pt,l'fi'Hl t>t rf'Jlli!'1 h:+fo h(•Pn dn nt1·~ tn ; t'

;:nnJ.\,, .. ol !'Oillr n ... prel~ (11 o1:1

f'(,'tl':l 11nlltd -"~ .. tt•rn m ~· .1

foundl;wd e~nrl ol c·rrt,Hll ~''' ~Illation, c1 .. tlH·~ iiPPI~ In l;t;

l . ' j '. • • ' ~~ •

,!,_ , .I

:I,, . ·.l -:

1,•·. 1 1'

... -. l ,,

,,. ''

".l •




" (fJlliplrtr. linr nr .\1 f(l .\CU.!'I~,nfi 'I::S

d~\' ;~~:;) 111 ~tnd; Ill \1, ,ot II

AUTO PARTS (Whole) r•ata.

llrm,ture v·~rks


~~;,=~~~ B;,rnbrick Street Ol31 7191·2



Hill O'CHIPS DI.\L 2~~


CHESTER D.\ WE, L ln. SIU\\' ST. and TOPSAil. RD.

t'or al! your Bu:lrlin:;: Rl·quiremcnt< rail

80161 - 80tt8


REQUIRE~tE:>o"TS DL-\L 71~~

Complete up·to·da' e seniCtt Merr.vmeelln~ Road

DIAL 716~



Complete Church furnish lngs and Religious Article'

DIAL 455Z l~fi WATE!l ST.



~:e·•·In:~ndland'· ClEanest wo~d. Cbtal;table at

R. J, COLE~U:o< LTD. 246 • 248 DUCKWORTH ST.

DIAL 2415

REID'S CO:'\FECTIO:'\ERY Ct~arcttcs. Frmt. Ice Cream R:\ 17\'1·: 10117\'STO:"\

~I' • Drinb. C0.\11' \\Y. LTD. \\'• IOII'P !;nod l'rn·ir••

1ln11 Hll Streff, ni~l ~tn~1


l L\HCJd: SXOW & SO.\, LTD.

lndu~trlal Elc~trtd~~' 7i llamlllon Slr••l.

O!flec 2Zil R~~. 4.1.)7 ----------ce~\TRACTORS

\:rnn· IJrJl:ll'tn•rnt ~~~ ll'•lrr ~t. flinl !IRl

I'C> u: n: r • , t 11 A l!U.: IIF.II.Fn

m: \" ,,. r w r'i L ns (:>iFLlJ.) 1.1 J:

\\li'H'I:: ~1atr•·i(11•., \l.''r" t'nrf Cablrr., "o'nr', :;il.;trlor·.

Lamp:., f-ll'ilcho,, LighHn2 Fixt•rre;, ek.


For all your ROOFJ~G. . and REPAIRS.


At reasonable rates. PHO!'\E 9~~30H.



H.\.\llLTOS A \'E!'\UE llrating and Ventilation.

Structural and Re·inlorcins Steel

01.\1. ~0111



can be obi aincd at CONXORS DRUG STORE

334 WATER ST. DIAJ, 221111



Co1·erlng St. John'~ with Fast, Efficient Scr.vice. If HAMILTON A\'E,

DIAL ~9~5



2~ Hour Sen·ice for Rr.pairs to Motor!. Generators and

Household Appliances.

PIAL 5199


DlAL m~ l'r~ciali~,t~ in ~~~lor~.

Gnnnrator;, Sl~am Jronc- and all Hous~hol•J Applian~•s.


SERVICE F.lrrlrlral Contl'nrtor

1 ~OR 1\'ntrr Str~rt.

St • .John'•· Srwfoundl"nd. PhonP 61H


E. and S. BARBOUR LTD. Distributors of:

Keh·ln Marine Diesels Kdrin Ricardo Gas En~incs.

Full Line of Spare Parts. f72 • 474 WATER ST.

DIAL 4~11



Uen·y F.qUJrmtnt f'l lhrtr GraJeu1 Crant Trar••

Crushed Stone, Road Gra1•el deunred fJ.ClO pt!r tnn.


Pbnne ~111-~~~ Wain Rt. Wt~t ~t. John'•·


HOW!:E OF FLOWERS Serving St. ,John'& from ": locations:


302 WATER ST. DIAL 7410

Designed For

DlPIHI·: Flll'l'l' S'l < ,Ja·:4~ Fol' t!1r Frr~h~·~t FI'IHI m

T~"ll •. ::If f: \ll'lr.J·; Fll l'll ~·t I 11; I·~

1•1 P;~lrirk Sfrrrt, lli;d ·!~\"!

;;;~; llurl.~·nnh ~t .. llial ~!lit

~ T.nt•:tfinn·.:


LTD. .~~l'nt•. :or

I '\'IJERI\'IIIlf.llS AT f.J.OYll~.

J.0\1' H \ TES IH ·II. .10~1



DIAL 2~:6 ~rrit:e. Qual!ty. l'ari~ty



TORB.\Y RCI.\1> Parkin::. C1·atin:: Sh!r11in~ Mt•nts lor .\!lied \'an Unr>

'1'. !'. IIIBRS, i\lanag••r II<'~. Hi:i: Office !100iit·2

. ·- ---

11.\l\lll~ & IIISCOCI\ LTD BI\Y:\1\Y S.\FFTY I:E\'Eil.\1. n.\I:U\1'.\RE ·\1.\TCI I FS Pi~:rllwlor'- fnr ~unhNtlll

I'!~'rtrici~l :\ppban('r:". ...:poi 11:·:: 1 ;nnd·. :md ~~~ort:­

'1 rctr h11 ;til n('i·,,~.-:'ln~.

Di\:fr~h!:l1 d h,· FR \\I\ ~tc \'.\11.\H \ I Til. QUI'I'II ·''·

____ u_1.1_1._:.o_tr. ___ MF.AT MARKETS


I J L. BISI!OI' 1~7 \'F\1' I~HI\'t ll ~T.

111.\t :m7 ()IJlplrfe l'l•nnh•n~ anrl

li,nting s~ni<l'

Ell.\ESl CI OlJ3, 0.\, Ll\a'i ED


~tO \\'A TER ST. nuT. .us~


PI.Dmrsr. ~nd m;Atlt'lG COSTRMTORS

R~p. Genrrnl El~ctrlc ~r. 1\ing~ Road Dial !9U


Jl:.t . 1111·1.11.~ ('nr. I'TlE~li\1'\H:Il Md

I'E'i;\'Y\\T:l.l. RII.\J) Ill ., t, :1\r.~

t'rqn~th•lro ll}l·tn d:tft:: \lr.1l \larkrt


A. L. COJ.US Piano and OrJ!an Showroom:

fOI'SMI. ROAD Dial 4!J02A

Factor~·: \\'atl'r Sr .. llr. Gra~e 1'.0. Box ~'~



Dl.\1. 29;;8 \\'rddiug Photo>. l'ortrail~

and ("ommrrdat Phnlographl'

:'\OTICE L1r \ppr;ti ... :~l" nf rh·:d l>··t~:c

.;.mt! .\u(': it11!~ 1n prl\ ctlc

h•llll'' ~.

J.ll\1, !lll:t:• .JOII\ 11. o·un1q·nr.r, \n I Rirlrfurrl Pl"•'r


i \ L \I Hl'S SER\'ICE !iT.\TIO~




Guar:~nlccd against Cuts. Tllowouts. Rn11ses,

I' nc!"r Inflation. Call ~1·\RSHALJ, MOTORS

Wat~r Sl. :Jial ~fiOJI


TJRF: HJ:r.\lltrSr. 1\'.~SIIIXG

B.HTf.RY fHARGr.'\G f,Jlf-:ASI:'I'G IH.\1. ~lf,9

I.EDIII·:W'S E:'\1''' ESS LTD {; 1.:\SSI-:S C.\\11-:11 \ SIIOI•

s; UJ\'f. ·s 1111.1. Sh:VICES 1;:11 U1'l'KWUJ:'I'If ST.

l."'t ••I and hmg th!>-t:~ni'f' mo\ rn~ !J:tt'''"•· C'ratin~ nrtl -.llitJIUnJl. \lcmbulfl or C'.\\',\. illlll ~t "1 ~

Atrnb tor l'mtc·d \',1n Jinl• ... D. R. l.rDRt:\1', ~IA):M.tR

Ortlr,. ~HI.';. Wuthousf! fll\i2'?



Gift~. Gam~s. Toys. No•·~lties, Cout's Cards

for all occa;ions !HAl. 4265



You Choice of what you need DIAL 6160



PORTUGAL COVE You can buy your groccrir.~ just as cheap as in St. John'f and have them delivr.rcd to your rl~or without charge.

We give D.P.S, Stnmpt




'rHO~h BIRTHDAY. Certainly a h9ndma~e artir!e from NONIA if only the Best

will do.


NO 00\VN PA \'Mf::O.'T\' ~IO:>TJIL Y. PA YMF::O.'TS • Storm Sashes nnd Doon • Add that extra rnnm!l. • Modernlzt your ktl<'hen•

Contact II'. n. PARSONS LTD.

l.nnF P~nd Rnad Dial ttOJ:n


303 1\'ATER ST. When selecting a Diamond RinJ; see our pril·ate Diamond 13ooth.

DIAL 4502

lli.\L 7tit'!l. ;.;,." fuuudland , it• \Is ally munntt•d and See our sl'lcction

~rristi,•. SEII\'JCF framed. , nu. II'R'< "·•:


THE LA \\'IIENLE NFLD. CO .. l .'fD.

~.~~~~ Location: ?Ot! • m Dl"CKWORTH ST. FapH anr! Pap~r Products





APPLIANCES. DIAL 3001 to 3005 --

WEST END TELEVISION T.V.-Radio·Car Radio Repair~


At Night. Day, HoWday or Sunday for Fast Sen·ice and Guaranteed work call 7727A.

• 1:1 FKICa:HAIOR!!!I • \L\ .. JU:II~ • 11 \Sea:~

1\'0R:\B!'\ DICK un. -------------1\Ell\'tCE FOil PTA NOS A 'I'D I_'RGANS

f'tl!'!1!11! arut fhp<'!•r-mr. O• ~r H.trf~ V•I'H' f"'(~•r!~!!>:f t!~utt!l t:')''1flrtrrt "'"rvto:•nJ.

E. R. ROGERS u ''' ru!n~ st .

'J'h'l!!~ tli71j:







With Free Tricolour Flashll!• CALI. ~675


217 New Gower St •.



Our·. Readers' Convenience


I N 20 18 22 26 16 28 2.! ?3 21 30

32 40 31 38 .1,1

35 42 3.! 45 33 43


NE HU LLARS rd of one hunc

to the first pe rs leading to the a1


will not be disclosed other than I

Oil Co

rial U1 Newfou

OPEN President, Member

cordiallr invile HOUSE at the l

17lh, in the mo the AFTERNOO~ XI Students ond

to 9:30 for Adults.

Conducted tours w es, library,

will be exhibitE lllra!n.; .• , will be dem

HCJ 7.30 c




te To DUE at WABAt-, Town H 11 •

For th a , ·<~Wt 8 conven)en

B l~wn Councii Off· egtnning Febn

tee will remajr



KINSMEN ......... per BINGO



,, .. ?3 ,.


G 51 58 5}. 55 59 47 50 5'2 l9 57

0 61 75 66 67 71 69 73 62 65 63 7? 74



of one hundred dollars will be

to the first person giving informa·

to tile arrest and convictt"n

young man who forged the

ent on and cashed a C.N.T.

· at the Great Ee~stern Oil Company

~OYemt)ar ~3, 1957. Call at the office

the Great Eastern Oil Company

for the !.~anager.

!he name ci the person grvmg ~he wii! not under any circum·

be disci' :d or made known to

ether ti.r.•1 the Manager of the

!astern Oil ::-=tnpany.

--·--·---·· ---Univers~ty Of

Ntwfoundland OPEN HOUSE

/i.- ,, ~~'' ,.,1 I he Faculty and ('ra ~ll: "''!"' the publtc to attend an

HOUSE n· lh· UnivN>ity on MONDAY, 17rh. in t~e n1crning from 10:30 • 12:30

I t' ~e AFTERNOON from 2:30 to 5:30 for X! S•udent< and in the EVENING from 9:30 lor Adult~ ..


Co•cucted to •. r; will be arranged to visit • 1 librwy. and gymnasium. Special

Ndl be ~xh.h!ted and equipment in the •~ will b·· lh•lllQfl',!roled.

the Univer~ity and or~ especially welcome.

Grace Stadium bltion Hockey To-night

7 ~0 O'CLOCK



IFNIOR H TO OCKEY -Brigus vs. Carboneor

·"'IGHT--Adm' . 5 d 50 t\~Klnt 7 c. an c.

To Taxpayers DUE m I'IM I~Nn H /I.NA ore now being received

I all • lr th • own Square. e tonve ·

Tc nlence of the Taxpayers, the Wn Cou ,. 'II ~ginn· nth Wt hold a Tax Collection

Cit· tng Feb . ... ~t will re ~uary 1Oth to February 15th

ma1n open until 9 p.m. each


0 •


Chris Andt·ews'


' Help wa'nted-Female I Wall Washing , ~23 WEEKI.Y lor wrnrln·~ 1 -,,·;-1\·I--.L-- ·,,;,;S,-'JII'.' ;G.~- ,1 .. 31.,,s-: lol'uly dresses gil'rn you ns • ·' ,,

bonus. .Just s h ow ;\:orth ~lcJned by .• cw ma~hlne. Amrricnn Fashion Frorl;s to Results perfect: saves fricmls. ~o cnm·~ssln~. in· paini.-Ncw ~lethod Rug ,. e s t 111 c n t or cxprricnrc and \\'all Cleaners, Fresh· nercssar)'. 1'\orth American ll'illrr Hand,· 'Phone 91033. Fnshion Frocl<s. 3-125 1 ag25 lm. Industrial Bll'<l. Drpl. Z-36H3. ! -- -~ ... --- -- --- -------:.tonlreal. I ~mw m:TIIOII RUG CI.EAN·

DIAL 90069 ------ •. ·----- 1 1\nS. llug~ anrl Carpet made

Sparkling 1 to look like new. Von TOPSAIL ROAD CAR LOT OPEN TO-DAY. SALESMEN ON DUTY THROUGH THE DAY. _______ _ ____ .. . Schrader procc•s adds ~ears

FOR AU. YCWR SPARKI.I:'\G to life of rugs. Clt'am•d in and l':linlin•: nr·!'rl,, S;•:•rk- lwmr or at our plant.·. MECHANICS SPECIAL: l'n~ a S!Wr·iality. Jll:>l !ill!~!.. ~ Thone Olo:J:l t';rw Mrthod

------------ _____ ______ G. Cr:llll'. fp!l!l.lmth 1 Hug Clc:mt·r~. Freshwater i ~!'od ~:.:;w l~3.\'.i .• Ji\.-J-.:8\· · \\TST I' X !I ('0,11. SFilVICE lloarl.

\'O£J'I\IL~ flfJ(pn<~a I II'. Snow I ('nal ~I.Cll lwg: "1:\YJ:q IS HEST." Sleep


CARNEi.L ST.-2094-6 .,:r~.~, :l ha~, for f;2 i~. 4 ba~s [or rulllioi'Ldll)'. 1\'e ~pccrnlize

. ,.,.·· S:l r>O, ~ hn~s lor ~H.7ii For Ill rcpairin!! and rProndition· <tllirk <il'iil·r•l')' oli:~l r.::~n5. 111g all typrs Sprin~s and ~!I i'l':,rr·c A ..-:•IHif' .hnll.lrn :\Ia t: n•;s1•s. linaranl rrd


·~··s UIICIII ~ llilll!.ll lli:UUII Rr:l'MHS TO ;\1.1. ~1.\KES

ll.ork. \laltrrs>C> for back ailmt•nls a sp!•cialty. 'Phone tH4n or ·33Gt, Standard lkddll!g Company, Ltd., floll't•r !!tiL fcb2U,tf.

ni:/lt·'l'n::i:xn. --~~9- Q;;;c~;~-~- -F-OR R·--E-NT ; Hoarl. SPECIAL - 515.00

cold Wa1·" SIO.OO; 512.00 EIGHT ROOM

~ D · , u· 1· , , •. t '\' · of \\':t~hin~ j!atlrin<•s. Floor anctng, utno,-.,1 c ••. ~ , 1, 1. h \' l'l

Stcnks Spcriall)', li : 0, 1' ~r;.' a~uu_m ~n·~~·rs, ~Jon. to Sat. 5 p.m.-1 a.m. 'I i etc 1 ill pi ?"'1.'~. SN I ICC

B kf . J·' Rei T l 900.,0 ~ 1 D1.1l 0013-L, (,, roo leu . c. - ~ ~cbll.lmth.

Cold \\'al'e $8.00; StO.OO l'!·rmancnt wm 55.oo. Apartment Open rl'cnings. Dial 6534. ***********~ 1

-!'t·:SS.\TIOSAI. nflrr Amrs ln-l'russ 415-1\ l'ullt•t> al'ail-

Velvet Horn Club


9 a.m. to 11 p.m.


...... ~ ..

ahlc .\u~ust 1,1. 51, month~.

52.70 rnl'i1 rl<•li'-rr"<l nny· wherr ~cwfomull:md, l~r;

cl••no,it. ,·olunw limited. \l'hr:~!lry's l'oullry l'nm1. ('hurlot:rln\1'1\, 1'. E. J.,Janrl. fph l,R. U.22mnr l.R. 15.22

Business Opportunity .SEI.F E.\II'J.OnlE:'>T nn a

full-limr or parl-linw l!a,l>. "" mcn·hnn<li'r to hll)'. l'o'· :o:ih\u t~nrnhlc.:' in tilt' Sl~.ll!lll 1o >:::U.Ill'll t':<tacory. ,\\'rilr fnr hT<' <ll'tnil.'. Consnlldatr•d ln­thlstrk~. Box 2~·-, !.nui"·illr. Ill .

,\1'1'\' .\ l. .101\!' in fanadn. N. ·~·. ... C.S. So Am. F.nropr. To , t · s J:;.ooo. ·r,·a\'l•i P<' in. Write

1 ~p·~~' I Employment Info. C'rntrr.

ja.t23,1 m. -- -- --. -------~!():\.\ flY A ;Iii Ilrauty Salon,

· T. A. r•u<lrling Du~kwortb Stn•et, specializing in all mcthoo~ prrmancnt waving, tinting anu cuttin~. Open Tu<·sdny and Thursday ni~hts. six operators. Dial 54ii lor appointment.

Black Coil

Iron Chain

1 ~ in. m stzes:

5a in. ~~ in.

Joseph Simon limited

Stove, Refrigerator. Heat supplied.

I Apply

; Cottage Garden. FRESHVv ATER ROAD

frh 11. t:u;;

MAID WANTED for rlomr•lic '•'"rk Ill a homr with two adult>. mu.<t hC~\'( kno\\'lrd;!P of pbin rnn\;inc llomr with rn•ry modrrn con l'rniPIH'I'. llnl)' outport prr>o:l 11:i)· nrl'<l app!y. \Iiddie a~r prrfrrrrd. 11Pfrl'rllcr n••tuirrrl r~or an appoi'ltn1<'nt

'Phone 5765 hctween 7 and 10 p.m.

I The adjourned prelimin· i Room C'-i.t 4i0 Stnar: St.,

cry annual meeting of the: _ Bo•ton._lh ___ _ _ _ _.

Benevolent Irish Society will Business Opportunities be held in St. Pot's Hall, ·FREE CATM.OG. - Conlnlns to-morrow, Sunday, at 3 hlmdr.eds of h11•inc~sr1, fa~ms

57 Upper Water Street, 1-'Miifax, Nova Scotia 1-----­

------'iJames R. Tucker I . , •

,:::: ,BETTE!(., -

P m 1 and mcome p r o p c r t 1 r s • ' ! thron~ho11t tr.s.. Canada.

JAS. D. HIGGINS, srcl'if)' type anrl lorntion de-Hen. Secretor; l sired. Dent direct with own-

---T .. n RE--N---T-----~ ~~ih~~!i. ~~~~~~ ~~~;~· ~~: Y An~eles 2•, Cnltf. ,


~ PO\\·F.nnr s:\;,f.I:F.-oi;;r.- I

t'IT FREE! .lust like R rle- . partmrnt ~tore. l\ow ~ou ran ~rll to rutire family. clothing, ~hnrs, shirts, •l:1~k~. ~port<wrnr. work rlothr.,, jpwellcr:·. rtr. money m~ldng plan. ':'io exprrirnr~ nrcr•·

Apartment Containing Iorge living

~com, dinirg room, two 1

1 bedrooms, bathroom and ! kitchenette. , ~at')', full or part time. Frre

, .. , _BUYS AT •. ·· Libera/ Candidate

.- B:AIRD.'S ·.: ' . ... . ,· ' . -..


: Headquarters: Burnt Point, 1

I . ( Boy de Verde. · I

, Burnt Point 'Phone No. 5F4 1 9 5 3

ZEPHYR 1------! CARD

! H. J. MILLER I 1 REAL ESTATE AGENT Baird Motors Ltd.

• rlothin!l lor prr>on:~l u•e A~ Offke and Re.lidence extra bonn~. "'rJtP for :MERRYMEETING ROAD :

For further particulars

Dial 6827L powerful samplp outfit and 769 WATER STREET

------- ..... ----


. full lnstnrction~ FREE. DIAl 80378-9 . c; L 0 S T Drpl. 62A. Rhtk~·ll'nlkcr i · --------- (opp. Le.<he • I.J I C'o., P.O. Box 6<"17, :llontreal. : s N . '!'!10:"\r. nn;; !

1 From Truck in St. John's ' P.Q. · I t2Jtutory 0t1ce 1 "0\·rr ~~ \'t·~rs w th~ llu;inw'' I ~---------------- -----1 ' . I

one .5 gallon drum of VISITING BEAUTICAN - ' --- -- . . . - i

f In lhP mntlo•r of lhP \\'111 nnd I Disin ectant Why lea\'C the comfort of rst;llp of ,)o>rphlnP Hlsrork laic I

your home to hal•e ,-our of ~t. .fohn's In lh~ l'rm·h•ce of k d A N D C Ltd hair done. Dial 75'i4·A. . fT'ar e • . . o., • . Nellie Chrke Hillier. :Xrll'lonndlanrl. widow. drren,ed. I

I. Finder please notify jantS,lmlh r.1::1 .

C F Le"'t'-'r Allpor~on< rlniming lo h~ crcd- f.Vsc·,} uu11

1 1

• • ;:o "" , itor~ of or who hnYP any claims th~ c~,·:t.\'cr,; :59 H•mllton A\'P. •Phone 3058 Barber or tlenmnrls upon or nffrrtin); the See 11-~ .~·.1J.

---------- I e~tate of .Josrnhine lliscock latr 1\ ·' •or 1

Reward is offered. Tm: CESTRAJ, BARBER of St. .John's in the Pro\'ince of UTo SHOP. We are now opera!· Newfoundland. widow, deceased, l'FioT/JA..Vc;;

----- lng sill chairs. You can bo ar~ rrquestecl to furni~h par- 8AJ~~ON 1957 So. 7.14 · assured of the best posslhlc ! ticulars or same in writing. duly JOfl:vs ·

IS,' THE Sl'l'lti'~IF. l'Ol.'RT OF 1. ' I 1 d · & C . TO•· . service plt:s the least pos- lall<''h•rl, to t ll' 1111! rrsi!(nr 'oh- · 0., I,Tj{ SEWFOUSlli.:\SU ! sible waiting, 2-l N~w Gower · dtor fo1· tlw t>Xl'CIItor n~nwd in

B~lwel'lt .lnho 11. ~lcE\·oy, Stn•et, 011p. Ad~laide ~lo- · IIH· \\'ill ul lill• ~;dJ dh•easr·d. uu ""'''llhlr Will und E;.late ol tors. If yon prefer appoint, or tll'furt• U~t• \;.th dtll' uf \lardt. Wllfro·d llawkln•. dr~·t•u;,,•d, llll'nt scn·ice 'Plron~ 53 li7• , ·\ !1. w .• ~. tullu\IIIW.\liltd• <biL' Plolnltlf, till~ Jusrt•h Ruk<•r, ______ .... ___ .. ................. tl11• s:llll I·:xe,·urur will Jlllll't'rd tu:

llt•f••n<lunl A ~IESSM;E tu ntl fii'OIIPI't)· 1listrihnte th<• snid r>t•lt~ having -=iiii:irl••••i.•llliiJI.. (J\\'Ilcr·s lil'iug bc~·uml :>t. i n·1~nrrl ullil' lo ~ul'h d2irn~ tit, • Notice Of .John's: Art> you lully prote1·t- · wl;kh ht• 'shall llu•n hal'~ hud 1

('(j ugain~t loss by lin·~ \\'hut . nul it•• ~ . Al'Ul'STIC':\~. Sheriff' 5 Sale, 1

uhout Liability lnsnn,m·r on : Dal!•t\ nt !it. .John's thi> ttth 1 ...

your Tl'uek and Car? Driw · d<IY of Ft•bruar)'. A.D. 1958. I . E\'E-I:J.ASS : Sherrl!r'R sale as ad,•erllsed 1 with the sun behihd you, and I FA BIAS A. O'llEA. · . Friday has been cancelled. i then you hal'e peace of mind. i Solicitor lor Exl'culor. : · !IE,\RIXG

W. G. Wr\RRI·:S. : -\\'. F. Caldwell, Fire nnrl . Addl'ess: . · Sherrlrr of Sewfonndlantl. i CaRualty ln~urance A~enl, 'Rr•irl Bnildin~.



Sponsored h>· Wesley Young Peopl~'s ltlnion.


,To-day, Feb. 15th ~7 I'·'·"· ·

Th:~e-~-~~~labl~ ~~-doll~·- Sl.~~·l

Model Planes Model Ships

Temple Buildilll!. Duckworth lzr,t D11rkworth Strcol, Strr.r.t. St. .John's, 'Phone Nfia l St. .John'~. 1'\ewfmmrllan~.



MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, at 9.15 p.m. Progressive 45's and Auction e $60.00 IN CASH PRIZES

1st Prize: $30.00 - 2nd $20.00 - 3rd S 10.00 · Tickets at ·Door $1.00

frh15.17 • •• r ·-----··- •••-••·•· --·· • ·•-·• ·•·--·

/ . • .. , \, .. ~. ·,'il~ ... -:, .. ·,,·,.- .·~····:<~· .: ·\,

s;;,iih·. ·cJf.~iifi:~:~·. ;:<- ,. ...

• 1\o Receivrl' in ~ar • Coln11rlr'~ Tnh~ c~rrirs

<onnrl to ear.

$1'49.50 ACOl'STICAN O'BftlE~: CO. 1

Hearing Aid Consullants i 190 l'\ew Gower St. Dial 5264

' N e1vf mwdlrmd Serot~i crs

PASSENGER NO-ICES 1 1'0:'\~HTIO:" WEST Rl'!'\ A:'\[1 ; RA \' Hl '!'\ 1'1..\I'E:'>TI.\ R.W I

: HP~ular R a.m. train lrn\ill~ S1.1 1 .John's :llomh~·. Frht·uar~· lith,

1 will m~kr ronnel'! ion nt Ar~Ptlt ia '

GUA.RANTEED S·ALARY Are you disturbed in your present position? Does the position offer permanent employment? Is there any future in your present job?

We hove on opening for o man up to .40 years of age. Salary, commissions, pension, Group benefits anti no travelling.

Please give particulars os to age, experience P.O. BOX No. 809

f f'h 1 !1.1 R.20.:!2.2:i.2';

Our Ccmmercial Offices ON DUCKWORTH STREET

Will be CLOSED to the public on


as new heating facilities are being

installed that day.





WESDA Y, FEBRUARY J 8th, 1?58, 8 p.m.

PRICES: Balcony S 1.00 Bir'C'I'.:~~~~r~ . 75~ • General Admi,siort 50~

Holding seats on sole Saturday and Monday.

General sole Tuesday

POSITION OPEN An opportunity for o young man to establish himself permanently in profitable bu~iness as St. John's represenlolive for leuding company. Offer open to ruun <'8 to 3U yeu1 ~. with provtn iuitia· live ond obility, und a worktr in cummunity life, who desires to berter hinrsdf ho111 f.iresent posilion. good salary until well estubli>hed.

Apply in writing, giving details, lo

P.O. BOX No. 809 ft•h6.R.II.1~.15 --- ..... -- . - -- --- --.



Nice size Store and large property, 15 room House, heated, hot and colt! water, bathroom, sewerage. Ideal place for hotel. About 150 feet from Town Square, BP.II !~land, opposite new Pork, short distnncr> from new Post Office. Good size yard and two other houses rented, one .,r the house5 8 rooms and the other 4 rooms. Ready for inspection any time.

Interested parties apply to


lienrl I~ r~nts J'IO~ta~e or coin for the newc~t ratalo~ue. Brautl·: ful aellon and colour plcllJres. · All orders sent promptly aU over Newfoundland.

TYPEWRITE'RS ·~--~··:CASHiER. i, with '.lntor \'rssrls fur r~~ulnr ; ··· -- .. --------·· · ······ - ----- ···-- -


Macy's Limited 17 ROWAN !!TREET,

ST. JOHN'S tanl4,2m,eod

. . . - . .

• DIAL 4052 ..



• •

i ports Ba)• Run arid West Run Placentia Bay.

I CA!uDWJz4 ~~ WM. l.m;;·Fi~Tallor NATIONAL 4 HOLD WORTH ST.


ClOTHES make the man if CHAFE

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Curtis Acaden1y:

Principal's · Report

STADIUM 10 a.m.:


2 p.m.· 4 p.m . GENERAL SKATING


Guards vs. Feildians.


RAIL\\',\\' CO:\IPA~V

.\TL.\~TIC n•;GJO~


TENDER FOR I, ro.uaC~;ap, ;:~~::~;·N•••

Electricity In and Around St. John's



CAIRO L\Pl - I::gypt has ac·l ! · ceptcd a $20,000,000 loan from : i Statutory Notice East. Germany i~ the form .oi i I machmery. faclones and equtp· I --- mcnt. the n.ewspapcr AI Ahram I In thr. matter or the l:state reported Tuesday. The ministry CORNER BROOK,

, NFLD of FJiza Jllary Bishop late of industry declined to comment 1 ' of St. John's In the Pro1·lnc on the report. Al Ahram said an . Tonrl"' m tlllitNI '"' thr t·lmlng. or Newfoundland, widow, Egyptian mission. is proceeding · Rrnrlln:. dllrhln~. ••••trut·tiun of rnll'ert. deceased, to East Germany to discuss de-l and driiiMitJI:t', elr. fnr ContttrnrtJon or • new \'ord al Cnrn•r Brook, :olewfound· All persons claiming to be tails.

·land, nnd •roll'd trndm, morked on tho dll ( h h -----------i m11111tl,. "eonrtdrnUai·Tt!ndPr ror Gndln1, ere. ors o or W o ave any

I Comer Brook Yord" and addr ... •d 1o cla1ms or demands upon or e(. Mr. n. W. Blair, ReJdonal Chltf En• I' h E ' , Kin..r, canadian llallhnal Rallwayo, ec mg I e slate of Ehza Maf!l n,oom 10~. Genrut Ollie,.,, Moncion. Bishop late of St. John's, afore·

1 :;ow Brun1wlck. will be rrrelvod up to 'd ld d d h fl2.3o p.m. <Atlanllc Slandard TlmeJ sat w ow, ecensc are ere· 1 Mmh Mh., 10~a. by requested to send partictt·

I lntlruction• lor tendertnr may be Iars thereof In writing, duly •••n at the ReAional Chief En11neer'o attested to the undersigned

I OUlct, Moncton, New nrunawJck, or ' • • Dlvlolon En1lnrer'a Offtct. St. John'•• .Solicitor or the Admmistratr1x Nftd.1 and ltlano, aptcUicatlona an<l of the Estate of the said de-

llorm nl ltndtr may be oblalned on d .. JIO'IIinR a certllll'd choquo made pay· ceased on or before the 8th. able to the Treasurer, Canadian 1\atlonal day of March A D 1958 after Railway•, for an •m1111nt or tiOO.OO, ' ' which will be refunded on return of which date the said admlnls·

· plana and IP<!clficatlonl to the Railway t 1 j 'II d t d' t 'b t In iood rondltlon wllhln lhlrly daya aner ra r X WI proc:ee 0 IS n u e lhe oward nl Controct. the said estate having regard

Ttndm wilt ••t be ••••••ma aat ... only to the claims of which oubmlllrd •• form supplied b1 •~• Rail· they then shall have notlct!. l"a' aod In oeeordooce wllb the I•· D 1 d t St J h • th' 'llh slrudtono for leodorlar. The lowell or a e a • 0 n S IS i ••1 lendtr not neeeaurlb' aece~d. day of February A.D. 1958.

\'lre·Prr~ldeot Rolicitor for the Admmlstntrlx

Good Morning, Neighbor PltaH cocutdcr u• Jun cbat your fnends ODd neo1hboro. lf wt ••~ help you In ""' . way wltll your ln•uranct probte .. , IIIII call .


l••uplt e .... ld,ru.r. Uu'• ... o-•ll ~

o ...... ,. "" HOCKEY I n. V,IGONDER ISAAC 1\IERCER, Q.C., ·

and Gf"llf'UI ftfJnaa,.r ,

'-----------• • AllaUI• -· teb8,15,22,marl


BRUCE In sad but loving nll'mor.l' of

our dear 1on and brother PATRICK J. BRUCE

who departed thi~ lire February 15, 19l:i.

May the Sacred Hearl or Jesus hal'e mercy on his soul.

-Inserted by rather, mother, brothcn and sisters.





See our complete line of Kodok r'tf!llfJn.···ru for

COLOR SLIDES Step up to a new Kodak miniature ... and 11c;.. c.• 0 0 n world of picture·tokin~ magic. Col.or slides ore , ••. .,~:c !c~ Jnapshots, but you enJOY them protected big·as·'dc . .;10

all the color realism of life itself. Today, you con .1,., ~·•, Kodak miniature-camera quality in every price rc:·· ~; ~ ,','0"~ on u.n~er-S30 new Pony model ... right on ~~· 'o , 0;S'· precos1on exposure;meter model. Stop in on<: ~ 0 .. ... ,. a·


P. M. Donnelly SCHEDULE PL'l!mll!'\G and HE.\TI:"iG

CONTRACTOR Installation and Repairs

i SATURDAY, February 15: I i a. m.-ST. P.\T'S HIGII '

1 o all types systems.


n~ed to

i -·-------·---------·· ---1 .--------·

Garbage Disposal

For Fast Taxi Service

Lkcnsed Garba~r Tn1tks and Operators in and out o f City L:mits. Commcr· dal eslablishnwnts and ousincss offices c>pccially.


Dial 7575 Dial 2424-2410 jan21.1m Open 6.30 a.m. to ~


In the other provinces lost year score~ ai m.ii1on1 of dollars were spent in re-modeling hc·r-::. tor people in the towns. If you ore not intcrc1tcd in buying o new home why not do ilke thcu~ond 5

of others ore doing; improve your preser~: one. Money spent on your present home con prooably make it more valuable to you than o rw.,· one. The trend in Canada and the United Stote1 to· day Is not for wall to wall carpets, but fl(i·dwood floors and carpets, also two storey ho11:e: ore becoming increasingly popular again. A new kitchen, impr'?ved heating and plumbing. new windows, interior decorating, trading some of your old furniture for new, and a little re-modeling con make your pesent property, in its present location, worthwhile. Consult us for a fres

estimate; you ore absolutely under no obli~otionk We can hove your favorite contractor do th1s wor for you or we con select o reliable man. Chester Dowe con finance this for you and you have yeor!

to pay.

The best investment you improving your own property.

k il con mo e






ebels dones PADANG, lnd•

was procla and forcing I

. It was the guid into the centt to r.onsider

or. Sjafruddi11 recently governc and finance mi

~ fi('~i:::n~1 :r•l prrmi~r " ·:. i!dh· chr•·r··

of 4n.ntlf1 m 1 h". 'm~ll oort ;dld ~;url:

cbr~sr creep· for rrar or SUfi!·

or hrcmr~r of mPan II'C ha•·p no as frrr people."

was rrfrrrinl! to rrhcl Jc~ders

i in thr !'cnlral ::o\'· 11 ell 3' coxnmnh•m. fL.\I~IS l':"'ITY rrturncrl tn .Jakat'la

ahrnad with a dec· Indonesia rrrn:oi•ts

puhlid~· i~norrrl thr

i AI' .... Tiw J-:;.,t. I nil rri !-itatt•;

under a swirl· •nmr.w11rn winds pilin~

to climax the of thP winter.

began Vritl.w off thE and hit north mid•llc Atlantil England.

in its wake a whit< far south ~s Jackson snow gathered mo

up to 21 h,· win<

to 60 miles ;~n hour up to JO teet.

temperatures arl

nbake La

DO~SF.LI. \' Press Staff Wrft~r

Sask. <CP'-Prim . winding u

Prairie O!Jcncr on hi m P a i ~ n, Saturda

the former Liber· of laxit)' in planni~

. d~1·eJopmrnt. . lOve a · rs Ol~rdue in e something of a nat ion;

d~relonntent of Ca1 Pr?~res~il·e Consen·· sa1d. ' ~lug~ed hard for h ard fo der r northrrn r Elo~m~nt road5 a r ProJect~ to enab


top related