
Post on 26-Dec-2018






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Mr. Harry Ellis, Miss Lizzie Green, Miss MinnieGreen, Air.J. Dahln, Miss McCrlndle, Air. G.Birmingham, Miss Pollard, Air. Bert Sherman,Miss L.Dieke, Air. S. Patterson, Miss Lou Ross,Mr.A. B.Alarston, Miss Betulce Wayne. Mr.F.E. Adams, MIss Cora Lelst, Miss AlayMcArdle,Miss Nellie Turner, Allss Lillie Fisher, AlissMaboney, Miss Alaud Burgess. Allss Ida Aloore,

Miss Minnie Kitchen, Miss LillieSmith, Allss A.Sebwelchler; Alessrs. li. Llssner, H. Llssner,Frank de Camp, Baxter Sedg'ey, Ed Weldier,

O. M. F'arwell, B. Bariels, E. Alulvey,A.1.-ntz,

J. Green, Engine FTaser, John MeHugh, L. W.Dcnnlsuu, Frank Buckley, William Angel, K.Wheeler. Louis Wolfe, Bert Parker, C. Law-rence. Alums Jellet. James Jellet, WilfredSmith, Charles Heeseman, Charles Hall, J. B.

eland, Fied Gaiter, Alex Woods. W. K.Morse, J. B. Drake, 0. Pollen, N. A. Stanley,Jack Kitchen, Walter J. Smith.

Ihe Vincrnt-GoreT-n Wedding.Very auspicious was the wedding ceremony

wblcb united Aliss Mary Gorevan, eldestdaughter of Air. and Mrs. J. Gorevan of 1825Clay streei, to Air.Louis Vincent, tire prominentmining man of Nevada City, at St. Bridget'sChurch last Wednesday morning.

The sacred edition was crowded with friends ofthe happy pair, who, about 0 o'clock, took uptbelr position before the handsomely decoratedaltar. The bride, who looked lovely iv dovecolor, was attended by her sister, Miss AguesGorevau. 'the bnde wore a magnificent set ufdiamonds, the gift of the groom, aud carried abaudsome bouquet of tuberoses and lilies of thevalley. Air. Joseph Gorevau was tire best man,and the impressive ceremony was petfoimcd byKey. John Collie.. Afii the ceremony the Idalparty and friendsrelumed in the residence of the bride's parentsou Clay stieet, where the parlors were profuselydecorated. Here congratulations were otteredand a sumptuous wedding breakfast served.Mr. and Alis. lucent left in the afternoon for

Santa Ciuz, wheie they ate spending tbelrhoneymoon. Tiny willreside inNevada City.

Ailing the invited guests were: Air. andAirs. Jains Gorevau Sr.; Messrs. James Gore-van Jr., Joseph Gorevan, George McMabou.Michael Carroll, William i.Gorevan; Air. audMis. Louis Vincent,Mr.Juhn Gorevau, Airs. M.O'Dcn, Miss Emma 1el»ei, Aliss Mamie o'D-a.Miss Agnes Gorevan. Airs. P. Haigiclan. .Mis.J. E. Culrerweli, Airs. W. Burke. Ihe Ml-sesNellie and Annie Goicvau, Aliss LizzieClancy,Miss L.len Mouaghan, Miss .Margaret McAulifte,Miss Nellie O'Rourke, Miss Rosaline Kuutz, Mrs.M. Vlucent, Airs. F. Alurrin, Airs. John Clancy.Miss Alice Murphy, Miss Maiy Murilu, AllssFannie Ryan, .Miss Lizzie Burton, Allss AI.Kennedy, Ah. and Airs. 11. Mouaghan; Messrs.I". A. Buckley, Geoige A. Culver, Richard.Madden, J. Driscoll, J. Rudolph, T.I.O'Brien,J. c. Nealou, F. F. Btroiber, Patrick Crowley, Al.O'D-a, R. Dunn, F. Brown, William Burke, A.T.Spotts.

The California Lodge Flirty.The members of California Lodge, No. 10.

Order of the Beacon Light,on the 25tb ult. gavelhe first series of regular monthly suclals tobe given ou the fourth Friday of each mouth.The hall was well filled with members and theirfriends, who listened to the rendition ot the fol-lowing entertaining programme: Address ofwelcome, Al.J. Mcßrearty, President; address,Miss Louise F.Diiiiiiiiil,G. P.; recitation, JamesH. Berestord; sung, Alls. Charles li.Schrueder;recitation, Aliss Mamie Kelly; sous, Misskathenne Black. This was lotiuwed by a dauceand all participated.

Puny on .toss Street.Messrs. Al. Kramer and KarlEber gave a very

successful surprise party to Miss Ethelyn Jacobsat ber parents' residence, 7 Russ street, last Suu-day eveniug. The rooms were neatly decoratedwith feins and smllax. Dancing aud gameswere lire order of the evening. At midnightsupper was served. Toasts were responded toby Mr.J. Jacobs, Mr. Karl liier, Mr. AdolpliKalin, Mr.L. Pechner aud -Mr. J. Meyer. Thefollowing conn United to the evening's enter t.un-nicul: selection (piano), Air.M. Kramer; vocalsolo, Mr. Lou l'oulk; selection (piano), Mr.G.Mer_l'.ich: recilatioii, Aliss _". Filedlauder,section (piano). Air. Stgistnund Blumauii; re-citation. Mr.AduiptiKahn. Those present were:Air.and Airs. Joseph Jacobs, Miss E.Jacobs,Miss E. Leuoiuiand, Allss B. Bavin, Hie MissesC. and L.Chaiuiak, the .Misses 11, aud li. Bavin,Miss D.Sheinauskl, Miss L. Greenberg. Miss L.Rocca, the Allsses F. and S. Harris, Miss E.Fiiediander, MlssC. Heiuo, Miss H. Buik--, MissAl. Collins, Miss S. Hull,Mi-s F. Filedlauder,Allss M. Levy, All-s B. Raphael, Miss LurlmeJacobs, the Misses S. and F. Jacobs: Alessis.Al.Kramer, K.liber, L. Jacobs. L.Pechtier, M.Rosen-lorn, Aduiph Kami. Abe Kilnr, K. Ueroid,J. Bavin, li.Merzlkicn, D. Kruu, S. Saalsberg,C.Morns, ... Km berg. Air. Blake, J.Salomon,____lrpser. N. Williams, L.1-ouik, J. .Meyer, S.Brown, U. Goldsmith, S. Blumaun, B.Cohen, AWise, E. Lewis.

r.rty on Oak Street.On Alouday evening last Captain Christopher

E. McNear and wile gave a birthday party atmen resldeuce at 226 Oak street lv honor ottheir grandson, Frank E. .McNear, who on lhatday ait.lined his majority. The bouse was hand-somely decoraled tur the occasion, aud a largenumber of youug people were iuvlied to share Inthe festivities. What with d.uciug, singing,games and a recherche supper, winch was servedlate In the evening, all enjoyed a good time. In-cluding the recipient of the party, who will longhave occasion to lemember his twenty-firstbirth-day anniversary. Air. McNear was presentedwith a hue gold watch and chain by his grand--1 -rents on the occasion, and with other valuabletokens ofaflecilon by his mother, auut and otherrelatives.

Party at Stockton.Air.and Mrs. C. H.Keagle entertained a num-

ber of their friends at progressive euchre lastThursday evening at Iheir residence, 83 Centerstreet, Stockton. Prizes were offered for thegreatest and least number ot progressions andthe greatest number oflone hands. Those pres-ent were: Mr. aud Airs. W. N. Elsom, Air. andMrs. J. S. Dunham, Air. and Airs. Frauk Davis,Air.aud Mrs. Geoige Homage, Air.aud Airs.J. F.Alosely. Air. and Airs. J. U. Castle, Air.and Airs.J. C. -rider, Air. aud Airs. J. T. Oldham, Air.andMis. J. W. Willy,Mr. aud Airs. R. B.Robliu, Mr.and Airs, lioyleGieeuwood, Mrs. Alice Kafitz,-it--Eiiza Lang, Miss Allie Fyfe, Aliss HattieF'yle, .vessrs. John Jackson, L. H. Lang, H. C.Reyes, E. F. Cadie, George E. Housken andHarry Lester.

The piizes were awarded as follows: For pro-gressions, Airs. J. 1. Oldham and J. U. Castle;lone bauds, Harry Lester and J. C. under;booby piizes, Aliss Halite F'yfo and Frank Davis.Murphy-Farmer 11 tiding»i Sauls Clara.

Attire Catholic Church in Santa Clara MissAnnie H.Murphy and Air. James A. Farmer,the third son of Air. aud Airs. F. E. Fanner,were uuited ln marriage, Rev. Father Raggloofficiating, on the 22d ult. Allss Clara Pciide-gasl of Sau F'rauclsco was the bridesmaid andMr.Henry Farmer the groom's best nun. Therewas a latge number uf relatives and Mendspresent.

From the church the party proceeded to tbaresidence of the bride's mother. Airs.•S. A.Murphy, where a wedding breakfast awaitedtbem, me rooms having been handsomely decor-ated wall flowers and ferns. A reception wastendered to Air. and Mrs. Farmer ln the after-noon.

those pieseut at the reception were: Mrs. S.A.Murphy, Air. and Alis. J. a. Farmer, Air. andMrs. F.E. Farmer, Air.and Mrs. A.B. Alagulreof Sail Frauclsco, Air.and Mrs. Al. Farrell, Mr.aud Airs. F. B. Loiigau of San Francisco, Airs.B. Lorlgan, Allss Rose Smith of Sau Luis Obispo,Albs Nellie Bradley of Sau F'rauclsco,Miss Al. Hayes ol San Frauclsco, Miss.Minnie Loiigau, Aliss Edith Farmer, „adre and Katie Daly, the AllssesL. aud T. "liezevant, lite Allsses Kale and AlaryDoyle, the .Misses J. and F.Halfoid, Allss SasleSimpson, Aliss Katie Donohoe, Miss AliunleEa_i,u of San Luis Obispo; lhe Misses M.aud L.Flauucry, Aliss Ella Madden. Miss Al. Killiau,Miss K.Cuikin, Allss B. Stewart, Allss K.Ryan,tbe Mlnses U.and __ Tuompson; Messrs. Frank,Henry and Fled Farmer, J. Hayes, E.Loiigau*and J. Roy ter, San Fiancisco; C. M.Lorlgan, 1.and R. Hayes, Sauta Rosa; D. J. Fianuery, J. A.Day and D. McCauu, sau F'rauclsco: 0. D.South. Uak,aud; T. Graham, J. Halford aud W.Murphy.

Party at Tnnnln.Averypleasant party was given .Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph S. Grandl ot Tomales on Saturday aweek ago. Dancing was the order of the even-ing. Among those present were: Air.and Airs.Ibomas Capella, Air. and -Mrs. James .McDon-nell, Air. and Mrs. Al. Casarotr, Air. and Mrs.Joseph Aladaleua, Allsses Alaiy and Nellie Mor-ton, lidwlua Dudley. Lucy Capella, Jenuie,Alouie and Maggie McDonnell, Agnesa Conti,Ella, Beulgna aud Mary lirandl, Mary Capella;Messis. John, Alexander and James McDonnell,John Hunter, James Fallou, T. Alullaly,JamesMullaly, William Grandl, Fellclo Conti, A.Soldatl, L. Pedrantl, Owen Morton, M. de Mar-tini, T. Pedrantl. L. Caporgoo. Thomas Riley,James Capella, Joseph Bernard, C. Silvio, P.Dalessl, Jotardo Guibblnt, E. Victor, E. Caie-rail, John Aladaiena, li. Scamara, John Ca',-zascta, Joseph Caporgno, George Gobbl, JamesGobbl, Joseph Gletla, A. Biancuinl. P. Morosoll,John Ait, tuul, S. Leslna, John Calzascla andothers.

The Elite Club Party.The members of the Elite Club gave their

eighth invitation social last Saturday evening atBiial B'rith Hall. Johnson &Gutman's Orches-tra furnished music tor the merry dancers, whokept up their exblieraltog amusement until aftermidnight, The various acting committees werecomposed as follows: Committee ofArrange-ments-!'. p. Snilddy (Chairman). E. P. Donovan,C. i.Collins, T. P. Niinan. N. McAlenomy; Re-ception Committee— J. Cummtngs (Chairman),W. F. liaiiutver,T. Hamilton, W. Mc.Mahon, W.Touer, U.C. Herman, w. street. T. J. Quinlan,R.Flynn, Hugh loner, J. Beegan; floor man-ager, George E. Ackersou; Floor Committee -J.J. McKenna, P. J. Casey, T. Kourke. D. A. Syl-vester. John AlcEt_ney, W. Dauey, X. McLaugh-lin,J. L.Kameua.

ihe Minerva Circle Party.The third anniversary entertainment and ball

of Minerva Circle, No. 20, C. O. F., was held atStanford Hall last Saturday evening. The fol-lowing programme was ably leudeied: Overtureby band; remarks by C. C. I.Simon; Instrumen-tal solo, Airs. 8. Beversen, D.P. C. C;duet by*tbe Misses Mary and Elite Lynch; song by Mr.J. P. McDonald; violin solo. Professor Davis;recitation. Air.J. Hawk; sword dance by AlasterHarry and Allss Lillie McAllister: song, Mrs. S.Beversen; piano solo, Airs.J. E. Doyle; recita-tion, Air. G. B. Peterson; Instrumental solo,Mrs. S. B vetsen. Fully 400 couples tookpart in the dance, which lasted until late. Theball was a success. Credit Is due the commit-tees, which were composed as follows: Commit-tee of Arrangements— Airs. 8. Beveiseu (Chair-man). Airs. J. E. Doyle, Airs. Bacon, Air.R.Lllllslon,Mr.J. Hawk, Air. W. Paulsen AllssAgnes Ilildribraud, Miss Alary Lynch. Mr.Henry Beverseu; floor manager, . Mr. HenryBeversen; assistants— J. Hawk. R. Lll-Jlsioii, W. Paulsen; Reception Committee-Air.T Simon (Chairman), Allss Ma'"*' Lynch, Mrs.Hlldei brand, Mr.J. 1.. Hawk. -

; I'arty in south Park.Sir. and Airs. K. B. Vreeland entertained a

large number of their friends last Friday even-tog at their charming home InSouth Park. Theresidence was transformed into an Immenseconservatory for the occasion, so profuse werethe decorations. Strings ot smilax radiatedfrom the cbandaiters to the sides of tin: room,forming a peifect canopy. The mantels werebanked wilb la France roses, Aiaiecbal leiaud tea roses. The dining-room was a marvelof the decorator's art. The firstpart ofthe even-

lng was devoted to music and conversation.Mrs. Scabolt and others gave selections fromoperas, while Instrumental music was contrib-uted byProfessor Siebe and others. An elegantsupper was served, and after the guests hadspent a couple of hours discussing the menu andresponding to toasts dancing was Inauguratedand kept up until an early hour. Among thosepresent were: Mr.and Mrs. Bushnell, Mr.andMrs. Hodges, Mr.and Mrs. Haskell, Mr.and Mrs.James Brown of the Central Pacific Railroad,Miss Susie Lee, Miss Dolllo Lee, Miss TeasieCullen, Air. and Mrs. Bradley, Allss Jennie Cul-len, Mr. Henry Bradley Jr., Airs.Seabolt, Air.Paul Cullen, Air.and Airs. Johnson, Airs. E. is.Davis, Airs. Polthey, Miss L. Tllson, ProfessorSiebe.

Party on Eleventh Street.*A verypleasant party was given to Miss Lynch

by her parents at their residence, 351 Eleventhgtieet, on Saturday evening last. The roomswere elaborately decorated with smllax andferns and the floors were canvased for dancing.Toward midnight the guests partook of a bounti-ful repast. Amongthose present were: Air. andAirs. Peter Lynch, Air. and Airs. John Warner,Mr.and Airs. John Hiles, Air. and Airs. JohnAlltch.l. Air.aud Airs. Fred Lauterwasser, Mr.aud Airs. L.Berry. Allss Mullen, Miss K. War-ner, Miss At. Alllchcl, Miss K. Smith, Allss D.Butler, Allss Al.Lynch, Miss M. McCarthy. AlissAl.Olsen, Allss G. Hiles, Allss M. Borghero, AlissL.Berry, Captain Lyons, Alessrs. J. J. McCarty,J. Cassidy, T. Mltcbel, J. A. Alltchel, D.Lane,Thomas Dougherty, Al. Lynch, C.Lynch, C. War-ner.

Tarty on Fifth Street.Last Thursday evening at the relsldence of

Air. John Moran, 443 Fifth street, a surpriseparty was tendered by the Delmouico Club toIts newly elected President, Air. John Koran.Singing and dancing, with a few selections onthe piano, violinand cornet, were the features ofthe evening. At midnight tire guests partook otsupper. After partaking of refreshments theguests adjourned to their respective homes.Among those present were: Air. and Mis. J.Alorau, Air. and Airs. J. C. Weymouth, .Mr.andAirs. W. Foley, the Allsses Aloran, Aliss M. E.Foley, Aliss U. Goldstein, Miss Al. Kennedy. Air.W. Foley, Air.Joseph Aloran, Air.R. Goldsteinand the members of the club.

The Skating; Carnival.The skating carnival, which took place at the

Pavilion Rink last Wednesday evening, attracteda large attendance. The rink was tastefullydecorated for the occasion and the managers didall In their power to make it a social success*The match was led by Air. Kalin and Miss L.O'Brien. The prize* were awaided as follows:Richest diessed lady, sailor-girl, Aliss NellieBillies, dressing-case; best sustained, organ-grinder, Aliss Coleman, frult-disli; richestdressed gent (Spanish Cavalier), Air. CharlesSmith, sliver water-pitcher; best sustained,Dutchman, Air. Al. V. Smith, album, mostoriginal gent (bear). Air.Fred Smith, cake- dub;Morning Star, Miss Grace Beecher; Topsy, MissEly; Yum- Yum, Miss .May Butler; King's Foul,Air.A. Kalin. The floor was under the directionof Mr. Richard Ingram.

Society Personals.Air.and Airs. J. 1). Jones have taken a bouse

in San Rafael for the summer.Allss data Tbomas will be the guest of Mr.

and Airs. J. D. Jones InSau Rafael this summer.The Allsses Lily aud Eva Ransom have re-

turned from witnessing the wedding of theirfriend, Allss lonuesiu, daughter of the Hon. CarlTounesin of "

Tonneslu Villa," Birds Lauding,Solano County.

Airs. Allen Denton left on the steamer yester-day for the State of Washington, where she In-tends to spend most of the summer. She willalso visitseveral places In Oregon before she re-turns to San Francisco.Mr. and Airs. E. W. Goggln, 1913 Van Ness

avenue, have removed for the summer to Sham-rock Lodge, Peninsular Island, Tiburon. Tirecottage has recently iieeti built iby the host andIs most attractive and elegant iv constiuctlonand pleasantly located.

Dr. Al. 11. Lilian and wife will leave here forthe East lire latter part of tins mouth. Aftervisiting the principal Eastern cities they willsail for Europe and will remain in London andEdinburgh several weeks. Thence they will goto Norway, after which they will visit Paris andFrauce generally, and will be In Berlin In timefor the Intelnatloual .Medical Congress, afterwhich they will visit Swiizeiiaud, the Alps,lakes, etc., theuce go to Italy.

Airs. George Hamulet, who has been spendingthe winter in this city and visiting the Southerportion of the State and places adjacent to SauFrancisco, has returned to her home in Massa-chusetts. Sire willmake a short stay inPortland,Oregon, while en route.

Airs. Abbie E. Johnston, President of StantonRelief Corps, Los Angeles, is visitingrelatives Inthis city and Oakland. She formerly residedhere.

Airs. E. Noble, who has been sojourning atBilggs* Hotel, In Sau Rafael, fur the past twoweeks, returned home to the city last Friday


Airs. M.Knaker willreceive tbe first Tuesdayof each moutb at her borne, lvis Goldeu Galeavenue.

Air.,and Airs. Van Gulpen returned fromEurope yesterday afler au absence of a year anda half.

Airs. Samuel Shaen and daughter have accom-panied Air. and Airs. Alax Sachse on a tripthrough Oregon, Washington and British Colum-bia. They expect to be gone several months.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexis Stevens have re-

turned to Corvallis, Oregon, after a weddiuglour through Central and Southern California.

Aliss Edith Beam is visiting lends InCbico.Aliss Adele Joel of tills cltv, who has been

spending the past seven months with relatives inNew York, leaves for an extended trip throughEurope next Wednesday on me steamer Lahn.

Air.Fled L.Hageniauuof Ibis city sailed onthe steamer Colima, last Saturday, lor NewYork, where he willjoin his family.

Mis. J. T. Bonestell started overland this weekon a tour of the Eastern states, to be absentthree or four months. The lady will take oc-casion lo visit her old home lv Maine and spenda short lime with her Immediate relatives.

Airs. Dr. J. E. Spencer and two children arenow stopping at .-Etna Spring-.

The Allsses Sadie L. and c.irreuo Bowen leaveto-night for the haste, Stales.

Allss Minna Fetry has return d from her two-years' trip to Europe aud is residing with hermother, Mrs. E. P. Ferry, at the residence ofJudge Murphy, 110 Liberty street.

Airs. W. Baron ut Tombstone, Ariz.,Is bere ona visit to ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levy of1132 Turk street.

.Mrs. J. iv.Harris, accompanied by Airs. Rob-ert Harris, left on the steamer San Juau for asix months' visit to relatives InNova Scotia.

Mrs. Joseph de Rosa and children have goneto spend the summer with her mother at CapeBreton.

Alis. It. C. Green lias returned to Boston,-Ma--., from a visit to this city.

Lieutenant James Peuuycook of tbe VeteranNational Guard of California and of the VeteranFiremen's Association, who has beeu allitia forsome time, has gone to GllroyHot Springs for acouple of months to recuperate.

Professor Samuel Adeisteln arrived in Paris onthe 14ili ult. He remained mere a short timeand proceeded through Switzerland ou bis wayto Italy.

Miss -Marlon Chase has left this city for Bos-ton to visit her sister, -Mrs. ii.L.Eldridge, Shewill spend the mouths ot July and August at-Mar ilia's Vineyard, and while lv Boston will,study vocal and Instrumental music at the Bos-ton Conservatory.

Allss Lillian M.Casebolt has gone to spend thesummer wllh relatives in Tacoma.

Air. and Airs. W. E. Dargie will return fromWashington, I).C, in about a week.Mrs. Dr. Clark lias relumed to Stockton from

a lengthy sojourn ln San Francisco, much im-proved Inhealth.Air.H. B. Alvoid was last Tuesday visiting

bere from Sao Jose.Airs. A. J. Perry aud Miss Josephine Peiry

willreturn from the East in a couple of wee s.Airs, c. 11. Bragg and sou, of San Jose came to

San Francisco last week.Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Rutherford and family.

Airs. L.J. Handled and .Ml-- Virginia Hanclietlwill go to the Hotel del Alouie June Ist lo re-main a couple of mouths.

Air. W. 11. Rogers of Stockton, Ariz., who hasbeeu visiting relatives in Sauta Cruz, came toSan Francisco last .Monday.

Mrs. George AL linuey and Airs, and AllssBarnes were at the Hotel del Aloute last Mon-day.

Airs. J. E. Gross of Stockton has been spend-ing a lew days InSan Francisco.

Captain Hopkins, U.S. A., of Fort Alason. willsoon be trauslei red for duty at Governors Island,New Yoik Harbor.

Air. and Mrs. John F. Merrillhave returnedfrom their visit to the Hawaiian Islands.

Aliss Aloore of San Francisco spent the pastweek wltb Airs. Fred Aloore in San Jose.

Allss Virginia Haucbelt Is visiting Alis. J. B.Wright in Sacramento.

Air.aud Mr B.Jacobs, of San Francisco, whohave been the guests of Air.and Airs. A.Crocker,ai Santa Cruz, relumed home last Monday.

Mr. and Mis. Alexander Baring bave left theHotel Rafael and are now enjoying the comfortsof the Hotel del Aloute.

Air,aud .Mrs George Ashley were among theStocktoulans who visited San Francisco lastweek.

Air.Looniis, son of the late Professor Loomls,lias been making an extended stay lv this city.He Is a resident ot Seattle, Wash.

Mrs. Edward Rhodes of Sau Francisco visitedlv San Jose last week.

Air. aud Airs. C. 11. Simpkins, Miss Alice Simp-kins and .Mr. Charles Slinpkills will go to SanRataei on May loth. .

Dr. C. W. Doyle went to Santa Cruz Monday \u25a0

from Sau Francisco.Air.J. F.Cole, Miss N. H. Cole, Air. Charles

Al. Plum and Air. Charles AI. Plum Jr.. areamong the visitors Irom this city at the HotelCoronado, San Diego.Allss Florence Eveleth of San Francisco spent

several days of last week with Siocktou friends.Airs. Remi Chabot and Allss Etta Clrabol, of

Oakland, leftlast week for their ranch near St.Helena, wheie they will spend the summermonths.

Colonel Edward C. Robinson returned to Oak-land truiu Sau Jose last Monday, where he basbeeu Inspecting the division headquarters uf theSous of Veterans.

Mr.J. T. Sullivan, of the Sea Beach Hotel,Santa Cruz, came lo San Franci-co last Monday.

Lieutenant aud Airs. T. 11. Barry and familyhave secured looms at the Hotel del Alonte lorthe summer. .irnnijpiiMiniim . ' ii,j-T_--"ijTrrn_ij

Alis. A.G. Ilawes and Airs. Alather willsoonleave to vlsli filends InHonolulu.

Mrs. Geoige West of Stockton visited SaoFrauclsco lasl week.Air. and . rs. Jose nil Durney, Mr. E. Clarke

and Air.George A.Pennliuau are visiting tbeHole) del i...nn J. Laymauce, Judge James M. Haven andMr.J. B. Richardson, ol Oakland, leftlor Fresnolast Alonday to look after their raisin vineyards.Air.John P. Cooper returned to Santa Cruz

from a visit to San Francisco last Monday.Captain and Mrs. J. J. o*Cotiuell and family

willspend the season at tbe Hotel del Monte.• Airs. G. W. Mm, returned to Stockton lastweek from a few days' visit at the Bay. .

Air.and Airs.Henry L. '1alum intend leavinghere on Alay loth, to reside at Sau Rafael dur-ing the summer. "

m Aliss Carrie Denig of Stockton spent last weeklvSan Francisco.

Alis. Altitun \u25a0S. Latham Intends passing 'theseason at the Hotel del Alonte.. Allss l.iiby has returned toSauta Cruz from avisit toSan Francisco. ."-• .

Miss lillie Billings of San Francisco was lastMonday visiting friends In Vallejo..:

Air. W. M. Gibson and sou, ol Stockton, spentseveral days ol last week at lhe Bay.

Air. Araadee Juuliiu returned to the city lastThursday after a ten days' visit to Alou'terey,where liemade several sketches. __s__>-a__— i

Mis. M. Lindner and daughter have returned

I to Woodland from a visit to the Bay. <\u25a0---Air. Richard Burke, M.P., and Airs. Burke, ac-companied -by, their family,. have crossed the

Atlantic, and are at present In New York. Theyare expected on this Coast during the month,and while here willbe tire guests of Airs.BurkesPi-other, Air. I'eler J. Donahue, at his borne,Laurel Wood Farm, in Santa Clara County.

Airs. L. A. Harrison of Oakland Is visitingStockton relatives.

Mr. H.Al. Ycirliigtonof Carson City Is here ona shot: visit. »•Miss Flossie Alnllere of San Francisco went to

Santa Ciuz Inst week, and is the guest of bersister, Miss Annie oiler

Air. and Airs. J. X. Gregory are occupyingtbelr collage in Sausalito.

Air.and Airs. R. Sellers of San Francisco werelast Tuesday Ilie guests of Air.and Mrs. P. More-bead of Santa Rosa.

-Air. aud Airs. Samson Tains, Mrs. E. Hook,

Allss Hook, Airs. John Hoggs. Allss Boggs andAir. and Mrs. J. Harrison bave gone to SauRafael for the summer season.

Air.and Mrs. F. E. Dunlap are home in Stock-ton from a trip toSan Fiancisco.

Airs. lisle P. Patterson, Aliss Lizzie Patter-son and Mrs. Fiona la Montaigne will reave forthe East ou May 15ill.

Colonel and Airs. L. L.Langdon, U. S. A.,ofthe Presidio, will leave next Thursday eveningfor their new station at Foil Hamilton, NewYork harbor.

Air. and Airs. A.D. Starr will leave Oaklandfor the East to-day.

Air. George R. Wells and family went overduring the week from Kan Francisco lookinglor summer accommodations In Sausalito.

Air.and Airs. A..1. Weiner und J. J. Bettman,of Fresno, are In the city, combining businesswllh pleasure.

Air. Hunan and Allss Sadie flyman went toSanta Ciuz last Wednesday from sau Francisco.

Lieutenant and Mrs. E. __ Qualtrougb, U.S.X.,returned to Mare island last Thursday.

Lieutenant John L.Ha)den. First Artillery,U. S. A.,has returned to Fort Towusend.

All.J. T. Carolbers of Oakland Is going Eastshortly, to be absent some six weeks.

Mr.Frank 11. Tyler of San Fiancisco, whospent the summer on the beach at Old Sausailtolast year, has goue over again with Ins family.

Air.and Mis. Braverman of Victoria, B.C, areIn the city. They will remain In town toattendthe marriage of their niece, Allss Guda Braver-man.

Air. 1, Fillmore returned to Sau Franciscofrom Santa Ci uz last Tuesday.

Captain U.Sweeney, U. S. A. (retired), Is mak-ing Oakland his pcimaucul home.

General C. C. Pawning Is here from Reno.> Dr. Illbbert, Air. Alelviile,and Air. Sandersonand family are spending the summer at Blithe-dale and went over to Sausailto last week on avisit.

Alis BertScbiessinger Is visiting her mother,Airs. J. Lewis ivSacramento.

Air.George 11. Hew of Alameda lias gone on atrip lo Kansas City,aud will be absent severalweeks.

Air.S. W. Uclladay paid a visit to Santa Cruzlast Monday.

Aim . Caniillo Urso, after a couple of weeks'visit with trlends InSacramento, has gone northto Portland, Oregon. *"_gi

Miss Valentine Lauft of*T3olinas is visitingInSau Francisco.

Airs.1.. F'rledlander has gone on a visit to Ore-gon foi several weeks.

Air.Julius Chester of Alameda went on a tripto Haywaids last Saturday to attend a meetingof Eden Grange, and was taken ill at AluuntEden. Alts. Chester was sent for aud went up on.Monday.

Air. Jerome Lincoln and Miss Lincoln havebeen visiting friends In lhe Santa Clara Valley.

Air. Victor leinii.icii ofSan Francisco went uplast Alouday to his mine above Washington.

The Allsses Phoebe and Jusle Saalburg haveleft for a.m()irth's stay ln Los Gatos.

-Mr. Page ofAlameda is shortly to make a busi-ness visit 10 Oregon and Washlugiou.Air.and Mis. John _". Merrill have returned

from their trip to Honolulu.Dr. 1. lavas has returned from bis southerntrip.Airs. W. R. Coe returned Tuesday to San Fran-

cisco after a short visit to Nevada City.Air. s. Van Raaile of St. Louis is paying a visit

to this cily.Air.and Airs. S. Kunyon, Mrs. O. R. Ritnyon

and Miss Runyon are visiting here from theirhome InCouillatid.

Air. aud Airs. Adam Grant will be In SanRafael duringthe summer months.

Mr. Ariel Lamrop has been making a shortstay lvSacramento.

Air. Will Jones lias returned home to GrassValley from San Francisco. He willremain un-tilthe reeular lectures begin in Cooper MedicalCollege, In which institution he Is a student.

Aliss Dentins has been entertained at the Pre-sidio duriug the past week by Geueral and Airs.Giuliani.

Air. and Airs. E. W. Hopkins will close uptheir residence tills week and go to their countryhome at Meulo Paik.

Captaiu aud Mrs. George H. Gamble of SantaRosa are visitingfrleuds in San Francisco.

Air. and Airs. Louis Sloss aud sou will go toSan Rafael for the summer.

General William H. Dimond, Mr. and Airs. E.R. Dimond, Miss Eleanor Dimond, Allss Mac Di-mond and Air. W. 11. Dimond left last Thursdaylor Aleulo Park, where they will spend the sum-mer.

Airs. A. J. Pope and Miss Alay E. Pope willpass the summer months at the Hotel del Alouieand at their country seat InSt. Helena.

Air.P. Sweed of Petaluma was ln San Fran-cisco last Wednesday.

Air. William Koliler Sr. of Grass Valleybascome to San Fraucisco on a short visit.Miss .Minnie Webster of Han Francisco was last

Tuesday visiting Miss Bea Filch in Sacramento.Air. and .Mis. H. M.Warden returned home to

San Luis Obispo last Sunday after a quite ex-tended trip to Sau Francisco, I"alio Alto, AluuntWashington, Hotel del Aloute aod other pointsof interest.

Airs. L. \v. Reed of San Francisco returnedhome list week after a visit of several weeks ivStockton.

Mis. C. S. Palmer of San Frauclsco, who hasbeen a guest at the Veudome, San Jose, for thopast two weeks, returned home last week.

Captain and Airs. William 11. Taylor and AlissEdith Taylor willbe lvSan Rafael after the lothlust.

All O. Herman ofSan Francisco returned lastAlouday after a visit to Airs. A. Crocker of SautaCruz.

Air. and Airs. Louis Marshall willoccupy theircottage InSan Rafael during the summer.

Air. aud Airs. James B. Stetson spent the firstof ihe week ot Vallejo.

Seuatorand Mrs. Leland Stanford are now- lvWashington, D. C.Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Smith of San Franciscowere the guests of -Mr. aud Airs. G. B. Sperry ofSlue, toil last week.Airs. Joaquin Arqties of San Jose was enter-

tained by the Alisses Millerof Sau Rafael duringthe past week.

Judge aud Airs. John A. Stanley, Airs. E. Stan-ley and Allss Garb-r, who have been visaing lvSan Jose returned to San Francisco last week.

Allss Xellie Roman lett for the East a few daysago and willbe away several mouths.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Rosenthal and children of SanFrancisco, who have been visiting Air. Rosen-thal's sister, Airs. A.Crocker, in Santa Ciuz, re-turned home last Mouday.

Mr. and Airs. I.Lawrence Poole and Mrs.Fane will spend ibis season at the Hotel delAlonte.

Air.Alfred S. Tubbs returned from the Hoteldel Alun.e early Inthe week.

Air. and Mrs. F. U.Cobb and Aliss Cara Cobb,of Stockton, were lvSau Francisco last week.

Th.- Rev. 11. Braver of Oakland is a delegatelo the California Evangelical Association ofNoun America, now in session In Sau Fran-cisco. .

Allss AI. J. Harris returned to Santa Cruz lastMonday Irom San l-'rancisco.Air. and Airs. U. J. Stevenson and familyofLos Angeles have eugaged rooms at lhe Hotel

del Alonte for the summer season.Airs. Oils Perriu of Stocktuu came to SanFrancisco early In itie week.Aliss Madge Itobtusou of Oakland left last

Tuesday forGrass Valley, where she willspendthe Milliliter.

Dr. c.L.Auderson ofSanta Cruz came to SanFiancisco last Monday.

Miss Laura McKlostray left tills week for amouth's visit to Vaucouver. Upou her returnshe willgo to Sauta Cruz for the season.

Mrs. Eliza 1". McMullinof San Fraucisco basbeeu visiting filends inStockton.

Albs Belle Colin left New Yoik April2Cth onthe Etrurta to visit Mme. Adellua l'atlial hercastle lv Wales.

Mr.and Mis. C. Hurd of Stockton spent sev-eral days ol last week InSau Fraucisco.

Airs. W. s. ll..bait and Miss Alice Hubarthave arrived lv Loudon and ate at the SavoyHutel.

Miss Delia Brxbyor Santa Cruz came to themetropolis lasl week.Mr. and Airs. A. B. Nye went to Vallejo fromOakland Suuday and were the guests of Mr.

George Nve.Mr. O. J. Kron returned to San Fiancisco from

Santa Cruz last Alouday.Mr.T. L.Devine of San Francisco made a

short visit to Stock tut) last week.Mr.and Mrs. Webster Jones have gone to

liliilied.ile tor the season.Miss Maude Davis lias returned to Stockton

from a month's visit at the Iiry.Mr. md Airs. James Caroiau, Miss Evelyn

Caiolan, Air.Frank .1. Carolau and Mr.HerbertE. Carolan, will make San ltalael their homeibis summer, leaving here May 15th.

Mrs. Jennie Sinner returned to Santa Cruz'from San Fiancisco last week.

Mrs. M.Parks ol Santa Kosa was last Tuesdayvisiting friends inSun Frauclsco.

Air. and Airs. A. I.Redding have selectedBlilhedale forIheir summer home. Selberllck of San Francisco was InStockton a lew days of last week.Mr. and Mis. Louis B. I'.inolt are occupying

tbelr residence InSail ltalael.Mr.Isidor Goodlrieud ol San Francisco was inStockton last week.-Miss Nervie Waterman of Santa Cruz came to

San Francisco lasl week.Air.Elistra Dyer willreturn to New York on

Monday, alter a pleasant visit here.Miss Mamie Kvau of Sau Francisco was InVallejo Sunday, lhe guest of Air.James Coakley.Air.U.O. South worth of Stockton visited San

Francisco during the past week.Mr. and Mis. Russell J. Wilson willclose theircily lesideuce on May 15ib, to pass the re-

mainder of the season InSau Rafael.-

Mrs. Al. M.Tompkins and Miss Julia Tomp-kins are at the Hutel del Corouado.

Mrs. E. 11. Morgan of Oaklaud lias taken acottage at Larkspur lor a few mouths.

Air. 11. J. Sadler of Sau Francisco Is spendingthe summer at Larkspur with Ins family

Mrs. W. Baron of Tombstone. Ariz., is here ona visit to her parents, Air. aud Mrs. Levy at1132 Turkstieet. .. ._..'-

\u25a0\u25a0- Air.E. A. Cieuiiao of Santa Cruz came up lastTuesday toSan Francisco.Mr. and Mrs. Cliaiincey H. Wlnslow (nee Stet-

son), who have been livingat the l'alace Hotelever since their man Inge, have left for the East.Key. aud Mrs. W. T._ leeuor returned to Oak-land tor a short rest from th; evangelistic workIn which they are engaged. Next Friday tbeywillsuit for Fort Bragg to continue their work.Mr. J. B. Maud of Tocaloma paid a visit totbe city recently.

----- -.- _.

Mr.At.Kotu will leave Ina few days on a tripto Europe. v

Air.and Mrs. O. V.Ort returned to Santa Crnzlast Tuesday evening trom a visit to Sau Frau-cisco. \u25a0 -\u25a0-\u0084. -.*_\u25a0- .. _. \u25a0 ._ Lieutenant-Colonel Charles G. Bartlett. FirstInfantry. U.S. A., has been granted two mouths'leave of absence, commencing AlayIStli. \u25a0-»--

--_ Mi.and Mis. J. N. Gregory lett last Thursdayfor Sausalito, where Mr. Gregory bas lust builta residence, -"---h ni_

11___/\u25a0_,„,_,\u25a0_ The family ot Mr.Frank Millerof the bankinghouse of DO. Mills & Co.. Sacramento, areguests at tboEl Alonte Hotel, Sausalllo. .

- -Air.Alexander del Alar has returned from Eu-rope, and is visiting mining. property In theSouth.--Captain It.It.Thompson of Alameda left lastTuesday with Ins family (or.Redondo, to bepieseni at the opening of tbe new hotel at thatplace, on Thursday and Friday. .-.-.,-..- Mr. and Alii.Asa It.Wells are -, at tbe hotsprings in Sun Bernardino County.

_Anumber of ladles and gentlemen from SanFrancisco, guests ofMr.J. B.iUudot of Almadeu,InDlumriiiisralii nnn ns ii_i-ii..s-if-rnn..,


spent Saturday and Sunday of last week at the-

New Almaden mines. Among the party were:Dr. and Mrs. William J. Younger. Air.Houghton,Airs. Cutter, Airs. Watson; Alessrs. X.K. Porterand L. L.Robinson. -*'-^._.v"^^_-v.r_._si.w»^

Mr.John de Witt Allen and Air.D. T. Mntphy,who have ben spending some time at the Cor-ouado Beach Hotel, nave left aud are now at LosAngeles.

Ex-Governor Blasdell and Colonel J. Tevls ofOakland are inNevada Cityon miningbusiness.iAir.D.Hyiuan of Winters Is visiting ins rela-tives at the capital.

Airs. J. A.Ressegtile or Alameda left last Tues-day for ihe East, to remain tor some lime at herold-iome InNorth Thedford, VL Air.Ressegtileaccompanied her as far as Sacramento. He willleave lv a couple of weens for the new Slate ofWashington.

Dr. and Airs. George J. Bucknall and theAlisses Alarguerite and Alarle Bucknall will oc-cupy a cottage at Cazadero during June and

Airs. Morgan. G. Bulkeley of Hartford, Conn.,arrived last Thursday from the East Willi herson, on a visit to General and Mrs. J. a Hough-ton, her patents, who ate living at tbo PalaceHotel.

Mr.George Woisers ofSan Frauclsco bas coneto San Juan. '-\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0 Schuster of Uolbrook, Ariz hasgoue to Europe. . .General and Airs. G. P. Hawkins, U. S A areagain at their home, the Hotel Pleasantou, altera tour of Hie southern counties.Lieutenant Samuel D. Slurgls, U. s. A,Is nowon duty at the AlilltaryAcademy, West PointMiss Wise and Allss Peyton are here oilashort visit from San Rafael.Air.and Airs. Schrueder of Rough and Ready

came down Monday to Sau Frauclsco wherethey willremain.Air.aud Airs. AI. Wolf of London are here on a

visit.Air. William H. Berry accompanied bisfather-in-law, Air. Thomas Patton, East lastThinsday, and will remain away about one

month.Mr. George Cheeseman is in the city on a visitfrom his ranch in.Mexico.Airs. Charles D. GaylurdofFranklin, Pa., Is theguest of her sister, Alr«. W. Al. Lawler, at the

latter's residence un Leavenworth sireet.Miss m. Gray ol Santa Boss has been spend-

ing Tuesday InSan Francisco. :Allss Lena Harrison ot Carson is on a visit to

this cily. ,. -Air.and Airs. Fred W. Tallant have closed uptheir IItie-street residence and are now occupy-

ing their cottage at San Rafael.Mr."-and Airs. A. Page Brown will pass thesummer at the Hotel del Monte. --, - -All.Peter J. Donahue of Laurel Wood Farm.Una Clara County, Is sojourulug for the pieseut

lv San Rafael.Air. J. B. Davis, accompanied by Allss DeliaMcQuald, went to Santa Rosa from Sau Fiau-

cisco last Tuesday. Alls* AlcQuaid will spend aneeded vacation of a few days at borne in thatcily.

Air. George A. Hare, superintendent of theYuba Aline, Washington District, eamo to SailFrancisco lasl Monday ou business.Airs. J. A. Peck aud Aliss Alurray, of NewYork, aie visiting Willi army friends on ibis

Coast.Air.and Airs.Titus of San Francisco spent a

few days InStockton last week, as the guests ofAir.ami Mrs. it.Lauxen.Miss Alary E. Webster was last Tuesday InSacramento, the guest of .Miss Fitch.Air. AL J. Fiaviu relumed from an Eastern

trio last Wednesday.Air.and Airs. George Young of San Francisco

have been visitingAirs. i.e. Youug of San JoseAir.and Airs. A.X. lowne and Mrs. Cliirles

N. Shaw recently enjoyed a visit to the Hoteldel Monte.Air.D. R. Jones of San Francisco returned tothe city last .Monday afler spending a few days

In Santa Cruz.Aliss Gracie Taylor, who lias been quite 111 atthe Baldwin Hotel during the .a-, six weeks isnow slowly improving lv health, and tell during

ihe week for the Alaie Island Navy-yard, to bethe guest of tier relatives stationed tiiere.

Air. C. P. Huntington and Air.A.N. Townereturned from Oregon last Thursday.

Air. and Mrs. A. A. Smallfleld and Miss AliceSmalltleld have returned lo San Frauclsco alter avisit lv Stockton.

Airs. M. 1.. Mills of AtIllsCollege has been stay-ing at the Hotel Vendume, San Jose.Mis. Chillies .1. Torbert and Aliss Alollle Tor-

bert have beeu visiting friends at Santa Cruz lorseveral days.

Mrs. Elizabeth Mclvcr Porter of Oaklandvlsiied her daughter, Airs. Juhu T. Wallace otSan Jose, last week.

Rev. S. Good nough of Oakland went to SantaCiuz lasl Wednesday.Air.and Airs. John Boggs, Air.and Airs. E. B.1olid aud Mr. and Airs. Sampson Tains were ibeguests of Air.F. C. I-Usk of Chlco duiiug thepast week.Air. and Mrs.Samuel Heuery returned to Stock-

ton last week Horn San Jose via San Fiancisco.Airs. Catherine .Melinite of Sau Fianciscospent a part of iho week will)Mrs. itodgers of

Sail Jose.Air.and Mrs."W. B. Bourn are occupying their

cottage at San Rafael. •

Air. and Airs. G.A.Brain of Excelsior vineyardon \ lire Hill, Santa Ciuz, came last Friday on avisit to Ineiids in San Francisco lor a fortnight

Air. and Mrs. lleury L.Dodge are now In NewYork preparatory to dossing the Atlantic forEurope. Lieutenant and Mrs. Bailey expect toaccompany liieiuabroad.

Aliss Kitiin Chalmers has returned to Stocktonfrom a visit to relatives lv San F'raucisco.Airs. Charles P. Fells aud her three childrenare at the Arliuglou Hotel,Sauta Barbara, for a

urolith's visit.Miss Grace Fisher, daughter of Mrs. K. B.Fisher of the Oikland High School, lett lastThursday for the East.Aliss Kate Handle)' returned to Santa Cruzfrom a short visit to Sail Francisco last .Monday.Air.and Airs. W. Frank Goad and Alls,Goadwill uol go to San Rafael untilthe first of June.Consul and Airs. Denis Donahue, Mr.and AirsDenis Donahoe Jr. arrd Miss Base Donahue wllileave here inabout a fortnight, loreside lv San

Rafael during the summer.Air.atrd Airs. C. K. Bailey went lo Stockton

from San Francisco last week,Air.W. J.Colvllle of Oakland left for the Eastthis week. 11 intends to found an institutlou iv

New linkCity for the study of tbeosopby.Air. H. AI. Terry returned to Sauta Cruz last-Monday fiom Sau Francisco.Air.and Mrs. L.L.Baker and family and Airs,

and Aliss Kittle Stone have secured rooms al meHotel del Moule for the summer season.

Air. aud Airs. J. M. Kile have returned to.Sloe-lon from a short visit to the metropolis

Air. and Airs. A. J. Bowie, Allss Bessie Bowie,Airs. Isaac Fiiedlander. the Misses Frledlanderand Mi. T. Cary File,Hamlet will leave the cityon Alay 15tb to remain at Sau Rafael dm lug ibeseason.

Air.J. A. Callahan returned to Oakland lastweek from San Jose, wliere he spent four daysat the Grand Army Encampment.

Air.and Mrs. Eugene Sherwood aud the AlissesJessie, Rose, Isabel and Winnie Sherwood willleave the city Inabout a week to pass the sum-mer at their beautiful cuuntry seat iv the Sa-linas Valley.

Air. R. ii.AlcGillof San Francisco spent Sun-day iv_,iiilaRosa.-Mis. Alexander Ross of Oakland has gone toByron Sprlncs lor the benefit of her health.Air.and Mrs. J. B. Crockett will go to SanRafael May 15th to pass the summer mere.Miss Rockman, daughter ol Dr. Rockman of

this city, has entered Into a contract withAugusilu Daly to join his company with thebeginning of next season. This youug lady, whograduated trum the San Francisco High Schoolouly a lew years since, has been studying her aafur some time ivNew York, though "this is herfirst eticiieciiiciit.

The Allsses Alary and Alice Barber have beenvisiting lhe Misses Giaham at the Presidio forseveral days.

Airs. William Baggsof Stockton made a shortvisit to the Bay last week.

Air. and Airs. E. L. Goodscll (nee Treat), whowere recently married lv New York Cnv ar-rived here a week ago on their wedding" tourand are stopping*! tire Palac Hotel.

Air.Frank Mc.Mhllen. owner ol the Bella Vistavineyard of Sripa Cruz, went dowu there lastweek from Man Francisco.

Allss Agnes Btirglu willpass part of the sum-mer at Santa Cruz.Allss Aloran of San Francisco has been theguest of Captain and Mrs. KempiT at the navy,

yard, Vallejo.during the past week.Allss Nellie Geitai-li of Stockton made a visitof a few days in San Francisco last week.Miss Daisy Ryan came up fiom Alenlo Parklast .Monday to visit trlends here.Lieutenant-Commander and Mrs. Craig, U SN., and Allss Craig, who have been InJapan w'itii

lhe Asiatic Squadron foi some time, are In thecity.Mr. J. Leo Park of Oakland has gone to Pomo-na to reside on Iris property there.Airs. W. 0. Anils movedl Into her collage op-

posite the san Francisco Yacht Club house inSausalito last Monday.

«-Mr.H. Xewbereer of Chicago arrd Miss B.Ktrlish of New York are payiug a visit to thePacific Slope.Mr.and Mrs. J. B. Peakes returned to SsntaCruz last Tuesday from a visit to Sau Fran-

Cisco..Lieutenant Perry. U. S. X., and LieutenantWilson, U.S. X.,will go to Man Rafael onJuneIst to remain there several weeks.Captain and Airs. Elisim Hrggins of Oakland

Stan ou May Istlor a six mouths' tour ot ish-Ingioii,D.C, tbe Eastern Slates and CanadaMr.Howard Perkins and family spent "lastSunday over InSausalito. ,'

Key. Max Ruben Iras received a call from theCongregation Slrerltli Israel of tills cily. lie winleave New York ou May uin. . «-»w_»

Mr.F. D.Bennett returned toSant«f.ruz lastTuesday Irom a visitto San FranciscoMr. E. L. Willioit of Stockton made a snortvisit lo the Bry last week.

*°"Mr. and Mrs. A. G. lioorb willleave forSauKalael Ina couple ot weeks.Key. Edgar Leavltt returned to Santa Cruz

last week fiom the L*nlver»allsl Couveution atChaplain Piper °

San Francisco "Pent Sun-day lv Vallejo.' . . .

Mis.It8. Ea«ton of San Francisco is vlsltin.relatives InStockton. - »-»•\u25a0«


V"-lula'*\u25a0"•.>» at theMis. iv. Langton or San Francisco visitedStockton last week. »thi»«

\u25a0- Miss May B. Tborne is passing tbe summer InSan Kalael withher sister. . 3u,n '"er in

Mrs. James H.O'Brien of San Francisco wenttoSanta Cruz last week. **«-ncisco went»•Mr.Marcus P. Wiggiu of San Francisco was inSanta Kosa last Monday. *"\u25a0

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hopkins have cone totheir country hitme at Meulo Park, and will re-main there three or four mouthsc

Miss Hatile Hedges of Stockton spent severaldays of last week lv san Fraucisco. """ai

Mr. and Mrs. I*. McG. Mcßean will remain}o.u,eseisou. Ue ISl> BUa lUea.~ »MJ___-Lieutenant and Mrs. Charles J. Bailey UnitedStates Army, leave the Presidio lot New York inabout a week, and soon afterward will_____ iffAtlantic to make a tour of Europe.Air.Jones of San Francisco moved to San...m_iI- m

this C3' with bis family '»»' Tuesday.-Mr. Morris juda of this city is traveling:through New Mexico and Texas. ""-VUiug

Airs. 8. E. Davis returned to Santa Cruz lastTuesday from a visit to friends In toff. Mr.Mark of Piedmont will soon startfor a two years' trip to Russia, Japan Ch uaIndia and Australia. »»p_u, .uina,-

Ex-Governor Blasdel and Air.J. Tevls or Oik.laud are In Nevada City on miningbusiness:• Air.George W. Meade and familyof HollvohksW-!|Sb"!em 0dfaS

""'WeelC an« «^«""»lde


_\u25a0 Mrs. C. Glassner, Messrs. Marks Levi, P r*'hen. F. I_isk D. Bloom. P. Konlgsberger nRaphael ana L.Gunst are in New York ._£rb±ftSS_S weut t0 Saula Cruz la"Tue-iite'EKJsss, i°

'kep" °* _ "T.U. S. A..

Mr.Charles Al. Flum and Mr. Charles -MumJr. aie guest, at the Hotel del I.nonad.Key. A. Liudijulst.:pastor -of tha Swedish

Emmanuel Church, located on Sixteenth street,near Market, Oakland, has received a call to achurch In Spokane Falls, for which place he willleave about the middle of Alay.


Church has extended a call to Rev. Mr. Xyren ofChicago to take the pastorate here. He Is ex-pected here lvabout one week.

Air.A.S. Bradford of Sau Anselmo was anion"the visitors tothe United States cruiser Charles-ton last Suuday. -,

Allss GU3sle Aloses, who has been .visitinglilends In Helena for a year, has returned to theBay City.. Airs. Judge Hoitz lias returned to Alamedafrom a visit to her daughter at Tulare

Dr. Leonard Wood, U. S. A.,will go to NewYork with the First Artillery troops, but will re-turn here In June.

Messrs. C. a. Kinklln and A. Cassells wentover last Sunday looking forsummer accommo-dations at Ssusallto.

Mrs. Cahlman and daughter, who -have beenvisiting the southern counties, have returnedborn.. '.._;

Air.G. W. Berry of Santa Cruz made a flyingvisit tosan Francisco last Tuesday.

Air.aud Airs. L.L.Baker aud Aliss KittleStonewillbe at the Hotel del Alonte duiiug the sum-mer mouths.Miss Delmas lias been spending the past week

with General aud Mrs. W. M. Graham at thePresidio, as the guest of Allss Mary GrahamCounty Treasurer Sboecraft of Nevada City

came last Friday on a business visit to Sacra-mento and San Francisco.

Messrs. AI. Goldstein and I. Rosenthal, ofSeattle, are In town on business.Rev. E. Y. Garretie, pastor of the Presbyterian

Church, Alameda, accompanied by IllsdaughterMiss Flora Gar relic, left last .Monday for Fresno'toattend a Bible convention. They will remainaway a couple of weeks and Rev. p. H. Phelpspastor of the Fresno Presbyterian Church, willpreside over the Alameda Church during thattime. *"•

Air.Alountfnrd S. Wilson has returned fromhis prnlonced visil to the Yerlngton ot Carson City, Nev, ismaking a short stay here.The family of Air.H. W. Titus of San Fran-cisco contemplate spending the summer at

Nevada City.Airs. Lewis Aleyerstein and daughter are atCorouado Beach.Air. Thomas ice and his three daughters, theAlisses Anna, Minnie and Lollie, are at SanAlaleo for the summer.Air. and Airs. Alexander Baring of New York

will pass the summer iv San Rafael.Airs. W.T.Ellis and Airs. Hope Ellis, afterspending the wiutcr at the Occidental Hotel,

have returned to Alarysvlile, where they will re-main until they go to the Hotel del Aloute for thesummer season.-

Aliss Millie Lloyd returned home to GrassValley from San Francisco last week. Airs. J. E.Goody and iwo children accompanied her.

Air.D.L. Weithelmer of New York is on avisit to the Coast.Mr.and Airs. P. 8. Wenslnger left the Occi-dental Hotel last Thursday for their summerresldeuce, Rosedale, Sonoma County.Air.and Airs. Joseph G. Eastland willpass theseason at the Hotel del Alonte.Colonel and Mrs. L.L.Langdon leave for theEast on Thursday next, aud will go immediately

to Fort Hamilton lv New York haibor.Mr.and Mrs. AlcFadyen ot Santa' Rosa arevisitinglvOakland.Air.aud Mrs. F. _\ .Marks of Elk Park are atIbe Palace Hotel.Mr. and Air., C.C.Cressy of Alassacliusetts arevisitingIbis city.Airs.Samuel M.Blair and Aliss Jennie Blairwillgo lo the Hotel d.l Aloute InJune.Air.and Airs. George A.Moore are ou a visit to

the Corouado Beach Hotel.Airs. J. A.Robinson went up last Monday even-ing from Oakland to Dowmevllle.Messrs. 11. Newman and ii.Jacoby, of Los An-geles, are here on busiuess.Air. W. B. Benton, recently appointed residentmanager of this Coast for the American PressAssociation, will make his home In Alamedawith his family, on Central avenue. He arrived

from BuitalD a few days ago aud established hisofllce InSan Francisco.Captain Charles A. Booth, O. S. A.,has beengranted one month's leave ofabsence.Mr. and Airs. David W. Luring and Mr.andAirs. C.P. Low were recently over from Sausalitofor a few days' visit at the Occidental Hotel.All.Albert Shepard of Grass Valley came lastwee. to Sau Fiaucisco to remain until bis healthImproves.Air.Al.S. Alarks of New York Is here on a

visit.Air.and Mrs. Charles C. Wellman and Air. and

Airs. 1-ador Brown are guests at the CorouadoBeach Hutel.Air.and Airs. C. B. Jennings, who have beenpassing lhe winter In Sau Rataei, willremain

there during the summer.Attorney Fred Hollenbeck of Toledo, Ohio,

was the guest of Ins Santa Rosa relatives lastTuesday. He has beeu in San Francisco lhepast two months, but left Fuday far Seattle,Wash.

Air.Al. Levy of Portland Is here on business.Air. and Airs. Robert L. Sherwood, who have

been living on line stieet during the season,leave this week to occupy their cottage at SaoRafael.

Miss Jennie Sanderson Is the guest of theMisses Lucia and Susie Morgan at their resi-dence, 2312 Clay street.

-Mr. I,Meyers ofOakland, who has been visit-ing me family of J. B. Aliliten of Santa Rosa furtire past week, returned home on .Monday.

Captain Crocker ol Grass Valley was lv SanFrancisco last Tuesday.

Mr. S. R. I'reutlss Is a guest at the HotelPleasantou.Allss Laura McKinstry has gone to Vancouver,

where she willremain a month visiting friends.Air.and Airs. Alerlon Russell Cotes, _*.__._.

8., of England, are at the Coronado Beach HotelWillitheir sou.

Dr. Wilber of the U. S. S. S. Charleston spenta day last week inSausalito.

Air. G. W. Frank of Los Angeles and Air. A.Fiank and daughters of Salt Lake are at theBaldwin Hotel.

Air.and Airs. J. W. Haaren, parents of Mrs. F.\\. G. Aloebus, who have been on a visit iv Ala-meda for some months, have returned to theirborne In New Yor- City.

Alajor.luliu 1. Rodgers. U. 8. A., has returnedfrom his visit to Washington, D.c.

Air. and Mrs. A. L. Tubbs and Allss Tubbshave returned from Calisioga to tho PalaceHotel.

Air.and Alts. John German of North San Juanhave come to San Francisco.

Air. and .Mrs. Isaac Hecht have left New Yorkfor Europe, where they will spend the summer.Rev. .1. A.Cruzan lias resigned his pastorateInSan F'rauclsco and willreturn to his old Sure,having received a call from a Congregational So-ciety at Sioux city, lowa.

Aliss Gcorgie Ryder of San Jose left for theEast lasl Wednesday to visit friends In Boston,New York, Washington, 1). _, and Philadelphia.

Lieutenant George W. Klrkman of AngelIsland has been spending the past tew days atthe Occidental Hotel.

Air.and Mrs. U. Galbralthof Washington camedown to the Bay.

Messis. J. AI. Jacob and W. Rosenberger ofNew York aie paying a trip to California.

Air.C. B. Elbe and Dr.Holfman, of Alameda,spent last Sunday in Sacramento.

Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Tevls, Air. and Mrs. Gor-don Bland lng.and Miss Lena Bland lug willpassltie summer at the Hotel del Mouto.

Air. and Airs. George E. Butler and Miss A. S,Worn of San Rataei nave been speudlng the past

few days at the Occidental Hotel.Captain J. R. Crocker of Grass Valley cameclown toSacrauiento and San F'rauclsco last -Mon-day on a business trip.

Air.and Mrs. J. Rusenhaum ot Chicago are atthe Palace Holel.

Mr. aud .Mrs. Wilfrid B. Chapman left lastFriday for San Rafael, where they will spend ihosummer lv their cottage.Airs. Alexander Perry and Allss Josephine

Terry, who lett for the East a mouth ago, aieexpected back this month.Mr. William Koliler sr. and his mother, ofGrass Valley, came last week for a business visit

to Sau Fiancisco.Air.Gus Ileyman has returned from a trip to

New Mexico.Air. and Airs. H. H. Sherwood have closed

their residence mi California sireet and are vowoccupying their collage alSan Rafael.Mrs. Duvaland Miss Duval aie expected herefrom New York abuut the middle of the mouth

un a visit to Mrs. James Chelan.Airs.J. C. God-hull leftThursday for the Easton a visit to irteiius aud reunions. She will ie-turn Inthree or fourmouths.Air. I. de Turk and Rev. J. AI.Conway of Santa

Rosa came down to San Francisco last week.Miss Aimer is visiting Aliss Katz in San Ber-

nardino.Mrs. AI.'AI. Tompkins ami Miss Susie Tomp-

kins have gone ou a visit to the Corouado BeachHold.General R. P. Hammond Jr. will go to San Ra-

fael .May 201 lifur the season.Air. Al. Walsh and family, of Petaluma. came

last Wednesday to San Fiauclsco, where theywill Intin- luture reside.

Air.D. Al. Burns, ex-Secretary of State, of SanFrancisco, was InSacramento last Wednesday.Messrs. A.Racouillat, J. Reed and A.Aienden-

hall, of Sau Frauclsco. and Airs. A. Schmidt otAlameda were visitingin Peialuma last Sunday.

Mr.and Mrs. Isaac G. Wlcketsham of Petri-luiira have been visiting their sun. Air.Frank PWicker sham, of Fresno.

Among the latest arrivals at the EIMonte Hotel,Sausalito, are: Air.J. M. Litchfield and family,Air.Howard Perkins and family. Mr.George A.James, Mr. Louis Hammersmith, Miss NagerMiss C. Biyle, Air. and Alls. J. Richards. Dr. I.W. F. Wither. Airs. A. A. Osgood, Allss L. R.Cole, Mr. and Airs, Oeorge R. Wells, MissAlaiie Wells, Air.J. P. Johnston, Air. John A.Murphy, Allss E. Nagi-r, Air.J. S. Crane, Mr. T.Haskell, Airs. Frauk Miller and family, Air F'William Reade. \u25a0 __\u0084._,,.

Airs. F".11. Reed of Pomona came last week toSan Francisco, alter a mouth's visit to relativesinStockton.

Mrs. William Swall returned to San Jose froma visit to her children lvSan Francisco. She andher husband left Sau Jose last Tuesday to rtheirsummer collage lvCapllula. •\u25a0.--

Mrs. Alexaiuiei Forbes and the Misses Forbeswillleave the city to-day to pass the summer inSan Rafael.

Mr. Charles Duff of AlontauacametoSan Fran-cisco last Alouday, afler spending several daysln Sauta Cruz.

Air.and Mr,. R. c. Woolworth and Miss Wool-worth have decided to go to the Hotel del Monteon June tilsl.

Mr. and Airs. Louis T.Montengle and familywillspend the summer seasou alBllthedale.

Miss Mamie Dudley Is at home lvStockton ona lew days' vacation from Miss Lake's SeminaryInSan Fiancisco.

--Air.and Airs. George A Moore are guests at

the Hotel del Alonte.Miss Georgia Ryder of San Jose left lastWednesday, lv company with a party ot friends

from San Francisco, for lan extended Easternlilp. She will visit relatives in Omaha. Chicagoand Boston, aud| will probably remain away ayear.

-.-- \u25a0-'-:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -'--:\u25a0__, Mr. and Airs. J. Henley Smith are now located

at San Rafael lor the season.-Air. G. Bowman returned to Santa Cruz last

Monday from a ten days' trip to san Francisco,Alameda, Vallejoand Woodland. Airs. Bowman.willcontinue her visit to fileuds lvVallejo.

-- --Dr. and Airs. George T.Stewart (nee Fargo) left

last week for the East, where Ihey contemplatemaking tbelr home.

In Mrs. Samuel S. Theller is being entertained byber mother. Mrs. C. P. Robinson, at Santa Inez,Santa Barbara, where Mrs. Rublusou, wllh herfamily, is spending the season.- Mrs. Judge inner ton has returned toStock-ton from a visit toSan Jose and Sau Francisco.Dr. and Mrs. Henry Gibbous Jr. have been'making a short ,stay at. the Corunado Beach

HoteL \u25a0- . -\u25a0•-...•


-,- .-••


The Rev. E. 8. Chapman of East Oakland hasbeen appointed one of the committees on billsiand :overtures ot the Presbytery of Sau Fiau-Cisco. -•«-- -•-.-.? \u25a0-'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0..-- •

\u25a0\u25a0 ,--.'.--..:,-- Air. and Airs. J. B.Peakes of Santa Cruz cameto San Frauclsco last Alonday. -•-- -._.-.

_\u25a0- Hon. and Airs. J. D. caton of Chicago are• guests at the Del Monle Hotel. »- '">•---. ';

* ..Mrs. Aloigan G.IBulkeley ot Hartford, Conn.,arrived at the


-Hotel on

-Thursday on a

visit to her parents. General and Airs.'James F.:Houghton. Mrs. Houghton has been confined toIter room for several weeks witha dislocatedshoulder.

—---.-. "._-•-.

Air.and Airs. A.11. Loughborough and familywillpass a couple of months at San Rafael aflerJune Ist.

-Mr.H.c. Shaw of Stockton

-made a snort trip

to the Bay City last week.Air.James V. Coleman, who was in Alonte

Carlo when last heard from, is now en routehome. -\u25a0•-_\u25a0

oRev. Dr. and Airs. E. H. Gray left Oakland byShearer's special excursion on Thursday forWashington. •-

Miss Laura Simpson of Santa Cruz came toSanFrancisco last Alonday.

Airs. Charles Sonulag left the Palace Hotel Ibisweek for Los Angeles, to pay a two months' visitlo liei' parents.

Air. John Jackson relumed to Stockton lastAlonday from a short visit to San Francisco.'

Air. and Airs. A. Halsey will go to San Rafaeln a fortnight to stay there several months. ... - -Airs. Thomas Breeze, Allss Alary Breeze and

Miss Grant willreturn to the city iva couple ofweeks after passing six months In the EasternStates. They will be at the Hotel del Monteduring June and July.

Air. Lyman Green of Petaluma was In SanFrancisco last Wednesday.

Air.Albeit Shepherd ot Grass Valley has cometo San Francisco for the benefit of his health.

Airs. Albeit Gallatin of San Francisco is visit-ingher parents, Air.and Airs.Charles Robiu, ofSacramento. < •

Airs. E. B. Crocker, who, with her grandchild,bas been spending some time at the Westmins-ter Hotel, Los Angeles, came up duriug theweek to Sacramento. Airs. Crocker will returnto Los Angeles In a few weeks, and withher twomarried daughters will occupy her residence onOlive sireet dining the summer.

Airs, Henry Adams of Stockton came lastweek ona visit to frleuds In Sau Fraucisco andOakland.

Air. and Airs, nenry L.Dodge are passing acouple of weeks in Xew York City prior to theirdeparture tor Europe, where they will traveluntil next autumn.

Airs. William G. Mills Isoccupying her cottageat Sausalito for the season.

Airs. George Cunningham (nee Liming) of SanFrancisco spent the past week with her sister,Airs. Fife, of San Jose.

Air. aud Airs,C. A.Fitch Jr. returned last Alon-day to Saula Cruz from au extended visit to SauFrauclsco.

Air.J. 11. Mangels, Miss A.Alangels and MissL. Slilman have returned from a visit to the Hoteldel Corouado.

Airs. A.N. Towue. Air. and Mrs. Charles X.Shaw and son have been down at the Hotel delAloute.

Airs. L. B.nolt of Stockton came last week ona visit to the Bay.

Airs. J. c. F'remont. wife of General Fremont,and Allss Fremont wore guests last Tuesday atthe ArlingtonHotel, Santa Barbara.

Alt.and Airs. Aitbur R.Brlggs will reside lnSan Rafael throughout the summer mouths.

Air.and Airs. X. E. Burns ol Sau Jose spentthe past ween lvSau Francisco.

Airs. Lucy Oils aud Miss Helen Otis went toSan Rafael last Thursday to slay all of the sum-mer.

Air.S. K. Thornton ot San Francisco spentSunday lvSanta Cruz, returning home last Alou-day.

Air.George D. Boyd leaves shortly forArizona.Airs. A. 51. Xoble returned to Stockton last

week from a short visit tofneuds iv Sail Frau-cisco.

Air.Clinton E. Worden left for the East duringthe week.

Air. George E. Clree-eman early in the weekcame up from bis cattle ranch for a visit to bisfamily.Allss Alabel McClellau of San Jose was ln SanFrauclsco last wee*.Air.J. E. Donley went to Santa Cruz from SanFrancisco last Alonday.Alts. Charles J. Torbert and herdaughter, Miss

Mollie Torbert, have been visitingInSauta Cruz.Air. F. M. West returned to Stockton last

week from a visit to San Francisco aud SanJose.

Airs. 8. 11. Tompkins and the Alisses Bessieand Bonnie Tompkins have returned to theirhome in San Leaudro from a triplo the Hoteldel Monte.

Captain and Airs. J. C. Alnsworth and AllssAiribwortti,of Oakland, who have been visitingRedondo Beach, returned home last week.

Air.E. Arciureturned toSanta Cruz last Mon-day froma busiuess visit toSan Fiancisco.Air. aud Airs. A. L. Tubbs aud Allss Nettle

Tubbs have returned from Callstoga and are atthe Palace Hotel.

Mis. I.Lotlirop and duughter came last weekfor a month's sojourn lv San Francisco.

Air.and Airs. \v. E. Uolloway are at San Ra-fael tor the Seasou. \u25a0\u25a0•

Airs. F.K.Shalluck and Airs. W.E. Woolsey ofOakland, left Tuesday lor Philadelphia.

Air.R. Dillonreturned to Sau Fraucisco fromSania Cruz la-t Tuesday.

Air. and Airs. Herbert Baldwin of Stocktonmade a short visit to lhe metropolis last week.

Air. and .Mrs. John E. de ltuyter are domi-ciled inSan Rafael for the season.Aliss Anita Tuily of Stockton was last weekvisiting friends InSau Francisco.Alis. Cathei wood aud daughter, who Intendedsailing ou the .Majestic lioin England In May,

have deferred their departure until next Novem-ber. Aliss Catheiwood Is inParis studying withAlaichesl. ...Airs. C. Hendry of Oakland and her son have

taken a cottage ivAlameda for the summer, onthe corner of Kings avenue and Morton street.

Air.and Airs. W. V. Huntington, accompauiedby Miss M. H. Ueuuessy, left for Del Moutelast Weduesday.

Air.Henry Per ryotSan Francisco was lvSautaRosa last .Monday.Air. John Alexander Dowie has returned toOaklaud.Airs. W. R.Smeuberg and Aliss Neilie Smed-berg have gone East Willi the iutoutlou of re-

mainingaway until nexi October.Airs, c. Vt. li,mm. relumed to Stockton

last Thursday from San Francisco.All.and Airs.T.11. Goodman willreside In San

Ralael this summer aud Intend leaving here lvabout ten day.

Hou. J. F.Sullivan of San Francisco went toSanta Cruz last week.

Air. and Airs. Heury Schmieden have decidedto pass the summer at Sau Rafael and willleavehere in about two weeks.

Air. and Alis. William Brace went to Vallejofrom San Fraucisco Suuday morning aud speutthe day with relatives.

Air.and Airs. W. D. Buckley returned to Stock-ton the first of last week from Sau Francisco

All.and .Mrs. X.P.Pernio willgo to San RafaelSo-day to remain there during the summer.Mr. and Airs. W. Alayo Xewhalt will passabout three mouths at San Rafael, ieaviug hereon Alay 15lh.

Air.Wilitam Stewart of Oakland Is at _EtnaSprings.

Air.B. G. Alorse of Bolinas came to the cityWeduesday.

Air.and Airs. James Schawtz Intend leavingthe city abunt Alay loth, to be gone seven oreight weeks.

Air. A. B. Smith of San Francisco Is at theTactile Ocean House, Sanla Cruz.Airs. Geoige Hyde auu Allss Gertrude Hyde

Intend going to San Rafael on June Ist for theremainder of the season.

Tire Sons of Veterans left yesterday forCliico.where the annual encampment willbe held.Allss Jennie Graves ot San F'rauclsco was theguest of Airs. Waid Davldsou at Sau Auselmolast Sunday.Messrs. S. Fielsher. W. Phillips, Albert Green-wald, A. lleymtui, F. Al. Stern, M. Frank.' B.Karsky, G. Weiss. Eugene W. Levy, G. Gross

E. E. Katz and E. Al. lilrschtelder have beenattending the Grand Parlor of the Xative Sous atChlco as delegates.Air.E. s. Harrison has returned to Santa Cruzfrom a visit to the metropolis.General Nelson A. Allies, U. S. A.,and hisstall, visited and Inspected the cruiser Charles-

ton last is eduesday.Air. aud Mrs. Joseph Durney, Mr. E.Clarke

and Air. George A.Penniman are visiting theCurauado Beach Hotel. .

Air. W. lesler ol Ueronlmo paid the cityavisit last Suuday aud went over the cruiserCharleston.Airs. H.Blttmenthal left for New York on a

three months' visit to frieuds and relatives lastweek. \u0084

Ah. and Mrs. I.L. Borden ot Alameda went toRedondo Beach last Sunday.\u25a0Mr. and Airs. 1. Lawrence Poole will be at theHotel del Alonte most of the summer.Air.E. Alansbach and family are at the Bald-win liotel. prior to leaving lor Europe.Airs. Alice C. Knight and children, ot Alameda,

left last Tuesday tor Newcastle, Fa., where theywillmake their future home.

Other Social Item..The Caledonian Club gave one of Us character-

istically pleasant concerts, followed bya ball, lastThursday evening at Scottish Hall. A good at-tendance enjoyed the varied programme, and itIs believed that the beneficiary of the affair wasaided, materially by it;means. The Call ofFriday contained a report of the concert.

At the regular monthly meeting of Xiaga EmocSocial Club the following officers were elected:Air. VV. W. Dooliltle, President; Air. Henry Hil-debrand, Secretary; Air. William U. uolden,Treasurer; Air.Heury __leve_abl, Sergeaut-at-Arms. .-

The Enjoyment Assurance Company hasformed itself Into the Peerless Club and liasprocured apartments iv the new General KeytsBuilding, on Stockton -street. '

At a meetingheld Friday_' evening In Us new quarters thefollowing officers were unanimously elected:Mr.Herman Keaber, President: Mr.AlexanderLevisou, Vice-President; Mr. I. Morris, Treas-urer; Air.Sol Goldstein, Secretary.

The Boys in Blue social Club, who have takenas their emblem the recently equipped Charles-ton, gave a very pleasaut party last Thursdayevening at Odd Fellows' Hall. It Is hoped thatthis willbe the forerunner of many such enter-tainments

-under the auspices of ibis select or-ganization. . ._,... ".-,,.

The regular quarterly election of the 8-10 So-cial and Dramatic Club was held last Tuesdayevening at its rooms, corner of Pifteeuth andMission streets, and resulted as follows: Pre sldent, Mr.G. W. Mayer; Vice-President, Air. W.T. Hooper; Recording Secretary, Mr WBrown, Financial Secretary, Air. C. AicGreevey;Treasurer. Mr. G. J. V. Ferris; stage Manager,George Vlucent; Marshal, . Air. C. McSwegau;Board of Directors-Messrs. J. Cohn, E. Aherue,J. Buckley. \u25a0....-.-•'

.Turtles to Tike Place.The Native Sons of Vermont willgive their en-

tertainment for Alay at Odd Fellows' Hall, onFriday, evening next. ;Tbe. feature of the pro-gramme willbe scenes from Sheridan Kuowles'"The Love Chase," wllh Airs. Louise Humphrey-Smith as

-Widow Green, and Waller l.ern.m In

bis great character of Sir William Fondlove., The Western ;Addition ;Literary iand Social jClub willgive Its regular monthly entertainmentand social on Wednesday eveulug, tbe 21st Odd Fellows' Hall.

The St. Albans Sunday-school willgave an en-leitaiumeut and dance on Wednesday evening,the 14th lnst., at Cambrian Hall, 1133 Allsslonstreet.

--.-\u25a0- •.-..-;-

The thirteenth annual reunion of the State ofMaine Association of California will be held atBadger's Para, East Oakland, on Saturday next.There willbe an oration by Charles E. Wilsonand poem by J. G. Severance.

-\u25a0•\u25a0•...-,-.---* The "Sports" will give their second party at

Odd Fellows' Hail to-morrow evening.-

-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0

* An entertainment willbe given by the mem-'bers of Hesperian Parlor. No. 137, N. S. G. VV.,at Mission Opera Hall on Friday evening next.

-The Young Ladles' Institute, Xo. 7, will give

its anniversary party at B'ual B'nth Hall onTuesday evening, the 27th lnst.- -

-, -.-.;<i;A-bonbon party will be given by CaliforniaRebekab Degree jLodge, Xo.1. lln FriendshipHall,on Saturday evening, the 17th lnst. .—

The Powell-street Methodist Episcopal Sun-day-school will:have its annual plcuie .1GlenEllen Saturday next.

----.'*..- \u25a0,:- \u25a0

. .The -, Central *.Methodist Episcopal . Sunday-school will hold its annual picnic next Satur-. day ;at Glen Ellen, Sonoma .Valley, leaving the

Tibnron ferry at 8:30 a. m. by the .steamer JamesAl. Donahue to Point Tiburon, and broad gaugecars from there to the grounds.;Unity Lodge. No. 61. Knights of Pythias, andBarnaby Lodge, No. 104. Sons of St. George,will give a ball at B'ual B'tlthHail on Saturdayevening, the 3lst inst.


_,il!?,I'_? lvL'love Club willgiveIts next partyat Odd Fellows' Hall Friday evening, ihe _oth

piox. .Junior Court Pride of California, No. 5, A.0.,

_•'_, i*' W!

",,10ltl ,ts second open meeting onFriday evening, the 3oth lust., at St. George's

Aidlla yjT*n*^f^i_*ir'Tj'*fi****^ifrTT<Trv"Tppviiij-_iwf~~_iintinn*.\u25a0_>_\u25a0_Social Council, No. 40, 0. C. F„ will hold anopen social and grab-bag party on Thursday

evening uext at Washington Hall, lv Redmeu'sBulldiug. -..-."\u25a0The Minuet Club domino party has been post-

jwned from the l_tiito the _7tb inst. at living

The members of Myrtle Court, No. 187. H.L.01 "vwillgive their anniversary entertainmentnext Weduesday evening. There will be a fineliterary and musical programme, and the even-ing willconclude with dancing.

The second anniversary entertainment andballot Court Pride of Golden West, No. 37. A.O. F. A., will be given on Friday evening, theIMblnst., at Onion-square Hall.

The Young Ladies' Institute No. 9 willgiveits first anniversary oall on Weduesday even-lug next, nt Alisslon Opera Hall.

A domino party will be given by the AlinuetClub at livingHail on Monday eveniug next.The Alhamnia Literary and Social Club willgive Its first Invitation parly on Sunday evening,the 18tu lust., at Hinnian's Hall.

The Oieta Social Club willgive its seventh an-nual ball at B'ual BiIthHall ou Saturday even-ing, the 17th inst.

-The .Mission Zig Zag Social Club willgive Us

firstparty at the .Mission Opera Hall. -.'lt*. Mis-sion street, on Thursday evening the 2_ih lnst."

The Unknowns" willgive au invitatiou ballon Thursday evening, the __th lust.

Branch 1of the Catholic Ladles' Aid Societyof Oakland will hold Us annual reunion atLaundry Farm ou Saturday, -May 10th. Danc-ing, games, etc., willmake a pleasant day lvthechi1 1 v for all.

The annual picnicof the Iroquois Club willbeheld at Wiuiwood Glen, Sausailto, next Sunday.

The seventeenth annual picnic aud excursionofthe Tailors' Protective and Benevolent Unionwillbe held at Laurel Grove, San Rafael, onSun-day, Atay 18th.

The tenth anniversary entertainment of theStar Alluslrel Club, willbe held at Alisslon Turn-vereiu Hall on Saturday evening next.

The Golden Gate Parlor, No. 23, will hold itsanniversary ball on Thursday evening uext atUnion-square Hall.The Young Men's Institute No. 59 willgive

their quarterly ball on Friday evening uext atUnion-square Hall.

The V.S. Cs willgive their next entertainmentand dance at Union-square Hall on Friday even-lug, the 23d inst.

The TwilightDancing Club has removed fromRoss' Hall and will open at Saratoga HallnextWeduesday eveniug with a Allkado party.ihe Alcazar Dramatic Club will present, at

Saratoga Hall, the California drama ''Chlspa,"on Wednesday, the 14th Inst.

The second annual ball of the Willow and CaneWorkers' Protective Union will he held at B'ualB'rllh Hall on Saturday evening uext.'

The pupils of Alastbaum's Academy willgive amid-May shadow dance next Friday evening atSaratoga Hall.

COAST ITKJIS.BriefNotes From Puerile States and Ter-

ritories.Sau Diego streets are now rolled smooth

by a fourteen-ton roller.E. J. llursli has sold bis Interest in the

Oregou Blade to F. P. Croneiuiller.Farmer Marriott of Lemoore has two sec-

tions in wheat that stands six feet high.*

P. Gomez will start a Spanish paper atDelano, Kern County, called El Diabieto.

David McCoy of San Bernardino cele-brated bis oue hundredth birthday lastFriday.

Charles Miller of Iluenemo has made atable of ornamental woods that contains

19,850 pieces.An oil well was struck recently in Torry

Canyon, Ventura Couuty, that flows 200barrels a day.

The Colfax Gazette says the peach cropon Snake River, Wash., will be fully 400tons this year.

The Chlco Record notes that eight one-armed men attended the recent session ofthe N. S. G. W.

A woman tramp in Xevada thinks noth-ing of hooting it forty-live miles a dayalong the railroad track.

Two gangs of thirty-five Indians eachhave just finished shearing 20,0.0 sheep atV.iiite River, Tulare County.

Stephen M. White of Los Angeles hasformally announced himself as a candidatefor tire United States Senate.

LeviScott, a pioneer of Malheur County,Oregon, died on April25th at the "age of95. lie settled in Oregon in1843.

Forty-five iron monuments have been setin place on the boundary lines betweenLos Angeles and Orange counties.

AChinese cook at San Vincent, San DiegoCounty, ate some poisonous fungi for mush-rooms on Friday and died soon after.

A tree was felled recently at Tillamook,Oregon, that was 120 feet lung, while thebutt measured only one foot through.

The Portland Oregonian says the exportsfrom Coos Bay for last March were .200tons of coal and 5,2.4,000 feet of lumber.

Says the Fresno Republican : Fresnomust have a brewery, a first-class, whoo-ping, big institution or retire from politics.

A fine race-track has been laid out on theBiggs ranch near Gridley, Butte County,and several fleet horses are in trainingthere.

The Templeton Advance says . that bythis time next year there will be 575,000olive trees planted in that part of theStole.

Plans have been accepted by the city au-thorities of San Bernardino for a new res-ervoir to hold 1,000,000 gallons. Work willbe begun at once.

The people of Astoria want to rush intodebt hy issuing no end of bouds for munici-pal improvements, but their city charteistands in the way.

Four years ago G. W. Dount of Porter-ville set out a cutting of Smyrna fig. Itnowstands eighteeu feet high and measures fif-teen inches one fuot above ground.

The Town Council of Vale, MalheurCounty, Oregon, has notified all ranchersin the surrounding country whoare afflictedwith typhoid fever to keep clear of thattown.

When the late Charles E. Sitton of Port-land, Oregon, died suddenly a few weekssince his estate was said to be worth $200.---000, but upon appraisement itwas returnedat $331,210 94.

The Whittier Pointer says ex-GovernorPio Pico is not a pauper by any means. Heowns his old homestead and fiftyacres oflaud one and a half miles from town that isworth considerable money.

Captain Jack, chief of the Sooke Indians,British Colombia, died at his home lastSunday, aged 75 years, He was well fixedfinancially and left by will §12_0 to bisfriend, Louis Lozar of Victoria.

In digging a well on Hyde's ranch, nearViawest, Tulare County, a buffalo horn wasfound at the depth of thirty-seven feet.How it got there is a puzzler, as no buffa-loes were known to have been in thiscounty.

A swarm of bees in Anatieim settled onthe back of a spirited horse that washitched infront of lierr Boettscher's resi-dence last Sunday morning. The horse ranaway, s-naslied the buggy Into toothpicksand the bees were never hived.

A mule was taken to Clancy's shop inGrass Valley on Friday to be shod. Thebeast kicked the shed to pieces and hoistedthe anvil through the roof. Clancy sworehe would shoe that mule and he did, but hehad to use a bucket of chloroform first.

WilliamMcCulley of Sol mo County diedrecently, who left by willS_."i,ooo in propertyto his son, aged 17, upon condition that hepaid §3000 to his only sister, aged 15, whenshe comes of age. The boy says he willwait"until he Is 21, when he will divide themoney equally. .

Lake Chelan, Wash., never freezes, al-though inlatitude forty-eightdegrees north.The reason given that it is so deep aud thewarm water arises from the bottom to sup-plant the cold, which goes down to warmitself. The Indians fish in the lake at allseasons and use salmon eggs for bait.

Tlie Portland Oregonian say*: Chickenson the farm of Sam Crumbaker, some livemiles above Colfax, Wash., on the Palouse, .have several times within the past twoyears been found with gold nuggets as largeas grains of wheat In their digestive aras-tras. On Saturday, the 19 th a hack loadofprospectors from Garfield started to investi-gate. They succeeded in "raising a color"ou the river, a half-mile from Mr.Crum-baker's place, but the hens refused to revealthe location of their diggings.

JOY AT SEBASTOPOL.Celebrating the Advent of the

North Pacific Railroad.

The good people of Sonoma Valley mad. aholiday Saturday. The occasion was the cele-bration of tbe opening of a new branch of tbeSan Francisco and North Pacific Railroad, run-ning from Santa Rosa toSebastopol, a distanceof seven miles.

Aspecial excursion train of ten cars was ranfrom thisclty, leaving the ferry at 9:20 o'clock:ln the morning. The Directors of the road badthe private car "Donahue" attached to the'train-and shared it with the other officers of the road.

The party consisted of: President G.F. Bur-gen Jr., Peter J. AlcGlynn, General Passengerand Ticket Agent, W. H. Menton, Charles ThornJr., H. C. Whiting, VV.G. Corbaley, Solon Pat-tee and their families.

After a ride of three hours through the SonomaV alley, with only two short stops at Petalumaand Santa Rosa, me train steamed into Sebas-topol. The regular train had arrived an hourearlier, and had discharged Its GOO passengers,who. wiih at least loot) of the townspeople, werewatting at the station to welcome the peoplefrom San Francisco. The citizens' committeewas also on baud with a band, and escoited thevisitors to a grove a short dlstauce from ibestation.

In the center ot the grove a grand stand badbeeu Inclosed, and In honor of the occasion hadbeeu made gay with streamers and flags. Theband occuuied seats directly behind thespeakers' platform, aud at Intervals discoursedselections of music.

John Walker, President of the Day, and oneof the oldest residents ot Sonoma Valley, deliv-ered a short address of welcome.

E. S. Lippilt.General Solicitor of the San'Francisco and North Pacific road, replied tv afew well-cboseu words. Ou behalf of the com-pauy he thanked tbe people for the aid they badrendered the railroad Directors In securing theright of way, and also for their generous giftof astation site. He promised that the road wouldgrant them first-class train service and do all Intheir power to advauce lhe Interests of the peo-pleof Sebastopol.

The crowd called loudly for President Burgen,and that gentleman responded briefly.

The citizens of the town had prepared a barbe-cue and Sonoma's reddest wine was served to all..Many brought lunches wllh tbem, not kuowiujr.of the feast - prepared by tlie citizens. Alterlunch the remainder ot the afternoon was spentivdancing.

Tne town of Sebastopol, of which Utile Isknown, bids fair In the near future to become alarge aud thrivingbusiness center, ItIs situatedon the west side of Santa Rosa Valley and wasfounded ln IBM. It is not Incorporated, butcontains in its voting precinct '_'"•_ voters anilhas a population estimated at 10 .<>.

O.N A.N OLD JUDGMENT.A Creditor's Claim Against the Duvenek

Estate.William Stuart Is a creditor of the estate of

Charles B.Duvenek, who died Intestate In thiscity in March, 18SS, and the family declares thatthe estate and persona! property Isnot wormover $100.

Before his death Duvenek made over by deedto his family considerable real estate, compris-ing the southeast corner of Seventeenth andEureka streets, 75x100; the northwest comerof Eighteenth and Eureka, 75x155; the north-west corner of Twenty-four and Church. COx114, and 58 feet front by 75 deep on the westside of .ileniauy stret, 204 feet uoith of Seven-teenth.

Stuart's claim against the estate Is far$2573 42 and $250 costs on a judgment against anumber of persons, of whom the deceased wasoue, inMarch, 1888, and he has made a demandfor it against the estate, with the Intention ofmailingita test case.

.'*.-\u25a0 Tli. City Mulcted Again.liithe case of Spangier against the city of San

Fraucisco to tecover damages for Dot keepingthe sewer In repair at the coruer of Eighteenthand Fair u.ks streets, tire plaintiff recoveredabout SIOOO damages Inthe lower court. Fromthis decision the city appealed to the SupremeCourt, flitch had stunned •\u25a0 the judgment.As a similar suit was decided in favor of A. O.Cook a. .Hirst the city these two cases willbecited as precedents.

Tn, Enforce siri-ft Assessments, "•-V,:Justice McFarland of lie Supreme Court Sat-

urday handed dowu a decision aim mini/ theJudgment of the Superior Court in the case ofDennis Lyons against John ll.i.tclr. administra-tor, and Patrick Cunningham (defendants andappellants) to enforce the collection of streetassessments. This decision makes the Day.ments obligatory.

IteraemberiMl by His Employes.D. J. Staples, who has been for twenty-four

years President of itie Fireman's Fund Insur-ance Company and who wan 00 years old Satur-day, was presented with a beautiful floral offer-ing by the employes of ins office, as an evidenceof their appreciation of ins many Kindlyquali-ties.


THE SOCIAL WORLD.((rtfinned1 from Third rage.)


A CHARM.Itis useless to disguise the fact that a young lady

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Just thliik what adorn this existence of ours 1"

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