my room mates were melodey and amy on camp i liked horse riding the best because... i got to ride...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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3/4 M Boomerang Camp

My room mates My room mates were Melodey and Amy

The best thing

On camp I liked horse riding the best because... I got to ride Inky the best horse.

During Bush Art I made

Birds Nest star and a love heart me Ashlee made it i forgot who else was in our group.

On the horse ride i got so exited when i got on the horse i got a bit scared then it was so fun

On the bush walk I found..........

I found with louise eggs mashroom and a pretty spider web with a pretty spider, and a pretty red flower jessica found.

The cubby building When we made the cubby there was a

TV a spar and a place for you to sit and a bed

And we had pretty good team and Miss Barnes loved the cubby building.

Making camp fires with my group

Me and Jamiee and Ashlee were in a group Jamiee got the sticks and we all got a turn using the Matches.

Teddy’s kitchen

After we got up from sleeping we got to go to Teddy’s kitchen first. We had a orange and we had to cut the inside out. And add chocolate it was kind of tasty.

Red Face’s

After dinner we had red face’s. We were showing our plays for red face’s and then the famous people walk in and it is Louise she was a princess Mr. mercer as bat men and miss Mercian was a motor bike rider. Miss Barnes was super women.

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