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All rights reserved. No part of this journal may be reproducedin any form without permission in writing from the publishers.


EDITOR:Prof. C. G. Rob, M.C., M.CHIR., F.R.C.S.


J. W. D. Bull, M.D., F.R.C.P. David Levi, M.S., F.R.C.S.Sol M. Cohen, F.R.C.S. . A.A G. Lewis, M.D., M.R.C.P.Harold Davis, M.B., M.R.C.P. Andrew Monro, M.D., F.R.C.S.Colin Edwards, M.B., M.R.C.P. K. I. Nissen, F.R.C.S.L. P. Le Quesne, F.R.C.S. R. S. Bruce Pearsoh, D.M., F.R.C.P,

Charles Read, F.R.C.S., F;R.C.O.G.


The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 60, Portland Place, London, W.x.


BOOKS RECEIVEDThe Editorial Board acknowledge with thanks receipt of the followingvolumes. A selection from these will be made for review.

'Observations of the General Effects of Injuryto Man.' Medical Research Council Special ReportSeries No. 277. By R. T. Grant, O.B.E., F.R.C.P.,F.R.S., and E. B. Reeve, B.M:, M.R.C.P. Pp. xiii+ 314, with 19 illustrations. London: H.M.S.O.1951. 8s. 6d.

'Cleft Lip and Palate.' By W. G. Holdsworth,M.B., F.R.C.S. Pp. xii + 126, with 75 illustra-tions. London: William Heinemann. I951. 35s.'The Diagnosis and Treatment of Intrathoracic

Growths.' By Maurice Davidson, M.A., D.M.,B.Ch., F.R.C.P., David W. Smithers, M.D.,M.R.C.P., D.M.R., and Oswald S. Tubbs, M.A.,M.B., B.Chir., F.R.C.S. Pp. vii + 260, with I70illustrations. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege,Oxford University Press. I951. 42s.

' Foetal and Neonatal Pathology.' By J. EdgarMorrison, M.D., B.Sc. Pp. xiii + 366, with 59illustrations. London: Butterworth and Co.1951- 50s.

' Fractures and Joint Injuries.' Vol. i. By SirReginald Watson-Jones, B.Sc., M.Ch.Orth.,F.R.C.S., F.R.A.C.S.(Hon.), F.A.C.S.(Hon.). 4thEdition. Pp. xxiv + 443, with 709 illustrations,many in colour. Edinburgh: E. and S. Livingstone.1951. £6 for 2 vols.'The Quiet Art. A Doctor's Anthology.' Com-

piled by Dr. Robert Coope. Pp. xii + 284. Edin-burgh: E. and S. Livingstone. 1951. I2s. 6d.

'Oral and Dental Diseases.' By Hubert H.Stones, M.D., M.D.S., F.D.S.R.C.S. 2nd Edition.Pp. xix - 1012, with 959 illustrations, 9I in colour.Edinburgh: E. and S. Livingstone. I951. £5.

' Infective Hepatitis.' Medical Research CouncilSpecial Report Series No. 273. By F. O. Mac-Callum, M.D., B.Sc., A. M. McFarlan, M.B.,J. A. R. Miles, M.B., M. R. Pollock, M.B., and C.Wilson, D.M., F.R.C.P. Pp. vi + 145. London:H.M.S.O. 1951. 4s. 6d.'The Blritish Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice.'

Vol. 8. Edited by the Rt. Hon. Lord Horder,G.C.V.O., M.D., F.R.C.P. 2nd Edition. Pp. xvi+ 670, with 48 illustrations, 2 in colour. London:Butterworth and Co. 1951. £3 5s.

'Essentials of Neurosurgery.' -By Leslie C.Oliver, F.R.C.S. Pp. viii + 198, with 50 illus-trations. London: H. K. Lewis. 1951. 25s.

'Obstetrical Practice.' By Alfred C. Beck, M.D.5th Edition. Pp. xiv + 1073, with 969 illustrations.London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox. I951. 76s. 6d.

'Annual Report on Stress.' By Hans Selye,M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.(Canada). Pp. xxxi +644, illustrated. Montreal: Acta Inc. 1951.

' Modern Practice in Tuberculosis.' Vols. i and2. Edited by T. Holmes Sellors, M.A., D.M.,M.Ch., F.R.C.S., and J. L. Livingstone, M.D.,,F.R.C.P. Pp. xxxiv + 942, with 266 illustrations,3 in colour. London: Butterworth and Co. 1952.£7 7s. for 2 vols.'The Management of Bronchial Asthma.' By

Herbert G. J. Herxheimer, M.D., L.R.C.P.Ed.,L.R.F.P.S.(Glas.). Pp. viii + 107, with i6 illus-trations. London: Butterworth and Co. 1952.22S. 6d.

'Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases for the GeneralPractitioner.' By William McKenzie, M.B., B.Chir.,F.R.C.S. Pp. vii + I36, with ii illustrations'Edinburgh: E. and S. Livingstone. I952. 9S.

'Diseases of Nose, Throat and Ear.' By I.Simpson Hall, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.P.E., F.R.C.S.E.5th Edition. Pp. xii + 463, with 82 illustrations.Edinburgh: E. and S. Livingstone. I952. i8s.

' Introduction to Clinical Neurology.' By Gor-don Holmes, M.D., F.R.S. 2nd Edition. Pp. vii+ 189, with 43 illustrations. Edinburgh: E. andS. Livingstone. 1952. I2s. 6d.

' Mothercraft in the Tropics.' By Kennie Mac-pherson. 2nd Edition. Pp. xvi + 217. London:Cassell and Co. I951. 8s. 6d.'Mind-A Social Phenomenon.' By F. S. A.

Doran, M.A., M.D. Pp. I82. London: C. A.Watts and Co. 1952. Ios. 6d.

'Malignant Disease and its Treatment byRadium.' Vol. 4. By Sir Stanford Cade, K.B.E.,C.B., F.R.C.S., M.R.C.P. 2nd Edition. Pp. xv+ 544, with 785 illustrations. Bristol: JohnWright. 1952. 63s.

'British Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice.'Vol. 9. Edited by the Rt. Hon. Lord Horder,G.C.V.O., M.D., F.R.C.P. 2nd Edition. Pp. xvi+ 659, with I58 illustrations. London: Butter-worth and Co. 1952. £3 5s.

'Statistics for Medical and other BiologicalStudents.' By L. Bernstein, B.Sc., M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P., and M. Weatherall, M.A., D.M., B.Sc.Pp. xii + i8o. Edinburgh: E. and S. Livingstone.1952. I8s.

' Clinical Radiology of the Ear, Nose and Throat.'By Eric Samuel, M.D., F.R.C.S., F.F.R., D.M.R.E.Pp. viii + 339, with 320 illustrations. London:H. K. Lewis. 1952. 70s.

' Modem Trends in Gastro-Enterology.' Editedby F. Avery Jones, M.D., F.R.C.P. Pp. xiii -831, with 275 illustrations. London: Butterworthand Co. 1952. 5£ 5s.

April 1952 Postgraduate News 259


The information contained in this section is published by courtesy of theorganizations concerned and no responsibility for any changes of detailor omissions can be accepted by the publishers. In all cases, applications.for enrolment or further information should be made direct to thesponsors of the course.

FELLOWSHIP OF POSTGRADUATEMEDICINEAnaesthetics (D.A., Part I). Wednesday, April 16to Tuesday, April 29. Two lectures every afternoon.Royal Cancer Hospital. Fee £6 6s. od.

Surgery (F.R.C.S.) Week-end. April I9 and 20. Allday Saturday and Sunday. Hillingdon Hospital, Ux-bridge. Limited. Fee £3 3s. od. (No entries accepteduntil the syllabus is published and circulated.)Plastic Surgery (Week-end). April 26 and 27. Allday Saturday and Sunday. Plastic and Jaw Unit,Rooksdown House, Basingstoke. Limited. Fee£3 3s. od.General Medicine (Revision M.R.C.P.). May 5 toJune I4. 5 to 8.30 p.m. (Saturdays 2 to 4 p.m.).St. Stephen's Hospital. Limited. Fee £20. (Noentries accepted until syllabus is published and circu-lated.)Chronic Rheumatism (Week-end). May 9, Io andIi. Friday afternoon, all day Saturday, and Sundaymorning. Royal National Hospital for RheumaticDiseases, Bath. Fee £z 2s. od. (£2 I2s. 6d. to non-members).Please note that instruction arranged by the Fellowshipof Postgraduate Medicine is open only to Members (annualsubscription, from month of joining, Ios. 6d.). In thecase of 'limited' courses no entries are accepted inadvance of the detailed, syllabuses being published andcirculated; postgraduates (whether Members or not) arenot automatically included in the mailing lists, but mustnotify the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 60 Port-land Place, London, W. , if they wish to be sent syllabusesas published, and must specify the subjects in which they areinterested. Information regarding courses can be obtainedfrom the Office daily between Io a.m. and 5 p.m. (Satur-days Io a.m. to 12 noon). Telephone: Langham 4266.

ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OFENGLANDThe following lectures will be delivered at the CollegeAdmission free.Hunterian LectureApril2 5 p.m. Professor Sol M. Cohen. Peripheral

aneurysm and arterio-venous fistula.

Otolaryngology LectureApril3 5.30 p.m. Sir Charles Symonds. Intracranial

thrombophlebitis.Lister OrationApril4 5 p.m. Professor Sir James Learmonth. After 56

years.Erasmus Wilson DemonstrationsApril8 3.45 p.m. Dr. A. T. Ahdreasen. Aortic arch

anomalies.9 3.45 p.m. Dr. A. T. Andreasen. Restricted

pulmonic flow.Urology LectureApril23 5 p.m. Mr. Hugh Donovan. Tuberculosis of the

urinary tract.Surgery. A course of 24 lectures and io clinical con-ferences will be held from April I6 to May 2. Fee forthe whole course, EI2 I2s. od.; lecture course only,£8 6s. od.For further details apply to Mr. W. F. Davis, DeputySecretary, Royal College of Surgeons, Lincolns Inn Fields,London, W.C.2.Institute of Basic Medical Sciences. A course oflectures and practical demonstrations on anatomy,physiology and pathology will be held from April 7 toJuly 4, I952. Fee for the whole course £36 I5s. od.;lecture course only £IIoos. od.For furthzer details apply to Mr. W. F. Davis, Secretary,Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Royal College ofSurgeons, Lincolns Inn Fields, London, W.C.2.

SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDONDiploma in Industrial Health (D.I.H.). The ex-aminations are held in July and December each year.Diploma of Mastery of Midwifery (M.M.S.A.). Theexaminations are held in May and November each year.For further information application should be addressedto the Registrar, Society of Apothecaries, Black FriarsLane, London, E C.4.DENTAL BOARD OF THE UNITEDKINGDOMThe Dental Postgraduate Bureau has issued threebooklets, as follows:-


'Facilities for Dental Postgraduate Study in the UnitedKingdom and Ireland,' containing a list of schools andinstitutions at which postgraduate courses are held orwhich provide facilities for individual students, and analphabetical list of subjects showing where instructionin each can be obtained; 'Scholarships and Student-ships for Advanced Studies and Research in Den-tistry,' including many open to British subjects tenableabroad; ' Higher Dental Qualifications,' setting out ingeneral terms the conditions to be satisfied by candidates.Copies of these booklets and further information can beobtained on application to the Director, Dental Post-graduate Bureau, 44 Hallam Street, London, W.I.

BRITISH POSTGRADUATE MEDICALFEDERATION (Universtiy of London)The Federation provides:-() Training for prospective specialists, supplementing

the work of the undergraduate medical schools.(2) Advanced revision for practising specialists.(3) Instruction for medical practitioners who, though not

specialists, desire more detailed knowledge of anybranch of medicine.

(4) Instruction for general practitioners.Comprising the Federation at present are the Post-graduate Medical School, the Institute of Child Health,the Institute of Laryngology and Otology, the Instituteof Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the Institute of Ophthal-mology, the Institute of Psychiatry and the Institute ofNeurology. Associated with the Federation in provid-ing postgraduate education are the Institutes of Cardi-ology, Dental Surgery, Dermatology, Diseases of theChest, Orthopaedics, Urology, and Basic MedicalSciences.Courses for general practitioners will be held as follows:GeneralApril 2I to 26. Woolwich Group.May 5 to 17 (with Obstetrics and Fevers). Fulham andKensington Group.May I9 to 24. Brighton Group.June 16 to 29. Royal Free Hospital.July 7 to 12. Brighton Group.CardiologyJune 9 to 14. Institute of Cardiology.Obstetrics and GynaecologyJune 23 to 28. Institute of Obstetrics and Gynae-cology.Rehabilitation in General PracticeMay 12 to i6. Roffey Park Institute, Horsham (resi-dential).Applications for places on the above courses should bemade to the Secretary, British Postgraduate MedicalFederation, and should state if the application is or isnot made under the scheme for N.H.S. practitioners.Extended and Week-endGeneralApril 5 and 6 (week-end). Elizabeth Garrett AndersonHospital, N.W.I.April 17 to June 26 (ii Thursday afternoons). HackneyHospital, E.9.April 19 to May 24 (6 Saturday afternoons). Luton andDunstable Hospital.

PaediatricsApril 25, 26 and 27 (week-end). Children's Hospital,Sydenham.June 14 and 15 (week-end). University College Hos-pital.RheumatismMay 17 and I8 (week-end). Arthur Stanley Institute forRheumatic Diseases, Peto Place, W.I.Applications for places on the above courses should bemade to the Hospital.All the courses are available to N.H.S. practitioners forwhom fees and allowances (travelling expenses, locumfees, etc.) are provided for courses equivalent to 22half-day sessions in an academic year, subject to certainconditions. Other practitioners may attend on paymentof a fee of io guineas for two weeks, 5 guineas for oneweek or extended course of II sessions, ii guineas fora week-end course.Applications for further information should be made tothe Secretary, British Postgraduate Medical Federation,3 Gordon Square, London, W.C.I.

INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY(National Heart Hospital) (British Post-graduate Medical Federation)Full-time course of instruction lasting three months isavailable for Membership candidates and generalphysicians. Fee £26 5s. od.A limited number can be accepted part-time, whichincludes out-patient sessions and lectures.Special short courses lasting two weeks are given atintervals. Fee I£2 i2s. od.Further details and applications for admission to thesecourses should be made to the Dean, Institute of Cardi-ology, 35 Wimpole Street, London, W.I.

INSTITUTE OF DISEASES OF THE CHEST(Brompton Hospital and The London ChestHospital) (British Postgraduate MedicalFederation)The Institute of Diseases of the Chest (Medical Schoolof the Hospitals for Diseases of the Chest) is situated inthe grounds of the Brompton Hospital, S.W.3.MedicalInstruction in diseases of the chest including tuberculosisis conducted during three terms of ten weeks each year.It consists of clinical work in,wards and out-patientdepartments, lectures and demonstrations. A whole-time programme is arranged for not more than 12graduates each term, preferably those specializing indiseases of the chest. The lectures and demonstrationsare so arranged that the subject of chest disease iscovered during the two terms beginning in October andJanuary. The lectures during the summer term arearranged as a general revision course. The fee for thewhole-time attendance is I5 guineas per term. A largernumber of graduates can be accepted for part-time studyat a fee of 2 guineas per term; if vacancies are availableit may be possible to accept graduates for shorter periodsof part-time study at a fee of 5 guineas per month.A refresher course, of one week's duration, will be heldfrom July 14 to 18. It is intended for those specializingin chest diseases. Fee £4 4s.SurgicalA whole-time course in chest surgery is conductedduring the terms beginning in October and January. It

April 1952 Postgraduate News 261

includes attendance at out-patient clinics, operatingsessions, ward clinics, case demonstrations and lectures,and is held partly at the Brompton Hospital and partlyat the London Chest Hospital. The fee is 15 guineasper term.A course of lectures and demonstrations on thoracicsurgery and anaesthesia will be held from 5 to 7 p.m.each evening from September 15 to 17. Fee C5 5s.RadiologyPart-time instruction in radiology of the chest for traineeradiologists only is given each term. The fee is ioguineas per term.For further general information application should beaddressed to the Dean, Institute of Diseases of the Chest,Brompton Horpital, FulhamrRoad, S.W.3.

INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH (Hospitalfor Sick Children) (British PostgraduateMedical Federation)The Institute of Child Health is associated with TheHospital .r Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, thePostgraduate Medical School of London at Hammer-smith Hospital, and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital forChildren. In its programme teaching on every aspectof child health is provided. Visits are arranged tn the de-partment for the new-born and premature infant at thePostgraduate Medical School of London, Hammer-smith Hospital, Maternity and Child Welfare Clinics,Nursery Homes, etc. The Institute provides tuitionthroughout the year in three terms of three months'duration each, beginning in January, May and October.In addition a series of lectures by specialists and ex-perts in various spheres is given each term. The feesare 2o guineas for one term and 35 guineas for two terms.Applications should be addressed to the Dean, Instituteof Child Health, Hospital for Sick Children, GreatOrmond Street, London, W.C.I.

INSTITUTE OF DERMATOLOGY(Medical School of St. John's Hospital forDiseases of the Skin) (British PostgraduateMedical Federation)Clinical Teaching. Instruction is given twice dailyin the out-patients' department for which the fee variesfrom one guinea for one week to I5 guineas for a year.Discussion of special cases takes place at io a.m. or,Saturdays, except during fourth week of each month.Laboratory. There are facilities for study and tuitionin the pathological laboratory.Lectures. A six months' winter lecture course begins inOctober and a shorter summer course is held duringMay and June. The courses consist of lectures onTuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings andclinical demonstrations on Friday evenings, all at5.30 p.m.Enquiries should be made to the Dean, Institute ofDermatology, St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin,Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London, W.C.2.

INSTITUTE OF LARYNGOLOGY ANDOTOLOGY (Royal National Throat, Noseand Ear Hospital)(British Postgraduate Medical Federation)A comprehensive course lasting 32 weeks and designedto cover the whole field of the specialty is held twice ayear beginning in February and September. This con-

sists of lectures, demonstrations and attendance on thepractice of the hospital, with facilities for dissection. Aspecial point is made of the anatomy, physiology andpathology related to the subject. Advanced studentsmay obtain additional experience by appointment asOut-patient Assistants. An Advanced Revision Class(io weeks) for M.S. and F.R.C.S. students is also giventwice yearly. The composite fee, including enrolmentas a clinical assistant, attendance on the hospital prac-tice and at one of the comprehensive courses, but ex-cluding dissection, is LG2z Ios.For further information application should be addressedto the Dean, Institute of Laryngology and Otology,. 330Gray's Inn Road, W.C. .

INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGY (The NationalHospital, Queen Square, and the Maida ValeHospital for Nervous Diseases) (British Post-graduate Medical Federation)The teaching is mainly by attendance on the hospitalpractice. Some advanced students are appointed, asfull-time clinical clerks at the National Hospital, QueenSquare, or to the electro-encephalographic or one ofthe other special departments, or to the research labora-tories. A limited number of part-time clinical clerk-ships are available at the Maida Vale Hospital withopportunity for examining patients.In addition two full-time courses of ten weeks' durationare given each year, namely, in the Autumn and Springterms. The first portion of the course deals with theanatomy and physiology of the nervous system, neuro-pathology and psychology, and consists mainly oflectures and demonstrations. The second portion dealswith clinical neurology, medical and surgical, neuro-ophthalmology, neuro-otology and radiology, andincludes lectures and demonstrations. A course inneuro-surgery is given during the Summer term.Special lectures by neurologists from outside Londonand from abroad are held throughout the three courses.Fees, for the ten weeks' full-time course 20 guineas;for attending hospital practice, I5 guineas for threemonths or 28 guineas for six months.Part-time teaching is given in the Out-patient Depart-ment, at the National Hospital, Queen Square, on fivedays a week throughout the year (public holidaysexcepted), and at Maida Vale Hospital.Courses of Clinical Demonstrations are given onWednesdays and Saturdays at the National Hospital,Queen Square. Advertisements concerning theseappear from time to time in the medical journals.'For further particulars please apply to the Dean, I.stituteof Neurology, National Hospital, Queen Square, London,,W.C.I.

INSTITUTE OF OBSTETRICS AND-GYNAECOLOGY (British PostgraduateMedical Federation)Incorporates the teaching facilities of Queen Charlotte'sMaternity Hospital, the Chelsea Hospital for Women,,and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 'ofthe Postgraduate Medical School.. Graduates.. mustlhold a registrable medical qualification.Qn enrolment, graduates are posted to one of the con-stituent hospitals and.also attend combined classes atthe other two hospitals. The enrolment fee is C3,and the charge for one.term of I2 weeks is £30.An intensive course suitable for those preparing forhigher examinations will be held in DIecember andJune.


General practitioners requiring further experience inobstetrics are accepted during the term at QueenCharlotte's Hospital, to attend the practice of the hos-pital for two or four weeks, with opportunity to conductnormal deliveries and to attend combined classes at theother hospitals. Fee L3 a week during term. Ministryof Health grants are payable to approved generalpractitioners attending for such a period.Postgraduates may attend the practice of the hospitalat the Postgraduate Medical School and Queen Char-lotte's Hospital during the vacation, when a charge of£L a week is made.Hostel accommodation is available at the PostgraduateMedical School and at Queen Charlotte's Hospital.Applications for further information and for enrolmentforms should be made to the Secretary, Institute ofObstetrics and Gynaecology, Chelsea Hospitalfor Women,Dovehouse Street S.W.3.

INSTITUTE OF OPHTHALMOLOGY(Royal London Ophthalmic, Royal West-minster Ophthalmic, Central LondonOphthalmic Hospitals) (British PostgraduateMedical Federation)Courses of lectures and classes beginning March i andOctober i each year to meet the requirements ofcandidates entering for the examination for the Diplomain Ophthalmology and other ophthalmological examina-tions will be given by members of the staff of the Hos-pital and Institute. Each course is designed to extendover two terms of approximately i8 weeks each and isnormally divided into two parts.Part I. Anatomy (including embryology and normalhistology), elementary physiology of the eye, optics(elementary and physiological), practical tutorials inrefraction work and clinical subjects.Part II. All clinical branches of the subject togetherwith bacteriology and pathology. Students can attendthe daily clinical practice of the two branches of theMoorfields, Westminster and Central Eye Hospital,and hold the appointments of Junior Clinical Assistantsand Clinical Assistants concurrently with the abovecourses. A composition fee of £26 5s. od. will admitstudents once to the lectures and tutorial classes of anyone term, with six months' clinical practice in thehospital.Extra Courses. Slit lamp microscopy (fee 5 5ss. od.);orthoptic training (one week's intensive course, fee£S 5s. od.); contact lenses (one weeks' intensive course,fee £0o xos. od.). Additional courses by arrangement.Hospital Practice only. Fees as follows: one month,£z 2s. od.; three months, £5 5s. od.; six months,£1o Ios. od.Facilities for research.For further information apply to the Dean, Institute ofOphthalmology, Judd Street, London, W.C.I.

INSTITUTE OF ORTHOPAEDICS(British Postgraduate Medical Federation)The Institute is concerned with postgraduate educationir'orthopaedics and with research. The practice of theRoyal -National Orthopaedic Hospital (both at the townsection in Great Portland Street, and at the countrysection at Stanmore) is open to postgraduates, who. mayjoin At any time. In addition to hospital practice, formalcourses of various lengths are held during academicterms. Facilities for advanced clinical work are available

for selected candidates having a suitable scientific orsurgical training.Further particulars may be obtained from the Dean,Institute of Orthopaedics, Royal National OrthopaedicHospital, 234 Great Portland Street, W.I.

INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY(British Postgraduate Medical Federation)The Institute, which was formerly the MaudsleyHospital Medical School, is now associated with thejoint Bethlem Royal Hospital and Maudsley Hospital.It is concerned with postgraduate education in psychiatryand allied subjects, and with research. A course ofinstruction covering up to three years, and starting inOctober yearly, is provided for medical practitionerswho wish to specialize in psychiatry or to prepare forthe Diploma in Psychological Medicine.Clinical instruction, which includes case conferences,seminars, and practical experience in case taking, isgiven at associated hospitals in the mornings, andsystematic lectures and demonstrations are arranged forthe afternoons. Students may also enrol for shorterperiods, or for single series of lectures.The subjects covered include general and child psy-chiatry, principles of psychotherapy, forensic psychiatry,criminology, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, withspecial reference to the clinical applications of the elec-troencephalogram, neuropathology, biochemistry, socialpsychology, mental testing, and statistics. Lectures onsubjects of special interest are arranged from time totime. The tuition fee for a full year's course is£53 Ios. od., including enrolment fee. For shorterperiods the fee varies with the type of course chosen.Selected students are eligible for appointments on thestaff of the Joint Hospital.Facilities for research and supervision of study forhigher degrees also exist in clinical work and in thebiochemical, electrophysiological, neuropathological andpsychological laboratories.Further information may be obtained from the Dean,Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, DenmarkHill, London S.E.5.

INSTITUTE OF UROLOGY (St. Peter's andSt. Paul's Hospitals) (British PostgraduateMedical Federation)Postgraduate courses of urological instruction will beheld as follows:-'Genito-Urinary Surgery,' for students studying forthe High Examinations, April i6 to 30, 1952.'Advanced Urology,' June I6 to 27, 1952.Applications should be addressed to the Secretary, Instituteof Urology, St. Paul's Hospital, Endell Street, London,W.C.2.

POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OFLONDON (British Postgraduate MedicalFederation)The Postgraduate Medical School of London (formerlythe Blitish Postgraduate Medical School) is associatedwith the Hammersmith Hospital, Ducane Road, W.i2.It has University Departments in Medicine, Surgery,Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Pathology. TheDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology togetherwith Queen Charlotte's and the Chelsea Hospitals, nowforms the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The

April 1952 Postgraduate News 23

teaching in the clinical departments, which is of anadvanced nature and based on ward work, is continuousand is supplemented by lectures during three ten-weeksessions starting in January, April and October. Suit-able students are encouraged to undertake researchwork. A course for the University Diploma in ClinicalPathology, lasting one year, is available for a limitednumber of selected students. This commences inOctober. In anaesthetics, short practical courseslasting a fortnight, and longer periods of training for sixmonths, are provided. The Department of Radiologyof the Hospital provides courses for the Diplomas inMedical Radiology of the University and ConjointBoard. The fees vary from £3 for one week to £6o fora year.For further information application should be made to theDean, Postgradunte School of London, Ducane Road,W.12.

EAST HAM CHEST CLINICOut-patient teaching. Mondays and Thursdays at2.30 p.m.

Apply Senior Registrar, East Ham Chest Clinic, KatherineRoad, Forest Gate, London, E.7.

LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE ANDTROPICAL MEDICINE (University ofLondon)Courses of study are arranged for the C.P.H. andD.P.H. (London University); D.T.M. & H. (Eng.);and Academic Diploma in Bacteriology. Short coursesare arranged in the Principles of Medical Statistics andEpidemiology, Statistical Methods and their Applica-tion in Medicine, and Applied Helminthology.For further information and enrolment applications shouldbe addressed to the Secretary, London School of Hygieneand Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street Gower Street,London, W.C.I.

NORTH LONDON POSTGRADUATEMEDICAL INSTITUTECourses in advanced medicine, advanced surgery, andobstetrics and gynaecology. Instruction in pathology,anaesthetics and radiodiagnosis. Clinical instruction atBearsted Memorial Hospital, Chase Farm Hospital,North Middlesex Hospital, The Prince of Wales'sGeneral Hospital and St. Ann's General Hospital.During the coming academic year there will be eight-week courses in advanced medicine suitable for thosetaking the M.R.C.P. examination, and eight-weekcourses in advanced surgery suitable for those takingthe F.R.C.S. examination, also two-week courses forthose taking the D.Obst.R.C.O.G. examination.For further information apply to the Dean, the Princeof Wales's General Hospital, London, N. 5.

PLAISTOW HOSPITAL CHEST UNITIn-patient round, every Thursday at 4.30 p.m.Apply Registrar, Plaistozv Hospital, Samson Street,Plaistow, London, E.I3.ROYAL EYE HOSPITAL(King's College Hospital Group)The following lectures will be given:April

i 5 p.m. Mr. T. M. Tyrrell. Cataract extraction.

9 }5.30 p-m. Mr. Howard Reed. Visual fields.6 J3 5.30 p.m. Mliss M. Savory. Detachment of the

retina.8 1 '. /:

15 and May 6 and I3. 5 p.m. Mr. Arnold Sorsby.22 Genetics in ophthalmology.29 J21 and May 5, 2, , 26. 5 p.m. Dr. T. H. Whit-28 tington. Science and art of refraction.23 5.30 p.m. ltMr. L. H. Savin. Ophthalmic injuries.24 5.30 p.m. Miss J. M. Dollar. Post-operative com-

plications and their management.30 5.30 p.m. Mr. L. H. Savin. Proptosis.Details of further lectures, demonstrations and revisionclasses can be obtained from the Secretary, Royal EyeHospital, St. George's Circus, London, S.E.I.

ST. STEPHEN'S HOSPITAL(Rheumatism Unit)Two concentrated week-end courses in the RheumaticDiseases are given each year, in March and in October,under the auspices of the Fellowship of PostgraduateMedicine.A limited number of postgraduates can attend the Out-patient sessions of the Unit on Wednesday and Fridaymornings at io a.m.Applications for attendance at these sessions should bemade to the Medical Registrar, Rheumatism Unit, St.Stephen's Hospital, Fulham Road, S.W.io.

EMPIRE RHEUMATISM COUNCILLecture courses in Rheumatic Diseases are arrangedfor general practitioners and other postgraduatesperiodically.Particulars are obtainable from the General Secretary,Empire Rheumatism Council, Tavistock House (N),Tavistock Square, London, W.C.Ix

ROYAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTHAND HYGIENEThe Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygieneannounces that the next bi-annual course of instructionfor the Certificate in Public Health will begin on Octo-ber 3, I952. This leads to courses both for the Diplomain Public Health and for the Diploma in IndustrialHealth. All courses may be taken either whole-time orpart-time.Prospectuses, enrolment forms and full particulars may beobtained from the Secretary, The Royal Institute ofPublic Health and Hygiene, 28 Portland Place, London,W.I. Telephone: Langham 2731/2.

LONDON COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETYThe next Clinical Meeting will be held at St. James'sHospital, Ouseley Road, S.W.I2, on Thursday, April 24;at 3 p.m.All enquiries and communications should be addressed tothe Hon. Secretary, Dr. A. Kahan, St. James's Hospital,Ouseley Road, S.W.x 2. Balham 2681.

ABERDEENSHIRERed Cross Sanatoria of ScotlandThree-day clinical courses will be held at the Tor.nna-Dee and Glen o' Dee Sanatoria on the follboing dates:


May 2z, 22 and 23; October 15, I6 and 17. Fee£3 3s. od. per course.

Applications for further information and for enrolmentshould be addressed to the Secretary, Tuberculosis Educa-tional Institute, Tavistock House North, TavistockSquare, London, W.C.I.

UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEENA two weeks' postgraduate refresher course for generalpractitioners will be held from May 12 to 24, in theAberdeen Medical School and Hospitals.Applications for further information and for enrolmentshould be addressed to Prof. John Craig, F.R.C.P.E.,Department of Child Health, University of Aberdeen,Forresterhill, Aberdeen.

BRISTOLMedical Postgraduate Department of theUniversity of BristolC.P.H. (Certificate of Public Health) and. D.P.H.(Diploma in Public Health). Part-time courses lastingi8 months begin in alternate years. The next coursebegins in October I953. The course is divided intotwo parts. The Preliminary Course for the Certificate(C.P.H.) and the Final Course for the Diploma(D.P.H.) will each occupy four or five sessions perweek. The syllabus complies with the rules of theGeneral Medical Council. For selected candidates itmay be possible to arrange part-time employment inposts approved by the University in the service eitherof the local authority or of the Regional Hospital Board.Instruction will be under the direction of the Professorof Preventive Medicine in the University who is alsoMedical Officer of Health.

D.P.M. (Diploma in Psychological Medicine)Part I. The course covers a period of not less than twoterms normally begifining in the autumn.

D.M.R.D./T. (Diploma in Medical Radiodiagnosisand Diploma in Medical Radiotherapy). TheDiplomas of this University are to be discontinued afterApril 1953, but courses, beginning in October, may bearranged for the Diplomas of the Conjoint Board ifthere are sufficient applications.Course in Child Health. A course lasting threemonths, suitable for the D.C.H. of the Royal Colleges,begins in October.Applications for further information and for enrolment incourses should be made to the Director, Medical Post-graduate Studies, The University, Bristol, 8.


University Medical SchoolPostgraduate facilities for general medical practitioners.From October I, 195I, to July 28, I952, regular dailymedical and surgical ward rounds, out-patient clinicsand a monthly clinico-pathological conference will beavailable at the Cambridge United Hospitals. One-day symposia on various subjects are held once a monthon a Saturday. A detailed time-table showing subjectsis obtainable on application.Enquiries should be addressed to the Secretary, CambridgeUniversity Medical School, The Naval Hut, DowningCollege, Cambridge.

CARDIFFThe Welsh National School of MedicineC.P.H. Wales (Certificate in Public Health). Threemonths' full-time course, October to December.D.P.H. Wales (Diploma in Public Health). Twelvemonths' part-time course, January to December.T.D.D. Wales (Tuberculous Diseases Diploma).Five to six months' full-time course, January to June.D.M.R.D.Eng. (Diploma in Medical Radio-diagnosis). Eighteen months' full-time course fromOctober.The number of admissions to each of the above courses isstrictly limited, ard early application should be made tothe Secretary, The Welsh National School of Medicine34 Newport Road, Cardiff.

DUBLINUniversity CollegeThe following courses will be held during the sessionI951-52:-C.P.H. Course and examination. Michaelmas Term.D.P.H. Course. Hilary and Trinity Terms.

Examinations. Summer Term.D.P.M. Course and examination. Michaelmas Term.D.C.H. Course and examination. Hilary Term.Further particulars may be obtained on application to theRegistrar, University College, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin.

DUBLINDr. Steevens' HospitalA course in clinical medicine will be held, intendedfor those studying for higher degrees, beginning onApril I8 and lasting for three to four weeks. At 5 p.m.Fee £5 5s. od. The course will include the following:Disorders of muscle, diagnosis and treatment of menin-gitis, vascular disorders of the brain, investigation andtreatment of hypertensions, epilepsy, brachial pain andheadache (Dr. P. B. B. Gatenby); Serology in clinicalmedicine, advances in haematology, cardiac arrhyth-mias, congenital heart disease (Dr. D. Mellon); Sar-coidosis, vesicular and bullous diseases, tuberculosisand syphilis of the skin, papulo-squamous eruptions,neoplasms and avitaminoses, drug eruptions (Dr. B.Solomons, Jr.).For further information and enrolment apply to Dr.P. B. B. Gatenby, Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin.

EDINBURGHEdinburgh Postgraduate Board of MedicineGeneral Surgery. A three months' course of post-graduate surgery is arranged to start on September 29,1952. It is suitable for surgeons requiring a refreshercourse in the current outlook on general surgery, or forgraduates preparing to specialize in surgery; approxi-mately 275 hours of instruction are provided. Fee£31 IOS. od.Internal Medicine. A course lasting 12 weeks, suitablefor graduates wishing a refresher course, or to specializein Medicine, begins on September 29, 1952. Thesecourses consist of 320 hours' instruction, comprisinglectures, clinical demonstrations and ward visits. Fee£31 Ios. od. Additional instruction in Clinical Paed-iatrics is arranged in conjunction with the course inMedicine, for which there is a small fee; the numbersare limited.

April I952 Postgr(aduate News 265

Medical Sciences. A three months' course in AppliedAnatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Bacteriology and Bio-chemistry will begin on June 30, I952. This course issuitable for postgraduates wishing to take the PrimaryFellowship Examination, as a final preparation in thesesubjects. Considerable basic knowledge is highly desir-able prior to taking this course. Fee £31 ios. od.Applications for enrolment should be addressed to Directorof Postgraduate Studies, Surgeons' Hall, Edinburgh, 8,supplying particulars of qualifications and postgraduateexperience.Royal Medical SocietyThe meetings of the Society are held in the Society'sHall on Friday evenings during the Autumn and SpringTerms. Meetings consist of Private Business (at 7 p.m.)and Public Business (at 8 p.m.) in which dissertationsby members or addresses by prominent medical men onsubjects of medical interest are given. Clinical meetingsare held periodically in the Royal Infirmary and filmshows of the latest medical films are given in the Society'sRooms. Prospective members will be welcomed on anyFriday evening in the Society's Hall before publicbusiness.Applications for further information should be addressedto the Secretary, Royal Medical Society, 7 MelbournePlace, Edinburgh, T.


Faculty of HomoeopathyA three months' introductory course of lectures andclinical teaching in homoeotherapeutics for registeredmedical practitioners, held weekly, began March 5 at7 p.m. in the Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital Dis-pensary, 5 Lynedoch Crescent, Glasgow, C.3. Furtherinstruction for those intending to sit for the examinationfor the Diploma of Membership of the Faculty of Ho-moeopatyiv (M.F.Hom.) will also be available.Particulars obtainable from the Superintendent, GlasgowlHomoeopathic Hospital, 0ooo Great Western Road,Glasgow, W.2.

GODALMING, SurreyThree-day clinical courses will be held at the KingGeorge V Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, on thefollowing dates: June 4, 5 and 6; October I, 2 and 3.Fee £3 3s. od. per course.Applications for further information and for enrolmentshould be addressed to the Secretary, Tuberculosis Edu-cational Institute, Tavistock House North, TavistockSquare, London, W.C.i.

LIVERPOOLUniversity of LiverpoolThe following postgraduate courses of instruction areoffered-Surgery. A full-time course of one year suitable forcandidates who have already completed the PrimanrExamination of the F.R.C.S., or undertaken post-graduate study in anatomy and physiology. On com-pletion of the course students become eligible to takethe examination leading to the Mastership of Surgery(Ch.M.) of this University, provided they are medicalgraduates of approved Universities or graduates in otherfaculties with qualifications in medicine. The fee forthe course is £60. The course begins in September.

Orthopaedic Surgery. A full-time t2-month courseleading to a Mastership in Orthopaedic Surgery(M.Ch.Orth.) open to all medical graduates of ap-proved Universities (and to graduates in other facultieswith qualifications in medicine) who hold an F.R.C.S.of one of the British colleges or its equivalent. The feefor the whole course is £70. The course normallybegins in January.Radiology. A full-time course of two academicyears leading to a D.M.R. (D. or T.) open to medicalgraduates of approved Universities and to medicallyqualified candidates who hold approved higher medicaldiplomas and a degree in a faculty other than medicine.The fee for the full two-year course is £63. The coursebegins in October. The degree of M.Rad. may, afterreport by the Faculty, be conferred on holders of theD.M.R. (D. or T.) of this University under certainconditions.Public Health. A full-time one-year course leading tothe Diploma in Public Health, open to candidates witha medical qualification from an approved medical schoolor licensing body. The fee is £60. All courses of in-struction begin in October.Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. A full-time four-month course leading to the Diploma in TropicalMedicine and Hygiene (D.T.M. & H.) open to candi-dates with a medical qualification from an approvedmedical school or licensing body. The course begins inSeptember and January. Fee £44.Anaesthesia. A full-time course of postgraduateinstruction, limited to ten students, begins on October Iand lasts for one year. This course has been acceptedby the Conjoint Board of England as fulfilling the re-quirements of candidates for the Diploma of An-aesthetics. The fee for the course is £60.Refresher courses for general practitioners. A seriesof short courses during Session 1951-52 has beenarranged.Application for further information should be addressedto the Dean, Faculty of Medicine, The University,Liverpool, 3.

MARKET DRAYTON, ShropshireThree-day clinical courses will be held at the CheshireJoint Smnatorium on the following dates:-May 1415 and v6; November 12, 13 and 14. Fee £3 3s. od.per coui-e.Applications for further information and for enrolmentshould be addressed to the Secretary, Tuberculosis Educa-tional Institute, Tavistock House North, Tavistock SquareLondon, W.C.I.

OXFORDPostgraduate Medical Education, UnitedOxford HospitalsSummary of ward rounds, clinics, demonstrations, etc.,open to general practitioners from September 1951 toJuly 1952.Medicine, ward rounds, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes-days, Thursdays and Fridays, 0o.15 a.m., Radcliffe In-firmary, Fridays, ii a.m., Churchill Hospital. MedicalConcilia, Wednesdays, 5 p.m. (alternate weeks), Rad-cliffe Infirmary. Clinical demonstrations, Thursdays,2.I5 p.m., Radcliffe Infirmary. Clinico-pathology,conferences, Wednesdays, 5 p.m., Maternity LectureTheatre, Radcliffe Infirmary (alternate weeks in fullterm). Chest Diseases, clinical demonstrations,Mondays, 2 and 3 p.m., Osier Pavilion. Tuberculosis,


ward rounds, Fridays, a p.m., Osler Pavilion.Paediatrics, clinical demonstrations, Saturdays, 10.30a.m., Radcliffe Infirmary. Child Welfare, clinics(City), day and time by arrangement with Dr. MaryFisher. Infectious Diseases, clinical demonstrations,day and time by arrangement with Dr. Warin, SladeIsolation Hospital. Psychiatry, clinical demonstra-tions, Fridays, 4 p.m., Park Hospital (by arrangementwith Dr. Mclnnes). Geriatrics, clinical demonstra-tions, Monday, 2.15 p.m., Cowley Road Hospital.Neurology (medical and surgery), out-patients, Tues-days and Wednesdays, 2 p.m., Radcliffe Infirmary.Clinical demonstrations, Thursdays, 5 p.m., RadcliffeInfirmary. Venereal Diseases, out-patients, Mon-days, 6 p.m., and Wednesdays, 2.30 p.m., Radcliffe In-firmary, Wednesdays, 5.30 p.m., and Saturdays, 2.15p.m., Radcliffe Infirmary. Skin Diseases, out-patients,Mondays and Fridays, 2 p.m., Radcliffe Infirmary.Accident Service, daily, 10.30 a.m., Radcliffe Infirmary.Surgery, ward rounds, Mondays and Fridays, 9.30 a.m.,Radcliffe Infirmary, Tuesdays, 9.30 a.m., ChurchillHospital. Clinical demonstrations, Tuesdays, 4.30p.m., Radcliffe Infirmary. Plastic Surgery, out-patients and clinical demonstrations, Fridays, 2 p.m.,Churchill Hospital. Orthopaedic Surgery, clinicaldemonstrations, Saturdays, 9 a.m., Wingfield-MorrisHospital. Obstetrics, lecture demonstrations, Mon-days, Tuesdays and Fridays, 9.15 a.m., MaternityLecture Theatre, Radcliffe Infirmary. Gynaecology,ward rounds, Wednesdays, 10.30 a.m. and 5 p.m.,Radcliffe Infirmary. Obstetrics and Gynaecology,concilia, monthly, alternate Thursdays and Fridays,3 p.m., Maternity Lecture Theatre, Radcliffe Infirmary.Ante-natal clinics, out-patients, Mondays, 2 p.m.,Maternity Home, Radcliffe Infirmary, and Mondays,2 p.m., Churchill Hospital, Thursdays, 2 p.m., Rad-cliffe Infirmary Maternity Home, Fridays, 9.15 a.m.,Maternity Lecture Theatre. Post-natal clinics, out-patients, Tuesdays, io a.m., Radcliffe InfirmaryMaternity Lecture Theatre.The following special courses for general practitionerswill be held during the year to July, 1952.1952Social and Preventive Medicine. Thursdays,April 24, May I and 8, Institute of Social Medicine,3.30 p.m. (Drs. Alice Stewart and Warin).Psychiatry. Fridays, May I6, 23, 30, June 6, 13 and20, Warneford Hospital, 3.30 p.m. (Dr. Mclnnes).General practitioners wishing to avail themselves of thefacilities set out in this schedule should apply to theChairman, Postgraduate Medical Committee, I KebleRoad, Oxford.SOUTHENDSouthend General HospitalAn abdominal operation session is held every Saturdayafternoon from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at which postgraduates

are welcome. There is no fee. Trains from FenchurchStreet to Southend or to Westcliff are as follows, butpostgraduates are advised to check them in case ofalterations, the time of arrival is stated in brackets.To Southend: 12.1 (I.7) 12.7 (1.19) 12.13 (1.25)12.25 (I.32), 12.32 (1.46). To Westcliff: 12.1 (1.3),12.7 (I.15), I2.25 (I.28), 12.32 (i.44). Trains re-turning to Fenchurch Street are as follows. FromSouthend: 7.34 (8.55), 8.4 (9.56). From Westcliff:7.3 (8.30), 7.39 (8.55), 8.8 (9.56).


Prize, value £50, will be awarded in October 1952, forthe best original work on 'The improvement of forcepsdeliveries.' Candidates must be registered medicalpractitioners in the British Commonwealth, but theprize may be awarded to a team of more than onepractitioner working together in an obstetric unit.Entries, which must be typewritten and should be limitedto 2,000 words, must be received before July I, 1952, bythe Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists,58 Queen Anne Street, London, W.I.The ixth International Dental Congress will beheld in London from July 19 to 26, 1952. Full informa-tion can be obtained from the Hon. Secretary of the Con-gress Organizing Committee, British Dental Association,13 Hill Street, London, W.I.The James Berry Prize (value £50) will be awarded onthe result of an essay on 'The treatment and preserva-tion of the injured hand.' Candidates must be Fellowsor members of the Royal College of Surgeons. Disserta-tions must be received at the College by June 30, 1952.Full particulars can be obtainedfrom the Secretary, RoyalCollege of Surgeons, Lincolns Inn Fields, London, W.C.a.Buckston Browne Prize Essay. The prize, consistingof a medal together with the sum of 10oo, will beawarded for the best essay on 'Jaundice.' The prize isopen to any member of the medical profession registeredin the British Isles or Dominions, and is limited tocandidates under 45 years of age. Essays must be sentin by December I, 1952.Further particulars obtainable from the Hon. Secretaries,Harveian Society of London, i i Chandos Street, London,W.I.Queen Square Prize in Neurology. Starting in 1952,a prize of £Ioo will be awarded annually to the post-graduate student, or ex-student, of the Institute ofNeurology who presents the best written paper describ-ing clinica work carried out or initiated at the NationalHospitals for Nervous Diseases. Entries must be sub-mitted not later than December 3 , 1952, and September30 in each succeeding year.Full particulars from the Dean, Institute of Neurology,(Queen Square), The National Hospital, Queen Square,London, W.C.I.




Chairman of Executive CommitteeMAURICE DAVIDSON, D.M., F.R.C.P.

Honorary TreasurerCHARLES D. READ, F.R.C.S., F.R.C.O.G.

Honorary SecretariesMAURICE DAVIDSON, D.M., F.R.C.P.

DAVID LEVI, M.S., F.R.C.S.Executive Committee



Editor: Secretary tProfessor C. G. Rob, M.C., M.CHIR., F.R.C.S. Miss M. L. WORTH

Only qualified medical practitioners may become Members of the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine.Instruction arranged by the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine is open only to Members on payment of therequisite fees. Postgraduates (whether Members or not) are not automatically included in the mailing lists, butmust notify the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine if they wish to be sent syllabuses as published, and mustspecify the subjects in which they are interested. Information regarding courses can be obtained from the Office,daily between io a.m. and 5 p.m. (Saturdays io a.m. to I2 noon). Telephone: Langham 4266.

A. I wish to become a Member of the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine; annual subscription Ios. 6d.(if syllabuses of courses are required, please state subjects of interest).

B. I wish to subscribe to the monthly POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL; annual subscription 368. postfree. (All subscriptions from month of joining unless otherwise requested. Banker's Order form forsubscriptions to the JOURNAL are obtainable on application.)

Name (in full) ...................

Address .................. ..................................

Telephone No. (if any) ...-

Permanent address (if different from above)... ................

Applicants for Membership of the Fellowship must also complete the following:Medical qualifications, University or Medical School and year of graduation

March 1952 Banker's order form for subscriptions to the JouRNAL are obtainable on request.

MEDICAL STUDENTS: Concession subscription to POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL: CI per ann .m,post free. Special application form obtainable from the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine.

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