parish of the holy eucharistapr 01, 2018  · the church 6 months prior to the date of your...

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Parish of the Holy Eucharist Holy Martyrs Sacred Heart St Gregory St Jude

April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday

Divine Mercy Sunday We invite you to join us for the

Feast of Divine Mercy, April 8, 2018, at Holy Martyrs in Falmouth. The celebration begins at 3:00 pm and will include Veneration of the Divine Mercy Image, Meditation, Eucharistic Adoration, recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Benediction, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Holy Mass begins at 5:30 pm. All are welcome.

Sacred Relics Of The Saints: Treasures Of The Church Friday April 6, 7pm at Sacred Heart Parish of the Holy Eucharist is presenting a teaching and exposition of Sacred Relics.Father Carlos Martins of the Companions of the Cross will be here with his very special ministry to teach about these holy objects. He will bring with him over 150 relics, some as old as 2000 years. Among the treasures will be relics of St. Therese of Lisieux (the “Little Flower"), St. Francis of Assisi, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Faustina Kowalska. A portion of the veil of Our Lady and one of the largest remaining pieces of the True Cross in the world will also be present. In the Church’s history many miracles and healings have been worked in the presence of relics, and many have been healed through this ministry. Please do not miss this opportunity. You are encouraged to bring your articles of devotion and pictures of ill friends/family members to touch to the reliquaries as a means of intercession.

Baptism Parents are asked to attend a baptismal preparation class prior to the Baptism of their first child. Baptisms are scheduled either during or after one of our Sunday Masses. Please call Deacon Dennis Popadak for more information.

If you are interested in becoming Catholic If you are visiting us and are interested in

receiving information on becoming Catholic, please call Georgette Dionne. There is no pressure, just bring your questions about Baptism, Confirmation, and how to receive First Communion. If you feel God tugging at your heart to make a step toward becoming Catholic, please consider calling Georgette.

If you are a Baptized Catholic but are not Confirmed and/or have not made your first Communion Please call the office and let us visit with you so you can find out how to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.

Sacramental Prep for Children We offer a vibrant and meaningful 2-year formation. Classes start in the fall. Catholic youth in grades 7-12, who seek to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation or who seek initiation into the Catholic faith are asked to contact Georgette.

Do you know of someone who needs Holy Communion at home? Catholics who are too ill to come to Mass or are “shut-ins” can receive Holy Communion at home. Please call the office to arrange for Holy Communion to be brought to their home.

Marriage If you are planning to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage this coming year, it is not too early to begin your preparations. Please remember that it is important to secure the Church 6 months prior to the date of your wedding. Consider having your marriage validated in the Church after a civil marriage. If you are baptized Catholic but were not married in the Church, you should have your marriage validated in the Church before receiving Communion. We at the parish of the Holy Eucharist would like to assist you in that process. Please set up a meeting with Fr. Daniel at 553-7041 for more information on how to raise your marriage to the level of a Sacrament. Annulment Parish of the Holy Eucharist is committed to helping couples heal after a civil divorce. The annulment can be very intimidating since it comes with so many

misunderstandings. We have a ministry to divorced Catholics to help deal with the many difficult situations when divorce becomes a reality in their lives. Call Fr. Daniel for more information.

The Anointing of the Sick, is for all Catholics to bring both spiritual and physical strength. These include those who suffer from physical, emotional, or mental illnesses, who are scheduled for surgery, routine procedures, treatments for disease, physical therapies, or who experience a sudden medical crisis. For those who are in the end-of-life stage or Hospice care, family members should contact their parish priest immediately to have their loved one anointed, as a priest may not be available on short notice prior to death.

Dear Parishioners, The Lord is risen! Alleluia! We welcome all of you, and visiting friends and family to our Easter celebration. We hope that you feel at home in our faith family and experience the presence of Christ here in our midst. This Easter bulletin focuses on the many activities happening in our parish. Take some time to browse through it and contact us if you are interested in becoming a part of any of the ministries. We as a staff want to thank all the many volunteers who played a part in making our Lenten activities and Holy Week happen. Musicians, altar servers, EMHC, lectors, sacristans, cooks and servers for our meals, the youth who helped with the Stations, the RCIA team, decorators...your dedication and service to Parish of the Holy Eucharist is truly appreciated. As we enter the Octave of Easter, may many blessings be with each of you, The Clergy and Staff of the Parish of the Holy Eucharist


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament In this busy world come and spend some time in peaceful prayer with Jesus. Monday 8am to 8pm at Holy Martyrs and Friday 8:30am to noon at St. Gregory. Chiildren’s adoration hour at Holy Martyrs at 10am Mondays.

Your hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament will repair evils of the world and bring about peace on earth. "Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Jesus and ready to make reparation for the great evils of the world. Let your adoration never cease." (Pope John Paul II, Dominicai Cenae)

Centering Prayer This group has been meeting at Holy Martyrs for almost 20 years on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am. They support each other in the practice of contemplative prayer and meditation.

Morning Prayer We invite you to join us in the sacred tradition of communal morning prayer, at Holy Martyrs and Sacred Heart prior to weekday Mass.

Rosary Recited communally at Sacred Heart on Wednesday mornings and Saturday afternoons at Holy Martyrs and St. Gregory

Opus Dei Recollection and Mass held for men and women monthly at Holy Martyrs. The next meetings are on April 26.

Spiritual Mountaineers A prayer and study group at Sacred Heart, meeting after morning Mass on Wednesdays.

Book Group A fellowship group for those who want to deepen their faith. Thursday mornings at Sacred Heart prior to Mass.

That Man is You An interactive, multimedia program focused on the development of authentic male leadership. Held at Sacred Heart on Saturday mornings at 6:45 am. All men are encouraged to join us.

Hour of Power Second Fridays of the month at St. Jude in Freeport Social & talk @ 6 pm with Domino’s pizza followed by Adoration @ 7pm with confession and praise & worship music.

Lighthouse Kiosks We specialize in promoting the Catholic Faith through high quality presentations. We continue to expand our outreach by offering additional forms of media, including books, booklets, pamphlets, and more. Look for our displays in each of our churches.

FORMED is an exciting new gateway to the best Catholic teaching videos, books, and audio talks to deepen your relationship with Christ and his Church. All in one place. Accessible on most smart phones, tablets, and computers. To sign up: Go to to enjoy full access to life changing content. Compliments of Parish of the Holy Eucharist.

Small faith sharing groups are an important way to grow in your faith as part of our community. Jesus and his disciples are the model for small group sharing. We have groups that meet in our churches and at homes. Some are scripture based, others on a spiritual topic.

Making Music, Praying Twice This faith-based program of music and movement is designed to foster our children’s Catholic faith and to enrich education and family life.

Little Blessings Young families of our parish and beyond meet at 10:30am the fourth Monday of the month at Holy Martyrs in Falmouth. Find new friends to meet and a sharing of fun, conversation, and faith!

Formation for children K to 5 and Whole Family Faith Formation

Multiple options are offered to our families: home formation with resources provided by our ministry; family groups who meet for sacrament preparation; whole family learning events; and weekly lectionary-based formation.

Encounter, Grades 6-8 Offered at all four churches. Bible study specifically designed for ages 10-13. Our life is a journey with God which started at our baptism, when we became His disciples. Every moment we live is a time for true encounter with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the Encounter Series the focus will be getting to know God in a more personal way.

Called, Grades 9-12 Offered at Holy Martyrs. Focuses on our Catholic faith and the mission of being Jesus’ disciples. All youth faith formation includes retreats, outreach efforts, prayer, social activism, and mission.

Vacation Bible Camp, Tracking Mary, Mysteries and Messages July 23 to 27, 2018, Holy Martyrs Church in Falmouth, for children

entering grades K-5 in the fall, 9:00 am to 12:15 pm. $35.00/child. Teen and adult volunteers invited. Registration form available at all churches and on our website.

Liturgy of the Word for Children As a parish, we have a weekly practice of dismissing the young children to a designated area during the Sunday Masses to hear the Word proclaimed and to experience worship at their age level.

33 Days to Morning Glory Tuesday April 10, 10:30am, 6 weeks at Holy Martyrs From Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, comes a 33-day journey to Marian consecration with four saints: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Teresa of Calcutta, and St. John Paul II. Father Michael masterfully summarizes their teaching, making it easy to grasp and simple to put into practice. This is a user-friendly, group

retreat that will bless even the busiest of people. If you've been thinking about entrusting yourself to Mary for the first time or if you're looking to deepen and renew your devotion to her, please join our 33 Days to Morning Glory retreat. We'll meet at 10:30 am on Tuesday morning at Holy Martyrs. The retreat starts on April 10 and concludes 6 weeks later. Please contact Happy Copley to register:207-272-2346 or

Do not be content to live a mediocre Christion life. Walk with determination along the path of holiness.

ACTS Retreat for Women May 10 to 13, 2018 An ACTS Retreat is a 3 day, 3 night parish-based retreat that offers parishioners the opportunity to experience the

love of Jesus Christ in a deep, profound way. ACTS Retreats are given by parishioners for fellow parishioners. The women’s retreat begins on Thursday evening and ends on Sunday morning following the 10:30 AM Mass and

Reception at Holy Martyrs Church. Register now on our website. Pamphlets available at all churches.

Prayer and Devotion Lifelong Faith Formation


Knights of Columbus We are a brotherhood of Catholic men and their families who play a part in improving the world around them. It is an exciting time to be in our great council. With your help starting from the first day of our Formation as a council, we have earned the "Triple Star Award" status for our many hours of service, charity, and support to the community. We volunteer our time to support our parish and community programs. It is an honor to serve our parish community and welcome new friends, and new brother knights. On behalf of the Parish of the Holy Eucharist Council 15791 we wish you all a very Blessed and Holy Easter.

Connected Catholics is a group of single, widowed, separated, and divorced Catholic men and women, who gather to share their faith journey and celebrate life, who want to participate in their church, grow in faith, and build a better life in their community. The purpose of Connected Catholics is to offer a variety of programs, experiences, and opportunities that enrich members socially, educationally, and spiritually. Our next gathering is April 8, 1pm at Holy Martyrs

The International Catholic Deaf Association, Maine Chapter, holds its monthly meeting and social at Holy Martyrs. The April meeting will be on April 21 at 2 pm.

Family Game Nights are held on Friday nights at Holy Martyrs. All ages are welcome to have fun playing games, having fun with fellow parishioners.

Community building events scheduled throughout the year

include: Coffee and Conversation after Sunday Mass, Simple Meals during Lent, Annual Parish Picnic at Crystal Lake, Fall Hayride at Wolfe’s Neck Farm. We hope all parishioners join us.

Parish fund Raising Events include Freeport Fourth of July Pancake Breakfast, Food booth at Yarmouth Clam Festival, Apple Pie Sale, and Parish Christmas Fair. All are welcome to help in planning these activities.

The Grief Support Ministry holds a small group discussion on Tuesday, mornings at 10:00 am in the conference room at Sacred Heart Rectory. It will continue the 2nd and 4th Tuesday as long as there is an interest. This will be a very informal setting and a chance to share your grief with others who understand. You may attend once or twice or every session - For more information contact Beth King at 749-7974.

St Vincent de Paul Clothing Program and Cumberland/Falmouth Food Pantries These programs make life a little easier for local neighbors in need we send along a very grateful Thank you on this most beautiful Holy Day. Easter is very special and so are you all for your continuing, compassionate care through your donations. Happy, holy, peaceful Easter. Jack Mullin

Haiti Our Easter celebration is shared with friends in Haiti as our parishes have traveled the Lenten road to this great feast. At this Easter celebration, we were able to offer a gift of $1000 to Meyer and the same to Cyvadier. We also provided assistance to the Marbial parish -- $3000 -- for the school feeding program. It makes a difference and we thank parishioners who have helped.

“We wish a happy Easter to the clergy of our sister parish -- Holy Eucharist -- the parishioners, members of the Commission and to all our benefactors.” Père Bertrand Dieuveille, Paroisse du Sacre-Cœur, Meyer, Jacmel, Haiti

The Social Justice and Peace Commission continues its mission to bring help to people in need. This includes the Thanksgiving food appeal, the Christmas Giving Tree gift and food appeal, as well as two Habitat for Humanity fund-raisers. Commission members are the link to food pantries in Gray,, Yarmouth and Freeport. We celebrate 25 years of a sister-parish relationship in Haiti. Most recently we have been able to offer Easter gift cards for food to area families who are are in need of assistance.

Friendship House We provide meals , fresh produce and toiletries to the folks at Friendship House the first Wednesday of the month.

Little Dresses for Africa This sewing ministry meets at St. Gregory to make dresses and shorts for distribution in Africa. Sewers and fabric donations are always welcome. Our next gathering is Saturday, April 14.

Alzheimer/Dementia Ministry Each Wednesday evening caregivers gather at Sacred Heart to share the joys and challenges of caring for their loved ones. Contact Catherine Gentile for more information. The full meeting schedule and details are on our website.

Funeral Reception Ministry A dedicated group of volunteers at each church works to provide receptions for families after the funeral Mass. Contact the office for more information, we would love to include you in this meaningful ministry.

Aging With Grace Ministry This is what Aging in Grace is about: helping us retain and even increase the things that can bring us satisfaction and happiness: Spiritual, Physical, Social, and Intergenerational activities and learning. Periodically we publish "Grace Notes" to keep people up to date on Aging with Grace activities.

Nursing Home and Homebound Ministry It is important that Catholics not be deprived of the opportunity to receive the Blessed Sacrament due to illness, age, infirmity. The Parish of the Holy Eucharist provides support to the nursing homes in our towns to ensure that all Catholics can receive Holy Communion on a regular basis. Ministers also visit the homebound to bring them Communion and parish news.

Pastoral & Social

Fellowship and Community


Alberta Adcock by Tracy Winkeler

Inez Adcock by Tracy Winkeler Eleanor R Ahearn & Katharine

Crowley by Claudia & Michael Crowley

Deceased members of the John Allen & Walter Meuse Families by Charles & Jeanne Meuse

All deceased Altenburg family & friends by Jane Weiland

Deceased family & friends of Carl & Sheila Anderson, Jr.

Dolores Arel & Barbara Tracy by Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tracy

Deceased friends & family of Stephen & Jane Arlaud

Anna & Harold Armbruster by the Walkenford Family

Barbara A. Arnoldo by her daughter Barbara

Deceased family & friends of Peter & Sandra Asselyn

Maureen Baker by the Scott Rousseau Family

The deceased members of the Becker & Matthews families by Mr. & Mrs. Joe Becker

Leon Bien by Maureen Bien Cecile & Teddy Binette by Gayle

Hart Robert Binette, Shirley Senecal

and Roger Rougie by Mr. & Mrs. James Senecal

The Bissonnette family by Jean Bissonnette

Claudette Bosse & Anne Egan by Michelle Bosse & John Egan

Claudette Bosse by Gerald Bosse The friends & family of Jean

Bott Andrew Bouffard & Robert &

Louise Shaw by the Bouffard Family

Dr. George Boyd by the Bennett family

Jenna & Bradford Hart by Gayle Hart

The Briggs & McKnight Families by Barbara Briggs

Arlene Brown & Mary Berger by Mr. & Mrs. John Berger

James Buccina by his family Deceased members of the

Cardile & Miller families by Margaret Miller

Travis Carman by Amy & George Carman

Andre Casavant by Theresa Casavant

Casey & Willett Families by Frances Casey

Joe & Vera Cassidy by Elaine Cassidy

Joseph & Veronica Cassidy & Alfred Rauschenbach by JR Cassidy & Keith Rauschenbach

Robert A. Chamard, Sr. by Cindy & David Wilson

SPC Casey Chapman by Luke Chapman

Deceased love ones of Sandra Christman by Sandra

Clayton Clark by Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCabe

Deceased friends & family of

John & Ann Cobb Tony & Mary Colella by Sandra

Twombly Edmund Collins by Mary Collins

& family Family and friends of Connor &

Fallon families by John E. Fallon

Susan Conroy by Tom & Mary Mardas

Arthur Cooper by the Chapman family

Deceased family & friends of Louise Cormier

Joseph & Irene Craney & Gerry Ann Grasso by Kathy Lennon

John Cronin by Sue Thompson Deceased family & friends of

Donna Crowley Pat and Bob Crowley by Thomas

& Jane Crowley Raymond Crowley by Patricia

Crowley Joyce Curry by the Curry Family Elliott Dafoe by Elaine & Gerard

Cassidy Thomas D'Amboise by Paul &

Kathleen D'Amboise Ann Damis by William & Sally

Young Deceased family & friends of

David & Renee Daniels Deceased family & friends of the

DeNoia & Sohngen families Donovan & d'Entremont

Families by Norman & Marcia d'Entremont

George & Bertha Lee by Mary Lee-DeSimone

Easter Flowers in Memory of….


Deceased family members of Tim & Larena Dexter

Edwin S. Dominick, Neva Aufmuth, & Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dominick by Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Dominick

Grampie by Brenda Downey George Dressel Jr. by the

Dressel family Tim & Dan Ducharme by Sharon

Weeman Dugas & Cote Parents by Mr. &

Mrs. Gerald Dugas Burchard Dunn by Pat Dunn &

family H. Ivan Duran, MD by Cindy &

David Wilson H. Lawrence Durant by Victoria

Durant Pearl & Herbert Emery &

Fernande & Gerard Belisle by Dr. & Mrs. Charles Belisle

Carleton Emmons by Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Shaw

Deceased family & friends of the Olga Esty family

Jack Fecteau Sr, & Julianna & Andrew Waltrovich by Rosemary Fecteau

Tim Flaherty by Terry Flaherty & family

Deceased friends & family of John & Pauline Flood

Deceased members of the Fogg & Pettis Families by Raymond & Elinor Fogg

The Fredriksen & LaRose Families by Carol Fredriksen

Bill & Irene Fuller by Jonathan

Fuller Paul Gaillard by Jeannine

Gaillard Joe Garneau by Ginny & family Gildart & Getchell & loved ones

by Dennis & Jane Gilbert Deceased family & friends of

Grebin, Canane, & Lamontagne families

Olga Antonia Griffin by Gerald Griffin

Anthony Houghton by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grzymala

Robert Haas & Judy Sheehan by Barbara Haas

Deceased family & friends of the Haggerty family

Bob Harriman 7 Frazier Family by B. C. Harriman

Etta Hart by Gayle Hart Jeanette, Bradford, & Etta Hart

& Cecile Binette by Mary & Richard Hart/Regan

Philip & Adeline Hatch by Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hatch

Michael Hayes & Philip Mc Carthy by Stephen Hayes & Carol McCarthy

Gregery H. Heap by Judy Heap Jack Hildreth by Connie

Hildreth Robert & Cynthia Hoehl by the

Kostin Family Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J Holmes by

Peter & Kristine Rogers & family

Aaron Joshua Holzer by Judith Pollock

Honan & Morris Families by

Mary Honan Eleanor & Sally Hunt Deceased family & friends of the

Hurd family Joh & Phyllis Hurley by

Charlotte O'Donovan Jackie Joncas by the Joncas

family Michael Keaveny by Ed & Gina

Gawle James Kelly by Phyllis Kelly Ed and Gerry Kisielewski and

Louise Whitmire by Mr. & Mrs. Francis Holnaider

All the deceased teachers I have known by Teresa Klyszejko

Mrs. Mary Kolwaite by Eric and Tracy Weinrich

Ernest Kowalski by Janet Desrosiers

Chet & Mary Kuklewicz and Steve Huska by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kuklewicz

Jamie LaChance by P J Reilly Brian J. LaClair & Mr. & Mrs.

George W. Canty by Patricia LaClair

Larry & Marian Laconi by David and Eileen Laconi

Deceased friends & family of Scott & Dominique Lambert

Judith T. Larrabee by Leonard Larrabee

Mary Ann & Carl Lechner by their family and friends

Chester & Helene LeHay by Christine LeHay

Deceased family & friends of Jason & Jennifer Lenardson

Easter Flowers in Memory of….


Elsie LePage by Gale Hart Deceased friends a&family of

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley LeRoy Irene & Carroll Levasseur and

Faith & Bernard Halliday by Peter & Lynda Levasseur

Deceased members of the Lewis & Wilson families by Douglas & Adelaide Lewis

Mary E Mahoney & Martha Quinde by Mary & Bill Plouffe

Anne Maloy & Charles Maloy by Alyson Maloy Biaggi

Deceased family & friends of Edward & Betsy Manganello

Elizabeth Mantos by Manford & Patricia Rideout

Lorraine Martell by Mary Conroy

Hubert Masterson by David & Eileen Laconi

Gaye Mathews by Wade and Sue Trudel

Elaine Mayers & Gwen Anderson by Margaret Mayers

James A. McBrady, Sr. & members of the McBrady family by Mary Jane McBrady

Mary Ann McGonagle, Mickey Richards & Ann Morrill by Kathie & Bill McGonagle

Fitzgerld & McManus Families by Barbara McManus

Richard McMullen & Bill Reynolds by Suzanne

Reynolds Dee McQuarie by Marie

Sullivan Deceased family & friends of

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Metevier The Monahan & Monte

Families by Joseph & Dorothea Monte

Deceased friends & family of Roland & Anne Moreau

Nancy Mowatt & May Bernard by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bernard

Salvatore Mu, father of Mary Martin by Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Martin

Mullaney & Carson families by Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mullaney

Barbara Mullin, Herk Mildrum and Patrick Mullin by Mr. & Mrs. John Mullin

Teresa Miller Murray by Francis Murray

Deceased members of the Obar & Tardy families by Barb Obar

Harold & Rita O'Connell & Signa Milliken by Mr. & Mrs. James O'Connell

Deceased members of the O'Donnell & Waugh Families by Ray & Lisa

Deceased family & friends of the Michael O'Malley family

Marcel & Terry Parent by Sandra & family

Pasquale, Anne, Joseph Napolitano, Sam, Anna

Boxon, & Sarah Irving by the Napolitano Family

Matilde Pausa, Olive & Lionel Caron & Donna French by Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Caron

Deceased friends & family of Cecelia & Bruce Peaslee

Lorelle Pelletier, Velma Boulos, Lionel & Gloria York by Steven & Theresa Boulos

Henry Perkins, Marjorie Black, Joe & Bill Kelley and Dennis Kelley by Maureen Perkins

Deceased family & friends of Matt Perry

Joseph Pinto Jr. by Robin Andrews

Sandra Jelin Plouffe by Mary & Bill Plouffe

Evelyn Potter by Victoria Lattanzi

Richard W. Pride Jr. & David W. Pride by Patricia Pride

Deceased family & friends of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Prinn

Dominic Proto by Alfred Proto & family

Andrew & Jane Pyzynski, Gloria Bursey, Vincent Wood, Amelia Shaboski & Albert Bowers by Scott & Terri Bursey

Walter Reinhardt by Carey Reinhardt

Robert & Edward Roberge, June & Diane Roberge, Dean & Arthur DeRoche, Vincert & Gerald DeRoche,

Easter Flowers in Memory of….


Mom & Dad DeRoche, Mary & Lillian & the friends & family members of the Roberge & DeRoche families

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rogers by Peter & Kristine Rogers & family

Philip & Antoinette Rotolo by Terry Flaherty & family

Camilla Rouault by Judith & John Goodrich

Deceased friends & family of Therese Rouleau

Tom Royles by Julie Royles Marilyn Ruocco by the Curry

Family Deceased family & friends of

Karen & Ken Rusinek Deceased members of the Ryan

& Ertz families by the Ryan-Ertz Family

The deceased friends & family of Vicki Saba by Vicki

Paula Sacco & Frank Sacco by Glenn Bronco

Deceased family & friends of Dale & Julie Sanders

Peter J. Scala by John Babin Elwin "Scottie" Scott by his

Wife Verna & daughter Kelly Deceased family & friends of

Ian & Jackie Sellick Larry Sirois, Anthony Arriola, &

Conchita Cosgayon by Scott & Chrissy Sirois

Deceased family & friends of David & Anne Smith

Elizabeth Sauer Smith by Jo

Anne Durant Norma Smith & Mary McMann

by Rodney & Gail Curtis Corinne & Joe Snow & Mary &

Walter Cote by the Roger Snow Family

Deceased members of the Sokolowski Family

Georgie Soucy & Linda Rankin by Laurie & Leo Soucy

Deceased members of the Spagnoletti family

Dr. & Mrs. F.A. Spellman, Lu Keny Chu, & Aie Perk Heny by Paula & Dave Spellman

George Andrew Spino by George & Karen Spino & family

Richard Antonio Stanford by the Jordan family

M. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Steele by Peter & Kristine Rogers & family

Alan Sundquist & Mary Sundquist by Carolyn Ruggles

Kathy Sweney by the Tracy Family

Deceased family & friends of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Talbot

Inocencia Tan & John Crocker by Tan & family

Msgr. Vincent Tatarczuk by the Charest family

Robert Luke Tausek by the Tausek family

Deceased family & friends of Ramona Tessier

Deceased friends & family of the Thornton Family

Rosaire Toulouse, Alan Toulouse,and David Shoby by Mr. & Mrs. David Toulouse

Eugene, Genevieve & Daniel Trueworthy & Jane Savage by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Doten

My Daughter by Genevieve Trueworthy

Dr. Alexander Wahlig by Dr. & Mrs. John Wahlig

Martha Walkenford by the Walkenford Family

Harold Way by Louise Way Howard & Pat Wessenberg &

Dr. Louis & Lucille Thibault by the Howard Wessenberg Family

Beverly White by John & Kathy, Tyler & Jake White

Beverly White by Wade & Sue Trudel

Catherine & Richard White, Tom Feeley, Steve Feeley & Ward Gay by Mr. & Mrs Kenneth Recker

Deceased members of the White & Sullivan families by Lila White

Malcolm & Ruth Williams & Carolyn, Thomas, Kelly, Christopher Toppi by Paul & Rebecca Tracy

Bryan Zink by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Zink, Jr

Easter Flowers in Memory of….


Parish Calendar Mass and Prayer Intentions 9

Holy Saturday, March 31 Easter Vigil 7:45pm SH Fr. G & M George & Kathleen Rice 7:45pm SG Fr. K Gerald Yauch by Philip & Maureen Yauch Easter Sunday, April 1 8:00am SH Fr. M Leon Curtis by Donna Curtis & Family 8:30am HM Fr. G Parishioners 8:30am SG Fr. K Fred Leblond by Jackie Royles 9:30am SJ Fr. M Gilles Tardif by Gaby 10:30am HM Fr. G James Honan by Mary Lee DeSimone 11:00am SH Fr. K Leticia Burke by Friends 5:30pm HM No Mass Monday, April 2 7:30am HM Fr. G Deceased Family & Friends of the Fredriksen & Larose Families 8:00am SG Fr. K Kimberly M. (Dayon) Floyd by Mark Cannon Tuesday, April 3 8:15am SH Fr. G Edith Hayes Brent Wednesday, April 4 7:30am HM Fr. G Regina H. Cahill by Ray & Lisa O’Donnell 8:15am SH Fr. K Angele & Steve Powers by Loretta MacKinnon Thursday, April 5 8:15am SH Fr. K John A. Morsehead, Jr. by the Seminarians of the Diocese of Portland Friday, April 6 7:30am HM Fr. G George N. & Catherine DiDonna by Jerry & Brigid DiDonna 8:00am SG Fr. K Marie Tucker by Cindy & Steve Carrier Saturday, April 7 4:00pm HM Fr. M Rolan Sims by Betty & Jack Mullin 4:00pm SH Fr. K Holy Souls in Purgatory by a parishioner 4:00pm SG Fr. G Robert Harvey by Tom & Belinda Harvey Sunday, April 8 8:00am SH Fr. K Martin Flynn by Tony & Katie Lisa 8:30am HM Fr. M Parishioners 8:30am SG Fr. G Marie Daley by Norman & Marcia D’Entremont 9:30am SJ Fr. K John Sargent by Louise Gorman 10:30am HM Fr. M Allan W. Johnson by the Johnson Family 11:00am SH Fr. G Gilles Tardif by Gene & Claudie Higgns 5:30pm HM Fr. M Brook Endres by Scott & Danielle Ogden

Holy Saturday, March 31 Clergy Health and Pension 7:45pm SH & SG Easter Vigil Easter Sunday, April 1 Clergy Health and Pension Happy Easter Monday, April 2 8:00am HM Adoration 10:00am HM Children’s Adoration Hour 4:15pm HM Faith Formation Tuesday, April 3 9:30am HM Centering Prayer 6:30 pm SH Faith Formation 7:00pm SJ Knights Business Meeting Wednesday, April 4 10:00am HM Making Music, Praying Twice 3:15pm SH Youth Schola 6:45pm SH Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm HM Choir Practice 7:00pm SH Together with Alzheimer's 7:00pm SG Choir Practice Thursday, April 5 10:00am HM Making Music, Praying Twice 6:00pm SJ Faith Formation Friday, April 6 8:30am SG Adoration 7:00pm SH Treasures of the Church Saturday, April 7 6:45pm SH That Man is You 9:00am HM Lector Workshop 11am SG Funeral, Beverly White 3:15pm HM, SH, SG Confessions 3:30pm HM,SG Rosary Sunday, April 8 Divine Mercy Sunday 8:00am SJ Choir Practice 8:50am SJ Faith Formation, Family 9:30am HM & SG Faith Formation 10:00am SH Faith Formation, Grade K to 5 1:00pm HM Connected Catholics 3:00pm HM Divine Mercy Service 4:15pm HM Youth Ministry, Confirmation Prep 4:45pm HM Choir Practice 6:30pm HM Youth Ministry, Grade 9-12

Apostolate of Prayer for Priests of the Portland Diocese Saturday, March 31 Rev. John McHugh, OFM Cap, Rev. Philip M. Tracy Sunday, April 1 Our Holy Father Monday, April 2 All Priests Tuesday, April 3 Rev. Anthanasius Wirsiy, Rev. Bernard Welch Wednesday, April 4 Rev. Thomas Lequin, Rev. Theodore Letendre, FIC Thursday, April 5 Rev. John O’Hara, Rev. N. Stephen Savarayia, HGN Friday, April 6 Rev. Lionel Chouinard, Rev. Armand Neault Saturday, April 7 Rev. Kyle Doustou, Rev. Joseph Daniels Sunday, April 8 Bishop Paul Baltakis, OFM

Take the Time to Remember in Prayer Those who are ill or recovering from surgery…Liz Chandler, Charlie Latham, Bill

Marquis, Leo Sylvoie, Bill Stanbro, Debbie Mehaffey, Philip Ouellette, the Pooler/Crowley family for the loss of a loved one

Our Seminarians...Matt Valles, Joshua Maloney, Liam Gallagher, Joseph Moreshead, Alex Boucher, Kevin Upham, Patrick Finn, Joshua Guillemette, Than Pham, Hoa Nguyen

Let us continue to keep in our Healing Prayers… Brother John Bonnell ... Brother Donald Hamalainen ... Brother Gary & Diane Potvin ... Margaret, wife of Brother George Ventresca ... Cynthia, Sister-In-Law of Brother Chris Madden ...Luke Roy, son of Brother Mark Roy…Art Crowley, brother of Brother Mike Crowley…Brother Paul Metevier…Gary Bakken, Brother-in-Law of Brother Deacon Dennis Popadak…Father Ray Picard… Cassandra, baby daughter of Brother George Spino… Anne Theriault, sister-in-law of Brother George Spino…Laurene, wife of Brother Dennis Dempsey

Sacrament Masses with Bishop Deeley for all FLAME children

Saturday, April 14 at Sacred Heart Church You have registered for either the 11:00 am

Mass or the 4:00 pm Mass. Contact Kim Lovett with any questions.

Sacrament Mass Rehearsals

Thursday, April 12, Sacred Heart Church Those registered for the 11:00 Mass -

rehearsal is at 6:00 pm Those registered for the 4:00 pm Mass,

rehearsal is at 6:45 pm At least one parent/guardian must attend as well as the child’s sponsor. If sponsors live out of town, a parent may stand as proxy for the rehearsal.

Clergy V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Greenleaf, Vicar General207-553-7041, Fr. Peter Kaseta, 207-657-8606, Fr. Paul Marquis, 207-233-5914, Deacon Dennis Popadak, 207-657-8607, Deacon Patrick Finn, 207-657-6885, Life Long Faith Formation Georgette Dionne, Director, 207-553-9076 , Joann Segovia, Youth Minister, 207-553-7159, Kim Lovett, Administrative Assistant, 207-553-7042, Administrative Staff Mark Cannon, Business Manager, 207-553-7158, Elizabeth Rosquete, Operations Manager, 207-847-6890, Catherine Gallerizzo, Evangelization Coordinator, 207-847-6884, Music Ministry JoJo Kilroy, Ron Siviski, Phil Thibault, Chip Carney, David Bartoletti, Sharyl Webster, Jennifer Runge, Director of Music, Social Justice and Peace Contacts Cathy Martin, Committee Chair, Knights Officers GK Mike Crowley Joe Mathew, Deputy Grand Knight, Bereavement Ministry Beth Anne King, 749-7974 Adoration Ministry Jenny Manago (Holy Martyrs) 847-514-1813, Cindy Carrier (St. Gregory) 207-272-5943

Fr. Greenleaf


Fr. Kaseta, OFM


Parochial Vicar

Deacon Popadak Georgette Dionne

Faith Formation

Mark Cannon



Fr. Marquis

Parish Office 207-847-6890 Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm

266 Foreside Rd. Falmouth 04105 Parish Website:


Parish Mission Statement We are the Parish of the Holy Eucharist, a Catholic Commu-nity called to discipleship seeking deeper communion with God, each other, and our neighbors by celebrating the Sacra-ments, sharing God’s word, and serving all in need.

Our Churches

Please check calendar on page 9 for last minute

changes to Mass times

Holy Martyrs Church 266 Foreside Rd. Falmouth

Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00 pm

Sunday 8:30 am,10:30 am & 5:30 pm

Lent Daily Mass 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday

Adoration Monday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Confession Saturday 3:15 pm

Rosary Saturday, 3:30 pm

Sacred Heart Church 326 Main St. Yarmouth

Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00 pm

Sunday 8:00 am & 11:00 am

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs-day

8:15 am Confession

Saturday 3:15 pm

St. Gregory Church 24 North Raymond Rd. Gray

Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00 pm

Sunday 8:30 am

Monday & Friday 8:00 am

Adoration Friday 8:30 am -12:30 pm

Confession Saturday 3:15 pm

Rosary Saturday, 3:30 pm

St. Jude Church 134 Main St. Freeport

Mass Schedule Sunday 9:30 am

Holy Martyrs Masses and

Adoration are streamed Live to our web-

site and on FaceBook Live

Watch Sunday Mass on TV

Channel 5 10:00 am and 4:00 pm

Deacon Dennis’ Office Hours at St. Gregory 207-657-8607

Monday 2 to 7 pm Tuesday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Thursday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Friday 1:30 to 5 pm

Deacon Finn

Would you like to register with Parish of the Holy Eucharist? Do you need to update your contact information?

Would you like us to bring Communion to you in your home? Would you like to get the weekly bulletin via email?





Please leave this form in the collection basket or mail to:

Parish of the Holy Eucharist 266 Foreside Rd. Falmouth ME 04105


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