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3-31-14 International Prayer Call: Monday night 7 pm edt.

530 881 1400   406878#530 881 1499   406878# recorded version

Also daily 1 pm edt 559 726 1300 143425#

The songs Redeemer and One Touch say it all by Nicole Mullen. Having God in our hearts can and will change things in our lives for the better. Having God on the surface of our lives leaves us wondering why things are the way they are.

Come join us won’t you.  Comment  

3-31-14 tlm724: Article: "Next Sunday ... distribution of salaries of workers secured"   so on April 6th they intend to distribute these funds ... there is a lot of money that is going to be distributed in the next week, makes me question where it is coming from.  Comment

3-31-14 Millionday: Article quote "...the session went out important recommendations contribute to the entry of Arab and foreign investors the Iraqi market and to support the national economy."  this means that massive foreign investment is going to begin in Iraq and they have to have a reality rate in order to do that...they are preparing without a doubt to open the doors...the New Iraq...all of this is preparation for the rate and the doors to open for trade of their products and of course their largest product ---THE DINAR.  Comment


3-31-14 TNT TONY CC (Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Tony:  Good morning, TNT!  It’s Monday the 31st of March, 2014.  It is my birthday month, and I really appreciate all those birthday greetings.  DC is not going to be here today; he wanted to be, but he is not.   Today will be a different kind of call;  I will give you guys the information, then I’ll give you a little of the call I would do if we got the 800 numbers. I’ll repeat it when we have the 800 numbers and do it properly.  Pam’s going to give you a list of books that you should have already read, that will affect your life.

Here’s where we’re at: the same place as Friday.  We expected this to be the last call. Iraq still says their economy will change on the 1st.  They started handing it out lower denominations and they should be out everywhere today.  Our guy tried to send out pictures of the lower denoms, but they all got bounced back.  They are obviously blocking transmissions of lower denominations at this time.  Other people have contacts over there and they can call their contracts and find out they are being issued.

Maliki’s vote is on April 11, and he wants this done prior to that so he can look good for the election.  That is part of the deal, and they are pushing for this to be announced today, or tomorrow at the latest.

Everybody over here is happy, not drinking champagne yet, but feeling things are done.  We’re right at that ½” line, ready to cross. We are that close to this being completely over with, and all your dreams coming true.  We truly hoped this would be the last call, and that it wouldn’t get this far.  It was supposed to go Friday, and there were some simple issues that didn’t get done, and that are now done.  I don’t want to go into depth with that.

I don’t want to get into anything controversial in this call, such as dates and times. I’m going to talk about some over things to do with the RV, and I’m telling you what I’m doing so you will understand.  If there is any possibility of something going wrong, we don’t want to be the ones to do it.

This is our fourth year of doing this, and things have gone up, down and sideways, with information sometimes coming out too early…

and some still say that nothing we’ve said has come true!  Small minds! WE have seen changes in the banking system, in parliament and the power-sharing agreements – we don’t hear any  more arguments about those. Even the gurus aren’t discussing it because agreements are in place.  That is in our past.

What we’re looking for is an 800 number to go our to the public and the instruction packet to go with.  Since we don’t have those yet, I’m going to talk about some stuff I can discuss.  Not everyone will get the highest rate, but there is a way for it to go.  We’ve talked groups, good and bad.  We’ve looked at contracts for those groups that are sound contracts;  other groups I’ve warned you about, and some have been removed from the system.  Some of the people have been removed, and some will be removed after the announcement.   The agencies are ready for them, and the people will be surprised when they get a knock on their door.

I know some have lost their dinar being involved with that groups.  Some are not going to get what you expected to get.  BUT it’s still all good;  there are other things you’ll be able to do.  I don’t know if you will get any back, although everything is being tracked.

Groups right now – there are a bunch of people saying that if you’re not part of a group, you won’t be able to exchange. That is an outright LIE, and I know it for a fact. They are using that to get you to sign up for their groups.  Nobody should be on TNT endorsing any group or getting you to sign up for a group, whether it’s posted or by PM.  If they are doing it, send the info to TNT dinar HELP and we will delete them from the site.   This is the site where they shouldn’t do it on, no matter what other sites allow.  We are not going to let them take advantage of you on our site.

We know there are some groups out there, and what I don’t like is when people ask you to send them your name, address, email, how much currency you have, your driver’s license or passport.  That is information you might give when you go to the bank;  you don’t send that info to anyone you met on the internet!  Whether good, bad, or indifferent, they then have your information and they can use it for whatever purposes they want.  They say “I will give that to bank”, but if so, I can give them to the bank myself!  You don’t need the rest to go to anyone else.  This weekend I got phone calls and emails asking fi they should do that… why are you even asking the question?  As an adult, why would you want to be involved in something that insane?!  You’re getting ready to be a multi-millionaire and you’re giving that information to a stranger?!

I know some groups got SKRs, but some were for 57 cents.  They had churches being cashed out for 57 cents, two dollars, etc.  If they tell you that’s how much you would get with them, don’t you think there is a larger opportunities out there?  You turn over your dinar, and

they may actually pay you those rates, and then say “I didn’t know the rate would be higher;  I didn’t know there would be 800 numbers out there for a higher rate.”  They told you that this is the best deal you can get because they are being paid for this deal.  They are getting paid, or their humanitarian group is being paid for this. Is that really what you want?  Then they assign one guy as a Paymaster, and you have to give that person power of attorney, and then he can do what he really wants to do with that, regardless of the agreement.  Let’s say five people realized what happened and they initiate a lawsuit that gets the accounts frozen.  Then your money is tied up for the next ten years!  Look carefully at the people and groups you are getting involved with, where one person controls your money.

When we issue the 800 numbers, everyone will go to the banks, and you may have to wait a month or more for the Paymaster to sort it out all.  I’d rather go to the bank and get my money and get on with my life, without all those potential glitches and problems.  Just think about these issues. When those who got 57 cents see the higher rates, they are going to be highly upset.  This came up again because we got that from a lot of people on our site who were getting contacted.  I’ve talked about this already in the past couple of years.  We really don’t want anyone using our site to do that, either.  I do know that there is one outstanding group that will get a great rate, but others are not so good and it hurts my heart to know they are taking your currency.  I can only put the information out as best I can.

Here are the options you will have.  Let’s say the RV comes out today;  the rate may not be what you expect, and we know that everyone will not get the top rate.  Here’s what I would do.  Go through Who Moved My Cheese several time, because every morning it’s not where we expected it to be.  The first mouse gets the trap, the second mouse gets the cheese, and the third mouse gets the cheese factory.

The rate will come out as an international rate and a market rate.  The market rate WILL float.  Others have said not, but we know it will float, with a time and date attached to it. IF you don’t know that game, the hedge funds and investing trusts are all going to get involved, and they will definitely drive the market up.  So your only thing is knowing when it reaches the peak and when it will come down.  Do you take what you have and be happy, or try to double/triple the rate you get?  Some will do that, especially if it comes out at 3.71.

If it comes out at that rate, the best thing I can tell the average person who doesn’t know about forex or the market… there is a guy who has provided you with a safety net for this entire deal.  I called him on my private line and asked if he is sure he’s going to do that,

and he said  YES, that’s what we are going to do.  There are many different exchanges and opportunities out there;  I’ve talked to several and looked over their program, and I put my faith in Sterling.  They have never paid me to buy or sell dinar, I have never worked for them in any way.  On the other site, they paid for advertising, but they never paid me.  I respect them as businessmen, especially Ty Frank, because he was a military man with an honorable discharge.  They are honest business people, and they have always dealt honestly with me.  They refer you to their site, and they have stayed that way throughout the years.

Here’s the deal:  You can LOCK IN a rate, and as the rate goes higher, you can call in and lock in the higher rate, again and again and again.  Make a new appointment!  That is just unbelievable to me.  If I didn’t know how many days it would be, as it goes up I can just make a new appointment.  So when it gets to that peak, you don’t go down!   If he does that, he is the greatest thing to happen to dinarland.  If you have questions, if you don’t know how to play the money game, that is what I would do.  What it does is let you wait until it’s over with before you do your exchange. It’s great for those who don’t know how to negotiate with the bank.  The only downside is that he cannot service everyone, so it may take a little time.  If you cannot get into your bank, Sterling is a great option for you.  Most will go to the bank and get it over with, but some will want to get more, and this is the best opportunity I see.

If you just want to cash out, go to the bank because they can handle more people and you’ll just get it over with.  Scheduling will be different.  We don’t know what the bank reserves policy will be.  If the policy is to verify your reserves on the first appointment, you cannot use your fresh money to pay for those reserves, but you can lock in the rate for your reserves (second) appointment. How do you pay for your reserves?  There are two options:

1.     Exchange a bit for the street rates and pay off your reserves, then take them into the bank.

2.     Put in a sale order, pay off your reserves, then take them to the bank.  This would be the easier way to do it because you don’t even have to go to the bank, you can do it on the computer, not have to wait for a bank appointment.  They could be paid off before you go to the bank, and they can be delivered.  So long as you have proof of those reserves, the bank will give you the same rate as at your first appointment.

So, going into the bank:  they will charge you a fee, and they will try to hold onto or control your money for a certain length of time. They will say it’s in your best interest to let them control that money, and for many people they will be right.  However, if you exchange at an exchanger, they will not be able to control your money.  You have to

choose which option is right for you, so think about it before you go to the bank.  Sterling will be doing the market rate, but if you wait until it climbs, you may get a significantly better rate.  I don’t know how long that process will last, but it will be a process, I can tell you that.

What else?  Pam’s not reminding me of anything, so… good morning, 303!

303 caller:  You’re the best-kept octogenarian I know, so all the best!

Tony:  Wait.  Pam called me ‘smart’ three times today. She usually calls me an idiot, so…

Caller: What age takes away from the body, it replaces in the mind.  What effect does the IMF reorganization have on this?

Tony:  None.

Caller:  Is there going to be an NDA on the VNN exchange rate?

Tony:  We don’t know;  we’ve been told either way several times.

Caller: In your heart of hearts, are we doing this this week?

Tony:  Yes, in my heart of hearts I do think it will be this week.  Remember, I don’t control the RV.  I can say that based on the information we have.  I am confident.

Okay, two callers didn’t pick up, although they came on two hours before the call!

281 caller:  We just got back from the Philippines, and we are looking forward to this thing coming through because we are helping rebuild houses and churches from the tsunami. I’m excited about this, and let’s get it done this week.  Bless you!  We appreciate everything you do.  We were able to feed 1,200 people in several cities and we are looking after 600 orphans.  We’re doing what we can with what we have, and we’re just waiting for this blessing now.

Tony:  A lot of people will do a lot of great things.

628 caller:  I’m new to this and feel for those waiting for so long.  When you actually go into the bank, are they just going to deposit the money in your account?  Or will they have to send off your currency to be processed?  Do you expect that, or not let it out of your sight?

Tony:  They have exchange centers and most have De la Rue

machines to certify your currency and put it in your bank account.

Caller:  An exchange center is a bank, though, right?

Tony:  Every bank will not be an exchange center, but every bank will send you to an exchange center where they will exchange it directly.  Other banks will take your currency, give you a receipt, send it to be verified, and then credit your account.  Find a bank or exchange center that verifies it on the spot if possible.  You can ask about their procedures before you go to your appointment.  We won’t know until they make the announcement.

Caller:  Can I send one note to an exchanger to pay off my reserves?  I don't want to exchange it all at the bank.

Tony:  Yes, you can always do that.  If you want to exchange at the street rate, you might be able to do that right at the bank or the exchanger.  I know that I can go right online to Sterling, and put in a sell order, and I’m done.  They can then send me my reserves because I’ve paid them off.  I don’t have to send a wire or whatever.  I like to find the easiest possible way.

Caller:  I called my exchangers, and they don’t do that.  You have to pay all of it off at once, not sell a portion and then pay it off.

Tony:  This is why I think Sterling is the best one out there because they have so many ways to help you figure this out and do this process.

Caller:  When you post the 800 numbers…

Tony:  I will put it in the chat room, in the forum, as a blast, as a tweet, and on all our websites.  I will set up a call to explain it all to you guys, too.

Caller:  You can a great rate at the bank, but couldn't you get a loan on the money in the account to pay off the reserves?

Tony:  You can ask them for a signature loan against your balance, for 5,000 or 10,000;  they make money on a one-day loan or a one-week loan.  You can do that, but for me, doing it online with Sterling is the easiest and fastest way to do it.  But a signature loan that might let you exchange at double the rate, that might be a good way forward, too.

Caller: I’m thinking it might take too long to cash out the reserves and receive them from the exchanger.

Tony:  Even if they take your currency, they will have a rate for you overnight. Oh, you mean to receive your currency from the reserves?

Yes, it might take a little while because they may not have the actual currency on hand.  The banks will have more on hand.  If you show the banks how much you have in reserves, they will lock in that rate and you don’t have to worry about it.

717 caller:  The last lady asked one of my questions, thank you.  How long are we supposed to leave money in the accounts from the IRS point of view… keeping money in separate accounts?

Tony:  I was told to tell you to keep dinar separated from everything else because there may be a different tax rates.  Also, the dinar is being tracked by UST notes, and the others are being tracked by Federal Reserve notes.  That will be tracked for the rest of time.  I don’t know how long you’ll have to keep them separate.  But under Basel III, each country will have to track that currency.  They are all listening, so maybe someone will come back and give me an answer.  We have no formal written document to tell us what the taxes are, so keep them separate for the moment.

Caller:  We know that there may be no tax at all, or 20% if you’ve owned currency for 1.5 years  or more. Is that still the case?

Tony:  We don’t know until they tell us.  Keep them separate until we find out more.  Also, ask the bank for CCC certificates or letters from the banks, so they know that you are not money-laundering or whatever.  Those will be more important than you can imagine, especially if you sign an NDA (which means that you cannot tell people where this money came from).  I intend to frame one!  The CCC is the bank saying that “this is good money”.  If I’m giving money from bank A to Bank B, they will need to know that the money is clean and clear.  Wherever they need to know that it’s clean and clear, you’ll need a CCC certificate.

Also, I would immediately take 50% of my money and put it aside until the tax situation is cleared up.  I’d put 25% somewhere it can make money for me;  put that to work as soon as possible, or at least in an interest-bearing account until I work out the rest.  I’d take 25% and use that to start living my life slowly.  The best case scenario is to live off the interest of your money, don’t use the principal, just live off the interest.  Otherwise, you’ll be in the 90% that is broke in two years.

Caller:  So should you go with CDs or whatever they tell you is safe?

Tony:  I like my money to be liquid, not “you agreed to this for two years” and then something comes up and they charge horrible fees to get your money bank.  I don’t want to do that.

Caller:  Are you familiar with scrubbing an account so you don’t hear from all the people who want to invest for you?

Tony:  I will run all that through my wealth manager and make sure my accounts are marked ‘no offers’ and ‘no counter staff’ able to see it.  That’s the wealth manager’s job, to screen all that.

I’m getting some texts here.  Here’s the problem:  when I was telling you about the groups, I wasn’t pointing out anyone.  I’m not endorsing any group, and I’m telling you to look at any such group very carefully.  I am not pointing out anyone, directly or indirectly, so leave me out of it.  If I do get involved, you guys will not like it.  Do not try to use me or TNT in any fashion.  I hope that is the last I hear about this.

352 caller:  Are we still looking at four rates on the dinar?

Tony:  I think I know but this is something they don’t want me to talk about it.  We’ll discuss that when we get the 800 numbers and information packet.

Caller:  Do we know anything about the zim?

Tony:  I’ve got to wait for my text to tell me about the zim!

Pam:   One of our guys is joining the call – the question is about the zim?  We were told we couldn’t talk about rates and dates and things.

Tony:  That’s not rates or dates;  that’s in the ‘things’ category.  I will say this:  If you have it, keep it.  It will be worth something, sometime.   My mother, father and RayRen here are all doing well, thank you for asking…

972 caller:  On the currencies you mentioned, will there be a way to get together and discuss those afterwards?

Tony:  I don’t know.  I hope so, but I will be under a different NDA than everybody else.  I haven’t read it and I don’t know what the restrictions will be.  There are definitely other currencies that will be worth a great deal.  This is a GLOBAL currency reset, so it has to be more than two currencies!  There are 200 countries, and some will go higher in the next phase until all four phases are completed.  Here’s the thing:  they don’t want you involved, they don't want a repeat of this situation.  They don’t want some knucklehead saying the rate is two cents, and then when the higher rates come out and blow their socks off.  They are concerned about giving psychos millions of dollars, because there are still idiots and have no idea what to do with it.  Some of these people will have more millions than teeth in their mouth, and they don’t want to go through this with that type of person again.

I would love to tell you everything I see going on, and I might be able to.  I hope to talk to you about investment strategies.  I don’t want to be responsible for people who don’t do their homework, just want me to do all the work for them. I would like to work with people who will do some of the work, and talk about how we can affect our neighborhoods and cities, sharing this, and making money while helping other people.  I would like to talk about the 3D printing companies and other industries that are coming up next.

Caller:  Did you post that company that brokers deals on companies?

Tony:  The next time I find that company’s name, I will send it out as a tweet or a blast.

813 caller:  About the 50% set aside for taxes, where would you put that?

Tony:  I will put mine in an interest-bearing account in the bank.  You can negotiate that rate of interest with that bank.  Look around and see what is fair, so that it’s earning you money instead of just sitting there.  They have annuities and insurance accounts;  those would work so long as you have access to it without penalties.  If you are putting your money in an account, that is fine;  it probably isn’t worth it putting that 50% into an investment that is risky.   I have a high tolerance for pain when it comes to taking financial risks because I know how to make money.  I don’t know if that is true for you.

Caller:  The carrot is still dangling;  what’s the hold up now?

Tony:  The IMF is still in charge, and the moment they say GO, we will see it.  Everyone is ready, but it’s still up to them to say GO.  I do think this is the final week based on what everyone is hearing, including announcements in Iraq saying their economy is changing and they are giving out lower denominations.  They are not pulling them back, they are just giving them out.  Maliki is counting on this to win his vote on 11. April. The bond sales went through at 3.71, and everyone has received their commissions, so there must be an international rate.

I always thought that this would happen between 2am and 5pm;  for others, it made sense that is would be in the afternoon.  At this point, everyone has been through so much they don’t care, and it will happen when CL says to get it done.

561 caller:  I’m super-fantastic, too.  Thank you to you and your team, and I look forward to along relationship with you because you’re an intelligent person. I’ve asked for you to get a PO Box before so that we can send you donations;  PayPal is not working well for us.  My family would like to support you and your whole

team!  So whenever you need help, my group has agreed to do whatever it takes to help and protect you.

So this is my question… what is our next investment?

Tony:  I think the PO Box is more trouble than it’s worth, and also we keep hoping this would be over.  Someone called me that he has a site where people can donate and then THEY put it into the PayPal account. I hope this is over!

As for what we look at next… Wait, I need to read what Pam just texted me.  Our next investment, well there are many opportunities.  When I was in network marketing, you look at the big players on the stage making 100K or more per month.  I get to be a director, with 13,000 people in my group, and then they started paying attention.  When you get that title and that check, they say “Now that you’re here, let me show you how to invest, keep this thing growing, etc.  We don’t want our guys to fall back into the crowd.”  Now people are getting here, they have the money, and they don’t know what to do with it.  The bank is scared of people like that, like the sports people that suddenly have millions. They want to look after that for you.  But you can now effect change, and create a legacy for you and your family.  I want to help with that, and I hope we can do that on the new sites.  I won’t be there every day, but it’s something you can do for each other.  I’m just here now to make sure people are not led astray;  what we want is to help people with further investments and currencies fi we can.  We know they do NOT want to see a repeat of this dinar situation, that I do know.

Caller:  Me and my six brothers, we have over 100 million between us, and we will follow you wherever you go. You have my phone number and can call any time, 24/7.  I’m locked out of the forum and I'm still waiting to get back in.   You take, and whatever you need, we’re willing.  Just call us, and we’ll watch your back.

Tony:  I really appreciate that!

561 caller:  You talk about the bank tiers… what’s that about?

Tony:  A tier 1 bank is the larger national bank;  a tier 2 bank will be a smaller regional bank.

Caller:  So when we call the 800 number, which bank will they send us to?

Tony:  That keeps changing.  Until we actually get the instructions, I cannot go through that.  Google “tier 1 banks”, they will give you the list;  you can do the same for tier 2 banks.  You can also look up bank ratings.  If you ask in the forum, I’ve given out the email

addresses of the UST and the FDIC;  they will send out lists of banks in trouble. You have access to all the information.

Caller: Which country has the highest gold ownership?

Tony:  I don’t know.  You wanted me to say China, right?  I don't know that the US has the highest amount, because we have been off the Gold Standard since 1971.

Caller:  When you go into WF, they just laugh at you.

Tony:  Because they don’t know!  Their bank employees are just doing their job;  they don’t know what level their bank is, or how it is ranked.  They are not executives or managers;  they haven’t done the time or research to know what we do at this point.

Caller:  I know Okie likes his jet;  what do you like?  Biplanes?

Tony:  I like rocket-ships!  I want to get on that list to fly into outer space!

I guess I’ve sent the UST into a panic.  We have discussed this before:  UST vs. FR notes.  I have laughed at people who said that we are getting new Treasury notes;  they are not going to replace all our currency overnight, and one is worth $1 and one is worth 50 cents.  It’s ludicrous to think that this would every happen.  The notes they are referring to are the notes they are using to track this money.  It’s more like the mortgage note on your house.  Banks will have that type of ‘note’ so that they can track this money.  They are not going to issue actual one, five, ten, fifty or hundred dollar bills that make the existing notes redundant.  WE have explained this before, so don’t get into fear that the US notes will be purple from Saturday.  I always say, “Who does that make sense to?”  If they let everyone know they were changing the $100 bills nine months in advance so that the stores and ATMS wouldn’t flip out, who would think that they would change all the bills on Saturday without telling anyone? It just doesn’t make sense.

585 caller:  I’m doing superfantastic in spite of the 10” snow we got yesterday!  About the US signing to the IMF reforms, doesn’t that put us in the same position as we are in the UN, that we no longer have control over worldwide monetary policy?

Tony:  I don’t think it’s a good thing either. We will lose power, and also they are setting up five mini-IMFs.  All that dilutes the power of the US and the power of the dollar. We have to lose value on the dollar because that is part of the GCR and leveling the playing fields.  Why did they agree to that in the first place, if you weren’t going to push through the final vote?  They could have allowed the emerging countries to move their positions without affecting

us.  They did it because it allowed all these other things, and we probably shouldn’t discuss it anyway.  It doesn’t make sense of us.

[can’t hear the question]  Currency wars… Russian banks… [can’t hear it]

Tony:  They are making side agreements with each other.  In the mini-IMFs, they can make agreements amongst themselves, and use the US dollar when they deal with those outside those groups.

Caller:  In macro-economics, that makes it more profitable for us to make things ourselves.  We are the biggest consumers.  Of course, that will mean that fewer will buy from China, and that will affect their economy, and so on.

Tony:  Wait a second – email.  I was trying to warn you guys about the groups and what I think was some really stupid things they ask you to do. I wouldn't do it, don't care who asking me, doesn't make sense to me. I said I wasn't going to talk about a specific group unless they go on our site and do that... someone out there is saying that I didn't say "our group".  Leave TNT out of it;  leave me out of it, because you don’t want me to be in it!  Hopefully that’s it!

407 caller:  Those books you keep announcing, will be able to go back after the RV and download your calls and information?

Tony:  They already asked me to take the site down and take twitter down.  The NDA will prevent me talking about this again.  If there is something on the site you want, download it now, because I don’t know how long I’ll have.  They want this to go away.  As far as twitter is concerned, I’ll have to read it and see, but I’ll know it will be restricted. If you want the Ten Things and the books, get them now.  We’ll also move them to a Tony Blast so that people can still get them even if they are not members of the forum.

Caller:  the first appointments you said might be within two hours;  does this relate to how far you  might have to drive to get to the exchange center?

Tony:  They want the appointments to start that early, within two hours.  You give them your zip code, and they will direct you to the closest exchange center for you.

Caller:  I heard that on the East Coast the exchange centers may be open 24/7…

Tony:  I don't’ think so. The call centers have three shifts, but the exchange centers will be open to 11pm at the latest.

256 caller: will the call center be able to tell you the rate?

Tony:  I don't think so.  They don't want to give you a rate and then have the bank give you another one.

Caller:  If we want the street rate, can we set a later date?

Tony:  I don’t know.  The banks will be competition to get your business;  each one changes their rates at different times, so there will be fluctuations.

Caller:  So we might have to go with the exchangers.  With them, they will only exchange what you bought from them.  I bought some dinar and all my dongs from Sterling.

Tony:  That’s what he said five months ago;  he might say something else today.  Call him after the 800 numbers come out and ask for their policy now.

Caller:  I have four churches I'm supporting, and I’ve found a big marina that would be a good investment.  I hope that I can do that and get some money coming in.

Tony:  I hope all your dreams come true!

718 caller:  Nine months ago I tried to register for the site, but it didn’t go through and I got locked out of the blog page, too.  You have my number there, right?  [barely hear the caller]

Tony:  I cannot understand your question.  We don’t have a blog page;  you must mean the forum.  I hope the forum goes away today.  Pam says she doesn’t want anyone else in the forum because we have so many people that we want to remove.  We have switched sites so many times, and there are people we don’t want to let back in.  The Mods have to sanitize the sites again, based on what we know and what other members tell us.  That’s why we closed it, and will move to the website, picking and choosing who we let in. We just don't see doing this again because it’s a lot of work. That is why the really important stuff goes out as a Tony Blast, because nonmembers can read those blasts.  I gave out the email address on the last call, and they got 200 emails.  Hopefully this will be over and those that really don’t like Tony shouldn’t follow us to the next site.

Caller:  Are there people still getting to exchange?

Tony:  No, I don’t think so.

Caller:  I went to a MA Military Families Association event last weekend where they welcomed home the Vietnam vets who didn’t get welcomed when they come home from serving.

Tony:  We should thank all the military, including those who are over there right now.  There are many things I want to do for vets, and I hope the US government will do so as well.  This project was actually put together for humanitarian projects, and many are getting paid for us by us, the US.  I love kids, and I hate to see them hurt, I hate to see people hurt or going hungry.  We throw away millions of tons of food every day.  I see homeless people on the streets, and if I’m buying food or coffee, I give them coffee or a meal and hand it to them.  I was at KFC the other day and there was this guy wrapped in a blanket, tucked out of the way.  I bought him a whole meal.  He was startled, but I think we should all be doing those things for the people around us.  We can also help charities and groups that are trying to help people in this country. It’s great that people are (for example) digging wells in the Third World, but I know of a town in Alabama that has not running water – here, in the US, in 2014 – because they are just outside the city limits, and the town won’t extend the supply.  They have no running water or toilets.  When I got to a food place, I just double the order so that I can feed someone else.  We can all do that.

Okay.  I wanted to go through those points in case we don’t have another chance.  If you have questions, put them up in the forum or chat room and maybe members can answer them.  God to exchangers websites, and figure out their procedures.  Don’t wait until the RV happens.  Go to the bank sites and figure out the kind of accounts you need.  Then you can see how the bank fits into your plans, rather than the other way round.

Pam:  I said goodbye while you were talking!

RayRen:  Everyone have a wonderful day;  get ready for the islands!

Tony:  I hope this will be over today; hopefully we’ll be doing a call later this evening or tonight;  if not, we’re ready for that final call.  Enjoy the rest of your day!  Comment  

3-31-14 Jay J: Good Afternoon Folks! Read this post on another site and thought it might be worth thinking about.  Here is part of the clip that I cut from the post.





Take it for what it's worth!  Comment  

3-31-14 TNT DINAR CC:

1 pm EDT / 12 pm CDT / 11 am MDT / 10 am PDT / 9 am AKDT / 7 am HADT

Q & A: 425-440-5100 FREE ~ 206-402-0100 FREE ~ 503-205-8988, PIN CODE 634293#

Listen Only Live: 209.255.1500 OR 518.556.1500 FREE

Listen Only Live Online:

Replay 805-399-1500, 409029#


3-31-14 Kaperoni: Article: "Iraq gets on behalf of the General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture for Arab first time its history." That's pretty good ... first time they been able to attend the Arab Chamber of Commerce meetings in 42 years and they seated the presidency.  Good news for sure.  Comment


















3-31-14 Beams:  Here's why April 1 is IMPORTANT. I SEE WHAT APRIL 1 IS THE TARGET DATE >>>>If you were wondering why the Big Banks were fighting so hard against The Volcker Rule over the past 5 years you are about to find out. As of Tuesday, April 1, 2014, the rule goes into effect.

OCC: Volcker Rule: Final Regulations

Highlights The final regulations

prohibit banks from engaging in short-term proprietary trading of certain securities, derivatives commodity futures, and options on these instruments for their own accounts.

impose limits on banks' investments in, and other relationships with, hedge funds and private equity funds.

provide exemptions for certain activities, including market making-related activities, underwriting, risk-mitigating hedging, trading in government obligations, insurance company activities, and organizing and offering hedge funds and private equity funds.

clarify that certain activities are not prohibited, including acting as agent, broker, or custodian.

scale compliance requirements based on the size of the bank and the scope of the activities. Larger banks are required to establish detailed compliance programs and their chief executive officers must attest to the OCC that the bank's programs are reasonably designed to achieve compliance with the final regulations. Smaller banks engaged in modest activities are subject to a simplified compliance program.

*Note: The banks don't have to be fully compliant until July 2015 so expect a wild shakeout between now and then as they try to rid themselves of TRILLIONS of DOLLARS worth of non-compliant derivatives. It won't take that long as big banks have a tendency to EAT THEIR OWN when it comes to their own survival!

So what do all these restriction do?

Well, history has shown that you can't have an unbacked fiat monetary system without controlling the prices of some key commodities and monetary instruments. Gold, silver, oil and the USD are the main ones.

That's where market rigging with computers and derivatives came into play in the 1970's. That is why the top 5 banks (JPM, Citi, BofA, Goldman & Morgan Stanley) hold over $295 TRILLION in derivatives!

It is the ONLY reason that the unbacked system is still viable. This unbacked system has lasted over 40 years after breaking all ties with unprecedented record in monetary history and only made possible by the computer market rigging programs written in

the 1960's by Alan Greenspan.

Greenspan's Golden Secret

Ultimately, the game must end as it was always the plan to run the unbacked system as long and hard as possible before returning to a true Gold Standard.

That time has come.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

OCC: Volcker Rule: Final Regulations

The final regulations to implement section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, known as the Volcker Rule, were published in the Federal Register on January 31, 2014, and become effective on April 1, 2014. Comment  



3-31-14 Stryker: New LIVE Streaming (Broadcast) Times Starting Monday March 31, 2014.

Iraqi Dinar News with Stryker - Monday's & Friday's 4:00 PM CST.

Wednesday's Roundtable Discussions - Wednesday Evenings @ 7:00 PM CST.

All other programs will be recorded for On Demand and announcements sent out as Stryker WebTV & Blog Talk Radio members update.

Today's Webcast will start at 4:00 PM CST Today.

Save the following URL's:


On Demand:

Stryker Blog – Comment

3-31-14 wmawhite: (Do u believe next 3 months?) Reading what the different committees have told us, what the GOI has told us, what the CBI has told us...there are reasons to expect a change in the IQD this week, or next week, there are even statements saying prior to June 2014.   Personally, I am a happy investor. Comment

3-31-14 Millionday: Report quote: "...Iraq is a member of the Free Trade Area of the Greater Arab known as "GAFTA", which achieved commercial exchange low tariffs on goods produced in Arab countries." This is a huge step that shows us we are very close to Iraq picking itself up and dusting off and moving forward as expected to a massive trade force in the region and the world --- FREE ZONES SET --- love the timing -- looking good.  Comment  

3-30-14 tlm724: Article: "Iraq opens the second largest oil field in the world." They are rockin it out! It is the West Qurna field - 2 second-largest oil field in the world's untapped reserves are recoverable of approximately 14 billion barrels and has a great importance for the economy of Iraq. Comment

3-30-14 WANG DANG: CONFERENCE CALL Sunday, March 30, 2014 @ 8 PM CT.

Dial in: 530-881-1300, pin 894786#

Playback: 530-881-1399, pin 894786#  (after the call)


3-30-14 KTFA: Jim Willie: Currency Reset, Split dollar, Yuan convertibility very soon…


3-30-14 numbnuts7: Good news from my bank manager: my bank manager called me and told me that a few days ago they installed a monitor to show foreign currency rates I’m telling you people THIS BABY IS ABOUT TO POP. If I get any more info I will share.  Comment

3-30-14 Javzze: For all of you getting up and thinking that the budget was passed, guess what, it is postponed till maybe Tues. There was a lack of quorum as usual.

The Kurds and United Group did not show since there was no agreements on the Kurds’ deal.  At this point, it very well could go on till after the election if this really is the problem or they are

stalling until the imf and cbi tells them it's okay. In either case, Iraq is sinking financially into the desert sands. Another reason could be they do not want this till after the elections so the people are pissed at Maliki and he is not elected. In any of the above cases, keep your seat belt on we are in for a rough ride despite what our friendly gurus say. Comment

3-30-14 White Hat Auxiliary Q&A from Fact Check # 113:

Chris says: Should we make our 1st exchange our last?


whitehatauxiliaries says: I plan on doing just that. Please do as you feel best when that day comes.


M. says: Hello WHA, When the currency reset takes place and the VND and other EM currencies are revalued upward, what will the loss in purchasing power of the USD be? Will the the move be in lockstep USD reserve currency moving down as EM currencies move up?

The reason I ask this is, if a major revaluation takes place globally then there is always winners and losers to any such deal, will Americans that exchanged one revalued currency for another be in any better shape if the costs of “hard assets” moves dramatically upward in response to the loss in the purchasing power of the USD. I.E. will imports items suddenly spike exponentially in response to this reset?

My understanding, and correct me if i am wrong, is we are moving to a Global System where fiat economies (Western Economies) will be replaced by asset based economies (BRICS and other resource rich nations), and it is this rebalancing that must take place to stabilize the Global Economy.

So will our ” new found wealth” buy much in the way of real assets or just be a conduit in which to pay off our existing debts of fiat?

If tomorrow the reset was announced and the VND revalued at .10 then those holding a million VND would have 100k in USD, and then I went to exchange if for silver bullion….would that silver have revalued from its current rate $20.00 +\- to $100-500.00 in the same time frame or do we have a small window of opportunity to purchase hard assets and be in the position to take advantage of the reset to our full advantage?

Thank you for your time and look forward to your response.


whitehatauxiliaries says: Hello, Your questions are very good, but I have to honestly tell you that such answers are way above my pay grade.

Let me struggle through this, with a caveat that I am not giving any financial or legal advice.

We are told that the FRN will devalue over time. We do not know the rate or pace of the devalue.

I would assume that a devaluation of the USD would make imports more expensive for us.

I cannot say that gold and silver will appreciate that fast and that high. Some think it will. I simply do not know. If one thinks they will, well, te salude Don Corleone. Then it would mean those who buy now would be happy tomorrow.

I would also think it would mean the asset backed currencies would be prized as well and prove up to be safe place for value. Gold/silver was money for 10K years. Only in he last hundred years have we gone bonkers and sold out to banking cartels who tried to convince us otherwise.

Now we come full circle to revert to the former, and only because the death of fiat money forces the hand.

I do not know the direct plan to retire debt with BRICS asset based currencies. I do know that WGS released funds would, after tax, provide a huge tax receipt and retire a lot of the debt in that way. That is generally speaking, as I do not know the total details in which this is to be done.

Bottom line, I think it is wise to own silver and gold at all times. A sound monetary system should practice the same thinking – asset backed money is simply backing our medium of exchange with the same things we want in everything we obtain: value.

Because I do not know the exact makeup of what is to come, I can only hope it works out for the best. Society wants access to the resources of our world. Shelter, transportation, food, clothing, consumer goods and such. If the new system allows more people to share in such, with less want and deprivation because of economic fraud, then our work here would be twice honorable. Thank you!


Occasnl Trvlr says: According to Dr. Jim Willie, the essence of the reset is the initial revaluation of currencies relative to gold. If so, then by the time the currencies are reset, the prices of gold (and silver) would have leapt up.

Both Dr. Willie and JC Collins postulate that there will be a regional, gold-backed dinar before a world-wide reset, and this would explain Iraq’s purchase of 36 tonnes of gold this month.

As I understand, the White Hats have made clear that a currency exchange in the US after the reset would be for an asset-backed dollar. But, if for any reason this were to change, and the exchange was for a non-asset-backed dollar, then I would anticipate very rapid devaluation.

If that is the case, then I would consider very fast purchases of hard assets to lock-in as much actual value as possible. The prices of anything imported (which is lots of stuff), or manufactured domestically by foreign companies, would rise rapidly.

I think it is possible that, just as there may be a narrow window of time for exchange, there may be a narrow window of time to gain benefit from the exchange.


john s. says: the usa is a resource rich nation, also. and the brics nations also currently have fiat currency. while the dollar may devalue. it is not going to zero value.


allen says:  “The White Hats, and other good US Patriots, have the one key contact needed who has the essential knowledge, experience and standing needed to assist them get those funds into their own Platform use for the true benefit of all. They do all work very closely together with huge integrity.” ” get those funds”

question. are we talking WGS here? If not can you give more info? Also; “Many have asked about private trading platforms that were abused by Bush, the agencies and cabal.” Were not they already shut down and are now nonexistent? Thank you.


whitehatauxiliaries says: Hello, I do not think that was a reference to the WGS funding, which is world-wide among the sovereign nations. Private placements are just that – private. But it is my understanding that they will result in much public benefit.

I cannot answer the question about the platforms simply because I do not know the immediate answer to that question. I will leave that question to those who can answer it. The information in the article was as much information as was available at this time.


CK says: WH, WHA, and OWoN…Thank you for your service, and caring for those of us who are the “little guy/gal” in all of this…Maybe the WH or OWoN could comment on where we could go to exchange our dinar/dong…I, like many, only hold a little bit of each and would like to be prepared to exchange…

You are saying contact banks that already do international currency exchanges, and they would be our best bet to exchange immediately after this is released? I am asking because many of us do not have wealth managers, or personal banking relationships…

You see bankers do not normally like to offer their time to those that do not already have immense wealth, and because this is speculative the banks will not tell us anything…I have developed a trust for your information, and am just trying to be a step ahead when this is released…Thank you and may this be over soon…


whitehatauxiliaries says: Hello, I would think that any federally chartered bank with a currency desk would be able to exchange whatever currency is showing on their screen for whatever rates are showing at that time.

I know of no single place to exchange that would be better than any other place as long as they are able to exchange internationally recognized currencies.

For example, in my small town we have a Wells Fargo and a Chase Bank. Both have currency desks. When I see the rates change, I am going to simply take my modest amounts of dinar and dong and ask for the rates. If they indicate a revalue has indeed taken place, I am going to exchange, go home, come back here and advise you all how it went and hope like hell you all move like Mercury to do the same.

I do not know of any other procedure to follow. Simply go to any bank that can do currency exchanges and exchange them. That is all I know at this time. Thank you!


angrytiger says: What I did for my own sanity was Google this search string: “foreign currency exchange” bank l**********What came up

was – they have 3 locations in my state that are in banks. One is 10 minutes by car (7 if I drive like a maniac). I called them and their currency desk is open in the branch during all normal business hours. They do all currencies listed on their web site. The Iraqi Dinar is not listed so I did not ask about it.

My plan is brutally simple.  I check the WHA site for new Fact Checks starting 8am Pacific time (-8) over a dozen times a day. I work online so I just leave a window open and refresh. When I’m out, I check with my phone or iPad.

When the word comes down, i will follow any instructions from the WHA here– barring that, I will get in my car and go to the US Bank with the open Travelex desk in the bank right near my house. I assume even my modest 1.5 million Dinar will require me do open an account there before I leave since banks don’t have much cash.. I will remember to negotiate a higher daily cash withdrawal amount.

Even at an RV of $1.00, I plan on calling my friend who knows about large sums of money, frankly I don’t have a clue what to do. I think first, I will have a good cry whit it hits me my life will improve… Next, I will report back here and attempt to express my gratitude…

Should I locate alternate locations in case there are limits? How does my plan sound to you WHA? I really value your input. Thank you, CML


whitehatauxiliaries says: Every time I see your posts, I think of your initials “CML” and it reminds me of those of Christine Lagarde, which are eerily similar.

I think your plans are well thought out. We may have a one day pre-warning. That is not a guarantee, and is subject to change. You can imagine the pressure on my shoulders should we get this wrong and unleash a torrent of people charging into a bank with pitchforks and lanterns.

So, bottom line, just watch the currency sites for rate changes.

As we have been told, banks are pretty much clueless, as is proven out by the responses that many of you have gotten from the bank employees: “HUH?”. This strikes against guru “intel” that says they are warming up for your arrival with tea and crumpets.

Whatever your plans are in the details, just make acting promptly your number one priority. Thank you! Comment



3-30-14 Adam Montana: Another week gone by in Dinar land, and here's the week's top stories:  Central Bank stocks up on Gold;  Maliki...will he survive another election? Political tension is rising...this is getting good!; The UN weighs in on HCL; Kurdistan applying pressure; And last but not least, the IMF says "despite low oil prices and the budget deficit...the Iraqi economy stable."  All in all, I'd say we're looking pretty positive right now!  Comment

3-30-13 Eagle1: RV or GCR or? Frank is right! How's that for an introduction to this opinion piece?

Now, let me really mess with you! I'm also right! So how can that be? How can Frank be right that there is only an RV and not a GCR, while I'm right in saying that there IS and MUST BE a GCR?

Now that I have you thoroughly confused, let me take you into a little history of events and explain the why's and wherefore's of our diverging intel.

Everyone knows that George W. Bush signed Executive Order #13303 in 2003 making it lawful for Americans to purchase and hold the Iraqi Dinar, which would otherwise have been a sanctioned currency and unlawful to buy or sell.

We all know that the objective from Day One in the Bush Administration was for the Dinar to be restored to its original value, and with that restored value, create a flow of cash within our nation to not only pay for the Iraq War, but to at least pay off the Treasury's acknowledged public debt.

At the same time, it would bring to the American people a flow of finances and (for some) much wealth, resulting in a very big turnaround in our economy.

With all of the gold Iraq already had in its reserves -- never mind all the un-mined gold that the soldiers found under the streets and in otherwise unusual places -- by virtue of the fact that the US Treasury was holding trillions of Dinar in its reserves toward the expected date of the RV, the US Dollar would actually have some gold backing for the first time in decades.

No one is arguing with those facts. All of us have seen the events unfolding in Iraq bringing us step-by-step and closer to the day of the revalue of the IQD. So far so good?

What seems to have been lesser known is that members of the Bush Administration (whose names shall go unmentioned in this post)

began to see the value of a global economic reset.

There were other currencies whose values were operating under artificially low (and previously sanctioned) rates. Vietnam and Indonesia are two classic examples. Were there to be a revalue of those currencies and/or a restructuring of currency values based on actual fixed assets, this could fundamentally alter the global economies and restore some sanity to the way currencies were exchanged and commodities traded between countries.

Working with German economist and then-Managing Director of the IMF, Horst Köhler, at a meeting in Basel, Switzerland, a set of protocols began to be developed by which the member nations of the IMF would determine their respective asset bases against the amount of currency in use.

By the time the Basel III Protocols were finally published in 2010 with then-Managing Director of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, those protocols had undergone many iterations resulting in what was going to be a fundamental restructuring of the way banks managed their assets, along with new rules for measuring the stability of banks globally.

Before any global reset could be implemented, however, there needed to be banking software and international exchange software developed which would accommodate all of the changes that were about to be implemented.

Babylon II was the outgrowth of this process, gaining its name from Babylon, LTD, an Israeli software company based in Or Yehuda, Israel. Wikipedia says of this software, " Babylon is a tool used for translation and conversion of currencies, measurements and time, and for obtaining other contextual information."

Anyone who has spent any time at all in the computer industry working with translator programs will be acquainted with the Babylon Translator which, for a period of time, was bundled with Google as a language translator program. This is the same company that developed the new banking software.

In February of 2012, this software began its installation process and testing throughout banks globally. Many of you will remember the glitches that took place with NASDAQ and the NYSE when they began to roll out the version of the software designed for trading in 2013, and we saw the exchanges go down for several hours because of problems in the software.

OK, that's some of the nuts and bolts behind both the RV and the GCR. Let's get to what appears to be a discrepancy between Frank's focus on the IQD RV and my emphasis on a Global Currency Reset,

and why both of us are correct.

By the time we reached the maturity of the two processes for the revalue of the Dinar, and the implementation of the currency reset, none of the original players were involved.

The Bush Administration was no longer in power, and while members of that administration were certainly invested in the respective outcomes, the Obama Administration had taken over.

Much of Frank's intel comes from folks who are connected to the current administration in one way or another, as well as his very dominant sources of intel from within Iraq.

Much, if not most, of my intel comes from people who either were in the Bush Administration, or are connected currently to the IMF and the World Trade Organization, with only a couple of sources within the current administration. Here's where what appears to be a strong (albeit friendly) disagreement stems from.

The current administration is very pro-Iraqi RV. They want the U.S. to gain AND KEEP the upper hand globally where finances, and particularly the USD, are concerned. On the other hand, the current administration is very anti-GCR. Why, you ask?

We've seen a lot of talk and hullabaloo over the 2010 Code of Economic and Governance Reforms in the past two weeks. This past week, the Senate overwhelmingly passed a bill providing Ukraine financial aid in the face of its virtual cutoff from Russia. Included as a rider to that bill was this 2010 Code of Reforms being actively pushed by Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.

That sounds like I just contradicted myself, doesn't it? I just said that the current administration is very anti-GCR, and yet Jack Lew, our gifted Treasury Secretary is pushing these IMF reforms. How can that be?

The 2010 Reforms were stripped from the bill before it went to the House of Representatives as already noted in a previous post, and the aid to Ukraine passed overwhelmingly, minus the IMF bill. Even yesterday, the 28th, Christine Lagarde was expressing her dismay and aggravation with Congress over its failure to pass these reforms.

So, to borrow a catch phrase from an old TV commercial, "Where's the Beef?"

One of the principal provisions of the IMF Code of Economic and Governance Reforms keys in on the word, "Governance." These reforms include creating a 10-member governing board which

includes Russia, China, Brazil and India -- among others. This governing board would, if agreed to by the U.S., put Russia on an even playing field with the United States as far as having a say in global economic issues.

With Russia having taken such an aggressive and adversarial stance with regard to Ukraine, its annexation of Crimea, its huge military buildup on the Ukrainian border, and what appears to be further adventurism towards Estonia and other neighbors, the last thing our Representatives in the House want to see is for Russia to have equal footing in the IMF on a governing board.

Consider, also, the fact that Obama has placed sanctions on Russia, along with our European allies, because of Russia's adventurism.

Obviously, the Obama administration has no particular love for China because of China's participation in the BRICS group, and its currency trading between these countries without the use of the USD. China could be tolerated on this governing board with some economic agreements between us, but under the present circumstances and the present regime in Russia, that will never happen!

Thus, as you see, the signing off on these reforms (which include this new governing board) is not something that is widely accepted within the current administration.

They are more than happy to see an RV because it does not require any acceptance of the IMF Reforms, and it solves our economic woes -- at least for the time being.

Christine Lagarde, on the other hand, is not about to stand by and allow the US to run away with this boon economically while the remaining 187 member nations gain little benefit. Some folks have suggested that because Christine is basically a socialist at heart, she and Obama are joined at the hip.

The problem with that analysis is that Christine and Obama are galaxies apart when it comes to implementing their respective socialist policies. For Christine, her brand of socialism is to provide a more level playing field when it comes to making decisions that aid the developing and emerging economies of other nations. Hence, the 2010 Reforms.

Hopefully I'm drawing a picture that helps you understand the divergent views between the intel I receive and share, and that which Frank receives and shares with the family. If your sources are strongly pro-RV and strongly anti-GCR, then your view will be that if there ever is any such thing as a GCR, it's going to be way down the road.

Under the present circumstances and view of this administration, were their agenda to succeed, Frank would be 100% correct. And -- based on the intel he has been given -- he IS correct!

On the other hand, knowing what I know from behind the scenes at the IMF, Christine isn't about to stand by and allow an RV of the IQD without other nations getting to join in this restructuring.

Could we see an RV of the IQD and a later GCR?

Sure! The kicker here is that "later" is going to be measured in microseconds, minutes or hours at worst -- not weeks or months. Everything is in play, and everything is in a state of readiness for both possibilities.

With the House and Senate at an apparent impasse over the "Governance Reforms" one wonders if there is any real solution, and the answer is, YES! I'm going to make what I believe is a simple proposal that I hope my friends on both sides of the aisles in the Senate and House of Representatives will take to heart.

As Senator Ted Cruz pointed out last week (and several members of the House concurred), with Putin and Russia so hell-bent on rebuilding the old Soviet Empire and reclaiming territories and nations they considered as "Soviet," the simple solution is to amend the Governance portion of the 2010 Reforms by removing Russia from the governing board of ten members, either substituting another acceptable nation in its place, or simply leaving Position 10 empty until such time as Russia complies with the demands to withdraw from the Ukraine, surrender the Crimea back to Ukraine and withdraw its forces from its western borders on Ukraine and Estonia.

The alternative would be to simply hold the position open until such time as Russia has a more flexible leader, or one who is willing to partner with the rest of the nations in a peaceful way.

The above solution, of course, would require the amended Reforms to go back to the other signing nations in order to get their agreement with the change. It is a relatively simple change that I believe most of the House and Senate would agree to, in fact with a "super veto-proof majority" that Obama could either sign or simply allow to become law without his signature.

In view of Russia's belligerence and the already imposed sanctions by many of the signatory nations to the IMF, I believe this amendment could pass quickly and smooth the way for a Global Currency Reset.

Without this amendment, what we have is a stalemate between the U.S. and the IMF with the U.S. currently holding a complete veto capability to any change in the Reforms.

Christine has made it clear to many that she is willing to bypass the U.S. and move ahead with the Global Currency Reset. A meeting is planned with the IMF and the World Bank on April 10 and 11.

It is conceivable that if we don't get an RV/GCR by that date that a decision could be made to move ahead unilaterally with the other nations. Am I predicting that? No. I'm expecting things to move without us having to reach such a confrontational stage.

Keep your eyes peeled, folks! We're in the midst of something exciting, and whether we see it this weekend, next week, or the week after is less important than the fact that we are coming to the finish line! God is on the move!

Blessings on you.  Comment        

3-29-14 Randy Koonce: One of the things to go over is that fact that the IMF and UN have not been very forceful in making Iraq complete the things they agree upon... After such the IMF in the urgency to get this RV done was to give Maliki more concessions, which creates a spoiled kid effect which Maliki does not need more of.

Most of the Gurus that have been put in front of me do not have a good handle on what is going on... If they had they would never say this is going to RV on a given date... You and only GIVE windows, writing of which these emails that I am sending out should not be used to speculate on whether or not to buy an Reserve.... If anyone thinks the RV is not going to happen they need to sell out, I on the other hand will not sell even if it took 5 more years because the currency that you hold will one day go back to its value it has maintained for a long time in the 70s.

Non Disclosures are not for the individuals who are buying dinar so they do not matter.....  They were for major banks and News agencies, which is why the news will not cover the RV and that almost none of the banks talk about it....

The window I gave that went to Sunday has moved because the IMF and UN have no resolve.  So it moved to Monday morning...... if we pass that date then guys I believe we will be here at least to the Election which starts in April... So pray for this window and that we do not have to go into April....

Large Groups with 800# and NDA and anyone other than Friends in a group stay away from, do not give your currency to anyone to cash in for you.

When you go to a bank to cash in just say you can get the CBI Rate and you want no fees...... If you can do that or better do it...there is no time limit on the currency but you will be pressured to cash in, take your time.

I do not know it all so just because I have typed an email, so please use your own judgment on what is about to happen..... I do feel strong we are just about done but this thing has made so many turns it looks like a snake around your arm.

But if for some reason it does not go do not be discouraged we will see this thing through.....

Again if we get past Monday then give me at least a week before I can get the issues....Just pray for this weekend. Check CBI.IQ

I am extremely hopeful at this time.  Comment

3-29-14 tlm724: Article: "Mahmoud Othman stresses convergence of Gat considered significantly between the federal government and the province on the budget and oil" The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) covers international trade in goods.

The workings of the GATT agreement are the responsibility of the Council for Trade in Goods (Goods Council) which is made up of representatives from all WTO member countries. So see how this is all tied together? The budget, the HCL agreements, article 140 and the WTO...all linked like a chain...and they are doing what is required to move them forward economically, imo. Comment

3-29-14 daz: OZARK ON NIB'S (Non-Interest Bearing Accounts). When you create your initial account, the opening of that account gets reported supposedly to the Fed's. Not that you need to hide anything, it's just that your account information goes onto a document, that could, in theory become public knowledge in some way.

If funds are wire-transferred into the account, that could be an outside security risk. Sweeping the funds later just assures that security is tight and not assumed. Since it is an intra-bank transfer, the paperwork trail is tighter, and thus more secure because it is not as exposed.

The NIB accounts don't have anything to do with insurance any more. On December 11, 2013 a new provision of a federal regulation "D" goes into effect limiting wire transfers to 6 per month, but applies to interest-bearing savings accounts. I don't know about you, but six times isn't very much with all the money that needs to be wired to investment programs, CDARS, etc., etc., etc.

The NIB may be a workaround for that problem. Depending on how much money you have, this could be a lot of work getting this out of one basket and into many. Remember Brewster's Millions? A lot of work like that. I wouldn't leave it sitting in the NIB account long-term. It is only a temporary holding account.

Also, the NIB account clears you of any backup withholding requirements or other liabilities, tax reporting, etc. In my opinion it is just not going to be there long enough for any benefit in trade of all that nonsense. You wont get a good rate in a savings account like you would if it were diversified elsewhere.

CDARs is good, and I plan to also build my own ladder of CD's outside of that program for better rates than CDARs can offer. Think of the NIB as a plastic grocery bag; it's just to get the food home from the grocery store, you aren't going to keep the food in the bag when you get home.


daz: Here's the skinny on the NIB accounts and sweep process. It was from a previous post that I saved.

"Why deposit into a NIB account? A NIB (non-interest bearing) account should not trigger a taxable event or reporting due to no report-able interest being accrued possibly providing additional time to develop better tax strategies.

It is also the recommended or suggested method to provide a slightly higher level of privacy and security and.... maybe even insurance coverage for those deposits.

Each foreign currency will be deposited into it's own "new" clean account. Next the funds are "Swept" from account #1 to the second "Holding" account...then the 1st account is closed immediately to prevent charge backs, hacking or other frauds...this adds an additional layer of privacy and security.

The other reason you are doing this is that the bank is required to report the opening of Account #1 to the federal government and that information can find its way into the public domain; however, the bank is NOT required to report intra-bank transfers between accounts.

What this does is effectively eliminate your digital trail so that nobody outside of the bank knows how much money you have on deposit and, more importantly, whether or not you are a good target for cyber hijacking of your money." Cheers!  Comment

3-29-14 TNT Tony: Good morning TNT. Everything is going great and we are still in the anytime they want arena. I'm ready and you should be.  Comment

3-29-14 Shredd: (Is the CBI ready for something as big as a revalue? especially with all the gold reserves?)  I think they are ready to remove the zeroes which should bring with it a change in the value. Comment

3-29-14 Frank26: When I first met You 5 years ago KTFA FAMILY ............. I told You Iraq sits on a Sea of Oil. I ALSO told You that when You see the HCL ......... Within nano seconds You would see the RI/RV. Remember?

Nothing on this concept........ Idea ......... Purpose has changed. In the last 5 years I haven't even changed the oil in my car.......As a TEAM we are in our last days of a Time Frame. It ends Monday. Not for an RV but for Truth from the GOI. In other words........... End of Media Black out.

I TEAM is RETURNING to Baghdad in 2 weeks from SA.

I pray for the needs of so many on our forum ........... Grateful to have KTFA where many can come to be lifted with agape love and find prayers for their petitions.

May we pray for the lands with earthquake ........... All over this planet of pain.

As I leave You ........... I will say this: Sometimes our TEAMS learn substances of value. Sometimes we feel Earthquakes ............ That no one else felt until ....... A Monday's or Tuesday's CC.

Here is some more encouragement: Newshounds ............ Can You get me articles on this ......... It should be out today or tomorrow.......TY. I now seek the media's version.

It appears that the Indonesian Rupee appreciated to 59.90 per dollar at one point of time ....... looks like it's best level in eight months. The currency has risen 2.8 per cent this month....... The most among major Asian currencies this year......... Thank You.  Comment   3-29-14 Mountain Goat: What the Global Reset Really is (Part 2):So in continuing my description of the changes about to happen, let me describe how the global banking system works and how it impacts our RV.There is one global bank called The World Bank it interfaces with member countries through the World Trade Organization (WTO) the IMF with banks called Central Banks. We all heard about the Central Bank if Iraq (CBI) now I am telling you there are other like CBI throughout the world seeded in almost all member countries.The Central Banks then manage what we know as the local banks in our

cities and neighborhoods. Local banks are rates according to assets into tier banks. The more assets you are responsible for the more power you have in the banking industry.For instance you locally owned town bank may be a tier 3 bank and have very little say or power to the central bank it reports to.Just recently the process of modifying and implementing the exchange rates was greatly centralized and is now initiated and first flows down to the Central Banks and then they approve the rates and push them down to the local banks.Only then can the activation take place and the new rates be used in daily transaction with the banking customers. This is all done via computers but some banks still have backup manuals that list the new rates.If you were paying attention to some of these RV intel conference calls last spring and summer you heard all about the changes effecting this process. These were changes that were first planned to be implemented as minor changes to the process that then grew into a monster and out of necessity finally into a lengthy implementation process.We heard about all the testing issues and delays. We all thought that the RV was going to happen at any moment, as we did not understand the total plan and scope of all the reforms necessary prior to any currency revaluations. We were only focused on our goal of becoming rich and not understanding or wanting to understand the big picture.I have been saying many times that if you really want to know where we are in this RV process follow the IMF plan.Having said all this I do not want to downplay the interaction and events with Iraq in all this too.After all they are the foundational currency in the GCR process. We all have witnessed the necessary Iraqi laws, the relief of chapter 7 sanctions, and the political / sectarian issues of Iraq as a major factor also in the delay.I will also once again tell you they are ready and have been ready for months now.There is much talk about a 3rd Budget reading. I see much hype in the dinarian intel community about this darn budget once again.I want to reassure everyone this darn budget has been done and ratified weeks ago.Please stop diverting your attention and waiting your energies on unnecessary events as benchmarks and concentrate in the direction that is really important. Iraq GOI and Parliament are stalling for time since they have to posture to their citizens that they are still in control.Did you ever notice that when we once again get close to an RV what do they do? They make an announcement about a budget reading or something about this budget once again. Is it important? Yes it is and I do not want to downplay its significance. But it is done already!The following is what I am hearing the global districts will be looking something like this with their focused media for exchange below:North American Alliance (Canadian dollar),South American Alliance (Brazilian Real),Middle Eastern Union (Iraq dinar),Far Orient (Chineese Yuan).Near Orient (India Rupee)This way if one financial district fails the remaining districts also do not fail thus preventing another global financial crisis. Flexibility must now be decided upon in each of the exchange regiments of these nations.This process is now underway but will not hold up the revaluation we are waiting

for.It may however give you some indication of near future opportunities to partake as a speculator in yet other major currency revaluations.How do the districts interact between each other? The mechanism for exchanging between districts will be the IMF and a new global currency that does not actually belong to any country but to an organization.This for most will the scary part of this process and the part that has been kept secret. I am bringing this to you today because I felt the impact is going to be so great on our lives that we all should know. I also do not like this hidden government and the shadow in which it works. If it supposed to be so good for the world then why all the secrecy?Much more global taxation monies to be sent to fund the IMF and WTO for future programs We now all know what these programs are.The New Tariff LawsI will tell you one of these projects. I discovered this one when I looked into the new tariff laws for the country of Iraq. These laws allow the IMF through the International Bank of Settlements (BIS) to collect a global taxation from Iraq on tariff revenue. The BIS now is actually the first level collector source by way of a computerized system.The BIS then distributes part of the collection to the IMF fund while a part then goes back to the central bank of Iraq. This is why it took so long to pass the tariff laws for Iraq. Iraq was forced to finally accept these new global taxes. By the way the payments on these taxes are due at the end of this quarter April 1st. How will they be paid? With they use 1166 rate or the 3.71 rate? Once again it is coming down to deadlines set in the past and how will this stalling of the GCR effect them? What will be the work around this time?IRAQ BondsThe questions to me and the saga continues. So I want to put this one also to rest if I can.I know for a fact the Iraqi bond sellout ended late 2 weeks ago. The rate on the Bonds has been locked at CME at $3.71 for close to these two weeks now.This first bond package will help finance the Iraq currency reform program. I it is done! They are now working on the rollout of the second package of Bonds on April 1st. These bonds are designated for investors and reconstruction programs.USA Taxation of gains on IQDAre these special tax provisions for IQN and VNN we are now hearing real?No they are absolutely not final. There is only tentative and proposed legislation put before Congress but nothing is definite as of yet.Is it possible for the President to change the current tax code on currency investments without going through Congress?United States Federal tax law begins with the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), enacted by Congress in Title 26 of the United States Code (26 U. S. C.).The Senate and the House of Representatives must pass a bill (a new law) that would then either be signed or vetoed by the President.  The President can ONLY approve or veto bills that have been passed in Congress and then if signed they become law.Then the United States Supreme Court has the right to review the new law and approve it or overturn it as unconstitutional.The President has no power to make any new laws under the Constitution.SummaryI sincerely hope all this information was understandable and helped you today. Sorry this news letter was so long but thank all you fine,,

intelligent people for taking the time today to read it.Does this help going forward as we near the end to this revaluation of the IQD and the global currency reset process.Does this relieve some of your stress?Do you now know we are very close to seeing the completion of the global reset.Do you now know some of the activities going on behind the scenes to support the currency revaluation and make the GCR a reality?Peace and Luv To Ya.  Comment3-29-14 Mountain Goat: What the Global Reset Really is (Part 1):Hi Everyone. Earlier in the week I decided to hike up my familiar mountain in the Alps. These are much more than hikes. They are a time for contemplation about recent events and what is happening with this GCR process.I returned home refreshed and with an appetite for the delicious dinner Meine Hubby prepared for the family. After diner I decided to sit at my desk and compose this news letter.  I have taken the time out from my busy schedule to compose this news letter for you fine dinarian friends.  I feel it is now the time for all to know this information. This is a very long news letter today so be patient.I will also review some answers to questions some of you readers have been asking me about other topics related to the IMF global reset plan and the timing of the exchange process.Today’s NewsFirst I need to review with you how the IMF is using this global reset plan to shore up the global monetary fund and prevent future crisis.If you remember my news letters prepared last summer I talked in detail about being “careful what you wish for”.  All the excitement from these projected large payouts from these foreign currency revaluations is such that you might overlook what is really happening behind the scenes as part of the Global Reset. This money you are about to have is a distraction and there are strings attached.Do we all understand what this “Global Reset” really is?In November 2010, the IMF agreed wide-ranging governance reforms to reflect the increasing importance of emerging market countries. The reforms also ensure that smaller developing countries will retain their influence in the IMF. I firmly believe that had the world not experienced this global financial crisis in 2008, we would have had seen the revaluation of the IQD in mid  2012.In 2010 it was already decided to use the IQD as the foundational currency for the global currency reset so no matter what we, as investors, thought there was going to be a delay until all the IMF reforms were put in place.The GCR would be one of the final steps in the process. I will explain why I feel this way.At times we get all hung up and frustrated as to why the Global Currency Reset or GCR is taking so long. In reality it is just a small part of the overall global reset or final conclusion to this IMF 2010 reform package.We should all be informed that there are other significant changes too that will impact our daily lives whether we are already independently financially secure, run our own business, or are just a blue or white collar worker. Let me tell you about some of these other laws.Yes I do believe that the impacts of these massive changes of the Global Reset are about to be felt. You need to look at the GCR as one of the final steps to the global reset process. So

there have been many other items that needed to be put in place prior to setting off the GCR.The overall global reset has in fact been taking place now for over 3 years, since its inception in 2010.Once these items are put in place the IMF will then pull the trigger and revalue some +190 currencies. Some will revalue and others will devalue. Do you care?It will be unprecedented in the history of the world and will surely be noted in our future history  books as one of the greatest events ever.In comparison this event is like the great depression and the changes the New Deal brought to the United States and to the reset of the world. I want you for a few minutes to imagine what it must have been like during the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. How did people live? What was going on with the stock market, the banks and other financial transactions between countries?  Remember also this was pre-WWII era. You might want to read up in this topic.So what are some of these events called the 2010 IMF reforms? These reforms must be in place as part of the global reset and in place prior to the GCR kickoff.   I can tell you with all certainty that this must be done. I do not know all the items (since this world wide and very complicated) nor am I allowed to talk about some of them in this news letter. But I will share what I know and I can share.Here are a few of the reforms: Do they sound familiar?IMF quotas to double to about $755 billion (they don’t talk much about what they intend to do with all this newly found money. I will try to explain later).The bottom line is that 110 countries out of 187 will see their quota share increased or maintained.WTO centralized methods for collection of these taxesThe IMF’s Executive Board has approved far-reaching reforms of the way the IMF is run (much more centralized power).Significant shift of voting power to dynamic emerging markets, developing countries.The 10 largest members of the Fund will now consist of the United States, Japan, the four largest European economies (France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom) and Brazil, China, India, and the Russian Federation (the BRICs).Many events/items had to be completed to accomplish implement these reforms:Develop and Implement new Basel III banking regulations implemented worldwideAsset inventory of +190 member countriesRecalculate new exchange rates for these currenciesStreamline the process of  the currency revaluation rolloutChange over responsibility for the exchange process rollouts from the UST to the World BankRatify the  2010 reforms by each member nationIncreased UN share of all Tariff collections (this is why Iraq Tariff laws were so controversial and took so long to ratify and  implement)Rebalance the exchange rates of +190 nations i.e currency revalueDo you see now how the Global Currency Reset is just a very small part of the total reform implementation  in what we call the global reset?Can you now see how technically the global reset must be almost entirely completed prior to any GCR happening?Can you now understand why this has taken over 3 years to implement?Original Timeline for GCRThe Executive Board of the UN endorsed a timeline that calls for the quota increase and realignments to take effect by the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings

in October 2012, and Executive Board reforms to be implemented no later than the subsequent Board election, which was scheduled in late 2012. The later part did not occur and is late due to late implementation of some of the items that were needed to have done and in place prior.Again it is so important to understand why this was done and who and what organization is driving these efforts. Certainly it was not totally the IMF or totally the United States Treasury (UST) but a joint cooperation.Let me tell you what the IMF really is and why they are now taking the lead in the global reset. In order to truly understand what I am about to say you must understand some basic facts about the IMF and how it’s banking system works.The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization that was initiated in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference and formally created in 1945 by 29 member countries (now 188 countries).The IMF's stated goal was to assist in the reconstruction of the world's international payment system post–World War II. Countries contribute money to a pool through a quota system from which countries with payment imbalances can borrow fundstemporarily. Through this activity and others such as surveillance of its members' economies and the demand for self-correcting policies, the IMF works to improve the economies of its member countries.Upon initial IMF formation, its two primary functions were:1. to oversee the fixed exchange rate arrangements between countries thus helping national governments manage their exchange rates and2. allowing these governments to prioritize economic growthThe crisis of neoliberalism and the future of international institutions: a comparison of the IMF and the WTO and to provide short-term capital to aid balance-of-payments between nations.This assistance was meant to prevent the spread of international economic crises. Well we all know about the severe crisis in 2008 and so the current funds available in the 2008 pool dried up quickly. This is now why the contributions to these fund hand to increase and member contributions now are doubled to $755 billion.This was done now in the hope that, should a crisis of this magnitude happen again in the future, there will be ample funding to prevent the spread of the crisis into a global crisis. There are also other measures as part of the reforms now being taken such as decentralization of the median of exchange of the use of the US dollar.Yes – in the future the US dollar will no longer be King Dollar. Simply put the financial irresponsibility and also the financial corruption of the US government and its banks has shown to the world that any hiccup in the US economy could bring the rest of the global financial markets to their knees.Thus instigating a major global financial crisis.Some proactive measures had to be done to prevent this. Of all of these measures were met with great resistance from the USA. This is another reason why the 2012 goals of full implementation of the reforms by the IMF have not yet been met.I talk about this decentralization by grouping nations into currency districts later in this news letter. This is something in the making and you will see gradual implementation the following years

to come.Comment

3-29-14 Millionday: I want to ... look at the agenda for parliament for Sunday ... so, we have a second reading on the budget -- remember they have a deadline so the fact that a deadline was given shows us a rush --- also if they don’t get it voted by quorum they are to put it through by majority.  Sunday budget is important -- does this mean that the rate won’t show?  No it means that they are implying by the report from the economists that the value should change with it --- we shall see. Comment

3-29-14 Alltimer: My father walked in the local BBVA compass branch here in my home town. I used to work for this bank about 6 years ago and we never accepted foreign currency. Until yesterday 03/28/2014. My dad said that they have set up a table with all kinds of signs and flyers that now they are accepting foreign currency for exchange he thought it was very strange.

BBVA compass is a Spanish based bank well BBVA is compass is the umbrella bank for them. My dad asked the branch manager do they exchange and buy foreign currency he said yes they do but they do not process it in the branch they ship it off to their back office, he then also said that as far as he knows only WELLS FARGO has the machine to count on site and give immediate credit. Just some food for your souls. GET READY OUR BLESSING IS AROUND THE CORNER!!!!!!!!!!!! And OH THIS IS IN CA!!!  Comment  

3-29-14 rrrr: Who says the universe doesn’t have a sense of Humor. We are about to be presented with an Opportunity to contact all those friends and relatives that made fun of us… told us we were insane… siblings who got together and presented their concerns about our mental stability..,, Are You Ready to make all the non-Believers feel like fools on April Fool’s Day when we tell them that we are gifting THEM?... How perfect is that?  Comment


3-29-14 White Hats Auxiliary Fact Check  #113:

A Few Questions and Answers From The Top:

With the continuing assistance of the White Hats and their colleagues, we have been allowed to provide you with information directly from the front lines, unfettered and unvexed, as it travels a pure line to us.

I know the information is not always pleasant.

But, if you would prefer that we embellish it, or write for impact rather than fact checking, then we would be forced to throw away the very reason we reached out to the White Hats in the very beginning: To get to the truth.

In furtherance of that goal, we have been given answers to two questions, as of late.

Please read this information carefully.

Thank you for your continued readership. And thank you, again, to the White Hats and their colleagues and staff. Please await further information as it is available.


1) For quite a while, many of you have requested more clarification as to why we have been advised to act quickly in the exchanging of Dinar and Dong once the revalue has taken place. The following, from the top, goes deeper into the reasons for such a suggestion:

There is no plan as yet to organize Forex Markets, or any volume of demand to sustain the amounts of some issues. Printing has not been coordinated with bank capability to respond. Each sector is working for self-interest.

The first trades will be Private Placements which will ONLY be advised after safe completion.

The banks will not have been pre-advised, and there will be a short window before chaos hits.

Once Guru Sites get a hold of it, mass chaos may result with a tidal surge of desperate cases mass appearing. Banks will NOT be able to cope so it is open to question the likely moves, but historical evidence of Banks response is that of lock outs.

Private Rates may not be Public Rates, so when Public Supply grossly exceeds market needs, the market may respond by driving down Exchange rates. Or suspending trading.

For that reason, we will try to set up a special pre advised and timed Notice Release just for the 2 sites [OWoN and WHA], so you each have the lead time to get in and out fast before chaos hits. You have nothing to lose by being in and out first and fast.

You have everything to lose if caught up in the late Ambulance Chasing surge.

You all need to understand that the key parties Do Fully Understand the extreme importance this means to many of you, which is why they so carefully advise parties to take a step back after cashing out, to keep it safe, and only partially reinvest in what you know and can control.

Otherwise, it will be lost and game over. Life is NOT a game. It's brutal and can be ugly. People can make it so.

2) Many have asked about private trading platforms that were abused by Bush, the agencies and cabal. Although such was detailed in the WH reports, we have some additional information, as follows:

The White Hats and their London associates have been fighting this corruption together. Each have exposed numerous guilty parties. Only the power of their special link got it exposed at the very Top.

Many do not understand the sheer, enormous pressure they work under. Hours off the Richter scale and the Roller Coaster temperaments of dealing with Mercurial Third and First World personalities. Diplomacy is key with extensive knowledge, Cultural experience and intellect needed.

[WHA comment: Remember when I told you that the WH's are qualified for this work? Now you know why].

The White Hats, and other good US Patriots, have the one key contact needed who has the essential knowledge, experience and standing needed to assist them get those funds into their own Platform use for the true benefit of all. They do all work very closely together with huge integrity.

OWoN and the White Hats will be working closely together to trade those funds and get them into Project Investment and Job Creation. Also for good Humanitarian needs.   {One World of Nations}.

OWoN is not a currency trading or Guru site. It has already built up a substantial US and Global following and has clear intentions of using many US and Global supporters for Project development and delivery.

In addition Community Planning and development. Major opportunities for US and other nationals to help turn our world around.

Yes, the site is different, but it is challenging and uplifting consciousness to address the realities of our true Global problems and our collective need to both understand and plan for the rapid changes our nations are experiencing, with vast social ramifications.

They are both on and even behind the front lines in this fight for Justice and all of us. Your gain is their pain. They do this as Patriots. Contentious as that may be. But they have already built a network of willing multi national parties able to put those funds to good use for all of us and our planet.

They are very much on our side. Without them, all we are left with is Political chaos, incompetence, Bank /Cabal chicanery and subterfuge. Who else is giving you this information flow and help? Caring has a cost. One they pick up alone.


3-28-14 Stryker: On Demand Now - Stryker WebTV & Blog Talk Radio 3/28/2014. Iraqi Dinar Facts:  Budget Session Sunday, Lack of Iraqi Dinar and Revaluation Facts.

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Have a great weekend.  Stryker Blog – Comment  

3-28-14 Goddess of Love: Latest Update from Wells Fargo Bank 3/28/14.

Went into my local WF bank to do my car payment today.  New to the left of the teller section is a NEW FOREIGN CURRENCY LCD SCREEN that updates foreign currency.

Keep in mind that I posted a story a few months back about the podium in the center of the doorway when you walk into the bank.

I asked the teller when they put it up and he told me they've had if for about a month now.  He said "We do a lot of currency transactions and it helps our customers see the rates when they come in".


DO NOT ASK WHY I DID NOT TAKE A PICTURE FOR YOU or inquire about any other information.  It is what it is.  You're not supposed to

take pictures in the bank!


Have a blessed day everyone and GOOOOOOO   RVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV!

Blessings.  Comment


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