prefixes. ambi - both ambiguous: understood two or “both” ways ambidextrous: using both hand...

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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ambi - both

ambiguous: understood two or “both” ways

ambidextrous: using both hand with equal ease

ambivalent: both liking and hating at the same time

de – down, from

demote: move down in grade/ rank

descend: to climb down from a higher place

decline: bend down, turn down

circum - around

circumference: distance around

circumscribe: draw a line around

circumnavigate: sail around

micro - small

microscopic: too small to see with the unaided eye

microcosm: small worldmicrocyte: small cell

macro – large, great

macroscopic: large enough to be seen by the unaided eye

macrocosm: the great entire worldmacrocyte: large cell

inter – between, among

interact: working among others

interrupt: break between

intervene: come between

anti - against

antidote: give against (usually to stop a poison)

antibiotic: against bacteria

antisocial: go against society

dis (di, dif) – apart, away, not

divert: turn away

differ: stand apart

disrupt: to break away

syn (syl, sym) – same, together

synonym: same meaning assymphony: together in sound or

actionsyllable: sounds put together to

form words

extra - beyond

extraordinary: beyond what is usual

extrasensory: understanding what is beyond normal feeling

extraterrestrial: beyond earthly

homo - same

homonym: same name

homogenous: full of the same kind

homophone: same sound

in (ig, il, im, ir) - not

inactive: not active ignoble: not noble illegal: not lawful imperfect: not perfect irrational: not reasonable

medi - middle

median: middle of something

medieval: middle ages

medium: middle size

per – through, thoroughly

perspire: through the pores of the skin

permit: thoroughly allowedperennial: through the year

bi -two

bicycle: two wheels

biennial: two times a year

binomial: two names or numbers

un - not

unarm: not having a weapon

unconscious: not aware or conscious

unequal: not equal

omni - all

omnipotent: being all powerful

omniscience: state of knowing all

omnivorous: result of eating all things (vegetables and animals)

retro - backward

retroactive: something that goes backward in time

retrogress: go backward

retrospect: look backward

ambul - walk

amble: to slowly walk

ambulatory: walking

perambulate: to walk through while inspecting

equ - same

equal: same amount

equilateral: same or equal sides

equator: line that separates same sides

pre - before

prefix: before something

precede: before in time or place

prevent: before it happens

post - after

postpone: after a time

postscript: after the signature

posthumous: occurring after death

contra - against

contradict: speak out against

contrary: against another

controversy: result of turning against

dem - people

democracy: government ruled by people

demographics: statistical record of people and population

epidemic: affecting many people

trans – across, through

transit: to travel across

transfer: to carry across

transmit: to send across

auto - self

autobiography: life story of a person, written by that person herself

automobile: a vehicle that moves by itself

autonomy: the result of ruling one’s self

bene - good

beneficial: changing things for the better

benign: good or harmless

benediction: act of saying good words (a blessing)

theo - god

theology: study of god

atheist: one who is without god

theocracy: government ruled by god

ab – away, from

abduct: lead away

absent: to be away

abdicate: to give away power or responsibility formally

semi – half

semicircle: half of a circle

semifinal: a game before the final

semicolon: punctuation mark

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