proposed by edmund randolf written by james madison calls for 1,2, 3 branches calls for 1,2, 3...

Post on 19-Jan-2018






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  William Paterson  One House  Equal Representation New Jersey Plan


Creating the Constitution

Proposed by Edmund Randolf Written by James Madison

Calls for 1,2, 3 Branches

2 Houses Upper Lower

Virginia Plan

William Paterson

One House Equal Representation

New Jersey Plan

Roger Sherman

Bi-Cameral Legislature (Two House) Lower House (House of Representatives)

Based on population 2-year terms

Upper House (Senate) Equal representation – 2 per state 6 year terms

The Great Compromise!

Allows every enslaved person to be counted

as 3/5 of a free person

North agrees to keep the South in the Union

Bad for slaves

Three-Fifths Compromise

Atlantic slave trade will continue until 1808.

Slave trade within America would continue

Slave Trade

“We the people”

Support the Constitution

Write the “Federalist Papers” 85 essays

Strong central government!

James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay


Do Not Support the Constitution as it was

Arguments against Weakening of the States No Bill of Rights Strength of executive branch

George Mason and Patrick Henry


Need 9/13 states to take effect

Delaware is the first to ratify

Virginia If they don’t ratify will anyone else?

New Hampshire!


(Author) Did a Federalist or Anti-Federalist create this? (Audience) Who did the author want to see this cartoon? (Context) What is going on in the US at this time? (Content) What does each of the pillars represent? (Purpose) What is this cartoon trying to convince its

audience to do?

What is a Bill of Rights?

Many states felt the Federal gov’t needed to protect the rights of their citizens.

First 10 Amendments passed in 1789. Ratified in 1791.

Bill of Rights

1st – Religion, Speech, Press, Petition, Assembly 2nd – Bear Arms 3rd – Quartering 4th – Search and Seizure 5th-8th – Rights of the Accused 9th & 10th – Limits the federal gov’t



Bill of Rights

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