-resilience circles- building an economy that works for all connect learn share act

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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-Resilience Circles-Building an Economy That

Works For All

Connect Learn Share Act

Where Are We Now? Job Growth

Stock Market Gains




Social Contract


Who is recovering?

Poverty in AmericaNearly one out of five Americans (18.6%) reported

in a recent survey by the Food Research and Action Center that they had some difficulty feeding themselves or their families in 2011. That’s 55 million people.

The number of people on food stamps is about 16%. That’s 50 million people.

The poverty level for a family of four is about $22,000. A record 49 million people lived below the poverty line in 2010.

Over 50 million people without health insurance

8.1 million children under age 18 are without health insurance (2007).

43% of Americans are within 3 months of poverty if they experienced a financial shock of some kind

#1 reason for bankruptcy is medical expenses. 

The safety net is under attack


Facing Economic Change


The End of Unlimited Growth

Resource Depletion


Peak Oil

National Debt

Debt as a % of GDP

Now What?

…Shift HappensLocalize




You have brains in your head.You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourselfany direction you choose.

You're on your own.And you know what you know.

And YOU are the guywho'll decide where to go.

~ Dr. Seuss ~

Resilience Circles: Small groups of 10 – 15 people meeting for 7 sessions

Warning: Learning about the economy or the environment alone can be challenging. Find your learning community.


Learn together – Change the Story

Mutual Aid – Create Community

Social Action – Change the Rules

Changing the StoryWhat messages have we absorbed about the idea of economic success…..

….or failure?

The Old StoryYou are on your own (YO-YO)

The Old StoryEverything will be just fine…….very soon

The Old Story

This slump is just a bump in the road. Right?

The Old StoryYour financial situation is personal and private!

The Old Story

Economic growth and expansion is the solution

The New Story: A Solidarity Economy

There is enough if we share and protect our commons

We all do better when we all do better

Our health is linked to the health of the earth

The Fork in the RoadThe Familiar Path:– The path of self-protection, scarcity, fear, isolation, separation, a fortress mentality.

A New Path

A New Path: Mutual Support-- Together, we can accomplish things that no single person or family can accomplish.

This is a “new story,” a story that shows how inventive, creative and cooperative we can be, especially during hard times.

Together, we are a genius.

Create Community - Getting Our Mutual Aid Muscles in Shape

•Finding Common Ground

•Overcoming Separation

•Realizing Our Gifts

•Expressing Our Needs

Weatherization Party

Time Banking

Personal Debt Management

Gift Circles


Rent or Mortgage Party

Social Action: Change the Rules

“Move Your Money”

Support a Financial Transaction Tax

350.org campaigns

Move to Amend (Citizens United)


Start a Co-op

Occupy Your Neighborhood

Ground Rules•Sharing is voluntary. You don’t have to share or personally disclose anything you don’t wish to share.

•Respect one another. We are creating a space of respect and personal safety.

•Confidentiality within the group is required. Personal information disclosed within the group stays there.

•Make space for all to contribute. Talkative people may want to hold back a little. People who tend to hold back --- please feel invited to open up more. •Honor our differences. We assume that people are experiencing insecurity differently depending on their personal circumstances, culture, race, gender and other differences. Let us honor and celebrate our diversity. Our intent is not to persuade others of our viewpoints. Regardless of our differences, we all can benefit from strengthening our common security. The main thing is that we listen to and understand each other as our primary objective.

Beyond Seven Sessions

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