scientific revolution interest in greek and roman geography and mathematics development of new...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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The MAIN reason that European nations began their voyages of exploration was to… A.find a Northwest Passage to Asia to bypass Arab kingdoms. B.find an all-water route to Asia to bypass Arab kingdoms. C.establish colonies in Asia and Africa. D.find gold.


Scientific revolution

Interest in Greek and Roman geography and mathematics

Development of new technologies

These characteristics marked the period known as…

A.the Reformation.

B.the Crusades.

C.the Renaissance.




The MAIN reason that European nations began their voyages of exploration was

to…A. find a Northwest Passage to Asia to

bypass Arab kingdoms.B. find an all-water route to Asia to

bypass Arab kingdoms.C. establish colonies in Asia and Africa.D. find gold.

ANSWER…B. find an all-water

route to Asia to bypass Arab kingdoms.

Which statement describes the Columbian Exchange?

A. The introduction of silver as a method of payment after its discovery in Mexico.

B. Another name for the Northwest Passage.

C. The triangular trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

D. Interactions between Europe and the Americas that began with Columbia’s first voyage.

ANSWER…D. Interactions

between Europe and the Americas that

began with Columbia’s first


What was the Spanish approach to colonization?

A. They usually immersed themselves into the cultures of the Native Americans with whom they interacted.

B. They were only interested in land, which they worked and mined by themselves.

C. They created a highly structured society based on class.

D. They worked closely with Native Americans, learning from them how to grow plants native to their colonies.

ANSWER…C. They created a highly structured society based on


France became interested in colonizing North America

because of…

A. the riches to be made in the fur trade.

B. the discovery of gold along the St. Lawrence River.

C. Spain’s colonizing efforts in Florida.D. England’s establishment of colonies

along the Atlantic coast.

ANSWER…A. the riches to be made

in the fur trade.

The House of Burgesses was…

A. the building in which the Virginia government met.

B. the governor’s building in Jamestown.

C. the general assembly of the representatives in the Virginia colony.

D. another name for the Virginia Company.

ANSWER…C. the general assembly of the

representatives in the Virginia colony.

Roger Williams and the leaders of the Massachusetts Bay colony disagreed about…

A. the role of women in Puritanism.B. who could become a minister.C. who could be elected to the General

Court.D. the king’s authority over Native

American lands.

ANSWER…D. the king’s authority

over Native American lands.

Which colony was founded as a “holy experiment” where

complete political and religious freedom would be allowed?

A. PennsylvaniaB. MarylandC. Georgia

D. New York

ANSWER…A. Pennsylvania

The economy of the Middle Colonies was based on…

A. lumbering and shipbuilding.B. wheat farming and fishing.

C. tobacco and indigo cultivation.D. wheat farming and trade.

ANSWER…D. wheat farming and



ACTColonial trade was to be carried in English shipsTightened earlier restrictions; certain items, including tobacco, to be sold only to England or its coloniesColonial goods sold to Europe had to pass through English ports first to be taxedGave customs officials the power to use general search warrants; Board of Trade created to oversee colonial economic activity





The purpose of these acts was to…

A.Standardize colonial trade duties.

B.Ensure that colonial trade benefited England.

C.Help the depressed English shipping industry.

D.Provide work for English officials in the colonies.

ANSWER…B. Ensure that colonial

trade benefited England.

According to John Locke’s social contract theory, the right of a monarch to rule comes…

A. from Parliament.B. through heredity.C. from the people.

D. from God as a divine right.

ANSWER…C. from the people.

The Proclamation of 1763 created tension between the

colonies and Great Britain because Great Britain…

A. Allowed France to keep New Orleans and the land west of the Mississippi River.

B. Created a reservation for Native Americans in the Ohio Valley.

C. Allowed the French in Quebec to keep their system of laws.

D. Prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.

ANSWER…D. Prohibited colonial

settlement west of the Appalachian


Individual piety Emotional union with God

Questioning of religious authority

New religious denominations

These are characteristics of a movement in the colonies

known as…A.The


B.The Great Awakening.



ANSWER…B. The Great Awakening.

Congress argued that the Stamp Act of 1765…

A. was an unnecessary measure to regulate trade.

B. violated the rights of British citizens and colonists alike.

C. was taxation without representation.

D. would hurt colonial trade with Great Britain.

ANSWER…C. was taxation without


What action by the colonists prompted the British to pass

the Coercive Acts?

A. The Boston MassacreB. The Boston Tea PartyC. The meeting of the First Continental

CongressD. The skirmishes at Lexington and


ANSWER…B. The Boston Tea


The purpose of the Continental Congress was to…

A. Provide a central government for the colonies during the Revolutionary War.

B. Provide a central government for the new nation.

C. Provide a way for the colonies to meet and discuss actions against British policies.

D. Help the colonies to shape the public opinion and coordinate plans.

ANSWER…C. Provide a way for the colonies to meet and discuss actions

against British policies.

By acting for the colonies that sent them to Philadelphia, the

delegates of the Second Continental Congress applied

the principle of…A. Limited government.

B. Representative democracy.C. Federalism

D. States’ rights.

ANSWER…B. Representative


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Thomas Jefferson based this section of the Declaration of

Independence on…A.The writings of

Baron Montesquieu.

B.Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense.

C.The writings of John Locke.

D.The Magna Carta.

ANSWER…C. The writings of John


I was a Patriot in Boston. When the British decided to seize a

military supply depot, I set out to warn the minutemen at

Lexington and Concord that the British were coming. Who

am I?A. Sam AdamsB. Paul Revere

C. Crispus AttucksD. John Adams


B. Paul Revere

The major turning point in the South during the Revolutionary

War was…

A. The Battle of Bunker Hill.B. Yorktown.C. General Burgoyne’s surrender at

Saratoga.D. The Battle of Kings Mountain.


D. The Battle of Kings Mountain.

?Weak central government

Shortage of supplies

Untrained soldiers

Small army

Which of the following is the BEST title for this diagram?

A.Colonial Advantages

B.Colonial Disadvantages

C.British Advantages

D.British Disadvantages

ANSWER…B. Colonial


As the new nation expanded, slavery was prohibited in the new western territories by…

A. Each new state’s constitution.B. The Land Ordinance of 1785.

C. The Northwest Ordinance.D. The Articles of Confederation.

ANSWER…B. The Land Ordinance

of 1785.

Great Britain recognized the United States as a sovereign

nation as a result of the…

A. Treaty of Paris of 1783.B. Declaration of Independence.

C. Articles of Confederation.D. Olive Branch Petition.

ANSWER…A. Treaty of Paris of


As a result of the American Revolution, enslaved African


A. Could not be emancipated in the Northern states unless a court approved.

B. Received emancipation in most of the Northern states.

C. Could not be freed by the state legislatures.

D. Could be returned to Africa.

ANSWER…C. Could not be freed

by the state legislatures.

Which of the following BEST describes the role of the central government in

regulating commerce under the Articles of Confederation?

A. The central government completely directed all aspects of commerce.

B. The central government directed the states in how to set import duties.

C. The Articles of Confederation gave no power to the central government to regulate commerce.

D. Each state set its own import duties, which were then approved by the central government.

ANSWER…C. The Articles of

Confederation gave no power to the central

government to regulate commerce.

The Virginia Plan would have established a legislative branch that favored…

A. Large states.B. Small states.C. Neither large nor small states.D. Large states for purposed of

taxation and smaller states for purposed of representation.

ANSWER…A. Large states.

Which idea reflected in Baron Montesquieu’s writings was

incorporated into the Constitution?

A. Limited governmentB. Popular sovereignty

C. FederalismD. Separation of powers

ANSWER…D. Separation of


Which of the following is an example of a check on the

power of the executive branch?

A. Congress can impeach and remove judges.

B. The president can veto legislation.C. Congress must ratify treaties

negotiated by the president.D. The president makes appointments

to federal offices, including judgeships.

ANSWER…C. Congress must ratify treaties negotiated by

the president.

People who became concerned about the weaknesses of the Confederation Congress and supported a stronger central government became known

as…A. Confederates.B. Antifederalists.

C. Nationalists.D. Patriots.


C. Nationalists.

Which amendment prevents the federal government from claiming that the only rights

that individuals have are those listed in the Bill of Rights?

A. First Amendment.B. Second Amendment.C. Ninth Amendment.D. Tenth Amendment.

ANSWER…C. Ninth Amendment.

Prohibiting the search of a residence without a search

warrant is the purpose of the…

A. Third Amendment.B. Fourth Amendment.C. Sixth Amendment.

D. Seventh Amendment.

ANSWER…B. Fourth Amendment.

The Three-Fifths Compromise related to arguments over…

A. Representation of large states in Congress.

B. How to count women for purposes of representation.

C. How to count African Americans for purposes of representation.

D. How to count population in determining when a territory could become a state.

ANSWER…C. How to count

African Americans for purposes of representation.

Federalism is built on the principle of…

A. Republicanism.B. Limited democracy.C. Reserved powers.D. Shared powers.


D. Shared powers.

The first political parties in the United States developed when

members of Congress disagreed over…

A. Alexander Hamilton’s financial program.

B. The amendments to be included in the Bill of Rights.

C. The president’s cabinet.D. Westward expansion.

ANSWER…A. Alexander Hamilton’s

financial program.

The election of 1800 showed that…

A. The nation was being torn apart just as George Washington had feared.

B. Power could be transferred peacefully even if political parties disagreed.

C. Only Federalists could win national elections.

D. The Electoral College did not work and needed to be replaced.

ANSWER…B. Power could be

transferred peacefully even if political parties


Although the War of 1812 ended in a deadlock, as a

result of the war the United States won…

A. Territory in the southeast.B. Recognition as a sovereign nation

from Britain.C. European nations’ respect for

standing up to Great Britain.D. Large reparations for British

impressment of U.S. sailors.

ANSWER…C. European nations’ respect for standing up to Great Britain.

I began my political career favoring policies that unified the nation, such as a national bank and a protective tariff. I ended my career as an ardent

defender of states’ rights. Who am I?A. Henry Clay.

B. James Monroe.C. John C. Calhoun.D. Daniel Webster.

ANSWER…C. John C. Calhoun.

The expansion of voting rights between 1824 and 1828

occurred as a result of the…

A. Elimination of poll taxes.B. Elimination of property taxes.C. Lowering or elimination of property

ownership as a voting requirement.D. Lowering of the voting age.

ANSWER…C. Lowering or elimination of

property ownership as a voting


The issue in the Nullification Crisis was whether…

A. The federal government could tax imports.

B. The federal government could regulate commerce with foreign nations.

C. The president could order the military to enforce a law.

D. A state could declare a federal law invalid.

ANSWER…D. A state could declare a

federal law invalid.

The Trail of Tears was the name given to the…

A. Oregon Trail.B. Relocation of Native American

groups from the Southeast to the West.

C. Removal of the Cherokee from the Southeast to the West.

D. Mormon trek from the Midwest to the Utah Territory.

ANSWER…C. Removal of the Cherokee from the Southeast to the


An early nineteenth-century author who wrote frontier tales


A. James Fennimore Cooper.B. Nathaniel Hawthorne.

C. Edgar Allan Poe.D. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

ANSWER…A. James Fennimore


The temperance movement worked to...

A. Reform prisons.B. Improve the treatment of the

mentally ill.C. Prohibit the sale of alcohol.D. Provide social services to


ANSWER…C. Prohibit the sale of


I crusaded to improve education. I began in

Massachusetts, but my influence soon spread across the country. I established a

state board of education an set up schools to train teachers.

Who am I?A. Dorothea Dix.B. Lucretia Mott.

C. Lyman Beecher.D. Horace Mann.


D. Horace Mann.

A split in the abolitionist movement occurred as a result of the demand for immediate emancipation of slaves by…

A. The American Colonization Society.B. William Lloyd Garrison.

C. The Free Soil Party.D. James Monroe.

ANSWER…B. William Lloyd


As part of immigration restrictions, in 1830 the

Mexican government prohibited American settlers from bringing enslaved labor

to…A. Texas.

B. New Mexico.C. California.D. Louisiana.


A. Texas.

The purpose of the Fugitive Slave Act was to…

A. End the slave trade in the District of Columbia.

B. Outlaw the Underground Railroad.C. Enforce the decision of Scott v.

Sandford. D. Make it easier to find and return

escaped African Americans to their slaveholders.

ANSWER…D. Make it easier to

find and return escaped African

Americans to their slaveholders.

When the Republican Party organized in 1854, party

members agreed to support…

A. The immediate emancipation of enslaved African Americans.

B. Gradual emancipation of enslaved African Americans.

C. A ban on slavery in the territories.D. The principle of popular sovereignty

in the territories.

ANSWER…C. A ban on slavery in

the territories.

Fort Sumter became the focus of the conflict between the

North and the South when…

A. President Lincoln announced the fort would be resupplied.

B. Confederate leaders ordered the fort to surrender.

C. Federal forces renounced the Union and handed over the fort to the Confederacy.

D. Confederate forces overran and captured the fort.

ANSWER…A. President Lincoln announced the fort

would be resupplied.

The Union Army did not accept African American enlistees

until after…

A. President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

B. The confederate victory at Chancellorsville.

C. The Battle of Antietam.D. Passage of the Thirteenth


ANSWER…A. President Lincoln

issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

Which of the following were two major defeats from which the confederate Army never

recovered?A. Gettysburg and Vicksburg.B. Gettysburg and Fredericksburg.C. Fredericksburg and the Second

Battle of Bull Run.D. Vicksburg and the Second Battle of

Bull Run.


A. Gettysburg and Vicksburg.

Lincoln’s reelection in 1864 was aided by…

A. The Union defeat of the Southern forces at Chattanooga.

B. The issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation.

C. Sherman’s capture of Atlanta.D. The end of the war in the West.


C. Sherman’s capture of Atlanta.

I led Reconstruction efforts in the Senate. I distrusted the

South and thought the federal government should vigorously

enforce the rights of freed African Americans. Who am I?

A. Thaddeus Stevens.B. Andrew Johnson.C. Stephen Douglas.

D. Edwin Stanton.

ANSWER…A. Thaddeus Stevens.

One purpose of the Freedmen’s Bureau was to…

A. Redistribute land from former slaveholders to freed African Americans.

B. Register African Americans to vote.C. Established state governments in

former Confederate states.D. Help freed African Americans

negotiate labor contracts with planters.

ANSWER…D. Help freed African Americans negotiate labor contracts with


The purpose of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth

Amendments was to…A. Punish the former Confederate

states.B. Satisfy abolitionists.C. Guarantee certain rights and

freedoms for African Americans.D. Make it easier for Southern states to

be readmitted to the Union.

ANSWER…C. Guarantee certain rights and freedoms

for African Americans.

The Fifteenth Amendment…

A. Emancipated African Americans.B. Guaranteed African Americans due

process under the law.C. Conferred citizenship to all African

Americans.D. Granted all male African Americans

the right to vote.

ANSWER…D. Granted all male

African Americans the right to vote.

The federal government passed the Homestead Act in

order to encourage…

A. Construction of a transcontinental railroad.

B. The fencing of the open range.C. Settlement of the Great Plains.

D. Development of agricultural colleges.

ANSWER…C. Settlement of the

Great Plains.

As people’s attitudes about the treatment of Native American changed, Congress passed the Dawes Act in 1887. This act reflected the new policy of…

A. Isolationism.B. Assimilation.C. Recognition of Native American

sovereignty.D. Naturalization.

ANSWER…B. Assimilation.

The last Native American attempt to resist federal authority took place at…

A. Sand Creek.B. Medicine Lodge Creek.

C. Wounded Knee.D. The Little Big Horn River.


C. Wounded Knee.

I refused to be relocated to a smaller reservation in Idaho.

Instead I led the Nez Perce in a flight of almost 1,300 miles

before I had to give up. Who am I?A. Chief Joseph.

B. Little Crow.C. Sitting Bull.

D. Crazy Horse.


A. Chief Joseph.

The United States was able to industrialize quickly because


A. Its lack of labor unions.B. Its abundance of natural resources.C. Its low tariffs on imports.D. The depressed price of agricultural


ANSWER…B. Its abundance of

natural resources.

The Knights of labor lost support as a result of…

A. The union’s refusal to accept African Americans.

B. The failure of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877.

C. The union’s call for equal pay for women.

D. The violence of the Haymarket Riot.

ANSWER…D. The violence of the Haymarket Riot.

Andrew Carnegie believed that those who profited from

society should give back to society by using their money

for social progress. This philosophy is know as…

A. Social Darwinism.B. The Gospel of Wealth.

C. Individualism.D. Single tax theory.


B. The Gospel of Wealth.

The Grange, the Greenback Party, and the Populist Party were established to benefit…

A. Farmers.B. Ranchers.C. Bankers.

D. Factory workers.

ANSWER…A. Farmers.

Although not a Populist Party member, my stands on issues appealed to Populists. I was a

Democrat and the Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture. I ran for governor in 1892 but

was defeated by another Democrat. Who am I?A. Reuben Kolb.

B. James B. Weaver.C. Thomas G. Jones.

D. Oliver H. Kelly.

ANSWER…A. Reuben Kolb.

The major issue in the presidential election of 1896


A. immigration.B. Antitrust laws.C. The gold standard versus the silver

standard.D. Growing U.S. imperialism.

ANSWER…C. The gold standard

versus the silver standard.

Segregation was enforced in the South as a result of the…

A. Grandfather clause.B. End of the Freedmen’s Bureau.

C. Passage of Jim Crow laws.D. Policy of Manifest Destiny.

ANSWER…C. Passage of Jim Crow


The opening of Japan to trade and the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands and the

Philippines were the result of…A. The Open Door Policy.B. Congress’s desire to establish

protectorates.C. Cultural superiority.D. Imperialism.


D. Imperialism.

As U.S. secretary of state, I championed the idea of Pan-

Americanism. I wanted American nations to work out their disputes peacefully. Who

am I?A. James G. Blaine

B. Henry Cabot LodgeC. Matthew PerryD. Alfred T. Mahan

ANSWER…A. James G. Blaine

The Rough Riders fought in the Spanish-American War in…

A. Puerto Rico.B. Cuba.

C. The Philippines.D. Panama.


As a result of the Platt Amendment, Cuba…

A. Gained complete independence.B. Was annexed by the United States.C. Became a protectorate of the

United States in all but name.D. Received commonwealth status.

ANSWER…C. Became a

protectorate of the United States in all

but name.

Ida Tarbell, who published The History of the Standard Oil

Company, was one the progressives whose focus on

big business led to…A. Passage of the Sherman Antitrust

Act.B. Washburn v. Illinois.C. Establishment of the American

Federation of Labor.D. The prosecution and breakup of the


ANSWER…A. Passage of the

Sherman Antitrust Act.

After the Civil War, the suffrage movement split over…

A. Whether to give up the fight for the vote or continue.

B. Whether to support passage of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments without the inclusion of women.

C. Whether to work for temperance as well as suffrage.

D. The best strategy to use in order to gain the vote.

ANSWER…B. Whether to support

passage of the Fourteenth and

Fifteenth Amendments without the inclusion of


I was head of the U.S. Forestry Service under President

Theodore Roosevelt. I was a progressive who believed the

role of government was to regulate private business. I wrote rules governing how

lumber companies could cut timber in federal forests. Who

am I?A. J.P. MorganB. Eugene V. Debs

C. John MuirD. Gifford Pinchot


D. Gifford Pinchot

Woodrow Wilson’s program of reform was know as the…

A. New Nationalism.B. New Freedom.

C. Fair Deal.D. Square Deal.

ANSWER…B. New Freedom.

The Niagara Movement, which began when progressives did not address reform issues for African Americans, led to the

formation of…A. settlement houses.B. The Congress of Racial Equality.C. The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car

Porters.D. The National Association for the

Advancement of Colored People.

ANSWER…D. The National

Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The third member of the Triple Entente, along with Great Britain and Russia, was…

A. France.B. Germany.

C. Austria-Hungary.D. the United States.

ANSWER…A. France

Before the United States entered World War I, U.S.

business interests supported Great Britain rather than

Germany because…A. many U.S. businesspeople were of

British ancestry.B. The British pound relied on the

health of the U.S. economy.C. Many U.S. companies and banks

had strong ties to businesses in Britain and the other Allied countries.

D. German companies did not do business with U.S. companies.


companies and banks had strong ties to businesses in Britain and the other Allied countries.

The Palmer raids occurred as a result of…

A. the rise of organized crime.B. The Red Scare.C. Prohibition.D. The use of strikebreakers during the

1919 strikes.

ANSWER…B. the Red Scare.

Under the provisions of the National Origins Act of 1924,

most immigrants to the United States in the 1920s came

from…A. northern and western Europe.B. Asia.C. southern and eastern Europe.D. Africa.

ANSWER…A. northern and western Europe.

Racial pride and the flourishing of jazz and blues are

characteristics that describe a cultural movement during the

1920s known as…A. romanticism.

B. Greenwich Village.C. realism.

D. the Harlem Renaissance.

ANSWER…D. the Harlem Renaissance.

As the economy boomed during the 1920s, Americans

changed how they bought and paid for goods as a result of…

A. an increase in the number of banks.B. Installment credit.C. the assembly line.D. mass production.

ANSWER…B. Installment credit.

The effects of the stock market crash of 1929 were made

worse by the…

A. sale of U.S. agricultural products abroad.

B. passage of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff.C. Federal Reserve’s raising of interest

rates.D. continued speculation in the stock


ANSWER…B. passage of the

Hawley-Smoot Tariff.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first act in office was to…

A. ask Congress to establish the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.

B. Shut down the stock market.C. Ask Congress to set up soup

kitchens.D. Declare a “bank holiday.”

ANSWER…D. Declare a “bank


Which of the following New Deal programs provided jobs

for Americans?

A. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

B. National Labor Relations ActC. Civil Works AdministrationD. Emergency Banking Relief Act

ANSWER…C. Civil Works Administration

The New Deal era came to an end…

A. when the Supreme Court struck down New Deal legislation.

B. with the recession of 1937.C. when World War II began.D. when Republicans and Southern

Democrats blocked additional New Deal legislation in Congress.

ANSWER…D. when Republicans

and Southern Democrats blocked additional New Deal

legislation in Congress.

Hitler appealed to many Germans’…

A. fear of fascism.B. concern over the growing power of

right-wing political parties.C. resentment over the terms of the

Treaty of Versailles.D. hatred of Czechs and Poles.

ANSWER…C. resentment over the

terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

The turning point for the Allies in the war in the Pacific was


A. Battle of Stalingrad.B. Battle of Britain.C. Battle of Midway.

D. Capture of Casablanca.

ANSWER…C. Battle of Midway.

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