— sister mary margaret weber, csc, and sister judith ... nourishing monthly discussion group,...

Post on 17-Mar-2018






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8380 Six Forks Road, Suite 203, Raleigh, North Carolina 27615Phone: 919-846-3601

Email: infoapfwtg@gmail.com Website: www.womengather.org

A Place for Women to Gather provides a welcoming place, programs and services to foster spiritual and human growth development for women. While we endeavor to keep fees at a minimum to support our ministry, cost need not be a hindrance for anyone. Unless otherwise noted, events take place at our center.

— Sister Mary Margaret Weber, CSC, and Sister Judith Hallock, CSC

A Pla

ce for Women to Gather

A not-for-profit ministry sponsored by the Sisters of the Holy Cross

Programs for February 2016 — May 2016

Monthly series program Creating a Sacred CircleThis nourishing monthly discussion group, designed to support a creative spirit is continuing! Have you read The Artist’s Way? Perhaps you were once part of a study group? Do you remember the basic tools? Are you still doing morning pages? Do you remember the core of Week 1: Recovering a Sense of Safety? We will meet monthly with the intention of stimulating our creative flow and leave each time with at least one affirmation to support our intention for the following month, if not for the rest of your life. It is suggested you read, Creating Positive Affirmations, Living an Intentional Life by myself, Jean Costa. A previous knowledge of Julia Cameron’s book would be helpful but not essential. What is essential is the desire to live a more creative life, to be willing to nurture the other women in the circle and to come with a sense of adventure and discovery.Presenter: Jean CostaDates/Times: 2nd Thursdays - March 10, April 14, May 12, 2:30-4pmFree will donation

She Who Is: The Mystery of God through the Eyes of the FeminineThe discussion of this classic work by Elizabeth Johnson continues and is open to anyone interested in engaging in an in-depth reflection, study, and discussion of the Divine Feminine.She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Theological Discourse explores why language about the Divine is so crucial to spirituality, how and why referring to God in the feminine was condemned, how Jesus fits into the Feminine Divine and how important it is for a woman to see the Divine in her own image. A copy of the book is essential.Presenter: Sister Mary Margaret WeberDates/Times: 3rd Mondays - Feb. 15, March 21, April 18, May 16, 7-8:30pmFree will donation

FebruaryMaintain Your Health Through the Winter with Simple Holistic PracticesWe all know that winter is the season for colds and flu, but do you know why? Join Olivia for this Winter Wellness Workshop to learn how the cold, dry winter weather affects our health and what we can do to prevent illness at this time. Discover how what you eat and drink, and your daily lifestyle habits can influence your ability to stay well. Learn simple preventative measures and home remedies, and take home a sample along with some recipes!Presenter: Olivia FriedDates/Times: Tuesday, February 9, 10:30-noon OR Tuesday, February 16, 1:30-3pmSuggested donation $20

Touched by the Divine, Transformed for Life! This program, designed to coincide with the Christian season of Lent, will explore the journeys of four Gospel women whose encounter with Jesus changed them for life. Although each of them is unique, a common thread that binds them together is that they all were burdened with the life-realities of women, longed for healing and wholeness, and acted on that longing by following their intuitions, which led them to a divine encounter. And that made all the difference! These women come highly recommended as companions on the journey!Presenter: Sister Mary Margaret WeberDates/Times: Monday mornings, 10:30-noon, February 15- Mary, the Mother of Jesus February 22 – Woman with the Hemorrhage March 7 – Penitent Woman March 14 – Mary Magdalene March 21 – All of ThemFree will donation

She Who IsMonday, February 15, 7-8:30pm

Finding Common Ground in a Divided WorldIn the wake of recent terror attacks, there has been a rise of intolerance, prejudice and hostility toward our Muslim sisters and brothers. Much comes from fear, misunderstanding of the scriptures that guide them (the Quran) and what the religion of Islam truly represents. We will explore together verses from the Quran, Muslim religious practices and their beliefs about God. We just might discover that we have more in common than we have differences. Sister Janice and Sister Tahira, Muslim women, will join us. Their presence and knowledge will deepen our understanding and enhance our sharing.Presenter: Sister Judy Hallock Date/Time: Tuesday, February 16, 10-11:30amFree will donation

Julian of Norwich and Teresa of Avila: Looking for Love in All the Right Places These two medieval mystics are called, by Beverly Lanzetta, author of Radical Wisdom, “ sisters in spirit” who modeled “a feminism of the inner way.” Though separated by centuries, they are united by their common desire to belong completely to the Holy One. Their life-paths led them where they wanted to go but only because they were attuned to the voice of the Holy One in the circumstances of their lives. This program will look at those circumstances so that we might glean insight into how they may be models for women today.Presenter: Sister Mary Margaret WeberDates/Times: Thursday, February 18, 10:30-noon OR

Monday, February 22, 7-8:30pmFree will donation



Join us in giving support to women receiving community assistance in Raleigh by sending handwritten notes of encouragement. Use index cards or note cards of your choosing and drop them in the “mailbox” in the front room at The Place or mail them to us by March 1st. Blank cards will be available at The Place for those attending a program to fill out. Using only your first name, write as many as you wish. Compose your own message or copy the sample provided below. During the first week in March we will deliver the cards to various agencies serving women in need as well as some local nursing homes.

SAMPLE: Hi! My name is (first name) . Even though we have not met, I know that as a woman you have within you the strength, courage and wisdom to face whatever challenges that may lie ahead. As the world celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8th, I want you to know, woman to woman, that I celebrate YOU and wish you peace, health and happiness. Be strong and don’t ever stop believing in yourself!

LEARNING FROM CANCERHave you had cancer or do you currently have cancer? If so, join us in a journey of self-discovery and healing. Using Inside the Miracle: Enduring Suffering, Approaching Wholeness by Mark Nepo (note: 2015 edition), we will explore how to move from overwhelming crisis into the rest of our lives. Through his essays and poems, Nepo shares the wisdom that helped him during his own cancer journey. Using his “Questions to Walk With” as a basis for discussion and journaling, we too will prepare ourselves to inhabit the miraculous moments that await us. Participants should bring a copy of the book to each session. Presenter: Mary Walek Date/Time: Wednesday evenings: 7-8:30pm: March 9, 23,

April 6, 20, May 4, 18, June 1 OR Thursday mornings: 10-11:30am: March 10,

24, April 7, 21, May 5, 19, June 2Free will donation

Creating a Sacred CircleThursday, March 10, 2:30-4pm

Discovering Sparks of the DivineHave you heard people trying to make distinctions between the secular and the sacred? Our time on Earth should not be spent trying to transcend “worldly” things or the material world, but finding God in the midst of them. There is value in turning inward for our spiritual practices but we can also find sparks of the divine in everyday objects, activities and experiences. We don’t need to go to Tibet to find a sacred space and saintly guru. The teachings we need are right here and now if we but know how to see.Presenter: Sister Judy HallockDate/Time: Tuesday, March 15, 7-8:30pm OR Thursday, March 17, 1:30-3pmFree will donation

Spring Equinox Ceremony: Healing and Community Labyrinth Walk We will gather on the labyrinth to participate in an experience intended to open our hearts to the balance of the Spring Equinox. We will rest our hearts in the warming seeds, lengthening days and newly running sap in the veins of the earth. What in our lives need be warmed, nourished, and called forth? We gather in hope that we can offer and receive healing for ourselves, our families, our community, and our earth. We will utilize the two ancient spiritual practices Sound healing and the labyrinth pilgrimage, to enhance our celebration of the Spring Equinox. Please bring a folding chair for your comfort during the ceremony and a frame drum or rattle if you have one. You are also invited to bring an item that reflects what you would like to balance and call forth this Spring. Come and join with your companions on their journey! A suggested donation of $10.00 will be gratefully accepted. Presenter: Sherylyn PittDate/Time: Sunday, March 20, 7-8:30pmSite: Millbrook Baptist Church, 1519 E. Millbrook

Road, North Raleigh 27609

She Who IsMonday, March 21, 7-8:30pm

AprilCould Gratitude Be the Most Important Emotion of All?I was intrigued by a recent study that has shown that being grateful can have huge implications not only for personal well-being, but for a more peaceful world. A basic gratefulness practice would be enough to positively impact our lives and the world around us. This makes it seem worth building gratitude into our everyday life and our relationships! Come and share your experience of the nourishing and transformative power of living gratefully and for those wishing to explore this spiritual practice, suggestions will be given for helpful ways to integrate living gratefully into your life.Presenter: Sister Judy HallockDates/Times: Wednesday, April 6, 10-11:30 OR Thursday, April 7, 7-8:30pmFree will donation

Creating a Sacred CircleThursday, April 14, 2:30-4pm

She Who IsMonday, April 18, 7-8:30pm

The Gift of Health What do spirituality and wellness have in common? Often people desire to be well simply for health’s sake. Have you thought about your health & wellness in the context of your deepest values and beliefs? This 4 part-series will explore the spirituality and wellness connection in a non-judgmental and supportive community facilitated by certified integrative health coaches. You’ll explore this connection by creating your own statement of purpose, identifying your values and beliefs that guide you spiritually, and cultivating mindful awareness. Finally, we will explore what is ultimately most important to you for reaching your health goals, using your mind, body & spirit. This journey will be a gift for your spirit that will open up your path towards wellness.Presenter: Marilee JohnsonDates/Times: Thursday evenings April 21, 28, May 5, 12

6:30-8pmSuggested Donation: $75 for series/ $25 per session

MayCreating a Sacred CircleThursday, May 12, 2:30-4pm

The Tao of Walking We walk for health. We walk to get somewhere. We walk with friends. And, most of all, we walk with God. We will follow the footsteps of Abraham, Jesus and other travelers from the Bible and other traditions. And we will learn how to strengthen and deepen our own walk and help foster others’ journeys, as well. (One- or two-week session, $20)Presenter: Sarah Peters Dates/Times: Tuesdays, May 3 AND 10, 10:30-noonSuggested Donation: $20

Book DiscussionTwo Dogs and a Parrot: What Our Animal Friends Can Teach Us About LifeBy Joan ChittisterJoan Chittister, one of our leading inspirational writers, invites us to embrace and celebrate the deep bond between humans and animals. This book offers heart-warming stories and thought-provoking reflections about sharing life with an animal companion. Pets draw us out of ourselves and show us what it truly means to be alive. Bring your stories but not your pets, please!Presenter: Sister Judy HallockDates/Times: Tuesday, May 3, 1:30-3pm OR Wednesday, May 11, 7-8:30pmFree will donation

She Who IsMonday, May 16, 7-8:30pm

Retreat Day – The Place We Call HomeWhat makes a house a home? The question itself implies that there is a difference. Women are often the ones who make that difference, who transform a house into a home by providing care for all its inhabitants and attention to needed repairs, additions, and alterations. When a home cries out for attention, it is often women who first hear it. Our common home, called Earth, is now in a needy condition and crying out for attention and healing. Drawing on the writings of two well-known lovers of the Earth named Francis, one a saint, the other a Pope, we will spend the day listening to Mother Earth and what she is saying to us about how we can care for her so that we and future generations will always have a place to call home. (Please bring a bag lunch. Drinks and dessert will be provided.)Presenter: Sister Judy Hallock and Sister Mary Margaret WeberDates/Times: Tuesday, May 17, 9:30am-2:30pmSite: The lovely home of Margaret Thurston, 6405

Lakeland Dr. Raleigh 27612Suggested donation: $30

Book Discussion: Nine Jewels of Night by Beverly LanzettaThis program is for those who admire mystics and always wanted to meet one! Nine Jewels of Night is the autobiographical account of how Beverly’s life journey has led her to see beyond the boundaries of established religions to the one shared reality at the heart of them all: the Unnameable One - called by many names but beyond them all. Beverly is a theologian and spiritual teacher who has articulated and birthed a new monasticism that anyone can enter wherever they are, if they know how. After reading this autobiography, you will have the insights and the tools you need to follow this new monastic path.Presenter: Sister Mary Margaret WeberDates/Times: Monday, May 23, 7-8:30pm OR Thursday, May 26, 10-11:30am

Guest Presenters Jean Costa received her BA in education with a major in mathematics from St. John’s University, and in 1997 she earned an MSW from UNC, Chapel Hill. She has practiced yoga for over 40 years and became a certified yoga teacher at Kripalu Center for Yoga in 2007. Because of her personal experience with breast cancer she began the Pink Ribbon Yoga Retreat for breast cancer survivors in 2005. She sits on the Duke Cancer Patient Support Advisory Board and the Preston Robert Tish Brain Tumor Advisory Board. She is an avid journaler and has practiced creating affirmations for over a decade. Besides teaching yoga she teaches workshops in Creating Positive Affirmations and facilitates creativity development groups based on Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way.

Marilee Johnson has 23 years of experience in healthcare. She graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in Medical Technology and received her MBA from Meredith College. In 2011, she completed her health coaching certification from Duke Integrative Medicine. She has successfully coached clients during a variety of life stages: new moms, caregivers, and the recently retired. Marilee coaches with a nurturing and supportive tone while guiding her clients through their personal wellness plan. Currently, she is a manager of education and networking at the Southern Atlantic Healthcare Alliance in Cary, NC. Promoting wellness has been her passion throughout life. Lessons she has learned over the course of her career have convinced her that healthcare needs to be addressed using a proactive and integrative approach. Professional Integrative Health Coaching blends her experience in healthcare with her personal mission to promote health and wellness. Marilee.mhj@gmail.com

Sarah Friday Peters of Raleigh teaches Spirituality, art and yoga. A spiritual director and co-director of the N.C. Pastors as Spiritual Guides Program, Sarah holds a master’s in Christian Education from the Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, Virginia. She also holds certifications as a a wellness counselor, in qigong and Reiki, and has practiced dreamwork for more than 25 years and with the Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry.

Sherylyn Pitt MSW LCSW LCAS holds a Master of Social Work from UNC Chapel Hill and is a licensed clinical social worker who has a private therapy practice in Garner, NC. She is a poet, artist, health rhythms facilitator, hasya yoga instructor, reiki practitioner and founder of Feather Path Circles. With extensive training in mindfulness, trauma, grief, addictions, compassion, women’s issues, energy medicine and Eco contemplative practices she has provided services to a wide variety of organizations ranging from governmental to non-profit. Sherylyn is dedicated to manifesting interfaith and Intergenerational opportunities for people to gather in Sacred Soul Circles where they can enhance experiences of their innate value, place and purpose in relation to the natural world. She is a creative, playful and spiritual leader who invites each of us to Be Love, Cause Love, Because Love Heals!

Mary L. Walek received her doctorate in biological anthropology from the University of Florida and retired in 2003 after a thirty year career at North Carolina State University. As a grateful cancer survivor, she finds a spiritual home in the wonders of creation and renewal in each and every sunrise.

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to support this ministry, please make checks payable to Sisters of the Holy Cross and mail to

8380 Six Forks Road, Suite 203, Raleigh, NC 27615. All donations are greatly appreciated and gratefully received.

A Pla

ce for Women to Gather

A not-for-profit ministry sponsored by the Sisters of the Holy Cross

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