· telegram sent to• @j colla -- no , cbs rg ell ~o q - 0 ci!.ph 161 lor 1ij!ll troll...

Post on 23-Jul-2019






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niocnn.iers de Gue~e. - .1<-

....... ,.,~ u

/ G e:> Genrre ,October 2, l.:;.t4 .

~ dear 1~ . Uinib~er ,

Allow z:w ~o tbe.nJc :rou @at •ueerely for ;r"'ey le tte.r Ol' wep~eober Z2, l!l.,.4c. I ha ... y to note t..lult 1Jle Unit-ed Stutes Caverruucnt h.&s a vel"/ clear llll'I'&ointlon of t.be eituatioc, an~ e ~errect ~dar ~dina or the di!ticultiea or ou.r action end of their causeo.

It has ghen e gre:,t ~et.1a.t'ac;;1~ to note that 1~00 ad~itlonel Spenisb ~laas buva t~e uutho:ized tor Jewz in m1Jl,::At7 . Thi:'l in1'ort:at>ion lla8 been nt once OQC.Imllica~ed to Ollr dele~~1on in lhi4e 13 t, 1>1 th inatr~tlona tO taJ:.e afpropriete action, as h~ b e a~ n ~e .revious case Lnv !Vine .t'iv hundred J~iah e~ildren .

Yo e t a:e 1 v 7 ,. ey frllllk o 1n1on 0: t!:e ,; ree ot U a the cc:ntrol o:- ll CiM'lai ~;n Wtlillh th ~~ t r~tl lllll Co: ;::rt t·~ e er;, eble to e:::erciae ver t<he deJo,ertur ~ a ot rsou.11, ond re ra-rtic<tlll::-ly ;n-or their D cur.!. t)' b tor l.e viua.

It 1 T • lt!'iOll.!t tor I:P. to give YO' sur'tiolently · ell-r u:1 &d 1~ r~:z.t ~ this yoint, aince the tre!ld ot oli &1 oa.l a lil.i ~u-y ·•rente e ;;eus to WIn ". UOh a

do r~ 1re t.beu r bl loa... end turtllor, •noll our :.de rvOU~a lil" nly be l ing to allo!l' c oe::~ain de r o:r ractlcol r ul~a .

A T II &ff!il"ll, the ..Lnt. r t ::m~ Co ~ ~t(!: ro re entet1vea 1 _u~a oat tc ~v fixe to ell houaoa and ot er • ce:: hecr Jew toraed r alder.ce, nuoun~lDr, th&; the inh bitanto e

cti r t ,., .nternrrtl.::.al. t . en.tort 'V n t. :re c beon ir.!orc.ed it • lacard h ve

y 1 ce .

an v~Jr nt 1m

c lso e'Nlll'e Co:~ttee ~

H 'IV ld d ,ort!it-on rtr IU'iaa l!.t;tllor1 t.i




• l

op their .k ra:JJ. e, c :taln ubhra1"1 tiUICOll e ,

• r


l'• ~ 11~ \ ..,._ - ~ -~ .. S. M. k----

- ~



Fro• . ' r Dah. 0 r 1


Code : - RecelvecS: r 4

p ® r " iolc dla ...

II 1 • •

:r • 1 •1•• ; ; • Af' t'• A ••

raoelv 4 rr •• ., .. t • u ral

tploaat ape a;. ' • • ec\110 1 l c

oi• ! ..... ' p ao • 1 r ~

\n ucak ft& 1& • \. lr.no• I I • rat er 1a \er a "l YlttW Of e Hu &r • t •

d.e 1al • n; Ill or lta rn 1ala 0\' r par•1ot ed l

or rolU • 1 l •1 h d• r• • 1 • For o r "' to 'C •

L \I • 111 1 1 • liT

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-Weltzentrale dea Hechaluz

Hechaba Gent .-a Of ce


'i'/) 1 ,

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• • $ $;, Ht.., ~ (J ~~bar 1913 , BW!Jllae1.1 d•o

1(; ~.-..:t """'" ~~; ~:f~~t L ~ '

Lieber Clnll:el ! ~ Mo~.~~ ~--·

•1r JSln4 Vorere. ~ch~• 1cb kruaolost~b barioh~ea.


• Crtnl . • lH

..r1tt ~llrU.Ok­lJlD .r .. !tell ~ ~. dur andereo

A'"~' ill • d a . a 1 •ird, Vgrtr ~o c~ de~ andtron

~r ~' • 1t~r-en

e1 trut

. ., ort •

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Onll:e l , •

XiL taCD ··t.'bc 1 o;, 6 -onen 8U ET .r , ctc J-t•

·.o 1 l l'l t'<L1~ -ln r:5 l"ol' WOil mi>l

<4 . 9 . 1-944 , •

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Oil tande!l Wlln!n 1 h;it

011;­noch ill , Bhr4en.

Onbl , .4 ,9 . 12'" · 8lat"t ~ ,

••= Sie ' a:rt e'npnAer tol&e ~ <rap Yon 111r lceine aohr1aht y= air UhalteJI wl:rdm, 1SD •!rd •• d.u:h IIU er Ulrea seta, 4us io.'l nnbrai!Cll­bar ~>"Qr4tn b1.D , iUr 4i'"n Pall ~te ioh 1e bihen n&l, fHhel /~lll'•~st,t:.ri& fllftia l '7, , o er lilT\ unur 4erndl>'!n un .. e Uletrn­.PIUIIO& C'b<!r • Coara4 • r:!t01l:alra£en ,

be J:ur' aol I'anr r 'c

4h t~rr.

"' -oZ Dlre cl J:.!ler1pn Be lh m-

0 rift.,



To • @J COllA -- No ,

Cbs rg e ll ~ o Q - 0 CI!.Ph 161

lor 1IJ!ll trOll Jlo0lollan4.

I haTe reoei'nd a =abe:r ~ report• late~ de&l.iJia 1:tll moat ream dndoPIWlta in dtuation of olqa in 8117t'alda eJ:I4

~ o:t wtaoh r think :tollowin4 poarttnem; details IIGill.d int or .. t :rn.

hpon traa .llratialan 4atad ISaptaaber n lltataa that d:u to oco:pe:ra·uon or 'fll.d.ClU J.-.riab J'Dilth oP'OU.Pa w.ith poartiaana Galltapo bu in.eti~;nttd .-neraJ. oono .. ntzauon o:t all. Jna in

.PrOTinoaa, !ll.y ere ~in4 u1nJT aeao.bled at OIUIJI o:t S.re4 10h1ah wu bJcen aa.rller in IIO.nth 'by Partiaana (abwt 1100 lt'lle wu-e llbarate4) bllt ute:r: reooptured 'b;r ~. GU'IIallll are al.ao .. 14 to be oonaantratin& .r ... a at henoain, J.bwt 1'700 Jniah

interneaa .troa aup at ·~·•era reout~ llbarate4 'by Pllriiaana who .till control this region, J.U Jna 04pabt. ot buriJI& arma troa •oY&q baYe bean enrolled 1n reautmoa 1UI.1.·b.

J.oaordinc to rapon troa 0Aoh bairiiU!Oa operatiq in. BlOT&k.ia elated Saptu.ber 19, Tieo uo-.4 he hA4 rea11Te4 "Uli'IU'II.lU!ea• :t:r:oa Ger.ma that Ja" in J'l'OT1noaa ware o1Jrp4 bainc OonGIJUrata4 tnlt 'lt'Oill.d ''not h ru:end troa 8~0Tak 'l;arri­tor;r. • !hia oan aoan~al.J be rolla~ 1lpon 11M hlesr~ ~ r•IP<=aibla Jniab oirolu in Bratial&Ta dated. Ootobo:r II 1n4ioataa th4t 4eporta.tione !:rt~lll J.rOTinooll (aouh unknown) llll:'o a.J.roaq hk1na ploae.

Si'bulUon in llr111iidan itael:t 11'l1Ua hnee appoara quiet •• fer q deportortiQZia IIZ'e oonoo:r~:e«, an! Oantral. ltw1ah o.ttioo Uder d.irariion Mra, J'l.eian!rr•lllQ oonU.mtea to tlmotiot~. llaeoue aa·un.~ llow 00llaU1a U1 nq in p:roourillc talae • A:r:Jq• papo:ra 1GT

an4 in lli4.i.ac """'•· !bore 1a • oU11&.1A To~ qt ..Ul¢ baolt to I

n. S(P


0 •


llmt a tllrthtr .. fd l.OO,oco Swiu b'mloa troa ru t1m4a to -.ppon &l.l nell praou~ raaoua ao1irl~Ua • rtth eoarbr no ldt Octtober 4 ter !!ratial.&Ya m4 a.ulapen.

Jloarut; IIJ.e -n noem urtern ... w1:th X..nnar, Jiellta a:a4 a- Gana}'O acai n ll'rlu..O.num trontiar on 8ep1akr U 8alJ ~u .U01b4 unuu• aan:nnou trOJI GelW..Il tltd no 4eJOrtaUou troa 810Tald.a woaU take pil.oe aa lm~& aa "u&Otu.ticma ooniiJllut4. ~ •• ._ to haTe b .. n ncceu11l.l tcrtt.h, in~ rrmt u ~er aa Jft'll ill B:rlltillhft ere atz:o-=-4.

r- St&tu et EX' a :11111>0.--atilmd •rJ:t~ kruna ra-t1na

'( Yn'T mc.h aa reported in Leption1a 6llD, SaJiteaber l.JI. Cla1a1"6 thAt ht 414 Jll't hue naounry hohntoaJ. qul1fiou­t1CIJ!8 tor cqtHnc lillt ct pCIU Gel"ll&lle llaa1rt4 in

~1tnrlmbt, l!ll liD' it:. illrth.t thnt to aCid repreaentatina ~ th1e pu-poee han. It 1e, ltDweTer, nill aon doubt:tlr.l tllat Slriea -~tiee rill craut eucll rtaaa .. preaonoa G.ater.oan l!lr1harla4 1a hipl;r llidasta:O&J. to tho. I han llill'leae4 .at"ttr infoxri•U;r with lhrU:I and 8ll Lo tak1n• b 11p BJIOe liCl'a tla.ia weak. ll)' blu.U~ it hu happil.r bem r-o .. ible to 11m -t11r11 ov.t ez:othar 'th;.a

1 al~ 'thole

1Ltfa1r 1e \oeo""'n.:r Ttt;r ~4.

!.Urina tiWI reollllt 11rttrrrtn rurtnar raporte4 that u ;rn no IIDTaaald fd J..,. .... t ot llt:!d"P""rl (Z..I(Uiczzl' a 1-CU, S~abu 20) ha4 b84;11D. l!owenr, n.otoriou es . Clluatu:rahea"'Urn- liohnnn, torur1;r ot lu.blln wu,

&l~~~~& nih 1t.1a bano!:m.n, "llaD.pt~· ruuoen;r, waa rea;Qll.Uble trcm ~ d.h tar orsru:t.aUon o~ •• bpo:rtat11111. ct ,.,. frca ~ in~ an!) J\D1o

1 ha.a boon

trandarr.11 back to ~J>OIIt tr= tua~er. Ria nturn at th1B tu.. 1a ~:Gn 4iaq1Uatiq ~.

£utl:er n}>W't tro:; ~d.llpolrt Ilona S.p1iiiJibc 13 receiTC~ t~ nprnmtr.:in ot ~ lloa~ano. ilvrEU:~1i 1a Ztlriah 1D4.1oaio• tha;; it wu poaaiblo, dlu-inc J~ lirA .AliDUt (loeption'• uw.., ~ U) io lllrpnt ..

( I!)

eTin&U.cm ot ua 7,000 Jnith MB, iDol ul.iza& "the t,.,, leo

ot 600, :l"rft! lloa1.hanl ~ h psrua=. • •V'oll.Jtl l'llceolrr "ttrritDr7. lla oapallle bo~D'"iD« u-. lurTo bee aroll.a

parU.Il&D torcu, "UioH ~aio~ lma1to4, YO~ a4 chilU.a

u -ro bee Jtln'e4 ~o ia1;eriar bd aro U T1Jic "Aor oztrnMlT

pr1d.Un oODtiUau. Ill •"~ all~o "UI.U Bi"t1l&Uon

haY• r ooR.t lT tSnmcel ahtpaat of •lioal IIJI4 oasit1a7 0Qppl1eo t or theo' ro!U«•••.


Ill tripliode,



Date: Oc~ocer ~. ll p. 1 ""

llo· -- Received: Ootob~r 6. • ••

1113 Jlo. ~1. For Rarruon acd cClelhnl!

&w.ee •or~lGD 01t1oe car e requea·cc to 1Dfcr tho l:llf;ar'!u. a ·tor:uu tl:!lt everr oppgrta:.ttr haa alraJE bee a''ord•d • e Sre41a reprea~nta·lvea 1c e :a.rg. o: E=£U'1U 1ntuena ln t 1E coun;rr eo extend ~teet~· tD ea~ per£on 1c the Dnlte~ S·atea leJ1ng clau to l!u::garlu catlor.al1t1 he "'vernroe:.-; o: the n1t"~ S;.at.u baJI at no tll:e l1atted the Swe41ab l.e&aUoa

1n ~c :art;'1Dg ita protecthe fWlCtlona 1ll reepect or a 1 1ni1v:.ual aho hu cla1ae4 to he a ott1zen or Hungar,-.

ere !1 no reaeon to believe that an, other rcpu .:c lD the •••tern H~~phere wogld t&Ae a poa1t1on 41r: rlng ln -.-., •1.1 rro the po 1 tlon or thla Gilvernaent •• ou:ltccd a~ve

• roUi!l &Tailac:.e 1ntc~a1 c:ha le the Hur..garla ottlola!a &he~ e 1ntor:e4 that t e United S•atea

•• • t cocueera U:,e ·~1an 1 qusrr tD be ap c1o a a A u n a:. e.rcrt tD gal Ucc. nould hR.-. befall a cla1•1cs to be a Aatlonal or an Aaerlcan rep l1c, a • e reaUl• or the g&rlan Govern:eot 'a tall~ ~o aecare h1a t e r1 t• and ~1T11~se• d~ to • •1o::.a1 .. 1te4 tatu Gonrczer.t w1U hol4 t • g&rlu o:t1e1e.l• IU er•c::allr • countlll:!le. 8 o't c1al• llh: ld be to C to t 1• effect. Io thl•

eouo tl!e AJ:Propr1a Bungarlu quartn• Ahould &!;Tla or • or aragrap or ~epart-J~r .. 1.

• •· I. Jo.

E~ s.-rloan I.&atioo w1c!lea i:o taka ~~~ oc-

ou1oc • to 1\1 a.ouoe .t.. I. Jro. 9fi~5 or p-

t 'bu c , con::a~ tba o n,u -ncentra-

Uoa c .. , .ran 1n Bun&a..'7 1 tlhich wu t~ lll1b le Cit

ot 'tbe .t.aau n•a a.ou A. I .Ia. 9){i8 or 4 ~ ,1.,

l!l«. A talosra::s ~.a OCJtobar ', 1944 , hall 11011 llau

reoet'VW4 :rroa the n.part•ut oz State at Wuhl.nct011

&lrtboria~ tbe I.ecaucrn to :U;tora 'tbe 1l1Y1d011 i:ta.t

~b• 1J:t 'li1crn eo:t&lucl 1a tbe •lton-o1ta4 a.o'M t:rr

.lUll\11111 31. noel• ho a pe~ oa nee •Uh a

nelrtral e1pl.OlQ't1o a1auo ln 8l/Ut. !b!! apecUio

111014mR oi'ta wu &&111 ~ han 't a:~ pl.::>a b an al4

llrtot;rard 111 blu. !he tela a: a4 11 that tha tiM

or t!uo :lncihllt da;;c:rtbd 1e not kn bitt i:M thla

OOWC!l-D 'I 4ental t~ lUll or lU fit la:l&la IITllr ~

i:1o1 ate 1n erualt1aa 1a oo • tlon w1i:h 4a~atlona.

ra, October 5, 1944.

a t:u

mY'l ~ l'on1 Intarart ,

h4u.l lt 11aa l part 1rt ,

I r.


Tr ee· 1 4

No •

Code: ... Received: ct,ber '1

ll!!i c. l f' r -arrlao an~ cClella d

rtr!~re ee ~gBt1on'a 644 S~pte e~ r~. G!!lee o! lar .[.fer t~en !:u lle!ll Wcr-eJ! of the •1tus:aon 1~ l!e•c~.be

·oeperht.on c~ ~ e S.la~ f'ore1hn ~!!ce ln conYey1n& U: aer.u o: • e !ol.o•1r: • ceau e to Appropr111te Hun~ Lan a Ulor1t1ea ~ o.U~ be r~uea-,.d

•t & al~ • ee•tri tha~ 10~ ca~ use to tb •~~ • ~: ' ch ~tr~c1a1 c~~la aa 1 b9 ava11Abl to 7ou.

•rt:e Gonr~~ or the Un• ted Statea taa bar ,_,d r t e lLn e! thr H. &ar!an author1tlea to re ove ~~ae

Je,• w o s•!JJ re A1 1n E~ e•t to ~unat1ve wort c.mpa 11:1 tht Pnn"lllcu -t Tle• or th- approac o~ •lnter R!ld the :at~ Of Jew• r~ve~ 1~ preY!CU& onthe :o 11&1lar c~p• fro o•t•r clt~ea, t !a Gover ent haa good reaaon • 0 c :.llir thla plan lUI • t rtur ~:>euure o! aa., ener ­IUr:&U ~ to 'be aeeoc;pill!ll;e4 t1 ~er b;r the cet:ll0d1 w .1ch are nd at c..r.tt or !wal ~eatlLatlOII ln Polaru1 or b)' a hJec"!A· lar~e ou.bero c! ~ ople to hard p~alcal l • b r, ur. sr wr1eh:~nt ~d Ullh g1en1c l1v1n& coniltlona 111 !cprcYl~~d ea:pa. Conaeq~entlr. th~ Un~te4 3~atea

er ot dec I lt •pp~opr1ate to r~~lnd the nUng&rl an • • rl,lea of tta 4ete~lnat1c , •• ~~reaaed b7 frul~nt llooaneH o arch 24, that 'Uu!ao •ho pa...•Uc!pate n theae act.a ~: uva,;er ah&ll be

la tC. ••• tt:e pun1a: nt • nll be &h&red ty al.l ~ a!~~ 1r. t., 11·.• Thla dettrD1nat1 n ·~• rea:! ! • ·~ ~ .e 28 t~~ aeabera t c r rt1 i!ela•1ona C .t ee or the Se'lat~ llf4 thl' F ret A:ta.ra Cosm1t o or tb~ Hou•~ or Rep~eaentntlv • r~• Ct1telJ

.. that.,

• the

1: btaa re •t .1 ~ • · lar aeu~~ t t ea:.



• l. • ,.

••er~a aNt ~1 r1t1ea a

arc &Ya118



1 III#J.If..U. i 8 C o, •. J ..

.... .

Ot. A. Sch••l•• ..... .._ -."1 tur1ch, f.th October, 1944

~<ilitlho!airnuu 45 .. , ,, ,.. ' ·~~· ....

ncrawall D. ~cClelland, Eoq. S~ecial Aao1a~an• ~o ~'9 ~•rican ilnia~$r Legation o! llia Un1.ud Stat..a o! Amaria.


Dea::r Si.r •

! thank you >"ery IIUCb :tor yaur le1:ter o:t ~he 5th inatant i:r. reply to "lUoll I !lava to :in:!o= you tllat I ur: etilJ. on aili­tu-'f aerr..ce and that l shall be back to ke o:!'!l.ce ae :trom the l6t~ ins~t only.

l tt.•re!on -:err cuch regret tna"t unner these c1.ro.w-


aa.ru:es I a!".all not be able to aee you next "'eek. On the other hand nar..ng e.lrnd:r ap.,o:unaamta :tix;w out of town _or tne l6tli and 19th Oct-ober, ! alle.ll be at your dispoae.l any Uma a!ter the 19th inat. or, it connnim"O t:o you, in the t".OmiJ18 a! the lCith or 17th l.ne~"t .

l'le;.u aeetng you ar.-1

~ - ......

) ...

let tr." ir.rJw when I aball b&ve tne pleasure o! be!i~ve ltB 1.n "d! ~time, dear Sir.



~):1JumM ••

" t2.t I v£t

> tvr .. • . .. t• ( (.

~ ,..J,. A c., t"<' • . J t, .... a .... r ... .... 1,,. h.~ t ~~ ... (...., ~ ~ ..

,..p. .

00 [) .


Or. A. Sch•tftr , ....... ,., .. "".. . lllll'1cb, rtn October, 19~4

~~~fetrRBBO 45 -.C. #1 • t• '"" I o •'- .... ,.

Rcnnedl D. ~nClell.o.nd, E.;q. S:>eoial A.su.,\an ~ to -ria J.tteriCdll 1Ul118>er Leption o! tne 11~:~ teli States o! /.II;erioii

il e r ll e

Dear SL!',

• thanlt you 'l'r>ry lSUCil tor your letter of the 5th instant 1n reply to whl.ch 1 bavti to in!or.: you that I tllO etlll on Dill­tal'Y aerr1ce and "that I alutll be back to the ottl.ce IU5 from the 16t'io J.nau.nt only.

1 'there~or>e very t:llcb regret that unner tneae cU'OWII-


a-ancee 1 ar~ not be able to see you next week. Cn the other na."d na~ alre811y nppoutJtent.e fixed out ot ~own for tlla 18tr. OJl1l 19t.h Oetober, :1 an:Ul be at your disposal any ~illle aftar the 19th inst. or, 1! oonYenier.; to yoll, in the r.ornitlg of the 16th or 17th ins~t.

PleWJe let a:" il.now when 1 anall b•.ve tue pluuaure ot aeE<ing you ..,-.<! oe:i~ve ae in ; e m~~time, dear Sir,

Vary ·ru;<1iumM 1~

' A ... ·I .... , a I ,.u •• (.l ..

...... > I'll,. .. t &UC'


, .... .. .. ~ .. ~ ;.../,.,J4.. , .. ,f-., t~ ~ l. ... ':J-...'f) '"

~ 1 " l, "'< 1.,.~ ; I ~ '1....._ l-1 "' ""'''~ ob,.t .... I .... Ji.,



Telegramm Telegramme Telegramma

77 1

t • I TE A ,.LE LL ,

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·~ l T E t. ... I

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P..1ope'of t1111a ta • .,._" ..

G B5 G 86/Un ll./00

GEN£VE, 11 ootnbra 1~ Jlitl.a.• chi COf1•••1···"1 .... J


'llolll! i e~r RcClellnnd L$~-at ion des Etata-Unis B a r n a ,9, Alpenatras:e

Cher 'llousisur lolcClelland, Je voue ~,ercie de votn llimablo

lettre du 7 oc~obre ue voua m1avez adres~'• ~ l 1 ln,ernatto­nnl 'igration Service . Je suia heureuae que la brochure sur 11 ll~HI!voua aH intdresd.

Vous me parlez du ra~r.ort u je voua ai entoy' sur la situation dill! Juifs de Bo~"l'ie : }e ns puis malheur us~ ant vous donner aucune rr6ciaion com­plll~:~an.aire Quant a ees auteurs qui dhirenl sam doute rester inconnue, car notre d'l~~ation de Buda~cs~ n~cs l 1a !aiL parnnir S&JIB plus d 1 indiedioll.IS sur !IOD ori ina .

Voue vo a 'tonne: enfin, me dites­voue, de ee que lea JuHa de -~ie n1aient pl,un buoin d1a cune aide financiLre et cu1 iia renoncenl l dai~r~~ 'era la Palestine . Notre ddl6b~' l Sofia ui doi~ roven1r rrochaic~ ment l Gen ,e, e~ra certeinc~nt en ~:ure de no-D fournir d&a e;plicatione compl'm~ntairae l ce aujet at J• ne aan­ouerai p!lt1 alon~ de volll! dollller dee rrlci!lionl aur la a!­tuetion ac•nelle nea juifs de :Bulr:;.sril.

Vouilla! agr4er, Kounieur, 11aaeurau­cd de ea colll!id,ration la plua diatln&~&e .

'!'I -k'\..'\.U.~ S. }'erri!lre

Us~ re du Comit' International de la Croi:t- .:ou,ge

,. •

A. I. 9735 a\ioa prr.. • Ita c~~Jrta

to \M 11!1 t'lnan or Pont .llrteru 11 ot tbl! '"•rel

llUcal lle~t. lllld bN ~btl bl>t!!lr to n.te

Bta~e at tuMftj[ttlD t a 1:l:G I>it'irio 1 • lt1ll4 co­

o;:cra•ioa 1a cOJTAT1A!I ttl!! 111!!2n o! til& follort

-tiM Gonn:aent tl1' \ • Uui.te4 tatu baa l.eu~ !IE ta lc.a ~ 1: e Jrol&_-rta.a authcrrUiea t ~trre ~e Je a .no 81:111 rt!I&UI ill apc.at \ F-U~AUt'o wtirM: a ,ra ill ;t.e prOYi.nou. lA new ! 'the ~ell of r..nta.: liD!! tt. rste ar JotnJ t-t!l~V're 1. srr -no:a aaa~IUI to a.Lallu o.ajla fnla otller c1t'1e , taa C'oYUJUIIlut llaa ~ naacu to o;.•as•a- tlda t>lea •• • .Curth!!r •=oae or c:aaa erten:l.n8t1oB "to ~ ac 1.111 ell e1 ~ar b7 thto DOtl=dll l!IIUoh ar at o....:pa ot t.UUU 4uUcat.loa cu Pol.!u!! or b7 ~Ub~r.Uu,:; ~· Dll&Mra ot pee}U to bari P~noal labor , u:aoernourla~ent ali.f l81'1lo 11~ coaUUou Lll U!;pron..-4 oupa . Con­Iii ~11. tiM 111l1tt4 tate• Gon: .... at e .... 1-t a JIJ:'O~e t, .rui~ t1a llmlpl"Ua autbo­r~U • t i'h 4letenU.:ta iCD, a e~q:na.e« by

.Uen _,1, "''I -.roll 24 th.rl 1 \boae v U'10.dpa-. 1.a ihlls AQta ot aa•aa•rr !Uall be pun1allH. • • • • • ~ba :;nm111laea.t a ball be a::oue1 117 ell t~bo share 1D the g;Ult ' . !llle ••hX311llaticw ... rut:tinla4 on t:a;r ll an6 JWUt :W tr.Y tlla be.re m t oreili-D olaUocu ~n .. ar tto IUit• - u. Poretsa Attain Coeil.ttee of tno :~ ~ o,preaut .. ~1 .. a, rupeetlTelJ.

IdTlalon o l'o D1cn IJrtnu

•ral 1'1111\ioal Dt nt ,


t • - 2-

•aon..r , 1 t b noo~PUaed b7 "tb.U DDTn'DIDOai Chll\, •• b .. 'Men ola1-t ~ Ykrloae ~rlau am\hor1't1oo, the ~aaut plau MY ~~a,. 'Maa onl 'le4 :1.1:1 ..-4_. -aoiUow sUII.ino h~lt&rt onh . 'lbe Ya1141t7 o~ .aAh ola~ will , or ooaroo, be J'eDOI=!1 .. 4 ~ 1M 04hU i 01' tlla I!Aite4 Beat .. t tho utonc 'that r.wb oada oro .ohio "•4 b7 tha ,Pl 11' 111 h put lnio r~tttaa . U , on 11ho othn· han , tho roo•al 0'! len 1'roa lila;.n to ~~aoi.al o a h o:aJ.¥ a Jn""olllilo 't the1r u.l'ti .. t.o nao'l'al 'to t:rhraiaa-Ucn oonhra, 1.t it o butt ae nnlt. :111 tbelr 4ou , "» B ati.aa a:niiArutu are :tullJ' 11l1'o;rwe 1' the •"Uil4o or tho

nmDOJit IWd tho p o lo 0'! ~. Ullltot hat a a. •

t.aa u a"''alb 1tulr ot thlo oecaa1oa

t o l'Ollltw to tho D1Yl.to ttl. aoaiU"'DDG or 1h

~at oono1dera 1

ru, ober 11,1 4.

1 t nH d S t

ch have een

the sub <!C:'t 0 'Ill<! e &..""l;U! or r;,d

trmn Hl1tlr,"lU3' • d 1n :-\JllT - the ~ u n'

Zl I'll "t 4. "'· A. h }70, nU[tt4St.

• ,n 111 r' ner 1; 5 !lrl ru~.aea

to 2ll t· ><;lilt: , cne ::nm the VlU 11-;; .n _'tn~r-

w d Teaeh

.lle.r~:~=·~ • v a . n 1 '=-ten Interes·~, 1cstch ec~m~


r toe


en1 t1 n

1nl lliv •• cl'l t tbe ;:, .so :...oo ·n . n . •

... c '1. the L! ti n. 'nl nveraa.t~ n

tt.e 5n'13 ...., ti n'3 k nd 1..n"tnr; n'ti

;e nc1re • ::m uti! r;r f fl!'OU 0

tn •n1fi ote . •n tn 0') .r;riJ t t.tn

s n o 'til .. Jf!I'm!ln ore11l!l 0' 1 I! S"tS:t•"d \11



t \.Ill'

• • -2-

OZ1III1l1 " 1 re r

ar re t liJ e

o artUab or AP<>rico ~

-rr ... ry.

:. ·h ret :rene

0 te " • b

• •


Weltzenlrale des Hel aluz • 11 .

"1 ...... -.:; ... '"' ,,:-, ~~ 111tt , ~ ~- ' ,, ,

Hechaluz: Geneve OttJce



• • ••t I aa.a.. ·~· --Uokr k~-1• • r f\loJ' ollto r lle•~·· ...... trt--c -Co ~-ala&"" &»!! o.1 ., uauor u.-. u

0 ....., u calo&. ao , ..... 1.ooa1 •re• auatl eM ttli.O r d r raatU• 1~> ""'" ' ...

- c•~ - dat 1a lh.ln\1- IO&t.trco~rnA\ aa ' r t.lU • ...._1 1e rill&,ah

._.,. r.en •r•wa l•t . O.•t•r• ba ~· .La,.l•v.at nta •• t-Gt.eeh••••• II.• ~-,. ata•\

aorru. ,~ • •••• M&Utrt•r'- wr&• ••11 a:a4......, atJeah111 J.a ..._ J.,acera. a.J.t•t ... ,....

t etai_.t,d.a • tMB kala r• ~e.U.r leta wa•r• De14rtaUoa e1 arpHt• U....::,c

n ........... 1o .... .uti .. & h~ ullocrewt .... & ... _ .Sr Dld a~Ua.•ll ! ..... 4h

aa u_r ... "' Klla. Loa •~l•traciiCII al .. 1A a9trar letat.a 1..il.HI RUIJ'I I 1•1~

... .,...,.....,... ~-.U•• aJ• ta Ca r le'tet«~ ... , ...,. u uaat&a catarpac; • 14tl •.:11&

•••·"t'l• ,.. uu•l aA R•aaM np••r.• O.pilttbe c..ett.. au•r Lot ftrd •• • tOK.DM .

fM\1" Hell Sot •• Unw u _,1 e11, 11ao• tlo ue1 llCM lo •rlolc ,dle ual •• 111111

.. r h1eello ....,. .1Je!lh1 bel 0..1 1 obt r.-I'Witu b.&- •• ••1- ..,.._. .. f\lo.,,.n ..,. .. to . J<.~ b .. l!,..rl 11a~>or 1• - auer•r --ctu• 1 - ha!l • .-n •U• .,.., Oaht,"W!o uo!l Uo, dl• lllorn olll II~ loa_, .... ole la dlM• oolonr• lltuol u ... ~ol­

rt••• eol A . aftrl erlJdt te d.le 0.pa0e e_a, l.eriM •be••• .!Kt .. r~a,t-.. NUMJ:'t4a

lort.t evr d-=o Oorla aa' r Yo~wrtllllll• ~·• Loboa na ,.,,.. l£a a .. t-. l'f.....U• •t tot tt,tart • ttl elM Del raU• w:t• aelMr&elt. ra •m .. B aoll,t2

Uer 1at hla u-t• au Y•rll•r•,••• •rhD •• l•t r••OIH .. Ur 1 ce t Ua

,. •t al .Aut auarer' l•rl•ra-nc 'fttr4 •J•t •1CL• ••t.•e!:.WII•ohc &flu a •=' nta eat-

.... el- or allU,XoU .. 1a.AMr • • ,.. oht !or lllareet!>.hfo r n .... I1DJObo . ...... ~

a.le~~t aJt .__ lJ;;o! tc• n ••• ,, •• ••· Jell .. blloo • ~t oiDe lot ate 10:- g . • • cr-ot 11o ud 1laa Oako1 ~~ t\ 1 or !id!llila,;: . .. o auore lterote al&t lu &..ore nr d t...~l t..:..; ~ ~tl ~-"


,.. :t~ U•llor kta.al Joh Milo~ lirlet alt Oooc:>- (2". 000 Stetaa)~ec--.saada r ut ..s .. "-• Oa:nl

-'> 1-r a:«~t ricA\ c ,. r e tulU&.tao oroee 1..:. ltl•r "' 111- 1•Uka lolef"._. er &l&utrt:,Gal r Uatl Zeit •t,laea..•Yeti11H:relt•• u.M t.ellt r alt . 4a. 1 er • .........

rtl ftD ut.a"orbol ~ t, oloowr hh lJaa p» ,_,. tlor,;olo[t .balle , wn;a •• ole Aa.Dllal\,

lU -..-,.d al10 aaa~••-• 1 )Dl• UA.l• .... I Ia •• , : ... , ... , . Jot .u • .&.1\o cobUn-. 2)WJ r babe \' r alit ldt ¢ I .. ~7 11::101 ol .... \'nt"' Obi Iaiii 011 ... 01 Jot Dlo~

c•J..,...,aeMa •oA.a ouod in otU:y u •ttc•n~ bo-.


')loh bat:a Ia .tapot llart duD rtb<' elrt, 4.,. Fod"l wlod r • ..,,...,..,_ """ ole ~ Yor•

a.lohtoro r nlotor d toor o1 _,., rc uro 1 •U~1Du, tllo7 t>er1a\ooren-llt c•· '1. c.-ot.r r , S\OY, Q!>f f\lor t!o lril~ .. ,~·Hh &louuuh•. IIA\ Hraaillo

7 ~en .. u1- l cllt(Daaloh r-~•"" or)ID olor Prap 4ar ro. La t olor ....., h 1

nllttD 'ftnallhd .,_ aJm ""' lhtaa au lro otLk.l •••• ro """ ell otor Ill•

«•llof ~ nrdltl, tllor J r1 ta.,: .,.. •~lool\.do.cora na .l•t•, T rur alt t.er

<loroolb•.Dl• OOIILIOI: dor Yore out FOllt.Ge)lot -or• •I" woa:tllob erlelllltert, \I.J•urt -1rte ~ ,., l!a u .... ~ oa1 tor a.-11 "'" 1\ 1\ ~ t:tt.u c• otor\

wr '"'baa. 1 bat •I • H Olltto 1&\111& orr:-wa,la r nt a.lu' .., '•••r Ill ..,

luatl ft& Jal•r••rl•r\ ._r,•l• u Iller •ter.aapa ••lb1t.. 5)Jolr.l do llabo !ell Sa CObot.a l<lel•r• oto~...cotl

• !n. daaa rt &1il •ri:la•N:a,cl-t• 41•• al\ Zu•• ta a• .sela.J • ~t.au•b•r t.el•rr•tl•rt air l•lJ' tert. ... ekr•ad,Uta •r a•dJ.• nl •·•naac &&:l .. ,.,

1tAo" rbolltot ,.... t.•ct aoell lllu11 ,1ba tot.alc ktll"uatollaoGJ:C YQa ot.a", aa

a.1 d.l .-:.eel eiLI lt bat. •a 41• a .. St1eruec•._....,,,, l• ... •au •r 1~woa.a t:. •·

c .. rtor t ., lll r, •u ... ,a.. • ..,t, .... un..a•t-.a <IJo !.lot....... 1 • ' "'~·· .. u ... \ tHietet. a.r• ..a te\ •r n alabt G eJMA at..=•a a.a Ab .Sa, • • r blt aa c•· .tc::aat rn lal7 alo~ . .... wir 1a UM coto.UllOIIII Ee1Urhll lll&ti on\ • "''

Od r claul>t ll>r,$oo gft alallt ... t ....... <IJo ..... dm la ... ll-.1\tolboretoa I• -.b.• .--- . cd • Y.Mnadftl ubt .. er ,daat t •• tt.l..,. S1\. ct. a.u •r • •*•• •• •• r .,..., iU 1>01\oa wtrdt


6)::11& rotc ... dDd • llll ala!!.\ •••c••lhbii. O.pertooUM tlepn a 41• lo•~•tut •• .,h Jotat rehU• nal(. TarJOOUra ta11mto IIAJiab 1a., - :roc olDd 01;0 """ l)eut.ub•la o1DI7 • .,. ~•"*"' Moolu:'-bo~a ellr n Wit oiOillo t.Oor '"""' '" el• YH • toall• 1

11_,. •lao ,...,,r ... Oor ! oohr{llacar)oall 1oo1 • ft btl Alt wor4ea ttel. Dar r• ar 41••,. Oa r du 1o or•&l ..,. 1111 r te IIAJu., • ... -· t.ru-u.. - 1-. 7)1• tlo10r lof• Mtl.'-> loll p1tua art ioJUo11 ol aa,ol u.lo otto a. 'h. u~ lab !Ia ..... •• ~ .. - ••• r 41• Pro ..... 1 !'•!"t• a t ••r .:.r• IH a1e r••Me-Ma1ba Ut

o •o -.rl tot, lll! bootto tiD olaolroo Peo \ITQa la 1r .. IM•c d o or I •• -~ • " t:"'•l or "· IM a t. aa .. =-a. r '"" ell• J• 1\ •r e.! ... .,_ •

-• ·2-,"n•l •l•t ,..., •• .,tr .dohr ol,Jiir- '"'' &twUIItlll t .. ,.... •• :ll• ,..uaboldWlll-

' on ab r a1 •t .. l~tr YtrooeltrA. O!D lor•• wool oorortlt•• 'J•"••I~ nl lftkol , flltdollf dor l'ol•«"t' oa •• 'IQoll aa d•r tol•rr rH""'" ...,.,1- ""' .uroD 0.111>4t"'

v.t:1 dl• 'flU ooro.-t. •• orto1h••'"'"-.,." ntl ·"""oh ·~rt .. ,,,.,uao·t"•~• tlDtf 1o1.-.r-Ji'U'" •~ 'fora.Jcht•r& r o> ,., ~W>4 • .U1"' ..,.dn b~ ,.ut ..,t;pold~•• •l .. lco llftnr•r

_,..-tnnr•W:•D... "'offtlltlJcb 1\dt IIIII a1~ll j '"' rtal>cl~ .. ,..-udR·....., ..... ~1.0 ll<tlt ,.ni!M" toe""'" ol1ot an • •• ..,,uar .o,wau Nl !IIlah olo •\.tl>locllu ortDor .-orboltot )\llott.o. lGh ,,ul Jot•t •h:.t lie.,.,.,... dor T•r...,.•""~""' utwrfoA,loh """"'olio .,..r , doot Jot&t o>}oht

~1\ • 111~ orltoh wird. lo.~ 1\A~ ...,brlr- l:!otorll auall ll• .,,t utb r dtrJ·~•t• lf'J1"00hOD · r bal. J.r o1D•n • ..,.., t.r•"' ,.nrt """ ' ')0 .. c,41D loti abr..,.h•"" )lah,llO~ .. orl ~~~· d.U g.,u. lcll 'I>U"""''

rt"c !otcAold ,~4 nr~• """" tol•ru{loral1· .ro.t• • ZLLr ..,.1.1 oAa aJ l ~•r•A -, •• .au.

- ~ellzentrale des Hefaluz Hechaluz G<tnova Oflfce


GENF, ~ rue d"- pt~ • - ·~'


11/2~ ~4

Dear ~r . Nctall~nJ ,



I t:ncloce 11 copy or a telegr•am Which wo

huvo ;juet :l'lloUvod rrccn :he F rugn ot·r.1¢e t-

obout tho departure or J.,wo 1':rum Hungery. I

t hlnk tnet yau o~ I •111 botb oordi~lly Weleome th.1o d~clftion .

Yours ainoer. ly,

llr . R. lloLollanr1, tesn t1t~n or the UrJJted Statu, Berne .

l 0 •11' t.GlOSJ'ID ~-

Viaa or u.s. Oovormtolllt ho wan oonl'l!llted on

raodpt :y:lur tale~. ba'fu DO'D boon l'e<:oi'fed . The,y

aro •o EQ:~e!'Gl e!"t'eot that th~ro 10 notbiJIC to be

p111ad 1'7 erpa1o1na lkl'lall atlpulotlone. !'tleaa ""

111 th-elna ob~eet1o::dbla oa wrioua ;tr"'lDda and ill

11117 av1:11 t did not e'II'I!D a11:1unt to a oonorote ott' or to

allow part7 to lana 11' they ware oo:rpU.ed with.

l!oreo'f r qu.lto ap&rt 1'1'011 tcnaral .u.t'!iculUaa lttlob

u thone~ 1n11c ted 1n ;,our telacrom 4 :52 a....loi*Onta ill

HQ1161111')' haft DO doubt recUoal}¥ Ill !i!rl>d esitwiUDO 1n

Whicb qu•tlCIID na beinS :w·-· Inta~tal Cocnllttoe ogrve.

o. ~ o.


To: Oat•: Oc!toller a, a •· a ., 1~.

No .. Ooci•: .. Charc•d to :

Jletvenco la 4e tc the De~t'e ~or Ootober 6 (lmll llo. lDOJ.

Ill • 110to 4atecl Ootobc- u, t'- l.apt1oa Nqueat~ tho 9w1a• 'oro1p Ot.tlce to ooa....,. the ~~aaace -t..IJ»4 to t'- •boY• tol86l'u to t.be •PPrc~Fbta Of'tlolal.o or ~7· taps to :iJ;clQ1e the aroreBald -~· 1A tbe Ole.lldo•tl~~a pros• tar ~1'7 en belJIS to.l:on bJ lloCJ.•ll•Q1 .

TJH:Iuluzt ~0 dU.:;JlJCIIIts to AI Cop7 to 10!

!Ur.lll CIS


,.. .. : :rt.E

s- .. ~ 0 .;-: ;; l "9 -=-' ' .. ~ • • o r:n o :n::u: ~ \" . c-j;) o o o o •

~f::'I ~ .f: Cia: • • 0 0 • • . . . 'leru . . . . (

-• ~gat.ion•s u619, (ktot.er 5· 'S1t'lati·n o~ Bud1pe1~ ,·ewa ver:1 cri\.ic:al. Unc:oG­

!'irJOIE!d ru::>lli"B s,ealt Of .!portat.ion "'!O JL!iaae'' hllV· i~ Qlreaa fUn· ~ t.rying oy every avail~ble c:hano•l aec:ure reli&.Dl<! in!or::a;.ion. Wire from r.aat.ner d!lt.tt:! Oel.ob r ll does not. !ndic:at.e any suc:b -Tidi~cc.. e.hs...e.; • 1:. at..a.:.u.a q~.Jo •.


From :







IM JIJ. -13. f l' Hnrr11 8

A!tdn ua4or

r n • •

o r l


lot l 1 8



(.II ~4

1 • • ..se and t!:a pr \"lle~a ar.d l nale to e • "''"' pa;Jere

U:e a - rlut! n Ua e

• e &.e~~an 1 etrr r r For l£11 AC.r:alra, 1n repl t co:.- - u • alil.e um~1re or Auguat l!!, r•1•era·ee 1;e lllte~;ton not to declare 1lle&~llr ~ranted pae~rta 1nTal1d rhloh auah ftocu:en•a serve o ro~ea• • 11~•• a proper; or t o ersona ld1 thee. !• a llkeelee relte~ated thAt the

e tr Ec~r r a p rcona 1a not nu<;hor1~ed

r~- act! aae tr; to cake UIP or the e •c-e :~: r aot n 1a ·~en the

r&:l e~ate and e S.taa aut~rl-!ea ln de!enaa c •n\e ea.rera or I.c116d r

~- ~n ~~ctl w.tb l c !~1 ~aragraph or the •. • a ~der;r U6W S~!eat:er"' , lt 1& urr.1eul.t

Ptr e.Te w= t e raq~••• ot &c~ r eoneernln- H gars • • ha\"a e •rea•ed t t So-iaa Go\"erru>ent aa

11nc a re;u.et to repreee t tne Eo ~an Go\err. Ant t e%ten• •••~•d ~n H~ a 4 a fro0,eure adopted ar.al • to that descr e 1 ~&&t~on ,V62J9 a~pte er 20 "' ar :a '• ~.UO .Tulr "' , 1 e Cl le l~callle to tb1a cut.

4 In a cote or •• s IJit rEed

at 14, our C ba••T at for;-~ Ra1tlan Fora1sn 1n~atr t

ae on A ~t ~~ a noto a I ••

l ~1. Ulldl req wet t " ~Jn1.ea e tta folloetns declare

d blt -eo rcer. b.oldoro

tile t..,r:::ana ~~ • n, ener tleAlly

t • trea t lntllct•d upon beae ~1. r•~ ••• 1 torcatlon concerr.lng

pr •• l a.d eu, a~ expeota tt'..~~ot they ra oferre4 to a lv111an IJiterr nt

a eaa.ly ~••1labl~ tor axc}.a~


• , 11 r th a..;.tMHlon or tbo t • I te :.a lonAl Red Crou Co 1 ttee.

- "' - I •

o t or HaUl fiLI"ti r de liar.,. that 1t wUl not p th wa.l.l4H or an c1 oua • el1.-er c ita llao':lto to e plaQed l.n doubt, 4 t o.at 1 Will e ~o tho Ger an Uovol"n t aooor • o hoUI r• or ~·• doc ote h a r.,a~ t ••.lcl: 1t n <1oh o e tor 1'a notion~ l.n ~~~ To•taro H aiophore. Ftnal

·• liOYernr-.e t ot l!a1t1 roeer\'oe t e rl t ~o u a tto a 1nat any 111 trea ant • 1~ 1 o :lntl! r.d Upon t 1e eraone BJ all otheu o l.liU'ly L!.laced.

• rer nc 4 Au,; t l • Ea. a a Ha nn rooelve4 on S l tro t e Cuoa n.a·r~ ot S•a e t e tollowln

In!' r.:>a'lo on Galer t<!r 1a no• • ~tqua· It oeelble a QU!ok a al"oh. ever ele•a, •lnce 1a

a h~U~An1te. 1an catter, t e uo•nu•rwent o~ Cu 11 lh•l~a to avall 1'•ol: or e 4 ott1o • t tht ~rlo~ "'~vern en• ao tha all l)O .. l le ro oc,tlon 11:a1 be ertende~ to Gctltor tor thro " a.!Me • lab ar ctllplo.rnd in ol&l.lllJ' aaa 1.

! e Oe ar n or ~1;1~er.• and I l&ratlon •Ul conunu lta lnv •t.1 'lor, tor tho oJrpo•e or ve.rliT1nt~ t!le t!Jeaotneu or t lnton:a~.o 11nd • e rtnul !'41Ulta ! t 18 lnve~tlgo l.on Wlll 00 1• OBtftd t the ~1"1cnn •er.

l.indlf ta.l::e appropr1a 11 aott n t :-eon.

e. Wlt rerer•t e t we •tnr '• ~So te er tbla VDV•r ent • apprecta~lon choul r~aa ~ t~ the 6ate• autbor1t1~B t r th~lr Actlon 1 ""~e11n ~ t ll11 4J'1a 0, .1011Ua the Ua e Cl lltaln 11 tl Nl •





l'roa. Date Oo~Qber 13, V p, • , 1GC4 llo :

Code . - HeeetYed: Oatoter 14, 4 p.c.

Lo!p non• • 8820 Beptnller 6.

•1&• Fo,..tp Ott1oa aboll.l4 be 1Jlf0l'lle4 \llat

liUe Go"I'CINr.t 1e IIA&ltla Crapeat W..blel to IP&nt

eate coftduot ~ \he p-o..., or Hunpr1ea .len for

trud on Da1111be ... .,.h, oa uooun' or enenu .. a

&1111nc o~rattone .:Uob .ll.lte4 toro .. ha"e CI&M'led

out 1a lh.U rher,


A. z. . 97o.J

'1011 • " ., ... ~1-ltll

or Fon• • ~me eta of

Ylaton '• l1al

1 44, ca. 4.ts.o -••

tN ·l:lal1107 to n1'ar te

·-- of 14;rnatllU' 4,

"UUtlll ·IIU1:.a Go'I'UTO:IIIIl1 b AU I

tn~~ .. , or Ml~·~

"•• rzoa ""'an.;.-n ,. tM llll~C~tr.

Uc 11 ~~G~t 111141~ lnl•U"~r1QitUI h., , ua

l 1), 1944, ,. li , .. 1h la

~ • P'OUJI oz ~ t~~r l

~ .~

~' l.1l1 I ... '"" ~hv.

be u, t.a u 91.t -. .. .. , .. ' -~ ftl.tl •• naa oa.tl.l :1.'-lt o 1a

•W or:a.u uoo.

, II

~. 1 •

na, •

'• tic n .

~cla.rnton d.e G4bor VejM , ~:~lnht.re d.e l'inL,riur d.u Oouv rMo:~ent. S&alaai, donn4e 11 17 oct.o re 1944 au corre porn 1. d.u Journal ot't'iclcl du part.i ea C: oix FUehen "Oaa:set.ar1. a• . du l.S/l0/44, p. ) ,

Quut.ionl Par quele ens ut- ee que l.e Goaverna:.nt ~ari te veu • 11 rbo~;dre la tltiDtion Ju ve7

R o e: i:n ce u1 co c rna la queation juive, J• p.wt t.ra uilli u ;n. le ao • qu Je 1M en411 pleine m. co te • rt.ance n

J ' auroia u • at.tit ~· e:n'era lea J.lUa ca::ce U.s l' e e enve:a notr~ n11tlon d:ul 1e a6 reapect.iv~nt c- il• l ' Duron't. l'•ventr. D ' a&r..re t., per•onne no peut t'aire du oot.iona t!di-

• ntre lee Jui~ll pru-ee que ee aara 11 pauvoir t.atique tte u stion dAna l'interit de aotre natlon at

n • re Ndic: l .

To; unun~

Code . -


Date:Octobor lB, 5 p.a., 194~

No: 6913

Cha.r&ed to:

A 01:>'7 ot the no~ do~•~ Sap~llber 2tb addr-ellllctd to the :lodu Le/jlltion at ..;:l&:Apllllt b7 t..'le l!zm;;artAII :lo •1t>n 01t10e Olhieb oano.aiaa !.n IIU:>t~G-7 a t:r'G.'llflJition o:: the tall L,6 rapl.J, a._n U11:1~Ht1d l17 ~~ :il'fiJI:I 1u ito a~e ~'ted o'tober !3:

A) llapo. -I!Dt • a 266', ~t 19, nm:berad pan.­srapb ''

!%ba liloQ,sa.ri.azl JA&IlO:.on ~ n-li11 eotabllaht a ..cr.an• 8Dl)G"Y1:10Q ct!loa to tlll:o earo ct li!Uijplr'...an cati.o:w:d placed at tt.e d1Dpaaal ot 'tha ~>•= '-'OV.,rn • Mn~ u wcr.un. !he Clellj)etenoe or ~ o~~oa cutM4a to •vur !Oil! a aud teal. a 100:Xer C'! lhm~ t1.onal1 t7 alt !::ur.lt np;rd to n~E'!c n IUld ~·.

~raovar tba PC"aA!Iaat del.e4;ah of lntal'l:lrooe at £clrl1JI , !lr. Robart t"ol:it:aar, wu !.n.!Cir.lad, !.n llliBll&r t o b111 :oq.a11t 4gr1nj: h!a vut.t 1a earl7 AUaUU 1n

•pect, Ulat lA8 liovcr~a::t cr fli!lglU"J lllrr.bori.::n !nte.rc:roaa nllot ~ t;;.,gg•~iJul ~oeu..-:.t.7 nl.llo rcr thcae Jna ~laoed lUI IIOrt«rD at tJ:a dlapeeal or the Ger.:aa vove=nt.

%he p:ropaaal ~ tbe Ge~ "ln'cn:Jont \tat the Intl!:rc:'l"')aa "7Caentu1va be pu.ttted to V'!ait Hungarian Je;:;a •arld.Jia 1a • •m&n.J ,..,_ aate b7 the li!Ul«nrllkll lloTUII­ann :1 u aU.

B) !an:noa ~t•a 29~ or A:.tJillDt 23 , .. ~n ~;>h G"t po1Qt ODII I

It -~~ ardara4 al.nad.'l' 1n Aur..111t l9U that the tnmater ~ J....., or Januh :to.1th : r l.n~ aorv;\04 a..'"l'otld cun det1atto]Jo ta a'tappod. lo JttJil bciv. 111noe then lln:Lplae•4 11t th• 41.8 Olllil ot 'tho OovormCJt or Gom •


.. • ..

I -2-

!lht l:uu!lDr1an ilov•~•n~ 1a J)reptl%'04 ~ j51n all oah01r1aa o ""' • ltbllrtantion ln e~g:rao;o. Inton:a­t.ian to t hi a ett.ot nu r,1 v~u ~ Dr. lk-lUJ"CDr Cllr1na h1a vial~ abo~-•entiou.d .

ouueut for lll"ero:n~aa oro:ma t otmerve 'tho l1Yin ocnd1t1on• 1111d tre .. ~an~ ! Jaa baa bn • ., than b7 'tho llun ~11011 0ovU'11111ent. n~ o~ .rul¥ llll4 'ber,1.nn1n,s ~'U6U•t l <44 tr11» oantrol wu oarrled out '1 Dr. l:~:himer w:us • • nee tbGn b¥ 'the .Interuroaa al"<JM\a lit Bl.uta.,oat, r. Pr11!dr1ob &ln.

TJ'H/ha/I'IJb In qualtr. 'Co O.laa (o P1 to .lttlll

• ' t

J.. I . llo. 9812

%boo -'-'"1 _..11\J.oa prenata Ua 0011 l~e a

to 'lila Tia1Am ar Pctnl.;cJ~ nrtv oa'ls ar u. hllual

.l'blJ.Uoal .De~, _. 11.aa 'lila 11aeor to rllt'v to

'lila Il'l YiaiGa • a t1ao liD • o llo • .47}05 - • • • ~ .c • -

l'JI,i't)l - trr l5eJnNJier 25 , l.!i« , ~ c...:s.,...IH tlla

illr='U'\11111 ~t '\he llrlu to&e\1Dl:l d Blda.,ost on

leptQber 6 I! 'tloa'l .. "to 'tbe ~ GOTUliJUDt

tla nhtlt.DCe trr tbe Z..raoton•o ACto A. I . "o · 9'19

DC A~ 22 8l:4 tbat at the .. oon4 P111"t DC .\8 DOte

A . I. IJC • 930 ar All&llrt 23 •

r.. Ie&aoi.~ll u - Willer 1Aatnacu01111 h'oa tbe

IloJ>Art•m or 'lata n hsblnctoa to oocn." to the

D1Tia1oa tho OUted Stat .. Gonrnaetrt •o ap;roola-

11 ?a .tor 1te eooti on 1.11 COII"'W,J~ th •uaaca i.a

,-::.nton to the ~ ...-th=tu ••

file leption ATAlla Unlr o.t th1D ocautoo

l:::l "J~e• to:~ 'llw Ianno.a '.be "lln:1&!1c of ito

hia:Jnat COU!t. rt1oa.

Beru, OG'tober 1 , 1944 .

'to 'the

ll1Yh1DII or l'o cll;n Interee;a,

Nora.;. .,.!. iool Depart e1; ,

13om, Oa~ober 19, 1944.

I abouU lib '-0 rater 'o rq lattn or Sep­;ccber 2'9 1 19U, tth1cb c:lll'ftl1a4 the into tt n >bet ~• Cubazl Gonr-n~ haa ~d ~o l~e oue thou.lllld ~otc• ch114:ren trho are now to HW1GIU'7 d rrtmoe.

:r.wrr.ruo1.1ona bavw nrJW bean rece .. nt froa rq Gon~ U•1;• 111lb3act 'h certain econo.to 41011d1 1.1o1111, 't o Pll at;na7aD lUnata• o!' uoat 1QD uo IISZ"D•d 1n prtDCllJlo 1.0 anen4 to ohtli!na 1'roa ~ tba pnrtoua ~-cmu~mt ~o tba srautt~ ot GIIJ'l- \o an undeiaralnd a~aber of rot~ .. obU4rea txoa PraDoe.

'fbi E<laa4oran Ja.n1atr7 or Pora16n .u'taira haa llltoratt4 tbe A.llttioan :Eab1U1ll7 at to 1n thia -otion that 11. 1a lhn 'tba\ or aould noe1n p to tllrt!a hW1dn4 oblldreD 1t tho MCMIOOAZJ' fliZiila -ra a~p liet to" tbe War let~ Be ...

!'be AD~Sr1e&:l hD17 at C1 'frllJ1llo laa al.a becm 1nt01cd b7 t~ Do.11l1CAD :r nip 1n1rt.r 'that me :OOdn1cum epublio W®li! aka 110 .UrtineUon AD '\ 1:be Ucmalit)' ot tbll cllild..nn .nOll 1~ " ll.l.d raeeha. CbUdrea tro. ~aJT ~. therefore, be 1ADladH 11l ~hoD total

!1abe8llen0l' 1. lluoel Pilat- olaa,

Chiat ot th11 hb Ill ~l1Uca.l Dapan nt,


- 2-

vr tra. o:. tb-;)Uall. h ''"' tbou• ur ~·· ahWru 11'b.ich ~ :Donntea~~ epublio bu prp­nollal,7 liP' .. to 6008J)t .

leue eoee;ot, 111 4ear Jrr. l'el!eral Co.m­oillor, the h.ae-.4 •••uraoe or .., hi¢tl!ll't OOU.1dll!"et1 aa.


~-··- ·)W .,.,.,...._., ...



GEN~E. « fMe •.• ,UCUtnoutc"'

NoU3 ovons l'honnour de voua onvoyer e1- 1nclua le

texte d ' un co~un1qu6 que noua rornottons aujourd ' hui ~Bao a la Pros .o& .

Vouillac agr6ar , Mon~ie~, l ' aasurance de noe 5ent1menta d1at1nguus .

1 Annexa


»embro du Co~~' int•rnstional tie la CroJ.x- Roua<>.

Gonov&, 19 otobor 19~

fl'oa a. ""ll-1n!"~ s~u:·e<J, tt 1.1:: l'\I;>Clr~;od that tl:o ::.Otornat1onal Cat"-! tt\le ~ tho:; i!c.i C,.oz ~, in rosponae to :any appeaJ.e tr01:1 the .row" in llunga.-y, ;~Girod tl'o<1 I!lln&a:'!an

GOYIIl'll::!Jnt "' row Ti),Jl·· ago to llUthori:r:o tb9 C=.it.tee '0

<ieleg&tie>n tO &rr!;r; 111gn& 0~ the ~OUIICS ani eacpa Wh&!'O th6 JbW:I

o1" that countr;; ue oonoantrnt«J. oh01ring that ::he l'&:oaonn

llYino t"ere aro Ull'i<l!' !<he ;nootaot1on cr tho InL.orna'.;1o::aJ. C~ttae o1" the Red ~osa .

To 1 li:r. cClella.'\d Oct b r ~. l 4 .

.Prom, • Ta1t

c_ se pleas r a c "' a no e or dnte t the Division or Imerps pera na n ~ b ~ latin Aoer

n "t1 n. A JCr. '4 ra teat d ra :1 • :"a tat 1r u laalt ar e nt t la~ t c t .!tta t anne~ t thit att d c t t • 1c 1 e t1 11!118 :or = G. (] .

:;:, e 1 aure ,

r te at t! 't:ldll¥ t tv 1s1 n re ter , W1 t 1 enc_->Slre.

.& .

T1 lo:!'t edttal "

Ual t .r 't

• nt~W •• l •


1 « (1. 24. .-n rt't

w!lnber :r

1c • t ne r t~ 1 e-1aa cat

:t1't rt

t bene-

11:7 l eY 1r ol t • ~ •l

YU1 ia JIC!vti'alq t

LaAOttuu 1z1 ao-.-..,.n or a'V" idt:rUu.J. baa ol to be a a1'~ Qt -r.r.

"'nero h 11 nu n to -..u,...,. 'tlllrt e.rq crt h.P~tbJ.1o 1.a ~b .. '-111 ata -.. tr.~llle ~ a PI>I'U10:3 iliUu~ 1::1 IIJl1 fro tbe 1'08ltiOD Qt ~bo U abe Go,. a ao l~ •bon.•

• to-.v 2.:1, l 4 .


0!1 Uud tl» 0UtD"r'1.1iS ~lrl.J:7 'tn~Aa;Jit a 1JI \lui :D1Yia1R 1 a

45818 0: r 16, l 44, t~ M

- ~

• tt.

u ptraaall,r COC:I"JlrtPll •

tb:lr2l.t Lill:a:lrt&:l ar toWs ru :aitflo for

Oftnl:allt 4ncr111u u '•GU'Sl Ve~ nt 10111!1 11 uooztet 'to oU'lo ;t. •, tlh1ch la IIJ'~ wtc Gl4-flloot. !Nrier, or t a1a1la:r tn lit. tha7 I]Uect ::all;r ·u bear \he c=n •• ott Dlrlc ra 1.1.oa, borrUld " 'tile .... 1.altt7 1 •• .... ft" ,. Gena l.nu 'f'14=ala t!» ac-Uoa Cf 1r n-;a:rta or o'LUr eoe ~ .. 1T14&al ~ 111-1'1o1all ill &QZ CUll t 'lao of til a p,I)Oz-' Q' u. Pl"O•• ot a<ldl 4 atauon

e tat.t DC'Sl

ia ..__.ocat 1: M D1:•114l1.Qa aucb raoaa t~ r­

.. olrt10A ur o•nb, 'lillit7 ••• '\:lie n•.POUlbUi­

\7 IUIII 1n•1H '\:!a co- ~.ccas ot their 41Ct:h •

!ba.lr :taUur.,, !'llrtllltnaora, 't 1•• ... Z7 aT&U-

•llle O.l)?Ort11111t;r 1:0 aave livea IIOill4 1M ~ aa

~ n·i4cl:l" or 1r o ur eace >rt t the

:P:~U07 o.t •• aD4 Ol•ll.1 po 111111 ll 11am e r

11!>1! <Jr 1: dr 1G1~1 111 aWib onaaa, 1iba

o :lMqa.anoea o:r .mto trn .. covere4 1n st •nt

ooaeYelt •a nn .at 0! ell A, 194• (U'anastrte

1 o 'tbo h .ut10a _ '\ 1>be lapti n r ®t. A • I • 11 •

,, ~ JWle 13 , 1 4-' J.


!" ,



Cod&: -


O&te : -teller 2, 8 a.m., 1944


Charged t o:

,,. ~.M ~ 1,1/,

-N fl H ~ r C.d 'f "'1~4

~anD:: I! .. e,<p~.1ilcn 'e ~lt!SJ'II:l G7c;' O~bllr 12.

an cwlltt l'lt.h a ~i.•• r.oto oonrirlao Ulllt 't.i:o ht.u tpt11!n ut &l IIJHtl'l. nM roq 1u taJ t nt B1:1t '\lie o un~ o! tl " .IIIPJrt ont ' • wl aru:; ~455 ar Oc:tcber 6 " t l\Q ~--s.rU.D alnhan t1 u. A tole/VII= :r.-::1 ~~ l.nJ:• ""e4at!on at" 4111 epeut 1rul.1outeo dlat 1\'IICII&U.on ~ .!In Bf'r.!lt hCIIIII"I 1n wlucb J<~~tte rtl.01011

~. ~~ 1n5t !t -• aid tL• w1ll bo ~bt~rr.~ ~!I c .o oi\mtod m the outllkir:a cr tha ou;y. ot.1cn ~&ll)r ap 1 nblo c J.m• a t rnt:n Uolllll1t;y llbo ar• :no in :n 4.

TJil,k.:jJ:~b 11.ru. 1n qtta r. tor :1ha (oo 1 to l

1;;,11 SEP 22 'l!n

./ . .9833 t. • .

vI .A; -" "L!

0 t bar 2~.o, 1 44

To: ilr. t.cClolland ~~·om: 'I'hu l.!lnlater

lk!err1ng to :to'Jr cem.orand\111 11 t ta •hec1, I • - Juot tul phona~ to Ur. Ta1t and out;~;totOld that he delher "s ao n a a po•­o1bh a Mtt" to tho ;>~vla1on r For 1gn lnterCldtO of tr:a Fed" rill l'oll tlcn.l llopnr~­o.,nt aal.lnc thAt tlw;r tclap;rttph ttl ""1•• C1n1stcr 1n Bu<ia]'e • tor onttmatlor or VuJna 'a nutvaent to th~ orr act ::T.a~: •no torolgn pne•ports ~ pro:e~ttve doc~ont 'any 11 r t •lll 1:~ henorod• anu, 1:' c n­

:t tued, aultl..q; tl ~ :)1vlalor to lnatr'"~ ~lnlstar Juuc;er t" pro···at and, oucond, •o t110.e .ch etapa as r-!\J' be p aai blo on Odhlll1' or •all S•ldS Prote~ted person•• .

tob r 0 , 1 44 ,

l cl.ltioa1 e • I

Ootob 191

H lnrOrlll!l i Cll t y

n at , t o • arate llou e 1n

nt CICI 14

1 • t!~all.J 0

llinirrt•r of' the In-a very v 1 nt eo co en ov r e

know, WilD not • -

Amo guJ.d be 11

unti- " ei'I18J1



t::-b o rorce


J oa j -

in lc th

tnc •m her ad II." Ill: tic


l'fOif 1 OJi 1J1


lo t.

C tn o 6 BB

r e• JIY

A. !.Rote JJo. 983.:S to lll-'l ,

!C...JOH 'mill!

'l'o; "'lw in.lster

P:ro": • Octooer ao, 19:4.

note! trom the F'ldE-r 1 ol.i tic111 L t . , Din &ion ol" l"oro :f.gn lnt ro31.D lifo , 615 ,, , Octob'l!r 1" , 1'14

thia aorntng at ting that coord1n~ to in"ormation t •~Y had r .. c ivtd :'ro111 tb., Sr:i11 Lt:·£<1tion :ln BuuaNlBt, the .rewo

b~r tofo:r concentr i d J n eo:ce 2, 600 DOT>&.rate nou e in

tbv aity of Budapeot '~c•·~ be!na moved i~'l.to CBlll{lll " a1do Budapoot . Tn• .. meno\lre r~rP being &pPl!J.oll equo.lJ:; to n!lll- 1n1.e n d, !'or • P,n "" ~ .

ru.eud"Y b , Octob r 17, •ll ll~w Mtnht~r o~ the tn­hrior in tne S.?.QJ.a., y Gov rllll'~m· made a vo 17 v1c.l.enL ep eoh on the wbJect ot: the ol• >1'101 1bich we.u brondcaot over -h"

H1.U4;arJ.£1ll l'udio but w!l oh 1 11 tar 110 l kno11 , woo not ··~­ported in Lhe ,.,.,10 h rr fn Srlt:.:<>r)lllld. .Among oth~r thing2l

Vajna tnt 4 toot • "" ·•;rewiah p~:o'blom wcruld bu li 111idatll4 ~ercilaaely, no tbe Jewo d~uervod . All lti-Jnwiah lnwo would b11 at::-icn.ly nnd n>thl~llnly lU'orc~ d. lio ro:rdgn P~llpom or 'lro~ecti;•a locul11!lnta o! unv oM would 'bo honor,.d . An:l l;l%'t loule.:-l:r no inter tsr,ncQ 1.' he1 :tnhr.ruu or eY.t.rnal •ould be braol<.tJd , "

ft ia rr: liabl~· knCI'Ifn thAt t}s_, Gorm4.11a il'ri~>d Lo to roe the lllat

1lllhj::ar r.J1 G OVOf'llm.focnt to l'<IOOV ~)1"' Jewa .i'rom llU 'Ill­

peat , Toe Uungarian1, howovor, atollnd d n1.1ooe den in

lceep.iJtg tll•tl tllo:r !lo11 , wj 'h 11 1• 0 • liBll::l. li1lV rnm nt 1n

th11 saddle n-1 th Cl'lltlli'O !' SS riven a .r a I!Md, l. ~:l.oal atap, in on r to •rat,<~re he w 1:1 J'or 1'u rtb r d ,., rtation or :rt;em.nauon a t" eet t 1 J n o1>t o·· he o pitol

to 01118 locat CJn h .. , th&y O!Ln P<" worY.!I4 on" w11. .out ob rv ra or dans r ~r int~rtor~ncll .

In t (' l'ii'.ht ot th bove informnti 1 , t

lool: Yery BP.l'c oua t II n . I rl o not , h~ c u w ll!t st P• Clilll:! ll tU:• rta.Jo:<>n e • • by o r lv a {ot

aitu •tiel?!

I l

a zrt in: •CI prop nda prc>SII1U"e r ttio ~ lea:tl t-l b Sw1as to o.v rt or a11; o h inn1 lUI 1cE.l

olrtng" o! -lui ec-cal d . ew'iah probl" • Fro!!: conv ~ea­

t1ona I hnd ~h13 ~~nin6 I h ve tro linG t .~ the Bwian

•ou.1d be will~ to do ell th 1 •lould ~oro "L Ltgntion tn 1hd'lpeut b th~y knew ox oUy bO'l{ to prQc .. d. hllpo ,

in ho int•reat o! lfrevJ~ no atone u nturn d , t J ht b~

ortlrwhUe to ·~oico our cono•'rn to llonaieur •1J.et aall:inB

hUl to und rtal:e e.ny atepo POIIII:! ble thr01.L£;h 4 he Swi

.i.egat1on in a,~peot . Puh pa U e 'lt;er hs4 1nBtl'llc­

t1ona ~a tak~ wl:ahv r tepa po eibl in t 11 ht o! t a

local. ai tuat:ion eo~ elp.t'ltl .S ' lllllrC!hu ~light be a:8(1 1n

e!l.aU, at l"llll!, or indiYidufll.e 1n whOI!I th" ,rtae CllJl

1 Mil: tely oecupy theJaaelvea in their role o! ?roteoting


Code :

")e .... ~ nt


t~ •

,.~ !"' •

:- 0:' •

t ''l h 1 r n !•Ill .n c n


1' lr. tl ..

::;. .. 1 ' on r or :.a.




Char&od t o:

• • r 1 , lfh1ch

• o' ;y :.!!1'6 .. 1 it~ t r ;u t

n• Ill~ til o.n b• •tU1:o:c.t .n l 0 l t1c.u ! v r:-otoct1nt

o J ~ t tlon in H~ ~y. whtlo tl~n by th crun ~~ rn=ent t r ~ tton by 1r.t. r t •u

t [ .u:.. r .... r r l""h r' tho t rv t t I' Prl nd hoa

t lr. Y.!n· n">ion en

r ~ ~· ny eountrJ 1' 1 the n•t-07 country

"' t, n in pre~loot ll J~v r~ en~ h" Lho

~. r•.ia con~ider tion t! n contolne~ in

•J~.yll, p. c . '1 u" r nee to lta

r. rf r r ~r rh u or tho •1 .. · ·1 u cr u 1 " ror..ol

l , •


r .1

SEP 2., 1972


From. • Datu or • ' •••• l« llo

Oode , - Recoivotl: Oc •• • f • ... f B a~

• •

• • r 1 t rece t.lr ua.s

" ft!-IIM 't r St ~ d c: 14 be t ...... 8lr ce OllQ 1 lliAI •

ey. tnhw •u t1 11 or t " et.epa u - tl:a

rtll t •

or • 1• r. " •

lri • aJtll 1


at ten r l!la 1 .. OoT rhllut. • t.o a:~U•n to

C.~ 1 ttcr ~ t 1t. tat. aet1o para lel ;

" t • • •• T are ...,. ueau4 k1 lr t.D au rt, 1D •:::r war

1011 c. , t.M • .. uOll ot tl!a Ow •• M1Rlner.

a tlft unto

/nrs lo Quatlru_plleete


IJoU AD ._... CIC!I 1.n O.Dr Di<r~aion d '.t..U.tar.c• sp&oial.


:... Zwsa;;_anhngt ::1~ ckr Yenchllrtlma ckr Jude~~ 1.n ~. 1a 3eaondern d\U"ch c!.ie !:rtiUI~ &l.le r IIIDD.er un.! lrauen !~en !Ull­u.:-i.el. ~" .t.r'bd a~>.itnn, Lane 1ch heuh e1ne llnF•chlm,; Dit 4111 C<oa.nd~en de l P.utsCLt.D li!eichea 1..c On.,;aru, Berm T• ••eJl.lll&7•r • .LJI.lU­llch .Ueo>er ll•errechWIS hat der Botecl-.&rt8r8t lftr Deut•cl.tn Oilaat~dt­ecw.:t , :!err :lr'. G:-&ll !ols-n.1e :~Lr:.•~"WIO Uber d.l.e linnt-ctl\UIO lm4 e ;tn'lrllrt- 14.. ... dH JJ<ll•c-• n ? ra.._-e 1n ODJ&f"U c;e.,eLen : I . Xur L~CUD,!; der .luJen!~ l.D Onprn 1<11.rden DaC- d-= l9.Ura

1 • .1" . Vereinbarmc.-e:n :1<1-.:..en ~er Oa.;arinc:l.cn und der Reicbn'e~e­run! ge~oEfen , eur Ortm~ deren 'b1e sua .111.11 d • .l. eu! .t.nwe1~ dee Uc.~hct.en lnnen::a.1niaterlwu cN.r<:J .Ue \I.DJ!U'Uolle Oenc:ar-r1e W1l1 Pollu i \Uld WLter oera~..,'der lt1 nruln.n& deutecher Sioher heU­.,oll~e-or.,.ne u::.tUote JtLOen aua <1- \ln,;•rlecten Provinzraua \UI"' tr lle4.~ 1.n IE*•<>tUo••• nen l'IIIIUUeA nach Deu tsutltuld aa.a .t.rbe1 t .. u..aa tr&Japorthrt YUr<leA. <Y.!'eneichtllcb unter dea ~­~. -~ die Pel.ndllllohte varanl&a eur a>.~elln1U.1ober Prel lt&D­;T1!!e wit ~ct unt .r de 2 YOn lcter<rent1onen <rereehiedener .ual •• d1cohor \I.Dd PeU.diUI.obte tellu 11er eh~ge Re1cha ... rwn or 1a Au,.~BI: 4 • .1. der l e1obm-egi.,r.mg •1n• Entechliuwn; ait , e1nen w1-u r e n :r&neport YOn UD61*J""iec<.en .1\l:len 1.n d&a. le1che .,;eb1e t aioht .. hr ruaul.a .. en UDcl &ab 8le1olue1 ti& die Zuuoborun.; a 'b , be•U811oh 4•• llOoh 1n ~ - 1n ••••ntllcben aur nocb 1a O.biete der Beup\­etadt llu4apeet - Yorl.andenon Ju4e1ltuaa el.ne 1nae~1eohe LIS.aa& 1a der l o:ne cturchllll.tUhren, daee dieee Jude~ ebeAf&lle e'fak1Uer1 ll.ll.cl 1n Le,ge"' - .t.r'boUeein&&ta innerhal'b UQC&rn8 kC1Jlaeo1rhrt • erdon aollten . Diue Z4uiob•l'UAJ iJt 1n 4•r l ol0eae1t J11oht nr­Wirltl1cht worden, de tro t& all•~ B•.IIIU!n.l.n&'en geetsn• t • L&Jer, a,a....

• • I .

- 2-

aen\lloh eoloht, die t1Jl.ar J:ontrolle der sur hol.-..; aaalln.U.eoher ~e.ean.;r~l'• ein<;eeob&lteten 1JlUrnaUoA&len t'r.,;il.ld-~tJ.onen ttanclt.ielb, an. .... blloh Aioht fl'tl.lndeo ••rden ltonA\en, Die Polp ditaer KDtwioltlun..$ war ,,... , llata cH.e .... und l eol.eA rna._ ~J.rr. ·egen OQOaZ'D ,,t .. oh11oh nretu...ten, due abtr a.a.Jtra"M1U 4 .. Wl.F1aohe JuJeoam, a.a:seuUJ.oh 1Jl 4tr Raupteta4t llu.J.apeat, uob .... !lllalJ.oher !li.nnohUohte~ 111td•r 1l> 8'\ark- MatM "ln' w~rt.i'" w:s4 ., .. t;_ dlo .;e£o1l>a ... n Intere .. •n cl«r '"rbUD.!e;en Lllnder eer1ohtete ta.­U&)to1t b1e :a eJ.naa ..... e:nttaltete, daa• be t .1U unte.r dar Bt51trlm4f Lakatos, beeoodere aber uoh der Prokla:at1on dea ehaaa11~n ~-1~ vn·w .. ra voJa 15 . 0itt ober d .J. \o!DQ&I'1aob e Judu t.iob an die 'tOO dar Btpai:'UDJ Sr.t6~a. erlacoooe o Ju<ler~ae\ae Aioht Mhr j tb\l.ndm fU!llten, die 1hnen ~·1~een~n Rau•~ ver1.1••••n ~d die TOree•c~~ebo~en ~~ r.eioben a'bl.o,;ho. !WAd 1n !land binzH ~ .U.e t.eltaLntc b~w1cltlW~C be at..,l..l.c:.h der -~cha!tu:A& vereobiedener ... .u.n41eoh 9t-,1len aU 4aa 11•1 eu.rr Sol!u t~b•n.ar.t rur eillael.De un.-."&r1tche Ju uen, :Daat von n1-teren ll&eWJ&b:;en %W' Oti J jUl. l --<l"ll LIIIIUA4 dtr Ju.Sen£rto;t Abe\Nld 0'­J:IiUI. •·..U<>O wut llae ~iaoha JuJ•ntta& oaMntllcl:: 1.r. ~._...,,. ..r'blle'b, 110 •• e.1ob u..ar :Cre.Ler b••• ,'tn konnte, blldo~o ~Weh dt~J 'Jbcre...Lat~nclt tlrUU nrentwortun.s-l:eww.ater un.;ar1eohf'r UA4 a.eutacher ~1ae e1Jl.a eUodi.s .. oheendo Oe!ahr tur die ~eDdt, vrrblln.S.te ! ront a.le daa IU.n t erland . • '£ret a.aoh .S.. l.6 , 0lttobtr 11 • .1 .e1nd 11.11ter bera:en.ter !Ol.";O..&.riNAJ dou-•ch ... r Sulleu e.rnout Yerb&rhll~n Ill t .ie:;. U el. be on. e:.. "'rdeA, tie • J .. dentra,.-. 1l> Un.;arn e1Jl.ar end ;Ill 'li.Ttn LIIIIWl; a\.\11\dilhren.

U . llt1 •hr ~c • .i"~ cur .. ,.,.n.;e c-•oh..1.t...-~en Jl&allDali!Jtn nac!. 4• l.9 . Ure d .J. wrde der ~ dar •baDdl'ILIIg ..-on 1n tin.~ vorlla!ldem• JudeA ' 11 t l!t!dit9btr I!Mt pn .. b!?tipdt Mitena all.- behill~n 11\el­lu beeonlleril ~Item t•it ,peohenkt , u:a .U • .!.be er 3e1L1el.~ bereob­U~en h .. oh .. rolu tal~ Suatu vor;. ..-ornbcrel.n a .... lllltGhal\en. Jl&den, die 1a re4'A1Jiru haib e1Mr t 11•lln.U.aohq 11\ae\&an...<>eb~U ua4 noraalao ••"eUM!aer K.e .. ..,..., 'IIU.I'4te .,:nuWeUtl.1ob 1n 11• aa.r Yorberei~ dee 411\ranllpor\a &ebUut• ProYiAU.,..I'Il eu.e .,. .. ..ou.uor 1lft4 •• 4rbeUM11t.-te 1a Rei~"•' ~ne=••· aow1~ aie 41• 1'-t~~t Yer'baaM~er, be1'reunde\er o4TJ' ~u.l•r lltaet•


3 -

boaa. ou, wr.to l.hn&n W>Ur Trh~oU'lNJid .Uo 1.bre auniLD41ca> o.•u•llt.D41eclta~ Vor.rotw>o-en er::O&l.J.cht, ecwoit ale Btut~ .....,-u.adp w n 7o11>Utu:ou oclor aolcber :;t uun WJ&rOn; olio alt Un..;arn no.ch lrio~>M~~J~bno.cl. cUe .Upl=aUa c...on Be&J.ob.ID.-.n ab~'throoben ~aon, • w-lle:a aJ.c 1.o btao114trt:D J..·- llin.kr~.,_"n unt .r bb1ll!.~ ~eoude.rt.er , ~ aon.a\16'%1 lD1.c ra.l.tcrtea dleeer S\aateD ge.wll..TU: r h l•q."nns 1D-1 to. rn1 .. n . llor leal \a oinor a» •lln4.1.acti.-., 3 ..,...;...,.,ahUrlolto1t cw-Jo ;oseuUber 1A 1)_..,. lobon.tea J ll.teu 1n !ll.loD c1or wrcoecb"iobel. ... Art ,le4ooh .;n&Dd­M\.&l.1cu JN.1" daLu.. a.c.erk&wlt, ftml dcr r:.,.c.t.. .. t_a erOrao).-t we.N..-n koAD~e J a.. oer be'tre!-!c.de J~&.4• 41ue st:aat ean ;ehtJrljkel t bere1t: e vor d-19 .a&r:o h« r.chUIIloai4 boaa ... ~ !:norb oin<r awol..AAJUct.on StuU­••~,:eh!U"iJI«<H durch UD;~~Tiocl.e JlUon naah .u ... ., hn>iD, .ter o.teniUoll~ l.l.ch ont -:o~ .. n Ilea il.h,.,...'iOll&latl P.ech: ur.J lecli.;l...ch = 'UJ.om--oll er!o4~•, oollto,.be:'Uc.o.o ..c:LU &t ~loi\,en . Da oine 8o1ho .,..aliW.U.cbor 'fer~"'-"~" 1.. c..,......,. W<c.-oa.c..te~ cUona. StAI14JlWlU .. tart .t\ahr - -? oU J.c rt.oo!.1cl:aa llua W>>l ob jo .e 11Uot.haU!.<!e Dejl"U.Dc:w>e -\I.D~1eot..e J~ •rrovl• or1ocl:" t"""--c.a.b....r_~t-.m -o~e.r at• p-eoke .A.u..waa4e­~ .1.D c:-1 "'t& :\4 Lct.J;.en, er-!ol,Q\ar. b~w. lnlt:rvm~.1ot.e:ti J...eav -t~ bel. c;.•c .. \.fol.ll-...l.o'"tn un.;ar1 c.. .. m \.~;Ad Jlllt•c.t.a~: Bel:~rdeJ: c.1 ~ ca Z.iel, 41e .li>OJ ~e~ cUour :i:l.nD'J.r 11TilD_:.n WIJ 41• l:rlllubnl.o C2U' f.eJ,o&U"Uonoac odq ,..... • ...,~enu:o m ou.....,.;.;; . Iz: Yort~.U.....,-... ~ccl.en. der Po~O"""C Sat6jOJ' un4 dar ~ .. uo~on O..~toolto.tt wrclo 1D Yor!ol-4 41eMr lnt.r­"r.UoUI. ,.,. "' .U.•uCIIJ:WlO dar aohwiu-teon la;o< 11n._"Or"r.1f ~ ... ;eallbor 4aa nalLndl. 14.on ll lnre~D oine .;z'W~Jd~rJJ.cho VeJ .. in'l.erwl& llber tol.­pn.d.ea ,;etr-o! f1111. 111• i epatrUOrllD4 o4er Alla'I'U.dU"UD& oU.r bo•U.-­be.r;r•t..t.t.en An••b' &l••l'n"'aclar oJ.e.r ~l.ac.her ;\lde n , aowi.e IUUtJI "1t~J"'' oo::e-to "h"•"'W." .lk'Uor.m m ow .. uu dee VA_;arhcl.ou J"-'•n- ~ll\on Wl~or clo:r Yorau~~OHil\IIIC - un4 ern IN elM te1t~ ~Npl.a.Mon buw. ona .&Uoh~ wor4c, 4ua en\.p-oohtnd ctor un.~1Mha'-.. uo MJ"''l\o &O.:Obenllll kalollo.n.n.J 41o 1ll ~at nooh w r ball4an• la411a au11 51oh.rho1ta,;rQA4aD ou4a1Jl.U.• oftkll.lo.o" war<~a~. h1 111111 b111r­bo1 nrelab....nou Kuenah"'"" ball4ol\ •• doh 1a Oin&olDon ua 1 1./ clio ..;..,..&llol:llajJ clo:r .l'Ur01ao ,.ch khw clen clw-oh &:"•U..... ~oob•S J.......,oh· "ad Cltutacbor DQrohro1Maioht~ • n .. 400Mpr1oohe 11141111, ..S.o aach 4a 19.111r11 - -oh &npM

-. -dar Sohwe41.0hec Gea&n4tAobart a~ober odor w1r\eob&ttlioher Bo&ithUA&aD ~ Soh••daa -cUe aohwedieoh e Slaat-... btlr111<eit 1D ro- der u.t..U.~&D,& ao oii&Wlt&r FOY1•or1eeber odor Soll&ltap&aM erbal.teu batt• I 2./ 41• EraO.Uolmuv car .t.~n&D4 tur •- 7000 Wlojl&riacbe .J~<clan, die <lurch Vanlit\lucc;<ler llebn~ .. r O.eac4tecllat\ 1D ll.ulapen JU . .Dwanderw>611Mr\U.LIIate Daoh P...l.ILtoti.Da uhal.""" bat\_,

),f die lnllll!llo~ dar .......-.1 .. uob Port"d&l fiOr 9 ~iacbo .lu4au, 41• dllrcb cUe Po""&ioaieo:n. lleaand,ealat~ ill Buclapen J,oOr"'sieeieoha proYl.aoriacbo l'&aM bon, 4U hcre.I.Mc>Cebai.,a DaCh Po~!ll'l arha.l~m> lat:an1 4./ cl.>.e Era..~o!lwlo 4er Au.&l'eUa zaoh 3 p&ll.lan a.n eille 4roJ,­Itt!J4'1&e Paa1.11e lmi!I&Z"iaohar Ju4en, tur 4U ~. ;,pan • aoM a ... 51~ au• beeono1Jtru lAteran• ..., J.hrar l'eraon 41• iJ.Dreiaa DaCh Spall! an ,l'Uiehai.r;:. bat"'. ~./ Ebanfalla worsea~n, joJooh aua deM ~t&dJ.IlS Y3rb~•~t·n4er ll aprccbwopa bl..n.r nooh n.loh\ wa1ur on.wJ.cllol•, ~ uor beuaiobU~o ?ranapon ..,.. 1000 11.1n~ r ,IILJi,sQ jllcUaolotJI ltuldom -.on Pa.Uia'i.Da o.Ur doh hill\1111.&ahn aowie 41• bW!c­l.l.o..lln~ .Ur illndlll..,. von Uel>ca..,.u.ul'&4otoo \ll,u;O), ... el.IIA41acbe ClrpahaUoou aA 1.a .t.rbailaea-ta 1.1a Ru ot- ;el>ht be!ia411-obe ~aoha Jwlarh

Duy llaamtal-.en aiD• .Atl&e•~ 1.1a b.,.\e noc;o n.lo.bt wr A~ <!:'-~, .u. .Ue ..... .a... t en Vo, awsH~-~w :t.r u.r. haw.ri;.l..I>!.UJ>4 -cUe =~ nm o.lwr lllwa,..a\er J\l~C - biAhu· ..... a.~allo D~Ol• .Uoh\ .,.,._ w1rkl.J.Oh\ 1a\, If. ~hJam au! 4rQ%14 der ~or41Aao ~~~lo1\e\en Verhan~on Jedooh O!"·a•hr obwt ~•1'\are 1ara4)pJ"\lll,D •l.U\ eDil...,.Ul.'-.16• ..JenUU~ ller J\ldeD­f'r&t•• 11>401 . .lnLAirl.alb dar l;ta .lt !lu .a.,ee\ •ht1U'tU _rd.., lt&nc , er lt.l..lu-\ cUe lelob&re.;1•MI.Ad -,.naDitlioh, claa• &1• &u.o4 .1.z> .LDb atr&ot. t dar M­reHa •U...'Ilo.'-otw. K•tinabM" 1Dhna...1onaler <l1-.-n.h&t1ooea w-.4 wr V1.,..1~ el"Dell~V aual~+ndJ.aoher PrwiMioii&J'Lte ,;e.;O.D llaou"!l aaoh Wle YOI' 41• '"'~•~• .. •not w1e4er .. e 0 .. \i-..ea Abu.ol.u.c,pc uerll:eun\ 110J borei\ 1at, die COaahal.er.oa lll.&J.ob•Nri&l• 1>o ce~llaaaa :&.1\p;ualn ., arll1ll•• 111• ~uohe O.a&ad\eob&Z-t b\ da~ol.,st~ uw&oh\igta

- 5 -

l ./ w.,or.z1.oolwo Jude , .:.S.e lu.&\.e.r lilll. .. ,~ .. obior

..U... , bh ... du W a~1oh wr..lnbarteo 4ue b l YOD 400 nreo .. oo dh .lworo1ae naol. Ccbn dan cll&rcb EMolli!A,i dNt­r.o.bor A.rol.ruaoa•ct.tn noo rb aa onoll.;l ~o.bao . • u t.reo rn>at .. "' aol.~ .. chu' Scl.1.t . paaa. - Jio " ol•-.l.hcl>e Oe-llt­ao!.a t\ l.&t .,_t_, on u.z..r IU'~t.., ;u.J.cl.o~ U> UIMr 4000 hreon.o do.,...t J...,.. . llaaa ......... ca~llt - lea= .U. Au~ • o1 o YON r L&n.1 zulll.t bw•UU.,~ "'•nloo. Dio lle1ch.,.oc11o~ ut Jouoo.b II< r ut, a owou dJ.c Scl.n.U..cl." 1\~ ,.iu'Wlc. dJ.oao~ a: ·~ u..Le c.o. nJJ.J.l"'~~ ....,;tzil. \.1 cr...,.. ei.ft , l.J.e.rt..bt.r 1.Q e.r­.,..,to Vorba.n4lll.ll.. .. D •~treun 1

' 2./ u• o w.;;a.rt o;,oc J1.Jeo , c!1e a >ieaU; VOD dtlr BoL>e h o.r

"" -\1\ cl..:.;. ; Yt ~-~clt r Z:.lD. 11.'l.lat'UA~Il& .. : t..41kate t1aol.

r-..Llll.:.iAa a..;..,.,. , 1.1.0· w a.....i.a. """""• =-... ... tar t... .. ,.IZ"'~ ... c.. Wll"'eio­

ta. "" •. :.1.1 we 7000 Tor. or.e" &Ill ~jllcl.un .• <lor Aua­•c:J.Je:"W:\... ._ "":.uclA a.u ol..r J.-a._ -....cl.tv,~rkt :u 1 .. eU.a. Al8 v~rl.14!'1.;•o w~all .... J k&m.. ~·•-~>c1 ~ell L!.;e ...... . .. ;.nbl1olc­~. •u V•r iLi.U: ..... •• QlJ -t !:ol' .. "C - .; 1n :,.tr-!;.olat .. o.:.-.en.

lJ.ior •oit ron Aw ,..__. l'W1,; ""...ZOJ.IOOllor J"uon naCJJ, PILllaU­n;. v• • ...., ""'' l.ucllar• -• ,.,._ """ ...:runuu. -~l-ol.en r.rw..,..... .~n nloht ~~•t~~~~

' l ./ •u ... na.,, t W•.,.;.r1'11ohu· J1.Je.c :u: ;oor~u_.t.c IJ.<~O•.*C :.ohu\a.-l)&l •~A • b.-IU&lle 'bh w Jar .,..,.~"-ll•c t eL Zu.l voc 9 P••eo­&.• u ... \Ll G.l. ~r ";.e-lu.r.. J~tacla l" ~ Ch..J"'eJ.·toco_cl.,t.wnlt .z·k• J1e ~;.n ru:.ct~ 1

0l"':.u '"il -:-.a ,. :&"'.::1-n!.an. ;.:"'t.'e_'t, ;..• bakat..nt,

t.!e Pon~;itetaoh<" " oUIH e.t.at ~ !J> lluJ'I.-eiJt "" wu tere 1

I<A, 1U'1aob a .l"d• A Sol.u:&S)llaae au"'-~1\e!lt .:.at 1m.. \IIZ'tD

Auon-e teo • 'II• Dfalle &J.atr t l.t , .let • !leu:.o~wo 'Je"""dt eehatt &II' AJJtra. ""ell b .... u , w. t • Vo • ..a•~u:w,.. eiDer b~c l • f:"<Da..q llbt r d1e : neu..., • ,..iterer .:lw·ct.re~ue1ol,\nro­ll r u au wr ...eltlD1

4./ dh ~-ar•h* Jer J.re t lr 'rf1;ee J~ .oW'~! cacL s..,a111.,. ·~ l r-t tUUD! • -••ci'Ar Ou .>rel.,ue;;.tv*r:U.rb, w:to

c. ~-=ra,.l • &i.l f'f""Uj,l1ot. rza 1

' ·I Uber die • • 1 t eroc Jetton.., 4•r ~dtrun~ 1000 Jttileobior

t!.AJ •r ll.•ol, PILllatiD& IIDd .J~r :lbc:reec:hjp. 'r011 .Ueb<uc~&l>e,._ ~etta • • J.tc r hlc ~ v-rh&n~•lo .

-6 -

Y. l'aoh .Alu•chl.uo dor wrgcaoLllcJoztal> lla.a•n•bM%1 WZ<IID 1a D~ 4a.nlanb IWr n.oob ool.oho Judaa. •"•11n41oaber s~-~MD.ph~pit v .. rb&n4tn tt1a1 4h tA\ .. <ltr rt.I.&U\aa~ ...... .-.llljz.tce ainJ oclu \rote

dea .lea.Uaoo wn llobllbpll .. an lliaht ah .resul&z'a Maas~r.r~ omtrkalult ftrd.,. ltliOzl.t,n. ll:1e :J!Uohare.pon.All 'dtt lleall&Uah 1hrer ~ell~ 4 .. 'btr.Uo M brraooh £'fku .. on&n 8~~' da:r lhl,;ari­ao:.u liagl.on&ncJ 'bai , daaa <Uo •• l>Ooh wrhAAllat.on Ju.tlll Ohae L.oltaiaht all!

4 tt1ta o4n JiahU>ttiU a.i.Do.r m••lln1J.JtOb&n 8\u.haz,,--.ob.bri;;llr.oJ.\

p.mddtlll..ioh cSan un..;ar1aobtA GeM~OtA unsorlla.,.,. un.l c1aJ»r 6la.lch a1J.en andortl> unc;ar1eohtA Ju<lon 1a IU£'1 der TOll 4n Dn,;ar.iltch•

B•ai•run.:; nouer~ boa'buahtijfttn lla.aaneb••n nach lanaanc:rll&1c.n

au<~ Arbt1 tao1aoata ilmerh&lb 0~ Mran,;o&o£'14 .. rdon,

~ :.r. ciJ.ea .,_ ~\l....,_.w.aA,., -h• 1eh arneu1; ...r Mint ilriota

llo. 4o5 . • ~u. ,~::C .t.,t..! .•J.J. h..LD .

pen , tobiPr , 1

: ~ Jerlr =ertloa .

~::u!!tol 011 wttll the l U&in[l;r •n~re ••u t..a; ~t ;;u, aptr.at \~ J~~n, ~rtiftlarly tl:

:ro:r~d ttmrollmtm or au eea and •••• (•1 a c.e:rtelll a 11 nJ 1: lb.rJ la

, tr{

1'e4rat:lZioyor, t~ llltroy ttl the Oullall Jld -~·'7·

ot t e •

au wa

the Jnia

a! 11 ot tble diaoueat at, tbe Co~• or t1 , Dr. II roll,


11a11on ir; ar;r : ot

I . 4a a CQ!tr11111t1 GD t01tartt t 1t ac ttan ot \

ta WltU rH 14, e.tter rob 1 ,

tw•c tilt l!:ll:zan111 8M !laid) Do•ftl!we11 ~. 111 the bltrts

Of ortll.:h, Ul oll17 Of tltia JU 1

Ull4er tlla di'l'eotl

et tht rla lnb :rr of 1 e IAter1or and thro e

1MtJ~Uell'tl.t1Ql or e ~n1e ~rurt• and poll.:,,

trU I a YU~~r:r COOJtuut 'Of e Oel'I:IJI hou:rtty Po I .,

alt Jawa rtr• t:rana ortl4 out or \be HUn rtab pro•tnott t

er n,, ta.tly DD!te ~tnr P7aaar?ad, tor labor aartrlot ,

. -


. . .


;r or.e r I<.Wi:"., • Wttrti~y' ia A t




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nulUII~ ot \llo ·-~ .... ,

tlla t 110 t'u.rtbt;r

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·~!Urlu:.co ha.

1e fa


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at fOl'II1Jn

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••J.,.ah.u,. •ttu 1

r l•t ot h

lc=:::"!!r OOilL~~<Ur.:: b.r I .fbi lto

• • • beliou a


l-botr7J dnt

or tftoroAt tarot

1¥1 1 Ellllflutan .r..-.. .., co ;tur er rupa ... re t.toa to

br about a dof1 u n 80hU of \ e .r de

IJid lll'b:l olnry, for l~;e t&a •• nu lae4 1!1 JIPU t

.t.n u owld np •r• a• I'll truly, Jt forme

a eom t&JIUy row!Jlc «1'1 tJa t ' CtP111loa of Jl'unt•ru

&Ad Ct tun OJ 81 0 llaDfOIII Of tbir r JlCII.ibU 1t1,

t.hlnd the f1 tl 1 e)]{ed fTDC\,

After ~abu 1 l.h of thlr JJI.U, tllerarort,

l &.1 nre Ulec! CZIC • I With 1lla lldTl.tory DCI •

GJ:;erau cz naaZI orpu r11.b 'i e JIUrJlo11a at hrlll Ill

atlo t a t UYe IJOliU!at: ~ tile JnJDJs ~111111!'8 1ZI

•fl I' ' t

ae t Of :....,

• l ot t ret 1JI lcp JHI!IuniCD 9fbnt

fOJ'1l II :rt. i!rt.J'I 1111

fZDa the ~ 1a ~~~~ 'DY1 '"

betzu. P~r. •e• latotraa

l•:rrt hlj',

ot allh4,

Uao t' co .;:. I! lit

pv•rn.e t .,_, in • a.J~v.

1 • t11r •• ~ j

torrlrn e: t1 f!

.. at

1H 00tlell'ZI6

1Jlc oll 3illt!ta •

• .. J'


.,. :r lr.Ti I 1 1

e ne1 th • J:A tlo I!Al1 ty

tu, th !z II' &1r.tntt

tstt a or \lieu

de PCIIe1 tle 1

~ r111 or •


pr7 11tU.r t " oatbraat or t wu,

e;ecirll ca:pa Ill' ton en wllen

"t:lan. lrltl\ •

t7 '""" lD\4!1'J:eiS 111

'1 wue fnll~d ~!:e • 00\UIC

rea n1 a o~r ot ar 1aternan of tbeae

lnl:er:a& ;;t



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d l c rec £:1 u •

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patJ'latlon or ••ll!:nu 11 .... t

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• • •• 1l11U.az

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CIC1 torr :!., l!i/J..

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~ ..... ;rue Oo:~E<~r.:.~ "" !!=zoc•d•~> ~11..•• •"-ao l:aolu! ollll

Pf•llirwou F;uot,T •- wtu.o.rt anUaticm ll{t.!u; to-call..., .:ntab

-·-u.o of llrat-rt•ll ...... o:d ,PI'1tdleia rr-.... ...~.., .. a.! 1 d "fir

-.., ~-..r.&n ·- pn:1011.lnly J..,. r:.rrt.a :o ""r1ot.4rso lil

Oo.rU l>e .~ ... -.... IJ>t•r10T •lr.!o:er T&Joa tt.elhnt~ be u • .. ;u

l'Ult&l • lots .. .;.wtaa pl"Oblee IID:l :hat vtl....:cdlh : ...... Ul h

a4odt<Ute- WiU. tr&-su •nwrtt-1 •~1~ 114C.Oattt, o &1-..::.

Plltp'R D1r ~ [Dn=---r_t ..U. tt:t~ int=atn e.t;!Q ... t&.Uu,-. AliA

1aMr IRI\ rtlll::t1= .:..,. t.a l!loqwf7 •

.LI!:ii/ec [

~~~ lo 11:1 &011 lib - Wr. W.Chllu.t.



ro. Date . October k, I! p •. , 1944

No ?OU Cocle: - Cba rceel to


Rate.ranc:e 1e aaela to tba Legation'• telegraa No. ~~~~~. ot Oototar no, 19,4.

AooorcU ne to 1l1t'or.at1on lrb.l oh hsa bean r".t 'fed by tbe lAption, the Dtllr J.linta~er ot t.be lAter lor in 3~laaey ' 1 Eun~tmn Go•ernaont (TaJna), 1n • radio broadoaat on October 17, uatecl that the .T-lah probla: lr011.14 be llqui4ate4 aeroileaa!y ancl that there would be atrlot ancl r11thJ.eaa eut'oro•.,ant or a.ll All\l•ir .. hn lll'W8. 'fajna b alao roportacl to haTe atated t.bav ao roroil!n P~aaaporu or prateoti'fa doow=antu ot aay kind woulcl ba bocored AD4 that in ;lllrtiouu no interrerenoa, lither internal or oxtorna1, would be bl"'ok:od.

Unclor 4ato or Ootobor 1!0 the Lar,atlon urgontl7 reqaeated ~o 7adorel Polltioal Depart.=..at to en4anor to oOntirc the roresol~~g ro_rort .nd, 1.r round to bo aubatontia1ly u·ue. to eke • •l&oroua proteat. to tha &tnaar1aa auth.,.1t1aa IUid to take auob • tepa an 111.17 be wnrnante4 by rea act Ollnclhlona to accord appropriate protection to 9wiaa-proteota4 aationala.

On October Dtb the ?e4e.ral Pollt1oal Derartaont wae intoraall:r nqaened \o intorc tho Oeraan l.e!etlon 111 llern, otrlolally or lut'or=aJ.J.y, or the oa.ntenh or tho Dopart!HIIIt'e ~olesrac No. 34&1, or Ootobtr 7. A ranklas orr1c1~1 or ~ Dw!aa roratsa lntere•t• D1Yia1on told a Lotstlon aoore ~ o October 20 Lhat tho Cbiot ot ~~t DlT11lOO ~d Dolled ·ln tbo Corman Klnbter !n ohar e or Oe:raan lnterou.a 1D Jlera aacl orall.:r inron: 4 h!G or th ooutonu or t~ DePIIr\aent'• Mdl. BCII:Ie 4•111 later, app~~renn:r ~rter ha•lll8 boen 1o o uniootton .. tth Ula Gentlln Poroip Ottloe, the 0.l'llan re~aentot.he rererrod to aade ~e f'ollawi~ atot oat (ln tra llationl to the Oh1ot ot the Dwlse D1'f1oloa or 1aretsn lnterelta 1rh1oh the letter hDe incorporated ln on lnf'oraal oa&:~n1•nt1on ~o the Laeotlon:

,., '

-2- I?OC9)

Tl:e a.:-un Le Uon at Born does not. aoY!aeta the o dbU1t7 or acce t1~~~; trCD tb Oo"TC!I'm:ent. cr t.he United Statae aucb a cammun1oat1on tor tranaa1el1on to tba Ot~o Gonr eat. ID ao tar •• Lha occ::ullioatlon in ueetioo relatee to paraone wbo aro o1t1&ena ot tha United Gtatoe, it 1a oot nacaaaar3 to ~o1At. oat tha~ tbe Protaot1n~ Tower oan at all t1aea a4draaa 1tsalt to tbe Ga~ 7ora1&A Gtrloe tbrOQSh tba interaa41ary ot 1~• ra~reaantatioa at llerUn. VlD STAT 'Il>"T.

It 1• tta op1olon or the La&at.ion LD •1•• or ita 6818, ot October ll, thn th du1rt4 pur.IJOII 11117 haYI beta aooa..;l1aha4. !lanrt.teleaa, the necua~y et.or• :tor ap~ro~riata lti .. ulnatloo are baLDs taltao by t ba ern rapraaentet1YD or 011. I oonaide~ 1~ well to point. oat at t.bla t.1aa that tba Totaral rolitioal Depart ant ia aoat reluotent to ba•• ita ra~reeentet1Ye to Berlin unortio1ally aaaoo1ata4 w1tb meeuc•• wb1ob are io tba na till' a ot tlu'aat.a to OtranA o!riotale, 1~a:u~ aa auob •••••~•• •1!At be oona14are4 1>1 tba ~nuu. •• an attron~ on tta p&..at or the !lwiu and c!&bt aerlou.lr :eopartl%e the poal~1o~ or 7aldlotar at tba Garr.ao 7ore1AA Otrica. 'l'hia a ttl tude on tt.e part ct Lha &.lee autbca1t1ca ~7 be oooei4are4 aa applicabl~ to ~he Depart.l:ont' a :KU, •• well u to the tb1r4 psraf't'llph or l.llt Dt rt:ent'e 2490, or luly tl, wbiob tbt 7o4eral Political Depar·-ent en two ccoaoio~ IAUguet & aod October 111 4ecl1ce4 to paes on to 7al4eoher. Attar the 1n1t1al raroaal by t•a ~1ae, 'be oa: ropreeantoti•o took eto;a ror apfroyrlate 41aaeminetioo.


'rlF./LnL 1o tr.1pl1 one

Co·r to Xr, lloClallan4






Oatob•r ta, 19 .. . 7 P· •·


Chnrond ~o

lor IU :troa KoOldlJt.n6 .

IC!O hu Ju.n root1'1'oli 11na in wire da••li OCtober

f4 trom ita ~elacu~• at ~apaa~ , 8obirftGr, tha~

~~llaw1D& di apoaitiona With ra~ to J.-a • =a1n1ns

1D lludapen aro a.otiTD:Q' btil:f; t W:m: ll tlo ,o~ aen Lre in l'N~oua or b"~ 4ei'ar1acl 'llo t;,.r. JV,

oet~il>q aa l~il:or; 2) 1.11 11£ali CDA1 ill Ptti:IOZI.I

inollldin8 cbU ~ren a:rv btbs oonotmtr:atod in lht/th

1n llu~on; 25) "onlcnoa of able·l>otiect men and w~n

IIJ.' • buill£ q lv;tod ct oon rtntot 1nlr :tort1t10 !1. tio.na

in noichbor h oo i of lllh.r.tn , Sohl.n!!lr a4da thAt

al.tuJit 1on in senerol io extr.aeq p-ave Md in

Pil.rt .I.Oillar 11.1 :tliZ' u.o f&tt of .T«WWI io oonoornott . Soh1rme~ ~epor~• ho lodged en~r&e tlc prote tt • l th pre• ent Hungar1an Govor~•n• .

IW!IIll301 Rllloo,

t ... I'll.

Co to 1l...o • 1/r, ll~lolhll4 ,

'I i3 •

r!Al>t.:,o, t.-~ _._ ldU 4• - on thlr •u:awo ...., lU..:

otrrwth .., lkt'"t, ..... Jwa ..W h CCO!J*11De liD ~P't. tolla·

/ s "+'1•1101'!- -l ... !c::; _,_

L 1:

• KT. o.."leJluc ,

} II" lrf .. ,... ~I' f l

~ t , f-

\ (t l ~ .... 1 I J

/ ' T It '1 c 'I -I . _,...

-J ~-!, :/ ..

'Lt. • • -~ f ~t.J ~t-

J . -

\ i !J l'-"t #i,ltt. " ~ •c ~ • .: ~

QSS 7. ff A k.,... 4 5 "

If ff44.


~ ~

-- -1!:

II .,

~ , J J.:./ I fF' r

J ' ki. 1 {

I {o / Yy I

0 -=.€_ rAp

»'ol&rati a '• Ol~r V!!,jy, IU:a.1 nre 4a 1 ' In Uilllll' Gov.nrn"'P'\ 1aa1 de .ozllirh, OIU' la I[UeeUOA j:dn,

• e qui o uno la J.IIOti.G:l ~ll.in qld a .-11011:11 urut d cn;:llle - 1on pa.:"51 1 .. Jl11to e1: 4JU1D loo oeroleo d .. aai!!_deo Jldto, ~· d4olan que 110111 al.lonta;t' • 114ft d ' lUll! I:IU1i lr rd1 uh • o1 oJ.le u: .z10 urci , .t'Co aolu ion 11ora SlltD ello quo 1 .. Jldto ont ••rit4o ,ar :U.ur aUHu:le J~ ' ioi et sar lour ani t • hwU. . lleo rltol sent • • 1&ux o\ dUIIlllh 'I'ODt hre ~W'• IIIIU •~ .U h odonUon po:.r l11U111Gr l '~t&1.re Jll.in. ll n ' &ppi.r'Cilnt ' par .am~~~ 4o lljOWr u • a.,.:1 c 4e .an iU' o o tJt dan.o la quout1on Juin , ~oo qu. lA 'P'luuon de ootte quee~Oll eot eu re011ort 4u po11'1'01r 6tatlqae , ot oc e o.lon ~ que to1:t lo o DOU oont~m\ - JlOUO lll.lODD la 1'4 eoll.dre •

il ' anrU• aolu;ne11•4t lee Jldto o& ~ q~ oerr.m louro 1Dt4rho uo clh&quo 111' me 4e l 1.tta't uaroo w:e auonUl•me rt&:lltn e nr lo::ll' ai·tUu4e et • loo n&le:: \ o ~ blloh, OU qui OU'OU\ publl .. , M:'OII\ 0 ' e&:aO 4o la iJliU'I'eo __. appl.4v.•• ano la pluo e:rt o rS.&ue:u-.

llotober 21, 1944.

l: odled OD lr. Bl11U3 at 5•')0 thU afton:a.ooD

a1. biD nq,u.ert a~~~;~ be Wmde4 .. tbo .111Y1aioD'a

no • lo. 5)!l80 ot llctober 27 n ord 1118 :till! propooeil

.. 14P"at1on troa II~ at 1!,00 Je'llll.

1.1'\or nallillG tba oo unioaUOA I .. tee 1tr. D.Lauc

Atlll l'r. YaD IIIQ'don ( t-'la latter alao attonh4 tba

-G1:J.nc) 'IIDOtbar tba7 bad ..., hf1n1ta 1.ntOJ"'II'ltlOD

rescltU!a tbe C111,!raUoll 15'roo.p w1t1Hn whloh tboee

pe nt~ns an to tall, pan 1 olll.~r b' 11lw1.11U thaJ! aft

bearer• ot l'aloriiJUO!S oc.rtLticaha or 1ntcllilo4 'tor

ll!!~at10D Wider the Pal .. tin1u plaal. liia11D.5 ne4 -~diaUl7 to aez:d a tele4P"ft!l 1;o '\be O.lat~ teaaHon

at llu4aput Rllar.3ln.!i ~bta oi t~~aUoa lln4 alao 1n­

qu1r1nt n BrdiC(Il II:ICb Othl!r ii!HI-Dt.at10JI U Yl!rlOaa

... ber~~ ,t tbo sro~ ~ ba,.o 1J1 tbalr J111 .. ua10A.

I alao 1nquind,

enala, whether 'tbe t1Yiato11 wu ao eloatiq tba

con~•llta or ito :note t'J th2 llr1'tiah Z.pUOJI ha



r.IJ)l1e4 1.n ~h. t~esathe . 8e ..th4 t~11 thil a

not betna c:oaunJoateit to the .Br UiN! :teaatiq

becaa .. tber. 1a 110 ••tde 11oe t bat peraona 111-

cl:lld..S 111 a Pal eat lot• croap are 1Jnobet. h

n14 tblrt h• wu •t-ordtJ~S].J' lea• iJI& 11. 'o t"­

teset ion 1 a d1•orn1oo •• to whet "- r ar toet tlwo

1Dtar•at10a in tblt note •boiUd It• oo lmioate4

to tba Br1tab tepuc.~~o h1 u .

f . J.


' (

• <t/)


• . ..._ I (


'(f - ;,

October ~7 . 19U .

Von I:U:J4on odld at }s30 tl11e &nornoon t o

'"•t• \lla't GA ~nt. hltar- hu boea noe1•~ tlro~ tb• h illa I.esaat1on ._, ~pea~ rwport.l.n&

t hst a t n e ant baa be n nao.ba4 between tho Cerwao

arrl BlinprtaD OoYomuut. oonoe n1111 tbe •at&rau a

or a.ooo Jon r:o '111:16lU7. t hn ' be.r will be pu-

!ttod t o l.ano ••1"7 ao:.n &all t.h 11 t<-..cr O.Perau-,n

cn.n be oo 11pl et .. beroro 11are bfto l'. Ao ord 1!l4 to

Tu 1:\o'«on Jhaaapeat a.Uo :r"e.P(Irld th t the o.r..n e4 lfwWa.r i.un OoYcrnaenta an -.kl"'! ava.Uabl.a all

or :peraon. u ror u t ho 'wlaa :rr:mucar.

I ukad van llll;;nte.o wbe"~;lwr th toroao n.: 110 •

that. tba Pttoo.'la OODI:Ieuw ==t arrl,.. at 't3 Sw1 ..

~du b7 ,..111bor 15 , ~ he a old 'the 'th t n• bh


1 WO 1J:\Il :Nt! w t bor },. hAS f13 II :CCti"lc

11lf<IZ'Mt.1oa o noern1na !.be Uoial.ltJ' or tba pro-


ll:ton.tka. bllt ~hat u 18 lU.8 s-•• ~ b 1. the

pvaaa ll<lr>atrDII\1 an ollio:rl.J' ~bo e 4uU.a;r4

tcr n.l.riU. lllld <':> oUtu.a l.hl! aro~~p whloh the

~ b.tl pnn•1ouel7 rttern4 ~o •• •

poop or rro. 2 to 8 , 000 oouUl.utee et tbe

1.!.. J- -" 'DiiJic puoe4 1.11 tilt> JII'OTino ...

'• lllqdu t 1~ ee thn aU ot t i!ltora­

U ;.o ctftll abon 11 bel.lll; OOWJ14!11CIIItt4 W10U1c1al-

l.J' ..0: ~~ 1.D .. be baa DOt J'e"t

la4 • OSPGXta:Ut7 to Ul~ the lllilt'ttr w1tb

~r o1'tio1al11 &t t!l. IliY1810D r.nd -aNob ••

it lliobt 1.• t• or three a.,. be•ote ai!Tth.t.nf

IIT1tottll aa tb1e eubJIC't 1t 1 at to 'tho X.a~ot1. n.

a. •• • be tbOUII!rt n ·~ Ub to baY tllU

&i!YIII:Ioe :aat1ce 'Dioa- the S..i .. 1apt1on at BQ4a­

peri 11:1 re 'VJ"tt4 t bat lll'I'IClllllell te 'DI IUilt tax­

'\be na.pt1oo 1.o 1tu hill! acl ODUrd ttnel


bu1l •~~~£u~..s 'be' .. nh-ata :troe ~t.~

~ a.Al~on aa tile oWI~eo\ .tu .. h oaLn

tba ~no.tal ~oouo.a. 1 PI'OaiMI hl• \bat

.. -lll<S too co-..nso.t ocoGni1Q£J.,. \


• 1 , 1 ;j ,. I 0 "'

*' .. c: I ~





! f

'J.Jit n, >

"d{l"' ( ~~"' ~

l #

. - ~


f fc- ~Uo /;.·tf Ot.f. ~7'9114 r. r; :/J l~ c c .. ta,.

LI I. ?Em:iUL


le D~partescnt ol ttq e tediral, Dt ns1 n •los tirf ctn.r..su-e, a 1 1 bonr:eur dtl r .I"? bVO.d' it lu

L6 ntian d~. tnts-~13 d'~ar1que qu 1 1l v~~t le reo v 1r ~e la ~a~i n tt~ ~ 1a e ~ Buuk St le ~, •• se Salvant oon­cerca~t l'~ai&rntl n •un certain no=bre d'l5ra~11ta d l!~ie:

•en th -6tn Octooer 19~~. tne au·~&rikn

1o.f' I ...., E1 ....

,il,.~moent intnll:led tno Swtaa I.. ntlr>n in .Bnda­•e&: ::n t an n re o:ent llllS be~>n re~ocheo between the C verc=e~a t ~ and ~"Tman7 according : l'r'..ictl ~ 19"Dt1 n fro H~ o! aprroxl-::at-1;;' "•• • ld b.t tiU\h r1sttd -;er:; enortly,

o£1$. -btr.-. '­,. tl..,

lilru1 w:ol,j nan to t>e cc.rried ut t>y the 15t:h ~ 'n::.-"r 1D44. -no IIIQlbari.m lt..'l-2 'ienr:.n Govern: enta

Klll pn>vide ct8oillB Gr t.r..n il"taticn a~ !..r lUI tM dvACJI.J ll'ls:s :l'.:.n•ter. All n cea ary c:ea!!ur~s tor tne

- 'tr'-n:o.t r :; se emisretul, u.r ugh 5"1tt:~rlumt, on 'th•ir way t ~dlle~ or L!abcr., or 1! nec.:Bahr:y tc;r tl'l<! r t -,orur,y acoODDo<lAt1on 1n " cump in Swt t­serland ah'lull! thervtore be tl1kan witllout del..y. It 15 al 0 ursen t tllb t all llpProrrlate l>t<J S td t .. kllfl lit one~ tor ;be Cll.rrJ'1118 1ut or ttll:; ecnt:r.~e I<B 1~ isbt tn~rw!ae b" doot~~e<l to tailuro '.

La Wr!i..~e em ll'ltlrli1~ 6r~ ;) la l,hsat1on ~• portet ae ~; lu conn~1euuno~ du D&P4rta~t d•Et~t, et

11 eet YOLant1ers d1apoa~ ~ donn r ~ ln L~s~~i~n de S 1s o 4 Baj3-e t !es 1nstTUct1 ns ~u•arpellera ~ dccia1cn au zre~n: des E;at - 'n1a d'Aoert,ua en cet~a a!! 1r

l ~~ ~•rrt aa1a1t cette ~ion ~~~ renw v lnr lo la • •t.nnlea e r..ru:es de oa n:.ute con.sU6ntt

~me. h -7 oetobre 1944

4 1 t1~ es t a- nla ~·~~~rique, lie me.

Scnweiz. lilllsverein lur JUd. Fluchtlinge im Ausland

• HIJEFS. Montrwu•, 2? , Oldober 1914 l•' CoJo~l'-.t.

,..., phon 6 .JO S6 w.d 6 .tJ 9")

l'oU~.JCorHo Db l101 V•~ fe&.gt~Ad,.,... H.,.fs Monb•~.t•

• llr. Roawell D. ~cClellaod Special Aaieatant ;o tbe American Minister B e r n

- - - - - - - - - -

Sebr ~~ebrter Barr KoClelland,

wir erbielten beuta einon Jericbt Ubar dna lager Waldeee, den w!r Ibuen einliegend weite~ ~eben. Dieeer Sertcbt eta~ allerdinga aua der Zeit, bevor ungarieche Judeo nacb dorten geko~en ae1o aollan, Jedoob kann ea leiobt mbgl1cb eein, daea beute d1811e Uno;arn eiob wirkli<b in dieeer Ortaoba!t betind8n, die !rUbor eine grease AD­aab1 Yon or~iaierakandiaten beberberg,e.

~ir geata~ten una !erner, Ihnen anbei einen weite~en Beriobt au a :i!ulcareat au llbe:r .:~i tteln, dar eoeben bei una einging,

Wir begrUeaen Sie

Daa lAser • a 1 4 a a e bel Auleadorr (~rtt~. ) lle&t etwa 4~ t= Yon Friadrlct.aba!en ent!ernt und unteratebl dor ss, 4!e in ttren Sita to Aulendcrr bat,

Waldaee bel etTa 3-4ooo 11nwobnar, Jedocb be!lnden t1ob in eine» O:krela Yon 2o-Jo kc aiao Bathe Yon Bauo:naebOttea ia welcben in den !~berea .abren deutaobe ~dchon ibren Landdlena t ablegton. :!a bt1"1r.4en aiob auob aine •• elba Yon Fabrikea dart , daruater ei~ Groaaea SSgewerk.

In den jabreo 1942/43 be!anden aiob aucb ainiga nun4erl JucoalaY!tche Kr1egagetaneenaa 4ort, die m!ttela Autobusaen tMglicb sur ~belt aacb Frledriabeha!en ~etubrt wurden.

Dh &lidm eca •obatea bel den llauern ader fa lla:"acun. 1nlge Stra!bA!~11age aua Frank:elch warea in Hatala t tl· .

Ioataireaae wa: bieber: Arbe1tela0er Tald~ee bet Aul endo:r • Die .oat -.trde durob die SS ln Auleador! zenaurlert· Xorre.-po!lden• ai": d• AUa~nd war Yarboten. '

October 28, 1944.

TOt Mr. MoOlel~and

DurinS the couree or a ooOYeraa~ion at the

D1v1eion or Porelan Intereata with B1aana an4 Van

~den on the atternoon or Ootober 27, Badraba -t

41acneae4 the Dep~~ent'a }607 or O~ober 2},

which 1ou memlonad to llla on the prev1ou.e da.J.

Van li.J1den stated that th@ D1vh ion baa not

1•t received &QJ telearaz troa Minister Rruamann

reaardina tbe matter 1n ~oesticn but proaiaed to

let us know when thle ia received. The1 alao pro­

alaed to tell ua what attitude the Division would

ttke in the •attar.

1 eaid that we ware inetruottd ~o tllpport the

a~ostton wb1ob llioieter BrQ& .. nn 1a expected to

aake and B1eans accordin& took nota or tb1a taot .

.U~bo~b we have no de!in1.~• 1n!o:naat1on ra­

aard1n& the arrana•••at• which che Swedes have 111ade

&.t 8\lllapellt, Van IIU1clen appeare t o be t•111ar •ttb


\IJ '


'hue arran£11ca~• wblob include ~he reml.JI& or

preciaea b7 ~be Swedee, tbe 1aauance c~ Swedieh

pr~ect1ve c!ocumeata ~o various peraona, the

houatns or tbe peraona eo documented 1D tbo pre­

•1•u l .. aec!, and the plaoocent of' a Swedish pro-

'•ottve notice on thoaa pre•1•••·


• Schwe11, Hollsverem fur tud. Fluchllinge om Ausland


• \)

Montr..., • . ~9. Oktober HJ : l•' Co"ott~a

·~ -.,.,56 urd , .. , ..

~·· Wlla .., 1101 v...,. ·.r.9'~-A....,_ K.,.t1 ,......to~,

• Jir. Roawoll D. ~~Clellab! S~oclel ~aistant to the Ame~tean Ktnieter .!1 e r n

Setr g•ebrtar Y.•rr Kc"llll~nd,

wlr koz:en ~urUc~ auf lbre AnefUbrun en •om l? . da. und dank~n Ihnen fDr Ihre BemUhunsen bet~erra der uns•riaoban Kinder . lir slauben ~war, daet diaae PlKne 1ntol·e der derae1t1 en silit~riacbtn La~e in Ungarn kau= rea11aiert werden k6~nen . I~rtin =Ocbten wir ee oicht ~nttrlaeaen. unaer~ Anatrengo~en 1m Slnne der un YO~ 5ew-YDrk au,eg&D£0Den Iaa~ruktionen tort:uaol~ n . AUs dicee ~rulQe geaL a t,en w1r una,

Sie daraui aur-.~kaam au ~eben , daee elne ~eat tigung, wonacb die Kinder n1cbt ln der Sohwolt bl•iben, nloht genUgend tat und auob nioht den ~ord ·ung~n entaprocben, die die Deutacbc~ a~rgeatellt baben, um eiue eYtl. i\uarelee-Genebml;u~ !llr dlaae E.L.- a ~rteilen . Za tat nteht die sotseta allein, T o 4•r 4ie Verw1rk-11cbung 41eaea Planea abh nst; Die doutecben ~et.~rden eebainan Ttelmebr - wta auob frUber etnaal In ain•• ander~n Falla- die uarantle g~necht zu baben, d~a• ~Ieee ~inder niobt ap•ta . naoh dam Orient gea not •arden. Somit 11 re elo Xttolg nur dana 110gl1•h, ••nn """ ~u&­drflc~icb crklKrt, ~aaa ~lc Kinder apKter n~cb den ~~ g•bracot •erdoo. ~ne eol:he Erkl,run& acblleaat A t koi~on r-11 oine Ve~tl1obtun; tn 610b cln, Cenn wenn ~ie Kinde~ elo~l aua der de~teohen Gewal~ berauakomm~n •nd bier in dar Scbwoia elnd, k~nnen Jn die Pl~ne ohne wel~ereo n ch ~eli,ben ablelndert werden. Ea bandel~ alcb bier J• nur um elnen ••rkwUrdl en deuta~ben ~unn~b, an den wir una nl~la bnlten cQeoen.

~ua dieaam Urun3e, ~cbten •ir Ste, aehr geebrter Herr ~cClellan4 bltte~, Ihra Sobritte in dlaae= Hlnalcbt au erg nseo, tall• Ibr eratea ueauob nlcht xontorm mlt dlesur Anaioht ~ ge!•aat war , wail una a not Yon ~autecn. land ims!r -lade~ dieoe Auorede ent ~·n~~altan •trd und unnltu l!eH Ye-loran sebt. Ea ate Alao e no poa ltiYe Otter~e der Vereintcaa St u.ton iurch die obwei• ala ScbYt~cht aa die deutec~. Rt lerunc se­~cbt warda~. wo:scb otob die USA b rait erkllren, 6ooo untarlacba jQ41ao e Y.tnder autaunobmtn, • it a~r Erkllr~n , daao iieae nicbt n eb lem Orle~t sebraoht warden.

1 eebon Ihren wetteren entKe en und 2alcboen


hoc ba b t n.~ 'a.'!Wil.. ·. \

b •

0 •

l . 1

1. n W> loc n of L.:l.nooar n ' e u

an Y@:r all· r b7 Kaar.tr. on oc• . 9th.


&,000 11 n b 0 14 60 mrloye l an fo:.:·ti.t'icstion

" It in f?lm/.:1a"1 .

6 , 1f0 n'b of 1 an tO (tho~ w:l:thout II ~J.

n, tb.rl iel a1Jio plo il llt lUll" t 8'1: ,

o, i.n oroe labor c (h:rboitodionatl in noitbuorbccil

of Bu at ,

, 000 chillir • ld l" opl" and 1nvn11Ull n II t:l in

INba.r ot .Ill •

,000 ,...r za b'ol:l c t ri .11 l & bl v l-

to !'ll:liJll' Ti.A Au ot •

Qu It 0 II b~ t a a, in ..rt or • n .rwt• !C!!"

wort al •

t ur o.u 7000 HUllt1'l'1an

"&l&irk ien.

tllrt r 1? ,00 H. ' • nro in Auotri 111 varioac

CUI c no rn1.nc we ;v b n b01urin ' r o

-)}to 1 .r /1111.

'{~yc --



To :

Oocle :



Date : Ootobor M, 111&4 , 3 ~. 11.

No :

Charred to:


ot flepta::.ller £0, orporat~ AO. 178 frga

the War n.r1111•• 110< rd.

The Le1ntian ~ • o~i~ocl a note dAted

Ootober Z6 ~r~ th' Sw1ao whioh •~•Laa that ~ha

8w1u Lopt1Q:! 1D Berll.D orallr oo: mso.te4 to

tlla Oermn 'FC~reiol orrtu t.be aubatcnoe or the

rirat IIU., .. ocnd paragraph• or tile Doper~.=ont • a

telesr•c o1t&a ab~a.

Tll!tha:ot In 4uplleat.. to ~I

DDpJ' ~ Rill



ft IHt (,Ill 'f

h. ;Ullf.!IHS<:l'.!!n :'.J;oto !lUIJ.\l>I:~T 'IO,ITC!~ D:l.

'orr,~~· 7 lltT lOl£~Dl!'a I.!•Jrth€1ffbtc I lo . C'kt\lt-:.r 1L1·\

-uo~o ~, ..... ; ~t ~ ~4"·) • Au!rY! 1>11 alle U<:t;r.llc:ct.~~ !lel:~roltr:, l'llll tlr1~cl:.e Ul'l:l Pol1 &e1-0rt"tte, wit 11:uco an tllt· Huae;rle~to :

tc !:c. l'en~ dleoat cii e St

lllrto:-lcf,., u-.h F~LU! IIDd iitlatc:erti !J 'ott> atoll fUl tla. r. 1& Eu!~ze •;;lch t A~h~lu J'1ftn tct.t ·~~~~ Arbeth­b~rea~rto~eL •orde~.- ~t••·~~t~·<b•ften, ~-Jc~41Lte una lr ~ ... UJU. ll nd a h '-• hr Ho1la!. a11e1 ·.a •nt . 1

~.ct-u~A( ..._ ~.,JIV..

• ·-·

S<hweiL HollsvEteJn fur 1iid Flucf>tlinge om Au1land

• HI)U:S.

lei ..._ 6.10 56 """ UJ9t PotJ~-X..o.1to •lb ltw v..,...,.

r~. "'"' Adr..-. K,- ,.._.~

~-s_ ... _· _H_~~ Monfreua. les C h a.Jtr,.,

or aixtbo~sand b~ncJswa aent work copperminoa bor eerbi ro&ched tillt oday rou~bunired buobarsot and aeYe~ bund~eed t1~1eoara atop eeYenbundreJ bungJo•e aent work ukratna reacted tioteoara atop preoident ru::rechroes doc :or cart 1neecu ., 1elted rot'~;gooe aakeJ tbeo 1f wiab a paleat1no

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