+ the cincinnati herald social media strategies lauren justice

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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+ Facebook/Twitter In addition to keeping your current followers updated, you also have a greater chance of attracting new followers through their friends and viewers. A feeling of community is created through the use of these sites, and additionally the use of comments. Viewers will feel more connected and even can have discussions with each other. This can help the Cincinnati Herald find out what the public is interested in knowing and open up possibilities of future stories or follow-ups.



The Cincinnati HeraldSocial Media Strategies

Lauren Justice


The ability to instantly update your followers with breaking news, new content, photos, or videos.

Being able to link directly to your site from these accounts will increase the traffic and provide your reader multiple outlets to access your stories.

With an additional location you would have more ways to give followers stand alone photographs, videos, or text that may not be easily incorporated into your web site or printed paper otherwise.

Newly posted content on these sites will be instantly shown on your followers’ home page, keeping them constantly updated and aware of your publication.


In addition to keeping your current followers updated, you also have a greater chance of attracting new followers through their friends and viewers.

A feeling of community is created through the use of these sites, and additionally the use of comments. Viewers will feel more connected and even can have discussions with each other. This can help the Cincinnati Herald find out what the public is interested in knowing and open up possibilities of future stories or follow-ups.


50% of active Facebook users log into the site each day, meaning at least 175 million users every 24 hours.

Twitter has 75 million user accounts, with 15 million being active on a regular basis.

Purpose-built Facebook pages have created more than 5.3 billion fans. More than 80,000 websites have implemented Facebook Connect

since December 2008 and more than 60 million Facebook users engage with it across these external sites each month.

More than 65 million users access Facebook through mobile-based devices.

Information taken from Econsultancy, the leading source of independent advice on digital marketing http://econsultancy.com/blog/5324-20+-mind-blowing-social-media-statistics-revisited


Linking reliable blogs on your website will add more content.

Sharing information with bloggers will help promote your brand and increase the amount of followers.

In 2008, the first blog was awarded a Polk Award for investigative journalism

Blogs can be updated frequently and with more personal style, adding variety to your site.


+Reorganizing/adapting website

Adding a section for new photos and videos will visually attract people to the pages.

Links to other popular websites could be added under the “Links” page. Giving your viewer more outlets for information will help you gain support. It will also allow you to broadcast other issues that your publication believes are important but may not have the resources to cover.


Metromix creates photo galleries that include mostly photographs of the people in the community that attend promoted events. The personal attention given to the members of the community will attract them to your site. By giving them the additional opportunities through connecting on Facebook and Twitter, they will visit your website more frequently. http://cincinnati.metromix.com/

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