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""-ST . .JOHN, ~WI'O~ U




TO DID RD.ICIO~ !OFTL'< PARTY'S :RAC! , 'TO VL'IDIJCATJ: Til' OI'PIIU!l!D, UWR P.t:<CI J.< I:AC B. 1111$, 1DJSo\\ l\ ..UII AT 111 OtlD C(;Ltlli!C' D PAOJ:, 1 UIS Ir£C.tn 11<>11: I N l:OtlU, c;~ f QI.AGiliOLDAC!!

A reference to the last Repart will show that the Commi.ssibJters conteift'. plated, that in the erection lind support of a Light-bouse at Cape Pine, die neigbbourin" Colonies shbuld be called upon to take a concurrent p&!l:~ continue tm~uwged in r<.>gdrd to this intention, and th~ would therefore make the folloWing reeoni.inendat.ions in reference to it. • .

Iti the first }floce it seems td tbe Commissioners desirable that they shpuld , be authorised to open a ne~ocintioll on the subject with the Boards in the other Colonies, under such conditions ns it rimy be thought prq'par to point out. They would then call upon those Boards to seek similar authority from their Gov ... -

. The Cmnmissi()ners of Ligbt-lfouses beo- leave to ments, with n 1·icw to the adjustment of n basis on which the measure should

s ubmit the following Report to Yout• Excellency:-. prSuece;-nn armngement n;pettrs to the C<Jmmis5imlers the best thnt can be . adopted for the. promotion of this object-for if lefi to the Legislatures the~lves

']_,I 1£ nm;;olidation of t he Light Hot~e Boards by the net of the ·Leg islature much loss of time must uece~rily tnkc place. ~~~der tbe suggest~d mpilc in ·~9. threw upon the Cmurnissioi1ers the additional burthen of the Harbor the corre.spondence mny M opene.d by Ute Conun•ss•oners-fmch mod•fi~tlons C ruce J .ig-ht IJousC', nnd th is Ul1D:IIlicipata'd circumslllnce necessarily rendered effected lU the eropoJLs made by .the other ~onrds::: maybfi thonp-! dJ~d-~!~ the prO\' i ~itlll thl'Y hntlmodc for supplies of Oil. &c. insufficient for the now and fot~AU pra~ticable;:-and t~1C "hole mutter, per aps, 8.0 arm& e an inrrcnscd !Iemonds upon them.. _ ' the ne.xt ~eetmg ?f.the ~gts~tu.re, us to .need only t~tr approval d con-

l!uller these circutnstances the ,· fell themselves compelled to discontinue firmatJOn 10 carry tl mto Jmmedtale bpemlwn. I · • J • • • • 1fHQMAS BENNETT

for the Wlltler th:: use of two lamps 111 he ~·ght H ouse ut Harbour Grace C' . ,r c· . . 0'1' L .. g'lt u,..,;6s · 1 1 · · 1 h' rwu·mall 0 onmusstoners ~ ,, ,, nvu .... . Island ; ,!llld the) are 11! itJy 111 bemg ennble,d to state t tnt t ts arrongemell.Ji · · • , . -, / was carried into or1enitiOtl, nnd con tinued / Jntil Spring, -with9ut nny de tri- ~S~t~-~J~o~h~n~s;;,!!!· J~a;n~ua~r~y~~;;·~l8;;4~l.~!!!!!!!!!f!~~!!!!!!~!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~7.'t;!!!!!i!~!!' ment (as far as they tmve been enab!~d to nscerJp.in to tbe enero - -ol~ 1£i'gt1Jlatntt. tlto l~ns~ objec!ion to nwoit h;.;r!xeell ncr,r'un: l~~~ , • . . • .- _ _ swcr, he would therciorc nlliTic Tbura ay week

" In the Month of May last the Commissioners receiYetl from Eng lund 11 HOUSE OF ASSJDIDLY. for its committal. I • supply of s~· erm Oil fo~ the use of the Light Houses, but the co. t of this so far ll'li\IIr. Nb"ugbent Sllbid, thdnl exdpcctin~ theEdlectihon

I d t t f r. t 1 d t · 11 th th th t to e roug t un er tSCU);Sion to- ay, e cxceet ~ . IU o nny JOrn~er s oc <, au wns SO 1.na ertn Y grea, ... r · an ey l\IONDA Y, F£oat·.,nv s. had anticipated it by gi•·ing the notice alluded'> had nntlc•pnled, that thetr agent prQperly declined to purchw e the whole __ to, ond he then read it . . Statements had been qutmtit.y ordered, nud sent n part only to meet the immedintc wants. .Ur. Kent reported from a Committee nppoiot- matle of uhus~al '·iolenc~ hnv~ od:urred at

The Commissionen~ hnd long entertained the opinion; th1,1t the best Pale ed to wuil ·on Drs Excellency with 0 copy of ~e lnt~ Elccuons or Sa!nt t hE s ntld Hu bor Seal Oil might be brought into use in the Light Houses in this Colony, but Address to tho Queen, praying 1he seplil'n~on _;rt.cc,_,m

1 ttlhc

1. pccchtlwluch . 5 xfctcl lenSccy ~vns

fro . . fr . I . .· . . fi . r. f th L . I . . d E . . c· ·'I nu\'ISCu 0 c 1\'Crnt teopcnmgo IC aston, they were deterred m l1me to tune om actmg on t us optn10ll rom the-met o e cg•s nt1•e on xecuuvc ounc1 · 1. 1 • E . • 11 • ld t 1m r h of · f S Oil h · b · 1 1 .' h fi · Mr. Kent prescntccl n nctitioh from the Cndic~ ,.~t ns 11" -xcc en~) cou no 0 1f 0 t esc

n quantity o penn . _avmg een sent Wl.t.l t 1e llpn.rottL'> 111 t c 1rst .m- llfthe Dorcns Society: ~nd from Gcor e Win· ctrcumst?ncr.s ?f.h1s om•.knowlcd!:,J but mu5t 11Ulnc1.', as the only descrtpt1on thnt would be smtnble,-from a corrobomhve trrs nnd others· the former for 0 grnnt f,, nid of have dern·cd Ius mfor~nuon of the :rom, t h.o opinion expressed by the Engin~er who constructed the Light nt. Cnpe Spear, ihcJ'unds bf thnt Society, and the lnue.- for n ~ntemcn1ts ~[ ot~crs, 1~ wn~.n~ce:;ci th;:f t~)" llS well OS fron\ the common testimony of the severo! Keepers who a iWO)'S grnnl for the Road lending from the Dnm~ns . ousc, t tef. em crs 0

\\' IC f 'ib·-· r-d edc y t ' townrds 1r ·0 • £n.rm •gnomnt o any orcurrenccs o e ·m ea-

nffirmed thnt he character of the lamps was such as to forbid the use of anJ. M• n WI 8 •

1' d ~ 't' . · f '\" cribcd, be foro they attempted to ~ound up·

.J • 'f · · . , . urown prese9 c .. pe tuon rom • m. . . . ctthcr thnn penn Od, I the efficiCncy of the Ltght w~ to be nt .ull preserve . Phelan praying for remnnorntion for uuilding on them :'"Ill'\ n]~rntt~ns or thQ ext un~ laws But th~-pcnse under this bel).d hhd now betolnc ihtolcrable, nnu the Com- aBridge over the Gut nt Spnninrd's Doy. I ohnrittll~ ,subjcc.t~h lecliObJll~·d·s~?"~ rct,etve ~til\ . . ts ' 'hi I t d t1 . . . b I . I I._ I d Mr Nu e t . nvc notice of nn AtldTess to his t m.ormntiOn t at enn e IS • xqe ency to IDISStone c.ero;u ng no onger o regar • 1e opmtons 1y w uc t uey tU • g n g . . nrtil;_c nt the conclusion thnt such ii,Jtorohons

hitberto.been inlluertced, 'teso~o test t~e correctness of thei.r o'yn imp res- Exculcdllencdy forbcto1·".'d0Jbcro;''• pr,ny

11111g thnt ' .1•c wcrc(.necessnry.-Ho hnd used the pbmseology

Slon-:- a . ea ffilg' . e e . . nswer a . CJr purpose~. ey ~c- of(h)l ~~ch R"~Jorts nnd other .Docu~cnts 08 o 11s • xce ency s ':'pccc h'! •.s -.1 ress, m · th t c;: 1 Oil · ht b t II th . Th wo or cr to nt tore t 10 ouse cop1cs . f J . E _, 11 1 ~ h. h' A'dd . ~ ( cordmgly tned the expenment y llghtl~ ~'1"0 ordtnnry Lamps--the one Wtlh ha\'C com·eycd 10 his E:w;llency the inforlnn- r~e! ~.c better to cx·prcss t c obJCl:t the Houso .

Seal and Ule other witlt Sperm Oil-nod this t roviug Siltisfnctory to their Y)ew tion thnt soimdnlous cv~nts hn.ve IJ1tc1y ol:currcd tn~r·n n' ICW. I . Bill I . tl en er!; w <.>re I nmeu~ e Y nc \ er tset 1{!r or ll supp Y 0 e n w , t h be' 'b"( d b C bo' Benevolent Irish ociety Incorpo\'ntion Act T d . ., .1' t I I ' t ' I r. I f th p~~l o·t' 0~1\H iol Electio~· Oil ~at tcrocioull conduct •. II r. oylc brOil!{ It Jll n to ercp run 10

fc: tl · · 1 L ' h H r. 1 · h fi · h \; en,o,d u t e y :1 m9 nt ar nenr1 or • • , or IC .. C.OllSUmptiOn 0 .t Je . tg t. .OI:::Ses ·~ O!le rear, w HC was rnts .e ~t tbnt in tho 'two gre t D1~tdh11 of tho Colony whiclt.wns r~d n first ltntC. To bo rend 1\ Be• a reaSdnnble rate.-The Comnltsstoners tmmedintely ordered tl t thts II i~bich retu~.h Seven of the Finccn )!embers of con~e.!OI\ Thursaay next. . :;hould be !Jsed in the seve raJ Establishments, nrl<l_ they aro hll,PPY fo state t9nt which lhe J;lollB~ .is cotnpb!SCd; ,Elections can . On !"ol<ion of~r. Wioscr, tho Houao resolved the result ltos beer1 fully f;ttch as they could han! desired. An importRht ?';!lf-bc :\IV'tt!clon,undorprotcetiOII of~nyo?cts, Itself ll~to Cummlttce. or tl!o Whole ?n Ronda

· · li ' · · ' · f t~ ordt:f lhht thll H9uso inny be put m n sttua· nnd Bndgca. Mr. W mser 10 tho Chntr. ~vm~ t~ e~eby effe~ted Ill l he ex.pcndtture, beu~g ~t a calcula tiOn O the co;;t tion to bC. able to jud e correctly of the neccf- Mr. Kent proposed that £10,!>00 be appropri­bf then last 1tnportat~ou, not les.'>, t~n~ .£400 Sterhng, per nunum. · sity R_(Jilllkiag-1my :fterotjon in tho cxist!ng nt<'d to tM general Ronds of tl1e countrt, onil

In the R eport w htch the Comllll...<:&~oners hb.d the honor to lny }>eforc Yo~ prnctibe'With respect to .the manner of bol<ling £5000 to the PlncentiaRond- thonrrnngemonta · E..'C.cellency on tbb 6th Jnn. lust j they took 9CCllsion to point out W)lnt seemed Election~ in New~oundl~nd. . i~· tile ~nsc of the Placentia Rond t~ be left en­to them .the great-necessity for the ~>.stnblishinent of additional Light-Houses in . Mr. Wmser.s ~ill to gJ_Vo s~~mary protccuon ttrely m. the hands of 1hc E~ocutl\'e .. If tho

. . r. . IOJiersoBs P.rmtmg LegiJ!Intii'C pnpers, nndMr. construe bon of tl10t Rond were thrown mto tho the Colony, pRrtJculnrl y qn the prolmne.nt l}eatllnnds o.flluccnlloo and Cnpc Pme; Nugent's Jury Bill were read n thnd time ,and hands of the E:.~cnti,·e they could RfOCUJC sci-and they have to regre t tllflt tb the SUbJeCt J11atter of that report WOS qot aCCOrd- passed. , . entific charocters to' superintend th~ wo~, and ed the nttention \vhich, in their r stilnat jotl;J its importance demnnderl . They Orderell;'\hat.thea be token up to tlto Couoc1l depend upon it, they wou!d be nblc(tp execute conceive however thnt they -t\rould be wanting in their duty to tbe public did by M~.~ser nn , lit!. Nugent. the work ~~tcr nnd more cconomcnlly than th .' h' ' -· ·· f · · · h b' fi Mr. ~9 .· eralp~1lls ~o renew tho Qunmn· our Gomm1sstoners. I ey Omit t IS opftorttmtty 0 .11ghtn bnhgtnff t c flU JeCt 0 1'\111\Td ; nnd thd!Jgh tine :Act regullilo tho ElectiQos-to moko ..... Br d . th'" J. • r tl

h I · · d 'd · -~:-f · 1u r. own ~oncurre tn " ''f.WB o to a-.,~U?e t a t 1etr u~ehons o hot erhbroce t 1e fOhSt em lion o such qhestuins, Tunks~~ Reae!foir~, ant t~ renew the A.ct for hon. member for St. John's, tl1oy ou~hJ to len,•o still do thef feel wtth how mnch proprie ty they ·mny make th~~elves the \he. Rehe; pf ,:w1,es ud. h1l~ren. de~ette~ by to t'hc Executive the appointment to all tho offi. Instruments by \vhich to d.rnw attention to them ii:t the legitimate qurirter. ihclr Hust>a~n~~ ~ Pueotll1 were relpeclively ccs in thQ ijill for the Plnceotia ~ot~d, while .~ith this view ihey-wotil~ submit to Yo~ Excellency, thnt th~ misc.l ~efS rencf0

11 ~O:S:: ~h~~· the Eloction Bill,1le com- ~~Y could Crume the gcner:U Bill as ,they plqos-answ-g frolh.the want of a L1ght on Cape Pme-beforc · so acknowledged- mitte~pn Thul'&<ioy next, l'tfr. Keot roao.,to su a - M N. h ht b · b . f L - b f 1 · . I . . ol..,. r. ugcnt t nug y th_o Q Sfrvallone '0

,... Ul.LVC een rendered J;DOre nppa.rent by t he events o t 1e past year- for seldom "est, It propne >:·of deferr.mg lhe ~ofnutt n the bon. gentleman who hadj1.1a~ ~~~~- down that before ·we.re the losses of Lite and ProP-erty in thnt Vicmity-so great within any ~~t.tld long~ ol This .. wo,~,B~ PElpoa~to ~dl& they cvtemplated Two Road Bille, t11o ode for eqU.Ill ~ime .-That n. rccJRTence of ~ci1 evils may be ~ainly 'Prev~nted by the ofth~'&,~n~'•t==~tb~~ ht w::: tbc trao:: the PUi\ entia Rond ani the .other Cor the geno­estabhsbment of a Light, (together WJth a Bell. to sound m foggy weather, which ~t funher IDIO it aome''aonomblo entlcmllJI ral noo.tda. He ,(Mr. N.) sm.c~elyh hopccltb~ the Commissioners would propose to have associated with it) few will fQr n mo. ~ttgbt to move for l~orinai'i~o from tl~ Exccu· tio:~~~~~!~! n~~:teh~ ';:,it :~~~!d mont be inoHne<l to doubt ; and shall it be said tHat such aesiderata shall COD· ve as to lho ncee~llty of IIUCh alterations. t'hat such an ana~ment would tntail upon the tinue to go unsupplied. • • Here Mrt ~~g11nt .O~"ed, that. bo ~1r. N .) eountry the lou of th~ sene raJ Jtoacl Bill. The

. . . . . . . . bad~d. g iVcll n~ftee ?fllddreae to t~l offcot. F;f,ome Ool"emment had, <fU'Ongly N!elltrl!nendecl But the Comrmss10ners cannot l ose s1ght of the pecultarly'fnvouroble piOSJ- ~~· Kent,~• glad bJaJJononblo fr..Hlnd. bad tJie eonatruction.oftheJ;llaeeoti11 Roftd, tho local

tion in which they now come fonvtud to renew this proposal ll'hc operation autlclpal~cl him. . Tbat Wu the r~pcr CO~IAl E:xeoutlvQ urged it 'and tho'Council aanetioned of the New Acr h al>, within ~he past year, produced a great increase of Revenue 10 pur~d· for until thoy ~d •11e informat ~ it ;-o~i'then there(ore, lo•t: the t?PporiU!IIty

th L . ~ h r• d · 1 · b b tr ed · how eow they g 0 on 1 ~ of pass•bg thcU" .genoral Bill by the mteftlon in · to e .'gut- ou~s; an moreover, a J?18tena llllVlDg as cen enc~t Jn the Mr. Sol. Genen~ waa uot aware that v~~uch. it or an ite~ wbieh th~ Council could not.re(oto expenditure, which must g~ far to lacilitnte the suggcJ:ed un.dc~'!!g. ~ollc~ ~cl been giYen, ba• bet~~~ no~.ha_•~ ~bur, if the:' sent up

1soparate P lll•/po dou~

. - t . /' . 0 .. . . ~~~~~~·~~------~ ..




t~ Plncentia Road Bill woul~ p:-ass, and thelpeared for the moti~n Threo-again~t it Seveo1 geneies of tho several Dist ricts ns follow a :- majority of the House, he had gathered that other be los t, ns it had been the two .suct:essi•·e so it p:~ssed ne~tively. ; St. J olin's 15 1·2 pqr cent they were by no means wedded to the Bill Sessions before. .\s to the amount, tie thought . For the motion. Agninst thl! D'!otion. CQnception Bay 11 do. belPre the Council, but would, if• it should that the sum of Twenty Tho!!Slnd Pound~ Mr. Sot .• Generul Mr. Brow!\ Ferryland lese than 5 · do. "'iail to' pass, divide it inlo two/ ' And Wherer should be gr~cd for Ronds, £ 13,r,oo for the " Kent " Power Bona vista over 4 do. as such n statement, ' made with such o. eem· genernl RonUs, )l5000.for the Plncentin Ro:~d, " . Nugent \ .;- " Doyle Foll'o No Expeoditore blnncc of such on authority, moy be calcu-und f:- 1,500 for tt\c--Rontl fror?l Renews to T,e· " Winser Trrnity Boy 10 1·2 per CCII\ bted to impede the pnsS:lgc of the st~id Bill, pussy, n Ro!ld jus t ns inrportanl r(s the one to " l\foore St. l\Inry's and ~ 7 through h~r Majesty's Ccuncil. And Where-Plneentin. f Ho mentioned £13,500 for the Ge- " Butler . Placentia '' ~ per c~nt a~ it is important to remo,rc auch ticimpres· nernl Ho:ad~ bcr nusfl t hnt wuli the Sum mention- . · ' Dwyer Durin · 6 1·2 per cent s ton. ed lost year when tho Colony_ w::~ in debt, un,l l\It\..f':9tgcnt's Jury Dill oiid Mr. Winscr's Mr. Brown snid he was told thnt t~S:lme rRcsotved, therefore, that it is not t e, t~ lie-. could see no rcuson now'ror molting it lcs~, Pnrl.iatilentlll'y P!liJt!.rS Bill were t ken up to' the estnblish!"ent w:ts kept up lnst yenrnt $t olrn's the statement abol'c mentioned or nny o( tho ,\•hen their Revenues wen: so 'flouri shing. Council. when there wns almost no money to ex· same effect or tehdcncy wns made by any

Mr. Moore n reed u 00 the im ortnnce of ~Jr. O'Brien presont~d n p'lltition from J 9hn pcn~ed, as \vhel} all the Roads were going on- members of this House. ~ . 1 g . P b bod P. 11 i Foote and others, proyrng for a grnnt fot.--\he 1f tilts were the ease, fhc h ouse ought to look to 1\Ir. Kent second ell the ReaolutJOn. , He woe

RSCCJldrml;l' l le Br~liCI absurc,~ Yd.em l ylmfg n lllC Poldng Path Rood. . : / it in order to pre vtnt l!UCh nbuscs.in future. • g lad tl:tis Resolution wns brought fq£wnrd, be-

Oil s II\ one I Ill •~ . rssen Cl POrn I lC A · · f 'V J d l •~ 'V' d • ' ld h h ffi ' · r • 1 f ' d ' 1 . R d petrtron rom m. oy a.n ot 1crs, pray· 1ur. · mser wns prep:trc to any thnl the on· cause tt \\·ou D\'C t e c cct of puttrng n stop phoprre Y

1d0 b ex pen '

1'd1g :my 1 dung 0

111 n Ton ing ror n g rant to repair Princes Street, was gi.nql eslllblisbment Wl!!l kept up, nnd, nit bough lo the utiderhoiid practices of horr: members.

t nt won c so sc om usc ns t lilt to re· db h h 1 h h 1 1 · · u 1 d"d b · . ... prcsentc y t e same on. gent emnn. t e ousc, ast year, w len pnssrng n Btl I to re'- ne, 1owever, 1 not elrc,•e the i!!esent etote• posse}· And nlso, a petition from Peter Doyle, Moses gulate that establiihmcnt hod ,expressly refused ~ent-for his part he had never.Qscd nny ex·

On the' motion of :\fr:- ' ugcnt, seconded by Power :~nd others, praying for o grant to ~to vote 11 S3.1ary·foi 0. Secrctnry, on the 'ground pr~sion of the kind, and he now thought tho l\Ir. :\Ioorc,•dmt £ZO,OOO be g rtintctl for making pair the Road from Sutnt John'4i 'to Torbay. · that ns the Cbnirm~ rttccived n llolnry of £150 only means be nnd every bon. member of tho nnd repairing Ro:~ds Streets nnd Bridg¢s inth · Mr. 1\ent prcscnl~d a pe.tition from Thos. fol' doing almost nothing, it would hardly ads! House hnd of prol'ing their innocence of ao Colony the ltou~c cU,·idcd, when there up~- Houlten !lDd othefll\1)royinf{or ·a gnnt to re- to hie trouble to perform the functions of Clerk, st~ng a charge was to \'Otc for 11Dd support thn& ed '\ . . . pnir the way from w nter•Street to Duclcwortla· yef, he found by the Accounts that it WDS in ResoTution.

For-;'he :\lotion. .\ gainst the :\lotion. Str!!c:, ncar l\Iessrs. Robinson and Brookin('s vrun for.tlut bouse to refuse.to provide for on :Yr. Sol. Gencrul prcsum~d thia statement Prem1ses. • office, evtln w&l!rllt \VIII notonously not wruttcd was founde4 on o conversation that occurred

:.\lr. l\'ug<'llt " ~loorc

.:Ur. pcnkcr Mr. Moore proposed thO se~ood reading of when they bod an Executive ready nnd willing, in the Speaker's Room a do.y or two ago upoq " ~ol. Gen. the Fishery Bill. norn;thstanding their refusal, to issue Wnrrant that 11uhject, but there WllS no mention whatever " Kent. l\Ir Btown was of opinion, that the Bill now every month for .£8 6 8 11.1 if thot e~rn,•ogont mnde of sending up two Bille. He (the Sol. " O'Bc-1~ before the House, could not be entertained fur· ..Jaiy bad been voted and for doieg oothiDg General) then expfeeae.d his opillioa tba& dle~e " Brown ther, in conscquen~:o of the appointment of a too. 11.tould have been a separate BiU to Dulelllllii'J " Doyle Committee to bring' in n Bill upon the subiect Mr. Browu thought thot under such circum· the Governor for advances made in eoaipliajaae " Power -he would recommend having the pro.ent Bill atanees the Chairman-of Audit had not done hia with an Aadress from Eight mem'ben or die

- " Butler. '-'-· referred to that Qommil.teo.. . duty-he should h;avo moved an Addreae to tho House. . ., So the qu~stidn was lo•l, o.nd I hen the Commit· Mt. Moo.re ha~ objection. to. thta course, Governor requeattng to.know out bfwhnt fund i\lr. B~own \ \'Ill glad to bear the esplaatioD1 tee \•otcd t.hnt there be Two Dills one for although he could not h elp tlunkmg, that the those sums had been prud. beenuse at proved the falsehood 6f the ,.ned £13 500 and the other for £ 5000 for tho Placen· prcsent'Bill might In committee be m11dc nvllil· Mr. Kent could not concci,·e how it was !lOs- statement, and abowcd that ovc:ry one who took tin Road: able to lbc 5lmc pdrpos6: . sible that •his Excellency should continue an part in that con\"er!l4tion \~faa bound to support

Mr. Nugent moved in nnlondnient \bat the establiehment1 which the Lcgislnturl' hnd so the Resolution.-He (Mr. Brown) was ef opini· ~Ir. ol. Gencrnl rno,·od, !iCCondcd by .Mr. Bill be referred to the Committee alluded to. strongly signified their wish should be confined on thnt the Bill befpre tho Council ougtit to

I<ent, ·. Mr. Moore \vould ask when it wns tho inten· to the murowes~ lim'ite. pnss, but then, bo too, waa of tho opinion OX•

That ~Ir1 Richard Holden, J un., be appoini· lion of the Cominit~ec to sit upon the. subject Mr. \Vinser .::.The Uousc would rl.'collect !]1at pre.sscd by the Sol. Gencml, 11nd Jtc believod ed to prcpnrc a geuer:~l Index to the Ac;ts of - Who was the Cbntrmnn of the cot;rmttteoe 1 lost ye~r he had opposed ond succes~fully, t~o, ~hot eve~y mem~cr of the Hous~ eoneuz:ed in the Legislature. i\Ir. Kent.-lli. Nugent was Chairman of the the \'Ole for a Clerk, for he tho,11ght the Ch:ur· rt-thnt 1f that Btll were unhnpP,al)' lost, at was

'I ~I . . 1

Committee. mo.n had so little to do a Clerk was unneccssarr their daty nt once, to pnss n U11l of indemnity · : · · oprc .sa' c notre<.', t lnt ~n to-morrow, ~r. Sp'l!akcr.-No, ~fr. Solicitor Gener:l! is and the House thought with him-but, n ot only for the Go,·ernor, nJ..J imrncdi:Jtel~· P.lnce \~

he '~.ould mo' c 011 Atld~css 10 Ius E xcc!lcnc.y,, thc Ch31rmnn. . • did his Excellency issue his Warrant for the. bnl:mco pf the Contingcnci~s in the Brll of Sup· ~rll)ol~lg f 'th~tR 0 • d~Pf ~1. ttc rep·o~t ;:;. ~h~ ~ur· Mr. O'Brien-;-That's sing ular,as Mr. Nugent Clerk, but Cl'er-y other officer th:'l ~ !'.ad been in•plr, rtnd thns fore:: :: ::p:m their successors m ~y H 0 1

lc 0

'1 0 111 15 0 On} e 1 e or~ wns the mol'c r nod ought to bnvc been the chair· the Act of los t ycnr e:tcluded. Ht: (.llr. W.) the next Asscmblr, if the Council shouJd net so

1 e .ouse. man. though it his d:oiy to rcpo~t that in addition to unreasonably as to deny the payment of tho Adjourned. Mr. Speaker-No, I plnced ~r. Solicitor'Geo· ::te s:Unries to :llr. S. J. D:~nicl, to :Ur. Hadden, just dcbfs of.thc Asscmblr, c·:cn at the last bou~

cml nt the hend of the committee. Mr. Byrne, ~lr. Tobm, ~Ir. I<ened;r, nnd :\Tr. of their mccti r>g. For hl!l p:1rt he woald nc,·er Mr. Nugent said h e had proposed :)lld 1\Ir. Eagon, which had not been provided for, Ir is consent to nny other tlrran:::cm~nt .

/ TliESD.\ Y, feb 9· O"Bricn had seconded tho Resolution, hut l\Ir. Excellency also issued his Warrants for lnr~te :\Jr. " ' inscr supported the s.rrne \'iC\\1s and .llr Sol Gene I' B'llto d b L C O'Brien hod been thrown off the committee alto· sums under the head of~Contingcnc ies, for ~aid he was nlwnys of opinion that the Go,·er·

At.t i · t' rn sd 1 ndm~n 1 0

1 .nwd 0 "Ctl:icr, nnd i\Ir. Solicitor General mode Chair· which he wps notj'ustificd the Act. no; should be held lr:-al'lnlcs~, nh h .. ugh he con· nc.1men was rca n sec on trmc nna or cr· " S • · . . d · d 1 h · · 1 f 11 • cdtobeco~m·1 , d Tl d ' .. ' rMnby~lr. penker. Mr.Powersccondcd the rno!lonto go rnto cmnc strong yt ep~rncrp e o u .. owtogmcm;

1 . c on lurs ny ncx.. .i\tr. Sol. Gencrnl would not be rcndy to toke Committee, but gnvc woy to · • bers of the Ass~mbly, cut of Sosston, to plt·Agi.J Mr. Winsc~ prc~cntcd n pc~ition frora }lichl; l thnt Bill into consideration befor.o Snturdny. Mr. Kent who mo,·cd, scconucd by Ill r. Pow· tho House to ?ny course. ·

I<:earnc;r, Shrpwrrght, prayrn; th:~t n cer t:un Mr Nurcnt moved nn address to the Gover· cr, thnt the Report of the Chairmnn of Audit Mr. Power, :\lr. :P6ylc nnd lllr. Dwy~r, tool; ,pteco of groqnd at tho South S idp th:!t had be'cn no), in nccordnnco with the Notico mentioned on th e Roads Expenditure be. rioted. the opposite \'icw, but nil otrongty c.lemcd tlrnt used formerly ns a Dock Yn~d fbr tfie Nnvy;- be in"Mofi~·swoeeod:tug..-. ~- 'Pb.c:. Houoo· 1lu.a. .... ~ · in thnt c'onvcrs:~tion :my w ent ion \l'::s .o ,6( appropriated as o Public Dock Yard. ' Mr.ldoorc moved, nu addreas for a copy of o~ mo.tio~ of Mr: B rown, t~1e wn of£ 13,500 sending np ~wo ~ills. , · \ f

The hon. Gentleman wo~ld take this oppor- the Rond Surveyor a Report of the RondG of wus p rstrrbutcd as1follows, v r~·-- . l\Ir. Sol;crtor-Gen~rn., r.t lcngt~ , af!c'r n ong tunit 0 r elicit in the 0 inions CSf hon M~ . tile Isln.od. St. John ~ • £ :>, •.J0 drscusston, mo,·<'d thot the con~erauon o tbu

..., bers ~~~ ~he aubj!ct bef!rc b; sh au!J ;dopt ::' M.r. Sol. General's Dills-to renew l~c Qan- Concep!. Unr ·~1500 Rcsolution.bc c!cfcrrccl t ill ~.londay neM which.. • cottrse res "Clio i't Y renttne Act, and to protect d~tscrtcd W1vcsand Pl(lccntr. nnd l was seconded by ~Jr. ~Ioorc .

P~ g · \ Children, went through committee, and were · St . .Mary'• I 750 .:Ur. O' llricn was, perhops the most disinter-:Ur. Brown Willi' of opinion that the H ouse ordered to be rend n t.hird t ime ~-morrow. Ferry land !lOO ested person in tb.c hou~e with rc~pcct to the

could do n othing in this mn.ttcr. Tirey had .no The Rouse tnen ndjourncol to tlvchty minutes Trinity !\00 Conting ency Dill, ami he h:-aJ nc,•cr used di-land, un•Jer their contronl, nnd thc~cfore could before 12 to-attorrow, in order that i\lr. Speaker Bonn,·istll 500 rcctly or indirec tly the expre~sio!t complained do nothing.-~e rcerettcd it, because he and the whole House should wait on th~ Gover· Bnrju . 4 00 of or any thi~g lilce it, .bu.t still, he thoug ht th!l tbo~:;ht the obJect extremely useful, but what nor with an address to she Queen, praytng ~ se: The RoY<! to l Z3:) present n serrous Re=olutron, nn1lth:11 no harm eoiU4 they. do 1 )!r. Kearney m:ast apply to paration of the Council, and. to reques t tbntHiS Henrts Content S could come fr om ndjourning it to next :\Iondny. 1he Executavc. Excellency would tnu:lsmit it to the Sec rl!'tary Do. to l'icw Hurbor 130 For the Amendment. AguinsuheAmendmcnt

Kr. Moore.-~! :Yr. Kl'~rncy ukod, was of Stote for presentation t~ Her l\Iojc!sty• From Cnt~~inn l 120 ~~~· Soi.·G ~n: · il~;· :-.:ug crit .-neoiDIDODdataon of the House to his Excel· --- to Bonn\ rs ta S Moore Kent ~had already Petitioned the Gover· WEDNESDAY, Feb. 10: A cdrl\'crsatior~ ~1orc occurrt!d in ,\·hich )Jr. :• Butler :: B~?"-n ·; 1101' and his Excellcncv Jud refeued him tb the rdr. Speaker reported that the whole HtlJSc: Speaker, llr. SolrFrtor Gcncrol, ~Jr. I<cnt-nnd · D"Ter ").tlSCr Anembly · · had waited on his Excellency with the address Mr. Pow~r took n. prut on the appointment of u " Doyle " i\Jc(lnrthy

• to tile Quen on the separation oft he Councils, Reporter, to whir.h subjec t )lr. Solic itor Gene· " Power "' Mr. Nugent WO~ suggest that the proper wWoll'ftlkcelleney was plensl!d to an~ lie rnl coiled the nttentipn of the Housc-~Ir. .. o·n~·en • . ..

c~e .to pur~o ~ ·~nder olfcctttally to secure .Oulcl tnnsmit to *e Secretary. ~f State bfthc Spenkcr observed thot .he had not mndc nny ~lr: Doyle's enc~ol.cnt ! ~ish ~cicty Inc or: thisdearablo-Otrt>lic amprovcm~nt was, Cor the first o~rtuoity1 , . appomtment from the drfficulty he found to fix pornuon Act E . onntron Btn was rend A so· \ hon. l\Iean~"r lDr rf'rryland to mtroduoc an _Ad- 1\fi. ugenl., froni a Deputation oppoi!n to on !1 competent person. cond time: : dreu, prnylllg the Government tO'itfllll~ aece ,\oliit on isEuc;.llencywith an address, r C!st- Adj. to to-morron·. · :\h·~ McCnrthy gn'·e notice of an Address, of Ground fOr the p11rp<1$e of a Publr , 'og His Excellency would inform the use ' --- prnyinl. R c!.urns explunatory of the expenses of (. Yard under whntover ~itntions Her jeltf ther any o.nd whnl steps ho.d been lf ·en THURSD;\ Y, F I:::. 1.1. Hnrbo; Grnce Gnol, · ! bould pleal!ct to eetabhsh. He (l\Ir. Nugent) witli reference to tho Report of aCommtttee !llr: Brown's Vacation of members scats Dill ) Ir. O'Brien here again pressed on the nttcn· . ~ould hearuly support that course. df tho House on fho considc;~tlon 61 n was read n third t ime and vasscd. . rion of m.cmbcrs.thc subject o~ the ~ishj:ry Bill,

!fr. Winaer WM much plepod with t,e pro- Rct.am of . Fees m!\de lnet Seaaqn tlie :Yr. ~ol. Genern.l'~Almst'Housc 'Dr II wns read ~\-bcn .nn rntcrestrn~co.ll\·crsauon ~~ tt oecurrt'd_, poaition of hia Hoo.orable 'Ctiend nod shoul Polrce .a!n.gtstrotes or St. Jorm•-, r OflC t]laln first trrnc. ~nd hrs ttnchmcnt Law amend- rn whrclr i\lcssrs. 0 Brrcn, Kent, " IDSCf Brown; avail himsOlf of the hint. •

1 His Excellency replied. ' !Bat the epo h\ d menl Bill went throu h Comittce. anti Nugent tonk n R-·u t. ·

, . • . . · been referred to tho Pollee Magi.tratea, and Mr. :Uoorc's Bill to nmcnd the Whnlc F ishery · IV't-'R!DA Y, F eu. l!t' . )Ir. 0 Bncn ihought :h~ pr•pos rtron of the tbe'ir cxplaoati.o.n had lleen ll[ltisfaqtory, u ~r Act. . · lHr~hker laid se,·cml pnpcrs, 'Cornmunica·

hon. i\lember for St. l\Iary s was tho .best. that a.S they were concerned, bot \hat tll'e Clerk of ?II~;. Kent p resented n pet ition from :\lr. James ted by tbe Go,·ernor, before thl' Honse, among co~ld be adopted,-that rt ~ a subj ect tnter• the Peace luld lJI:en negligentofhis.duty, which Tobin, proying the exemption of the :\lnit1others. nn interesting Report of the state of tho e;•ttng to tl}e who~e ~olll!"uruty, but 010re pa:r· neglect \Vll&CiHeeremedieCf «ritbout_injuryto th Pot:l;cts from Light Ho~n~c and Pilot dues. Roods of the Island. " . trcuhl~ to the Shtppmg tntercsts, and the PrAY' Public ana tho! officer WD~ admcniialu!d as to • ~fr. ~ug~..-rt!ad the Report of 11 Speech of l\Ir. Nugent reported the followmg 0115\'(Pr of e; of 1 r. Ke:1rn~y had come Dc:fore th$m sane· trls fot:UC conduct: . :- . ..~ t.hc Color:rtnl Trens~er, nlloged to hove been his Excellency to 110 Address of the Houa~, ae

. ~~oned ~ the Sagnnt~trcs of seve~! of tlie most Mr. Wioser mo\•ed theHouile mto dom~lt(<!c made on Tuesday rn nnothcr B rnnch of tho follow&-mfl~ntral l\I~r_chnnts of S t. J ohns. Mr. Nu- e111 Ronde and 'Brid es. Legislature, wherein n statement wns mode, G£1i'TL£lt£~, . e-ent 8 .ropoartron however, woul~ be. cxcc.ed· i\:lr. Moore woutf suggest that until the Re· whi~h, if really us~d in the Cpuncil, must hn,•c The ecnndnlous O\'Cnts whrch occurred nt two mgly lr ely ~0 procure forSt. J ohn s r.n •mprove• porl of the Rond Su~veyor upon the Roru!s of the efiect of impeding tho. Contingency B,ill, pn.rti~l Elcction!P during the lotc recess-tho ment 80 destroble. the Cojony wlls recetvcd, they w<-'rq .not rn n and therefore, be thought 1t th.c uuty of. tho fcr?ctons conduct of n roo~ nt C:trbonc1r, by

Mr. Winscr wns hnppy to sec the unanimity proportatate of preparation to go into the subject House to tol<b some step to set tho mnltcr rtght. whrcl~ one of those Elc~llnns w~~ ~cn~orod that pervaded the House upon this subject and ofRoctl:ls. Besides, they ought to h11ve before It was hi~~y improper if hon. members ~bould nbortl\·c- nnd the ~eccssrty of lltihta:r mtcr; 1\o handed inn notice thnt on tO'morro\~ he them thnt Important information which the in thl\t' Ho~support Bills, ond then slip be- fcrcncc and protcctrott O!! these occasrons oro

• should muvc for nn AddresM upon it. · ' Chairman of Aut! it dould t\ve thc'm of the ex· hittd the door lo co~demn them before Legis· mnltcrs of JCI)eml notortety. · M I{ . . . penditnrc )under this head which would guide lativo Councillorn He wduld propose a Reso- I consiaer thnt the docutnentsalrendy before

R 'bor. Be~t U}\Odn p~esentrng .0 pet rtron from them ns to tho ncccssitl o

1f ndo~· tio• n!eane of lution therefore to try the opinions of members the Houscnrcsuffic icnt1ydemonstrntivi! oftttoso

o rt rme ~ Oh•cr~ prnyrng that 11 sum be < • • " ·' • ' • 1 ..t:. 1 d' 'I d · th · of d ' ,. d I b

. C stonnttf,. the l!xorbrtan dx1cn ture under thc:l - Ius ob•cct was ant Je 1crst p nee, to ·~cover evt s-:m , rn c c:occrcrsc my tscrc ron Ull· grante to remove t leo structrons' o snow r r "- . . . . . 0 ' · · ' - ' ·' ' · • h 1 b' d th · · · · t f (h C I hi h · d d I! d' ffi 11 h bend ofContrngenctea, wh1c , m some tstrrets, theist, tf any tbcre wore, who were rn t e 111 11, er c cxrsung ctreums nnccs o e o ony, "' c unpe be t d 1. crent pn~ llll'cs to 1 e particulult that of St. John's, wns ew111lo ing Session nf'torScssiotl, of thus undermining men· 1 must decline com'plinnco with this Address, !'0 od

1 ., there1 1a1~ffin enl ng thhe brrng rng odut.L~ up that money which the Lelrialnture! inte!ndcd surf's thnt the'/ pret~nded before tho nubl ic to believing that no gdod could result to the com-

,ue extreme y r cu t to t o poor move uwt . 1 bl' P H r~ d 1 ·r "'- · f h bl' · f 11th Re • be 1 Co 11 . dleclusrvc y for thO' pu rc tmprovcment. e promote 110 m the next/ nee, r lou; 114atcmcnt munu.y rom t c pn tcatton o n o prescn· ,....\ ~essage I!CD~ 10 ~'ddr onc• rhqGstmg understood thnt fhe'b:rp.eneca of the St. John's were no~ made, it woul hove tho effect thl! tations~h!ch I hnvc rucch·cd on this ~ubjc~t.

t ear coo~unr-ce m on ~~~ to£~e ovhr· 'Bonrd amounted to no less a sum that! <7\'er 15 pfo~pt conectio'ri of the.misreprcscntntiop. So c nnced an1 I of the nbe?lute necessity nor,,PH.Yrng un to npprop~t:He . 10 1 31 per cent. on the whole vote. - , The follow.ing is the Rcsclutron :- of 911 o cndmc'!ll of the E lec tion Lnw, thnt I ser!lcc, rand tt?at thl e ru,lle ~hrho.h requnes n dt~y'1 e Mr Winaor wos ready that n\ommlt to i ' ve Wher(las in the PnJriQI Newspaper of ycis· vail mvsclf of this oppurtn.ni~y to &tate that notrced 0 'ho :,0" \:ou d, 1h ~- '5 respc.ct, ~e dh tlle r~uisite itfformntiOn)lpOn that bead. he t~rday, it appears reported, that tho hon. the should, imhotJpi\r,no l-egislative Ennctment'bo ~se .wat ' ut ' dt cue rvpen5lllon ° not syatcm of St. John's \Val one of waste o the .. Treasurer, hnd stated in his place in another m'lde during this So~ston to secure t.h«!i. freo o;c·

""' mto 01 preco ent. ppblie inoney which tl1oy ought to forbid.-= .Brandt of the L egislature, with rcfcr.rnce to crciso of the .Frnnc~rsc ond .the pubho tronqutl· ltr. Nu_gent, ,,It;.. O'Brien, i\lr. ll'~oore, nnd Their clllabh ahmerrt .was n01. o11ly more e_xtra- a Bjll before h er Majesty's Council, ..,.or pro- lity in f~tu~e Ele.ch~ns, 1 wtll not ~ndcrtakc t~t

Mr. Sol. Gonorolaupported the motJon on the vagant by a h.nndred per cori'e'tbtin nil tho other viding fot the Contingo\)1 exponse11 of tho 4th relspoosrbllrty of tiSUtog ProoiRmnllon• or W r1ta ground of itt urgency, Messrs . Brown and,Wi.n· Boards of the Islnnd togt!thcr in nlaries, but and 6t.h .Sessions of tltc Loi[isl~t~re, ~ill for the Election of. a now tlouae of A_sscmbly,, aer 4.Poaed it, on tho ground I)( its being inex· not contflnt \vith that, thc.y also expended on "from co.nycnotion11 thnt lie hod hod ~ 'ttili'or make myliClfacoou~tnb~a (or the scraoue ~on-p~ient to suapcncttho rule requiring a day's no· enormous aum in Coht.ingenciee. The bon- severul members ofth:tt Body" (m~:1nin~1 equenecs, thb confusron and bloCidebcd IO like'·. tieo, when on the question bemg put tHorc op- ourablo genlle~an ore eMmerated the Contio· House of Assembly) "be m•ght &:~y wi!h ly to ensue th1!rel\~on under the present sys·


·l · . J , -~~·--'----'


i '

/ )


--7· j '· ' · /

·'fHE NEWFO~ND~A_:Jj.~_~:rimft-11'0~\::J-· --


I \


./ •

tU2 '""71 )

Of the. Charge ·;f deft;ttying the Public 'Expendit~f'e_ oj Of ~laries atuz A.Uowandes ,to .Stipendiacy M~-tlte lsland of NeWfoundland, for the A/em· eni!'-ng . tr{ltes, Cle~ks of ~h-e Peace;- Gaolers and CQnstabl8s ~011~ ·T' 18~~ ; \ ,, 6t the undernum~·wned Outpf!l·ts.

Jv~~nds . o~ -~o&n Nine I

Plwusand. Fou1· Hundred and ' ' · Sterling. J

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bo~ Gmce . · · • • __1 Cnrbonear . . • .

Proposed ·distribution of the above Sum of.~94tnl, Brigus and P ort-de-Gruo . . . . 8 2 Bny:>di!-Verds . ~ ,

, for the Service of the years I 41- . Harbo~ Main • • Cat'sCove

----------------------------~-------..---r--.----.n-----------WenemBay ~outh Sl}oro

Snlnry of tho Clerk of the Council

Two Clerks in Secre tary'»

~7. Oflice·kccper, do.

::ll cssenger , do. I

Colonial 'l'r cQ8urer

Clerk of N.C. Court

S. C. Court

Crier nnd Tipstnfl' - ,

(!nolcr, St. ~ohn'•

· Two Police 1\lngistrntes, do.

Clerk of Peace, do.

Chief Constable, do.

, ix Police Constnbles, do.

Gnol urgeonJ do.

• Gaol Barber, do.

Stipendiary :Ungistrn!f~ ~ Out· Clerks of Penc<', Gnolers, ,\:c. ~ porta.

Gnol Surgeon, Harbor Grace

To defray the Attorney,Genernl's Fees




\ 60



50 • X.. 600


so 270


' HI

1410 1199




L7B~~~ Toad' Cove Cape Broyle Caplin Bay Aquafort

Ditto (Arrear) Fermeu.c~ PlaceDtia Barren laland1 Meruheen Little PlueDtia Burin St. Lawrence Lema1iD T~paaey . St. Mary'• ' Harbour Britain Grand Bank Trinity Catalina Bonavist~to Gzeenst~ond . Twillioga!e and Fogo Exploits Bny Bngus (South) Witless Bny

~ P etry HBrbo~ S as per detail. P e rhcan .

H earl'e Content Rants Harbour New Harbour Renews P ortugnl Covo Torbay





. · (;Jerks Constnblcs. Mng1s. of Gaolel'lll

Pjl!acc. No. ::ialnry.

.:e l '150 120 120

ioo lOQ

.£ 50



100 20

.£ .£ .£ 3 85 50 835 3 75 195 • 2 50 190 1 12' 12 1 12 ' 1!! 1 12 ~ 1 12 Ji2 1 12 12 1 12 25 157 1 2.5 125 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 li 1 12 ~ !U 0 12 s 1 12 ~!! 1 25 25 1'70 1 12 ~~ 1 12 .u .

100 iO · ~ ~ 25 l~ 1 , 1 12 !!I·

100 100 100 120







1 12 • .._.~ · 1 12 lJ 1 25 U6 1 12 ~~ 1 12 1!~ 1 25 • 25 190 1 24. 24. 2 25 ~~ 1 12 12 3 49 169 1 12 12 1 12 ~2 1 12 12 1 20 • 201

1 12 1 121 1 12 12 1 12 121 1 12 12 1 12 . 121 1 20 ·>O


' •

( Solicitor·Generol'~, do.

Pension of J ohn Buckingham, E sq. 't

I 1 I 1\ £14-JO 210 , 5IT83!!l J50

12Go~l GO ' TOTAL· \


Printing, Advertising and Stationary

Civil aqd Cr iminal Prosecutions

Gool Expenses

Coroners Accounts

Fuelnnd L ight


l'oataget and other·]ncide~tala

Ezpe..e• of the Circuits

Rep.irt of f",ourt Ho~~~ea and Gaol•

UaCoreteeD Contingencies

- '


.. • ~50







200 l


£ 3520 TOTAL .£94.09



l} Supe!runry Mngistrotes

9 Cle rks of the Pcaab

51 Constables


.. r:

G fnolers



J .C l·1 H1



.£2609 )



culture of Newfoundlnod_:Vindicnto tho ch.o.- subscriptions of persons wishing to become J.fl.ME~ IlOD £'f E I · meter of tho people ~d teach them the pen~;eful Subscribers,-will be takon ot the same places. • • ur '

.. TO THE way !hal. leads to hberty. In fine, whore op· IJ7, Time of Publication, Snturdar morning, , 6F ~ pressiOn 111 there shnll we be found to support 9 'clock

Newfbiul.uuld Vindicator. . the oppreaaed-and wh ore injustice is, there ~ 2

· · · u ll £'fA ' . .._ \. shall we be' ready to protect the injured. no. · ~(! y- U"l~ews, .

WI!, on thu day, present to Inc Public n.~ ~- . ' / r.,. t' ~ :a~ lt t W eekly J oumnl, esta.blish~ for the ad\'o~cy: ~shall ocCMionally enden\·our to !ny ~- ~OUtq) ~o Jl AI'Jl!? ....,at t tJ, B EG mo.st respectfully to inform his friend~ of Pfpulat Right!J, for the a.ssertion of Con~i-~ore om--R~nders, reports of the proceedmg~ m EDMOND PH DL. AN nnd the public that he has. n most safe tuti~nal Liberty, nod for the promotion of the the Supenor Courts 11;0d Courts o_f Se~slon, ril . . · ' nod C(llnmodius BOAT, ca blc of conUlin' anum-gen~rnl interests of Newfound lend ;-nnd, on whenever nny case of more lhon ordinary m~- N 1r.eb~n1mg h!s most~~telll tha~a for~!1e cr of Pass'engers nod '"hi~r he. intends r:~g the "'"th an occnsioo we'licem it our...dulv briefly to est occurf before them; nod also, shell wrtry, I era pntronoge a support g1ven 1m . • -, . . , ~ h · · t' h' 1 · ,\; *' 81 d · the ~cui on of the Legislnture

1{0 giv. through his ltltc Pa~ct-boat 1. Patrick, begs to ml\ke wmtcr, so long as ~be wen1hcr will permit, between

fV!.t.e t e pr!nCJP e~ on ,~. IC l It . t.B our enrnc urmg " . . '. "' k~own to the Jnhnbitants of Conception ll:t)' and St. }{ell' Gre'"• R"''kW, and Prtr!·dt:-Gravc. The owner deatre nod smcere mtenhon thnt ll ahnll be con· an nbstract of tho dtsc:ussJons on quefQn.l ons of J~hn'a, that he ba~ maac nrrnogemcots for the build· f 1 y- P:t ~~I 11 w d esda • . dueled. / • importnnce •. ~or ~hnll we, in cv•r l'.C to pro- ing ofn new Packet-Boat, wh.icb will be filled out~ o t le e et WI. ';" et'cry e n y mom~nt

. . . mote the p~ht1cnl ' tnteretrts of .N':w~oondl~d, a scale of -£1~e tl~d comfort hitherto unlrnown !D Mr. Tuox.u Do\ LE s for Letters nod Packog_es, and In the first place, ll shell ben fixed prmc1ple forget that 10 no ,country bnsChrlshanuystrODtf· !hill District. She mil be reatly to ply between 1h1s then proceed across the Bay u soon u the Wltld and

with us to keep.o_11r columns perfectly ~ree from er cl;ims upon tbo lJublic Journnlial than m tow.n and Portugal-COTe, .early in .Apn! next, :md he weather will llllow; and in cue of thei.r being no JIOt' all .Personnl revihngs, and from those Improper this and therefore we shall be foreman to 'llji- rrusta to a .geoe~~hc for n c:oonnuance of tbo.t sibility of proceeding by \\'Bier the Letters w111 lito commentnri-:s o.n .the private life nnd personal hold the Religion,'n~d defend the Priesthood ~C support'wbi~ b as hitherto rece~~ed. fonvardcd by land bra careful pctsoo, and th~ utmost ~hara~t~r ofmd1v1d.u~•. h~wever op~ose~ to us the people , and shnll g ive the gencrnl Eccles• E. P. nl,so bees to &lt~ thnt he mtends, for the ac- punctunlity observeil. m R ehg'!Otts or Pohtu:nl ,.~ews,-wluch, m our aatieal intelligencoof tho Island. commodauon o(the p~bllc, to go round the Ba~ du.r-opioion, a rc dero_gatory to a teapectnblc J ournal, • ing the \vinter, an~ will be .accountable for all Cllcrs JAMES HODGE ~to stale olso that he ha.s-good and the lendent:y of which, is only to embnrrnss 1 With these views we beg leave to invite e'•ery Md parcels comm•!ted 10 h.IS care. and comfortnble LODGINGS, and every n~r')' nnd impede the c.nuse for tho supposed promo· lover of Religion, L iberty and the L1\ws, to lend All letters ancl pnrcels to be lefi nt..lllr. RtcnAnn thnt ma.y be "-anted on the most reasonable tenns. • t ion of wh:ich they Bre used. \ Vith 'his stric t their co·opjlr!lti'on. In our hnnds, our llternry W: .u.sn's, Ne~r"flu~tdla'IU/. Taucrn, St. Jolin's ; and nt • understanding, our columns shoJI be open to contributor• can cnlculnte on perfect secrcey, hts own bouse JO~nrbootar. 'l'BJUtso.-PASeA~&.-One penon o.r three to pay lfls., nil who feel an interest in the well-being of the because in all cMes, contribuiions shall $0 into Caibollev,Ian~ and nbo•e that number Ss., et~cll. Single Lc~telll as., ~eeple of Newfoundlnnd, but we sh~tll reserve the Printing CYfficc iu our own~. ntl writmg, fOt T HE E p k t be' 1 t d Double Letters.2s., and Poebges in proportion. to .Purs'elfa discretionary power to g ive or 'with- we arc nw~m~ that mliDy nre influenced by lho· . ' .1:JlrUI 0 G.!'e mg now co.mp 0 0

• • • hold the cornmuruccuions of nnonyrnous Corrcs- tives of mode ltv to w1U.hold the emnniiJion oC . . ha.vm~ uodergc\ne sue~ ulternuon.s ~~:nd No Letters to be sen.led up 111 pncknges Without the

d • d ,. •. a I . d d d· 1mpronrnents 10 her BoXOmm~auons and. otherwiSe. knowledge of the p:tcket mna. . pon ent1. , • ~veil-regulate. f!Ull s, cu u vate 'UU ersta~ aitbcanfcty,opml'orJandCI/IIYeDJenceofpassqcrscan .

B h d •. h I' h • h mg1. nod Pntnotie hearts, through fear of hanng ~bly rtquire; a. eareful and apcrien«d Master Not accountable for Cash or nny other nluable pro-

ut, t us eprecatrng t . e s 1g test Wts to their names made public. ~~·iog lll110 ~ing l'ngaged hu resumed her usual rd deal in penrol'tft.litl~.§ \\>bile eanvassing politicnl _ tripencross the Bay, lea,.,ng Harbor-Grace on 111ooday, perty put 00 boo · • 1

1ubjecl., we shall neltor shrink from d11untlessly Before w e clo. sc, 'we beg leave .to rolu.m our Wedo~ayf 111d Friday rntl~ at 9 o'eloc:Jr, nnd ]no. G. 1 ex~wing every. abuse with ~view .to its re_mov- heartfelt t~nnke 'to OII(_.Jiumeroua aubseri.bors, Portugal-Cove oo the following days. · ~ 1 nk bar denouncJng ,\,he pul>he ~ehnquenc1e!f'of and particWBrly the .nuriiber oC•humblo ArtJJilllS FARD~Ordinary pall.!engers, 1$. 6d.; servants Mol, ~ I tho~«: who would milke Wg h etat!on~nd Official nod hon est Fish ermen, who have wtr£ng ly t.ee- children; 61. ; .tillllle. lc.t!ers, 6d. ; ~ou.ble ditto, .I.JI. ; The N~'IIDdlaD.cl ViDdicatolr po&Jtl9D tho pretext for oppressiOn. 1 tified a will _to. aapport a free PteM, by fotiMil,lf l.lld packages 111 proportJOU to the~ stze and we1ght, Is Printed nnd Published by WILLIAM BECK

~ small aeeoe'lfttlona lo take 'h!Gcner, when thetr ,.... •" 1 d _.__ --''1 be , nfull • · .., : Pr' ' l H ' W e 1hall zealously nanire to the ch.aracter o( · di 'dual t ~ ~ t • ....., ""' etters an pa"""!Ses " ' u ca Y at for. tho noprtetor, IDler to t 1e onortble . -,. . . h l· lD. VJ moan• .,..,ere no • ClOP • tenlf~ to· tint no sccountaeiii'I be kept for pottages or , .,. _

be1,!3J a Re~ectbr of ~e public mmd- one~ y . . , , ~ ; nor. will tbe JII'OPrieton be respoos.ililcfor tha House of All$emb1y, every ~TllllDAY mom ~~ncl tmpamally, but w1th freedom, representmg L1terary COntn1intiona and o"rdera left al Mr. any specie or otbl!r IJIOCiits IM!Ilt b)' this cooveydl!"~. ing at .tho Offico near the King's Bridge ~1. ~pt~blie opinion~ paning event.-we.ahaD \'tatch pillon'e, af.Mr: ~on M otri•'• nOfr. ,O'M~ra,'a, , AG j PERCUARD '& BOAG, St. Jolm's. Joh'~·.. Tu~.£ 1 ln. per tlllnum.....ha1I· o•er ~ Franchise and "Repri:Sentllhon-Advo- or at tha Y1ndtea.tor Otliee, near !tog • Bridge, o•n A. DBYSDALJt" HQf'bour Grau. . eate the Commerce, the F ieherioa.and the Agri- will bo promptly atttRded to, and the naille• an'il I nn. 16. · 1\ yearly' 131. Wlyable Ill ad•ancc.


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