- theyre going on a picnic. - theyre having/enjoying their meal. look at the picture. what are the...

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Slide 3 - Theyre going on a picnic. - Theyre having/enjoying their meal. Look at the picture. What are the people doing? Next Slide 4 1.Do you often go for a picnic? 2.When is the best time for a picnic? 3.Why do people go for picnics? Answer the questions below: Next Slide 5 NEW WORDS AND STRUCTURES: GloriousGlorious /' l r s/ (a) splendid huy hong, rc r Spacious Spacious /'spe s/ (a) roomy, broad rng ln, rng ri Destination Destination /desti'ne n/ (n) terminus, finish ni i ti, ch Left-over(s) Left-over(s) /left' v(z)/ (n) remains (food) tha, ci cn li To take a rest /t 'te k 'rest/: sleep, rest (ngh ngi) To take a rest Botanical Garden / b'tnikl 'ga:dn/ (n) Vn bch tho Back Slide 6 Can you describe the picture and what the people are doing? Next Slide 7 - It is a glorious/ beautiful day. - The sun is shining brightly. Can you describe the picture and what the people are doing? Back Slide 8 - They are on the bus. - They are singing merrily. Can you describe the picture and what the people are doing? Back Slide 9 What are the people in the pictures doing? Next Back Slide 10 They are taking photographs/ pictures. What are the people in the pictures doing? Back Slide 11 They are eating and taking a rest. What are the people in the pictures doing? Back Slide 12 What are the people in the pictures doing? Back Next Slide 13 They are gathering at the school gate. What are the people in the pictures doing? Back Slide 14 One boy is playing his guitar. The others are singing and dancing. What are the people in the pictures doing? Back Slide 15 TASK 1: Listen and number the pictures in the order you hear Slide 16 1 2 34 56 Slide 17 TASK 2: LISTEN AND FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE EXACT WORDS YOU HEAR. Slide 18 1.The weekend picnic I enjoyed most................................. weeks ago. 2. My class decided.........................to the Botanical Garden. 3. We met.................................. on time. 4. We made................................... round the garden. 5. In the afternoon, we went on............................ games. was just a few to pay a visit at the school gate a short tour playing some more Listen again and fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear: Slide 19 TASK 3: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Slide 20 1.What was the weather like that day?What was the weather like that day? 2.Was the Botanical Garden far from the school?Was the Botanical Garden far from the school? 3.How was the garden?How was the garden? 4.Why did some of the students sleep soundly?Why did some of the students sleep soundly? 5.What did the students do in the garden?What did the students do in the garden? Answer the questions. Slide 21 1. What was the weather like that day? - It was a glorious Sunday. Return Slide 22 2. Was the Botanical Garden far from the school? - Yes, it was. (It was a long way to the Botanical Garden) Return Slide 23 3. How was the garden? - The Botanical Garden was a very beautiful place. Return Slide 24 4. Why did some of the students sleep soundly? - They slept soundly because it was so peaceful and quiet there. Return Slide 25 5. What did the students do in the garden? - They made a short tour around the garden and - They took some pictures of the whole class and - They played games, sang, talked, laughed and danced. - They had lunch and took a rest in the garden... Return Slide 26 If your class could go for a picnic this weekend, what would your plan be? When will you go? Where will you go? How will you get there? Where will you gather? What will you do there? etc. Group work: Slide 27 Write a of 100 - 150 words about yourparagraph plan for a picnic this weekend. Slide 28 Goodby e!

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